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Enms in Power Plant

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Development

e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, www.ijerd.com

Volume 11, Issue 11 (November 2015), PP.63-80

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance

Of Thermal Power Plant

A G Vinchurkar1, Dr. R R Lakhe2, Dr. R L Shrivastava3

Principal Director National Power Training Institute (Ministry of Power, Govt. of India) Gopal Nagar, Nagpur-22
Dr. R R Lakhe Director SQMS, Nagpur
Dr. R L Shrivastava Professor YCCE, Nagpur

Abstract:- Various thermal power plants have implemented the techniques/ approaches available for energy
management to improve energy efficiency of equipments in the thermal power plant. There are critical energy
management factors which are suitable to improve the performance indicators are considered in this research
paper. This paper focuses on energy management practices followed in thermal power plant to identify the areas
for improvement of energy efficiency of the plant. With implementation of periodic energy audits, energy
conservation measures, process optimization and diagnostic studies, energy consumption can be reduced
substantially in the plant for cost competitiveness and increase in profitability.

Keywords:- Energy management factors, Performance indicators and Energy audit

At present the installed power generation capacity is 175000 MW in India. Based on the availability of
fuel in India 70% of the power generation is based on pulverized coal firing. The thermal power plant also
requires oil and electricity for its running continuously to generate power. As a thumb rule the thermal power
plant consumes 10% of the electricity produced as auxiliary power to run various equipments. Today India is
facing acute shortage of fuel supply. Therefore it is essential to run the plant efficiently to reduce energy
consumption. Energy management is the solution to improve the plant performance parameters to save energy
[1]. In order to monitor the energy consumption in the plant it is essential to carry out regular energy audit of the
plant. This paper will be beneficial to the thermal power plant managers and engineers to verify implementation
of energy management factors and its effect on performance indicators for the financial benefit of the
To meet the growing demand for energy in power industries, one of the aims is to identify the technical
support in improving their energy performance through comprehensive energy audits, implementation
assistance, technology audits, and capacity building. Energy audits help in identifying energy conservation
opportunities in all the energy consuming areas. While these do not provide the final answer to the problem, but
do help to identify the existing potential for energy efficiency, and induces the organizations/individuals to
concentrate their efforts in this area in a focused manner.


A typical thermal power plant is having installed capacity of 4 x 210 MW and 1x 500 MW. The present
total installed capacity of the thermal power plant is 1340 MW. The primary sources of energy for power
generation are coal, furnace oil (FO) & light diesel oil (LDO). The basic fuel is coal (99.545%) for generating
power. The data was collected to carry out the detailed energy consumption in thermal power plant to
implement energy management aspects to improve the performance of the plant.


A typical thermal power plant is having a pulverized coal fired boiler with BHEL make turbo
generator. In a thermal power plant the raw coal is crushed and pulverized in the mills to the size of 200 mesh.
The primary air supply dries and transports the coal into the boiler furnace. The coal burns in the furnace to
generate superheated steam which drives a turbine connected to an alternator to generate electricity. After steam
passes through the turbine, the steam is condensed in a condenser and again resends back to the boiler with the
help of pumps for steam production. The process of power generation is shown in figure1.

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Figure1: Flow diagram of thermal power plant


The flow chart for carrying energy management improvement plan is shown in the figure 2.

Figure2: Flow chart for energy management system


The performance parameters of the plant based on design and operating values have been studied. It
was observed that there is a gap between the design values and operating values of performance indicators. The
following are the observations shown in table 1.

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Table 1: Gap between design and operating performance parameters

Sr. Performance indicator Design performance Operating performance
No. indicators indicators
1 Boiler efficiency % (output 87.0 84.3
factor plant auxiliaries
2 Plant Heat Rate Kcal/KWh 2277.3 2589.9
(output factor fuel energy
3 Turbine Heat rate Kcal/ KWh 1989.8 2167.8
(output factor fuel energy
4 Specific coal consumption Kg/ 0.581 0.67
KWh (output factor fuel
energy consumption)
5 Auxiliary power consumption 9.1 9.8
% (output factor plant
auxiliaries efficiency)

As per the table 1 the input factors planning and operating procedures, energy policy and objectives
and the third is maintenance management which are most influencing on the performance indicators under
study. These energy management factors have positive impact on improvement of plant performance, fuel
energy consumption and plant auxiliaries efficiency. The energy consumption sources namely coal, light diesel
oil (LDO) and furnace oil (FO) for the power plant for energy management study has been found from the
previous data available for the years from 2010-11 with energy management cell and it is shown in the table 2.

Table 2: Yearly Source wise consumption history of thermal power plant

Description Units 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (up
to Jan)
Coal MT 4966780 4765420 4740820 4188601 3636497
LDO kL 856 660 937 2159 539
FO kL 8367 15268 31271 32818 4509
Coal Calorific kCal/kg 3045 3195 2896 2794 2967
LDO Calorific kCal/kg 10612 10668 10619 10537 10409
FO Calorific kCal/kg 10122 10166 10206 10076 10056
Energy Input by TOE (Tonnes of 1512385 1522552 1372941 1170295 1078949
Coal oil Equivalent)
Energy Input by TOE (Tonnes of 781 605 855 1956 482
FO oil Equivalent)
Energy Input by TOE (Tonnes of 7791 14279 29361 30422 4171
LDO oil Equivalent)
Total Energy TOE (Tonnes of 1520957 1537437 1403159 1202674 1083603
Input oil Equivalent)
Net Energy MUS 5715.839 5903.237 5381.168 4576.608 4169.991
Average Energy Input by Coal (TOE) 1331424
Average Energy Input by FO (TOE) 936
Average Energy Input by LDO (TOE) 17205

Five years energy consumption data is used for calculating the average energy consumption of various
sources. The details of the analysis is seen from the figure 3 coal is the main source of energy which contributes
to around 98.67%, while LDO contributes around 1.2% and the rest is FO consumption. The monthly coal
consumption and yearly LDO and FO consumption is in the figures 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Coal Consumption
Coal Consumption (MT) 400000


Fig 3: Monthly coal consumption of power plant for year 2014-15

LDO Consumption
LDO Consumption (kL)





2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Figure 4: Yearly data for light diesel oil consumption

FO Consumption
FO Consumption (kL)

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15

Figure 5: Yearly data for furnace oil consumption

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant


The following is the energy policy declared by the top management to achieve the targets and
objectives as shown below.


The thermal power plant has set the following objectives of energy management to be fulfilled.
Plant performance (availability factor) 73%
Plant performance (plant load factor) 73%
Fuel energy consumption (specific oil consumption) 4 ml/KWH
Electrical energy consumption (auxiliary power consumption) 10.3%
Fuel energy consumption (gross plant heat rate) 2612 Kcal/ KWH


The purpose of energy management team is to find out the potential areas of performance
improvement, to operate the power plant at highest energy efficiency & optimum cost and to create awareness
about energy efficiency amongst all the operation and maintenance staff. Energy management cell achieves
objective of highest energy efficiency and at optimum cost through following steps [2].
Regular internal energy audits
Documentation for energy management activity
Regular energy audits through accredited energy audit firms
Regular filling of energy returns to state level designated agency
Enhancement of employees knowledge through internal training programmes
Energy conservation projects Identification, Evaluation & Implementation
Application of energy efficiency techniques in the entire gamut of activities of including purchase,
training, operation & maintenance, inspection & testing etc.
Establishing the efficiency test procedures & schedules for all equipments & systems
Appointment of certified energy auditors and managers
The energy auditors and managers are to be employed in energy management team who are certified by Bureau
of Energy Efficiency (BEE) and passed the examination conducted by BEE. They should have experience in
carrying out energy audit of thermal power plant.
The typical energy management team for the plant is shown in the figure 6.

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Figure 6: Energy management team


The performance testing exercise intends to measure the boiler efficiency & turbine output / plant heat
rate along with measurements of other critical parameters of boiler & turbine, measurement of auxiliary power
consumption of various critical auxiliaries of main plant and balance of plant to establish the current values and
deviations with respect to design values. Areas contributing to the loss of efficiency are capacity short fall; heat
rate deterioration and higher auxiliary power consumption have been identified from the performance data
collected during test, calculations and analysis. The aim of the action plan is to verify the relationship between
the energy management factors and performance factors extracted from the data analysis in this study paper.
Keeping in view the gap identified between the design and operating parameters, the action plan is suggested in
this study [2].
The factor planning and operating procedures involve proper scheduling of various operations to
reduce start up time of the plant so as to bring the machine on bar quickly, running of various plant auxiliaries
on full load for efficient performance, standard operating procedures and written work instructions are practiced
and documented and regular monitoring of energy consuming auxiliaries is carried so as to find out energy
consumption pattern.
The action plan for energy audit for the thermal power plant involves data collection of energy
consumption of various auxiliaries, in-depth analysis of equipments for performance for energy saving, potential
areas of energy improvement, team of energy auditors and managers is formed and external energy audit is also
carried out at-least once in a year.
The action plan for energy policy and objectives involve develop a policy for more efficient use of
energy, energy policy is prepared and communicated to all the employees, fix targets and objectives to meet the
energy policy and review how well the energy policy works, and continually improve energy management.
The action plan to achieve the performance improvement for the input factor; technological innovations
involve uses of the computer based performance package to monitor performance of the power plant, use of
energy efficient equipments is made in the plant, Heat recovery technology is adopted wherever
necessary/required, Use of energy efficient lighting in the plant to save electricity, Number of suggestions come
from the staff to improve the performance related to energy management are then implemented and regular
reviews and improvements are made to acquire changes in the technology or to adopt modern technology in the
plant for energy saving [3].
The action plan for input factor of team work and proactive role of management include involvement of
the management of the organization towards the strategy adopted for performance improvement, a team
approach such as cross functional teams, group discussions in problem solving and continuous improvements
adopted for energy management, all department heads of the plant accept their responsibility for performance
improvement through energy management, management have a practice of initiating corrective/preventive
actions every month for energy saving, system for awarding employees for adopting good energy management
practices and energy management manual is prepared and circulated to all the employees [4].

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

The action plan to fulfill the requirement of maintenance management are based on equipment
performance analysis, the maintenance programs developed for energy saving based on equipment performance,
mostly reputed suppliers which have been certified to supply standard material for energy saving are identified,
equipment supplier is informed regarding poor performance of equipments and maintenance planning of various
equipments. The action plan for maintenance management is essential to keep the plant equipments energy
efficient so as to maximize the performance.


The past and present data for fuel (thermal) energy consumption namely coal and oil was analyzed.
Monthly data was collected for coal and oil consumption, the data was collected for 36 months from the year
2010-11 to 2014-15 up to January 2015. The data was also collected for gross heat rate, boiler efficiency,
turbine efficiency and auxiliary power consumption. The data was collected in the format as shown in table 3, 4,
5, 6, 7 and 8 below.

Table 3: Design and actual plant parameters

Sl Description Unit Design (A) Operating Deviation (A-
No. (As Fired B)/A in %
Coal) (B)
1 Load MW 210 206.4 -3.048
2 Gross Heat Rate kcal/kwh 2277.3 2589.9 -12.345
3 Turbine Heat Rate kcal/kwh 1989.8 2167.8 -8.946
4 Boiler Efficiency % 87.3 83.7 3.013
5 GCV kcal/kg 4000 3886 2.850
6 Specific Coal Consumption kg/kWh 0.581 0.67 -15.318
7 Secondary Fuel Oil Consumption milliliter/kWh 0 0 Nil
Main Steam Parameters
8 Flow t/h 634 664 30
9 Temp. C 535 543.2 -1.533
10 Pressure kg/cm2 150 141.3 5.800
11 Condenser Ksc 0.12 0.162 -35.000
12 Feed water flow t/h 627 627 Nil
Turbine Cylinder Efficiency
13 HPT % 89.24 86.21 3.395
14 IPT % 91.48 92.31 -0.907
15 LPT % 88.6 78.65 11.230
Flue gas / Air temperature
16 Flue gas temperature at I/L C 339 326 3.835
17 Flue gas temperature at O/L C 152 139.4 8.289
18 Air temperature at I/L C 29 35 -20.690
Other important features
19 Super Heater spray t/h 0 0 Nil
20 Reheater spray t/h 0 1.4 -1.4
21 Make up water % 3 3 0.000
21 Furnace Draft mmwc -5 -2 -3
23 ID Fan margin % 30 13.3 55.667
24 Type of Mill Bowl Bowl
25 No of mill in operation No 2 2 0.000
*Without CMC
26 No of auto loop in operation -- --- ---
27 Cost of fuel Rs/t --- 4200 ---
28 PLF (Avg. of last 12 months) % 100 100 0.000
29 CW inlet temperature C 36 31 13.889
30 CW outlet temperature C 44.2 40.5 8.371
31 Auxiliary consumption % 9.1 9.8 0.7
32 Type of Cooling Tower -- Induced draft

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Table 4: Overall performance of the unit

Load TG Heat Unit Heat Unit Efficiency Boiler Coal Oil
Rate Rate (Gross) Efficiency Flow Flow
Units MW Kcal/kwh Kcal/kwh % % t/h Lit
Design, 100% 210 1989.8 2277.3 36.69 87.3 122.1 -
80% 168 2050.2 2340.1 36.63 87.6 97.8 -
60% 126 2097.4 2388.2 35.89 87.8 74.6 -

Table 5: Overall performance of the unit on 206.4 MW load

Load TG Heat Rate Unit Heat Unit Boiler Coal Oil Flow
Rate Efficiency Efficiency Flow
Units MW Kcal/kwh Kcal/kwh % % t/h Lit
Actual 206.4 2168.7 2591.0 32.71 83.7 137.8 -

Table 6: Overall performance deviation of the unit

Load TG Heat Rate Unit Heat Unit Boiler Coal Flow Oil
Rate Efficiency Efficiency Flow
Units MW Kcal/kwh Kcal/kwh % % t/h Lit
Design (A) 210 1989.8 2277.3 36.69 86.3 122.1 -
Actual (B) 206.4 2168.7 2591.0 32.71 83.7 137.8 -
Deviation 1.714 -8.991 -12.393 10.848 3.013 -12.858 -
(A-B)/A in %

Table 7: Proximate coal analysis

Parameters Unit Design Actual
Fixed carbon % 38.96 35.06
Volatile Matter % 14.8 19.88
Moisture % 10 8.49
Ash % 45 36.57
GCV Kcal/kg 4000 3886

Table 8: Heat Rate deviation, controllable parameters

Parameters Unit Reference Actual Deviation HR
Main Steam Temp C 535 543.2 -8.2 -5.25
Main Steam Press Kg/cm2 150 141.3 8.7 0.74
Condenser Press Kg/cm2 0.12 0.162 -0.042 62.12
RH Temp C 535 540.7 -5.7 -3.36
SH Spray t/h 0 0 0 0.00
RH Spray t/h 0 1.4 -1.4 0.34
Makeup % 3 3 0 0.00
Excess Air % 28.619 9.995 18.624 -138.00
Exit Gas Temp C 143 139.4 3.6 -4.32
UBC % 9.5 14.88 -5.38 15.92
Coal Moisture % 10 8.49 1.51 -3.02
HPT Efficiency % 89.28 86.21 3.07 14.55
IPT Efficiency % 90.56 92.31 -1.75 -6.41

-ve sign indicated gain in Kcal and +ve sign is loss in Kcal

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant


Based on the site walk down survey, analysis of information / data collected during various tests and
computation of results from these data and from the review of documents made available, major observations
are recorded here as under:-
The audit on unit along with their auxiliaries and common equipment in balance of plant was
Boiler and Turbine performance test at maximum continuous rating (MCR) was carried out.
Boiler test was carried out with 5 mills against the design of four as station didnt agree for four mill
operation due to operational constraints and coal quality.
The overall plant housekeeping was poor.
Boiler efficiency has been evaluated at maximum continuous rating.
The action plan for energy audit is as follows [5] [6]
Defining scope of energy audit, e.g. walk through audit is suitable for organization with limited
resource and detailed audit is suitable for organization with more resources.
Forming an energy audit team.
The team shall include management representatives, maintenance staff and energy auditors and
Estimate time frame & budget, e.g. auditor-hours and the cost of measuring instruments etc.
Conducting site inspection & measurement to identify means for improvement.
Analyzing data collected.
Recommending the improvement actions and measures.

The results of energy audit are detailed as below

XI. 1. Boiler efficiency
The boiler efficiency calculations are as per table 9.
Table 9: Boiler efficiency calculations
Sr. Parameter Design PG test Efficiency as Deviation w r t PG
no. efficiency% efficiency% tested in energy test value %
1 Boiler 87.28 87.88 86.02 1.86

There has been a deviation of about 1.86% in boiler efficiency with respect to performance guarantee Test (as
tested & without correction) efficiency [7]. The unit was commissioned in year 2001. Considering the age of the
unit, the deviation observed in boiler efficiency is on higher side. The deviation in boiler efficiency however can
be partially recovered by implementing short term measures and implementation of better operation and
maintenance (O&M) practices.
XI.2 Turbine heat rate calculations
The turbine cycle heat rate evaluated from test data at 100%, maximum continuous rating condition. The results
are shown in table 10 and 11.

Table 10: Turbine performance (heat rate)

Sr. no. Parameter Tested heat rate Corrected Heat PG test Heat Shortfall
Kcal/KWh rate Rate Kcal/KWh
Kcal/KWh Kcal/KWh
1 Heat Rate 2088.03 2023.29 1976.37 46.9

Table 11: Turbine performance (efficiency)

Load Efficiency Shaft Power
Units MW % % % MW MW MW
Design (A) 210 89.28 90.56 89.05 59.91 66.8 86.48
Actual (B) 206.4 86.21 92.31 76.88 61.29 71.92 76.32
Deviation % (A- 1.714 3.439 -1.932 13.666 -2.303 -7.665 11.748

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

There is a shortfall of 46.9 Kcal /kWh in heat rate at 100 % MCR load with respect to design values.
The shortfall can be partially recovered by implementing short term & long term measures and implementation
of better O&M practices [8]. The steam consumption of unit is on higher side due to poor vacuum.

XI.3 Auxiliary power consumption

The power consumed by various plant auxiliaries is shown in the pie chart below. It is observed that the
power consumption by boiler feed pump, CW pumps, ID fans and PA fans consume major power [9]. It is
essential to reduce this power consumption by implementing energy management practices like planning and
operating procedures, technological innovations and maintenance management. The breakup of auxiliary power
consumed by the plant auxiliaries is shown in figure 7.

Figure 7: Pie chart representation of auxiliary power consumption for unit

XI.4 Major factors effecting deterioration in heat rate

The major findings of the study are as follows
Loss of heat rate due to condenser vacuum is 60.4 Kcal /KWh. The major factor contributing to condenser
vacuum deterioration is air ingress.
Loss due to low main steam pressure at turbine inlet is 5.22 Kcal/KWh. It can be minimized by
operating Turbine at rated MS pressure.
HRH temperature during test was around 525 Deg C. It is causing a loss of 5.72 Kcal/kWh. The loss
can be minimized by maintaining hot re heat (HRH) steam temperature as close to design value as
Minor quantity (6.8 T/hr) of HRH attemperation flow was there during the test. Heat rate loss due to
HRH spray is 2.6 Kcal/KWh. The HRH attemperation has two effects. It will cause heat rate loss and
may also leads to deposition on initial stages of intermediate pressure turbine (IPT) blades. HRH
attemperation can be minimized which will improve hot reheat temperature and also heat rate further.
The final feed water temperature at HPH 6 outlet is 236.6 OC against the design value of 241 OC. The
effect of low final feed water temperature on heat rate is 3.13 Kcal/kWh. Both HP heater 6 and 5 are
under performing. TTD, DCA being higher than design and FW temperature rise less than design
The evaluated HP cylinder efficiency during test was 82.5 %. There is a drop in HP cylinder efficiency
compared to design efficiency of 85.8% and previous audit value of 83.55%. This drop may be due to
increased blade depositions and blade roughnesses, increased clearances in inter stage gland seals and
blade tip seals.
IP cylinder efficiency evaluated based on test data is 91.96% compared to design figure of 90.26%.
There could be minor error in IP inlet or outlet temperature DCS data. The cylinder efficiency

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

evaluation is very much sensitive to measured temperatures. Based on the data captured, there is no
much deterioration in IP cylinder internals observed.
The unaccounted loss evaluated is found to be 30.6 Kcal/KWh .It can be partly recovered by attending
to passing in high energy drains located in boiler and turbine side areas. Both HPBP valves
downstream temperature was 450 deg C which may reduce the creep life of CRH pipe lines. Passing in
HPBP may be attended on priority.
The extraction II stage pressure is much higher than design. Previous data (if available) may be
checked for ruling out the possibility of measurement error if any. If the measurement is alright then it
indicates a restriction in stage which may be due to heavy deposits in moving & guide blades /damage.
This may be leading to blocking of steam flow & reduction in steam passing capacity of stage.
Calculated CW flow (27066m3/hr) across condenser is less than design flow (28500m2/hr). Condenser
tubes cleaning may be carried out for removal of possible blockage by dead leaves, loose debris etc.
There may be slight under performance by one of the pumps also. Pump performance may be
monitored regularly and if any major drop in CW flow is observed pump overhauling may be taken up.
Unit auxiliary power consumption (APC) as determined during audit is 9.79%. This is on higher side as
compared with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission recommendation of 8.5 % with natural
cooling tower.
Performance of Boiler feed pumps, Condensate extraction pumps, CW pumps and ID / FD Fans have
been evaluated at present operating parameters. The performance of BFP, CEP, PA fans, CW Pumps
has shown slight deterioration. FD fan internal inspection / overhauling is required to reduce power
ID fans internal inspection/ overhauling and rectification of external air ingress shall facilitate in
stopping of one ID fan and shall lead to substantial reduction in unit aux. power consumption.
Unit aux. power consumption could be reduced by stopping one condenser vacuum pump and using
two ash disposal pumps in series instead of thee during de-ashing.
Thermal insulation of boiler needs attention and replacement / rectification at major locations as
observed during the survey.
Measurement of Auxiliary power consumption (unit / stage / plant) should be done on monthly / annual
basis and should be trended. Present practice is to install Online Energy Management System
measures, displays and stores power consumption data of all HT motors / Transformers, and provide
reports on customized formats.

The estimated saving after implementation of recommendations has been computed. The aux. power
consumption saving is in the tune of 13.186 MUs equivalent to 8.3% reduction in aux. power consumption with
respect to previous year consumption.
The estimated cost saving by implementation of suggestions will result in an approx. saving of Rs.
1596 lakhs per annum. The summary is shown in the in table 12 below.

Table 12: Cost saving due to implementation of energy management factors

Sr. No. Recommendations Energy saving in Saving in Rs. Investment in Rs.
MUs Lakhs Lakhs
A Boiler and Turbine performance
1 Boiler efficiency
a Reduction in un burnt by Coal saving of 232.5 ---
combustion optimization, Mill 10545.7
fine tuning and repair MT/year
b Reduction in flue gas outlet Coal saving of 20.6
temp. to design value by 934.4 MT/year ---
Furnace /SH/RH cleaning &
APH repair / element
Total 11480.7 MT/year 253.1 ---
2 Turbine Heat Rate Turbine heat
Rate improvement
a Improving Main steam pressure 5.22 100.64 ---
b Reduction in RH spray by 2.61 50.28 ---
improving heat pick up in water

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

wall / SH
c Improving condenser vacuum 35.0 684.38 ---
by arresting air ingress/ cleaning
of tubes
d Improving HP heater Feed 3.0 57.84 ---
outlet temp by restoration of
LPH-3 & rectification of HP
heaters problem
e Improving HRH temp. by 6.0 110.38 ---
operational practice & RH spray
valve passing
51.83 KCL/KWH Rs.1003.52 L ---
3 Thermal Insulation
a Reapplication / rectification of Coal saving of 19.03 2.28
insulations as per 864.3 MT/year
4 Auxiliary Power Consumption study
1 Main Plant Auxiliaries
a Boiler Feed Pump
(i) Reduction in DP across feed 0.3 8.2 ---
regulating station
b Induced Draft Fan
(i) Arresting Air ingress in flue gas 8.4 217 ---
ducts from APH outlet to ID fan
inlet facilitating stoppage of
additional ID fan
c Forced Draft fan
(i) Optimizing air flow and 0.4 10.3 ---
inspection/maintenance of
Forced draft fan A & B
d Coal Mills
(i) Overhauling of Mills & ball 2.4 61.0 ---
feeding frequency
e Circulating water pump
Providing polymer coating on 0.70 18.6 20.0
CW pump internals
f Provision of Online energy 0.796 20.4 15.0
monitoring system
5 Off site auxiliaries
a AHP,BCW, HP Water and other pumps
(i) Polymer/ceramic coating on 0.19 5.03 ---
Total 13.186 MUs 1595.72 35.00
Remark: (i) Saving has been calculated taking power sale rate of Rs.2.58 /unit.

XII. Energy management and performance monitoring

Electricity, being the primary input for any industry has been always of prime importance for industrial
growth of a country. The gap between supply and demand has been increasing as the capacity addition is not
able to cope up as the rate of increase in demand is more. It is expected that by 2017, world energy requirement
will go up by five times of its present consumption. This needs the massive capacity addition in power
generation. The capacity addition for power generation is a capital intensive and is having higher lead time; the
other possible option is to bridge the gap partly to operate the existing plant at its maximum output / efficiency.
The Energy management is one of such tools to optimize/ improve the plant performance / efficiency [10].
Operation of power plant with optimum thermal performance & minimum aux. power consumption is
an important aspect of power generation. The savings due to optimization in performance parameters and
auxiliary power consumption is indirectly equivalent to capacity addition. Performance monitoring is the tool
used for evaluation of performance & efficiency of equipments, aux. power consumption, lighting loads, DM
Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

water consumption, specific oil consumption etc. of power plant and also for identifying the gaps & losses. The
performance assessment of power plant is a continuous process. The trending of energy performance parameters
i.e. Heat Rate, Efficiency, Aux. power consumption etc. will not only help to diagnose the deterioration but also
helps to plan timely corrective and preventive actions. It also helps in reduction of O&M cost and inventory cost
in addition to spare part planning for maintenance and overhaul.
Therefore by applying the energy management [11] aspects like planning and operating procedures,
energy policy and objectives, team work and proactive role of management, Technological innovations and
Maintenance management can improve the performance parameters such as Plant auxiliaries efficiency, Plant
performance, Electrical energy consumption and fuel energy consumption of the thermal power plant. The
energy management approaches for performance improvement are focused as follows.

XII.1 Planning and operating procedures

Availability / reliability of power station become most vital parameter. However there are instances
when a power unit becomes unavailable for supplying the power to consumers. Such instances cannot be
forecasted. These events lead to sudden tripping of power plant or a forced withdrawal of generating unit. These
are unplanned kind of outages. These events increase the non availability for power plant in unplanned manner.
Hence this requires even stricter control. If such an outage happens during high demand period, it may even
affect the stability of regional power system also. Hence the aim of planning and operating the power plant on
design parameters plays major role in energy savings. Starting and shutdown of the plant consumes much time
due to which the availability of the plant and energy consumption by the auxiliaries get affected.
Shutdown Process time: Depending on the emergency we have to take the forced or planned shutdown of the
unit for attending the faults. The cycle time required for this process of load reduction from full load to
resynchronization of the unit from grid called as shutdown process time. The average time of shutdown process
is 1 - 2 hours.
Startup Process time: After attending the faults depending on the condition of the unit whether hot,
warm or cold we have to start the unit & synchronize it with the grid. The cycle time required for startup process
is the time required for carrying out activities after receiving clearance from maintenance up to achieving full
load. The average time of startup process is 4 10 hours.
So any delay in activities between the shutdown & start up process will increase cycle time. High cycle
time leads to unpredictability in availability of the unit, High generation cost. Both these factors directly affect
the customer. Also it increases generation cost due to High DM water consumption, Auxiliary power
consumption, Generation loss & excess oil consumption. As the cycle time required for startup process is high
& there is wide variation in the cycle time, so this project of reduction in startup process time is selected.
Start-up of Units are divided in three category
1) Cold Start-up (Turbine HP shaft temperature < 150C)
2) Warm Start-up (Turbine HP shaft temperature 150 350 C)
3) Hot Start-up (Turbine HP shaft temperature >350C)
Secondary energy consumption like oil and auxiliary steam is high during startups. The availability of the units
decreases and part load operation increases as the time required in achieving full load from the boiler light-up
The average time required for
1) Cold startup 7 12 hours
2) Warm startup 5 7 hours
3) Hot restart up 2 3 hours
Cold start-up is planned activity & done once or twice a year only after the major overhaul of units. Warm and
hot start-up being an unplanned activity where the bulk loss of oil and auxiliary steam is high. Numbers of warm
start-ups are 5-6 a year.
The figure 7 shows below the time required for cold startup process.

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Figure 7: Cold start-up time for the unit

From the previous data & above graph it is clear that cycle time for start varies from 7 to 13 hours. This
variation in startup process cycle time leads to unpredictability in availability of units. Also the high cycle time
leads to:
Higher generation costs
Dissatisfaction to customer in competitive environment
Generation loss (0.25 Million Units / Hour)
Excess oil Consumption (8 KL/Hr)
High auxiliary power consumption (1000 kWh/Hr)
High deminaralized water consumption (32 Tons/Hr)

XII.2 Technological innovation

As per the result of the collected data, technological innovation [3] plays significant role in the energy
management practices of thermal power plant to improve the performance of the plant. Some of the examples
implemented in the plant have been explained below to save the energy.
a) Installation of variable frequency drive (VFD) for seal air fan
The Seal air fan is used for providing sealing of mills, classifier gates and feeders. There are six mills and each
mill have two seal air fan out of which one fan remains in service and other remains as hot standby. One running
seal air fan motor draws approximately 120 KW power.
The existing control used for the matching of fan requirement with the system requirement is by damper control.
Generally the header pressure requirement is 800- 1000 mm WC and the fans generate 1350 mm WC of
pressure. The loss taking place across the damper is major source of energy wastage.
Technical and Financial analysis
It was concluded that the loss taking place across the damper is the major source of energy wastage. Hence
decision was taken to install the variable frequency drive for the fan.
Impact of implementation
Energy saving of Secondary Air Flow with 100% Damper open position when VFD in service.
Without VFD application fan consumption: 122 KW
With VFD application fan consumption: 58 KW
Net energy saving due to VFD application: 64 KW
Energy savings per year: 6144 units X 350 days = 2150400 units
Estimated energy savings per year: 2150400 Units X Rs.2 per unit = Rs 43.00 lakhs
Cost of VFD: Rs.30.5 Lakhs /- per unit
Payback period =10 months
b) Use of variable frequency drive (VFD) for HFO pump
A coal based boiler requires to fire oil to support coal combustion. So as to keep the availability of the
support fuel, an HFO firing pump is provided. The HFO firing pump is provided with a minimum recirculation
valve so as to ensure minimum oil flow from the pump.
During the normal operation of both the units, the HFO consumption is zero. The HFO gets re-
circulated through short and long re-circulation line of both boilers to maintain the HFO temperature. Flow
through short & long re-circulation is very less & maximum quantity of HFO is re-circulated through Pressure

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Control Valve (PCV), located near the HFO firing pumps, to HFO tank. PCV maintains the HFO discharge
header pressure at 21-23 Kg/cm2 & remains approx. 50% open during normal operation of both units.

Technical & Financial analysis

Hence it was decided to install VFD for HFO firing pump motor rated 415V, 37 KW, to control and
maintain the required flow and pressure of HFO by varying the speed of motor.

Impact of implementation
Energy consumption by pump will reduce considerably after installation of VFD. The proposed
payback period is less than one year. Energy consumption by pump will reduce considerably after installation of
VFD. The proposed payback period is less than one year. Installation and commissioning of suitable VFD for
the 37 KW, 415 V HFO pump to have optimum performance with considerable energy saving.
During normal re-circulation mode average power measurement is
Without VFD @ 18.10KW
With VFD @ 8.36KW
Difference @ 9.74
Saving in KWH = KW *HR *DAYS
= 9.74*24*365 KWH
= 85322 KWH
Saving in rupees @ Rs. 3.50 = 298628 per year
Cost of VFD = Rs.1, 63,223
Simple Payback period is 200 days or 6.65 months
c) CW pumps modification
There are three CW Pumps in unit 4, two as main & one as standby. Pump designed flow is 16500 M/Hr and
motor capacity is 1265 kW.
Pump efficiency and can be improved by applying polymer coating on pump internals. There are manufacturers,
who claim that pump efficiency can be improved by 5-6 % by coating. Energy consumption by such coating can
be reduced by 4-5 %.
Total Power Drawn by two pumps = 2261 kW
Expected Power after improvement in efficiency = (1-.04)*2261
(Assuming 4 % improvement in power consumption) = 2170 kW
Expected Running Hours (assumed) = 8000 Hrs
Power saving = (2260-2170) =90 KW
Energy saving (Units) = 90* 8000 = 7, 20,000 kWh = 0.7 MUs
Cost of annual energy saving (Rs) = 7, 20,000 *2.58 = 18, 57,600 = Rs.18.6 Lakhs
Approximate cost of polymer coating on both pump internals = (Rs) 20 Lakhs
Pay Back Period = One Year
d) Replace the existing feed pumps Automatic Recirculation Control (ARC) valves with multi stage
pressure reduction drag valves
During the study the feed water pumps were studied in details for possible energy savings. Auto re-
circulation valves of the boiler feed water pumps were examined using the infrared temperature indicator. ARC
valves are normally provided to protect the pump during no flow and low flow periods. During normal operation
these valve should be fully closed and they should be automatically opened if the feed discharge pressure goes
beyond certain pressure.
In unit 4 (210 MW) there are 3 nos of feed water pumps are present, out of which 2 are in continuous
operation. The pipe surface temperatures before & after the ARC valve indicates that the ARC valves of some of
the operating feed pumps are passing. This means certain amount of boiler feed water is continuously re-
circulating back to the de-aerator. Recirculation results in increasing the power consumption of the pump.
There is an opportunity to save energy by replacing the ARC valves with new valves. In ARC valve the
entire pressure drop (discharge pressure to deaerator pressure) happens in two / three stages. This leads to
significant erosion of the diaphragms. The latest trend is to install multi-pressure reduction drag valves. These
valves reduce the pressure drop across the valve in even more stages which results in increasing the life of the
Many plants have installed these multi stage pressure reduction drag valves and have saved good
amount of energy. Due to the reduction of pressure in number of stage the life of these valves is considerably
high compared to the normal ARC valves.
We recommend the following:
Replace the existing ARC valves will multi stage pressure reduction drag valve in unit 4
As a first step replace one of the valves

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

Later replace all the valves of other feed pumps in operation

On an average the power consumption of one BFP pump in unit 4 is 2400 kW.
On a conservative basis at least 4% reduction in power consumption is possible.
Reduction in power = 2400 kW x 0.04 = 96 kW
Annual Savings = 96 kW x 8000hrs x Rs. 2.4/kWh = Rs. 18, 43,200/- = Say Rs. 18.00 Lakhs
Investment for installing multi stage drag reduction valve for one pump in unit 4 = Rs. 40.00 Lakhs
Payback Period = Rs. 40.0 Lakhs x 12 months / Rs. 18.0 Lakhs
= 27 months
e) Timely replacement of BFP cartridges
The BFP, or boiler feed pump is a very critical part of the boiler system. It regulates the amount of feed water
going into the boiler drum and is part of a complex control system which involves controlling of the throttle
valves and regulating the water supply based on the pre existent water and steam levels in the drum. Thus it is
often observed that BFP takes a lot of power. However if BFP takes higher power, chances of interstage leakage
in the recirculation process happen. Therefore, it should be observed as well as checked regularly and the BFP
cartridge should be inspected thoroughly on a regular basis [1]. If the need arises, it should change for better
efficiency and less power consumption.

Impact of Implementation
After replacing the cartridge the current drawn by BFP reduced by 60 Amp.
Power saved per day= 1.66*6.6*60*.84*24= 13,252 KWH
Power saved per year= 4837,117.82 KWH
Saving of cost= 4837, 117.82*3.4= Rs16829515

XII.3 Maintenance management

Maintenance management is vital energy management factor for the plant availability, plant load
factor, cost of power generated and power sent out in the grid. The maintenance of main equipments viz boiler,
turbine and generator and there auxiliaries is important for achieving high plant load factor and less auxiliary
power consumption. Therefore maintenance planning and annual overall of the plant is essential to improve
plant performance and reduce electrical energy and fuel energy consumption. The case study of boiler tube
failure is quoted below.

Boiler maintenance for minimizing boiler tube failure

Boiler tube leakage is one of the major reasons for forced outage. The forced outage leads to reduction
in power generation and hence reduction in plant load factor and increased oil consumption due to increased
cold start up of boilers. Over stressing, Starvation, overheating of tubes, creep life exhaustion, stress corrosion,
waterside corrosion, fireside erosion, hydrogen embrittlement, age embrittlement, thermal shocks, improper
operating practices, poor maintenance, welding defects etc are the major causes for boiler tube failure. If a boiler
has to continue to function at a given / desired level of availability, its constituent items need some expected
level of maintenance either by replacement or by repair.
The analysis of causes for boiler tube failure in the thermal power plant shows that maximum failures
were due to ash erosion with 43% shop floor / site weld defects 16%, blockage of reheater tubes 11%, steam
erosion 10%, secondary air erosion 8%, attachment weld 6%, material defect 3% and creep failure 3%. The
analysis of area wise tube failure indicates that about 40% of the failure occurred in super heater zone, 25% of
the failure in water walls, 20% of the failures occurred in economizer and remaining 15% failure occurred in
reheater zone.
Due to preventive maintenance it is found that the tube failure rate has reduced from 3.36 failures per year to
0.43 failures per year.

XIII. Summary of energy management implementation

The energy management approaches were implemented in the said thermal power plant with the following
objectives [12]
1) Heat Rate improvement and optimization of operational parameters.
2) Identification of equipment efficiency degradation / improvement areas
3) Auxiliary power consumption reduction
4) Technological innovation for energy savings of auxiliaries
For this, the walk down survey of plant, interaction with plant and measurement of various plant parameters
including auxiliary power consumption measurement of major equipments, lighting illumination survey, air
conditioning load, Thermal insulation survey was carried out. Based on the data collected during this exercise,
the computation of plant performance indices such as boiler efficiency, various losses in boiler, air heater

Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

efficiency / leakage, turbine heat rate, cylinder efficiency, heaters performance, condenser performance,
auxiliary Power consumption etc have been done. The comparison with design data, where ever available, has
been carried out to ascertain the deteriorations. Also gap analysis was carried out and measures have been
suggested for improvements. With this approach, output / heat rate deviations have been identified and
This pro-active role of energy management approach is accomplished by identifying key primary process
indicators, which if monitored regularly, will help in taking corrective actions immediately if any deterioration
is noticed.
A secondary purpose for monitoring such primary process indicators shall be to assist in instrument
validation/instrument calibration. By closely monitoring critical instruments, drifts or irregularities in them can
be quickly identified and the instruments calibrated or replaced.
This approach has several advantages such as:
The requirement of fuel will be reduced. This lowers the cost of electricity generation.
Improved heat rate reduces the amount of greenhouse gases .It amounts to the reduction of emissions to
the environment.
The identification of causes for higher auxiliary power consumption and its rectification results in
increased net power output.
The identification of causes for higher auxiliary power consumption and its rectification results in
increased net power output.
The saving per year after implementing energy management approaches is summarized as follows.
1) Boiler efficiency- Coal Saving- 11480.7 MT/year
Cost saving Rs 253.1 Lakhs
2) Turbine Heat Rate Improvement - 51.83 KCL/KWH
Cost saving due to HR improvement Rs 1003.58 lakhs
3) Thermal insulation replacement - Coal saving - 864.3 MT/year
Cost saving Rs 19.03 Lakhs
Investment - Rs 2.28 Lakhs
4) Auxiliary power consumption reduction Saving 13.186 MUs
Cost saving Rs 1595.72 lakhs
Investment Rs 35 lakhs
The above results indicate that there are improvements in performance factors of electrical energy
consumption, fuel energy consumption, plant performance and plant auxiliaries efficiency due to energy
management approaches and its implementation in thermal power plant.

After implementing the energy management approaches like 1) Planning and operating procedures 2)
Energy Audit 3) Energy policy and objectives 4) Team work and proactive role of management 5)
Technological innovations and 6) Maintenance management, there is an improvement in the performance
parameters i.e. 1) Plant auxiliaries efficiency 2) Electrical energy consumption 3) Plant performance and 4)
Fuel energy consumption. The energy audit of thermal power plant plays major role in implementing the energy
management practices for energy saving. It is also possible to develop a model between energy management
approaches and performance indicators for the thermal power plant for energy efficiency, saving in energy and
minimize the cost of power generation so as to maximize the profit.

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Energy Management Approach To Improve Performance Of Thermal Power Plant

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