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Key Stage 1 & 2 Planning Template

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Key Stage 1 & 2 Planning Template

Subject/Curriculum Computing Date 03/04/19 Year Group 5&6 Duration

Prior Knowledge and Understanding: (Prior experience and assumed knowledge, key points from previous session/lesson evaluations,
key/target children/groups) Current computing theme is ‘we are artists’. Last lesson children made their own tessellations. Children have
used scratch before so will be familiar with the program
Specific Learning Objectives/Intentions: (What you intend the children to have learned by the end of the lesson. Link with NC objectives).
WALT Use Scratch to create Islamic art
Success criteria/Steps to Success: (Can be differentiated and can be generated with children)
- Recognise features of Islamic art
- Create basic polygons on scratch
- Create a code to repeat the polygons to create Islamic art
- Create a new block
- Change additional features such as the colour

Resources: (including computing/IT) Key Language/Vocabulary:

- Laptops - Islamic art
- Interactive whiteboard - Polygons
- Repeated
- Angles
Additional Adults: (Use the Additional Adults Communication/ Feedback document to share specific planning information and to gather
feedback/ assessment information)
- Additional adult will support any children that need it

Planned Learning Experiences Differentiation Key Questions

Introduction * An image of Islamic art will be on the interactive Talking partners with mixed - What do you notice?
whiteboard ready for the children. Children will ability children to aid
be asked to look at the image and discuss it in discussions.
their talking partners. *

Bring the class together and listen to any

suggestions they make about the image.

Explain that children will be using Scratch to

create their own Islamic art style images.
Main Activity & ** Show children the example on the interactive Mixed ability pairing. - What shapes can you make?
Key Stage 1 & 2 Planning Template
Mini Plenaries whiteboard. Go through the blocks that have
been used to create it. Possibly go through the
create a new block if children are following well **

Children are to go and get laptops one between

a pair and try to make their own Islamic art.

Remind children to save their work.

Plenary *** Join the class together and get anyone to - Do you feel confident using
share their work if they want to. Go into the scratch?
shared drive to display it for them ***

Targeted children:

Opportunities for assessment e.g. observations, photos, written adult feedback, questioning…
WHAT will you assess? HOW will you assess? WHEN will you assess?
(link back to learning objectives/intentions (What will your approach be? E.g. self, (think about when you will capture
and success criteria and observe/ assess peer, observation, focused questioning, specific assessment information during
the learning taking place) other? Choose three key questions in the lesson and how you will record this)
advance to focus your assessment in the
Whether children can notice features of Discussions with the class will show me who When children respond in discussions as
Islamic art. can recognise features of Islamic art. I will well as looking at their saved work after the
also look at children’s saved work after the lesson.
Whether children can successfully make their lesson.
own Islamic style images on Scratch.
Key Stage 1 & 2 Planning Template
Evaluation: P.E.N. – Positives, Evaluation and Next Steps to develop

Any of these points can be addressed on the lesson plan as annotations or as bullet points.

Specific Learning Objective: WALT Use Scratch to create Islamic art

Students should evaluate their lesson/session against the learning objective with evidence/examples. Use at least three of the
prompts below:
I feel that this lesson went extremely well and actually it was one of the best lessons that I have
taught so far. I feel that my demonstration on the interactive whiteboard at the start of the
 What was the impact of your teaching lesson enabled the children to succeed in their work.
on the children’s learning?
Exceeded: ED, AC
 Who didn’t meet expectations? Who
exceeded? Although admittedly I was hesitant about the planning and whether the children would be able
to complete the work for them, but actually the children completed the work far quicker than
 Was it appropriately matched to the expected and at a high standard. The children even challenged themselves by making more
ability/needs of the children/class than one sprite draw an Islamic art shape at the same time. There weren’t any misconceptions
organisation/ learning intentions? in the lesson but just a few sprites that weren’t placed in the centre of the page, so the shape
was being drawn right in the corner. Once we figured it out together the children were actually
helping each-other out which was lovely to see. I think my strategies worked well and
 What misconceptions were there and demonstrating on the board was effective for the children to see.
how did you address these?

 Were your suggested strategies

Next steps for children/subsequent sessions This information should be carried over and included in your “Prior
Knowledge and Understanding” section in the subsequent lesson plan.
The children sometimes struggle to know how and where to save their work so for the next lesson it would be useful to go through
this at the start of the lesson on the interactive whiteboard. The computing planning is externally set so all of the lessons are
already planned out. The children do not need to go over this lesson again.
Key Stage 1 & 2 Planning Template

Your professional development. Use the prompts below:

 Was your subject knowledge I had downloaded scratch prior to this lesson to increase my knowledge and understanding so I could
sufficient/secure to meet the effectively teach the children. I feel like this benefitted and was sufficient to meet most children
needs of ALL the children? however, I still need to look further at how to change the location of the sprite on the page. The pace
was appropriate, and I feel that a good amount of time was spent on the starter before the children went
 Was the pace appropriate? on scratch themselves. One thing that I feel went well was the children being able to show their work to
the class at the end of the lesson. At Highfield, they have a shared drive which holds all the children’s
 What went well and why? work that they save to their area. I asked all the children to ensure they save their work so we can look
at them together at the end of the lesson. We accessed the shared drive through the class computer
and showed them on the interactive whiteboard which was really good.
How will your evaluation now I want to make sure that children are confident on how to save their work and how to organize their
impact upon your next steps for saved work as after reflection on this lesson, this is really the only major thing that children struggled
planning? with. The only other aspect of scratch was how to change the location of the sprite which I will try to
incorporate into the next lesson.
2 points you might include in your weekly reflection. Only make brief notes here – you may wish to discuss these in fuller detail in
your weekly reflection.

A strength(s) of your teaching in this lesson An area(s) for development arising from this lesson

Thinking about the fact we could show everyone’s work who wished Allowing enough time for each part of the lesson. Things that I think
to at the end of the lesson, this was not planned but it gave the won’t take long seem to, such as saving work. This means we run
children something to work towards. over or rush the ending.

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