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Erc - Valve Pit Calculation

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Geotech. Report for

57km Escravos-Warri
Gas Pipeline Project,
Unitts Services Ltd.
Table 10, Pg. 21
Table 17, Reynolds
Table 3.2 & 3.3, BS
8110-1: 1997

Table 3.2 & 3.3, BS

8110-1: 1997


Table 7,Reynolds
Table 2.1 of BS 8110-1:

Steel designer's
Manual 6th ed
Pg 909



Clause of BS 81101: 1997


Clause of BS 81101: 1997

Clause of BS
8110-1: 1997



Table 2.1 of BS 8110-1:


Table 3.14 of BS 8110-1:


Table 3.14 of BS 8110-1:



Basis for Design
Concrete strength fcu =
Characteristic strength of reinforcement (high yield deformed
bar type 2) fy =
Density of concrete = Dc =
Density of steel = Ds =
Density of water = Dw =
Grade of steel plate cover = Py
Rolled SHS, Angles and H-beams: Grade 43 Py =
Material Data
Pipe diameter dp =
Pipe thickness tt =
Pit Depth (to top of base) =
Pit width (outside) =
Pit length (outside) =
Base slab width =
Base slab length =
Base slab thickness =
Base slab overhang (both spans) =
Wall height (from GL to top of base) =
Wall width (both spans) =
Wall thickness =
Column Plinth depth =
Column Plinth width =
Column Plinth length =
Soil Properties
Angle of internal friction =
Unit weight of soil = =
unit cohesion, C =
Soil bearing capacity, qa =
Surcharge, S =
Cover to main reinforcement- nominal cover for severe

condition of exposure =

n = 0.00352kN/mm


Cover Plate Design

Dead load gk
self weight of plate, say 3mm plate = 3*0.0000771 =
Live load qk
pedestrians only = 2kN/m2=
ultimate load (udl) n = 1.4gk + 1.6qk =
Design Tank Cover Plate Using membrane Plate Theory

span length = L =
Breadth of plate B =
Top plate to be designed using Pounder's Equation
w = (2Pyt2)/{(kB)[(1+11/35(1-k)+79/141(1-k)]}
= [(m2-1)/m2](kwB4/32fEt3)[1+47/210(1-k)+200/517(1-k)2]
(Assume plate to be fixed at all supports)
Where: w = uniformly distributed load on plate (ultimate) N/mm2 =
1/m = Poisson's ratio (m= 3) =
L = length of plate (mm) (L > B) =
B = breadth of plate (mm) =
k = L4/(L4+B4) =
Py = yield stress of plate (N/mm2) =
E = Young's modulus = 205x103 (N/mm2) =
f = load factor =
t = thickness of plate =[{w*{(kB)[(1+11/35(1-k)+79/141(1-k)]}/2Py]
t (mm) =
Plate thickness provided =
Check Deflection
= [(m2-1)/m2](kwB4/32fEt3)[1+47/210(1-k)+200/517(1-k)2]
= maximum deflection (mm) occurring at serviceability =
Actual deflection with the resistance from the angle bracing, say 70% of calculated
Maximum Allowable deflection d = B/100
Bracing SHS Beam
Assume yield line load distribution model
Load supported by SHS from top plate wp=q* 2*(0.5*b*h/2)/b
Where: b = brace length =
Panel width = h =
Plate loading q =
wp =
Add SHS self weight say ws=
Total load on SHS beam wt = wp + ws =
Span of beam L =

Max. beam moment M = wtL2/8 =

Assume plate provides torsional bracing on top of the beam
Section modulus required S= M/Py =
Provide 70x70x5.0mm Rolled SHS
Section modulus provided Zp =
Main Supporting H-Beam
Load supported by H-Beam from top plate wp=q* 2*(0.5*b)
Where: b = panel width =
wp =
Add Beam self weight and bracing weight, say ws=
Total load on main beam wt = wp + ws =
Span of beam L =
Max. beam moment M = wtL2/8 =
Assume plate provides torsional bracing on top of the beam
Section modulus required S= M/Py =
Provide HE 160A Beam
Section modulus provided Zp =
Holding Down Bolts
Vertical Reaction from the supporting beam V = wtL/2 =
There is no uplift force on the main beam
Assume pinned support
Nominal HD bolt will be adequate.
Provide 2Nos 16mm diameter holding down grade 4.6 bolts


H = height of wall from ground level =

hw = thickness of wall =
Ka = coefficient of active earth pressure
Coeff. of Earth Pressure,Ka=tan(45-/2) =
Horizontal pressure on wall
ps = surcharge pressure = KaS
pa = active earth pressure = KaH
Horizontal Force on wall
Ps = surcharge force = psH
Pa = active earth force = 1/2paH
Total horizontal load per m length of wall (ULS)
= 1.4(Pa + Ps) =
Bending Reinforcements
Taking moments about the base centre line
M = 1.4xPax(0.1+1/3x2) + 1.4xPsx(0.1+1/2x2)
Assume =
d =h-cover- /2
K= M/bd2fcu
la = 0.5 + (0.25 - K/0.9) =
z = lad =
z = 0.95d =
As req = M/ 0.95fyz =
As min= 0.13bh/100 =
Provide Y12 @ 250mm c/c (As prov = 452mm2/m) N. F. and
nominal reinforcement Y10 @ 250mm c/c as Distribution bars

(As prov = 314mm2/m)

For Far Face (F.F.) of wall, assume pit to be completely filled with water
pressure due to water, pw = Dw*Hw
where, Hw = height of water =
pw =
Horizontal force on wall due to water Pw =0.5*pw*Hw
Taking moments about the base centre line
M = 1.4*Pw*(0.1+1/3x2 )
Assume =
d =h-cover- /2
K= M/bd2fcu
la = 0.5 + (0.25 - K/0.9) =
z = lad =
z = 0.95d =
As req = M/ 0.95fyz =
Provide Y12 @ 200mm c/c (As prov = 565mm2/m) F. F.&
nominal reinforcement Y10 @ 250mm c/c as Distribution bars
(As prov = 314mm2/m)

Check for deflection

hw = thickness of wall =
lo = clear height of wall between lateral supports =
le = effective height of wall = 2lo =
le/hw =
le/hw < 30, no check for deflection required


Design column plinth as a slab
width of column, b =
length of column, l =
depth of column, h =
Nominal Reinforcement

As min= 0.13%bh =
Provide Y10 bars @ 200mm c/c (As prov = 392mm2) top & distribution bars


(i) Cover plate structure load
thickness of plate = hc
length, lc =
width, wc =
density of steel = Ds =
Bracing Angle beams, 50x50x5mm Angle length =
Weight of Bracing angle Wa=
Support Bearing Angle beams, 75x75x6mm Angle length =

Weight of Bearing angle Wb=

Framing pipe 70x70x5mm SHS, length =
Weight of Framing pipe 70x70x5mm SHS, Wf=
Supporting Beam HE 160A, length =
Weight of HE 160A Supporting Beam Ws=
Cover plate self weight Pc = hc*lc*wc*Ds
Total Dead Load of Cover Structure = Wa+ Wb + Wf + Ws+ Pc =
Imposed load and Surcharge Load = 5*lc*wc
(ii) Wall load
thickness of wall = hw
height of wall (total) = H =
Density of concrete = Dc =
length one side of wall = l =
weight of one side of wall W= l*H*hw*Dc
total wall load (both sides) = 2*W
(iii) Pipe/Valve load
Pipe Diameter = dp =
Pipe Thickness = tt =
Free length of pipe = lp =
Weight of pipe = W =
Total weight of pipe = lp*W =
Add Valve self weight, say
Total pipe/valve load =
(iv) Water load in pipe
density of water = Dw =
Pipe capacity: free length = 3.4m ; Volume, V =
weight of water in pipe segment = Dw*V =
(v) Column plinth (supporting Valve) load
width of column = b =
length of column = l =
depth of column = h =
self weight of column = b*d*h*Dc =
(vi) Base slab load (self weight)
length = lb =
width = wb =

assumed thickness = hb =
self weight of base slab = hb*lb*wb*Dc
(vii) Pit Filled With Water
weight of water in pit =
Total Dead Load Gk =
Total Live Load Qk =
Upward Earth Pressure = (Total load at ULS) /(Area Provided)
Total load at ULS = 1.4*Gk + 1.6*Qk =
Area Provided = Area of Base = Ab prov = lb*wb =
Assuming a uniform distribution of loads
Upward Earth Pressure = 822.99/Ab prov
Base Area required to safely transfer load
Ab req = ( Total load at ULS) / ( Soil Bearing Capacity)
= (822.99 ) / f*qa
f = load factor =
Ab prov = 18.06m > Ab req =2.41m
Bending Reinforcement
long span = ly
short span = lx
ly/lx =
design base slab as two-way spanning (four edges discontinuous)
Design load n = upward earth pressure
Short span
Assume partial fixing at support walls
msx = sxnlx2 =
K= M/bd2fcu
M = msx =
Assume =
d =hb-cover- /2
la = 0.5 + (0.25 - K/0.9) =
z = lad =
z =0.95d =

Asreq = M/ 0.95fyz =
Provide Y12 bars @ 200mm c/c Top (As prov = 565mm2/m)
Long span
Assume partial fixing at support walls
msy = synlx2 =
K= M/bd2fcu
M = msy =
Assume =
d =hb-cover- /2
la = 0.5 + (0.25 - K/0.9) =
z = lad =
z =0.95d =
Asreq = M/ 0.95fyz =
Provide Y12 bars @ 200mm c/c (As prov = 565mm2/m) as distribution
Nominal Reinforcement
As min= 0.13%bh =
Provide Y10 bars @ 250mm c/c Bottom (As prov = 314mm2/m) as distribution
bars both ways

30 N/mm
460 N/mm
24 kN/m
77.1 kN/m
9.81 kN/m
275 N/mm
275 N/mm
406.4 mm
12.7 mm
2300 mm
3850 mm
3850 mm
4250 mm
4250 mm
200 mm
200 mm
2000 mm
3850 mm
200 mm
300 mm
600 mm
600 mm
18 kN/m
0 kN/m
220 kN/m
5 kN/m

40 mm

0.000231 N/mm
0.002 N/mm
0.003524 N/mm

1285 mm
1214 mm

0.003524 N/mm
1285 mm
1214 mm
275 N/mm
205000 N/mm
2.563 mm
3 mm
Provide 3mm Plate Cover

16.211 mm
11.348 mm

Deflection OK

12.14 mm

1.185 m
1.218 m
3.524 kN/m
2.15 kN/m
0.25 kN/m
2.4 kN/m
1.185 m

0.42 kNm

Provide 70x70x5.0mm

1.28 m
4.51 kN/m
0.84 kN/m
5.35 kN/m
3.65 m
8.91 kNm
220 cm

Provide HE 160A Beam

9.76 kN

Provide 2Nos 16mm Dia.

HD Grade 4.6 Bolts


0.2 m
0.333 Ka =0.333
1.67 kN/m
12. kN/m
3.33 kN/m
12. kN/m
21.47 kN/m

18.013 kNm/m
200 mm
12 mm
154 mm
0.025 K =0.025
149.54 mm
146.3 mm
281.75 mm/m As req =281.75mm/m
260 mm/m Y12 @ 250mmc/c
As prov =452mm/m
Y10 @ 250mm

Distribution bars
As prov=314mm/m
2.3 m
22.56 kN/m
25.95 kN/m
27.85 kNm/m
12 mm
154 mm
0.039 Ka = 0.039
146.98 mm
146.3 mm
435.62 mm/m As req =435.62mm
Y12 @ 200mm
As prov=565mm2
Y10 @ 250mm
Distribution bars
As prov=314mm2
0.2 m
2.3 m
4.6 m
le/hw=23 < 30, no check
for deflection required

600 mm
600 mm
300 mm

234.000 m As min = 234mm

Y10 bars @ 200mmc/c
As prov = 392mm2


0.003 m
3.65 m
3.65 m
77.1 kN/m
31 m
1.15 kN
15.4 m

1.78 kN
30.8 m
3.02 kN
7.8 m
2.33 kN
3.08 kN
11.36 kN
66.61 kN
0.2 m
2.3 m
24 kN/m
3.85 m
42.5 kN
85.01 kN
406.4 mm
12.7 mm
3.4 m
123.3 kg/m
419.22 kg
5000 kg
53.16 kN
9.81 kN/m
3.8 kN
0.6 m
0.6 m
0.3 m
2.59 kN
4.25 m
4.25 m

0.2 m
86.7 kN
268.56 kN
507.37 kN
70.42 kN
822.99 kN
18.06 m
45.56 kN/m

2.41 m Ab req =2.41m

1.55 Ab prov =18.06m
As prov >> As req OK
3650 mm
3650 mm
45.56 kN/m

26.709 kNm/m
26.709 kNm/m
12 mm
154 mm
147.28 mm
146.3 mm

K = 0.038

417.76 mm/m As req= 417.76mm/m

Y12 @ 200mm c/c Top
Asprov= 565mm2/m

27.194 kNm/m
27.194 kNm/m
12 mm
154 mm

K = 0.038

147.16 mm
146.3 mm
425.36 mm/m As req= 425.36mm/m
Y12 @ 200mm Top as
distribution bars
Asprov= 565mm2/m
260 mm/m As min= 260mm/m
Y10 @ 250mm Bottom
as distribution bars
Asprov= 314mm2/m

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