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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 4 Issue: 5 396 - 400

Coverage and Energy Based Clustering Techniques to Increase The Lifetime Of
Akhil Jajulwar1, Pravin Kulurkar2
1 2
Research Scholar, CSE, VIT, Nagpur, Assistant Professor, CSE, VIT,
Nagpur, India Nagpur, India
jajulwarakhil@gmail.com pravinkulurkar@gmail.com

Abstract:-A varied wireless sensor network consists of many types of nodes in sequence. Some of the nodes have high probability processing
and large energy. The high energy nodes are called the manager nodes. Except the high energy nodes the other nodes are used for monitoring the
data. These nodes sense the data from the environment and also act as a path to manager node, these are the normal nodes. In this paper, an
energy-aware algorithm K- medoid is presented for the optimum selection of cluster heads and sensor groups that are used for monitoring and
sending messages from nodes in point coverage, using the energy comparison between the nodes. This algorithm used is useful in reducing the
energy consumption of the network and increase its life-time. Also we concentrate on a maximum lifetime coverage scheduling of target nodes
and collect data for a WSN, even though if all the sensors have the identical sensing radius and the same transmission data. Finally, the practical
efficiency of our algorithms is presented and analysed through simulation. These extensive simulation results show better performances of our

Keywords: Clustering, K- Medoid, idle nodes, lifetime maximization.


I. INTRODUCTION consist the related work in section 2, the proposed system in

section 3, the results in section 4 and the conclusion in
In many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications, section 5.
sensors are evenly distributed in a fixed area to keep a
record of current or natures conditions, such as pressure,
humidity, temperature, etc., and to send the recorded data
towards a base station. sometimes, a set of these target
points are monitored in a specific area. On the another point
of view, for a better result guarantees, the each and every
point of interest should be observed by at least one sensor at
all times. But, the consumption of energy by a sensors
should be minimized since, in maximum cases, working of
sensors is totally based on battery.So, to preserve energy
power supplies of these sensors must turn off when they are
not in use .Sensor networks are often wished to be buitt in
remote environments, like forest or desert. Since the
capacity of the nodes is restricted, it seems to be very
difficult to recharge or change the battery of all the sensor
nodes. However, in many monitoring devices it is assumed
Fig 1: subset of sensors to monitor the target points in
that the system will operate as long as possible. So, some
each round
techniques must be applied to save energy. The most
efficient method for saving energy is to put as many sensors
to an inactive mode. But at this time, the network must
maintain the connectivity that the base station must be able
Zaixin Lu, et. al proposeed that in any sensor scheduling
to connect to any active sensors. Since every node in a
problem, the target monitoring and collection both are
specific area sense a common data, its not mandatory that
considerd for the mazamization of network lifetime. The
all of them must be active, as long as there are sufficient
problem is studied both theoretically and practically. Also,
working sensors to give surety of systems function.
they have stated thatit is NP-hard for efficient network
Therefore, the lifetime of a sensor network can be increased
lifetime though all the nodes and target points are in a
respectively if we schedule work of the sensors. In a
Euclidean plane. By the other side of the issue, a
continuously operating sensor networks, unused sensors are
polynomial-time approximation scheme is developed,
deployed, but only a few of them are active on that time,
assuming that the density of target points is enclosed, and a
though the major part of sensors are kept inactiveand for the
constant-factor approximation algorithm for the general
purpose of preserving energy. The clustering techniqus that
case. The practical efficiency of algorithms, that is
will be applied in this paper will form the clusters of the k
compared with the greedy algorithm is evaluated. The result
size. Depending on this, a cluster head will be assigned, that
was that the proposed algorithm was efficient then the
will be useful to preserve the energy in the clusters while the
previous one [1].
transmission of data through the sensors. The rest paper
IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 396 - 400
A. B. M. Alim Al Islam et al. proposed a sensor network Jenifer Angel J proposed a novel method to enhance the
improve network stability. In LEACH, each sensor node lifetime of the nodes by introducing clusters that
gets equal chance to be a cluster head and thus its lifetime communicate to the main fusion center of the cognitive
depends only on its own residual energy. Therefore, a sensor sensor network. Each sensor sends its spectrum sensing
node with low energy dies within a short time. So a cluster result to the cluster head the node that is nearer to the fusion
head must be chosen according to the residual energies to center is selected as cluster head. The cluster heads sends its
increase the stability of a WSN. Sensor nodes with very low opinion to the main fusion center which makes the final
residual energies should be excluded from choices of decision. The results simulated using NS-2 shows that there
probable cluster heads to maxi- mize their lifetimes. The is a reduction in consumed energy in the proposed network
four heuristics is presented to achieve goals. The complete model when compared with the Parallel distributed spectrum
clustering algorithm DCRN describes these algorithm [2]. sensing network model [6].
D.Suresh et al. states the centralized clustering architecture, Mario Cordina et al. had presented a cluster-based routing
and a clustering algorithm to provide efficient energy algorithm that is based on Fuzzy-ART neural networks to
consumption and efficient network lifetime in the wireless increase the life span of the networks. The saving of energy
sensor networks that is CAFEE (Clustering Algorithm for can be analysed by using LEACH, a centralised version of
Energy Efficient). If the BS receives the information of any LEACH and a self-organizing map (SOM) neural network-
location and remaining energy for each sensor node and the based clustering algorithm. Also the use of a base station
average remaining energy can be calculated. The modify k- centric predictive filtering algorithm used for reduction of
means algorithm to make an ideal distribution for sensor transmitted data leading for further increasing the network
node clusters by using the information of location and lifetime [7].
residual energy for all sensor nodes. The two models are Hai Liu et al. tried to find an optimal solution for the target
include in this algorithm set up model and Steady sate model watching schedule that achieves the maximal lifetime. The
[3]. three solutions are as under
steps: 1) computing the maximal lifetime of the surveillance
system and a workload matrix by using linear programming
2) decomposing the workload matrix into a sequence of
schedule matrices that can achieve the maximal lifetime. 3)
determining the sensor surveillance trees based on the above
obtained schedule matrices, which specify the active sensors
and the routes to pass sensed data to the base station [8].


This paper consists of clustering techniques the n number of

clusters are made according to our need. K- medoid
algorithm is used for clustering, also the concept of active
deactive is used, due to which the maximal lifetime is
provided to network and lifetime of network is also
Fig 2 : Cluster based wireless sensor network inceased. The LEACH protocol is used to calculate the
energy of each sensor node.
J.Surekha et al. states that clustering is a technique to divide
sensor nodes in number of groups in the network. Formation ALGORITHM
of cluster is based on information required in certain region,
and cluster head is selected by availability of nodes in the K- Medoid
cluster. In , cluster their is one head that act as a leader and
is responsible to collect data from all nodes then send it to Step 1 : (Select initial medoids)
BS. The main moto is, to reduce the task of cluster head by 1-1. Using Euclidean distance as a dissimilarity measure,
transaction of data with other cluster head and maximize compute the distance between every pair of all objects as
lifetime of network [4]. follows:
Faramarz Ahmadnezhad et al. a routing algorithm Energy
Based Clustering Self organizing map (EBC-S) to increase
the lifetime of WSN. The topological energy based
clustering method is approached to extend life time of the
network with sufficient network coverage. The energy based 1-2. Calculate Pij to make an initial guess at the centers of
clustering must create clusters with equal energy levels. By the clusters.
this means energy consumption could be better balanced in
whole network. The proposed algorithm are LEACH-C and
LEA2C protocols.Thus the operation of the algorithm is
divided into rounds in a similar way to LEACH-C [5].

IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 396 - 400
1-3. Calculate =1 ( = 1, ) at each objects and sort FLOWCHART
them in ascending order. Select k objects having the
minimum value as initial group medoids.

1-4. Assign each object to the nearest medoid.

1-5. Calculate the current optimal value, the sum of distance

from all objects to their medoids.

Step 2 : (Find new medoids)

Replace the current medoid in each cluster by the object
which minimizes the total distance to other objects in its

Step 3 : (New assignment)

3-1. Assign each object to the nearest new medoid.

3-2. Calculate new optimal value, the sum of distance from

all objects to their new medoids. If the optimal value is
equal to the previous one, then stop the algorithm.
Otherwise, go back to the Step 2.

The above algorithm runs just like K-means clustering and

so this will be called as K means-like algorithm. In Step 1,
we proposed a method of choosing the initial medoids. The
performance of the algorithm may vary according to the
method of selecting the initial medoids.

Method 1. Random selection

Select k objects randomly from all objects.

Method 2. Systematic selection

Sort all objects in the order of values of the chosen variable
(first variable will be used in this study). Divide the range of Fig 3: flowchart of proposed system
the above values into k equal intervals and select one object
randomly from each interval. IV. SIMULATION AND RESULTS

Method 3. Sampling
Take 10% random sampling from all objects and perform a
preliminary clustering phase on these sampled objects using
the proposed algorithm. The clustering result is used as the
initial medoids.

Method 4. Outmost objects

Select k objects which are furthest from the center.

Method 5. Gaussian mixture

Assuming that the objects are derived from k Gaussian
components, estimate each mean vector of k Gaussian
models through Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
(Vlassis and Likas, 2002) and find the closest object to the
estimated mean vector.

Fig 4: Network formation

IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 396 - 400

Fig 5: Active node communication

Fig 10 : compare pdr

Fig 7: Off node communication

Fig 11: Compare Energy

Fig 8: Compare Energy

Fig 11: Compare throughput


In this paper an effort is being made to provide the

maximum lifetime energy to a specified Wireless Sensor
Network. The K- mediod protocol is used for the better
clustering. Also a concept of active deactive is used in this
concept. The energy of network is calculated by Leach
protocol. The comparision are shown on PDR, energy,
throughput, jitter and delay.
Fig 9: Compare delay
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IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 396 - 400
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IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org

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