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1.1 Supercritical Technology: Standard Technical Features of BTG System For Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

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Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


Supercritical Technology
The current thrust of thermal power development in the country is on
supercritical units so as to improve the conversion efficiency and reduce
carbon footprint. A number of power generation utilities are going for
supercritical technology and a large number of supercritical units of 660/800
MW size are already under construction. Apart from BHEL and L&T, several
other manufacturers are setting up facilities for manufacturing supercritical
boilers and turbine generators in the country. Considering these developments,
this document on Standard technical features for BTG system of supercritical
660/800 MW thermal units has been prepared with a view to evolve common
understanding amongst utilities, manufacturers and consultants on design and
sizing philosophy for supercritical units. The objective is to incorporate broad
functional aspects deemed necessary for specifying major quality and
performance parameters unambiguously; and at the same time provide
flexibility to the manufacturers. Steam generator and auxiliaries, being the
major focus area for supercritical units, have been dealt with in more detail.
This document is not intended to be detailed specification for use as bid
The generation efficiency of coal fired stations depends on the steam
parameters adopted - higher the steam parameters, higher is the efficiency. It is
with this objective that the steam parameters have been constantly raised from
60 kg/cm 2 for 50 MW units to 170 kg/cm2 for 500 MW units. Supercritical
technology implies use of steam pressure beyond the critical point of
water/steam which is about 225 kg/cm2. Thus, supercritical units use higher
steam parameters of over 240 kg/cm2
with various combinations of
temperature and pressure. This has been made possible largely through
developments in materials technology to withstand the higher temperatures
and pressures in the boiler.
World over the supercritical technology has been driven by the need to
achieve higher efficiency in order to reduce specific fuel consumption and
green house gas emissions. Supercritical technology is an established and
proven technology with over 500 supercritical units operating worldwide and
reliability and availability of supercritical units being at par with that of subcritical units. Ultra supercritical parameters with pressure of 250-300 kg/cm2
and main steam/ reheat steam temperatures of 600/6100C are also being
adopted. Research is underway to further increase the steam temperatures to
Whilst the earlier supercritical units installed in the country adopted steam
parameters of 247 kg/cm2, 535/5650C, higher steam parameters of 247 kg/cm2,
565/5930C are being adopted for later units and have been adopted in this

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

document. The Central Electricity Authority (Technical Standards for

Construction of Electrical Plants and Electric Lines) Regulations, 2010,
stipulate the maximum turbine cycle heat rate for supercritical units as 1850
kcal/kWh with turbine driven BFP and 1810 kcal/kWh with motor driven BFP
and this would require adoption of minimum steam parameters of 247 kg/cm2,
565/ 5930C at turbine inlet. Efficiency improvement of about 2.38 % over the
present 500 MW sub-critical units is expected with these minimum steam
parameters. Parameters higher than above may also be adopted to achieve
better heat rate/ efficiency as per standard practice of OEM.
Supercritical technology being a recent introduction in the country, a brief
introduction of this technology along with implications on design/construction
has also been covered hereunder.

Implications on Design/Construction
Adoption of supercritical technology involves several design/construction
changes intrinsically associated with this technology. Some other issues also
emanate due to larger unit size of supercritical units. These are discussed as


Evaporator design
Unlike at sub-critical pressures, there is no co-existence of the two phases,
water and steam at supercritical pressures and there is no fixed transition point
for phase change like the drum in sub-critical boiler acting as evaporation end
point. Therefore the standard circulation system (natural/assisted), which
relies on the density difference between steam and water and steam separation
in drum is no longer suitable for supercritical units. Instead, supercritical units
necessarily use a once-through type of boiler. These boilers also operate in
subcritical recirculation mode, subcritical once- through mode and
supercritical mode under different pressure regimes.
Many types of supercritical once through boiler design exist. While some
allow complete variable pressure operation, where the pressure across whole
boiler is varied (reduced at low loads), others operate at fixed evaporator
pressure and thus involve loss of energy for part load operation. Due to
requirement of cyclic operation, variable pressure type evaporator system has
been adopted in this document.


Water walls design

Supercritical units deploy spiral wall furnace using smooth tubes or vertical
wall furnace with rifled tubes. Spiral wall furnace increases the mass flow per
tube by reducing the number of tubes needed to envelop the furnace without
increasing the spacing between the tubes. It also leads to uniform heat
absorption in each tube rendering the spiral wall system less sensitive to
changes in the heat absorption profile in the furnace. However, it involves a
complex support structure and is relatively difficult to construct and maintain.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

The vertical water wall design uses rifled tubing for improved cooling effect
with uniform temperature across the walls and is also operating satisfactorily.
Its advantage lies in ease of construction and maintenance. Keeping in view
the fact that various manufacturers have standard water wall configurations
which are proven, both the options viz. spiral and vertical tube designs have
been included.
1.2.3 Boiler start up circulation systems
Supercritical boiler starts operating in the once through mode beyond a
particular minimum load of say 30 to 40 %. Below this load, it operates in the
circulation mode and needs a separator and circulation system for water steam
separation; the separated water is circulated back to the boiler. Generally, two
types of circulation systems are in use. In one of the systems, separated water
from the separator is led to the deaerator/ condenser and is circulated to the
feed water system through boiler feed pump. This system is simple and
relatively inexpensive but involves loss of heat from boiler during cold startup. In other system a circulation pump is provided to circulate the water from
separator directly to the economizer. This prevents heat loss from boiler
during cold start- up but adds to cost. Both systems have also been provided in
some of the supercritical units to improve reliability. Other proven standard
systems for boiler startup drain circulation system are also acceptable.
An alternate drain connection to main condenser has also been envisaged to
enable start up of steam generator even when the Start up drain recirculation
pump is not in service and for initial flushing of boiler to achieve water/ steam

HP turbine extraction
In the sub-critical units upto 500 MW, the highest pressure extraction in the
regenerative feed heating cycle is from the HP Turbine exhaust. This
conventional design with highest feed water extraction from CRH line is able
to achieve a final feed water temperature of about 2550C. Designs with
extraction from HP turbine are available leading to increased final feed water
temperature of about 2900C or higher. The higher feed water temperature due
to HP extraction leads to a marginally better turbine cycle heat rate. It also
involves additional heaters. Keeping in view the advantages of higher
efficiency, design with HP turbine extraction has been adopted.


Boiler feed pump configuration

A number of configurations viz. 2x50% TDBFP+2x30% MDBFP, 2x50%
TDBFP+1x50% MDBFP, 2x50% TDBFP+1x30% MDBFP, 3x50% MDBFP
are in use for boiler feed pumps in large size units. The normal practice being
followed in the country for 500 MW units is to provide 2x50 % turbine driven
Boiler feed pumps (TD-BFP) and 1x50 % motor driven BFP (MD-BFP). The
above configuration has the advantage for having same pump for both TDBFP and MD-BFP leading to interchangeability of spares etc. and better

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

inventory management. For large size supercritical units also, the same
configuration i.e. 2x50 % TD-BFP and 1x50 % MD-BFP has been adopted.
Alternate provision of 3x50% MDBFPs has also been suggested. However,
this shall be resulting in increased auxiliary power consumption and reduced
net unit output.

Design pressure of HP heaters and feed water piping

In case of sub-critical units, feed regulating station is generally located at
down stream of HP heaters, and HP heaters and feed water piping from BFP
discharge to boiler inlet are normally designed for the shut off head condition
of BFPs. However, in case of supercritical units, such a design criteria may
lead to extremely high design pressure rating for HP heaters and lead to
extremely high thicknesses for pipes and heater tube sheet etc. Thus, in
supercritical units, feed regulating station is located at upstream of HP heaters
and no isolation valve is provided at economiser inlet. The feed water piping
and HP heaters are designed as per design pressure of the boiler with provision
of pressure relief valves across HP heaters or media operated three way valves
are provided at inlet/ outlet of HP heater(s) so as to prevent BFP shut off
pressure from being communicated to downstream piping system and HP


Water chemistry
Unlike the sub-critical units that offer flexibility for water chemistry
correction in the boiler (drum), the supercritical units require necessary quality
correction of condensate to ensure final steam quality. High chemical
concentration in the boiler water and feed water cause furnace tube deposition
and allow solids carryover into the superheater and turbine. Further, dissolved
oxygen attacks steel and rate of attack increases sharply with rise in
temperature. Accordingly, water chemistry of boiler feed water is maintained
using combined water treatment (oxygen dosing and ammonia dosing in
condensate and feed water system). Oxygenated treatment (OT) using high
purity DM water minimizes corrosion and flow accelerated corrosion (FAC) in
the feed water train. Provision for dosing of ammonia and hydrazine (all
volatile treatment) is also made during start up and chemical excursions.
Further, the units are also provided with 100 % condensate polishing units to
achieve requisite condensate quality to the regenerative feed heating systems.


ID fan selection
Normal practice in the country has been to provide radial type Induced
Draught (ID) fans for upto 500 MW unit size as radial fans are considered
more reliable specially under conditions of high dust loadings (and consequent
high wear of fan). However, radial fans of high capacity (for 660/800 MW
unit size) may not be available and hence axial type variable pitch ID fans
have been adopted. These are more efficient and lead to considerable power
savings. Also with considerable improvements in ESP performance, problems
of fan wear etc. are not expected to be significant.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


High steam pressure and temperature parameters adopted in supercritical
boilers require use of improved materials to withstand the severe operating
conditions. Gas side corrosion & erosion and steam side scaling and
exfoliation are some of the major issues in material selection for coal-fired
boilers. Higher temperature leads to creep, high temperature oxidation and
accelerated attack of materials due to the presence of aggressive corrosive
species, such as sulphur and chlorine, in the coal.
Ferritic, austenitic, or nickel-based alloy with mechanical strength at high
temperatures are used in supercritical boilers. Materials being used are T11,
T12, T22, T23, T/P91, T/P92, TP-304H, TP-347H and super-304H or
equivalent. The relative use of these materials for various surfaces depends on
the steam parameters adopted and also on design philosophy of the
manufacturer. The high temperature superheater sections normally require
advanced materials; however use of advanced materials in other sections can
provide design flexibility (e.g., thinner piping/headers for cycling service),
though they may not be essential in those areas. Thus sufficient flexibility has
been provided for choice of materials for various equipments/ sections and
piping to enable design freedom to the manufacturers.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


The plant shall be designed to operate as a base load station and shall have a
design life of minimum twenty five (25) years. However, continuous operation
under two shift and cyclic modes during certain periods is also envisaged. The
design of the plant equipment and control system would permit participation
of the plant in automatic load frequency control. The major operating
capabilities for the unit(s)/ plant are envisaged as under:

2.1.1 Operate continuously with turbine under VWO condition with rated steam
parameters, specified rated condenser pressure and 1% cycle make up.
2.1.2 Sliding pressure/ modified sliding pressure operation from rated load down to
40% of rated load. The modified sliding pressure operation shall comprise of
constant pressure operation from rated load to approximately 90% of rated
load and then sliding pressure operation down to 40% of rated load. At any
operating load upto 100% rated load, the turbine shall be capable to achieve an
instantaneous increase in turbine output by 5% of the corresponding load, by
opening turbine control valves/ overload valves wide open.
2.1.3 The plant shall have adequate provision for quick start-up and loading of the
units to full load at a fast rate.
2.1.4 Operate continuously with all HP heaters out of service with maximum
specified cooling water temperature, 1% cycle make up and normal auxiliary
steam requirement being tapped from cold reheat line, to generate maximum
output without over stressing turbine components. The power output of the
unit under this operating condition shall not be less than the rated output (660
or 800 MW, as applicable).

In case of sudden reduction in demand (load throw off), the unit should get
safely unloaded and stabilized for operation at house load with HP- LP bypass
open to required capacity.

2.1.6 Operate continuously at rated output (660 or 800 MW, as applicable) under
rated steam conditions, specified worst condenser pressure, 1% cycle make-up
and 47.5 Hz grid frequency.

The design of the plant equipment and control system would permit
participation of the plant in automatic load frequency control.


Steam generator, turbine generator and auxiliaries shall be designed to cater to

the above operating conditions with adequate margin as per standard practice
prevailing in the fossil fired power plants.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


All equipment, systems and work covered herein shall comply with all latest
statutes, regulations and safety codes, as applicable in the locality where the
equipment will be installed.


The design of Steam Generator shall meet or exceed all the requirements of
latest editions of Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR). Any other standard
acceptable to IBR can also be considered, provided that the requirements of
that standard are equivalent or more stringent than the IBR requirements.


The turbine generator shall comply with general requirements and standards of
latest versions of IEC-45 and 46, IEEE-122, IEC-34-1, IEC-34-3 or their
approved equivalents.


The design, construction and testing of all equipment, facilities, components

and systems shall be in accordance with latest version of relevant standards
and codes issued by Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and/or reputed
international standards and codes. However, in the event of any conflict
between the requirements of the international standards or codes and the
requirements of the BIS standards or codes, the more stringent of the two shall
be adopted. Complete design including pressure parts, piping, valves and
fittings shall meet or exceed all the requirements of the latest versions of
Indian Boiler Regulations (IBR).


The various parts or components or assemblies of equipment and systems shall

be of proven materials with well established physical and chemical properties
appropriate to the service as intended.


All materials, components and equipment shall be tested at all stages of

procurement, manufacturing, erection, commissioning as per comprehensive
Quality Assurance Programme to be agreed mutually between the purchase
and the equipment supplier.


Noise level for the continuously operating equipment shall not be more than
85 dBA at a distance of 1 metre and at a height of 1.5 metre from any
equipment except in case of Turbine Generator. Noise level for TurbineGenerators shall not exceed 90 dBA. For short term exposure, noise levels
shall not exceed the limits as stipulated in the Occupational Safety & Health
Administration (OSHA) Standard.


Areas where a potential flammable atmosphere may exist shall be classified in

accordance with the provisions of latest version of relevant IS. Certified
equipment shall be used in the designated hazardous areas. To the extent
practicable, equipment requiring operators attention and/or electrical
equipment shall not be installed in hazardous areas.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


All power cycle pumps shall comply with the latest applicable
recommendations of Hydraulic Institute Standards (U.S.A.) or approved


Stand-by equipment of all the auxiliaries which have direct impact on

operation and safety of the plant shall be designed for auto start up, on failure
of running equipment with minimum time delay and without runback on unit


The equipments and auxiliaries shall be suitable for continuous operation in

the frequency range of 47.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz.


Wherever oil coolers for any equipment are provided, these shall be of 3x50%
or 2x100% capacity to facilitate cleaning without shutting down the
equipment. All coolers/jackets shall be designed to take care of the operating
pressure of the cooling medium.


The turbine generator shall be provided with electronically controlled

governing system with appropriate speed/ load characteristics to regulate the
frequency. The governor shall have a droop of 3 to 6%.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units


The broad salient features of the layout arrangements of various equipment in

the main plant building housing the turbine- generator and its auxiliaries and
steam generator area are given as hereunder:

4.1.1 The arrangement of the turbine- generator in the main plant building shall be
of longitudinal type. The boiler centre line shall be the same as that of TG
condenser as far as possible. Unit pitching distance between centre lines of
two boilers shall be in the range 110- 135m for 660 MW units and 125- 150 m
for 800 MW units. The column spacing of main plant building may be about
10 m.
4.1.2 The conventional arrangement of AB, BC and CD longitudinal bays with D
row as first row of boiler columns shall preferably be adopted. The width of
AB bay shall be about 36m when TDBFPs are located at operating floor in AB
bay and about 30m when TDBFPs are not located as above. The coal mils
shall be located on two sides of the boiler and width of the mill bunker
building on each side shall be such that adequate space is available for
operation and maintenance of coal mills. Alternatively, front/ rear mill
arrangement shall also be acceptable subject to feasibility of the layout. In
case of front mill arrangement, suitable provisions shall be made to prevent
coal dust entry in the TG area.
4.1.3 A clear walkway of 1200mm (min) shall be ensured between the mills / its
foundation / mill reject vessel edge and inner face of mill bay column. Raw
coal bunker shall be circular in shape.
4.1.4 Two transverse bays at 0.0 m elevation equivalent to minimum area of 600m2
shall be provided for unloading and maintenance at one end of main plant
building. One additional bay shall be provided between two units for
maintenance at ground floor. Alternatively, two transverse bays may be
provided between two units for unloading and maintenance with one bay on
one end of the building for maintenance at ground floor. Further, a minimum
lay down area of 600 m2 per unit with EOT crane approach shall be kept on
the operating floor.
4.1.5 TDBFPs shall be located at operating floor/ ground floor in AB/BC bay and
MDBFP shall be located at ground floor or mezzanine floor.
4.1.6 The location of control room (common for two units) shall be towards BC bay
in between the two units at the operating floor level. The control equipment
room shall be located adjacent to control room and at mezzanine floor as per
the requirement.

Standard Technical Features of BTG System for Supercritical 660/800 MW Thermal Units

4.1.7 There shall be no regular basement floors in main plant building and mill
bunker bay building. Also, the local pits/trenches in main plant building/ mill
bunker bay building/ boiler/ ESP area shall be avoided as far as possible.
4.1.8 The dearator shall be located in the BC bay at an appropriate elevation so as to
meet the NPSH requirement of boiler feed pumps. Horizontal HP heaters and
LP heaters shall also be located in BC bay with space provision for tube/ shell
4.1.9 Clear walk ways of minimum 1.5 m width at all the levels along A & B row
shall be provided in the main plant building. For interconnection with service
building, walk way of about 3.0 m width shall be provided along 'B' row of
main plant building.
4.1.10 For EOT crane maintenance, through walkway of minimum 500mm width
(without hindrance) shall be provided along A row and B row rails at crane
girder level. Approach to the crane through cage/ rung ladders shall be
provided at least at two places from the operating floor level.
4.1.11 Interconnecting walkways (minimum 1.5m clear width) between main plant
building and boiler (on either side of boiler in case of side mill arrangement) at
ground, mezzanine, operating and deaerator floor levels shall be provided.
Also, inter-connecting platform (minimum 1.2 m clear width) between boiler
and coal bunker building at mill maintenance floor level, feeder floor level,
tripper floor level and roof of mill bay (if applicable) shall be provided.
Number of interconnecting platforms between boiler and coal bunker building
for each level/ floor specified above shall be two (2) numbers on each side of
Boiler i.e. four (4) numbers per floor in case of side mill arrangement and two
(2) numbers per floor for front/ rear mill arrangement.
4.1.12 Steam turbine, generator (except stator), BFPs and other equipments located in
the turbine hall shall be accessible by the EOT crane(s) for their handling
during maintenance and overhauling. For all other equipment/ components
located in the main plant building, suitable handling arrangement viz. cranes/
chain pulley blocks/ monorail hoists etc. as required shall be provided for the
maintenance and overhauling.
4.1.13 Facility shall be provided for handling of condenser water box to enable
maintenance and withdrawal of condenser tubes. Alternatively, condenser
water box with hinge arrangement may be provided. Rolling shutter(s) or
removable sheeting between A row columns alongwith extended platform as
necessary shall be provided to facilitate condenser tube withdrawal or
removable of condenser mounted LP heater(s), if applicable.
4.1.14 Facility of crane/ chain pulley block/ monorail hoist etc. shall be provided
alongwith provision of space for maintenance/ overhauling/ handling/ removal
of equipment such as mills, pumps, fans, motors, heaters, heat exchangers,
and handling of APH baskets and coils of economizer and SCAPH etc.

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