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Instruction Manual 739 947: PEV High Voltage Trainer

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Instruction manual 739 947 PEV high voltage trainer

1 Potential equalisation band 1 8 Safety line (red)

2 Terminal box inverter 9 4 mm high-volt test terminal
10 Service disconnect
3 High-voltage DC lines
11 Start switch
12 Telltale High voltage
13 Telltale interlock

4 4 mm connection 14 Telltale insulation resistance

12 V battery
15 Switch HV air conditioner
5 High-volt cable motor 16 Crash switch + charge switch
17 4 mm connection U-V-W elec-
6 4 mm test terminal chassis tric motor and
18 External switch (NC type)
7 4 mm test terminal charging
socket: PP, CP, and PE 19 4 mm PE connection electric motor
20 Potential equalisation band 2

Terminal box electric motor 21

22 Disconnect on-board power supply 34 Signal light

23 Operation mode: left “cutting”, (not visible, behind the
right “measuring”, middle “off” indicator light)

24 On-board power supply on (I) / off

(O) (with indicator light white)
36 red: Charging active and
25 System main switch
37 green: Ready to charge
26 System main fuse Charging connection with
27 Test button IT network moni- screw cover
Power supply connection
28 Fuse high-voltage DC bus 3*400 V,
50 Hz
29 Selection 1st/2nd fault
30 Fuse operation mode “cut-
31 Electric motor connection on/off
32 Switch 2-14: Error switch
33 Switch 1: Diagnostics mode

Scope of delivery: 1 Service plug cover with padlock

1 PEV high voltage trainer, 739 947 1 Roll HV warning tape, 689 0821
4 4 mm safety plugs, orange 1 Voltage tester, 2-pole, 8-2405211-000-10-0
7 4 mm safety plugs, red 1 Directions for use 739947

2 4 mm safety plugs, green/yellow (valid for device models from 2017 onward)
1 CEE connection cable 400 V/16 A, 5 m

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Hürth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de
Rev. 1.68
by LD Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
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Safety notices

These directions must be read completely before starting up or operating the device!

Damages caused by failure to comply with this instruction  The high-voltage lines can only be cut through while
manual will void the warranty/guarantee. No liability is ac- wearing protective glasses and electrician gloves! No-
cepted for consequential damages! tice: Hazard posed to the eyes by arcing and flying
No liability is accepted for property damage or personal injury sparks as well as from burning!
arising from improper handling or disregard of the safety in-  Unauthorised conversion and/or modification of the de-
structions and the warranty/guarantee will be voided as a re- vice is prohibited. The device should not be opened or re-
sult! paired!
 The device is only approved for use in dry interior rooms  If the orange and red warning lights in the bulb light up
that have an installation complying with German after it is switched on, as described in the following, then
VDE 0100 part 723! Operation and usage only in accord- the device must be shut off, disconnected from the power
ance with German DIN VDE 0105-112! supply, and secured against start-up! Have our service
 The device cannot be operated when there is evidence workshop inspect the device immediately!
of visible damage or if it is acting unusual. If you aren’t  If the orange and red warning lights in the bulb light up
sure, you cannot operate the device! This also applies for during operation, as described in the following, then the
damage to the plexiglass cover! device must be shut off, disconnected from the power sup-
 The device can only be used for educational purposes! ply, and secured against start-up! Have our service work-
The device is not a toy and not meant for children! shop inspect the device immediately!
 After opening the plexiglass cover, it is only accepta-  If the orange warning light “Riso” on the front of the device
ble to work on the device with the appropriate equip- lights up after the device is turned on, then the device must
ment (insulating gloves, safety goggles, fully insu- be shut off, disconnected from the power supply, and se-
lated tools)! cured against start-up! Have our service workshop inspect
the device immediately!
 The device may only be used under professional supervi-
sion by responsible, competent personnel!  Measurements at all of the 4 mm test terminals can only
be taken as described in this instruction manual. The ap-
 The body earth connectors 4, 6, and 20 as well as all plication of external voltage or production of high- and low-
metal parts may only be connected with each other, but resistance short circuits is strictly forbidden!
never with the PE test terminal of the charging infrastruc-
ture (7)!  Only the components described in this instruction manual
can be connected to any one of the 4 mm connecting sock-
 No sustained short circuit of the high voltage line against the ets!
earth may be produced in “cutting mode” with an active sec-
ond fault (F103 switched on)! Notice: Fire hazard!  Handle the device with care, since shocks, strikes, or a fall
from even a very low height may damage it!

0 Usage

The “PEV high voltage trainer” is a teaching aid for vehicle high When the first cable is cut, the resulting short circuit between the
voltage technology training. shield and Line A does not pose a hazard. It is only with the cut-
The device enables trainees to carry out the standard workshop ting of the second cable, and thus the second short circuit be-
measurements specified for a high voltage system in a realistic tween the shield and Line B, that a full short circuit is created by
situation. way of potential equalisation, which leads to arcing.
This includes measurements taken on de-energised parts as well The person carrying out the experiment is not in danger of elec-
as measurements on charged parts. tric shock during this process.
In order to create a realistic environment, voltage measurements The operating elements are protected against unauthorised in-
can be carried out on the open inverter or motor terminal boxes terference with a lockable door. The swing of the door can be
with industry standard voltage testers in “measuring” mode. The adjusted to optionally move from right to left.
connection points of the high voltage cables are protected so as The rotary switch “disconnect on-board power supply” can also
to ensure that the device is not hazardous to the user – even if be locked in order to guard against unauthorised start-up.
the user is working without the required personal protective This device is classified as a device of group 1, class A with
equipment. This means that even in case of short circuit, only a regard to the emission of interference according to the EMC
very small current will be able to flow. Similarly, when touching Directive. «Group 1» means that no electromagnetic radiation is
two phases at the same time, only a small amount of current will intentionally generated. «Class A» means that radio interference
be able to flow. That is classified as non-hazardous to a healthy may occur depending on the connected electric motor and the
person. operation of the device is not permitted in residential areas.
The cutting of charged high-voltage wires can be tried out in the Interference radiation can also occur at the moment when HV
“cutting” operation mode. Here, as in an IT (fr. “Isolé Terre”) net- cables are cut and sparks form.
work, a differentiation is typically made between the first and sec-
ond fault.

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

 by Leybold Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

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1 Operation 1.2 Turning it on

1.0 Starting conditions 1. Key switch “Release on-board power supply” (22) to
position I:
The 12 V on-board power supply is now active, but
1. Service disconnect (10) locked (bracket pushed left all there is no high voltage supply
the way)  Device fan is running audibly
2. Press button I of the double button “on-board power
supply on/off” (24)
 High-voltage supply is now activated, white light in
double button (24) lights up
3. Turn on the fuse F101 (26) (up position)
and wait about 5 seconds
4. Ready-Start-key (11) in the “ready” position (Terminal
15 on, key in horizontal position)
 The high-voltage control lamp (12) lights up briefly
 High voltage supply is now switched on for the ca-
ble and inverter

1.3 Select mode of operation

5. Turn the rotary switch “mode of operation” (23) in the
anticlockwise direction (to the left) starting from the
middle position in order to select measuring mode.
6. Turn the Ready-Start-key (11) further to the START
position and release it again
7.  Yellow lights light up in the bulb (34)

2. Plexiglass covers of the terminal boxes are screwed

tightly, bridging plugs of the 12 V supply are plugged in
3. All bridging plugs of the red safety line (8) are plugged
4. Temperature monitoring of the electric motor is con-
nected, the motor is cold (if available, otherwise use
bridging plugs, see later)
5. Crash switch (16) in lower position (off)  Now the three-phase measuring voltage is applied to
6. All fault switches to OFF (down position) the inverter connection box (2)
7. EMERGENCY OFF (35) unlocked on the top of the de-
8. Earth straps of the junction boxes available and con- 8. Turn the rotary switch “mode of operation” (23) in the
nected clockwise direction (to the right) starting from the mid-
dle position in order to select cutting mode.
1.1 Power supply
Hint: Make sure that all faults have been deactivated (lower po-
sition)! In this mode of operation, the insulation monitoring is not
1. Plug the CEE connector of the connection cable into active!
the CEE socket (39) on the right on the device
2. Turn on fuses F100 (26) and F102 (28) (up position) 9. Turn the ready-start-key (11) further to the START po-
3. Turn on the system main switch (25) (turn knob 90° in sition and release it again
clockwise direction) 10.  Red lights light up in the bulb (34)
green light in the bulb (34) lights up

 Now the “cutting voltage” is applied to the three “high

voltage motor cables” (5)

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

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In both cases (5 and 8) then:

11. Protective motor switch “electric motor connection
on/off” (31) in the ON position (turn knob 90° to the
right)  motor turns (if present)

Hint: The protective motor switch electric motor is equipped

with a low voltage trigger in order to keep the electric motor
from accidentally turning back on!

1.4 Turning it off

1. Move the ready-start-key (11) to the “power OFF” posi-

tion (key in vertical position)
2. Turn the “mode of operation” rotary switch (23) to the
middle position (off). 2. Secure against reactivation
3. Press button O of the double button “on-board power
supply on/off” (24)  Secure the HV partition plug (10) against reactivation by
 Device turns off, white light in double button goes covering it with a green protective cap (included in de-
out livery) and appropriate lock
4. Move the key switch “disconnect on-board power
supply” (22) to position O
5. Turn off the main system switch (25) (turn the knob
90° anticlockwise)

2 Application

2.1 Level 1: Working in a de-energised state

In principle, no work should be done on active parts of electric

systems and equipment that are charged with voltage. For this
reason, it is necessary to ensure that they are de-energised be-
fore starting work and for the duration of any work performed.

3. Verify de-energisation
2.1.1 The 5 safety rules
 Measure the voltage at the HV measuring points (8) us-
Put on your personal protective equipment, which should at least ing the voltage tester in accordance with DIN IEC
consist of insulating gloves 1,000 V, 739 944 and the safety EN61243-3 and verify that it is de-energised
goggles, 667 6123.
In order to prevent anyone from connecting a charging cable
1. Disconnect while the vehicle is disconnected, the charging plug cover (38)
should be secured with a piece of the included HV safety tape,
 Move the ready-start-key (11) to the OFF position, pull 689 0821.
out the key and secure in a safe place
 Disconnect the 12 V battery (pull off both jumper plugs 2.1.2 Insulation resistance
 Then check the functionality of the voltage tester in
Insulation monitoring determines whether the insulation re-
accordance with DIN IEC EN61243-3 at 12 V
sistance between active HV components (e.g. HV lines) and the
 Release (slide the bracket to the right) the HV partition
vehicle earth are above the required minimum values or below
plug (10) and pull it off
them. If the insulation resistance falls below the minimum value,
there is a risk that the vehicle parts will be charged with danger-
ous voltage. If a person were to touch a second, active HV com-
ponent, they would be in danger of electric shock. For this rea-
son, there is a fully automatic insulation monitoring system for
the HV system. This “insulation monitor” uses a high voltage
measuring signal and calculates the insulation value from the re-
sulting current. This "insulation monitor" superimposes a pulsat-
ing measuring voltage on the high-voltage voltage and calculates
the insulation resistance from the resulting current. When a first
insulation fault is identified, an optical warning (indicator light in-
sulation resistance 14) is emitted. If a second fault occurs, the
system’s monitoring shuts down completely.
Hint: The three motor connection lines are not monitored!

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

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Function of insulation monitoring Activate error # 3: a faulty insulation resistance of approx.

160 kΩ can be measured at the measuring point »HV + - cable«
 Turn on the ignition (11), mode of operation OFF (mid-
dle position) Thus e.g. simulates damage to the HV cable caused by an ani-
 #F3: Turn on fault #3 (top position) – so that an insula- mal bite.
tion resistance of only about 160 k between HV+ and
earth is activated
 A few seconds later, the yellow warning light 14 will ac-
tivate: “Riso” (Level 1 – warning)
 #F4: Turn on fault #4 as well (top position) – so that an
insulation resistance of only about 40 k between HV-
and earth is activated
 The insulation monitoring setup will turn the system off
(Level 2 – turn off) after a few seconds and the warning
lights 12 and 13 will light up as well.

Measuring the insulation resistance (example)

The insulation resistance can be measured with insulation test-

erDMM for electrical vehicles, 739 004, as follows:

 De-energise the system (see 2.1.1), deactivate the in-

sulation monitor (# 14), remove the HV cable con-
nector from the HV + and HV- lines on both sides,
switch off the vehicle electrical system (24)  Insulation resistance not ok
 Connection of the tester between HV+ or HV- (9) and
earth: Activate error # 4: a faulty insulation resistance of approx. 40 k
 Carry out measurement at 250 V. Measuring result can be measured at the measuring point HV battery minus (10a).
without fault (high-resistance): This simulates an oxidation situation on the battery cells.

 Alternatively, the insulation resistance can also be  Insulation resistance not ok

measured with the HV PC measurement adapter for
E-mobility, 739 949:
Note that the software shows the insulation resistance in the unit
 Insulation resistance is ok «M»!

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

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2.1.3 Potential equalisation

Potential equalisation measurement

The potential equalisation ensures that:

 When two faults occur on simultaneously touchable
parts, dangerous contact voltage is not generated and
 the fuse disrupts the electric circuit when two faults oc-
cur at the same time.
The potential equalisation resistance should be measured with a
testing current of at least 100 mA. Proceed as follows:
 Connect a milliohm measuring device 739 836 with
 Result for fault #5:
two Kelvin measuring lines or the sensor-CASSY USB
starter automotive, 524 013SKFZ, with Kelvin meas-
uring line, set of 2, 739 835 (see illustration), to the
measuring connection of the motor connection box (21)
and inverter connection box (2).
 Measuring result < 100 mbecause of the contact re-
sistances of the fault switches
 Activate fault #F5!
 Measure the resistance!
 Measuring result amounts to approx. 600 m

Kelvin measurement lines

Repeat the process for faults #F5 plus #F6 and #F5 plus #F6
plus #F7.
 Measuring result #F6 amounts to approx. 1.14 
 Measuring result #F7 amounts to approx. 11 

2.2 Level 2: Working under high-voltage

Put on your personal protective equipment, which should at least

consist of insulating gloves 1,000 V, 739 944 and the safety
goggles, 667 6123.

2.2.1 Measure the three-phase voltage

 Activate diagnostics mode: Turn on switch #1 (top posi-

tion) – this activates the diagnostics mode and deac-
tivates the safety line (8)!
 Select operation mode “measuring” (see above)
 Remove the plexiglass cover of the inverter connection
box (2)
 Measure the voltage between any two lines using a
 Alternatively, the potential equalisation can be meas- voltage tester in accordance with DIN IEC EN61243-3
ured with the HV PC measurement adapter for E-mo-
bility, 739 949: Safety notice:
Due to the possibility of accidental short circuit between the
two phases via the current measuring path, the use of stand-
ard multimeters with current measuring is prohibited!

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

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2.2.2 Measure the high-volt voltage 2.2.4 Switch the high voltage cable

 Measure the voltage between two measuring points (9)

of the HV+ or HV- line using the voltage tester in ac- Proceed as follows to switch the high voltage cable:
cordance with DIN IEC EN61243-3
 Alternatively, the direct-current voltage can be meas- Disassembly
ured with the HV PC measurement adapter for E-mo-
 Remove the 4 knurled screws on the junction boxes 2
bility, 739 949:
and 21 and remove the plexiglass covers
 Use a 4 mm hexagon screwdriver to loosen the two
screws of the cable bridge cleats
 Remove the two cable bridge cleats. Note that these will
be made of metal on the inverter, but made of plastic on
the motor!
 Use the 8 mm socket wrench to loosen the nuts holding
the eyelets of the cable being switched
 Now pull the ends of the cables with the eyelets forward
a little until the eyelets are no longer resting over the
thread bolts
 Pull on the high voltage cable from outside of the junc-
tion box to pull it out
2.2.3 Cutting free
Preparation:  Stick the ends of the completed HV cable into the junc-
 Select operation mode “cutting” (see above) tion box from the outside so it goes far enough in to put
the eyelet over the thread bolts
Hint: Make sure that all faults have been deactivated (below)! In  Push the eyelets over the thread bolts
this mode of operation, the insulation monitoring is not active!  Screw the two nuts onto the thread bolts and use the
 Put on personal protective equipment (PPE) (at least 8 mm socket wrench to pull them hand-tight
gloves and safety goggles!)  Put on the cable bridge cleats: the metal bridge on the
 Make sure that F103 is turned off (below) inverter, the plastic bridge on the motor connection box!
 Screw the screws into the retaining bridges and use the
First fault: 4 mm hexagon screwdriver to pull them hand-tight
 Take care to ensure that the shielding does not touch
 Cut through any one of the three orange HV lines (5) the core of the cable at any time!
with the cable cutters from the HV tool set 689 0817  Place both plexiglass covers back on the terminal
SLOWLY boxes, watching out for the guide pins, and fasten the
 There is no short circuit through potential equalisation! lid with the 4 knurled screws
 Any turned-on motor that might be connected at 17 con-
tinues to operate on the two remaining phases! 2.3 Optional connection of additional equipment
2.3.1 Option: Connect the electric motor
Second fault:
Safety notice: The following steps must be taken within 30
seconds of the first line being cut! A three-phase asynchronous motor in a power class up to 0.3 kW
 Activate the “second fault” by turning on F103 (29). can be connected to the device for a setup that is more realistic.
Safety notice: Leave it switched on in this state for no more Motors of this type are used by companies such as Tesla, Mer-
than 1 minute! Do not create a permanent short circuit! cedes Benz, and Renault.
 Cut through any one of the two intact HV lines (orange) An motor with a nominal voltage of 230/400 V or 400/690 V can
SLOWLY with the cable cutters be connected with the three 4 mm connectors U-V-W (17) in a
 A short circuit occurs through the potential equalisation star circuit. Furthermore, a connection between the motor and
that causes sparks to fly (arcing). the potential equalisation should be established via the
 Notice the arcing green/yellow PE connector (19). If the motor has a temperature
monitoring system (NC contact), then this can be connected at
Remark: the two red connectors (18) and thus integrated into the safety
In order to make the sparks more visible, the room can be dark- line (8).
ened! Hint: The protective motor switch “Electric motor” is equipped
with a low voltage trigger in order to keep the electric motor from
 Turn off the device afterwards and remove the cable. accidentally turning back on!
 In order to do so, use the tool from the HV tool set
689 0817 and the HV cable from 689 0818 or 689 0819 Hint: The U-V-W terminals may have a cw or ccw field!

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

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2.3.2 Option: Battery charger Charging

The device can optionally be connected to a battery charger to For charging, the 12 V battery (4) must be connected and the
increase the realism. ignition (11) (Terminal 15) turned off. A green LED light to the
left above the charging plug (37) indicates its readiness to charge
(Status B). The charging process is initiated by the “CHARGE”
Connection (16) switch and indicated by a red LED to the right above the
charging plug (36). See positions 1 and 2 in the following figure
The charging cable mode 2, 739 950 with integrated automated for an illustration of this!
charging system can be connected to the type 2 charging socket The high voltage trainer will now automatically take the following
(38) on the side. steps:
Hint: The function of other market-standard charging cables can-  Locking of the charging coupler is activated
not be guaranteed!
 The high voltage trainer notifies the charging system that it
is ready to charge.
With a mobile charging cable, its earthed two-prong plug is first  Charging begins.
plugged into the socket. The charging plug is then plugged into
the charging socket (38) on the HV trainer.
The communication signal between the vehicle and charging sta-
tion can be measured at the CP connector against the PE con-
nector (7) during charging.

1 2


4 mm test terminals on the front of the device:

Communication with the vehicle is now initiated over the CP con-
tact. The upper limit of the charging current for the vehicle is
transmitted through a PWM signal. At the same time, the protec- PP CP
tive earth conductor connection is checked. If a protective earth
conductor is not present or something is installed improperly, a
warning symbol will light up on the charging cable. PE

Since, like the charging cable, the high voltage trainer is con-
nected to the public supply network via a protective earth con-
ductor connection, the functionality of the RCCB safety switch for Note
the charging electronics is only ensured if the two protective earth The PP contact in the socket is designed as a “leading” contact
conductors are not connected to each other. It is for this reason against the CP contact. This means that the CP contact pin is
that the PE test terminal of the charging plug is isolated from the shorter and doesn’t protrude into the socket as far as the PP con-
other protective earth conductors. So the CP signal can only be tact pin. Such a configuration ensures that the PP contact makes
measured against the PE contact in the charging plug. contact first.

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

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3 Switch for troubleshooting

Switch positioned down: Function off

Switch positioned up: Function active

Switch Description

#F1 Diagnostics mode on (top)

#F2 Interlock disruption between air conditioner

and external motor
#F3 HV + – line: RISO 160 k [ warning ]
HV- – connection battery (below service dis-
connect): RISO 40 k [ switch off ]

#F5 RPE = 0.4 between motor connecting box

and chassis
#F6 Only when #F5 is active: RPE = 1.2 
The positive amplitude of the CP signal is dependent on the Only when #F5 and #F6 are active: RPE =
charging status: 10 
Status “ready” U = +9.3 V RISO = 1 k between chassis and HV cable
Status “charge” U = +6.7 V «U»

#F9 RISO = 1 k between chassis and HV cable

Error # F11 switches on a resistor that is too small, which leads «V»
to the charging process being switched off. This resistance can-
not be measured directly but only in the diode test mode of the #F10 Open the capacitor discharge resistor
DMM as a voltage drop with the trainer switched on and «Ready» Charge resistor CP contact too small
#F11 (100 )
Measurable only when the trainer is switched on and
Between the test terminals PP and PE, the coded resistance is «Ready» off: Use the diode test of the DMM!
measured for maxim permissible charge current, in this case #F12 12 V battery deeply discharged
680  can be measured.
#F13 Large capacitor discharge resistor
Safety notice
#F14 Insulation monitor defective1
As long as the charging process is active, the plug will be
locked, as indicated when the red LED is lit up. Do not try to
remove the plug by force, since this could damage the lock-
ing mechanism! 4 Indicator light
4.1 Fault indication
2.4 Intermediate circuit capacitor
Display (after turning on Meaning
The intermediate circuit capacitor usually loses its charge quite the device)
quickly as soon as the high voltage supply is gone. The quick
discharge can be deactivated as fault #F10. An increased re- Signal light (34) orange Insulation resistance IT
sistance in the capacitor supply can be activated with fault F#13. and red on at the same network too small
The following figure shows the result of discharge curve record- time
ing (red with, black without #F13 active):
Insulation resistance DC
Indicator light “Riso (14) on
network too small
(without active fault)

1 From model year 2017

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

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4.2 Modes of operation 4.5 Possible disruptions and their causes

Notification If Problem Solution

Signal light (34) green on System main switch on and
Charging socket won’t lock Wiggle the plug back and
system main switch (F100)
(red LED doesn’t light up) forth gently
Signal light (34) orange Also on-board power sup-
ply on and mode of opera- It won’t start Check and close the safety
tion “measure” and line
“START” active Motor phase(s) missing Check whether the shield-
Signal light (34) red Like the “cutting” mode of ing of the HV cables in the
operation before connection boxes extends
under the retaining bracket
White indicator light on- System main switch on and
board power supply (24) system main switch (F100)
on and on-board power Depending on the version, the device / motor cannot be switched
supply disconnect active on if:
and on-board power supply  The emergency stop button (35) is pressed
on  The safety line (8) is interrupted
 The 12 V battery (4) is not connected
 The crash signal (16) is active (top position)
4.3 Indicator lights  F101 (28) has triggered
 F102 (30) has triggered
Display (during regular Meaning  The operating mode switch (23) is in position »0«
operation)  A charging cable is plugged into (38)
Control lights (12) Terminal 15 on and UHVDC
off 5 Technical data
Power supply: 3x400 VAC, 50/60 Hz
(red) Connection: CEE connector 400 V/16 A,
Control lights (13) Terminal 15 on and pilot
6h, male
line disrupted
HV DC voltage: 2 * ~100 VDC
(red) Measurable three-phase voltage: 3*400 VAC
Indicator lights (14) Insulation resistance DC
network too small Measurable impedance: >300 k/phase
(orange) Leakage current: < 1 mA
Cutting alternating current: 6 VAC
Hint On-board power supply: 12 VDC
The indicator lights remain functional even without a 12 V bat-
Charging socket: Type 2
tery connected!
Modes of operation: Off, cutting, measuring
4.4 Maintenance Nominal power electric motor: Pn = 0.3 kW
Continuous current electric motor: I = 3*0.2 A
Before each use in class, the test button of the insulation monitor
(27) must be held down for about 5 seconds after the device has Short-time current electric motor: Imax = 2*0.7 A@t<30 s
been turned on. The orange and red lights in the indicator lamp Nominal voltage electric motor: 3*230 VAC
(34) must both light up subsequently.
Connection output: 500 VA
If this isn’t the case, the device cannot be operated. Turn it off
again and disconnect it from the power source! Weight: approx. 40 kg
Protection class 1, IT network

6 Disposal

Electric and electronic products cannot be disposed of in the do-

mestic garbage. Dispose of the unusable products in accordance
with the applicable legal regulations.

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

 by Leybold Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

Technical alterations reserved
User manual 739 947 Page 11/11

7 Replacement and expendable items  689 0821: HV safety tape

You can reorder the following articles as necessary (worn out or


 689 0818: HV cables, set of 3

Special tape with warning notice for taping the charging

plug of the electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles
shut as a protective measure “protecting against turn-
ing on”.

Three pieces of high-voltage cable as a replacement for  739 944: Insulating gloves 1,000 V
PEV high voltage trainer 739 947 ready for use, with
eyelets installed for direct assembly.
Length: 520 mm

 689 0819: HV cable

Insulated electrician gloves 1000 V

Size 10 / extra large

 667 6123: Roma safety goggles

High voltage cable for configuring high voltage cables

for the PEV high voltage trainer 739 947 with the tool
set 689 0817.
 5 m high voltage cable, orange
 35 pieces or eyelets for crimping

 689 0820: Service disconnect

A multifaceted all-purpose model suitable for many dif-
ferent areas where it is necessary to wear protective
glasses. Light model with nylon frame and scratch-proof
polycarbonate lenses – protective glasses with a long
service life.
 Lenses: clear, scratch-proof, polycarbonate
 Glasses frame: blue
 Checked in accordance with: EN166 – 1.F
 Mass: 28 g

Service disconnect partition plug with contact for safety

line (interlock) and integrated fuse 125 A.

LEYBOLD DIDACTIC GMBH  Leyboldstrasse 1  D-50354 Huerth  Phone (02233) 604-0  Fax (02233) 604-222  e-mail: info@leybold-didactic.de

 by Leybold Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

Technical alterations reserved

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