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State Governments: B..J.F.Eil C-7

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1. The Chief Secretaries o f all State Governments
a n 4 Union Ten-itones.
2. AH 54IIinistriesTlkpnmenrs of Gon. of India

,,-i+ Sut .ert : Fisation of pay of IPS & FS officers ctiwing pay ir. the *made of'
\,f.\\ -1 Rs. 1@004$0-20000 in rhcir ca&es on ,!...ksubsequent ppintment
.iA as ~ i r e c t o & in tfiu Central Government i the pay scale ( i F s. 14300-

40(?-I8300 Clarification regarding


I am directed to refer 10 our Icrters number I 1030f1 7193-A[S(II) dated

!bth December, '94 and number 1402 l/C:'37-AIS(II) dated 19@'December, '97
whereby it fias cJarifid r h i the IAS officers working in Supertime Scale in
thctr cadres and who arc subsequently appointed s Direcrors in the Cennl
Go\zmment would be eligible to receive the maximum of the ~irktofsgrade,
in addinon to the Ccnml (Depwtion on Tenure) Allowance at the admissible
rate. It was also Idd d o that~ t h a e ~nstructionswould also mutatis murandis
be applicable ro the members of rhe Indian Police Service and the Indian Forest
Srnics. The' Supertirnc S k i e for lAS is Rs.18400-500-22400 and the
prescribed Selection Grade for the IAS omcers appointed as Directors is

.7 In so far 6 lsppliability of rhe above instructions in the cases of the IPS

and the IFS officers i s concerned, the psitior, nt..uld however be different as it
i s usually a situation where rhey come to the C2nt:e s Dircc~orsrn the p3y scrls
of Rs.14'00-109- !-18300 subsequent to their cadre promotion in the grade of
Drpu~ylnspccidr General of Police/ Consixvator of forests for whom the pay
scnlr: of Rs.16400-150-20000 has k e n prescribed from 1.1.96. It would be seen
that rhe pa): s a t e for D1G.Conserwtor of Forests overl'aps the pay scale for
. Direc~ors. In such a position, therefore, it would be irnpncticable to ajIo\v them
the maurnurn oc the Director's Grade, i.e. Rs.1830Q. This is more so since it is
cenera11y found tha~such IPSiIFS officers were even ofhenvise drawing lesser
pay Y DlsGf onservators in their cadres th.n.rthe pay of Rs.18300. This
i, Dsparrrnent has therefore been clarifying in individual cases, whenevcr such
references have been mad+ that the correct c o m e af p v fixation in such cases
would be to fix pay in these case either at the same nae; of the oftieen' Grade
R) in the D i m r o h scale of Rs.14300- 18300, or if thercis no n a h stage. at the
immediately precedins lower s l a g of their grade pav. The difference of their ,

Stare ?g and the Direnor's pav rhus fixed, if m e t o k treated as Paom1

P3y. to be absorbed in future incrementuincr&es in pay. This position is
based on the genemi practice being followed in respect o f the Central
Gob-emmen1employees in cases involving appointmenu h m hi@
lower sc31es.
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.; It has heen brought to notice that pay fiption in the cases :?i !.lie: ~ p e
un!er consideration has not been done in the ,above manner and in sane cases.
he otEcers concerned have been allo&ed to draw pay in the higher grade of
Rs.16i00-20000 even while hey ..workeh as Directors in the Central

'Go\emment in the lower pay scale of Rs.14300-18300. In the' interest of

consistency and in the light ohthe gderal f01l~:wed in such cases in the
Central Govenuient. therefore, all the ,Ministrics/Leparanents at- zdvised to
regulate such cases of pay fixation in the manner,ex?laincd above. k.this is a
c1an;iwtory instruction, all past cases 'he also to k dmit with 1 1 the . m e
manwr. Recoveries on account of overpayments, if my, would alx, requiie to
be made frorr the officers concerned ..

3. It is recilested that the contents of this letter m.y be Ervugbttg :5: n~tice
of all concerned.

Hiridi version will follow.


Under Secretary to
8 .

\ Copies also to (141th 20 spare copies each) :-

. .
I . Ministry of Home Affairs, IPS-11 Section.
2. M~nisrryof Environment &: Forests, IFS-11 Section.
.- Spare, coples - 100

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Under Secretary to the G , t of lndia
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It has been brought to notice that pa!: fiption ..

under consideration hasnot been donein the-,abbe manner and in sor.*,ecases.
ihe:otTicers concerned have been allodd to draw pay in the higher grade of
~s.16i00-20000even while. they ,,worked as Directon in the Central
'Government in the lower pay scale of Rs.14300-18300. In the interest of
consistency and in the light oCthe gderal fol!,:wed in such cases in the
Central Goverrmient, therefore, all the.Minimits/L'+partments a)- cdvised to
regulate such cases of pay fibtion in the manncr.ex?lained above. As this is a
clan;ic;itory instruction, all 'wcases 'he also to be deait with 11the tame
manner. Recoveries on account of overpayments, if my, would a l s require ro
be made from the officers concerned ..
3. It is reGuested that the contents of this letter m.;*be brought 19 >:: n~tice
of all concerned.

Hindi version will follow.

Yo faithfully.

Under Secretary to

Copies also to (\\ith 20 spare copies each) :-

.. I . Ministry of Home Affairs, PS-I1 Section.
. .
2. hlinistry of Environment &: Forests, IFS-11 Section
-- .. Spare,copies - 100.
5 .

Under Secretary to

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