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IC Compiler

Advanced Geometries
User Guide
Version J-2014.09-SP2, December 2014

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IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide, version J-2014.09-SP2


Copyright Notice for the Command-Line Editing Feature

1992, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. This code is derived from software contributed to
Berkeley by Christos Zoulas of Cornell University.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
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Copyright Notice for the Line-Editing Library

1992 Simmule Turner and Rich Salz. All rights reserved.

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IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide, version J-2014.09-SP2


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide, version J-2014.09-SP2






About This User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Customer Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Double-Patterning Concepts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Licensing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Library Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Double-Patterning Mask Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Double-Patterning in the Design Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Starting the IC Compiler Tool in Advanced Geometry Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Design Planning and PG Routing

Hierarchical Floorplanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Implementing Double-Patterning-Compliant Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Power and Ground Routing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Placement Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Setting the Placement Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Defining Placement Blockages for the Power Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Increasing the Cell Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enabling the Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide




Version J-2014.09-SP2

Performing Placement in the Precolored Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Enabling the Double-Patterning Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Cell-Level Mask Swapping to Fix Double-Patterning Violations . . . . . . .


Performing Congestion-Driven Placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Routing Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Preparing for Routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Checking the Routing Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Disabling Routing on the Metal1 Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting the Global Routing Track Utilization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Increasing the Number of Routing Iterations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enabling Odd-Cycle Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Routing Advanced-Node Designs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Routing Precolored Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Routing Nets in the GUI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Verifying the Routing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Verifying the Routing in the IC Compiler Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Performing Signoff Design Rule Checking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fixing Signoff DRC Violations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Extraction for Advanced-Node Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chip Finishing
Redundant Via Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Filler Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Boundary Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Streaming Out a Precolored Design

Defining a Precolor Layer Mapping File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Controlling the Layers Written for Precolored Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Propagating Mask Constraints to Via Enclosures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Cell-Level Mask Swapping During Stream-Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Appendix A. Library Preparation

Enabling Cell-Level Mask Swapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Defining Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Defining Implant Layer Rules in the Technology File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Updating FRAM Views With Implant Width Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Pins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Using the set_attribute Command To Set Mask Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Importing a Precolored GDSII File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 1: Contents


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide


Version J-2014.09-SP2


This preface includes the following sections:

About This User Guide

Customer Support


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

About This User Guide

The Synopsys IC Compiler tool provides a complete netlist-to-GDSII or
netlist-to-clock-tree-synthesis design solution, which combines proprietary design planning,
physical synthesis, clock tree synthesis, and routing for logical and physical design
implementations throughout the design flow.
This guide describes the features and recommended usage of the IC Compiler advanced
geometries mode. For information about the IC Compiler implementation and integration
flow, see the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide. For information about the design
planning flow, see the IC Compiler Design Planning User Guide.

This user guide is for design engineers who use IC Compiler to implement advanced-node
To use IC Compiler, you need to be skilled in physical design and design synthesis and be
familiar with the following:

Physical design principles

The Linux or UNIX operating system

The tool command language (Tcl)

Related Publications
For additional information about the IC Compiler tool, see the documentation on the
Synopsys SolvNet online support site at the following address:
You might also want to see the documentation for the following related Synopsys products:

Milkyway Environment

IC Validator


About This User Guide

IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Release Notes
Information about new features, enhancements, changes, known limitations, and resolved
Synopsys Technical Action Requests (STARs) is available in the IC Compiler Release Notes
on the SolvNet site.
To see the IC Compiler Release Notes,
1. Go to the SolvNet Download Center located at the following address:
2. Select IC Compiler, and then select a release in the list that appears.

Preface 1: Preface
About This User Guide


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

The following conventions are used in Synopsys documentation.



Indicates syntax, such as write_file.

Courier italic

Indicates a user-defined value in syntax, such as

write_file design_list.

Courier bold

Indicates user inputtext you type verbatimin

examples, such as
prompt> write_file top


Denotes optional arguments in syntax, such as

write_file [-format fmt]


Indicates that arguments can be repeated as many

times as needed, such as
pin1 pin2 ... pinN

Indicates a choice among alternatives, such as

low | medium | high


Indicates a keyboard combination, such as holding

down the Ctrl key and pressing C.

Indicates a continuation of a command line.

Indicates levels of directory structure.

Edit > Copy

Indicates a path to a menu command, such as

opening the Edit menu and choosing Copy.

About This User Guide


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Customer Support
Customer support is available through SolvNet online customer support and through
contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center.

Accessing SolvNet
The SolvNet site includes a knowledge base of technical articles and answers to frequently
asked questions about Synopsys tools. The SolvNet site also gives you access to a wide
range of Synopsys online services including software downloads, documentation, and
technical support.
To access the SolvNet site, go to the following address:
If prompted, enter your user name and password. If you do not have a Synopsys user name
and password, follow the instructions to sign up for an account.
If you need help using the SolvNet site, click HELP in the top-right menu bar.

Contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center

If you have problems, questions, or suggestions, you can contact the Synopsys Technical
Support Center in the following ways:

Open a support case to your local support center online by signing in to the SolvNet site
at https://solvnet.synopsys.com, clicking Support, and then clicking Open A Support

Send an e-mail message to your local support center.

E-mail support_center@synopsys.com from within North America.

Find other local support center e-mail addresses at


Telephone your local support center.

Call (800) 245-8005 from within North America.

Find other local support center telephone numbers at


Preface 1: Preface
Customer Support


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Customer Support

Version J-2014.09-SP2



The IC Compiler advanced geometry (IC Compiler-AG) mode supports advanced design
rules and considers double-patterning requirements throughout the design planning and
implementation flows for the 20-nm process node and below.
The commands used to perform the design planning and implementation tasks in advanced
geometry mode are the same as those used in the other IC Compiler packages. For detailed
information about these commands, see the IC Compiler Design Planning User Guide and
the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide, as well as the command man pages.
To learn about the advanced-node support enabled by the advanced geometry mode, see

Double-Patterning Concepts

Licensing Requirements

Library Requirements

Double-Patterning Mask Constraints

Double-Patterning in the Design Flow

Starting the IC Compiler Tool in Advanced Geometry Mode


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Double-Patterning Concepts
At the 20-nm process node and below, printing the required geometries is extremely difficult
with the existing photolithography tools. To address this issue, a new technique, double
patterning, is used to partition the layout mask into two separate masks, each of which has
an increased manufacturing pitch to enable higher resolution and better printability, as
shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1

Double-Patterning Example

To use double patterning, you must be able to decompose the layout into two masks, each
of which meets the double-patterning spacing requirements. In the double-patterning design
flow, the masks are identified by a color, as shown in Figure 1-1. A double-patterning
violation occurs if your layout contains a region with an odd number of neighboring shapes
where the distance between each pair of shapes is smaller than the double-patterning
minimum spacing. This type of violation, which is called an odd cycle, is shown in Figure 1-2.

Chapter 1: Overview
Double-Patterning Concepts


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Figure 1-2

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Odd-Cycle Violation

Layout with an odd cycle

Spacing violation prevents decomposition

If the spacing between any pair in the loop is greater than the double-patterning minimum
spacing, no violation occurs and the layout can be decomposed. For example, in Figure 1-3,
if the spacing, x, between segments B and C is greater than the double-patterning minimum
spacing, there is no odd cycle and the layout can be decomposed.
Figure 1-3

No Odd-Cycle Violation

Layout with no odd cycle

Layout can be decomposed

The IC Compiler advanced geometry mode ensures that the generated layout is conducive
to double patterning by considering the double-patterning spacing requirements during
placement and routing and preventing odd cycles.
In general, double patterning is performed only on the bottom (lowest) metal layers, which
are referred to as double-patterning layers. The metal shapes on the double-patterning
layers must meet the double-patterning spacing requirements, whether they are routing
shapes or metal within the standard cells and macros. The metal shapes on other layers do
not need to meet the stricter double-patterning spacing requirements.

Chapter 1: Overview
Double-Patterning Concepts


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Licensing Requirements
The IC Compiler advanced geometry mode requires the Galaxy-AdvRules license key.
When you run multicore processes in advanced geometry mode, the tool requires one
Galaxy-AdvRules license key for every four cores.
To perform In-Design double-patterning verification using IC Validator, you must also have
the ICValidator2 license package for IC Validator.

Library Requirements
The IC Compiler advanced geometry mode has the following library requirements (in
addition to the standard IC Compiler library requirements):

Advanced-node design rules in the technology file

The technology file must contain the definitions for the routing rules that apply to your
process, including double-patterning spacing and any other advanced-node design
These rules are considered only during signal routing; the power and ground router
does not recognize the double-patterning spacing rules or advanced-node design
The tool identifies the double-patterning layers by the existence of the following
double-patterning minimum spacing attributes in the Layer section of the technology file:


doublePatternEndToSideMinSpacing (or



For information about defining the routing design rules in the technology file, see the
IC Compiler Technology File and Routing Rules Reference Manual.

Electromigration rules in the TLUPlus file

The electromigration rules required for advanced nodes are defined in an
electromigration TLUPlus file. To load the electromigration rules into the IC Compiler tool,
use the read_signal_em_constraints command. This command reads only the
electromigration rules from the TLUPlus file; it does not read the parasitic tables.

Chapter 1: Overview
Licensing Requirements


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

For example, to read the electromigration constraints from a TLUPlus file named
em.tluplus, use the following command:
icc_shell> read_signal_em_constraints -tluplus em.tluplus

You can specify additional electromigration rules by using the set_em_options

command. For information about using this command, see the signal integrity chapter in
the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide.

Double-patterning compliant standard cell libraries

Two types of standard cell libraries are used for double-patterning:

In a correct-by-construction standard cell library, the cells have sufficient spacing to
the cell boundaries to ensure that double-patterning violations do not occur during
placement, and the libraries can be used as-is.
When you use correct-by-construction libraries, you follow the uncolored design flow
and the tool determines the appropriate mask settings for the pins and net shapes.

In a precolored standard cell library, the metal shapes inside the cells are assigned a
double-patterning mask constraint, which is often referred to as a color. During
placement and routing, the tool must consider these mask constraints to ensure that
double-patterning violations do not occur.
For information about setting double-patterning mask constraints on standard cells
and hard macros, see Library Preparation.
When you use precolored libraries, you follow the precolored design flow and the tool
uses the double-patterning mask constraints to determine the appropriate mask
settings for the pins and net shapes.

Before starting place and route, you must determine which type of standard cell library
you are using, as this affects the design flow.
See Also

Double-Patterning Mask Constraints

Double-Patterning in the Design Flow

Chapter 1: Overview
Library Requirements


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Double-Patterning Mask Constraints

Double-patterning mask constraints indicate the mask requirements for the metal shapes of
the physical pins and nets in your design. These mask requirements drive placement and
routing to ensure that the resulting layout is double-patterning compliant.
Double-patterning mask constraints are used only for the precolored flow; they are not
necessary in an uncolored flow.
You can set double-patterning mask constraints on macro or standard cell pins (terminals
and pin shapes), timing-critical nets (net shapes and route guides), and vias. For nets and
pins, the double-patterning mask constraint is defined in the
double_pattern_mask_constraint attribute. For vias, the double-patterning mask
constraints are defined in the lower_layer_double_pattern_mask_constraint,
upper_layer_double_pattern_mask_constraint, and
via_layer_double_pattern_mask_constraint attributes. Table 1-1 shows the supported
values for these attributes.
Table 1-1

Double-Patterning Mask Constraint Values

Attribute value



This constraint means that the mask color is not yet been determined.
Shapes with this attribute must be at least the double-patterning minimum
spacing distance from any other colored metal shape.


This constraint means that the shape has the mask1 color. Shapes with this
attribute must be at least the double-patterning minimum spacing distance
from other mask1-colored metal shapes.


The mask1_hard attribute value is usually set on macro pins, while the
mask1_soft attribute value is usually set on nets.

This constraint means that the shape has the mask2 color. Shapes with this
attribute must be at least the double-patterning minimum spacing distance
from other mask2-colored metal shapes.
The mask2_hard attribute value is usually set on macro pins, while the
mask2_soft attribute value is usually set on nets.


This constraint means that the shape is not colored. Shapes with this
attribute must be at least the standard minimum spacing distance from other
metal shapes; the double-patterning minimum spacing rules do not apply to
these shapes.

Chapter 1: Overview
Double-Patterning Mask Constraints


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

To show the double-patterning mask constraints (colors) when you view metal shapes in the
GUI, select Show mask color in the Color tab of the View Settings panel, as shown in
Figure 1-4.
Figure 1-4

Displaying Mask Color in the GUI

Double-Patterning in the Design Flow

Double-patterning considerations affect all parts of the place and route flow.
Regardless of the type of library you are using, you must consider the additional resource
requirements and design rule impacts throughout the flow. If you are not using a
correct-by-construction library, you also need to ensure that the double-patterning mask
constraints are properly set before starting place and route.
Most standard cell libraries used for double-patterning are correct-by-construction;
therefore, in most cases, you will use the uncolored double-patterning design flow, which is
shown in Figure 1-5. If you are using a precolored standard cell library, you must use the
precolored double-patterning design flow, which is shown in Figure 1-6. The precolored flow
is similar to the uncolored flow, but contains some additional steps, which are shown in red.

Chapter 1: Overview
Double-Patterning in the Design Flow


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Figure 1-5

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Uncolored Double-Patterning Design Flow

Chapter 1: Overview
Double-Patterning in the Design Flow


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Figure 1-6

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Precolored Double-Patterning Design Flow

To learn about using the IC Compiler tool with advanced-node designs, see

Library Preparation (required only for the precolored flow)

Design Planning and PG Routing



Chip Finishing

Streaming Out a Precolored Design

Chapter 1: Overview
Double-Patterning in the Design Flow


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Starting the IC Compiler Tool in Advanced Geometry Mode

To start the IC Compiler Tool in advanced geometry mode in the command-line interface,
use the -ag_mode option when you run the icc_shell command.
% icc_shell -ag_mode

To start the tool in the graphical user interface (GUI), use the -gui option.
% icc_shell -ag_mode -gui

Chapter 1: Overview
Starting the IC Compiler Tool in Advanced Geometry Mode


Design Planning and PG Routing

During hierarchical design planning and power and ground (PG) routing, you must consider
the double-patterning requirements to avoid odd-cycle violations or routing difficulties later
in the design flow.
To learn about performing hierarchical design planning and PG routing on advanced-node
designs, see

Hierarchical Floorplanning

Power and Ground Routing


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Hierarchical Floorplanning
Maintaining a double-patterning-compliant layout in a hierarchical flow can be difficult
because you do not have complete visibility of the design throughout the flow. When working
at the block level, the top-level shapes are not visible. When working at the top level, only the
extracted pin shapes are visible. When the top level and blocks are integrated, odd-cycle
violations can occur due to same-layer shapes within the double-patterning minimum
spacing distance across the block boundary or same-layer shapes that connect to a block
pin in the block and the top level. Figure 2-1 shows examples of these hierarchical odd-cycle
Figure 2-1

Hierarchical Odd-Cycle Violations

To prevent these issues, follow these guidelines when designing a block:

Place the block pins on non-double-patterning layers, if possible.

If you must place block pins on a double-patterning layer,

Make the pins longer to enable via access.

For blocks with low pin density, ensure that the length of the block pins is at least 10
times the layer pitch. For blocks with high pin density, ensure that the length of the
block pins is at least 14 times the layer pitch.

Leave sufficient space between the block pins.

If the block pins are uncolored, they must be separated by at least the
double-patterning minimum spacing distance. If the block pins are precolored, ensure

Chapter 2: Design Planning and PG Routing

Hierarchical Floorplanning


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

that pins with the same mask color have at least the double-patterning minimum
spacing distance between them.
In addition, for blocks with low pin density, you should skip at least one track for every
five pins.

Create placement blockages around the block pins.

Create routing blockages on the double-patterning layers along the block boundary and
around the block pins to prevent routing shapes in these areas.

Implementing Double-Patterning-Compliant Blocks

Figure 2-2 shows the steps used to implement double-patterning-compliant blocks using the
IC Compiler hierarchical design planning capabilities. Following this flow prevents
double-patterning violations in the flattened design. Note that the same flow is used for both
the uncolored and precolored flows.
Figure 2-2

Design Planning Overview

Chapter 2: Design Planning and PG Routing

Hierarchical Floorplanning


Compiler Advanced
Advanced Geometries
Geometries User
IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

The following procedure provides additional information about these steps:

1. Set the global routing track utilization values for the double-patterning layers.
For details, see Setting the Global Routing Track Utilization on page 4-4.
2. Create internal and external padding for the plan groups to prevent cells from being
placed near the boundaries, where they might overlap with the longer pins used on
double-patterning layers.
To create the plan group padding, use the create_fp_plan_group_padding command.
icc_shell> create_fp_plan_group_padding

By default, the tool determines the internal padding size based on the average space
between wire tracks on all the layers. You can increase the padding size by using the
-internal_widths and -external_widths options with the
create_fp_plan_group_padding command. However, you cannot decrease the
padding size from the computed default.
3. Perform congestion-driven placement by using the create_fp_placement command.
The create_fp_placement command considers the global routing track utilization
values set in step 1 when performing the placement.
icc_shell> create_fp_placement -congestion_driven

4. Perform plan-group-aware routing by using the route_zrt_global command. (This

step is required only if you perform route-based pin assignment; it is not required if you
perform flyline-based pin assignment.)
icc_shell> set_route_zrt_common_options -plan_group_aware all_routing
icc_shell> route_zrt_global

5. Perform pin assignment by using the place_fp_pins command.

icc_shell> place_fp_pins -use_existing_routing [get_plan_groups]

During pin assignment, the tool creates the block pins based on the global routing results
(or on flylines). If possible, the tool places pins on non-double-patterning layers. If it must
place a pin on a double-patterning layer, it automatically increases the pin depth (the
length of the pin extending inside the block from the edge of the block). By default, the
tool uses a double-patterning minimum pin depth of between 10 and 14 times the
minimum track width, depending on the estimated pin density. Figure 2-3 shows an
example of how the tool increases the pin depth for a double-patterning design.

Chapter 2: Design Planning and PG Routing

Hierarchical Floorplanning


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Figure 2-3

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Double-Patterning Pin Assignment Results

If the default double-patterning minimum pin depth is not sufficient to enable pin access
for your design, set a pin-depth constraint by using the -depth option with the
set_pin_physical_constraints command. This option specifies the minimum pin
length in microns.

set_pin_physical_constraints [get_pins *] \
{dpt_layers} -depth min_length
set_fp_pin_constraints -use_physical_constraints on
place_fp_pins -use_existing_routing [get_plan_groups]

6. Verify the pin assignment by using the check_fp_pin_assignment command.

icc_shell> check_fp_pin_assignment -pin_size

When you run the check_fp_pin_assignment command with the -pin_size option, it
verifies that all pins on double-patterning layers have the minimum depth and issues
errors for pins shorter than this minimum depth.

Chapter 2: Design Planning and PG Routing

Hierarchical Floorplanning


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User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

If you are using the precolored flow, use the -pin_double_pattern_mask_constraint

option with the check_fp_pin_assignment command to verify the compatibility of
abutted pins. The Xs in Table 2-1 indicate the incompatible attribute combinations.
Table 2-1

Incompatible Abutted Pin Combinations













7. Perform incremental pin placement or editing, if needed.

8. Commit the plan groups into soft macros.
icc_shell> commit_fp_plan_groups

9. Create mask constraint route guides around the pins and boundaries of each soft macro.
A mask constraint route guide is a zero-spacing route guide that prevents the router from
creating any net shapes within its boundary and guides the router to create routes
without creating hierarchical mask constraint violations.
icc_shell> create_mask_constraint_route_guides

Figure 2-4 shows the mask constraint route guides created by this command. The figure
on the left illustrates the route guides for a design with low pin density, while the figure on
the right illustrates the route guides for a design with high pin density.

Chapter 2: Design Planning and PG Routing

Hierarchical Floorplanning


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Figure 2-4

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Mask Constraint Route Guides

The route guides created by this command around pins use the naming style
__DPT_ROUTE_GUIDE_PIN_x_y, where x is the mask number and y is a nonnegative
integer. The route guides created by this command around the boundary use the naming
style __DPT_ROUTE_GUIDE_BDRY_x_y, where x is the mask number and y is a
nonnegative integer. You can query, view, and remove these route guides just like any
other route guides.
If you modify the pin shapes or pin placement, you must regenerate the mask
constraint route guides. The create_mask_constraint_route_guides command
removes any existing mask constraint route guides in the design and then creates
new ones.
10.Perform block-level optimization and implementation.
11.Create a FRAM view for each soft macro that includes mask constraint route guides.
By default, the create_macro_fram command creates mask constraint route guides on
all layers for which double-patterning spacing rules are defined in the technology file.
icc_shell> create_macro_fram

Chapter 2: Design Planning and PG Routing

Hierarchical Floorplanning


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Power and Ground Routing

Although the power and ground router does not consider double-patterning requirements,
you can help to prevent odd cycles with fixed shapes by

Avoiding jogs that occupy or block an odd number of pitches (odd-pitch jogs)

Avoiding odd-pitch nonpreferred direction shapes

Avoiding off-grid shapes that block even tracks

Avoiding via arrays that have an even number of vias

When a via array has an even number of vias, it can interact with fixed shapes to create
an odd cycle. Using a via array with an odd number of vias reduces the likelihood of
generating odd cycles, as shown in Figure 2-5. To specify the via array size, use the
-size_by_array_dimensions option with the set_preroute_advanced_via_rule

Figure 2-5

Odd-Cycle Violation Due to Even-Sized Via Array

Chapter 2: Design Planning and PG Routing

Power and Ground Routing



During placement, you need to ensure that the pins of the placed cells do not create
double-patterning violations and that the additional resources required by double-patterning
do not cause congestion issues.
To learn about performing placement on advanced-node designs, see

Placement Overview

Setting the Placement Constraints

Performing Placement in the Precolored Flow

Performing Congestion-Driven Placement

For general information about performing placement with the IC Compiler tool, see the
Placement and Optimization chapter in the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide.


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User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Placement Overview
Figure 3-1 shows the steps used to perform placement in the double-patterning design flow.
The left side shows the steps in the uncolored flow, while the right side shows the steps in
the precolored flow, which contains an additional step (shown in red).
Figure 3-1

Placement Tasks

Setting the Placement Constraints

If you are using the uncolored flow, no special settings are needed for the placer to ensure
double-patterning compliance.
However, setting certain placement constraints helps the placer to generate a good
placement for an advanced-node design. To learn about these constraints, see

Defining Placement Blockages for the Power Network

Increasing the Cell Spacing

Enabling the Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rules

Defining Placement Blockages for the Power Network

For advanced-node designs, the power network is very dense. To prevent placement
violations between placed cells and the power network, while still allowing some flexibility in
placing cells that overlap the power network, consider the power network as a partial
placement blockage by using the following command:
icc_shell> set_pnet_options -partial

Chapter 3: Placement
Placement Overview


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Increasing the Cell Spacing

To improve the routability of your design, you might need to increase the spacing between
cells. In this case, use the set_lib_cell_spacing_label and set_spacing_label_rule
commands to control the cell spacing.
For information about using these commands, see the command man pages or the Defining
Spacing Requirements section in the placement chapter of the IC Compiler Implementation
User Guide.

Enabling the Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rules

By default, placement does not consider the threshold voltage implant layer spacing rules. If
your standard cell library has minimum width or minimum spacing rules for multiple
threshold voltage cells, you must enable these rules before performing placement by setting
the legalizer_consider_vth_spacing variable to true.
icc_shell> set_app_var legalizer_consider_vth_spacing true

In addition to setting this variable, threshold voltage implant layer rules must be defined
in the technology file and the implant width property must be attached to the FRAM views
of the multiple threshold voltage cells. For information about these library preparation
requirements, see Defining Implant Layer Rules in the Technology File on page A-2.
When you enable these rules,

The legalizer considers the minimum width and minimum spacing rules of the threshold
voltage implant layers and adjusts the cell placements to meet these rules. The following
message in the log file indicates that these rules are enabled during legalization:
INFO: Legalizer/Checker to consider Vth-based spacing rules

The check_legality command reports violations of these rules. However, the

violations are reported as general spacing rule violations and not specifically as
threshold voltage implant layer spacing violations.
To report the cells that have spacing violations, use the -verbose option with the
check_legality command.
After running the check_legality command, you can use the error browser to view the

To remove the threshold voltage implant layer spacing rules, use the
remove_all_spacing_rules command with the legalizer_consider_vth_spacing
variable set to true.

Chapter 3: Placement
Setting the Placement Constraints


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Performing Placement in the Precolored Flow

If you are using the precolored flow, the placer must ensure that cell placement does not
cause double-patterning violations. To learn how to avoid double-patterning violations
during placement, see the following topics:

Enabling the Double-Patterning Rules

Using Cell-Level Mask Swapping to Fix Double-Patterning Violations

Enabling the Double-Patterning Rules

If you are using the precolored flow, you must enable the double-patterning rules by running
the enable_double_patterning_rules command before performing placement. This
command uses the double-patterning spacing rules defined in the technology file to
generate cell-spacing rules for each standard cell in the reference libraries; these generated
cell-spacing rules are attached to the Milkyway design library. To output a detailed report of
the generated cell-spacing rules, use the -verbose option when you run this command.
When the double-patterning rules are enabled, the placer considers the double-patterning
spacing requirements and avoids violations by increasing the cell spacing, changing the cell
orientation, or moving the cell. In some cases, the tool can avoid violations without changing
the cell placement by using a technique called cell-level mask swapping, which is described
in the following section, Using Cell-Level Mask Swapping to Fix Double-Patterning
To remove the double-patterning cell-spacing rules from the Milkyway design library, run the
disable_double_patterning_rules command.

To determine whether the double-patterning rules are enabled for placement, use the
is_double_patterning_enabled command.

Using Cell-Level Mask Swapping to Fix Double-Patterning

When cell-level mask swapping is enabled, the tool can fix double-patterning violations by
swapping the mask constraints in a cell instance instead of moving or flipping the cell, as
shown in Figure 3-2. In this example, the red and blue rectangles are colored shapes in
metal layer M1. There is a double-patterning violation between the blue shapes in the
instances of the INV1 and AN2 cells. The violation is fixed upon stream-out by swapping the
mask constraints in the AN2 instance.

Chapter 3: Placement
Performing Placement in the Precolored Flow


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Figure 3-2

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Double-Patterning Cell-Level Mask Swap

Cell placement in
Milkyway database

spacing violation

Cell placement in


Stream out to


New cell master

with swapped
mask colors




Stream out
mask_shift attribute set
to perform color swapping
on this instance

M1, mask1

M1, mask2

To perform this swap, the placer sets the mask_shift attribute on the cell instance. This
attribute is a text string that specifies whether to swap the mask constraints within each
layer. For example, when the attribute is set to the following string, the tool swaps the mask
constraints of the shapes in the M1 layer, but not in the VIA1 and M2 layers:
{{M1 1} {VIA1 0} {M2 0}}

The write_stream command uses the mask_shift attribute setting to modify the mask
constraints of the shapes within each cell during stream-out to GDSII or OASIS format. In
this example, the write_stream command swaps the mask constraints in layer M1. For that
layer only, it writes out the shapes with a mask constraint of mask1 to the mask2 mask, and
conversely, writes out the shapes a mask constraint of mask2 to the mask1 mask.
See Also

Enabling Cell-Level Mask Swapping

Cell-Level Mask Swapping During Stream-Out

Chapter 3: Placement
Performing Placement in the Precolored Flow


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Version J-2014.09-SP2

Performing Congestion-Driven Placement

To get the best placement results on advanced-node designs, use the Zroute global router
to perform congestion-driven placement by using the commands shown in Example 3-1.
Example 3-1

Performing Congestion-Driven Placement Using the Zroute Global Router

set_app_var placer_congestion_effort medium

set_app_var placer_show_zroutegr_output true
place_opt -congestion

Chapter 3: Placement
Performing Congestion-Driven Placement



When routing advanced-node designs, Zroute avoids and fixes odd-cycle violations as well
as the other routing design rule violations.
To learn about performing routing on advanced-node designs, see

Routing Overview

Preparing for Routing

Routing Advanced-Node Designs

Verifying the Routing

Extraction for Advanced-Node Designs

For general information about performing routing with Zroute, see the Routing Using
Zroute chapter in the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide.


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Version J-2014.09-SP2

Routing Overview
Figure 4-1 shows the steps used to perform routing in the uncolored double-patterning
design flow. Note that the step shown in darker purple is required only in the uncolored flow.
Figure 4-1

Routing Tasks in the Uncolored Flow

Figure 4-2 shows the steps used to perform placement in the precolored double-patterning
design flow, which contains an additional step (shown in green).

Chapter 4: Routing
Routing Overview


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Figure 4-2

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Routing Tasks in the Precolored Flow

Preparing for Routing

Before you run the router, you must ensure that the reference library and design meet
certain prerequisites and that the routing setup is correct. To learn how to perform these
tasks, see

Checking the Routing Prerequisites

Disabling Routing on the Metal1 Layer

Setting the Global Routing Track Utilization

Increasing the Number of Routing Iterations

Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Nets

Enabling Odd-Cycle Reporting

Chapter 4: Routing
Preparing for Routing


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User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Checking the Routing Prerequisites

Before you route your design, you must ensure that the physical library and design meet
certain requirements. To learn about these requirements, see the Prerequisites for Routing
section in the routing chapter of the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide.
Running the check_zrt_routability command to verify the routability of your design is
particularly important for advanced-node designs. For detailed information about this
command, see the man page or the Checking Routability section in the routing chapter of
the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide.
You should also verify that there are no placement or routing congestion hotspots by
generating and analyzing a congestion map, as described in the Analyzing Congestion
section in the routing chapter of the IC Compiler Implementation User Guide.

Disabling Routing on the Metal1 Layer

This task is not required if you are using the precolored flow.
If you are using the uncolored design flow, you must disable routing on the metal1 layer,
except to connect to pins, to avoid double-patterning violations between the routes and
metal in the standard cells. To disable routing on the metal1 layer, use the following
icc_shell> set_ignored_layers -min_routing_layer M2
icc_shell> set_route_zrt_common_options \
-global_min_layer_mode allow_pin_connection \
-net_min_layer_mode allow_pin_connection \
-connect_within_pins_by_layer_name {{M1 via_wire_standard_cell_pins}}

Setting the Global Routing Track Utilization

In general, the track utilization values for the double-patterning layers should be lower than
for the other routing layers to reserve space for the larger minimum spacing requirements.
The default track utilization values for the double-patterning layers are 80 percent for metal1
and metal2, 85 percent for metal3, and 90 percent for any other double-patterning layers.
The track utilization for non-double-patterning layers is 100 percent.
You can adjust these track utilization values by using the set_route_zrt_global_options
command to set the -double_pattern_utilization_by_layer_name option. For
example, to set the track utilization to 70 percent on the metal2 and metal3 layers, use the
following command:
icc_shell> set_route_zrt_global_options \
-double_pattern_utilization_by_layer_name {{M2 70.0} {M3 70.0}}

Chapter 4: Routing
Preparing for Routing


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Increasing the Number of Routing Iterations

Due to the increased complexity of the advanced-node design rules, as well as the
double-patterning requirements, DRC convergence typically takes longer for
advanced-node designs. By default, the route_opt command performs 10 iterations of
detail routing during initial routing and 4 iterations during ECO routing. To improve DRC
convergence, you should increase the number of routing iterations performed by the
route_opt command.
For example, to increase the number of initial routing iterations to 40 and the number of ECO
routing iterations to 20, use the following command:
icc_shell> set_route_opt_strategy -search_repair_loops 40 \
-eco_route_search_repair_loops 20

Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Nets

This task is not required if you are using the uncolored flow.
If you are using the precolored design flow, you can set double-patterning mask constraints
on timing-critical nets, such as clock nets, by defining a precoloring routing rule and applying
it to the net.
To define a precoloring routing rule, use the following syntax:
define_routing_rule rule_name
{layer1 constraint1 layer2 constraint2 ... layern constraintn}

where constraint is one of same_mask, mask1_soft, or mask2_soft.

For example, to define a precoloring routing rule that sets mask1_soft constraints on the M4
and M5 layers, use the following command:
icc_shell> define_routing_rule clock_mask1_soft \
-double_pattern_mask_constraints {M4 mask1_soft M5 mask1_soft}

You apply the precoloring routing rule to a net in the same way as any other nondefault
routing rule. For example, to apply the clock_mask1_soft precoloring routing rule defined in
the previous example to the CLK clock, use the following command:
icc_shell> set_clock_tree_options -clock_trees CLK \
-layer_list {M4 M5} -routing_rule clock_mask1_soft \
-use_default_routing_for_sinks 1

To ensure DRC convergence, you should set double-patterning mask constraints only on a
very few timing-critical nets.

Chapter 4: Routing
Preparing for Routing


Compiler Advanced
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User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

See Also

Double-Patterning Mask Constraints

Using Nondefault Routing Rules section in the routing chapter of the IC Compiler
Implementation User Guide

Enabling Odd-Cycle Reporting

By default, Zroute does not report odd-cycle violations during detail routing. To enable the
reporting of odd-cycle violations that occur within a routing partition (local odd cycles), use
the set_route_zrt_common_options command to set the
-report_local_double_pattern_odd_cycles option to true.
icc_shell> set_route_zrt_common_options \
-report_local_double_pattern_odd_cycles true

Routing Advanced-Node Designs

To route an advanced-node design, use the route_opt command. When routing an
advanced-node design, Zroute

Uses the double-patterning spacing rules to avoid and fix local odd-cycle violations
Unlike other routing design rules, all metal shapes need not meet the double-patterning
spacing rules; the tool checks only for odd-cycle violations. Zroute automatically
identifies metal shapes that can cause odd-cycle violations, such as those caused by
odd-pitch jogs, off-grid wires, or routing in the nonpreferred direction, and applies the
double-patterning spacing rules only when needed.

Ensures that all metal shapes meet the other routing rules, including the advanced-node
routing rules

See Also

Double-Patterning Concepts

Routing Precolored Designs

Routing Nets in the GUI

Chapter 4: Routing
Routing Advanced-Node Designs


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Routing Precolored Designs

When routing a precolored design, Zroute assigns a mask color to net shapes based on the
precoloring routing rules and by propagating the double-patterning mask constraints on
precolored pins connected to same-layer shapes.
During the first detail routing iteration, Zroute propagates the color of a colored pin to the
wire or same-layer via enclosure connected to the pin. The color is propagated until the wire
changes to another layer or the propagation threshold distance of 500 nm is reached. If the
same-layer wire extends beyond the propagation threshold distance, a DRC violation
During subsequent detail routing iterations, Zroute performs incremental color propagation
for colored pins within the propagation threshold distance from any changed shapes.
Zroute determines the spacing requirement for a colored shape as follows:

If a neighboring shape on the same layer is the same mask color or is an undetermined
mask color (same_mask mask constraint), the shapes must meet the double-patterning
minimum spacing requirements.

If a neighboring shape on the same layer is a different mask color or is not colored, the
shapes must meet the minimum spacing defined for the layer (or the nondefault routing
rule, if one has been assigned to the net).

Routing Nets in the GUI

When you use the Advanced Route tool to route nets in the GUI for an advanced-node
design, you must enable double-patterning odd-cycle checking for the interactive DRC
capability by using the following command:
icc_shell> gui_set_pref_value -category IdrcOptions \
-key "DPTOddCycle" -value true

Figure 4-3 shows an odd-cycle violation detected by the interactive DRC capability.

Chapter 4: Routing
Routing Advanced-Node Designs


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IC Compiler
User Guide

Figure 4-3

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Interactive DRC Odd-Cycle Violation

Verifying the Routing

After detail routing is complete, you should verify the routing results. To learn about verifying
the routing results, see

Verifying the Routing in the IC Compiler Tool

Performing Signoff Design Rule Checking

Fixing Signoff DRC Violations

Verifying the Routing in the IC Compiler Tool

To perform double-patterning compliance checking and design rule verification in the
IC Compiler tool, run the verify_zrt_route command. Although Zroute detail routing
performs local odd-cycle checks, the verify_zrt_route command might detect additional
odd-cycle violations because it uses a larger partition size for design rule checking.

Chapter 4: Routing
Verifying the Routing


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Performing Signoff Design Rule Checking

To perform double-patterning compliance checking and design rule verification with signoff
accuracy, use the signoff_drc command to perform In-Design physical verification using
the IC Validator tool.
To run In-Design physical verification, set the physical signoff options as described in the
Setting The Physical Signoff Options section in the routing chapter of the IC Compiler
Implementation User Guide and then run the signoff_drc command as shown in the
following example:
icc_shell> set_physical_signoff_options -exec_cmd icv \
-drc_runset runset_file -mapfile mapping_file
icc_shell> signoff_drc \
-read_cel_view \
-ignore_child_cell_errors \
-user_defined_options {-holding_cell} \
-run_dir initial_icv_error_dir

The signoff_drc command uses the on-disk design information, not the design
information in memory. You must save the current state of the design before running the
signoff_drc command.
When you analyze the DRC violations reported by the signoff_drc command, you should
not see local odd-cycle violations, as these are addressed by Zroute. If you see local
odd-cycle violations, check the consistency between the technology file and the runset. If
you see long-range odd-cycle violations (more than 5 microns in extent), use the
signoff_autofix_drc command to fix these violations.
See Also

Performing Signoff Design Rule Checking section in the routing chapter of the
IC Compiler Implementation User Guide

Fixing Signoff DRC Violations

The In-Design automatic signoff DRC fixing feature addresses violations detected by the
signoff_drc command, including

Advanced-node design rule violations

Double-patterning odd-cycle violations

Chapter 4: Routing
Verifying the Routing


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User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Note that to fix odd-cycle violations, you must run a separate signoff_autofix_drc
command that targets only these violations. When you run the signoff_autofix_drc
command to fix odd-cycle violations, you must

Use the -config_file option to specify the double-patterning configuration file

The configuration file defines the layer-to-DRC-rule mapping in the following format:
"mask_layer_name" "full_IC_Validator_DRC_rule_comment"

The signoff_autofix_drc command processes only those rules that are specified in
the configuration file. To determine the double-patterning rules for your technology, see
the design rule manual (DRM) provided by your vendor.

Use the -custom_guidance dpt option to enable a double-patterning-specific run

Use the -incremental_level off option to disable incremental mode (odd-cycle fixing
works only in non-incremental mode)

The following example shows the syntax used to perform automatic fixing of the odd-cycle
violations detected by signoff_drc:
icc_shell> signoff_autofix_drc \
-init_drc_error_db initial_icv_error_dir \
-config_file DPT_config_file \
-custom_guidance dpt
-incremental_level off

See Also

Automatically Fixing Signoff DRC Violations section in the routing chapter of the
IC Compiler Implementation User Guide

Extraction for Advanced-Node Designs

When the IC Compiler tool performs extraction for advanced-node designs, it considers the
overlay variation due to the double patterning, as well as effects such as orientation-based
width variation. The overlay variation is modeled by using the ER_VS_SI_SPACING tables.
The orientation-based width variation is modeled by using the
ETCH_VS_WIDTH_AND_SPACING tables. By default, the tool uses the reference direction
specified in the TLUPlus file when applying the ETCH_VS_WIDTH_AND_SPACING tables. To
explicitly specify the reference direction as vertical or horizontal, use the
set_extraction_options -reference_direction command. For example, to explicitly
set the reference direction as horizontal, use the following command:
icc_shell> set_extraction_options -reference_direction horizontal

Chapter 4: Routing
Extraction for Advanced-Node Designs


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

If you run this command multiple times, the new setting overrides the existing setting;
extraction always uses the latest setting.
For more information about the ER_VS_SI_SPACING and ETCH_VS_WIDTH_AND_SPACING
tables, see the StarRC documentation.

Chapter 4: Routing
Extraction for Advanced-Node Designs


Compiler Advanced
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IC Compiler
User Guide

Chapter 4: Routing
Extraction for Advanced-Node Designs

Version J-2014.09-SP2


Chip Finishing

To learn about advanced-node considerations for chip-finishing tasks, see

Redundant Via Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs

Filler Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs

Boundary Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs


Compiler Advanced
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IC Compiler
User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Redundant Via Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs

To perform redundant via insertion on an advanced-node design,

Get a recommended redundant via list from your semiconductor vendor.

Use the define_zrt_redundant_vias command to specify this list before running

Perform redundant via insertion as a standalone task after completing initial routing and
again after completing all postroute optimization runs.

See Also

Inserting Redundant Vias section in the chip finishing chapter of the IC Compiler
Implementation User Guide

Filler Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs

By default, filler cell insertion using the insert_stdcell_filler command does not
consider the threshold voltage implant layer spacing rules. If your standard cell library has
minimum width or minimum spacing rules for the multiple threshold voltage cells, you must
enable these rules before performing filler cell insertion by setting the
legalizer_consider_vth_spacing variable to true.
icc_shell> set_app_var legalizer_consider_vth_spacing true

In addition to setting this variable, the threshold voltage implant layer rules must be
defined in the technology file and the implant width property must be attached to the
FRAM views of the multiple threshold voltage cells. For information about these library
preparation requirements, see Defining Implant Layer Rules in the Technology File on
page A-2.
If you enable both the threshold voltage implant layer spacing rules and the no-1X rule
during filler cell insertion, the reference library must contain at least 2X and 3X filler cells;
otherwise, filler cell insertion fails.
During filler cell insertion, the tool writes insertion details for the implant layers to the log file.
Consideration of the threshold voltage implant layer spacing rules during filler cell
insertion is not the same as using the -vt_filler option with the
insert_stdcell_filler command to specify the cells used as threshold voltage fillers.

Chapter 5: Chip Finishing

Redundant Via Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

After performing filler cell insertion, use the signoff_drc command to run DRC checking in
the IC Validator tool to verify that there are no violations of threshold voltage implant layer
spacing rules.
See Also

Inserting Filler Cells section in the chip finishing chapter of the IC Compiler
Implementation User Guide

Boundary Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs

Before placing the standard cells, you can add boundary cells to the design. Boundary cells
consist of end-cap cells, which are added to the ends of the cell rows and around the
boundaries of objects such as the core area, hard macros, blockages, and voltage areas,
and corner cells, which fill the empty space between horizontal and vertical end-cap cells.
End-cap cells are typically nonlogic cells that serve a certain purpose such as providing a
decoupling capacitor for the power rail. Because the tool accepts any standard cell as an
end-cap cell, ensure that you specify suitable end-cap cells.
To insert boundary cells, use the insert_boundary_cell command. You can specify
different library cells for the end-cap cells for the left, right, top, and bottom boundaries, as
well as for each inside and outside corner cell.

For the end-cap cells for the left and right boundaries, you specify a single library cell by
using the -left_boundary_cell and -right_boundary_cell options, respectively.

For the end-cap cells for the top and bottom boundaries, you specify a list of library cells
by using the -top_boundary_cells and -bottom_boundary_cells options,
respectively. The command inserts the cells in the specified order. If the remaining space
is smaller than the current cell, the command inserts the next cell in order that fits in the
remaining space.
To ensure that the end-cap cells inserted on the top and bottom boundary rows comply
with the maximum diffusion-to-tap distance limit, you can also insert tap cells on these
boundary rows. To specify the library cell to use for the tap cells, use the -top_tap_cell
and -bottom_tap_cell options, respectively, and use the -tap_distance option to
specify the distance in microns between the tap cells.
For a vertical-row design, rows start at the bottom and end at the top, so the top
boundary is along the left side of the design and the bottom boundary is along the right
side of the design.
For the flipped rows in a double-back design, the top boundary cells are used on the
bottom boundaries and the bottom boundary cells are used on the top boundaries.

Chapter 5: Chip Finishing

Boundary Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs


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For the outside corner cells, you specify a single library cell for each corner location by
using the -top_left_outside_corner_cell, -top_right_outside_corner_cell,
-bottom_left_outside_corner_cell, and -bottom_right_outside_corner_cell

For the inside corner cells, you specify a list of library cells for each corner location by
using the -top_left_inside_corner_cells, -top_right_inside_corner_cells,
-bottom_left_inside_corner_cells, and -bottom_right_inside_corner_cells
options. The command inserts the first corner cell that matches the size of the inside
corner. If none matches exactly, it inserts the first cell that can be placed without violating
any rules.

Figure 5-1 shows an example of the end-cap and corner cell locations for a horizontal-row
design with two hard macros.
Figure 5-1

Boundary Cell Locations

Chapter 5: Chip Finishing

Boundary Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

By default, the command places the specified library cells in their default orientation around
the core area, voltage areas, and hard macros without considering blockages or keepout
margins. To change the default behavior, use the -rules option to specify one or more
insertion rules.

To flip the orientation of the boundary cells, specify one or more of the following rules:
mirror_left_boundary_cells, mirror_right_boundary_cells,
mirror_left_outside_corner_cell, mirror_right_outside_corner_cell,
mirror_left_inside_corner_cell, and mirror_right_inside_corner_cell. You
cannot flip the orientation of the top and bottom boundary cells.

To prevent the command from placing boundary cells inside blockages or keepouts,
specify one or more of the following rules: respect_hard_blockage,
respect_soft_blockage, respect_hard_macro_keepout, and

To prevent boundary cell insertion when the row length equals two times the corner cell
width plus one unit tile width, specify the no_1x rule. Note that if the row length equals
two times the corner cell width, boundary cells are inserted.

To swap the top and bottom inside corner cells on flipped rows, specify the
swap_top_bottom_inside_corner_cell rule. When you specify this rule, the
command uses the bottom inside corner cell on the top inside corner of flipped rows and
the top inside corner cell on the bottom inside corner of flipped rows.

To remove end-cap cells from your design, use the remove_stdcell_filler -end_cap

Chapter 5: Chip Finishing

Boundary Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs


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Chapter 5: Chip Finishing

Boundary Cell Insertion for Advanced-Node Designs

Version J-2014.09-SP2


Streaming Out a Precolored Design

To learn about streaming out a GDSII or OASIS file for a precolored design, see

Defining a Precolor Layer Mapping File

Controlling the Layers Written for Precolored Shapes

Propagating Mask Constraints to Via Enclosures

Cell-Level Mask Swapping During Stream-Out


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Version J-2014.09-SP2

Defining a Precolor Layer Mapping File

In a GDSII file, the mask constraints are identified by data types. Table 6-1 shows the
mapping between the GDSII data types and the mask constraints.
Table 6-1

GDSIII Data Type to Mask Constraint Mapping

Data type

Mask constraint







When you stream out a GDSII file for a precolored design, you must use the precolor layer
mapping file shown in Example 6-1 to map the mask constraints to the data types.
Example 6-1

Precolor GDSII Layer Mapping File

M * *:108
M1 * *:120
M2 * *:121

If you have saved the precolor layer mapping file in the Milkyway design database by using
the set_stream_layer_map_file -format out command, the write_stream command
uses the saved layer mapping file. Otherwise, you must specify the precolor layer mapping
file by using the set_write_stream_options -map_layer command before streaming out
the GDSII file.
The precolor layer mapping file specified by the set_write_stream_options
-map_layer command overrides the precolor layer mapping file saved in the Milkyway
design database.

Controlling the Layers Written for Precolored Shapes

By default, the write_stream command writes precolored shapes to their default layer and
to an extra double-patterning layer that uses the mask constraint data types defined in
Table 6-1. To write the shapes only to the double-patterning layer and not to the default layer,
use the set_write_stream_options -write_multiple_patterning_layer_only
command before running the write_stream command.

Chapter 6: Streaming Out a Precolored Design

Defining a Precolor Layer Mapping File


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Propagating Mask Constraints to Via Enclosures

If the lower_layer_double_pattern_mask_constraint attribute for a via connected to an
M1 pin shape is set to any_mask (the default), the tool can automatically propagate the mask
constraint from the pin shape to the M1 layer of the via enclosure when streaming-out the
design data in GDSII or OASIS format using the write_stream command. The propagated
mask constraint overrides the any_mask attribute setting. To do this, use the
set_write_stream_options -propagate_pin_mask_to_via_metal command before
running the write_stream command.

Cell-Level Mask Swapping During Stream-Out

When cell-level mask swapping is enabled, the write_stream command performs the
following tasks for cells that have been marked for mask swapping:
1. Copies the original cell
2. Modifies the mask assignments as specified by the mask_shift attribute
3. Creates a new cell master that has the switched mask assignments
4. Writes out one or more instances of the new cell
The write_stream command creates a name for the new cell master by joining the
following items with underscore characters:

Original cell master name

Suffix string
By default, the write_stream command uses SHIFT as the suffix string. To modify the
suffix string, use the set_write_stream_options
-mask_shifted_cell_name_suffix command before running the write_stream

Layer number of first swapped layer

The number 1, indicating a mask swap for the layer

Layer number of next swapped layer

The number 1, indicating a mask swap for the layer (and so on)

For example, suppose that the name of the original cell master is AN2, the default suffix
string SHIFT is being used, and the mask_shift attribute of an AN2 cell instance is set as
{{M1 1} {VIA1 0} {M2 1}}

Chapter 6: Streaming Out a Precolored Design

Propagating Mask Constraints to Via Enclosures


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Version J-2014.09-SP2

In that case, the swap occurs in layer M1 (layer number 15) and in layer M2 (layer number
17), so the name of the newly generated cell master is AN2_SHIFT_15_1_17_1.
The IC Compiler tool does not add the new cell master to the Milkyway database. It only
streams out the new cell master to the GDSII file.
See Also

Using Cell-Level Mask Swapping to Fix Double-Patterning Violations

Chapter 6: Streaming Out a Precolored Design

Cell-Level Mask Swapping During Stream-Out


Library Preparation

To learn about library preparation steps that might be required to run place and route on
advanced-node designs, see

Enabling Cell-Level Mask Swapping

Defining Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rules

Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Pins

For general information about the IC Compiler library preparation process, see the Library
Data Preparation for IC Compiler User Guide.
For recommendations about how to design standard cell libraries to improve the routability
of advanced-node designs, see SolvNet article 035309, Application Note for Physical
Library Analysis for Optimal 28-nm and 20-nm Routing.


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User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Enabling Cell-Level Mask Swapping

Cell-level mask swapping is controlled by the fixedColor attribute in the Technology
section of the technology file. When this attribute is set to 0 (the default), cell-level mask
swapping is enabled. When this attribute is set to 1, cell-level mask swapping is disabled.
Cell-level mask swapping is also controlled by the FIXEDMASK keyword in a LEF file. Mask
swapping is disabled for all cells in a library created from a LEF file that has the FIXEDMASK
keyword in the header section.
LAYER statement

Mask swapping is disabled for a specific cell in a LEF file if the MACRO definition contains the
FIXEDMASK keyword.
MACRO macroName
CLASS className subclassName ;

Defining Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rules

If your technology has minimum width and minimum spacing rules for the implant layers of
the multiple threshold voltage cells, you must ensure that these rules are defined in the
technology file. In addition, you must attach the implant width property to the FRAM views of
the multiple threshold voltage cells before performing physical implementation.

Defining Implant Layer Rules in the Technology File

For each implant layer, include a Layer section that defines the minimum width by setting
the minWidth attribute and the minimum spacing by setting the minSpacing attribute.
Example A-1 shows an example of P- and N-implant layer definitions for standard and low
threshold voltages.
Example A-1

Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rule Definitions

Layer "VTS_N" {
layerNumber = 60
maskName = "implant"
isDefaultLayer = 1
minWidth = 0.45;
minSpacing = 0.45

Chapter A: Library Preparation

Enabling Cell-Level Mask Swapping


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

Layer VTS_P {
layerNumber = 61
maskName = "implant"
minWidth = 0.45;
minSpacing = 0.45
Layer VTL_N {
layerNumber = 62
maskName = "implant"
minWidth = 0.45;
minSpacing = 0.45
Layer "VTL_P" {
layerNumber = 63
maskName = "implant"
minWidth = 0.45;
minSpacing = 0.45

Updating FRAM Views With Implant Width Properties

The implant width property consists of the row-by-row implant layer widths that abut the left
and right sides of multiple threshold voltage cells. If the following conditions are met,
blockage, pin, and via (BPV) extraction stores the implant width property in the CEL view for
these cells:

The technology file defines the implant layers, as described in the previous section,
Defining Implant Layer Rules in the Technology File."

The LEF or GDSII file defines the implant layer geometries for the cells

Physical implementation uses the FRAM views, rather than the CEL views, to check for
spacing violations. Therefore, you must extract the implant width properties from the CEL
views and attach them to the FRAM views before performing physical implementation. To do
this, use the extract_fram_property command with the -implant_width option set to
icc_shell> extract_fram_property -lib myreflib -implant_width true

By default, the extract_fram_property command extracts the implant width property for
all standard cells, standard filler cells, and tap cells in the reference library. To extract the
implant width property for a specific cell, use the -cell option.
To report the extracted implant width properties, use the report_fram_property
command. When you run this command, you must specify the reference library with the
-lib option and specify the cell to report with the -cell option. You can report the extracted
information either for a single cell by specifying the cell name or for all cells by using an

Chapter A: Library Preparation

Defining Threshold Voltage Implant Layer Rules


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Version J-2014.09-SP2

asterisk (*). For example, to report the extracted information for all cells in the myreflib
reference library, use the following command:
icc_shell> report_fram_property -lib myreflib -cell *

Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Pins

To set double-patterning mask constraints on the pins (terminals and pin shapes) of hard
macros, hierarchical blocks, or standard cells, use the set_attribute command to set the
double_pattern_mask_constraint attribute.
For hard macro pins, you can also set the double-patterning mask constraints by streaming
in a precolored GDSII file.
After setting mask constraints on the pins, you must generate a FRAM view for the standard
cell or macro, which is used by the router.

Using the set_attribute Command To Set Mask Constraints

To set mask constraints on the terminals (physical pins) of hard macros, hierarchical blocks,
or standard cells, use the set_attribute command. For example, to set a mask1_hard
mask constraint on the DM[2] terminal of the MYRAM hard macro, use the following
icc_shell> set_attribute [get_terminals MYRAM/DM[2]] \
double_pattern_mask_constraint mask1_hard

When you use the extract_blockage_pin_via command to convert the CEL view to a
FRAM view, the mask constraints on the terminals are stored in the generated FRAM view.

Importing a Precolored GDSII File

If the GDSII file for a hard macro contains precoloring information, the import (stream-in)
process converts that information into double_pattern_mask_constraint attributes on
the hard macro pins in the generated CEL view.
When you use the create_macro_fram command to convert the CEL view to a FRAM view,
the mask constraints are stored for the macro pins.

Chapter A: Library Preparation

Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Pins


IC Compiler Advanced Geometries User Guide

Version J-2014.09-SP2

In a GDSII file, precolored pins are identified by an extra layer; the data type indicates the
mask constraint. Table A-1 shows the mapping between the GDSII data types and the mask
Table A-1

GDSIII Data Type to Mask Constraint Mapping

Data type

Mask constraint







When you stream in the precolored GDSII file, you must use the layer mapping file shown in
Example A-2 (which is the same as the layer mapping file used for stream out).
Example A-2

Precolor GDSII Layer Mapping File

M * *:108
M1 * *:120
M2 * *:121

If you have saved the precolor layer mapping file in the Milkyway design database by using
the set_stream_layer_map_file -format in command, the read_stream command
uses the saved layer mapping file. Otherwise, you must specify the precolor layer mapping
file by using the set_read_stream_options -map_layer command before streaming in
the GDSII file.
The precolor layer mapping file specified by the set_read_stream_options
-map_layer command overrides the precolor layer mapping file saved in the Milkyway
design database.

Chapter A: Library Preparation

Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Pins


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IC Compiler
User Guide

Chapter A: Library Preparation

Setting Double-Patterning Mask Constraints on Pins

Version J-2014.09-SP2


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