Kindly Select A' For TRUE & B' For FALSE 1 To 10: RT Lesson 11 Quiz
Kindly Select A' For TRUE & B' For FALSE 1 To 10: RT Lesson 11 Quiz
Kindly Select A' For TRUE & B' For FALSE 1 To 10: RT Lesson 11 Quiz
Kindly select A for TRUE & B for FALSE 1 to 10
1. Some parts of the human body, such as arms and feet can receive a higher radiation dose.
2. A given amount of radiation dose will have less effect on the body if the exposure occurs
gradually over a long period of time.
3. A new drug has been developed by the medical profession that will prevent radiation damage
if taken prior to the exposure.
4. Two roentgens of gamma radiation is equal 0.002 REMS.
5. A dose of 16 milliroentgens is equal to 0.016 REMS.
6. Gray (GY) is a unit used for measuring radioactivity.
7. 1 REM is equal to 100 Sievert (SV).
8. Any acute exposure recording a dose more than 10 MSV (1 R) is considered as excessive
9. 1 Becquerel (BQ) is equal to 0.37 x 10-10 curie.
10. No detectable effect can be noticed if dose range less than 0.1 GY.
Kindly select best possible answer for 10 to 13
11. What will be the radiation intensity at 1 meter distance form 16 Ci Ir-192 source ?
(A) 16 R/Hr/M
(B) 8 R/Hr/M
(C) 20.8 R/Hr/M
(D) 12.30 R/Hr/M
12. What will be the radiation intensity at 18 meter distance form 16 Ci Ir-192 source ?
(A) 0.44 R/Hr/M
(B) 0.024 R/Hr/M
(C) 1.6 R/Hr/M
(D) 0.037 R/Hr/M
13. How much radiation absorbed by the person at 18 meter distance form 16 Ci Ir-192 source for
10 minutes time ?
(A) 0.073 R
(B) 0.004 R
(C) 0.266 R
(D) 0.006 R