Ques Bank
Ques Bank
Ques Bank
17.Bale of Plassey(June, 1757) Briish Army under he command of Rober Clive
fough wih Bengal Nawab Siraz-ud-daula and Briish won and Mir Jafar was made N
awab. Siraz-ud-daula,while he was unarmed was killed mercilessly by Muhammad Beg
,a person who was under his assylum.
[21/02 4:08 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hydraulic machine (mechanical )
Pracice Tes: Quesion Se - 01
1. Low specific speed of a pump implies i is
(A) Cenrifugal pump
(B) Mixed flow pump
(C) Axial flow pump
(D) None of he above
Correc Answer
2. Head developed by a cenrifugal pump is
(A) Proporional o diameer of impeller
(B) Proporional o speed of impeller
(C) Proporional o diameer and speed of impeller
(D) None of he above
Correc Answer
3. In cenrifugal pumps, maximum efficiency is obained when he blades are
(A) Sraigh
(B) Ben forward
(C) Ben backward
(D) Radial
Correc Answer
4. A double overhung Pelon wheel has
(A) Two jes
(B) Two runners
(C) Four jes
(D) Four runners
Correc Answer
5. Medium specific speed of a pump implies i is
(A) Cenrifugal pump
(B) Mixed flow pump
(C) Axial flow pump
(D) Any one of he above
Correc Answer
6. If he raios of all he corresponding linear dimensions are equal, hen he
model and he prooype are said o have
(A) Geomeric similariy
(B) Kinemaic similariy
(C) Dynamic similariy
(D) None of hese
Correc Answer
7. The opimum value of vane exi angle for a cenrifugal pump impeller is
(A) 10-15
(B) 20-25
(C) 30-40
(D) 50-60
Correc Answer
8. Which of he following pump is suiable for small discharge and high heads?
(A) Cenrifugal pump
(B) Axial flow pump
(C) Mixed flow pump
(D) Reciprocaing pump
Correc Answer
9. For small discharge a high pressure, following pump is preferred
(A) Cenrifugal
(B) Axial flow
(C) Mixed flow
(D) Reciprocaing
Correc Answer
10. A hydraulic press is a device used
(A) To sore pressure energy which may be supplied o a machine laer on
(B) To increase he inensiy of pressure of waer by means of energy available
from a large quaniy of waer a a low pressure
(C) To lif larger load by he applicaion of a comparaively much smaller force
(D) All of he above
Correc Answer
11. Low specific speed of urbine implies i is
(A) Propeller urbine
(B) Francis urbine
(C) Impulse urbine
(D) Any one of he above
Correc Answer
12. The funcion of guide vanes in a reacion urbine is o
(A) Allow he waer o ener he runner wihou shock
(B) Allow he waer o flow over hem, wihou forming eddies
(C) Allow he required quaniy of waer o ener he urbine
(D) All of he above
Correc Answer
13. Hydraulic accumulaor is used for
(A) Accumulaing oil
(B) Supplying large quaniies of oil for very shor duraion
(C) Generally high pressures o operae hydraulic machines
(D) Supplying energy when main supply fails
Correc Answer
14. The je raio is defined as he raio of he
(A) Diameer of je o he diameer of Pelon wheel
(B) Velociy of je o he velociy of Pelon wheel
(C) Diameer of Pelon wheel o he diameer of je
(D) Velociy of Pelon wheel o he velociy of je
Correc Answer
15. Maximum impulse will be developed in hydraulic ram when
(A) Wase valve closes suddenly
(B) Supply pipe is long
(C) Supply pipe is shor
(D) Ram chamber is large
Correc Answer
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(1) Answer: Opion A (2) Answer: Opion C (3) Answer: Opion C (4) Answer: Opio
n B (5) Answer: Opion B (6) Answer: Opion A (7) Answer: Opion B (8) Answer: O
pion D (9) Answer: Opion D (10) Answer: Opion C (11) Answer: Opion C (12) An
swer: Opion D (13) Answer: Opion D (14) Answer: Opion C (15) Answer: Opion A
[21/02 9:16 pm] +91 94740 53896 : *THERMODYNAMICS*
41. To conver volumeric analysis o gravimeric analysis, he relaive volume
of each consiuen of he flue gases is
(a) divided by is molecular weigh
(b) muliplied by is molecular weigh
(c) muliplied by is densiy
(d) muliplied by is specific weigh
(e) divided by is specific weigh.
Ans: b
42. If a gas is heaed agains a pressure, keeping he volume consan, hen wor
k done will be equal o
(a) + v
(b) - ve
(c) zero
(d) pressure x volume
(e) any where beween zero and infiniy.
Ans: c
43. An isolaed sysem is one in which
(a) mass does no cross boundaries of he sysem, hough energy may do so
(b) neiher mass nor energy crosses he boundaries of he sysem
(c) boh energy and mass cross he boundaries of he sysem
(d) mass crosses he boundary bu no he energy
(e) hermodynamic reacions do no occur.
Ans: b
44. Properies of subsances like pressure, emperaure and densiy, in hermody
namic coordinaes are
(a) pah funcions
(b) poin funcions
(c) cyclic funcions
(d) real funcions
(e) hermodynamic funcions.
Ans: b
45. Which of he following quaniies is no he propery of he sysem
(a) pressure
(b) emperaure
(c) specific volume
(d) hea
(e) densiy.
Ans: d
46. According o Avogadro's law, for a given pressure and emperaure, each mole
cule of a gas
(a) occupies volume proporional o is molecular weigh
(b) occupies volume proporional o is specific weigh
(c) occupies volume inversely proporional o is molecular weigh
(d) occupies volume inversely proporional o is specific weigh
(e) occupies same volume.
Ans: e
47. Mixure of ice and waer form a
(a) closed sysem
(b) open sysem
(c) isolaed sysem
(d) heerogeneous sysem
(e) hermodynamic sysem.
Ans: d
48. Which of he following is he propery of a sysem
(a) pressure and emperaure
(b) inernal energy
(c) volume and densiy
(d) enhalpy and enropy
(e) all of he above.
Ans: e
49. On weigh basis, air conains following pars of oxygen
(a) 21
(b) 23
(c) 25
(d) 73
(e) 79.
Ans: b
50. Which of he following is no he inensive propery
(a) pressure
(b) emperaure
(c) densiy
(d) hea
(e) specific volume.
Ans: d
[21/02 9:31 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hydraulic machine (mechanical )
Pracice Tes: Quesion Se - 02
1. In a single casing, mulisage pump running a consan speed, he capaciy r
aing is o be slighly lowered. I can be done by
(A) Designing new impeller
(B) Trimming he impeller size o he required size by machining
(C) No possible
(D) Some oher aleraions in he impeller
Correc Answer
2. Which of he following pump is successfully used for lifing waer o he ur
(A) Cenrifugal pump
(B) Reciprocaing pump
(C) Je pump
(D) Air lif pump
Correc Answer
3. If a pump is handling waer and is discharging a cerain flow Q a a consan
oal dynamic head requiring a definie B.H.P., he same pump when handling a l
iquid of specific graviy 0.75 and viscosiy nearly same as of waer , he horse
power required will be
(A) Same
(B) 0.75 B.H.P.
(C) B.H.P./0.75
(D) 1.5 B.H.P.
Correc Answer
4. A je of waer is sriking a he cenre of a curved vane moving wih a unifo
rm velociy in he direcion of je. For he maximum efficiency, he vane veloci
y is ________ of he je velociy
(A) One-half
(B) One-hird
(C) Two-hird
(D) Three-fourh
Correc Answer
5. In a cenrifugal pump, he liquid eners he pump
(A) A he op
(B) A he boom
(C) A he caner
(D) From sides
Correc Answer
6. Kinemaic similariy is said o exis beween he model and he prooype, if
boh of hem
(A) Have idenical velociies
(B) Are equal in size and shape
(C) Are idenical in shape, bu differ only in size
(D) Have idenical forces
Correc Answer
7. For very high discharge a low pressure such as for flood conrol and irriga
ion applicaions, following ype of pump is preferred
(A) Cenrifugal
(B) Axial flow
(C) Reciprocaing
(D) Mixed flow
Correc Answer
8. The flow raio of Francis urbine is defined as he raio of he
(A) Velociy of flow a inle o he heoreical je velociy
(B) Theoreical velociy of je o he velociy of flow a inle
(C) Velociy of runner a inle o he velociy of flow a inle
(D) None of he above
Correc Answer
9. The maximum number of jes generally employed in impulse urbine wihou je
inerference is
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 12
Correc Answer
10. The specific speed (Ns) of a cenrifugal pump is given by
(A) (NQ)/H2/3
(B) (NQ)/H3/4
(C) (NQ)/H
(D) (NQ)/H5/4
Correc Answer
11. Medium specific speed of urbine implies i is
(A) Propeller urbine
(B) Francis urbine
(C) Impulse urbine
(D) Any one of he above
Correc Answer
12. A urbine is required o develop 1500 kW a 300 r.p.m. under a head of 150 m
. Which of he following urbine should be used?
(A) Pelon wheel wih one nozzle
(B) Pelon wheel wih wo or more nozzles
(C) Kaplan urbine
(D) Francis urbine
Correc Answer
13. Puck up he wrong saemen abou cenrifugal pump
(A) Discharge a diameer
(B) Head a speed
(C) Head a diameer
(D) Power a speed
Correct Answer
14. The flow ratio in case of Francis turbine varies from
(A) 0.15 to 0.3
(B) 0.4 to 0.5
(C) 0.6 to 0.9
(D) 1 to 1.5
Correct Answer
15. In reaction turbine, raft tube is use
(A) To transport water ownstream without e ies
(B) To convert the kinetic energy to flow energy by a gra ual expansion of the f
low cross-section
(C) For safety of turbine
(D) To increase flow rate
Correct Answe
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(1) Answer: Option B (2) Answer: Option C (3) Answer: Option B (4) Answer: Optio
n B (5) Answer: Option C (6) Answer: Option A (7) Answer: Option B (8) Answer: O
ption A (9) Answer: Option B (10) Answer: Option B (11) Answer: Option B (12) An
swer: Option A (13) Answer: Option A (14) Answer: Option A (15) Answer: Option B
[21/02 9:34 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hy raulic machine (mechanical )
Practice Test: Question Set - 03
1. Specific spee for reaction turbines ranges from
(A) 0 to 4.5
(B) 10 to 100
(C) 80 to 200
(D) 250 to 300
Correct Answer
2. The efficiency of jet propulsion for a ship with inlet orifices at right angl
es to the irection of motion of ship is given by
(A) [2(Vr - v) v]/ Vr
(B) [2(Vr + v) v]/ Vr
(C) [(Vr - v) v]/ Vr
(D) [(Vr + v) v]/ Vr
Correct Answe
3. Air vessels in reciprocating pump are use to
(A) Smoothen flow
(B) Re uce acceleration to minimum
(C) Increase pump efficiency
(D) Save pump from cavitations
Correct Answer
4. For 450 m hea of water, _________ shall be use .
(A) Pelton wheel
(B) Kaplan turbine
(C) Francis turbine
(D) None of these
Correct Answer
5. Accor ing to fan laws, for fans having constant wheel iameter, the air or ga
s capacity varies
(A) Directly as fan spee
(B) Square of fan spee
(C) Cube of fan spee
(D) Square root of fan spee
Correct Answer
6. The spee ratio in case of Francis turbine varies from
(A) 0.15 to 0.3
(B) 0.4 to 0.5
(C) 0.6 to 0.9
(D) 1 to 1.5
Correct Answer
7. The specific spee of turbine is efine as the spee of a unit
(A) Of such a size that it elivers unit ischarge at unit hea
(B) Of such a size that it elivers unit ischarge at unit power
(C) Of such a size that it requires unit power per unit hea
(D) Of such a size that it pro uces unit horse power with unit hea
Correct Answer
8. The un ershot water wheels are those in which
(A) The wheel runs entirely by the weight of water
(B) The wheel runs entirely by the impulse of water
(C) The wheel runs partly by the weight of water an partly by the impulse of wa
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer
9. Gui e angle as per the aerofoil theory of Kaplan turbine bla e esign is efi
ne as the angle between
(A) Lift an resultant force
(B) Drag an resultant force
(C) Lift an tangential force
(D) Lift an rag
Correct Answer
10. In an outwar flow reaction turbine
(A) The water flows parallel to the axis of the wheel
(B) The water enters at the centre of the wheel an then flows towar s the outer
periphery of the wheel
(C) The water enters the wheel at the outer periphery an then flows towar s the
centre of the wheel
(D) The flow of water is partly ra ial an partly axial
Correct Answer
11. Impulse turbine is generally fitte
(A) At the level of tail race
(B) Little above the tail race
(C) Slightly below the tail race
(D) About 2.5 m above the tail race to avoi cavitations
Correct Answer
12. The gross or total hea of the turbine is the ___________ of the water level
s at the hea race an tail race.
(A) Sum
(B) Difference
(C) Pro uct
(D) None of these
Correct Answer
13. In axial flow fans an turbines, flui enters an leaves as follows
(A) Ra ially, axially
(B) Axially, ra ially
(C) Axially, axially
(D) Ra ially, ra ially
Correct Answer
14. Which of the following statement is correct?
(A) In an impulse turbine, the water impinges on the buckets with pressure energ
(B) In a reaction turbine, the water gli es over the moving vanes with kinetic e
(C) In an impulse turbine, the pressure of the flowing water remains unchange a
n is equal to atmospheric pressure.
(D) In a reaction turbine, the pressure of the flowing water increases after gli
ing over the vanes.
Correct Answer
15. Accor ing to fan laws, for fans having constant wheel iameter, the pressure
(A) Directly as fan spee
(B) Square of fan spee
(C) Cube of fan spee
(D) Square root of fan spee
Correct Answer
Answer: Option B
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(1) Answer: Option B (2) Answer: Option A (3) Answer: Option B (4) Answer: Optio
n A (5) Answer: Option A (6) Answer: Option C (7) Answer: Option D (8) Answer: O
ption B (9) Answer: Option A (10) Answer: Option B (11) Answer: Option B (12) An
swer: Option B (13) Answer: Option C (14) Answer: Option C (15) Answer: Option B
Show/hi e
[21/02 9:34 pm] +91 94740 53896 : *IC ENGINE*
41. For the same compression ratio
(a) Otto cycle is more efficient than the Diesel
(b) Diesel cycle is more efficientthan Otto
(c) both Otto an Diesel cycles are, equally efficient
( ) compression ratio has nothing to o with efficiency
(e) which is more efficient woul epen on engine capacity.
Ans: a
42. The precess of breaking up or a lipui into fine roplets by spraying is ca
(a) vaporisation
(b) carburetion
(c) ionisation
( ) injection
(e) atomisation.
Ans: e
43. As a result of etonation in an I.C. engine, following parameter attains ver
y high value
(a) peak pressure
(b) rate of rise of pressure
(c) rate of rise of temperature
( ) peak temperature
(e) rate of rise of horse-power.
Ans: b
44. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) All the irreversible engines have same efficiency
(b) All the reversible engines have same efficiency
(c) Both Rankine an Caront cycles have same efficiency between same temperature
( ) All reversible engines working between same temperature limits have same-eff
(e) Between same temperature limits, both petrol an iesel engines have same ef
45. Most high spee compression engines operate on
(a) Diesel cycle
(b) Otto cycle
(c) Dual combustion cycle
( ) Special type of air cycle
(e) Carnot cycle.
Ans: c
48. The accunmulation of carbon in a cylin er results in increase of
(a) clearance volume
(b) volumetric efficiency
(c) ignition time
( ) effective compression ratio
(e) valve travel time.
49. Which of the following me ium is compresse in a Diesel engine cylin er
(a) air aione
(b) air an fuel
(c) air an lub oil
( ) fuel alone
(e) air, fuel an lub oil.
Ans: a
50. The air-fuel ratio of the petrol engine is controlle by
(a) fuel pump
(b) governor
(c) injector
( ) carburettor
(e) scavenging.
[21/02 9:36 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hy raulic machine (mechanical )
Practice Test: Question Set - 04
1. Saving of work one an power by fitting an air vessel to ouble acting recip
rocating pump is of the or er of
(A) 39.2%
(B) 49.2%
(C) 68.8%
(D) 84.8%
Correct Answer
2. If the net positive suction hea (NPSH) requirement for the pump is not satis
fie , then
(A) No flow will take place
(B) Cavitation will be forme
(C) Efficiency will be low
(D) Excessive power will be consume
Correct Answer
3. Accor ing to fan laws, at constant pressure, the spee capacity an power var
(A) Directly as the air or gas ensity
(B) Inversely as square root of ensity
(C) Inversely as ensity
(D) As square of ensity
Correct Answer
4. Which of the following turbine is preferre for a specific spee of 60 to 300
(A) Pelton wheel
(B) Francis turbine
(C) Kaplan turbine
(D) None of these
Correct Answer
5. The angle of taper on raft tube is
(A) Greater than 15
(B) Greater than 8
(C) Greater than 5
(D) Less than 8
Correct Answer
6. The wi th of the bucket for a Pelton wheel is generally ________ the iameter
of jet.
(A) Double
(B) Three times
(C) Four times
(D) Five times
Correct Answer
7. Which place in hy raulic turbine is most susceptible for cavitations?
(A) Inlet of raft rube
(B) Bla e inlet
(C) Gui e bla e
(D) Penstock
Correct Answer
8. Discharge of a centrifugal pump is (where N = Spee of the pump impeller)
(A) Directly proportional to N
(B) Inversely proportional to N
(C) Directly proportional to N
(D) Inversely proportional to N
Correct Answer
9. The ischarge through a reaction turbine with increase in unit spee
(A) Increases
(B) Decreases
(C) Remain unaffecte
(D) First increases an then ecreases
Correct Answer
10. The power pro uce by the reaction turbine is ________ to the hea of water.
(A) Directly proportional
(B) Inversely proportional
(C) 4th power
(D) None of these
Correct Answer
11. The maximum number of jets, generally, employe in an impulse turbine withou
t jet interference are
(A) Two
(B) Four
(C) Six
(D) Eight
Correct Answer
12. Pressure intensifier increases the pressure in proportion to
(A) Ratio of iameters
(B) Square of ratio of iameters
(C) Inverse ratio of iameters
(D) Square of inverse ratio of iameters
Correct Answer
13. The specific spee from 160 to 500 r.p.m. of a centrifugal pump in icates th
at the pump is
(A) Slow spee with ra ial flow at outlet
(B) Me ium spee with ra ial flow at outlet
(C) High spee with ra ial flow at outlet
(D) High spee with axial flow at outlet
Correct Answer
14. For centrifugal pump impeller, the maximum value of the vane exit angle is
(A) 10 to 15
(B) 15 to 20
(C) 20 to 25
(D) 25 to 30
Correct Answer
15. A hy raulic accumulator normally consists of
(A) Two cylin ers, two rams an a storage evice
(B) A cylin er an a ram
(C) Two coaxial rams an two cylin ers
(D) A cylin er, a piston, storage tank an control valve
Correct Answer
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(1) Answer: Option A (2) Answer: Option B (3) Answer: Option B (4) Answer: Optio
n B (5) Answer: Option D (6) Answer: Option D (7) Answer: Option A (8) Answer: O
ption A (9) Answer: Option B (10) Answer: Option A (11) Answer: Option C (12) An
swer: Option B (13) Answer: Option D (14) Answer: Option C (15) Answer: Option B
[21/02 9:38 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hy raulic machine
Practice Test: Question Set - 05
1. Saving of work one an power by fitting an air vessel to single acting recip
rocating pump is of the or er of
(A) 39.2%
(B) 49.2%
(C) 68.8%
(D) 84.8%
Correct Answer
2. Overall efficiency of a centrifugal pump is the ratio of
(A) Energy available at the impeller to the energy supplie to the pump by the p
rime mover
(B) Actual work- one by the pump to the energy supplie to the pump by the prime
(C) Energy supplie to the pump to the energy available at the impeller
(D) Manometric hea to the energy supplie by the impeller per kN of water
Correct Answer
3. Which of the following pump is generally use to pump highly viscous flui ?
(A) Centrifugal pump
(B) Reciprocating pump
(C) Air lift pump
(D) Screw pump
Correct Answer
4. High specific spee of turbine implies it is
(A) Propeller turbine
(B) Francis turbine
(C) Impulse turbine
(D) None of the above
Correct Answer
5. In a reciprocating pump, air vessels are use to
(A) Smoothen the flow
(B) Re uce suction hea
(C) Increase elivery hea
(D) Re uce acceleration hea
Correct Answer
6. The specific spee of a turbine is given by the equation
(A) NP / H3/2
(B) NP / H
(C) NP / H5/4
(D) NP / H3
Correct Answer
7. In or er to avoi cavitation in centrifugal pumps
(A) The suction pressure shoul be high
(B) The elivery pressure shoul be high
(C) The suction pressure shoul be low
(D) The elivery pressure shoul be low
Correct Answer
8. The spee of an imaginary turbine, i entical with the given turbine, which wi
ll evelop a unit power un er a unit hea , is known as
(A) Normal spee
(B) Unit spee
(C) Specific spee
(D) None of these
Correct Answer
9. Francis turbine is best suite for
(A) Me ium hea application from 24 to 180 m
(B) Low hea installation up to 30 m
(C) High hea installation above 180 m
(D) All types of hea s
Correct Answer
10. Power require (in watts) to rive a centrifugal pump is (where Hm = Manomet
ric hea in metres, w = Specific weight in N/m3, Q = Discharge of the pump in m3
/s, an o = Overall efficiency of te pump)
(A) (w Hm) / (Q o)
(B) (w Hm Q) / o
(C) (w Q) / (Hm o)
(D) (w Q o) / Hm
Correct Answer
11. By fitting an air vessel to te reciprocating pump, tere is always a saving
of work done and subsequently saving of power. Te saving in case of a double a
cting reciprocating pump is
(A) 39.2%
(B) 48.8%
(C) 84.8%
(D) 88.4%
Correct Answer
12. Any cange in load is adjusted by adjusting following parameter on turbine
(A) Net ead
(B) Absolute velocity
(C) Blade velocity
(D) Flow
Correct Answer
13. Te maximum ydraulic efficiency of an impulse turbine is (were = Angle o
iciency o
an impulse turbine is maximum when velocity o
heel is _______ o
the jet velocity,
(A) One-
(B) One-hal
(C) Three-
(D) Double
Correct Answer
15. A hydraulic intensi
ier normally consists o
iciency o
a Pelton wheel working under constant head ________ with th
e increase in power.
(A) Remain same
(B) Increases
(C) Decreases
(D) None o
Correct Answer
5. The discharge through a reaction turbine __________ with the increase in unit
(A) Decreases
(B) Increases
(C) Remain same
(D) None o
Correct Answer
6. Axial
low pump is started with its delivery valve
(A) Kept
ully closed
(B) Kept
ully open
(C) Irrespective o
any position
(D) Kept 50% open
Correct Answer
7. A Pelton wheel working under a constant head and discharge, has maximum e
iency when the speed ratio is
(A) 0.26
(B) 0.36
(C) 0.46
(D) 0.56
Correct Answer
8. The speci
ic speed o
a hydraulic turbine depends upon
(A) Speed and power developed
(B) Discharge and power developed
(C) Speed and head o
(D) Speed, power developed and head o
Correct Answer
9. Head developed by a centri
ugal pump depends on
(A) Impeller diameter
(B) Speed
(C) Fluid density
(D) Both (A) and (B) above
Correct Answer
10. I
the ratio's o
the corresponding
orces acting at corresponding points ar
e equal, then the model and the prototype are said to have.
(A) Geometric similarity
(B) Kinematic similarity
(C) Dynamic similarity
(D) None o
Correct Answer
11. A Pelton wheel develops 1750 kW under a head o
100 meters while running at
200 r.p.m. and discharging 2500 liters o
water per second. The unit speed o
e wheel is
(A) 10 r.p.m.
(B) 20 r.p.m.
(C) 40 r.p.m.
(D) 80 r.p.m.
Correct Answer
12. Centri
ugal pump is started with its delivery valve
(A) Kept
ully closed
(B) Kept
ully open
(C) Irrespective o
any position
(D) Kept 50% open
Correct Answer
13. The cavitation in reaction turbines is avoided, to a great extent by
(A) Installing the turbine below the tail race level
(B) Using stainless steel runner o
the turbine
(C) Providing highly polished blades to the runner
(D) All o
the above
Correct Answer
14. In a centri
ugal pump casing, the
low o
water leaving the impeller, is
(A) Rectilinear
(B) Radial
(C) Free vortex motion
(D) Forced vortex
Correct Answer
15. A hydraulic accumulator is a device used to store _________ energy which may
be supplied to a machine later on.
(A) Strain
(B) Pressure
(C) Kinetic
(D) None o
Correct Answer
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n B (5) Answer: Option A (6) Answer: Option B (7) Answer: Option C (8) Answer: O
ption D (9) Answer: Option D (10) Answer: Option C (11) Answer: Option B (12) An
swer: Option A (13) Answer: Option D (14) Answer: Option C (15) Answer: Option B
[22/02 1:02 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hydraulic machine (me)
Practice Test: Question Set - 08
1. Which o
ollowing statement is correct as regard to water wheels?
(A) They have slow speeds
(B) They are suitable even
or low water heads
(C) They give constant e
iciency, even i
the discharge is not constant
(D) All o
the above
Correct Answer
2. The unit power developed by a turbine is (where P = Power developed by the tu
rbine under a head o
water (H).
(A) P/ H
(B) P/ H
(C) P/ H3/2
(D) P/ H
Correct Answer
3. Runaway speed o
a hydraulic turbine is
(A) Full load speed
(B) The speed at which turbine runner will be damaged
(C) The speed i
the turbine runner is allowed to revolve
reely without load an
d with the wicket gates wide open
(D) The speed corresponding to maximum overload permissible
Correct Answer
4. Which type o
the pump is di
rom others in the same group?
(A) Screw pump
(B) Gear pump
(C) Cam and piston pump
(D) Plunger pump
Correct Answer
5. The speci
ic speed o
a centri
ugal pump, delivering 750 liters o
water per
second against a head o
15 meters at 725 r.p.m., is
(A) 24.8 r.p.m.
(B) 48.2 r.p.m
(C) 82.4 r.p.m.
(D) 248 r.p.m
Correct Answer
6. When a piping system is made up primarily o
vertical li
t and very little pi
riction, the pump characteristics should be
(A) Horizontal
(B) Nearly horizontal
(C) Steep
(D) First rise and then
Correct Answer
7. In an inward
low reaction turbine
(A) The water
lows parallel to the axis o
the wheel
(B) The water enters at the center o
the wheel and then
lows towards the outer
periphery o
the wheel
(C) The water enters the wheel at the outer periphery and then
lows towards the
center o
the wheel
(D) The
low o
water is partly radial and partly axial
Correct Answer
8. In impulse Turbine, energy available at the inlet is in the
orm o
wheel is
(A) 0.25 m3/s
(B) 0.5 m3/s
(C) 1.5 m3/s
(D) 2.5 m3/s
Correct Answer
10. Power required to drive a centri
ugal pump is directly proportional to _____
____ o
its impeller.
(A) Diameter
(B) Square o
(C) Cube o
(D) Fourth power o
Correct Answer
11. Which o
ollowing statement is wrong?
(A) The reaction turbines are used
or low head and high discharge
(B) The angle o
taper on dra
t tube is less than 8
(C) An impulse turbine is generally
itted slightly above the tail race
(D) A Francis turbine is an impulse turbine
Correct Answer
12. Discharge o
a centri
ugal pump is
(A) Directly proportional to diameter o
its impeller
(B) Inversely proportional to diameter o
its impeller
(C) Directly proportional to (diameter) o
its impeller
(D) Inversely proportional to (diameter) o
its impeller
Correct Answer
13. The speed o
a turbine runner is
(A) Directly proportional to H1/2
(B) Inversely proportional to H1/2
(C) Directly proportional to H3/2
(D) Inversely proportional to H3/2
Correct Answer
14. In a reaction turbine, the dra
t tube is used
(A) To run the turbine
(B) To prevent air to enter the turbine
(C) To increase the head o
water by an amount equal to the height o
the runner
outlet above the tail race
(D) To transport water to downstream
Correct Answer
15. Slip o
a reciprocating pump is de
ined as the
(A) Ratio o
actual discharge to the theoretical discharge
(B) Sum o
actual discharge and the theoretical discharge
(C) Di
erence o
theoretical discharge and the actual discharge
(D) Product o
theoretical discharge and the actual discharge
Correct Answer
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(1) Answer: Option D (2) Answer: Option C (3) Answer: Option C (4) Answer: Optio
n D (5) Answer: Option C (6) Answer: Option C (7) Answer: Option C (8) Answer: O
ption C (9) Answer: Option A (10) Answer: Option D (11) Answer: Option D (12) An
swer: Option D (13) Answer: Option A (14) Answer: Option C (15) Answer:
[22/02 1:05 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hydraulic machine (me)
iciency o
a dra
t tube is
(A) (V1 - V2) / V1
(B) (V1 - V2) / V1
(C) V1 / (V1 - V2)
(D) V1 / (V1 - V2)
Correc Answer
5. A Pelon wheel is
(A) Tangenial flow impulse urbine
(B) Inward flow impulse urbine
(C) Ouward flow impulse urbine
(D) Inward flow reacion urbine
Correc Answer
6. Delivery head of a cenrifugal pump is
(A) Direcly proporional o N
(B) Inversely proporional o N
(C) Direcly proporional o N
(D) Inversely proporional o N
Correc Answer
7. Theoreical power required (in was) o drive a reciprocaing pump is (where
w = Specific weigh of liquid o be pumped in N/m3, Q = Discharge of he pump i
n m3/s, Hs = Sucion head in meers, and Hd = Delivery head in meers)
(A) wQHs
(B) wQHd
(C) wQ (Hs - Hd)
(D) wQ (Hs + Hd)
Correc Answer
8. Slip of a reciprocaing pump is negaive, when
(A) Sucion pipe is shor and pump is running a low speeds
(B) Delivery pipe is long and pump is running a high speeds
(C) Sucion pipe is shor and delivery pipe is long and he pump is running a l
ow speeds
(D) Sucion pipe is long and delivery pipe is shor and he pump is running a h
igh speeds
Correc Answer
9. The Fourneyron urbine is _________ reacion urbine.
(A) An axial flow
(B) An inward flow
(C) An ouward flow
(D) A mixed flow
Correc Answer
10. Braking je in an impulse urbine is used
(A) To break he je of waer
(B) To bring he runner o res in a shor ime
(C) To change he direcion of runner
(D) None of hese
Correc Answer
11. Which of he following pump is successfully used for lifing waer o he bo
(A) Cenrifugal pump
(B) Reciprocaing pump
(C) Je pump
(D) Airlif pump
Correc Answer
12. The Thomson's urbine is _________ reacion urbine.
(A) An axial flow
(B) An inward flow
(C) An ouward flow
(D) A mixed flow
Correc Answer
13. The saic head of a cenrifugal pump is equal o he _________ of sucion h
ead and delivery head.
(A) Produc
(B) Difference
(C) Sum
(D) None of hese
Correc Answer
14. The hydraulic efficiency of an impulse urbine is he
(A) Raio of he acual power produced by he urbine o he energy acually sup
plied by he urbine
(B) Raio of he acual work available a he urbine o he energy impared o
he wheel
(C) Raio of he work done on he wheel o he energy of he je
(D) None of he above
Correc Answer
15. The waer in a je propelled boa is drawn hrough he openings facing he d
irecion of moion of he boa. The efficiency of propulsion is given by
(A) 2V/(vr - v)
(B) 2V/(vr + v)
(C) V/(vr - v)
(D) V/(vr + v)
Correc Answer
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pion D (9) Answer: Opion C (10) Answer: Opion B (11) Answer: Opion C (12) An
swer: Opion B (13) Answer: Opion C (14) Answer: Opion C (15) Answer: Opion B
[22/02 1:07 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hydraulic machine (me)
Pracice Tes: Quesion Se - 10
1. The uni speed of he urbine runner is
(A) N/H
(B) N/H
(C) N/H3/2
(D) N/H
Correc Answer
2. Moion of a liquid in a volue casing of a cenrifugal pump is an example of
(A) Roaional flow
(B) Radial
(C) Forced spiral vorex flow
(D) Spiral vorex flow
Correc Answer
3. The runaway speed of a hydraulic urbine is he speed
(A) A full load
(B) A which here will be no damage o he runner
(C) Corresponding o maximum overload permissible
(D) A which he urbine will run freely wihou load
Correc Answer
4. High specific speed of a pump implies i is
(A) Cenrifugal pump
(B) Mixed flow pump
(C) Axial flow pump
(D) Any one of he above
Correc Answer
5. The ype of cenrifugal pump preferred for a specific speed of 20 r.p.m. is
(A) Slow speed pump wih radial flow a oule
(B) Medium speed pump wih radial flow a oule
(C) High speed pump wih radial flow a oule
(D) High speed pump wih axial flow a oule
Correc Answer
6. Mechanical efficiency of a cenrifugal pump is he raio of
(A) Energy available a he impeller o he energy supplied o he pump by he p
rime mover
(B) Acual work-done by he pump o he energy supplied o he pump by he prime
(C) Energy supplied o he pump o he energy available a he impeller
(D) Manomeric head o he energy supplied by he impeller per kN of waer
Correc Answer
7. The flow rae in gear pump
(A) Increases wih increase in pressure
(B) Decreases wih increase in pressure
(C) More or less remains consan wih increase in pressure
(D) Unpredicable
Correc Answer
8. The specific speed of a urbine is he speed of an imaginary urbine, idenic
al wih he given urbine, which
(A) Delivers uni discharge under uni head
(B) Delivers uni discharge under uni speed
(C) Develops uni power under uni head
(D) Develops uni power under uni speed
Correc Answer
9. Francis, Kaplan and propeller urbines fall under he caegory of
(A) Impulse urbines
(B) Reacion urbines
(C) Axial flow urbines
(D) Mixed flow urbines
Correc Answer
10. Which of he following is no a reacion urbine?
(A) Fourneyron urbine
(B) Journal urbine
(C) Thomson's urbine
(D) Pelon wheel
Correc Answer
11. A urbine develops 10000 kW under a head of 25 meers a 135 r.p.m. Is spec
ific speed is
(A) 175.4 r.p.m.
(B) 215.5 r.p.m.
(C) 241.5 r.p.m.
(D) 275.4 r.p.m
Correc Answer
12. According o fan laws, for he fans having consan wheel diameers, he pow
er demand varies
(A) Direcly as fan speed
(B) Square of fan speed
(C) Cube of fan speed
(D) Square roo of fan speed
Correc Answer
13. Which of he following saemen is correc?
(A) The cenrifugal pump is suiable for large discharge and smaller heads
(B) The cenrifugal pump requires less floor area and simple foundaion as compa
red o reciprocaing pump
(C) The efficiency of cenrifugal pump is less as compared o reciprocaing pump
(D) All of he above
Correc Answer
14. According o fan laws, a consan weigh of air or gas, he speed, capaciy
and pressure vary
(A) Direcly as he air or gas densiy
(B) Inversely as square roo of densiy
(C) Inversely as densiy
(D) As square of densiy
Correc Answer
15. In a cenrifugal pump, he regulaing valve is provided on he
(A) Casing
(B) Delivery pipe
(C) Sucion pipe
(D) Impeller
Correc Answer
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n C (5) Answer: Opion A (6) Answer: Opion A (7) Answer: Opion C (8) Answer: O
pion C (9) Answer: Opion B (10) Answer: Opion D (11) Answer: Opion C (12) An
swer: Opion C (13) Answer: Opion D (14) Answer: Opion C (15) Answer: Opion B
[22/02 1:10 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hydraulic machine (mec)
Pracice Tes: Quesion Se - 11
1. The discharge of a double acing reciprocaing pump is (where L = Lengh of s
roke, A = Cross-secional area of pison, and N = Speed of crank in r.p.m.)
(A) L.A.N
(B) 2 L.A.N
(C) (L.A.N)/60
(D) (2 L.A.N)/60
Correc Answer
2. The maximum efficiency of je propulsion of a ship wih inle orifices a rig
h angles o he direcion of moion of ship, is
(A) 40%
(B) 50%
(C) 60%
(D) 80%
Correc Answer
3. A urbine pump is basically a cenrifugal pump equipped addiionally wih
(A) Adjusable blades
(B) Backward curved blades
(C) Vaned diffusion casing
(D) Inle guide blades
Correc Answer
4. The impeller of a cenrifugal pump may have
(A) Volue casing
(B) Volue casing wih guide blades
(C) Vorex casing
(D) Any one of hese
Correc Answer
5. The working of which of he following hydraulic unis is based on Pascal's la
(A) Air lif pump
(B) Je pump
(C) Hydraulic coupling
(D) Hydraulic press
Correc Answer
6. By fiing an air vessel o he reciprocaing pump, here is always a saving
of work done and subsequenly saving of power. This saving in case of a single a
cing reciprocaing pump is
(A) 39.2%
(B) 48.8%
(C) 84.8%
(D) 88.4%
Correc Answer
7. The power developed by a urbine is (where H = Head of waer under which he
urbine is working)
(A) Direcly proporional o H1/2
(B) Inversely proporional o H1/2
(C) Direcly proporional o H3/2
(D) Inversely proporional o H3/2
Correc Answer
8. The force exered (in Newon) by a je of waer impinging normally on a fixed
plae is (where w = Specific weigh of waer in N/m3, a = Cross-secional area
of je in m, and V = Velociy of je in m/s)
(A) waV / 2g
(B) waV / g
(C) waV / 2g
(D) waV / g
Correc Answer
9. Indicaor diagram of a reciprocaing pump is a graph beween
(A) Flow vs. swep volume
(B) Pressure in cylinder vs. swep volume
(C) Flow vs. speed
(D) Pressure vs. speed
Correc Answer
10. The raio of he normal force of je of waer on a plae inclined a an angl
e of 30 as compared o ha when he plae is normal o je, is
(A) 1/2
(B) 1/2
(C) 1
(D) 2
Correc Answer
11. A hydraulic coupling belongs o he caegory of
(A) Power absorbing machines
(B) Power developing machines
(C) Energy ransfer machines
(D) Energy generaing machines
Correc Answer
12. One horsepower is equal o
(A) 102 was
(B) 75 was
(C) 550 was
(D) 735 was
Correc Answer
13. The hydraulic efficiency of a reacion urbine, is he raio of
(A) Power produced by he urbine o he energy acually supplied by he urbine
(B) Acual work available a he urbine o energy impared o he wheel
(C) Work-done on he wheel o he energy (or head of waer) acually supplied o
he urbine
(D) None of he above
Correc Answer
14. A Francis urbine is used when he available head of waer is
(A) 0 o 25 m
(B) 25 m o 250 m
(C) Above 250 m
(D) None of hese
Correc Answer
15. For saring an axial flow pump, is delivery valve should be
(A) Closed
(B) Open
(C) Depends on saring condiion and flow desired
(D) Could be eiher open or closed
Correc Answer
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n D (5) Answer: Opion D (6) Answer: Opion C (7) Answer: Opion C (8) Answer: O
pion D (9) Answer: Opion B (10) Answer: Opion B (11) Answer: Opion C (12) An
swer: Opion D (13) Answer: Opion C (14) Answer: Opion B (15) Answer: Opion B
[22/02 1:12 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Hydraulic machine (mechanical )
Pracice Tes: Quesion Se - 12
1. Which of he following pump is successfully used for lifing waer from deep
(A) Cenrifugal pump
(B) Reciprocaing pump
(C) Je pump
(D) Air lif pump
Correc Answer
2. When a piping sysem is made up primarily of fricion head and very lile of
verical lif, hen pump characerisics should be
(A) Horizonal
(B) Nearly horizonal
(C) Seep
(D) Firs rise and hen fall
Correc Answer
3. The overall efficiency for a Pelon wheel lies beween
(A) 0.50 o 0.65
(B) 0.65 o 0.75
(C) 0.75 o 0.85
(D) 0.85 o 0.90
Correc Answer
4. The efficiency of a hydraulic press is given by (where W = Weigh lifed by r
am, P = Force applied on plunger, A = Area of ram, and a = Area of plunger)
(A) (W/p) (A/a)
(B) (p/W) (a/A)
(C) (W/p) (a/A)
(D) (p/W) (A/a)
Correc Answer
5. In a cenrifugal pump casing, he flow of waer leaving he
(A) Radial
(B) Axial
(C) Cenrifugal
(D) Vorex
Correc Answer
6. The uni discharge hrough he urbine is
(A) Q/H
(B) Q/H
(C) Q/H3/2
(D) Q/H
Correc Answer
7. If Hg is he gross or oal head and hf is he head los due o fricion, he
n ne or effecive head (H) is given by
(A) H = Hg/hf
(B) H = Hg hf
(C) H = Hg + hf
(D) H = Hg - hf
Correc Answer
8. Manomeric head, in case of a cenrifugal pump, is equal o
(A) Sucion lif + Loss of head in sucion pipe due o fricion + Delivery lif
+ Loss of head in delivery pipe due o fricion + Velociy head in he delivery
(B) Work-done per kN of waer Losses wihin he impeller
(C) Energy per kN a oule of impeller Energy per kN a inle of impeller
(D) All of he above
Correc Answer
9. In a Francis urbine runner, he numbers of blades are generally beween
(A) 2 o 4
(B) 4 o 8
(C) 8 o 16
(D) 16 o 24
Correc Answer
10. The relaion beween hydraulic efficiency (), mecanical efficiency (m) and o
verall efficiency (o) is
(A) = o m
(B) m = m
(C) o = m
(D) None of tese
Correct Answer
11. Te ratio of actual work available at te turbine to te energy imparted to
te weel is known as ________ efficiency.
(A) Hydraulic
(B) Mecanical
(C) Overall
(D) None of tese
Correct Answer
12. Te force exerted by a jet of water impinging normally on a plate wic due
to te impact of jet, moves in te direction of jet wit a velocity v is
(A) [wa (V - v)]/2g
(B) [wa (V - v)]/g
(C) [wa (V - v)]/2g
(D) [wa (V - v)]/g
Correct Answer
13. Te number of buckets on te peripery of a Pelton weel is given by
(A) (D/2d) + 5
(B) (D/2d) + 10
(C) (D/2d) + 15
(D) (D/2d) + 20
Correct Answer
14. Te cavitation in a ydraulic macine
(A) Causes noise and vibration of various parts
(B) Reduces te discarge of a turbine
(C) Causes sudden drop in power output and efficiency
(D) All of te above
Correct Answer
15. Geometric similarity is said to exist between te model and te prototype, i
f bot of tem
(A) Have identical velocities
(B) Are equal in size and sape
(C) Are identical in sape, but differ only in size
(D) Have identical forces
Correct Answer
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n C (5) Answer: Option D (6) Answer: Option A (7) Answer: Option D (8) Answer: O
ption D (9) Answer: Option D (10) Answer: Option C (11) Answer: Option B (12) An
swer: Option D (13) Answer: Option C (14) Answer: Option D (15) Answer: Option C
[23/02 5:30 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Production engg. (mecanical )
Practice Test: Question Set - 01
1. If a gas metal arc process uses a low arc voltage and te arc is continuously
interrupted as te molten electrode metal fills up te arc gap is known as
(B) Sort ARC
(C) ARC lengt
(D) ARC blow
Correct Answer
2. Wic one among te following welding processes uses non-consumable electrode
(A) Gas metal arc welding
(B) Submerged arc welding
(C) Gas tungsten arc welding
(D) Flux coated arc welding
Correct Answer
3. Wat type of fusion welding process is used for welding seet metals of all e
ngineering metals (except Cu, Ag) in automobile and air craft industries, pipe a
nd tubing production?
(A) Termit welding
(B) Electroslag welding
(C) Resistance welding
(D) Submerged arc Welding
Correct Answer
4. Wen two main plates are kept in alignment butting eac oter and riveted wit
cover plate on bot sides of te main plates wit two rows of rivets in eac m
ain plate, te joint is known as _______ double cover butt joint.
(A) Single riveted
(B) Double riveted
(C) Bot (A) and (B)
(D) None of tese
Correct Answer
5. In a metal arc welding process, a gas metal arc welding wit magnetized flux
is used and can be done in all te positions i.e. flat position, vertical positi
on or inclined position.
(A) Globular transfer
(B) Spray transfer
(C) GMAW practice
(D) Dip transfer
Correct Answer
6. In a particular type of welding, flux is prepared in te form of a coarse pow
der and granulated flux is spread over te joint. Wat is tis type of welding p
rocess called?
(A) Electric arc welding
(B) Submerged arc welding
(C) MIG welding
(D) TIG welding
Correct Answer
7. Te common welding error tat occurs due to srinkage of weld metal, faulty c
lamping of parts, faulty penetration or overeating at joints is called?
(A) Distortion
(B) Warping
(C) Porous weld
(D) Poor fusion
Correct Answer
8. Te object of caulking in a riveted joint is to make te joint
(A) Free from corrosion
(B) Stronger in tension
(C) Free from stresses
(D) Leak-proof
Correct Answer
9. Calculate te weld per minute, work speed of circular electrode of 220 mm dia
meter for carrying out seam welding at 4 welds per cm on 1.6 mm tick mild steel
tube. Welding cycle consists of 3 cycles on and 2 cycles off Power supply is at 50
(A) 3000 welds/min, 75 mm/min
(B) 600 welds/min, 1500 mm/min
(C) 500 welds/min, 1250 mm/min
(D) 22 welds/min, 55 mm/min
Correct Answer
10. Wat is te metod of brazing used to join relatively small assemblies made
from materials tat eiter do not oxidize at te brazing temperature or can be p
rotected from oxidation wit a flux?
(A) Torc brazing
(B) Dip brazing
(C) Resistance brazing
(D) Furnace brazing
Correct Answer
11. Work speed of circular electrode of 220 mm diameter for carrying out seam we
lding at 4 welds per cm on 1.6 mm tick mild steel tube. Welding cycle consists
of 3 cycles on and 2 cycles off Power supply is at 50 Hz. Calculate R.P.M. and energ
y requirement of te above circular electrodes assuming effective resistance bet
ween electrodes as 100 om.
(A) 2.17 rpm, 600 joules
(B) 6.8 rpm, 6 joules
(C) 5.03 rpm, 600 joules
(D) 22 rpm, 600 joules
Correct Answer
12. In DC arc welding, if leads are arranged in work as Negative pole of te wel
ding arc and electrode as Positive pole of te welding arc, te arrangement is k
nown as
(A) Fusion
(B) Reverse polarity
(C) Forward welding
(D) Direct polarity
Correct Answer
13. Wat is te welding defect caused due to improper control and poor removal o
f slog between passes called?
(A) Mismatc
(B) Under fill
(C) Crack
(D) Porosity
Correct Answer
14. Te common welding error tat occurs due to wrong speed, faulty preparation,
and ig / low current, improper electrode size is called?
(A) Distortion
(B) Warping
(C) Porous weld
(D) Poor fusion
Correct Answer
15. Wat is te type of welding defect caused due to srinkage during solidifica
tion and by weld stresses called?
(A) Incomplete fusion
(B) Lamellar tearing
(C) Mismatc
(D) Srinkage void
Correct Answe
[23/02 5:31 pm] +91 78697 66465 : View All Answers
(1) Answer: Option B (2) Answer: Option C (3) Answer: Option C (4) Answer: Optio
n B (5) Answer: Option C (6) Answer: Option B (7) Answer: Option B (8) Answer: O
ption D (9) Answer: Option B (10) Answer: Option A (11) Answer: Option A (12) An
swer: Option B (13) Answer: Option B (14) Answer: Option D (15) Answer: Option B
[23/02 5:34 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Production engg (mecanical )
Practice Test: Question Set - 02
1. In abrasive jet macining, as te distance between te nozzle tip and te wor
k surface increases, te material removal rate
(A) Increases continuously
(B) Decreases continuously
(C) Decreases becomes stable and ten increases
(D) Increases, becomes stable and ten decreases
Correct Answer
2. Matc te following metal forming processes wit teir associated stresses in
te work piece.
Metal forming process Types of stress
1. Coining P. Tensile
2. Wire Drawing Q. Sear
3. Blanking R. Tensile and compres
4. Deep Drawing S. Compressive
(A) 1-S, 2-P, 3-Q, 4-R
(B) 1-S, 2-P, 3-R, 4-Q
(C) 1-P, 2-Q, 3-S, 4-R
(D) 1-P, 2-R, 3-Q, 4-S
Correct Answer
3. In an intercangeable assembly, safts of size 25.000 -0.010 mm mae wih holes of
size 25.000 -0.020, he maximum inerference (in microns) in he assembly is
(A) 40
(B) 30
(C) 20
(D) 10
Correc Answer
4. During normalizing process of seel, he specimen is heaed
(A) Beween he upper and lower criical emperaure and cooled in sill air.
(B) Above he upper criical emperaure and cooled in furnace.
(C) Above he upper criical emperaure and cooled in sill air.
(D) Beween he upper and lower criical emperaure and cooled in furnace.
Correc Answer
5. A CNC verical milling machine has o cu a sraigh slo of 10 mm widh and
2 mm deph by a cuer of 10 mm diameer beween poins (0,0) and (100,100) on
he XY plane (dimensions in mm). The feed rae used for milling is 50 mm/min, mil
ling ime for he slo (in seconds) is
(A) 120
(B) 170
(C) 180
(D) 240
Correc Answer
6. A solid cylinder of diameer 100 mm and heigh 50 mm is forged beween wo fr
icionless fla dies o a heigh of 25 mm. The percenage change in diameer is
(A) 0
(B) 2.07
(C) 20.7
(D) 41.4
Correc Answer
7. The maximum possible draf in cold rolling of shee increases wih he
(A) Increase in coefficien of fricion
(B) Decrease in coefficien of fricion
(C) Decrease in roll radius
(D) Decrease in roll velociy
Correc Answer
8. The operaion in which oil is permeaed ino he pores of a powder meallurgy
produc is known as
(A) Mixing
(B) Sinering
(C) Impregnaion
(D) Infilraion
Correc Answer
9. A hole is of dimension = 9 0 mm. The corresponding shaf is of dimension = 9
resuling assembly has
(A) Loose running fi
(B) Close running fi
(C) Transiion fi
(D) Inerference fi
Correc Answer
10. The crysal srucure of ausenie is
(A) Body cenered cubic
(B) Base cenered cubic
(C) Hexagonal closed packed
(D) Body cenered eragonal
Correc Answer
11. The maerial propery which depends only on he basic crysal srucure is
(A) Faigue srengh
(B) Work hardening
(C) Fracure srengh
(D) Elasic consan
Correc Answer
12. A shaf has a dimension, 9 +0.025, he respecive values of fundamenal deviaio
nd olerance are
(A) 0.025, 0.008
(B) 0.025, 0.016
(C) 0.009, 0.008
(D) 0.009, 0.016
Correct Answer
13. In a CNC program bock, N002 GO2 G91 X40 Z40......, GO2 and G91 refer to
(A) Circuar interpoation in counter cockwise direction and incrementa dimens
(B) Circuar interpoation in counter cockwise direction and absoute dimension
(C) Circuar interpoation in cockwise direction and incrementa dimension
(D) Circuar interpoation in cockwise direction and absoute dimension
Correct Answer
14. Friction at the toochip interface can be reduced by
(A) Decreasing the rake ange
(B) Increasing the depth of cut
(C) Decreasing the cutting speed
(D) Increasing the cutting speed
Correct Answer
15. The effective number of attice points in the unit ce of simpe cubic, bod
y centered cubic, and face centered cubic space attices, respectivey, are
(A) 1, 2, 2
(B) 1, 2, 4
(C) 2, 3, 4
(D) 2, 4, 4
Correct Answer
[23/02 5:35 pm] +91 78697 66465 : View A Answers
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ption C (9) Answer: Option C (10) Answer: Option B (11) Answer: Option C (12) An
swer: Option D (13) Answer: Option C (14) Answer: Option D (15) Answer: Option B
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ption C (9) Answer: Option C (10) Answer: Option B (11) Answer: Option C (12) An
swer: Option D (13) Answer: Option C (14) Answer: Option D (15) Answer: Option B
[23/02 5:37 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Production engg.
Practice Test: Question Set 03
1. Which type of motor is not used in axis or spinde drives of CNC machine too
(A) Induction motor
(B) DC servo motor
(C) Stepper motor
(D) Linear servo motor
Correct Answer
2. The main purpose of spheroidising treatment is to improve
(A) Hardenabiity of ow carbon stees
(B) Machinabiity of ow carbon stees
(C) Hardenabiity of high carbon stees
(D) Machinabiity of high carbon stees
Correct Answer
3. NC contouring is an exampe of
(A) Continuous path positioning
(B) Pointtopoint positioning
(C) Absoute positioning
(D) Incrementa positioning
Correct Answer
4. A ring gauge is used to measure
(A) Outside diameter but not roundness
(B) Roundness but not outside diameter
(C) Both outside diameter and roundness
(D) Ony externa threads
Correct Answer
5. When the temperature of a soid meta increases,
(A) Strength of the meta decreases but ductiity increases
(B) Both strength and ductiity of the meta decreases
(C) Both strength and ductiity of the meta increases
(D) Strength of the meta increases but ductiity decreases
Correct Answer
6. The strength of a brazed joint
(A) Decreases with increase in gap between the two joining surfaces
(B) Increases with increase in gap between the two joining surfaces
(C) Decreases up to certain gap between the two joining surfaces beyond which it
(D) Increases up to certain gap between the two joining surfaces beyond which it
Correct Answer
7. In order to have interference fit, it is essentia that the ower imit of th
e shaft shoud be
(A) Greater than the upper imit of the hoe
(B) Lesser than the upper imit of the hoe
(C) Greater than the ower imit of the hoe
(D) Lesser than the ower imit of the hoe
Correct Answer
8. When 321 principe is used to support and ocate a three dimensiona workp
iece during machining, the number of degrees of freedom that are restricted is
(A) 7
(B) 8
(C) 9
(D) 10
Correct Answer
9. Which among the NC operations given beow are continuous path operations?
Arc Weding (AW), Driing (D), Laser Cutting of Sheet Meta (LC), Miing (M),
Punching in Sheet Meta (P), Spot Weding (SW)
(A) AW, LC and M
(B) AW, D, LC and M
(C) D, LC, P and SW
(D) D, LC, and SW
Correct Answer
10. In an interchangeabe assemby, shafts of size 25.000 0.0100 mm mae wih holes
f size 25.000 -0.010 mm. The maximum possible clearance in he assembly will be
(A) 10 microns
(B) 20 microns
(C) 30 microns
(D) 60 microns
Correc Answer
11. During he execuion of a CNC par program block
NO20 GO2 X45.0 Y25.0 R5.0 ; he ype of ool moion will be
(A) Circular Inerpolaion cockwise
(B) Circuar Interpoation counter cockwise
(C) Linear Interpoation
(D) Rapid feed
Correct Answer
12. The mechanism of materia remova in EDM process is
(A) Meting and Evaporation
(B) Meting and Corrosion
(C) Erosion and Cavitations
(D) Cavitations and Evaporation
Correct Answer
13. The percentage of carbon in gray cast iron is in the range of
(A) 0.25 to 0.75 percent
(B) 1.25 to 1.75 percent
(C) 3 to 4 percent
(D) 8 to 10 percent
Correct Answer
14. Cod working of stee is defined as working
(A) At its recrystaisation temperature
(B) Above its recrystaisation temperature
(C) Beow its recrystaisation temperature
(D) At two thirds of the meting temperature of the meta
Correct Answer
15. Quaity screw threads are produced by
(A) Thread miing
(B) Thread chasing
(C) Thread cutting with singe point too
(D) Thread casting
Correct Answer
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ption C (9) Answer: Option A (10) Answer: Option C (11) Answer: Option A (12) An
swer: Option A (13) Answer: Option C (14) Answer: Option C (15) Answer: Option D
[23/02 5:40 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Production egg.
Practice Test: Question Set 04
1. What is the type of weding defect is caused due to stresses on heating and c
ooing caed?
(A) Incompete penetration
(B) Shrinkage void
(C) Sag Entrapment (Incusions)
(D) Incompete fusion
Correct Answer
2. What is the type of weding defect caused due to poor deposition of wed rod
is caed?
(A) Porosity
(B) Undercut
(C) Under fi
(D) Crack
Correct Answer
3. What is the type of weding defect caused due to poor manipuation of wed ro
d or a dirty joint caed?
(A) Porosity
(B) Undercut
(C) Under fi
(D) Crack
Correct Answer
4. What is the type of joining process caed, where the parts to be weded are
kept in contact and rotated reative to each other and axia pressure is appied
when the desired temperature is obtained?
(A) Utrasonic weding
(B) Forge weding
(C) Eectron beam weding
(D) Friction weding
Correct Answer
5. If the fame of the weding torch is directed towards the progress of weding
, then what wi you ca the weding technique?
(A) Forehand weding
(B) Fux cored ARC weding
(C) Eectro sag weding
(D) Pused spray weding
Correct Answer
6. Which of the foowing is the correct data structure for soid modes?
(A) Soid part faces edges vertices
(B) Soid part edges faces vertices
(C) Vertices edges faces soid parts
(D) Vertices faces edges soid parts
Correct Answer
7. For generating a Coons surface we require
(A) A set of grid points on the surface
(B) A set of grid contro points
(C) Four bounding curves defining the surface
(D) Two bounding curves and a set of grid contro points
Correct Answer
8. Interna gear cutting operation can be performed by
(A) Miing
(B) Shaping with rack cutter
(C) Shaping with pinion cutter
(D) Hobbing
Correct Answer
9. If a particuar FeC aoy contains ess than 0.83% carbon, it is caed
(A) High speed stee
(B) Hypo eutectoid stee
(C) Hyper eutectoid stee
(D) Cast iron
Correct Answer
10. In orthogona turning of a ow carbon stee bar of diameter 150 mm with unco
ated carbide too, the cutting veocity is 90 m/min. The feed is 0.24 mm/rev and
the depth of cut is 2 mm. The chip thickness obtained is 0.48 mm. If the orthog
ona rake ange is zero and the principe cutting edge ange is 90, he shear ang
le in degree is
(A) 20.56
(B) 26.56
(C) 30.56
(D) 36.56
Correc Answer
11. As ool and work are no in conac in EDM process
(A) No relaive moion occurs beween hem
(B) No wear of ool occurs
(C) No power is consumed during meal cuing
(D) No force beween ool and work occurs
Correc Answer
12. Hardness of seel grealy improves wih
(A) Annealing
(B) Cyaniding
(C) Normalizing
(D) Tempering
Correc Answer
13. A lead-screw wih half nus in a lahe, free o roae in boh direcions ha
(A) V-hreads
(B) Whiworh hreads
(C) Buress hreads
(D) Acme hreads
Correc Answer
14. Ho rolling of mild seel is carried ou
(A) A recrysallizaion emperaure
(B) Beween 100C o 150C
(C) Beween recrysallizaion emperaure
(D) Above recrysallizaion emperaure
Correc Answer
15. Trepanning is performed for
(A) Finishing a drilled hole
(B) Producing a large hole wihou drilling
(C) Truing a hole for alignmen
(D) Enlarging a drilled hole
Correc Answer
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(1) Answer: Opion B (2) Answer: Opion A (3) Answer: Opion B (4) Answer: Opio
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pion C (9) Answer: Opion B (10) Answer: Opion B (11) Answer: Opion D (12) An
swer: Opion B (13) Answer: Opion D (14) Answer: Opion D (15) Answer: Opion B
[23/02 5:45 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Producion
Pracice Tes: Quesion Se - 05
1. The hardness of a grinding wheel is deermined by he
(A) Hardness of abrasive grains
(B) Abiliy of he bond o reain abrasives
(C) Hardness of he bond
(D) Abiliy of he grinding wheel o penerae he work piece
Correc Answer
2. The cuing force in punching and blanking operaions mainly depends on
(A) The modulus of elasiciy of meal
(B) The shear srengh of meal
(C) The bulk modulus of meal
(D) The yield srengh of meal
Correc Answer
3. In ECM, he maerial removal is due o
(A) Corrosion
(B) Erosion
(C) Fusion
(D) Ion displacemen
Correc Answer
4. Allowance in limis and fis refers o
(A) Maximum clearance beween shaf and hole
(B) Minimum clearance beween shaf and hole
(C) Difference beween maximum and minimum sizes of hole
(D) Difference beween maximum and minimum sizes of shaf
Correc Answer
5. Green sand mould indicaes ha
(A) Polymeric mould has been cured
(B) Mould has been oally dried
(C) Mould is green in colour
(D) Mould conains moisure
Correc Answer
6. In a gaing sysem, he raio 1: 2: 4 represens
(A) Sprue base area: runner area: ingae area
(B) Pouring basin area: ingae area: runner area
(C) Sprue base area: ingae area: casing area
(D) Runner area: ingae area: casing area
Correc Answer
7. Two sreams of liquid meal which are no ho enough o fuse properly resul
ino a casing defec known as
(A) Cold shu
(B) Swell
(C) Sand wash
(D) Scab
Correc Answer
8. Which of he following engineering maerials is he mos suiable candidae f
or ho chamber die casing?
(A) Low carbon seel
(B) Tianium
(C) Copper
(D) Tin
Correc Answer
9. Volume of a cube of side l nd volume of sphere of r dius r re equ l. Both the
cube nd the sphere re solid nd of s me m teri l. They re being c st. The r
tio of the solidific tion time of the cube to the s me of the sphere is
(A) (4/6) (r/l)
(B) (4/6) (r/l)
(C) (4/6) (r/l)
(D) (4/6) (r/l)
Correct Answer
10. An expen able pattern is use in
(A) Slush casting
(B) Squeeze casting
(C) Centrifugal casting
(D) Investment casting
Correct Answer
11. Match the items of List-I (Equipment) with the items of List-II (Process) an
select the correct answer using the given co es.
List-I (Equipment)
List-II (Process)
P. Hot Chamber Machine
1. Cleaning
Q. Muller
2. Core making
R. Dielectric Baker
3. Die casting
S. San Blaster
4. Annealing
5. San mixing
(A) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-5
(B) P-4, Q-2, R-3, S-5
(C) P-4, Q-5, R-1, S-2
(D) P-3, Q-5, R-2, S-1
Correct Answer
12. Misrun is a casting efect which occurs ue to
(A) Very high pouring temperature of the metal
(B) Insufficient flui ity of the molten metal
(C) Absorption of gases by the liqui metal
(D) Improper alignment of the moul flasks
Correct Answer
13. Har ness of green san moul increases with
(A) Increase in moisture content beyon 6 percent
(B) Increase in permeability
(C) Decrease in permeability
(D) Increase in both moisture content an permeability
Correct Answer
14. The primary purpose of a sprue in a casting moul is to
(A) Fee the casting at a rate consistent with the rate of soli ification
(B) Act as a reservoir for molten metal
(C) Fee molten metal from the pouring basin to the gate
(D) Help fee the casting until all soli ification takes place
Correct Answer
15. Shrinkage allowance on pattern is provi e to compensate for shrinkage when
(A) The temperature of liqui metal rops from pouring to freezing temperature
(B) The metal changes from liqui to soli state at freezing temperature
(C) The temperature of soli phase rops from freezing to room temperature
(D) The temperature of metal rops from pouring to room temperature
Correct Answer
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ption D (9) Answer: Option D (10) Answer: Option D (11) Answer: Option D (12) An
swer: Option B (13)
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r: Option C (14) Answer: Option C (15) Answer: Option C
[23/02 5:49 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Pro uction
Practice Test: Question Set - 06
1. Which one of the following is a soli state joining process?
(A) Gas tungsten arc wel ing
(B) Resistance spot wel ing
(C) Friction wel ing
(D) Submerge arc wel ing
Correct Answer
2. While current is shut own in the wel ing circuit, what kin of voltage exist
s between the output terminals of the wel ing machine?
(B) Open air cut voltage
(C) Kerf
(D) Gouging
Correct Answer
3. The capacity of a material to be wel e un er the impose fabrication con iti
ons into a specific, suitably esigne structure an to perform satisfactorily i
n the inten e service is known as?
(A) Wel ment
(B) Wel tab
(C) Wel ability
(D) Tack wel
Correct Answer
4. In which type of wel ing a gas shiel , a consumable electro e is use an the
wel ing can be one in all positions.
(A) ARC wel ing
(B) Submerge ARC wel ing
(C) TIG wel ing
(D) MIG wel ing
Correct Answer
5. In a metal arc wel ing process, metal transfer across the arc may take place
by a metho of material transfer where the metal transfers across the arc is in
larger rops. This is at the rate of 100 rops/sec or less, what is this known a
(A) Globular transfer
(B) Spray transfer
(C) GMAW practice
(D) Dip transfer
Correct Answer
6. What is the type of shiel ing gas for GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Wel ing) use fo
r carbon steels only calle ?
(A) Argon H
(B) Argon CO
(C) Argon Helium
(D) Helium
Correc Answer
7. A ype of welding flows, which is he resul of a perfec proporion and mix
ure of aceylene and oxygen and is used for fusion welding of seel and cas iro
n, is
(A) Carburizing flame
(B) Oxidizing flame
(C) Oxy-aceylene flame
(D) Neural flame
Correc Answer
8. If he earing efficiency of a riveed join is 50%, hen raio of rive hole
diameer o he pich of rives is
(A) 0.20
(B) 0.30
(C) 0.50
(D) 0.60
Correc Answer
9. Wha is he name of he device used in arc welding circuis for he purpose o
f modifying he rae of curren change when he weld road is varied rapidly?
(A) Reacor
(B) Kerf
(C) Inducor
(D) Cone
Correc Answer
10. Two 1 mm hick seel shees are o be spo welded a a curren of 5000 A. As
suming effecive resisance o be 200 m and cuent flow time of 0.2 second, heat
geneated duing the pocess will be
(A) 0.2 Joule
(B) 1 Joule
(C) 5 Joule
(D) 1000 Joule
Coect Answe
11. In up-cut milling the wok piece is fed
(A) Against the otating cutte
(B) At angle of 60 to the cutte
(C) In the diection of the cutte
(D) At the ight angle to the cutte
Coect Answe
12. Which of the following statement is coect egading ginding of high cabo
n steel?
(A) Ginding at high speed esults in the eduction of chip thickness and cuttin
g foces pe git.
(B) Aluminium oxide wheels ae employed.
(C) The ginding wheel has to be of open stuctue.
(D) All of the above
Coect Answe
13. In Oxyacetylene gas welding, tempeatue at the inne cone of the flame is a
(A) 3500C
(B) 3200C
(C) 2900C
(D) 2550C
Coect Answe
14. Which of the following ac welding pocesses does not use consumable electo
(C) Submeged Ac Welding
(D) None of these
Coect Answe
15. Two plates of the same metal having equal thickness ae to be butt welded wi
th electic ac. When the plate thickness changes, welding is achieved by
(A) Adjusting the cuent
(B) Adjusting the duation of cuent
(C) Changing the electode size
(D) Changing the electode coating
Coect Answe
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n D (5) Answe: Option D (6) Answe: Option B (7) Answe: Option D (8) Answe: O
ption C (9) Answe: Option C (10) Answe: Option D (11) Answe: Option A (12) An
swe: Option D (13) Answe: Option B (14) Answe: Option B (15) Answe: Option C
[23/02 5:51 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Poduction engineeing
Pactice Test: Question Set - 07
1. A twist dill is a
(A) Side cutting tool
(B) Font cutting tool
(C) End cutting tool
(D) None of these
Coect Answe
2. A jig is defined as a device which
(A) Holds and locates a wokpiece and guides and contols one o moe cutting to
(B) Holds and locates a wokpiece duing an inspection o fo a manufactuing op
(C) Is used to check the accuacy of wokpiece
(D) All of the above
Coect Answe
3. A dill bit of 20 mm diamete otating at 500 .p.m. with a feed ate of 0.2
mm/evolution is used to dill a though hole in a mild steel plate 20 mm thickn
ess. The depth of cut in this dilling opeation is
(A) 0.2 mm
(B) 10 mm
(C) 20 mm
(D) 100 mm
Coect Answe
4. Chemical milling opeation is pefomed
(A) On univesal milling machine
(B) On plain milling machine
(C) In a tank containing an etching solution
(D) Any one of these
Coect Answe
5. Fo machining a mild steel wokpiece using cabide tool, the maximum mateial
will be emoved at a tempeatue of
(A) 50C
(B) 100C
(C) 175C
(D) 275C
Coect Answe
6. Which of the following statement is wong about ultasonic machining?
(A) It is best suited fo machining had and bittle mateials.
(B) It cuts mateials at vey slow speeds
(C) It emoves lage amount of mateial
(D) It poduces good suface finish
Coect Answe
7. The ductile mateials, duing machining, poduce
(A) Continuous chips
(B) Discontinuous chips
(C) Continuous chips with built up edge
(D) Eithe (A) o (C)
Coect Answe
8. Which of the following paametes goven the value of shea angle in continuo
us chip fomation?
(A) Tue feed
(B) Chip thickness
(C) Rake angle of the cutting tool
(D) All of these
Coect Answe
9. The cutting speed fo dilling __________ with high speed steel dills is 24
to 45 m/min.
(A) Mild steel
(B) Coppe
(C) Aluminium
(D) Bass
Coect Answe
10. A ight hand tool on a lathe cuts most efficiently when it tavels
(A) Fom left to ight end of the lathe bed
(B) Fom ight to left end of the lathe bed
(C) With the help of a compound slide
(D) Acoss the bed
Coect Answe
11. Cast ion duing machining poduces
(A) Continuous chips
(B) Discontinuous chips
(C) Continuous chips with built-up edge
(D) None of these
Coect Answe
12. Dielectic is used in
(A) Electochemical machining
(B) Ultasonic machining
(C) Electo dischage machining
(D) Lase machining
Coect Answe
13. In electo-dischage machining, dielectic is used to
(A) Help in the movement of the spaks
(B) Contol the spak dischages
(C) Act as coolant
(D) All of these
Coect Answe
14. In an othogonal cutting, the depth of cut is halved and the feed ate is do
uble. If the chip thickness atio is unaffected with the changed cutting conditi
ons, the actual chip thickness will be
(A) Doubled
(B) Halved
(C) Quadupled
(D) Unchanged
Coect Answe
15. In metal machining, the zone whee the heat is geneated due to fiction bet
ween the moving chip and the tool face, is called
(A) Fiction zone
(B) Wok-tool contact zone
(C) Shea zone
(D) None of these
Coect Answe
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1. Answe: Option C 2. Answe: Option A 3. Answe: Option C 4. Answe: Option C
5. Answe: Option B 6. Answe: Option C 7. Answe: Option D 8. Answe: Option D
9. Answe: Option A 10. Answe: Option B 11. Answe: Option B 12. Answe: Option
C 13. Answe: Option D 14. Answe: Option A 15. Answe: Option A
[23/02 5:54 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Poduction engineeing
Pactice Test: Question Set - 08
1. The snag ginding is done
(A) To poduce good suface finish and high degee of accuacy
(B) To emove consideable amount of metal without egad to accuacy of the fin
ished suface
(C) To gind exteio cylindical sufaces
(D) Any one of the above
Coect Answe
2. In ultasonic machining, tool is made of
(A) Tungsten cabide
(B) Bass o coppe
(C) Diamond
(D) Stainless steel
Coect Answe
3. Stellite peseves hadness up to a tempeatue of
(A) 350C
(B) 500C
(C) 900C
(D) 1100C
Coect Answe
4. Low helix angle dills ae pefeed fo dilling holes in
(A) Plastics
(B) Coppe
(C) Cast steel
(D) Cabon steel
Coect Answe
5. The angle between the shea plane and _________ is called shea angle.
(A) Wok suface
(B) Tool face
(C) Machine suface
(D) None of these
Coect Answe
6. In hot machining, the wok is heated by
(A) Simple heating
(B) Flame heating
(C) Induction heating
(D) Any one of these
Coect Answe
7. While cutting helical geas on a non-diffeential gea hobbe, the feed chang
e gea atio is
(A) Independent of index change gea atio
(B) Dependent on speed change gea atio
(C) Inteelated to index change gea atio
(D) Independent of speed and index change gea atio
Coect Answe
8. The ake angle equied to machine bass by high speed steel tool is
(A) 0
(B) 10
(C) 20
(D) 100
Coect Answe
9. Fo machining a mild steel wokpiece by a high speed steel tool, the aveage
cutting speed is
(A) 5 m/min
(B) 10 m/min
(C) 15 m/min
(D) 30 m/min
Coect Answe
10. The facto consideed fo evaluation of machinability is
(A) Cutting foces and powe consumption
(B) Tool life
(C) Type of chips and shea angle
(D) All of these
Coect Answe
11. Lathe bed is made of
(A) Mild steel
(B) Alloy steel
(C) Pig ion
(D) Chilled cast ion
Coect Answe
12. The dill spindles ae povided with standad tape known as
(A) Mose tape
(B) Selle's tape
(C) Chapman tape
(D) Bown and Shape tape
Coect Answe
13. The cutting foce in up milling ________ pe tooth movement of the cutte.
(A) Is zeo
(B) Is maximum
(C) Deceases fom maximum to zeo
(D) Inceases fom zeo to maximum
Coect Answe
14. A left hand tool on a lathe cuts most efficiently when it tavels
(A) Fom left to ight end of the lathe bed
(B) Fom ight to left end of the lathe bed
(C) With the help of a compound slide
(D) Acoss the bed
Coect Answe
15. Side ake angle of a single point cutting tool is the angle
(A) By which the face of the tool is inclined towads back
(B) By which the face of the tool is inclined sideways
(C) Between the suface of the flank immediately below the point and a plane at
ight angles to the cente line of the point of the tool
(D) Between the suface of the flank immediately below the point and a line daw
n fom the point pependicula to the base
Coect Answe
View All Answes
1. Answe: Option B 2. Answe: Option B 3. Answe: Option D 4. Answe: Option A
5. Answe: Option A 6. Answe: Option D 7. Answe: Option C 8. Answe: Option A
9. Answe: Option D 10. Answe: Option D 11. Answe: Option D 12. Answe: Option
A 13. Answe: Option D 14. Answe: Option A 15. Answe: Option B
[23/02 5:57 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Poduction engg
Pactice Test: Question Set - 09
1. Which of the following statement is coect fo oblique cutting system?
(A) The cutting edge is inclined at an angle less than 90 with the nomal to the
velocity of the tool
(B) Fequently, moe than one cutting edges ae in action
(C) The chip flows on the tool face at an angle less than 90 with the nomal on t
he cutting edge
(D) All of the above
Coect Answe
2. Cack in ginding wheel is developed due to
(A) High tempeatue developed at the contact of the wheel face and wok
(B) Ginding had wok
(C) Low speed of wheel
(D) High speed of wheel
Coect Answe
3. EDM machining is applied fo
(A) Shaping cabide dies and punches having complicated pofiles
(B) Making lage numbe of small holes in sieves and fuel nozzles
(C) Embossing and engaving on hade mateials
(D) All of these
Coect Answe
4. In dilling opeation, the metal is emoved by
(A) Sheaing
(B) Extusion
(C) Sheaing and extusion
(D) Sheaing and compession
Coect Answe
5. In centeless gindes, the egulating wheel is inclined at
(A) 0 to 8
(B) 9 to 15
(C) 16 to 20
(D) 21 to 25
Coect Answe
6. The pocess of impoving the cutting action of the ginding wheel is called
(A) Tuing
(B) Dessing
(C) Facing
(D) Cleaing
Coect Answe
7. Which of the following statement is wong?
(A) The diamond is the hadest tool mateial and can un at cutting speeds about
50 times that of high speed steel tool
(B) The ceamic tools can be used at cutting speeds 40 times that of high speed
steel tools
(C) The cemented cabide tools can be used at cutting speeds 10 times that of hi
gh speed steel tools
(D) The ceamic tools can withstand tempeatue up to 600C only
Coect Answe
8. Which of the following paametes influence the axial feed ate in centeless
(A) Regulating wheel diamete
(B) Speed of the egulating wheel
(C) Angle between the axes of ginding and egulating wheels
(D) All of the above
Coect Answe
9. The type of tool used on milling machine and boaching machine is
(A) Single point cutting tool
(B) Two point cutting tool
(C) Thee point cutting tool
(D) Multi-point cutting tool
Coect Answe
10. The width of cutting edge of a pating off tool vaies fom
(A) 3 to 12 mm
(B) 5 to 20 mm
(C) 8 to 30 mm
(D) 15 to 40 mm
Coect Answe
11. Which of the following statement is coect in egad to centeless ginding
(A) The wokpiece is suppoted thoughout its entie length as ginding takes pl
(B) It is a continuous pocess and adopted fo poduction wok
(C) It equies no holding device fo the wok
(D) All of the above
Coect Answe
12. In a shape
(A) Tool is stationay and wok ecipocates
(B) Wok is stationay and tool ecipocates
(C) Tool moves ove stationay wok
(D) Tool moves ove ecipocating wok
Coect Answe
13. Side elief angle of a single point tool is the angle
(A) By which the face of the tool is inclined towads back
(B) By which the face of the tool is inclined sideways
(C) Between the suface of the flank immediately below the point and a plane at
ight angles to the cente line of the point of tool
(D) Between the suface of the flank immediately below the point and a line daw
n fom the point pependicula to the base
Coect Answe
14. When the end of a tap is tapeed fo about thee o fou theads, it is know
n as a
(A) Tape tap
(B) Bottoming tap
(C) Second tap
(D) None of these
Coect Answe
15. When the cutting edge of the tool is dull, then duing machining
(A) Continuous chips ae fomed
(B) Discontinuous chips ae fomed
(C) Continuous chips with built-up edge ae fomed
(D) No chips ae fomed
Coect Answe
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1. Answe: Option D 2. Answe: Option D 3. Answe: Option D 4. Answe: Option C
5. Answe: Option A 6. Answe: Option B 7. Answe: Option D 8. Answe: Option D
9. Answe: Option D 10. Answe: Option A 11. Answe: Option D 12. Answe: Option
B 13. Answe: Option C 14. Answe: Option C 15. Answe: Option C
[23/02 6:01 pm] +91 78697 66465 : Poduction engg
Pactice Test: Question Set - 10
1. The facto esponsible fo the fomation of discontinuous chips is
(A) Low cutting speed and lage ake angle
(B) Low cutting speed and small ake angle
(C) High cutting speed and lage ake angle
(D) High cutting speed and small ake angle
Coect Answe
2. The had gade ginding wheels ae denoted by the lettes
(A) A to H
(B) I to P
(C) Q to Z
(D) A to P
Coect Answe
3. A fine gained ginding wheel is used to gind
(A) Had and bittle mateials
(B) Soft and ductile mateials
(C) Had and ductile mateials
(D) Soft and bittle mateials
Coect Answe
4. Climb milling is chosen while machining because
(A) The chip thickness incease gadually
(B) It enables the cutte to dig in and stat the cut
(C) The specific powe consumption is educed
(D) Bette suface finish can be obtained
Coect Answe
5. The tool life in case of a ginding wheel is the time
(A) Between two successive eginds of the wheel
(B) Taken fo the wheel to be balanced
(C) Taken between two successive wheel dessings
(D) Taken fo a wea of 1 mm on its diamete
Coect Answe
6. In detemining the vaious foces on the chip, Mechant assumed that the
(A) Cutting edge of the tool is shap and it does not make any flank contact wit
h the wokpiece
(B) Only continuous chip without built-up-edge is poduced
(C) Cutting velocity emains constant
(D) All of the above
Coect Answe
7. In a single point tool, the angle between the suface of the flank immediatel
y below the point and a line dawn fom the point pependicula to the base, is
known as
(A) Side elief angle
(B) End elief angle
(C) Back ake angle
(D) Side ake angle
Coect Answe
8. Cate wea occus mainly on the
(A) Nose pat, font elief face and side elief face of the cutting tool
(B) Face of the cutting tool at a shot distance fom the cutting edge only
(C) Cutting edge only
(D) Font face only
Coect Answe
9. A ginding wheel is said to be of _________ if it holds the abasive gains m
oe secuely.
(A) Soft gade
(B) Medium gade
(C) Had gade
(D) None of these
Coect Answe
10. The ginding of long, slende shafts o bas is usually done by
(A) In-feed ginding
(B) Though feed ginding
(C) End-feed ginding
(D) Any one of these
Coect Answe
11. Which of the following statement is coect about hot machining?
(A) It equies less powe than machining metals at oom tempeatue.
(B) The ate of tool wea is lowe.
(C) It is used fo machining high stength and high tempeatue esistant matei
(D) All of the above
Coect Answe
12. A bottoming tap has
(A) Its end tapeed fo about thee o fou theads
(B) Its end tapeed fo about eight o ten theads
(C) Full theads fo the whole of its length
(D) None of the above
Coect Answe
13. The example of snag ginding is
(A) Timming the suface left by spuces and ises on castings
(B) Ginding the pating line left on castings
(C) Removing flash on fogings
(D) All of these
Coect Answe
14. The saw milling is an opeation of
(A) Poducing gooves aound the peiphey of a cylindical o conical wokpiece
(B) Poducing naow slots o gooves on a wokpiece
(C) Repoduction of an outline of a template on a wokpiece
(D) Machining seveal sufaces of a wokpiece simultaneously
Coect Answe
15. In ultasonic machining, the metal is emoved by
(A) Using abasive sluy between the tool and wok
(B) Diect contact of tool with the wok
(C) Maintaining an electolyte between the wok and tool in a vey small gap bet
ween the two
(D) Eosion caused by apidly ecuing spak dischages between the tool and wo
Coect Answe
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1. Answe: Option B 2. Answe: Option C 3. Answe: Option A 4. Answe: Option B
5. Answe: Option C 6. Answe: Option D 7. Answe: Option B 8. Answe: Option B
9. Answe: Option C 10. Answe: Option B 11. Answe: Option D 12. Answe: Option
C 13. Answe: Option D 14. Answe: Option B 15. Answe: Option A