Lesson Plan 2 Nov
Lesson Plan 2 Nov
Lesson Plan 2 Nov
Reem Hisham
On level
Find all factor pairs for a whole number in the range 1-100. Recognize that a
whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Determine whether a given
whole number in the range 1-100 is a multiple of a given one-digit number.
Determine whether a given whole number in the range 1-100 is prime or
Target Language:
-Prior Knowledge:
- Different objectives.
- Math center activities
-multiple of number
-equation, factor,
with differentiated
activities in each group.
( 5 groups)
- prepare the lesson with
(includes materials: various
materials, check the
small cubes, task cards, mini
resources, and review the
white boards, pencils, markers, lesson plan.
white check boards(each
Learning Objectives (LO):
Whole Class 5-7mins
- Multiply multiples of 10, 100, and 1,000
Welcome the students and ask
using basic facts and patterns.
them the date of today and ask
Guided Experience (whole class with teacher)
if they are ready to the class.
Activity One: ( Math in My World)
- Explain them about what
Teacher will say the Example1 :
they have to do today.
Two girls of student's class will act the
- Remind them of the
example as roll-play, they were to the
reward system if they
supermarket and they took 4 boxes of Corn
follow the classroom
Flakes that 5 AED then went to the cashier.
Instructor's name: Ms. Samya Matouk
EPC 3403
30 mins
Group work in math center play
EPC 3403
Teacher steps:
- Teacher will give them clear instructions
with explain the activity that each
students of group has a white card,
cubes, variety materials, marker and
white check board.
- Children have read the question card
and think by themselves then have
answer using white board, marker and
small cubes.
- After, the activity time, students have
put their answers in the box group.
- May teacher ask extra question to clear
their steps answer .
Independent Experience
Students are done of the activities. Teacher
will lets them answer in (independent
Practice) on their white board with 5 group
activities to evaluate and check their
understanding of the lesson and will mark
EPC 3403
- Check their work's activities by asking questions and walk around to evaluate
and check their answers.
- Provide them the appropriate feedback.
- I did the lesson and the activities very well and I attracted their attention
with their understanding in all the time.
- Whole class was very exciting and loves the lesson, my way of teaching,
math center learning as activities.
Next steps:
- Make less activities with focus their learning through activity work with
provides the appropriate feedback.
EPC 3403
EPC 3403