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[Atote, 4(11): November, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655

(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

Bhushan S. Atote, Dr. Mangesh Bedekar, Suja S. Panicker
Department of Computer Engineering, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Pune, India

Traffic congestion is evolving as a big problem day by day, is has the main drawbacks like if you stuck in traffic you
lose your time, at the same time gases evolved from the vehicles leads to pollution which in turn leads your wastage
of fuel at respective signals.

So, by concerning these factors, we need to optimize the traffic on the signals. In this paper we have made the survey
on traffic signal methods, strategies and different algorithm used to control it. Through that we got to know that most
of the algorithm have been developed for particular area or region and the other methods are complex, which itself
takes time to generate the accurate time for the signal. This paper shows the survey on different methods of traffic
signal control.

KEYWORDS: Traffic Signal Control, Traffic profiling, Traffic simulators.

Serious traffic congestion and associated air pollution are major social problems in many countries. There has been
considerable research on controlling the timing of traffic signals, in two prominent categories of research. The first
category is Dynamic Route Guidance (DRG), which is mainly aimed at improving car navigation systems. The second
category is Traffic Signal Control (TSC).[10]

Traffic signal control strategies have gone through various development from fixed-time to adaptive strategies, from
single junction to coordinated multi-junctions. Fixed-time cycle controlling utilizes the predetermined measured phase
timing plans which vary by the time a day; conversely the real-time cycle controlling determines an adaptive phase
and cycle timing by considering the traffic density near the intersection.[8]

The fixed-time algorithm was developed by Webster MAXBAND, developed by Little, considers the synchronization
of traffic signals so that a car, starting at a main artery and traveling with free speed, can go through several junctions
without stop for a red light. TRANSYT (TRAffic Network StudY Tool), developed by Robertson, is the most well-
known and frequently applied fixed-time traffic signal strategy. SCATS and SCOOT are the most popular adaptive
coordinated traffic strategies. SCATS (Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System), is a model-free distributed
strategies with predefined signal plans. SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique), is almost like adaptive
TRANSYT strategy with three kinds of optimizer: Split Optimizer, Offset Optimizer and Cycle length Optimizer.
OPAC (Optimized Policies for Adaptive Control) strategy is a real-time distributed signal optimization algorithm with
three control layers to optimize cycle, split, offset and phase sequences. RHODES (Real-time Hierarchical Optimizing
Distributed Effective System) is an adaptive traffic control systems developed by P. Mirchandani et al by using
conservation model to predict traffic dynamics. Dynamic programming is employed for OPAC and RHODES to make
them not real-time feasible for large-scale traffic networks. Back Pressure (BP) was proposed in traffic signal control
and it leads to maximum network throughput with global optimality.[4]

With the survey of all these traffic control methods and strategies we came to know the following drawbacks of these
methods :
1) Only applicable for limited routes, junctions and no. of vehicles
2) cycle time, offset and splits, which can work cooperatively to get the more appropriate signal time
3) To deal with complicated traffic conditions by introducing time varying control parameters
http: // www.ijesrt.com International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
[Atote, 4(11): November, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

4) Not considered different types of traffic models and transportation problems for the specific area

As per the air pollution concerned with the traffic congestion we have taken the survey conducted by the Maharashtra
Pollution Control Board, they have located pollution control network in 18 major cities. The detailed description is
given under the section Literature survey.

For saving the time, money and the human kind by controlling air pollution. The cities include Mumbai, Pune and
Kolkata. Traffic Index which is a composite index of time consumed in traffic due to job commute, estimation of time
consumption dissatisfaction, CO2 consumption estimation in traffic and overall inefficiencies in the traffic system.
According to the index, it takes a person an average of 66.18 minutes to reach his/her destination in Mumbai, 60.82
minutes in Pune and 58 minutes in Kolkata. We feel that the Dynamic Traffic control should be done by knowing the
signal behavior.

The table 1 shows the detailed survey of different traffic control methods, strategies and algorithm. Some are
implemented in real time and others having their results in different simulators.

Table 1. Survey of different traffic control methods, strategies & algorithms

Sr. Paper Name Yr. of Algorithm Used Simulator Traffic Future Work
No. paper Name Control

1 Modeling Traffic Control Feb. Search algorithm VISSIM - This control system can be extended to
Agency Decision Behavior 2015 for calibrating decision support systems for urgent
parameters. events, such as traffic incidents,
for Multimodal Manual Signal inclement weather and natural disasters,
Control Under Event under which prompt TCA deployment
Occurrences and traffic control response are needed.
More real-time traffic information and
coordination will be required to such
responsive conditions, which leads to
more challenges and research problems to
be addressed.

2 Throughput Optimality of June extended back- VISSIM - To deal with complicated traffic
Extended Back-pressure Traffic 2015 pressure traffic conditions by introducing time varying
Signal Control Algorithm signal control control parameters.

3 Biologically-Inspired Neural Oct. - Synchro Biologically- The control of multiple intersections of

Network for Traffic Signal 2014 Inspired the urban network through excitatory and
Control Neural inhibitory neural connections. Therefore,
Network the optimization of performance
indicators will be based on the study of
emergent cooperative and competitive
behaviors among different intersections.

http: // www.ijesrt.com International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Atote, 4(11): November, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

4 Iterative Tuning Strategy for Oct. -Pattern Checking VISSIM + Iterative Iterative Tuning Strategy with cycle time,
Setting Phase Splits in Traffic 2014 Algorithm MatLab Tuning (IT) offset and splits, which can work
Signal Control strategy cooperatively to approach the suitable
-Pattern Updating traffic signal schedules.

5 A Robust Multi-objective Oct. robust multi- Personal min-max -

Compatible Optimization 2014 objective Simulator robust
Control Algorithm for Traffic compatible optimization
optimization model
Signal Control control(RMOOC)

6 Multi-agent Reinforcement Oct. -Q-learning VISSIM Markov one could develop MARL algorithms
Learning for Traffic Signal 2014 algorithm decision accounting for these practical difficulties.
Control process While we did not prove convergence of
-multi-agent (MDP) Q-learning in the muli-agent setting, we
reinforcement intend to do this in the future.
learning (MARL)


7 Online Distributed Network Oct. ADMM algorithm Gurobi Cell Extending the developed method to
Traffic Signal Control using the 2014 transmission different traffic models and transportation
Cell Transmission Model model problems will be examined in future

8 Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Aug. - VEINS Vehicular -

for Urban Central Using 2014 (SUMO + Ad-hoc
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network OMNET+ Network
+) (VANET)

9 Latent Factor Model for Traffic 2014 - SUMO latent factor To focus on the following aspects:
Signal Control model
I) the establishment of database which
contains enough data of various traffic
states and timing plans,

2) the usage of other models and

algorithms in RS and the optimization of

10 GreenSwirl: Combining Traffic 2014 - GreenDrive SUMO Green-Swirl To evaluate the performance of our
Signal Control and Route Algorithm methods in other cities such as Beijing
Guidance for Reducing Traffic (China), San Franciso (Bay area). We will
Congestion - k-shortest time also evaluate the scenarios in morning and
paths algo evening rush-hour traffic.

We are considering the real time survey provided by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board(MPCB) for getting the
detailed information about the air pollution at specific location. MPCS has planted pollution control network in 18

http: // www.ijesrt.com International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Atote, 4(11): November, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

major cities viz, Mumbai(Ambarnath, Badalapur, Dombivali, Navi Mumbai, Tarapur Thane, Bhiwandi, Kalyan,
Ulhasnagar, Panvel, Taloja, Mahad, Roha), Pune, Nashik, Sangli, Solapur, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri, Raigad, Thane,
Aurangabad, Jalna, Jalgoan, Akola, Amravati, Nagpur, Chandrapur, Nandeed and Latur.
They have total 83 stations divided in three parts:
1) NAMP-71
2) CAAQMS -8
3) SAMP -4

Table 2. Survey of different traffic simulators
Sr. No. Simulator Name Yr. of paper Advantages Features

1 VISSIM 2015 -Faster network commissioning -OpenSource Simulator

-Off-line tuning and controller -Optimize Control Parameters

-Perform Operator Training
-Operator training for smoother
network operation

2 SUMO 2014 -Off-line tuning and controller -OpenSource Simulator

-Microscopic simulation

-Vehicles, pedestrians and public transport are

modeled explicitly

-Simulation of multimodal traffic, e.g.,

vehicles, public transport and pedestrians

-Time schedules of traffic lights can be

imported or generated automatically by SUMO

-No artificial limitations in network size and

number of simulated vehicles

-Supported import formats: OpenStreetMap,


3 Gurobi 2014 It offers all the powerful -Build a prototype or a full model of virtually
conventional optimization any size
capabilities of Premium Solver
Platform plus Monte Carlo -Identify and understand trade-offs in
simulation, decision trees, alternative solutions
simulation optimization, and
stochastic optimization

4 VEINS(SUMO + 2014 It extends SUMO & OMNET++ OpenSource Simulator

OMNET++) to offer a comprehensive suite
of models for IVC simulation

5 Synchro 2014 It has different software -Adaptive system performance monitoring

modules like Warrants, TripGen
and SimTraffic CID -Assign User profiles and restrictions

http: // www.ijesrt.com International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Atote, 4(11): November, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

-Support upto 150 intersections

The above table shows the different simulator used for traffic simulation. The most effective simulator among all is
SUMO as it is free source simulator one can developed his project using SUMO, it is written in C++. More information
about these simulator is given in [13],[14],[15] & [16].

Features of sumo:
The simulation platform SUMO offers many features:

Microscopic simulation - vehicles, pedestrians and public transport are modeled explicitly
Online interaction control the simulation with TraCI
Simulation of multimodal traffic, e.g., vehicles, public transport and pedestrians
Time schedules of traffic lights can be imported or generated automatically by SUMO
No artificial limitations in network size and number of simulated vehicles
Supported import formats: OpenStreetMap, VISUM, VISSIM, NavTeq
SUMO is implemented in C++ and uses only portable libraries

SUMO has been used within several projects for answering a large variety of research questions:

Evaluate the performance of traffic lights, including the evaluation of modern algorithms up to the evaluation
of weekly timing plans.
Vehicle route choice has been investigated, including the development of new methods, the evaluation of
eco-aware routing based on pollutant emission, and investigations on network-wide influences of
autonomous route choice.
SUMO was used to provide traffic forecasts for authorities of the City of Cologne during the Popes visit in
2005 and during the Soccer World Cup 2006.
SUMO was used to support simulated in-vehicle telephony behavior for evaluating the performance of GSM-
based traffic surveillance.
SUMO is widely used by the V2X community for both, providing realistic vehicle traces, and for evaluating
applications in an on-line loop with a network simulator.

The SUMO package contains the following applications:

SUMO: command line simulation

GUISIM: simulation with a graphical user interface
NETCONVERT: network importer
NETGEN: abstract networks generator
OD2TRIPS: converter from O/D matrices to trips
JTRROUTER: routes generator based on turning ratios at intersections
DUAROUTER: routes generator based on a dynamic user assignment
DFROUTER: route generator with use of detector data
MAROUTER: macroscopic user assignment based on capacity functions

The Traffic Signal is to be optimized for solving the issues like wasting time, air pollution etc. To carried out the
traffic simulation SUMO is the best simulator that we are going to use in our future research work.

http: // www.ijesrt.com International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology

[Atote, 4(11): November, 2015] ISSN: 2277-9655
(I2OR), Publication Impact Factor: 3.785

[1] Nan Ding, Qing He, Modeling Traffic Control Agency Decision Behavior for Multimodal Manual Signal
[2] Nan Xiao, Emilio Frazzoli, Throughput Optimality of Extended Back-pressure Traffic Signal Control
Algorithm, 23rd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), June 16-19, 2015.
[3] Guilherme B. Castro, Jos Sidnei C. Martini, Biologically-Inspired Neural Network for Traffic Signal
Control, 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), October 8-11, 2014.
[4] Yu Wang, Danwei Wang, Nan Xiao, Iterative Tuning Strategy for Setting Phase Splits in Traffic Signal
Control, 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), October 8-11, 2014.
[5] Juan Chen, A Robust Multi-objective Compatible Optimization Control Algorithm for Traffic Signal
Control, 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), October 8-11, 2014.
[6] Prabuchandran K.J., Hemanth Kumar A.N., Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal
Control, 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), October 8-11, 2014.
[7] Stelios Timotheou, Christos G. Panayiotou, Online Distributed Network Traffic Signal Control using the
Cell Transmission Model, 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),
October 8-11, 2014.
[8] Erfan Shaghaghi, Ali Jalooli, Intelligent Traffic Signal Control for Urban Central Using Vehicular Ad-hoc
Network, APWiMob 2014, August 2014.
[9] Y.-F. Zhao, H. Gao, Y.-S. Lv, Latent Factor Model for Traffic Signal Control, 2014.
[10] Jiaxing Xu, Weihua Sunt, GreenSwirl: Combining Traffic Signal Control and Route Guidance for Reducing
Traffic Congestion, IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), October 8-11, 2014.
[11] Kai Zeng, Yue-Jiao Gong, Real-time Traffic Signal Control with Dynamic Evolutionary Computation, 3rd
International Conference on Advanced Applied Informatics, 2014.
[12] http://mpcb.gov.in/envtdata/envtair.php
[13] http://sumo.dlr.de/wiki/Main_Page
[14] http://veins.car2x.org/
[15] http://vision-traffic.ptvgroup.com/en-us/products/ptv-vissim/
[16] http://www.trafficware.com/synchro-studio.html

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