Otis Regenerative Drives
Otis Regenerative Drives
Otis Regenerative Drives
Regenerative Drive
residential and commercial buildings. The compact modular design
The smart choice makes the regenerative drives ideal for application on Otis equipment
up to 15m/s.
Energy savings (up to 70%) Energy savings, lower harmonic distortion and smaller radio frequency interference that
meet or exceed the established world standards make regenerative drives the product
Lower Harmonic Distortion (typically below of choice for green building initiatives.
Energy Savings
Reduced Radio Frequency Interference
Significant cost savings In a typical non-regenerative drive, energy is dissipated as heat in a set of resistors
when braking occurs, resulting in reduced efficiency and creating additional waste-heat
Smaller main cables loads in the building. The regenerative drive feeds this energy back into the buildings
internal electrical utility where it can be used by other loads or users connected to the
Reduced power demands in peak periods same network.
Otis regenerative drive is so efficient that its power factor cos(PHI) is close to unity.
The result is a reduction in overall energy demands on the building by up to 70%.
Regenerative drives produce clean power with low distortion of the incoming
sinusoidal waveform line current. Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) at nominal load is
typically equal or below 5 per cent, versus more than 80 per cent for non-regenerative
drivesresulting in less pollution of the buildings electrical power system, thus helping
to protect sensitive building equipment.
Otis regenerative drives are designed to substantially minimise the RFI, also known
as Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), in compliance with strict legislations around the
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tel: 61 2 8338 2700 tel: 64 9355 6600 www.otis.com
fax: 61 2 8337 6788 fax: 64 9355 6696 otis.marketing@otis.com
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