Aggregate : Section 403: Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 144
Aggregate : Section 403: Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 144
Aggregate : Section 403: Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 144
This Work consists of constructing an open-graded friction course (OGFC) on a prepared
403.2.1 General
Provide OGFC composed of aggregate, asphalt binder, and hydrated lime or anhydrite
based Material.
403.2.2 Aggregate
The aggregate is crushed stone or crushed gravel, composed of hard durable pebbles or
fragments. Ensure the aggregate meets the grading requirements in Table 403.2.2:1, OGFC
Gradation Requirements, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 11 and AASHTO T 27.
The Department will determine aggregate acceptance by testing samples of the combined
aggregates and lime taken before adding asphalt Materials.
Table 403.2.2:1
OGFC Gradation Requirements
Sieve size % passing
1/2 inch 100
3/8 inch 90 100
No. 4 25 55
No. 10 0 12
No. 40 0 8
No. 200 0 4
Accepted aggregate Material must also meet the following requirements:
1. At least 75% of the Material retained in the No. 4 sieve will be composed of particles
that have at least two (2) Fractured Faces. Fractured Faces will be determined in
accordance with NMDOT Method FF-1, Fractured Face Determination for Coarse
2. The aggregate is free of organic matter, lumps of clay, or other Material that
prevents thorough coating with asphalt Material;
3. The aggregate is obtained from a source with an AI of 20 or less when calculated in
accordance with Section 901, "QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE
4. The Department will allow the combination of Materials from two (2) or more sources
to produce coarse aggregate only when each source independently meets the
requirements of item three (3), above.
403.2.3 Asphalt Material
Use either a PG 70-28+ or PG 70-28R+ as specified in the Contract, in accordance with
Section 402, Asphalt Materials, Hydrated Lime, and Anhydrite Based Material.
403.2.4 Hydrated Lime or Anhydrite Based Material
Provide hydrated lime or Anhydrite based Material in accordance with Section 402,
Asphalt Materials, Hydrated Lime, and Anhydrite Based Material.
403.2.5 Mix Design
The District Laboratory will develop the OGFC mix design. The JMF gradation will be
Section 403: Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 144
within the master range for the specified type of OGFC. The mix design will establish a single
percentage of aggregate passing each required sieve size and a single percentage of asphalt
Material to be added to the aggregate. The mix design will specify whether to add hydrated
lime or anhydrite based Material and how much to use. If hydrated lime or anhydrite based
Material is added, include it in the gradation for establishing the mix design. If liquid anti-strip
is required, compensation will be by Change Order.
403.3.1 General
Use the strap method to determine the quantity of asphalt Material, and maintain the
percentage of asphalt Material specified in the mix design, within 0.3%.
403.3.2 Preparation of Roadbed
Before placing OGFC, clean Deleterious Materials from the existing surface.
403.3.3 Temperature and Weather Limitations
Do not place OGFC on wet surfaces or when the Project Manager determines that the
weather conditions prevent proper handling and finishing. Place OGFC when the Chill Factor
is at least 60 F. If the air temperature is 90 F or warmer, do not consider the Chill Factor.
403.3.4 Mixing Requirements
Ensure that:
1. Hot mix plants conform to the requirements of Section 423, Hot-Mix Asphalt
Superpave (QLA & Non-QLA), and are of a size that is proportional to the scale of
the Work;
2. The mineral aggregate is free of oily or carbonaceous coatings;
3. The moisture content of the mixed Material does not exceed one percent (1%), by
weight, of the dry aggregate;
4. The aggregate is mixed with asphalt Material until the aggregate particles are
thoroughly and uniformly coated;
5. The mixture temperature does not vary by more than 20 F from the placement
temperature established by the Project Manager;
6. The placement temperature for the mixture does not exceed the asphalt binder
Suppliers recommendation, or fall below 220 F;
7. If the Contract requires hydrated lime or anhydrite based Material, add it to the
aggregate in accordance with Section 423, Hot-Mix Asphalt Superpave (QLA &
Non-QLA) within the production tolerances specified.
403.3.5 Placement and Finishing
Place the OGFC with a paving machine in accordance with Section 423.3.4.3, Pavers.
The Project Manager may require an external reference of at least 40 ft to improve the
rideability. Immediately following the OGFC placement, roll the surface with a steel-wheeled,
self-propelled roller that weighs enough to achieve adequate consolidation of the aggregate
without excessive breakage. The finished surface shall be smooth and in accordance with
Section 401.3.1.4, Profile Measurement Operations. Use a ten (10) foot straightedge to
ensure the surface is free of irregularities larger than 1/8 inch. Immediately remove low and
defective areas, replace them with new, hot OGFC, and compact the corrected Work to
conform to the surrounding area.
403.3.5.1 Plan Surfacing Depths
Monitor and record plan depths throughout the surfacing operations at intervals specified
Section 403: Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 145
by the Project Manager. The Department will not pay for any excess course depth. Courses
will be rejected, if less than 1/2 inch.
403.3.6 Sampling and Testing
403.3.6.1 Contractor Quality Control
Sample the stockpiled aggregate at a point agreed to by the Project Manager and shall
conduct testing on those samples in accordance with applicable test procedures. This
sampling and testing will be accomplished by qualified testing personnel using Equipment
furnished by the Contractor that meets all applicable ASTM and AASHTO requirements. The
applicable test procedures, performed as described in the NMDOT Technician Training and
Certification Manual, are as follows:
AASHTO T 2 Sampling Aggregates
AASHTO T 11 Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by
AASHTO T 27 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates
AASHTO T 248 Reducing Field Samples of Aggregate to Testing Size
NMDOT FF-1 Fractured Face Determination for Coarse Aggregate
Sample test at the rate of at least one (1) test per 250 tons of Material produced for the
first 2000 tons of production, and test at least 500 tons of Material produced thereafter.
403. Suspension of Operations
If one (1) or more properties listed in Subsection 403.6.3, Department Quality Assurance
Testing, fail to meet the specification requirements for a period of one (1) Day or a maximum
production of 1000 tons; the production will be halted by the Project Manager. Use the
gradation information to determine causes or factors that may be a contribution to the problem
and prepare a plan to solve the problem. Approval of the plan must be obtained from the
Project Manager before resumption of paving operations. Upon approval of the proposed
plan, the Contractor may resume operations to determine if the actions taken have corrected
the problem. Limit production to 1000 tons that will be tested in 500 ton increments. If that
testing indicates that the problem has been corrected, the Contractor may resume full
operations. If the problem has not been corrected, further trial runs and testing as described
herein will be required. Take corrective action to remedy any property of the mix that is out of
specification. Contractors who elect to produce Material that is not within the specification
limits do so at their own risk. Price reductions due to out of specification Material being placed
will be deducted from the unit price of the item in accordance with the Departments current
Acceptance and Price Reduction Procedures. All Material that is rejected shall be removed
and replaced with specification Material at the Contractors expense. Material that is
improperly graded or segregated or fails to meet the requirements herein provided shall be
corrected or removed and disposed of immediately as directed by the Project Manager at the
Contractors expense.
403.3.6.2 Department Quality Assurance
403. Acceptance
After the mix design has been issued and approved, control the mixture production on the
project such that the tolerances of Table 403.3.7:1 are met. The Department will conduct
Quality Assurance sampling, testing, and monitoring to ensure that the Contractor provides a
mix that meets the tolerances. Acceptance for gradation will be based on testing of samples
obtained from combined aggregates and lime, if used, before addition of asphaltic Materials.
Acceptance for asphalt content will be based on strap method. Acceptance for lime content
will be based on daily strap totals. The testing will be conducted in accordance with the
Departments minimum Acceptance Testing Requirements. Acceptance test results will be
provided to the Contractors Quality Control Representative or designee by the end of the
Section 403: Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 146
Workday after the samples are taken.
Table 403.3.7:1
Acceptance Limits and Factors
Characteristic Specification limits
Asphalt Content 0.3%a
Hydrated Lime or Anhydrite based
Material Content (If Required by the Mix
1/2 inch Gradation Band
3/8 inch Gradation Band
No. 4 Gradation Band
No. 10 Gradation Band
No. 40 Gradation Band
No. 200 Gradation Band
aPercent difference from TV of approved JMF.
403.4.1 OGFC
OGFC will be measured by the square yard or ton. The average width of the OGFC in
place will be used in computing the quantities. The length used in computing the area shall be
station to station along the centerline of the Roadway. All dimensions shall be as shown on
the typical section of the Plans.
The accepted quantities of the OGFC will be paid for at the contract unit price per square
yard or ton. The accepted quantities complete in place will be considered full compensation
for furnishing all Materials, labor, tools, Equipment, testing, and any appurtenances necessary
to complete the Work as directed by the Project Manager. Materials shall be considered to
include all aggregate, bituminous Material, and hydrated lime. The checking of the depth of
the course(s) for process control and cutting of the test cores that include the refilling and
compacting with acceptable Materials shall be done by and at the expense of the Contractor
under the direct supervision of the Project Manager.
Payments will be made under:
Pay Item Pay Unit
Open-Graded Friction Course Square Yard or Ton
403.5.1 Price Adjustments
A price reduction in accordance with the Departments Price Reduction Guidelines will be
applied if the OGFC, bituminous Material, or hydrated lime are not produced, mixed, or placed
in accordance with the contract requirements.
Section 403-A: Warm Mix Asphalt - Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 147
Warm mix asphalt (WMA) is a generic term used to describe the reduction in production,
paving, and compaction temperatures achieved through the use of one (1) of the NMDOT
approved WMA technologies.
Some modification to HMA plants may be necessary to accommodate the WMA
technologies as noted in Section 424.3 Construction Requirements.
This Work consists of constructing a warm-mix asphalt open-graded friction course
(WMA-OGFC) on a prepared surface with a warm-mix additive or technologies, approved by
the New Mexico Department of Transportation, and included the most current Approved
Products List (APL).
Warm-Mix Asphalt shall be produced in a mixing plant and stored, hauled, placed and
compacted in accordance with the requirements of this Section and as shown on the Plans.
A technical representative of the Warm Mix Additive Supplier, including contact information,
shall be provided in writing to the District prior to mix design process. The representative is
expected to ensure that the Warm-mix additive is handled properly. This representative does
not have the authority to allow any deviation from the Department Specifications and Project
403-A.2.1 General
Provide WMA-OGFC composed of aggregate, asphalt binder, and hydrated lime or
anhydrite based material.
WMA may be produced by one (1) or a combination of several technologies which may
include WMA plant foaming processes and Equipment, mineral additives or chemicals that
allow the reduction of the production temperatures.
403-A.2.2 Aggregate
The aggregate is crushed stone or crushed gravel, composed of hard durable pebbles or
fragments. Ensure the aggregate meets the grading requirements in Table 403-A.2.2:1,
OGFC Gradation Requirements, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 11 and
AASHTO T 27. The Department will determine aggregate Acceptance by testing samples of
the combined aggregates and lime taken before adding asphalt Materials.
Table 403-A.2.2:1
OGFC Gradation Requirements
Sieve size % passing
1/2 inch 100
3/8 inch 90 100
No. 4 25 55
No. 10 0 12
No. 40 0 8
No. 200 0 4
Accepted aggregate Material must also meet the following requirements:
1. At least 75% of the Material retained in the No. 4 sieve will be composed of particles
that have at least two (2) Fractured Faces. Fractured Faces will be determined in
Section 403-A: Warm Mix Asphalt - Open Graded Friction Course (NON-QLA) Page 148
accordance with NMDOT Method FF-1, Fractured Face Determination for Coarse
2. The aggregate is free of organic matter, lumps of clay, or other material that
prevents thorough coating with asphalt Material;
3. The aggregate is obtained from a source with an AI of 20 or less when
calculated in accordance with Section 901, "QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY
4. The Department will allow the combination of Materials from two (2) or more sources
to produce coarse aggregate only when