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Revent OIL Rosion ON Your Roperty: P S E P

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How to Use Sandbags Filling

Filling sandbags is best done with two people. Fill half full with
sand if available or local soil.
������������ ���������� Stacking
Fold top of sandbag down and rest the bag on its top on the
stack. Top should be facing upstream. Stamp the bag into place.
Complete each layer before starting the next layer. Stagger the
layers. Stack no more than three layers high unless they are
against a building or stacked pyramid-style.

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Sandbag diversion
Sandbags will redirect water away from property but will not
�������������� ������������ seal out water. Place sandbags with the folded top toward the
upstream or uphill direction. Sandbags are temporary and will
deteriorate after several months.


Do: Don’t:
• Contact your local Flood Control Agency or Public Works • Under-estimate the power of debris flows.
Authority- Installing these erosion control devices on your
property may not be sufficient to thwart extreme flows. • Walk or drive across swiftly flowing water.
• Try to direct debris flows away from your property to a • Wait until storms arrive to make a plan.
recognized drainage device or to the street.
• Try to confine the flows more than is necessary.
• Clear a path for debris.
• Direct flow to neighbor’s property.
• Place protective measures to divert debris, not dam it.
• Board up windows facing the flow
• Work with your neighbors.

Don’t Forget to Plan for Erosion Control

ALL YEAR ROUND In an effort to help landowners protect their
Preventing runoff during the spring and summer is equally as Soil erosion can happen property, professional NRCS Conservationists
important as preventing erosion. A major source of dry season
pollution of lakes and streams near urban areas is runoff from
slowly, gradually washing developed erosion control practices for areas
where trees have been removed.
landscape watering. This water carries oil and gasoline residue away top soil, or it can
from roadways, fertilizers, pesticides, and other undesirable
material as it flows away from our homes and drains into happen quickly in heavy rain In this Homeowner’s Guide to Erosion Control,
streams and lakes. you will find common NRCS practices that can
Irrigating on slopes can be tricky. Emitters are preferred but
events. In either scenario, be implemented to protect your property and
require monthly inspections to detect clogging. The freeze/thaw the land is stripped bare of prevent mudslides. Expanded fact sheets are
cycle at higher elevations can also damage tubing. Bubblers also available at:
require less maintenance than drip emitters and may be highly valuable natural resources. www.ca.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/ewp
effective. New plants should have earthen dams or watering
basins around them to capture the water they receive.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital
or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact
USDAʼs TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and

California Watershed Recovery Project

TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

it’s easy to prevent erosion on your sloped property.

NOW Just follow these instructions

to stabilize your slopes.
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Greater than ����������
Rip Rap ����
50% Revegetation
Plants (ornamental grasses, shrubs) up to 50% slope
improbable ���������������������
and erosion control mats ��������
50% or “2:1” �������������������
Mulches, up to 33% slope Revegetation success poor ���������������
rock, bark, ���������������������
and ornamental �������������������������
grasses �������������������������
33% or “3:1” �������� �����������������
Revegetation success fair ������


Less than 25% Revegetation success good
success very good
If you have removed vegetation, dead or dying trees from Mulching
WHAT Kind of SLOPES your property, you need to take defensive measures to protect A mulch consisting of two inches of wood chips, oak leaves and
pine needles should be spread across burnt or baren areas of soil.
against flooding and mudslides. When too much protective
DO YOU HAVE? will diffuse the force of rain and wind. These steep slopes require This will:
material is removed, soil is left bare and vulnerable to
irrigation systems that will not create runoff. • help to protect and keep soil in place
erosion. Defensive measures for your property can provide
TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR SLOPES. HOW STEEP Slopes over 50% will require structures or special protection in the form of mulch, deflection walls, diversion • increase water penetration
THEY ARE WILL TELL YOU WHAT WILL WORK. techniques for stabilization. ditches, and sandbag diversions. • keep soil cool and maintain moisture
Techniques for steep slopes include wood retaining walls, interlocking • increase organic content of soil (you may want to add nitrogen if
Moderate slopes (less than 33%) have a good chance concrete blocks, rock retaining walls, riprap (loose rock) areas, and Materials mulch is applied around existing vegetation, since the break down
of success at controlling runoff using plant materials terracing. If you choose wood, make sure the wood is treated of mulch utilizes some nitrogen)
The materials needed are readily available and inexpensive and can be
and mulch. with a wood preservative to prevent rotting. Terraces and wood installed with normal household tools: sandbags, sand, lumber and ply-
Protecting windows and doors
Cover bare soils with mulch of bark chips, pine needles, wood chips, retaining walls require approval by government agencies; please wood.
and even stones or river rock. Up to two inches of bark, wood chips contact your local Building and Safety office. In areas where mudslides are possible use plywood to board up
or pine needles will not create a fire hazard. windows and doors. Overlap windows, vents or doors at least
Paved driveways are often an important factor in three inches on each side. Secure plywood with four or more
When landscaping, select plants for slope stabilization and use nails, screws or bolts.
bubblers or drip emitters for irrigation. When watering season starts 2' min. controlling erosion.
again, watch the length of time you water and the amount of water 2% Paving prevents erosion resulting from snow removal, vehicle Wooden deflector walls
delivered. Make sure the plants get only what will soak in. traffic in and out of your driveway and soils unable to absorb
moisture because they have been compacted by vehicle weight. Use lumber for walls. Drive stakes to at least half their length
Slopes between 33% and 50% require Small ditches or swales that capture runoff and return precipitation into the ground for proper anchorage. Place deflectors on solid,
Wood Terraces level soil to prevent erosion. Earth packed behind the deflector
special care. retaining wall
to your landscape should border your driveway. Semi-permeable
will make it stronger. Contact your local NRCS office for more
Plant on slopes that are this steep, but be aware you coverings such as gravel can also be effective if slopes are not too
steep. information.
may need to use an erosion control blanket, mats of
coconut fiber, or jute netting to hold slopes in place Diversion ditches
until plants can become established. Choose plants for slope stabilization.
Rock retaining or breastwall
Contact your local NRCS office for a list of plants and trees Dig a small ditch close to the upper edge of the property to slow
Once established, the roots of the plants will knit water movement. Provide for the ditch to drain into a drainage
together to hold soils in place. Their limbs, leaves and branches suitable for your area.
device, street pavement or a well-vegetated area.

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