Practicum Final Report - Sean Shallow
Practicum Final Report - Sean Shallow
Practicum Final Report - Sean Shallow
Please CC the PED2143 professor
Fax: (613) 562-5441
Teacher Candidates must retain a signed copy for their records
Teacher Candidate:
Sean Shallow
School Name:
School Board:
Placement Period:
Maria Robinson-Cseke
Associate Teacher:
Stacy Hovey
Please Note:
This evaluation should be based on the developmental nature of learning to teach. In filling out the report please
keep in mind the Teacher Candidates stage of preparation in the program. Teacher Candidates continue to develop
their skills through observation, guided practice and the constructive feedback and mentoring of Associate Teachers.
If a Teacher Candidate receives any ratings of Does Not Meet Expectations, the PED 2143 professor or the
Practicum Coordinator must be contacted and a Letter of Concern may be collaboratively generated.
Under the comment section within each competency the Associate Teacher is encouraged to add descriptions of
the positives that really stand out for the Teacher Candidate and/or to make suggestions in areas where the Teacher
Candidate needs improvement.
Please refer to the rubric in the Practicum Handbook for a clearer description of each competency level.
Please ensure that the Teacher Candidate signs and is given a copy of the report.
Professional Relationships:
Interacts respectfully with members of school community.
Demonstrates an understanding of the Associate Teacher/ teacher candidate mentoring relationship
Meets Requirements
Professional Responsibility:
Fulfills responsibilities identified by the Associate Teacher and the University Practicum Handbook
(e.g., duties, reinforcing school rules, and/or other curricular activities)
Meets required guidelines (e.g., submitting lesson plans, marking, returning resources, attendance tracking)
Meets Requirements
Demonstrates that he/she is a self-starter and acts on suggestions and guidance from Associate Teacher.
Meets Requirements
Sean is extremely polite and respectful with all the students and staff. The students admire him a
great deal and enjoy working under his leadership. He provides a great deal of extra assistance to
ensure all students are successful.
Sean is extremely professional at all times. He is responsible, reliable, and well organized. He
reinforces school policies and is well prepared for all classes.
As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate:
Verbal Communication:
Speaks clearly and understandably (e.g., pronunciation, modulation, volume, articulation).
Uses correct oral conventions (e.g., mechanics of the English language as well as subject specific
terms and symbols).
Meets Requirements
Non-Verbal Communication:
Uses effective and appropriate non-verbal communication (e.g., eye contact, facial expressions, body language).
Reads nonverbal communication and responds appropriately. (e.g., scans class to identify students who are not
Meets Requirements
Written Communication:
Uses correct written conventions (e.g., mechanics of the English language, as well as subject specific terms and
Writes clearly and understandably (e.g., appropriate size and script text, legible text, layout of board work,
overhead, multimedia).
Meets Requirements
Sean speaks very clearly and the students appreciate the time he takes to explain all of his lessons.
He encourages the students to share their thoughts and ideas during class discussions. He continues
to use written and non-verbal communication to ensure the students understand the task at hand.
Sean ensures students have enough time to process information and provides helpful clues or
rephrases questions to check their understanding.
Sean checks in with the students each day just to see how they are doing outside of class and has
taken a sincere interest in learning more about each student.
Sean begins each class with a prayer and has including teaching the students about saints each day.
As a developing teacher, the Teacher Candidate:
Subject Knowledge:
Demonstrates fundamental knowledge of subject matter for teaching the assigned grade level.
Provides clear explanations and demonstrates appropriate subject knowledge and related skills.
Meets Requirements
Demonstrates an understanding of the context in which the learning takes place (e.g., the rationale of the
lesson, how the lesson fits into the overall unit or long range plans).
Demonstrates growth in understanding the Ontario curriculum expectations specific to grade and subjects taught
Meets Requirements
Sean demonstrates exceptional mastery of the subject knowledge. He truly knows a great deal about
religion - in particular Christianity and shares his knowledge with great ease.
The resources Sean utilizes to enhance his lessons are simply outstanding. His lesson plans exceed
expectations. He plans material for the duration of the class and always has an extension activity or
back-up plan for students who complete the assigned work early.
Managing Behaviours:
Uses strategies for managing student behaviours in an appropriate manner. Takes proactive and preventive
measures as needed (e.g., considers potential problem areas).
Demonstrates self-control (e.g., avoids power struggles, belittling statements and sarcasm; uses appropriate
voice volume).
Meets Requirements
Sean has truly excelled in his ability to manage a classroom. He has established an extremely
professional presence in the classroom. He uses a plethora of strategies to maintain student
attention and engagement.
Provides in lesson plan sufficient detail and timing for each part of the lesson. Uses appropriate resources to
enhance lesson (e.g., visuals, library/resources, technology, internet).
Meets Requirements
Incorporates a variety of appropriate instructional strategies into lesson plan (e.g., teacher-directed, studentcentered, cooperative learning, technology).
Meets Requirements
Incorporates techniques for student engagement into plan (e.g., topic relevant to students interests, appropriate
questioning, student participation, use of manipulatives, labs, hands-on activities).
Meets Requirements
Incorporates opportunities for consolidation (e.g., summarizes key components of lesson) and
application (e.g., follow-up activity, seatwork, homework).
Meets Requirements
Plans to gather evidence of student learning and next steps. (e.g., checking for understanding, summative and/
or formative assessment.
Meets Requirements
Incorporates strategies to address student needs. (e.g., Students with IEPs, students at risk, English Language
Meets Requirements
Uses clear and effective instructional and questioning techniques that incorporate a range of thinking skills.
Promotes relevant purposeful talk and student dialogue.
Meets Requirements
Demonstrates appropriate pacing and timing. Makes effective transitions prior to and throughout the lesson
(e.g., starting the lesson, conducting the lesson, giving instruction, collecting and distributing materials).
Meets Requirements
Employs instructional strategies that engage all learners. (e.g., way one starts and ends the lesson, hands-on
activities, technology). Adjusts lessons to circumstances (e.g., able to resume lesson after interruption,
addressing student needs). Ensures consolidation of student learning and closure of lesson.
Meets Requirements
Words do not adequately describe how well organized Sean's lessons are each day. His advanced
planning and dedication to student success speak for themselves. He integrates technology and
various literacy strategies as well to ensure students are genuinely invested in their learning. He has
done learning walks, used QR Codes, exit cards, four corner activities and much more to engage the
students each day. As a review for the Grade 11 Islam test he played, "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth
Grader" with the students using the Smart Board.
Sean motivates students to succeed each day. He provides exceptional feedback to each student.
Sean encourages students to try their very best and never give up.
Overall Comments:
Sean is one of the best Student Teachers I have ever had the pleasure to mentor. If I had the ability
to offer him a job in my Department, I would do so right away. He will be an exceptional additional to
any school staff.