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Chapter 1 Methods of Research

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Chapter I: Introduction

Research is the key to progress.

There can be no progress without research in
almost if not all human endeavors. Therefore,
the methods and techniques must be taught
and learned in graduate as well as in
undergraduate educational work.
Definitions of research
Good defines research as a “ careful, critical, disciplined inquiry varying in technique and
method according to the nature of conditions of the problem identified, directed toward the
clarification or resolution ( or both) of a problem.” (Good, p. 44)
Aquino has more detailed definition of research. He says that “ research is, simply, the
systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic or problem.”
Research has defined as “ the process of gathering data or information to solve particular or
specific problem in a specific manner.” (Manuel and Medel, p. 5)
Parel defines research as “ a systematic study or investigation of something for the purpose
of answering questions posed by the researcher.” (Cited by Sanchez, p. 2)

“Research in its broadest sense is an attempt to gain solutions to problems. It is the collection
of data in a rigorously controlled situation for the purpose of prediction or explanation.” ( Treece and
Treece, p.3)
Research may be defined as a purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering,
analizing, classifying , organizing, presenting, and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for
prediction, for the discovery of truth, or for expansion or verification of existing knowledge, all for the
prevention and improvement of the quality of human life.
Purposes of Research ( Aims, objectives, Goals)

The definition of research says that research is purposive. The main or principal purpose and goal of
research is the prevention and improvement of the quality of human life. “The purpose of research is to serve
man,” and “ The goal of research is the good life. “ (Good and Scates, p. 9, 14)
For more specific purposes and goals of research, the following may be mentioned:
1. To discover new facts about known phenomena
2. To find answers problems which are only partially solved by existing methods of information.
3. Improve existing techniques and develop new instruments or products.
4. To discover previously unrecognized substances or elements.
5. To discover path of action of known substances and elements.
6. To order related, valid generalizations into systematized science. Schlotfeldt. (Ibid)
7. To provide basis for decision- making in business, industry, education, government, and in other
8. To satisfy researcher’s curiosity.
9. To expand or verify existing knowledge.
10. To improve educational practices for raising the quality of school product.
Characteristics of Good Research

1. Research gathers new knowledge or data from primary or first hand sources.
2. Research is expert, systematic and accurate investigation. The researchers knows what is already known about his
3. Research is logical and objective, applying every possible test to verify the data collected and the procedures employed.
4. Research endeavors to organize data in quantitative terms.
5. Research is carefully recorded and reported.
From the discussions above, the characteristics of research may be summarized as follows:
1. Research is systematic. It follows an orderly and sequential procedure that leads to the discovery of truth.
2. Research is controlled. All variables except those that are not tested or being experimented upon are kept.
3. Research is empirical. All the procedures employed and the data gathered are perceived in the same manner by all
4. Research is analytical. There is a critical analysis of all data used so that there is no error in their interpretation.
5. Research is objective, unbiased, and logical. All the findings and conclusions are logically based on empirical
data and no effort is made to alter the results of the research.
6. Research employs hypothesis. This is to guide the investigation process.
7. Research employs quantitative or statistical methods. Data are transformed into numerical data.
8.Research is original work. Except in historical research, data are gathered from primary sources or first- hand
sources and not from secondary sources.
9. Research is done by an expert. The researcher uses valid and carefully designed procedures, valid data –
gathering instruments, and valid data.
10. Research is accurate investigation, observation and description. All conclusions are based on actual

Differences Between Research and problem solving

Research Problem solving

1. There may not be a problem, only interest in answering a 1. There always a problem to be solved.

Question or a query.

2. A research problem is more rigorous and broader in scope. 2. A problem to be solved is less rigorous and less broad.

3. The research problem is not necessarily defined specifically. 3.Has to defined and identified specifically.

4. Intended to solve some kind of problem. 4. Problem solving does not always involve research.

5. Make contribution to general knowledge. 5. Always intended to solve problem.

6. Concerned with broad problems. 6. Concerned with specific problems.

Kinds and classifications of Research

1. According to purpose. The three broadly different kinds of research are: namely predictive, directive, and

2. According to goal. Research may be classified as basic or pure research and applied research.

3. According to the levels of investigations. This are Exploratory research, descriptive research, and experimental

4. According to the type of analysis. Weiss classifies research into analytic research and holistic research.

5. According to scope. Under this scope is action research.

6. According to choice of answers to problems. Concerned in the evaluation and developmental research.

7. According to statistical content. Under this type may be mentioned quantitative research and non – quantitative

8. According to time element. Best classifies research as Historical , descriptive , and experimental.
Some hindrances to Scientific Inquiry ( Errors in Personal judgment)

1. Tradition. This is accepting that customs, beliefs, practices, and superstitions are true and are parts of the daily lives
of men.

2. Authority. Accepting without opinion, given by someone who is considered an authority on the subject.

3. Inaccurate observation. This is describing wrongly what is actually observed.

4. Overgeneralization. This is establishing a pattern out of a new instances.

5. Selective observation. Believed an observed pattern and ignore other pertinent pattern.

6. Made- up information. To explain confusion.

7. Illogical reasoning. This is attributing something to another without any logical basis.

8. Ego- involvement in understanding. This is giving explanation when one finds himself in an unfavorable situation.

9. Mystification. This is attributing to supernatural power, the phenomena that cannot be understood.

10. To err is human. This is an attitude that admits the fallibility of man.

11. Dogmatism. This is addition unwritten policy of certain institutions government.

The Scientific Method of Research

One of the characteristics of good research is that, it is systematic. It follows the Scientific method of
research which includes the following sequential step:

1. Determining ( recognizing) the problem;

2. Forming a hypothesis;

3. Doing the library research;

4. Designing the study;

5. Developing the instruments for collecting the data;

6. Collecting the data;

7. Analyzing the data;

8. Determining the implications and conclusions from the findings; and

9. Making recommendations for further research.

Here is the standard format of thesis writing as followed:

Chapter I Chapter III

Background of the study Methodology
Statement of the problem
Research design
Significance of the study
Research Local
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Sample of the study
Chapter II
Chapter IV
Choose your RRL, style: Chronological, country of PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA
origin, and Thematic Problem: 1,2, and 3
Conceptual Framework Chapter V
Definition of Terms
Biographical sketch and Appendices

1. Rigid control refers to the manipulation of the research variables.

2. Objectivity means that there should be no bias or partiality in treating the results of the inquiry.

3. Systematic Organization refers to proper and accurate tabulation of data as well as presenting them in

statistical tables ready for interpretation.

4. Rigorous Standards refers to the setting up of standards or principles which serve as bases for evaluating

the findings of a study. Such standards should not be changed to suit the expectation of the researcher.

Designing the study must follow the scientific method of research. Designing the study also includes

deciding on the research method to be used, the study population , the instruments to be used in gathering data

and it preparation, the sampling design , statistical treatment of data, and analysis and preparation of data.

There are three major research method with their respective variations these are: Historical, descriptive

and experimental of research.

Discussed and explained also are the different methods of collecting data such as interview,

questionnaire, observation , test and others as well as the preparation of their respective instruments.

Sampling design such as pure random , systematic , stratified and cluster.

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