The Hydrogen 21-cm Line and Its Applications To Radio Astrophysics
The Hydrogen 21-cm Line and Its Applications To Radio Astrophysics
The Hydrogen 21-cm Line and Its Applications To Radio Astrophysics
FIG. 2: Drift scan over the sun. The Bessel diffraction pattern
is smeared out by the finite angular extent of the sun and the
resulting curve is a reasonable gaussian fit. We use 2 on the
gaussian distribution as an approximation for the first minimum of
the Bessel function.
6.6. Discussion
FIG. 10: Plot of the sources of maximum intensity 21 cm emission
between 30 < l < 80. We see possible evidence of two distinct
We see clearly non-Keplerian behavior in our rotation density waves (spiral arms) of high H1 concentration.
curve. For small R, the rotational velocity rises linearly
in r as predicted by the bulge model, however for large Performing this analysis for each redshifted peak along
R the observed behavior deviates significantly from the 30 < l < 80, we obtain the following polar plot showing
the locations of highest H1 density in the viewable por- corresponds to the radius of closest approach is obviously
tion of the galactic plane (Figure 10). There is evidence called into question by our velocity curve itself. Wrong
of some spiral structure as indicated by two possible arms attributions of maximal velocity would result in an over-
of high density H1 gas, whose locations are approximated estimate of v(r) at small r. In addition, the assumption
by superimposed curves to aid viewing. The outer curve of perfectly circular rotation around the galactic center
is likely the Orion arm, of which the solar system is a is refuted by evidence of spiral arms of high mass den-
part, and the inner may be a short portion of the Saggi- sity with radial components. To some extent, this will
tarius Arm. affect our velocity curve, but to a greater extent, it will
change the locations of the maxima in our plot of density
maxima and warp our spiral arms.
7. ERRORS We would like to also point out certain limitations
to our method in estimating velocity dispersion. Since
The empirically determined parameters used in this stronger gravitational interactions would likely result in
experiment, as a whole, were a surprisingly large contrib- a wider distribution of velocities, regions of lower stellar
utor to general error. The orbital radius of the sun, R , density would not necessarily suffer the same dispersive
for example, is only known to approximately 6-10% ac- forces as regions of higher stellar density. This would
curacy, and was the largest contributor to uncertainty in result in an underestimate of certain velocities and an
r in our galactic rotation curve. Similarly, vLSR and v overestimate of others.
were known only approximately. Systematic inaccuracy
of our results may have resulted from these uncertainties.
After an initial confusion regarding the dipole noise
generator (the result of a poor connection), very little 8. CONCLUSIONS
error can be attributed to our electronics. Calibration
errors became negligible after all other factors were taken In the earlier portions of our lab, we determined the
into consideration. The pointing error, determined by re- chromospheric temperature of the sun to be approxi-
peated scans of the sun, was approximately 2 and were mately (3.5 .3) 104 K, and the full beamwidth of
corrected occasionally with offsets to eliminate its sys- the telescope to correspond to a the circular diffraction
tematic effects. theorys prediction of 1.22/D. Additionally, we mea-
The need for a radio-quiet environment for high- sured the thickness of the peak 21cm emitting hydrogen
accuracy radio astrophysics became apparent after only a in the region of galactic longitude 30 and found it to be
few trials. Aside from noise within the electronics (tem- approximately (2.7 0.2) in angular extent.
perature calibrations determine Tsys ), radio towers, cell In the latter parts of our experiment we went into some
phones, even satellites distorted our spectra immensely. detail investigating the dynamics and structure of the
Although mostly contributing a noise floor, as we moved Milky Way galaxy. We derived a rotation curve from
to lower galactic longitudes and therefore nearer to the doppler spectroscopy performed on 21-cm H1 emissions
horizon, not only were there occasionally loud signals and found it to be non-Keplerian in nature, indicating
that blotted out the entire spectrum, but the noise floor some misalignment between the expected gravitational
also shifted and began to take on some slope. This effects due to visible matter and the actual dynamics of
made determination of maximum redshift difficult and our galaxy. We offered the existence of a dark matter
although we attempted to correct for this effect by tak- halo as a possible explanation of this phenomenon, sup-
ing a noise background at a similar elevation away from ported by our experimental results. Additional analysis
the galactic plane, contributed significantly to our error of the 21-cm spectra in various directions in the galactic
in the lower longitudes. plane indicated the presence of 2 possible spiral arms.
Non-validity ranges in some of our assumptions is a Due to the large uncertainties in this particular analysis
matter of greater concern. These errors contribute sys- the results are interesting but inconclusive and definitely
tematically to our results and may result in significant warrants further investigation. In the end, we believe we
corrections and shifts. The assumption that v(r) is have demonstrated the 21-cm neutral hydrogen line to be
mostly flat and therefore the highest recessional velocity a powerful tool for exploring our galaxy and beyond.
[7] Shu, F.H. Our Galaxy: The Milky Way System. The
Physical Universe - Chapter 12. University Science Books.