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SMC Pme 500 TR Manual

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Quality is the core reference for EuroSMCs activities, aimed to fully satisfy our customers
needs and expectations.
Three-phase High- and Medium-voltage Circuit Breaker Analyzer

Users Manual

The information, product specifications, and technical data contained in this

document imply no contractual binding to EuroSMCs responsibility. The user is the
sole responsible for the application of the products mentioned in this document.
EuroSMC explicitly exonerates itself from liability to accidents or unwanted results,
directly or indirectly derived from mistakes made in the writing of this document.
Copying or reproducing all or part of this document is not allowed without the
explicit written permission from EuroSMC. Due to continuing development and
quality improvements, EuroSMC reserves the right to make changes in their products
without notice.

EDITION: July 7th, 2008
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

PC connection .....................................................................................20
Using EuroBREAKER ........................................................................21

INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 5 THE RECHARGEABLE BATTERY .............................................. 21

PME-500-TR PACKING LIST ................................................ 6 LOADING PRINTER PAPER................................................... 22
Manual feed: ......................................................................................22
CONNECTING THE PME-500-TR TO THE BREAKER ................... 7
Automatic feed: ..................................................................................22
Wiring the Coil Control circuits............................................................. 7
Protecting the breakers coils.............................................................. 8 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS .............................................. 24
Wiring Main Contacts........................................................................... 8 BASIC TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................. 27
Using the Auxiliary Inputs.................................................................... 8 PHYSICAL EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW ....................................................27
The front panel ............................................................................................ 27
Res. Measure Connector....................................................................... 9
Accessing the internal assembly .................................................................... 27
TOUCH SCREEN BUTTONS..................................................... 9 Internal fuses ............................................................................................... 29
PROBLEMS, CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS ..............................................30
MODIFYING DATA FIELDS................................................... 12
TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES ...................................................32
Touch Keyboard .................................................................................12 1. Display Contrast RESET............................................................................ 32
2. Adjusting the Display Contrast .................................................................. 32
INITIAL EQUIPMENT SETUP ................................................. 13 3. RESETting the Microprocessor .................................................................. 33
4. CLOSE & TRIP Command Duration.......................................................... 33
BREAKER IDENTIFICATION DATA .......................................... 13 5. Resetting the recharge controller............................................................... 34
TEST SETUP ...................................................................... 13 AFTER-SALES SERVICE AND WARRANTY ................................. 36
TEST EXECUTION ............................................................... 15 WARRANTY .........................................................................................36
Time & Coil Current Analysis .............................................................15 CUSTOMER SUPPORT .........................................................................36
Contact Resistance Measurement......................................................17 OTHER EUROSMC PRODUCTS ...................................... 36
ERROR AND STATUS MESSAGES ........................................... 17
TEST RESULTS ................................................................... 18
On-screen viewing .............................................................................19
Printing the test report ......................................................................19
Storage and retrieval of tests............................................................19

USING THE PC SOFTWARE .................................................. 20

Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Introduction PME-500-TR packing list

The PME-500-TR circuit breaker analyzer has been designed to simplify tests of contact 1 PME-500-TR unit
synchronism, coil current analysis and contact resistance measurement on medium
voltage circuit breakers, or in any case, on circuit breakers with a single contact per pole. 1 Calibration certificate
Its use for circuit breakers with multiple contacts per pole is not advised, although this 1 Warranty statement and registration form
might occasionally be done by means of a more laborious process.
1 Users Manual
The use of the touch screen panel makes operation of the unit and data entry processes
easier and more intuitive. 1 2.5 m AC supply cord
The multi-pole connecting blocks have been duplicated with standard banana-type 1 trip/close coil control and current measurement test lead 5-meter
connectors in case any of the multi-wire test leads are accidentally damaged, lost or made
1 auxiliary inputs test lead 5-meter
unavailable in any way.
The internal battery supply makes the equipment independent from the low voltage AC 1 three-phase main contact test lead 5-meter
supply, not always available or close enough to the place of operation. 1 three-phase resistance measurement test lead 5-meter
The contact resistance measurement is performed on the three poles at a time using the 1 set of spare fuses
four-wire method and with an outstanding resolution of 0.1 micro-ohms under a
measurement current of 10 A. 1 pair of overvoltage protective diodes

Please read this operation manual before using the PME-500-TR for the first time. The 1 set of crocodile-type clamps
support team at EuroSMC will be very pleased to answer your questions if any arise.
1 spare thermal paper roll
Congratulations for your good choice and thank you for considering EuroSMC products
and services. 1 RS-232 cable for PC connection
EUROSMC, S.A. 1 EuroBreaker program for Windows
Pol. Ind. P-29 Calle Buril, 69 1 Lightweight nylon bag for protection and transport
28400 Collado Villalba
TEL: 34-91-849.89.80 / FAX: 34-91-851.25.53

5 6
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Protecting the breakers coils

Connecting the PME-500-TR to the breaker
Connect the supplied overvoltage protection diodes
The PME-500-TR connects to the circuit breaker under test by means of four multi-pole in parallel to the trip and close coils following their
connectors. The first three (Coil Control, Main Contacts and Auxiliary Inputs) are polarity. This will prevent the coils from overheating
duplicated with equivalent banana-type connectors in case any of the supplied multi-wire if a wrong connection to the PME-500-TR is made
leads is lost or damaged. Once you have the instrument correctly wired to the breaker, the or if the auxiliary contacts in charge of
rest of the job is greatly simplified. A brief description of these connections follows. disconnecting the coils from the DC supply do not
work correctly.
Wiring the Coil Control circuits
Wiring Main Contacts
WARNING! Auxiliary voltage inside a circuit breaker can
reach 250 Vdc. Be sure that auxiliary supply is disconnected The breakers main contacts are wired to the PME-500-TR through this connector. Attach
before manipulating the operation coil circuits of the the red C terminals to one side of the poles and the black ones to the other side. Use
breaker. order 1, 2 and 3 and colors consistently at each pole. If you use the duplicate 4-mm
connectors, you will have to bridge one side of the three poles to make a common point
This is the most controversial point of connection for new users. The key to proper cabling and connect it to the Com. connector.
is understanding that two internal solid-state PME-500-TRs contactors are supposed to
control (rather than to provide) the DC supply circuits of both (Trip and Close) coils of the IMPORTANT NOTICE: WITH GROUNDED BREAKERS Time and resistance tests are
breaker. Hence, these contactors must be connected in series with their corresponding not possible while both sides of the breaker are connected to ground. You can keep
coils and polarity must be respected. Look at the diagram in the instruments lid. If you are only one side connected to ground as long as you use the black banana terminals to
breaking at the positive side of the breakers coils, then connect each black T or C lead the poles on that side, and the red ones to the free poles.
to its corresponding coil and the blue leads to a point coming from the positive side of the
DC supply. Use the opposite color scheme if you are breaking at the negative side of the For timing tests, the PME-500-TR injects a low (100 mA) current through the breakers
coils. This setup will give TRIP/CLOSE control to the PME-500-TR for easier, faster and poles using these leads, in order to detect and record changes in the contact status.
more accurate testing.
For resistance measurement, a 10 A test current is injected using these wires, and the
The multi-pole connector is duplicated so that standard bananas can be used instead voltage drop is measured at the terminals of the contact resistance connector (described
(black corresponds to negative and green to positive). later in this section) that should also be wired to the poles for this purpose.
DC Polarity to the breakers coils must be respected in this If you accidentally apply any significant voltage to these
cabling procedure or the control actions from the PME-500- leads, one or more internal fuses might be blown. Should
TR will not be performed at all. this occur, refer to the troubleshooting section at the end of
Red LED indicators will be lit instantaneously whenever the PME-500-TR completes the this manual for instructions on fuse replacement.
circuits into which these contacts are inserted.
Using the Auxiliary Inputs
These additional input channels can be used independently for two different purposes:
1) Analyzing the open/close activity of any two contacts inside or related to the circuit
breaker during with the timing test.
2) Detecting contact or voltage changes at any two points inside or related to the
breaker to start the timer and the data recording process. This is called trigger
event detection, described in the test setup section.

7 8
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

These inputs are fully isolated from each other and from the earth of the equipment and
have no polarity. Two pairs of LEDs next to the duplicate 4-mm connectors indicate the The ON/OFF switch serves two purposes: 1) turning the unit
mode (dry contact or voltage detection) to which these inputs have been set up as later ON / OFF ON or OFF when held down for a few seconds, and 2) turning
described in the Test Menu section. Protection against accidental overvoltage (above 400 the LCD backlight on and off with a short press.
V) is provided for these inputs by means of internal fuses. Refer to the troubleshooting
section at the end of this manual for instructions on locating and replacing these fuses. LCD contrast adjustment. Press and hold to increase the
The auxiliary inputs are commonly used to analyze the breakers coil contacts timing with contrast. Release, then press and hold to decrease and so on.
relationship to the main contacts, but it is also frequent to connect them to some other
points inside the breaker or affected by its operation, like auxiliary contacts or monitoring Up and Down cursor arrows allow navigation through data
points, also for time analysis purposes. However, using these inputs as test initiators is also fields, parameter values and menu choices.
a powerful technique when, for example, you cannot drive the breaker from the PTE-500-
TR or you want to refer the time analysis to an electrical event other than the START
command in the instrument. This technique is further described in the Test Execution Edit Button. Touch it to modify selected data fields or
section. parameter choices.

Res. Measure Connector

As explained before, when resistance measurement is conducted, a 10 A test current is Enter Button. Touch it to confirm the setting of a parameter or
injected through the main contact connectors leads and the voltage drop at the contacts a selection from a menu.
is measured by the leads in this connector.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: WITH GROUNDED BREAKERS Time and resistance tests are Test memory cleanup. Press and hold this button to fully
not possible while both sides of the breaker are connected to ground. You can keep delete the test identification, test setup and temporary results in
only one side connected to ground as long as you use the black banana terminals to memory. Test setup parameters will revert to factory default
the poles on that side, and the red ones to the free poles. settings.

This 4-wire method provides adequate accuracy as long as connections are made firmly New test. Similar to the previous button, but only the results of
and in the correct order, which is the poles contact inside the Res. Measure points and all the latest test will be cleared from memory. Identification data
this inside the Contacts connections. Phase order (1, 2, 3) and polarity (Red, Black) must and test setup parameters will not be deleted. You dont need to
also be consistent between the Main Contact lead set and the Resistance Measurement use this button before every new test, because temporary test
terminal set. If you connect the main Contacts leads in between the Res. Measure leads, memory is automatically overwritten by new results.
you will get a wrong, useless resistance value because this will include the resistance of the
Contacts test leads connections. Test Menu. Once the identification data and test setup have
been fulfilled, touch this button to jump into the test execution
Touch Screen Buttons
Test Storage. Touch this button to jump into the test storage
All the operation of the PME-500-TR is carried out by means of the ON/OFF switch and
screen in order to store the test in non-volatile memory or to
the touch screen buttons in the LCD panel. A description of these buttons follows.
retrieve a previously stored test.

Retrieve test. Load a previously saved test. This will overwrite

the temporary test memory (identification data, setup parameters
and results of the last test performed).

9 10
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Save test. Touch this button to store the contents of the Modifying Data Fields
temporary test memory into one of the three sectors available in
the non-volatile storage area. There are basically two types of data fields in the various setup areas of the PME-500-TR:
Selectable options and free-text fields. Setting options like Open/Close sequences or
Print Menu. Touch this button to jump into the report-printing possible Debounce values generally require getting into the appropriate menu,
submenu, from where you can print the report and feed the highlighting a field, touching the Edit button, scrolling over a set of possible choices and
paper. confirming the highlighted value with the Enter button:

Paper feed. Press repeatedly to feed paper in small amounts

or hold down for continuous feed.

Free-text fields are entered and modified with the Touch Keyboard.
Exit. Touch to exit the current menu.
Touch Keyboard
When you highlight a text field and touch the Edit button, the Touch Keyboard will
automatically be displayed with the field contents at the bottom. Imagine this as an
TRIP command. Touch to issue an OPEN command of the upside-down typewriter.
specified duration to the circuit breaker.
You can now add, delete or insert text characters, and touch the Exit button when you are
CLOSE command. Touch to issue a CLOSE command of the Some buttons and combinations, apart from the actual character set, are provided by the
specified duration to the circuit breaker. Touch Keyboard to simplify the editing process:

Aux 1/2 sense mode. Touch to toggle the detection mode of Access to an extended set of symbols and special characters not
Auxiliary inputs #1 or #2. Successive presses will cycle from Dry included in the basic QWERTY layout. The keyboard will revert to
Contact to Low Voltage (1.5 to 15 V) to High Voltage (15 to 400 the regular layout automatically after typing one of these
V) detection modes. characters.
Store the present field and put the next field in the menu into the
edition line. This shortcut saves time when more than one field
from a menu (for example, in the Test Identification Data screen)
Timing Test. Touch to initiate the programmed sequence. The are to be entered or modified.
unit will first clear its memory and rest its internal counters. If
Trigger parameter has been set to other than Operation, the unit Switch between insertion and overwriting modes. The shape of
will wait for the specified trigger event to take place. If you touch the cursor will change accordingly.
the button again now, the test will be cancelled.
Contact Resistance Measurement. Place the breaker in Move the cursor to the right.
closed position and touch this button to perform the contact
resistance measurement.
Move the cursor to the left.

11 12
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

(O-C), close open (C-O), open close open (O-C-O) and close open close (C-
Store the edited field and exit the Touch Keyboard.
O-C). Touch the Edit button, highlight a choice using the UP and DOWN arrows and
confirm with Enter.

Exit the Touch Keyboard without saving the changes made. DURATION: Trip and Close command duration, as well as pause length between two
consecutive commands are specified here in 10-ms increments. The specified command
duration will be interrupted and the next pause executed as soon as at least one of the
Delete the character to the right of the cursor. main contacts completes de command.
TRIGGER: When you press the START/STOP button to perform a test, the PME-500-TR
will wait for the Trigger event to occur before starting the internal timer and the recording
The edition space of these fields is limited to a maximum of 51 characters. This length of the changes in the breakers contacts. The following choices are available:
may only be displayed when the edition menu is entered, as the space available in the
OPERATION: Data recording starts immediately upon execution of the first
DATA file cannot fit the whole length.
programmed command (Open or Close) after the START/STOP button is
pressed in the TEST menu. This is the most commonly used trigger event when
Initial Equipment Setup the breakers coil DC supply circuits can be set under the control of the PME-
The initial setup menu is accessed by pressing both upper corners of the LCD panel
AUX1(ON) or AUX2(ON): After pressing the START/STOP button, the unit will
simultaneously. The following setup fields can be changed:
stay on hold until a voltage appears or a contact is closed at the selected
DATE and TIME: Essential for adequate identification and retrieval of printed and saved auxiliary input.
AUX1(OFF), AUX2(OFF): After pressing the START/STOP button, the unit will
LANGUAGE: Select your preferred operation language here. stay on hold until any present voltage disappears or the contact is opened at
the selected auxiliary input.
COMPANY and CONTACT: Enter the name of your company and the name of a
relevant contact person here. Auxiliary input events are used when the breaker cannot be controlled from
the PME-500-TR for any reason or simply when the user wants the recorded
These fields will be printed in the header section of every report. times to be referenced to an electrical change different from the sending of the
first TRIP or CLOSE command.
Breaker Identification Data DELAYED: Use this option to analyze switchgear that takes more than 2 s. to
complete a maneuver, such as a closing interrupter/breaker combination.
Access this data menu by touching the DATA tab. The following fields are provided to
After the first command has been issued to the coil, the data recording can be
describe and identify the tested breaker immediately after the header section of the test
delayed until
report: Station Name, Circuit Name, Breakers Reference, Breakers Manufacturer,
Breakers Model and Operators ID. o A change is detected at any main contact (MAIN CNT)
Highlight a field and touch the Edit button to enter or modify it. o A change is detected at any auxiliary contact (AUX CNT)
o A change is detected at any contact (ANY CNT)
Test Setup o The time specified in the TRIG. DELAY parameter (see below) is
Touch the SET tab to access this menu. Test sequence, operation parameters for the elapsed (TIME)
breaker and other important setting are defined here:
NOTE: Maximum delay is 18 seconds, regardless the option selected
OPERATION: Select the automatic operation sequence to be carried out and analyzed
on the breaker. Six possible sequences are available: open (O), close (C), open close

13 14
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

REC. LEN: The graphics windows size in milliseconds is stored here. The smaller the size users think that they have not touched well and usually retry, sometimes causing the
(shorter time), the higher the detail, or ZOOM effect of the printed graphics will be. process to be cancelled.
Graphics representation aperture can be selected among 200, 400, 800, 1600 and
Once the PME-500-TR has completed this short warm-up process, one of the following
2,000 ms. This field can be modified after the test is done to re-print the report for a better
will occur:
fit as many times as desired. However, once the test is saved into non-volatile memory, the
recorded data will be truncated to the specified length permanently. a) If OPERATION was selected as the Trigger Event in the Test Setup menu, the
programmed sequence will be issued to the breaker, the timer will start and the
DEBOUNCE T: This field specifies the minimum duration for which any recorded state
recording of data will take place immediately.
(closed, open or pre-insertion) must be held in order to be included in the contact times
listing. This filter prevents the timings print area to overflow and can be chosen among 0, b) If you selected any of the AUXiliary inputs as the trigger event, the process will stay
0.5, 1 and 2 ms. Debounce will not affect the graphic representation of the contacts on hold until the specified event takes place at the chosen input. The message
states. Status: Waiting Trigger will be displayed at this time. If you press the
START/STOP button again now, the process will be cancelled and the message
TRIG. DELAY: If you selected DELAYED TIME at the Trigger menu, you can specify
Status: Test Aborted will be displayed. When the expected event is detected, the
the wait time here, up to 18.0 s. in 0.1 sec. increments.
test is initiated.
c) If you selected the DELAYED option, the programmed sequence will be issued but
Test Execution no time data will be recorded before the selected contact activity is detected, or the
specified wait time has elapsed, or 18 seconds later, whichever occurs first.
Time & Coil Current Analysis
In any of the above cases, the systems timer will start exactly when the first programmed
This process consists basically of recording what happens inside the breaker in terms of command (Trip or Close) in the test sequence is issued to the breaker. If contacts at the
Changes in main contacts state end of the test are in the expected position, the message Status: Test Done will be
displayed. Otherwise, Status: Error During Test will be displayed instead, so you can
Changes at auxiliary inputs. check your connections and settings and try again.
Evolution of DC current in the operation coils. If you have programmed the test sequence to begin with a TRIP operation, ensure that
The recording duration is 2 seconds, and the above changes are detected and time- the breaker is previously placed in its closed position. Reversely, if you are starting with a
stamped at 10 kHz (10,000 samples per second) resolution for timing and 1 kHz for CLOSE operation, place the breaker in its open position first. Otherwise, a Status:
currents. This duration spans well beyond the TRIP-CLOSE-TRIP sequence of any breaker. Switch Incorrect message will be displayed when the test is attempted. If you have
wired the PME-500-TRs coil control terminals to the working control circuits of the
Warn surrounding people nearby before actuating a breaker, you can issue manual Trip or Close commands to the breaker by touching the
medium- or high-voltage circuit breaker.
TRIP or CLOSE buttons at the bottom of this screen accordingly. No
Once the PME-500-TR is correctly wired to the breaker and the test conditions are set as recording will result from the use of these buttons.
explained above, the test procedure is reduced to a few simple steps:

Also at the bottom of this window, buttons and are found. If you are using
1) Open the TEST screen by touching the button.
the auxiliary inputs to detect the Trigger event, you must set the detection mode
according to the type of signal expected in that input. Press the corresponding button
2) Touch the button. repeatedly to cycle through Dry Contact, Low Voltage (1.5 to 15 V) and High Voltage
((15 to 400 V) modes while you observe the status LEDs next to the duplicate Aux.1 or
During the first 1 -1 seconds the unit will clear the sampling memory, will check the Aux.2 connectors.
breakers contact positions and will reset the internal counters. This short delay makes new

15 16
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Contact Resistance Measurement Switch Cooling: Equipments Internal switchgear is cooling down (test temporarily not
Contact resistance measurement is a separate process that you can carry out whenever
the breaker is closed. Also, the appropriate test leads must be in place, naturally. Refer to Switch Open Ovld: When current through the trip coil control circuit reaches 53 Adc a
the connection instructions at the beginning of this manual for details on proper cabling. protective mechanism will automatically cut off.

If the breaker is not closed or not properly connected to the Switch Close Ovld: When current through the close coil control circuit reaches 53 Adc
PME-500-TR, or if the built-in battery is exhausted, you will a protective mechanism will automatically cut off.
get a measurement error message, rather than an
Aux1 Overload: Auxiliary input will switch to voltage mode whenever any significant
erroneous resistance value.
voltage is detected.
Refer to the troubleshooting section at the end of this manual if you experience contact
resistance measurement problems. Aux2 Overload: Auxiliary input will switch to voltage mode whenever any significant
voltage is detected.

Error and Status Messages

Test Results
When you first enter the TEST window, the status line displays the present detection mode
of the Auxiliary inputs #1 and #2 with any of the following messages: Test results are displayed and printed in graphical and alphanumerical representation.
Numerical data include peak current measured at both coils, chronological list of position
Aux1/2,Volt Mode,Hi: Auxiliary input 1/2 set for high voltage ( 15 Vdc). changes in main and auxiliary inputs and the contact resistance values for the three poles
if measured. If you have selected the DELAYED option in the Trigger menu, the event that
Aux1/2,Volt Mode,Lo: Auxiliary input 1/2 set up in low voltage ( 1.5 Vdc). determines the beginning of the data capture or the TRIG. DELAY time value will also be
Aux1,Contact Mode: Auxiliary monitor 1 set up in contact mode. displayed. Chronographic drawing of contact changes and coil current evolution
compose the graphic section of the test results.
Aux2,Contact Mode: Auxiliary monitor 2 set up in contact mode.
Total elapsed time values, rather than partial times, are
Following is a list of possible test-related messages: displayed in the results report. Time origin is when first
command in the programmed sequence is issued to the
Error During Test: An error has occurred during the test. Repeat the test.
corresponding coil.
Switch Incorrect: The initial position of the main contacts make the first test command The printed version of the graphics area shows the chronological evolution of operation
execution impossible. coils currents in a separate time/current grid, and a 5-stroke contact chronogram at the
Test In Progress: This message is displayed during the execution of the operation bottom. A solid black stroke indicates CLOSED contact. For main (1, 2 and 3) contacts,
sequence. an intermediate, half-width stroke indicates the actuation of pre-insertion resistors:

Test Done: Test successfully completed (this does not mean a good breakers Open (O prefix in time stamps)
condition). Closed (C prefix in time stamps)
Test Aborted: The user has pressed the START/STOP button a second time. Pre-insertion (R prefix in time stamps)
Switch Close: Circuit breaker closed. For auxiliary inputs only full and empty strokes are used, which corresponds to closed
contact / voltage on and open contact / voltage off, depending on the detection mode
Switch Open: Circuit breaker open
Waiting Trigger: Waiting for the specified trigger event to occur at the selected The printed report includes a header with date, breakers identification, test setup
auxiliary input. parameters and graphics scale.

17 18
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

On-screen viewing
When you exit the TEST screen or retrieve a stored test from non-volatile memory, a low- Touch the button. A list with the contents of the last visited sector S0, S1 or S2 will
resolution graphical representation of the test results is displayed in the GRAPH window. be displayed, with the sectors memory usage value at the bottom, in percentage. You can
This allows you to check for successful completion of the test at a glance. Then, touch the now do the following:
RES tab to open the numerical results window and use the UP and DOWN arrow buttons S0 S1 S2 Select a sector
to pan through the contact timing, contact resistance (if measured) and coil current results.
Navigate the test list
You can now make cabling and/or setup corrections and repeat the test if necessary, or
save and/or print the test report.
Save the last test done into the selected sector
Printing the test report
Retrieve the highlighted test from the list
Touch the button in the PRINT menu to print the test Report. Before tearing the
Leave the memory menu
paper band off, feed an additional inch of paper using the button.
Thermal paper image will quickly fade when exposed to
daylight. Split the report in two halves and make a Using the PC software
photocopy of both sections if you intend to use the printout
for more than a few days. EuroBREAKER is a simple Windows-compatible utility included in the PME-500-TRs
standard accessories that enables the following tasks:
Storage and retrieval of tests
1) Downloading saved tests from the PME-500-TR non-volatile memory sectors to the
It is highly recommended to save valid tests in the PME-500-TR non-volatile storage PC for viewing, printing, archiving, exporting, e-mailing etc.
memory. A total of up to 60 tests can be distributed in three storage sectors S0, S1 and
S2. There is no difference between these sectors. They are provided to allow for some 2) Uploading archived tests in the PC to the non-volatile memory sectors of the PME-
500-TR to re-utilize their setup and identification date for new tests.
kind of organization or classification of the tests. Stored tests are kept in memory even if
the internal battery of the unit is fully discharged. 3) Restoring or uploading new versions of the PME-500-TR firmware to its
microprocessors firmware memory.
Saved tests include results, settings and identification data, and can be later recalled to
perform new tests in the same or similar breaker with little or not setup modification. For PC connection
example, if breakers A, B and C or other similar to these are periodically tested, you can
save their first results in sector 2. Next time you need to test again breaker B or a similar 1) Install the EuroBREAKER program in the PC and launch it. The PC must have an
one, you recall the B test from sector 2, modify a few identification fields or setup RS-232 port.
parameters If at all needed, execute the test and save it in sector 0, thus preserving the
original B results in sector 2. 2) Connect the RS-232 port of the PME-500-TR to a free RS-232 port in the PC using
the supplied communications cable and turn the PME-500-TR on. The message
Save your test before doing a new test, retrieving a saved On line should be displayed at the lower left corner of the programs window
test or switching the unit off. Otherwise, the test results and within a few seconds. If it does not, click on Configuration / Communications and try
setup data will be permanently lost. writing a different COM number. If you are using a native, physical DB-9 format
port, this number is usually 1, 2 or 3. If you are converting an USB port, for
example, the number can be higher. To know what numbers have been assigned to
your ports by Windows, use the Device Manager at My Computers properties

19 20
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Using EuroBREAKER units batteries will also recharge at a slower pace and an AC plug icon will be displayed
Once you have connected the PME-500-TR to your PC, you can
If battery seems to get flat too early after charging the unit
Download tests from the PME-500-TR. Select the Import Data From switched off for 4 hours, follow the procedure described in
Equipment option in the File menu. You download complete S0, S1 or S2 the Troubleshooting section.
sectors, rather than individual tests.
View and print downloaded tests. After clicking on the Tests menu, Loading Printer Paper
highlight and double-click one test in the list for viewing, then click on the
PRINT button to send it to the Windows default printer. The paper can be manually or automatically fed into the printer.
Export to csv (comma-separated values) format. Highlight one Manual feed:
test in the list and click on the Export to .txt button to create a text file with
elementary data separated by commas. This file can be imported from 1) Unscrew the bolt using a 3 mm. Allen and open
popular analysis and reporting programs like Microsoft Excel later on. the printers cover

Save downloaded tests to a file in your hard disk. Select the Save 2) Cut the paper edge as shown to make insertion
Data File option in the File menu. One file will be created containing all the easier.
tests from the downloaded sector, though selected tests can be deleted from
3) Free the rubber roller up by lifting the blue lever
the list before saving to a file.
at the right side.
Open test files from the hard disk. Click Open Data File in the File
4) Insert the edge and drag the roller manually to make it turn until the paper comes
menu and navigate to the appropriate folder. Open the desired file and click out towards you some 8 cm. Paper should come out the roll from below.
on the Tests option to view, print or delete tests from the test list.
5) Press the blue lever back down to block the paper in position and pull gently
Upload selected tests to a PME-500-TRs non-volatile memory towards you to check that it has no turn.
sector. Click on the Send Data to Equipment option in the File menu.
Warning: this will delete the existing contents of the destination sector in the 6) Drive the free length of paper through the slot in the printers lid while you place it
PME-500-TR. back into position and fasten the retaining screw with your fingers. Do it firmly but
do not use a tool. In this way youll be able to remove the screw back by hand
Restore or update the PME-500-TRs firmware with a firmware file again.
previously saved in the PCs hard disk. Ask for new firmware versions to your
EuroSMC sales representative. Click on the Firmware Update option in the Automatic feed:
Configuration menu and follow the firmware update wizard.
1) Review the manual method above. Do not release the blue lever this time.
Once the update procedure is started, the unit will wait for
the required file to be uploaded indefinitely or until you 2) Cut the paper as shown below to make insertion easier.
reset the microprocessor (refer to the Microprocessor
Reset procedure under the Basic Troubleshooting section).

The Rechargeable Battery

The PME-500-TR has a built-in 12 Vdc NiMh battery that automatically recharges itself
whenever the unit is plugged into an AC supply. When the unit is switched off and
plugged in, a battery icon will flash in the upper right corner of the LCD screen, with the
present level of charge being indicated by a shadowed segment. While switched on, the

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Operation Manual PME-500-TR

3) Upon inserting the paper as shown in the figure, the printer will automatically detect
and wind the paper. If it does not, this means that it has not detected the presence
Technical Characteristics
of paper or the blue lever is released. INPUT SECTION
4) Once some 4 length has been brought through, release the blue lever and re-align Main Contacts
it if needed.
Number: 3 inputs + common (earth)
5) Engage the lever back down and check for proper alignment by pulling the paper
slowly towards you. Open Circuit Voltage: 10 V Dc maximum

6) Drive the free length of paper through the slot in the printers lid while you place it Test current 100 mA maximum
back into position and fasten the retaining screw with your fingers. Do it firmly but
Detected States: Closed (C) (r<30 )
do not use a tool. In this way youll be able to remove the screw back by hand
again. Pre-insertion (R) (30 < r < 10 k
Open (O) (r > 10k )
Auxiliary Inputs
Number: 2 completely isolated binary inputs
Contact Mode Open Circuit Voltage: 5 Vdc
Test current: 20 mA maximum
Voltage Mode: Range: From 1.5 to 400 Vdc
Low activation range: 1.5 to 15 Vdc
High activation range: 15 to 400 Vdc

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Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Close (C) Current Measurement and Graphical Representation:
Open (O) Range: 0 50 A dc
Close Open (C O) Resolution: 0.1 A (1-kHz sampling frequency)
Programmable sequences:
Open Close (O C) Accuracy: 1 % of range 100 mA
Close Open Close (C O C) Graphics resolution: Automatic scale up to 50 mA per vertical mm.
Open Close Open (O C O) Contact Resistance Measurement
Time measurement start signal Range: Automatic range selection in decades from 100.0 to
Coil operation
Resolution: 0.1 maximum
Auxiliary input 1 ON or OFF
Accuracy: 1% of range 1 digit
Can be selected between: Auxiliary input 2 ON or OFF
Measurement current 10 A dc
Position change at any contact input
Delay up to 18.0 seconds
Touch Screen
Command Duration Settings
Type: Transflective Graphical LCD
Close, Open, 1st Interval, 2nd Interval 10 to 2000 ms (in 10-ms steps)
Dimensions: 113 x 61 cm.
Color: Black & White
Time Measurement and Graphical Representation
Lighting: CCFL
Graphics window length: Selectable between 100 ms, 200 ms, 400 ms, 800 ms,
1600 ms and 2000 ms Built-in printer

Time resolution: 0.1 ms (10 kHz sampling frequency) Printing technology: Thermal

Accuracy: 0.05 % 0.1 ms Paper width: Standard 110-mm wide continuous roll.

Graphics resolution: 0.8 ms per mm Maximum roll diameter 40 mm

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Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Basic Troubleshooting
Easy diagnostics and common self-assistance procedures are described here.


Basic troubleshooting can be conducted on the front panel and in the internal assembly.

The front panel

1. Unscrew the 6 Allen bolts highlighted
in the picture.
2. Grab the grounding connector and lift
the front panel some 5 cm.

3. Undo the ribbon connection 4. Turn the panel up over its right hand
underneath the right edge of the front side and note the wire connections
panel. before undoing them.
Accessing the internal assembly
Fuses and other connections are found here that could require basic service. No
disassembly of these internal components should be ever required nor performed by the
user for basic troubleshooting. For troublesome situations beyond those covered here,
please contact always EuroSMC or your local dealer.
To access the internals of the instrument, you must first remove the front panel as
described here:

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Operation Manual PME-500-TR


Internal fuses
Symptom Possible cause Solution
Connect to a 100-
Exhaust battery
240 VAC supply.
The unit will not power up Main supply fuses L or N
Replace the blown
possibly blown (see the
See procedure #5
Poor battery performance Misadjusted level control
The battery doesnt come to 10 A battery fuse blown (see Replace the blown
any charge the diagram) fuse(s)
Reset and/or adjust
Contrast setting too low or the contrast (see
Nothing is displayed
too high procedures #1 and
#2 below)
No response from the touch RESET (see
panel Hang microprocessor procedure #3
The unit cannot be switched off below)

Loose data connection (see Reassure the ribbon

No printing
the diagram) connector
Set a valid duration
Command duration is set to
(see procedure #4
zero or too short
Close or open commands are
not executed by the breaker Blown + (FS05, FS06 20 A
Replace the blown
slow) or GROUND (FS09,
fuse(s) or repair
FS10 BTF) close or trip fuses
(see the diagram)
Close or open to
Inconsistent initial breakers match the first
position command in
Switch incorrect message sequence
upon start of test Disconnect from
Both sides of breaker are ground the side
grounded with the black

29 30
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

Channel protection fuses Check your cabling from the instrument to the circuit
No time recordings for one or Replace the blown
FS01, FS02 or FS03 (4 A breaker and repeat the test before suspecting of a blown
two breakers main contacts fuse(s)
slow) blown (see the diagram) fuse. A bad or missing contact to a test point can produce
the same symptoms as a blown fuse.
Common main contact fuses
No time recordings for any Replace the blown
(FS04, 5 A slow) blown (see Use only fuses with the same rate and type as the ones
main contacts fuse(s)
the diagram) replaced. Failure to do this may invalidate the warranty.
Dirty, defective or misaligned Submit the breaker
contacts to maintenance
Resistance value too big
R and C terminals in Refer to the TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES
wrong position connections section
1. Display Contrast RESET
~~~ message Unable to perform a reliable Check for loose
displayed or For an easier display contrast adjustment it is recommended to reset the factory contrast
resistance reading connections setting first. This procedure restores the center contrast position and then sets the
maximum and minimum adjustable values to our preferences.
No 50 mA FAST fuses for
resistance Vsns? message channel 1 (PF01 or PF04),
measure- displayed or channel 2 (PF02, PF05) or 1) Press simultaneously until you hear a short beep. The center contrast
ment from printed channel 3 (PF03, PF06) (see value has now been set.
one or two the diagram) Replace the blown
main fuse(s)
contacts R>>> message
displayed or Channel protection fuses 2) Press and hold until the desired maximum adjustable contrast is reached by
printed (Time will FS01, FS02 or FS03 (4 A the display.
not be recorded slow) blown (see the diagram)
3) Press and to store the maximum adjustable contrast value in memory.
Vsns? message Common 50 mA FAST PF07 A short beep should be heard.
No displayed or
fuse blown (see the diagram)
measure- Replace the blown
R>>> message 4) Again, press and hold until the desired minimum adjustable contrast is
ment from Common main contact fuses fuse(s)
displayed or reached by the display.
any main printed (Time will (FS04, 5 A slow) blown (see
contacts not be recorded the diagram)
5) Press and to store the minimum adjustable contrast value in memory.
+ (PF08, PF09 50 mA A short beep should be heard.
Replace the blown
AUX1 or AUX2 record no event
FS08 BTF) aux input fuses
fuse(s) or repair 2. Adjusting the Display Contrast
(see the diagram) Once the max and min contrast adjustment values have been set with the above
procedure, you can easily regulate the display contrast between those limits to better
adapt the readability of the display to the surrounding light conditions. Beware that the

31 32
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

refer to the PME-500-TR users manual for a better understanding of these

commands in the context of circuit breaker testing.
adjustment direction toggles each time the key is pressed. This means that you will
not be able to effectively adjust the contrast with repetitive key presses. Instead, keep the
key pressed while watching the display. To invert the adjustment direction, simply release
4) Increase or decrease the duration time with the arrow keys in 10-ms
and hold the key again until the desired contrast is attained.

3. RESETting the Microprocessor steps and confirm the desired value touching the ENTER button.
A hang microprocessor will cause the unit not to respond to the touch panel nor to the 5) Repeat the above steps 3 thru 4 until you are done with all the changes. Then, use
ON/OFF switch. An internal RESET pushbutton is provided to recover the normal units
operation. Do the following to access and use the RESET button:
the arrows to highlight the word EXIT and press ENTER to leave the
1) Disconnect the unit from any external AC supply. DURATION adjustment menu.
2) Remove the 6 4-mm Allen bolts that lock the front panel. 5. Resetting the recharge controller
3) Grab the golden ground connector firmly and gently lift the front panel until a soft The PME-500-TR features an internal statistic control that prevents the battery from
stop is reached. Slide now the panel a little bit to the right so it can be further lifted overcharging. The calculations made by this protection can accumulate errors that may
for a 3 to 4 mm aperture in the front edge. The 8-mm RESET button will then be eventually shorten the allowed recharge time excessively. The following procedure resets
visible upside-down underneath the panel. the statistic counters to restore the charging time to the maximum:
4) Press the RESET button for a short while and rest the panel in place. 1) Turn the unit off and plug the power cord into an AC outlet. The charging
5) Check the unit for correct operation and lock the panel in place with the Allen bolts. symbol will flash in the upper right corner of the LCD screen. When this symbol
Do not overtighten them. disappears, unplug and plug the AC cord, and wait for the charging icon to
disappear again.
4. CLOSE & TRIP Command Duration 2) Unplug the power cord, turn the PME-500-TR on and wait until it switches itself
The PME-500-TRs factory settings include zero (0 ms) duration for the trip and close off by lack of power. Do not use the backlight.
command. This makes impossible to drive a circuit breakers operating coils for testing
and can lead to the erroneous conclusion that the unit is damaged or not working
properly. Do the following to set valid command duration values: 3) Plug the AC cord in and turn the unit on. Go to the menu and touch

1) Touch the SET tab to go into the Test Settings Menu. underneath the lower corners of the button to display the
internal counters screen, as shown below:

2) Highlight the Duration tag using the arrow keys and touch the

MODIFY key. The word EXIT and a list with the 4 programmable commands
will be displayed.

3) Using the arrow keys, highlight the command (CLOSE, OPEN, INT1,

INT2) whose duration you want to set and touch the MODIFY button. The
selected commands present duration in milliseconds will be highlighted. Please

33 34
Operation Manual PME-500-TR

After-sales Service and Warranty

This is an expression of trust that our products obtain, based on the reliability and
functionality standards that our customers expect.
The warranty covers the free replacement or repair of defective components for one year
in the terms specified in the supplied warranty statement and registration card.
Damages resulting from improper handling of the product, use outside the scope and
limits of the products specifications, negligence, installation not in accordance with the
standards or warnings listed in the Instructions Manual and servicing or manipulation by
unauthorized persons are not covered by the warranty.

EUROSMC guarantees the supply of materials and components for its products up to 3
years after discontinuation. This support is extendable to 5 years for technical service.


Portable Relay Test Equipment and Software
Primary injection units up to 20,000 A
Digital handheld chronometer.
4) Turn the unit off. The counters screen will stay displayed with numbers showing
the charging progression. The recharging symbol will also be flashing at the Digital handheld phase angle meter
upper right corner. Digital Portable microhmeter up to 100 A Test current.
5) Wait until the display vanishes out, so indicating the end of a complete Test systems for automatic miniature circuit breakers.
Voltage and current regulation equipment.
You only need to repeat the above steps whenever you experience too short a battery
life after a full 4-hour recharge cycle with the unit switched off. Step & Touch Voltage measurement equipment

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