Lunar New Year Board - January 30
Lunar New Year Board - January 30
Lunar New Year Board - January 30
-What went well? Provide The board was easy to construct mainly because the
examples for how you bigger parts of the board were done by the children
know it went well. themselves. This included the large firework puffy
-What didnt go well?
paint mural, their lanterns and the various
Provide examples for
how you know it observations and discoveries throughout both
didnt go well. activities. I thought that aspect was the most
-What did you learn? successful. Another aspect that worked really well
-What might you do was that since the board was displayed where it was
differently next time openly visible, the children were able to see their
you implement this artwork displayed.
same task and why? Anna: Is that my lantern?!
-Did you have to make
Me: Yes it is!
any adaptations or
modifications? If so, Anna: Wow, it looks beautiful! Everyones looks
what were they? beautiful!
-What type of experience Eric: Do I have a lantern there?
might you plan to Me: Yes you do! Can you find it?
extend on this one? Eric: I see it!
The children were excited and felt a sense of
accomplishment and pride as they saw their artwork
displayed for everyone to see.
I believe the only aspect of this activity that was
challenging was trying to create a visually appealing
board that was both fun and informative. I didnt
want to put too much information and make the board
look more factual and educational based. Although it
is meant to inform the center, families and children
about Lunar New Year, it is also meant to display the
childrens works and understanding of Lunar New
I always assumed creating boards within the
classroom were time-consuming and challenging
because there are many components that are to be
done prior before constructing the actual board.
However, with the help of the children I learned that
it is simple and quick to create a board. I also learned
that the more familiar you are with How Does
Learning Happen and ELECT, it is easier to make
connections to the board. For example, since this is a
board emphasizing the importance of a cultural
celebration, it promotes diversity and maintaining a
childs culture/heritage within the classroom.
If I were to implement this task again, I would like to
create more activities pertaining to the theme so that
there is more to showcase. Also, it would have been
nice to add photos of the children to really enhance
the learning experience.
This experience was an extension of two prior
activities. However, this activity helps for future
boards that are pending; Valentines Board, St.
Patricks Day, etc.
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