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Structural Analysis

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Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 17901796

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Structural analysis of small span textile reinforced concrete shells

with double curvature
Tine Tysmans *, Sigrid Adriaenssens, Heidi Cuypers, Jan Wastiels
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Department of Mechanics of Materials and Constructions (MeMC), Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The reinforcement of cement with glass bre textiles imbues the composite with a tensile as well as com-
Received 6 January 2008 pressive load-bearing capacity. The tensile capacity allows the elimination of steel reinforcement as well
Received in revised form 2 September 2008 as the concrete corrosion cover in structural applications. With textile reinforced concrete (TRC) thin and/
Accepted 15 September 2008
or free form shells could be realized. In this paper, a parametric study is used to evaluate the structural
Available online 21 September 2008
applicability of TRC for small span (215 m) doubly curved roof shells. The application of two different,
existing TRC material combinations demonstrates the inuence of the applied composite material on the
design of the shell.
A. Ceramicmatrix Composites
A. Textile composites
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Finite element analysis
A. Glass bres

1. Introduction reinforcement is the necessity of a concrete corrosion cover. The

minimum corrosion cover (depending on the exposure coefcient
With the advent of geometric CAD modelling tools, the design of [1]) results in an increased dead weight and limits the minimum
distinctive buildings nowadays tends towards creative, eye-catch- shell thickness (to approximately seventy millimetres). Therefore,
ing free forms. In this context, slenderness and resulting weight shell forms are rarely used to cover small spans. The replacement
reduction in large span covers is a major design consideration. of the steel bars by a exible, non-corrosive reinforcement can
The increased use of lightweight membrane structures, allowing eliminate the disadvantages of steel reinforcement and permit
for creative forms, demonstrates this evolution. However, the use thin, free form shells. Reinforcement exibility can be obtained
of membranes has its disadvantages: rstly, the necessary mem- when the reinforcement diameter is considerably reduced and at
brane pre-stress requires strong and expensive anchorage. Sec- the same time the volume fraction of the reinforcement is retained.
ondly, the use of textiles leads to problems of thermal and The use of bres is a possible solution to full these requirements.
acoustical insulation and re-safety. The addition of short glass bres to a concrete (premix meth-
Steel-reinforced concrete shells do not show these problems. od) constrains the crack width and enhances the toughness of
Slender large span shells result from designs that aim at a uniform the initially brittle material. However, with this concrete produc-
stress state and limit bending action. Shells moreover owe their tion technology, only a limited amount of bres can be inserted,
structural stiffness to their curvature (geometric stiffness) rather and thus the resulting tensile capacity is limited. Moreover, the ori-
than to their thickness. The form freedom of steel-reinforced con- entation and spatial distribution of the bres are usually not well
crete shells is however limited. Concrete has relatively high com- controlled [2]. According to classical composite modelling methods,
pression strength, but a very low tensile capacity. Up to now, high amounts of bres have to be present in the concrete matrix in
concrete shell design is therefore restricted to forms working the direction of the tensile stresses to provide the necessary post-
mainly under compressive stresses. Tensile reinforcement is still cracking stiffness and strength [3]. These high bre volume frac-
required, since tensile stress zones can still occur under certain tions are in this study achieved by adding continuous randomly ori-
load combinations. The practical difculties of positioning and ented glass bres in the form of textiles to a ne tuned concrete
shaping traditional steel reinforcement restrict the form freedom. matrix by typical composite production technologies (hand lay-
Moreover, the high cost associated with placing the steel reinforce- up, pultrusion). Earlier research has demonstrated the structural
ment and the formwork, makes freeform reinforced concrete shells potential of glass bre textile reinforced concrete (TRC) in thin
an uneconomical solution. Another disadvantage of using steel building elements, such as sandwich panels [4], modular hyperbolic
paraboloid sandwich panels [5] and large-size faade elements [6].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +32 2 6292921; fax: +32 2 6292928.
This paper focuses on the structural potential of randomly ori-
E-mail address: ttysmans@vub.ac.be (T. Tysmans). ented glass bre textile reinforced concrete in small span doubly

0266-3538/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Tysmans et al. / Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 17901796 1791

curved shells. Specically this paper examines whether when

using textiles exclusively as reinforcement in ne grained concrete,
the tensile capacity of the composite is sufciently high to realise
small span shells, which are thinner and thus lighter than when
constructed with conventional steel-reinforced concrete. There-
fore, a doubly curved shell shown in Fig. 1, is designed with a
force-density optimisation of a cable net (equal force-density in
all cables of the net), which allows the shell to be cast on a exible
membrane formwork. Initially, the structural behaviour of a two
meter span doubly curved shell is analysed with the Finite Element
Method (FEM) under realistic load combinations of self weight,
wind and snow. This analysis demonstrates the importance of
the cementitious composites tensile capacity for its application
in small span doubly curved shells. The smallest span (2 m) was
chosen since it can easily be manufactured in a laboratory. Several
shells will be constructed in the near future to validate the ob-
tained numerical with the experimental results. In this study, the
span width of the doubly curved shell is gradually increased to
more realistic sizes (10 and 15 m), until the shell thickness reaches
the same order of magnitude as for thin steel-reinforced concrete
Fig. 2. Typical stressstrain diagram of textile reinforced concrete under uni-axial
shells. In this way, the span range is determined in which the tensile loading.
use of TRC instead of traditional steel-reinforced concrete leads
to thinner and lighter doubly curved shells. With the advent of
TRC, free form shell structures can more easily be manufactured.  Pre-cracking zone (zone I): In this linear elastic zone, the law of
This paper demonstrates however a second great advantage: shells mixtures for linear elastic composites can be used to determine
in TRC can be made only as thin as structurally necessary, such that the stiffness E1 of the non-cracked composite. Since the volume
they show an efcient material use even for smaller spans (up to fraction of the glass bres is moderate (maximum 20%) and the
15 m). Preliminary design rules based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam stiffness of matrix and bres are of the same order of magnitude,
equation are formulated, which determine the inuence of the the stiffness in this rst stage corresponds approximately to the
span and the composites tensile strength on the shell thickness. E-modulus of the matrix.
The inuence of the material behaviour on the shell thickness is  Multiple-cracking zone (zone II): When the tensile strength of the
demonstrated by applying two different randomly oriented glass concrete matrix is exceeded (which occurs at approximately one
bre textile ne grained concrete combinations to the shell. percent of the tensile strength of the bres), the rst cracks
appear. At the crack face, the tension force has to be carried by
2. Glass textile reinforced concrete: material behaviour the reinforcement. As the tension force increases, additional
cracks are initiated and propagated along the whole composite
Textile reinforced concrete has different mechanical behaviour (multiple cracking). At the vicinity of a crack face, the bres
in tension and compression. In compression, the composite can and matrix are debonded and the previously existing adhesive
be considered to behave linearly elastic up to fracture. In tension bond is replaced by a frictional bond. Due to this frictional stress
however, cracks initiate and propagate in the brittle matrix com- transfer between bres and concrete, forces are further trans-
posite at very low stress levels. Fig. 2 shows the nonlinear ferred in the matrix until the concrete matrix tensile strength
stressstrain behaviour in tension of TRC. Three stages can be dis- is reached again and a neighbouring crack develops. The crack
tinguished in this curve [2,7]: spacing and the crack width are determined by three factors
namely the bre reinforcement, the bond characteristics
between reinforcement and concrete, and the concrete failure
 Post cracking zone (zone III): A stabilised crack pattern state is
created and no further cracks occur. When the load further
increases, the bres are strained further until the composite fails
by bre failure or bre pull-out. The matrix stresses remain con-
stant in this zone and only the bres contribute to the compos-
ites stiffness.

Since glass bres are economical in comparison to other bre

materials with similar stiffness and strength properties, they are
favoured when inserting large quantities into cement. Glass bres
have however one serious disadvantage: they are chemically at-
tacked by the cement matrices alkalinity. Generally, this particular
problem is solved in two ways: rstly the use of alkali-resistant
glass bres, which do not eliminate but slow down the degradation
process [8], and secondly the use of a low-alkaline or non-alkaline
matrix. Both these randomly oriented glass bre textile - concrete
combinations are considered in this study: on the one hand, the
alkali-resistant glass bre textiles with an Ordinary Portland
Cement ne tuned mortar (GTR-OPC, [9]) and on the other hand
Fig. 1. Geometry and mesh of 2 m span doubly curved TRC shell. E-glass bre textiles with a high viscosity cement which shows a
1792 T. Tysmans et al. / Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 17901796

neutral pH after hardening: Inorganic Phosphate Cement (GTR-IPC, Table 1

[10]). The loss of strength due to ageing is proven to be consider- Material properties of GTR-IPC and GTR-OPC

ably lower when using an IPC matrix than when using an OPC-ma- GTR-IPC GTR-OPC
trix [11]. Fibre density Vf Volume% 13% 5%
The studied randomly oriented glass bre textile ne grained Density q kg/m3 1900 1900
concrete combinations have different mechanical properties. OPC Youngs modulus I E1 GPa 18 30
ne tuned mortar consists of relatively large grains (order of mag- Poisson coefcient m 0.3 0.3
Design tensile stress rt, max MPa 20 10
nitude of 1 mm), as a result of which only relatively small bre vol- Design compressive stress rc, max MPa 25 25
ume fractions (5%) can be inserted. Inorganic Phosphate Cement
(IPC) with its high viscosity and very ne grains (order of magni-
tude 10100 lm), can have larger volume fractions (up to 20%)
introduced. In plane randomly oriented glass bre textiles are pre- and 15  15 m but constant height/span ratio of 1/2 are analysed
ferred, as the direction and magnitude of stresses in shells vary with FEM under realistic load combinations and structurally eval-
with the occurring load combination. Fig. 3 shows the stress-strain uated. The minimum thickness is determined for every shell to re-
behaviour of GTR-OPC with 5 vol% of bres and GTR-IPC with a - sist all load combinations and to limit the deformations to the
bre volume of 13%. Both materials are assumed to be isotropic maximum limit specied in Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Struc-
throughout the composite due to the use of randomly oriented - tures [12]. For the 2 m span shell, the thickness is modied in a dis-
bre textiles. The advantages and disadvantages of both material crete way per 1 mm; for the 10 and 15 m span shells, the thickness
combinations can be concluded as follows: on the one hand, the is adapted per 5 mm.
IPC-matrix has a lower uncracked stiffness and tensile strength Since this paper comprises a preliminary study of the possi-
than OPC, meaning that the pre-cracking zone of GTR-IPC extends bilities of concrete composite shells, it focuses only on static
to lower stresses, and the initial composite stiffness E1 is lower analyses. Dynamic and fatigue analyses will be part of a further
than for GTR-OPC. On the other hand, due to the high bre volume study. From previous studies it was found that repeated loading
fraction, a higher design composite tensile strength is obtained for leads to a reduction of the material stiffness at all stress levels
GTR-IPC (20 MPa) than for GTR-OPC (10 MPa). This design strength [13]. Consequently, the deections might be larger than calcu-
was obtained by calculating the characteristic strength (5% percen- lated through a pure static analysis. The inuence of repeated
tile) based on experimental tests, followed by the application of a loading on the ndings in this paper will be discussed further
material safety factor. It must be emphasized that this experimen- in Section 4.1.
tally determined averaging composites tensile strength is consid-
erably lower than the theoretical strength considering the full 3.1. Doubly curved shell modelling
bre strength. This difference in strength is among other things
due to the bond properties of the composite and the variation of Fig. 1 illustrates the geometry of the 2 m span shell. All three
the bre properties [7]. Material design properties (including shells are hinged at their four corners in all x, y and z-direction
safety factors) of both glass bre textile ne grained concrete while the edges are free. These support conditions lead to stress
combinations used in this study are summarised in Table 1. concentrations in the four corners. Therefore when constructing
the doubly curved shell the support surface will be enlarged to
3. Modelling of TRC small span doubly curved shell and alleviate these concentrations. The global minimum thickness of
calculation hypotheses the shells is thus determined without considering these stress con-
centrations. Tensile stresses are indicated as being positive by con-
This paper carries out a parametric study to evaluate the struc- vention, compressive stresses as being negative.
tural potential of TRC for small span doubly curved shells. Three The shells are modelled using the commercially available FEM
shells with varying dimensions span 2  2 m (Fig. 1), 10  10 m software package Abaqus (version 6.5-4), using 15*21 thin shell
elements (Fig. 1) with ve degrees of freedom per node (three dis-
placements and two in-surface rotations). This number of elements
has been optimised to ensure computation convergence (disre-
garding stress concentrations in the corners).

3.2. Limit states for design

Eurocode 1: Actions on Structures [14] describes the serviceabil-

ity (SLS) and ultimate (ULS) limit states which need to be fullled.
The shells are analysed for the load cases dened in Eurocode 1 as
if they spanned a closed building with the faades as separate
structures and thus exerting no forces on the shell.
Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures [12], limits the deec-
tions under serviceability load combination to span/250. For the
ultimate limit state, the shells have to comply with the maximum
tensile and compressive material design stress criteria (Table 1).
The considered load cases are self weight, wind and snow. After
analysing the 2 m span doubly curved shell under all possible load
combinations, two determining load combinations are selected:
Load combination 1 (LC1), resulting in the highest downward load
(self weight * 1.35 + asymmetrical wind pressure * 1.5 + asymmet-
rical snow * 1.5 * 0.5) and load combination 2 (LC2) resulting in
Fig. 3. Stressstrain behaviour of GTR-OPC versus GTR-IPC under uni-axial tensile the highest upward load (self weight * 1 + asymmetrical wind suc-
loading. tion * 1.5; no snow).
T. Tysmans et al. / Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 17901796 1793

4. Structural Analysis of the doubly curved 2 m span textile action required for bending and is small (thickness/span ratio
reinforced IPC shell equals 1/25).

4.1. Analysis of the minimum shell thickness for 2 m span doubly 5. Analysis of doubly curved 10 m span textile reinforced IPC
curved IPC shell shell

The tensile stresses occurring in the 8 mm thick doubly curved The doubly curved shell is given more realistic dimensions:
2 m span GTR-IPC shell (Table 2) remain below the design stress 10 m span width and 5 m height. The shell has an increased
(20 MPa, see Table 1) under ULS load combination 1 and ULS load thickness and thus increased self weight, but identical wind pres-
combination 2. For smaller thicknesses, the occurring stresses ex- sures and snow surface load as the 2 m span shell. The structure
ceed the design stress. is evaluated under the expected determining ULS load combina-
For the 8 mm thick doubly curved 2 m span shell under self tion 1 and veried under ULS load combination 2, as discussed
weight, the serviceability load combination, the maximum upward for the 2 m span shell in Section 4. For a thickness of 40 mm,
(0.065 mm, see Table 2) and downward (0.25 mm) deections re- principal in-plane tensile stresses (Table 3) slightly remain under
main far below the serviceability limit (8 mm = 2000 mm/250), de- the design stress (20 MPa, see Table 1). The stress distribution
ned in Eurocode 2. Due to its double curvature, the shell under pattern under ULS load combination 1 is similar to that of the
study has a high geometrical stiffness. For this 2 m span doubly 2 m span shell.
curved shell, the ultimate limit state is the dimensioning limit Even though the self weight has reached the same order of
state. The inuence of material stiffness reduction due to repeated magnitude as the maximum value of the variable wind load, the
loading and the accompanying larger deections are thus unlikely resulting stresses under this uniformly distributed vertical loading
to have a signicant effect on the minimum shell thickness. are still much lower (see Table 3: LC 1 (18 MPa) versus self
Under the SLS load combination (self weight), tensile stresses weight * 1.35 (5 MPa)). This structure is more apt to uniformly dis-
remain very low (less than 1 MPa, see Table 2). Fig. 3 shows that tributed vertical loads than to asymmetrical load. A rst design un-
the linear elastic material behaviour assumption is thus sufcient der self weight only, would therefore give a signicant
to obtain accurate results for the displacements in SLS. underestimation of the behaviour of the structure.
Conclusively, for the 2 m span doubly curved glass textile rein- Under SLS load, the displacements (maximum 6.3 mm, see Ta-
forced IPC shell, a thickness of 8 mm fulls both serviceability and ble 3) are more than 6 times below the serviceability limit
ultimate limit states. Although the 2 m span shell represents a (40 mm = span/250), dened by Eurocode 2 and the tensile stresses
hypothetical case as practical shell dimensions would be larger, remain in the linear elastic zone (lower than 2 MPa). The ULS thus
this case study still clearly shows that the thickness of a small span also denes the dimensioning limit state for the 10 m doubly
GTR-IPC shell is far inferior to the minimum thickness required for curved shell.
an equivalent steel-reinforced concrete shell (typically 70 Finally, the minimum thickness equals 1/25 of the span, exactly
millimetres). the same ratio as for the 2  2 m shell. The following section de-
rives the analytical relationship between the height and the span
4.2. Structural behaviour under ULS of 2 m span doubly curved shell of a beam under a uniformly distributed load, and links this to
the relationship between thickness and span of small span doubly
The largest stresses in the 2 m span shell (Table 2) occur under curved shells.
ULS load combination 1; Fig. 4 shows that this asymmetrical load
combination of self weight, wind and snow leads to an asymmetri- 6. Design rules for small span, doubly curved TRC shells
cal stress distribution. At the leeward side of the shell, the upper
surface is stressed in compression (rc,max = 18.6 MPa), and the 6.1. Beam under bending theory
lower shell surface undergoes tension (rt,max = 18.6 MPa). At the
windward side of the shell, the upper surface experiences tensile For a simply supported rectangular beam (unity width,
stresses (rt,max = 17.5 MPa) while the lower surface has compres- height t, span L and density q) in bending under a uniformly
sive stresses (rc,max = 17.9 MPa). The maximum stress values distributed load q (Fig. 5), the EulerBernoulli beam equation
are almost equal in magnitude, but opposite at upper and lower gives the following relationship (6.1) between maximum stres-
surfaces. This determining ULS load combination thus creates glob- ses occurring at the outer surface of the section experiencing
ally two zones in the shell which are mainly transferring stresses in the largest moment, and the span, beam height and uniformly
bending. The lever action turns out to be important for the asym- distributed load:
metric load combination-bearing capacity of this 2 m span doubly
curved shell. As the textile reinforcement is placed close to the out- qL2
 rmax 6:1
er surfaces, the entire shell thickness contributes to the lever t2

Table 2
Maximum stresses and displacements under ULS and SLS load combinations for 8 mm thick doubly curved 2 m span GTR-IPC shell

Max stresses upper surface (MPa) Max stresses lower surface (MPa)
Tension Compression Tension Compression
Ultimate limit state
LC 1 17.5 18.6 18.6 17.9
LC 2 15.1 17.5 18.2 15.1
Max. displacements (mm) Max tensile stresses (MPa)
Downward Upward Upper surface Lower surface
Serviceability limit state
Self weight 0.25 0.06 0.25 0.15
1794 T. Tysmans et al. / Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 17901796

Fig. 4. Plan view: distribution of tensile and compressive stresses at upper and lower surface of 2 m span doubly curved GTR-IPC shell, under load combination 1.

Table 3
Maximum stresses and displacements under ULS and SLS load combinations for 40 mm thick doubly curved 10 m span GTR-IPC shell

Max stresses upper surface (MPa) Max stresses lower surface (MPa)
Tension Compression Tension Compression
Ultimate limit state
LC 1 18.0 18.2 17.9 18.7
LC 2 15.2 17.1 17.5 15.4
Self weight * 1.35 1.6 4.3 1.0 4.8
Max. displacements (mm) Max tensile stresses (MPa)
Downward Upward Upper surface Lower surface
Serviceability limit state
Self weight 6.3 1.7 1.3 0.7

The load q accounts for the uniformly distributed loading superim-

posed to the dead load. Contrarily to the uniformly distributed load-
ing, the dead load increases with the beam thickness. When the
beam is loaded under self weight only, formula 6.1 can be written
in terms of the constant density q:

 rmax 6:2
For a statically determinate beam under self weight only, the neces-
sary beam height t is proportional to the square of the span (6.2),
contrarily to the linear proportional rule when self weight can be
Fig. 5. Simply supported beam under uniformly distributed load q. neglected (6.1). These equations demonstrate that in order to limit
T. Tysmans et al. / Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 17901796 1795

the maximum stresses at the outer surface by increasing the beams tant glass bre textile Ordinary Portland Cement ne tuned mortar
thickness, it is most favourable to reduce the ratio (response to) self (GTR-OPC) and GTR-IPC. Table 1 gives the material properties for
weight load to (response to) live loads. both glass bre textile cement combinations.
Maximum tensile stresses in the 8 mm thick, 2 m span shell ex-
6.2. Span-minimum thickness relationship ceed the GTR-OPC design strength (10 MPa, see Table 1) under the
ULS load combinations. The minimum shell thickness can be deter-
Comparison between the minimum thicknesses of the 2 m mined using formula (6.1) as self weight has a low contribution to
(t = 8 mm) and 10 m span (t = 40 mm) shells, shows that the thick- the response under dimensioning ULS asymmetric load combina-
ness increases with the same factor as the span. This observation tions. Taking into account the reduced GTR-OPC design tensile
corresponds to Eq. (6.1), which represents the case where self strength (10 MPa, instead of 20 MPa for GTR-IPC), the minimum
weight is neglected. The shell thicknesses are determined by the thickness of the 2 m span shell equals 11 mm.
variable asymmetric load combinations, provoking large bending Table 4 shows that maximum stresses in this 11 mm thick shell
stresses. In these load combinations, the effect of self weight is in- stay indeed below the GTR-OPC design strength (10 MPa in tension
deed negligible as shown in the different analyses. The doubly and 25 MPa in compression) under both ULS load combinations.
curved small span (up to 10 m) shells might work in bending under Deections of the shell under SLS are lower than for the GTR-IPC
the dimensioning asymmetric load combinations, however the re- shell, as the material stiffness as well as the shell thickness is in-
sponse under self weight load is so small relative to the response creased. These comparisons show that when using GTR-OPC as a
under variable loads, that its disadvantageous effect of increasing structural shell material, dimensioning limit state is still the ULS.
thickness with the square of the span is eliminated. Formula (6.1) has thus proven to offer a suitable design rule for
The proportional rule has been evaluated for a 15 m span dou- the 2 m span shell, when altering the material combination. Table
bly curved GTR-IPC shell. According to (6.1), the corresponding 5 shows the minimum thicknesses of the 2, 10, and 15 m span GTR-
shell thickness for 15 m span is 60 mm and approaches the mini- OPC doubly curved shells, according to (6.1).
mum thickness required for steel-reinforced concrete shells. FEM Formula (6.1) also allows one to adjust the material properties
analysis shows that the 60 mm thick doubly curved 15 m span in function of the structural requirements. In the case of the shells
shell just fulls both ULS and SLS. The response under self weight under study, glass textile reinforced IPC containing high bre vol-
increases, but its contribution still remains negligible. Maximum ume fractions, can offer a more suitable solution than GTR-OPC
allowed deformations, prescribed by Eurocode 2 [12], are more when the main design criterion is slenderness. This slenderness ra-
than four times higher than the deections under SLS. tio is only limited by the maximum bre volume fractions that can
be added to the IPC-matrix. Within manufacturing experimental
6.3. Thicknessmaximum stress relationship programs, bre volume fractions of 20% have been achieved up
to now by hand lay-up or by industrialised impregnating means
The analytical maximum stressthickness relationship (6.1), [15]. However, since according to (6.1) the minimum thickness of
neglecting self weight, is validated against the FEM results for a doubly curved shell with span up to 15 m only increases with
the 2 m span doubly curved GTR-IPC shell. Fig. 6 shows that the the root of the material design stress reduction the bre volume
maximum tensile and compressive stresses, at the upper and lower fraction has a relatively modest inuence on the slenderness.
surface of the 2 m span shell under ULS load combination 2 are in-
versely proportional to the square of the shell thickness and thus 8. Conclusions
show good agreement with Eq. (6.1).
This paper shows the main structural advantages of using TRC
7. Inuence of textile reinforced concrete material properties (textile reinforced concrete) over traditional steel-reinforced con-
on the design of small span doubly curved shells crete in doubly curved shells with spans varying between 2 and
15 m: its tensile load bearing capacity, the resulting redundancy
The structural performance of the doubly curved 2 m span shell of steel reinforcement and corrosion cover and its capability to cre-
is studied for two different TRC composites being an alkali-resis- ate thin, material efcient small span shells. Tensile stresses in the

Fig. 6. Maximum tensile and compressive stresses at upper and lower surface of 2 m span doubly curved GTR-IPC shell under ULS load combination 2 in function of 1/square
of shell thickness.
1796 T. Tysmans et al. / Composites Science and Technology 69 (2009) 17901796

Table 4
Maximum stresses and displacements under ULS and SLS load combinations for 11 mm thick doubly curved 2 m span GTR-OPC shell

Max stresses upper surface (MPa) Max stresses lower surface (MPa)
Tension Compression Tension Compression
Ultimate limit state
LC 1 9.0 9.2 9.6 9.3
LC 2 7.3 8.8 9.5 7.7
Max. displacements (mm) Max tensile stresses (MPa)
Downward Upward Upper surface Lower surface
Serviceability limit state
Self weight 0.10 0.01 0.21 0.12

Table 5 Acknowledgements
Comparison of the minimum thicknesses of GTR-IPC and GTR-OPC doubly curved
shells, with 2 m, 10 m and 15 m span width
The Fund for Scientic Research in Flanders, Belgium (FWO)
Span width doubly curved shell (m) Minimum shell thickness (mm) nancially supports this research by the Ph.D. program of IR. Tine
GTR-IPC GTR-OPC Tysmans and the post-doctoral position of Dr. Heidi Cuypers.
2 8 11
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