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Mecc Alte Ratings Book

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Ratings Definitions 6
Dynamic Data Support 6
Environmental Considerations 7

ECO & ECP Brushless Alternators

with AVR 50 or 60Hz 1Phase or 3Phase
4 Pole Industrial | ECO & ECP /4

4 Pole 50Hz Ratings

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 400V 50Hz 1500rpm 9
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 380V 50Hz 1500rpm 10
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415V 50Hz 1500rpm 11
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415V 50Hz 1500rpm - Broad Voltage 12
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 440V 50Hz 1500rpm 13
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-1pf Reconnected Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm 14
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-0.8pf Reconnected Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm 15
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-1pf Dedicated Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm 16
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-0.8pf Dedicated Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm 17

4 Pole 60Hz Ratings

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 480V 60Hz 1800rpm 18
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 460V 60Hz 1800rpm 19
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 440V 60Hz 1800rpm 20
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415V 60Hz 1800rpm 21
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415V 60Hz 1800rpm - Broad Voltage 22
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 400V 60Hz 1800rpm 23
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 380V 60Hz 1800rpm 24
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph Dedicated 380V 60Hz 1800rpm 25
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph Dedicated 600V 60Hz 1800rpm 26
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph Dedicated 690V 60Hz 1800rpm 27
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-1pf Reconnected Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm 28
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-0.8pf Reconnected Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm 29
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-1pf Dedicated Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm 30
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph-0.8pf Dedicated Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm 31

ECO & ECP Brushless Alternator

with AVR 50 or 60Hz 1Phase or 3Phase
4 Pole Marine | ECO & ECP
For marine Alternator Range please refer to Marine Brochure

Power Products Brushless Alternator

with AVR
1-5,000kVA | Medium or High Voltage
For Power Products Alternator Range please refer to Power Products Quick Selection Guide
Contents (Continued)

LT3N Brus hless Alternators

with Capacitor 50 or 60Hz 1Phase
Lighting Tower | LT3N
LT3N Lighting Tower Style 2 and 4 pole 32

NPE Brushless Alternators

with AVR 50 or 60Hz 1Phase or 3Phase
Space Saver | NPE
NPE Alternator Range 4 Pole 33
NPE Alternator Range 2 Pole 34

TE34 IP54 Brushless Alternators with AVR 50 or 60Hz

Totally Enclosed | TE34
Totally Enclosed Alternators 35

400Hz Brushless Alternators with

AVR 50 or 60Hz 1Phase or 3Phase
400Hz | HC
HC Alternator 14/20/24 Pole 400Hz 36

ECO & ECP Brushless Alternators

with AVR 50 or 60Hz 1Phase or 3Phase
2 Pole Industrial | ECO ECP /2
2 Pole Industrial Ratings 37

S15, S16 & S20 Brushless Alternators with Capacitor and

Optional AVR or Brushed with AVR, 50 or 60Hz
2 Pole Portable 1Ph | S15, S16, S20 | ES16W, ES16F, ES20
2 Pole Portable Ratings Single Phase 38

T16 & T20 Brushed Alternators with Transformer

or Brushed with AVR, 50 or 60Hz
2 Pole Portable 3Ph | T16, T20 | ET16F, ET20F
2 Pole Portable Ratings Three Phase 39
Contents (Continued)

Additional Information
Wiring Connection Diagram 40
SAE Coupling and Mounting Guide 42
Rating Definitions
Standby Rating Prime Rating
Standby Rating is selected for supplying emergency Prime Rating is the maximum power available at a
power for the duration of normal power interruption. variable load for an unlimited number of hours: it
Overload on this rating is not allowed. allows the possibility of a 10% overload.

From the generator point of view, if the emergency This is equivalent to Prime Power in accordance
power is required continuously for more than one with ISO8528 and Overload Power in accordance
hour sizing is in accordance with 150°/40° or 163°/27° with ISO3046, AS2789, DIN6271, and BS5514. From
conditions. Also, if the overload duration is less than one the generator point of view, it is sized according to
hour, then the generator accepts 10% overload above the class B, F, H temperature rise requirements or
Prime Ratings for 125°/40° or the 125°/27° ratings. 125°/27° rating.

In the ‘Ratings Book’ you can find ratings for: In the ‘Ratings Book’ you can find ratings for:
150°/40°: Peak continuous ratings according to 80°/40°: this condition is equivalent to Class B
ISO8528-3. temperature rise. 10% overload on 1 hour over 6
hours is allowed.
163°/27°: Emergency peak continuous rating, not
defined in ISO specification. Suitable for stand-by 105°/40°: this condition is equivalent to Class F
sizing only. temperature rise. 10% overload on 1 hour over 6
hours is allowed.
The ratings are then suitable for supplying continuous
electrical power, at variable load, for the duration 125°/40°: this condition is equivalent to Class H
of any utility power failure. These ratings allow temperature rise. 10% overload on 1 hour over 6
temperature to rise above the temperature rise class hours is allowed.
H limit which can result in a shorter insulation life.
The 10% overload is not available at these ratings.
125°/27°: ratings at this condition are equivalent to
those listed for the 150°/40° condition if not listed.
10% overload on 1 hour over 6 hours is allowed.

We suggest that customers contact the local

Mecc Alte Sales representative for guidance on
generator selection.

Dynamic Data Support

Please note, for the very latest ratings, you are advised After selecting your chosen data, the data is
to go to the Mecc Alte website www.meccalte.com. automatically calculated and you are emailed
a customised data sheet showing performance
Here you will find our dynamic technical data sheet at your specified variants.
builder, where you can create your own bespoke data
sheet. Following a simple step-by-step process, you
can get the information in a format that matches your
application and requirement. Picking from a number
of variances, you are guided through selection of:

Frequency Ambient Temperature

Winding Temperature Rise

Phase Number Altitude

Voltage International Protection

(IP) Level
Environmental Considerations

Altitude Derations/Environmental
Temperature & Altitude

Environmental Concerns

Humidity & Moisture

Temperature and Altitude

Temperature and altitude – individually or combined, The chart below gives the recommended amount to
adjust for the higher temperatures.
Temperature may be considered as both the air inlet
Higher altitudes also require a derate, specifically when
to the generator and also the ambient air around the
it exceeds 3300 ft., or 1000 Meters. Again, please refer
generator. When the ambient air or air entering the
to the Altitude Deration Chart below to determine the
generator exceeds 40ºC, or 104º F, it becomes necessary
necessary derate.
to derate the output of the generator.

Ambient Temperature ( C)0

Altitude (meters) 25 40 45 50 55 60
≤ 1000 1.07 1 .96 .93 .91 .89
> 1000 ≤ 1500 1.01 .96 .92 .89 .87 .84
> 1500 ≤ 2000 .96 .91 .87 .84 .83 .79
> 2000 ≤ 3000 .90 .85 .81 .78 .76 .73
> 3000 ≤ 4000 .84 .78 .75 .73 .70 .68
> 4000 ≤ 5000 .78 .72 .69 .67 .65 .62
> 5000 ≤ 6000 .70 .65 .63 .61 .58 .55

Environmental Concerns
Generators are often exposed to harmful airborne impregnation technologies, like Vacuum Pressure
pollutants, like sand and saltwater which may require Impregnation (VPI) or with the use of dedicated roll
some form of protection to reduce or eliminate these and dip or trickle machines. This impregnation quality
harmful agents. Common elements like dirt, gravel or process is perfect for the vast majority of applications,
rock dust can create abrasive and potentially damaging however in order to achieve the same results in
insulation reliability when environmental or operating
conditions are demanding, it is possible to consider
extend the life of the protective insulation, it may be
Mecc Alte. Please refer to our separate Technical guide:
manufacture. It is also extremely important to recognize Insulation Protection Systems for further guidance
on our; standard, standard+, grey, grey+ and total+
through the generator and create additional heat in the systems. Please note on some specific models a slight
windings. It is also important to understand that the use power de-rate is considered when the total systems are
of filters requires a strict maintenance regime. applied.
Mecc Alte uses premium class H insulation material. Please consult your Mecc Alte Representative for
Impregnation processes are achieved with the latest application reviews and recommendations.

Humidity and Moisture

Another common enemy of the insulation system is and operating conditions with proper ventilation are
high humidity, salt air and moisture. While the windings both important considerations when determining what
are certainly protected against these conditions, space protection is required. Once again, please consult your
heaters can be added insurance to promote long life Mecc Alte Representative for assistance in selecting
and trouble free operation. The location of the unit proper protection and modifications.

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 7

Environmental Considerations

Altitude Derations/Environmental
Ingress Protection IP Ratings

International Protection IP Ratings

However, when protecting against ingress, the airflow
Upgrades are available such as IP23+, or upwards; in fact, and cooling is impacted, so for IP45 the following derates
the whole 4 pole industrial range can be upgraded to can be considered:
IP45 with the fitting of additional IP filter kits.


ECP3 1S4 C 0.846 ECP34 1S4 C 0.765 ECO43 1S4 A 0.775
ECP3 2S4 C 0.812 ECP34 2S4 C 0.809 ECO43 2S4 A 0.785
ECP3 1L4 C 0.818 ECP34 1M4 C 0.8 ECO43 1M4 A 0.780
ECP3 2L4 C 0.815 ECP34 2M4 C 0.8 ECO43 2M4 A 0.774
ECP3 3L4 C 0.8 ECP34 1L4 C 0.8 ECO43 2L4 A 0.77
ECP28 1VS4 C 0.846 ECP34 2L4 C 0.781 ECO43 VL4 A 0.77
ECP28 2VS4 C 0.845 ECO38 1S4 C 0.805 ECO46 1S4 A 0.733
ECP28 1S4 C 0.852 ECO38 2S4 C 0.8 ECO46 1.5S4 A 0.733
ECP28 2S4 C 0.852 ECO38 1M4 C 0.8 ECO46 2S4 A 0.722
ECP28 3S4 C 0.853 ECO38 2M4 C 0.8 ECO46 1L4 A 0.729
ECP28 M4 C 0.85 ECO38 1L4 C 0.8 ECO46 1.5L4 A 0.72
ECP28 L4 C 0.84 ECO38 2L4 C 0.8 ECO46 2L4 A 0.7
ECP28 VL4 C 0.8 ECO40 1S4 C 0.825 ECO46 VL4 A 0.714
ECP32 1S4 C 0.829 ECO40 2S4 C 0.822
ECP32 2S4 C 0.8 ECO40 3S4 C 0.82
ECP32 1M4 C 0.8 ECO40 1L4 C 0.818
ECP32 2M4 C 0.841 ECO40 2L4 C 0.768
ECP32 1L4 C 0.8 ECO40 3L4 C 0.735
ECP32 2L4 C 0.8 ECO40 VL4 C 0.735

The coefficients in the above table have to be intended as a reference; for the exact values of power please refer to DDS.
Please consult your nearest Mecc Alte representative for any rating clarification.

IP23 IP23+ IP43 IP45


8 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 400V 50Hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 400 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7 6.8 6.5 6 5.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 8.8 8.3 8 7.5 6.4
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 11.8 11.4 11 10 8.8
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 14.5 14 13.5 12.5 10.8
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 16 15.5 15 14 12
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.2 7.7 7.5 6.7 6
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11 10.3 10 9.1 8
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 13.7 13 12.5 11.6 10
50 ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C

ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 22 20.5 20 18.5 16
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 27.5 25.5 25 23 20
3 ph ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 33 30.5 30 26 24

/ 400
ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 41 39 37.5 35 30
ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 50 48.7 45 41 36

/ 230
12 ECP32 1M4 C
ECP32 2M4 C
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 82.5 78 75 67 60

/ 200
ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 91 85 82.5 73.2 66
ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 96 93 87.5 79 70
1500 ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 110 105 100 90 80

RPM ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 137 132 125 112 100
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 148 143 135 121 108
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 165 158 150 136 120
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 181 174 165 149 132
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 196 188 180 170 144
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 220 211 200 185 160
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 250 237 225 207 180
DER2 ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 275 264 250 230 200
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 330 315 300 275 240
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 370 360 350 320 280
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 440 417 400 370 320
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 491 468 450 410 360
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 546 521 500 450 400
ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 601 567 550 500 440
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 675 645 625 564 500

All machines have ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 735 700 680 630 544
an auxiliary winding ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 825 777 750 690 600
/ 800

‘standard’ with 300% ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 900 860 820 750 655
short circuit capability. ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1016 975 930 850 744
/ 460

Indicated rating ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1125 1070 1025 950 820
references to series or ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1250 1200 1150 1050 920
parallel star connection ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1420 1358 1300 1200 1040
/ 400

as per published table. ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1540 1500 1400 1280 1120
On ECO40, ECO43 and ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1650 1552 1500 1350 1200
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1800 1700 1650 1480 1320
parallel configurations

ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 1944 1863 1800 1600 1440

are available on specific
request: consult a Mecc ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2268 2173 2100 1900 1680
Alte representative for ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2500 2380 2300 2050 1840
more information. ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2700 2588 2500 2250 2000
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3024 2899 2800 2500 2240

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 9

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 380V 50Hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 380 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7 6.8 6.5 6 5.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 8.8 8.3 8 7.5 6.4
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 11.8 11.4 11 10 8.8 STANDARD WINDING

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 14.5 14 13.5 12.5 10.8

ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 16 15.5 15 14 12
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.2 7.7 7.5 6.7 6
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11 10.3 10 9.1 8 4 POLE

ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 13.7 13 12.5 11.6 10

ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C


ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 22 20.5 20 18.5 16

ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 27.5 25.5 25 23 20
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 33 30.5 30 26 24 3 ph

/ 380
ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 41 39 37.5 35 30 THREE PHASE

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 50 48.7 45 41 36

/ 220
ECP32 1M4 C
ECP32 2M4 C
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 82.5 78 75 67 60

/ 190

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 91 85 82.5 73.2 66

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 96 93 87.5 79 70
ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 110 105 100 90 80 1500

ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 137 132 125 112 100 RPM

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 148 143 135 121 108

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 165 158 150 136 120
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 176 169 160 144 128
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 196 188 180 170 144

ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 220 211 200 185 160

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 250 237 225 207 180 AVR

ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 275 264 250 230 200 DER2
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 330 315 300 275 240
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 370 360 350 320 280
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 440 417 400 370 320
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 491 468 450 410 360

ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 546 521 500 450 400

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 601 567 550 500 440
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 675 654 625 564 500

ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 735 700 680 630 544

ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 825 777 750 690 600 All machines have
/ 760

ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 900 860 820 750 655 an auxiliary winding
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1016 975 930 850 744 ‘standard’ with 300%
short circuit capability.
/ 440

ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1038 992 950 870 760

ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1250 1200 1150 1050 920 Indicated rating
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1420 1358 1300 1200 1040 references to series or
/ 380

ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1540 1500 1400 1280 1120 parallel star connection
ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1650 1552 1500 1350 1200 as per published table.
On ECO40, ECO43 and
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1800 1700 1650 1480 1320

ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 1944 1863 1800 1600 1440

parallel configurations
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2268 2173 2100 1900 1680 are available on specific
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2500 2380 2300 2050 1840 request: consult a Mecc
ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2700 2588 2500 2250 2000 Alte representative for
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 2916 2795 2700 2400 2160 more information.

10 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415V 50Hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 415 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7 6.8 6.5 6 5.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 8.8 8.3 8 7.5 6.4
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 11.8 11.4 11 10 8.8
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 14.5 14 13.5 12.5 10.8
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 16 15.5 15 14 12
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.2 7.7 7.5 6.7 6
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11 10.3 10 9.1 8
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 13.7 13 12.5 11.6 10

50 ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C

ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 22 20.5 20 18.5 16
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 27.5 25.5 25 23 20
3 ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 33 30.5 30 26 24

/ 415

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 41 39 37.5 35 30


ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 46 45 42 39 34

/ 240
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 55 52.5 50 48 40
12 ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 68.8 65 62.5 59.5 50
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 82.5 78 75 67 60

/ 208

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 91 85 82.5 73.2 66

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 96 93 87.5 79 70
1500 ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 110 105 100 90 80

RPM ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 137 132 125 112 100
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 148 143 135 121 108
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 165 158 150 136 120
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 181 174 165 149 132
VOLTAGE REGULATOR ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 196 188 180 170 144
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 220 211 200 185 160
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 250 237 225 207 180
DER2 ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 275 264 250 230 200
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 330 315 300 275 240
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 370 360 350 320 280
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 440 417 400 370 320
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 491 468 450 410 360
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 546 521 500 450 400
ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 590 557 540 490 432
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 675 645 625 564 500

All machines have ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 735 700 680 630 544
an auxiliary winding ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 825 777 750 690 600
/ 830

‘standard’ with 300% ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 900 860 820 750 655
short circuit capability. ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1016 975 930 850 744
/ 480

Indicated rating ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1125 1070 1025 950 820
references to series or ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1140 1096 1050 960 840
parallel star connection ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1420 1358 1300 1200 1040
/ 415

as per published table. ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1540 1500 1400 1280 1120
On ECO40, ECO43 and ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1650 1552 1500 1350 1200
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1800 1700 1650 1480 1320

parallel configurations
ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 1944 1863 1800 1600 1440
are available on specific
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2268 2173 2100 1900 1680
request: consult a Mecc
Alte representative for ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2500 2380 2300 2050 1840
more information. ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2700 2588 2500 2250 2000
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 2916 2795 2700 2400 2160

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 11

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415 50Hz 1500rpm - Broad Voltage

4 Pole | 50Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 380-400-415 | Standard Winding - Broad Voltage - 12 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7 6.8 6.5 6 5.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 8.8 8.3 8 7.5 6.4
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 11.8 11.4 11 10 8.8 BROAD VOLTAGE

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 14.5 14 13.5 12.5 10.8

ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 16 15.5 15 14 12
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.2 7.7 7.5 6.7 6
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11 10.3 10 9.1 8 4 POLE

ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 13.7 13 12.5 11.6 10

ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 22 20.5 20 18.5 16
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 27.5 25.5 25 23 20
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 33 30.5 30 26 24 3 ph

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 41 39 37.5 35 30

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 46 45 42 39 34
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 55 52.5 50 48 40
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 68.8 65 62.5 59.5 50 12
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 82.5 78 75 67 60 TWELVE WIRE

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 91 85 82.5 73.2 66

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 96 93 87.5 79 70
ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 110 105 100 90 80 1500
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 137 132 125 112 100 RPM

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 148 143 135 121 108

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 165 158 150 136 120
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 181 174 165 149 132 DIGITAL

ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 196 188 180 170 144 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 220 211 200 185 160

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 250 237 225 207 180
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 275 264 250 230 200 DER2
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 330 315 300 275 240 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 370 360 350 320 280

ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 440 417 400 370 320
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 491 468 450 410 360
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 546 521 500 450 400 BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 590 557 540 490 432

ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 675 645 625 564 500
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 735 700 680 630 544
All machines have
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 825 777 750 690 600 an auxiliary winding
ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 900 860 820 750 655 ‘standard’ with 300%
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1016 975 930 850 744 short circuit capability.
ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1125 1070 1025 950 820
Indicated rating
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1140 1096 1050 960 840 references to series or
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1420 1358 1300 1200 1040 parallel star connection
ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1540 1500 1400 1280 1120 as per published table.
ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1650 1552 1500 1350 1200 On ECO40, ECO43 and
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1800 1700 1650 1480 1320
ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 1944 1863 1800 1600 1440 parallel configurations
are available on specific
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2268 2173 2100 1900 1680
request: consult a Mecc
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2500 2380 2300 2050 1840 Alte representative for
ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2700 2588 2500 2250 2000 more information.
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 2916 2795 2700 2400 2160

12 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 440V 50hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 3Phase


RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 5.9 5.6 5.5 5 4.4
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 7.4 7 6.8 6.4 5.4
STANDARD WINDING ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 9.6 9.4 9 8 7.2
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 11.8 11.4 11 10 8.8
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 12.8 12.4 12 10.5 9.6
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR – – – – –
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR – – – – –
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR – – – – –

50 ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C






ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 20.4 19 18.5 17.5 14.8
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR – – – – –
3 ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR – – – – –

/ 440

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 33 31.6 30 28 24

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 37.5 36 34 33 27

/ 254
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 44 42 40 38 32
12 ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 52 49.5 47.5 42.6 38
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 77 73 70 62 56

/ 220

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 85 79 77 68 62

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 79 77 72 65 58
1500 ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 88 86 80 72 64

ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 117 112 106 96 85
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 125 120 114 103 91
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 137 131 125 113 100
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 170 163 155 139 124
VOLTAGE REGULATOR ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 180 173 165 155 132
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 209 200 190 175 152
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 234 221 210 190 168
DER2 ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 253 243 230 215 184
VOLTAGE REGULATOR ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 319 305 290 265 232
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 360 350 340 310 272
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 404 386 370 342 296
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 393 375 360 330 288
BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 503 479 460 414 368
ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 546 515 500 454 400
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 616 588 570 515 456

ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 560 535 520 483 416

All machines have
an auxiliary winding ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 740 700 680 630 544
/ 880

‘standard’ with 300% ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 825 800 760 690 615
short circuit capability. ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 907 870 830 770 664
/ 508

ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1093 1044 1000 910 800

Indicated rating
references to series or ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 983 940 900 820 720
parallel star connection ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1349 1290 1235 1140 988
/ 440

as per published table. ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A – – – – –

On ECO40, ECO43 and ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1400 1340 1300 1170 1040
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1620 1545 1500 1360 1200

parallel configurations ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 1720 1650 1600 1440 1280
are available on specific
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 1990 1900 1850 1660 1480
request: consult a Mecc
Alte representative for ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2375 2275 2200 1950 1760
more information. ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2450 2350 2280 2050 1824
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 2150 2060 2000 1780 1600

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 13

AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Reconnected Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 1Phase | 1 P.F.

Voltage: 220/230/240 | Standard Winding - Reconnected - 12 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 1.0 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 5 4.8 4.6 4.3 3.7
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 6.4 6 5.8 5.7 4.6

ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 8.5 8.2 8 7.3 6.4

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 10 9.8 9.6 8.9 7.7
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 10.7 10.3 10 9.1 8
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 4.9 4.6 4.5 4.1 3.6 4 POLE

ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 7.1 6.7 6.5 6 5.2

ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 8.7 8.2 8 7.3 6.4
ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 10.9 10.3 10 9.3 8


ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 12.5 11.8 11.5 10.7 9.2
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 14.7 14 13.5 12.3 10.8
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 18 16.7 16.5 15.1 13.2 1 ph

ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 22.3 21 20.5 18.3 16.4 SINGLE PHASE

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 25 24 23 22 18.4

ECP32 2S4 C
ECP32 1M4 C
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 38 37 35 32.2 28 TWELVE WIRE

ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 47 44 43 40 34.4

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 49 46 45 42 36 1500
ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 64 60 59 55 47

ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 68 64 62 56 50

ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 76 72 70 64 56
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 81 76 74 68 59 DIGITAL

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 90 85 83 74 66 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 99 93 90.5 81 72

ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 95 89 87 78 70
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 100 90 88 81 71 DER2
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 125 115 111 100 88
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 135 125 122 109 97
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 150 140 136 123 108
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 170 160 156 140 125

ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 211 207 196 180 156

ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 237 232 220 204 176

ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 302 285 276 246 221

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 315 307 292 266 233
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 335 320 310 280 248
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 360 345 335 310 268
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 470 450 435 366 348

All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
The Weights are the same as the ‘standard’ 3 phase Models.
Ratings with damper cage.
Consult Factory to choose for your application.

14 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Reconnected Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 1Phase | 0.8 P.F.

Voltage: 220/230/240 | Standard Winding - Reconnected - 12 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 4.6 4.3 4.2 3.9 3.4
STANDARD WINDING ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 5.8 5.5 5.3 4.9 4.2
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 7.5 7.1 6.9 6.3 5.5
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 9.3 8.8 8.5 7.9 6.8
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 9.8 9.2 9 8 7.2
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 4.5 4.2 4.1 3.7 3.3
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 6.4 6.1 5.9 5.4 4.7
50 ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 7.8 7.4 7.2 6.6 5.8
HERTZ ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 9.8 9.3 9 8.4 7.2


ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 11.3 10.7 10.4 9.7 8.3
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 13.3 12.7 12.2 11.1 9.8
1 ph
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 16.2 15.1 14.9 13.6 11.9
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 20 19 18.5 16.5 14.8
ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 22 21 20 19 16
12 ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 25.5 24 23.5 22.5 18.8
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 28 27 26 25 20.8
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 34 33 31 28.5 25
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 42.5 40 39 36 31
1500 ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 43.5 41 40 37 32
RPM ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 58 54 53 49 42
ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 61 58 56 51 45
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 69 65 63 58 50
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 73 69 67 62 54

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 82 77 75 67 60

ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 88 83 81 72 65
AVR ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 85 80 78 70 62
VOLTAGE REGULATOR ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 88 83 81 75 65
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 110 105 101 91 81
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 119 112 109 97 87
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 131 124 120 109 96
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 148 139 136 122 109
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 199 193 183 168 146
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 232 225 213 198 170

ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 287 272 263 234 210

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 300 289 275 251 220
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 316 299 290 262 232
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 339 320 311 288 249
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 412 391 378 318 302

All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
The Weights are the same as the ‘standard’ 3 phase Models.
Ratings with damper cage.
Consult Factory to choose for your application.

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 15

AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Dedicated Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 1Phase | 1 P.F.

Voltage: 230 | Dedicated Winding - 4 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 1.0 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 4 DSR 5.4 5.1 5 4.6 4
ECP3 2S4 C 65 4 DSR 6.6 6.2 6 5.6 4.8 DEDICATED WINDING

ECP3 1L4 C 79 4 DSR 9.1 8.8 8.5 7.7 6.8

ECP3 2L4 C 87 4 DSR 10.7 10.3 10 9.3 8
ECP3 3L4 C 93 4 DSR 11.7 11.3 11 9.8 8.8

ECP28 1VS4 C 73 4 DSR 5.5 5.1 5 4.5 4

ECP28 2VS4 C 79 4 DSR 7.6 7.2 7 6.4 5.6
ECP28 1S4 C 87 4 DSR 9.3 8.7 8.5 7.7 6.8 50
ECP28 2S4 C 91 4 DSR 11.4 10.8 10.5 9.8 8.4 HERTZ

ECP28 3S4 C 97 4 DSR 13.6 12.8 12.5 11.7 10

ECP28 M4 C 106 4 DSR 15.8 14.8 14.5 13.2 11.6
ECP28 L4 C 122 4 DSR 19.6 18.3 18 16.3 14.4
1 ph

ECP28 VL4 C 142 4 DSR 24 22.6 22 20 17.6 SINGLE PHASE

ECP32 1S4 C 153 4 DSR 31 29 28 26.5 22

ECP32 2S4 C 165 4 DSR 35 33 32 29.4 26 4
ECP32 1M4 C 186 4 DSR 39 37 36 34.5 29 FOUR WIRE

ECP32 2M4 C 212 4 DSR 44 41 40 38 32

ECP32 1L4 C 244 4 DSR 50 47 46 41 37
ECP32 2L4 C 252 4 DSR 52 49 48 45 38 1500
ECP34 1S4 C 302 4 DSR 71 67 65 61 52 RPM

ECP34 2S4 C 349 4 DSR 76 73 70 64 56

ECP34 1M4 C 370 4 DSR 85 81 78 71 62 DIGITAL

ECP34 2M4 C 388 4 DSR 87 83 80 73 64


ECP34 1L4 C 423 4 DSR 90 85 83 76 66

ECP34 2L4 C 440 4 DSR 100 94 91.5 84 73

All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability. BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC

Consult Factory to choose for your application.

Ratings with damper cage.
For different nominal voltages please consult Factory.

16 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Dedicated Winding 230V 50Hz 1500rpm

4 Pole | 50Hz | 1Phase | 0.8 P.F.

Voltage: 230 | Dedicated Winding - 4 Lead
RPM: 1500
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 4 DSR 5 4.6 4.5 4.2 3.6
DEDICATED WINDING ECP3 2S4 C 65 4 DSR 6 5.6 5.4 5 4.3
ECP3 1L4 C 79 4 DSR 8 7.7 7.5 6.9 6
ECP3 2L4 C 87 4 DSR 9.7 9.3 9 8.4 7.2
ECP3 3L4 C 93 4 DSR 10.7 10.3 10 9.2 8

ECP28 1VS4 C 73 4 DSR 4.9 4.6 4.5 4 3.6

ECP28 2VS4 C 79 4 DSR 6.5 6.2 6 5.5 4.8
50 ECP28 1S4 C 87 4 DSR 8.4 7.9 7.7 7 6.2
HERTZ ECP28 2S4 C 91 4 DSR 10.4 9.8 9.5 9 7.6
ECP28 3S4 C 97 4 DSR 12.3 11.6 11.3 10.6 9
ECP28 M4 C 106 4 DSR 14.2 13.3 13 12 10.4
1 ph
ECP28 L4 C 122 4 DSR 17.7 16.4 16.2 14.8 13
ECP28 VL4 C 142 4 DSR 22 20.5 20 18 16
ECP32 1S4 C 153 4 DSR 24 23 22 20 18
4 ECP32 2S4 C 165 4 DSR 28.3 27 26 24 21
ECP32 1M4 C 186 4 DSR 32.7 30.4 30 28 24
ECP32 2M4 C 212 4 DSR 37.1 35 34 30 27
ECP32 1L4 C 244 4 DSR 45.8 43 42 39 34
1500 ECP32 2L4 C 252 4 DSR 48 45 44 41 35
ECP34 1S4 C 302 4 DSR 63 60 58 53 46
ECP34 2S4 C 349 4 DSR 73 69 67 61 54
ECP34 1M4 C 370 4 DSR 76 72 70 64 56
ECP34 2M4 C 388 4 DSR 78 74 72 66 58

ECP34 1L4 C 423 4 DSR 82 77 75 69 60

ECP34 2L4 C 440 4 DSR 93 87 85 78 68

BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
Consult Factory to choose for your application.
Ratings with damper cage.
For different nominal voltages please consult Factory.

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 17

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 480V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 480 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 8.4 8 7.8 7.2 6.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 10.5 10 9.6 9 7.7
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 14.3 13.8 13.2 12 10.6 STANDARD WINDING

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 17.5 16.9 16.2 15 13

ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 19.3 18.8 18 16.5 14.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 9.9 9.3 9 8.2 7.2
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 13.2 12.4 12 10.9 9.6

ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 16.5 15.5 15 13.9 12

ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C


ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 26.4 24.6 24 22 19.2

ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 33 30.6 30 27.5 24

/ 480
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 39.6 36.6 36 32 29 ph

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 49.5 47 45 43 36


ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 59 57 54 52 43.2

/ 277
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 66 63 60 58 48
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 82.5 77.5 75 71.5 60 12

/ 240
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 99 93.7 90 83 72 TWELVE WIRE

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 110 102 100 92 80

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 115 111 105 95 84

ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 132 126 120 109 96
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 165 159 150 135 120 RPM

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 178 172 162 146 130

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 198 189 180 163 144
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 218 208 198 178 158
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 236 230 220 205 176 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 264 253 240 220 192

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 300 284 270 250 216
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 330 316 300 280 240 DER2
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 396 378 360 330 288 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 444 438 420 385 336

ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 525 500 480 440 384
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 590 563 540 490 432
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 656 625 600 540 480 BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 722 680 660 600 528

ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 810 775 750 677 600

ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 882 840 816 756 653

ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 970 925 900 830 720 All machines have
/ 960

ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 1080 1030 985 900 790 an auxiliary winding
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1220 1170 1116 1020 893 ‘standard’ with 300%
short circuit capability.
/ 554

ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1365 1300 1250 1140 1000

ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1525 1450 1400 1300 1120 Indicated rating
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1700 1630 1560 1440 1248 references to series or
/ 480

ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1824 1765 1700 1540 1360 parallel star connection
ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1944 1875 1800 1620 1440 as per published table.
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 2140 2040 1980 1780 1584 On ECO40, ECO43 and

ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2332 2236 2160 1920 1728

parallel configurations
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2722 2608 2520 2280 2016 are available on specific
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2980 2860 2760 2460 2208 request: consult a Mecc
ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 3240 3105 3000 2700 2400 Alte representative for
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3683 3529 3410 3050 2728 more information.

18 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 460V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 460 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 8.4 8 7.8 7.2 6.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 10.5 10 9.6 9 7.7
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 14.3 13.8 13.2 12 10.6
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 17.5 16.9 16.2 15 13
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 19.3 18.8 18 16.5 14.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 9.9 9.3 9 8.2 7.2
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 13.2 12.4 12 10.9 9.6
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 16.5 15.5 15 13.9 12

60 ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C

ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 26.4 24.6 24 22 19.2
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 33 30.6 30 27.5 24
3 ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 39.6 36.6 36 32 29

/ 460

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 49.5 47 45 43 36


ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 59 57 54 52 43.2

/ 266
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 66 63 60 58 48
12 ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 82.5 77.5 75 71.5 60
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 99 93.7 90 83 72

/ 230

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 110 102 100 92 80

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 115 111 105 95 84
1800 ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 132 126 120 109 96

RPM ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 165 159 150 135 120
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 178 172 162 146 130
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 198 189 180 163 144
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 218 208 198 178 158
VOLTAGE REGULATOR ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 236 230 220 205 176
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 264 253 240 220 192
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 300 284 270 250 216
DER2 ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 330 316 300 280 240
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 396 378 360 330 288
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 444 438 420 385 336
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 525 500 480 440 384
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 590 563 540 490 432
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 656 625 600 540 480
ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 722 680 660 600 528
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 810 775 750 677 600

All machines have ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 882 840 816 756 653
an auxiliary winding ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 970 925 900 830 720
/ 920

‘standard’ with 300% ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 1080 1030 985 900 790
short circuit capability. ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1220 1170 1116 1020 893
/ 530

Indicated rating ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1290 1227 1180 1080 944
references to series or ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1525 1450 1400 1300 1120
parallel star connection ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1700 1630 1560 1440 1248
/ 460

as per published table. ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1824 1765 1700 1540 1360
On ECO40, ECO43 and ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1944 1875 1800 1620 1440
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 2140 2040 1980 1780 1584

parallel configurations
ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2332 2236 2160 1920 1728
are available on specific
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2722 2608 2520 2280 2016
request: consult a Mecc
Alte representative for ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2980 2860 2760 2460 2208
more information. ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 3240 3105 3000 2700 2400
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3575 3426 3310 2980 2648

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 19

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 440V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 440 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 8.4 8 7.8 7.2 6.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 10.5 10 9.6 9 7.7
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 14.3 13.8 13.2 12 10.6 STANDARD WINDING

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 17.5 16.9 16.2 15 13

ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 19.3 18.8 18 16.5 14.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 9.3 8.7 8.5 7.5 6.8
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 12.4 11.6 11.3 10 9 4 POLE

ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 15.3 14.3 13.9 12.5 11.1

ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C

ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 25.3 23.6 23 20 18.4
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 30.3 28 27.5 25.5 22

/ 440
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 39.6 36.6 36 32 29 ph

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 47 45 43 41 34.4


ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 55 53 50 48 40

/ 254
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 66 63 60 58 48
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 80 74 72.5 70 58 12

/ 220
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 90 86 82 80 65.6 TWELVE WIRE

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 106 98 96 89 76.8

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 115 111 105 95 84

ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 132 126 120 109 96
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 154 147 140 125 112 RPM

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 165 159 150 135 120

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 187 178 170 150 136
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 210 201 191 165 153
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 236 230 220 205 176 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 264 253 240 220 192

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 300 284 270 250 216
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 330 316 300 280 240 DER2
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 374 357 340 310 272 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 444 438 420 385 336

ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 492 469 450 410 360
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 557 532 510 460 408
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 634 604 580 520 464 BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 669 649 630 570 504

ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 762 730 705 636 564

ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 843 803 780 720 624 All machines have
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 970 925 900 830 720 an auxiliary winding
/ 880

ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 1080 1030 985 900 790 ‘standard’ with 300%
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1159 1111 1060 969 850 short circuit capability.
/ 508

ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1200 1144 1100 1000 880 Indicated rating
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1420 1357 1300 1200 1040 references to series or
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1618 1550 1482 1368 1186 parallel star connection
/ 440

ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1824 1765 1700 1540 1360 as per published table.
ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1847 1770 1710 1530 1368 On ECO40, ECO43 and
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 2030 1936 1880 1690 1504

parallel configurations
ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2213 2122 2050 1820 1640
are available on specific
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2582 2473 2390 2150 1912
request: consult a Mecc
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2829 2715 2620 2330 2096 Alte representative for
ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 3067 2939 2840 2550 2272 more information.
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3375 3234 3125 2800 2500

20 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 415 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7.5 7.2 7 6.5 5.6
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 9.8 9.4 9 7.5 7.2
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 12.9 12.4 12 11 9.6
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 15.1 14.6 14 12.5 11.2
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 17.1 16.7 16 14.5 12.8
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.8 8.3 8 7.2 6.4
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11.5 10.7 10.5 9.5 8.4
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 14.3 13.3 13 12 10.4
60 ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C


ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 23.1 21.5 21 19 16.8

ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 28.6 26.5 26 24 20.8
3 ph ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 36.3 33.5 33 29 26.4

/ 415
ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 43.5 42 39.5 37 31.6

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 52 50 47 43 37.6

/ 240
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 60.5 58 55 53 44
12 ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 76 71 69 63 55.2
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 86 81 78 73 62.4

/ 208

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 97 90 88 81 70.4

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 108 104 98 88 78
1800 ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 120 114 110 99 88

RPM ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 143 137 130 116 104
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 154 148 140 125 112
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 165 158 150 132 120
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 187 179 170 155 136
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 225 220 210 195 168
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 253 242 230 210 184
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 289 274 260 240 208
DER2 ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 319 305 290 270 232
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 358 341 325 300 260
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 402 391 380 350 304
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 459 438 420 383 336
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 524 500 480 435 384
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 590 563 540 484 432
ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 623 587 570 515 456
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 720 688 665 605 532

ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 778 741 720 665 576

All machines have ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 930 885 860 790 688
/ 830

an auxiliary winding ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 990 945 900 820 720
‘standard’ with 300% ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1115 1069 1020 935 816
/ 480

short circuit capability. ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1147 1117 1050 960 840
Indicated rating ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1300 1250 1200 1090 960
references to series or ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1585 1516 1451 1339 1161
/ 415

parallel star connection ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1736 1680 1600 1450 1280
as per published table. ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1728 1656 1600 1440 1280
On ECO40, ECO43 and ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1870 1782 1730 1570 1384

ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2116 2028 1950 1750 1560

parallel configurations
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2480 2370 2300 2070 1840
are available on specific
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2613 2508 2420 2150 1936
request: consult a Mecc
Alte representative for ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2920 2800 2700 2430 2160
more information. ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3136 3007 2900 2600 2320

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 21

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 415V 60hz 1800rpm – Broad Voltage

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 415-440-460-480 | Standard Winding - Broad Voltage - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7.5 7.2 7 6.5 5.6
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 9.8 9.4 9 7.5 7.2
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 12.9 12.4 12 11 9.6 BROAD VOLTAGE

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 15.1 14.6 14 12.5 11.2

ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 17.1 16.7 16 14.5 12.8
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.8 8.3 8 7.2 6.4
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11.5 10.7 10.5 9.5 8.4
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 14.3 13.3 13 12 10.4
ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C

ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 23.1 21.5 21 19 16.8

ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 28.6 26.5 26 24 20.8
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 36.3 33.5 33 29 26.4 3 ph

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 43.5 42 39.5 37 31.6 THREE PHASE

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 52 50 47 43 37.6

ECP32 1M4 C
ECP32 2M4 C
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 86 81 78 73 62.4 TWELVE WIRE

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 97 90 88 81 70.4

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 108 104 98 88 78
ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 120 114 110 99 88 1800
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 143 137 130 116 104 RPM

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 154 148 140 125 112

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 165 158 150 132 120
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 187 179 170 155 136
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 225 220 210 195 168 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 253 242 230 210 184

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 289 274 260 240 208
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 319 305 290 270 232 DER2
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 358 341 325 300 260 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 402 391 380 350 304

ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 459 438 420 383 336
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 524 500 480 435 384
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 590 563 540 484 432 BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 623 587 570 515 456

ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 720 688 665 605 532
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 778 741 720 665 576
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 930 885 860 790 688 All machines have
ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 990 945 900 820 720 an auxiliary winding
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1115 1069 1020 935 816 ‘standard’ with 300%
ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1147 1117 1050 960 840 short circuit capability.
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1300 1250 1200 1090 960 Indicated rating
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1585 1516 1451 1339 1161 references to series or
ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1736 1680 1600 1450 1280 parallel star connection
ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1728 1656 1600 1440 1280 as per published table.
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1870 1782 1730 1570 1384 On ECO40, ECO43 and
ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2116 2028 1950 1750 1560
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2480 2370 2300 2070 1840 parallel configurations
are available on specific
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2613 2508 2420 2150 1936
request: consult a Mecc
ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2920 2800 2700 2430 2160 Alte representative for
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3136 3007 2900 2600 2320 more information.

22 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 400V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 400 | Standard Winding - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7.3 7.1 6.8 6.2 5.4
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 9.3 8.9 8.5 7.8 6.8
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 12.4 11.9 11.5 10.5 9.2
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 14.8 14.3 13.8 12.6 11
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 16.6 16 15.5 14.2 12.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.6 8 7.8 7 6.2
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11.2 10.5 10.2 9.3 8.1
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 14.1 13.1 12.8 12.1 10.2
60 ECP28 2S4 C
ECP28 3S4 C

ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 22.5 20.9 20.5 19 16.4
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 28 26 25.5 23.5 20.4
3 ph ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 34.6 32.4 31.5 27.3 25.2

/ 400
ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 41 39 37.5 35 30

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 50 49 45 41 36

/ 230
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 55 53 50 48 40
12 ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 68.8 65 62.5 58 50
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 82.5 80 75 67 60

/ 200

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 95 89 86 77 68.8

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 99 96 90 82 72
1800 ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 115 109 105 95 84

RPM ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 143 137 130 117 104
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 154 148 140 126 112
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 170 163 155 140 124
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 187 178 170 155 136
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 212 204 195 185 156
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 235 224 213 197 170
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 265 252 240 220 192
DER2 ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 297 284 270 250 216
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 345 330 315 290 252
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 408 388 370 340 296
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 448 427 410 375 328
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 513 490 470 430 376
All machines have
an auxiliary winding ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 569 540 520 465 416
‘standard’ with 300% ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 623 587 570 515 456
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 708 678 655 600 524

short circuit capability.

ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 768 731 710 650 568
Indicated rating
references to series or ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 885 844 820 755 656
/ 800

parallel star connection ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 955 910 870 800 700
as per published table. ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1071 1027 980 900 784
/ 460

On ECO40, ECO43 and ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1173 1124 1075 985 860
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1310 1254 1200 1100 960
parallel configurations ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1497 1430 1370 1256 1096
are available on specific
/ 400

ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1556 1505 1450 1325 1160

request: consult a Mecc
Alte representative for ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1707 1641 1580 1450 1313
more information. ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1852 1761 1710 1570 1368

ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2054 1967 1900 1720 1520

Consult factory for
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2373 2276 2200 2000 1760
transient response
performances as they may ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2578 2470 2385 2120 1908
vary from the published ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2810 2690 2600 2380 2080
data at this rating. ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3136 3007 2900 2600 2320

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 23

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph 380V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 380 | Standard Winding - 12 Leads
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 7 6.8 6.5 6 5.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 8.8 8.3 8 7.3 6.4
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 11.8 11.4 11 10 8.8 STANDARD WINDING

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 14.5 14 13.5 12.3 10.8

ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 16 15.5 15 13.7 12
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 8.2 7.8 7.5 6.7 6
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 11 10.3 10 9.1 8 4 POLE

ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 13.7 12.9 12.5 11.6 10

ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 16.5 15.4 15 14.1 12

ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 19.3 18 17.5 16.5 14
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 22 20.5 20 18.5 16
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 27.5 25.5 25 23 20

/ 380
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 33 31 30 26 24 3 ph

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 41 39 37 35 29.6

/ 220

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 48 47 44 40 35.2

ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 55 53 50 48 40
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 68 64 62 57 49.6 12

/ 190
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 82.5 80 75 67 60 TWELVE WIRE

ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 91 86 83 75 66.4

ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 96 93 88 79 70

ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 110 105 100 90 80 1800
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 137 132 125 113 100 RPM

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 148 143 135 122 108

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 165 158 150 136 120
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 181 174 165 149 132
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 196 188 180 170 144 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 220 211 200 185 160

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 250 237 225 207 180
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 275 263 250 230 200 DER2
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 330 315 300 275 240 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 370 360 350 320 280

ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 448 427 410 375 328
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 502 480 460 421 368
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 558 531 510 467 408 BRUSHLESS ELECTRONIC

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 613 577 560 513 448

ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 686 657 635 580 508

ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 746 710 690 632 552

ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 824 785 763 700 610 All machines have
/ 760

ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 920 880 840 765 670 an auxiliary winding
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1038 996 950 871 760 ‘standard’ with 300%
/ 440

ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1140 1093 1045 957 836 short circuit capability.
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1278 1223 1170 1072 936 Indicated rating
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1442 1379 1320 1210 1056 references to series or
/ 380

ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1502 1453 1400 1280 1120 parallel star connection
ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1675 1610 1550 1420 1240 as per published table.
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 1830 1740 1690 1550 1350 On ECO40, ECO43 and

ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2000 1915 1850 1705 1480

parallel configurations
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2330 2235 2160 1980 1730
are available on specific
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2540 2435 2350 2155 1880 request: consult a Mecc
ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2780 2660 2570 2355 2060 Alte representative for
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3080 2950 2850 2550 2280 more information.

24 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph Dedicated Winding 380V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 380 | Special Winding - Dedicated - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 8.4 8 7.8 7.2 6.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 10.5 10 9.6 9 7.7
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 14.3 13.8 13.2 12 10.6
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 17.5 16.9 16.2 15 13
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 19.3 18.8 18 16.5 14.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 9.9 9.3 9 8.2 7.2
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 13.2 12.4 12 10.9 9.6
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 16.5 15.5 15 13.9 12
ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 19.8 18.5 18 16.8 14.4
ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 23 21.6 21 19.6 16.8
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 26.4 24.6 24 22 19.2
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 33 30.6 30 27.5 24
60 ECP28 VL4 C
ECP32 1S4 C

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 59 57 54 52 43.2

ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 66 63 60 58 48
3 ph ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 82.5 77.5 75 71.5 60
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 99 93.7 90 83 72
ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 110 102 100 92 80

12 ECP34 1S4 C
ECP34 2S4 C
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 165 159 150 135 120
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 178 172 162 146 130
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 198 189 180 163 144
1800 ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 218 208 198 178 158
RPM ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 236 230 220 205 176
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 264 253 240 220 192
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 300 284 270 250 216
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 330 316 300 280 240
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 396 378 360 330 288
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 444 438 420 385 336
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 525 500 480 440 384
DER2 ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 590 563 540 490 432
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 656 625 600 540 480
ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 690 650 630 573 504
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 810 775 750 677 600
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 882 840 816 756 653

ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 970 925 900 830 720

ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 1050 1008 960 875 768
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1220 1170 1116 1020 893
ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1365 1300 1250 1140 1000
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1442 1380 1320 1200 1056
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1700 1630 1560 1440 1248
ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1717 1660 1600 1450 1280
All machines have
an auxiliary winding ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1944 1875 1800 1620 1440
‘standard’ with 300% ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 2055 1960 1900 1710 1520
short circuit capability. ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2160 2070 2000 1780 1600
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2700 2590 2500 2265 2000
These are ‘special’
custom build machines. ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A - - - - -
Check factory for ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 2915 2795 2700 2430 2160
delivery lead times. ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A – – – – –

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 25

AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph Dedicated 600V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 600 | Special Winding - Dedicated - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 8.4 8 7.8 7.2 6.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 10.5 10 9.6 9 7.7
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 14.3 13.8 13.2 12 10.6 DEDICATED WINDING

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 17.5 16.9 16.2 15 13

ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 19.3 18.8 18 16.5 14.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 9.9 9.3 9 8.2 7.2
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 13.2 12.4 12 10.9 9.6 SPECIAL WINDING

ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 16.5 15.5 15 13.9 12

ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 19.8 18.5 18 16.8 14.4
ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 23 21.6 21 19.6 16.8
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 26.4 24.6 24 22 19.2 4 POLE

ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 33 30.6 30 27.5 24

ECP32 1S4 C

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 59 57 54 52 43.2

ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 66 63 60 58 48
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 82.5 77.5 75 71.5 60 3 ph

ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 99 93.7 90 83 72


ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 110 102 100 92 80

ECP34 1S4 C 12 DSR 115
ECP34 2S4 C
349 12 DSR 132
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 165 159 150 135 120 TWELVE WIRE

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 178 172 162 146 130

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 198 189 180 163 144
ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 218 208 198 178 158 1800
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 236 230 220 205 176 RPM

ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 264 253 240 220 192

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 300 284 270 250 216
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 308 295 280 260 224
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 396 378 360 330 288 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 444 438 420 385 336

ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 525 500 480 440 384
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 590 563 540 490 432 DER2
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 656 625 600 540 480 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 722 680 660 600 528

ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 810 775 750 677 600
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 809 772 770 713 616
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 892 843 820 756 656
ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 1050 1008 960 875 768
ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1220 1170 1116 1020 893 All machines have
an auxiliary winding
ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1365 1300 1250 1140 1000
‘standard’ with 300%
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1525 1450 1400 1300 1120 short circuit capability.
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1700 1630 1560 1440 1248
ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1920 1766 1680 1525 1344 ECO46: Refer To
Factory before ordering
ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1836 1760 1700 1530 1360
to assure winding is
ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 2140 2040 1980 1780 1584
available at 600 Volts
ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2332 2236 2160 1920 1728 at the indicated rating.
ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2560 2453 2370 2145 1896
These are ‘special’
ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2980 2860 2760 2460 2208
custom build machines.
ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 3240 3105 3000 2700 2400 Check factory for
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3683 3529 3410 3050 2728 delivery lead times.

26 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 3ph Dedicated 690 V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 690 | Special Winding - Dedicated - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 0.8 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 8.4 8 7.8 7.2 6.2
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 10.5 10 9.6 9 7.7
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 14.3 13.8 13.2 12 10.6
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 17.5 16.9 16.2 15 13
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 19.3 18.8 18 16.5 14.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 9.9 9.3 9 8.2 7.2
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 13.2 12.4 12 10.9 9.6
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 16.5 15.5 15 13.9 12
ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 19.8 18.5 18 16.8 14.4
ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 23 21.6 21 19.6 16.8

ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 26.4 24.6 24 22 19.2

ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 33 30.6 30 27.5 24
60 ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 39.6 36.6 36 32 29
ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 49.5 47 45 43 36
ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 59 57 54 52 43.2
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 66 63 60 58 48
3 ph
ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 82.5 77.5 75 71.5 60
ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 99 93.7 90 83 72
ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 110 102 100 92 80

12 ECP34 1S4 C
ECP34 2S4 C
TWELVE WIRE ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 165 159 150 135 120
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 178 172 162 146 130
ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 198 189 180 163 144
1800 ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 218 208 198 178 158
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 236 230 220 205 176
ECO38 2S4 C 573 12 DSR 264 253 240 220 192
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 300 284 270 250 216
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 330 316 300 280 240
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 396 378 360 330 288
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 444 438 420 385 336
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 525 500 480 440 384
DER2 ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 590 563 540 490 432
ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 656 625 600 540 480
ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 722 680 660 600 528
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 810 775 750 677 600
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 882 840 816 756 653

ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 970 925 900 830 720

All machines have
ECO43 1S4 A 1920 12 DER-1/A 1050 1008 960 875 768
an auxiliary winding
‘standard’ with 300% ECO43 2S4 A 2140 12 DER-1/A 1220 1170 1116 1020 893
short circuit capability. ECO43 1M4 A 2275 12 DER-1/A 1365 1300 1250 1140 1000
ECO43 2M4 A 2370 12 DER-1/A 1525 1450 1400 1300 1120
ECO46: Refer To
ECO43 2L4 A 2700 12 DER-1/A 1700 1630 1560 1440 1248
Factory before ordering
to assure winding is ECO43 VL4 A 2980 12 DER-1/A 1920 1766 1680 1525 1344
available at 690 Volts ECO46 1S4 A 3005 12 DER-1/A 1836 1760 1700 1530 1360
at the indicated rating. ECO46 1.5S4 A 3375 12 DER-1/A 2140 2040 1980 1780 1584
ECO46 2S4 A 3560 12 DER-1/A 2332 2236 2160 1920 1728
These are ‘special’
custom build machines. ECO46 1L4 A 3805 12 DER-1/A 2592 2484 2400 2171 1920
Check factory for ECO46 1.5L4 A 4255 12 DER-1/A 2980 2860 2760 2460 2208
delivery lead times. ECO46 2L4 A 4375 12 DER-1/A 3240 3105 3000 2700 2400
ECO46 VL4 A 5120 12 DER-1/A 3456 3312 3200 2862 2560

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 27

AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Reconnected Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 1Phase | 1 P.F.

Voltage: 220/230/240 | Standard Winding - Reconnected - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 1.0 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 5.3 5 4.8 4.4 3.8
ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 6.8 6.4 6.2 5.8 5 STANDARD WINDING

ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 9 8.5 8.2 7.5 6.6

ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 10.7 10 9.8 9 7.8
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 11.5 10.8 10.5 9.6 8.4
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 5.5 5.1 5 4.5 4
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 7.6 7.2 7 6.4 5.6
ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 9.3 8.7 8.5 7.8 6.8 60
ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 11.4 10.8 10.5 9.6 8.4 HERTZ


ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 13.1 12.3 12 11 9.6
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 15.3 14.5 14 13 11.2
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 18.5 17.6 17 15 13.6
1 ph

ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 23 22 21 19.5 16.8 SINGLE PHASE

ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 26 25 24 23 19.2

ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 29 28 27 26 22 12
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 33 32 30 29 24 TWELVE WIRE

ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 39 37.8 36 33 29

ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 49 47 45 42 36
ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 51 49 47 44 38 1800
ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 63 60 58 55 46 RPM

ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 66 63 61 56 49

ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 75 71 69 62 55 DIGITAL

ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 80 75 73 66 58


ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 89 85 82 74 66

ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 97 91 89 81 71
ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 95 88 86 78 69 AVR
ECO38 2S4 C 560 12 DSR 97 91 88 80 70 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 118 114 110 100 88

ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 130 124 120 108 96
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 148 141 135 123 108
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 170 160 155 140 124
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 210 206 195 179 155
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 236 230 219 203 175

ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 300 283 275 245 220

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 313 305 290 264 232
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 330 315 305 275 244
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 350 340 330 307 264
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 430 410 400 375 320

All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
The Weights are the same as the ‘standard’ 3 phase Models.
Ratings with damper cage.
Consult Factory to choose for your application.

28 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Reconnected Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 1Phase | 0.8 P.F.

Voltage: 220/230/240 | Standard Winding - Reconnected - 12 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 1.0 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 12 DSR 4.8 4.6 4.4 4 3.5
STANDARD WINDING ECP3 2S4 C 65 12 DSR 6.2 5.9 5.7 5.3 4.6
ECP3 1L4 C 79 12 DSR 8.2 7.8 7.5 6.9 6
ECP3 2L4 C 87 12 DSR 9.5 8.9 8.7 8 7
ECP3 3L4 C 93 12 DSR 10.5 9.9 9.6 8.8 7.7
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 12 DSR 4.9 4.6 4.5 4.1 3.6
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 12 DSR 6.9 6.5 6.3 5.8 5
60 ECP28 1S4 C 87 12 DSR 8.4 7.9 7.7 7.1 6.2
HERTZ ECP28 2S4 C 91 12 DSR 10.4 9.7 9.5 8.7 7.6


ECP28 3S4 C 97 12 DSR 11.8 11.1 10.8 9.9 8.6
ECP28 M4 C 106 12 DSR 13.7 13.1 12.6 11.7 10.1
1 ph
ECP28 L4 C 122 12 DSR 16.7 15.8 15.3 13.5 12.2
ECP28 VL4 C 142 12 DSR 20.6 19.8 18.9 17.6 15.1
ECP32 1S4 C 153 12 DSR 23.4 22 21.5 20 17
12 ECP32 2S4 C 165 12 DSR 27 25.4 24.5 23 19.6
ECP32 1M4 C 186 12 DSR 29.4 28 27 26 21.6

ECP32 2M4 C 212 12 DSR 35 33.5 32 29 25.6

ECP32 1L4 C 244 12 DSR 44 42 40.5 38 32
1800 ECP32 2L4 C 252 12 DSR 47 45 43 40 34
RPM ECP34 1S4 C 302 12 DSR 57 54 52 49 41.6
ECP34 2S4 C 349 12 DSR 60 57 55 50 44
ECP34 1M4 C 370 12 DSR 68 64 62 56 49.6
ECP34 2M4 C 388 12 DSR 72 68 66 60 52.8

ECP34 1L4 C 423 12 DSR 81 77 74 67 59.2

ECP34 2L4 C 440 12 DSR 87 82 80 73 64
AVR ECO38 1S4 C 530 12 DSR 85 80 78 71 62
VOLTAGE REGULATOR ECO38 2S4 C 560 12 DSR 87 83 80 73 64
ECO38 1M4 C 602 12 DSR 109 104 100 91 80
ECO38 2M4 C 692 12 DSR 118 112 108 97 86
ECO38 1L4 C 790 12 DSR 130 124 119 108 95
ECO38 2L4 C 930 12 DSR 148 140 136 123 109
ECO40 1S4 C 1049 12 DER-1/A 201 194 184 169 147
ECO40 2S4 C 1133 12 DER-1/A 231 223 212 197 170

ECO40 3S4 C 1208 12 DER-1/A 286 270 262 233 210

ECO40 1L4 C 1323 12 DER-1/A 296 286 272 248 218
ECO40 2L4 C 1458 12 DER-1/A 312 295 286 258 229
ECO40 3L4 C 1536 12 DER-1/A 335 316 307 286 246
ECO40 VL4 C 1752 12 DER-1/A 416 392 382 358 306

All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
The Weights are the same as the ‘standard’ 3 phase Models.
Ratings with damper cage.
Consult Factory to choose for your application.

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 29

AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Dedicated Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 1Phase | 1 P.F.

Voltage: 240 | Dedicated Winding - 4 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 1.0 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 4 DSR 6.2 6.1 6 5.6 4.8
ECP3 2S4 C 65 4 DSR 7.8 7.7 7.5 7.1 6 DEDICATED WINDING

ECP3 1L4 C 79 4 DSR 10.5 10.3 10 9.2 8

ECP3 2L4 C 87 4 DSR 12.5 12.4 12 11.1 9.6
ECP3 3L4 C 93 4 DSR 14.1 13.9 13.5 12.5 10.8
ECP28 1VS4 C 73 4 DSR 6.5 6.1 6 5.5 4.8
ECP28 2VS4 C 79 4 DSR 9.3 8.7 8.5 7.7 6.8
ECP28 1S4 C 87 4 DSR 11.4 10.8 10.5 9.5 8.4 60
ECP28 2S4 C 91 4 DSR 13.6 12.8 12.5 11.6 10 HERTZ

ECP28 3S4 C 97 4 DSR 16.4 15.4 15 13.9 12

ECP28 M4 C 106 4 DSR 18.5 17.3 17 15.9 13.6
ECP28 L4 C 122 4 DSR 24 22.3 22 20.4 17.6
1 ph

ECP28 VL4 C 142 4 DSR 27.3 25.7 25 22 20 SINGLE PHASE

ECP32 1S4 C 153 4 DSR 39 37 36 34.5 29

ECP32 2S4 C 165 4 DSR 45 42 41 39 33 4
ECP32 1M4 C 186 4 DSR 48 45 44 42 35 FOUR WIRE

ECP32 2M4 C 212 4 DSR 52 50 48 45.5 38

ECP32 1L4 C 244 4 DSR 60 57 55 52 44
ECP32 2L4 C 252 4 DSR 63 60 58 55 46 1800
ECP34 1S4 C 302 4 DSR 85 80 78 73 62 RPM

ECP34 2S4 C 349 4 DSR 92 87 84 76 67

ECP34 1M4 C 370 4 DSR 105 99 96 88 77 DIGITAL

ECP34 2M4 C 388 4 DSR 107 101 98 90 78


ECP34 1L4 C 423 4 DSR 109 103 100 92 80

ECP34 2L4 C 440 4 DSR 122 115 112 102 90


All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
Consult Factory to choose for your application.
Ratings with damper cage.
For different nominal voltages please consult Factory.

30 | www.meccalte.com
AVR Controlled Ratings 1ph Dedicated Winding 240V 60Hz 1800rpm

4 Pole | 60Hz | 1Phase | 0.8 P.F.

Voltage: 240 | Dedicated Winding - 4 Lead
RPM: 1800
Insulation: Class H

kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C / 1.0 PF

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 163/27 150/40 125/40 [H] 105/40 [F] 80/40 [B]
ECP3 1S4 C 59 4 DSR 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.1 4.4
DEDICATED WINDING ECP3 2S4 C 65 4 DSR 7.2 6.7 6.5 6 5.2
ECP3 1L4 C 79 4 DSR 9.7 9.3 9 8.3 7.2
ECP3 2L4 C 87 4 DSR 11.6 11.2 10.8 10.1 8.6
ECP3 3L4 C 93 4 DSR 12.8 12.8 12 11.2 9.6

ECP28 1VS4 C 73 4 DSR 5.6 5.2 5.1 4.6 4.1

ECP28 2VS4 C 79 4 DSR 8.1 7.6 7.4 6.7 5.9
60 ECP28 1S4 C 87 4 DSR 10.1 9.5 9.3 8.5 7.4
HERTZ ECP28 2S4 C 91 4 DSR 12.3 11.6 11.3 10.9 9
ECP28 3S4 C 97 4 DSR 14.7 13.9 13.5 13 10.8
ECP28 M4 C 106 4 DSR 17.1 16 15.7 14.4 12.6
1 ph
ECP28 L4 C 122 4 DSR 20.7 19.3 19 17.4 15.2
ECP28 VL4 C 142 4 DSR 24 22.6 22 20 17.6
ECP32 1S4 C 153 4 DSR 30.5 29 28 26 22
4 ECP32 2S4 C 165 4 DSR 38.2 36 35 32 28
ECP32 1M4 C 186 4 DSR 41.4 39 38 34 30
ECP32 2M4 C 212 4 DSR 45.8 43 42 36 34
ECP32 1L4 C 244 4 DSR 54.5 52 50 47 40
1800 ECP32 2L4 C 252 4 DSR 58.9 55 54 51 43
ECP34 1S4 C 302 4 DSR 76 72 70 65 56
ECP34 2S4 C 349 4 DSR 88 84 81 73 65
ECP34 1M4 C 370 4 DSR 94 89 86 78 69
ECP34 2M4 C 388 4 DSR 96 91 88 80 70

ECP34 1L4 C 423 4 DSR 98 93 90 83 72

ECP34 2L4 C 440 4 DSR 110 104 101 92 81

All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
Consult Factory to choose for your application.
Ratings with damper cage.
For different nominal voltages please consult Factory.

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 31

LT3N Lighting Tower Style 2 and 4 Pole

2/4 Pole | 50/60Hz | 1Phase

Voltage: 230/115; 240/120 - 4 Lead
RPM: 1500/1800
Insulation: Class H

4 Pole kVA @ 230/115V, 50Hz, 1.0 pf

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LENGTH (mm) 125/40 105/40 80/40 Eff %

LT3N-75/4 32 248 3.5 3.2 2.8 75.8
LT3N-100/4 38 273 4.5 4.1 3.6 76.5

LT3N-110/4 40 283 5 4.6 4 76.8

LT3N-130/4 46 303 6 5.5 4.8 77.5
LT3N-160/4 55 333 8 7.3 6.4 78.0

4 Pole kVA @ 240/120V, 60Hz, 1.0 pf 50

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LENGTH (mm) 125/40 105/40 80/40 Eff % 60
LT3N-75/4 32 248 4.5 4.1 3.6 76.5
LT3N-100/4 38 273 6 5.5 4.8 77.5
LT3N-110/4 40 283 6.5 6 5.2 78.0 1 ph

LT3N-130/4 46 303 7.5 6.9 6 78.6 SINGLE PHASE

LT3N-160/4 55 333 10 9.2 8 79.2

2 Pole kVA @ 230/115V, 50Hz, 1.0 pf FOUR WIRE

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LENGTH (mm) 125/40 105/40 80/40 Eff %

LT3N-100/2 40 273 7 6.4 5.6 79.8
LT3N-130/2 49 303 10 9.2 8 80.2 RPM

2 Pole kVA @ 240/120V, 60Hz, 1.0 pf

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LENGTH (mm) 125/40 105/40 80/40 Eff % BRUSHLESS CAPACITOR

LT3N-100/2 40 273 8.4 7.7 6.7 80.3

LT3N-130/2 49 303 12 11 9.6 80.7

Brushless capacitor excited machines specifically for Metal Halide light tower lamps.
For custom voltages or non-standard lamp striking voltages, please refer to Factory.

32 | www.meccalte.com
NPE Alternator Range 4 Pole | Brushless AVR - Space Saver

4 Pole | 50/60Hz | 1 & 3Phase

Voltage: Various
RPM: 1500/1800
Insulation: Class H

3Phase kVA 115/200/230/400V 50 Hz, 0.8pf kVA 138/240/277/480V 60 Hz, 0.8pf

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS 163/27 150/40 125/40 105/40 80/40 163/27 150/40 125/40 105/40 80/40
NPE32 1S4 C 77 12 8.8 8.3 8 7.8 6.4 11 10.6 10 9.3 8
NPE32 2S4 C 83 12 12.1 11.6 11 10 8.8 14.3 13.8 13 11.6 10.4
NPE32 1M4 C 98 12 17.6 16.7 16 14.8 12.8 20.9 19.9 19 17.2 15.2
NPE32 2M4 C 109 12 22 20.9 20 18.2 16 26.4 24.9 24 21.7 19.2

NPE32 L4 C 120 12 27.5 26.2 25 23 20 34.1 32.5 31 28.5 24.8
NPE32 VL4 C 145 12 38.5 36.4 35 31.8 28 46.2 43.7 42 38.3 33.6
60 1Phase (Dedicated Winding) kVA 115/230V 50 Hz, 1.0pf kVA 120/240V 60 Hz, 1.0pf

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS 163/27 150/40 125/40 105/40 80/40 163/27 150/40 125/40 105/40 80/40
NPE32 1S4 C 77 12 6.5 6.3 6 5.8 4.8 8.7 8.3 8 7.6 6.4
1 ph
NPE32 2S4 C 83 12 9.8 9.4 9 8.6 7.2 12 11.5 11 10.5 8.8
NPE32 1M4 C 98 12 14.7 14.3 13.5 13 10.8 18 17.3 16.5 15.9 13.2
NPE32 2M4 C 109 12 18.5 17.9 17 16.4 13.6 22.9 22.2 21 19.8 16.8
3 ph NPE32 L4 C 120 12 21.8 21.1 20 18.9 16 27.3 26.1 25 23.9 20
NPE32 VL4 C 145 12 29.4 28.8 27 25.2 21.6 35.4 34.3 32.5 30.7 26

1500 1Phase (Re-connected) kVA 220V/230V/240V 50 Hz, 1.0pf kVA 220V/230V/240V 60 Hz, 1.0pf
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS 163/27 150/40 125/40 105/40 80/40 163/27 150/40 125/40 105/40 80/40
NPE32 1S4 C 77 12 5.5 5.3 5 4.5 4 7.1 6.9 6.5 5.9 5.2
NPE32 2S4 C 83 12 7.6 7.5 7 6.3 5.6 8.7 8.4 8 7.2 6.4
NPE32 1M4 C 98 12 12 11.5 11 9.8 8.8 14.2 13.6 13 11.7 10.4
NPE32 2M4 C 109 12 14.7 14.2 13.5 12.2 10.8 18.5 17.9 17 15.3 13.6
NPE32 L4 C 120 12 18 17.2 16.5 14.9 13.2 21.8 20.8 20 18 16
4 NPE32 VL4 C 145 12 24 22.8 22 19.8 17.6 27.3 26 25 22.5 20

All the generators on this page come ‘standard’ with the DSR AVR.

For other combinations of voltages/frequencies please consult our online DDS system.




Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 33

NPE Alternator Range 4 Pole | Brushless AVR - Space Saver

2 Pole | 50/60Hz | 1 & 3Phase

Voltage: Various
RPM: 3000/3600
Insulation: Class H

3Phase kVA 115/200/230/400V 50 Hz, 0.8pf kVA 138/240/277/480V 60 Hz, 0.8pf

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS 125/40 105/40 125/40 105/40
NPE32 1M2 C 90 12 13.5 12.3 16.5 15
NPE32 2M2 C 102 12 21 19 25.5 23 2 POLE

NPE32 L2 C 120 12 26 23.8 31.5 29

NPE32 1VL2 C 134 12 32 28.8 38.4 35


1Phase (Dedicated Winding) kVA 115/230V 50 Hz, 1.0pf kVA 120/240V 60 Hz, 1.0pf 50
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS 125/40 105/40 125/40 105/40 60
NPE32 1M2 C 88 4 12 11 14.4 13.2 HERTZ

NPE32 2M2 C 100 4 15 13.6 18 16.3

NPE32 L2 C 118 4 21 19 25.2 23 1 ph

NPE32 1VL2 C 132 4 25 23 30 27.5 SINGLE PHASE

1Phase (Re-connected) kVA 220V/230V/240V 50 Hz, 1.0pf kVA 220V/230V/240V 60 Hz, 1.0pf
3 ph

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS 125/40 125/40
NPE32 1M2 C 90 12 9 11
NPE32 2M2 C 102 12 14 16.8
NPE32 L2 C 120 12 17.3 21 RPM

NPE32 1VL2 C 134 12 21.3 25.5




All the generators on this page come ‘standard’ with the DSR AVR. 12




34 | www.meccalte.com
Totally Enclosed Alternators

4 Pole | 50/60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: Various - 12 Lead
RPM: 1500/1800
Insulation: Class H

Railroad Duty Alternators Typical Mechanical and Electrical Specification

Mecc Alte has been building Railroad Duty alternators for Insulation System and mechanical reinforcement:
over two decades. Designed and manufactured to meet
harsh environmental demands for line haul locomotives Stator treatments can include additional mechanical
and switching applications. bracing, additional lacing on the end turns; VPI
treatment, black severe environment protection on
Our rugged insulation system, with our unique,
overcoat of black severe environment protection, the windings.
provides unparalleled mechanical strength and superior Rotor treatments can include VPI application(s),
protection against airborn rail dust, oil and grease. closer machining tolerances on the rotor shaft with
Our TE (Totally Enclosed), pre-engineered generators shrink collars to prevent core pack movement.
(some are listed below) are becoming the standard for
other harsh environmental applications, which include
Special Lead termination and configurations (long
leads, bus bars, etc.) as well as special cable glands,
platforms on two continents. cooling fans, adaptors and mounting reinforcement.

kVA @ 50Hz Temp. Rise/Amb. C/ 0.8PF

115 / 200 / 230 / 400 V
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 125/40 105/40 80/40 95/50
TE34-1S/4 310 12 UVR6 50 45 40 42
50 TE34-2S/4 376 12 UVR6 60 54 48 50
60 TE34-1L/4 396 12 UVR6 70 63 56 58

TE34-2L/4 430 12 UVR6 80 72 64 67

3 ph

kVA @ 60Hz Temp. Rise/Amb. C/ 0.8PF
138 / 240 / 276 / 480 V
1500 MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR 125/40 105/40 80/40 95/50
1800 TE34-1S/4 310 12 UVR6 60 54 48 50
TE34-2S/4 376 12 UVR6 72 65 57.5 60
TE34-1L/4 396 12 UVR6 84 76 67 70
12 TE34-2L/4 430 12 UVR6 96 87 77 80

Consult Factory for pricing.

DIGITAL Above generators are built to IP55 standards.
Custom engineered models are available to fit special applications. Consult Factory.


Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 35

HC Alternator 14/20/24/26 Pole 400Hz

14/20/24/26 Pole | 400Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: 115/200 – 208 - 6 /12 Lead
RPM: 3428/2400/2000/1848
Insulation: Class H

Multi-Pole | 400Hz kVA @ Temp. Rise / Ambient C

MODEL WEIGHT (kg) LEADS AVR RPM 125/40 105/40

HCP3 1S14 49 6 UVR6/H 3428 5.5 5
HCP3 2S14 54 6 UVR6/H 3428 7 6.5 MULTI POLE

HCP3 3S14 61 6 UVR6/H 3428 9 8.5

HCP3 2L14
HCP3 3L14

HCP32 1S20 A** 187 12 UVR6/H 2400 45 40

HCP32 2S20 A**
HCP32 2L20 A**
HCP32 3L20 A** 300 12 UVR6/H 2400 70 65 TWELVE WIRE

HCP34 1S20 A 318 12 UVR6/H 2400 75 70

HCP34 2S20 A 345 12 UVR6/H 2400 95 85 6
HCP34 3S20 A 380 12 UVR6/H 2400 125 115

HCP34 1L20 A 430 12 UVR6/H 2400 150 135

HCP34 1S24 A* 346 12 UVR6/H 2000 60 55
HCP34 2S24 A* 420 12 UVR6/H 2000 90 80
HCP34 2L24 A* 502 12 UVR6/H 2000 125 110 VOLTAGE REGULATOR

HCO38 2S26 A* 540 6 UVR6/H 1848 90 85

HCO38 3S26 A* 629 6 UVR6/H 1848 120 110 3 ph

HCO38 1L26 A* 790 6 UVR6/H 1848 150 140


HCO38 2L26 A* 885 6 UVR6/H 1848 180 165

*According BS 2G 219 – EN2292 – ISO 6858 – Mil Stnd 704F

** Mil Stnd 704F available on request.

All machines have an auxiliary winding ‘standard’ with 300% short circuit capability.
UVR6/1-H400B AVR has under frequency, over voltage protection, 3ph reference; regulation is +/- 1%. BRUSH ELECTRONIC

Line Drop Compensator is also available as an option.

Custom projects available for dedicated power nodes.

The following accessories are available upon request for an additional charge:
Space Heaters
Temperature detectors (thermistors or PT100) for stator windings and bearings.
IP45 or IP54 rated enclosure.
Remote voltage control.

2/3 pitch windings with skewed slots for maximum reduction of harmonic content.
TOTAL+ treatment standard from HCP32 up to HCO38.
4 layers of polyester in addition to a clear varnish and EG43 overcoat on the main and exciter windings is standard
on 400 Hz machines.

36 | www.meccalte.com
2 Pole Industrial Ratings

2 Pole | 50/60Hz | 3 & 1Phase

Voltage: Various - 12 Lead
RPM: 3000/3600
Insulation: Class H

1Phase - Reconnected 50Hz, 1.0 PF 60Hz, 1.0 PF

kVA @ Temp Rise/Ambient kVA @ Temp Rise/Ambient
220/230/240 V ∆∆ %EFF 277 V ∆ %EFF
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) AVR 125/40 105/40 125/40 105/40

ECP3 1S2 56 DSR 5.5 5 72.6 6.6 5.9 74.2

ECP3 2S2 62 DSR 7 6.3 73.9 8.4 7.6 75.6
50 ECP3 3S2 68 DSR 8 7.2 74.0 9.6 8.6 75.7
60 ECP3 1L2 80 DSR 10.5 9.5 77.9 12.5 11.2 79.8

ECP3 2L2 88 DSR 12.5 11.4 78.8 15 13.5 80.7

ECP28 M2 C 126 DSR 14.5 13 79.5 17.5 16 81.1
1 ph ECP28 1L2 C 136 DSR 17 15 80.9 20.5 18 82.5
ECP28 2L2 C 141 DSR 20 18 81.7 24 22 83.3
ECP28 VL2 C 156 DSR 24 22 81.9 29 26.5 83.5
ECP32 1S2 C 173 DSR 29 26 81.4 35 32 82.8
3 ph
ECP32 2S2 C 199 DSR 33 29 82.2 39 35 84.8
ECP32 M2 C 212 DSR 43 39 83.0 51.5 47 85.5
ECP32 L2 C 231 DSR 54 49 83.1 65 59 85.6
3000 ECP34 1S2 A 334 DSR 67 60 85.9 80 72 88.1
3600 ECP34 2S2 A 403 DSR 83 75 86.5 100 90 88.4
RPM ECP34 1L2 A 446 DSR 104 93 87.0 125 113 89.0
ECP34 2L2 A 482 DSR 113 103 87.5 139 125 89.7
ECO38 1S2 A 510 DSR 105 95 87.7 125 112 89.7
ECO38 1L2 A 676 DSR 140 125 88.2 167 153 90.3
ECO38 2L2 A 790 DSR 199 182 88.7 240 220 91.0

12 3Phase 50Hz, 0.8 PF 60Hz, 0.8 PF

kVA @ Temp Rise/Ambient kVA @ Temp Rise/Ambient
115/200/230/400 V 138/240/277/480 V 120/208/240/415 V
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) AVR 125/40 105/40 %EFF 125/40 105/40 %EFF 125/40 105/40
ECP3 1S2 56 DSR 8 7.2 78.5 9.6 8.6 79.9 8.5 7
ECP3 2S2 62 DSR 10 9 80.5 12 10.8 82.8 10.5 9
ECP3 3S2 68 DSR 12.5 11 83.0 15 13 84.5 13 10.5
ECP3 1L2 80 DSR 16 14.5 84.5 19.2 17 86.1 17 14
ECP3 2L2 88 DSR 20 18 85.5 24 21,5 87.2 21 18
ECP28 M2 C 126 DSR 22 20 85.2 26.5 24 86.2 22 20
ECP28 1L2 C 136 DSR 27 25 86.4 32.5 30 87.9 27 24.5
ECP28 2L2 C 141 DSR 31.5 30 87.2 38 36 89.2 32 30
ECP28 VL2 C 156 DSR 40 37 87.8 48 44 89.7 40 37.5
ECP32 1S2 C 173 DSR 44 40 87.4 53 48 89.2 46 41.5
ECP32 2S2 C 199 DSR 50 45 88.1 60 54 89.5 53 47.7
ECP32 M2 C 214 DSR 66 60 88.4 79.5 72 90.2 68 61.5
ECP32 L2 C 231 DSR 82 75 89.0 98.5 90 90.5 84 76
ECP34 1S2 A 334 DSR 100 90 90.0 120 108 91.8 105 95
ECP34 2S2 A 403 DSR 125 113 90.7 150 135 92.2 130 120
ECP34 1L2 A 446 DSR 156 140 91.2 187 169 92.8 160 145
ECP34 2L2 A 482 DSR 170 154 91.8 208 188 93.5 175 160
ECO38 1S2 A 510 DSR 158 142 91.7 188 169 93.1 163 150
ECO38 1L2 A 676 DSR 208 188 92.2 250 225 93.5 215 197
ECO38 2L2 A 790 DSR 300 270 92.8 360 324 93.9 315 288

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 37

2 Pole Portable Ratings Single Phase

2 Pole | 50/60Hz | 1Phase

Voltage: Various - 4 Lead
RPM: 3000/3600
Insulation: Class H

2 Pole | 1Phase (Capacitor) kVA @ 1.0 PF, 50Hz kVA @ 1.0 PF, 60Hz
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) 115/230 V %EFF 120/240 V %EFF
S15W-45 8.1 1.2 68.8 1.45 69.7
S15W-60 10.4 1.8 70.2 2.2 71.2 2 POLE

S15W-75 12.4 2.1 71.4 2.5 71.8

S15W-85 13.4 2.4 71.8 2.9 72.2 50
S15W-102 14.8 2.8 72 3.4 72.3 60
S16W-75 14.3 2.5 74 3 74.6
S16W-90 16.1 3.5 75 4.2 75.6
S16W-105 17.7 4.1 76 4.9 76.6 1 ph

S16W-130 21 5 77 6 77.6 SINGLE PHASE

S16W-150 23.7 5.7 78 6.8 78.6

S16W-75 HD 14.6 2.5 74 3 74.6 3000
S16W-90 HD 16.4 3.5 75 4.2 75.6 3600
S16W-105 HD 18 4.1 76 4.9 76.6
S16W-130 HD 21.3 5 77 6 77.6
S16W-150 HD 24 5.7 78 6.8 78.6
S20W-95 27.4 6 77.5 7.2 78.2 FOUR WIRE

S20W-110 30.5 7 78.4 8.4 79.2

S20W-130 34.9 8.5 79 10.2 79.8
S16F-150 28 5.5 79 6.6 79.6
S16F-180 31 6.5 79.5 7.8 80.1
S20FS-130 41.7 8.5 79 10.5 79.4
S20FS-160 48.7 10.0 79.2 12 79.6
S20F-200 56.5 12.0 80.3 14.4 80.8 BRUSH ELECTRONIC

S20F-230 60 13.0 82.1 15.5 82.7

Above machines are brushless with capacitior control and optional AVR.

2 Pole | 1Phase (AVR) kVA @ 1.0 PF, 50Hz kVA @ 1.0 PF, 60Hz
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) 115/230 V %EFF 120/240 V %EFF
ES16W-75 HD 15.6 2.3 73.7 2.7 74.2

ES16W-90 HD 17.5 3 74.2 3.6 74.8

ES16W-105 HD 19.6 3.5 77 4.2 77.7
ES16W-130 HD 22.8 4.5 79.4 5.4 80
ES16W-150 HD 25.5 5 79.7 6 80.3
ES16F-130 25.8 4.5 79.4 5.5 80
ES16F-160 29.8 5.5 79.8 6.8 80.5
ES20FS-130 41.2 8 79.4 9.6 79.8
ES20FS-160 48.2 9.5 79.6 11.4 80
ES20F-200 56 11 80.7 13.2 81.2

Above machines are brush type with AVR control.

38 | www.meccalte.com
2 Pole Portable Ratings Three Phase

2 Pole | 50/60Hz | 3Phase

Voltage: Various - 6 Lead
RPM: 3000/3600
Insulation: Class H

2 Pole | 3Phase (Transformer) kVA @ 0.8 PF, 50Hz kVA @ 0.8 PF, 60Hz
MODEL WEIGHT (kg) 230/400 V %EFF 277/480 V %EFF
T16F-130 30.5 6.0 79.8 7.2 80.3
2 POLE T16F-160 34.5 7.5 82.0 9 82.5
T20FS-130 44.7 10 81.5 12 83.0
50 T20FS-160 51.7 12.5 82.0 15 83.5
60 T20F-200 59.5 15 82.6 18 83.8

Above machines are brush type with transformer control.

3 ph


2 Pole | 3Phase (AVR) kVA @ 0.8 PF, 50Hz kVA @ 0.8 PF, 60Hz
3000 MODEL WEIGHT (kg) 230/400 V %EFF 277/480 V %EFF
3600 ET16F-130 30 5.5 80.2 6.6 80.6
ET16F-160 34 6.5 82.3 7.8 82.5
ET20FS-130 44.2 9 81.9 11 83.6
6 ET20FS-160 51.2 11.5 82.4 14 83.9
SIX WIRE ET20F-200 59 13.5 82.9 16.5 84.1

Above machines are brush type with AVR control.






Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 39

Wiring Connection Diagram

50Hz Connections
The following are the most common connection arrangements utilized with Mecc Alte generators. Always verify that
the connections of all the leads from the main stator are consistent with the nameplate voltage required. Connection
diagrams are supplied with every generator and should be used as the primary source of information. Please consult
the factory for any questions regarding these connections.

Three Phase
50Hz Series 3, 28, 31, 32, 34, 38 Series 40, 43, 46
L1–L2–L3: 400V 3ø

L1 L1–L2: 400V
1 L1–L3: 400V
L2–L3: 400V L-L 380 400 415 440 760 800 830 880
2 N–L1: 230V
Series Star 4
N–L2: 230V
N–L3: 230V HERTZ

11 8
9 7
6 L2 400 VOLT, 3PHASE
L-N 220 230 240 254 440 460 480 508

L1–L2–L3: 200V 3ø
L1 L1–L2: 200V
L1–L3: 200V
1 3
L2–L3: 200V L-L 190 200 208 220 380 400 415 440
N–L1: 115V
Parallel Star N
N–L2: 115V
N–L3: 115V
2 4
12 6

11 10 8
200 VOLT, 3PHASE L-N 110 115 120 127 220 230 240 254

L1 L1–L2–L3: 230V 3ø
L1–L2: 230V
12 1 L1–L3: 230V
L2–L3: 230V L-L 220 230 240 254 440 460 480 508
11 2 M–L1: 115V
Series Delta 10 3
M–L2: 115V

9 4 230 VOLT, 3PHASE L-M 110 115 120 127 220 230 240 254
L3 8 7 6 5 L2 115/230 V OLT, 1PHASE

L1 L1–L2–L3: 115V 3 ø
L1–L2: 115V
L1–L3: 115V
10 1 L2–L3: 115V
12 3
Parallel Delta L-L 110 115 120 127 220 230 240 254
9 11 4 2
8 7
L3 6 5 L2 115 VOLT,1PHASE (L1-L2)

L1–L2–L3: 346V 3 ø
L1 1 L1–L2: 200V
L1–L3: 200V
L2–L3: 200V
L-L 330 346 360 380 660 690 720 760
Zig-Zag (*) 7
11 L2
8 3 5
346 VOLT, 3PHASE L-N 191 200 208 220 380 400 415 440
L3 9 200 VOLT,1PHASE (L1-L2)

L1–L2: 230V
8 9 M–L1: 115V
6 11 M–L2: 115V L-L 220 230 240 254 440 460 480 508
Single Phase 7 10
5 12
Parallel Zig-Zag 2 1
L2 M 3
L-M 110 115 120 127 220 230 240 254
115/230 VOLT, 1PHASE

L1–L2: 230V
8 11 6 9 M–L1: 115V
M–L2: 115V L-L 220 230 240 254 440 460 480 508
Single Phase 12
7 5 10
Double Delta
L2 4 3 2 1 L1
(**) M L-M 110 115 120 127 220 230 240 254
115/230 VOLT, 1PHASE

Single Phase (Dedicated Winding)

50Hz Series 3, 28, 31, 32, 34

L1 L2
L1–L2: 230V
M–L1: 115V L-L 220 230 240
Series 1 2 3 4 M–L2: 115V
115/230 VOLT, 1PHASE L-M 110 115 120

1 2 L1–L2: 115V
Parallel L1
3 4
L-L 110 115 120

In case of single phase load, it is important that the phase current does not exceed the nominal value.
(*) Rated power must be multiplied by 0.866.
(**) Half of rated power is obtainable when connecting between L1-M or L2-M.

40 | www.meccalte.com
Wiring Connection Diagram

60Hz Connections
The following are the most common connection arrangements utilized with Mecc Alte generators. Always verify that
the connections of all the leads from the main stator are consistent with the nameplate voltage required. Connection
diagrams are supplied with every generator and should be used as the primary source of information. Please consult
the factory for any questions regarding these connections.

Three Phase
60Hz Series 3, 28, 31, 32, 34, 38 Series 40, 43, 46
L1–L2–L3: 480V 3ø

L1 L1–L2: 480V
1 L1–L3: 480V
L2–L3: 480V L-L 415 440 460 480 830 880 920 960
2 N–L1: 277 V
HERTZ Series Star 4
N–L2: 277 V
N–L3: 277 V
11 8
9 7
6 L2 480 VOLT, 3PHASE
L-N 240 254 266 277 480 508 530 554

L1–L2–L3: 240V 3ø
L1 L1–L2: 240V
L1–L3: 240V
1 3
L2–L3: 240V L-L 208 220 230 240 415 440 460 480
N–L1: 139V
Parallel Star N
N–L2: 139V
N–L3: 139V
2 4
12 6

11 10 8
240 VOLT, 3PHASE L-N 120 127 133 139 240 254 266 277
9 139 VOLT, 1PHASE

L1 L1–L2–L3: 277V 3ø
L1–L2: 277V
12 1 L1–L3: 277V
L2–L3: 277V L-L 240 254 266 277 480 508 530 554
11 2 M–L1: 139V
Series Delta 10 3
M–L2: 139V

9 4 277 VOLT, 3PHASE L-M 120 127 133 139 240 252 266 277
L3 8 7 6 5 L2 139/277 VOLT, 1PHASE

L1 L1–L2–L3: 139V 3 ø
L1–L2: 139V
L1–L3: 139V
10 1 L2–L3: 239V
12 3
Parallel Delta L-L 120 127 133 139 240 252 266 277
9 11 4 2
8 7
L3 6 5 L2 139 VOLT,1PHASE (L1-L2)

L1–L2–L3: 415V 3 ø
L1 1 L1–L2: 240V
L1–L3: 240V
L2–L3: 240V
L-L 359 380 400 415 720 760 800 830
Zig-Zag (*) 7
11 L2
8 3 5
415 VOLT, 3PHASE L-N 207 220 230 240 415 440 460 480
L3 9 240 VOLT,1PHASE (L1-L2)

L1–L2: 277 V
8 9 M–L1: 139V
6 11 M–L2: 139V L-L 240 254 266 277 440 460 480 554
Single Phase 7 10
5 12
Parallel Zig-Zag 2 1
L2 M 3
L-M 120 127 133 139 220 230 240 277
139/277 VOLT, 1PHASE

L1–L2: 277 V
8 11 6 9 M–L1: 139V
M–L2: 139V L-L 240 254 266 277 440 460 480 554
Single Phase 12
7 5 10
Double Delta
L2 4 3 2 1 L1
(**) M L-M 120 127 133 139 220 230 240 277
139/277 VOLT, 1PHASE

Single Phase (Dedicated Winding)

60Hz Series 3, 28, 31, 32, 34

L1 L2
L1–L2: 230V
M–L1: 115V L-L 220 230 240
Series 1 2 3 4 M–L2: 115V
115/230 VOLT, 1PHASE L-M 110 115 120

1 2 L1–L2: 115V
Parallel L1
3 4
L-L 110 115 120

In case of single phase load, it is important that the phase current does not exceed the nominal value.
(*) Rated power must be multiplied by 0.866.
(**) Half of rated power is obtainable when connecting between L1-M or L2-M.

Technical Guide: Ratings Book | 41

SAE Coupling and Mounting Guide

SAE Flywheel Housing Dimensions

Mounting Arrangements.

S.A.E. Flywheel Housing Dimensions, mm (in)

SAE No. A B C Holes Size
00 787,4 (31) 850,9 (33.5) 883 (34.75) 16 M12 (1/2)
0 647,7 (25.5) 679,5 (26.75) 711 (28) 16 M12 (1/2)
1/2 584,2 (23) 619,1 (24 3/8) 648 (25.5) 12 M12 (1/2)
1 511,2 (20 1/8) 530,2 (20 7/8) 552 (21.75) 12 M10 (7/16) A B C

2 447,7 (17 5/8) 466,7 (18 3/8) 489 (19.25) 12 M10 (3/8)
3 409,6 (16 1/8) 428,6 (16 7/8) 451 (17.75) 12 M10 (3/8)
4 362 (14.25) 381 (15) 403 (15 7/8) 12 M10 (3/8)
5 314,3 (12 3/8) 333,4 (13 1/8) 356 (14) 8 M10 (3/8)

S.A.E. Flywheel Dimensions, mm (in)
Flywheel A B C XG Holes Size
21 584,2 (23) 641,35 (25.25) 673,1 (26.5) 0 12 M16 (5/8)
18 498,5 (19 5/8) 542,35 (21 3/8) 571,5 (22.5) 15,7 (5/8) 6 M16 (5/8)
14 409,6 (16 1/8) 438,15 (17.25) 466,72 (18 3/8) 25,4 (1) 8 M12 (1/2)
11 1/2 314,3 (12.375) 333,37 (13.125) 352,42 (13 7/8) 39,6 (1 9/16) 8 M10 (3/8)
10 276,2 (10 7/8) 295,27 (11 5/8) 314,32 (12 3/8) 53,8 (2 1/8) 8 M10 (3/8)
8 225,4 (8 7/8) 244,47 (9 5/8) 263,52 (10 3/8) 62 (2 7/16) 6 M10 (3/8)
7 1/2 206,4 (8 1/8) 222,25 (8.75) 241,3 (9 1/2) 30,2 (1 3/16) 8 M8 (5/16)
6 1/2 184,2 (7.25) 200 (7 7/8) 215,9 (8 1/2) 30,2 (1 3/16) 6 M8 (5/16)

Available Mounting Arrangements

Adaptor Coupling ECP3 ECP28 ECP32 ECP34 ECO38 ECO40 ECO43 ECO46 NPE32/31
5 6.5 • • • •
7.5 • • • •
8 • • • •
4 6.5 • • • •
7.5 • • • •
8 • • • •
10 • • • •
3 8 • • • •
10 • • • • •
11.5 • • • • • •
2 10 • • • •
11.5 • • • •
1 11.5 • • •
14 • • • • •
1/2 14 • • •
18 • •
0 14 • • •
18 • • •
00 18 • • •
21 • •

42 | www.meccalte.com
Via Roma Via A. Volta Via Melaro Via Dei Laghi
20 – 36051 Creazzo 1 37038 Soave 2 – 36075 Montecchio 48/B – 36077 Altavilla
Vicenza – ITALY Verona – ITALY Maggiore (VI) – ITALY Vicenza – ITALY

T: +39 0444 396111 T: +39 0456 173411 T: +39 0444 1831295 T: +39 0444 370799
F: +39 0444 396166 F: +39 0456 101880 F: +39 0444 1831306 F: +39 0444 370330
E: info@meccalte.it E: info@meccalte.it E: info@meccalte.it E: info@zanardialternatori.it
aftersales@meccalte.it aftersales@meccalte.it aftersales@meccalte.it


Mecc Alte U.K. LTD Mecc Alte España S.A. Mecc Alte Alternator Haimen LTD Mecc Alte India PVT LTD
6 Lands’ End Way C/ Rio Taibilla, 2 755 Nanhai East Rd Plot NO: 1, Sanaswadi
Oakham Polig. Ind. Los Valeros Jiangsu HEDZ 226100 PRC Talegaon
Rutland LE15 6RF 03178 Benijofar (Alicante) Dhamdhere Road Taluka:
T: +86 (0) 513 82325758
Shirur, District:
T: +44 (0) 1572 771160 T: +34 (0) 96 6702152 F: +86 (0) 513 82325768 Pune - 412208
F: +44 (0) 1572 771161 F: +34 (0) 96 6700103 E: info@meccalte.cn Maharashtra, India
E: info@meccalte.co.uk E: info@meccalte.es aftersales@meccalte.cn
T: +91 2137 673200
aftersales@meccalte.co.uk aftersales@meccalte.es
F: +91 2137 673299
AUSTRALIA E: info@meccalte.in
U.S.A. AND CANADA GERMANY aftersales@meccalte.in
Mecc Alte Alternators PTY LTD
Mecc Alte Inc. Mecc Alte Generatoren GmbH 10 Duncan Road, PO Box 1046
1229 Adams Drive Ensener Weg 21 Dry Creek, 5094, South
McHenry, IL, 60051 D-51149 Köln Australia

T: +1 815 344 0530 T: +49 (0) 2203 60541-0 T: +61 (0) 8 8349 8422
F: +1 815 344 0535 F: +49 (0) 2203 60541-49 F: +61 (0) 8 8349 8455
E: info@meccalte.us E: info@meccalte.de E: info@meccalte.com.au
aftersales@meccalte.us aftersales@meccalte.de aftersales@meccalte.com.au


Mecc Alte International S.A. Mecc Alte (F.E.) PTE LTD
Z.E. la Gagnerie 10V Enterprise Road, Enterprise 10
16330 St. Amant de Boixe Singapore 627679

T: +33 (0) 545 397562 T: +65 62 657122

F: +33 (0) 545 398820 F: +65 62 653991
E: info@meccalte.fr E: info@meccalte.com.sg
aftersales@meccalte.fr aftersales@meccalte.com.sg

The world’s largest independent

producer of alternators 1 – 5,000kVA


MASPA: 02.2021 | V07.3

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