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Final Eval

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11/29/2016 2:41:39 PM

11/29/2016 3:20:42 PM


Teacher Candidate:
Alex Jeppson

November 29, 2016

Evaluation Level:
Student Teaching

Purpose of Evaluation
Final Evaluation

8th and 9th grade Secondary Math I & II

Olympus Jr. High School/Scott Gregory

Completed by:
Diana Gardner

Standard 1- you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 1 Comments
The teacher:
Creates learning experiences that demonstrate an understanding of the developmental levels of
learners (i.e., cognitive, linguistic, sociocultural, emotional, and physical)
Collaborates with colleagues and other professionals to promote student growth and development
Alex really came to know each of her students: their strengths and weaknesses. She effectively modeled
instruction in multiple ways (particularly through technology and inventive real-world simulations using math)
so that all levels of learners could attempt to understand. She was challenged with students of varying
academic abilities who have the expectations of their families to be high achievers. Alex used grouping and
pairing of students to help aid each other in their learning. Alex rose to the challenge, every class period, to
meet the emotional, cultural, and cognitive needs of her students.

Standard 1 Additional Comments

Standard 1 Possible Conference Questions:

What communication have you had with colleagues and families in supporting students individual
growth and development?
How did your lesson build on students prior knowledge, interests, and needs to create appropriate
and challenging learning experiences

Standard 2 - you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 2 Comments
The teacher:
Applies understanding of learner diversity to encourage all learners to reach their full potential
Designs, adapts, and delivers instruction to address students diverse learning strengths and needs
Allows multiple ways to demonstrate learning
Again, Alex really came to understand each of her students and where they were in their understanding of
the math concepts she was trying to teach. She effectively collaborated with her mentor and knows the
particular circumstances of each student - their home life, sociocultural background, etc. By having students
work in pairs and triads, Alex worked with each group and tailored instruction specifically to each student on
a more one-one-one basis. Almost in every class period Alex used auditory, visual and kinesthetic
strategies to reach diverse learners and aid in their understanding of math. Students were always asked to
speak, write, move, problem-solve, debate, synthesize, and analyze - all leading to higher order thinking.

Standard 2 Additional Comments

Standard 2 Possible Conference Questions:

How did this lesson incorporate resources, strategies, visuals, modeling, and scaffolding to augment
and adapt auditory directions to support the diverse needs of students?
What methods did you provide for students to demonstrate their learning in multiple ways?

Standard 3 - you must provide a score for each Standard

3- Meets Preservice Standard (Inservice Emerging)

Standard 3 Comments
The teacher:
Uses a variety of classroom management strategies to proactively gain and maintain student
attention, facilitate smooth transitions, and to support a positive and respectful learning environment
Consistently identifies potentially disruptive situations and intervenes in an appropriate and timely
manner to maintain a positive learning environment
Encourages students to use speaking, listening, reading, writing, analysis, synthesis, and decisionmaking skills in collaborative learning contexts
Alex came to have a good command of her classroom - effectively employing teacher reaction techniques
(voice, cues, dominance, and proximity) to manage large classes of students. Alex used thumbs-up/thumbs
down, exit tickets, starters, and POP! quizzes to manage and assess her classroom and students. By the
end of her student teaching experience, Alex was able to identify and put down potentially disruptive
situations and create a respectful learning environment.

Standard 3 Additional Comments

Standard 3 Possible Conference Questions

What routines do you use to maximize effective instructional time?
How do you work with students to establish a positive learning climate of openness, respectful
interactions, support, and inquiry?

Standard 4 - you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 4 Comments
The teacher:
Understands and conveys accurate content and process knowledge of the discipline
Connects content to Utah State Core Standards, personal schemas, and real world contexts
Supports students in learning and using academic language accurately and meaningfully
Uses multiple representations of concepts that capture key ideas and makes content comprehensible
Engages students in methods of inquiry and standards of evidence used in a specific discipline
Alex knows her content inside and out. She has learned to explain, model, and demonstrate, etc. in multiple
ways to show students how to solve complex math problems. Alex always used real-world simulations so
students could see how math is applied every where every day. She engaged her students with current pop
culture to "hook" her students and gain their interest in math application.

Standard 4 Additional Comments

Standard 4 Possible Conference Questions

What difficulties/challenges/misconceptions did you anticipate students might have with concepts,
procedures, and connections related to the content?
How did you adapt various representations and materials to convey key concepts, methods, and
standards of evidence used in the discipline?

Standard 5 -you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 5 Comments
The teacher:
Uses multiple methods of formal and informal assessments to guide planning and adapt instruction
Designs or selects appropriate assessments in a variety of formats to determine whether learning
objectives described in state standards have been met
Provides ways for learners to monitor and reflect upon their own progress
Identifies the elements of quality work and provides timely feedback
Documents student progress and provides descriptive feedback to students and other stakeholders
Adjusts assessment methods and makes appropriate accommodations for students with special
learning needs
Alex always began each class period with a warm-up/starter quiz on the previous day's lesson to check for
understanding and to know where she needs to remediate and differentiate. This starter quiz is debriefed
immediately after the last student finishes - giving excellent feedback and checking for student
understanding. Alex also uses constant Socratic questioning and thumbs-up/thumbs-down to check for
understanding and to go back and model the problem if students got lost. Finally, every class period, Alex
paced herself from pair to pair giving feedback as students were set loose to work on the day's learning
activity and giving them immediate feedback.

Standard 5 Additional Comments

Standard 5 Possible Conference Questions

In what ways do your assessment strategies match your learning objectives and engage the learner
in demonstrating knowledge and skills?
What kind of strategies do you use to help students monitor the progress and quality of their work?
How do you adjust instruction based on student responses?

Standard 6 - you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 6 Comments
The teacher:
Prepares workable, meaningful and developmentally appropriate written lesson plans aligned to state
Applies learners sociocultural backgrounds in the design of instruction to encourage all learners to
reach their full potential
Adapts pre-determined plans, materials, and time frames to create learning experiences that are
relevant to learners and based on effective instruction
Differentiates, as needed, to meet individual learner needs
Plans authentic learning experiences for students to use thinking skills and create original work
Plans varied group configurations that support objectives and provide opportunities for learners to
develop communication skills
Alex's lesson plans were well-prepared and based on Understanding by Design as well as aligned with the
Utah State Core Standards. All materials for her learning activities and instructional strategies were always
prepared - including the use of dry erase markers and towels for students to show their work on their desks.
This was so innovative and students loved it. Alex grouped students together to help accommodate
struggling learners reach their full potential with students who knew the material well.

Standard 6 Additional Comments

Standard 6 Possible Conference Questions

How did your plan provide opportunities for relevant and developmentally appropriate student
learning experiences designed for reaching state content standards?
How did your plan incorporate varied resources, technologies, representations, and grouping into
your instruction?
How did you adapt your lesson for language learners, gifted, and other learner needs?

Standard 7 - you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 7 Comments
The teacher:
Practices a range of developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate instructional strategies
to meet the needs of students diverse cognitive levels and learning styles (i.e, differentiation)
Provides multiple opportunities for students to develop higher order and metacognitive skills (e. g.,
problem solving, predicting, organizing, summarizing, categorizing, evaluating, questioning, selfmonitoring).
Supports and expands learners communication skills
Uses a variety of effective technology and resources to support learning
Develops learners abilities to find and use information to solve real world problems
Uses a variety of questioning strategies to promote engagement and learning
Alex used multiple strategies through the use of technology and applications of complex math equations to
the real world. She used music, game show trivia, shopping expeditions, Barbie drops, paired work, board
work, whole class instruction, and Socratic questioning to have students think, write, speak, summarize,
evaluate, and problem-solve. The majority of students were engaged every class period as a result of the
multiple strategies used.

Standard 7 Additional Comments

Standard 7 Possible Interview Questions

What strategies do you implement to reach the needs of students diverse cognitive levels and
learning styles?
How do you provide multiple opportunities for students to develop higher order thinking skills that
reflect the methods of the discipline and lead to depth of content knowledge?
How do you adjust instruction based on student responses?

Standard 8 - you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 8 Comments
The teacher:
Participates in a meaningful lesson reflection with supervisor
Accepts suggestions and constructive criticism to adapt and improve practice over time
Identifies own background and experiences that have an impact on teaching and learning
Alex's great use of reflection is demonstrated with her improved teaching practice in the classroom. She
collaborates with her mentor every day about the content, best practices, and individual students. She was
open to the constructive feedback of her supervisor and implemented changes.

Standard 8 Additional Comments

Standard 8 Possible Conference Questions

What did you learn (or want to learn more about) from teaching this lesson that will help you grow as
a teacher?
How do you use reflection to evaluate the effectiveness of your instruction and guide future planning?
What are some of your strategies for growing in your knowledge of content, teaching, and learning?

Standard 9 - you must provide a score for each Standard

4- Exemplary (Inservice Effective)

Standard 9 Comments
The teacher:
Collaborates to develop cordial professional and family relationships to fulfill required duties and
promote student learning
See comments on previous standards.

Standard 9 Possible Conference Questions

In what ways do you engage with learners and colleagues in your school?
How do you collaborate with colleagues to give and receive feedback to promote student success?

Standard 10 - you must provide a score for each Standard


Standard 10 Comments
The teacher:
Demonstrates professionalism including: professional appearance, punctuality, attendance, flexibility,
compliance with federal and state rules and laws
Alex is a complete professional in every way.

Standard 10 Possible Conference Questions

Are you familiar with federal and state laws and requirements for teacher professional and ethical

General Comments:
Alex displayed a deep passion and knowledge of content in mathematics. She taught advanced 9th grade
students in Math II as well as a core course in Math II & I with students of varying abilities. Alex meth this
challenge: she was exceptionally prepared in mathematics pedagogy, her units were extraordinarily
thorough, well taught, and she used a wide array of effective teaching strategies that employed meaningful
mathematical investigations at every level.

General Comments continued:

Alex was always ready, every class period, with clear objectives and a plan for implementation of these
objectives through a variety of teaching and classroom management methods. Through constant
assessment, both formal and informal, Alex's students were getting constant feedback, which enabled her to
note individual students' problems and progress. Alex developed a deep rapport with her students and
created a safe, positive, and friendly atmosphere in her classroom. Alex modeled, on a daily basis, that she
is a life-long learner.

General Comments continued:

General Comments continued:


Completer Signature & Student Signature

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