Supervisory Development Programme-I (SDP-I) Topic: Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Faculty: Naveen Seth
Supervisory Development Programme-I (SDP-I) Topic: Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Faculty: Naveen Seth
Supervisory Development Programme-I (SDP-I) Topic: Non Destructive Testing (NDT) Faculty: Naveen Seth
Topic : Non Destructive Testing (NDT)
Faculty : Naveen Seth
What is NDT ?
Types of Discontinuities.
NDT in L&T
What is NDT ?
NDT- Non Destructive Testing
The use of noninvasive
techniques to determine
the integrity of a material,
component or structure or
quantitatively measure
some characteristic of
an object.i.e. Inspect or
measure without doing harm.
What is NDT ?
What is NDT ?
Definition : The change in the geometry or
composition of an object, it may be intentional or
Such changes inherently affect the physical
properties of the object and may in turn have an
effect on the objects ability to fulfill its intended use
or service life.
Every discontinuity is not a defect but every
defect is a discontinuity.
Inherent discontinuities.
Inherent discontinuities :
When ferromagnetic materials are produced, molten
metal solidifies into ingot form producing what is
known as inherent discontinuities.
Such discontinuities then can be rolled, forged and
section along with the material in its subsequent
processing operations.
Inherent Discontinuities
Cold shut
Location : Surface or Subsurface
Cause : The meeting of two streams of liquid metal
that do not fuse together.
Inherent Discontinuities
Location : Surface or Subsurface
Cause : Entrapped gases during solidification of
Inherent Discontinuities
Location : Surface or Subsurface
Cause : Contaminant introduced during the casting
Inherent Discontinuities
Hot tears
Location : Surface
Cause : Restraints from the core or mold during the
cooling process.
Location : Surface or subsurface
Cause : Localized differences in material
Location : Surface or Subsurface
Cause : Vaporized constituents in the molten weld
metal are entrapped during solidification.
Cluster Porosity
Location : Surface or Subsurface
Cause : Vaporized constituents in the molten weld
metal are entrapped during solidification.
Slag Inclusion
Location : Subsurface
Cause : Improper cleaning of previous weld pass
and mixing of oxides on the base metal surface into
the weld pool
Lack of Penetration
Location : Surface or Subsurface
Cause : Inadequate penetration of the weld joint root
by the weld metal.
Lack of Fusion
Location : Subsurface
Cause : Failure of filler metal to coalese with the
base metal.
Suck Back
Location : Surface or Subsurface
Cause : where the weld metal has contracted as it
cools and has been drawn up into the root of the
Internal Undercut
Location : Surface
Cause : Over sized weld pool (related to excessive
amperage, travel speed and electrode size.)
External Undercut
Location : Surface
Cause : Over sized weld pool (related to excessive
amperage, travel speed and electrode size.)
Offset or mismatch
Location : Surface
Cause : where two pieces being welded together are
not properly aligned.
Tungsten Inclusion
Location : Subsurface.
Cause : Molten weld pool or filler metal comes in
contact with the tip of tungsten electrode.
Burn Through
Location : Surface.
Cause : Too much heat causes excessive weld
metal to penetrate the weld zone.
Grinding Cracks
Location : Surface
Cause : Localized overheating of the material due to
improper grinding procedures.
Quench Cracks
Location : Surface
Cause : Sudden cooling from elevated temperature
Pickling Cracks
Location : Surface
Cause : Residual stress being relieved
Location : Surface
Cause : Cyclically applied stress below the ultimate
tensile strength.
Location : Surface
Cause : Material subjected to elevated temperatures
and stress below the yield strength.
Hydrogen Cracking
Location : Surface
Cause : Combined effect of applied tensile or
residual stress and hydrogen enriched environment.
Ultrasonic Testing.
Penetrant Testing.
Radiography Testing.
Ultrasonic Testing
High frequency sound waves are introduced into a
material and they are reflected back from surfaces or
Reflected sound energy is displayed versus time, and
inspector can visualize a cross section of the specimen
showing the depth of features that reflect sound.
back surface
Oscilloscope, or flaw
detector screen
Ultrasonic Testing
A typical UT inspection system consists of several
functional units, such as the pulsar/receiver,
transducer, and display devices. A pulsar/receiver is
an electronic device that can produce high voltage
electrical pulse. Driven by the pulsar, the transducer
generates high frequency ultrasonic energy. The
sound energy is introduced and propagates through
the materials in the form of waves. When there is a
discontinuity (such as a crack) in the wave path, part
of the energy will be reflected back from the flaw
Ultrasonic Testing
The reflected wave signal is transformed into
electrical signal by the transducer and is displayed
on a screen. The reflected signal strength is
displayed versus the time from signal generation to
when a echo was received. Signal travel time can
be directly related to the distance that the signal
traveled. From the signal, information about the
reflector location, size, orientation and other
features can sometimes be gained.
Ultrasonic Testing
Transducer or Probe in UT
The conversion of electrical pulses to mechanical
vibrations and the conversion of returned
mechanical vibrations back into electrical energy is
the basis for ultrasonic testing. The active element is
the heart of the transducer as it converts the
electrical energy to acoustic energy, and vice versa.
Transducer or Probe in UT
Transducers or probes are very important tool in the
system. They act through couplant.The sensitivity of a
transducer is defined as its ability to detect smallest
discontinuities and it is measured by the response of
reflection from artificial discontinuity in reference
block.Transducers are classified into groups
according to the application.
Transducer or Probe in UT
Four basic types of transducers:
T/R Probe
Angle Probe
A couplant is a material (usually liquid) that facilitates
the transmission of ultrasonic energy from the
transducer into the test specimen. Couplant is
generally necessary because the acoustic
impedance mismatch between air and solids, such
as the test specimen, is large and, therefore, nearly
all of the energy is reflected and very little is
transmitted into the test material.
The couplant displaces the air and makes it possible
to get more sound energy into the test specimen so
that a usable ultrasonic signal can be obtained. In
contact ultrasonic testing a thin film of oil, glycerin or
water is generally used and in immersion testing
water is between the transducer and the test