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TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

Reading Test
In the reading, You will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each past. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. Our new range of products is available in ----- (B) why

configurations, including sports and commercial (C) since
styles. (D) whoever
(A) vary 107. Should anyone enter your home without your
(B) variety permission while you are at work, your Home
(C) variable sure, security system will ----------- send you
(D) various email and cell phone alerts?
102. ----- your order, please complete the (A) automatic
following form, including your credit card details, (B) automatical
and click on the "submit" button. (C) automatically
(A) Place (D) more automatically
(B) Placed 108. We would like to remind our clients that,
(C) Placing should they have any problems----------our
(D) To place products, our after-sales hotline service is
103. All staff members are reminded that you available 24 hours a day.
should not use the executive restroom ---------you (A) to
have written authorization to do so. (B) at
(A) for (C) for
(B) unless (D) with
(C) without 109. Major Australian car-manufacturers will
(D) although continue to produce their flagship large sedans ----
104. Our multi-skilled CEO has distinguished ----- ---- the recent increases in fuel costs.
-------- yet again by winning the coveted (A) for
Brookings Award for innovation in business. (B) except
(A) he
(B) his (C) although
(C) him (D) despite
(D) himself 110. Should the alarm sound, please --------- make
105. Would the person ------------muddy jogging your way to the rallying points, where safety
clothes were found in the staff shower room please wardens will direct you to the emergency exits.
claim them at the lost and found office? (A) calmly
(A) who
(B) usually
(B) that
(C) whose (C) inherently
(D) which (D) increasingly
106. Even professional marketers are never sure--- 111. The company is reportedly ----------------
---------- some new products are runaway bankruptcy due to the rapid rise in resource costs,
successes while others fail miserably. which has made its projects unprofitable.
(A) for
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(A) next 117. The latest ---------- to emerge from our
(B) nearly production lines is considered by many to lead the
(C) almost field in the area of mobile communications.
(D) close to (A) product
(B) produce
112. Always Engineering fits guaranteed that ------
one of its employees will lose his or her job as a (C) producing
result of the merger. (D) productivity
(A) no 118. Marketing specialists are really not sure ------
(B) not --- changes in the climate will affect sales of
(C) none recreational vehicles.
(D) any (A) where
(B) how
113. The Security Department has warned that any
-------- use of the car park on weekends will result (C) what
in the vehicle being towed. (D) who
(A) unauthorize 119. Would all participants in this year's
(B) unauthorizes convention please complete their confidential -----
(C) unauthorizing -------- and place them in the boxes provided
before leaving today?
(D) unauthorized
(A) evaluate
114. -------- it prove necessary to send your
(B) evaluator
payment by money order, please take your request
to the Payments Department, where you will find (C) evaluated
the appropriate forms. (D) evaluations
(A) Could 120. The manager noted that sales of smaller
(B) Would models had risen significantly but -----------
(C) Should mentioned the drop-off in orders for the electric
(D) Might (A) too
115. All prospective employees are requested to --- (B) also
------ a recent photo as well as copies of all letters (C) either
of recommendation. (D) besides
(A) take 121. Despite recent losses totaling millions of
(B) come Bayside Construction ------ its shareholders the
situation would be rectified in the near future.
(C) bring
(A) assuring
(D) have (B) assured
116.If you wish to take advantage of our special (C) have assured
gift offers, please ------- your sales receipts to one (D) was assured
of our employees at the promotions counter on the 122. We'd like to congratulate our gifted head of
third floor. personnel, who won a gold medal at the state-
(A) guard wide archery competition---------- over the
(B) record weekend.
(A) held
(C) consider (B) hold
(D) present (C) holding
(D) was held

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
123. The social committee guarantees that this employees by allowing them to work flexible
year's company mystery adventure tour will not schedules.
fail to fascinate -------- surprise you. (A) on
(A) but (B) by
(B) and (C) in
(C) also (D) with
(D) even 130. Supervisors are reminded to -------- all
124. Any staff members traveling overseas on subordinates with consideration and to remember
company business will be --------- for exceeding that any discourtesy will be viewed as a serious
their expense allowances. breach of company guidelines.
(A) billed (A) give
(B) arranged (B) treat
(C) leave
(C) replaced (D) mention
(D) produced 131. Any employee wishing to leave the
125. Ridgeway College business graduates are workplace for any reason during business hours
highly sought-after, and many corporations go to must --------- a special leave form.
extravagant lengths to recruit ------------- (A) sign
(A) them (B) signs
(B) their
(C) theirs (C) to sign
(D) themselves (D) was signed
126. Creativity and productivity can be increased 132. One of the --------- moments of my life was
if our employees are able to spend ------- time the moment that I saw the face of my new-born
dollars, doing repetitive and routine tasks daughter for the first time.
(A) least (A) great
(B) less (B) greatest
(C) lesser (C) greatly
(D) lessen (D) greatness
127. Both --------- and collectively, the employees 133. The marketing think-tank believes that the
at our company have achieved great successes in next ten years will see an enormous ------- in
technical as well as business innovations. travel and other leisure-related industries.
(A) substantially (A) expand
(B) individually (B) expansive
(C) expansion
(C) successfully (D) expansively
(D) expressively 134. The chief executive officer is particularly ----
128. Employees attending the writing seminar are ------- that recent staff surveys have shown a
expected to practice imaginative and ----- writing severe drop-off in employee satisfaction.
as well as develop their technical writing skills. (A) concern
(A) detective (B) concerns
(B) negative (C) concerning
(C) descriptive (D) concerned
(D) cooperative 135. The company may have to ---------- some
129. The managing director demonstrated his faith production procedures which, since the earliest
---------- the conscientiousness of the company's days, have always been done by skilled craftsmen.
(A) process
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(B) calculate (A) leave
(C) automate (B) policy
(D) manufacture (C) version
136. In order to be registered for our 5-year (D) survey
warranty, please send us the following postage- 139. In order to operate ---------- in today's
paid registration form ---------- 7 days of purchase. dynamic business environment, our company
(A) by must reward the creativity and energy of our
(B) until employees.
(C) within (A) competitively
(D) before
137. The Department of Industrial Relations no (B) magnificently
longer believes that ----------- reviews of employee (C) productively
pay and conditions are necessary. (D) totally
(A) most regularly 140. The management has assured all staff that
(B) more regular anyone ---------- the professional development
(C) regularly seminars will receive a certificate thanking them
for their participation.
(D) regular
(A) attend
138. Company employees may request special -----
------ in the case of family emergencies or other (B) attended
unforeseeable events that require special (C) attending
consideration. (D) to attend

Part 6
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice.

Misleading advertisements placed in the employment -------- of our newspaper can result in
141. (A) area
(B) section
(C) branch
(D) department
hardship and time wasted by those who are looking for jobs, and this is certainly unacceptable. Placing
false ads that are misleading is an offence against the Trade Practices and Fair Trade Act.
Any ---------- wishing to place a want ad with us should keep in mind that all advertisements
142. (A) employees
(B) employs
(C) employment
(D) employer
should include a job title, a clear ---------- of the job, and the income basis and be placed under
143. (A) information
(B) subscription
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(C) description
(D) requirement
the appropriate category.
For further information, contact the Department of Fair Trade at 755-5720 during business hours.

Questions 144-146 refer to the following announcement.

Census night is November 8. Remember to fill in the census form you received in the mail to make sure
that you and your family members are ----------. Tick off one of the boxes asking you
144. (A) accepted
(B) counted
(C) granted
(D) understood
whether you are married or, if you are single, and specify the number of ---------you have if you
145. (A) young
(B) family
(C) children
(D) baby
are married, in the space provided. Previous census forms have been quite confusing, and --------
residents did not respond accurately, leading to the gross under-reporting of our
146. (A) much
(B) many
(C) as
(D) whole
actual population. However, we have made some alterations to make it a lot simpler this year.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following information.


Current and Upcoming Games
The quantity of tickets ordered and/or distributed may vary and ----------affect the presented prizes.
147. (A) must
(B) would
(C) could
(D) should
For further information ------------ the prizes, call the OLGC Customer Excellence Center toll-free
148. (A) regarding
(B) alike
(C) near
(D) amid
at 1-800-755-8959.
Instant winning tickets must be redeemed --------- the "Prizes Must Be Claimed by" date printed

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
149. (A) under
(B) before
(C) among
(D) after
on the back of the ticket.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.

Latin Group Honors Gabrielle Gonzales
SAN DIEGO Puerto Rican pop star Gabrielle Gonzales will be named the Latin Recording
Academy's Person of the Year for his accomplishments as an entertainer and humanitarian during the
year 2006, the academy said yesterday.
At a special dinner and concert in New York on November 1, Mr. Gonzales -------------- with this
prestigious award.
150. (A) honor
(B) honoring
(C) is honoring
(D) will be honored
A great portion of the proceeds from the evening's extravaganza will go to the Gabrielle Gonzales
Foundation, which advocates the --------------of unprivileged children around the
151. (A) wills
(B) claims
(C) trials
(D) rights
globe. According to the Latin Recording Academy President, Ricky Rodriguez, Mr. Gonzales' musical
-------------- are matched by his endeavors as an advocate for the welfare
152. (A) performances
(B) accomplishments
(C) productions
(D) creations
of unprivileged children around the world.

Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following memorandum.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

TO: All staff members

FROM: Jenny Lee, HR Director
SUBJECT: Vacation days
Some changes regarding our company vacation policy here at Johnson & Johnson Incorporated have
been made. It is now mandatory for everyone to submit a completed vacation request form at least 2
weeks in advance to get the vacation days you want. This, of course, is the result of the problems we
had last year when too many employees took time off in June to see the World Cup. As you know,
June was a very busy time for us, and we ran into big problems.
The form is available at the Human Resources Department. You are to fill it out and submit it to your
immediate manager to get approval. Once it has been approved, it will also be sent up to me to get my
approval. In case your manager feels that the timing of your request is not proper, then he will have the
authority to deny your request. Therefore, I suggest that everyone hand in your requests early. Thank
you for your cooperation.

153. What is the purpose of the memorandum?

(A) To notify employees of an organizational reshuffling within the company
(B) To make an adjustment in the length of vacation days
(C) To introduce a new company benefits package
(D) To provide an update on a company rule.
154. What is NOT mentioned in the memorandum?
(A) All requests for time off must be made officially.
(B) The company ran into some difficulties with a lack of staff in the previous summer.
(C) The manager must consult with the director before turning down a request.
(D) The HR Director has the last say in the requests made by the workers.

Questions 155-157 refer to the following invitation letter.

General and Green, Inc.

One Seetirity Drive
G&G INC Nicholasville, Kentucky 40356
Ned A. Urschel, Vice President and
October 29, 2006 Managing Director
Unisys Ltd.
2F, Bay Center Building
Detroit, Michigan 70456
Attention: Mr. Stanley Cooper, Vice President
Dear Mr. Cooper,
General & Green will be conducting our annual training class for middle management staff between
November 8 and 15, 2006, and would like to invite the members of your staff to attend. This year, we
have invited some of the top managers of our industry to come and share their little secrets.
Also, this is a reminder that all the attendees will need to travel to Lexington, Kentucky, a day before
the start of the training. Once you provide us with confirmation of your attendance, we will forward
the training agenda and accommodation information based on the number of managers you will be

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
I look forward to your positive response to this very important training offer.
Best regards,

Ned Urschel

Ned R. Urschel

155. Who will most likely be attending the (B) November 7

training? (C) November 8
(A) Mr. Ned Urschel (D) November 15
(B) Mr. Stanley Cooper 157. What will Mr. Cooper receive once he
(C) All Unisys Limited's staff makes his decision?
(D) The managers of Unisys Limited (A) An invitation card
156. On which date should the invitees arrive in (B) The hotel key
Lexington, Kentucky? (C) The itinerary
(A) October 29 (D) A guest list

Questions 158-160 refer to the following company newsletter.

Hi-Tech Zone Industries is pleased to announce the appointment of three new staff members this month,
The quality of these appointments is an indicator of our commitment to technological innovation and
expansion into world markets.
Firstly, we'd like to welcome Michael J. Slater to our Sales Department. Michael has been recruited
directly from Nashville University's well-known business faculty. He'll be part of a new sales team and
be put in charge of the important task of boosting our presence in Asian markets. Michael is a business
graduate who speaks and writes fluent Chinese, and we'd like to welcome him aboard.
Our Design and Testing Unit now has an extra engineer. Her name is Sonia Rubinstein, an engineering
graduate from the Newport Institute of Technology, who has a postgraduate degree in testing
engineering. We're sure she'll be a valuable asset. Sonia is married and has one child and has recently set
up house in nearby Waterford Estate.
And finally, we have managed to recruit a star in the area of business psychology: Dr. Janet Pearson,
formerly a lecturer at Seattle University, who will be heading our Market Research Department. Of
course, she is not just a brilliant academic but also has nine years of senior management experience at
IBM. Welcome, Janet!
158. In which department does Mr. Slater work? (B) They work in the same department.
(A) Marketing (C) They have joined the firm recently.
(B) Personnel (D) They all have postgraduate degrees.
(C) Engineering 160. Which of the following is NOT true about
(D) Sales Ms. Pearson?
159. What do the three people mentioned in the (A) She has the highest level of education out of
newsletter have in common? the three.
(A) They graduated from the same university. (B) She used to teach at a university.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(C) She has an extensive management background. (D) She considers herself to be a very talented

Questions 161-163 refer to the following information.

Space for living
Come and talk to HOME DCOR's design consultants. They'll answer your questions about interior
designing and give you tips on how to create beautiful rooms you will love. Brought to you by Space
For Living, HOME DCOR's Design Series.
June 30 1-3 p.m.
HD Burlington
June 31 1-3 p.m. & 6-8 p.m.
July 1 1-3 p.m.
HD Vaughn
July 3 6-8 p.m.
HD North York July 2 1-3 p.m. & 6-8 p.m.
July 4 1-3 p.m.
HD Markham
July 5 6-8 p.m.
Join us for this exciting event, and receive a special gift. Tickets are available at your local HOME
DCOR store. For further details, visit HOMEDECOR.com.

161. Who would most likely be interested in (B) It will run the longest.
attending the event? (C) It will be a one-day event.
(A) Students who are studying to become designers (D) It is scheduled on the last day.
(B) Homemakers who want to improve the 163. How can one receive admittance to the
ambience of their homes event?
(C) Employees of HOME DCOR who want some (A) By picking up a ticket
consultations (B) By writing to the store
(D) Shoppers who are looking to save some money (C) By purchasing some goods
162. What is true about the event being held at the (D) By gettina permission from a design
HD North York Store? consultant
(A) It will be held only one time.

Questions 164-166 refer to the following article.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
We are all well aware of the rapid grow of online databases. This has affected all levels of data storage,
from the grandest government archives to the largest corporations and education institutions all the way
down to personal journals and family financial records. On the one hand, this transformation of the way
that data is stored offers tremendous environmental advantages: much more data can be stored in a
much smaller physical space and yet is more-easily available to more people. There is no need to print
pages and then physically store them. More and better-organized information is more easily available
without storage problems. Have we reached some kind of infotopia? Perhaps, but there is a serious
downside, and that is the problem of document security. Computer systems, which are mostly
continuously connected to the Internet, are all too prone to being hacked. This can be done for criminal
reasons or simply because of the satisfaction that hackers get from cracking apparently secure
information systems. New opportunities for theft, espionage, blackmail, and political dirty tricks are
already in existence.
164. What is the article about? (B) It proposes to be environmentally friendly.
(A) The pros and cons of using webpage storage (C) It facilitates the accessing of information by
systems a greater audience.
(B) The increasing use of computers in (D) It completely eradicates the recycling
government offices problem.
(C) The dangers of hackers who constantly steal 166. According to the article, what has this new
information from others way of storing information opened its doors to?
(D) The great opportunities available for people (A) Further research of online storage systems
with computer skills (B) A boom in computer-related industries
165. Which of the following is NOT mentioned (C) Illegal activities involving some individuals
as a benefit of using the online storage system?
(D) An awareness of the environmental
(A) It uses less space to store more information. problems

Questions 167-171 refer to the following review.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

Nature's Pant: a Taste of Count-style included wine. My partner chose a seafood soup
Cooking as an entre. There were plenty of generous
By James Morrison pieces of crab, shrimp, and fish, all combined in a
rich and creamy sauce once again lifted by fresh
Don't let the very 1970s style name of this place herbs. I had a wonderful slice of meatloaf served
discourage you. What it has to offer is a simple with crisp broccoli.
menu with a French and Italian emphasis, but the As a main course, I could not resist the fillet
food is put together with the freshest of steak, which was cooked to perfection and
ingredients and a great deal of imagination. A accompanied by a light sauce of cracked pepper,
dinner at Nature's Pantry really is worth the drive wino, and cream. My partner chose the veal
(it's around 40 minutes from downtown served with a mushroom sauce. The chef's choice
Brisbane). Located in a quiet, leafy neighborhood, of wines to accompany these dishes was
you will be treated to stunning views of the city. excellent. My partner and I were both reduced to
Last Thursday was a fine evening, so we took our silence by the richness of the flavors. There is no
seats on the deck. The decor is pleasant and not at finer compliment to make about a meal!
all overpowering, and the welcome was friendly By now we were simply too overwhelmed by the
and efficient. So far so good. My partner and I generous servings of rich food even to consider
opted for a shared tray of appetizers. This was a the desserts on offer, but we certainly intend to go
beautifully presented selection of small quiches, back to sample them in the not-too distant future!
slices of salami, and smoked meats served with This restaurant is highly recommended.
the freshest of fresh tomato slices and whole basil
leaves and a variety of olives. Nature's Pantry is located at 101 Cerce Circle,
Belgrave, Open every evening from 6:30 p.m.
Now confident in the chef's competence, we Reservations are essential at 678-8888
selected a set menu at $40 per head, which

167. What is the writer's opinion of the restaurant? (C) Fillet steak
(A) He feels that the place needs a new name. (D) Wine
(B) He was more than satisfied with the food. 170. For what reason did the writer NOT have the
(C) He believes it's a bit too far from the city. dessert?
(D) He thinks the service could use some (A) It was too expensive.
improvement. (B) He was too full.
168. What can be inferred about Nature's Pantry? (C) There wasn't anything he liked.
(A) It was established in 1970. (D) It was too rich in flavor.
(B) It is located on a hillside overlooking the city. 171. The word "generous" in paragraph 5, line 1 is
(C) It is owned by a French-Italian individual. closest in meaning to
(D) It only accepts reservations for group bookings. (A) benevolent
169. Which of the following did the writer NOT have (B) favorable
at the restaurant? (C) plentiful
(A) Seafood soup (D) kind
(B) Meatloaf

Questions 172-174 refer to the following notice.

Sports and relaxation facilities

If you need to work out or just chill out, you can find exactly what you need here at the Dusseldorf
Convention Center's Health Club. The health club is located on the first floor with a great view over the
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
atrium. Personal trainers are available as well as specialist masseurs and relaxation classes. Our weight
room is state of the art and is always supervised (open from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. every day). A spa
and sauna (mixed gender) is available right next door as well as a massage room but please book in
advance. Morning and evening yoga and tai chi classes are also available with our expert teachers. You
can also book a game of squash or try our heated lap pool (6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.).
To get all the benefits of our 5-star facilities, why not try one of our recreation passes? For only $30,
you can have unlimited access to our facilities for an entire week. *A day pass will cost you just $10.
To find out more, call on our knowledgeable concierge. He can tell you how to arrange a fantastic
exercise and relaxation program to suit your schedule.
* Personal trainers and massages are not included in this price. Please call the reception desk for details.
Please note that children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

172. Where would one read this notice? (C) Admission to participate in the morning yoga class
(A) In a newspaper (D) A custom-made program by a personalized trainer
(B) At the health club 174. What implication is made about the health club?
(C) At the swimming pool (A) It does not make any profits on long-term memberships.
(D) In the Dusseldorf Convention Center (B) The place may be dangerous to unattended minors.
173. Which of the following is NOT (C) Members will be able to lose weight quickly.
inclusive with a day pass? (D) All equipment in the gym will be updated very soon.
(A) The use of the heated lap pool
(B) Entrance to the weight room
Questions 175-177 refer to the following letter.

Micliael Fraser
43-A Raglan Rd.
North Dublin, 4478
Ph: (082) 331-8876
March 12, 2006
Accounts Department
South-East Power Supplies
First Avenue
Dublin, 2008
Dear Madam or Sir,
I was surprised and disappointed by a letter from your agency threatening me with the disconnection of
my power supply. I am an elderly pensioner suffering from a variety of ailments, and I expect to be treated
with more consideration, especially as I have faithfully paid all my electricity bills for the last 45 years!
The reason for my anger is that I have not only paid the bill but also informed you that I had paid it. So it
appears that I made a special trip to your office on the morning of March 5 for nothing. One of your
employees even told me that the mistake would be rectified and apologized!
Here, once again, are the details of my receipt: the receipt number is AQ3567X56-1. It is dated February
2, 2006. It is for the amount of $47.50 and covers the supply of service between January 1 and 31.
I trust that you will correctly rectify your records this time.
Yours sincerely,

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

M ichael Fraser

175. Why is Mr. Fraser angry? (D) January 31

(A) His electricity was recently cut off 177. Which of the following statements about Mr.
(B) He has not yet received his paycheck. Fraser is correct?
(C) He was billed for unnecessary charges (A) He has always been late with his payments
(D) He was falsely accused of nonpayment. (B) He will be going into retirement soon.
176. When was the electricity bill paid? (C) He is suffering from a serious illness.
(A) March 5 (D) He tried to settle the misunderstanding before.
(B) March 12
(C) February 2
Questions 178-180 refer to the following advertisement.
Belgravia Boys' Grammar School Angelus Boulevard Belgravia Victoria 5009
Currently seeking: Assistant Teacher-Librarian
Full-time for Term 2 with the possibility of continuation
Belgravia B.G.S. requires a qualified and experienced teacher-librarian for its Junior High School. This
will be a full-time position for the second term with the strong possibility of continuing work on one of
our campuses. Experienced and dynamic candidates who possess either a graduate diploma in education
(teacher-librarianship) or a bachelor's of education (teacher-librarianship) are encouraged to apply. One of
the principal tasks will be to guide students through the computerized catalog. The successful candidate
will also have to train students in advanced online searching.
Interested applicants are invited to contact the Deputy Principal (Staffing) at 673-2215 should they have
any enquiries regarding the position or the school.
Please send your letter of application, with curriculum vitae, police clearance, and a photocopy of your
teaching diploma, in triplicate, by Wednesday, August 5 to:
The Deputy Principal (Staffing)
Belgravia Boys' Grammar School
Angelus Boulevard
Victoria 5009

178. What is NOT true about this position? (B) A duplicate of a teaching certificate
(A) The job can lead to a permanent position. (C) An introductory letter
(B) A person living in the city is preferred. (D) A letter of recommendation
(C) The selected person will work closely with 180. How can one receive further information
students. about the school?
(D) Having a related degree can be beneficial in (A) By calling the school
getting the job. (B) By writing a letter to the principal
179. Which of the following is NOT required? (C) By logging on to the school homepage
(A) A copy of a resume (D) By visiting the school in person

Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and memorandum.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Dear Mr. Wong,
This is my first day back from my trip to Asia. I wanted to send you a note right away to thank you for the
warm hospitality and help you provided during my visit. You and your staff demonstrated incredible
professionalism, kindness, and talent in all your efforts. The presentation to the leadership team was
unanimously well received.
My two trips to Singapore over the last three months have solidified my opinion and belief that you and
your team are definitely the right choice for our next groundbreaking project. I feel very confident that
you will spearhead a very successful initiative for us. I will formally prepare the proposal details to send to
my Chief Executive Officer, and I recommend we take the next step and formalize a contract for this
upcoming project with you. Once that has been drafted, I would like you and your senior members to take
a trip to our offices here in New York to review the final details together. We will make all the necessary
travel arrangements once we have a better idea about the timing. I trust that this will be good news for you
and your team. Please contact me with any questions in the meantime. Will be in touch with you early
next week.

Wayne Forman

President, PGI Communications

To: Claire Lauder, CEO

From: Wayne Forman, President
Date: March 19, 2006
Re: Quick notes on my trip to Asia
I just wanted to send you a quick note before my formal proposal regarding my trip to Asia and my
assessment of the Adventure Media Services Group.
As discussed briefly, my trips to Singapore over the last several months have proved to be very helpful in
determining our next partner in our Project Best initiative. Adventure Media Services presented
exceptional credentials, substantiated by further meetings, research findings, and facility tours.
I will be preparing my draft notes for the formal proposal, which I will submit for official
recommendation by the end of the week. 0 With your approval, we will then have the senior members of
the Adventure Media Services join us here in New York to work out the details.
Please keep your calendar open for their visit early next month.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please let me know.
181. What is the purpose of Mr. Forman's letter? (C) To set up an appointment to meet with the
(A) To request a further update on the information president of Adventure Media Services
discussed while he was in Singapore (D) To notify Mr. Wong that he will be making a
(B) To show his appreciation for the friendly reception trip to Singapore to check out the operations
and treatment during his trip 182. What can be inferred about Mr. Wayne
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(A) He often makes business trips to Singapore. (B) Set up a meeting with the lawyers to discuss
(B) He has made up his mind to work with Adventure the contract
Media Services. (C) Read over the draft of the agreement
(C) He has completed drafting the contract. (D) Mark some dates on her calendar
(D) He does not get along well with his boss. 185. What will Wayne do if Claire approves his
183. What does Wayne say he will do by the end of proposal?
this week? (A) Take another trip to Singapore to meet with
(A) Go to Singapore to meet with Mr. Wong Mr. Wong
(B) Prepare a summary of his trip to Singapore (B) Write up a summary of his trip to Asia for the
(C) Set up the travel arrangements for the Singapore
executives (C) Arrange flight details and accommodation for
(D) Draw up the first copy of the official outline the guests
184. What does Wayne want Claire to do after reading (D) Send an e-mail to Mr. Wong to propose a joint
the memo? project
(A) Call Mr. Wong to thank him for the hospitality
Questions 186-190 refer to the following letter and its response.
Dear Ms. Lawrence,
Your subscription to Travelways Magazine is up for renewal in just a few issues. Please fill out the
attached renewal form, and mail back the pre-paid card in order to prevent any disruption in your service.
Again, we would be delighted to offer you the 40% savings off the newsstand prices, and, if you submit
your renewal within the next 30 days, we will add on another 6 weeks of issues for free.
We know that you are an avid reader, and we really appreciate your continued support of our publication.
Our annual package of travel coupons, along with a weekend stay at the Grand Hotel, which is offered to
customers who have subscribed with us for 5 or more years, will arrive shortly after you sign up for
another year.
As always, please contact us with any questions or suggestions at (516) 228-6777 to speak with me
directly, or write to me at jkl@travelways.com.
Thank you!

Jane K.Lee

Travelways Magazine

Dear Ms. Lee,

I am writing to confirm that I will not be renewing my subscription to Travelways Magazine when my
subscription period is up at the end of this month.
Thank you for your generous offer of the 40% savings along with 6 weeks of free issues. I have
thoroughly enjoyed receiving the magazines over the last 7 years and would definitely be continuing my
subscription if I were remaining in this country.
I am transferring within my company to another country's office and will no longer be working in the
travel industry sector in my new position. As much as I have enjoyed the information in your magazine, I
will need to focus on my future responsibilities and will not have much time outside of them.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Your magazine is outstanding, and I will strongly recommend it to my colleagues and friends.
Yours truly,

Lia Lawrence

186. Why was the first letter written? (B) She will only renew if she gets additional
(A) To inform an existing customer about a new kind of discounts.
magazine (C) She wishes to cancel her subscription.
(B) To solicit the magazine to get a new customer (D) She wants a little time to think about
(C) To notify a customer of a payment made renewing.
(D) To remind someone of an upcoming subscription 189. What does Ms. Lawrence mention about the
renewal magazine?
187. According to the first letter, what is an added (A) She thinks there are too many ads.
advantage of responding within the next month? (B) She will refer it to her co-workers.
(A) A number of issues will be given away at no cost. (C) She is not very happy with the stories.
(B) A savings of 80% off the cover price will be (D) She wants it sent to another office.
provided. 190. What would Ms. Lawrence have received for
(C) A surprise gift will be sent along with the first subscribing to the magazine if she had renewed
issue. her subscription?
(D) An annual package of travel coupons will be (A) Free flight tickets
mailed. (B) A free subscription for a year
188. How does Ms. Lawrence respond? (C) A gold pendant
(A) She will renew her subscription for another year. (D) A free stay at a hotel

Questions 191-195 refer to the following e-mails.

Sender: John Nichols
Date: March 1. 2006, 10:04 a.m.
Receiver: Parents of Junior Kindergarteners
Title: Funfair Committee
Hello parents,
I hope that all parents have received the hard copy memo distributed earlier this week regarding the Funfair
Committee volunteer call. We just wanted to remind all parents of the Junior Kindergarten class about the
many areas to volunteer in the silent auction, snack preparation, setting up of displays, and chaperoning
the party afterwards. The Funfair is scheduled for the first Saturday of April (April 6) and will run from
2:00 5:00 with the party scheduled for 5:00 6:30.
Donations of prepared snacks will be accepted. Please sign up your offering on the list posted on the
classroom door. Additional crafts and other donations may be left at the front office. If you have any
questions, please feel free to write me, or stop by my office to discuss the matter. We hope that we can
work together to make this year's Funfair a roaring success!! Thank you! See you all at the Funfair!

Sender: John Nichols

Date: April 101 2006 11:15 a.m.
Receiver: Parents of Junior Kindergarteners
Title: Funfair Results

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Hello parents,
Thank you very much for all your efforts and individual contributions to another successful Funfair event
for our school!
We have surpassed past years' results by making over $400 from our silent auction. We are happy to
announce that we will be donating all the funds to our local orphanage to help needy children purchase the
items necessary for their daily lives. The party was also enjoyed by all those who attended. A special warm
thanks to the chaperones who dedicated their time to ensuring that the event went smoothly. Also many
thanks to those parents vivo stayed another hour to help clean up. The official report of all the auction
results will be posted on the school bulletin board outside the main office for your viewing. Have a
wonderful spring. We will talk again soon!

191. What will happen at 5 o'clock on April 6? (C) To provide details of the event
(A) The display stands will be set up. (D) To invite parents to a school event
(B) The selection of volunteers will take place. 194. What can be implied about the posting of the
(C) The Funfair will start. auction results?
(D) The party will begin. (A) The school has made a lot of money.
192. According to the first e-mail, how can those (B) There weren't enough donations this year.
interested offer goods to the event? (C) The school does not have anything to hide.
(A) By calling the school (D) The parents are very suspicious of the results.
(B) By putting their names on a list 195. What time did the parents who helped clean
(C) By talking to Mr. John Nichols up leave?
(D) By showing up on the day of the event (A) 5:00
193. What is the purpose of the second e-mail? (B) 6:00
(A) To ask for some donations (C) 6:30
(B) To thank participants for their time (D) 7:30
Questions 196-200 refer to the following facsimile and bill.
Page 1 of 2
PJ Electronics
225 Codarbrae Road
Albany NY
Tel: (518) 955-5847
Fax. (518) 955-4983
E-mail: jnewman@pjelectronics.com
To: Mr. Jason Weatherspoon (Management of Towne Plaza)
Re: Error on the bill
Dear Sir,
As we discussed over the phone this morning, I am sending you a copy of the receipt along with this fax.
To remind you once again, I noticed an error on the bill after I returned from my business trip to Los
Angeles. I was charged for a movie I did not watch on November 19. I know that I should have checked
with your front desk during checkout, but I was in a hurry to catch my plane and did not get a chance to
look at the bill carefully.
I hope that this is a mistake that can be corrected right away. Please respond ASAP, as I have to submit
my expense receipts to my Accounting Department. If you have any questions, please call me at my
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Thank you, and I hope to hear from you soon.

Julie Newman

Sales Manager
PJ Electronics

Page 2 of 2

Date Description Charges Credits

Julie Newman A/R number 11-18-06 Long Distance Call 17.20
225 Cedarbrae Road Group Code 11-18-06 Internet Access 19.90
Albany NY 12206 Folio/Invoice No. 11-18-06 On Command Movie 12.99
Reference # 11-18-06 Room Service Dinner 34.86
Room No. 1705 11-18-06 Accommodation 139.00
Page No. 1 of 1 11-18-06 Occupancy Tax 21.68
Arrival 11-18-06 Cashier No. 130
Departure 11-20-06 11-19-06 Room Service Breakfast 29.47
11-19-06 Room Service Dinner 38.63
11-19-06 On Command Movie 13.99
11-19-06 Accommodation 139.00
11-19-06 Occupancy Tax 21.68
Total 488.40 0.00
Balance 488.40
"The hotel is owned by Towne Plaza Los Angeles Corporation and managed by Interstate Hotels and Resorts.
196. What is the purpose of the facsimile? (D) 21.68
(A) To book a hotel room 199. How many nights did Ms. Newman stay at
(B) To send an invoice to a customer the hotel?
(C) To complain about some bad service (A) One (B) Two
(D) To provide proof of the claim made (C) Three (D) Four
197. What most likely is the reason why Julie is in 200. Which of the following did Julie NOT do in
a hurry to hear from the hotel? her room?
(A) She wants to finish her work and go home for (A) Watch a movie
the day. (B) Surf the web
(B) She is in a hurry to catch an airplane. (C) Have meals
(C) She wants to get reimbursed for her expenses. (D) Get her suit pressed
(D) She is a very impatient person.
198. By how much was Ms. Newman
(A) 12.99
(B) 13.99
(C) 19.90

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In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A),
(B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. If you want to purchase a lower priced A. spectators

ticket, either contact us through regular mail -- B. witnesses
-------call our hotline and then we will send C. participants
you an application immediately. D. subscribers
A. or 106. Additional information on ----------
B. neither financial aid such as grants and scholarships
C. nor can be obtained from career offices at each
D. both university.
102. In order to brand your business, youd A. extend
better include your --------- in every letter you B. extensive
send to customers, which helps remind them of C. extent
whom they do business with. D. extension
A. signing 107. We are opening a fully renovated
B. signed Condominium --------- located in a quiet
C. signature setting, and complete with many amenities.
D. to sign A. conveniently
103. We are proud to announce that Dax B. correctly
Shepard has been --------- as our new C. greatly
managing director to oversee corporate D. widely
expansion in Europe. 108 --------- for reconstruction contracts has
A. deposited been getting stiffer over the years since it can
B. predicted generate enormously lucrative earnings.
C. operated A. Competitively
D. appointed B. Competition
104. The general manager has --------- that any C. Competitive
information customers enter be used only to D. Competes
respond to their inquiries and requests. 109. Many people were standing in line
A. suggested outside of the box office to --------- a limited
B. suggesting number of low cost tickets, which are offered
C. suggest as specials each month.
D. suggestion A. support
105. This list is comprised of thousands of ---- B. achieve
----- to various magazines, including C. purchase
computers, automobiles, garments and D. replace
electronics. 110. The article provides readers with tips on
Page 1
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
how to get --------- out of debt by setting 117. Researching an employers organizational
financial goals and eliminating unnecessary structure, products, services and reputation is a
spending. highly recommended ---------- for those
A. totally preparing for job interviews.
B. total A. practice
C. totaled B. reference
D. totaling C. plot
111 --------- all the alterations to the plan have D. resource
been approved, they should be submitted to the 118. Under no circumstances may you copy or
appropriate office no later than the end of the distribute any secret information ---------
month. appropriate written permission from us.
A. Like A. upon
B. Once B. without
C. Unless C. until
D. Despite D. along
112. Ms. Cordova was struggling to 119. It is important to look through the
successfully complete the task assigned to her documents ---------- that everyone in charge
by --------- can know at which stage they should be
A. herself completed.
B. he A. concerning
C. hers B. over
D. she C. so
113. The general hospital was able to improve D. since
patient care significantly without hiring more 120. Most of the hotels have their own pool
staff by ---------- in a new information system. and sun terrace with a pool-side bar which
A. invests serves drinks and snacks --------- the day.
B. invested A. throughout
C. investing B. from
D. invest C. about
114. Automakers are recovering from weak D. between
Results ---------- a series of complicated 121. When the ---------- for this new safety
restructuring processes, and experiencing policy was under consideration by the
increased revenues and profits as a result. managers, a number of experts were asked for
A. through their comments.
B. behind A. proposing
C. above B. propose
D. except C. proposes
115. Our experienced and skilled technicians D. proposal
can be of much help in the event that you ------ 122. We do apologize for the inconvenience
delete something essential from the program. resulting from the service which is now
A. accident temporarily------
B. accidental A. unavailable
C. accidents B. related
D. accidentally C. stylish
116. Most companies like all their employees - D. disinterested
-------- on innovative products and to believe 123. The restaurant closed for extensive
passionately in their mission. renovations, assured customers that it---------
A. to work them with better quality food and exceptional
B. works service.
C. be working A. will provide
D. will work B. provide

Page 2
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
C. providing B. place
D. to provide C. advertisement
124. Any employees who are --------- late or D. market
absent from work may be subject to 131. The elegant hotel we stayed at was --------
disciplinary actions, regardless of their and bright and had a private entrance and patio
position. with a view of the ocean.
A. consistently A. spacing
B. steadily B. spacious
C. sensibly C. spaciousness
D. exactly D. spaces
125. Most of the employees are entitled to a 132 --------- to focus resources and investment
maximum of one hour for a lunch break, on this rapidly growing business, we have to
depending on----------assigned work schedule. make a strategic decision.
A. ours A. Whether
B. their B. According
C. theirs C. In order
D. ourselves D. How
126.Your personal information, including 133. We, one of the leading manufacturing
credit card numbers, mailing address, e-mail companies, would like to build a ----------
address and phone numbers, will be collected beneficial relationship with your esteemed
in order for us to --------- your order for company.
products. A. precisely
A. affect B. respectively
B. contain C. punctually
C. fulfill D. mutually
D. mention 134. Please read the terms and conditions
127. A questionnaire asked --------- to evaluate carefully to determine whether or not you can
the appearance and the overall brightness of request a refund or ---------- for the products
the new merchandise. you ordered.
A. shopping A. replacement
B. shoppers B. complaint
C. to shop C. receipt
D. shopper D. promotion
128. When the installation process is ---------- 135. Applicants are advised to fill out an
and an OK screen appears on the computer, application form concisely to impress potential
please remove the last CD and click reboot. employers, without being too ------- or boring.
A. complete A. repeating
B. entire B. repetitive
C. whole C. repetition
D. total D. repeat
129. All the workers are required to --------- 136. Passengers will get to their destination on
verify that the proper maintenance of storage Time --------- our departure time is a little late
facilities is conducted with extreme care. due to a mechanical problem.
A. periodic A. as if
B. periodical B. while
C. periodically C. because
D. period D. even though
130. The growing number of vacant housing 137. All the terms of the agreement must be
units on the --------- for more than 6 months clear so that the meaning and intent wont be -
implies that excessive supply still exists. -------- by either party.
A. sale A. misinterpret

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TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
B. misinterpretation services into the province.
C. misinterpreted A. for
D. misinterpreting B. next
138. People dont put much importance into a C. while
powerful marketing tool and ---------- miss the D. onto
opportunity to gain more potential customers. 140. Youd better consider the factors that
A. now that assess the effectiveness of the --------- training
B. in case system and implement corrective actions in a
C. therefore timely manner.
D. otherwise A. enlisted
139. The plans are under serious consideration B. opportune
--------- extension of better garbage collection, C. international
street maintenance and adequate sewage D. appropriate
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Question 141 143 refer to the following letter
Ms. Adrina Arc,
General Manager
Garta Engineering
Arlington CA 95402
Dear Ms. Arc,
I read about your job vacancy in the newspaper. It stated that your company is looking for individuals
who possess excellent communication skills and a leadership background to train entry-level
employees. As my enclosed resume--------, I have more than 10 years of the training
141. A. shows
B. showed
C. showing
D. show
experience you seek.
I have also attached a list--------- all my previous supervisory work experience as required.
142. A. across
B. to
C. among
D. of
Please dont hesitate to contact any of the people on the list ----------- can attest to the fact that I am a
143. A. He
B. They
C. Whose
D. Which
strong candidate for the position.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss these qualifications with you. Please contact me at (352)
555-8140 at any time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Dane Cook
Marilyn Appleton
135400 Hilltop Avenue
Mantana CA 99444
September 3, 2007
Enclosure: Resume & list
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Question 144 146 refer to the following announcement.

Dear members:
The Houston Book Club thanks you for ------- your ASAF membership.
144. A. enrolling
B. renewing
C. offering
D. removing
Annual membership dues from September 2007 through September 2008 are $350.00.
Please click the purchase button below to complete your renewal process by credit card.
Or if youd like, you will --------- be granted an option to pay by sending us a check or money order
145. A. lately
B. also
C. only
D. then
by post. In that case, please make it payable to ASAF of Houston, P.O.Box 123756 Houston, TX
As our way of saying thank you, we will offer a travel certificate for a free one-night stay at your
choice of 3 different hotels.
We hope you -------- to enjoy the Houston Book Club for years to come.
146. A have continued
B. continued
C. will have continued
D. continue

Question 147 149 refer to the following advertisement.

Gardening can be a success

Dear Fellow Gardeners,
Get valuable tips from a newly published book by Tomas Gray. In his book, the writer tells the story
about --------- he could turn his passion of gardening into a lucrative business.
147. A. it
B. what
C. how
D. when
Owing to increasing customer awareness of the hazards of using a lot of pesticides in food
production, people are rushing for organic produce. Only if you have a small back garden you can
develop a thriving business----------a couple of years, though.
148. A. within
B. during
C. under
D. besides
If you want to start your own business in organic produce, Tomas Grays book can ---------you
149. A. Charge
B. lose
C. produce
D. make

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Questions 150 152 refer to the following article.

Concert by New York Symphony

The New York Symphony Orchestra is internationally recognized as having achieved a top place
among prominent orchestras.
The NYSO will make musical history next week on October 10, 2007. An official announcement-----
------ by Maria Simpson, the former music director, yesterday.
149. A. made
B. will be made
C. was made
D. had made
Singers and Actors will also be able to have the opportunity to perform in full production,
accompanied --------- the famous orchestra and presented at the Shore Theater.
151. A. following
B. by
C. beyond
D. into
Purchasing tickets early is--------, because many fans are expected to undoubtedly rush to the
152. A. advice
B. advising
C. advisor
D. advisable

Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153 154 refer to the following newspaper aricle.

Airport Expansion in the Works

FORT REGINALD - The Fort Reginald Ministry of Transportation is currently finalizing plans to
expand Mirabel International Airport. According to sources, a minimum of 142 million Euro, more
than half coming from overseas investment, is to be earmarked for the project. The Ministry cites
the steady increase in air traffic and the deregulation of air transport as the major factors that have
led to the elaboration of a project for the expansion and modernization of the current airport.

The main feature of the project will be a major new addition to the terminal, to be designed by the
architect Santiago Cervantes. This will expand the total size of the air terminal to cover an area of
25,000 square meters, including five additional gates, and experts estimate it will be capable to
handle 2.5 million passengers per year. The groundbreaking ceremony is slated for early this
September, and construction is expected to be completed in about 18 months.
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153. Where will the largest portion of the A. The demolition of the existing terminal
funding for the expansion come from? B. An investment of more than 142 million
A. Mirabel International Airport Authority Euros
B. Fort Reginald Ministry of Transportation C. Building more gates to handle more
C. Passengers passengers
D. Foreign investors D. A new addition designed by a famous
154. What is NOT part of the proposed plan architect
for the airport?

Questions 155- 156 refer to the following notice.


Please be advised that, effective immediately, personal data storage devices, such as key
drives and portable hard drives, will not be allowed on company premises. Because they pose
too much of a security risk, personnel are asked to refrain from bringing such devices to the
office. Employees who require a means of mass storage for bringing work home with them
are asked to fill out a requisition form and submit it to their manager for approval. Those with
appropriate security clearance will be issued a special company portable hard drive. This will
be checked by security and scanned for sensitive data or potential security risks (viruses or
other malicious software) upon entering and leaving the building. Your cooperation in this
important new procedure is very much appreciated.

155. Where would this notice most likely be 156. What are employees asked to do if they
posted? need to bring work home with them?
A. In a doctors office A. Use their own mass storage devices
B. Next to a photocopier B. Get permission to use a key drive
A. On a public-interest bulletin board C. Make a request with their supervisor
B. At a front-entrance security desk D. Check their personal hard drive with
Questions 157 159 refer to the following letter.

Kratschen Pharmaceutical Canada, Inc.

100 Wellington Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ms. Julia Kruger,

Kratschen Pharmaceutical Group, Inc.
Kratschen Plaza
175 Rubens Strasse Berlin, Germany
Dear Ms. Kruger,
It will be our pleasure to welcome you to our offices for the strategic planning meeting.
Heinrich Nasse informs me that you will be arriving in Toronto on Lufthansa flight LA843 on
Monday, January 15 at 6:30 a.m. I have made arrangements to have my assistant, Ms. Cathy

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Somerset, meet you at the airport and drive you to our offices. I have also instructed her to make
sure that everything is to your satisfaction for the duration of your stay, so if there is anything you
need, please feel free to ask her. We have made a desk and computer available for you to use to
prepare your presentation materials for the meeting on Wednesday. If you have any other special
requirements, please give me a call, and I will make the necessary arrangements.
A room has been booked for you at the InterContinental Hotel, which is a short taxi ride from our
offices. They have an excellent restaurant where you can have your breakfast. Otherwise, I can
certainly let you know of many other restaurants in the area. You may feel free to have your
lunches in the staff cafeteria here at the office. Im sure you will find it surprisingly good. Ms.
Somerset will help you with your transportation while you are here with us.
I look forward co meeting with you in person in a few days.
John Mitchell
President, Kratschen Pharmaceutical Canada, Inc.

157. Why is Ms. Kruger going to Toronto? C. To let him know what flight she will be on
A. To inspect the facility D. To find out if she can use a digital projector
B. To install a new computerized system
C. To give a presentation at a meeting 159. Where does Mr. Mitchell say Ms. Kruger
D. To attend a conference should have her lunch?
158. Why might Ms. Kruger need to contact A. At the InterContinental Hotel
Mr. Mitchell before she arrives? B. At a restaurant in the area
A. To request a hotel reservation C. At the Kratschen Pharmaceutical offices
B. To ask to use a computer D. At his favorite restaurant

Questions 160- 162 refer to the following memorandum.

In response to the numerous requests weve received, the Fitness Center will be starting up yoga
classes this September. We have hired a new instructor with eight years of experience instructing
classes in Hatha yoga. The classes will be held on Monday and Wednesday mornings at 7:45
a.m. in the Fitness Center aerobics hall, but if there is enough demand, we will be opening
another class starting at 6:45 a.m. As always, there is no charge for employees, and members of
the general public who wish to join can do so for $25 for the eight-week session, or $3 per class.
I recommend that you register early, as space is limited.
In order to ensure the health and welfare of our staff, we require that those wishing to participate
in the yoga course have their family physician fill out a health history form. You can pick up the
forms prior to the start of September at the front desk in the Fitness Center. Please return the
completed form, signed by your doctor, when registering for the class.
No special equipment or footwear is needed, but we recommend stretchable, loose- fitting
clothing. In addition, for those of you wanting to get extra practice at home, special mats will be
available for purchase for a nominal charge starting in September.
Jessica Bale, Fitness Center Coordinator

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160. What is the purpose of this memo? home

A. To advertise the start of a new fitness B. Pay $25 for the eight-week course
course C. Get a special form filled out by their doctor
B. To introduce the new fitness center D. Attend an information session at the fitness
C. To announce the hiring of a new staff center
member 162. What is mentioned about equipment
D. To remind staff about their health check - employees are required to bring?
ups A. They need to buy a mat.
161. What are employees asked to do before B. They must wear loose yoga pants.
registering for the class? C. They are not allowed to use footwear.
A. Buy a special mat so they can practice at D. They dont need any special equipment

Questions 163 164 refer to the following notice.

All employees of Roger's Cable are no longer allowed to park on the side streets on the opposite
side of Manordale Avenue. We have received complaints from the residents of the neighborhood
and the by-law enforcement about employee vehicles. Effective immediately, all staff are
required to purchase a parking pass for the underground parking beneath the building for $35 per
month. Ask your manager to have the parking fees withheld from your monthly pay deposit.
Thank you for your cooperation.

163. Who issued this notice? the side streets

A. The Manordale Residents Association B. Ask the residents for permission to park
B. The employees of Rogers Cable near Manordale Avenue
C. A by-law enforcement officer C. Pay to park in the underground parking lot
D. A manager at the company D. Buy a parking permit for one of the city
164. What are employees asked to do? parking lots
A. Ask their manager for a permit to park on

Questions 165 166 refer to the following notice.

Towel Policy
Thank you for choosing the Wellington Hotel - your home away from home in the heart of
Chicago! We care about the local environment, and in an effort to reduce our water consumption
and the amount of harmful detergents we use, we have put the following policy into effect.

We ask all guests to please hang up the towels that do not require changing on the towel racks.
Place all used towels in the bathtub, and they will be exchanged for fresh towels. Should you
require any additional towels, please feel free to contact the front desk staff.
Thank you for doing your part to protect the environment.

165. Where would this notice likely be found? require clean towels?
A. In the laundry room A. Leave them in the bath
B. At the reception desk B. Make a request at the front desk
C. In the guests bathroom C. Ask the housekeeper
D. In the hotels public restrooms D. Put them on the floor
166. What are guests asked to do if they
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Questions 167 170 refer to the following letter.
Sylvie Depardieu,
Small Business Association of Windover,
P.O. Box 7465,
Windover, VT
Dave Mitchell
Manager, Sunrise Health Foods
154 Beecham Avenue, Unit 3A
Windover, VT
Dear Mr. Mitchell,
As a long-time member of the Small Business Association, Im sure youre as upset as the rest of
us about the recent hydro rate increase of 29 percent which took effect in October. The difference
in our monthly electricity bills is considerable, and for small businesses such as ours that are
struggling to make ends meet, Im sure I dont need to tell you what the increase could mean in the
long term.
I wanted to let you know that, as President of the Small Business Association of Windover, I have
taken the initiative to contact the State Corporation Commission on behalf of the Association to
voice the concerns of small business owners in the area and to register our opposition to this rate
In doing so, I was informed that final approval for this increase has not yet been given to Vermont
Hydro by the Commission. Commissioners will decide in the near future whether to approve all,
some, or none of the requested 29 percent increase. If the full 29 percent increase is not approved,
customers will receive a refund for any overcharges (so save your monthly statements).
This pending decision gives us an opportunity to prevent the increase. That is why I am writing to
all of the members of the Association to ask for your support. As customers of Vermont Hydro, we
can all contact the Commission and register our opposition to this rate increase. Now, it is your turn
to be proactive. Call to register your opposition and pass the word along to businesses in other
areas served by Vermont Hydro; even your friends and family could call - every little bit helps.
You can call the State Corporation Commission at (800) 553-7845 between 8:15 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday. You will be directed to leave your name, address, telephone number and a
statement of opposition. The call takes only 2 to 3 minutes. Every call is tabulated and will
hopefully make a difference in the final decision made by the commissioners.
Sylvie Depardieu
167. What is the current position of the more information
sender? 169. What information is NOT included in the
A. She is a member of the State Corporation letter?
Commission. A. The phone number of the State Corporation
B. She is the mayor of Windover. Commission
C. She is an employee of Vermont Hydro. B. The hours during which the Commission
D. She is the president of the Small Business receives calls
Association. C. The average increase in users monthly bills
168. What is the main purpose of this letter? D. The amount of the Vermont Hydro rate
A. To inform residents of the increase in their increase
electricity service rates 170. Who should be contacted about the
B. To ask for help from the members of the matter?
association A. Vermont Hydro
C. To complain to Vermont Hydro about their B. The State Corporation Commission
new rates C. Sylvie Depardieu
D. To tell business owners where they can get D. The Windover Small Business Association.
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Questions 171 173 refer to the following advertisement.

Burnett & Sons, Professional Reupholsters

Enhance the Value and Beauty of Your Furniture!

Provided that a sofa or chair is in good shape on the inside and only needs new fabric on the outside,
all thats needed is recovering. When a piece needs work on the inside, including new webbing,
re-tied springs, new fillings, and re-cushioning, then a full-scale reupholstering is called for. Either
of these jobs requires the skills of a professional upholsterer, and thats why you should choose
Burnett & Sons. We are specialists in this field, and have been in the upholstery trade for 18 years.
Call us now at (020) 7622-9347.
If your old piece has a good frame, theres some significant savings to be had. Remember, good
frames dont wear out! If your old sofa frame has lasted ten years or more, its probably good
quality. Reupholstering that sofa instead of buying a new one can mean significant savings. The
price of a good wooden frame has jumped by more than 100% in recent years. And they dont make
them like they used to!
The professionals at Burnett & Sons use only the highest-quality modem materials and time-tested
traditional skills, providing you with results that are even better than the original. Youll get a full
measure of value for your money, with quality thats hard to match. Stop by our workshops,
conveniently located in central London, or stop by our website at www.burnettupholsterers.com to
see our impressive gallery of before-and- after photos. We offer convenient door-to-door pick-up
and delivery service and are available to visit your home for a quotation.

171. Who would be interested in this B. You can have your sofas frame rebuilt.
advertisement? C. You can make use of modern materials and
A. Someone who is interested in buying new traditional skills.
furniture D. You can have your piece picked up and
B. Someone who wants to learn how to dropped off.
reupholster 173. What is available on the companys
C. Someone who will recover or fix a sofa or website?
armchair A. Pictures of work they have done for their
D. Someone who needs a new frame built customers
172. What is NOT mentioned as an advantage B. Directions to their other workshop location
of hiring Burnett & Sons? C. Pieces of the fabrics they have available
A. You can have them give you a price at your D. A discount coupon
Questions 174 177 refer to the following letter.
Dalton, Fitch, and Cope Attorneys
143 W. 23rd St., Unit 130B, Chalmers Building, 13"' floor, New York, NY
August 27th

Reginald Mercer, Attorney at Law 19 Market Close,

Newport, MD 55055

Dear Mr. Mercer:

This confirms that we have received your August 18th letter and the draft of the distribution
contract you enclosed. I have read the draft thoroughly and discussed it with my client, Mr.
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Fukazawa. The following initial points will need to be resolved before we can move ahead with
negotiating the finer points of the contract:
Term. The term would need to be at least ten years before my client could seriously
consider entering into the contract.
Unit Price. The unit price would need to be at least $140.50 before my client could
consider the contract financially feasible.
Controlling Law. My client does business only in the State of New York and does not
desire to engage a lawyer in Maine, so the contract will need to provide that New York law
Publicity. My client requests that the last sentence of paragraph 3 on page 2 of the contract
be changed to read as follows: Publicity given to the program or services provided herein,
including, but not limited to, notices, information, pamphlets, press releases, research,
reports, signs, and similar public notices prepared by or for the Licensor, shall identify the
Agency as the sponsoring agency and will not be released without prior written approval
from the Agency.
Please discuss these points with your client at your earliest convenience and let me know if your
client is willing to pursue negotiation of a contract along these lines.

Yours truly,
Adrian Cope,
Cc: T. Fukazawa

174. Who sent this e-mail? change to the contract?

A. Mr. Fukazawa A. Extending the duration of the agreement
B. Reginald Mercer B. The unit cost of the product
C. Mr. Fukazawas lawyer C. Control of the marketing of the product
D. Mr. Mercers lawyer D. The cost of shipping the product
175. What did Mr. Mercer previously send to 177. What is the recipient asked to do?
the writer of this letter? A. Make the changes to the contract
A. A draft of a legal document B. Talk to his client about the requirements
B. A letter asking for some changes C. Ask his client not to continue the
C. A request for distribution rights negotiations
D. The final version of a contract D. Sign the contract once the changes are
176. What is NOT mentioned as a proposed made

Questions 178 180 refer to the following information.

Athena Airlines Passenger Briefing
This passenger briefing contains information about our flight itinerary to Phoenix and Salt Lake
City. Please ask a customer service representative if you need further assistance.

Thursday 12/23/2007
Flight Time 00:53 Time Change: Add 1 Hour(s)
Catering Info: Light breakfast including danish, fruit and fresh orange juice

Thursday 12/23/2007

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Flight Time 01:21 No Time Change
Special Notes: Transportation from Salt Lake Airport to your meeting will be provided by
K & R Limo.
Service - 602-555-1234
Friday 12/24/2007
Flight Time 01:15 No Time Change
Catering Info: Sandwich tray, fresh fruit and light dessert
Friday 12/24/2007
Flight Time 00:55 Time Change: Lose 1 Hour(s)

178. What is this information related to? C. Salt Lake City

A. A travelers itinerary D. Brown Field
B. A train schedule 180. How much time will be spent flying on
C. A flight plan the return trip?
D. A pilots directions A. 1 hour and 15 minutes
179. What is this passengers final destination B. 55 minutes
on Thursday? C. 1 hour and 10 minutes
A. San Diego D. 2 hours and 10 minutes
B. Phoenix

Questions 181 185 refer to the following memorandum and email.

To: All Premiere Life staff
From: William Fortright, CEO
Re: Annual charitable contributions

Seasons greetings to everyone in our Premiere Life family! We wish you the very best!
It is at this time of the year that we make a special effort to think of those who are less fortunate.
We have made a tradition at Premiere Life of choosing one charity each year to make a charitable
donation to as an organization, and this year, we have chosen WorldSight.
For those of you unfamiliar with the good work this organization is doing, WorldSight provides
medical assistance and food aid to people who are experiencing crises in areas of the world
ravaged by famine and war. They are a non-governmental, non-profit organization, and they rely
entirely on private charity.
We were very pleased with your generosity last year in response to our pledge to donate to the
United Way. We had promised them $25,000, but as a result of your generosity, we were able to
give $40,000 - and no doubt made a difference in the lives of many, many people. This year, were
hoping to get even more staff members involved and raise even more for WorldSight.
Alison McGee, the Human Resource manager, will be organizing the campaign this year. She will
be passing out a form which you can use to pledge a certain amount of your January pay deposit,
and we will pool all of your contributions and make one donation to WorldSight on behalf of all of
you. If you would like to be involved, please fill out and return the signed form to her before you
leave for your holidays on December 20th.
Lets all give this holiday season and make a difference in the lives of those who are not as
privileged as we all are.
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To: McGee, Alison <amcgee@premierelife.com>

From: Allen, Jay <jallen@premiereUfe.com>
Date: December 21
Re: Forgot the form!

Hi, Alison! Its Jay from Accounting. Im really sorry to bother you over the holidays, but I wanted
to find out if there was any way I could get my contribution form to you. I had it all filled out on
Thursday,, but I guess I was in a big hurry to go on Friday and I totally forgot to drop it off with
you. The ridiculous thing is that I had it in my hand. Sorry about that. Im really interested in
contributing, though. And if theres anyway I could get this to you, please let me know. Perhaps I
could courier it to you. As far as I know, theyre usually open right up until the 23rd for all those
people who forgot to mail their Christmas presents! Let me know. Ill look forward to your e-mail.
Take care,
Jay Allen

181. What is this memo about? A. Contact Alison McGee as soon as possible
A. A special company holiday B. Contribute some money to Ms. McGee
B. An annual campaign for charity C. Fill out a form to have part of their pay
C. Some charitable organizations withheld
D. An increase in pay D. Give a donation to the United Way
182. What does Mr. Fortright hope to do this 184. Who wrote the e-mail?
year? A. An employee of the United Way
A. Get more staff to donate to charities this year B. An employee of WorldSight
B. Make donations to both the United Way and C. A person who works with Alison McGee
WorldSight D. Someone who handed in the form
C. Raise more for WorldSight than they donated 185. What mistake did Mr. Allen make?
to the United Way A. He left his form at the office.
D. Contribute more money to the United Way B. He did not fill out his form properly.
than to WorldSight C. He couriered his form to Ms. McGee.
183. What are the staff asked to do? D. He forgot to drop off his form

Questions 186 190 refer to following advertisement and e-mail.


Company: SuperCAD International
Location: Portland, ME 04101
Job Type: Temporary
Classification: Full Time
Salary Range: $25,000 - 30,000
We currently have an opening for a JUNIOR-LEVEL CIVIL ENGINEER. Suitable candidates
should have a bachelors degree in Civil/Structural Engineering and experience with structural
steel. Starting with a six-month contract, leading to permanent, full-time position. Experience is a
plus, but not a must. Apply for this job at www.jobseeker.com/posting_A9872/apply. Call
SuperCAD HR Manager Chris Galliano at 800-542-8347 x205 for location and details.

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To: apply@jobseeker.com
From: pauldafoe@huntercommunication.com
Re: Job Posting A9872
Attachment: pauldafoeresume.doc (43 KB)
Dear Mr. Galliano,

I am writing in response to the job posting on www.jobseekers.com, regarding an available position

at your firm as a junior civil engineer. I am interested in being considered for this position, as it is
very much in line with my present career objectives. I also feel that I have sufficient credentials to
warrant your serious consideration.
As you will be able to judge for yourself by referring to the attached copy of my resume, I have
ample experience in the engineering industry to meet the requirements of the job and to enable me
to succeed as a member of your team. Please allow me to highlight the following:
M.S. Structural Engineering and Structural Mechanics, University of California, Berkeley B.S. Civil
Engineering, University of California, Davis (Highest Honors)
1998-2004 Junior Civil Engineer with Karl Kennedy & Associates, Inc.
Provided civil engineering, structural engineering, consulting, failure analysis, forensic engineering,
and related expertise to a wide variety of clients.
If it appears that my qualifications meet your current needs, I would welcome the opportunity to
meet with you to discuss employment possibilities in more detail.
Should you require any additional information, or if you would like to meet with me for an
interview, please do not hesitate to contact me at (426) 630-4483.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Paul Dafoe

186. What type of job is being advertised? 189. What is Mr. Dafoes purpose in writing
A. A part-time, permanent position this e- mail?
B. A full-time, permanent position A. To find out more information about the
C. A part-time, contract-based position position
D. A full-time, contract-based position B. To ask about the companys history
187. What are applicants asked to do? C. To request a meeting with HR
A. Post their resume on the jobseekers site D. To see if they would like to see his resume
B. Visit the SuperCAD International website 190. What qualifications for this job does Paul
C. Phone jobseekers.com for more details Dafoe NOT have?
D. Send their resume directly to Chris Galliano A. Civil Engineering background
188. How much experience is required to B. Experience with structural steel
apply for this job? C. A bachelors degree
A. None D. Some work experience
B. Six months
C. One year
D. Four years
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Questions 191 195 refer to the following e-mail and notice.

To: Helen Blithe <lovelybunny@systek.com>

From: cs@electroland.com
Date: August 18th at 16:45
Re: RE: Extremely dissatisfied!
Attachment: electroland_refundpolicy.doc
Dear Ms. Blithe,
Thank you for your e-mail of August 17th. We have investigated your complaint with the staff
members of Electro-Land in Torrance (Redondo Blvd. branch). Unfortunately, we are unable to
comply with your request for a refund and must uphold the decision made by the sales clerk that
you dealt with at the store. She was following company policy.
I have attached a copy of our refund policy for your review. This would also have been printed on
the back of your receipt. As you can see in point 4, we are not able to offer refunds on software that
has been opened if you do not have the original receipt. I hope you can appreciate that, once the
product is opened, it cannot be resold, and is therefore valueless to us.
In addition, I understand from your e-mail that your computer did not have the minimum
requirements to run the software, so you could not use it. However, the minimum system
requirements are listed by the manufacturer on the outside of the box the software came in. So, you
did not have to open the box to find this out.
We regret the situation and hope to continue to serve you in the future.

Electro-Land Refund Policy for Electronic Games and Computer Software

1. If you have your receipt and the package has not been opened (the security seal is unbroken),
we will offer you your choice of a refund or an exchange coupon.
2. If you do not have a receipt and the merchandise has not been opened (the security seal is
unbroken), you will be offered an exchange coupon. Cash refunds are not available in this case.
3. If the package has been opened (the security seal is broken) and you have a receipt, you will
be offered a refund or exchange only if the item is defective or unfit for the intended purpose.
4. If you do not have a receipt and the merchandise has been opened (the security seal is
broken), no refund or exchange is permitted.
An Exchange Coupon can be redeemed at any Electro-Land store for any purchase or (where
applicable) a repair of the item. This coupon can be used to replace the returned merchandise
with either the same item or an alternative of your choice. The value of the exchange coupon
will be the system price of the returned merchandise on the day of the return. You will be
requested to produce suitable identification, such as a Drivers License, or any other form of
identification that contains your name, address, signature and photo will also be accepted.

191.Who sent the e-mail? D. The opened box

A. A customer 193.Why did Ms. Blithe want to return the
B. A salesperson product?
C. An employee A. It was defective.
D. A manufacturer B. The box was already opened.
192.What is included with the e-mail? C. It did not work on her computer.
A. The original sales receipt D. She did not like the software
B. A copy of the stores policy 194. Why is the store unable to give a refund
C. The manufacturers instructions or exchange coupon to Ms. Blithe?
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A. She did not have her receipt and the box had had her receipt but the box had been
was not opened. opened?
B. She did not have her receipt and the box A. She would not have got a refund or an
was opened. exchange.
C. She had her receipt and the box was B. She would have got a full refund or an
opened. exchange coupon.
D. She had her receipt and the box was C. She would have got a replacement product.
unopened. D. She would have got her product repaired.
195. What would have happened if Ms. Blithe

Questions 196 200 refer to the following notice and e-mail.

To: All members of Reinholdt Street bridge team
From: Michael Smith, manager, information services dept.
Re: Video Conference - Friday, August 21st at 6:45 a.m.
You are advised that there will be a video conference with head office this coming Friday. Everyone
who has been involved in the planning and implementation of that project is expected to attend. The
purpose of the meeting is to update Mr. Bill Sanderson, who is replacing Jim Watson in overseeing
all government contracts, about the progress that has been made and what still needs to be done. This
project is presently behind schedule, and Mr. Sanderson would like to get some idea of how far back
the deadline needs to be pushed before he calls the city. Please send Mr. Sanderson a brief summary
of your role in the project and any other information that you think might be pertinent so that he can
have a chance to prepare for the meeting. Mr. Sanderson will also be asking you for your ideas about
streamlining our work-flow so please give that some thought and offer your suggestions.
The conference is scheduled to start at head office at 9:00 a.m. EST, and the time difference means
that we will have to start at 6:45 a.m. Of course, we are aware that this falls outside of your regular
work schedule. You will be compensated for your time at the overtime rate. The meeting should last
about 2 hours, so you will be able to start your regular workday on time. This is the first such
conference that we have conducted, and if it is successful, we hope to hold all meeting between our
San Diego branch and head office via video conference. So, your participation in making it successful
is very much appreciated.

To: Bill Sanderson, billsanderson@avidconstruction_hq.com

From: Aaron Rothschild, aaron79@avidconstuction_sdb.com
Re: Video Conference
Dear Mr. Sanderson,
My name is Aaron Rothschild, and I am the senior engineer on the Reinholdt Street bridge project. I
was asked by Michael Smith to e-mail you with some information with regard to the project schedule.
As Im sure you are aware, the project has fallen behind schedule. We were originally slated to begin
construction at the beginning of May, but there were numerous problems. The most significant of
these was that we were unable to find a local firm that could handle the kind of blasting that the
project required. The bridge called for blasting for the underpass for James Street, and this was very
close to a residential area, requiring a very specialized excavation blast. None of the firms in the San
Diego area had the necessary expertise. We were able to locate a company in LA that could do it, but
this put us two weeks behind schedule.
At the video conference on Friday morning, I think one issue that would be important to address is
why this oversight happened. We were under the impression that the blasting company that we
usually hire would be able to do the job, but this is because we were not given a clear idea of the
exact nature of the site until it was too late. I think this was a simple case of communication
breakdown, but it would be useful to discuss it to ensure it doesnt happen again.
Yours truly,
Aaron Rothschild
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196. Who wrote the notice? D. Send an e-mail to Bill Sanderson

A. Micheal Smith 199. What is the main purpose of the e-mail?
B. Aaron Rothschild A. To introduce the members of the team
C. Bill Sanderson B. To explain the situation and suggest areas
D. Jim Watson for improvement
197. According to the notice, what will happen C. To apologize for being behind schedule
on Friday morning? D. To ask Mr. Sanderson for advice on the
A. They need to arrive early to finish a project. project
B. There will be a conference in the 200. What is the main cause of the delay in the
boardroom. project, according to Mr. Rothschild?
C. They will all have a video meeting with A. The blasting company that they hired made
head office. a mistake.
D. There will be a visit from Mr. Sanderson. B. The excavation blasting took longer than
198. What are the readers of the notice asked they had expected.
to do? C. The company that they usually hire was not
A. Improve their workflow available.
B. Get the project back on schedule D. They were not told they needed to hire a
C. Stay at work late on Friday night specialized blasting company.

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Reading Test
Reading Test
In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different typos of reading
comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within
the time allowed.
Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given
below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. ---------- economic growth rates have 104. Mitusa Motors today announced that its
stagnated over the last 6 months, we cannot headquarters ------ to the port city of Kumamoto
expect any rise in the value of the dollar. in order to take advantage of cheaper
(A) So transportation costs.
(B) As (A) relocated
(C) For (B) relocating
(D) Although (C) have relocated
102. It seems certain---------- our industry will (D) will be relocated
be faced with multiple challenges in the near 105. Any reports produced by this department
and medium term, principally because of should be edited and proofread--------- by
changes in the international political landscape. someone other than the writer.
(A) because (A) equally
(B) that (B) apparently
(C) for (C) exclusively
(D) so (D) thoroughly
103. One of the city's landmark department 106. The minerals boom has brought about an
stores has filed for bankruptcy; however there is economic boom, which in turn has meant that
no indication that the historic building ------ will real estate values have---------- to record levels.
be demolished or redeveloped. (A) rose
(A) it (B) raised
(B) its (C) risen
(C) it's (D) been raising
(D) itself
107. In response to our question on overall 109. Employees at the Maroubra plant were -----
customer satisfaction, 23% of respondents ---- that operations would cease in
indicated that they were somewhat or very ------ approximately 6 months and that generous
---------- retirement packages would be given to all
(A) dissatisly employees.
(B) dissatisfied (A) informing
(C) dissatisfying (B) informed
(D) are dissatisfied (C) informative
108. A new strategic plan ----------- increasing (D) information
productivity was introduced at the last meeting 110. The president -----------his difficult
of the board of directors. childhood with giving him the strength of
(A) in character needed to succeed in a fiercely
(B) by competitive environment.
(C) for (A) provides
(D) to (B) credits
(C) rewards
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
Reading Test
(D) presents (B) dispose
111. ------ any surprise submissions this (C) present
afternoon, the court case should be wrapped up (D) state
today after 2 years of bitter wrangling. 118. Government regulations state that no one
(A) Declining can be--------- to the closed reading room
(B) Barring without first obtaining a security clearance.
(C) Allowing (A) suited
(D) Regretting (B) required
112. When operating in a new culture, it is very (C) admitted
important to be --------of local practices which, (D) disposed
at firm sight, may seem strange. 119. There can be no doubt that our Marketing
(A) respect Department has grown---------- confidence and
(B) respectful ability with each new success.
(C) respective (A) in
(D) respectively (B) with
113. The report by Absolute Consultants (C) among
advised that at least --------- year will be (D) between
required before the company can attain 120. The catering unit---------- that all patrons
profitability. complete the questionnaire so that we can
(A) other provide the best possible service at the most
(B) others reasonable cost.
(C) another (A) assures
(D) the other (B) questions
114. ------- that it is undesirable to treat our (C) requests
production line workers like robots; we have (D) understands
introduced a policy of frequent job rotations. 121. New procedures for the operation of the
(A) Recognize security system will ---------- to ensure that there
(B) Recognized are no more delays in accessing the building on
(C) Recognizing weekends.
(D) Having been recognized (A) introduce
115. The Personnel Department has lost no time (B) introducing
seeking a ----------- for Dr. Roberts, who (C) introduction
recently retired after 30 years of service. (D) be introduced
(A) consideration 122. --------- application procedures have
(B) replacement resulted in a drop in interest in our investment
(C) maintenance and other financial services packages.
(D) position (A) Complicating
116. Any employee wishing to terminate his or (B) Complicated
her employment before the end of the contract (C) Complicates
may do so after giving 30 days written ------- (D) Complicate
(A) sign 123. Customers need to consider carefully -------
(B) contact kind of interior fittings will best satisfy both
(C) notice their needs and tastes.
(D) approval (A) which
117. The task of the high-profile planning (B) since
committee will be to---------- the Asian Games (C) that
organizers to choose our city as the site of the (D) as
next games. 124. Before adding new stocks------- your
(A) convince investment portfolio, why not attend one of our
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
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investment seminars, where you will be able to (D) Unless
meet our consultants in a small group setting? 131. For the---------- news and views on all
(A) at important developments in the business world,
(B) to make sure you tune in to "Financial Focus" at
(C) for 8:00 P.m.
(D) with (A) late
125. Mining operations at the southwestern (B) later
mine have been ------------- until the question of (C) lately
ownership has been resolved by the courts. (D) latest
(A) halted 132. The site selection committee will be
(B) carried making a final tour of all sites this afternoon ----
(C) endured ----- making their final decision this evening.
(D) registered (A) on
126. All employees are reminded that there is (B) in
much satisfaction to be gained from-------- the (C) along
community in some voluntary capacity. (D) before
(A) serving 133. One of the -------- aspects of the new
(B) deserving headquarters is its closeness to the lively
(C) reserving downtown area of the city.
(D) preserving (A) please
127------------ planning requires practical (B) pleases
knowledge attention to detail, an ability to listen (C) pleased
to all stake -holders, and flexibility. (D) pleasing
(A) Attentive 134. The Mizuku Department Store advises its
(B) Effective customers that the-------- amount of their
(C) Active purchases must be paid within 30 days in order
(D) Subjective not to incur late fees.
128. The purpose of this planning meeting is to (A) all
ensure that our move to the new site will not (B) full
cause any----------- in our services. (C) much
(A) illusion (D) every
(B) corruption 135. Chief Engineer Mike Myers' expertise------
(C) instruction -- chemical materials has enabled him to move
(D) interruption to the very top of his field.
129. The CEO of Griffin investments said today (A) against
that he had absolutely no hesitation in --------- (B) for
that his company had always operated within (C) on
strict, ethical guidelines. (D) in
(A) affirming 136. Should you require special leave for
(B) completing reasons other than --------- listed in the company
(C) orienting regulations, please discuss the matter with the
(D) expanding Personnel Department.
130. ------------for any reason you are unable to (A) who
attend tomorrow's meeting, please notify Ms. (B) whom
Clifton as soon as possible so that the catering (C) them
arrangements can be modified. (D) those
(A) Though 137. It is highly -------------that all postgraduate
(B) If students keep a daily record of their reading as
(C) Except that well as a personal journal.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
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(A) advise (A) by
(B) advised (B) to
(C) advising (C) with
(D) advisable (D) over
138. If all those present are in ----------, we will 140. The job of-------------the production
adjourn this meeting for approximately 20 process has been given to a well- known
minutes to get refreshments. engineering consultant.
(A) agreed (A) streamlines
(B) agrees (B) streamlined
(C) agreeing (C) to streamline
(D) agreement (D) streamlining
139.In recent moths, much academic debate has
arisen-------------the governments intention to
privatize the public transportation and
ambulance services.

Part 6
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter
(A), (B), (0), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following announcement.

Halls will Come to Life with Music
Albert Hall and Royal Hall have disclosed their schedules for the upcoming season, with everything
-----------classical music to stand-up comedy acts and lots in between.
141. (A) over
(B) at
(C) up
(D) from
The Smiths are set to make their debut at 100-year-old Albert Hall on Jan 25, 2007. The venerable
venue ---------- will host Bruce Thornton on January 17, Ron Ghanem on January 3,
142. (A) besides
(B) of
(C) also
(D) either
Terry Lightfoot on January 9, and folk superstar Judith Bachman on February 12, 13, and 14.
At Royal Hall, in its classical---------------- , American soprano Rosemary Voigt, Canadian soprano
143. (A) series
(B) steps
(C) occasions
(D) separations
Jonathon Pierre, Canadian baritone Mel Finley, and Polish contralto George Podles are on the bill.

Questions 144-146 refer to the following news article.

Thornhill Sales
Increased 124% in June
Trimart's Housing Report gave Thornhill the number one ranking in sales for the month of June.
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Sales in Thornhill increased by 124%, with 330 sales------------ to a May tally of 147.
144. (A) comparisons
(B) compared
(C) comparing
(D) comparative
This dramatic--------------- was the result of the outstanding success of the Saxton Group's launch of
145. (A) decrease
(B) lift
(C) reduction
(D) increase
their new, affordable subdivision Home Sweet Home.
In its first weekend, Home Sweet Home completely sold out its 152-unit inventory in the
Thornhill area. A more--------------- increase of 16% was recorded in the Toronto region, comprised
146. (A) cautious
(B) careful
(C) moderate
(D) deliberate
of North York, East York, Etobicoke, York, and Central Toronto.
The total market area experienced a 5% increase in sales over May.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following advertisement.

The professionals that make your nights comfortable

The Dreamaker Plus------------- the exclusive coil system everyone's been talking about.
147. (A) takes
(B) features
(C) accounts
(D) calculates
For the past 50 years, the experts at Dreamaker have dedicated their time and effort to bring the
Americans a good night's rest by using our reliable and proven technology.
Compared to any conventional spring systems available in the industry, the Dreamaker Plus has
nearly twice the coils of any others. Quality comfort layers and fabrics------------ to ensure a
148. (A) was used
(B) have been used
(C) are to use
(D) will be used
comfortable and durable sleeping surface.
By increasing the wire thickness in the outer two rows, Dreamaker Plus-------------------
149. (A) provide
(B) provisions
(C) providing
(D) provides
a firmer seating edge, increases the usable sleeping space, and helps to prevent that "roll out of

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bed" feeling.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following letter.

Michelle L. Sinnott
The Mitel Limited
45 Landsdowne Road
Seattle, Washington

Dear Ms. Sinnott:

Mr. Steven Davis, who is currently employed as a junior accountant at your firm, has recently
shown his interest in a similar post with---------------- and has provided your name as
150. (A) you
(B) us
(C) them
(D) him
a reference.
I would be grateful to receive any information regarding his work ethic, character, and
achievements. Furthermore, if you can provide your personal views of how his -------------- with
you have been and what your opinion is regarding Mr. Davis taking on
151. (A) facilities
(B) values
(C) services
(D) opportunities
full responsibility as an accountant in a very large and busy department, I would appreciate it.
I am------------- aware that Mr. Davis graduated from George Brown College with an
152. (A) enough
(B) thoroughly
(C) entirely
(D) fully
accounting degree but I am more interested in how he has performed under your supervision since
he began working for you.
If there is any other information you feel I can use, I would appreciate it very much. I'd like to thank
you in advance and add that any information you provide will be treated as strictly confidential.

Brian Simpson
Brian S. Simpson
Accounting Manager
Coram Incorporated
(206) 755 8956

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Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the-b answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following form.

Order your free

Kitchen Fixer Upper's Guide here
Hurry. Stocks are limited


Send to: Kitchen Fixer Upper, 747 Dundas Road, Suite #305, Toronto, Ontario M4S-
[ ] Please contact me to arrange my `no obligation' design and quote
[ ] Please send me a FREE Kitchen Fixer Upper's Guide
[ ] Please send me a FREE brochure

Name: Leslie M cCowan

Tel No.: 755-7207

Address: 247 Kennedy Road

M 1P-3B8, Toronto,


E-mail: lesliem@gostar.com

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We have added you to our mailing list. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list,
please call 1-800-755-8978.

153. What does Ms. McCowan request? 154. In which of the following situations
(A) A price quote should Leslie call the company?
(B) A guidebook (A) if she wants to receive a letter
(C) A brochure (B) After she decides on the work date
(D) An appointment (C) As soon as she wants to visit the store
(D) When she no longer wishes to receive mail

Questions 155-157 refer to the following message..

Date: January 22
To: Mary Moore
From: Rupert Baker
Re: Suggested schedule for French Spring Dinnerware ad campaign

This is one of our biggest projects so far, so lets get busy, Here is my suggested timeline. As you can
see, our first meeting with the clients is next Monday, and the final portfolio must be finished and
approved by the client no later than March 1.

Monday, Jan 25 Meeting with French Spring's marketing people

Tuesday, Jan 26 Let's have a brainstorming session and then work separately on creative

Friday, Jan 29 I've scheduled a tour of French Spring's display center for the entire
Saturday, Jan 30 Let's all meet in the studio to view designs and discuss

Thursday, Feb 4 Finalize first presentation folio

Monday, Feb 8 First presentation to client

Rest of February Work on final presentation

What do you think? Please get back to me today, You have my email address, My cell phone number is
155. Why did Mr. Baker leave the message? (D) Monday, February 8
(A) To ask for some assistance with the project 157. What will Ms. Moore do after she reads
(B) To receive feedback on a proposal the message?
(C) To win a new project (A) Submit the work she has done to Mr. Baker
(D) To make an appointment for a meeting (B) Give a presentation to the client
156. When will the staff meet to assess and (C) Suggest her opinions on the timetable she
produce new ideas for the work? received
(A) Monday, January 25 (D) Get in touch with French Spring's
(B) Tuesday, January 26 marketing people
(C) Saturday, January 30

Questions 158-160 refer to the following news report.

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York (April 14, 2006) - The famous New York institution, the Winchester Hotel,
established in 1887, has just announce its intention to enter the convention
market. In a press release today, the hotel's management announced that it will
demolish several adjacent buildings, which it also owns, to make way for a new
convention center to be known as the Winchester Center. The design, already
approved by the New York City Council, involves ultra-modern facilities that will be linked to the existing
hotel by an atrium.
One of New York's most successful architects, the award-winning Lars Svendersen, has accepted the
challenge of creating a beautiful and functional new center while not diminishing the elegance of the existing
hotel. "My design intends to complement the beautiful Victorian structure. It is understated, but at the same
time elegant, it will also be multi-functional. The atrium will encourage informal meetings, while the new
convention center will offer state of the art audio-visual technology, exhibition halls of several sizes, and,
not far away, access to a health club, restaurants, and bars. My aim is to conserve the best of a past world
while offering a stimulating contrast in the design of the new center."
158. What was NOT announced at the press (A) He has a good chance of getting the job to design
meeting? the new building.
(A) A few nearby buildings near the hotel will (B) He has already established himself with his work.
be torn down. (C) He has been nominated for the architect of the year
(B) The planned structure will be attached to award.
the hotel. (D) He has a good relationship with the city council
(C) The architectural sketch of the new staff.
building has been accepted by the city council 160. What will the new convention center NOT have in
(D) The design of the new building has won its new building?
the Architectural Design of the Year Award. (A) Restaurants
159. What can be inferred about Lars (B) A fitness center
Svendersen? (C) Theaters
(D) Exhibition halls
Questions 161-163 refer to the following letter.
December 1, 2006
Jessicca Robinson
95 MIiler Road
Sacramento, CA 95859
Dear Ms. Robinson,
We recently received an order of your new model Angle Grinder, which your salesman advised us to
offer as part of our handyman range. Although we have only had them in stock for the last two weeks,
we have already had 3 returns. Customers have complained to us that the locking ring simply does not
work properly, which causes the disk to fall off.
You can imagine our embarrassment. This is truly a dangerous situation, and we suggest that you stop
supplying this item immediately. You should also issue recall notices.
We are returning the entire order. Most of them are still in their boxes.I realize that your power tools
are generally of very high quality, so I hope you sort this problem out quickly for the sake of your
Please issue us with a credit notice for the entire value of the order.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Richman
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Store Manager

161. What is the purpose of the letter? (B) They should have a longer warranty period.
(A) To suggest a different shipping method (C) They should be taken off the store shelves.
(B) To place an order for some power tools (D) They should be reduced in price.
(C) To request a refund for faulty products 163. What is being sent along with the letter?
(D) To complain about a rude salesperson (A) A proof of purchase
162. What does the sender suggest should be (B) A copy of the invoice
done about the Angle Grinders? (C) A refund request form
(A) They should be packaged in stronger (D) An entire order of the products
Questions 164-166 refer to the following information.

No need to wait in line to check out with

To serve our guests better, all details needed to check out have already been taken care of when
you checked in. In the early morning of your departure, please fill out the section at the bottom,
and hang it on the doorknob. Within the next hour, a statement with all charges will be slipped
under your door. Please make sure the statement is correct. If everything is in Order, simply call
the front desk.
From the minibar: ______________________________________
Just place the key on the nightstand in your room as you leave.
Thank you for choosing Grand Suites.

164. Where would this information be found? 166. What can be inferred about the procedure
(A) In a hotel room mentioned?
(B) At the hotel front desk (A) It must be checked with the front desk clerk
(C) On a notice board in the hotel lobby before proceeding.
(D) At the hotel bar (B) it is made to facilitate the process of
165. According to the information provided, what checking out.
happens when a guest checks into the hotel? (C) It can be read on the notice board on the
(A) The guest gets added to the hotel's mailing list. first floor.
(B) A complimentary breakfast coupon is provided. (D) It was made as a result of complaints
(C) The guest's luggage gets sent up the room. received from the guests.
(D) The check-out information automatically gets

Questions167-169 refer to the following movie review.

Ratings out of 5
This movie belongs to a completely new genre perhaps. It's a historical horror movie set in ancient
Greece, thousands of years ago. Filmed on location in beautiful Crete, it features beautiful young
people from all over Greece being shipped as sacrifices to the Minotaur, The contrast between the
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sparkling light of the Greek islands and the darkness of the mysterious Minotatir's maze is stunningly
done. A gripping and visually impressive movie. 1/2 Ben King
This Spanish nonfiction movie set during the Civil War deservedly won the critics' prize at last year's
Toronto Film Festival. Filmed in a naturalistic style, it follows the lives of 4 once-close friends who are
separated by the war. Realistic and dramatic, it paints an all-too-believable picture of a world turned
upside-down by war. Recommended. (English subtitles) Jane Stevenson


This is an awful attempt at a "romantic drama." Young Hearts in Venice tries to exploit the Venetian
setting to give this very ordinary little story a lift but utterly fails. Two couples intent on a romantic
Venetian holiday accidentally meet, They spend time together and ... you guessed it: there are
unexpected chemical reactions. The problem is that the script and acting are so poor that we couldn't
care less about any of the protagonists! Not recommended, M.H.
If you enjoy horror movies where city slickers unintentionally get stuck in sinister country towns, this
movie is for you. Red Rain is a finely crafted effort from one of the masters of schlock-horror, Jim
Middleton. There's nothing new in the plot, but the special effects, decor, and script are excellent, and
the acting, mostly by unknowns, is also first-rate. 1/2 Jane Stevenson

168. What do In the Minotaur's Maze and Red 169. What does Jane Stevenson NOT mention
Rain have in common? about the movie Sweat and Blood?
(A) They were filmed in the same location. (A) It was filmed during the Civil War.
(B) They were directed by the same person. (B) It received good reviews from the movie
(C) They both bombed at the box office. critics.
(D) They received the same ratings. (C) It's a worthwhile movie to see.
(D) It is based on a true story.
Questions 170-172 refer to the following letter.
September 25
Andrew Johnson 190 Arthur Road
Chicago, II, 60010
Carol Jackman Head of Sales
Dear Mr. Johnson
Please accept my apologies on behalf of Tyco Electrical Appliance Supplies. For a reason I really don't
understand. your order was not processed in the usually manner, resulting in a delay in the delivery
No doubt you are anxious to receive your Electric Space Heater as soon as possible before winter
really sets in. We have given your order priority status. And you should receive your purchase
tomorrow or the following day.
As a goodwill gesturet, I am enclosing in this letter a gift voucher which you can use at any Tyco
Should you experience any further problems, please do not hesitate to contact me persona/Iv at 977-
Yours sincerely,

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Carol Jackman
Head of Sales
170. Why was the letter written? (D) By calling the delivery service to place a
(A) To provide a detailed explanation of the special order
shipping procedure 172. In which of the following situations
(B) To complain about a delivery that has not arrived should Mr. Johnson call Ms. Jackman's direct
(C) To respond to a letter received from a customer number?
(D) To apologize for sending the wrong item (A) If he feels that the goods received are too
171. How is Carol going to compensate Mr. Johnson expensive
for the mistake? (B) If the shipment doesn't arrive within the
(A) By providing a gift certificate to be used in the next couple of days
store (C) If he does not receive a phone call from a
(B) By reducing the price on this order sales representative
(C) By delivering the products personally (D) If the order form is too complicated to
Questions 173-175 refer to the following advertisement.


This large Art Deco style apartment is a rare opportunity for the discerning buyer. Situated in a
building constructed in 1938, it has original decorative features aplenty and is in perfect condition.
It has three bedrooms (2 master-sizes with rivet views). a large living area with separate dining
room, and a balcony also offering sweeping views. The kitchen and bathroom have been tastefully
remodeled without destroying any of the original feel. Located a stones throw from vibrant
Hawkesbury Road, this apartment combines comfort with rare elegance and convenience. Inspect

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Three bedrooms
Dining area
Large formal lounge with balcony and sweeping views
Ground floor parking
Many original architectural features
Wood fireplaces
Please contact Brian Jones at 876-2288 or 555-2288 to arrange an inspection.

173. For whom is this advertisement most likely (B) Scenic bedrooms
intended? (C) Underground parking
(A) Building managers (D) A terrace
(B) Would-be hornebuyers 175. What are the readers asked to do?
(C) Real estate agents (A) Come to the open house
(D) Architects (B) Call the owner of the apartment
174. Which of the following amenities is NOT (C) Get in touch with the real estate agent
inclusive with the property? (D) Talk to the building management staff
(A) A fireplace Scenic bedrooms

Questions 176-180 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Margaretallvingstone.corn
From: gavinfoley@livingstone.com
Subject: Congratulations!

Hi, Margaret,
I'd like first of all to send you my congratulations. As you may have guessed, your interview last
Thursday went tremendously well, and your application for the position in our Paris office has been
approved. We'd like you to be ready to fly on June 4 because you'll need about a week to get adjusted to
your new environment. You'll begin work orientation on the 11th.

I realize that you speak French fluently and you have spent time in France. However, I strongly advise
you to take advantage of the company's resettlement course, which includes all kinds of benefits. Here is
a sample:

You can update your French with a private tutor before you leave. This will particularly help you with
the technical aspects involved in your new position over there.
We will give you several seminars on the French legal system and culture.
Some advice on renting accommodations and paying for services will be covered as well.

As you know, our company has had offices in many different cities around the world for over 15 years,
so you really should make the most of our experience.

Please call me today, or call the Personnel Department for details of your orientation package, and I'll be
pleased to answer any of your questions if I can.

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Gavin Foley.
176 To whom is Mr. Foley writing this e-mail? (B) She is not happy about relocating.
(A) A new employee who has just joined the (C) She majored in French in university.
company (D) She has been with the company for 15
(B) A colleague at a branch office in France years.
(C) A co-worker who has shown an interest in 179. What will NOT be taught in the company's
relocating relocation course?
(D) A staff member who works in the Personnel (A) French laws
Department (B) How to pay the bills
177. For what reason will Margaret be given a (C) Where to get an affordable apartment
week to spend in France? (D) How to talk to a client
(A) To attend a conference 180. What is implied in the e-mail?
(B) To have time to settle in (A) Many have gone through the course.
(C) To look for a job (B) Margaret is going to get in contact with
(D) To visit some clients Gavin today.
178. What can be inferred about Margaret? (C) Only a few applied for the position.
(A) She is bilingual. (D) The cost of living in France is very high.

Questions 181-185 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

St. George
St. George Media, the publisher of leading consumer media titles including LIFE IN THE CITY,
MOVIE REVIEW, TEEN GOSSIP and BRIDE & GROOM, is hiring for the following roles:
Sates & Marketing
Director, Interactive Sales
Accounting Manager
interactive Marketing Manager
Sales Manager
Web Production
Project Manager
Web Developer
Web Programmer (minimum of 2 years experience)
If you have any questions or are interested in any of the above positions, please send your resume
to jslester@stgeorgemedia.com.
We thank all applicants, however, only those selected for interviews will be contacted.

From: suziemitier@webstarters.com
To: jslester@stgeorgemedia.com
Date: December 8, 2006
Subject: Another alternative solution
Good morning,
First of all, I want to mention that I am an avid reader of one of your magazines. The articles in
your magazine deal with real issues, and I especially like reading those columns where the readers

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write in about their opinions of the issues covered in your magazine.
The reason for my contacting you this morning is because I think I can be of some help to you at
this time. I came upon your job placement ad while browsing through your magazine. I
immediately called a person 1 know in your company to seek more information and realized that
you are planning a major facelift of your company website and are looking for the right people.
I know that the process of putting together a viable web team can be a slow process. I also know
that it can be very costly. I used to manage a web team at my past company, and we ran into
problems we could not anticipate.
Webstarters is a company that was established in 1990 with the purpose of helping companies like
yours set up and maintain websites. We have a team of experts that understands the balance of
technology, design, and content that creates an effective web presence. Webstarters' development
team combines professional graphic design, Internet programming expertise, advanced technical
skills, and website marketing knowledge to create websites that are visually appealing, easy to
navigate, and accomplish your business goals.
I know that your intention is to have your own web team, but do consider other alternatives like
outsourcing to a company like mine. It just might be a wiser move. Please consider, and call me to
arrange a meeting to discuss the possibilities further. Thank you for your time.
Suzie Miller
181 What type of business has taken out the (B) To find out about the results of a job
advertisement? interview
(A) A web developing company (C) To show an alternative way of conducting
(B) A television studio business
(C) A publishing company A wedding boutique (D) To subscribe to a magazine at a discounted
(D) A wedding boutique. rate
182. Which of the following individuals would be 184. What is NOT mentioned about
most qualified for a position mentioned in the Webstarters in the e-mail?
advertisement? (A) It was launched in 1990.
(A) A recent college graduate with a degree in (B) It makes and maintains websites for
accounting companies.
(B) A sales representative who has two months of (C) It is in the process of expanding its staff.
experience in his field (D) Its owner has past experience in web-
(C) A human resources manager with 2 years of related work.
experience 185. Which of the following magazines does
(D) A computer programmer with 5 years of hands- Ms. Miller most likely read?
on experience (A) LIFE IN THE CITY
183. What is the main purpose of the e-mail? (B) TEEN GOSSIP
(A) To seek further information about an open (C) MOVIE REVIEW
position (D) BRIDE & GROOM

Questions 186-190 refer to the following announcement and memorandum.

New Employee Workshop
It has been a tradition at our company to hold orientation workshops throughout the year for our new
employees. Those who have been with the company for less than a year are required to attend these

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Place: Saranton Hotel Grand Ball Room
Date: November 20-21, 2006
The purpose of these workshops is to provide the most updated training to our newest members of our
company. During the two days in November, each participant will get a chance to become acquainted
with our executive personnel as well as each other. Participants will also be exposed to our latest line
of products and will be informed of the company's vision and goals for the year 2007.
Attendance is mandatory. Those who, for medical or personal reasons, cannot attend must get
permission from their immediate managers. Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you there.

James Conway

District General Manager

To: James Conway

From: Harry Stewart
Re: New Employee Workshop
Dear James,
You requested that all managers submit the names of their employees who will be attending the
workshop scheduled for November. Here is my list:
John Stack Mary Fisher
Terry Dillon Sean Gomez
These four people on my team will be in attendance. As for Lenny Brown, he has provided written
permission to be excused from the orientation. The reason for his absence is that his grandfather has
passed away, so he must make a trip to his home country to attend the funeral. The situation is
unfortunate for his family but as for the orientation, I think it will be okay. Lenny has been with us just
under a year, and I think he can afford to miss this orientation.

186. What is mentioned about the workshop? 188. What is the purpose of the e-mail?
(A) Everyone is required to attend. (A) To provide the names of those who will be
(B) Only those with a good reason can skip it. attending the workshop
(C) Attendees will be given a medical checkup. (B) To get permission to be excused from attending
(D) The general manager will make a the workshop
presentation., (C) To seek information about the directions to the
187. How many days will the workshop last? hotel
(A) One (D) To inform the general manager about a co-
(B) Two worker's father passing away
(C) Three 189. Who is exempted from attending the
(D) Four workshop?
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(A) John Stack (B) He has attended many orientations in the past.
(B) James Conway (C) He has been with the company for less than a
(C) Terry Dillon year.
(D) Lenny Brown (D) He is due to give a slide presentation at the
190. What can be inferred about Sean Gomez? workshop.
(A) He is an immigrant.

Questions 191-195 refer to the following e- mail and information.

From: Cindy Chow
Sent : Tuesday, November 14, 2006
To: Edward Ngan; GSS/MALAYSIA - Renee Anderson; GSS/USA
Subject :GSS Conference

With reference to the GSS Conference e-mail I sent on behalf of Michael O'Brien yesterday, I would
like to seek your confirmation on the availability of the New Office Visit, Lunch & Dinner on Wed,
December 6, by this coming Thursday, November 16. Additionally, if you have not yet confirmed with
me your schedule for the conference, please e-mail me ASAP.
Please note that you are expected to check in on December 6 and check out on December 8, Your
room will cost HK$800 net per night (breakfast for 1 included). However, if you would like to extend
your stay by checking in at an earlier date or checking out at a later date, please let me know because
the rate will be different and booking in advance is needed.
I've attached some information regarding the conference with this e-mail. Should you have any queries,
please feel free to e-mail me at cindy.chow@gss.com, or ring me at (852) 2255-1265.
Thanks & best regards

GSS Conference Dec. 7-8, 2006

A brief schedule is as shown

Wed, Dec 6-New Office Visit / Lunch / Dinner (optional)
Thurs, Dec 7- GSS Conference / Lunch / Dinner
Fri, Dec 8- GSS Conference / Lunch
All, attendees are scheduled to stay at the Stardust H.otel.
Hotel address: 102 Campbell Road East
Hotel telephone: 852-2268
Shuttle Bus
We suggest taking the shuttle bus from the airport to the hotel. You can simply register yourself at
Counter A at the arrival hall of the airport. The fare is HK$130 per trip per person.
Our New Office
Our New Office's address is Unit 707, 118 Campbell Road East, which is about a 5-minute walk from

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
Reading Test
the hotel.
A map showing the locations of 1) our New Office, 2) the Stardust Hotel, and 3) the restaurant where we
will be dining on Dec 6 will be e-mailed to you later this week.

191. By when should the recipient of the e-mail (A) A car has been arranged to pick them up.
respond if they are interested in visiting the new (B) They will catch a cab
office? (C) A shuttle bus is available at the hotel.
(A) December 6 (D) They will walk over
(B) November 16 194. Which of the following will NOT be sent
(C) December 7 this week?
(D) November 14 (A) A map of the hotel
192. What is implied about the hotel in the e-mail? (B) A map of the new office
(A) It is very expensive. (C) A map of the restaurant
(B) It only has non- smoking rooms (D) A map of the conference place
(C) It is located within a walking distance of the 195. Who will most likely send the maps?
airport. (A) Michael OBrien
(D) It will be very busy during the time of the (B) Cindy Chow
conference. (C) Edward Ngan
193. For those interested, how will they most likely (D) Renee Anderson
go to the new office?

Questions 196-200 refer to the following memorandum and notice.

To: Larry Sinclair
From: John Letterman
I am due to make the closing comments at our end-of-the-year party Ihis Friday, I know It's the day
after tomorrow and this is sudden notice, but I have to leave early that evening to catch a plane out 01
town. Therefore, I must ask you to take my place that evening. I was supposed to give a brief talk
about our achievements and thank those who made significant contributions this year. The speech will
only be about 10 minutes long and I have already drafted a copy of my talk, which I will give to you.
I'm really sorry that I am pulling this on you, bill I promise I will make it up to you.
Please drop by my office this afternoon.

You are invited to ...
The party of the year!
Please join us for the event of the year!

Who: All staff

When: Friday, Evening December 15, 2006
6 PM until 1 AM
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
Reading Test

Attire: Formal (Black Tie Affair)

Itinerary: Pre-dinner Cocktails and Piano Bar

Opening Speech by Our President
Awards Ceremony: Employee of the Year
Contemporary European Cuisine Dinner
Dancing and Networking
Closing Comments: Vice President

Where: The elegant confines of the Old Mill Inn, 55 Old Mill Road, Kingston, ON M7X
1G7 Tel. 243-2840

196. In the memo, the word "sudden" in

paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to
(A) short
(B) surprising
(C) immediate
(D) important
197. On which date did Mr. Letterman write
the memo?
(A) December 15
(B) December 14
(C) December 13
(D) December 12
198. Who wrote the message?
(A) The vice president
(B) The president
(C) The sales manager
(D) The personnel manager
199. What would be an appropriate outfit for
the party?
(A) Jeans and a jacket
(B) A shirt and tie
(C) A suit
(D) A tuxedo
200. What can NOT be inferred about the
(A) Everyone is invited to the event.
(B) It will be finished after midnight.
(C) There are speeches scheduled by the
(D) The attendees will enjoy a buffet style

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test
Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The head of the department--------the D. separated

banquet room for a party should submit a required 107. Please mention my name in order for you to -
form to the Catering Department. --------- the subscription to the journal on my
A. use behalf.
B. used A. include
C. using B. provide
D. will use C. renew
102. --------- providing an extraordinary service to D. entail
our patrons, overall sales have almost tripled. 108. A complete list of our hotel amenities will be
A. While ---------- to you upon request
B. Since A. send
C. Now that B. sent
D. Once C. to send
103. In order to --------- a wide variety of dining D. sending
pleasures, we have hired extra kitchen help. 109. Events in celebration of our 10th anniversary
A. offer will begin ---------- at 10 A M, tomorrow
B. give morning.
C. select A. precise
D. cater B. precision
104. Because earning a(n)--------customer rating C. precisely
was not easy, all our employees did their utmost D. preciseness
to satisfy customers 110. Jen's Business designed a ---------- inspection
A. enviable program to assure its members that their stay is a
B. satisfied safe and enjoyable one.
C. native A. stringent
D. especial B. founded
105. The terms and conditions on the plane ticket C. delighted
are a ---------- of the agreement between the D. dependent
airline and passengers. 111.We regularly monitor the quality of products
A. negotiation and services in order to meet strict ----------
B. determination A. require
C. states B. requiring
D. summary C. required
106. For safety reasons, visitors not accompanied D. requirements
by security staff will not be -------- into the 112. If the company had been under better
laboratory. circumstances, it could have obtained an -----------
A. entered more favorable outcome,
B. honored A. all
C. allowed B. even
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
C. any C. correction
D. almost D. correctly
113. Service employees are exempt from overtime 121. Any errors in the payroll slip should be
---------- the position meets specific reported to the proper department within five days
circumstances. of ----------
A. if A. receive
B. whet he B. receipt
C. despite C. receipts.
D. that D. receiving
114. Most companies hire attorneys to ---------- 122. When the construction workers were ---------
them in case they encounter any trouble. - of the arrival date of materials, they expressed
A. attend concerns over the delay.
B. represent A. spoken
C. conduct B. reported
D. express C. notified
115. ----------- we find a comprehensive approach D. required
to dealing with traffic congestion, it will continue 123. Researchers in a broad range of fields were
to worsen. asked to review ---------- the proposed project may
A. Except entail.
B. Also A. how
C. Unless B. when
D. Therefore C. which
116. The head of the legal department is searching D. what
for experts who have a lot of experience with 124. Shipping details will be entered into the
contract ----------. computer ---------- we have received the
A. negotiates authorization,
B. negotiator A. once
C. negotiations B. whoever
D. negotiable C. sometimes
117. Ace Training Group excels in providing the D. unless
best porofessional course that can be ---------- to 125. Award-winning publications to keep you ----
your unique needs. ------ on current trends will be provided if you join
A. prosperous Marsh Group Inc.
B. customized A. mature
C. found B. up-to-date
D. appointed C. proficient
118. Many ---------- agricultural advisors were D. exclusive
hired to boost the significantly declining industry. 126. I can be ---------- at the number below if you
A. professionally encounter any trouble requiring my attention .
B. professional A. confirmed
C. professionalism B. reached
D. profession C. determined
119. We will hold a raffle event in all our D. arrived
department stores next week to extend our --------- 127.Please complete the return list ---------- the
- thanks to our valuable customers, reason for the return and it will be processed
A. sincere promptly.
B. original A. detail
C. estimated B. detailed
D. completed C. detailing
120. Please note that payment statements must be D. in detail
addressed ---------- to the recipients. 128. Of the 6 candidates, Ms. Sally Marson
A. correct seemed the ---------- for the position.
B. correcting A. qualification
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
B. qualified 135. A letter ---------- by a copy of the press
C. more qualified release was mailed to the public relations
D. most qualified department yesterday.
129. Tickets to the newly refurbished amusement A. accompanies
park will be sold online ---------- on Monday. B. accompanying
A. outdoors C.accompanied
B. starting D.will accompany
C. afterwards 136. In order to demonstrate our appreciation, a
D. as to party ---------- held at a Chinese restaurant.
130. A few flight attendants have requested that A. will be
some loose volts in the overhead bins ---------- B. has
tightened. C. will have
A. be D. were
B. are 137. The conference's keynote speaker called this
C. have been morning for ---------- that everything has been set
D. will be for his presentation.
131. Hamas investment paced an advertisement A. confirm
on temporary employment ---------- for certified B. confirming
financial advisors. C. confirmation
A. opens D. confirmed
B. openness 138. After ---------- requests by residents, the
C. openings city's board members decided to install additional
D. opener traffic lights.
132. Now that the company has gained a A. repeal
noticeable increase in net profits, it is offering B. repeated
customers a thirty percent ----------. C. repeating
A. economy D. repetition
B. market 139. Please note ---------- prices for not yet
C. discount published books are tentative and final pricing
D. criteria will be determined at publication.
133. Further studies will be conducted to develop A. inasmuch as
---------- sound guidelines for year-round training. B. them
A. economy C. about
B. economic D. that
C. economical 140. Employees are advised to refrain from using
D. economically mobile phones----------on duty, since it causes
134.if you have difficulty preparing for a distraction,
presentation on ---------- ask Mr. Jacobs for help. A. during
A. your own B. in
B. yourself C. whiie
C. your D. afterward
D. yours

Part 6
Directions: Real the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the next. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141 143 refer to the following letter.

Dear Gail Anderson.
Thanks for your phone calls regarding the order for our leather soap and conditioner to clear and freshen
your leather upholstery.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
When ---------- correctly on cracked and dirty leather, our cleaning product will help remove the dirt.
141. A. use
B. used
C. using
D. it used
The neutral feature of the cleaner containing protective oils also aids stain resistance and keep the leather
supple ---------- some other leather cleaning products which contain solvents and can dry out
142. A. unlike
B. despite
C. amid
D. following
the leather
It you use our product in conjunction ---------- our DOR care cream, you will have optimum protection
143. A. with
B. on
C. at
and maintenance,

Questions 144 146 refer to the following letter.

Dear Susan Goodwin,
Iam writing in response to your letter ---------- about any chance of you being covered if the product
144. A. inquiry
B. inquire
C. inquiring
D. inquired
you wish to purchase doesn't perform as ----------.
145. A. anticipate
The law says thal merchants make an implied promise that goods are fit to be sold every time they sell a
product. For example, if you, as an appliance retailer, sell an oven, you are promising that the oven is in
proper condition ---------- sale
146. A. on
B. tor
C. in
D. by
If the oven doesn't heat, or if it heats without proper temperature control, then the seller has breached the
implied warranty of merchant promise.
In such case, the law requires the seller to provide any solution so that the buyer will be able to get a
working oven.
Should you have any further questions about this matter, please contact us online at www.

Question 147 149 refer to the following notice.

Checking Out

----- you have selected all the items you would like to purchase and are ready to place your order,
147. A. Moreover
B. In addition to
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
C. Once
D. Besides
click on the Check Out link.
The next screen displays a form for your shipping address
After entering your snipping address, you will be asked for the payment information required to complete
your order,
............ it be necessary, you can print out your form and then send it to us by fax or postal service, or
148. A. Since
B. Should
C. Unless
order over she phone, with all the information at your fingertips.
If you decide to make an order, your final order, ---------- our special promotion offer, will be displayed
149. A. include
B. includes
D. including
for you to print and complete your order.

Questions 150 152 refer to the following tips.

You will find relocating to a new place costly. In addition to paying for your first month's rent in
advance, down payment fees and items you need for your new place may be needed. And you also have
to spend more money on moving. But this is the only expense you can cut down on.
So as to reduce moving expenses, you will need certain information on how to get packing boxes and
cushioning materials to ---------- breakage
150. A. promote
B. prevent
C. prohibit
D. fluctuate
Unless you own extremely fragile items, you can pack ---------- all of your things using everyday
151. A. almost
B. most
C. every
D. a few
materials to protect them.
If you are in need of packing tape or labeling markers, you can get anything you need on the Internet,
where people give things out ---------- free of charge, or from a neighbor who has recently
152. A. absolute
B. absolutely
C. absolution
D. absolve
moved to the buiding

Part 7

Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions Select the best answer for each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153 154 refer to the following e mail.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
From: Scott Williams
To: PubSec Finance
Subject: Mark Peterson leaving the company for new career opportunity

It is with mixed emotions that I announce today that Mark Peterson has accepted a new position with
Farm Credit in Lincoln, NE.
Mark has been with Avera almost 8 years and most recently has been operating as a regional finance
support analyst on my team in support of Erich Smith's Enterprise midwest region Prior to this current
role, Mark had operated in various finance positions within Averas international and enterprise segments.
Although Mark's experience and expertise will be sorely missed by myself and his customers, I am very
excited about the opportunities this change affords Mark and his family.
Mark, on behalf of Avera and myself, thanks for your years of dedicated service to the company. Mart's
last day with us will be Friday, January 5th Plans for an appropriate send- off for him are underlay, so
stay tuned.

Scott Williams
153.What is the purpose of the e-mail? 154. What company does Scott Williams work
A.To announce a job opening for?
B. To laik about a new analyst position A. PubSec Finance
C. To talk about an employee leaving B. Reidy Team Organization
D. To plan a retirement party C. Farm Credit
D. Avera
Questions 155 157 refer to the following information.

Good Decisions Discussion Group

Date: Tue, April 17. 2007 Select Registration Type Price
Time: 10:30 a.m. Member Registration N/A
Location: City Center Facility Non-Member Registration S10.00

Good Decisions is designed to encourage discussion of the important global issues of our time. It takes
you beyond the headlines by providing a revealing look at current challenges facing the world. The topic
under discussion at this meeting is Mid East: Site in Turmoil.
All members are invited to join in this dialogue. If you dont have the Great Decisions briefing book but
would like to participate, call The CX at 815-472-7550, ext 10 for a copy of the reading material.

Facilitator Kerri Ryerson

155.What will the attendees talk about at the B. Encourage discussion

meeting? C. Join in the dialogue
A. How to make decisions D. Phone for a copy
B. News stories 157. Who can attend for free?
C. Revealing challenges A. Members
D. The Middle East B. City employees
156.What should attendees do who dont have the C. People who register in advance
briefing book? D. Those who have a copy of the briefing book.
A. Register for membership

Questions 158 160 refer to the following e-mail.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

From: <custserv@pinky.com>
Sent: Saturday. January 13, 2007 7:05 a.m.
To J.Scarbo@hotmail.com
Subject: Oder Status for Order #11P45RC
Dear Jessica Scarbo,
Thanks for shopping at pinky.com. Your order number is #11P45RC. Please print this page or write this
number down, for future reference. This order should arrive within four to seven business days.

You may check the status of your order by clicking this link (http:www.pinky.com/profile/order-
hisrory.do). or by clicking the Order Status link at the top of any page on our site.
Here's a summary of the order you placed on Jan, 13. 2007:
Ship To
Jessica Scarbo
3220 Rt. 8 East. Unadilla
Kansas, MO 66061

Item Description Size Price Qty Total

Women's Sling-Back 6 16.50 1 16,50
Wedges Gray
Womens Suede T-Strap 6 14.49 1 14.49
Wedges Dark Blue

Sumany of changes
Order Subtotal: 30.99
Sh.pping & Handling. 5.00
Tax: 3.05
Order Toiai 39.04
Payment Info
You will receive a shipment notification email message as soon as we send your order. We may also
send you additional updates regarding the status of your order.
If we may be of further assistance please contact us at custserv@pinky.com or 1-800-555- 6288. Our
Customer Service Consuttants are here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Pinky.com Customer Service

158.What is the recipient asked to do? C. Three

A. Print the order page D. Four to seven
B. Check the status of the order 160. When would this order probably have
C. Summarize the order arrived?
D. Contact customer service A. January 13th
159. Including this one, how many emails can B. The next day
Jessica Scarbo expect to receive from pinky.com? C. January 16th
A. One D. January 19th
B. Two
Questions 161 163 refer tho the following advertisement.

2006 Asura TL - $35.325

Dealer: CowBoy Asura
Call: 855-440-3041

About This TL 7
Mileage: 18.473 Engine: 3.2L V6
Body Style: Sedan Transmission AUTO 5SPD
Exterior Color: Light Gray Drivetrain: FWD
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161.What does this listing describe? C. On the Internet

A. A new car D. On television
B. A used car 163.What should you do to take advantage of this
C. A stereo system deal?
D. A special sale A. Print and bring in the listing
162.Where would you find this advertisement? B. Make an appointment with David Proctor
A. In a newspaper C. Present accurate information
B. On the radio D. Get data from the vehicle manufacturer

Questions 164 165 refer to the following noice.

Starlight Wireless Recycling
Wireless recycling is a very important part of Starlight's environmental commitment, Our recycling
programs were created to help prevent millions of mobile phones from ending up in the waste stream.
We encourage everyone to help preserve our earth for future generations by recycling their no longer
used wireless phone through one of our two programs.

- Starlight Project Connect - No-longer-used wireless phones, regardless of maker, model, or service
provider may be donated to this program. Net proceeds go to benefit Starlight education programs.

- Starlight Buyback - Starlight customers may return their no-longer-used wireless phones, if eligible, to
our "buy back" program Eligible models may be exchangeable for an account credit.

164. What is the purpose of this notice? 165.Whats TRUE about the program?
A. To provide alternatives to throwing out cell phones A. You can only participate if you are a previous
B. To advertise a new wireless service Starlight customer.
C. To announce an education program about wireless B. The program only applies to new Starlight
phones customers.
D. To describe how to return old wireless phones for C. They will accept competitors products for
a cash refund donation
D. You can buy back your phone after donating it.

Questions 166 167 refer to the following article.

Probable Tornadoes devastate Texes Town 8
Storms Knocks Out Power To About 20,000 Customers
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166. How many people are still missing? 167. Which of the following is NOT a public
A. 17 response to tornado warnings?
B. 50 A. The town imposed a curfew,
C. 2,500 B. Power lines were taken down,
D. 20.000 C. People left the town for safer areas.
D. Warning sirens were sounded.
Questions 168 170 refer to the following help wanted advertisement.

The Council of the city of Austin is inviting applications from residents to fill a vacancy on the Public
Library Board.
The Public Library Board is responsible for the overall management of the Austin Public Library
system. The Board is comprised of two Members of Council and ten citizen members and meets in the
evening every month except during July and August. The meetings are usually held at the Main
Central Library, however, sometimes they are held at one of the branches. There is no remuncration
paid to the members of this Board. For more information on the duties of a Board member, contact
Barbara Caucey, CEO at 305-833 - 3485.
If you are interested in being considered for appointment to fill the vacancy on the Public Library
Board, please submit a letter of interest to the undersigned setting out a brief description of any job or
community related experience. The deadline for submitting your application is April 20, 2007.
Mary Collier
City clerk
Email : m.collier@city,austin.gov

168. Who is this advertisement for? C. The salary is between 305 and 3485 dollars.
A. Employees of the City of Austin D. The advertisement does not say
B. Citizens of Austin 170.Who should you contact if you are not
C. Members of Council certain if you are qualified for the position?
D. Librarians A. The Public Lrbrary Board
169. How much is the salary for this position? B. Barbara Caucey
A. There is no salary. C. Mary Collier
B. The salary is negotiable, D. The City Clerk
Questions 171 173 refer to the following notice.
From : Angee Taylor
Subject : Holiday Project Volunteers

We are looking for 2 to 3 volunteers to collect the holiday gifts from the break rooms. Please let me
know if this is something you would be interested in helping out with. The project runs Nov. 28 - Dec,
10th, and the items would need to be collected at 3:00 p.m. each day and brought to the CRT Chairs
office. Also, we need help with setting up chairs and displays for the project launch next Wednesday,

November 15, If this is something you can do and not the item collection please let me know. If you 9
are interested, contact me, and I will get you signed up to help.
Thanks for all your support this year, lets take this year out with a BANG!
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

171. What is the purpose of this notice? B. The holiday is celebrated with firecrackers.
A. To provide information to volunteers C. Setting up the chairs will be very noisy.
B. To request assistance D. The building will be demolished at the end of
C. To announce a job opening the year.
D. To request donations 173. Who is most likely the CRT Chair?
172. What is meant by "lets take this year out A. Angee Taylor
with a BANG!? B. The Executive Administrative Assistant
A. Angee wants the seasonal event to be very C. Annie Zhou
successful. D. Max Bell

Questions 174 176 refer to the following article

EuropeanAuto, partners with HOTELS.COM to offer new European hotel reservations service to its car
rental custumers.
European car rental custumers of EuropeanAuto (www.europeanauto.co.uk) can now book hotel
accommodation online at the same time they arrange car rentals thaks to a new partnership with
HOTELS.COM. A selection of over 26,000 hotels throughout Europe is avaible, ranging from cosy
guesthouses to stars hotels, at www.europeanauto.co.uk/hotel.efm.
John Thomas, Partner Account Manager, HOTELS.COM said: We are delighteg to team up with
EuropeanAuto with whom we share a passion for delivering the highest possible atandard of service to
each and every customer. EuropeanAuto car rental customers can now enjoy a wide choice of
accommodations thnks to the extended variety of hotels across Europe that partner with
Hotels will be avantable to all European car rental customers directly from thier home country
websites. The HOTELS.COM hotel reservation service is available in 2 languages making it easily
accessible across Europe.
Kona Snider, EuropeanAuto General Manager for Germany and Australia, commented:
EuropeanAuto offers some of the cheapest car rental rates available without damaging service or
quality. HOTELS.COM shares our company service values, as well as offering accommodations to
cater to all budgets and tasters making it a partner for our European car rental product.
EuropeanAuto castomers will benefit from the direct relationship that HOTELS.COM has forged with
every hotel listed in its extensive database. Extremely competitive rates and next day availability help
keep any unexpected travel possible and affordable. The online guest-ratings facility on the website is
an extral usrful booking tool.

174.What is this article about? B.They both value good service

A.A new rental car service C. They are both based in Germany.
B.A new hotel booking website D.They both do bookings by phone
C.A new partnership between two travel services 176.Who would be interested in this Information?
D. A new translation service A.Students backpacking through Europe
175.What do EuropeanAuto and HOTELS.COM B. Seniors looking for package tours
have in common? C. People who like to plan their own vacations
A. They both oprate wordwide. D.People who like to spend their vacation at a resort

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
Questions 177 180 refer to the following e mail.

JAPAN 8 Days

In order to fully appreciate this land of contracts, it is necessary to consider this itinerary which combines
contemporary Japan wish its traditional and historical attractions. From Imperial castles to modem
skyscraper, this is Japan.

Day 1. Arrive in Tokyo. Upon arrival in Tokyo, you will be met and given the appropriate transportation
tickets for the transfer to your hotel. The representative will show you the departure point for the bus or
subway. Check-in to your hotel and spend thc remainder of the day at leisure
Day 2. Tokyo sightseeing! Morning tour, including the Imperial Palace Plaza, Asakusa Kannon Temple.
Tokyo Tower and Tasaki Pearl Gallery The afternoon is free to explore this fantastic city. (Breakfast)
Day 3. Tokyo to Hakone. Leave Tokyo by bus for Hakon National Park. En route, drive half way up
Mount Fuji for a view of the surrounding countryside. Later enjoy a cruise on Lake Ashi and then a cable
car ride to the top of Mount Komogatake where you will have a spectacular view of Mount Fuji,
Overmight in Hakonc. (Breakfast & Lunch)
Day 4. Hakonc to Kyoto. The morning is at Leisure to further enjoy Hakone National Park. Transfer to
the railway station for the journey to Kyoto. Transfer from Kyoto train station to the hotel of your choice
Remainder of the day at leisure. (Breakfast)
Day 5. Kyoto sightseeing. The morning tour, includes the Golden Pavilion. Nijo Castle and the Kyoto
Imperial Palace. The afternoon is free to explore this fascinating city further. (Breakfastst).
Day 6. Kyoto to Hiroshima. At leisure before being transferred to the train station for the journey to
Hiroshima. Check in to ihe Granvia Hiroshima Hotel located next to the railway station. Remainder of the
day at leisure. (Breakfast)
Day 7. Hiroshima sightseeing, Full day tour of this historical city includes Miyajima Island with its
UNESCO protected shrine, Peace Memorial park and the Atomic Bomb museum. (Breakfast)
Day 8. Hiroshima to Osaka Airport or Tokyo Airport. At leisure until ready to depart by train to either
Osaka or Tokyo Airports. (Breakfast)

Mondays, Tuesdays. Fridays, Saturdays (also Sundays and Thursdays in April). January 5 to December
18, 2007. (Not operating on certain dates).
Please request prices for the time you wish to travel & advise us of your preferred hotel category -
Moderate. First Class or Deluxe.
Train fares within Japan, 7 nights hotel accommodation with private facilities and air conditioning:
sighitseeing as indicated; meals as indicated, transfers where indicated.
Intenational air fare, optional excursions, items of a personal nature such as laundry, dry cleaning, phone
calls, drinks, cancellation and medical insurance, excess baggage charges and Government departure

HOTELS: Please click the hotel below for details on accommodation

TOKYO Keio Plaza Hotel, Shinagawa Prince Hotel and the New Otani Hotel.
HAKONE Hakone Hotel Kowakien
KYOTO Kyoto Tower Hotel, Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto and the Kyoto Hotel Okura
HIROSHIMA Granvia Hiroshima Hotel, New Hiroden, Righa Roya

177.Who might be interested in this tour? A. Japanese tourists

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
B. People visiting Japan for the weekend every city.
C.Businesspeople attending a week-long conference B. You can choose the price level of your
D.Tourists who want a broad Japanese experience accommodations.
178.What is generally true of the itinerary? C. Some of your living expenses are not included.
A.Participants are responsible for makng their own D.You must pay more for excursions which are not
travel arrangements. listed.
B. Most morning activities are scheduled with free 180.Who would especially enjoy this tour?
time later in the day A.Automobile fans
C.Most of the activities are in the countryside, B. People who enjoy flying
D. Each day you can choose which city to visit. C.Railroad enthusiasts
179.Which of the following is NOT true? D. Sailboat enthusiasts
A.The package offers a choice of different hotels in

Questions 181 185 refer to the following announcement and leaflet.

Increased Sales Due to Promotional Program

At me end of June, food producer Tara Company saw a 19% rise in its sales, a welcome
development following the downward trend reported in the last annual report. This figure is
attributed to the companys Triton Promotional Program. which was launched in January The Triton
Program offers customers prizes for points they collect when purchasing products.
The special red 'T logo was designed for Triton products. Triton's crackers, soft drinks. and butter
now carry the logo. The program includes only Triton's products. but the promotional program has
proven so successful that this September, the company will begin placing the "T logo on products
licensed and produced by its partner companies. Among the Triton products, those currently offered
at the discounted rate are not included in the program, For example. Triton brand cookies, which are
now offered at a special introductory price. will be regularly priced starting in September
Prizes include hats, key chains, televisions, DVD players and bicycles. But some products attract
more attention than others. As company spokesperson Alex Gray said Most customers don't
exchange the points until they reach 1,000. That number can be exchanged for the highly popular

Collect Tara Points!!!
Start collecting points every time you buy a Triton product with the "T" logo (Shown on left).

You earn up to 10 points that you can exchange for one of the excitng prizes below.
No, of Points Awards
lOO Triton hat or key chain
300 DVD player
500 Bicycle
lOOO Television

181. What can be said about Tritons sales last year?

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
A. They were higher D. Triton's brand of cookies
B. They were lower. 184.What will Tara begin in September?
C. They were miscalculated. A. Introducing new products
D. They were matched. B. Awarding points to customers purchasing
182. When did the promotional program begin? Triton products.
A. In May C. Selling some of its licenses to other producers.
B. In June D. Awarding points for other produces with the
C. In January T logo.
D. In December 185. According to Mr. Gray, in which prizes are
183.What is NOT currently included in the most customers interested?
promotional program? A. Bicycles
A. Tritons brand of butter B. DVD players
B. Triton's brand of soft drinks C. Televisions
C. Tritons brand of crackers D. Key chains
Questions 186 190 refer to the following e-mail and voicemail.
Attention: IT Department
Subject: Intranet Security
Posted by: Gillian Jules
Posted on: June 8
As you may have already heard, Gigawire will be coming in this weekend to rebuild our intranet
security system. This change is merely a semi-annual update to protect our records. By Monday, all
computers in offices in the west wing will have the new security system installed and running. The east
wing will have the updates next weekend

Anyone who needs access to security information must receive a short training session and receive new
usernames and passwords. After Friday afternoon, intranet access will be denied to anyone not equipped
with the new Gigawire password information. In order to receive new access information, you must
attend the training session on Sunday afternoon Please sign up for the session and leave your username
and password on the sign-up sheet in my office. PLEASE DON'T MISS IT!

I will be leaving by 5:30 on Friday, so please make sure ALL of you have signed up for the short
training session and left your access information by that time. For questions, please email or call me at
ext, 323.

Date & Time of Incoming Call: 1:00 pm June 3

For: Gillian Jules
Sender: Erich Gomez
Although I understand all hate last minute surprises, I have to raise a red flag in this particular situation.
As you may recall, there was a network outage early this week, and currently we are falling behind
schedule. At this time we don't know how long this fix will last without causing any additional
problem. My director, Kevin Farr, reported the detailed situation and potential risks to the Chief
Information Officer, and this morning they reached the decision that this issue should be handled as a
number one priority and the permanent fix must be put in place ASAP. Any work that may impact the
resolution of this issue has to be put off until the root cause is identified and a satisfying solution gets
Therefore, unfortunately the new security system installation cant be performed this weekend. I advise
you to re-schedule the installation for the beginning of next month so that network engineers have
enough time to troubleshoot the issue. Any time before then, you can complete the training session for
everybody. That way, it won't impact your schedule too much. Im sorry for any inconvenience and will
keep you updated. For any questions, please let me or Kevin know.
186.What is being discussed in these email? A. Repairs so the building's west wing
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
B. Granting access to the building C. Kevin Farr
C. Security training for new workers D. Erich Gomez
D. Updates to the security system 189. How did Mr. Gomez contact Ms. Jutes?
187. What will employees have to do to maintain A. By email
their access? B. At extension 323
A. Update their records C. By attending a training session
B. Attend the training session on Friday afternoon D. Through the intranet
C. Get a new password. 190. What will NOT have to be delayed?
D. Troubleshoot the issue A. The Sunday training session
188.Who is unable to accept the scheduling of the B. The change to the security system
upgrade? C. Raising the red flag
A. Gillian Jules D. The surprise party
B. Gigawire
Questions 191 195 refer to the following letter and warranty document.

April 29
Warranty Division
Kits Kitchen Appliances Limited
97 Aberdeen Avenue
Albany, NY
Dear Mr. Keller,
As my electric kettle watch (model X14Z) was clearly in need of repair. I recently took it to Kitchen
Knacks, one of the shops on your list. To my surprise, my request for the repairs to be billed to your
warranty service was declined in spite of the fact that there are still two years remaining in the coverage
period. As there are no other authorized service centers for Kit's Kitchen Appliances Limited in my area.
I decided to pay for the repairs myself?
Following are the charges billed by the service center :
Parts : New Coil: $10
New Cord: $15
Labor: $20 per hour x 2 =$40
Total $65
I have included a copy of the receipt I got for the repairs and a copy of my warranty certificate. Please let
me know if you need any additional information.
David perna
David Perna
25 Red Road, Villa, NY 4420

Warranty Certificate
Thank you for purchasing the Kits Kitchen Appliances Limited electric kettle watch (model X14Z).
We are proud of our reputation for excellence and our long history of providing great quality kitchen
appliances to Canada and the rest of the world.
To maximize the performance of our products, K i t s Kitchen Appliances are made with the highest
quality materials available. However, should the product malfunction within 5 years of the date of
purchase due to a mechanical defect, we will cover the cost of repairs. Please note, however, that this
warranty covers the cost of parts and labor only. Shipping and insurance may not be claimed under this
In the event that the product requires repair or some other service, please take or ship it to one of Kit's
Kitchen Appliances' authorized service centers. The centers are equipped to provide customers with a
wide variety of repairs and services that are performed in compliance with Kit's Kitchen Appliances
professional standards. Please see the enclosed list of centers for the one nearest you.
191.Why did Mr. Pema write the letter? A.To request a replacement for his broken Kettle.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
B. To request a copy of his warranty certificate. D. It took too long to finish the job.
C.To ask for repayment of his expenses. 194.What did Kit's Kitchen Appliances Limited
D.To complain about an error on his bill. include with the product warranty7
192.In the letter, the word "warranty" in A. A warranty registration form.
paragraph 1, line 3. is the closest meaning to B. A catalogue of new products.
A.Service contract C. A list of service centers.
B.Condition D. A list of instructions for shipment.
C.Crucial 195.What expenses would Mr. Perna's warranty
D.Customized NOT cover?
193.What does Mr. Pema say about Kitchen A. The cost of labor
Knacks? B.The cost of new coil
A. It is an unauthorized service center. C. The cost of new cord
B. II is an authorized service center. D. The cost of insurance
C. It performed unnecessary work.

Questions 196 200 refer to the following e-mail and attachment.

From: Brandon Tremblay (Boston, MA)
To: Andre Moss t Springfield, MA)
Date: July 24
Subject. The conference in Vancouver

Dear Andre,
Regarding the trip to the conference in Vancouver. I have looked for flights on the Internet and found a
few possibilities. You had indicated that you wanted to fly to Vancouver but that might not be the best
plan. Although it is a cheaper flight, we'd then have to take a ferry to Victoria, which would take a long
time. Id prefer to fly directly to Victoria. Also, the morning flight would be ideal. We would have time in
the afternoon to see the city before the conference starts the next day. Please let me know what you prefer.
Please see the attached flight schedules.

We also need to reserve hotel rooms. The conference organizer informed me that the Blue Sea Inn does
not have rooms left until the beginning of August. It is very disappointing because to stay at the same
hotel where the conference is being held would be very convenient for us. However, there are other
options. Vivian Hotel and Squall Hotel are within walking distance. If they are full, there is the Blue Nose
Hotel. Would you arrange a hotel room for us? The hotel phone numbers are on the conference web site.
Well have to reserve 5 days. The conference is from August 6 to 11, but we should try to arrive in
Victoria on August 5 and leave on August 12.
Best Regards,
Brandon Tremblay

Flight Information for August 5

Depart 06:20 Boston to Victoria Sonic Airlines
Arrive 11:55 SA 4748

Depart 12:20 Boston to Vancouver Sonic Airlines

Arrive 17:55 SA 4749

Depart 14:00 Springfield to Vancouver Fly Air

Arrive 19:10 FA 2020

Depart 16:35 Springfield to Victoria Air wings

Arrive 22:10 AW 1719
196. What does Brandon advise doing? A. Arriving a day earlier in Boston
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
B. Flight lo Victoria C. At the Blue Sea Inn
C. Sightseeing in Vancouver D. At the Squall Hotel
D. Taking a ferry to Victoria 199. What does Brandon ask Andre to do?
197.Which flight would Brandon most likely A. Contact the conference organizer
prefer? B. Meet him in Victoria
A. SA 4749 C. Go sightseeing in Vancouver.
B. AW 1719 D. Make a note reservation.
C. SA 4747 200. When will the conference end?
D. SA 4748 A. On August 11
198. Where will the conference be held? B. On August 7
A. At the Blue Nose Hotel C. On August 10
B. At the Vivian Hotel D. On August 9

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Reading Test
In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Due to popular demand by the staff (C) interpreting
members, the scheduled talk by Mr. Smith (D) interpretation
will take place -------Room 15 instead of Room 107. Following a widespread dispute over
20 as was first planned. wages, both parties involved----------- came to
(A) in an agreement to end the three-month
(B) on walkout, as the company offered higher wages
(C) of and job guarantees.
(D) as (A) equally
102. I extend my sincere ---------- to the family (B) finally
and friends of John Miller, who has suddenly (C) annually
left us at the age of 54. (D) increasingly
(A) appreciation 108. A new booklet explaining the process of
(B) description course selection along with counseling services
(C) condolences is---------- to any student interested in
(D) charges receiving help.
103. Hotel employees are reminded to be ------ (A) potential
--- and courteous, especially to first-time (B) available
guests. (C) expressed
(A) friend (D) approaching
(B) friends 109. The vast number of new businesses the
(C) friendly city is attracting is good news for the local
(D) friendship economy; however the------------ of vacant
104. The government issued a warning to local office space is something the mayor has to
companies that all waste must be disposed of - figure out soon.
-------- or they will face heavy fines. (A) level
(A) corrects (B) training
(B) correcting (C) shortage
(C) correction (D) exaggeration
(D) correctly 110. We believe that------------ recent changes
105. Golf Weekly is a newly published in state laws, the majority vote standard is
magazine that caters --------- to experienced now in the best interests of the company and
and inexperienced golfers who are just its shareholders.
learning to play the game. (A) due to
(A) both (B) whereas
(B) neither (C) otherwise
(C) either (D) instead of
(D) so 111. ------------ in universities around the
106. We are seeking an ------------- to represent nation has more than tripled compared to this
us in talks with our Japanese clients. time last year.
(A) interpret (A) Enroll
(B) interpreter (B) Enrolls
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(C) Enrolling 118. Bad Boys Electronics Store found----------
(D) Enrollment --- under increased media attention after its
112. ------------ Mr. Pennington retires, he manager was indicted for embezzling an
will receive an annual pension of more than undisclosed amount of money.
fifty thousand dollars from Packard (A) ours
Incorporated. (B) theirs
(A) Often (C) himself
(B) Once (D) itself
(C) Whoever 119. Some of our clients have companied that
(D) Sometimes the time it takes to get a----------- from a
113 ----------------- Mr. Bingham's promotion service representative is enough to make them
became official, many of his colleagues have not want to use our services again.
approached him to congratulate him. (A) response
(A) Despite (B) responding
(B) Still (C) responded
(C) Since (D) respond
(D) During 120. After a long and gruesome season, Jeff
114. John Clarke, who is in the prime of his Willis has been performing ------------ better
career, has been ranked ------------ the top 10 since the playoffs started a week ago.
players in tennis history by Sports Daily. (A) significance
(A) at (B) significant
(B) into (C) significancy
(C) among (D) significantly
(D) from 121. The new store, ------------- is currently
115. Due to the heavy damage the storm has undergoing construction, will have its grand
caused in some rural areas, it is predicted that opening sometime next spring.
the cost of fruits and vegetables will be --------- (A) who
----- this summer. (B) where
(A) increase (C) when
(B) increases (D) which
(C) to increase 122. In a desperate move to increase their
(D) increasing revenues to meet their sales goal, the company
116. All of our stores will be extending their is planning to offer a special discount -----------
business hours during the holiday season, but --its customers.
we will go back to our-------------- hours after (A) by
the new year. (B) to
(A) regular (C) with
(B) regulars (D) upon
(C) regularity 123------------ in computer technology are
(D) regularities allowing users to reach into any part of the
117. Sarah Ewing received rave ---------for her world by just clicking a mouse
outstanding performance in her portrayal of a (A) Advancement
single mother raising two children in the (B) Advances
ghetto in the 70s in the new blockbuster movie (C) Advancing
Single Mom. (D) Advance
(A) inspections 124. The company's profits are -------------to
(B) articles hit their peak in the next quarter mainly due
(C) reviews to the release of its new line of clothing.
(D) surveys (A) forecast
(B) forecasting
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(C) to forecast (A) reconfirms
(D) will forecast (B) reconfirmed
125. Mr. Gonzales, who has been a----------- (C) reconfirming
member of the country club for over 25 years, (D) be reconfirmed
has recently been appointed president. 132. Mr. Bonn reassured everyone that a-------
(A) first ---- copy of the report will be available by this
(B) valued afternoons meeting.
(C) strong (A) revise
(D) durable (B) revising
126. The------------ of climbing to the top of the (C) revision
corporate ladder is best defined in the new (D) revised
book published by Scott Thompson, one of the 133. They had to stop the production line for
most successful businessmen in history. nearly two hours after a problem was
(A) challenge discovered and the workers had to wait until
(B) dimension they -------------- instructions from their
(C) introduction superiors.
(D) compassion (A) raised
127. The -------------tough training given by (B) received
our company creates strong and able sales (C) persuaded
representatives who perform well above (D) contended
others in the same field. 134. Any plant workers ---------- overtime
(A) indifferently work should immediately speak to their
(B) presumably supervisor right after this announcement.
(C) completely (A) seek
(D) unbearably (B) seeks
128. The new dome built in the center of town (C) seeking
houses many new facilities, including a hotel (D) will seek
with rooms that have a spectacular view of the 135. ------------ how difficult the situation may
stadium that is--------------- seem, it is very important to remember that
(A) impress there are others who are in worse situations.
(B) impression (A) As if
(C) impressive (B) Even so
(D) impressing (C) As though
129. Our staff prefers to fly than to use other (D) No matter
modes of transportation since it is much 136. The detective------------ the solving of this
more----------- case to an anonymous phone call the police
(A) optional received a few hours before the arrest took
(B) protective place.
(C) excessive (A) accused
(D) convenient (B) presented
130. ----------- The job market is not stable, (C) attributed
those who persist will be able to land jobs (D) disapproved
eventually. 137. It is easy to read Sam because he ----------
(A) Whether -- squints when he finds himself in an
(B) Therefore uncomfortable situation.
(C) Even if (A) habitually
(D) So that (B) habitual
131. Our team enjoyed a 10-game winning (C) habits
streak at the start of this season, -----------our (D) habit
position as the top team in baseball.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
138. Many fans were shocked when the team (B) scenery
captain, John Turner, signed a two-year (C) exterior
contract with a-------------- team for an (D) area
undisclosed amount. 140. One of the things that a good manager
(A) rival should do is to---------- the work in equal
(B) partial shares amongst the team members.
(C) renewed (A) divide
(D) contrasting (B) divided
139. The ------------ behind the yellow tape is (C) divides
prohibited to anyone without a press pass. (D) dividing
(A) positing

Part 6
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter
(A), (B), (C). or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following e-mail.

From Wayne Thomas (wayne@e-solutions.com]
To terry.gilbert@monavale.com
Cc Karen Russell (karen.russell@e-solutions.com]
Sent Tue. March 07, 2007 14:11 PM

I believe you should by now have received the copy of our company profile that we ---------- in our last
141. (A) are discussing
(B) had discussed
(C) were in discussion
(D) will be discussing
meeting. In it you will find the necessary information you requested. If you still haven't received it,
please feel free to contact me.

Anyway, to keep the ball rolling, our Chairman, Mr. Langley would like to have a meeting with Ms.
Russell and/or you in Detroit on any date from March 20th to March 24th to have a further discussion on
the ------------ of our cooperation.
142. (A) most feasible
(B) feasibly
(C) feasibility
(D) more feasible
Those dates have been chosen since Mr. Langley will be traveling extensively in ----------- March and
143. (A) neither
(B) either
(C) each
(D) both
April.However, if our suggested dates do not suit Ms. Russell, then please let us know your preferred
date for the meeting
Best regards,

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement.

London's premier classical music magazine, 3D Symphony, is seeking a designer to join our team.
The ideal candidate is someone-------------- qualifications must include a working knowledge of
144. (A) who
(B) whom
(C) whose
(D) which
Adobe Creative Suite 2 (Indesign, Adobe Acrobat, Photoshop and Illustrator) on a MAC OS X
An understanding of magazine layout, press ad design, and pre-press will be highly -----------------
145. (A) regard
(B) regards
(C) regarded
(D) regarding
The position is part-time from Wednesday to Friday, and the person must be able to work to the
pressure of strict deadlines. The candidate must also be reliable and possess a keen eye for detail. If
selected, you'll have the advantage of working within a young and dynamic team-----------------
146. (A) circumstances
(B) environment
(C) background
(D) incident
Expressions of interest can be emailed to Joan@threedsymphony.com.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following news.

Pet Dislikes of Urban Life
According to a survey conducted by the city of Boston, traffic, pollution and noise were found to be the
least --------------- aspects of living in the city.
147. (A) desirable
(B) erectable
(C) seasonable
(D) permissible
The --------------------, administered as part of the city's local action plan, asked the citizens of Boston
148. (A) lecture
(B) conference
(C) survey
(D) discussion
about their likes and dislikes of their surroundings.
The results of the survey communicated proximity (27.02 percent) and community character/ 11 village
feel (11.54 percent) to be at the top of the list of things most liked about city life.
The respondents felt the protection or enhancement of heritage (16.1 percent) and open space 5 (15.59
percent) were the two things they most desired the city to have.
On the other hand, traffic (10.22 percent), general noise (9.98 percent), and parking (7.52
percent) within the main core of the city were the --------------attractive parts of living in the city.
149. (A) less (B) fewer
(C) a few (D) least

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 150-152 refer to the following notice.

Editor's Welcome
Welcome to Street Life's live and intimate celebration of the 200th edition of --------------.
150. (A) publish
(B) publishing
(C) to publish
(D) to be published
In the next few pages, we have a special feature to let you meet the luminaries who have made great
contributions to our magazine. These special people will also entertain you this Friday, October 27, at
the Street Life 200th Edition Gala Celebration at Queen's Quay, Toronto. If you can't physically be there
tonight, settle back, and enjoy our magazine, and try to--------------- some of these talented artists the
next time they are in your area.
151. (A) win
(B) gain
(C) earn
(D) catch
So as the curtains go up on the night of nights Street Life's celebration of 200 fabulous editions
please raise your glass to Toronto's most popular magazine.
Here's to ---------------200 editions!
152. (A) other
(B) another
(C) one another
(D) each other
Carl Stevens
Carl Stevens

Part 7

Directions: In this pad you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following advertisement.

SAVE 20%
It's only a phone
call away

Over 30 five-star hotels all over the nation to suit your every need
Reserve a room today, and you will save 20% on all rooms at Maycott "Room for the Day" (excluding
tax) by using your American Express Corporate Card.

Due to seasonal demands, the availability of rooms may be subject to each hotel's situation. An advanced
reservation, to be made by calling our toll-free number 1-800-755-0090 at least 10 working days before
your stay, is required to qualify for the discount.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
153. Which of the following is NOT a (C) Transportation
condition placed on receiving the discount? (D) Sales tax
(A) A guest must use a specific type of credit 155. What can be implied from the
card to pay for a room. advertisement?
(B) The booking must be done well in advance (A) Most travelers don't make a habit of making
of checking into the hotel. reservations prior to checking in.
(C) The reservations must be carried out by (B) There is a business relationship between the
calling the toll-free number. credit card company and the hotel.
(D) Guests must make their payments in cash. (C) The hotel gets very busy during the summer
154. What will the discount apply to? season.
(A) Accommodations (D) It usually takes a minimum of 10 days for a
(B) Meals credit card to clear.

Questions 156-158 refer to the following article.

Unmarried Women Becoming Homeowners

An increasing number of single women are buying their own homes, according to industry experts. By
contrast, the figures for unmarried men buying houses or apartments show no increase. What is behind
this trend? I put the question to analysts at the Real Estate Institute, who came up with the following

Women no longer seek marriage and a homemaking role as their first priority, but want a , stable job or
career instead, and this puts them in a position where they can own a home independently.
Single men are no longer pressured to "settle down," which traditionally means getting a stable job with
a career path and then getting married and buying a house. They tend, therefore, to be less likely to have
stable jobs
Women are increasingly better qualified and in many areas have surpassed men. This enables them to
obtain better and more highly paid jobs.
Women seem to be more capable of seeking good advice and completing the formalities of obtaining a
Experts at the institute expect the trend to continue, as home ownership provides financial and emotional
security for women who are not yet ready to seek a "partner for life."
Jeanette Jones

156. What is the main purpose of the article? C) Women are taking over positions that were
(A) To provide information about the steps normally held by men.
required in owning a home D) Men are less likely to chase after sound
(B) To inform the public about the types of investment advice.
mortgages available today 158. What do the experts at the institute
(C) To report the opinions of the experts in the predict?
real estate market (A) Men are beginning to show an interest in the
(D) To encourage people to work harder to real estate market.
achieve their career goals (B) Men will reclaim the positions they lost to
157. Which of the following is NOT a trend women.
mentioned by the analysts? (C) Women will continue to invest in homes.
A) Women are placing less importance on their D) Women will resort to marriage for emotional
traditional roles as homemakers. security.
B) Men are giving in to the pressure and settling
down early.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 159-160 refer to the following contest.



Name: ___________________
Phone number: ___________________
Address: __________________

With this Futora Blender and Juicer, you'll be on your way to a healthier body and a clearer mind but
without the strain of diets and strict exercise regimes. Try some fresh fruit and vegetable juice first thing
in the morning and you'll chase away those Monday morning blues! The Futora Blender and Juicer is easy
to use. It automatically peels apples, pears, kiwi fruit, carrots, and many other fruits and vegetables. You
only need to rinse them. It's a breeze to clean, and the waste makes excellent compost for your garden.
The Futora Blender and Juicer, valued at only $99, comes with a dietary guide and recipe book for 50
delicious and healthful fruit and vegetable drinks.

159. How can one become eligible to win the 160. Which of the following is NOT true about
contest? the Futora Blender and Juicer?
(A) By sending the coupon to the company (A) It is priced under $100.
(B) By picking up a blender (B) It is not very difficult to clean.
(C) By looking inside the box (C) It comes with various accessories.
D) By filling out a contest entry form D) It includes instructions on how to make drinks.

Questions 161-163 refer to the following news article.


health food bars really good for you? A recent analysis by Diet and Health magazine
failed to find any benefits in health food bars. In fact many of the most popular bars
proved to be positively unhealthy, with high levels of fats, sugar, salt, preservatives, and
other chemicals plus an inordinate amount of packaging. Rather than substituting a
health bar for your breakfast or lunch, consumers would be well-advised to skip them completely. A
balanced diet of freshly-prepared food is still the best, apparently!
161. What is the main reason for writing this (C) Stay away from health bars
news? (D) Read the labels carefully
(A) To alert the public about a new health product 163. What can be inferred from the article?
(B) To report the finding of a study conducted by a (A) Health bars will be taken off the store
magazine shelves.
(C) To correct false information printed in an earlier (B) Many health bars are found to be excessively
article wrapped.
D) To suggest some food for a healthy breakfast (C) Many people are substituting at least one
162. What does the article advice the consumers meal with health bars.
to do? (D) Health bars have all the nutrients a body
(A) Always eat breakfast needs.
(B) Consume less food
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 164-167 refer to tile following information.

Our special correspondent

According to health and exercise specialists, computers are becoming a serious threat to the health and
general well-being of a large portion of our society. Dr. Alan Parsons, of the University of Technology,
claims that a kind of "nerd syndrome.' is sweeping through our society, and it's having serious effects on
people's physical and psychological health plus carry-over effects on society itself.
Computer game fanatics easily become absorbed in games, lose track of their responsibilities, and suffer
from aches and pains associated with long periods of sitting. not to mention eye-strain.
And the solution? In a light-hearted weblog entry Dr. Parsons suggested that everything can be solved
by... fishing! As a countermeasure to computer games, fishing. apparently, has everything to recommend.
Here's why:
Computer screens are two-dimensional and don't move. Staring at a computer screen is an
unnatural fixation that guarantees sore eyes. Fish, on the other hand, move in three dimensions.

At best, computer games provide only a simulation of the real world. It is therefore impossible to
get a genuine sense of accomplishment no matter how well you play or how many points you
score. In fact, your need for accomplishment will be continually frustrated.

Fish never suffer from bugs, glitches, or gremlins. When you go fishing, you can never be e-
bombed, stalked, or spammed. You'll never have to reset or reconfigure a fish.

No matter how exciting a computer game is, you still know pretty much what's going to happen.
But with fishina, you never can tell!

No matter how complicated a game is, it is never as complex as reality. Computer games can be
mastered, but you'll never be an absolute master in the real world. That's where the real
challenges are!

164. What is the general view of the experts (C) They neglect their everyday chores.
on computer usage? (D) They suffer from mental breakdowns.
(A) It is causing serious health hazards to the 166. Where did Dr. Parsons first make his
public. suggestive solution be known?
(B) It has become necessary to survive in (A) In a magazine
today's world. (B) In a newspaper
(C) It has made the lives of millions of people (C) On a webpage
much easier. (D) In a television interview
(D) It is taking up most of our time in the 167. Which of the following is NOT stated by
workplace. Dr. Parsons in comparing computer games
165. What is NOT mentioned about computer and fishing?
game addicts? (A) Fishing brings less strain to the eyes.
(A) They often suffer from medical side effects. (B) A real sense of achievement cannot be
(B) They spend too much time on-line. attained by computer games.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(C) Fishing is unpredictable. (D) Computer games cannot be played outdoors.
Questions 168-172 refer to the following entry rules.
Let's face it. Gardening fanatics like nothing better than to have their hands stuck in the soil or to be
trimming, pruning, or harvesting the fruits of their labors. But for once, here is an obsession which
benefits the whole community by beautifying the environment and producing cooler, more fragrant, and
cleaner air. To recognize that fact, the Tampa City Council has decided to award generous prizes to the
most beautiful displays this spring.
1. Sorry, but only residents of the City of Tampa are eligible.
2. Judges will be selected by the Tampa City Council on April 25, and no personal information about any
judges will be provided by the council. Judges may not be contacted by any entrant.
3. The appointed judges have total discretion, and no correspondence will be entered into regarding
judges' decisions.
4. As the main point of this contest is the beautification of Tampa, we require that all gardens entered in
the competition be easily visible from the street.
5. Contestants are invited to enter one or more categories. First, second, and third place prizes will be
awarded in each category. (See the application form for categories.) Judges may, where they see fit,
change entries from one category to another.
6. Contestants should permit a council photographer to enter and take photographs for display at the final
awards ceremony and exhibition on August 3. These photographs will remain council property.
7. Judges will assess each garden according to the following criteria:
(i) Overall design
(ii) Plant health
(iii) Color
(iv) Contribution to the streetscape
(v) Eco-friendliness
(See the application form for details.)
8. No entries will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 12.
9. All gardens entered should be ready for judging by June 1. Contestants will be given 24-hours' notice
of the judges' intention to visit.
10. This competition is not open to council employees or their relatives, or employees of any agency
contracted by the council, or judges or their relatives.
11. Please send your entries to: Tampa Garden Competition
Tampa City Council
1 Constitution Place
The Tampa 2006 Beautiful Gardens Competition
168. Who is the intended audience of this contest? (A) Their gardens must be out in the open.
(A) All residents of Tampa (B) They must be referred by a city council
(B) The owners of gardening stores member.
(C) The members of the Tampa City Council (C) They must submit a photo of their gardens.
(D) The judges of the competition (D) They can only enter one category of the
169. What is the main purpose of this contest.
competition? 171. Which of the following will NOT be
(A) To promote gardening in the city evaluated by the judges?
(B) To create jobs in the city (A) The condition of the flowers
(C) To bring the community closer together (B) The arrangement of the garden
(D) To spruce up the look of the city (C) The appearance of the garden
170. What condition is placed on those who wish (D) The scent of the flowers
to enter the contest? 172. When will the judging begin?
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(A) February 12 (B) April 25 (C) June 1 (D) August 3
Questions 173-175 refer to the following invitation.

A member of the "life for living" group
Planning for a creative retirement
Plan now for a retirement which will allow you to live proactively and creatively!

Dear Ms. Reid,

What happens when you retire? Are you just going to let all that experience, all those qualifications,
and all that creative energy slide into oblivion? Seacloud's Creative Retirement Advisory Services can
design a package for you which includes but goes far beyond financial independence. Why don't you
come to one of our free introductory sessions to find out what "creative retirement" can mean?
Here's the basic idea: "creative retirement" planning has three essential dimensions. The first is
financial independence. The second is health and balance. And the last, equally important dimension is
Take this opportunity to hear the inspirational founder of Seacloud Investments, Brenton McLeod, at
a special free seminar. Your life may never be the same again!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

REGISTRATION: 11:00 a.m.
LUNCH: 12:00 a.m.
SEMINAR TIME: 1:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Imperial Six Theater
101 Lawrence Avenue East, Chicago
SPEAKER: Brenton McLeod CEO
RSVP: seminars@seacloud.corn
by Monday, March 2, 2006

Please contact our sales representative for further details

5 th floor, 56 Albert Rd.
Chicago, Illinois
Tel: 755-3265
Fax: 755-2222
Toll-free. 1-800-874-5330

173. How is Ms. Reid asked to respond to the (B) The company president
invitation? (C) A client
(A) By e-mail (D) A health care specialist
(B) By fax 175. Which of the following information is
(C) By phone NOT included in the invitation?
(D) By letter (A) The seminar date
174. Who is Brenton McLeod? (B) The lunch menu
(A) A sales representative (C) The place of the seminar
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(D) The main speaker
Questions 176-178 refer to the following letter.

November 27
Dear Tammy,

How are things with you? I've now established Karen Jones & Associates (KJA), an independent
consulting practice that leverages my proven strengths in strategic planning, people development, creating
and improving processes, and brand marketing. 1 work extensively with consumer product companies and
also now with industries that are regrouping due to a merger or major change in their competitive
situation. I help them manage the pressure to achieve more in their marketplace by realizing more out of
the people and resources they have. What they say is of unique value to them is my expertise at creating
new links between marketing, culture, and talent. This makes a company more efficient and successful.

I'm really excited about how I can help companies address their business problems with what I do. I
would love to get your input. I'm interested in your thoughts as to who in your circle could benefit from
learning about what I do. You don't need to find out if they are hiring or have a definite need. I'm just
interested in having a conversation with them to learn more about their marketing challenges and HR
concerns and to share with them some innovative ways I've helped other companies achieve the most in
those areas.
If this sounds interesting, I'd appreciate your linking me to people you know. I will call you in a few days
for a quick catch-up conversation. In the meantime, I've attached an information sheet about KJA and its
practice areas. Please freely forward it now and any time to business contacts you think could be
interested in knowing about this. Thanks, and I'm looking forward to catching up with you. .
Karen Jones
Karen Jones

176. What has Ms. Jones done lately? (D) Industries that have gone through an
(A) She began her own business. organizational change
(B) She was promoted to HR manager. 178. What kind of work does Karen do?
(C) She merged her company with another. (A) She merges two companies to make one
(D) She developed a new product. stronger company.
177. According to Karen, which of the (B) She helps companies hire the best people for
following companies does she NOT deal with? the jobs required.
(A) Companies that are just beginning (C) She consults companies to recognize and
(B) Firms that retail items to the general public rectify their problems.
(C) Corporations that have recently joined (D) She brings together business contacts to help
together one another.

Questions 179-180 refer to the following e-mail.

From: Thomas Chiu
Sent: Wednesday, November 15
To: Margaret Sommers
Subject: My trip to the US and Canada
I will be making a business trip to the US and Canada, and I was wondering if you could get in contact
with your counterpart at EMA Canada regarding a tour of their plant site. I will be arriving in Chicago in
the morning of Nov. 20 to see you and The operations of your plant site and will then be off to Toronto on

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Nov. 22. If they are available on that day, I would like to get a chance to meet with them to see their
operation first hand as well. Furthermore, our president, Barry Mandez, will be making a trip early next
year and would also like to visit the plant site in Toronto with the Singapore president.
I apologize for the sudden notice.
Best regards,
Thomas Chiu,
Director / Planning Group & Business Development
E-Solutions, Hong Kong, Limited
179. What does Mr. Chiu ask Margaret to do for 180. Where does Margaret work?
him? (A) The United States
(A) Take a trip to Toronto to check out the factory (B) Canada
operation (C) Singapore
(B) Arrange a meeting with her Canadian counterpart (D) Hong Kong
(C) Show his president around the plant site
(D) Get in touch with the Singapore president

Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and its rosponso.

March 26, 2006
Mr. Samuel Brown
Truestar Corporation
Finance Department Manager
Re: Account # 2958A

Dear Mr. Brown,

I want to thank you for the conversation that we had earlier today and for agreeing to a reduction in
payment for my outstanding account. As discussed, I will implement a bi-weekly payment of $250,
effective Friday, March 31. I will ensure that payment is in my bank account for your automatic
withdrawal by 10:00 a.m. every Friday payment period until my account is paid in full.
I very much appreciate your understanding my current financial situation, and will contact you should
things improve.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Jason Chalmers

181. The word "outstanding" in the first letter, (C) To notify the client that the account has been
line 2 is closest in meaning to settled
(A) superior (D) To offer a special type of a service
(B) noticeable 184. According to the second letter, when
(C) unpaid should Jason contact Mr. Brown again?
(D) essential (A) If he runs into further problems with
182. How will Mr. Chalmers remit the payment? payments
(A) He will send a check every month. (B) As soon as he is ready to make the payment
(B) It will be taken out of his bank account. (C) If he is in need of using the service again
(C) It will automatically be deleted from his (D) Once he finishes paying off all the money
paycheck. 185. How long did it take for the account to be
(D) He will bring cash to the company. cleared?
183. Why did Mr. Brown write the letter? (A) Two months
(A) To request an overdue payment (B) Six months
(B) To ask for an extension on payment due (C) One year

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(D) Two years
Questions 186-190 refer to the following announcement and notice.
Downtown Artisan 's Club Art Exhibit

Please mark Saturday, October 21, on your calendars so that you can attend the inaugural Downtown
Artisan's Club Art Exhibit!
There will be beautiful works of art and poetry, crafted by the Downtown Artisan's Club, available for
showing as well as for sale. The remarkably talented young artists have worked all summer to prepare for
this event, which promises to impress and astound. Visitors will have an opportunity to meet these
talented artists. All proceeds from this event will be contributed to the continued operations of the
Downtown Artisan's Club, which provides amazing classes and support for young artists.
Tickets are on sale now and are available for $10 (adults) and $5 (students and seniors). Children under
the age of 12 will be admitted for free.
The Downtown Artisan's Club looks forward to seeing you there! Please contact Jim at (905) 412-8980
for more information.

Downtown Artisan 's CRECAD Art Exhibit

Deadline for your art submission!
To all our talented young artists - get ready for our upcoming Art Exhibit! As you all know - our
Downtown Artisan's Club Art Exhibit is coming up exactly one month from today.
Paintings, drawings, sculptures and writing will be needed for both the show and for sale!
Don't forget to have them completed and handed in by next Friday to secure your spot in our show.
Remember, there will also be cash awards, judged by our panel of art critics, and the winning pieces will
be featured in our Art Book. The artists of the winning pieces will also be invited to attend the 2-week
summer art camp in Paris - next summer.
Have fun - and please submit your artwork on time!

186. For whom is the announcement intended? (C) Winners will get a chance to go away next
(A) Artists summer.
(B) Residents (D) The winning pieces will be presented in an
(C) Jim art museum.
(D) Judges 189. In the notice, what are the participants
187. How much would an elderly couple in their asked to do by next Friday?
mid-sixties have to pay to enter the exhibit? (A) Submit their artwork
(A) $5.00 (B) Pay the entry fee
(B) $10.00 (C) Speak to the coordinator
(C) $15.00 (D) Send in their checks
(D) $20.00 190. On which day was the notice posted?
188. What is NOT mentioned about the (A) September 21
awards? (B) October 21
(A) They will be judged by more than one person. (C) November 1
(B) Money will be given away to the winners. (D) November 21

Questions 191-195 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Were Hiring
Date: September 3, 2006
Position: National Operations Manager (Food Services Industry)
Pay & Benefits: $65,000- $ 75,000 + car allowance and bonus potential
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Qualifications: Undergraduate degree in business. Minimum 5 years of related work experience.
Comfortable with supervision of staff and strong multi-tasking skills. Good with people and a strong
leader. Excellent budget management abilities. Must be willing to travel (25% 50%) and work
occasionally on weekends.
How to Apply: Please send us by email only your resume, subject "HR Manager National Operations
Manager," to hr@wpgl.org by September 30. No phone calls please. We will contact only those
.candidates selected for interviews on October 3.
Thank you for your interest!
General Foods Company
1 Main Street
Toronto, ON
M3P 2K8

From: ivvhite@FTC.com
Date: September 2412006
Re: "HR Manager National Operations Manager"
I am writing in response to your iob opening ad for "National Operations Manager."
Please find attached my detailed resume, outlining my relevant employment history and skill sets, for
your consideration.
I have spent the last 8 years developing my talents and experience within the food services industry and
currently am the Regional Operations Manager for the Bread Company. My work history, strengths and
interests are perfectly suited to the position advertised, as I'm ready to take the challenge of managing on
a national level.
I would be very pleased to have the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in person. Please review my
information and call me at (416) 332-1902 to set up a meeting.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
I hope that it will be okay for me to follow up with a phone call to ensure that you have received this
Best regards,
Jack White

191. What is NOT a requirement for this job? 194. What does Mr. White say he will do in
(A) Strong computer programming skills the next few days?
(B) A bachelor's degree in business (A) Mail his resume
(C) The ability to take on many things at once (B) Call to double check on something he sent.
(D) The flexibility to move around (C) Meet with the General Foods Company staff.
192. When is the last day to apply for the (D) Come by the company to drop off some
position with the General Foods Company? documents.
(A) September 3 195. Which of the following actions contradict
(B) September 24 what is stated in the ad?
(C) September 30 (A) Jack asking if it's okay to make a follow-up
(D) October 3 call
193. What can be inferred about Jack White? (B) Jack sending his resume by e-mail
(A) He is between jobs at the moment. (C) Jack requesting to meet in person
(B) He is not happy with where he is now. (D) Jack revealing sensitive information about
(C) He hopes to enter the food industry. the food industry
(D) He is eager to take on more responsibilities.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

Questions 196-200 refer to the following article and letter.

Cross-cultural Communication in Business Negotiations
Business Weekly by Dr. Rod Steiner November 2006
The importance of effective cross-cultural communication during business conferences or negotiations is
often unappreciated. And yet it is not jUSA the immediate outcome of the negotiation which is at stake
but also the possibility of a positive, ongoing business relationship.
Here's a simple example: "don't mix business and pleasure," we say, thinking ourselves to be efficient and
"virtuous." But trying to negotiate with that attitude in some other cultures may well cause consternation
in your host. This in turn will result in cross-cultural irritation and may well put future relationships under
a cloud. So, the first rule should be to study the culture of the people with whom you are going to
Dr. Rod Steiner; assistant lecturer; Department qf Business Studies, South Australian Institute of

South Australian Institute of Technology

Department of Business Studies
44 Berv.fick St
Adelaide. Australra 5066
November 24, 2006
Dear Dr. Steiner,
I read your article "Cross-cultural Communication in Business Negotiations" with a great deal of interest.
I am a postgraduate language/business student at the University of Adelaide, and I have also had some
experience living and studying in Japan.
You are absolutely right when you highlight possible "cross-cultural irritation". In our culture, we would
never associate business transactions of any type with drinking alcohol and going to nightclubs. However,
that's more or less the normal way of doing things in Japan.
I hope to specialize in this area of study - I mean, in cross-cultural communication - and that's why I have
chosen also to study some foreign languages. If you have any suggestions for further reading, could you
please let me know?
Thanks for your attention.
Julie Luddon
196. What does the article suggest? (C) Learn as many languages as possible
(A) To take a course in international business (D) Pursue a career in cross-cultural
relationships at the institute communication
(B) Always to be alert of hints that can damage an 199. What can be inferred about Julie
ongoing business relationship Luddon?
(C) Not to mix business and pleasure when dealing (A) She is writing a book about cultural
with any culture negotiations.
(D) To know the culture of your business (B) She has already received a bachelor's degree.
counterpart (C) She is studying to become a university
197. In the article, the word "consternation" in professor.
paragraph 2, line 3 is closest in meaning to (D) She wants to work in a foreign country.
(A) alarm (B) admiration 200. What do Julie and Dr. Steiner have in
(C) fear (D) assurance common?
198. What does Ms. Luddon want to do? (A) Both are interested in the same subject.
(A) Inquire about the source of information (B) Both have lived overseas in the past.
mentioned in the article (C) Both are writing books.
(B) Contradict what Dr. Steiner had said in his (D) Both work in the same university.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Every five years, it is mandatory that (B) light
drivers take a new photo and _____ their (C) humane
licenses in order to retain driving privileges. (D) effective
(A) lose 107. The ventriloquist delivered a great
(B) renew _____that resulted in thunderous
(C) file applause and a twenty-minute ovation.
(D) record (A) letter
102. He was shocked that none of the (B) critic
_____looked up when he demanded assistance (C) performance
in a loud voice at the front desk. (D) audience
(A) employees 108. In addition to his excellent _____
(B) offices skills and organization, Hank is an
(C) ceilings outgoing person who can ease any
(D) tables situation.
103. _____ the doctor nor the nurse knew (A) candidate
where the patient had disappeared to and the (B) management
entire hospital staff was immediately put on (C) decency
alert. (D) application
(A) Even 109. In order to extend the _____ of the
(B) Neither series, the writer added new characters
(C) When and interesting twists in the plotline.
(D) Because (A) continuously
104. Instead of giving the note directly to (B) continuation
_____, Heather placed the paper on the table (C) continues
and shoved it in his direction. (D) continue
(A) himself 110. The irony of the recent mugging
(B) him was that the apartment complex had
(C) he just increased _____on its grounds by
(D) his hiring additional night-time guards.
105. Over the week, the elementary school (A) threat
students were instructed on how to behave (B) security
_____in a museum setting. (C) robbers
(A) appropriately (D) enforcement
(B) appropriate 111. Chelsea and Frances decided to
(C) appropriates _____to the relief effort funds after
(D) appropriation attending a lecture by one of the victims
106. The public outcry for more _____ who had been devastated by the
punishment for repeating crime offenders led hurricane.
to longer jail sentences and tighter (A) contribute
restrictions in the probation period. (B) forget
(A) general (C) pay

(D) charge 119. Despite the long hours of
112. He was_____by the bizarre positions the preparation that went into the outdoor
acrobats contorted their bodies into and barbeque party, _____ rains forced us
couldn't help wincing when he saw one young to cancel it.
girl fold her body in half. (A) predictable
(A) hurts (B) forecasted
(B) inspiration (C) unfamiliar
(C) bewildered (D) unexpected
(D) formed 120. The computer navigation system
113. Although he desired greatly to _____ the was not very helpful in _____ the small
first man to win the gold medal four years in restaurant since construction closed
a row. he was forced to bail out of the down the instructed roads.
competition after he twisted his ankle. (A) locating
(A) being (B) drawing
(B) be (C) creating
(C) has been (D) devising
(D) will be 121. The executive heads of the company
114. Talking _____ to the abused child, the were called in for an emergency meeting
therapist was able to extract the information to_____ the unionized workers from
needed to prosecute his mother. striking.
(A) directly (A) help
(B) abruptly (B) overhaul
(C) hurtfully (C) prevent
(D) fleetingly (D) force
115. Because of a lack of a _____ variety of 122. No new _____has ever come to her
programs, most people in this country do not interview as late and unprepared as
watch television regularly. Rachel Dawson in the history of our
(A) deep company.
(B) few (A) application
(C) many (B) applicator
(D) wide (C) applicant
116. Neighbors ought to refrain from making (D) appliance
excessive noise _____ the evening if they want 123. Mrs. Garrison sent an _____ letter
to get along with each other. to the editor to request that the
(A) for magazine change its negative attitude
(B) during towards gays and lesbians.
(C) before (A) addition
(D) while (B) add
117. His passport was no longer _____, but he (C) additionally
kept it as a souvenir to remind him of his (D) additional
various travels. 124. Despite _____ levels of
(A) worthless unemployment in the United States,
(B) pass poverty rates are rising quicker than
(C) valid ever before.
(D) usage (A) escalating
118. Because of its many layers, putting on a (B) decreasing
kimono_____ requires the assistance of an (C) ascending
expert dresser. (D) soaring
(A) incorrectly 125. Some scientists believe that eating a
(B) properly well-balanced meal in the morning can
(C) gradually significantly increase an individual's
(D) painfully daily_____.

(A) effective (C) in
(B) hunger (D) out
(C) nutritionally 133. Obtaining the guardian's _____ is a
(D) productivity requirement for any researcher who is
126. The string of poor ______he made in the planning on running experiments that
late 90s ultimately caused him to become involve children.
bankrupt and lose his company. (A) method
(A) capacities (B) document
(B) investments (C) procedure
(C) benefits (D) consent
(D) interests 134. Although cute and cuddly in
127. He found that quitting his job and appearance, a bear is ____of killing a
starting an online business was the most human being in a matter of seconds.
_____ decision he had ever made in his life. (A) capable
(A) generous (B) inevitable
(B) dependent (C) edible
(C) lucrative (D) unable
(D) suspended 135. She was eager to _____the kitchen
128. He advised the young novelist that the and living room, but did not plan to
book to_____ another publishing company if start doing so until she had saved a few
he wanted to keep it in its original form. thousand dollars.
(A) has sent (A) enter
(B) were sent (B) renovate
(C) to send (C) ruin
(D) be sent (D) omit
129. Selma made the presentation easier to 136. The restaurant owner placed _____
follow _____ providing everyone with a flowers at each table to save the time
handout that outlined her main points. and cost of setting out fresh ones every
(A) to morning.
(B) if (A) artificial
(C) by (B) expensive
(D) since (C) genuine
130. Unsure if his detailed explanation made (D) current
_____to the young recruits, he retold the 137. The company agreed to reimburse
history of the company with simpler terms. her for her travel and board _____ if
(A) sure she gave the opening speech at the
(B) sense ceremony.
(C) idea (A) hotels
(D) entry (B) lists
131. Her fondness for children naturally (C) accommodations
steered her into a career that offered _____ (D) expenses
and support to schoolchildren. 138. Because the patient's symptoms
(A) guidance were _____ despite the early treatment,
(B) allowance the doctor decided to move him into
(C) pregnancy another ward.
(D) research (A) flourishing
132. Keeping _____accordance with the (B) worsening
agency's mission statement, we offer absolute (C) disappearing
confidentiality and anonymity to all our (D) shifting
clients. 139. As part of his training, he was
(A) from required to give a_____ of the
(B) to

manufacturing plant to a group of middle of finding a correlation between the two
school students. issues.
(A) tour (A) inept
(B) trip (B) approximate
(C) travel (C) alternative
(D) voyage (D) imprudent
140. The researcher abandoned his original
idea and investigated an _____theory in hopes
Directions: Read the texts below. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. For each
empty space in the text, select the best answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 141-143 refer to the following passage.
Large companies have set their eyes on the younger _____betting that if you
141. (A) generator
(B) generation
(C) fragment
(D) ingredient

can get them early, you might keep them longer. This was clearly acknowledged on Tuesday at the
opening of the Paris fashion week, when H&S, the junior line of Dolcy & Dock, invited 120
students to sit front row and center.

The show _____with a "beach party" of dancing male models, and everyone looked
142. (A) abolished
(B) corresponded
(C) converted
(D) culminated

happy. But those interested in _____the future of fashion would he well advised to
143. (A) to design
(B) designing
(C) designed
(D) have designed
see Dolby Stone's shows later in the week, or attend the opening of Vara's photographic exhibit that
opens later tomorrow.
Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter.
Dear Ms. Howard,

It was a pleasure to meet you at last month's home improvement expo at the conference centre in
Dublin. It was a very _____ trip for our company and we were pleased with
144. (A) spiteful
(B) successful
(C) ferocious
(D) sympathetic

the strong interest in our do-it-yourself product line.

When we met, you expressed particular interest in these products and I have enclosed our latest
catalogue for you to examine. If you would like to place an order, we also have a same-day door-
to-door delivery service that is free _____ charge within the
145. (A) in
(B) on
(C) with
(D) of
Dublin area.

If you choose to order via this new method, we ask that you return unsold items within two months
of purchase. This is because we frequently upgrade and update our product line and need to keep it
current for our wholesale customers.

I look forward to receiving your order and I hope to have the pleasure _____ you
146. (A) on meeting
(B) of meeting
(C) did not meet
(D) to have met

again some time.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs. Debora Jones

Questions 147-149 refer to the following passage.

Have you ever stood behind someone _____line at the store and watched
147. (A) for
(B) at
(C) on
(D) in

them shuffle a large stack of at least 10 credit cards from different companies ?

Continent with such many cards are still In the minority, but experts say that the majority of U.S.
citizens have at least one credit card - and usually two or three.

Its true that credit cards are now important sources of identification - if you want to reserve a hotel
room, for example, you really need a major credit card. And used wisely, a credit card can provide
_____ and allow you to make purchases with nearly a
148. (A) interest
(B) convenience
(C) profit
(D) exposure

month to pay for them before interest is charged.

That sounds good But in reality, many consumers are unable to take____of
149. (A) lead
(B) advance
(C) advantage
(D) insurance

these benefits because they carry a balance on their credit card from month to month paying interest
that can be as high as 23 percent. Many find it hard to resist using the "plastic" for impulse
purchases or buying things they really cant afford. The numbers are striking: In 1999, American
consumers charged about $1.2 trillion on their general-purpose credit cards
Questions 150-152 refer to the following report.
The citys ever-increasing traffic_____added to yet again this morning.
150. (A) growth
(B) fund was
(C) problems were
(D) laws were

Downtown was the scene of chaos when a truck Carrying 50,000 literal 01 milk overturned at the
intersection of Kennedy and Runnymede. The milk flowed onto the road creating a
slick_____which in at least 12 vehicles smashing into each other or
151. (A) surface
(B) flat
(C) external
(D) peripheral

Lampposts and signs.

No one was injured but the ensuing traffic jam _____ motorist for over 3 hours.
152. (A) propelled
(B) arrested
(C) detained
(D) slowed

The happy faces were on those of the neighborhood cats, who enjoyed an unexpected feast

Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine arid newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for
each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
Questions 153-154 refer to the following order form.
BMG Records
Get 12 CDs for the price of 1 by using this order form. Enjoy terrific savings, free music and more.
You start with 3 FREE CDs now, and pick the rest later from over 14,000 titles. A shipping and
handling charge will be added to each selection.

Complete the portion below and return by mail.

First Name: Jason Last Name: Simmons Email Address: Telephone: (330)570-
simmonsj@mail.com 7760
Home Address: 532 Cumbersome Drive City: Lakewood State: Zip Code:
MI 71029
1. 35990 All-Time Greatest Hits Barry White Mercury
2. 02303 Classic Cheap Tricks LaFace
3. 23033 Moondance Van Morrison Warner Bros.
Please choose one:
(X) Yes! I'd like to join BMG Records. Please send my 3 free selections now. I will then buy 1
selection at the regular Club price within a year and choose 8 more selections free. ( ) No, I do not
want to receive 12 CDs for the price of 1, with nothing more to buy, ever.

Payment Options (please choose one):

( ) Check
(X) Credit Card
Type: American Express
Number: xxxx67424456523
EXP: 09 / 2008

BMG Records reserves the right to request additional information, or reject any application. Local
taxes, if any, will be added. Late charges will be added to past-due bills. Offer available in
continental USA and under special arrangement in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and the Virgin
153. What additional fee will Mr. Simmons 154. Where will the CDs be sent?
come across? (A) To Jason's place of residence.
(A) Special luxury tax. (B) To Jason's workplace.
(B) Delivery charge. (C) To a recording studio.
(C) ATM fee. (D) To BMG Records.
(D) Postal stamp.

Questions 155-156 refer to the following information.

Welcome to NEMTA.

The Northeastern Massachusetts Transportation Authority (NEMTA) operates a multi-modal

system that provides public transit services in five different counties and to selected stations in
Connecticut and New York.

NEMTA is a convenient way to travel to work, school, shopping, and leisure time destinations
across the region. This map provides route and station information for regional rail, subway, and
trolley service. For information about bus route service, please refer to the published timetables, or
NEMTA's website.

NEMTA offers a variety of fare options, so pick the one that suits your travel needs. Transit Passes
can provide significant savings for unlimited travel on all NEMTA service routes for riders who use
the system on a daily basis. If you are planning a day's outing, try a Day Pass on any NEMTA bus,
subway, or trolley for one full calendar day. The Day Pass is also valid for one trip on the regional
155. What kind of service does NEMTA (A) Anyone who will be traveling out on
provide? the regional rail.
(A) Moving and delivery assistance. (B) Anyone who works a full calendar day.
(B) Employment. (C) Anyone who likes to travel around
(C) Financial support. outside.
(D) Public transportation. (D) Anyone who will be riding every day.
156. Who should purchase a Transit Pass?
Questions 157-159 refer to the following minutes.
International Council of Policy and Practice
Ana Miller President
Darryl Wang Vice President of Operations
Gregory Brunbaker Vice President of Finance
Janice Simpson Vice President of Communications

Date: September 13, 2005

Venue: Houston Hall, Room of Flags
Time: 10:00 a.m.

Topics covered:

1. Reaffirmed agency's Non-Discrimination Statement and Equal Opportunity Act. Importance of
diversity in membership stressed as key to organization's revitalization.
2. Discussed a rough budget for meteorological research and upcoming conferences related he
tsunami disaster.
3. Decided to participate in this year's anti-slavery conference at Columbia University. Bruce
Benning, VP of Social Welfare, will speak at a special lecture preceding the conference.
4. In light of next week's officer elections, the President and VP of Finance each announced that
they will not be running again. VP of Operations and Communications each announced that they
hilly intend to run for their current positions again. Nominations will begin on Monday. Any
member who has been with I-Council for two or less years cannot be nominated.
5. Divided the responsibility of seeking new connections and possible members among the four
officers. Anyone willing to donate over 1000 dollars to the I-Council treasury will be automatically
entered into the 1-Council membership list.
6. The next meeting will be held on September 15, 2005 to prepare the upcoming conferences and
research information.
157. Which of the following was NOT (D) Bruce Benning.
discussed at the meeting? 159. What is one prerequisite to being
(A) Budget proposals. nominated for an officer position?
(B) A lecture before the conference. (A) Must have previous experience as an
(C) Upcoming elections. officer.
(D) Additional meeting space. (B) Must be able to present special
158. Who made it clear that they will run for lectures.
the election? (C) Must have been with the organization
(A) Ana Miller. for over 24 months.
(B) Darryl Wang. (D) Must offer 1000 dollars to the
(C) Gregory Brunbaker. organization.

Questions 160-162 refer to the following letter.

Dear Mr.Pan,

Welcome! You are now insured under the AETNA insurance is your 2005-2006 health insurance
identification card. Please keep this card with you at all time, especially when seeking care outside
the state of Rhode Island or when filling a prescription.

Just a reminder of benefit and plan requirements:

- Access to 410,000 local and national preferred providers.
- $1,000,000 maximum benefit
- $500,000 prescription drug benefit with access to local and national preferred pharmacies
- Plan deductibles apply only to emergency room care, prescription drugs, substance abuse
treatment, immunizations, and annual eye exams.

Please keep in mind that von must he actively employed, otherwise your coverage could be
cancelled. This ID card does not guarantee payment or benefits as all claims are subject to medical
mid policy review, and are determined in accordance with the provisions and limitations of the

For questions regarding the insurance plan, please contact Chickering Claims Administrators, Inc.
at (00)841-5374 or www.chickering.com,
Dona Mansfeld

160. What should Mr. Pan do with the (B) $500,000.
enclosed item? (C) $410,000.
(A) Send it to Rhode Island. (D) $1,000,000.
(B) Present it to the local representative. 162. What is one reason for which the
(C) Bring it with him all the time. insurance plan may be withdrawn?
(D) Make a photocopy to submit to the HR (A) Overspending in the hospital.
department. (B) Failing to provide valid ID at a
161. What is the greatest amount of monetary pharmacy.
entitlement? (C) Stepping outside the coverage area.
(A) $2,000. (D) Being out of work.

Questions 163-166 refer to the following advertisement.

Apheos is the solution to your diverse business
and document management needs.

With the addition of a new Web Services framework, Apheos XI uses the open architecture of SML
and SOAI technologies, so you can now link, integrate and customize your existing business
systems and web applications easily.

It also enables knowledge-sharing and linking of digital data and paper-based documents with
minimal manpower, low cost and a short lead-time. The Web browser can be displayed on the lame
operation panel and frequently-used Web applications can be programmed to be shown. What's
more, uploading scanned documents to a specified folder on the Web application or printing digital
document its stored in the folder directly is now as easy as copying. Truly. Apheos is designed to
exceed your expectations in all ways.

Apheos is powered by a newly developed hybrid tandem engine and has a high speed scanning rate
of 100 papers per minute (ppm) in monochrome and 50 ppm in color. The real 2,400 dpi high-
quality picture resolution is made by a new vertical laser.

Bring this leaflet with you before October 15th and we will provide a 15% discount and free
delivery. So confirm your purchase today or you may miss out on this opportunity!
163. What kind of client is this product (C) The Web browser can be shown on the
targeting? panel.
(A) A company that has many hard copy (D) The product works with 100 ppm in
documents. color.
(B) A company that makes investments over the 165. What benefit can customers get
internet. until October 15th?
(C) An organization that focuses on design. (A) They can receive a trial order for a
(D) A medical center that specializes in surgical week.
procedures. (B) They can get a copy machine for half
164. According to the advertisement, which of price.
the following is NOT true? (C) They can buy the product more
(A) Apheos can be used to customize the office cheaply by showing the leaflet.
atmosphere. (D) They can win free maintenance service
(B) The product can save money and time. for a year.
Questions 166-168 refer to the following information.
A Double Dose of Data
While many big pharmaceutical firms are ailing, IMS Health, which measures the industry's vital
statistics, is in great shape. IMS is the leading supplier of research on the world's $550 billion
prescription-drug market, tracking everything from broad industry trends to how many prescriptions
for a particular drug a particular doctor in America wrote last week. IMS' dominance was so great

in 2002, that a commission in Europe brought charges of business monopoly against the firm.
Eventually IMS prevailed.
With $1.6 billion in revenues last year, IMS's dominant market position has made it an attractive
takeover target. On July 11th, VNU, a Dutch market-research firm, made its move, announcing its
acquisition of IMS for $7 billion dollars. For IMS, the deal will move it closer to the consumer.
VNU's strengths in analyzing information on customer behavior and knowledge of communications
media may come in very handy for IMS.
166. What kind of company is IMS? (D) It was not paying back borrowed
(A) Data collecting agency. funds.
(B) Organization of doctors. 168. What happened to IMS recently?
(C) Factory that produces medicine. (A) It took over another company.
(D) Media company based in the Netherlands. (B) It was bought by a foreign firm.
167. Why was IMS brought to court? (C) It is developing a new way of
(A) It was providing the wrong data. gathering information.
(B) It was using fraud in dealing with a (D) A communications department was
pharmaceutical company. created.
(C) It was controlling the market.
Questions 169-172 refer to the following announcement
The Rotary club of Philadelphia invites you to join us on a tour of America's oldest brewery.
Youngling Brewery tour and reception will be held on Saturday, October 22, The tour will be from
1pm to 2:30pm at 5th Ave. Street in Pottsville, PA. Following immediately after will be the
reception at Maroon's Sports Bar & Grill at 556 North Center Street in Pottsville, PA.

Availability is limited to 60 people. A van service with limited seating (24 seats) will he also
available. Additional questions can be forwarded to Mark Cabot() at mcaboto@yahoo.corn or by
cell at 434-213-4933. Please meet at Yuengling Gilt Shop by 12:45pnt, If you want to shop for pins,
it is suggested you arrive earlier. No lunch will be provided, but appetizers will be served at the
meet-and-greet reception. Closed toed shoes only. No sandals, flip-flops, or any other shoes with
openings in the front, back or sides.

Please RSVP by September 30 by sending check payable to The Rotary Club of Philadelphia to:
Office of the Rotary Club, Philadelphia, PA 19104.
169. What unique fact is mentioned about the (A) Alcoholic drinks are strictly
brewery? prohibited.
(A) It has a gift shop that is open 24 hours. (B) Participants must be under 60 years
(B) Visitors can check out the restaurant in the old.
front. (C) The fare must be paid by credit card.
(C) It has a strict dress code. (D) Appropriate footwear must be worn.
(D) It was one of the first breweries in America. 172. According to the announcement,
170. Why is the gift shop mentioned? which one is NOT true?
(A) It is the gathering venue for the tour. (A) Tour and reception will be held in
(B) It is where the reception will take place. different places.
(C) Visitors can use their checks there. (B) Limited number of people can take
(D) Participants must bring gifts. part in the tour.
171. What is one rule in participating in the (C) Full lunch will be provided.
tour? (D) People who want to go must reply.
Questions 173-176 refer to the following instruction.
From: Martha Ray, Coordinator for Sansom Place Apartments
Re: Fire & Evacuation Safety


Many fire alarms have been set off by burnt or smoky food. Please be attentive to your culinary
activities. Do not prop your door open while cooking as it can cause hall smoke detectors and the
whole building's alarms to go off. Due to the serious nature of fire safety, we have instituted a $50
fine for persons who activate building-wide alarms when window ventilation would have prevented
the incident.

If your cooking sets off the building's alarms:

1. Notify the building's Information Center to alert the staff of the situation. This will help the Fire
Department locate the source of the alarm, and will shorten the time the lire bells ring.

2. Exit the building according to the procedures outlined in the resident handbook. Remember to
dress appropriately to brave the outdoor elements. Also, you must exit using one of the lire
stairwells: All elevators become immediately inoperable once the alarm sounds.

If you do not report the cause and your apartment is found to be the source of an alarm, you may be
tined considerably. Please also remember that open flames and candles are not permitted in Sansom
Place and that halogen lamps must be handled with safety and kept away from curtains.
173. What is recommended for residents to do 175. What is the consequence of not
in case of burnt or smoky food? taking accountability in setting off a fire
(A) Open the main door and let the smoke alarm?
dissipate into the hall. (A) A warning.
(B) Open a window and let the smoke dissipate (B) A fire department citation.
into the outside air. (C) A hefty fine.
(C) Call the fire department and ask for help. (D) Exclusion from building activities.
(D) Inform all immediate neighbors and let the 176. What is illegal to have in Sansom
Information Center know. Place Apartments?
174. What happens when the alarm sounds? (A) Halogen lamps.
(A) All the doors become locked. (B) Smoke detectors.
(B) Stairwells become inaccessible. (C) Flammable curtains.
(C) Elevators stop working. (D) Candles.
(D) The Information Center will make an
Questions 177-180 refer to the following report.
Police seek high bail for repeat hike thief
By Andrew Whitney
September 23, 2006
City police arrested a man whom they called a recurrent hike thief Wednesday with the help of local

Around 2:05 p.m., 71-year-old Brian Housman saw a man using bolt-cutters to attempt to cut
through a cable-style hike lock that was being used to secure a hike at the entrance a City Hall.

Housman immediately called police, hut the would-be thief had tied the scene. He left the bike
behind. along with its severed lock cable. Because the hike was not registered with the city, officers
stationed a security guard at the scene to await the owner's return.

When the bike owner -- a local university student -- returned about an hour later. The bike in
question was a black Giant bike worth about S 150. police took his statement. Meanwhile. an off-
duty security guard spotted a man actilli2, suspiciously near a hike rack in the parking tot complex
by Kelly Drive.


The man matched the description from the earlier attempted theft given by Housman. The off-duty
guard recognized him as William Dammer, 30, of the SW block of North Taylor Street in
Philadelphia's Fairmount neighborhood.

The same guard had taken down Dimmers name for bike Melt several months earlier. In fact,
Dammer had been arrested numerous times for similar crimes. He was out on I .1..e awaiting trial in
another case.

In response, police officials have submitted a "high-bail request" to the Philadelphia District
Attorney's Office in an attempt to keep the suspect jailed until a trial. Such requests are normally
reserved for more serious crimes, but Police Captain Joseph Fischer said that given the repetitive
nature of the crimes, it was justified in this case.
177. Who was the owner of the bike that had 179. Why are police officials requesting
been almost stolen? for a high bail in Dammer's case?
(A) Brian Housman. (A) He is a repeat offender.
(B) A security guard. (B) Bike crimes are serious.
(C) A university student. (C) The suspect escaped from the jail.
(D) William Dimmer. (D) He stole the police captain's bike.
178. How did the off-duty guard recognize the 180. Who is Joseph Fischer?
bike thief? (A) A court judge.
(A) He was his neighbor. (B) Philadelphia's District Attorney.
(B) He recognized his profile and had caught (C) The off-duty security guard.
him before. (D) Head of the police force.
(C) Dammer's face appeared on posters often.
(D) They worked together at the local university.
Questions 181-185 refer to the following notice and email.
Arts and Culture Week in Detroit is fast approaching. Get 50% off tickets for 50 events held over
11 days from October 20 - 30. With assistance from the Detroit Cultural Organization and Rivendell
Row, the Academy of Lights presents fun and entertainment for all ages. Come join us for a free
night of theater on October 20th and watch any show at Arden Theater Co., Interact, Prince Music
Theater, and the Wilma Theater for absolutely no cost.

Adults over 21 years of age can also join Happy Hour from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the 24th to the 27th.
Gallery Night (October 28, 5:30pm - 8:30pm) and Museum Days (October 23-24 & 29-30) are open
to children but parents and guardians are advised to keep close supervision. Students are admitted
free to any event held in the Print Center, Sketch Club, Schwarz Gallery, Newman Galleries, the
Fabric Workshop, Kellijane Center, Art Conservatory, and Vox Populi throughout the week with
valid student ID.

Visit www.detroitguide.com for times and locations. 100 discount tickets are available today and
may be obtained by emailing artcult@lights.net. Tickets will be handed out without reservation
until supply is depleted.

To: artcult@lights.net

From: glaze.jen@peterson.com
Date: October 1, 2005
Re: Discount Tickets

I am writing this in response to your Arts and Culture Week ad in the Metro newspaper. Please send
me 6 discount tickets for the 11-day festival at my address:

Jennifer Glaze
790 Whitman Circle
Detroit, MI 23959

In addition, I checked your website but the listing for all participating groups is inaccessible by the
link that is provided on the homepage. Can you please send me a list of all the theaters, galleries,
etc. that are affiliated with Arts and Culture Week? Also, I am a college student taking a year's
leave, but have lost my student card and will not be able to obtain a new one until I return next year.
Can I still enter without paying to the student-free events?

Your timely response is much appreciated.

Jennifer Glaje
181. Who is hosting the Arts and Culture (C) Any organization that is participating
Week? in the events.
(A) Rivendell Row. (D) Metro newspaper subscribers.
(B) Detroit Cultural Organization. 184. Where did the notice appear?
(C) Detroit Guide. (A) On the Internet.
(D) Academy of Lights. (B) in a magazine.
182. What event does not permit high school (C) In a paper.
students? (D) On a college bulletin board.
(A) Happy Hour. 185. What is Jennifer's problem?
(B) Gallery Night. (A) She already graduated from school.
(C) Museum Days. (B) She is unsure how to obtain the tickets.
(D) Vox Populi. (C) She doesn't have a student ID card
183. Who will receive discount tickets? currently.
(A) Whoever requests them, as long as they are (D) She doesn't know where the events are
available. being held.
(B) Any student of the academy.
Questions 186-190 refer to the following memo and attachment.
To: Department Managers
From: Noguchi, Chairman

Kevin Williams from the UN contacted me about an opportunity for our firm to get involved in
energy issues in the Asian continent. There will be a mandatory interdepartmental meeting
tomorrow at noon for all department heads in the Blue Room pertaining to this subject. Involvement
in an energy program of this caliber will be the crucial element needed to expand and improve the
image of our firm.

Print out the following attachment with comments or questions. I will be out for the rest of the day
in a meeting with Sheldon Palmer of Readington, Inc., but feel free to leave a message with Beverly
if the need should rise.

Attachment i.doc

Expression of Interest for Policy Research:

Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction

The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) is inviting qualified and interested
consultants or consultancy firms to express their interest and send their profile by July, 22, 2006 in
order to participate in the UNDP Regional Energy Program for Poverty Reduction.

The aim here is to develop three separate policy research papers on the following identified topics:
-Impact of rising oil prices on the poor.
-Cross-border energy trade issues and their impact on energy prices.
-Regional mapping of options to promote private investments on alternative energy sources

The consultancy service is expected to commence in September 2006, and is to be completed within
four months upon contract awarded by UNOPS. Individual contracts will be signed for each of the
above mentioned policy research papers.

Consultancy firms will be short-listed by UNOPS on the basis of the following requirements: -
Experience in consulting and research activities in the fields of energy, poverty and economic
-Knowledge and understanding on the linkages between energy and poverty
-Knowledge of energy markets and sustainable energy solutions.
-Appropriateness of the analytical tools used.
-Formal Expression of Interest.

Detailed terms are available upon email request at barbaral@unops.org. Interested companies must
submit the above documentation in English, for each study they Nyis!1 to bid for by July, 22, 2006
to Barbara Lemoine, United Nations, 2nd floor Service Building, Bangkok 10200, Thailand.
186. According to the memo, why should the (A) Travel to Asia.
firm participate? (B) Write a paper.
(A) It will be financially profitable. (C) Construct a research facility.
(B) It will improve relations among various (D) Appoint a UN official.
departments. 189. What is NOT in the criteria for
(C) It will improve the company's reputation. short-listing firms?
(D) It will promote Mr. Williams. (A) Familiarity with the topic.
187. Why does Chairman Noguchi mention (B) Type of research method employed.
Readington, Inc.? (C) Know-how of solutions.
(A) To explain his absence. (D) Ability to predict future crises.
(B) To suggest a rival for the UNDP proposal. 190. How can an interested party find
(C) To let his managers know who his original out more information?
source was. (A) Send a request in the post.
(D) To mention a powerful Asian corporation. (B) Send an email.
188. What are consulting firms expected to do (C) Write to the country representative.
if they are selected to participate? (D) Bid in an auction.
Questions 191-195 refer to the following emails.
From: George Heimer <george@holdenindustry.com>
To: Bethany Davis <bethany@franklin.com>
Date: January 15, 2006

Dear Bethany,

It was lovely to meet with you last Friday afternoon. Our discussion over the future of Holden
Industries was very productive and cleared up many financial concerns I had about our pending
merger. I have spoken with all staff and broken the news about Franklin Enterprises' acquisition of

I will be busy all next week meeting with clients and letting them know one by one the future of
Holden Industries, but we should schedule another lunch meeting to discuss other aspects of the

merger including employee standing and benefits. I will be in contact with you before Thursday, but
if you have any pressing issues, please feel free to give me a call.

Also, on Friday, you mentioned that you sent a box of your business cards to our office, but my
secretary has informed me that it has yet to arrive. If it is not delivered by tomorrow, I request that
at least 20 cards be directly sent over to my office before 5pm by a personal messenger. It is
important that I have them ready for our clients.

I look forward to meeting you again.

Warmest regards,
George Heimer
Director, Holden Industries

From: Bethany Davis <bethany@franklin.com>

To: George Heimer <gecne_gholdeninclustry.com>
Date: January 15, 2006

Dear George,

Thank for your email yesterday. Our lunch meeting on Friday was indeed constructive in laying out
some fundamental guidelines for our merger. I was happy to have the chance to meet you

My staff informed me that the box of my business cards was returned unopened, so I have sent one
of our interns to your office to deliver the box this morning. I am pleased to hear that we will be
meeting again shortly, since we do have more to discuss in regards to Franklin Enterprises
acquisition policies and the welfare of your current staff.

My schedule is open this coming Friday between the hours of 11 and 3 so if you are available. I
think it would be wise for us to meet before your client meetings. I will be awaiting your call
sometime soon, and hope that you receive all the needed materials.

Bethany Davis, CEO
Franklin Enterprises
191. What was discussed at the meeting? (C) Mr. Heimer has not received them yet.
(A) Layout of new business cards. (D) The delivery was made out to the
(B) Beginnings of a merger. retired secretary.
(C) Outsourcing of employees. 194. Who will deliver the business
(D) Clientele records and information. cards?
192. What concern did Helmer have (A) Bethany Davis.
pertaining to the merger? (B) The mail carrier.
(A) The other company's profit margin. (C) An office worker.
(B) Whether or not they would be able to meet (D) Someone from Holden Industries.
again. 195. For when does Davis propose their
(C) Confidentiality of the joining process. next meeting?
(D) The fate of current workers. (A) One week after their first meeting.
193. What issue was raised surrounding the (B) On the 11th.
business cards? (C) On Thursday.
(A) They were not printed quickly enough. (D) Beginning of next week.
(B) He received fewer cards than expected.
Questions 196-200 refer to the following notice and email.
Your monthly cable bill of $89.95 is past due. A late charge will apply if your account becomes 27
days overdue and will accrue daily until the bill is paid. Cable service will be disrupted 30 days past
the original due date and will require an additional $20 reactivation charge. To avoid this, please
mail your payment in full amount in the enclosed envelope.

Any questions or concerns regarding your account or billing statement may be forwarded to our
Customer Helpline at 1-800-205-9900 where a friendly customer representative will be happy to
help you. For email inquiries, please refer to our address at billinghelp@starstream.net.

P.O. Box 1045
Rocklin, CA 95677

To: billinghelp@starstream.net
From: Kristin Marshall <kmarshallghotmail.com>
Re: Cable bill

I am writing this email in response to the notice I received regarding an unpaid cable bill.

I paid the bill on time on April 30, 2006. I have kept a copy of the payment for my records and will
gladly scan it and attach it to a second email if no records of the payment appear under my account.
Please reassess your database for any possible errors or misinformation. In addition, I have heard
reports for some other customers using this cable service that mistakes were frequent. A close
companion has even received free benefits and channels for the recurring errors that were made in
her statements. What kind of non-monetary reimbursement will I be eligible for if the mistake is
confirmed as being from your end?

I can be reached at my office at 213-205-2203 between the hours o19 and 5 if my account lists any
other inconsistency. Thank you for your cooperation.

Kristin Marshall
196. What is the purpose of the notice? 199. What kind of proof does Marshall
(A) To activate a cable service. have that she paid the bill?
(B) To advertise a new company. (A) A customer representative can attest.
(C) To inform of an unpaid bill. (B) The check was sent as registered mail.
(D) To notify that a service is being cut off. (C) Her office staff saw her do it.
197. What is likely to happen if a bill goes (D) She has retained a duplicate.
unpaid for a month? 200. What does Marshall request ?
(A) Service will be terminated. (A) Compensation for the company's
(B) The company will sue. errors.
(C) A customer representative will call. (B) Discount for signing up her friends.
(D) The customer's credit report will suffer. (C) Payment for the inconvenience she has
198. How does the company expect to receive experienced.
payment? (D) Referrals to other cable services.
(A) Over the Internet.
(B) By post.
(C) Through a wire transfer.
(D) By phone.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions
are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the time

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given
below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B), (C),
or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Our new social organizer's personal favorites (D) herself
do not include jazz or classical music, but she 105. Our latest customer ----------- survey reveals
loves listening to techno, world music, ------- some problems in the after-sales service area,
rock. especially the lack of a telephone hotline.
(A) so (A) satisfying
(B) but (B) satisfied
(C) yet (C) satisfaction
(D) and (D) satisfactory
102. It is strongly advised that you check that you 106. Our ongoing, ----------- development
have all your essential documents in a briefcase seminars allow staff members to develop their
-----------you set out on an international trip. skills in various directions.
(A) upon (A) profession
(B) before (B) professionally
(C) beside (C) professional
(D) next to (D) professionalism
103. The most ----------- piece in the collection 107. If you wish to register for State University's
was acquired by our founder and principal patron new Academic News Update -----------, please log
during an archaeological expedition he undertook in, click on the "register" box, and then list your
in 1935. preferences.
(A) value (A) service
(B) valuing (B) servicing
(C) values (C) serviced
(D) serviceable
(D) valuable
108. The music faculty offers free weekly
104. At this year's orientation session, the general seminars designed to encourage young musicians
manager----------- took the time to personally to begin ----------- their own masterpieces.
welcome all new recruits in her usual, affable
manner. (A) composer
(B) composes
(A) she
(C) composed
(B) her
(D) composing
(C) hers

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
109. At the latest meeting of the Business (A) over
Advisory Council, the newly elected president -- (B) only
--------- that the council extend its activities to the
field of social justice. (C) less
(A) propose (D) alone
(B) proposal 115. Under the new law, consumers are entitled
to -------------- if products malfunction or fail to
(C) proposing perform as promised.
(D) proposed (A) compensate
110. To celebrate our tenth year in the stationery (B) compensated
supply business, we'd like to offer a special bonus
discount ----------- our most loyal customers. (C) compensating
(A) to (D) compensation
(B) by 116. During the one-month trial period,
customers are under no ----------- to sign any
(C) as contracts.
(D) at (A) pledge
111. -------------- recent adjustments in income (B) promise
tax rates, workers will find themselves pleasantly
surprised by an increase in the size of their (C) obligation
paychecks. (D) engagement
(A) Due to 117. Educational expenses are tax-deductible -----
(B) While the taxpayer can show that these expenses
enhanced his or her professional skills or
(C) In fact expertise.
(D) Whether (A) only if
112. Much of investors' long-held esteem in the (B) as if
company ------- during the share-market boom
when executives were involved in accounting (C) as many as
irregularities. (D) as much as
(A) losing 118. If you cannot make up your mind -----------
(B) loses destination to choose for your summer holidays,
why not talk with our experienced travel
(C) was lost consultants?
(D) is lost (A) whom
113. The Springborg Hotel chain's attention to (B) which
detail and business-friendly pricing structure (C) on
make our hotels ----------- to any others in the (D) about
mid-priced hotel bracket. 119. The Public Transport Commission's
(A) better commitment to running our city's trains and buses
(B) improved as ----------- as possible has reduced costs to the
(C) superior taxpayer by 5%.
(D) advanced (A) efficient
114. Professor Barkley is not ----------- an expert (B) efficiency
in classical economics but also a world-renowned (C) efficiently
specialist in international banking laws. (D) efficiencies

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
120. Unfortunately, any benefits gained by (A) refunds
lowering prices never ----------- if they are (B) refunding
achieved by a reduction in quality.
(C) refunded
(A) last
(B) pass (D) is refunded
(C) spend 126. Media organizations can be called before a
(D) retain tribunal if they fail to operate ----------- the
guidelines laid out by federal legislation.
121. -----------serious disadvantage of the
existing plant is the lack of adequate ventilation; (A) within
workers frequently complain of nausea and (B) among
headaches. (C) between
(A) Any (D) from
(B) Other 127. These days managers and designers are
(C) Another expected to work ----------- to a greater extent
than in the past.
(D) One another
(A) collaboratively
122. Encounter Environmental Tours offers trips (B) collaborative
to some of the most beautiful and isolated
wildernesses in the world ----------- all the (C) collaboration
comforts of five-star accommodations. (D) collaborate
(A) both 128. The unemployment figures ----------- last
June, no doubt due to the surprise. closure of
(B) plus several leading Australian manufacturers.
(C) though (A) enlarged
(D) together (B) reached
123. A recent survey showed that the increase in (C) peaked
the number of random tax audits on businesses (D) magnified
has been ----------- unpopular.
129. The business council stated its opinion that
(A) predict the new penalties for tax evasion are out of -------
(B) prediction with the seriousness of the crime.
(C) to predict (A) size
(D) predictably (B) proportion
124. The company is pleased to announce that we (C) equivalence
have invited several members of our experienced (D) combination
----------- and casual staff to become permanent
employees. 130. In the interests of consumer safety, the
senior management unanimously ----------- to
(A) minor recall all versions of the Alphington and
(B) lengthy Executive sedans.
(C) temporary (A) settled
(D) duplicate (B) picked
125. The company admitted that it had been (C) decided
entirely at fault and announced that all (D) established
professional fees that it had collected were to be
fully -----------
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
131. We will be welcoming our keynote --------- package which includes travel, accommodations,
at a reception to be given in the Emerald Room, and movie tickets.
which is located on the mezzanine, at 8:00 P.m. (A) agreement
(A) speak (B) alignment
(B) spoken (C) relation
(C) speaker
(D) conjunction
(D) speaking
137. The judge's --------- words were directed to
132. Any new staff member who has not already the freely utilized investors' funds for his own
submitted a recent photo should go ----- to the benefit.
Personnel Office, where a staff photographer is in
attendance. (A) harsher
(A) unexpectedly (B) harshly
(B) immediately (C) harshest
(C) especially (D) more harshly
(D) recently
138. A new health report today warned of the ----
133. Other --------- grammatical errors include ----- tendency for newly qualified doctors to
failure to use appropriate punctuation, especially refuse practices in the country.
apostrophes, colons, and semi-colons.
(A) worry
(A) common
(B) worried
(B) genuine
(C) level (C) worries
(D) even (D) worrying
134. In addition to improvements to the company 139. --------- unnamed sources, the central bank is
cafeteria, the company sports facility will --------- company's head of financial accounting, who
be upgraded. unlikely to raise interest rates over the next 6
(A) besides months.
(B) either (A) According to
(C) also (B) In case of
(D) too (C) On behalf of
135. It remains --------- that a merger will (D) In common with
increase profitability in the medium term because
of the high cost of redundancy packages. 140. A senior management committee believes
that we should immediately --------- the new
(A) doubt government guidelines on sexual harassment.
(B) doubted
(A) spend
(C) doubtful
(B) waste
(D) doubtfully
(C) achieve
136. The Hytex Hotel, in --------- with the
organizers of the annual film festival, is offering a (D) implement
Part 6
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given
below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A), (B),
(C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice.

The High Park Harvest Festival
A trio of colorful fall events gets underway in October with a horse and wagon ride ------------ High
Park from Grenadier Caf to Colborne Lodge.
141. (A) after
(B) before
(C) during
(D) through
All ages. Oct. 1. $2. Storytelling, face painting, nature-themed crafts, and a marketplace full of
autumn treats take ------------ residence at the Children's Garden.
142. (A) off
(B) on
(C) up
(D) care
Ages three and up. Oct. 1. Free. When the sun sets, brave the Haunted High Park tour, a moonlit
stroll set to the eerie tales of old Chicago. Pre-registration is required.
Ages eight and up. Oct. 27 and 28. Adults $10, ages eight and up $5. The playground in the
northwest corner of the park becomes pumpkin carving central, when creations are set adrift on the
water the annual ------------- High Park
143. (A) until
(B) while
(C) during
(D) between
Pumpkin Float. Warm up afterward with some hot cider and storytelling. Ages two to ten Oct. 29. $2
per pumpkin.

Questions 144-146 refer to the following letter

Mr. Sean Ronald
1385 Midland Ave
Dear Mr. Ronald,
On September 3, you asked me to make hotel reservations for your guests. As per your instruction, 2
rooms (double-bed requested) have been booked at the Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel ------------
details as shown:
144. (A) with
(B) by
(C) for
(D) along
Guest Names: Mr. John Simpson & Mr. Mark Fritzler
Check-in Date: Sept. 22, 2006
Check-out Date: Sept. 25, 2006
Hotel Address: 3 Canton Road, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Hotel Telephone: (852) 2113 0088
Room Rate: HK$1,250 net per room per night

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Total Room Rate: HK$1,250 x 3 nights x 2 rooms = HK$7,500

There is a hotel shuttle bus that can take the guests to the hotel. Simply proceed to counters Al6 or BI6
(Parklane Counter) at the Arrival Hall and pay HK$130 per person for the shuttle bus fare. The shuttle
bus will take you to the hotel.
Apex/HKG will --------- the room rate for the guests first. Thus, the guests are not required to pay
145. (A) decide
(B) select
(C) settle
(D) detour
the room rate when checking out. Apex/HKG will ------------ them later. However, if room service
146. (A) accuse
(B) loan
(C) credit
(D) charge
such as the minibar is used, the guests will need to settle them when checking out.

Cory White
Cory White

Questions 147-149 refer to the following advertisement

The Grand Hotel, which is situated at Fort Worth International Airport in Dallas, has a covered,
climate-controlled skywalk that connects the hotel directly to Terminal 3 and to an Automated People
Mover going to Terminal 1.
Our check-in kiosks, recently installed in the lobby, allow our guests to check in for flights and receive
their boarding passes ------------- from the hotel. Guests can also check their baggage here
147. (A) right
(B) rightly
(C) rightful
(D) rightfully
and not have to worry about lining up at the airport. The monitors set up next to the kiosks display
flight departure and arrival times to ensure that you're ----------- on time.
148. (A) often
(B) finally
(C) always
(D) almost
At the Grand Hotel, you will feel right at home the moment you set foot in our hotel. Our warm and
friendly staff will go out of their way to make you feel right at home. Relax and unwind from the
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
stresses of ------------- in one of our recently renovated guest rooms, complete with a
149. (A) visit
(B) tour
(C) travel
(D) arrival
jacuzzi in each room.
So the next time you're in Dallas, experience how comfortable and convenient travel can be. When you
check into the Grand Hotel, you don't just stay, you belong.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following email.

From Cindy Williams [mailto:cindy.williams@costworth.com]

Sent Tuesday, October 25, 2007 5:38 PM
To seanharris@giat.com
Cc Peter Channings
Subject Another Sales Lead

Dear Sean,

I have another sales lead for you today. The ------------- is to send a package by express cargo mode
150. (A) job
(B) chance
(C) limit
(D) pursuit
from FRA to NY. The shipments' content is printed matter weighing approximately 200 kgs, and it
will be sent every other day (3 times a week). We are looking for an arrival on the day after shipment.
I would like to know----------- you are able to handle this and if you can meet this service
151. (A) how
(B) that
(C) what
(D) whether
If so: can you please quote us the delivery rates and all ---------- charges in NY? As for profit sharing,
152. (A) defended
(B) refused
(C) incurred
(D) conveyed
I would like to say 50/50 as we discussed earlier. I am hoping that this will be okay with you.
I look forward to your reply soon. Thanks!

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Best regards,
Cindy Williams
Costworth Ltd.

Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-154 refer to the following menu.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test


B.B.Q. Ribs Sweet & Sour Chicken Balls
Honey Garlic Ribs Deep Fried Chicken Wings
Sweet & Sour Ribs Diced Beef with Vegetables
B.B.Q. Pork Slices Sweet & Sour Breaded Shrimp
Beef with Broccoli Lemon Chicken
Chicken Chop Suey Pan-Fried Mixed Vegetables
Kung Pao Chicken Curry Beef
Beef & Green Peppers in Black Bean Sauce Chicken Fried Rice
Choose any 1 dish from the menu $4
Choose any 2 dishes from the menu $5
All above orders include Egg Roll & Fried Rice.
Cash payment only For Lemon Chicken or Chicken Fried Rice, add $1.00


(Weston Road & Church Street)
FREE Delivery with min, order over $10 (before tax)
Mon - Thurs 11 a.m. - 11 p.m. Fri 11 a.m. - 1 a.m.
Sat 4 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun 3 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Our food is freshly prepared and individually cooked to your order
and delivered to you piping hot in our special heat retaining containers.

153. How much would a combo special with (A) A cash payment must be made to get a
Lemon Chicken and Curry Beef cost before tax? discount on the daily combo specials.
(A) $4.25 (B) A choice of any one dish on the menu will
(B) $5.25 cost $4.25 plus tax.

(C) $6.25 (C) A delivery charge will be added for orders

that add up to a total of less than ten dollars.
(D) $7.25
(D) Several kinds of credit cards are accepted
154. What can NOT be inferred from the menu? by the restaurant.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 155-158 refer to the following notice.

Christmas and Boxing Day Arrangements

As Christmas and Boxing Day fall on a Thursday and Friday this year, all periodical payments falling on
those two days will be paid early on Wednesday. Staff will be processing authorizations and transferring
funds until midnight (Australian Western Standard Time) on the 21th of December. Regular banking
services will resume on the following Monday, the 29th of December. There will be no change in the
operations of our Automatic Teller Machines Or Electronic Funds Transfers. Our financial advisory
services centers will, however, be closed on Christmas and Boxing Day. Internet transactions may be
scheduled but will not be processed until Monday, the 29th of December. Phone banking services will not
be available on the 25th, 26th, 27th, or 28th. We apologize for any inconvenience.
We wish all of our customers a very happy and safe Christmas!

155. Who is the intended audience of this notice? (A) Paying utility bills at the teller's window
(A) Bank employees (B) Receiving financial advice from the
(B) Customers institution
(C) Drivers (C) Transferring money by telephone
(D) Security guards (D) Taking money out of a cash dispenser
156. What is the purpose of the notice? 158. What will happen to regular payments that
(A) To announce the holiday schedule fall on the 26th this year?
(B) To notify customers of a holiday sale (A) The payments will have to be mailed out.
(C) To apologize for a mistake (B) They won't be taken care of until the 29th.
(D) To advertise a new type of service (C) The transactions will occur on that day.
157. Which of the following services can be (D) They will go out a few days early.
performed on the 25th?
Question 159-160 refer to tho following form.
Sophies Palace
Dear Guests,
Your continuous support and patronage is our greatest source of comfort. Your hearleft comments are
our compelling drive to provide better service for you.Please kindly complete this questionnaire to let
us know your thoughts.Thank you very much.

Name: John Williams

Telephone: 755-2563
Date of Visit: Nov,28,2006
Time of Visit: 6:30 p.m.

Quality of Food Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Taste () () () ()
Variety () () () ()
Price () () () ()

Quality of Service Good Fair Poor Very Poor

Taste () () () ()

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Variety () () () ()
Price () () () ()

Further Comments:
We had to wait over an hour for our food to arrive. The food was very tasty, but I think the place needs
more peoples to wait on customers.

159. Which of the following is NOT true about (D) Mr. Williams thought the menu selection
the results of the questionnaire? needs were limited.
(A) Mr. Williams felt that the restaurant was 160. What can be implied about Mr. Williams?
understaffed. (A) He had dinner at the restaurant.
(B) Mr. Williams liked the food he had today. (B) He came with several guests.
(C) Mr. Williams felt that the price was very (C) He is a regular customer.
unreasonable. (D) He is a very picky person.

Question 161-164 refer to tho following notice.

Re: the estate of Michael Gordon, formerly of 7 Golden Circus, Victoria, British Columbia,
deceased on the 19th of November, 2006.
Notice is hereby given that any further creditors and other claimants against the said estate should
contact the offices of Sankin and Sankin, Solicitors, Suite 9, 432 Wilberforce Road, Victoria,
V8W 3R3, the executors of the will of Michael Gordon, no later than December 22, 2006. After
that date, we, the executors, will distribute the estate among the parties entitled to it, taking into
consideration only claims received by the due date.
161. What is the main purpose of this notice? (A) Mr. Gordon's family
(A) To announce the passing away of Mr. Michael (B) Michael
Gordon (C) A law firm
(B) To find a missing person (D) A bank
(C) To remember a person who did good deeds 164. According to the notice, what is going to
(D) To inform people of a due date to make claims occur after December 22?
against a person (A) A funeral will be held in honor of Mr.
162. In which part of the newspaper would this notice Gordon.
be printed? (B) Creditors will get a chance to submit their
(A) In the editorial section claims to the debtor.
(B) In the obituary section (C) Michael's estate will be distributed among
(C) In the business section those who made a claim.
(D) In the want ad section (D) The appointment of the executors of the will
163. Who most likely took out this notice? is going to take place.
Questions 165-167 refer to the following policy.
Joy-Market Returns Policy
With a few exceptions, anything purchased from a Joy-Market store may be exchanged or returned for a
full refund of the purchase price within 30 days provided
1) that the goods are unused,
2) that the goods are placed in their original package, and
3) that proof of purchase is provided.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
IMPORTANT: please note
Food purchased from our fresh food counters must be returned no later than 24 hours after the time of
Some items must be returned unopened. These items are toys, music CDs and DVDs, computer software
and hardware, videos, glassware, kitchenware, undergarments, and packaged hardware items
Customers, or those returning Joy-Market items received as gifts, should provide photo identification at
the time of application.
Customers returning goods valued at less than $100 will be issued an exchange certificate or money order
on the spot.
For returns of goods valued at $100 or more, a check will be mailed to the purchaser within 3 working
days of the return.
The amount of refunds or exchange certificates will be the same as the price paid for the item returned.
Joy-Market aims to satisfy its customers with high-quality items said in good condition

165. What is NOT stated in the policy? (B) If the merchandise was originally bought by
(A) Goods must be brought back in their original someone other than the person returning it
form. (C) In situations where the boxes have been
(B) The original receipt must accompany the opened and used
returned item. (D) If a credit card was used when making the
(C) A time limit is placed on items being returned. purchase
(D) A full refund will be provided for all items if 167. According to the policy, how long will it
returned within 241 hours. take to get a refund for a purchase made under
166. In which of the following situations would a $100?
person have to show photo identification? (A) It depends on the product purchased.
(A) When returning items that are valued over $100 (B) A refund will be provided right away.
before tax (C) At least 3 business days
(D) 24 hours if receipt is provided
Questions 168-170 refer to the following e-mail.
From: Rudi Kok Kee
Sent: Wednesday, October 04, 2006
To: Linda Chong
Cc: Samantha Long
Subject: Long Holiday in Indonesia
Dear colleagues,
Kindly be informed that Indonesia will be celebrating a long holiday from October 23-28, 2006, for Hari
Raya ledul Fitri. There will be no pick-ups and deliveries, but clearance will still run as normal.
In addition, for inbound shipments that are directed to cities outside Jakarta, the last transshipment by local
agents will be on October 20. Any shipment we receive after that day will be on hold in our office and he
sent out after the long holiday on October 30.
Furthermore, for shipments headed to smaller towns, there will be a further delay because the holiday
festivities will he ongoing until the 4th in many rural areas. This situation will return to normal on the 6th
of November.
Thank you for your kind attention.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Customer Service Department
168. Why was this e-mail written? (C) It will reach its destination after the 6th of
(A) To request a shipment November.
(B) To notify someone of an upcoming schedule (D) It will be delivered the next day.
(C) To send an invitation for a celebration 170. When was this e-mail sent?
(D) To inquire about a shipment (A) October 4th
169. What will happen to an incoming shipment (B) October 20th
heading to a small town on October 21? (C) October 30th
(A) It will be returned to the sender. (D) November 4th
(B) It will be held until the 30th.
Questions 171-175 refer to the following article.
Gaz International Sells Its Siberian Oil Operations to Local Company
ZURICH - Yevgeni Stai, a mid -sized Russian oil company, has bought the Siberian oil and gas
operations of Zurich-hased Gaz International. While no official figures have been released by either firm,
the deal is believed to wui th in the vicinity of $145 million.
Until recently, Gaz International had been seeking to expand its exploration and refining operations, but it
has reportedly been frustrated by local regulatory bodies. Gaz International shares rose by 1/0 as news of
the sale filtered into the media.
Yevgeni Star, which has some cross-share holdings with large industrial corporations in related and
unrelated fields, notably in the energy and shipbuilding sectors, will become one of Russian's leading
players in the vital strategic area of energy supplies.
Explaining the reasons for the sale, Gaz International CEO Fritz Faschier told reporters yesterday, "Our
board of directors believes that this is the ideal time to consolidate our operations by concentrating on less-
risky investments while at the same time boosting our interests in research and development. I mean, in
particular, research into alternative fuels and energy sources. I have no doubt that this deal is in the
interests of both parties."
It is known that the deal includes significant technology transfers. A team of Gaz International engineers
and administrators will train Yevgeni engineers in the operation of exploration and extraction technology
developed by the international giant.
Yevgeni Star operators were also keen to acquire Gaz International's license to explore and develop
northern oil fields until 2015. The current production of 10,000 barrels a day is expected to at least double
over the next 5 years.
Due to the complex nature of legal arrangements surrounding the transfer of licenses and technological
information, the deal is not expected to be sewn up before January of next year. Approval for the license
transfer must be negotiated with Russian authorities while several major Swiss banks will vet the financial
arrangements and the details of technology transfer.

171 What is true about Gaz International? (A) Gaz International will become the leading
(A) It is a Russian-owned company. company in its field.
(B) It took control of another company. (B) Yevgeni Star seems to have gotten the better
(C) Its stock price has slipped due to a false rumor. end of the deal.
(D) It was involved in a multi-million dollar (C) Gaz International will now focus on
transaction recently. establishing its business in new areas.
172. Which of the following will be the result of a (D) Yevgeni Star will distribute shares to its top
deal mentioned in the article? management staff.
173. Who is Mr. Fritz Faschier?
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(A) A reporter for a local newspaper (D) By early next year
(B) The president of Gaz International 175. What is the main cause of the delay in
(C) A spokesperson for Yevgeni Star closing the deal?
(D) A Russian authority (A) Both companies want to take it slow.
174. According to the article, when will the deal be (B) Some complications have surfaced regarding
finalized? legal issues.
(A) In 2015 (C) The Russian authorities usually take a long
(B) In five years time to process a new license.
(C) Within the following weeks (D) There are many details to be worked out.

Questions 176-178 refer to the following letter.

Fly-by-night Travel Agency

Suite 9 Chicago Life Building
Lake Shore Square
Chicago II, 60637
April 3, 2006

Lightning Computer Supplies

152 Whacker Road
Chicago 60401

Re: faulty print cartridges

Dear Madam or Sir
On a recent visit to your store, I purchased a box of Onyx Print Cartridges for our 3 printers. As you are
well aware, fast and high-quality printing is essential in any business, big or small, these days. You can
imagine our disappointment when, after installation, we found that the cartridges were faulty, either in the
feed mechanism or in the ink itself. When we examined the packages, we discovered that all three
cartridges had passed their use-by date.
However, when I returned them to your store, I was refused free replacement cartridges as the receipt had
unfortunately somehow been misplaced. This was extremely disappointing to me, as I am a long-term
customer of your store. Am I not to be trusted? The cartridges were clearly expired.
I have since bought cartridges elsewhere, and I have no intention of returning to your store. But I wanted
to express my dissatisfaction to you, and I hope that you will examine your policy on returns.

Thank you,

Julie Nixon

Senior Travel Consultant

176. Why did Julie write this letter? (D) To get the printer serviced by a technician
(A) To place an order for some ink cartridges 177. Why was Ms. Nixon's request turned down by
(B) To voice her disappointment regarding the the store?
store's rules (A) The goods were brought back too late.
(C) To find out if the store carries a specific type (B) The boxes of the items were opened.
of cartridge (C) The proof of purchase could not be provided.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(D) The store has a no-refund policy. (B) They were expired.
178. Why were the cartridges returned to the (C) They were damaged.
store? (D) They were the wrong color.
(A) They were not the right model.

Questions 179-180 refer to the following card.

Be Clean, Be Green
Dear Guests,
Each year, many of the major waterways in the world get polluted by vast amounts of detergents used to
wash bed linen and towels in hotels.
In an effort to help preserve the environment, we'd like to ask all of our guests to please leave the towels
that you intend to re-use on the towel rack and place those towels you want exchanged in the bathtub.
May we also ask that you leave this card on the bed if you do not require your bed linens changed?
We'd like to thank you for your cooperation in helping to improve our environment.
The Management

179. What is being asked of those who do not want their bedsheets changed to do?
(A) Call the management staff
(B) Talk to the hotel maid
(C) Leave a do-not-disturb sign on the door
(D) Place the card on the bed
180. What can be inferred about the hotel?
(A) It is trying to do its part to help a good cause.
(B) It is trying to cut down on its cleaning costs.
(C) It is short of cleaning staff.
(D) It only uses environment-friendly products.

Questions 181 -1 85 refer to the following advertisement and letter.

Door2Door Since 1962
A name you can trust
Thinking of relocating? Why not contact Door2Door,the west coast's leading specialists in moving,
packing, and storage? Since 1962 we've been helping families and businesses start new lives without the
stress of worrying about the safety of of their valued possessions. Our secret? Well, its simple - planning
and organization, combined with state-of- the-art equipment and packing materials, and, of course,
experienced manpower. We can pack for you, or, if you prefer to do it yourself, we can offer you advice
and the best shock-absorbing protective packaging materials. Need to ship overseas? We have the
contacts and the experience in Europe and parts of some Asian nations. Storage? We have a wide range of
options! Insurance? No problem. Our insurance is cheap because we don't take chances with your
precious goods.
Call our advisers now at 888-8888 or 888-9999. Or check out our new website www.door2door.corn for a
comprehensive guide to our services. We are located at 343 Prince Highway, Caulfield South.

343 Prince Highway
Caulfield South 3005

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test

Dear Door2Door,
I intend to move overseas with my family at the start of next year. Between us, we have many valuable
Personal Possessions - musical instruments, computers, audio systems, etc. - which we intend to take with
The country where we'll be living for the next 5 years (I'm taking up an academic position) is France. We
know little about that country and even less about how to ship goods overseas. I really need to get some
good advice soon. How can I arrange to speak with one of your consultants?
Could you please call me at 934-1134, or email me at robsted@gomail.com?
Yours sincerely,

Robert Steddon

181. What kind of business is being advertised? (D) To arrange an appointment to get a
(A) An insurance company consultation
(B) An equipment rental company 184. What is Mr. Steddon scheduled to do early
(C) A moving company next year?
(D) A web design company (A) Take French lessons
182. Which of the following does NOT describe (B) Meet with an overseas client
Door2Door? (C) Work at a consulting firm
(A) it uses the best type of equipment. (D) Teach in a foreign country
(B) It is internationally connected. 185. For which of the following reasons will
(C) It has experienced workers. Door2Door be able to help Robert?
(D) It is a family-operated business. (A) Door2Door has a business relationship in the
183. What is the purpose of the letter? country Robert will be moving to.
(A) To apply to an overseas company (B) Door2Door has a special discounted package
(B) To seek information about some musical that Robert can take advantage of.
equipment (C) Door2Door specializes in storing valuable
(C) To get a cost assessment of some personal goods at a reasonable cost.
possessions (D) Door2Door has offices all around the
country, especially in the city that Robert lives.

Questions 186-190 refer to the following letter and its response.

New World Supermarkets

5th Floor Federation Tower
September 8, 2006

Dear Sir or Madam,

I received the bill for my August account on September 5, 2006, and was very surprised to find that I
had been charged for a box of diapers I didn't buy. I am an old-age pensioner, and my children are all
grown up. It's very unlikely that I will be needing diapers any time soon.

I have to say that I am surprised. I have shopped at New World Supermarkets for 30 years, and I've
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
generally been very satisfied with your standards of service.

Could you please check your accounts and sort out the problem? I have a fixed income, so a bill for
$50 for something I never bought is making me very worried. Please let me know as soon as
Yours faithfully,

Ms. Suzanne Jones

Ms. Suzanne Jones

87 Bluff Rd.

Re: New World Account no. 33782A for August

Dear Ms. Jones:

Please accept our apologies. You were indeed correct that an error was made in your August account
dated and sent out on September 3, 2006. We have ascertained that this error occurred in several
accounts, in which extra charges were added, due to a glitch in the computer program.

Rest assured that we have rectified the error in your account and modified our automated accounts
system to ensure that no mistakes will be made in the future.

An updated account will be sent with your next statement. However, please do not hesitate to contact
me if you prefer a replacement statement immediately or if you have any other query.

Yours faithfully,

Julie London
Accounts Department

186. What is the purpose of the first letter? (C) She only has a limited income.
(A) To point out a mistake on an invoice (D) She will never shop at the store again.
(B) To complain about a late delivery 188. What caused the problem to occur?
(C) To show appreciation for good service (A) An accounting error by one of the staff
(D) To inquire about a product on sale members
187. What is suggested about Ms. Jones? (B) A malfunction in the computer program
(A) She has never shopped at the supermarket (C) A delivery mix-up at the warehouse
before. (D) A shortage of staff in the Accounting
(B) She has had problems with her bill before. Department

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
189. When should Ms. Jones contact Julie 190. How many days after the store sent out its
London? bill did Ms. Jones write back?
(A) If the problem persists (A) 2 days
(B) As soon as the next bill arrives (B) 3 days
(C) If she is curious to know the cause of the (C) 4 days
problem (D) 5 days
(D) If she wants the correct statement right away
Questions 191-195 refer to the following advertisements.
Try our new "Call Right" phone service, and get the first year's long distance
calls for free!
Hard to believe? We are celebrating our 10th birthday and would like to extend an invitation to everyone
to try our amazing new phone service and get the first year's long distance calls (to anywhere in the world)
for free! The retail price for this package after the first year - will be $59/month. We want to say thank
you for helping us become the number-one phone company in our region.
The first 1,000 customers will also receive 2 state-of-the-art phone sets, which will optimize the "Call
Right" experience. The sets can be used for your office or in your home. Please see our full page insert for
full details.
Contact CRW Phone Co. immediately to take advantage of this amazing offer!
Customers in Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-800-511-1111
Customers outside of Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-999-255-1902

Extended Invitation for "Call Right" phone service, and get the first
year's long distance calls for free!
Due to the overwhelming response to our recent ad offering 2 state-of-the-art phone sets when
signing up for our amazing new services for $59/month we are pleased to announce an extension of
this offer to an additional 3,000 customers.
We knew that this offer was irresistible, but within the first day of the ad, all the 114 free gifts were
gone. And to be fair to more of our loyal customers who have helped in our success, we are happy to
announce that we will continue this offer to an additional 3,000 customers.
Thank you for your responses!
To take advantage of this continued amazing offer, please contact the CRW Phone Co. right away.
Customers in Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-800-511-1111
Customers outside of Lakefield Call Toll-Free 1-999-255-1902

191. What is an attractive feature being offered? (C) By having used the service for one year
(A) All new customers who sign up for a year will (D) By making a certain number of international
receive a new phone as a gift. calls
(B) The new service allows a year's worth of 193. What can be inferred from the second ad?
overseas calls for free. (A) There was an explosion of interest from the
(C) The rates for international calls have been first ad.
reduced by 59% for everyone. (B) The phone company spent a lot of money on
(D) The basic monthly charge has been deleted from marketing.
everyone's bill altogether. (C) The first ad did not go as well as they had
192. How can an interested person become eligible hoped.
for this special offer? (D) The existing customers are not happy with
(A) By signing up for a new service the offer.
(B) By purchasing a phone
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
194. What is the main reason for the offer being (C) The company wants to improve its image by
extended? prolonging the attention they are getting.
(A) The company wants to provide an opportunity (D) The company is afraid that their sales might
to more of its faithful customers. drop if the offer ends.
(B) The company felt that the original offer period 195. How many customers will get the free gift?
was too short. (A) 1,000 (B) 2,000
(C) 3,000 (D) 4,000

Questions 196-200 refer to the following classified ad and website.

WOMAN'S FUR COAT beautiful mink, full-length coat, dark brown fur, size: medium, 5 months old,
non-smoker owner. $800 or best offer. Call (416) 909-2020
WEDDING DRESS worn once, white lace, size 8. Also available long, matching veil and size 7
shoes. Comes packaged in beautiful box, ready to wear. Please call (after 6:00 p.m.) (416) 770-2948
USED BOOKS wonderful selection of bestsellers. Over a thousand editions to choose from, All for $5
each. Open house on Monday Tuesday, 4:00 8:00 p.m., 2 Jones Avenue. Call (416) 342-0555 .
BEDROOM FURNITURE Bed, 2 side tables, 8-drawer armoire, and small sofa. Purchased one year
ago. Must sell to relocate out of country. In almost new shape! Call (905) 224-6900
NEW TOYS Top Children's Toys (Brand new in package, never used). See full list on my website
(yotoys.com). Order by phone (call 1-800-585-2011) or online. Delivery available.


(As seen in the classified section of Sun Daily)

Top Children's Toys Brand new in package! Never used!
Here's a full list of what's available:
- Model cars - Antique robots
- Stuffed animals - Dolls
- Jewelry-making beads - Miniature cookware
- Chemistry sets - Painting sets
- Activity books - Sports equipment
- Computer games - Plus More!
- All name brands
Any orders over $100 will entitle you to free delivery within the city limits. Act now by calling
1-800-585-2011 or by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page to purchase online. This
offer will end soon!

196. Which of the following is being sold due to (C) All of them have contact numbers.
the owner moving overseas? (D) All of them are priced under $500.
(A) A woman's fur coat 198. Where most likely is the advertisement
(B) A wedding dress located?
(C) Bedroom furniture (A) In a magazine
(D) Used books (B) In a newspaper
197. What do the ads have in common? (C) In a book
(A) All of them sell second-hand items. (D) In a brochure
(B) All of them offer free delivery.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
199. Which of the following items is NOT sold (A) Those who buy items worth a certain amount
online? of money
(A) Miniature cars (B) Those who live within a certain area
(B) Teddy bears (C) Those who make purchases within a given
(C) Rings time
(D) Pastels (D) Those who submit vouchers offered in the ad
200. For whom will the free delivery NOT apply?

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.

Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices
are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

101. The supervisor halted work on the (C) operation

_____ line yesterday afternoon so that the (D) edition
maintenance crew could inspect the 106. Corporate executives who are unwilling
malfunctioning machinery. _____ calculated risks occasionally seldom
(A) assemble manage to reach the very top.
(B) assembling (A) at taking
(C) assembled (B) taken
(D) assembly (C) took
102. Mr. Astle, who runs groceries in several (D) to take
areas,______ a member of the London 107. Unfortunately, we will have to change
Society Club for over 30 years. all the dates and times_____ on the itinerary
(A) is I sent you for Mr. Fourie's visit.
(B) was being (A) list
(C) has been (B) listing
(D) is being (C) lists
103. Trans Atlantic Inc. tour guides are (D) listed
_____to be the most knowledgeable and 108. The plan to utilize direct marketing
friendly in the tourist industry. techniques _____ from the recommendations
(A) consider made in Ms. Matai's research report.
(B) considered (A) involved
(C) considering (B) revolved
(D) considerable (C) devolved
104. Visitors are not allowed to park in the (D) evolved
apartment parking lot unless they have 109. VH Telecom spokesman, Greg Hollis,
obtained a parking _____from the security predicted that the company's performance
office. would be even ______next quarter.
(A) division (A) strong
(B) permit (B) strongly
(C) space (C) strength
(D) permission (D) stronger
105. Having discussed the benefits package 110. The state government today_____ a
with the company's top executives for several study showing that the standard of living
hours, the union negotiators finally made across society has improved markedly over
a_____. the last 2 years.
(A) facility (A) released
(B) breakthrough (B) enticed
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

(C) avoided 117. International analysts doubt that the

(D) grasped Vietnamese economy will be able to_____ an
111. Although he is very experienced, Gavin annual growth rate of 9% for very long.
Hastings won't be promoted because he is (A) sustain
not _____appropriate for the executive (B) reveal
position. (C) contend
(A) advised (D) polarize
(B) forced 118. Even though the finance executive
(C) given didn't personally authorize the illegal
(D) deemed purchase, he is _____responsible for the
112. The Federal Reserve Bank managed to actions of everyone on his team.
keep inflation low _____the period that the (A) ambiguously
economy was in recession. (B) temporarily
(A) throughout (C) indirectly
(B) among (D) thickly
(C) without 119. An extra customer service training
(D) beside session will be held before work tomorrow
113. _____ his public speech on the new morning for _____who were absent from
taxation plan, the governor answered many Friday's seminar.
questions from concerned citizens. (A) them
(A) During (B) those
(B) For (C) these
(C) Without (D) which
(D) By 120. The freelance journalist will email a
114. _____ you require any assistance during _____draft of the article to The International
your trip, please don't hesitate to contact Roundup's editor, Lesley Haggis.
Maison Travel. (A) fundamental
(A) Unless (B) traditional
(B) May (C) chief
(C) Whatever (D) preliminary
(D) Should 121. The company directors decided not to
115. Before _____the following program on follow _____ advice that the financial
your computer, please make sure you have consultant gave them.
read all of the relevant terms and conditions. (A) an
(A) install (B) those
(B) installed (C) the
(C) installing (D) every
(D) to install 122. The CEO still hasn't explained the
116. Provided that Ms. Cunningham is reason _____ he rejected the proposal to
willing to work cooperatively on the project, purchase additional production facilities.
Mr. Phillips will be assigned to help _____ (A) when
collate the research results. (B) for
(A) she (C) why
(B) her (D) throughout
(C) hers 123. In accordance with Fed line Bus Co.'s
(D) herself safety policy, please _____that your seatbelt
is fastened at all times while on board.
(A) ensure
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

(B) prove 130. Keith Branson, the secretary of the

(C) immunize company's social committee, will book the
(D) endorse _____ for the annual company banquet.
124. The paper factory in Slough, which (A) place
employs over 3,000_____ , has been in (B) venue
operation for more than 50 years. (C) scene
(A) locations (D) position
(B) locals 131. At Jack's Kitchen, we sell top-quality
(C) local knives and cooking equipment at
(D) localize surprisingly _____ prices.
125. A specialist mediator was brought in to (A) afford
help the two parties solve their dispute over (B) affording
the real estate contract _____. (C) affordable
(A) quickly (D) affordability
(B) quicken 132. After days of wild fluctuation on the
(C) quicker international monetary markets, analysts
(D) quickest described yesterday's trading as relatively
126. The airline will _____all passengers on _____.
flight PA08 to Amsterdam of the delay in the (A) light
departure time. (B) lighten
(A) report (C) lightly
(B) explain (D) lit
(C) notify 133. Members of the Kentucky Library are
(D) convey only allowed to_____ up to 10 books, tapes
127. The hospital has a backup _______ just video or CDs at any one time.
in case there is a power failure or a civil (A) lend
emergency. (B) exploit
(A) generate (C) loan
(B) generating (D) borrow
(C) generator 134. The electronics firm's sales have
(D) generation increased _____over the last decade,
128. _____ the fundraising auction has increasing from around $25 billion in 1997 to
already been sold out, anyone who wants to over $700 billion today.
donate money to the charity can do so by (A) steady
contacting the donations manager. (B) steadily
(A) Despite (C) steadiness
(B) Although (D) steadfast
(C) Rather 135. The senator was grateful for the
(D) During opportunity to confront his detractors
129. Ms. Bendali is excited at the prospect of and_____ some important questions.
leading the company's main product_____in (A) answer
New York. (B) answered
(A) opportunity (C) answering
(B) advancement (D) answers
(C) promotion 136. The warranty for the Campus Stock fax
(D) benefit and copier will be considered invalid if the
machine is _____ handled by a customer.
(A) improperly
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

(B) insufficiently (C) Fortuitous

(C) dishonestly (D) Fortunately
(D) unfittingly 139. Miniature figures made _____plastic are
137. Foreigners who visit the United States considered safer than wooden or metal toys.
on a tourist visa must leave the country (A) in
within three months, _____ they will face (B) at
deportation. (C) of
(A) and (D) up
(B) or 140. The human resources division is
(C) so currently _______ the possibilities of
(D) but employing more college interns next
138. _____, the IT technicians should be able summer.
to recover most of the data that was lost (A) glancing
when the server malfunctioned. (B) exploring
(A) Fortune (C) viewing
(B) Fortunate (D) watching

Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to
complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following email.

From: Tom Knight, Portsmouth Community Board Chairman <t_knight@pcb.oruk>
To: Gregor Berkov, Public Conscience <bravegregor@publicconscience.com>

Dear Gregor,
I am writing to express my _____again for the work your firm did in promoting our appeal. Thanks to
141. (A) ambivalence
(B) dissatisfaction
(C) gratitude
(D) condolence
the outstanding effort you made in publicizing our cause, we have been able to collect over $100,000 in

This should be enough to _____the cost of building the new youth center downtown. With the
142. (A) estimate
(B) charge
(C) cover
(D) account
serious and growing concerns over youth crime and gangs, our community badly needs a fun and safe
facility for young adults to hang out at.

We would be delighted to use your consulting services again in the future. I will also be happy to
recommend your firm to _____potential clients.
143. (A) other
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

(B) another
(C) others
(D) the other
Thank you,
Tom Knight

Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement.

Living interiors Home renovation made easy!

Living Interiors is the one-stop shop for all your building and renovating needs! Those searching for
inspiration or basic advice on how to enhance the look of their home should look no further than Living
Interiors' specialist Renovation Consultants. Our consultants are all friendly, highly-trained
professionals _____ have a great deal of knowledge and expertise.
144. (A) which
(B) who
(C) what
(D) this

On the other hand, Living Interiors also has plenty to offer more ------- renovators as well. With top
145. (A) season
(B) seasonable
(C) seasoned
(D) seasoning
quality and reasonably priced building materials, paint and wallpaper, interior fabrics and accessories,
builders and experienced home renovators won't. need to look anywhere else!

Living Interiors is the place to go for renovators _____ of innovative ideas, useful advice and
146. (A) needless
(B) in need
(C) necessary
(D) by necessity
affordable materials. Visit your local Living Interiors today!

Questions 147-149 refer to the following notice.

Attention Museum Patrons.

We would like to give you advance notice about a temporary closure of the National Museum.
There _____a major ceremony for veterans of World War II in the main gallery at dawn on Friday,
147. (A) was
(B) will be
(C) would have been
(D) has been

April 17. Admission to the event is by invitation, with spaces reserved for public figures and veterans
and their families only.

_____ , the museum will be closed to the general public for the entire morning. The museum will not
148. (A) Accord
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

(B) Accordance
(C) According
(D) Accordingly
reopen for normal business until 12:30 p.m. in order to give the staff time to clean up after the _____
149. (A) function
(B) instance
(C) issue
(D) situation
We would like to apologize to our regular patrons for the inconvenience. However, I trust that you will
all realize how important it is to honor our war heroes in an appropriate manner. Thank you for your
understanding in this matter.

Questions 150-152 refer to the following article.

Protestors Disrupt Energy Conference

Environmental activists yesterday protested outside the Matheson Convention Center in Chicago where
the annual Energy Summit was being held. The summit, a high-profile event that attracts the top
executives from across the gas and energy industry, _____for over two hours while 2,000
150. (A) delayed I
(B) was delayed
(C) had delayed
(D) delays
protestors clashed with police outside.

The protestors initially managed to force the police back and even moved to within a few meters of the
conference room that was hosting the forum. Fearing for the safety of the delegates, the convention
center's security staff ordered that the room be _____
151. (A) decorated
(B) evacuated
(C) occupied
(D) locked
A lithe over two hours later, as the protest outside died down, delegates returned to the convention
center to resume the forum. The police arrested and charged a small group of protesters afterwards.

The protestors deliberately targeted the forum as part of their campaign against the alleged
environmental _____caused by power companies. They claim that coal and oil power stations
152. (A) coalition
(B) destruction
(C) promotion
(D) integration
throughout the country destroy wildlife habitats and contribute significantly to air and water pollution.

Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best
answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

Questions 153-154 refer to the following advertisement.

Announcing Gunnison Motors' Annual January Mega Sale!

That's right. It's the beginning of a new year, and that means great deals for you! Gunnison Motors is
slashing prices on all 2006 car and truck models to make room for our new inventory.
We have everything you could ask for. Whether you're interested in a gas-saving small sedan, or a
powerful and roomy SUV, you've got to come check out our selection.
Buy now and receive incredible financing options on all of our vehicles. You'll pay absolutely nothing
for the first 12 months, with no interest! You can't beat a deal like this. So don't miss the Gunnison
Motors' Annual January Mega Sale!

153. For whom is this advertisement intended? 154. Why is the sale being held?
(A) Owners of 2006 trucks (A) To clear out the dealer's old vehicles
(B) Someone who wants to buy a used car (B) To promote brand-new models
(C) A person in need of a new vehicle (C) To celebrate the business's anniversary
(D) Car factory workers (D) To attract customers in a new region

Questions 155-156 refer to the following document.


Travel Itinerary
Traveler(s): Zachary Sturgis
Below is the itinerary for your upcoming trip. Thank you for booking your tickets through World
Circle Travel Agency.

Date Airline and Departure Arrival City Depart Time Arriv. Time
Flight City
12/12/07 British Sky London Copenhagen 07:25 10:55
12/18/07 European Copenhagen Stockholm 09:00 09:45
Air #77
12/27/07 European Stockholm Vienna 08:10 11:55
Air #4068
01/05/08 Air Eastern Vienna Istanbul 10:40 13:50
01/15/08 British Sky Istanbul London 23:10 05:30
155. About how long will Mr. Sturgis be 156. At what time does Mr. Sturgis leave
away London? from from Stockholm?
(A) One week (A) 8:10
(B) Three weeks (B) 9:45
(C) One month (C) 10:40
(D) Three months (D) 11:55

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

Questions 157-159 refer to the following email.

Attention all Freemont City Literature Society members:

We are happy to announce the upcoming appearance by Allie Garcia at the Freemont City Auditorium
this Thursday at 7:30 p.m. As you know, Ms. Garcia is the award-winning author of the novel Life on
the Sea. She will be speaking about the art of imaginative fiction writing and will stay for a cocktail
reception afterwards.

As usual, members of the Freemont City Literature Society enjoy half off on tickets to events at the
Freemont City Auditorium. Just remember to bring your membership card with you to the event. We
hope to see you at the auditorium on Thursday evening to take advantage of this amazing opportunity.

157. Why was this email written? (B) A talk on creative writing
(A) To notify members of a meeting cancellation (C) A seminar about an author
(B) To discuss preparations for a cocktail (D) A private dinner party
reception 159. What will Freemont City Literature
(C) To announce the publication of a book Society members receive?
(D) To inform members of a special event (A) Discounted admission
158. What is taking place at the Freemont City (B) Free copies of a novel
Auditorium? (C) New membership cards
(A) A literature society presidential election (D) The author's autograph

Questions 160-161 refer to the following notice.

After continuing supply difficulties with Aspen Utilities, the residents' association board has decided to
contract a more reliable utilities provider. From now on, Chambers Inc. will handle all iour gas and
electric needs. Representatives from Chambers will visit here for a routine safety check next week.
They will inspect every apartment in order to ensure that the gas and electric connections are secure.

Please check the notice board tomorrow. We will post a timetable then indicating the days when each
building will be inspected. You will need to make sure that someone is at home between 4 p.m. and 7
p.m. on these particular days.
IThank you,
I Pine Apartment Residents' Association

160. For whom is this notice intended? 161. What will happen tomorrow?
(A) Local business owners (A) Routine safety checks will be conducted.
(B) Executives from Aspen Utilities (B) A schedule of events will be announced.
(C) Representatives from Chambers Inc. (C) Utilities will be temporarily unavailable.
(D) Occupants of the Pine Apartment (D) A meeting agenda will be posted.

Questions 162-164 refer to the following form.


Take a moment to tell us how we did. Complete this form and hand it to the cashier for a $5 gift
certificate good at Trenton.

Date: 03/22/08 Time: 6:50 Name of Server: Jeanette

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

Is this your first time at Trenton?

RYes No
Please rate the following (5 = Excellent, I = Poor):

Food Quality
1 2 3 R 4 5
1 2 3 4 R5
1 R2 3 4 5

Additional Comments:
The food was good and the service was excellent But I think the atmosphere in the restaurant could be
better. I don't like the decorations on the walls and the carpet on the floor is dirty.

Thank you for helping us better serve you!

162. Where would this form most likely be (B) A free meal
seen? (C) A beverage
(A) In a cookbook (D) A food sample
(B) In a restaurant 164. What suggestion did the customer make?
(C) In a food magazine (A) The pattern of the carpet should be changed.
(D) In a gift shop (B) The walls should be painted a different color.
163. What do customers receive for completing (C) The service should be improved.
the form? (D) The interior should be decorated differently.
(A) A coupon

Questions 165-168 refer to the following letter.

99 Whirlwind Lane APPLIANCES
Sherbrooke, Canada

Dear Ms. Kropf,

We have received your request for a cash refund for the Thompson CX 11 Microwave you purchased
on March 11, 2008. Thank you for including your sales receipt and proof of purchase with your letter.

Unfortunately, we are unable to grant you a cash refund for this product. The terms of the sale specified
that the microwave was not eligible for such a refund. However, we can offer you a credit with our
company in the amount of S179.99, the listed retail price of the appliance, if you choose to return the
product to us. This credit can be used on any items for sale at our stores as well as in our mail order
catalog. You have to return the microwave and receive your credit by June 11.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience our product has caused you. We hope you will continue
to think of us for all of your home appliance needs.
Joe Beam
Customer Care Team
Thompson Home Appliances
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

165. Who will receive this letter? 167. Why has Ms. Kropf's request been
(A) An employee from an appliance manufacturer denied?
(B) A customer who is dissatisfied with a product (A) The purchase terms excluded a cash refund.
(C) A potential client (B) The sales receipt was not submitted.
(D) A store manager who sold the appliance (C) The warranty period has already expired.
166. What does the letter say about Thompson (D) There was no proof of purchase.
Home Appliances? 168. What should Ms. Kropf do to receive a
(A) Customers are offered warranties on ther credit?
items. (A) Send back the microwave
(B) They are the largest producer of microwaves. (B) Apply for it in three months their items.
(C) Customers can order their products by mail. (C) Ask for it at a local store
(D) Their stores offer a cash refund for all (D) Write a letter to the company microwaves.

Questions *169-172 refer to the following memo.

From: Erica Fulton, Operations Assistant
To: Sales Department Employees
Subject: August Sales
Date: September 7

This is Erica Fulton from the vice president's office. I would like to congratulate everyone in the sales
department for making August our best month yet this year. We sold a record number , of one-bedroom
homes last month, which helped bring our total sales to $4,845,860! In fact, over $2.5 million of this
came from sales of one-bedroom homes alone. As you know, sales of one-bedroom homes for the
previous month came to just $1.8 million, and our total sales added up to $4.3 million. From this
comparison you can see why we're so delighted with the results from August!

This achievement is particularly remarkable considering the current downturn in the housing market.
Many of our competitors have had to cut their staffs and scale back operations. Our numbers, on the
other hand, remain strong.

Cheryl Sealey, our CEO, has noticed the tremendous contributions of the sales department and would
like the opportunity to personally thank each and every one of you. This Friday at 3 p.m., there will be
a reception in the cafeteria with Ms. Sealey. Refreshments will be provided. All members of the sales
department are invited to attend.

Congratulations again on your excellent performance last month. Let's keep up the good work!

169. Why did Ms. Fulton write this memo? (B) Constructing a record number of new
(A) To thank employees for their hard work homes
(B) To discuss trends in the industry (C) Making the company number one in the
(C) To set a target goal for next month's sales region
(D) To warn employees of a downsizing plan (D) Selling more single-bedroom houses than
170. What did employees achieve last ever before
month? 171. Around how much did the company
(A) Achieving the most sales in the area make in sales in July?
(A) $1.8 million
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

(B) $2.5 million (A) It will continue to worsen,

(C) $4.3 million (B) It is beginning to improve.
(D) $4.8 million (C) It is presently unfavorable.
172. What does Ms. Fulton say about the (D) It was stronger last month.
housing market?

Questions 173-175 refer to the following news report.

Race Too Close to Call

With the election for mayor of New Hamburg set for next Tuesday, both candidates are busy making
their final arguments to voters.
The most recent polls show neither candidate with a clear lead. The official New Hamburg Area
Political Poll reported that 48.1% of voters surveyed will vote for Janet Fetters, while 47.5% will
choose Rodney Grunau. The difference between these -figures is within the poll's margin of error.
This campaign has focused primarily on the issue of taxes. "Janet Fetters is what this town needs right
now," said Charles Hodges, a New Hamburg small-business owner. "She's going to lower sales taxes,
and that's going to help local businesses like mine compete with the large corporations that are opening
stores in the area."
Supporters of Grunau, on the other hand, say that social programs are more important than lower taxes.
According to town resident Lisa Gutierrez, "Something needs to be done about the homeless problem
in New Hamburg. We have to work together, with the help of our local government, to make sure every
citizen of this town has a place to live. And lowering taxes isn't the way to do that."
With the numbers this close, the candidates' activities in the next few days vill be very important. Both
have scheduled large public speeches over the weekend.

173. What is this report mainly about? (C) The town's social problems must be dealt
(A) The performance of the city mayor with.
(B) An ongoing election campaign (D) Political polls should be more reliable.
(C) The results of a recent vote 175. What will candidates do before the
(D) A new political organization election?
174. What do some supporters of Rodney (A) Address voters publicly
Grunau believe? (B) Request an additional poll
(A) Taxes are already too low in New (C) Visit a homeless shelter
Hamburg. (D) Appear on a TV discussion
(B) Homeless people threaten the town's safety.

Questions 176-180 refer to the following memo.

To: Hawkins & Broward employees H&B
From: Shadi Harb, Head of Finances
Subject: Assistance needed in financial division

This message is for all employees.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

Due to recent personnel losses in the financial division, several of my teams are now shorthanded. They
are facing many deadlines in the coming weeks, so we do not have enough time to hire additional help.
Therefore, I am asking for volunteers to assist us in certain areas.

In particular, the company budget team needs someone to proofread the annual budget report and make
sure it doesn't contain any minor errors. It is due to be sent out to our shareholders a week from
tomorrow. This is our top priority at the moment.

Another role that needs to be filled is on the financial planning team. They are giving a seminar to
some potential investors next week and they need someone to help them with the preparations. This
work will mainly involve setting up the conference room and helping entertain the investors on the day.
If you have the time to help either of these teams with their duties, please contact me immediately at
office extension 45 or by email at shadi_harbeh&b.com.

We in the financial division appreciate your help.

-Shadi Harb, Head of Finances

176. What is the purpose of Mr. Harb's (B) He lacks the financial resources.
memo? (C) The CEO has not approved it.
(A) To encourage employees to work overnight (D) His department is going to disappear.
(B) To update the CEO on his projects 179. What is the financial planning team
(C) To report on the company's budget responsible for?
(D) To recruit assistance for his department (A) Bringing in investment to the company
177. The word "losses" in paragraph 2, line 1 (B) Preparing a budget report for shareholders
is clients closest in meaning to (C) Assisting the CEO with a monthly schedule
(A) defeats (D) Organizing a seminar for potential
(B) demolitions 180. What are available employees asked to
(C) departures do?
(D) debts (A) Submit an application to Mr. Harb
178. Why is Mr. Harb unable to hire new (B) Sign up for a training seminar
workers? (C) Visit the financial division
(A) His team is too busy to spare any time. (D) Notify Mr. Harb as soon as possible

Questions 181-185 refer to the following news article and email.

Gearing Up for Internet Media Conference
BRUSSELS - Entrepreneurs, investors, and technology analysts are eagerly awaiting the 4th annual
European Internet Technology Forum (EITF) here next week. In the last three years, it has become the
most important showcase for i I groundbreaking Internet technologies on the continent.
This year, everyone will be watching Enrique del Alamo, founder of the Spanish company Phone
Online. Its services include free international long-distance calls over the Internet. Mr. del Alamo says
the company already handles over 3% of all such calls worldwide. Now, he is expected to announce the
introduction of a new service. Analysts have not been given II much information about it, but Phone
Online spokesperson Staci Kim has suggested it will allow users to place calls to cell phones around
the world in addition to land lines.
Other participants at this year's forum will include the president of the Internet solikvare producer
Netwise, Mariska Olin, and American technology expert Dennis Aldrich. Over 1,000 representatives

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

from European technology journals are also on the guest list. Investors in attendance will have g[eat
opportunities to conduct research on the countless startup -firms that will be there.
Some see the EITF as evidence of a European surge with the potential of overtaking the US's leading
position in this industry. Others feel that even if this happens, it will not be for many years. But one
thing is sure: the EITF has become the place to be for investors interested in discovering the next super-

Harris Venture Capital Email System

From: Jennifer Chapman
To: Paul Stabler
Subject: Investment opportunities

Hi Paul,
I'm forwarding you an article from this week's Business News Magazine entitled "Gearing Up for
Internet Media Conference." It talks about an event taking place in Belgium next week.
We've been looking for some new startup companies to invest in, and I think the EITF will be a great
place to find them. Can you have someone from your team fly over to Brussels and do research for us?
The financial department will cover all the expenses.
Thanks a lot,

181. What does the article mainly discuss? (C) Technology professionals
(A) The services provided by several companies (D) Investment agents
(B) The differences between European and US
firms 184. What would Harris Venture Capital like
(C) The features of an upcoming business to do?
gathering (A) Run the EITF
(D) The process of starting a technology (B) Buy shares in Phone Online
company (C) Plan an American technology forum
182. Who heads a software company? (D) Fund a promising new business
(A) Jennifer Chapman 185. What should Paul Stabler do next?
(B) Dennis Aldrich (A) Order a subscription to Business News
(C) Staci Kim Magazine
(D) Mariska Olin (B) Assign an employee to participate in the
183. Which group will NOT be represented at forum
the forum? (C) Contact the president of Netwise
(A) Cell phone owners (D) Send his team's budget report to the financial
(B) Industry experts department
Questions 186-190 refer to the following letters.

Sandra Lacey
716 Johnson Ave. World Travel Journal
Elmer, IL

Dear Ms. Lacey,

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

Thank you for being a subscriber to World Travel Journal for the past 12 months. We're sure you've
enjoyed all of the wonderful features of our publication. That's why we wanted to remind you that your
subscription to our magazine will expire next month. Unless you act now, you will no longer receive
World Travel Journal.

Let us tell you what you can expect from the journal in upcoming issues. Next month, we'll be
interviewing travel experts from around the country to learn about their favorite vacation destinations I.
for travelers. And in a few months, in December, we're going to start a new section with tips on how
EL to get the best deals on airline tickets.

You won't want to miss any of these exciting issues, so contact us today to renew your subscription. r
It's simple! Just call us at 1-888-555-9232, or send a letter stating your intention to renew, along with a
check for the amount of $99.50 for another 12 months, to:
World Travel Journal
Subscriptions and Promotions Department '
Attn.: Elliot Hayes ts.
11559 Sprucewood, Caulder, CA
Elliot Hayes.

World Trauel Journeal

Subscriptions and Promotions Department
Attn.: Elliot Hayes
11559 Sprucewood, Caulder, CA

Dear Mr. Hayes:

I recently received notification that my subscription to World Travel Journal will soon expire. Having
considered the matter carefully, I have decided that I would like to renew my subscription. However, I
want to take this opportunity to outline a concern I have with the magazine.
When I first began reading World Travel Journal, I enjoyed the practical travel information included in
each issue. Lately, however, many of the articles have focused on luxury resorts and expensive travel
options. I hope the magazine can go back to being more accessible for those of us who cannot afford
fancy package tours overseas.
I have enclosed my check for $99.50. Please send me a receipt for this amount once the check has
Sandra Lacey

186. What is the purpose of Mr. Hayes's (A) This month

letter? (B) Next month
(A) To inform a customer of a subscription rate (C) Later this year
chance (D) Next year
(B) To advertise his company's journal 188. Why does Ms. Lacey write to Mr.
(C) To notify a customer of her account Hayes?
travelers status (A) To ensure she continues receiving the
(D) To apologize for a billing error magazine
187. When will readers first see a feature on (B) To report a missed issue
travel packages plane tickets? (C) To cancel her subscription to a periodical
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

(D) To inquire about his letter 190. What will accompany Ms. Lacey's
189. What is Ms. Lacey concerned about? letter?
(A) The decision to raise the annual subscription (A) Copies of bills she has received
fee B) A check for an airline ticket
(B) The lack of content aimed at budget (C) Payment for her subscription renewal
(C) The feature articles about travel experts (D) A receipt for World Travel Journal
(D) The shortage of articles on overseas

Questions 191-195 refer to the following letters.

Suzanne Woodward
Elroy's Burgers Head Office
Wigham Building

Dear Ms. Woodward:

The Springfield Consumers' Association recently received numerous complaints about food safety at
Elroy's Burgers' Johnson Street outlet. Individual diners reported several incidents of possible food
poisoning after eating at this location last week. Werecommend that you investigate these claims in a
prompt and efficient manner.

Because this is the first time Elroy's Burgers has been implicated in a food safety problem, we have
decided to issue you a warning. However, if there is a recurrence of this incident, we will contact the
Regional Health Board immediately and inform them of our concerns.

Betty Windsor
Chairperson, Toronto Consumers' Association

Toronto Consumers' Association

112 Millhouse Lane
Springfield, Toronto

Dear Ms. Windsor:

We would like to thank you for your concern about the recent food safety issues at Elroy's, and for the
appropriate way in which you handled the situation. We are pleased that you exercised good judgment
by not involving the health board in this issue.

Of course, the food poisoning incident in question was very unfortunate, and we have generously
compensated the customers who were affected. Customer's health is our primary concern, so we can
assure you that this was a one-off incident.
We conducted an investigation into the problem and established that it was a case of employee error.
On Tuesday, June 1, the workers in the distribution warehouse were negligent, leaving, two boxes of
beef out of the refrigerator for too long. This meat was then distributed to Elroy's Burgers on Johnson
Street, where the customers were affected.
We are taking action to make sure this type of error is never repeated. From now on, we will monitor
all our ingredients from the supplier's processing plant through to the restaurant, ensuring that it
remains refrigerated and fresh at all times. We will also introduce our own new food safety inspections
which will be implemented in all our outlets across the country.
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

We are fully committed to providing our customers with delicious, fresh, healthy and safe food. With
our new policies in operation, our customers and the Consumers' Association should have no more
cause for concern.

Suzanne Woodward
Head of Public Relations
Elroy's Burgers

191. What is the main purpose of the first (B) She regularly deals with food safety
letter? incidents.
(A) To provide results from a recent consumer (C) She doubts that Elroy's was responsible.
poll (D) She is relieved the health board wasn't
(B) To warn a company about important safety contacted.
concerns 194. Where did the problem stem from?
(C) To inform the health board of an unhygienic (A) The distribution warehouse
store (B) The processing plant
(D) To demand compensation on behalf of (C) Elroy's Burgers Head Office
customers (D) The supplier's delivery truck
192. The word "implicated" in paragraph 2, 195. What change is being implemented?
line 1 of the first letter is closest in meaning (A) The negligent employees will be fired.
to (B) The company will contract a new meat
(A) contributed (B) involved supplier.
(C) supposed (D) confused (C) The Health Board will monitor company
193. What can be inferred from Ms. systems.
Woodward's response? (D) There will be new in-house food safety
(A) She does not think the issue is significant. checks.

Questions 196-200 refer to the following email and document.

GTS Advertising Intra-Office Email
To: Joshua Gannon
CC: Anastasia Wilson
Subject: A favor

Dear Mr. Gannon,

I'm sorry to ask you at the last minute, but would you be able to help me out on Friday?
I'm registered for a seminar about Darby Inc.'s new marketing concept. Unfortunately I won't be able to
attend because the executives at United Sports Equipment have scheduled an urgent meeting with me
on Friday. The United contract is extremely important for our company so I cannot afford to miss this
meeting. I was wondering if you might be able to go to the seminar instead of me. I've already checked
with your manager, Ms. Wilson, and she says that you should be available on Friday.
All you would have to do at the seminar would be to collect any handouts and take a few notes. Darby
Inc. has recently adopted a very innovative strategy which we are considering implementing.
It is going to be held downtown in the Compton Building on Friday, November 17, starting at 9 a.m. If
you're happy to fill in for me, I'll call the coordinators and let them know you will be there on my
I would really appreciate your help.
James Sandoval
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296

Date: Friday, November 17

Note taker: Joshua Gannon
Event: Darby Inc. Marketing Strategy Seminar
* Host speaker - Deborah Kelly, Senior Marketing Analyst, Darby Inc.
* Ms. Kelly began with an introduction of Darby's traditional marketing strategy.
* She outlined the successes and failures of the traditional strategy.
* Next, Ms. Kelly moved on to Darby's innovative new marketing concept.
* The new strategy involves targeting groups of consumers by first researching the types of websites
they visit most frequently. This data is then analyzed to compile a comprehensive description of the
* Please note that I have attached the handouts which Ms. Kelly distributed at the event. I have
highlighted and annotated some of the most important parts for your) ii interest.
* For more information, check out Darby's website: www.darby.com/marketing.

196. What is the main purpose of Mr. (C) The layout of Darby's website
Sandoval's email? (D) Darby's new approach to marketing
(A) To inquire about an upcoming training
(B) To report the results of a meeting
(C) To discuss the company's marketing
(D) To request a favor from a coworker
197. What will Mr. Sandoval be doing
during the seminar?
(A) Seeing important clients
(B) Taking a few notes
(C) Collecting handouts
(D) Going to the Compton Building
198. What does Mr. Sandoval offer to do?
(A) Cover the cost of Mr. Gannon's seminar
(B) Get permission from Mr. Gannon's boss
(C) inform the organizers about Mr. Gannon's
(D) Fill in for Mr. Gannon at an important
199. Who led the seminar?
(A) Joshua Gannon
(B) James Sandoval
(C) Deborah Kelly
(D) Anastasia Wilson
200. Which topic was NOT addressed at the
(A) An innovation involving consumer research
(B) Darby's old marketing plan
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Reading Test
In the reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of reading
comprehension questions. The entire reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three parts,, and
directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible
within the time allowed.
Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the fetter (A),
(B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. ------you want to receive additional 106. The outcome of our meeting today with the
information regarding the services we offer, board of directors will -------- the course of action
please log onto our website at www. we will take this year.
healthclub.com today. (A) determine
(A) If (B) determines
(B) For (C) determining
(C) Despite (D) determination
(D) Whether
107. The announcement of John Stanton's
102. Sandy Duncan was handpicked by the retirement was not well received by most of the
general manager to head the next project because staff members, but Leslie, his long time friend
of --------- experience in this field. and colleague, was extremely ---------- to hear
(A) her that Mr. Stanton will now be able to enjoy some
(B) hers leisure time.
(C) herself (A) happiest
(D) she (B) happily
103. The changes made in the working conditions (C) happier
at our company resulted in remarkable (D) happy
improvements in all aspects of our business and -- 108. Because many of the warehouse workers
---- more so in the morale of our employees. were out sick today, Mr. Miller had to stock the
(A) all goods on the shelves ----------
(B) any (A) itself
(C) even (B) himself
(D) although C) herself
104. All commuters---------- the main highway to (D) themselves
get to the center of the city will face delays of up 109. Please accept our ---------- apology for the
to an hour today because of on-going inconvenience this delay is causing all the
construction. passengers here at Pearson International Airport.
(A) use (A) sincere
(B) used (B) original
(C) using (C) estimated
(D) will use (D) completed
105. In order to become a member of the country 110. The majority of the contract ---------- that
club, applicants have to meet the strict ---------- took place during the year were handled by
set by the club president. lawyers from a local law firm.
(A) require (A) negotiate
(B) requires (B) negotiations
(C) requiring (C) negotiable
(D) requirements (D) negotiator

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
111. It will be next to impossible to ---------- a 118. Scarborough General Hospital has two -------
room at the Ashton Hotel this week because of --- for certified x-ray technicians to start
the film festival. immediately.
(A) reserve (A) open
(B) respond (B) opener
(C) connect (C) openings
(D) appoint (D) openness
112. The presentation of this evening's winners 119. Mark's Warehouse Clearance Store is having
will commence ---------- at seven following a sale with savings of up to 40 percent off on all
dinner at six. clothing this weekend ---------- celebration of its
(A) precise 25th anniversary.
(B) precision (A) in
(C) precisely (B) at
(D) preciseness (C) on
113. The new sports complex will accommodate (D) of
an Olympic-sized swimming pool and other, ------ 120. Probe Magazine conducted a survey asking
---- including a fitness center and a spa, to name one thousand employees who work in low-paying
just a few. industries to express ---------- their biggest
(A) facilities concerns are.
(B) categories (A) how
(C) qualities (B) when
(D) supplies (C) what
114. Our new product will be put through a (D) which
number of ---------- tests before being released to 121. Should there be any requests for schedule
the public. changes, please notify us ----------
(A) dependent (A) prompt
(B) founded (B) prompted
(C) withhold (C) promptly
(D) stringent (D) prompting
115. Mr. Chan's main role in the company for the 122. For this weekend only, Bad Boys Electronics
next two weeks is to look ---------- the right Store is celebrating its first year in business with
person to take over Mr. Shaw's position when he up to thirty percent ---------- on all items in the
leaves at the end of the month. store.
(A) in (A) retail
(B) for (B) market
(C) over (C) economy
(D) from (D) discounts
116. People unanimously agreed that John would 123. The automobile parts we requested for our
have performed a great deal better under more --- customer got here on ----------
------- circumstances. (A) authority
(A) favorable (B) condition
(B) favorably (C) schedule
(C) favorite (D) appointment
(D) favor 124. The advertisements printed in this magazine
117. After a long and difficult strike, the plant do not ---------- imply endorsement by the
workers will show up to work ---------- Monday. management.
(A) starting on (A) highly
(B) afterwards (B) barely
(C) instead (C) gradually
(D) outside (D) necessarily
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
125. The newly installed alarm system, which is 132. One of the reasons why our sales team has
directly connected to the police, will go off if the become a leader today is that they are put through
correct security code is not entered ---------- 60 a number of vigorous training sessions to keep up
seconds of touching the keypad. with the ---------- changes that occur in the
(A) only market.
(B) under (A) prosperous
(C) within (B) continuous
(D) directly (C) straight
126. The airline requested a ------- call to ensure a (D) mature
seat on my flight back home. 133. John is a bit nervous because he will give a
(A) confirm speech ---------- the board members this
(B) confirmed afternoon.
(C) confirming (A) by
(D) confirmation (B) on
(C) to
127. If the task is too complicated to figure out on (D) during
---------- own, please don't hesitate to ask one of 134. Of the many radio stations in the city, FM
our representatives, who are here to help. 109 is considered to play the ---------- listening
(A) you music.
(B) your (A) easy
(C) yours (B) easiest
(D) yourself (C) more easily
128. The hard work put in during his younger (D) most easily
years made him become ---------- sound in his 135. The new, expensive software was purchased
later years. to help keep better ---------- of the clients we have
(A) finance here at our company.
(B) finances (A) records
(C) financial (B) states
(D) financially (C) points
(D) marks
129. Ms. Taylor has called the managers to ------- 136. Only after ---------- requests by the tenants
--- her in the main conference room to discuss did the superintendent do something about the
next year's budget. broken intercoms in some of the apartments.
(A) met (A) repeat
(B) meet (B) repeated
(C) have met (C) repeating
(D) will meet (D) repetition
130. ---------- announcing his retirement, Mr.
Kinsley has been busy trying to train his 137. A rain shower ---------- by cold winds is
replacement. expected to reach our region by this evening.
(A) Because (A) accompany
(B) Once (B) accompanied
(C) Since (C) accompanying
(D) While (D) will accompany
131. Please fax us the information immediately 138. The special deal offered by our supplier will
because I need to ---------- the client right away. last only for a ---------- time.
(A) notify (A) limited
(B) speak (B) minor
(C) report (C) partial
(D) attend (D) lower
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
139. ---------- something drastic happens before 140. The defense attorney contemplated a long
expected to reach our region by this evening time before finally making his decision to ---------
midnight, the postal workers will most likely the accused in court.
walk out on their jobs. (A) attend
(A) Also (B) represent
(B) Except (C) express
(C) Unless (D) perform
(D) Therefore

Part 6
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then, mark the letter (A),
(B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141-143 refer to the following article.

Bank Mortgage Rates Will Fall

Several of Canada's largest banks ----------- to decrease their mortgage rates. Royal Bank
141. (A) decide
(B) deciding
(C) was decided
(D) have decided
revealed its plan to cut key mortgage rates by a tenth of a percentage point across the board, while TD
Canada Trust will decrease its rates by the same --------------- except for
142. (A) margin
(B) allowance
(C) space
(D) surplus
its 10-year rate. The Bank of Montreal will also lower its fixed-rate mortgages on four-year terms and
longer by a tenth of a percentage point.
And lastly, Vancouver Trust has also jumped on the wagon by announcing that it is planning to -----------
its rates, but the exact numbers are still unknown. However, insiders are predicting
143. (A) turn down
(B) shorten
(C) reduce
(D) narrow
that the reduction rates will be similar to those of other banks.

Questions 144-146 refer to the following advertisement.

"A net worth of $2.5 million
in just 4 years using London Life's
simple wealth strategy
-Jane Booth and Glenda Jackson - Investment Advisers
If you're looking to get on the ---------------to financial freedom but aren't sure of what steps
144. (A) path
(B) access
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
(C) line
(D) track
to take or if your existing investment portfolio is not doing its job and needs a major shake up,
then we can help.
Many middle-income earners have expressed their opinions on how difficult it is to get honest,
straightforward, and unbiased advice that supports their financial goals. According to one couple, they were
working hard as teachers and never thought that they could get ahead on their --------- until they discovered
145. (A) costs
(B) prices
(C) charges
(D) wages
London Life's simple ------------- effective investing techniques. By following our simple strategy,
146. (A) once
(B) still
(C) yet
(D) ever
we were able to amass a small fortune for the couple! Now, we can show you how you can, too.
London Life

Questions 147-149 refer to the following notice.

Promoting Cycling in our City

An essential element of the transportation system in many of the cities around the world is cycling. The city
of Buffalo recognizes this and has developed a 10-year plan to promote more cycling in our city.
The city's development plan includes the addition of more cycling ------------------- to our streets.
147. (A) admission
(B) entrance
(C) access
(D) pass
This, of course, is with the intention of encouraging greater cycling ------------by our citizens in
148. (A) participate
(B) participation
(C) participates
(D) participated
an effort to mimic the benefits other global cities have experienced, such as the reduction of pollution and
traffic congestion as well as health and social advantages.
Other plans include a coordinated network of bicycle lanes to be interconnected to the surrounding towns
as well as the setting up of a number of social programs to provide information to the cyclists.

The city wishes to hear your thoughts about its ---------------- . Further information and submission
149. (A) effects
(B) operations
(C) remedies
(D) proposals
forms are available at our website at: www.cityofbuffalo.gov.us, by visiting your local Neighborhood
Service Center, or by calling 755-9333.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 150-152 refer to the following email.

From: AIL _ Jonathan Wong [mailto:jonathan.wong@hydetransport.com]

Sent Monday, October 27 2007 11:07 AM
To John Devereux; Steve Tracey; Brian Kibble
Cc Alfredo Chen; Jenny Lee
Subject Visit to Global Logistics

Thank you once again and I'm looking forward to your response.
On behalf of Alfredo Chen and Hydetransport Taiwan, I would like to thank you for your warm hospitality
during our visit to Global Logistics. It was a pleasure meeting all of you and seeing your operations and
setup. We were very impressed with your -------------- facility and your investment in technology.
150. (A) secure
(B) secured
(C) securely
(D) to secure
As we discussed, we would like to extend our gratitude by inviting you to Taipei when you are available in
the ------------ future. Please let me know when you would like to schedule your ----------.
151. (A) prevalent 152. (A) tourism
(B) surfacing (B) trip
(C) foreseeable (C) talk
(D) ongoing (D) request

As a second step, we would also like further to explore your business ventures with Hydetransport. As part
of your plan to expand globally, we see much synergy and advantage for both parties to pursue a business
partnership in Taiwan.
Best regards,
Jonathan Wong Director / Planning Group

Part 7
Directions: In this part you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles,
letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each
question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following letter.

October 20 2006
Mr. Joe Fernandez
1385 Midland Ave.
Detroit, Michigan

Dear Mr. Fernandez,

As the president, I am proud to announce that this Friday marks the 30th anniversary of our long and
successful running country club. This, of course, calls for a night of celebration. And for this reason, we
have reserved the Grand Hall at the Falcon Hotel this Friday at 7 p.m. for a night of fine dining and
On this special evening, the newest members of our club will get an opportunity to listen to the thoughts of

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
our older members and exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere. The newest members, who will be
carrying on our tradition, should hear what the older members have to say.
Further, the food will be superb. I've had a chance to dine at the hotel several times in the past in other
functions, and it was the food that convinced me to hold our event there. I am quite certain that all of our
members will share my feeling. Anyhow, I am looking forward to this Friday when all of our members can
let loose and have some fun.
Therefore, this is a letter officially to invite you and your spouse or significant other to join us on this
memorable evening.
Please let us know if you can't attend.
Yours sincerely,
Jeff Connelly
153. What is the main purpose of this letter? (B) Entertainment
(A) To provide information about the club's (C) Presentations
history (D) Dinner
(B) To notify the members of a yearly meeting 155. According to Mr. Connelly, what led him to
(C) To welcome the newest member to the club hold the event there?
(D) To invite the members to an upcoming event (A) It has become a tradition at the club.
154. Which of the following will NOT be part of (B) He has special ties with the hotel staff.
the event? (C) The hotel is located close to the club.
(A) Discussions (D) He was impressed with its menu.

Questions 156-159 refer to the following guidelines.

On arrival at your new home:
Try to remember the names of your host family. If unsure about how to address them, it is okay to ask
how they would like to be called. For example, if it is impolite in your country to call someone elder by
their first name, ask if it's okay to add Mr. or Mrs. in front of their names. Some Americans do not like to
be addressed this way because it makes them feel old.
Show your family that you are grateful for being your host. But do not give expensive gifts. It is,
however, considered appropriate to bring inexpensive handcrafts from your country or a small gift for the
children of the host family.
Your host family will be curious to know more about you. Bring photos of your family and friends to
share with them. This is also a great way to break the ice with them.
After you get settled, your host family will help you make a call to your parents to assure them that you
have arrived safely.
After you've had dinner, you may ask the host family to be excused early. They will be fully aware of the
fact that you might be jetlagged, so feel free to ask them.
On your first day of school:
On your first day of school, your host family will take you to school and help you with the necessary
registration paperwork.
Your host family will also make sure that you know your way to and from school. They will also teach
you how to use public transportation.
When traveling alone," you should at all times carry a map and the phone number of your host family.
In case you are lost and cannot get in touch with your host family, you can contact the "Homestay

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
156. For whom are the guidelines intended? (A) A toy train
(A) Host families (B) A bottle of whiskey
(B) Foreign students (C) A camera
(C) School staff (D) A cellular phone
(D) Airline worker 159. What is implied by the guidelines?
157. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in (A) Americans prefer to address each other
the guidelines? formally.
(A) Find out how you should address the host (B) Newly arrived students often get lost in the
family city.
(B) Always be prepared for the unexpected (C) Host families come from educated
(C) Be prompt during meal times backgrounds.
(D) Establish a rapport with the host family (D) Students will depend on the host family to
158. What might be an appropriate present for the settle in.
host family?

Questions 160-161 refer to the following advertisement.

Pump It
special offer
Look your best this summer with our state of the art equipment and a tailor-made training program made
specially for you by one of our top-rated personal trainers.

If you are having a difficult time getting motivated, Pump It is where you want to be.
With a personal trainer assigned to you, you'll be placed in a tailor-made program that will make you look
your best in just 12 weeks.
With our program, you will get the full benefits of ...
Our one-on-one support and expert guidance by the top trainers in our industry
The use of the most updated fitness equipment money can buy, including free weights, treadmills, bikes,
and even a his and hers sauna
Ongoing group classes, from aerobics to yoga to dancercise to `abs-butts-thighs*, just to name a few
For the time being, absolutely no joining fee and a very affordable monthly membership rate
So come for a free consultation, and get started today!
Don't miss out!
Offer is good until this Friday
310 St. George Street, Suite 601, Chicago
T: 755-3422 W: pumpitclub.com

160. Who does this advertisement mainly target? 161. What is NOT offered in the advertisement?
(A) Anyone who failed at dieting during the (A) Continuation of organized lessons
summer (B) Personalized coaching to suit individuals'
(B) People without much time on their hands needs
(C) Athletes training for upcoming competitions (C) Free signup
(D) People who need a little nudge at getting into (D) Annual membership discounts.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 162-164 refer to the following information.
There are two banks on the corner of 130 Main Road (Near Fairview
Main and Welsley Street. It's walking Mall). Bus Ill will take you directly
distance from the hotel. The hours are to the museum. It runs every 15
Mon-Fri 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. minutes.


St. George Hospital, 1000 Bathurst Just outside the east wing door. Ask
Street. Emergency service open 24 the front desk clerk for assistance
hours a day. with luggage.
Nearest post office - 4 min. walk 1st Basement floor of the hotel.
down Gerald Road. Hours 9 - 5


Ground floor of the hotel. Open 24 Shuttle service to the airport every
hours a day. 10 min. Free. At the front door.


Close to the hotel - On the corner of Main Road. Hours are from 10 a.m. - 6
University and College Streets. p.m. on weekdays. 12 - 5 on Saturday.
Emergency 911 Closed Sunday.

Service available from 9 until 6 daily ASK AT FRONT DESK.
from your room.

162. Where would this information most likely be 164. What can be inferred from the information?
posted? (A) A ride to the airport is available very
(A) At a bus stop infrequently.
(B) In a hotel lobby (B)Packages can be sent during business hours.
(C) At a shopping center (C) Guests can get their suits pressed right from
(D) At a post office their rooms.
163. According to the information, which can be (D) Help with the bags is available with just a
performed at 1 o'clock in the morning? phone call.
(A) Withdrawing some cash
(B) Working out at the gym
(C) Getting medicine for a cold
(D) Getting pictures developed

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 165-169 refer to the following memorandum.

TO: Marketing staff
FROM: Jonathan Blair
DATE: August 22
RE: New Advertising Campaign

We are very excited about our new line of infant clothes this year. The following will give you a general
outline of the marketing strategies we have planned to help to promote our new clothes. As you all know,
this is our first attempt in this market, and we are anticipating great results. And to add to this, we have put
together our biggest and most expensive ad campaign in several of the country's largest media.

A thirty-second commercial on 3 of the largest networks during primetime

hours (7-9 p.m.) for three months. A total of 4 showings on each station
TELEVISION SPOTS daily. Also 5 showings between 9-11 p.m. on Saturdays and 6 showings on
Will feature a three-page advertisement complete with colorful illustrations
and discount coupons. Will be inserted into the middle of all major
NEWSPAPER ADD INS newspapers in the city on weekend editions for two months.

Advertising posters on major routes around the city. A total of 5,000

SUBWAY AND BUS posters will be posted for 1 month.
ADS Everyone is encouraged to submit comments and ideas to the Marketing

Everyone is encouraged to submit comments and ideas to the Market Department.

165. What is the main purpose of the memorandum? (C) An article about the company has been
(A) To recruit talented people to work on an printed in the local paper.
advertising project (D) The subway and bus strikes will affect the
(B) To announce the company's future plans company.
(C) To inform the staff members about a television 168. How many times will the ad be aired on a
documentary weekday on one station?
(D) To find a model spokesperson for the posters (A) 3 times
166. Who is the target audience for the new (B) 4 times
products being launched? (C) 5 times
(A) Babies (D) 6 times
(B) Children 169. Which of the following is NOT true about
(C) Adults the newspaper ad?
(D) Seniors (A) It will be printed in various colors.
167. What can be inferred from the memorandum? (B) It will be featured on the front page.
(A) Local television is airing a special on the (C) It will offer discount vouchers.
company. (D) It will be included in the weekend editions.
(B) The company is breaking into a new market.

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 170-172 refer to the following notice.

Are you suffering from

Are you one of those people who suffer from:
runny, itchy noses?
red, watery, itchy eyes?
during the latter part of the summer months...
The Research Institute of Ragweed Allergies is
currently conductig a study and is asking volunteers
to participate in testing an experimental drug.
Those who pass the qualification procedure
will receive compensation for his/her part in contributing to the study.
Call: 905-629-3333 (ext. 1) or Toll free: 1-800-R1RA-5544
E-mail: volunteer@researchinstitute-ragweed.corn
Regular hours of operation: Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Research Institute of RA
4520 Dixie Rd in Missisauga
2 blocks south of Eglington Ave.

170. What is the primary reason for taking out (B) Research about them has been ongoing for
this notice? the entire summer.
(A) To announce a medical breakthrough in (C) They have been the main public issue in
curing ragweed allergies recent months.
(B) To inform the public about the spread of a (D) They affect a great number of people living in
new type of an allergy hot climates.
(C) To recruit people who are willing to come 172. Which of the following information is NOT
forward for a medical cause found in the notice?
(D) To provide the results of a test conducted by (A) A number where interested people could call
the research institute (B) The specific compensation each participant
171. What can be implied about ragweed allergies will receive for volunteering
from the notice? (C) The subject of the study being conducted
(A) They're most prevalent during the late (D) The conditions required for those who want
summer months. to make a contribution

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Questions 173-174 refer to the following advertisement.

ICR'S Exclusive $15-million Computer Search Program
The only one of its kind in the world
How credit agencies may not in compliance
with the Canadian Consumer Reporting Act and what
you can do about it.


"All information is strictly confidential."
Consolidate debts into lower monthly payments!
Call for an appointment:
173. Who is the intended audience of this 174. What type of service does the company
advertisement? offer?
(A) People who are in legal trouble (A) It helps those who are in debt.
(B) Anyone who is having financial problems (B) It lends money at low interest.
(C) Businesses that are in need of tax breaks (C) It invests in potential companies.
(D) Workers who must do their yearly income (D) It provides legal counseling to people in
taxes trouble.

Questions 175-178 refer to the following facsimile.

H/K HanKyu Services Ltd.
Services Ltd.
1st Floor. World Building Telephone: 206 755 8989
431 Bloor Street East Facsimile Fax: 206 775 8655
Seattle. Washington Email: enquiry4hankyu.com

To: Room 1204 - Mr. Mark Newman, Island Pacific Hotel Fax: 555-8624
From: Maggie Wong Fax: 775-8655 I
Date: November 3 Pages: 1 page
Please pass this message on to your guest, Mr. Mark Newman, who is staying in Room 1204. Thanks.
Dear Mr. Newman,
Mr. Ron Devereux has asked me to let you know that he would be very interested in meeting with you
some time tomorrow on Saturday, November 4. Please give him a call on his mobile phone at (206) 755-
1456 to arrange a time. Thanks.
Kind regards,
Maggie Wong
Maggie Wong
PA to Ron Devereux

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
175. Why did Ms. Wong send the fax? 177. What will the recipient of the fax do?
(A) To reserve a room at the hotel (A) Check out of the hotel
(B) To convey a message on behalf of her boss (B) Get his room key
(C) To ask about the price of a room at the hotel (C) Go to Mr. Devereux's office
(D) To cancel a meeting with a customer (D) Make a telephone call
176. Who is the intended recipient of this fax? 178. Who is Maggie Wong?
(A) HanKyu Services Limited (A) The president of HanKyu Services Limited
(B) Ron Devereux (B) A hotel front desk clerk
(C) Mark Newman (C) A guest who is staying at the hotel
(D) Island Pacific Hotel (D) The personal assistant of the person sending
the fax

Questions 179-180 refer to the following menu.


Free Dish
Choose any one dish from the menu on the back (restricted to $8 or
less food items) with any order over $40 (before tax).
Not valid in conjunction with any other offers.
Free Chicken Wings
With any order over $18 (before tax). One per order only.
Not valid in conjunction with any other offers.
Pick Up
20% OFF
Not valid in conjunction with any other offers.
Cash payment only. Daily Combo & Complete Dinners excluded.
2145 Jane Rd.
(206) 755-1235

179. How can one receive a meal for free? 180. What can be inferred from the menu?
(A) By paying for the meal in cash (A) The restaurant accepts credit cards.
(B) By ordering over a certain amount (B) Delivery is not available during weekends.
(C) By picking up the food (C) Only one coupon can be used at one time.
(D) By coming to the restaurant at a certain hour (D) All the food that is picked up is 20% off the
regular price.
Questions 181-185 refer to the following letter and e-mail message.
June 3, 2006
Suzanne Rogers
Ultra-Ergonomic Furniture
Sales and Shipping Department

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Suite 58, 107 Morris Circle
Moorabbin, Victoria 3206
Dear Ms. Rogers,
As I'm sure you are aware, our company has been organizing conventions, festivals, and other large
corporate events for the last fifteen years, and in fact we are leaders in the field. We have relied on Ultra-
Ergonomic Furniture for purchase and rental supplies of high-quality furniture for that entire period, and
we've never had any cause for complaints with regard to your services.
I am writing to you personally to ask a special favor. We recently made an order with your company for the
supply of rental furniture that includes chairs, tables, partitions, and lecterns for an auto show (see order no.
11-35698A). Unfortunately, a serious error was made. In fact the exposition begins one week earlier than
indicated on the order form. The starting date is actually July 7. I would appreciate it very much if you
could try to do everything you can to ensure that our order be delivered to us on that date. Also, if possible,
I'd like to add 20 Pop-up displays on top of our original order.
I realize that this is a big favor to ask, but on the basis of our long-term business relationship, I hope that
you will be able to find a way.
I'm really sorry for any inconvenience. Please contact me soon.
Yours sincerely,
Micheal Robinson
Micheal Robinson
Properties Manager

From: srogers@uetshipping.com
Sent: June 8, 2006
To: mrobinson@btc.com
Subject: Your request

Dear Mr. Robinson,

Thank you for your letter. I was surprised, and of course concerned, that you find yourself in this
unfortunate situation. And of course I will do my best to help you. Your company has been one of our best
clients since we began operations in 1978.
Anyway, I personally took a trip down to our warehouse this morning to have a closer look at our stock to
see if we have all the things you need for your convention which I believe is from July 7 to July 14. I
am happy to say that we will be able to provide you with everything you originally requested. However; as
for the additional request you made, it won't be possible because we have already rented them out to
another client during that week.
My suggestion is that you come down to my office to discuss other possibilities. I can take you down to our
warehouse, and you can look at our inventory. So, please call me soon to arrange a time.
Kind regards,
Suzanne Rogers,
Sales and Shipping Department
181. Why did Mr. Robinson write the letter? 182. What service does Mr. Robinson's business
(A) To make a complaint about a late delivery provide?
(B) To ask for a change in the delivery date (A) Selling and renting office furniture
(C) To invite Ms. Rogers to an auto show (B) Manufacturing automobiles
(D) To cancel an order he had made (C) Arranging large, organized affairs
(D) Delivering heavy equipment
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
183. What does Suzanne say about Michael's (A) They will drive down to the auto show
company? together.
(A) It has been a loyal customer of her company for (B) Ms. Rogers will apologize for her mistakes.
a number of years. (C) They will have a look around the warehouse.
(B) It will eventually get itself out of the unfortunate (D) Mr. Robinson will hand over a check.
situation it is facing at the moment. 185. Which of the following does Ms. Rogers say
(C) It should outsource some of the work to speed she will NOT be able to provide?
up the work process. (A) Chairs
(D) It needs to expand into other areas of business. (B) Tables
184. What will probably happen when Ms. Rogers (C) Partitions
meet with Mr. Robinson? (D) Pop-up displays

Questions 186-190 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail message.

Prestige Properties now Available

For discerning customers seeking unique properties, The Hills Real Estate Agency is pleased to announce
the availability of the following residences in the most upscale parts of our city:
Santa Rosa
This beautiful Spanish-style mansion extends over a gently sloping half-acre block. Constructed during the
boom period of die 1920s, it has retained many original architectural and historical features while the
kitchen and bathrooms have been tastefully modernized. Stunting sandstone contrasts with green lawns and
colorful flower gardens, with views of the ocean from the second floor. Call now, to arrange a viewing.
Warehouse Conversion
If you are seeking an open-plan style apartment located in the heart of the vibrant inner city that is quiet
and secure with a tranquil courtyard in its heart, this is the property for you. Truly a unique opportunity,
this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, architect-designed conversion can offer tranquility and space for your artistic
endeavors or can open up to be the perfect party house. Inspect now.
Victorian Terrace
They don't come much more sophisticated than this 3-story Victorian terrace built in 1885. Located on a
wide semi-circular street opposite elegant Victoria Park, the front garden and wide upper-level balcony arc
bathed in generous sunshine during the winter months while being protected from the wind. A rare
opportunity for those who love combining comfortable living with elegant entertaining. A large living room
adjoins a magnificent dining area served by a modern kitchen with plenty of bench-space. Three upstairs
bedrooms, two with en-suite bathrooms, plus a guest bathroom on the ground floor, complete the picture.
For further information and to arrange inspections (appointment only) please call our office at 965-2954 or
965-2255 or e-mail atjohnconnor@thchills.com

To: johnconnor@thehills.com
From: lisabrown@kyu.com
Subject: Interested buyer
Dear Mr. Connor,

I was very interested in your recent advertisement. I am seeking a residence that can accommodate an art
studio and possibly hold private exhibitions for the work I do. One of the listed places sounds like it could
be suitable for my needs. Therefore, I would like to meet with you soon to take a look at the place. Could
you please let me know when a good time for you is? I am okay anytime this week except for Wednesday
evening. Please get back to be as soon as possible.
Thanks so much for your attention.
Lisa Brown: 755-1207
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
186. For whom is this advertisement most likely (C) Victorian Terrace
intended? (D) None of them
(A) Newlyweds who are looking for a cozy place 189. What is the main purpose of the e-mail?
(B) People who have financially established (A) To receive information about an art exhibit
themselves (B) To set up an appointment
(C) Anyone who is looking for a bargain (C) To put her apartment on the market
(D) Families with many children (D) To reply to an inquiry she received from the
187. Who is John Connor? man
(A) An architect (B) A real estate agent 190. What can be implied about Ms. Brown?
(C) An artist (D) A history professor (A) She is an artist.
188. According to the e-mail, which of the (B) She buys and sells properties.
following places will most likely suit Ms. Brown the (C) She is interested in taking out an ad.
most? (D) She coordinates seminars and conferences for
(A) Santa Rosa a living.
(B) Warehouse Conversion
Questions 191-195 refer to the following policy and memo.
New Vacation Policy
All vacation days must be taken within the calendar year with written requests submitted and approved
by your direct supervisors:
1 .All new employees are entitled to three weeks' paid vacation per year.
2. Any employees on their probationary period will not be included under policy until his/her 3 months is
3. All vacation requests must be made in writing at least 2 weeks in advance of your requested dates. These
will be approved at the discretion of your supervisor according to your departmental workload
4. All vacation days must be taken within the calendar year. Otherwise, you will lose them.
5. Only one person per individual department may be away on vacation for a period of a week or more (to
ensure sufficient staffing is available in each department).
6. Employees will receive an extra week of vacation time for every 5 years of additional service.
7. A maximum of two weeks' vacation (at one time) may be taken. Certain requests for longer period of
vacation may be considered for exceptional circumstances. Please see your supervisor if this is applicable.
8. We strongly encourage all our employees to spread out your vacation days and enjoy themselves.

Vacation Request Memo

To: Sally Benson, Supervisor, Human Resources
From: Mary Black Date: January 5, 2007
Re: Vacation Request - for January 25 - February 8, 2007
This is a memo to give you advance notice of my request for my upcoming vacation days of January 25-
February 8.
As written in the vacation policy, I am providing ample notice of my requested days. So hopefully, these 2
weeks will be okay to be away from the office. We are planning a family reunion which had been planned
for the last couple of years.
I know that I have just recently joined the company and normally would need to wait until my probationary
period is over before taking any vacation days. However, as you may recall, this request for some advance
days was discussed and agreed to in our negotiation meetings in late November.
Thank you for your understanding. I will make sure that my work is covered to avoid any disruption in my
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
191. Which of the following is NOT stated in the (C) To point out a mistake in the policy
policy? (D) To ask for a day off next week
(A) All regular employees are allowed at least 194. What can be inferred about Mary from the
three weeks off in a year. memo?
(B) Any request for time off can be rejected (A) She has been with the company for less than
depending on the circumstances. three months.
(C) Any vacation time not taken will be (B) She has not met her family for over two
compensated at the end of the year. years.
(D) A three-week holiday can be granted if a (C) She has close ties to some important people in
legitimate reason is provided. the company.
192. According to the policy, how many vacation (D) She took her last vacation in November 2006.
weeks would an employee who has worked at the 195. Which of the following information is true?
company for 11 years receive? (A) Mary will most likely get exempted from rule
(A) Three number 2.
(B) Four (B) Mary is not abiding by rule number 3.
(C) Five (C) Mary is entitled to take advantage of rule
(D) Six number 1.
193. Why did Mary write the memo? (D) Mary only has a year left to go to be
(A) To make a request well ahead of time considered for rule number 6.
(B) To inform the staff of the new policy

Questions 196-200 refer to the following information and application.

Preferred Customer Card
Application Procedure
Please complete the attached form at least two weeks prior to your next visit to Trinity Spa. A photocopy of
some photo identification must be included as well as full payment for administrative fees in order to assure
the full benefits of the Preferred Customer status as outlined in our information package. Please send the
completed form by fax (416) 538-2099 to the attention of "The Preferred Customer Card Administrator" or
to the following address:
"The Preferred Customer Card Administrator"
Trinity Spa, 1 Hazeltree Lane, Toronto, ON
Please allow two weeks for proper processing. If you have any questions or comments, please send an
email to PCCA@trinityspa.org. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a Preferred Customer.

Trinity Spa Preferred Customer Card Application Form

First Name: Sally
Surname: Hancock
Please check: _____ Mr. ____ Mrs.__ Miss _____Dr. ______Other
Date of Birth: October 16, 1976
Mailing Address: 345 University Street, Suite 305
Toronto, On, Canada M5M- 3B9
Preferred Services:
1. Facial massage
2. Aroma therapy
3. Acu Chi
Home phone: 755-4900
Business phone: 243-2840
TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296 Reading Test
Fax. No. (area code): 416-243-0400
E-mail: sallyh@pj.com
[] Pick up at Customer Service Center
[ ] By mail

Sally Hancock Monday, September 25, 2006

Signature of applicant Date

196. What is asked to be sent with the application (B) Birthplace

form? (C) Contact number
(A) The membership card (D) Today's date
(B) A passport-sized picture 199. How will Sally Hancock receive the card?
(C) The document processing fee (A) By regular mail
(D) The annual membership fee (B) By showing up in person
197. How can someone make further inquiries? (C) By sending her assistant
(A) By fax (D) By a special delivery
(B) By e-mail 200. When will Sally Hancock's application be
(C) By phone approved?
(D) By mail (A) September 25
198. What information is NOT requested in the (B) October 9
form? (C) October 16
(A) Last name (D) October 30

In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several different types of
reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test will last 75 minutes. There are three
parts, and directions are given for each part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions
as possible within the time allowed.
You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the
test book.
Part 5
Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are
given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the
letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.
101. Those individuals who want to reschedule 105. Mr. Hatcher is now curious about the
theirwith a doctor should contact general opinion on the matter of formatting a
us two days in advance. standard..deluxe system instead of
A. positions formatting a premiere one.

B. assignments A. so

C. subscriptions B. nor

D. appointments C. or

102. The report shows that builders reserve the D. and

right to control the volume of the construction 106. If you need to hire.help for your
project on. own. growing business, our experts can assist with
A. their the hiring process from start to finish.

B. theirs A. additions

C. they B. additionally

D. them C. additional

103. Information on customers details can be D. addition

stored on one diskette, as can the whole 107. Another computer system failure is going
spreadsheet, and the diskettes can then be kept to happen again unless appropriate steps are
in a ..place. taken toit.
A. cautious A. prevent
B. distinguished B. upgrade
C. secure C. ignore
D. strict D. improve
104. Superb..has been paid to even the 108. Allto our fabulous national park
smallest detail, as the project was expected to will be given a complimentary lunch at the top
cost billions of dollars. of the hill.
A. attends A. visit
B. attention B. visitations
C. attended C. visitors
D. attendant D. visiting

TRUNG TM O TO NGOI NG 24H / 0963 236 296
109. Once you've decided to reduce............ 115. New recycling programs indicate that
there should be additional ways to halve the ............the landlord or the property owners
marketing costs. may schedule an appointment to get bulk
A. values pickup service in the same building.
B. customs A. only
C. refunds B. easily
D. expenses C. simply
110. Paulin Cornwall Inc. has made an D. merely
.............. discovery people can share in no time 116. During the sessions, speakers will discuss
in the field of information technology. the process of ........a global service by opening
A. amaze doors to economic opportunities.
B. amazing A. establish
C. amazement B. establishing
D. amazingly C. establishes
111. The first draft of workshop proposals was D. established
due yesterday,...........the director has granted 117. Please.........your survey results to the
us a short extension to our surprise. director by the date specified at the bottom of
A. beyond the screen.
B. until A. advise
C. that B. urge
D. but C. comply
112. The company is going to carry out the D. submit
proposal based on the information provided in 118. OFA representatives recently -.........on-
your letter of intent, so please submit line tours and found those kinds of tours to
..............application under this note. promote their products the most effective.
A. You A. conduct
B. your B. conducted
C. yourself C. to conduct
D. yours D. will conduct
113. After the introduction of collaboration 119. Please do not.........to share your opinions
tool programs, the company, which was in in the comment space below so that people can
temporary financial trouble, was..............able find and consider possible alternatives.
to increase its market share. A. provide
A. lastly B. hesitate
B. at first C. qualify
C. meanwhile D. compete
D. finally 120. Our GTA phone roaming service is suited
114. Many people call fairy tales too.........and for individuals who travel .......... anywhere in
obvious, but thats why they are needed. the world for business.
A. predicting A. regular
B. predicted B. regularity
C. predictable C. regularly
D. predictably D. regulate

121. A banquet was held for researchers to be A. every
honored............their exceptional achievements B. both
in creative research activities.
C. either
D. whether
127. According to studies released yesterday, a
C.at significant number of organizations
D.for experienced a dramatic ............... in electronic
122.We are proud to announce their upcoming crime and data intrusions over the past year,
.....................in an event whose purpose is to A. increase
educate attendees on e-mail management tools. B. impression
A. participation C. access
B. participated D. accent
C. participating 128. The president of Kasara Inc .............
D. participate announced that Lopez Davis, who has served
123. Anyone who has questions concerning the company for more than 30 years, would
our community service can leave a message retire at the end of next month.
.............my secretary or our answering service. A. regretting
A. off B. regretted
B. from C. regretfully
C. by D. regretful
D. with 129. The new training program is intended
124. Requirements for the open position to..............leadership to develop professional
include basic computer skills and managerial competence through involvement in a range of
experience in...............sales. professional development activities.

A. retailing A. remain

B. retail B. grant

C. retailer C. serve

D. retailed D. provide

125. According to the medical report released 130. Due to recent changes, Nordon Express
today, cholesterol fighting medicines may ...........delivery of equipment effective the first
....................have protective effects against day of the coming year.
numerous uncured diseases. A. to discontinue
A. altogether B. will discontinue
B. alone C. discontinued
C. also D. have discontinue
D. almost 131. Employees must get approval from their
126. Employees who participate in this supervisors..........deleting data even if the data
training program can learn a great deal about seem unused.
themselves as well as experience in ............ A. before
personal and profession growth.
B. until A.nominate
C. from B. nominations
D. during C. nominating
132. In addition to...........a separate online site, D.nominated
new products will be available through 137.Our investment will lead to more
traditional retailers all over the world. improved public services, considerable cost
A. launched reductions as well as further..........
B. launching A. economics
C. launch B.harvest
D. launches C.productivity
133. Tomorrow's one-to-one training session D.measures
held in a boardroom is..........for supervisors 138.The names of upper management
and new staff members. to...............you must report will be provided in
A. intended order to get budgets approved for projects.
B. based A.whom
C. agreed B.whoever
D. invited C.what
134. You are advised to contact us D.where
immediately ..................... technical problems 139.Successful candidates will receive a
with your computer system dont seem to be competitive salary and maximum
resolved. benefits..........to those which they have
A. why received from their previous jobs.
B. if A.uniform
C. due to B. even
D. about C.far
135 ..........all the provisions of the merger are D.equal
fully implemented, the two companies will 140. It is.................through broadcast media
expand their partnerships to provide an even such as television and radio that companies
higher level of quality. place an advertisement to attract prospective
A. Soon customers.
B. Then A.predominant
C. Later B.predominantly
D. Once C.predominating
136. This letter is to solicit......................of D.predominated
candidates to be considered for the vacant
positions in sales that should be filled right

Part 6:
Directions: Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences.
Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best answer to complete

the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 141 143

Joint efforts. in fighting poverty for all societies,in developing countries, are now in progress.
141. A. particularly B.specially
C. voluntarily D.easily
In order to realize the goal for poverty eradication both national governments......the
142. A. or B.and
C.nor D.as well
International community should undertake efforts in a mutually supportive manner.
According to statistics, there are still more than 1500 villages listed in extreme poverty, but this will
be wiped out by 2020.
For the past few years, some developing countries have achieved encouraging results in poverty
eradication, through social subsidies and employment creation with cooperation and assistance from
the international community.
However, more attention and further assistance are needed and it is hoped that the United Nations
will take the question into serious.and encourage developed nations to cooperate in
143. A. penalty B.development
C.account D.status
humanitarian endeavors.

Question 144-146 refer to the following article.

The threat of hospital-acquired infections is causing much more vigilance in health-care settings. In
addition, pharmaceutical companies are urged not only to develop therapies for these infections,
................to strengthen their efforts at preventing them.
144. A. and
B. or
C. but also
D. nor
Obviously, in the health care environment better hand hygiene can significantly reduce infection
rates, .............can good practices for sterilizing processing equipment.
145. A. but
B. as
C. not
D. if
Research announced at last year's annual conference shows that traditional cleaning has little
................on removing bacterial contamination in ambulances and crews potentially at risk from
146. A. effected
B. effecting
C. effect
D. effects
microbial infection, which can then be transported into hospitals.

Questions 147 149 refer to the followingg letter

Dear Mr. Mackenzy,

Im writing in response to your letter inquiring about loose skin" resulting.................a diet.
147. A. in
B. from
C. on
D. upon
If you have a lot of weight to lose, you may be worried about loose skin" on your chin, underarms
and thighs. Please aim to lose weight slowly in order for your body to adjust.
Whatever kind of diet you are on, your skin needs oil,.............it will become dry and less elastic.
148. A. but
B. yet
C. so
D. otherwise
If you add a dressing made with olive to your salads, it may increase your skins radiance - your skin
will also become smoother and softer.
Please...........that water should be your primary beauty aid.
149. A. remember
B. remembering
C. to remember
D. be remembered
Not only does it fill you up without calories, but it also takes toxins out of your body system.
Sincerely yours,
Editor, Sara Williams.

Questions 150 152 refer to the following article.

In the past, customers had a tendency of shopping in places where they were certain that..................
150. A. whatever
B. anywhere
C. ever
D. however

they wanted to buy was available, but things have changed.
Thanks to impressive advances in electronic commerce technology, consumers have become more
comfortable with using credit cards to make purchases on the Internet.
In addition, as it has become a preferred method of purchasing products and services, the popularity
of online shopping is expected to continue.
One of the greatest.................of shopping online over visiting the store in person is being able to seek
151. A. incomes
B. interests
C. goods
D. advantages
out the lowest prices or the best deals available.................being provided with a large selection,
152. A. besides
B. in addition
C. without
D. at
variety, convenience and rapid delivery.

Part 7
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the
best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 153 154 refer to the following advertisement.

The exclusive Montgomery Cafe, located on the first floor of the Gold Star Hotel highest rated
cafe in Deville City. The cafe offers only the finest coffee, which is imported once a month from
Italy. You can choose from thirty different flavors of coffee, including French Vanilla, Mocha,
Raspberry, and Hazelnut. At Montgomery Cafe, we believe that making coffee is an art. All of our
new staff members are required to attend an intensive program where they learn how to prepare
gourmet coffee. In addition to coffee, the Montgomery Cafe offers the following services:
A daily selection of gourmet baked goods
Free Internet access (must spend a minimum of $5.00 at the cafe)
Fresh ground coffee to take home
A range of coffee machines and accessories
Coffee-making classes (applications available at the register)
153. According to the advertisement, what D.Purchase the uniform
must the cafes new employees do? 154.What is NOT being offered in the cafe?
A.Watch an introduction video A.Internet access
B.Go to special classes B.Related equipment
C.Sample the product C.Membership discounts
D.Useful courses

Questions 155 156 refer to the following letter.

July 15, 2007

Jason Holden 26 Humbolt I^ne LA Properties Los Angeles, CA
Dear Mr, Holden,
The investment committee of TA Investors has reviewed your companys proposal and agreed
with your statement that L.A.s 122nd Avenue has become more popular among tourists since the
Flash Mall was built on the street last year. The committee also agrees that the street needs a first-
class hotel to service the wealthy tourists who shop at the mall. Therefore, the committee decided
to accept your business proposal to open a new hotel on 122nd Avenue by January 2008, and is
prepared to invest a total of 1.5 million dollars in the project. Please call me as soon as possible, so
that we can schedule a meeting with the committee to discuss the details of this investment deal.
Brian Wilson
TA Investors
155.What will most likely happen in January 156.What is Mr. Holden asked to do?
2008? A.Fax Mr. Wilson a detailed document
A.Flash Mall will open new stores. B.Make a budget for a project
B.The city will change tourism policies. C.Make an appointment by phone
C.Brian Wilson will buy a property. D.Examine the corrected proposal
D.LA properties will open a hotel.
Questions 157 159 refer to the following notice.

Volunteers Wanted!
CBG Steel is sponsoring the third annual Race for the Children, a ten kilometer run that raises
money for Mercy Children's Hospital, located near the companys main building. The race will be
held on Saturday, November 23, at 3:00 p.m. at the Headman Pavilion. The Planning Committee is
looking for volunteers {who are NOT running in the race) to work at the drinking stations. The job
is very easy, and only requires two to three hours of your time. You should arrive around l:00 p.m.
to set up the drinking station for the race, which involves organizing cups, water, juice, and snacks
for the runners. Then, you will be responsible for handing out beverages and snacks to racers as
they run by. After the race finishes, there will be an awards ceremony and a brief speech by CBG
president, Walter Headman, followed by a small celebratory dinner for everyone. All volunteers
will receive a free meal pass. For anyone interested in volunteering, there will be a brief meeting on
Thursday, November IS, at 12:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in Room #203. Lunch will be

157.Why is CBG Steel organizing the event? C.To introduce a new staff member
A.To collect money for a local facility D.To support potential athletes
B.To promote their new products 158.What will volunteers most likely do at
1p.m.? 159.What is planned for after the presidents
A.Attend a brief meeting for a race speech?

B.Gather at Headman Pavilion A.An awards ceremony

C.Organize Room #203 B.A ten kilometer running race

D.Meet a member of the Planning Committee C.A meal for all participants
D.A meeting for volunteers
Questions 160 163 refer to the following article.

Ready Air Introduces New In-flight Services

Ready Air has expanded its in-flight services for their new fleet of planes, which will start flying in
February 2008, a spokesman for the company said. Ready Air is the only airline in the world to offer
strictly economy class planes. The planes offer first class service for economy class passengers, the
spokesman said. Each seat is equipped with its own TV screen, and passengers can choose from 30
different movies in 20 different languages. At any time during the flight, passengers can enjoy real
espresso coffee from Magic Beans Inc., Seattles most famous brand of coffee, On international
flights, every passenger will receive a complimentary travel kit, which includes toothbrush and
toothpaste, shampoo, mouthwash, comb, socks, and sleeping mask. Passengers who have a Ready Air
Frequent Flier card will also have unlimited access to Ready Airs in-flight library, which includes an
extensive selection of books, newspapers, and magazines. The CEO of Ready Air, Scott Plow, said
the fleets new services will change the way people in economy class fly."
160.Why is Ready Air different from other 162.Who is eligible to receive the travel kit?
airlines? A.Passengers traveling to another country
A.It has the highest number of planes. B.Passengers with a preferred customer card
B.It offers the cheapest economy tickets. C.Passengers who have small children
C.It doesnt have a first class section. D.Passengers with connecting flights
D.It has the greatest variety of routes 163.Which of the following is available to
worldwide. Frequent Flier cardholders?
161.What can be inferred from the article? A.Unlimited access to airport lounges
A.Frequent fliers get preferred seating. B.Extensive access to reading materials
B.Ready Air is an award-winning company. C.Complimentary accommodation at airport
C.Scott Plow is the founder of Ready Air. hotels
D.Magic Beans Inc. is based in Seattle D.Double mileage on international flight
Questions 164 165 refer to the following advertisement.

Apartments for Rent

Come and live in the citys newest apartment complex, Dayviile Suites. Located just two blocks
from the financial district, these apartments are perfect for businessmen and young professionals.
The building is twenty-five stories high and has 200 apartments. Anyone who lives in the
apartments has unrestricted access to the rooftop pool and the fitness center on the first floor. There
is also a restaurant on the first floor, and a supermarket in the basement that is open seven days a
week. Three different apartment styles are available. The monthly rent for each style is as follows:
1 Bedroom 2 Bedrooms 3 Bedrooms
$1,000 $2,000 $3,000
NOTE: All apartments have air conditioning and floor heating. Anyone who provides the first six 9
months' rent up front will receive a ten percent discount.
164.What is TRUE about the facilities at 165.How can someone reduce the cost of their
Dayviile Suites? monthly rent?
A.The restaurant offers 24-hour-a-day service. A.Make six consecutive payments on time
B.The pool is located in the basement. B.Pay for the first six months in advance
C.The supermarket is closed on Sundays. C.Choose an unfurnished apartment
D.The gym offers unlimited access to all D.Use cash to pay for the rent
Questions 166 170 refer to the following article.
Local Company Builds Gym
Ask any health professional and they will tell you that the key to good physical and mental health
is to eat a balanced diet, get plenty of rest, and exercise regularly. Alarmingly, a recent study
conducted by the Institute of Balanced Living(IBL) revealed that the average person consumes
some form of fast food at least twice a week, sleeps less than 6 hours a night, and exercises less
than once a week. IBL said this is quite a dangerous situation for the nations health.
In order to teach its employees to adopt healthy lifestyle habits, the popular software company,
MegaWare, has built a gym in its office building, and is hoping all employees will use the
facilities at least three times a week. To encourage the employees to take advantage of the gym,
the company is offering a $200 monthly bonus to every employee that uses the gym more than
three times a week.
The company even developed a special program to keep track of the number 8 of times each
employee uses the gym. Last month every staff member was issued a special ID card, which the
employees must use to enter and exit the gym. Each time the card is used, the session is recorded
in the main database. The company also hopes to open an organic cafeteria in June 2008.

166.According to the article, what did the IBL 168.The word encourage in paragraph 2, line
conclude? 4, is closest in meaning to
A.People are spending more money on health A.inspire
B.People are not leading healthy lifestyles. C.organize
C.Companies are starting to offer more D.prevent
training programs.
169.Why did MegaWare give employees a
D.Fitness trainers are increasing their special card?
consultation fees.
A.To substitute for a company card
167.What change recently occurred at
MegaWare? B.To reduce health insurance payments
A.A new health insurance plan was adopted, C.To improve their security system
B.A longer lunch break was implemented. D.To monitor how many times people used the
C.A fitness center was opened in the building.
170.What does MegaWare wish to do in 2008?
D.A staff psychologist was hired.
A.Offer more vacation time
B.Provide better food D.Build an outdoor track
C.Open a health clinic
Questions 171 173 refer to the following notice.

Attention all Club Members

The Highland Country Club regretfully informs all members that our pool will be closed from
July 15 to August 25. While fixing a broken pipe, maintenance workers found a major problem
with the filtration system. Unfortunately, this problem is quite complex and requires the work of
a plumbing specialist. Because its plumbers are unexpectedly busy at the moment, QuickFix
Plumbers, the only company that offers the service we need, will not be able to help us for
another two weeks. We are terribly sorry for the inconvenience, and are willing to refund the cost
of one month's club membership to all individuals who paid for the 3- month Summer
Because we already offer a twenty percent discount to all members who sign up for the 1-year
membership, we will not be offering these individuals a refund. Anyone who has questions or
comments about the change should contact Melvin Woods at 869-654-9874.

171.What is the notice mainly about? C.They have the best service.
A.The recent opening of a club building D.They use a new technology.
B.The temporary closing of a facility 173.What is TRUE about members with 1-
C.The changes to membership packages year memberships?

D.The schedule of a special competition A.They will receive one month free.

172.What does the notice mention about B.They can access the day spa.
QuickFix Plumbers? C.They can use a private pool.
A.They are unusually busy. D.They wont get a refund.
B.They offer special discounts.
Questions 174 177 refer to the following e-mail.

To: Kathryn Hale <khale@ftk.com>

From: Stacy Mott <smort@ftk.com>
Subject: Budget proposal
Dear Ms. Hale,
After reviewing last year's budget figures, I would like to propose a few changes to this years
budget plan. If these changes are accepted, I predict that the company will reduce its operation
costs by approximately 40 percent. First, I noticed that the company allocated one fourth of its
total budget to purchasing office supplies. Of the office supplies that we purchase each year,
paper is by far the most expensive. I think that requiring all employees to print documents on
both sides of the paper will significantly cut down on costs. Second, the company currently
employs 200 people; however, only about 150 people are needed for the company to function
property. Therefore, I propose the company reduces its workforce by 50 people before the start of
the next fiscal year. ! realize that this second proposal may seem drastic, but according to my
estimates, if the company does not significantly cut costs by the end of December 2008, it will be
forced to file for bankruptcy.
Stacy Mott Financial Advisor 11
174.What is the purpose of this e-mail? right now?
A.To ask for modifications to a financial plan A.40
B.To propose a schedule change B.50
C.To introduce an advertising campaign C.150
D.To request more office supplies D.200
175.What does Stacy Mott point out about the 177.According to the e-mail, what might
company? happen if the recommended changes are not
A. It must hire more employees in order to grow, made?

B.It spends too much money on office supplies. A.Employees will lose certain benefits.

C.It failed to meet certain operational standards. B.They will forfeit their major contract.

D.It should invest more time in strategic planning. C.The company will have to close.

176.How many people work for the company D.The plan for expansion will be rejected
Question 178 180 refer to the following letter.

June 15, 2007

Charles Masters 15 Billows Rd. Forestwood, CA
Dear Mr. Masters,
After conducting an extensive performance review of all the employees in the Advertising
Department here at Dunn and Dunn Inc., we have decided to promote you to Corporate Accounts
Manager. Since you started working for us five years ago, you have consistently demonstrated a
strong work ethic and the ability to produce quality work. The executives feel strongly that your
proposal to implement new advertising techniques helped the company to secure 20 new clients in
2004-2005. Additionally, in 2006 you voluntarily created an Office Policy Manual for new
employees, which demonstrates your dedication to the company and desire to make the office
environment as efficient and friendly as possible. Your responsibilities as Corporate Accounts
Manager will include delegating work to subordinates, researching potential advertising campaigns,
organizing meetings with clients, and determining the annual department budget. In return for your
extra work, you will receive a 25 percent increase in your current salary, seven additional vacation
days, and a $5,000 bonus.
John Milestone
Director of Advertising
178.What is the purpose of this letter? A.By recruiting the most clients
A.To introduce an advertising proposal B.By cutting down operational costs
B.To describe an investment opportunity C.By proposing a modest annual budget
C.To offer an employee a title change D.By writing important guidelines
D.To respond to a clients request 180.Which of the following is NOT the
179.How did Charles Masters improve the office responsibility of the Corporate Accounts
in 2006? Manager?
A.Determining the vacation schedule for
employees C.Creating a financial plan for the company
B.Assigning work to employees in the department D. Organizing meetings with customers
Questions 181 185 refer to the following advertisement and letter.

Al's Autos Super Saturday Sale

Al's Autos, the number one used car dealership in Florida, is having a mega-sale Saturday,
August 25, 2007, from noon until 4 p.m. to celebrate our twenty years of operation. All two-door
vehicles with pink stickers are 10 percent off the ticketed price. All trucks with blue stickers are
15 percent off the ticketed price. All vans are 20 percent off the ticketed price. Pius, if you pay in
cash, we'll reduce the price by another $300. As always, all purchases come with a 2-year Als
Autos Guarantee, which covers the cost of labor and replacement of parts if your car experiences
mechanical problems. So if you're in the market for a used car, then come on down to Al's Autos
this Saturday.
*Cars must be serviced by one of the following Al's Autos affiliates: Mike's Mufflers, Ace
Mechanics, or Carl's Car Parts.

17 Washington Rd.
Tampa, FL
September 26,2007
Allen Hanks Als Autos
56 Wheelbarrow Rd.
Tampa, FL
Dear Mr. Hanks,
Last month I purchased a used Capri 1025 from you. At first, the car seemed like a great deal,
especially with the $300 dollar discount I received. I bought the car because I have to travel a long
distance to work each day, and with gas being so expensive these days I needed a car that was
more fuel-efficient. You were right; the smaller car did save me about $30 in gas each week.
Unfortunately, after about two weeks, the Car started making a clanking noise if I went faster than
50 kilometers per hour. I took it to my mechanic, Smooth Rides, and had them evaluate the
problem. They determined that the entire engine would need to be replaced, due to a crack down
the middle of it. In total, the labor and engine parts will cost about $1,000. I assume that since I
only purchased the car a month ago, I am well within the 2-year limit to the guarantee and Als
Autos will cover the cost of the repairs. Please contact me at 852-321-6547 if you have any
Floyd Baker
181.According to the advertisement, what will 182.How can a customer save more money?
happen on Saturday, August 25? A.By making their purchase in cash
A.A retirement party for an employee B.By using their preferred customer card
B.A special discount on certain cars C.By applying for a drawing event
C.A big sale at a new car dealership D.By obtaining a coupon from the newspaper
D.An increase in the price of gas 183.What can be inferred about the Capri 1025
from the letter? C.He did not take his car to the right
A.It has two doors. mechanic.

B.It was twenty percent off. D.He failed to sign and return the contract

C.It is energy efficient. 185.What does Floyd Bakers car need?

D.It is better for short distances. A.New tires

184.Why will Als Autos probably reject B.A bumper replacement

Floyd Bakers request? C.An engine change
A.He used a credit card to buy the car. D.Car door painting
B.He purchased the vehicle after the sale.
Questions 186 190 refer to the following invoice and e-mail.

NanoMac Inc.
Finance Department
Office # 402
26 Mountain Dr.
Sharonville, SC
Brooks Brothers Marketing 356 Brewster Rd.
Applewood, TN
Attn: Paul OReilly
1 desktop computer $590.75
1 laser jet printer $195.95
2 cartons glossy 8 x 1 1 inch copy paper $54.25 100 blue Shic pens $103.96
GST (Goods and Services Tax) $62.03
Customer Registration No. 878-96854-632
Invoice No. 856
Date of Invoice: July 15,2007
To be paid within 30 days of invoicc date. Should customers fail to pay within 30 days, a charge
of $50 will be added to the account each month that payment is overdue. Note: NanoMac Inc. is
trying to improve its customer service. Since your company has been a loyal customer of ours, we
invite you to Fill out an online survey to assess our customer service. Fill out the survey at
www.nanomac.com and you can enter to win a $500 coupon.
*If you have any questions about the invoice, please contact our department by e-mail or phone.

To: Michael Shoe <mike@kmail.com>

From: Paul O'Reilly <paul@bbmarketing.com>

Subject: Surcharge Dale: September 25, 2007
Hi Michael,
1 recently received an invoice for the products we purchased from your company in July. I noticed
that we were charged an additional SI00 dollars because our payment was two months overdue. I
would like to explain why we failed to make these payments, and hope that you will reverse the
charges immediately.
At the end of July, our department underwent restructuring and Brian Davies, our Finance
Manager, was asked to leave. Unfortunately, in the process of changing managers a few files were
misplaced, including the one containing all of our office supplies invoices. I hope you will accept
my request so that we continue doing business with your company in the future.
Paul O'Reilly
186.What kind of sen/ice does NanoMac C.To request an address change
Technology provide? D. To respond to a service charge
A.It develops computer software. 189.What happened at Brooks Brothers
B.It distributes office supplies. Marketing in July?
C.It repairs electronic devices. A. It merged with another marketing firm.
D.It provides financial advice. B. The management structure was changed.
187.Which of the following is TRUE about C. A new marketing campaign was introduced.
Brooks Brothers Marketing? D. It relocated its headquarters to a different
A.It has offices in Sharonville. city.
B.It is an electronics store. 190.What can be inferred about Michael Shoe?
C.It works with NanoMac frequently. A. He works in the Finance Department at
D.It is an established company. NanoMac.

188.What is the purpose of the e-mail? B. He usually delivers the orders himself

A.To increase the volume of the order C. He was recently hired from Brooks
Brothers Marketing.
B.To inquire about an upcoming sale
D. He was in charge of renovating the building
Questions 191 195 refer to the following e-mails.

From: Jerry Sprigs <jerry@irvingcountryclub.com>

To: Fran Morris <fran@friendlyfiowers.com>
Subject: Delivery Request
Dear Ms. Morris,
I am writing to inform you that the McGuiness Women's Foundation Luncheon, which was
scheduled to take place this Saturday at 3 p.m., has been postponed to Sunday at 2 p.m., due to
predictions of showers. Therefore, I would like to change the delivery time for the flower
arrangements we ordered. Would you be able to deliver the flowers either Saturday morning, or
between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon? Also, if you choose to deliver the flowers
on Saturday afternoon, please do not take the flowers to the Club House; we will be hosting a
charity lunch for the Rotary Club at that time, and the area will be full of people. Instead, could
you please bring the flowers to the Maintenance building next to the botanical gardens? If you
can bring the flowers in the morning, just take them directly to the Club House as we originally
discussed. Please e-mail me immediately to confirm these changes.
Regards, 15
Jerry Sprigs
Manager, Irving Country Club
To: Jerry Sprigs <jerry@irvingcountryclub.com>
From: Fran Morris <fran@friendlyflowers.com>
Subject: RE: Delivery Request
Dear Mr. Sprigs,
I received your request to change the date and time we deliver your flowers. Unfortunately, we
are completely booked in the afternoon on Saturday and will not be able to deliver the flowers at
the time you requested. We would be happy to deliver the flowers between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00
p.m. on Saturday. Also, I should inform you that Friendly Flowers charges $25 for any changes
that are made to orders on such short notice. I apologize for this inconvenience, but it helps us
provide the most reliable service possible. I will be out of the office this afternoon, so please call
me on my cell phone at 369-654-9876.
Fran Morris
Owner, Friendly Flowers

191.Why does Jerry Sprigs want to change the B.Fill out an electronic form
delivery time? C.Submit a written request
A.The planned event was delayed. D.Pay a small fee
B.The Club House is closed. 194.In the second e-mail, the word reliable
C.The members requested it. in fine 6 is closest in meaning to
D.The event starts earlier. A.arguable
192.What is TRUE about the Irving Country B.transferable
Club? C.questionable
A.It is a popular place for weddings. D.dependable
B.It will host a fundraising event. 195.How will Fran Morris most likely deliver
C.It has international golf tournaments. the flowers?
D.It is famous for its botanical gardens A.By meeting Jerry Sprigs at the office
193.What should Mr. Sprigs do to change an B.By going to the Rotary Club
order? C.By dropping them off at the Club House
A.Provide at least 24 hours' notice D. By driving to the Maintenance building.

Questions 196 200 refer to the following letters.

12 Buffalo Lane
Buffalo, New York

April 18
Bill Hipster
Epson Pharmaceuticals
157 Health Valley Dr.
Chicago, IL
Dear Mr. Hipster,
My name is Dr. Ivan Rigby, and I am a professor of Molecular Biology at Illinois State University
(ISU). I am writing on behalf of Melvin Tobin, who I believe would make an excellent candidate
for the Research Aide position your company is offering this summer.
Melvin is a junior at ISU. and for the last three years he has consistently received the highest
grades in his class. Last year, he submitted a research paper, "Mapping the Human Genome,"
which was published in The Scientist, one of the most prestigious science journals in the country.
Recently, Melvin was awarded the Scientific Research Award for his outstanding work in the field
of molecular research.
Despite his busy academic schedule, Melvin manages to find time to volunteer at the local
elementary school (teaching science of course!), and write for the campus newspaper, ISU News.
He is friendly compassionate, and hardworking, and he is destined for great things. I feel strongly
that this young man would be a great addition to your company.
Dr. Ivan Rigby

August 20 Dr. Ivan Rigby

Department of Molecular Biology Dear Professor Rigby,
I would like to express my gratitude for the recommendation letter you wrote to Epson
Pharmaceuticals and I apologize for the lateness of this letter conveying my thanks.
I have learned more in my brief role as an Assistant Laboratory Technician than I have in all
three years at ISU. As you may have noticed, the company was unable to hire me for the position
that you recommended because it had already been filled, but I have really enjoyed working as an
assistant technician instead. I only have three more weeks before I return to ISU, but the
company has already.
They are offering me the position of Laboratory Technician and assigning me to work in the
division that researches medication for patients recovering from heart surgery. In addition to an
excellent salary, they are also offering me free housing on the Epson Campus, which is located
just three miles from Lake Michigan.
Despite recent allegations that the company is producing drugs that do not meet federal
standards, I feel this is a great opportunity to work for the largest pharmaceutical company in the
country. Thank you once again for helping me get this wonderful opportunity. I look forward to
attending your classes next semester.
Melvin Tobin

196.Why is Dr. Ivan Rigby sending the letter to 199. Bill Hipster?

A. To recommend a student for a position C. A pay raise
B. To suggest a student for a scholarship D. Medical insurance
C. To propose an article for a journal 199.What happened to Epson Pharmaceuticals
D. To announce an awards ceremony recently?

197.Which of the following was NOT A.It was accused of wrongdoing.

mentioned about Melvin Tobin in the first B.It discovered a new drug.
letter? C.It appointed a new CEO.
A. He received an award for his research work. D.It increased the price of drugs.
B. He teaches children at a local school. 200. What can be inferred about Melvins
C. He worked as a Research Aide before. position at Epson Pharmaceuticals?
D. He received the best grades in his courses. A.It did not teach him anything new.
198. What will Melvin receive if he accepts B.It offered very little compensation.
the full-time job offer? C.It involved researching human genomes.
A. A research grant D.It was not the original position he applied
B. Free accommodation for.

1 C 21 A 41 B 61 C 81 A 101 D
2 C 22 B 42 D 62 B 82 B 102 D
3 D 23 A 43 A 63 A 83 C 103 B
4 B 24 A 44 C 64 A 84 D 104 D
5 D 25 A 45 B 65 B 85 B 105 C
6 C 26 C 46 A 66 D 86 A 106 B
7 B 27 C 47 D 67 B 87 D 107 C
8 D 28 B 48 C 68 B 88 A 108 D
9 A 29 A 49 A 69 B 89 C 109 D
10 D 30 B 50 C 70 D 90 A 110 A
11 C 31 B 51 C 71 B 91 D 111 D
12 B 32 C 52 A 72 C 92 D 112 B
13 B 33 C 53 C 73 B 93 B 113 D
14 A 34 A 54 D 74 D 94 B 114 C
15 C 35 A 55 A 75 B 95 A 115 C
16 C 36 C 56 B 76 B 96 B 116 D
17 B 37 B 57 D 77 B 97 C 117 A
18 C 38 A 58 A 78 C 98 B 118 B
19 A 39 A 59 A 79 A 99 D 119 D
20 C 40 C 60 B 80 C 100 C 120 B
121 B 141 B 161 B 181 B
122 A 142 D 162 C 182 B
123 B 143 C 163 A 183 D
124 A 144 B 164 A 184 D
125 A 145 C 165 D 185 C
126 B 146 B 166 C 186 D
127 B 147 C 167 B 187 A
128 C 148 A 168 B 188 C
129 C 149 B 169 A 189 B
130 B 150 D 170 B 190 D
131 A 151 D 171 C 191 D
132 B 152 B 172 D 192 B
133 C 153 D 173 D 193 B
134 D 154 C 174 B 194 C
135 C 155 D 175 D 195 D
136 C 156 B 176 C 196 D
137 D 157 C 177 D 197 C
138 A 158 D 178 B 198 B
139 A 159 C 179 D 199 B
140 C 160 D 180 A 200 D
1 C 21 B 41 C 61 A 81 D 101 A 121
2 A 22 C 42 B 62 C 82 C 102 C 122
3 B 23 B 43 C 63 B 83 C 103 D 123
4 B 24 C 44 C 64 B 84 A 104 A 124
5 A 25 A 45 C 65 D 85 C 105 D 125
6 A 26 A 46 A 66 C 86 D 106 B 126
7 A 27 B 47 C 67 A 87 B 107 A 127
8 B 28 B 48 C 68 B 88 C 108 B 128
9 C 29 A 49 B 69 D 89 C 109 C 129
10 C 30 B 50 A 70 C 90 A 110 A 130
11 C 31 A 51 B 71 D 91 D 111 B 131
12 C 32 B 52 D 72 B 92 B 112 A 132
13 A 33 A 53 C 73 C 93 C 113 C 133
14 B 34 C 54 B 74 B 94 B 114 A 134
15 B 35 C 55 A 75 C 95 D 115 D 135
16 C 36 A 56 A 76 A 96 C 116 A 136
17 C 37 C 57 B 77 B 97 A 117 A 137
18 C 38 B 58 B 78 A 98 D 118 B 138
19 C 39 B 59 B 79 D 99 D 119 C 139
20 B 40 B 60 C 80 A 100 A 120 A 140
D 141 A 161 C 181 B
A 142 D 162 D 182 C
A 143 B 163 D 183 C
A 144 B 164 C 184 C
B 145 B 165 C 185 D
C 146 D 166 A 186 D
B 147 C 167 D 187 A
A 148 A 168 B 188 A
C 149 D 169 C 189 C
D 150 C 170 B 190 B
B 151 B 171 C 191 C
C 152 D 172 B 192 B
D 153 D 173 A 193 C
A 154 A 174 C 194 B
B 155 D 175 A 195 A
D 156 C 176 D 196 A
C 157 C 177 B 197 C
C 158 D 178 A 198 D
A 159 C 179 C 199 B
D 160 A 180 D 200 D
1 21 41 61 81 101 B
2 22 42 62 82 102 B
3 23 43 63 83 103 D
4 24 44 64 84 104 D
5 25 45 65 85 105 D
6 26 46 66 86 106 C
7 27 47 67 87 107 B
8 28 48 68 88 108 C
9 29 49 69 89 109 B
10 30 50 70 90 110 B
11 31 51 71 91 111 B
12 32 52 72 92 112 B
13 33 53 73 93 113 C
14 34 54 74 94 114 C
15 35 55 75 95 115 B
16 36 56 76 96 116 C
17 37 57 77 97 117 A
18 38 58 78 98 118 C
19 39 59 79 99 119 A
20 40 60 80 100 120 C
121 D 141 D 161 C 181 C
122 B 142 C 162 C 182 D
123 A 143 A 163 D 183 C
124 B 144 B 164 A 184 C
125 A 145 D 165 D 185 A
126 A 146 C 166 B 186 B
127 B 147 B 167 B 187 B
128 D 148 B 168 D 188 A
129 A 149 D 169 A 189 D
130 B 150 B 170 C 190 C
131 D 151 C 171 A 191 B
132 D 152 D 172 B 192 D
133 D 153 D 173 B 193 D
134 B 154 D 174 C 194 D
135 D 155 B 175 C 195 B
136 D 156 B 176 C 196 A
137 D 157 C 177 B 197 B
138 D 158 D 178 A 198 A
139 D 159 B 179 D 199 D
140 D 160 C 180 A 200 D
1 C 21 A 41 B 61 A 81 B 101 C 121
2 C 22 A 42 D 62 C 82 B 102 B 122
3 D 23 C 43 D 63 A 83 C 103 A 123
4 D 24 B 44 B 64 C 84 A 104 A 124
5 C 25 C 45 B 65 B 85 D 105 D 125
6 C 26 A 46 C 66 A 86 B 106 C 126
7 C 27 B 47 C 67 D 87 A 107 C 127
8 B 28 C 48 C 68 A 88 B 108 B 128
9 B 29 A 49 C 69 B 89 B 109 C 129
10 D 30 B 50 D 70 A 90 B 110 A 130
11 C 31 A 51 A 71 C 91 C 111 D 131
12 B 32 C 52 C 72 A 92 A 112 B 132
13 A 33 B 53 A 73 D 93 B 113 A 133
14 A 34 C 54 A 74 B 94 B 114 B 134
15 A 35 A 55 D 75 B 95 C 115 C 135
16 A 36 C 56 C 76 B 96 C 116 C 136
17 B 37 B 57 C 77 A 97 A 117 B 137
18 C 38 C 58 A 78 D 98 D 118 B 138
19 B 39 B 59 B 79 A 99 D 119 A 139
20 C 40 C 60 B 80 A 100 B 120 D 140
B 141 B 161 B 181 B
C 142 A 162 C 182 C
D 143 A 163 A 183 D
A 144 C 164 A 184 D
B 145 B 165 C 185 C
B 146 B 166 B 186 D
C 147 C 167 B 187 C
D 148 B 168 B 188 D
B 149 D 169 A 189 B
A 150 B 170 B 190 A
C 151 A 171 B 191 C
C 152 B 172 A 192 A
D 153 C 173 C 193 B
A 154 D 174 C 194 C
C 155 D 175 B 195 D
A 156 D 176 C 196 B
C 157 A 177 D 197 D
B 158 A 178 B 198 C
D 159 B 179 A 199 D
B 160 D 180 C 200 A
1 D 21 C 41 C 61 C 81 B 101 A
2 C 22 C 42 C 62 A 82 A 102 C
3 A 23 C 43 C 63 C 83 A 103 C
4 D 24 A 44 B 64 A 84 B 104 D
5 D 25 B 45 C 65 B 85 B 105 A
6 A 26 C 46 C 66 A 86 A 106 B
7 D 27 B 47 A 67 A 87 B 107 B
8 B 28 A 48 D 68 B 88 B 108 B
9 C 29 A 49 B 69 A 89 C 109 C
10 B 30 C 50 C 70 D 90 B 110 A
11 B 31 A 51 A 71 A 91 A 111 D
12 B 32 C 52 B 72 B 92 B 112 B
13 B 33 C 53 B 73 A 93 D 113 C
14 A 34 B 54 B 74 D 94 A 114 C
15 C 35 A 55 C 75 C 95 C 115 D
16 A 36 A 56 B 76 B 96 B 116 A
17 A 37 A 57 A 77 C 97 A 117 C
18 A 38 B 58 D 78 B 98 A 118 D
19 A 39 A 59 B 79 A 99 B 119 A
20 B 40 A 60 A 80 C 100 B 120 D
121 D 141 B 161 B 181 C
122 B 142 C 162 C 182 B
123 B 143 D 163 B 183 C
124 A 144 C 164 A 184 C
125 B 145 C 165 D 185 B
126 A 146 B 166 C 186 B
127 D 147 A 167 D 187 B
128 C 148 C 168 A 188 D
129 D 149 D 169 D 189 A
130 C 150 B 170 A 190 A
131 C 151 D 171 D 191 A
132 D 152 B 172 C 192 C
133 B 153 D 173 A 193 D
134 C 154 A 174 B 194 B
135 D 155 B 175 B 195 A
136 C 156 C 176 A 196 D
137 A 157 B 177 A 197 A
138 A 158 C 178 C 198 D
139 D 159 D 179 B 199 B
140 A 160 C 180 A 200 A
1 B 21 C 41 A 61 A 81 C 101 B
2 D 22 B 42 C 62 B 82 A 102 A
3 B 23 C 43 D 63 C 83 C 103 B
4 D 24 B 44 C 64 A 84 A 104 B
5 A 25 B 45 B 65 C 85 C 105 A
6 B 26 A 46 D 66 B 86 B 106 D
7 C 27 B 47 C 67 A 87 D 107 C
8 A 28 C 48 A 68 B 88 C 108 B
9 D 29 A 49 A 69 C 89 B 109 B
10 A 30 C 50 C 70 D 90 D 110 B
11 B 31 A 51 D 71 B 91 C 111 A
12 B 32 C 52 C 72 A 92 D 112 C
13 A 33 B 53 A 73 D 93 A 113 B
14 C 34 B 54 D 74 C 94 A 114 A
15 A 35 A 55 C 75 B 95 C 115 D
16 C 36 A 56 A 76 D 96 C 116 B
17 A 37 A 57 B 77 A 97 A 117 C
18 A 38 C 58 A 78 C 98 D 118 B
19 A 39 C 59 C 79 D 99 C 119 D
20 B 40 A 60 B 80 D 100 A 120 A
121 C 141 B 161 D 181 D
122 C 142 D 162 D 182 A
123 D 143 B 163 A 183 A
124 B 144 B 164 D 184 C
125 D 145 D 165 C 185 C
126 B 146 B 166 A 186 C
127 C 147 D 167 C 187 A
128 D 148 B 168 B 188 B
129 C 149 C 169 D 189 D
130 B 150 C 170 A 190 B
131 A 151 D 171 D 191 B
132 C 152 A 172 C 192 D
133 D 153 B 173 B 193 C
134 A 154 A 174 C 194 C
135 B 155 D 175 C 195 A
136 A 156 D 176 D 196 C
137 D 157 D 177 C 197 A
138 B 158 B 178 B 198 B
139 A 159 C 179 A 199 D
140 C 160 C 180 D 200 A
1 B 21 A 41 D 61 A 81 C 101 D
2 C 22 B 42 C 62 D 82 B 102 B
3 C 23 C 43 A 63 C 83 D 103 D
4 B 24 C 44 D 64 A 84 A 104 D
5 C 25 A 45 B 65 D 85 A 105 C
6 A 26 B 46 A 66 A 86 B 106 C
7 B 27 B 47 D 67 B 87 B 107 A
8 C 28 C 48 B 68 B 88 B 108 D
9 D 29 B 49 B 69 A 89 B 109 D
10 C 30 B 50 A 70 D 90 C 110 A
11 C 31 A 51 B 71 D 91 B 111 A
12 C 32 A 52 C 72 C 92 D 112 C
13 A 33 B 53 D 73 A 93 B 113 C
14 C 34 C 54 C 74 B 94 B 114 B
15 A 35 A 55 A 75 A 95 D 115 D
16 A 36 B 56 D 76 B 96 C 116 C
17 C 37 A 57 B 77 D 97 D 117 A
18 B 38 B 58 B 78 B 98 A 118 B
19 A 39 C 59 C 79 A 99 D 119 C
20 C 40 A 60 D 80 A 100 C 120 A
121 C 141 D 161 D 181 C
122 B 142 C 162 B 182 D
123 D 143 C 163 C 183 D
124 C 144 A 164 C 184 D
125 C 145 C 165 D 185 A
126 A 146 D 166 B 186 A
127 A 147 A 167 B 187 C
128 C 148 C 168 B 188 B
129 B 149 C 169 C 189 D
130 C 150 A 170 A 190 D
131 C 151 D 171 D 191 B
132 B 152 C 172 C 192 A
133 A 153 C 173 B 193 A
134 C 154 B 174 D 194 A
135 C 155 B 175 D 195 D
136 D 156 A 176 B 196 C
137 C 157 D 177 C 197 C
138 D 158 D 178 B 198 B
139 A 159 C 179 D 199 C
140 D 160 A 180 A 200 D
1 C 21 C 41 B 61 C 81 D 101 D 121 C 141 C 161 B 181 C
2 B 22 A 42 A 62 C 82 D 102 C 122 C 142 C 162 B 182 D
3 D 23 A 43 D 63 C 83 B 103 B 123 A 143 A 163 A 183 A
4 C 24 B 44 A 64 C 84 A 104 B 124 B 144 B 164 D 184 D
5 B 25 C 45 C 65 A 85 D 105 B 125 A 145 C 165 B 185 B
6 D 26 A 46 B 66 B 86 C 106 D 126 C 146 B 166 C 186 C
7 D 27 A 47 C 67 D 87 A 107 D 127 C 147 B 167 A 187 C
8 C 28 B 48 A 68 D 88 B 108 D 128 B 148 D 168 A 188 A
9 B 29 A 49 D 69 B 89 A 109 D 129 C 149 A 169 A 189 B
10 C 30 A 50 B 70 A 90 D 110 A 130 B 150 B 170 D 190 C
11 B 31 A 51 D 71 C 91 B 111 D 131 C 151 B 171 C 191 B
12 B 32 C 52 D 72 D 92 D 112 A 132 A 152 B 172 C 192 B
13 C 33 C 53 C 73 A 93 B 113 A 133 D 153 C 173 B 193 D
14 C 34 A 54 A 74 A 94 A 114 D 134 B 154 A 174 C 194 A
15 A 35 A 55 C 75 C 95 C 115 C 135 A 155 C 175 A 195 D
16 B 36 C 56 C 76 D 96 D 116 B 136 A 156 A 176 D 196 D
17 B 37 B 57 B 77 B 97 B 117 A 137 B 157 D 177 C 197 A
18 B 38 C 58 A 78 C 98 C 118 C 138 D 158 B 178 A 198 C
19 A 39 B 59 C 79 A 99 B 119 B 139 C 159 A 179 A 199 C
20 B 40 A 60 B 80 D 100 C 120 D 140 B 160 D 180 D 200 C
1 D 21 A 41 B 61 A 81 D 101 A
2 A 22 A 42 A 62 C 82 A 102 A
3 D 23 B 43 B 63 D 83 D 103 C
4 C 24 A 44 B 64 C 84 B 104 C
5 C 25 B 45 A 65 A 85 A 105 D
6 B 26 A 46 D 66 A 86 A 106 A
7 B 27 B 47 D 67 B 87 A 107 D
8 D 28 A 48 B 68 C 88 A 108 B
9 D 29 A 49 B 69 B 89 A 109 A
10 A 30 A 50 A 70 A 90 D 110 B
11 A 31 C 51 C 71 D 91 C 111 A
12 A 32 B 52 B 72 D 92 C 112 C
13 A 33 C 53 C 73 B 93 A 113 A
14 A 34 A 54 C 74 D 94 D 114 D
15 A 35 B 55 A 75 C 95 D 115 B
16 C 36 C 56 B 76 B 96 B 116 A
17 A 37 A 57 C 77 B 97 B 117 A
18 A 38 A 58 D 78 A 98 B 118 C
19 C 39 A 59 C 79 B 99 D 119 A
20 B 40 A 60 A 80 A 100 C 120 C
121 C 141 D 161 D 181 B
122 D 142 A 162 B 182 C
123 C 143 C 163 C 183 A
124 D 144 A 164 B 184 C
125 C 145 D 165 B 185 D
126 D 146 C 166 A 186 B
127 B 147 C 167 B 187 B
128 D 148 B 168 B 188 B
129 B 149 D 169 B 189 B
130 C 150 A 170 C 190 A
131 A 151 C 171 A 191 C
132 B 152 B 172 B 192 C
133 C 153 D 173 B 193 A
134 B 154 C 174 A 194 A
135 A 155 D 175 B 195 A
136 B 156 B 176 C 196 C
137 B 157 C 177 D 197 B
138 A 158 A 178 D 198 B
139 C 159 D 179 B 199 B
140 B 160 D 180 C 200 B
1 A 21 C 41 B 61 B 81 B 101 D
2 B 22 A 42 A 62 A 82 D 102 A
3 D 23 B 43 B 63 A 83 A 103 C
4 A 24 C 44 A 64 C 84 C 104 B
5 B 25 A 45 A 65 A 85 C 105 C
6 C 26 C 46 B 66 A 86 C 106 C
7 B 27 C 47 B 67 B 87 C 107 A
8 D 28 A 48 C 68 A 88 D 108 C
9 C 29 C 49 B 69 B 89 C 109 D
10 A 30 C 50 B 70 C 90 B 110 B
11 B 31 A 51 A 71 B 91 B 111 D
12 A 32 C 52 C 72 A 92 D 112 B
13 C 33 A 53 C 73 C 93 B 113 D
14 C 34 A 54 B 74 B 94 C 114 C
15 B 35 B 55 B 75 A 95 B 115 A
16 C 36 C 56 D 76 D 96 A 116 B
17 A 37 C 57 C 77 A 97 D 117 D
18 B 38 B 58 C 78 A 98 A 118 B
19 C 39 A 59 B 79 A 99 B 119 B
20 B 40 A 60 B 80 A 100 B 120 C
121 D 141 A 161 D 181 B
122 A 142 B 162 A 182 A
123 D 143 C 163 D 183 C
124 B 144 C 164 B 184 C
125 C 145 B 165 B 185 C
126 B 146 C 166 B 186 B
127 A 147 B 167 C 187 C
128 C 148 D 168 A 188 D
129 D 149 A 169 D 189 B
130 B 150 A 170 B 190 A
131 A 151 D 171 B 191 A
132 B 152 A 172 A 192 B
133 A 153 B 173 D 193 D
134 B 154 C 174 A 194 D
135 D 155 D 175 B 195 C
136 B 156 C 176 D 196 A
137 C 157 A 177 C 197 C
138 A 158 B 178 C 198 B
139 D 159 C 179 D 199 A
140 B 160 C 180 A 200 D

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