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Edibon - Modular Smart Grid Power System Simulators

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Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulators


Technical Teaching Equipment


Key features:
Several Utilities and Final User options.
Modular and scalable applications (from simple to advance complexity).
Scalable and expandable applications.
Possibility to work either with individual applications or combined applications to
form simulators (Generation + Transmission/Distribution + Loads).
Use of real devices as substations protection relays, generators management
devices, frequency controllers, etc.
EDIBON SCADA System (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition) always included.
Smart Grid devices.

Products range


ISO 9000: Quality Management

(for Design, Manufacturing,
Commercialization and After-sales service)

European Union Certificate

(total safety)

Page 1

Certificates ISO 14000 and

ECO-Management and Audit Scheme
(environmental management)

Worlddidac Quality Charter

Certificate and
Worlddidac Member



AEL-GCA- Automatic Control Generation

Systems options.
AEL-GCM- Manual Control Generation
Systems options.
AEL-GAD- Additional Generation Systems


AEL-T- Transmission and Distribution Power

Systems options.

AEL-C- Conventional Loads options.

AEL-CS- Special Loads options.



SCADA Software

Page 2



AEL-GCAAutomatic Control Generation Systems

AEL-GCMManual Control Generation Systems


AEL-GADAdditional Generation Systems



Synchronization Studies
AEL-GCM-P-02S. Generation System with
Manual Control of
Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and
Protection Relays, with
AEL-GCM-02S. Generation System with
Manual Control of
Synchronous Generator and
Synchronization, with
AEL-GCM-P-03S. Manual Synchronization
System of Synchronous
Generator with Servomotor
and Protection Relays, with
AEL-GCM-03S. Manual Synchronization
System of Synchronous
Generator with Servomotor,
with SCADA.
Isolated Grid Studies
AEL-GCM-P-01S. Generation System with
Manual Control of
Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and
Protection Relays, with
AEL-GCM-01S. Generation System with
Manual Control of
Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid, with

AEL-GAD-01S. Pumping Power Plant, with
AEL-GAD-02S. Auto-Start Diesel Generator
Trainer for Recovery of the
Energy System due to BlackOuts, with SCADA.
AEL-GAD-03S. A u t o m a t i c G e n e r a t i o n
System with Two Parallel
Generators, with SCADA.
AEL-GAD-04S. Hydroelectric Power Plant,
with SCADA.

Synchronization Studies
AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with
Automatic Control of
Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and
Protection Relays, with

Generation System with

Automatic Control of
Synchronous Generator and
Synchronization, with

AEL-GCA-P-03S. Automatic Synchronization

System of Synchronous
Generator with Servomotor
and Protection Relays, with

Automatic Synchronization
System of Synchronous
Generator with Servomotor,
with SCADA.

Isolated Grid Studies

AEL-GCA-P-01S. Generation System with
Automatic Control of
Synchronous Generator in an
Isolated Grid and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.

Generation System with

Automatic Control of
Synchronous Generator in an
Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

These applications can be complemented with AELGCA and AEL-GCM applications.

AEL-TTransmission and Distribution Power Systems options
One Line and Regulation Transformer Studies
AEL-T-P-01S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.

Two Aerial Lines Studies

AEL-T-P-02S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines, with SCADA.

Additional Studies Possibilities

AEL-T-P-04S. Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer with Protections Relays, with SCADA.

Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer, with SCADA.


Power Flow Control in Meshed Networks, with SCADA.

3. LOADS SYSTEMS (Energy Utilization)

AEL-CConventional Loads options
AEL-C-P-02S. L o a d s S y s t e m s w i t h A u t o m a t i c Po w e r F a c t o r
Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

AEL-CSSpecial Loads options


Complex Loads, Power Consumption Measurement and

Peak Load Monitoring, with SCADA.

L o a d s S y s t e m s w i t h A u t o m a t i c Po w e r F a c t o r
Compensation, with SCADA.

AEL-C-P-01S. Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation

and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

L o a d s S y s t e m s w i t h M a n u a l Po w e r F a c t o r
Compensation, with SCADA.

* Each application can work individually or combined with other applications to form systems simulators (Generation + Transmission/Distribution + Loads).
Page 3


Due to the growth and development of electric power systems it has been required to design increasingly sophisticated devices to manage electric
power in a safer and more efficient way.
Nowadays, protection and monitoring devices, which allow to know the electrical parameters in real time, such as voltage level in the nodes of the
grid, current level in the lines, active and reactive power level, frequency values, etc., are essential in the electrical grids. Protection systems play an
important role in power systems, since they can control in a practically independent way the safety and continuity of the power supply, as well as the
quality of the energy the final consumer gets.
The Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulators (Utilities) AEL-MPSS, with more than 285 control variables, have been designed to make
and use the same technology employed in power systems available in the industrial world, easy to use by experts and inexperienced people. We
included the safety conditions required to perform different short-circuit tests and experiments.
The AEL-MPSS systems simulators are specially designed and aimed at technical professional training, vocational training, for higher education
and even applied research, as well as the improvement in all fields through advanced systems.
The Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulators (Utilities) AEL-MPSS can be configured from three great areas formed by several options and
applications as:
1. Generation systems applications.
2. Transmission/Distribution systems applications.
3. Loads systems applications.
The objective of each area is to study a field of the electric power systems. All the options available in these three great areas have been designed
to be able to work either independently or combining with several options and applications in order to configure systems simulators (generation +
trasmission/ distribution + loads).
Due to the flexibility of our modular applications, it is possible to begin with easy applications for students with basic knowledge of power systems
and/or to combine several applications for intermediate or advanced levels. Thus, a system simulator consisting of applications of generation,
transmission/ distribution and loads will be created. Optionally, all of them including cutting edge protection relays to test their efficiency and
reliability against any electrical fault.
All applications on this catalogue include the SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), which allows to study the operation of today's
power systems in depth. This software enables the student to control the devices that make up the power systems remotely, observe in real time how
the typical operations of an electrical substation work, which are the voltage and current values at different points of the transport networks, how
much energy is generated and what occurs when the excitation current of our generator is increased or decreased.
Main features of Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulators (Utilities) AEL-MPSS:
-Several Utilities and Final User options.
-Modular and scalable applications (from simple to advance complexity).
-Scalable and expandable applications.
-Possibility to work either with individual applications or combined applications to form simulators (Generation + Transmission/Distribution +
-Use of real devices as substations protection relays, generators management devices, frequency controllers, etc.
-EDIBON SCADA System (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition) always included.
-Smart Grid devices.

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The AEL-MPSS Modular Power Systems is one of the most advanced and complete modular power systems of the market. In the following pages
the most important variables which allow the control of the system both in local and remote through the included SCADA are indicated.
The following are the most important 285 control variables that make the AEL-MPSS a forefront system able to interact with the user thanks to the
cutting-edge included devices.
The AEL-MPSS has been designed to show any electric phenomenon that are present in real power systems, such as short circuits, over currents,
over voltages, over frequencies, reverse power, generator runaway, etc.
A variable is any element or symbol of our system susceptible to be modified directly or indirectly by the user and the control system.
All power systems are formed by three fundamental parts:
1. Generation System.
2. Transmission/Distribution System.
3. Load System.

1. Generation System:
Power generation is the point where all power systems born, where transmission lines emerge up to distribution lines and finally, to give
electrical service to the final consumer. It is necessary a great quantity of control variables for a power system reliable, safe and optimal
because of these variables depend the electrical energy quality. This is the reason why the generation systems of the AEL-MPSS includes the
145 control variables most important that will allow user to interact with a sophisticated, real and intelligent generation system, which is
able to respond automatically against energy demand, it is able to protect automatically against short circuits, with light indicators and
alarms that will allow us to understand at all time the generation system state.
See the 145 control variables in next page.

2. Transmission/Distribution System:
After power generation, transmission and distribution systems are required to give power to the final consumer. These systems are highways of
aluminum and steel which transport great quantities of power up to strategic points of the country and even other countries. In the
transmission systems is very important to know variables such as transported energy, length transmission lines, capacitive effect, energy losses
produced along kilometers and kilometers, etc. Besides, in a transmission line system is not enough a conventional protection system. For
these systems are required distance protection relays able to detect changes in the line impedances and to sense undetectable anomalies for
other conventional protection relays.
Distribution substations adapt the transmission lines voltage levels up to lower voltage levels for energy distribution. On this point take
importance the distribution transformer with voltage regulator, which are able to compensate the transmission liens drop voltages.
The transmission/distribution power system of AEL-MPSS allows to study all these control variables and much more. In the following page the
most important 76 control variables that allow the user to interact with the transmission/distribution system are listed.
See the 76 control variables in next page.

3. Load System:
Once the energy is transported, this has to be carried to the consumption points through distribution lines. Final consumer provokes changes
in the power balance of the system from generation up to distribution. On this way, all machinery of the system (generation, transmission and
distribution) works in real time in order to the electrical parameters remain constants in the consumption points.
In the consumption points is very important to ensure the electrical energy quality through reactive energy compensation devices. Besides, on
this point are essential the feeders management protection relays, which are installed in strategic points of the distribution lines giving to the
grid the required reliability, safety and efficiency. These protection relays monitor electrical variables such as frequency, voltage, current,
power factor, etc. in order to protect the grid.
In the following page the most important 64 control variables which allow user to interact with the load system are listed.
See the 64 control variables in next page.
Page 5


Some control variables used with AEL-MPSS Modular Smart Grid Power Systems

The most important 285 control variables which allow user to interact with the load system are listed below:
1. Generation System: the most important and used 145 physical variables in the industrial power systems.
Manual Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

1.1. Some general control variables of the Turbine-Generator group.

Manual Control Variable for emergency stop of the Turbine-

Generator group.

- Load Sharing/Parallel Grid Mode:

Manual Control Variable for synchronization the generator and

Control Variable for starting order of the Turbine-Generator in

automatic mode.

the grid.

Manual Control Variable for Active Power given to the grid.

Permission Variable for synchronization in automatic mode.

Manual Control Variable for Reactive Power given to the grid.

Manual Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

1.2. Local Control Mode of Turbine-Generator group.

1.2.1. Local Control of the group in manual mode.

1.3.2. Automatic Remote Control (SCADA) of Turbine-Generator


- Island mode:

Control Variable for turbine frequency/speed

control with analog potentiometer.


Control Variable for synchronous generator

excitation with analog potentiometer.

Manual Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

- Load sharing/parallel grid mode:

Manual Control Variable for synchronization the generator and

the grid.

- Island Mode:
Automatic Control Variable for turbine frequency/speed control

through AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator).


Control Variable for synchronous generator

excitation/voltage control through AVR (Automatic Voltage

Automatic Control Variable for line and phase voltages.

Automatic Control Variable for Reactive Power given to the grid.

Manual Control Variable for Active Power given to the grid.

Automatic Control Variable for maximum line current.

Manual Control Variable for Reactive Power given to the grid.

Automatic Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

- Load Sharing/Parallel Grid Mode:

Manual Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

Automatic Control Variable for synchronization the synchronous

generator with the grid.

1.2.2. Local Control of the group in automatic mode.

Automatic Control Variable for Active Power given to the grid.

- Island mode:
Automatic Control Variable for

turbine frequency/speed
control through AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator).


Control Variable for synchronous generator

excitation/voltage control through AVR (Automatic Voltage

Automatic Control Variable for Active Power maximum limit.

Automatic Control Variable for Reactive Power given to the grid.
Automatic Control Variable for Reactive Power maximum limit.
Automatic Control Variable for adjusting the synchronous

generator optimum power factor.

Automatic Control Variable for line and phase voltages.

Automatic Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

Automatic Control Variable for Reactive Power given to the grid.

Automatic Control Variable for line and phase voltages.

Automatic Control Variable for maximum line current.

Automatic Control Variable for maximum line current.

Automatic Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

- Load sharing/parallel grid mode:

1.4. Control Variables for protection system.

Automatic Control Variable for synchronization the synchronous

generator with the grid.

1.4.1.Over Current and Earth fault protection relay.

Configuration variable for the current transformer relationship.

Automatic Control Variable for Active Power given to the grid.

Configuration variable for the voltage transformer relationship.

Automatic Control Variable for Active Power maximum limit.

Configuration variable for the removing fault time (TRIP duration).

Automatic Control Variable for Reactive Power given to the grid.

Configuration variable for Level 1 instantaneous overcurrent


Automatic Control Variable for Reactive Power maximum limit.

Automatic Control Variable for adjusting the synchronous

Configuration variable for Level 2 instantaneous overcurrent

Automatic Control Variable for 52G breaker open/close.

Configuration variable for Level 3 instantaneous overcurrent

generator optimum power factor.



Automatic Control Variable for line and phase voltages.

Configuration variable for Level 4 instantaneous overcurrent

Automatic Control Variable for maximum line current.


Configuration variable for Level 5 instantaneous overcurrent

1.3. Remote Control (SCADA) of Turbine-Generator group

1.3.1. Manual Remote Control (SCADA) of Turbine-Generator group.
- Island Mode:


Configuration variable for Level 6 instantaneous overcurrent


Manual Control Variable for turbine frequency/speed control

with analog potentiometer.

Configuration variable for the inverse time overcurrent

parameter threshold.

Manual Control Variable for synchronous generator excitation

with analog potentiometer.

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51P1T: U1,

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Page 6


Some control variables used with AEL-MPSS Modular Smart Grid Power Systems
Configuration variable for 2 harmonic restriction percentage.

1.4.1. Over Current and Earth fault protection relay. (continuation)

Configuration variable for the 51P1T Time-Dial of the inverse

time overcurrent protection curve parameter.

Configuration variable for the 51P2T inverse time curve


Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51P2T: U1,

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Configuration variable for the 51P2P Time-Dial of the inverse

time overcurrent protection curve parameter.


variable for 50N1 neutral instantaneous

overcurrent threshold.


variable for 50N2 neutral instantaneous

overcurrent threshold.

Configuration variable for

51N1T inverse time neutral

overcurrent parameter threshold.

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51N1T: U1,

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Configuration variable for the 51N1T Time-Dial of the inverse

time overcurrent protection curve parameter.

Configuration variable for 50G1 instantaneous residual

overcurrent parameter threshold.

Configuration variable for 4 harmonic restriction percentage.

Configuration variable for 5 harmonic restriction percentage.
Configuration variable for 50P1P instantaneous overcurrent

level of the primary winding power transformer.

Configuration variable for 51P1D define time instantaneous

overcurrent level of the primary winding power transformer.

Configuration variable for 51P1P inverse time overcurrent

threshold of the power transformer primary winding.

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51P1P: U1,

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Configuration variable for the 51P1P Time-Dial of the inverse

time overcurrent protection curve parameter.


variable for 50Q1P negative sequence

instantaneous overcurrent threshold of the power transformer
primary winding.

Configuration variable for 51Q1P negative sequence inverse

time overcurrent threshold of the power transformer primary


Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51Q1P: U1,

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Configuration variable for 50G2 instantaneous residual

Configuration variable for 51Q1P Time-Dial of the inverse time

Configuration variable for 50G1T inverse time residual

Configuration variable for 50N1P instantaneous residual

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51G1T: U1,

Configuration variable for 50N1P inverse time residual

overcurrent parameter threshold.

overcurrent protection curve parameter.

overcurrent parameter threshold.

overcurrent threshold of the power transformer primary winding.

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

overcurrent threshold of the power transformer primary winding.

Configuration variable for the 51G1T Time-Dial of the inverse

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51N1P: U1,


Configuration variable for 51N1P Time-Dial of the inverse time

time overcurrent protection curve parameter.

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

variable for 51Q1P negative sequence

instantaneous overcurrent parameter threshold.


overcurrent protection curve parameter.

variable for 51Q2P negative sequence

instantaneous overcurrent parameter threshold.

Configuration variable for 50P2P instantaneous overcurrent

Configuration variable for 51Q1T inverse time overcurrent

Configuration variable for 50P2D define time instantaneous

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51Q1T: U1,

Configuration variable 51P2P inverse time overcurrent threshold

parameter threshold.

level of the power transformer secondary winding.

overcurrent level of the power transformer secondary winding.

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

of the power transformer secondary winding.

Configuration variable for the 51Q1T Time-Dial of the inverse

time overcurrent protection curve parameter.

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51P2P: U1,

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Configuration variable for 51Q2T inverse time overcurrent

Configuration variable for 51P2P Time-Dial of the inverse time

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51Q2T: U1,


parameter threshold.

overcurrent protection curve parameter.

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Configuration variable for the 51Q2T Time-Dial of the inverse

time overcurrent protection curve parameter.

variable for 50Q2P negative sequence

instantaneous overcurrent threshold of the power transformer
secondary winding.

Configuration variable for 51Q2P negative sequence inverse

time overcurrent threshold of the power transformer secondary


1.4.2. Differential Protection Relay of Step-Up power transformer

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51Q2P: U1,

Configuration variable for the current transformer relationship.

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

Configuration variable for the voltage transformer relationship.

Configuration variable for the removing fault time (TRIP


Configuration variable for 51Q2P Time-Dial of the inverse time

overcurrent protection curve parameter.

Configuration variable for 50N2P instantaneous residual

Configuration variable for power transformer connection type.

Configuration variable for measurement transformer connection


overcurrent threshold of the power transformer secondary


Configuration variable for 50N2P inverse time residual

overcurrent threshold of the power transformer primary winding.

Configuration variable for 87P differential protection element.

Configuration variable for SLP1 restriction percentage of 87P

Configuration variable for inverse time curve type 51N2P: U1,

Configuration variable for SLP2 restriction percentage of 87P

Configuration variable for 51N2P Time-Dial of the inverse time

differential element.

differential element.

U2, U3, U4, U5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5.

overcurrent protection curve parameter.

Page 7


Some control variables used with AEL-MPSS Modular Smart Grid Power Systems

1.4.3. Protection Relay of Turbine-Generator Group.

Configuration variable of synchronous generator nominal
Configuration variable of synchronous generator poles number.
Configuration variable of instantaneous overcurrent protection
Configuration variable of inverse time overcurrent protection
Configuration variable of overvoltage protection threshold.
Configuration variable of undervoltage protection threshold.
Configuration variable of overfrequency protection threshold.
Configuration variable of subfrequency protection threshold.
Configuration variable of reverse power level.
Configuration variable of Proportional, Integral and Derivative
(PID) for Turbine-Generator group control and regulation.
1.5. Control variables of double bus bar generation substation
switchgear. Local and remote control possibility (SCADA).
Control variable of open/close 89GC1-1 coupling
Control variable of open/close 89GC1-2 coupling
Control variable of open/close 52GC1-1 coupling breaker.
Control variable of open/close 89GT1-1 transformer
Control variable of open/close 89GT1-2 transformer
Control variable of open/close 89GT1-3 transformer
Control variable of open/close 52GT1-1 transformer breaker.
Control variable of open/close 52NET grid breaker.
Control variable of open/close 52G1 generation breaker.
1.6. Control variables for faults selection.
1.6.1. Local/Remote control (SCADA):
Control variable for direct single phase short preselection.
Control variable for single phase short circuit with fault
Control variable for direct two phases to ground short circuit
Control variable for two phases to ground short circuit
preselection with fault impedance.
Control variable for direct two phase short circuit preselection.
Control variable for two phase short circuit preselection with
fault impedance.
Control variable for direct three-phase phase short circuit
Control variable for three-phase phase short circuit preselection
with fault impedance.
Control variable for fault injection.

Page 8


Some control variables used with AEL-MPSS Modular Smart Grid Power Systems

2. Transmission/Distribution System: the most important and used 76 physical variables in the industrial power systems.
2.1. Control variables of double bus bar emitter substation
switchgear. Possibility to control both local and remote modes
Control variable of open/close 89T1-1 disconnector.
Control variable of open/close 89T1-2 disconnector.
Control variable of open/close 89T1-3 disconnector.
Control variable of open/close 52T1-1 breaker.
2.2. Control variables of double bus bar receptor substation
switchgear. Possibility to control both local and remote modes
Control variable of open/close 89L1-1 disconnector.
Control variable of open/close 89L1-2 disconnector.
Control variable of open/close 89L1-3 disconnector.
Control variable of open/close 52T2-1 breaker.
2.3. Control variables of distribution transformer voltage regulator.
Possibility to control both local and remote modes (SCADA).
Control variable for voltage regulation at 0 %.
Control variable for voltage regulation at 2, 5 %.
Control variable for voltage regulation at 5 %.
Control variable for voltage regulation at 7, 5 %.
Control variable for voltage regulation at -2, 5 %.
Control variable for voltage regulation at -5 %.
Control variable for voltage regulation at -7,5 %.
2.4. Control variables of transmission line parameters. Local and
remote control possibility (SCADA).
Variable control for line resistor.
Variable control for line inductance.
Variable control for line capacitance.
Variable control for breaking line 1.
Variable control for breaking line 1 and line 2.
Variable control for breaking line 1, line 2 and line 3.
2.5. Control variables of distance protection relay.
Configuration variable for current transformer relationship.
Configuration variable for voltage transformer relationship.
Configuration variable for remove fault duration.
Configuration variable for line impedance.
Configuration variable for length line.
Configuration variables for Mho distance elements.
- Configuration variable for Z1P instantaneous distance
element of zone 1.
- Configuration variable for Z2P instantaneous distance
element of zone 2.
- Configuration variable for Z3P instantaneous distance
element of zone 3.
- Configuration variable for Z4P instantaneous distance
element of zone 4.
- Configuration variable for 50PP1 instantaneous overcurrent
element of zone 1.
- Configuration variable for 50PP2 instantaneous overcurrent
element of zone 2.
- Configuration variable for 50PP3 instantaneous overcurrent
element of zone 3.
- Configuration variable for 50PP4 instantaneous overcurrent
element of zone 4.
- Configuration variable for Z1MG ground impedance element
of zone 1.
Page 9

- Configuration variable for Z2MG ground impedance element

of zone 2.
- Configuration variable for Z3MG ground impedance element
of zone 3.
- Configuration variable for Z4MG ground impedance element
of zone 4.
- Configuration variable for Z1D time distance element of zone
- Configuration variable for Z2D time distance element of zone
- Configuration variable for Z3D time distance element of zone
- Configuration variable for Z4D time distance element of zone
Configuration variable for 50P1P instantaneous overcurrent
element of level 1.
Configuration variable for 50P2P instantaneous overcurrent
element of level 2.
Configuration variable for 50P3P instantaneous overcurrent
element of level 3.
Configuration variable for 50P4P instantaneous overcurrent
element of level 4.
Configuration variable for 67P1D define time overcurrent
element of level 1.
Configuration variable for 67P2D define time overcurrent
element of level 2.
Configuration variable for 67P3D define time overcurrent
element of level 3.
Configuration variable for 67P4D define time overcurrent
element of level 4.
Configuration variable for 50G1P residual instantaneous
overcurrent element of level 1.
Configuration variable for 50G2P residual instantaneous
overcurrent element of level 2.
Configuration variable for 50G3P residual instantaneous
overcurrent element of level 3.
Configuration variable for 50G4P residual instantaneous
overcurrent element of level 4.
Configuration variable for 67G1P residual define time
overcurrent element of level 1.
Configuration variable for 67G2P residual define time
overcurrent element of level 2.
Configuration variable for 67G3P residual define time
overcurrent element of level 3.
Configuration variable for 67G4P residual define time
overcurrent element of level 4.
Configuration variable for 50Q1P negative sequence
instantaneous overcurrent element of level 1.
Configuration variable for 50Q2P negative sequence
instantaneous overcurrent element of level 2.
Configuration variable for 50Q3P negative sequence
instantaneous overcurrent element of level 3.
Configuration variable for 50Q4P negative sequence
instantaneous overcurrent element of level 4.
Configuration variable for 67Q1D negative sequence define
time overcurrent element of level 1.
Configuration variable for 67Q2D negative sequence define
time overcurrent element of level 2.
Configuration variable for 67Q3D negative sequence define
time overcurrent element of level 3.
Configuration variable for 67Q4D negative sequence define
time overcurrent element of level 4.



Some control variables used with AEL-MPSS Modular Smart Grid Power Systems
2.5. Control variables of distance protection relay. (continuation)
Configuration variable for 51PP inverse time overcurrent

element of level 1.

Configuration variable for 51PP inverse time overcurrent

element type: U1-U5, C1-C5.

Configuration variable for 51PP Time Dial.

Configuration variable for 51GP inverse time residual

overcurrent element.

Configuration variable for 51GP inverse time overcurrent

element type: U1-U5, C1-C5.

Configuration variable for 51GP Time Dial.

Configuration variable for 51QP inverse time negative

sequence overcurrent element.

Configuration variable for 51QP inverse time overcurrent

element type: U1-U5, C1-C5.

Configuration variable for 51QP Time Dial.

Configuration variable for directional element.

Page 10


Some control variables used with AEL-MPSS Modular Smart Grid Power Systems

3. Load System: the most important and used 64 physical variables in the industrial power systems.
3.1. Control variables of double bus bar emitter distribution
substation switchgear. Local and remote control possibility

Configuration variable for 50N2P instantaneous to neutral

overcurrent of element 2.

Control variable of open/close 89T2-1 disconnector.


variable for 50N2D define time neutral

overcurrent of element 2.

Control variable of open/close 89T2-2 disconnector.

Configuration variable for 50N3P instantaneous to neutral

overcurrent of element 3.

Control variable of open/close 89T2-3 disconnector.


variable for 50N3D define time neutral

overcurrent of element 3.

Control variable of open/close 52T2-1 breaker.

Control variable of open/close 89T1-1 disconnector.

Configuration variable for 50N4P instantaneous to neutral

Control variable of open/close 89T1-2 disconnector.

overcurrent of element 4.

Control variable of open/close 89T1-3 disconnector.


variable for 50N4D define time neutral

overcurrent of element 4.

Control variable of open/close 52T1-1 breaker.

Configuration variable for 50G1P instantaneous residual

3.2. Control variables for the connected type load. Possibility to

control both local and remote modes (SCADA).
Control variable for minimum resistive load.

overcurrent of level 1.

Configuration variable for 50G1D define time residual

overcurrent of element 1.

Configuration variable for 50G2P instantaneous residual

Control variable for medium resistive load.

overcurrent of level 2.

Control variable for maximum resistive load.

Configuration variable for 50G2D define time residual

Control variable for minimum inductive load.

overcurrent of element 2.

Control variable for medium inductive load.

Configuration variable for 50G3P instantaneous residual

overcurrent of level 3.

Control variable for maximum inductive load.

Configuration variable for 50G3D define time residual

Control variable for minimum capacitive load.

overcurrent of element 3.

Control variable for medium capacitive load.

Configuration variable for 50G4P instantaneous residual

Control variable for maximum capacitive load.

overcurrent of level 4.

3.3. Control variables for load power factor compensation.

Possibility to control both local and remote modes (SCADA).
The load system has an automatic power factor controller able to
remain constant the load power factor according to the set point
previously adjusted by the user. Six capacitor steps give more or
less reactive power in function of the connected load.

Configuration variable for 50G4D define time residual

overcurrent of element 4.

Configuration variable for 50Q1P instantaneous negative

sequence of element 1.

Configuration variable for 50Q1D define time negative

sequence overcurrent of element 1.

Configuration variable for 50Q2P instantaneous negative

sequence of element 2.

3.4. Control variables of feeder management protection relay

Configuration variable for 50Q2D define time negative

Configuration variable for current transformer relationship.

sequence overcurrent of element 2.

Configuration variable for voltage transformer relationship.

Configuration variable for 50Q3P instantaneous negative

sequence of element 3.

Configuration variable for remove fault duration.

Configuration variable for 50P1P instantaneous overcurrent of

Configuration variable for 50Q3D define time negative

Configuration variable for 50P1D define time overcurrent of

Configuration variable for 50Q4P instantaneous negative

Configuration variable for 50P2P instantaneous overcurrent of

Configuration variable for 50Q4D define time negative

Configuration variable for 50P2D define time overcurrent of

Configuration variable for 55 power factor element.

element 1.

element 1.

element 2.

element 2.

sequence overcurrent of element 3.

sequence of element 4.

sequence overcurrent of element 4.

Configuration variable for 3PW power element.

Configuration variable for 50P3P instantaneous overcurrent of

element 3.

Configuration variable for 50P3D define time overcurrent of

element 3.

Configuration variable for 50P4P instantaneous overcurrent of

element 4.

Configuration variable for 87D1TP frequency element 1.

Configuration variable for 87D2TP frequency element 2.
Configuration variable for 87D3TP frequency element 3.
Configuration variable for 87D4TP frequency element 4.
Configuration variable for 87D5TP frequency element 5.

Configuration variable for 50P4D define time overcurrent of

Configuration variable for 87D6TP frequency element 6.

Configuration variable for 50N1P instantaneous to neutral

Configuration variable for 27P2P sub-voltage element 2.

element 4.

Configuration variable for 27P1P sub-voltage element 1.

overcurrent of element 1.


variable for 50N1D define time neutral

overcurrent of element 1.
Page 11

Configuration variable for 59P1P over-voltage element 1

Configuration variable for 59P2P over-voltage element 2.


Page 5

The generation systems area has been designed to transfer to the student all the knowledge required for the operation of today's electrical generation
Main features of the Generation Systems:
- Modular and configurable applications.
- Possibility to work either with individual applications or combined applications to form systems simulators (Generation + Transmission/Distribution +
- All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), Electrical Workbench and PC.
Main Generation Systems options:
- AEL-GCA- Automatic Control Generation Systems options.
- AEL-GCM- Manual Control Generation Systems options.
- AEL-GAD- Additional Generation Systems options.
AEL-GCA- Automatic Control Generation Systems options:
We offer modular applications focused on the advanced study of electrical generators. The objective is to familiarize the student with the control
devices employed in generation systems nowadays. These generation applications are more complex due to the control included in every module. It is
possible to perform either a direct local control on each module or to control the entire application with SCADA.
It is possible to visualize from the software the electrical diagrams of a generation electrical substation, the transmission lines and the loads and to
perform a direct control of the isolating switches and circuit breakers with each application. Besides, it is possible to inject different types of faults
remotely and to analyze the behaviour of the protection relays located at strategic points of the system. Other possible operation is to perform
alternately a manual control or an automatic control of the turbine-generator group.
There are different topics included, depending on the application:
- Study of generation substations with manual and automatic control of synchronous generator, synchronization and protections.
- Study of generation substations with manual and automatic control of synchronous generator and synchronization.
- Study of generation substations and synchronization with servomotor as prime mover.
- Study of generation substations with manual and automatic control of synchronous generator in isolated grids with protections.
- Study of generation substations with manual and automatic control of synchronous generator in isolated grids.
All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

AEL-GCAAutomatic Control Generation Systems options

Synchronization Studies
AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection R e l a y s ,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator and Synchronization, with SCADA.
AEL-GCA-P-03S. Automatic Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor, with SCADA.
Isolated Grid Studies
AEL-GCA-P-01S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid and Protection Relays,
with SCADA .
Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.
Page 12



AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and
Protection Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
With local control mode:
1.- Studying of generation power systems with double busbar
2.- Studying of opening and closing maneuvers of isolator
switches and circuit breaker in double busbar systems.
3.- Analysis of the measurements of the power flows of the
synchronous generator.
4.- Analysis of the active and reactive power of the generator.
5.- Manual synchronization maneuvers of synchronous generator
with the mains.
6.- Automatic synchronization maneuvers of synchronous
generator with the mains.
7.- Studying of the synchronous generator in island operation
8.- Studying of the Micro-Grids.
9.- Studying of the synchronous generator in grid parallel
operation mode.
10.- Studying of excitation/voltage regulation of synchronous
generator in island mode.
11.- Studying of turbine regulation (frequency control) in island
12.- Studying of excitation/voltage regulation of synchronous
generator in parallel grid operation mode.
13.- Studying of turbine regulation (frequency control) in parallel
grid operation mode.
14.- Studying of the power factor regulation of synchronous
generator in parallel grid operation mode.
15.- Studying of short circuits in different points of generation
power system:
a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with
and without contact impedance.
b. Asymmetric faults:
i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact
ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without
contact impedance.
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact
16.- Studying of synchronous generator protection and control
17.- Studying of differential protection relay.
18.- Studying of overcurrent protection relay.
Remote control mode (with SCADA):
19.- Remotely control of generation power systems with double
20.- Remotely control of opening and closing maneuvers of
isolator switches and circuit breaker in doble busbar systems.
21.- Analysis with the SCADA software of synchronous generator
power flows.
22.- Analysis with SCADA software of active and reactive power of
synchronous generator.
23.- Remotely control of manual synchronization of synchronous
generator with the mains.
24.- Remotely control of automatic synchronization of synchronous
generator with the mains.
25.- Remotely control of synchronous generator in island grid
operation mode.
26.- Studying of Micro-Grids.

The AEL-GCA-P-02S is a modular application designed to study

the generation systems with manual/automatic control of
synchronous generator, protection relays and the necessary
operations for synchronization with the mains.
This application includes a SCADA System for remote control
This application represents an actual generation substation with
double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator and the
electrical network in order to make the synchronization operations,
opening and closing maneuvers with disconnectors and circuit
breakers of the generation substation, etc.
This application includes a series of protection relays to study different
electrical faults.
This application includes:

Industrial Main Power Supply.


Generation Busbar.


Coupling Busbar.


Grid Busbar.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data

Acquisition. (2 units)


DC Generator Analyzer.


Automatic Voltage Regulator.


5KW Motor Speed Controller.


Three-Phase Automatic Synchronoscope.


PLC01 Control Module.


Overcurrent Protection Relay Module.

N-ERP-PDF01. Differential Protection Relay Module.

N-ERP-PGC01. Generator Protection and Control Relay



Digital Fault Simulator Module.

N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.

TRANS3/5KGR. 5KW Three-Phase Grid Transformer.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.

GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

27.- Remotely control of synchronous generator in parallel grid

operation mode.
28.- Remotely control of excitation/voltage regulation of
synchronous generator in island mode.
Page 13



AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection Relays,
with SCADA (continuation)

Some practical possibilities (continuation):

29.- Remotely control of the turbine regulation (frequency control)
in island operation mode.
30.- Remotely control of excitation/ voltage regulation of the
synchronous generator in parallel grid operation mode.
32.- Remotely control of turbine regulation (frequency control) in
parallel grid operation mode.
33.- Remotely control of power factor regulation of synchronous
generator in parallel grid operation mode.
34.- Remotely control of short circuits in different points of the
generation power system:
a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with
and without contact impedance.
b. Asymmetric faults:
i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact
ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without
contact impedance.
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact
35.- Supervision of TRIPS from the SCADA software (protection
relays shooting) in the power system.
36.- Remotely control of the synchronous generator protection and
control relay.
37.- Remotely control of the differential protection relay.
38.- Remotely control of the overcurrent protection relay.
39.- Supervision of the electrical parameters of the generation
system with the SCADA software.

AEL-GCA-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator and Synchronization,
with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Manual/automatic frequency control of the synchronous
2.- Manual/automatic current excitation
control of the
synchronous generator.
3.- Manual/automatic generation output control of the
synchronous generator.
4.- Manual/automatic power factor control of the synchronous
5.- Manual/automatic power flows control of the synchronous
6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.
7.- Manual/automatic operation for synchronization of the
synchronous generator with the mains.
8.- Synchronoscope use for measuring mismatch voltages,
frequencies and voltage modules.

The AEL-GCA-02S is a modular application designed to study the

generation systems with manual/automatic control of synchronous
generator and the necessary operations for synchronization with
the mains.
This application includes a SCADA System for remote control
This application represents an actual generation substation with
double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator and the
electrical network in order to make the synchronization operations,
opening and closing maneuvers with disconnectors and circuit
breakers of the generation substation, etc.
This application includes:
Industrial Main Power Supply.
Generation Busbar.
Coupling Busbar.
Grid Busbar.
Automatic Voltage Regulator.
Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data
Acquisition. (2 units)
DC Generator Analyzer.
Three-Phase Automatic Synchronoscope.
5KW Motor Speed Controller.
PLC01 Control Module.
N-ERP-PGC01. Generation Protection and Control Relay
N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.
TRANS3/5KGR. 5KW Three-Phase Grid Transformer.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.
GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.
Page 14



AEL-GCA-P-03S. Automatic Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor and Protection
Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-GCA-P-03S is a modular application designed to study

the generation systems with manual/automatic control of
synchronous generator and the necessary operations for
synchronization with the mains.

1.- Manual/automatic frequency control of the synchronous

2.- Manual/automatic current excitation control of the
synchronous generator.

Besides, this application includes a series of protection relays in

order to make different short circuit tests.

3.- Manual/automatic generation output control of the

synchronous generator.

The speed of generator-motor group is controlled through


4.- Manual/automatic power factor control of the synchronous


This application includes a SCADA System for remote control


5.- Manual/automatic power flows control of the synchronous


This application represents an actual generation substation with

double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator moved
by means of servomotor and the electrical network in order to make
the synchronization operations.

6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a

generation substation.
7.- Manual/automatic operation for synchronization of the
synchronous generator with the mains.

This application can be combined with other applications of

transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

8.- Synchronoscope use for measuring mismatch voltages,

frequencies and voltage modules.
9.- Studying of the following protection relays: differential
protection relay of the step-up transformer and the generator
protection relay.
10.- Studying of the following short circuits types:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase to ground short circuit.
Single-Phase short circuit.
11.- Adjusting of protection relay depending of the situation.
12.- Analyzing of the electrical faults transients with a special

AEL-GCA-03S. Automatic Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor, with SCADA
The AEL-GCA-03S is a modular application designed to study the
generation systems with manual/automatic control of synchronous
generator and the necessary operations for synchronization with
the mains.
The speed of generator-motor group is controlled through
This application includes a SCADA System for remote control
This application represents an actual generation substation with
double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator moved
by means of servomotor and the electrical network in order to make
the synchronization operations.
This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

Some practical possibilities:

1.- Manual/automatic frequency control of the synchronous
2.- Manual/automatic current excitation control of the
synchronous generator.
3.- Manual/automatic generation output control of the
synchronous generator.
4.- Manual/automatic power factor control of the synchronous
5.- Manual/automatic power flows control of the synchronous
6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.
7.- Manual/automatic operation for synchronization of the
synchronous generator with the mains.
8.- Synchronoscope use for measuring mismatch voltages,
frequencies and voltage modules.

Page 15



AEL-GCA-P-01S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid
and Protection Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Manual/automatic frequency control of the synchronous
2.- Manual/automatic current excitation control of the
synchronous generator.
3.- Manual/automatic generation output control of the
synchronous generator.
4.- Manual/automatic power factor control of the synchronous
5.- Manual/automatic power flows control of the synchronous
6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.
7.- Studying of the following protection relay, differential
protection relay of the step-up transformer and the generator
protection relay.
8.- Studying of the following short circuits types:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase to ground short circuit.
Single-Phase short circuit.
9.- Adjusting of protection relay depending of the situation.
10.- Analyzing of the electrical faults transients with a special

The AEL-GCA-P-01S is a modular application designed to study

the generation systems with manual/automatic control of
synchronous generator in an isolated grid and protection relays,
with SCADA.
This application represents an actual generation substation with
double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator and
different protection relays to study electrical faults.
This application includes:
Industrial Main Power Supply.
Generation Busbar.
Coupling Busbar.
Automatic Voltage Regulator.
Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data
DC Generator Analyzer.
5KW Motor Speed Controller.
PLC01 Control Module.
N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.
N-ERP-PGC01. Generation Protection and Control Relay
N-ERP-PDF01. Differential Protection Relay Module.
N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.
GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

AEL-GCA-01S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid,
with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Manual/automatic frequency control of the synchronous
2.- Manual/automatic current excitation control of the
synchronous generator.
3.- Manual/automatic generation output control of the
synchronous generator.
4.- Manual/automatic power factor control of the synchronous
5.- Manual/automatic power flows control of the synchronous
6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.

The AEL-GCA-01S is a modular application designed to study the

generation systems with manual/automatic control of synchronous
generator in an isolated grid with SCADA.
This application represents an actual generation substation with
double bus bar configuration and one synchronous generator.
This application includes:
Industrial Main Power Supply.
Generation Busbar.
Coupling Busbar.
Automatic Voltage Regulator.
Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data
DC Generator Analyzer.
5KW Motor Speed Controller.
PLC01 Control Module.
N-ERP-PGC01. Generation Protection and Control Relay
N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.
GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.
Page 16



AEL-GCM- Manual Control Generation Systems options:

We offer modular applications focused on the basic study of electrical generators. The objective is to familiarize the student with the main operations
performed in the electrical generators, controlling all the parameters of the turbine-generator group manually.
There are different topics included, depending on the application:
- Study of generation substations with manual control of synchronous generator, synchronization and protections.
- Study of generation substations with manual control of synchronous generator and synchronization.
- Study of generation substations and synchronization with servomotor as prime mover.
- Study of generation substations with manual control of synchronous generator in isolated grids and protections.
- Study of generation substations with manual control of synchronous generator in isolated grids.
All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
AEL-GCMManual Control Generation Systems options

Synchronization Studies
AEL-GCM-P-02S. Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection Relays, with
Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator and Synchronization, with SCADA.
AEL-GCM-P-03S. Manual Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor, with SCADA.
Isolated Grid Studies
AEL-GCM-P-01S. Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

AEL-GCM-P-02S. Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and
Protection Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Manual frequency control of the synchronous generator.
2.- Manual current excitation control of the synchronous
3.- Manual generation output control of the synchronous
4.- Manual power factor control of the synchronous generator.
5.- Manual power flows control of the synchronous generator.
6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.
7.- Manual operation for synchronization of the synchronous
generator with the mains.
8.- Synchronoscope use for measuring mismatch voltages,
frequencies and voltage modules.
9.- Studying of the following protection relays: the overcurrent
and earth fault protection relay and the differential protection
10.- Studying of the following short circuits types:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase to ground short circuit.
Single-Phase short circuit.
11.- Adjusting of protection relays depending of the situation.
12.- Analyzing of the electrical faults transients with a special

The AEL-GCM-P-02S is a modular application designed to study

the generation systems with manual control of synchronous
generator, protection relays and the necessary operations for
synchronization with the mains.
This application includes a SCADA System for remote control
This application represents an actual generation substation with
double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator and the
electrical network in order to make the synchronization operations.
Besides, this application includes a series of protection relays to
study different electrical faults.
This application includes:
Industrial Main Power Supply.
Generation Busbar.
Coupling Busbar.
Grid Busbar.
Automatic Voltage Regulator.
Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data
Acquisition. (2 units)
DC Generator Analyzer.
Three-Phase Automatic Synchronoscope.
5KW Motor Speed Controller.
PLC01 Control Module.
N-ERP-SFT01. Overcurrent Protection Relay Module.
N-ERP-PDF01. Differential Protection Relay Module.
N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.
N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.
TRANS3/5KGR. 5KW Three-Phase Grid Transformer.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.
GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.
Page 17



AEL-GCM-02S. Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator and Synchronization,
with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-GCM-02S is a modular application designed to study the

generation systems with manual control of synchronous generator
and the necessary operations for synchronization with the mains.

1.- Manual frequency control of the synchronous generator.

2.- Manual current excitation control of the synchronous

This application includes a SCADA System for remote control


3.- Manual generation output control of the synchronous


This application represents an actual generation substation with

double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator and the
electrical network in order to make the synchronization operations.

4.- Manual power factor control of the synchronous generator.

5.- Manual power flows control of the synchronous generator.

This application includes:

6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a

generation substation.


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Generation Busbar.


Coupling Busbar.


Grid Busbar.


Automatic Voltage Regulator.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data

Acquisition. (2 units)


DC Generator Analyzer.


Three-Phase Automatic Synchronoscope.


5KW Motor Speed Controller.


PLC01 Control Module.

7.- Manual operation for synchronization of the synchronous

generator with the mains.
8.- Synchronoscope use for measuring mismatch voltages,
frequencies and voltage modules.

N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.

TRANS3/5KGR. 5KW Three-Phase Grid Transformer.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.

GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

AEL-GCM-P-03S. Manual Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor and Protection
Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Manual frequency control of the synchronous generator.
2.- Manual current excitation control of the synchronous
3.- Manual generation output control of the synchronous
4.- Manual power factor control of the synchronous generator.
5.- Manual power flows control of the synchronous generator.
6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.
7.- Manual operation for synchronization of the synchronous
generator with the mains.
8.- Synchronoscope use for measuring mismatch voltages,
frequencies and voltage modules.
9.- Studying of the following protection relays: differential
protection relay of the step-up transformer and the generator
protection relay.
10.- Studying of the following short circuits types:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase to ground short circuit.
Single-Phase short circuit.
11.- Adjusting of protection relay depending of the situation.
12.- Analyzing of the electrical faults transients with a special

The AEL-GCM-P-03S is a modular application designed to study

the generation systems with manual control of synchronous
generator and the necessary operations for synchronization with
the mains.
The speed of generator-motor group is controlled by means of
Besides, this application includes a series of protection relays in
order to make different short circuit tests.
This application includes a SCADA System for remote control
This application represents an actual generation substation with
double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator moved
by mean of servomotor and the electrical network in order to make
the synchronization operations.
This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

Page 18



AEL-GCM-03S. Manual Synchronization System of Synchronous Generator with Servomotor, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-GCM-03S is a modular application designed to study the

generation systems with manual control of synchronous generator
and the necessary operations for synchronization with the mains.
The speed of generator-motor group is controlled by means of

2.- Manual current excitation control of the synchronous


This application includes a SCADA System for remote control


3.- Manual generation output control of the synchronous


This application represents an actual generation substation with

double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator moved
by mean of servomotor and the electrical network in order to make
the synchronization operations.

5.- Manual power flows control of the synchronous generator.

1.- Manual frequency control of the synchronous generator.

4.- Manual power factor control of the synchronous generator.

6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.

This application can be combined with other applications of

transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

7.- Manual operation for synchronization of the synchronous

generator with the mains.
8.- Synchronoscope use for measuring mismatch voltages,
frequencies and voltage modules.

AEL-GCM-P-01S. Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid and
Protection Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-GCM-P-01S is a modular application designed to study

the generation systems with manual control of synchronous
generator in an isolated grid and protection relays, with SCADA.

1.- Manual frequency control of the synchronous generator.

2.- Manual current excitation control of the synchronous

This application represents an actual generation substation with

double bus bar configuration, one synchronous generator and
different protection relays to study electrical faults.

3.- Manual generation output control of the synchronous


This application includes:

4.- Manual power factor control of the synchronous generator.


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Generation Busbar.


Coupling Busbar.


Automatic Voltage Regulator.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data



DC Generator Analyzer.


5KW Motor Speed Controller.


PLC01 Control Module.

5.- Manual power flows control of the synchronous generator.

6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.
7.- Studying of the following protection relay: differential
protection relay.
8.- Studying of the following short circuits types:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase to ground short circuit.
Single-Phase short circuit.

N-ERP-PDF01. Differential Protection Relay Module.


9.- Adjusting of protection relay depending of the situation.

Digital Fault Simulator Module.

10.- Analyzing of the electrical faults transients with a special


N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.

TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.

GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

Page 19



AEL-GCM-01S. Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator in an Isolated Grid,
with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-GCM-01S is a modular application designed to study the

generation systems with manual control of synchronous generator
in an isolated grid, with SCADA.

1.- Manual frequency control of the synchronous generator.

2.- Manual current excitation control of the synchronous

This application represents an actual generation substation with

double bus bar configuration and one synchronous generator.

3.- Manual generation output control of the synchronous


This application includes:


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Generation Busbar.


Coupling Busbar.


Automatic Voltage Regulator.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data



DC Generator Analyzer.


5KW Motor Speed Controller.


PLC01 Control Module.

4.- Manual power factor control of the synchronous generator.

5.- Manual power flows control of the synchronous generator.
6.- Logic operations of disconnectors and circuit breakers of a
generation substation.

N-TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer Module.

TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.

GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

This application can be combined with other applications of
transmission/distribution systems and loads systems areas. Some
examples of recommended configurations are shown at the end of
this catalogue.

Page 20



AEL-GAD- Additional Generation Systems options:

They are additional modular applications focused on the study of different generation power plants, such as pumping power systems, energy recovery
systems in the event of black-outs, power generation systems with two generators in parallel and hydroelectric generation systems.
The objective is to familiarize the student with the control devices employed in this type of systems nowadays.
These applications can work individually or be complemented with other applications of generation, power transmission and loads.
These applications allow to perform either a direct local control on each module or to control the entire application with the SCADA.
There are different topics included, depending on the application:
- Pumping Power Plant.
- Diesel generator with auto-start for the recovery of the energy in the event of black-outs.
- Automatic generation system with two generators in parallel.
- Hydroelectric Power Plant.
All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

AEL-GADAdditional Generation Systems options


Pumping Power Plant, with SCADA.
Auto-Start Diesel Generator Trainer for Recovery of the Energy System due to Black-Outs, with SCADA .
Automatic Generation System with Two Parallel Generators, with SCADA.


Hydroelectric Power Plant, with SCADA.

AEL-GAD-01S. Pumping Power Plant, with SCADA
The AEL-GAD-01S is a modular application designed to study the
pumped storage power stations.
This application has a SCADA Control Software to simulate how
the electrical energy is stored and how the potential energy of water
is converted into electrical power which is then fed back into the

Some practical possibilities:

1.- How pumped storage power plants operate.
2.- Start and synchronisation of synchronous machines.
3.- Manual power regulation: both in generator and motor
4.- Semi-automatic active and reactive power control.
5.- Smart grid integration of pumped storage power plants.
6.- Fully-automatic compensation for externally measured active
and reactive power.
7.- SCADA open and closed-loop system control.

AEL-GAD-02S. Auto-Start Diesel Generator Trainer for Recovery of the Energy System due to Black-Outs,
with SCADA
The AEL-GAD-02S is a modular system designed to study the
recovery of the energy of the electrical grid due to black-outs.
It includes a diesel generator used to supply the energy needed
when the electrical grid is disconnected.
Besides, this system includes SCADA System with which the student
will control different maneuvers.

Some practical possibilities:

1.- Simulation of black-out.
2.- Recovery of the power when a black-out appear.
3.- Controlling of a diesel-generator.
4.- Automatic starting of diesel-generator and coupling to the grid.

AEL-GAD-03S. Automatic Generation System with Two Parallel Generators, with SCADA
The AEL-GAD-03S is a modular application designed to study how
two parallel generators work.
It includes two voltage and frequency controllers to study the most
important operations carried out to control the synchronous
This application has a SCADA Control System to monitor all
control process of the electrical machines.

Some practical possibilities:

1.- Manual/automatic frequency control of the synchronous
generators in parallel operation.
2.- Manual/automatic current excitation control of the
synchronous generator.
3.- Manual/automatic generation output control of the
synchronous generators in parallel operation.
4.- Manual/automatic power factor control of the synchronous
generators in parallel and isolated operation.
5.- Manual/automatic power flows control of the synchronous
generators in parallel and isolated operation.
6.- Manual/automatic operation for synchronization of the
synchronous generator with the mains.
7.- Load sharing of two parallel generators.
8.- Active power load sharing with two parallel generators.
9.- Reactive power load sharing with two parallel generators.
Page 21



AEL-GAD-04S. Hydroelectric Power Plant, with SCADA

Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-GAD-04S is a modular application designed to study the

Hydroelectric Power Plants.

1.- How hydroelectric power plants operate.

On this application the students will learn how hydroelectric power

plants work. In order to simulate the main operations of these
alternative power systems, with a motor driving a slip ring threephase asynchronous motor will be simulate the main operations of
these power systems.

2.- Start and synchronisation of synchronous machines.

3.- Manual power regulation.
4.- Manual active and reactive power control.
5.- Automatic active and reactive power control.

This application includes a SCADA Control System in order to carry

out remote control operations as open and close circuit breakers,
monitoring all electrical parameters as active and reactive power,
currents, voltages, etc.

7.- Fully-automatic compensation for externally measured active

and reactive power.

This application includes:

8.- SCADA open and closed-loop system control.

6.- Smart grid integration of hydroelectric power plants.


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Grid Busbar.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data



5KW Motor Speed Controller.


PLC06 Control Module.

GMG1.5K3PH. 1.5KW Slip Ring Generator-Motor Group.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

Page 22



The transmission/distribution systems area has been designed to provide the student the required knowledge for operating energy transmission systems.
Main features of the Transmission/Distribution Systems:
- Modular and configurable applications.
- Possibility to work either with individual applications or combined applications to form systems simulators (Generation + Transmission/Distribution +
- All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), Electrical Workbench and PC.
Main Transmission/Distribution Systems options:
- AEL-T. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems options.
AEL-T- Transmission and Distribution Power Systems options:
We offer modular applications focused on the study of the power distribution and transmission systems.
Starting from simple transmission systems we can upgrade with complex devices, such as protection relays, aerial lines in parallel, transformers with
voltage regulation, meshed network systems, etc.
There are different topics included, depending on the application:
- Study of transmission and distribution power systems with regulation transformer.
- Study of transmission and distribution power systems with regulation transformer and protection relays.
- Transmission and distribution power systems with two aerial lines in parallel.
- Transmission and distribution power systems with two aerial lines in parallel and protections.
- Power flow control in meshed networks.
- Electrical distribution grids.
All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

AEL-TTransmission and Distribution Power Systems options

One Line and Regulation Transformer Studies

Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA .


Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.

Two Aerial Lines Studies


Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines and Protection Relays, with SCADA.


Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines, with SCADA.

Additional Studies Possibilities


Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer with Protections Relays, with SCADA.


Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer, with SCADA.


Power Flow Control in Meshed Networks, with SCADA.

Page 23



AEL-T-P-01S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays,
with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-T-P-01S is a modular application designed to study the

transmission/distribution energy systems with voltage regulation
transformer and protection relays.

Local control:
1.- Opening and closing basic maneuvers of isolator switches
and circuit breaker.

The AEL-T-P-01S includes a series of modules such as busbars,

transmission line module, distribution transformer with voltage
regulator (TAP), distance protection relay and network analyzers to
study different principles of the transmission and distribution systems.

2.- Measurements of energy losses in the transmission line.

3.- Droop voltage compensation with the voltage regulator TAP.

This application includes SCADA System to control different


4.- Real time measurements of the electrical parameters (voltage,

current, frequency, power factor, active power, reactive power,
aparent power, active energy, reactive energy, aparent energy,

This application includes:


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Emitter Transport Busbar.


Receptor Transport Busbar.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data

Acquisition. (2 units)


PLC02 Control Module.


Tap Module Regulator.


Transmission Lines Simulator Digital Unit.

5.- Studying of the energy losses of the transmission line.

6.- Studying of the droop voltages in the transmission line in
function on the load system.
7.- Automatic configuration of the line parameters.
8.- Automatic selection of the line to line capacitive effect.
9.- Automatic selection of line resistor.
10.- Automatic selection of line inductance.
11.- Simulation of one phase loss.
12.- Simulation of two phases loss.

N-ERP-PD01. Distance Protection Relay Module.

13.- Studying of short circuits in different points of transmission

power system:

N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.


a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with

and without contact impedance.

TRANS3/5KR. 5KW Step-Down Transformer with voltage


b. Asymmetric faults:

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact


This application can be combined with other applications of

generation systems and loads systems areas. Some examples of
recommended configurations are shown at the end of this

ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without

contact impedance.
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact
14.- Recording the evolution of voltage and current phasors during
short circuit for further analysis.
15.- Calculation of the electrical parameters of the line to
configure the distance protection relay (mho characteristic).
16.- Studying in depth of the distance protection relay.
Remote control (with SCADA):
17.- Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition of all electrical
parameters of the transmission line.
18.- Monitoring of energy losses of transmission lines from the PC.
19.- Remotely control of distribution transformer voltage regulator
(TAP). Compensation of droop voltages of the transmission
20.- Studying of energy losses of the transmission line.
21.- Remote measurement of droop voltages in the transmission
line in function on the system load.
22.- Remote automatic configuration of the transmission line
23.- Remote automatic selection of the line to line capacitive effect
of the transmission line.
24.- Remote automatic selection of the line resistor of the
transmission line.
25.- Remote automatic selection of the line inductance of the
transmission line.
26.- Remote automatic selection of one line phase loss.
27.- Remote automatic selection of two line phases loss.
Page 24



AEL-T-P-01S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA (continuation)

Some practical possibilities (continuation):

28.- Remotely control of short circuits in different points of the
transmission power system:
a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with
and without contact impedance.
b. Asymmetric faults:
i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact
ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without
contact impedance.
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact
29.- Short circuits temporal evolution recording of voltage and
currents phasors for further analysis.
30.- Calculation of the electrical parameters of the transmission
line for subsequent configuration of the distance relay (mho
31.- Studying in depth of the distance protection relay.

AEL-T-01S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-T-01S is a modular application designed to study the

transmission/distribution energy systems with voltage regulation

1.- Open and close basic maneuvers with disconnectors and

circuit breakers.

The AEL-T-01S includes a series of modules such as busbars,

transmission line module, distribution transformer with voltage
regulator (TAP) and network analyzers to study different principles
of the transmission and distribution systems.

3.- Drop voltage compensation with the voltage regulator of the

distribution transformer (TAP).

This application includes SCADA System to control different


4.- Real time measurement of the electrical parameters of the


This application includes:

5.- Studying of the energy losses in the transmission line.

2.- Measurement of energy losses in the transmission line.

6.- Studying of the drop voltage in function on the line currents.


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Emitter Transport Busbar.


Receptor Transport Busbar.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data

Acquisition. (2 units)


PLC02 Control Module.


Tap Regulator Module.


Commutable Transmission Line Simulation



5kW Step-Down Transformer with voltage


SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and loads systems areas. Some examples of
recommended configurations are shown at the end of this

Page 25



AEL-T-P-02S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines and Protection Relays,
with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Open and close basic maneuvers with disconnectors and
circuit breakers.
2.- Measurement of energy losses in the transmission line.
3.- Real time measurement of the electrical parameters of the
4.- Studying of the energy losses in the transmission lines.
5.- Studying of the drop voltage in function on the line currents.
6.- Distribution of power and current among parallel-connected
lines of equal length.
7.- Distribution of power and current among parallel-connected
lines of unequal length.
8.- Distribution of power and current among series-connected
lines of equal length.
9.- Distribution of power and current among series-connected
lines of unequal length.
10.- Load distribution, power flow.
11.- Voltage distribution.
12.- Studying of short circuits:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Single-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase short circuit.
14.- Recording of voltage and current phasors evolution during the
short circuits for further analysis.
15.- Real time measurement of the electrical parameters of the
16.- Studying of the energy losses in the transmission line.
17.- Studying of the drop voltage in function on the line currents.

The AEL-T-P-02S is a modular application designed to study the

transmission/distribution energy systems with two aerial parallel
lines and protection relays.
The AEL-T-P-02S includes a series of modules such as busbars,
transmission line module, distance protection relay and network
analyzers to study different principles of the transmission lines
working in series and parallel.
This application includes SCADA System to control different
This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and loads systems areas. Some examples of
recommended configurations are shown at the end of this

AEL-T-02S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Open and close basic maneuvers with disconnectors and
circuit breakers.
2.- Measurement of energy losses in the transmission line.
3.- Real time measurement of the electrical parameters of the
4.- Studying of the energy losses in the transmission lines.
5.- Studying of the drop voltage in function on the line currents.
6.- Distribution of power and current among parallel-connected
lines of equal length.
7.- Distribution of power and current among parallel-connected
lines of unequal length.
8.- Distribution of power and current among series-connected
lines of equal length.
9.- Distribution of power and current among series-connected
lines of unequal length.
10.- Load distribution, power flow.
11.- Voltage distribution.

The AEL-T-02S is a modular application designed to study the

transmission/distribution energy systems with two aerial parallel
The AEL-T-02S includes a series of modules such as busbars,
transmission line module and network analyzers to study different
principles of the transmission lines working in series and parallel.
This application includes SCADA System to control different
This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and loads systems areas. Some examples of
recommended configurations are shown at the end of this

AEL-T-P-04S. Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer with Protections Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Basic circuits of a three-pole, double busbar system with
incoming/ outgoing feeder.
2.- Three-phase, double busbar system with load.
3.- Busbar changeover without interruption of the branch.
4.- Preparation of algorithms for various switching operations.
5.- Busbar coupling.
6.- Studying of different short circuits in the busbars.

The AEL-T-P-04S is a modular application designed to study

switching operations and protection relays in the double busbar
used in the electrical substations.
With this application the student will learn the most important
maneuvers carried out in the substations busbars.
The AEL-T-P-04S includes a series of modules such as busbar with
incoming/outgoing feeder, loads, protection relays and network
analyzers to study different principles of the distribution networks.
The double busbar model incorporates all functions of practical
relevance. On this application are integrated instruments for
measuring currents and voltages which permit direct analyses of
switching operations.
This application includes SCADA System to control different
substation elements.
This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and loads systems areas. Some examples of
recommended configurations are shown at the end of this
Page 26



AEL-T-04S. Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-T-04S is a modular application designed to study the

double busbar configuration used in the electrical substations.

1.- Basic circuits of a three-pole, double busbar system with

incoming/ outgoing feeder.

With this application the student will learn the most important
maneuvers carried out in the substations busbars.

2.- Three-phase, double busbar system with load.

The AEL-T-04S includes a series of modules such as busbar with

incoming/outgoing feeder, loads and network analyzers to study
different principles of the distribution networks.

3.- Busbar changeover without interruption of the branch.

4.- Preparation of algorithms for various switching operations.
5.- Busbar coupling.

The double busbar model incorporates all functions of practical

relevance. On this application are integrated instruments for
measuring currents and voltages which permit direct analyses of
switching operations.
This application includes SCADA System to control different
substation elements.
This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and loads systems areas. Some examples of
recommended configurations are shown at the end of this

AEL-T-03S. Power Flow Control in Meshed Networks, with SCADA

The AEL-T-03S is a modular application designed to study the
power flow control in meshed networks.
The AEL-T-03S includes a series of modules such as transmission
line modules, loads and network analyzers to study different
principles of the power flows in meshed networks.
This application includes SCADA System to control different
This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and loads systems areas. Some examples of
recommended configurations are shown at the end of this

Page 27



The loads systems area has been designed to provide all the knowledge related with operation of loads systems required: control of the reactive power,
protection systems used in the feeders, request against bad changes, etc.
Main features of the Load Systems:
- Modular and configurable applications.
- Possibility to work either with individual applications or combined applications to form systems simulators (Generation + Transmission/Distribution +
- All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), Electrical Workbench and PC.
Main Load Systems options:
- AEL-C- Conventional Loads options.
- AEL-CS- Special Loads options.

AEL-C- Conventional Loads options:

We offer modular applications focused on the study of the final loads energy management in a power system.
Starting from basic applications, in which the regulation of the reactive power is studied manually, we can upgrade to applications in which advanced
control devices for the reactive power, protection systems, etc, are included.
There are different topics included, depending on the application:
- Study of the power correction devices employed nowadays. Startup and check of an automatic power factor controller.
- Study of the feeder overcurrent protection relay by injecting faults in final loads systems.
- Study of the different power factors depending on the type of load connected to the grid and manual compensation of the reactive power based
on previous theoretical calculations.
All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

AEL-CConventional Loads options

AEL-C-P-02S. Load Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

Load Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.

AEL-C-P-01S. Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.

Page 28



AEL-C-P-02S. Load Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA
The AEL-C-P-02S is a modular application designed to study
automatic reactive power compensation controllers and protection
relays in a feeder. With this application the student will learn to
calculate the required capacitor banks in function on the
demanded reactive energy.

Some practical possibilities:

Besides, the theorey will be compared with an actual power factor


2.- Real time measurements of all electrical parameters of the

distribution systems.

The AEL-C-P-02S inlcudes a series of modules such as automatic

reactive power controller, capacitor banks, resistor loads, inductor
loads, feeder manager protection relay and network analyzers to
study different principles of the energy quality, power factor
compensation, short circuits, etc.

3.- Studying of short circuits in different points of load power


Local control:
1.- Opening and closing basic maneuvers of isolator switches
and circuit breaker of distribution substation.

a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with

and without contact impedance.
b. Asymmetric faults:

The feeder protection relay includes on this application lets the

student to study different faults in the distribution and loads

i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact


This application includes a SCADA System to control different

elements and analyze the energy quality.

ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without

contact impedance.

This application includes:

iii. Single-phase short circuit with and without contact



4.- Recording the evolution of voltage and current phasors during

short circuit for further analysis.


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Distribution Busbar.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data


Remote control (with SCADA System):


Advanced Power Factor Controller Module.


PLC03 Control Module.

6.- Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition of all electrical

parameters of the load distribution system.

N-CAR19T4D. Three-Phase


5.- Studying in depth of feeder protection relay.

7.- Remote control of the demanded active power.

Digital Capacitor Banks

8.- Remote control of the demanded inductive reactive power.

9.- Remote control of the demanded capacitive reactive power.

N-CAR36T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable

Inductances Module.

10.- Remote measurement of all electrical parameters of load

distribution system.

N-CAR35T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank Resistors Module.

11.- Remotely control of short circuits in different points of the load

power system:

N-CAR19T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable

Capacitors Module.

a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with

and without contact impedance.

N-ERP-MA01. Feeder Management Relay Module.

N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.

b. Asymmetric faults:

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact


This application can be combined with other applications of

generation systems and transmission/distribution systems areas.
Some examples of recommended configurations are shown at the
end of this catalogue.

ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without

contact impedance.
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact
12.- Recording the evolution of voltage and current phasors during
short circuit for further analysis.
13.- Studying in depth of feeder protection relay.
14.- Automatic power factor compensation in function on the
demanded reactive energy.

Page 29



AEL-C-02S. Load Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA
The AEL-C-02S is a modular application designed to study
automatic reactive power compensation controllers.

Some practical possibilities:

With this application the student will learn to calculate the required
capacitor banks in function on the demanded reactive energy.

2.- Compensation using various capacitors.

1.- Calculating parameters for compensation capacitors.

3.- Determining stage power.

Besides, the theory will be compared with an actual power factor


4.- Manual compensation of reactive power.

5.- Studying of the power factor controller:

The AEL-C-02S includes a series of modules such as automatic

reactive power controller, capacitor banks, resistor loads, inductor
loads and network analyzers to study different principles of the
energy quality, power factor compensation, etc.

Capacitor banks connections.

This application includes a SCADA System to control different

elements and analyze the energy quality.

6.- Automatic compensation of reactive power.

This application includes:

7.- Manual compensation of reactive power.


Industrial Main Power Supply.


Distribution Busbar.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data



PLC03 Control Module.


Advanced Power Factor Controller Module.

N-CAR19T4D. Three-Phase Digital Capacitor Banks Module.

N-CAR19T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable

Capacitors Module.

N-CAR36T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable

Inductances Module.

N-CAR35T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank Resistors Module.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and transmission/distribution systems areas.
Some examples of recommended configurations are shown at the
end of this catalogue.

AEL-C-P-01S. Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:
1.- Calculating parameters for compensation capacitors.
2.- Compensation using various capacitors.
3.- Determining stage power.
4.- Manual compensation of reactive power.
5.- Studying of short circuits:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Single-Phase short circuit.
Two-Phase short circuit.
6.- Recording of voltage and current phasors evolution during the
short circuits for further analysis.
7.- Real time measurement of the electrical parameters of the

The AEL-C-P-01S is a modular application designed to study

manual reactive power compensation with feeder protection relay.
With this application the student will learn to calculate the required
capacitor banks in function on the demanded reactive energy.
The AEL-C-P-01S includes a series of modules such as capacitor
banks, resistor loads, inductor loads, feeder protection relay and
network analyzers to study different principles of the energy quality,
power factor compensation, short circuits, etc.
This application includes SCADA System to control different
elements and analyze the energy quality.
This application includes:
Industrial Main Power Supply.
Distribution Busbar.
Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data
PLC03 Control Module.
N-CAR19T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable
Capacitors Module.
N-CAR36T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable
Inductances Module.

N-CAR35T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank Resistors Module.

N-ERP-MA01. Feeder Management Relay Module.
N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and transmission/distribution systems areas.
Some examples of recommended configurations are shown at the
end of this catalogue.
Page 30



AEL-C-01S. Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA
Some practical possibilities:

The AEL-C-01S is a modular application designed to study manual

reactive power compensation. With this application the student will
learn to calculate the required capacitor banks in function on the
demanded reactive energy.

1.- Calculating parameters for compensation capacitors.

2.- Compensation using various capacitors.
3.- Determining stage power.

The AEL-C-01S includes a series of modules such as capacitor

banks, resistor loads, inductor loads and network analyzers to
study different principles of the energy quality, power factor
compensation, etc.

4.- Manual compensation of reactive power.

This application includes SCADA System to control different

elements and analyze the energy quality.
This application includes:

Industrial Main Power Supply.


Distribution Busbar.


Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data



PLC03 Control Module.

N-CAR19T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable

Capacitors Module.

N-CAR36T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable

Inductances Module.

N-CAR35T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank Resistors Module.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and transmission/distribution systems areas.
Some examples of recommended configurations are shown at the
end of this catalogue.

Page 31



AEL-CS- Special Loads options:

We offer modular applications focused on the study of the dynamic loads, complex loads, consumption measurement, control of peak loads, etc.
There are different topics included, depending on the application:
- Analysis, measurement of complex loads and control of peak loads.
All applications include SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

AEL-CSSpecial Loads options


Complex Loads, Power Consumption Measurement and Peak Load Monitoring, with SCADA.

AEL-CS-03S. Complex Loads, Power Consumption Measurement and Peak Load Monitoring, with SCADA
The AEL-C-03S is a modular application designed to study the
complex load, power consumption measurement and peak load
With this application the student will learn the difference between
star-delta loads connection, measurement of reactive and active
energy for symmetric and asymmetric RL loads, over-compensation
RC load, etc.
The AEL-C-03S includes a series of modules such as capacitor
banks, resistor loads, inductor loads and network analyzers to study
different principles of the complex loads.
This application includes SCADA System.
This application can be combined with other applications of
generation systems and transmission/distribution systems areas.
Some examples of recommended configurations are shown at the
end of this catalogue.

Page 32





In order to understand in depth how work actual power systems, EDIBON offers a series of "Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulators".
The "Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulators" are configured applications of generation, transmission and loads areas that has been described
individually at the beginning of this catalogue.
The objective of these Power Systems Simulators is give the students different technical solutions to understand how nowadays work together the actual
generation, transmission, distribution and load power systems.
Due to EDIBON provides a wide variety of applications, different applications configurations of generation, transmission/distribution and loads are
recommended in order to form a Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator.

Examples of Recommended Systems Simulators Configurations:

AEL-MPSS-01. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Automatic Control Generation, Transmission Line, Loads and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
AEL-MPSS-02. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Automatic Control Generation, Transmission Line and Loads, with SCADA.
AEL-MPSS-03. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Manual Control Generation, Transmission Line, Loads and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
AEL-MPSS-04. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Manual Control Generation, Transmission Line and Loads, with SCADA.

Page 33




AEL-MPSS-01. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Automatic Control Generation, Transmission
Line, Loads and Protection Relays, with SCADA
The AEL-MPSS-01S is a Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator designed to study how Smart Grids operate within the large actual power systems.
It is one of the most comprehensive and advanced modular smart grid power systems simulator because it shows the most important operations of an
entire power system, from the energy is generated until it reaches the final consumer.
This simulator consists of:
AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection Relays, with
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), Workbenches and PC.
AEL-GCAAutomatic Control Generation Systems options

AEL-GCMManual Control Generation Systems options

Synchronization Studies

Isolated Grid Studies


Generation System with Automatic

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator and
Synchronization, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor
and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and Protection Relays,
with SCADA .
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

Synchronization Studies


Isolated Grid Studies


AEL-GADAdditional Generation Systems options


Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator
and Synchronization, with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor, with SCADA.



Pumping Power Plant, with
Auto-Start Diesel Generator
Trainer for Recovery of the Energy
System due to Black-Outs, with
Automatic Generation System
with Two Parallel Generators,
with SCADA.
Hydroelectric Power Plant, with

These applications are additional for AEL-GCA and AELGCM applications.

Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator
in an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

AEL-TTransmission and Distribution Power Systems options
One Line and Regulation Transformer Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.
Two Aerial Lines Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines, with SCADA.
Additional Studies Possibilities
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer with Protections Relays, with SCADA .
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer, with SCADA.
Power Flow Control in Meshed Networks, with SCADA.

3. LOADS SYSTEMS (Energy Utilization)

AEL-CConventional Loads options


Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and

Protection Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation, with
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation and Protection
Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.

AEL-CSSpecial Loads options


Complex Loads, Power Consumption Measurement and Peak Load

Monitoring, with SCADA.

The AEL-MPSS-01S offers the following possibilities and others:

Studying of high voltage protection systems:
It is provided with 5 latest generation protection relays (renowned manufacturer Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL) used in real electrical
substations that give to AEL-MPSS-01S a great authenticity and variety of fault tests.
It incorporates protection relays as the overcurrent protection relay, the differential protection relay for generators and transformers, the distance
protection relay and the feeder protection relay.
Studying of generation substations:
It incorporates a sophisticated system for control and regulation of the turbine (prime mover) and synchronous generator that will allow the student to
know how carried out the control and regulation in large groups of power generation.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the generation substations.
Studying of the transmission/distribution systems:
It incorporates a transmission line module to study different events in function on the energy carried along line like energy losses, drop voltages, etc. It
includes a regulation transformer and network analyzers to study the drop voltage compensation in the transmission lines.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the emitter and receiver
Studying of energy consumption systems:
It incorporates an automatic reactive power compensation controller that acts autonomously according to the power factor of the load. It includes
different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the distribution substations. It incorporates
different loads modules to simulate energy consumptions.
The AEL-MPSS-01S has a SCADA System for remotely control operations.
Page 34




AEL-MPSS-02. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Automatic Control Generation, Transmission
Line and Loads, with SCADA
The AEL-MPSS-02S is a Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator designed to study how Smart Grids operate within the large actual power systems.
It shows different operations of an entire power system, from the energy is generated until it reaches the final consumer.
This simulator consists of:
AEL-GCA-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator and Synchronization, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.
Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), Workbenches and PC.
AEL-GCAAutomatic Control Generation Systems options

AEL-GCMManual Control Generation Systems options

Synchronization Studies


Isolated Grid Studies



Generation System with Automatic

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator and
Synchronization, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor
and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and Protection Relays,
with SCADA .
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

Synchronization Studies


Isolated Grid Studies


AEL-GADAdditional Generation Systems options


Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator
and Synchronization, with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor, with SCADA.



Pumping Power Plant, with
Auto-Start Diesel Generator
Trainer for Recovery of the Energy
System due to Black-Outs, with
Automatic Generation System
with Two Parallel Generators,
with SCADA.
Hydroelectric Power Plant, with

These applications are additional for AEL-GCA and AELGCM applications.

Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator
in an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

AEL-TTransmission and Distribution Power Systems options
One Line and Regulation Transformer Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.
Two Aerial Lines Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines, with SCADA.
Additional Studies Possibilities
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer with Protections Relays, with SCADA .
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer, with SCADA.
Power Flow Control in Meshed Networks, with SCADA.

3. LOADS SYSTEMS (Energy Utilization)

AEL-CConventional Loads options


Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and

Protection Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation, with
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation and Protection
Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.

AEL-CSSpecial Loads options


Complex Loads, Power Consumption Measurement and Peak Load

Monitoring, with SCADA.

The AEL-MPSS-02S offers the following possibilities and others:

Studying of generation substations:
It incorporates a sophisticated system for control and regulation of the turbine (prime mover) and synchronous generator that will allow the student to
know how carried out the control and regulation in large groups of power generation.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the generation substations.
Studying of the transmission/distribution systems:
It incorporates a transmission line module to study different events in function on the transmitted energy like energy losses, drop voltages, etc. It
includes a regulation transformer and network analyzers to study the drop voltage compensation in the transmission lines.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the emitter and receiver
Studying of energy consumption systems:
It incorporates an automatic reactive power compensation controller that acts autonomously according to the power factor of the load.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the distribution substations.
It incorporates different loads modules to simulate energy consumptions.
The AEL-MPSS-02S has a SCADA System for remotely control operations.
Page 35




AEL-MPSS-03. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Manual Control Generation, Transmission
Line, Loads and Protection Relays, with SCADA
The AEL-MPSS-03S is a Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator designed to study how Smart Grids operate within the large actual power systems.
It shows the most important operations of an entire power system, from the energy is generated until it reaches the final consumer.
This simulator consists of:
Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection Relays, with
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), Workbenches and PC.
AEL-GCAAutomatic Control Generation Systems options
Synchronization Studies

Isolated Grid Studies


AEL-GADAdditional Generation Systems options

AEL-GCMManual Control Generation Systems options

Generation System with Automatic

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator and
Synchronization, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor
and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor,
with SCADA.

Synchronization Studies

Generation System with Automatic

Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and Protection Relays,
with SCADA .
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.


Isolated Grid Studies



Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator
and Synchronization, with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor, with SCADA.



Pumping Power Plant, with
Auto-Start Diesel Generator
Trainer for Recovery of the Energy
System due to Black-Outs, with
Automatic Generation System
with Two Parallel Generators,
with SCADA.
Hydroelectric Power Plant, with

These applications are additional for AEL-GCA and AELGCM applications.

Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator
in an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

AEL-TTransmission and Distribution Power Systems options
One Line and Regulation Transformer Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.
Two Aerial Lines Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines, with SCADA.
Additional Studies Possibilities
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer with Protections Relays, with SCADA .
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer, with SCADA.
Power Flow Control in Meshed Networks, with SCADA.

3. LOADS SYSTEMS (Energy Utilization)

AEL-CConventional Loads options


Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and

Protection Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation, with
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation and Protection
Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.

AEL-CSSpecial Loads options


Complex Loads, Power Consumption Measurement and Peak Load

Monitoring, with SCADA.

The AEL-MPSS-03S offers the following possibilities and others:

Studying of high voltage protection systems:
It is provided with 5 latest generation protection relays (renowned manufacturer Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL) used in real electrical
substations that give to AEL-MPSS-03S a great authenticity. It incorporates protection relays as the overcurrent protection relay, the differential
protection relay for generators and transformers, distance protection relay and feeder protection relay.
Studying of generation substations:
It incorporates a manual control system for control and regulation of the turbine (prime mover) and synchronous generator that will allow the student to
know how carried out the control and regulation in large groups of power generation.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the generation substations.
Studying of the transmission/distribution systems:
It incorporates a transmission line module to study different events in function on the transmitted energy like energy losses, drop voltages, etc. It includes
a regulation transformer and network analyzers to study the drop voltage compensation in the transmission lines.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the emitter and receiver
Studying of energy consumption systems:
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the distribution substations. It
incorporates different loads modules to simulate energy consumptions and to study the manual compensation of reactive power.
The AEL-MPSS-03S has a SCADA System for remotely control operations.
Page 36




AEL-MPSS-04. Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with Manual Control Generation, Transmission
Line and Loads, with SCADA
The AEL-MPSS-04S is a Modular Power Systems Simulator designed to study how Smart Grids operate within the large actual power systems.
It shows different operations of an entire power system, from the energy is generated until it reaches the final consumer.
This simulator consists of:
AEL-GCM-02S. Generation System with Manual Control of Synchronous Generator and Synchronization, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition), Workbenches and PC.
AEL-GCMManual Control Generation Systems options

AEL-GCAAutomatic Control Generation Systems options

Synchronization Studies

Isolated Grid Studies


Generation System with Automatic

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator and
Synchronization, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor
and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Automatic Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with Servomotor,
with SCADA.

Synchronization Studies

Generation System with Automatic

Control of Synchronous Generator in an
Isolated Grid and Protection Relays, with
Generation System with Automatic
Control of Synchronous Generator in an
Isolated Grid, with SCADA.


Isolated Grid Studies


AEL-GADAdditional Generation Systems options



Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator,
Synchronization and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator
and Synchronization, with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor and Protection Relays,
with SCADA.
Manual Synchronization System of
Synchronous Generator with
Servomotor, with SCADA.



Pumping Power Plant, with
Auto-Start Diesel Generator
Trainer for Recovery of the Energy
System due to Black-Outs, with
Automatic Generation System
with Two Parallel Generators,
with SCADA.
Hydroelectric Power Plant, with

These applications are additional for AEL-GCA and AELGCM applications.

Generation System with Manual

Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.
Generation System with Manual
Control of Synchronous Generator in
an Isolated Grid, with SCADA.

AEL-TTransmission and Distribution Power Systems options
One Line and Regulation Transformer Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer, with SCADA.
Two Aerial Lines Studies
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Two Aerial Parallel Lines, with SCADA.
Additional Studies Possibilities
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer with Protections Relays, with SCADA .
Electrical Distribution Grids Trainer, with SCADA.
Power Flow Control in Meshed Networks, with SCADA.

3. LOADS SYSTEMS (Energy Utilization)

AEL-CConventional Loads options


Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and

Protection Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation, with
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation and Protection
Relays, with SCADA .
Loads Systems with Manual Power Factor Compensation, with SCADA.

AEL-CSSpecial Loads options


Complex Loads, Power Consumption Measurement and Peak Load

Monitoring, with SCADA.

The AEL-MPSS-04S offers the following possibilities and others:

Studying of generation substations:
It incorporates a manual control system for control and regulation of the turbine (prime mover) and synchronous generator that will allow the student to
know how carried out the control and regulation in large groups of power generation.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the generation substations.
Studying of the transmission/distribution systems:
It incorporates a transmission line module to study different events in function on the transmitted energy like energy losses, drop voltages, etc.
It includes a regulation transformer and network analyzers to study the drop voltage compensation in the transmission lines.
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the emitter and receiver
Studying of energy consumption systems:
It includes different bus-bars to demonstrate the main maneuvers carried out with disconnectors and circuit breakers in the distribution substations.
It incorporates different loads modules to simulate energy consumptions and to study the manual compensation of reactive power.
The AEL-MPSS-04S has a SCADA System for remotely control operations.
Page 37





Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator,

with Automatic Control Generation,Transmission Line,
Loads and Protection Relays, with SCADA

Technical Teaching Equipment




Generation System with Automatic Control

of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization
and Protection Relays, with SCADA


Transmission and Distribution Power Systems

with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays,
with SCADA

Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor

Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA



SCADA Software

This simulator consists of:

AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.

Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with


Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).

Workbenches and PC.

Page 38





Due to electricity can not be stored in large quantities and economically not profitable, so that at each instant must be generated that is consumed. The
demanded electric power varies from day to day, so that the generation should follow the same temporal variation, keeping the nominal value of the
system frequency, 50 Hz, and other conditions that define the normal operating state of the power system, all with the economic objective of lower cost of
For this purpose, the basic objective of the systems of regulation and control of generators installed in power plants generation is to ensure that the
demanded power meets continuously, maintaining continuity of supply and the operating parameters of the system within limits. This function is performed
automatically from the generators and control centers through automatic voltage regulation (AVR") and, above all, through automatic generation control
The AEL-MPSS-01 simulator has been developed to demonstrate how Smart Grids operate within the large power systems:
How electricity is generated?
How electricity is transported?
What happens when there is a change in the energy demand?
What protection systems are used in generation, transmission, distribution and consumption systems?
What happens when there is a fault anywhere in the power system? What is the proper configuration of the protection relays so that there is selectivity in
the power system?
How is carried out the regulation of the turbine and synchronous generator?
These and many other questions answers the Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator, with automatic control generation, transmission line, loads
and protection relays, with SCADA.

The AEL-MPSS-01 has been developed to study in depth the Smart Grid in Generation, Transmission/Distribution and Loads areas.
To facilitate the study of all characteristics issues, and many more, the AEL-MPSS-01 simulator is divided in three applications. Each application has been
developed to study in depth a different area of Smart Grids Power Systems:
- AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection Relays, with
- AEL-T-P-01S.
Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
- AEL-C-P-02S.
Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.
The AEL-MPSS-01 is one of the most comprehensive and advanced modular smart grid power systems simulator for the following reasons:
- The AEL-MPSS-01 integrates the most important Smart Grid technology in all elements that form the power system.
- In a single system we can study the operation of an entire power system, from energy is generated until it reaches the final consumer.
- The AEL-MPSS-01 is provided with 5 latest generation protection relays (renowned manufacturer Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories SEL) used in
real electrical substations that give to AEL-MPSS-01 a great authenticity.
- The AEL-MPSS-01 incorporates protection relays as the overcurrent protection relay, the differential protection relay for generators and transformers,
long distance protection relay and the protection relay for feeders, which make the system AEL-MPSS-01 a forefront unit in the field of Smart Grids.
- The AEL-MPSS-01 incorporates a sophisticated system of control and regulation of the turbine and synchronous generator that will allow the student to
know how carried out the control and regulation in large groups of power generation:
- Manual/automatic control and regulation of the generator voltage (Automatic Voltage Regulator).
- Manual/automatic control and regulation of the generator frequency (turbine control).
- Manual/automatic control and regulation of the power factor of the generator.
- The AEL-MPSS-01 incorporates an automatic reactive power compensation controller that acts autonomously according to the power factor of the
- The SCADA System (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition) whose description can be read below.
Note: AEL-MPSS-01 includes the workbenches and PC.
SCADA System description
The most innovative of the Modular Smart Grid Power Systems Simulator is that it includes SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition System) that
shows the same behaviour of actual SCADA systems used in the actual power systems. The SCADA Software allows students to take full remote control of
the power system and perform all sorts of maneuvers from a synoptic that represents the national power grid. This software allows, among other options,
the following:
- Opening and closing actual logic of disconnect switches and circuit breakers.
- Manual and automatic control of the synchronous generator excitation.
- Manual and automatic control of the synchronous generator frequency.
- Manual and automatic power factor control of the synchronous generator.
- Manual and Automatic synchronization control of the synchronous generator with the mains.
- Faults injection in different parts of the system.
- Change in the energy demand of the system with automatic response of the turbine-generator group.
- Real time monitoring the status of disconnectors and circuit breakers.
- Real time monitoring system alarms when the electrical faults are injected.
- Measurement of active, reactive and apparent power at different points of the system.
- Measurement of voltage, current and power factor at different points of the system.


Page 39





The SCADA System (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition ) allows the user to understand, in a clear and simple way, how is the management and
control of generation, transmission/distribution and loads power systems.
Here are some screenshots of the SCADA Software shown:

General scheme of the power grid that allows us to control the "generation", "transmission/distribution" and "loads".

By "clicking" on generation, the most important functions are deployed to control the power flows of our substation power generation:
opening and closing logic control of disconnect switches and circuit breakers, measuremetns of the electrical parameters of the generator
and the network, possibilities of faults injections in many points of the generation system, supervision of electrical faults, emergency stop of
the generator, etc.
Page 40







Screen for preselecting electrical faults: fault preselecting of three-phase, two-phase and single-phase with or without fault resistor.

Display control of the turbine and the synchronous generator. This menu offers multiple possibilities for control and regulation of the group.
-Precise and manual control of turbine frequency.
-Automatic control of the turbine frequency.
-Precise manual control of the excitation of the synchronous generator.
-Automatic control of synchronous generator excitation.
-Manual synchronization of synchronous generator with the mains.
-Automatic synchronization of synchronous generator with electrical network.
-Island operation mode.
-Alarm monitoring of frequency and reverse power.
-Emergency stop.
-Supervision of the electrical parameters of the generator and the power grid.
-Monitoring the speed of the turbine.
Page 41






By "clicking" on transmission/distribution, the most important functions are deployed to control the elements of our receiving and emitter
-Setting of resistance, inductance and capacitance parameters of the transmission line.
-Opening and closing logic control of disconnect switches and circuit breakers.
-Measurements of the electrical parameters upstream and downstream of the transmission line for the study of energy losses in
-Faults injection in many points of the transmission system.
-Supervision of electrical faults.
-Voltage adjusting with the distribution transformer with the voltage regulator TAP.

Setup menu of the electrical parameters of the transmission line.

Page 42






Load voltage regulation menu.

By "clicking" on loads, the most important functions are deployed to control the elements of our distribution substation:
-Setting the resistance, inductance and capacitance parameters loads.
-Opening and closing control logic of disconnect switches and circuit breakers.
-Measuring of the demanded electrical parameters.
-Faults injection in many points of the loads system.
-Supervision of electrical faults.

Page 43





The AEL-MPSS-01 simulator includes three applications. Each application has been developed to study in depth a different area of Smart Grids Power
- AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection Relays, with
- AEL-T-P-01S.

Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

- AEL-C-P-02S.

Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

AEL-GCA-P-02S. Generation System with Automatic Control of Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection
Relays, with SCADA.

Page 44







The AEL-GCA-P-02S is a modular application developed to study the actual generation power systems with Smart Grid Technology.
The Generation System with Automatic Control of the Synchronous Generator, Synchronization and Protection Relays, with SCADA (AEL-GCA-P-02S),
consists of a series of modules that allows us to simulate the most important operations of control, regulation and supervision performed in a Generation
Power System, that is to say, from the electrical energy is generated and raised it with the step-up transformer, until the injection of this energy to the grid.
To perform these operations, in the AEL-GCA-P-02S application are included certain devices that make our application a true Smart Grid:
- Modules to control and regulate the turbine-generator group:
Manual/Automatic control and regulation of the generator voltage (Automatic Voltage Regulator).
Manual/Automatic control and regulation of the generator frequency (turbine control).
Manual/Automatic control and regulation of the generator power factor.
- The overcurrent protection relay, the differential protection relay for generators and transformers, and management relay of generators.
- It includes a sophisticated fault injection system in order to analyze the transients evolution and to observe the request of the protection relays used on
this application.
- Network Analyzers that show us in real time the electrical parameters of the nodes of the system.
- Synchronizing devices for the synchronization maneuvers of synchronous generator and the grid that show us the phases sequence, the difference of
voltage and frequency between the generator and the grid.
The AEL-GCA-P-02S includes:
N-ALI01. Industrial Main Power Supply.
N-BUS01. Generation Busbar.
N-BUS02. Coupling Busbar.
N-BUS03. Grid Busbar.
N-EALD. Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data Acquisition. (2 units)
N-EALDC/G. DC Generator Analyzer.
N-AVR/P. Automatic Voltage Regulator.
N-VVCA5K. 5KW Motor Speed Controller.
N-ASY3PH. Three-Phase Automatic Synchronoscope.
N-PLC01. PLC01 Control Module.
N-ERP-SFT01. Overcurrent Protection Relay Module.
N-ERP-PDF01. Differential Protection Relay Module.
N-ERP-PGC01. Generator Protection and Control Relay Module.
N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.
TRANS3/5KGR. 5KW Three-Phase Grid Transformer.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-Up Transformer.
GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
Technical Data:
N-ALI01. Industrial Main Power Supply.
Industrial three-phase power supply.
Three-Phase power supply: 400 VAC.
Emergency stop push-button.
Safety key.
Three-phase terminal connections.
Single-phase terminal connections.
7 pin connector to supply the module.
30mA Three-phase differential protection.
N-BUS01. Generation Busbar.

Double generation busbar Module.

Local/Remote control switch.
Slide commutators of disconnectors and circuit breaker.
Indicator status lamps. ON-OFF switch.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
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N-BUS02. Coupling Busbar.

Double coupling busbar Module.

Local/Remote control switch.
Slide commutators of disconnectors and circuit breaker.
Indicator status lamps. ON-OFF switch.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
N-BUS03. Grid Busbar.

Grid busbar module.

Local/Remote control switch.
Slide commutators of disconnectors and circuit breaker.
Indicator status lamps. ON-OFF switch.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
N-EALD. Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data Acquisition. (2 units)

Power Switch.
Input terminals: Three-Phase measurement input terminals with neutral, 400VAC.
Output terminals: Three-Phase measurement output terminals with neutral, 400VAC.
Communication port Rs485.
Supply terminals: Nominal Voltage: 230VAC.
Fuses: Line fuses 3x10A.
Digital Outputs: Three digital outputs for pulses or alarms, or for combining either.
Network Analyzer:
It allows to measure the voltage, currents, active power, reactive power, frequencies, energies per phases, armonics, etc.
Navigation Joystick: It allows us to navigate with different analyzer parameters.
This element allows us to preselect different standard measurements:
Position 1: Measurement of phase voltage.
Position 2: Measurement of line currents.
Position 3: Measurement of line powers.
N-EALDC/G. DC Generatoy Analyzer.

DC Analyzer Module.
Rated voltage range: 0-100 Vdc.
Rated current range: 0-10 A.
Communication port RS-485.
2 Power connectors with 7 pin.
ON-OFF Switch.
Terminal connections.
Fuse 10 A.
N-AVR/P. Automatic Voltage Regulator.

Generator voltage regulator module.

Local/Remote control switch.
Manual/Automatic control switch of generator excitation in local mode.
Potentiometer for manual control of the current excitation.
ON-OFF Switch.
Terminal connections.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
N-VVCA5K. 5KW Motor Speed Controller.

5KW Motor Speed Controller Module.

Three-Phase Power Supply: 400VAC + N.
Nominal Power: 5KW.
Potentiometer speed control motor.
Start/Stop control switch.
Local/Remote control switch.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
ON-OFF Switch.
Connection terminals.

Page 46







N-ASY3PH. Three-Phase Automatic Synchronoscope.

Three-Phase digital and programmable synchronoscope.

Mains voltage display.
Generator voltage display.
Phases difference of mains and generator display.
Synchronization manual push-button.
Disable push-button sync.
Local/remote control switch.
Indicator lamp of synchronizing contactor.
ON-OFF switch.
Terminal connections.
Safety fuses.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
N-PLC01. PLC01 Control Module.

PLC Siemens S7-300.

Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
ON-OFF Switch.
2 x Fuses 2A.
N-ERP-SFT01. Overcurrent Protection Relay.

Overcurrent protection relay module.

Power supply: 230 VAC.
TRIP indicator lamps.
Overcurrent and Earth fault protection.
Communications connector DB9 RS-232.
Signals connector SUB-D 62 pin.
ON-OFF Switch.
Terminal connections.
- Phase, ground and negative sequence overcurrent protection.
- Time-Overcurrent curves of US and IEC.
- Reclosing relays of multiple trips with sequence coordination.
- SELOGIC enhanced control equations to develop traditional or advanced schemes.
- Logic of local / remote control to change the schemes, operating circuit breakers, etc.
- Recorder of the sequence of events (SER) and reports of events stored in nonvolatile memory.
- Supports ASCII, SEL LMD, and Modbus RTU protocols.
N-ERP-PDF01. Differential Protection Relay Module.

Differential protection relay module.

Power supply: 230 VAC.
TRIP lamp indicator.
Differential protection.
Communications connector DB9 RS-232.
Signals connector SUB-D 62 pins.
ON-OFF switch.
Terminal connectors.
This module protects transformers with two terminals, generators, reactances and other power devices using a combination of differential,
instantaneous and overcurrent elements. Differential security scheme is achieved through the following actions:
- Dual-slope restricting percentage.
- Lock second and fourth harmonic.
- Lock the fifth harmonic for transformer overexcitation.
- Compensation of the CT connection and the transformers.
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N-ERP-PGC01. Generator Relay Protection Module.

Generator protection relay and control module.

Power supply: 230 VAC.
"island grid/parallel grid" control switch.
"local/remote" control switch.
Manual control switches of the generator relay module:
1. SW1 Emergency Stop.
2. SW2 Automatic start of generator-motor group.
3. SW3 reset alarms push-button.
4. SW4 enable frequency control of the generator.
5. SW5 manual permission to close the 52G1 synchronization circuit breaker.
Status indicator lamps. Status indicator alarms lamps. Safety key for synchronization. Emergency stop push-button.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
ON-OFF switch.
Terminal connections.
Some characteristic of the generator protection relay module N-ERP-PGC01:
- The N-ERP-PGC01 allows to operate with until 16 synchronous generators in island grid mode with reactive and active load share,
automatic start/stop of the generators in function of the demanded energy.
- The N-ERP-PGC01 allows parallel operations of one generator with the mains.
- The N-ERP-PGC01 allows different control modes of circuit breakers as opening, closing and synchronization.
- The N-ERP-PGC01 has analog outputs to control the voltage and frequency regulators of the market.
- Three-phase measurement of the mains and generator voltage.
- Three-phase measurement of the current and power of the generator.
- Single-phase measurement of the mains.
- Generator: max/mn-voltage (59/27), max/min-frequency (81O/U), voltage asymmetry, dead bus detection, overload (32), unbalance
load (46), reverse power/reduce (32R/F), overcurrent time define curve (50/51), inverse time overcurrent (IEC255), fault ground
(50N/51N), phases, breakers fault.
- Motor: over/sub speed (12).
- Mains: max/min-voltage (59/27), max/min-frequency (81O/U), vector surge.

N-ERP-MF01. Digital Faults Simulator Module.

Faults injection module.

Preselector of kind of fault:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-phase short circuit.
Two-phase to ground short circuit.
Single-phase short circuit.
Local/Remote control switch.
ON-OFF switch.
Terminal connections.
Signals connector SUB-D 62 pins.

TRANS3/5KGR. 5KW Three-Phase Grid Transformer.
5KVA Three-Phase Grid transformer.
Rated Power: 5KVA.
Rated Primary Voltage: 400VAC Star.
Rated Secondary Voltage: 400VAC Delta.
TRANS3/5KSU. 5KW Three-Phase Step-up Transformer.

5KVA Step-Up transformer.

Rated Power: 5KVA.
Rated Primary Voltage: 400VAC Star.
Rated Secondary Voltage: 400VAC Delta.

GMG4.5K3PH. 4.5KW Generator-Motor Group.
Generator-Motor Group mounted in aluminum structure with wheels.
Rated generator power: 4,5 KVA.
I rated stator: 6.5A.
I rated excitation: 4A.
RPM: 3000 rpm.
Rated motor power: 5 KVA.
I rated: 7.2A.
RPM: 3000 rpm.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
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With local control mode:
1.- Studying of generation power systems with double busbar

22.- Analysis with SCADA software of active and reactive power of

synchronous generator.

2.- Studying of opening and closing maneuvers of isolator switches and

circuit breaker in double busbar systems.

23.- Remotely control of manual synchronization of synchronous

generator with the mains.

3.- Analysis of the measurements of the power flows of the synchronous


24.- Remotely control of automatic synchronization of synchronous

generator with the mains.

4.- Analysis of the active and reactive power of the generator.

25.- Remotely control of synchronous generator in island grid operation


5.- Manual synchronization maneuvers of synchronous generator with

the mains.

26.- Studying of Micro-Grids.

6.- Automatic synchronization maneuvers of synchronous generator

with the mains.

27.- Remotely control of synchronous generator in parallel grid operation


7.- Studying of the synchronous generator in island operation mode.

28.- Remotely control of excitation/voltage regulation of synchronous

generator in island mode.

8.- Studying of the Micro-Grids.

9.- Studying of the synchronous generator in grid parallel operation
10.- Studying of excitation/voltage regulation of synchronous generator
in island mode.

29.- Remotely control of the turbine regulation (frequency control) in

island operation mode.
30.- Remotely control of excitation/voltage regulation of the synchronous
generator in parallel grid operation mode.

11.- Studying of turbine regulation (frequency control) in island mode.

32.- Remotely control of turbine regulation (frequency control) in paralel

grid operation mode.

12.- Studying of excitation/voltage regulation of synchronous generator

in parallel grid operation mode.

33.- Remotely control of power factor regulation of synchronous generator

in parallel grid operation mode.

13.- Studying of turbine regulation (frequency control) in parallel grid

operation mode.

34.- Remotely control of short circuits in different points of the generation

power system:

14.- Studying of the power factor regulation of synchronous generator in

parallel grid operation mode.

a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with and

without contact impedance.

15.- Studying of short circuits in different points of generation power


b. Asymetric faults:
i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.

a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with and

without contact impedance.

ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without contact


b. Asymmetric faults:
i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.
ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without contact
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact
16.- Studying of synchronous generator protection and control relay.
17.- Studying of differential protection relay.
18.- Studying of overcurrent protection relay.

iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.

35.- Supervision of TRIPS from the SCADA software (protection relays
shooting) in the power system.
36.- Remotely control of the synchronous generator protection and control
37.- Remotely control of the differential protection relay.
38.- Remotely control of the overcurrent protection relay.
39.- Supervision of the electrical parameters of the generation system with
the SCADA software.

Remote control mode (with SCADA System):

19.- Remotely control of generation power systems with double busbar.
20.- Remotely control of opening and closing maneuvers of isolator
switches and circuit breaker in doble busbar systems.
21.- Analysis with the SCADA software of synchronous generator power
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AEL-T-P-01S. Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA.

Page 50







The Transmission and Distribution Power Systems with Regulation Transformer and Protection Relays, with SCADA (AEL-T-P-01S) is a modular application
with Smart Grid technology developed to study the Transport and Distribution power systems.
This application allows the student to acquire the most important knowledge about how the electrical energy is transported, why it is rised until certain
voltage levels, what is the function of the transformers with voltage regulator, etc. Besides, the student will know how are performed the basic maneuvers in
double busbar systems, what is the correct sequence of actuation between isolator switches and circuit breaker and many other questions.
The AEL-T-P-01S application consists of a series of modules that allow us simulate the most important operations of control, regulation and supervision
performed in emitter and receiver substations joined with an aerial transmission line.
In order to put in practice all these knowledge, in the AEL-T-P-01S application are included certain devices that make our application a true Smart Grid:
- It includes a distance protection relay. This relay monitors, in real time, the impedance parameters of the transmission line.
- It includes a sophisticated faults injection module to analyze the evolution of transients and observe the request of the protection relays used in the
- It includes network analyzers that show us in real time the electrical parameters in the transmission line to study the energy losses, droop voltages, line
currents, etc.
- It includes a voltage regulator TAP in the distribution transformer to compensate the droop voltage of the transmission line.
The AEL-T-P-01S includes:
N-ALI01. Industrial Main Power Supply.
N-BUS04. Emitter Transport Busbar.
N-BUS05. Receptor Transport Busbar.
N-EALD. Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data Acquisition. (2 units)
N-PLC02. PLC02 Control Module.
N-REG15. Tap Module Regulator.
N-AE1CD. Transmission Lines Simulator Digital Unit.
N-ERP-PD01. Distance Protection Relay Module.
N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.
TRANS3/5KR. 5KW Step-Down Transformer with Voltage Regulator.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
Technical Data:
N-ALI01. Industrial Main Power Supply.
Industrial three-phase power supply.
Three-Phase power supply: 400 VAC.
Emergency stop push-button.
Safety key.
Three-phase terminal connections.
Single-phase terminal connections.
7 pin connector to supply the module.
30mA Three-phase differential protection.
N-BUS04. Emitter Transport Busbar.

Emitter transport busbar module.

Local/remote switch.
Slide commutators of disconnectors and circuit breaker.
Status indicator lamps. ON-OFF switch.
Communication connector.
Power supply: 230 VAC.
N-BUS05. Receptor Transport Busbar.

Double distribution busbar module.

Local/Remote control switch.
Slide commutators of of disconnectors and circuit breaker.
Status indicator lamps. ON-OFF switch.
Communications connector SUB-D 62 pin.
N-EALD. Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data Acquisition. (2 units)

Power Switch.
Input terminals: Three-Phase measurement input terminals with neutral, 400VAC.
Output terminals: Three-Phase measurement output terminals with neutral, 400VAC.
Communication port Rs485.
Supply terminals: Nominal Voltage: 230VAC.
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Fuses: Line fuses 3x10A.

Digital Outputs: Three digital outputs for pulses or alarms, or for combining either.
Network Analyzer:
It allows to measure the voltage, currents, active power, reactive power, frequencies, energies per phases, armonics, etc.
Navigation Joystick: It allows us to navigate with different analyzer parameters.
This element allows us to preselect different standard measurements:
Position 1: Measurement of phase voltage.
Position 2: Measurement of line currents.
Position 3: Measurement of line powers.
N-PLC02. PLC02 Control Module.

PLC Siemens S7-300.

Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.
ON-OFF Switch.
2 x Fuses 2A.

N-REG15. Tap Module Regulator.

TAP voltage regulator module.

Single-Phase power supply: 230VAC.
Voltage TAP selector:
+7,5%; +5%; +2,5%; 0%; -7,5%; -5%; -2,5%.
Indicator lamps regulation percentage.
Local/remote control switch.
OFF-ON Commutator.
ON-OFF switch.
Signal connector SUB-D 62 pins.

N-AE1CD. Transmission Lines Simulator Digital Unit.

Transmission lines simulation digital unit.

Local/remote switch.
Switches to preselect a line resistance.
Switches to preselect a line inductance.
Switches to simulate R phase lost.
Switches to simulate S and T phase lost.
Status indicator lamp. ON-OFF switch.
Voltage Lines ( 400 VAC).

N-ERP-PD01. Distance Protection Relay Module.

It is used to enable investigations into protection and monitoring of overhead transmission lines and underground cables. It enables a
wide range of test and investigations and it demonstrates the latest relay technology.
Modern industrial application distance protection relay presented in an educational and teaching format.
The connections are via safety sockets.
The main functions:
Two zones of Phase Mho Distance Protection Element (21P).
Two zones of Ground Mho Distance Protection Element (21G).
Directional Phase Overcurrent Protection Element (67P).
Directional Ground Overcurrent Protection Element (67G).
Phase Overcurrent Protection Element (50P).
Ground Overcurrent Protection Element (50G).
Phase Time-Overcurrent Protection Element (51P).
Ground Time-Overcurrent Protection Element (51G).
Event Reports.
Breaker Wear Monitor.
Fault Locator.
Local Display.
Load Encroachment.
Metering and Monitoring Functions.
Creating fault and disturbance records.
Blocking of any one protection element.
The connection to the experimental circuit is via current transformers with ratio to suit the inputs of the relay.
It allows an effective demonstration of the effect of current and voltage transformer ratio, connection and rating on protective relays.
Accuracy: +- 10%. Current: 5 A (A. C.). Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz.
Operating time: typically 10 ms to 25 ms.
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N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.

Faults injection module.

Preselector of kind of fault:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-phase short circuit.
Two-phase to ground short circuit.
Single-phase short circuit.
Local/Remote control switch.
ON-OFF switch.
Terminal connections.
Signals connector SUB-D 62 pins.
TRANS3/5KR. 5KW Step-Down Transformer with Voltage Regulator.
Isolating three-phase power transformer.
Pn: 5KVA. Vp with regulation: 400VAC delta. +7,5%, +5%, +2,5%, 0%, -2,5%, -5%, 7,5%. Vs: 400VAC Star.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).


Local control:
1.- Opening and closing basic maneuvers of isolator switches and
circuit breaker.

20.- Studying of energy losses of the transmission line.

2.- Measurements of energy losses in the transmission line.

21.- Remote measurement of droop voltages in the transmission line in

function on the system load.

3.- Droop voltage compensation with the voltage regulator TAP.

22.- Remote automatic configuration of the transmission line impedance.

4.- Real time measurements of the electrical parameters (voltage,

current, frequency, power factor, active power, reactive power,
aparent power, active energy, reactive energy, aparent energy, etc.).

23.- Remote automatic selection of the line to line capacitive effect of the
transmission line.

5.- Studying of the energy losses of the transmission line.

24.- Remote automatic selection of the line resistor of the transmission line.
25.- Remote automatic selection of the line inductance of the transmission

6.- Studying of the droop voltages in the transmission line in function on

the load system.

26.- Remote automatic selection of one line phase loss.

7.- Automatic configuration of the line parameters.

27.- Remote automatic selection of two line phases loss.

8.- Automatic selection of the line to line capacitive effect.

28.- Remotely control of short circuits in different points of the transmission

power system:

9.- Automatic selection of line resistor.

a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with and

without contact impedance.

10.- Automatic selection of line inductance.

11.- Simulation of one phase loss.

b. Asymmetric faults:

12.- Simulation of two phase loss.

i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.

13.- Studying of short circuits in different points of transmission power


ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without contact


a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with and

without contact impedance.
b. Asymmetric faults:
i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.
ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without contact
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact

iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.

29.- Short circuits temporal evolution recording of voltage and currents
phasors for further analysis.
30.- Calculation of the electrical parameters of the transmission line for
subsequent configuration of the distance relay (mho characteristic).
31.- Studying in depth of the distance protection relay.

14.- Recording the evolution of voltage and current phasors during short
circuit for further analysis.
15.- Calculation of the electrical parameters of the line to configure the
distance protection relay (mho characteristic).
16.- Studying in depth of the distance protection relay.
Remote control (with SCADA System):
17.- Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition of all electrical
parameters of the transmission line.
18.- Monitoring of energy losses of transmission lines from the PC.
19.- Remotely control of distribution transformer voltage regulator (TAP).
Compensation of droop voltages of the transmission line.
Page 53







AEL-C-P-02S. Loads Systems with Automatic Power Factor Compensation and Protection Relays, with SCADA

Page 54







The AEL-C-P-02S is a modular application developed to study the operation and control of the final loads of the power systems. This application is
equipped with the most advanced protection systems used nowadays in substations and distribution lines. Besides, the AEL-C-P-02S has an automatic
power factor compensation (SVC type). The AEL-C-P-02S has an overcurrent protection relay used in distribution systems (feeders) with which the student
will simulate different short circuits along the load distribution system and subsequently, the student will analyze how the protection relay acts over
corresponding circuit breaker. Besides, the AEL-C-P-02S application has an automatic power factor controller with six stages. For the analysis of the
automatic response of the power factor controller, we have a group of resistive, inductive and capacitive loads in order to simulate actual process of the
energy demand and the power factor compensation.
The AEL-C-P-02S includes:
N-ALI01. Industrial Main Power Supply.
N-BUS06. Distribution Busbar.
N-EALD. Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data Acquisition.
N-CFP. Advanced Power Factor Controller Module.
N-PLC03. PLC03 Control Module.
N-CAR19T4D. Three-Phase Digital Capacitor Banks Module.
N-CAR36T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable Inductances module.
N-CAR35T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank Resistors Module.
N-CAR19T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable Capacitors Module.
N-ERP-MA01. Feeder Management Relay Module.
N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).
Technical Data:
N-ALI01. Industrial Main Power Supply.
Industrial three-phase power supply.
Three-Phase power supply: 400 VAC.
Emergency stop push-button. Safety key.
Three-phase terminal connections. Single-phase terminal connections.
7 pin connector to supply the module.
30mA Three-phase differential protection.
N-BUS06. Distribution Busbar.

Distribution bus-bar module.

Local/remote switch.
Slide commutators of disconnectors and circuit breaker.
Status indicator lamps. ON/OFF switch.
Communications connector SUD-D 62 pin.
N-EALD. Network Analyzer Unit with Computer Data Acquisition. (2 units)

Power Switch.
Input terminals: Three-Phase measurement input terminals with neutral, 400VAC.
Output terminals: Three-Phase measurement output terminals with neutral, 400VAC.
Communication port Rs485.
Supply terminals: Nominal Voltage: 230VAC.
Fuses: Line fuses 3x10A.
Digital Outputs: Three digital outputs for pulses or alarms, or for combining either.
Network Analyzer:
It allows to measure the voltage, currents, active power, reactive power, frequencies, energies per phases, armonics, etc.
Navigation Joystick: It allows us to navigate with different analyzer parameters.
This element allows us to preselect different standard measurements:
Position 1: Measurement of phase voltage.
Position 2: Measurement of line currents.
Position 3: Measurement of line powers.
N-CFP. Advanced Power Factor Controller Module.

Automatic power factor controller module.

Four quadrants regulation.
FCP System (fast computerized program).
Compensation stages: 6 relay outputs.
LCD display with three digits and more than 20 icons to indicate different operation conditions.
ON-OFF switch.
Page 55







N-PLC03. PLC03 Control Module.

PLC Siemens.
Communications connector SUB-D 62 pin.
ON-OFF switch
2 x Fuses 2A.
N-CAR19T4D. Three-Phase Digital Capacitor Banks Module.

Three-phase digital banks of commutable capacitors module.

Three-phase commutable capacitor banks:6x(3x7uF).
Signals connector.
N-CAR36T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable Inductances Module.

Three-phase digital banks of commutable inductances module.

Three load slide commutators.
3 x three-phase commutable inductance banks:3x(3x1,4 H).
Local/Remote control switch.
ON-OFF switch.
Communications connector SUB-D 62 pin.
N-CAR35T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank Resistors Module.

Three-phase digital bank of commutable resistors module.

Three load slide commutators.
Three-phase commutable resistor banks:3x150 ohms (1000W, 2000W, 3000W).
Local/Remote control switch.
ON-OFF switch.
Communications connector SUB-D 62 pin.
N-CAR19T3D. Three-Phase Digital Bank of Commutable Capacitors Module.

Three-phase digital banks of commutable capacitors module.

Three load slide commutators.
3 x three-phase commutable capacitor banks:3x(3x7uF).
Local/Remote control switch.
ON-OFF switch.
Communications connector SUB-D 62 pin.
N-ERP-MA01. Feeder Management Relay Module.

The main functions:

Four levels of Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent Element (50P).
Four levels of Negative-Sequence Overcurrent Element (50Q).
Four levels of Residual Overcurrent Element (50G).
Four levels of Neutral Overcurrent Element (50G).
Two levels of Phase Time-Overcurrent Element (51P).
Two levels of Residual Time-Overcurrent Element (51G).
Two levels of Ground Time-Overcurrent Element (51G).
One level of Negative-Sequence Time-Overcurrent Element (51Q).
Phase to Ground Overvoltage (59G).
Phase to Phase Overvoltage (59P).
Negative-Sequence Overvoltage (59Q).
Residual Overvoltage (59G).
Phase to Ground Undervoltage (27G).
Phase to Phase Undervoltage (27P).
Six levels of Secure Overfrequency (81O).
Six levels of Secure Underfrequency (81U).
Two levels of Negative Power Flow with Definite Time Delay (32).
Two levels of Positive Power Flow with Definite Time Delay (32).
Station Battery Monitor.
Breaker Wear Monitoring.
Synchrophasor Protocol.
Peak Demand and Demand Metering.
Creating fault and disturbance records.
Accuracy: +- 10%. Current: 5 A (A. C.) Frequency: 50 or 60 Hz
Operating time: typically 10 ms to 25 ms.
Page 56







N-ERP-MF01. Digital Fault Simulator Module.

Faults injection module.

Preselector of kind of fault:
Three-Phase short circuit.
Two-phase short circuit.
Two-phase to ground short circuit.
Single-phase short circuit.
Local/Remote control switch.
ON-OFF switch.
Terminal connections.
Signals connector SUB-D 62 pins.
SCADA (Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition).


Local control:
1.- Opening and closing basic maneuvers of isolator switches and
circuit breaker of distribution substation.

10.- Remote measurement of all electrical parameters of load distribution


2.- Real time measurements of all electrical parameters of the

distribution systems.

11.- Remotely control of short circuits in different points of the load power
a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with and
without contact impedance.

3.- Studying of short circuits in different points of load power system:

a. Symmetric short circuits: three-phase short circuits with and
without contact impedance.

b. Asymmetric faults:
i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.

b. Asymmetric faults:

ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without contact


i. Two-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.

ii. Two-phase to ground shortcircuit with and without contact
iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact
4.- Recording the evolution of voltage and current phasors during short
circuit for further analysis.
5.- Studying in depth of feeder protection relay.
Remote control (with SCADA System):

iii.Single-phase short circuit with and without contact impedance.

12.- Recording the evolution of voltage and current phasors during short
circuit for further analysis.
13.- Studying in depth of feeder protection relay.
14.- Automatic power factor compensation in function on the demanded
reactive energy.

6.- Supervision, Control and Data Acquisition of all electrical

parameters of the load distribution system.
7.- Remote control of the demanded active power.
8.- Remote control of the demanded inductive reactive power.
9.- Remote control of the demanded capacitive reactive power.

*Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvements of the product.

C/ Del Agua, 14. Polgono Industrial San Jos de Valderas.

28918 LEGANS. (Madrid). SPAIN.
Phone: 34-91-6199363 FAX: 34-91-6198647
E-mail: edibon@edibon.com WEB site: www.edibon.com
Issue: ED01/16
Date: April/2016

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