ED250 Syllabus
ED250 Syllabus
ED250 Syllabus
Course Description:
This main objective for this course are for the student to be exposed and learn about the duties and
requirements needed to become an educational paraprofessional. This includes monitoring the
progress of students, fulfilling the requirements of an IEP, classroom management, and providing an
overview of the ParaPro Exam. This will be achieved through assigned readings from the textbook,
assignments, and discussions over an eight week period. The topics in the text include: Instructional
Supervision, Student Characteristics, Effective Instruction, and Professional and Ethical Behavior.
Course Objectives
The main objective of this course is to study strategies for problem solving in Artificial Intelligence. At
the completion of this course, you will:
Course Resources:
Ashbaker, B.Y. and Morgan, J. (2013). Paraprofessionals in the Classroom: A Survival Guide (2nd
ed.). Boston, MA; Pearson
ISBN 9780132659826
Grading Policy: A course grade is determined based on the percentage of points as designated in
the following chart.
Below is an at-a-glance look at the weekly readings and activities. In each Getting Started module
within the course, you will find details about your weekly readings, lectures, supplemental resources,
discussions and assignment instructions, and rubrics
Week 3: Effective Instruction
Week 4: Organization
Reading: ParaPro State Requirements
Reducing Test Anxiety
ParaPro: Test at a Glance
Week 8: Wrapping Up
Reading: N/A
The following table outlines the academic effort required by students to be successful in this course.
While the times in the table are approximate, it is presented to help students with their time
management. Please note, depending on the student's background knowledge and experience of the
course subject and an individual student's academic capabilities, these times will vary. If you have
any questions or concerns, please direct them to your instructor or student advisor.
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.3
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 1.0
1 Readings 2.1
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 1.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.3
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
2 Readings 1.5
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 6.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.4
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
3 Readings 1.1
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 9.0
Clinical/Lab Hours 0.0
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.3
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
4 Readings 1.1
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 15.0
Clinical/Lab Hours
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.3
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 1.0
5 Readings 0.9
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 1.0
Clinical/Lab Hours
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.3
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 0.0
6 Readings 1.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 10.0
Clinical/Lab Hours
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.2
Online Discussions 2.0
7 Assignments 1.0
Readings 1.0
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 9.0
Clinical/Lab Hours
Estimated Hours
Week Type of Activity Activity
Readings/Lectures 0.2
Online Discussions 2.0
Assignments 2.0
8 Readings 3.8
Discussions 1.0
Assignments 21.0
Clinical/Lab Hours