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D.C. Machines

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Exercise 131, Page 368

1. A 4-pole, wave-connected armature of a d.c. machine has 750 conductors and is driven at

720 rev/min. If the useful flux per pole is 15 mWb, determine the generated e.m.f.

Z = 750, c = 2 (for a wave winding), p = 2 pairs, n = 60 rev/s and = 15 10-3 Wb

2(2)(15 103 ) (750)
2pnZ 60
Generated e.m.f. E = c = 2 = 270 volts

2. A 6-pole generator has a lap-wound armature with 40 slots with 20 conductors per slot. The flux

per pole is 25 mWb. Calculate the speed at which the machine must be driven to generate an

e.m.f. of 300 V.

p = 6/2 = 3, lap means c = 2p, Z = 40 20 = 800, = 25 10 Wb, E = 300 V

2pn Z
Generated e.m.f., E = c from which,


300 2p
2 p Z 2p 25 10 800 25 103 800
speed, n = = 15 rev/s or 900 rev/min

3. A 4-pole armature of a d.c. machine has 1000 conductors and a flux per pole of 20 mWb.

Determine the e.m.f. generated when running at 600 rev/min, when the armature is (a) wave-

wound, (b) lap-wound.

p = 4/2 = 2, Z = 1000, = 20 10 Wb, n = 600/60 = 10 rev/s

2 p n Z 2 2 20 10 10 1000

(a) For wave wound, c = 2, hence, generated e.m.f., E = c 2
= 400 V

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 290

2p n Z
n Z 20 10 3 10 1000
(b) For lap wound, c = 2p, hence, generated e.m.f., E = c
= 200 V

4. A d.c. generator running at 25 rev/s generates an e.m.f. of 150 V. Determine the percentage

increase in the flux per pole required to generate 180 V at 20 rev/s.

Generated e.m.f, E and since = 2n , then E n

E1 n1 1
Let = 150 V, = 25 rev/s and flux per pole at this speed be

E2 n2 2
Let = 180 V, = 20 rev/s and flux per pole at this speed be

E1 1n1 150 1 25

E 2n 2 180 2 20
Since E n then 2 i.e.

1 25 180
2 1.51
from which, 20 150

Hence, the flux has increased by 50%

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 291

Exercise 132, Page 372

1. Determine the terminal voltage of a generator which develops an e.m.f. of 240 V and has an

armature current of 50 A on load. Assume the armature resistance is 40 m.

Terminal voltage, V = E - Ia Ra = 240 - (50)( 40 10 )

= 240 - 2 = 238 volts

2. A generator is connected to a 50 load and a current of 10 A flows. If the armature resistance is

0.5 , determine (a) the terminal voltage, and (b) the generated e.m.f.

Ia R L 10 50
(a) Terminal voltage, V = = 500 V

Ia R a 500 10 0.5
(b) Generated e.m.f., E = V + = 505 V

3. A separately excited generator develops a no-load e.m.f. of 180 V at an armature speed of

15 rev/s and a flux per pole of 0.20 Wb. Calculate the generated e.m.f. when

(a) the speed increases to 20 rev/s and the flux per pole remaining unchanged,

(b) the speed remains at 15 rev/s and the pole flux is decreased to 0.125 Wb, and

(c) the speed increases to 25 rev/s and the pole flux is decreased to 0.18 Wb.

E1 1n1 180 0.2 15

E 2n 2 E 2 0.2 20
(a) Since E n then 2 i.e.

180 20
from which, generated e.m.f., 15 = 240 V

E1 1n1 180

0.2 15

E 2n 2 E 2 0.125 15
(b) 2 i.e.

180 0.125
from which, generated e.m.f., 0.20 = 112.5 V
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E1 1n1 180 0.20 15

E 2n 2 E 2 0.18 25
(c) 2 i.e.

180 0.18 25
from which, generated e.m.f., 0.20 15 = 270 V

4. A shunt generator supplies a 50 kW load at 400 V through cables of resistance 0.2 . If the field

winding resistance is 50 and the armature resistance is 0.05 , determine (a) the terminal

voltage, (b) the e.m.f. generated in the armature.

The circuit is shown below.

P 50000

(a) Load current, I = V 400 = 125 A

Volt drop in cable to load = I R = (125)(0.2) = 25 V

Hence, terminal voltage, V = 400 + 25 = 425 V

V 425
Ia If I Rf 50 = 8.5 A
(b) Armature current, where field current,

I a I f I 8.5 125
Hence, = 133.5 A

Ia R a
and generated e.m.f., E = V + = 425 + (133.5)(0.05)

= 425 + 6.675 = 431.68 V

5. A short-shunt compound generator supplies 50 A at 300 V. If the field resistance is 30 , the series

resistance 0.03 and the armature resistance 0.05 , determine the e.m.f. generated.

The circuit is shown below.

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 293
Volt drop in series winding = I RSe = (50)(0.03) = 1.5 V

P.d. across the field winding = p.d. across armature

= V1 = 300 + 1.5 = 301.5 V

V1 301.5
Field current, If = R f = 30 = 10.05 A

Armature current, Ia = I + If = 50 + 10.05 = 60.05 A

Generated e.m.f., E = V1 + Ia Ra

= 301.5 + (60.05)(0.05)

= 301.5 + 3.00 = 304.5 volts

6. A d.c. generator has a generated e.m.f. of 210 V when running at 700 rev/min and the flux per

pole is 120 mWb. Determine the generated e.m.f. (a) at 1050 rev/min, assuming the flux remains

constant, (b) if the flux is reduced by one-sixth at constant speed, and (c) at a speed of

1155 rev/min and a flux of 132 mWb.

120 10
3 700

E1 1n1

2n 2
120 103 1050

(a) Since E n then 2 i.e.

210 1050
from which, generated e.m.f., 700 = 315 V

120 10
3 700

E1 1n1 E2 5 700
120 10 3
(b) E 2 2n 2 i.e. 6 60

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E2 6
from which, generated e.m.f., 1 = 175 V

120 10

E1 1n1

132 103 1155

(c) 2 i.e.

210 132 1155
from which, generated e.m.f., 120 700 = 381.2 V

7. A 250 V d.c. shunt-wound generator has an armature resistance of 0.1 . Determine the generated

e.m.f. when the generator is supplying 50 kW, neglecting the field current of the generator.

The circuit is shown below.

P 50000

Load current, I = V 250 = 200 A

If the field current is neglected, armature current, Ia = 200 A and terminal voltage, V = 250 V

Ia R a
Hence, generated e.m.f., E = V + = 250 + (200)(0.1)

= 250 + 20 = 270 V

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 295

Exercise 133, Page 374

1. A 15 kW shunt generator having an armature circuit resistance of 0.4 and a field resistance of

100 , generates a terminal voltage of 240 V at full load. Determine the efficiency of the

generator at full load, assuming the iron, friction and windage losses amount to 1 kW.

The circuit diagram is shown below.

Output power = 15000 W = V I

15000 15000

from which, current, I = V 240 = 62.5 A

V 240
Field current, R f 100 = 2.4 A

Armature current, I a I f I 2.4 62.5 = 64.9 A

VI 15000

2 2
V I I R I V C 15000 64.9 0.4 2.4 240 1000
Efficiency, = a a f

= 18260.804 = 82.14%

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 296

Exercise 134, Page 374

1. A d.c. motor operates from a 350 V supply. If the armature resistance is 0.4 determine the back

e.m.f. when the armature current is 60 A

For a motor, V = E + Ia Ra hence, back e.m.f., E = V - Ia Ra

= 350 - (60)(0.4)

= 350 - 24 = 326 volts

2. The armature of a d.c. machine has a resistance of 0.5 and is connected to a 200 V supply.

Calculate the e.m.f. generated when it is running (a) as a motor taking 50 A and (b) as a

generator giving 70 A.

Ia R a
(a) As a motor, generated e.m.f. (or back e.m.f.), E = V - = 200 (50)(0.5)

= 200 25 = 175 V

(b) As a generator, generated e.m.f., E = V + I a R a = 200 + (70(0.5) = 200 + 35 = 235 V

3. Determine the generated e.m.f. of a d.c. machine if the armature resistance is 0.1 and it (a) is

running as a motor connected to a 230 V supply, the armature current being 60 A, and (b) is

running as a generator with a terminal voltage of 230 V, the armature current being 80 A.

Ia R a
(a) As a motor, generated e.m.f., E = V - = 230 (60)(0.1)

= 230 6 = 224 V

(b) As a generator, generated e.m.f., E = V + I a R a = 230 + (80(0.1) = 230 + 8 = 238 V

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 297

Exercise 135, Page 376

1. The shaft torque required to drive a d.c. generator is 18.7 Nm when it is running at 1250 rev/min.

If its efficiency is 87% under these conditions and the armature current is 17.3 A, determine the

voltage at the terminals of the generator

output power VI
input power T 2n
Efficiency, =

V 17.3 100%
18.7 2
i.e. 87 = 60

(87)(18.7) 2
from which, terminal voltage, V = 17.3 100 = 123.1 V

2. A 220 V, d.c. generator supplies a load of 37.5 A and runs at 1550 rev/min. Determine the shaft

torque of the diesel motor driving the generator, if the generator efficiency is 78%.

220 37.5 100%

VI 1550
100% T 2
T 2n
Efficiency, = i.e. 78 = 60

220 37.5 100

78 2
from which, shaft torque, T = 60 = 65.2 N m

3. A 4-pole d.c. motor has a wave-wound armature with 800 conductors. The useful flux per pole is

20 mWb. Calculate the torque exerted when a current of 40 A flows in each armature conductor.

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 298

p = 2, c = 2 for a wave winding, = 20 10-3 Wb, Z = 800 and Ia = 40 A

From equation (7), torque, T = c
(2)(20 103 )(800)(40)
= (2) = 203.7 N m

4. Calculate the torque developed by a 240 V d.c. motor whose armature current is 50 A, armature

resistance is 0.6 and is running at 10 rev/s.

V = 240 V, Ia = 50 A, R a 0.6 and n = 10 rev/s.

Ia R a
Back e.m.f., E = V - = 240 (50)(0.6) = 210 V

E Ia 240 50

Torque, T = 2n 210 = 167.1 N m

5. An 8-pole lap-wound d.c. motor has a 200 V supply. The armature has 800 conductors and a

resistance of 0.8 . If the useful flux per pole is 40 mWb and the armature current is 30 A,

calculate (a) the speed, and (b) the torque developed.

V = 200 V, Z = 800, R a 0.8 , 40 10 Wb , Ia = 30 A and c = 2p for a lap winding.


Ia R a
(a) Back e.m.f, E = V - = 200 (30)(0.8) = 176 V

2pn Z 2 p 40 103 n 800

E.m.f., E = c i.e. 176 = 2p


from which, speed, n =

40 103 800 = 5.5 rev/s or 5.5 60 = 330 rev/min

E I a 176 30

(b) Torque, T = 2n 2 5.5 = 152.8 N m

6. A 150 V d.c. generator supplies a current of 25 A when running at 1200 rev/min. If the torque on
John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 299
the shaft driving the generator is 35.8 Nm, determine (a) the efficiency of the generator, and

(b) the power loss in the generator.

output power VI
100% 100%
(a) Efficiency of generator = input power T(2 n)

150 25 100%
35.8 2
= 60 = 83.4%

(b) Input power = V I + losses

Hence, T(2n) = V I + losses

i.e. losses = T(2n) - V I

= (35.8) 60 - (150)(25)

i.e. power loss = 4498.8 3750 = 748.8 W

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 300

Exercise 136, Page 382

1. A 240 V shunt motor takes a current of 80 A. If the field winding resistance is 120 and the

armature resistance is 0.4 , determine (a) the current in the armature, and (b) the back e.m.f.

The circuit is shown below.

V 240
(a) Field current, R f 120 = 2 A

I a If Ia
Supply current, I = hence, armature current, = 80 2 = 78 A

Ia R a 240 78 0.4
(b) Back e.m.f., E = V -

= 240 31.2 = 208.8 V

2. A d.c. motor has a speed of 900 rev/min when connected to a 460 V supply. Find the approximate

value of the speed of the motor when connected to a 200 V supply, assuming the flux decreases by

30% and neglecting the armature volt drop.

E.m.f, E n Hence, 460 ()(900)

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 301

Also, 200 (0.7)( )

460 900

Thus, 200 0.7 n 2

900 200
from which, speed of motor, 460 0.7 = 559 rev/min

3. A series motor having a series field resistance of 0.25 and an armature resistance of 0.15 is

connected to a 220 V supply and at a particular load runs at 20 rev/s when drawing 20 A from the

supply. Calculate the e.m.f. generated at this load. Determine also the speed of the motor when

the load is changed such that the current increases to 25 A. Assume the flux increases by 25%.

E1 V Ia R a R f
Generated e.m.f. at initial load,

= 220 - (20)(0.15 + 0.25) = 212 V

When current is increased to 25 A, the generated e.m.f. is given by:

E 2 V Ia R a R f

= 220 (25)(0.15 + 0.25) = 210 V

E1 1n1 212 1 (20)

Now E 2 2n 2 i.e. 210 (1.251 )(n 2 ) since flux increases by 25%

20 210
from which, motor speed, 212 1.25 = 15.85 rev/s or 950.9 rev/min

4. A 500 V shunt motor takes a total current of 100 A and runs at 1200 rev/min. If the shunt field

resistance is 50 , the armature resistance is 0.25 and the iron, friction and windage losses

amount to 2 kW, determine the overall efficiency of the motor.

The circuit is shown below.

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 302

V 500
Field current, Rf 50 = 10 A

I a I I f 100 10
Armature current, = 90 A

Iron, friction and windage losses, C = 2000 W

VI I a 2 R a If V C

500 100 90 2 0.25 10 500 2000

500 100

50000 2025 5000 2000 40975

100% 100%
= 50000 50000 = 81.95%

5. A 250 V, series-wound motor is running at 500 rev/min and its shaft torque is 130 Nm. If its

efficiency at this load is 88%, find the current taken from the supply.

output power
The efficiency of a motor = input power 100%

The output power of a motor is the power available to do work at its shaft and is given by T or

T(2n) watts, where T is the torque in Nm and n is the speed of rotation in rev/s. The input power is

the electrical power in watts supplied to the motor, i.e. VI watts.

T (2n)
Thus for a motor, efficiency, = VI 100%

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 303

(130)(2) 60


i.e. 88 = 100

Thus, the current supplied, I = (250)(88) 100 = 30.94 A

6. In a test on a d.c. motor, the following data was obtained. Supply voltage: 500 V

Current taken from the supply: 42.4 A Speed: 850 rev/min Shaft torque: 187 Nm

Determine the efficiency of the motor correct to the nearest 0.5%

T (2n)
From the previous problem, for a motor, efficiency, = VI 100%

(187)(2) 60


i.e. = 100

= 78.5%

7. A 300 V series motor draws a current of 50 A. The field resistance is 40 m and the armature

resistance is 0.2 . Determine the maximum efficiency of the motor.

The circuit is shown below.

VI I a 2 R a If V C

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 304

= 0 and Ia R a needs to be I (R a R f )
2 2
However, for a series motor,

VI I 2 (R a R f ) C
and for maximum efficiency, C = I (R a R f )

VI 2I2 (R a R f ) 300 50 2 50 2 0.04 0.2)

100% 100%
Thus, efficiency, VI 300 50

15000 1200 13800

100% 100%
= 15000 15000

i.e. maximum efficiency = 92%

8. A series motor drives a load at 1500 rev/min and takes a current of 20 A when the supply voltage

is 250 V. if the total resistance of the motor is 1.5 and the iron, friction and windage losses

amount to 400 W, determine the efficiency of the motor.

VI I 2 R C 250 20 20 2 1.5 400

Efficiency, VI 250 20

5000 600 400 4000

100% 100%
= 5000 5000

= 80%

9. A series-wound motor is connected to a d.c. supply and develops full-load torque when the

current is 30 A and speed is 1000 rev/min. If the flux per pole is proportional to the current

flowing, find the current and speed at half full-load torque, when connected to the same supply.

Torque, T =

T1 1 I1 T1 302
Hence, T2 2 I2 and since, I then 0.5 T1 I2
John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 305
I 2 2 (0.5) 30
I2 0.5 302
from which, and current at half full-load torque, = 21.2 A

n1 I1 I2

1 n 2 1 I1
Speed, n I hence, I2

1000 21.2

i.e. n2 30

1000 30
from which, speed at half full-load torque, 21.2 = 1415 rev/min

Exercise 137, Page 385

1. A 350 V shunt motor runs at its normal speed of 12 rev/s when the armature current is 90 A. The

resistance of the armature is 0.3 . (a) Find the speed when the current is 45 A and a resistance

of 0.4 is connected in series with the armature, the shunt field remaining constant. (b) Find the

speed when the current is 45 A and the shunt field is reduced to 75% of it normal value by

increasing the resistance of the field.

The circuit is shown below.

E1 V I a R a
(a) Back e.m.f. at 90 A, = 350 (90)(0.3) = 323 V

When Ia = 45 A, E 2 350 (45)(0.3 0.4) = 318.5 V

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 306

E1 1 n1 323 (12)
E 2 n2 318.5 1 (n 2 ) 2 1
Now 2 i.e. since

12 318.5
from which, speed, 323 = 11.83 rev/s

(b) When Ia = 45 A, E 2 350 (45)(0.3) = 336.5 V

E1 1 n1 323 1 (12)

Now E 2 2 n2 i.e. 336.5 (0.75 1 )(n 2 ) since 2 0.75 1

12 336.5
from which, speed, 323 0.75 = 16.67 rev/s

2. A series motor runs at 900 rev/min when the voltage is 420 V and the current is 40 A. The

armature resistance is 0.3 and the series field resistance is 0.2 . Calculate the resistance to be

connected in series to reduce the speed to 720 rev/min with the same current.

E1 V I R a R se
At 900 rev/min, e.m.f.,

= 420 (40)(0.3+0.2) = 400 V

E1 n
At 720 rev/min, since I is unchanged, is unchanged, thus, E 2 n 2

400 900
400 720

i.e. E 2 720 from which, 900 = 320 V
John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 307
E 2 V I R a R se R
Also, where R is the extra series resistance

i.e. 320 = 420 40(0.3 + 0.2 + R)

i.e. 40(0.5 + R) = 420 320

420 320
from which, 0.5 + R = 40 = 2.5

Hence, the extra resistance, R = 2.5 0.5 = 2

3. A 320 V series motor takes 80 A and runs at 1080 rev/min at full load. The armature resistance

is 0.2 and the series winding resistance is 0.05 . Assuming the flux is proportional to the

field current, calculate the speed when developing full-load torque, but with a 0.15 diverter in

parallel with the field winding.

The circuit is shown below.

E1 V I R a R se
At 320 V, without the diverter connected

= 320 80(0.2 + 0.05) = 300 V

With a 0.15 diverter in parallel with se ,

0.15 0.05
the equivalent resistance, R = 0.15 0.05 = 0.0375

If I
By current division, 0.15 0.05 = 0.75 I

Ia Ia1 1 Ia 2 2
Torque, T and for full-load torque,

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 308

If , 1 Ia1 and 2 0.75 I a 2

then (80)(80) =
I 0.75 I
a2 a2

802 80
Ia 2 2 Ia 2
from which, 0.75 and 0.75 = 92.38 A

E 2 V Ia2 R a R

= 320 92.38(0.2+0.0375)

= 320 21.94 = 298.06 V

E1 1 n1 Ia1 n1

E 2 2 n 2 0.75 Ia 2 n 2

298.06 0.75 92.38 n 2

n2 60
and new speed, 300 0.75 92.38 = 20.65 rev/s or 1239 rev/min

John Bird Published by Taylor and Francis 309

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