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3 - Guideline Energy Efficiency in The Confectionery Industry

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Working Group Machines and Equipment in the Confectionery Industry

Energy Efficiency in the
Confectionery Industry
Stand: 2. October 2009

Table of contents
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................................2
2. Purpose and scope ..........................................................................................................................2
3. Energy demand in confectionery production and generally recommended procedures........................2
3.1. Energy demand in the production of confectionery..................................................................2
3.2. Energy efficiency as a sustainability parameter in the production..............................................4
3.3. Recommended procedures for improving the energy efficiency................................................4
4. Energy efficiency - suggestions for an advantageous design of processes and processing plants ........6
4.1. Plant infrastructure ..................................................................................................................6
4.2. Chocolate production..............................................................................................................7
4.3. Chocolate processing ..............................................................................................................8
4.4. Production and processing of sugar confectionery ...................................................................9
5. Energy and resources efficiencies in the planning and implementation of new equipment................11
6. Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................................11
7. Summary/outlook..........................................................................................................................11
8. Bibliography ................................................................................................................................12
2 October 2009

1. Introduction 2. Purpose and scope

The confectionery industry, with a sales volume of The purpose of this guideline is to provide
13.9bn Euros and 53,600 employees (2008) is one recommendations and information for the
of the most important food industries in Germany. confectionery producers and the manufacturers of
machines and equipment on how to improve the
In recent years, the topics such as energy efficiency energy efficiency of existing production equipment
and sustainability have been increasingly the and/or machines that are still at the planning stage
subjects of public discussions and therefore they are or will be implemented in the future.
of growing interest to the confectionery industry
and the manufacturers of confectionery machines. The guideline shall - in a compact and
This guideline considers the processes within this comprehensible manner -
industry and provides orientation for a possible 1. create awareness that each manufacturer can
approach towards more sustainable production. contribute to energy efficient and sustainable
One focus of attention within the confectionery 2. communicate that there are many good solutions
industry is to increase energy efficiency. This means and ideas for increasing the energy efficiency in
that all processes and working steps in production the field of confectionery production and
and logistics should be managed with as little 3. encourage the utilization of these opportunities
energy as is possible. and to optimize their own processes on a
sustainable basis.
Higher energy efficiency reduces the consumption
of resources, lowers the cost and improves the The examples and information provided are based
compatibility of companies on national and on practical experience and aimed at simple and
international markets. This leads to immediate relief quick implementation. They do not release
on the environment and a better image of the confectionery producers or their machine suppliers
individual company and the industry as a whole. from their duty to comply with relevant laws and
legal regulations. In individual cases, reasonable
The term sustainable production leads to an measures might be required that exceed the scope
extended consideration of the subject matter. It is of these recommendations. The guideline was
not only limited to the use of energy but also compiled based on current state-of-the-art.
includes the sensible handling of all resources
needed for production. Todays approach is to
ensure a permanent and with that sustainable
management for the next generations. 3. Energy demand in
These subjects offer the manufacturers of machines
confectionery production
and equipment for the confectionery industry the and generally recom-
chance to prove their capabilities and innovative
power. In cooperation between confectionery mended procedures
producers and machine suppliers, energy efficiency
and sustainability are topics that are increasingly 3.1. Energy demand in the
gaining importance. production of confectionery
The production of confectionery includes the
suitable application of process engineering and
technical processing operations within a complex
1 German Federal Statistical Office; 3. July 2009 production system. The combination of individual
October 2009 3

Group of Process Estimation of Frequency of application

processes specific energy
demand Chocolate confectionery Pastry
production production production

Mechanical Size reduction

+++ +++ + +
processes (ball mill, roller mill)
Conching ++ +++
Mixing + + ++ +++
Conveying of bulk goods + ++ ++ ++
Pneumatic conveying ++ + ++ ++
Conveying of liquids
+ ++ +++ +
Separating + + +
Evaporation +++ +++ +
processes Cooking ++ +
Drying +++ ++ ++
Baking ++ +++
Roasting ++ +
Melting + + + +
Tempering ++ +++ +
Crystallizing ++ +++ ++
Cooling ++ +++ ++ ++
Overview 1: Evaluation of the specific energy demand and application frequency of selected mechanical and thermal processes in confectionery
production (+++ high/++ medium/+ low)

Energy source Group 1582 Group 1584

Production of dry baked goods Production of confectionery

Consumption GJ/a Percent Consumption GJ/a Percent

Fuel oil, light 115,125 2.7 % 421,365 4.3 %

Liquid gas 73,143 1.7 % 14,849 0.2 %

Natural gas,
2,486,900 57.3 % 5,565,480 57.0 %
associated gas
Biogenic substances - -

District heating 7,519 0.2 % 193,355 2.0 %

Electricity 1,655,751 38.1 % 3,562,682 36.5 %

Total 4,338,438 100.0 % 9,757,731 100.0 %

Overview 2: Energy consumption of selected sectors within the food industry 20071
4 October 2009

processing steps is, in many ways, dependent on A precondition for such control strategies is
the product. When considering the individual knowledge about the energy users and their
processing steps separately, the specific energy interaction. This requires the set-up of a
demand can be depicted qualitatively according to comprehensive energy management system for the
overview 1. Besides considering the extent of plant which includes the recording of all relevant
the specific energy demand, the frequency of a energy and material streams within the plants
processing or production step within the processing infrastructure and within the production processes.
chain is also relevant. This is a clear expansion compared to all currently
used energy management concepts.
Overview 2 shows the energy consumption by
energy source for the sectors of dry baked goods
and confectionery. The most important sources
of energy are natural gas with about 57% and
electricity with 36-38%. 3.3. Recommended procedures
for improving the energy efficiency
This means that the predominant part of the
energy consumption is used for thermal processes.
Prior to improving the energy and resource
Therefore, the monitoring and optimization of
efficiencies, it must be known how high the
thermal processes is of high significance.
avoidable proportion of losses or internal waste is.
This must be determined by a systematic analysis
of the respective process. Besides the necessary
recording and evaluation of the actual consumption
values based on measurements, it has been shown
3.2. Energy efficiency as a that knowing the theoretical consumption of the
sustainability parameter in the respective process is also important. This way, the
production2 respective theoretical improvement potential
becomes obvious. Parallel to that, data shall be
Any kind of waste that originates during compiled based on an active benchmarking
production, caused by rejects, excess production approach which represents the current state-of-the-
quantities, needless internal stock-keeping and long art. Figure 2 shows the analysis steps for the
transport paths, is always associated with an process and the identification of actions as general
additional input of material, space, personnel and methodology for the optimization of thermal
energy3. A continuous improvement of the processes.
production under consideration of these aspects
also contributes to higher resources efficiency and
a more sustainable production (Figure 1).

In the years to come, controlling the production

with the goal of minimizing the consumption of
energy and resources by using intelligent controls
for the entire system within a production facility,
2 Junge, M.: Simulationsgesttzte Entwicklung und Optimierung einer
by optimizing the utilization of machines and
energieeffizienten Produktionssteuerung; 2007, kassel university
equipment and by using reasonably installed press GmbH, Kassel
storage capacities which make use of day/night 3 Takeda, H.: Das synchrone Produktionssystem: just in time fr das
effects etc, will become more and more important. ganze Unternehmen; German translation A. Meynert. 2. revised
One well-known example is the intelligent control edition Landsberg: Verlag Moderne Industrie 1999, p 154ff
4 Bretschneider, U.: Optimierung thermischer Prozesse in der
of energy users in larger processing networks
Swarenindustrie durch strukturierte Prozessanalyse; Lecture
which is aimed at minimizing peak demands. 23.4.2008; Hannover Fair
October 2009 5

Figure 1: General considerations about processes and their influencing parameters within the inter-company performance process

Figure 2: Structural analysis of thermal processes4

6 October 2009

Production and processing of chocolate mass

4. Energy efficiency - Production of sugar confectionery
suggestions for an
advantageous design 4.1. Plant infrastructure
of processes and The confectionery industry is characterized by the
processing plants fact that heating and cooling processes are required
at the same time within the processing line. Basically,
Within the scope of this guideline, the following this offers the chance to use co-generation units and
segments of a confectionery production process absorption cooling units in order to achieve a higher
are being considered: degree of efficiency.
Plant infrastructure
Cocoa processing

Position Field Scope of consideration Suggestions for advantageous design

1 Building Use of room/floor space - The energy consumption of a factory building is dependent on the enclosed
space. Therefore:
Clear separation of warm and cold zones (separating walls, locks)
Compacting of processes
Energetic separation of unused areas
2 Technical Media, in general - Hot water network instead of steam main, if possible
infrastructure - Frequent check-up of the networks
Short supply lines/hydraulic optimization
Minimizing the size of the network
Checking the networks for short-circuits
- Insulation of the installation (except compressed air)
3 Compressed air - Minimize consumption of compressed air
Leakage monitoring/frequent check-ups of compressed air networks
Critical evaluation of the use of compressed air (avoid, if possible or at least,
- Utilization of waste heat from the compressed air generation to pre-heat
process water
4 Cooling (cold water/brine) - Consider combined generation of electricity and cold temperatures
- Utilization of waste heat, possibly in combination with heat pumps
- Consider combined equipment for the generation of hot and cold
- Comparison compression/absorption chillers
5 Hot water/steam - Use of economizers (heat recovery)
- Condensate return
- Generation of processing steam locally close to the energy user
6 Air conditioning units - Use of partial air conditioners including cross flow heat exchangers for
optimum utilization of external air
- Use of flat belts instead of v-belts
- Use of directly driven fans
7 Pumps, fans - For demand-oriented operation in HVAC, use of frequency-driven motors
(instead of flow restrictors in water pumps for example)
8 Raw material/ Storage conditions - Review requirements and advantageous layout of the spaces
product storage - Minimize the different temperature zones in terms of numbers and space
October 2009 7

4.2. Chocolate production

Scope of
Position Processing stage Suggestions for advantageous design
1 Storage of Silos - Utilization of waste heat for the conditioning of the storage area
raw cocoa - Insulation of the storage area
Unloading - Choose large bulk containers in order to minimize the specific energy input
2 Roasting, Roasting, - Equip nib roaster or roasting equipment with heat recovery units or ask for an
debacterization debacterization optional quote
- Determination of process flow based on energetic aspects
- Utilization of waste heat from the thermal post-combustion of the exhaust air from
the processing stages roasting/debacterization and grinding
Roaster - Optimize burning and roasting chamber
- Design burning chamber in cooperation with the supplier based on the product to be
- Aim for process control at the lowest possible temperature level
Steam supply for - If saturated steam is needed for debacterization, it should be supplied on site by a
debacterization flash evaporator in order to ensure optimum ratio of consumption and capacity
- The aim should be to eliminate the generation of steam from the process (if
technically possible)
Bean/nibs - Consider energy consumption when selecting the conveying system
conveying - Short conveying paths
3 Nibs grinding Nibs grinding - Grinding at a low temperature level reduces the cooling load
- Grinders: Review drive technology for use of energy efficient motors
- Cocoa nib grinding is high in energy consumption scrutinize process design
4 Storage of Storage of liquid - Tanks placed in a heated room are preferred over a placement in an unconditioned
cocoa and cocoa and chocolate environment
chocolate masses Advantages:
masses No double jacket required
No insulation of the tanks
Use of higher pump-out temperatures from the conches to heat the room
- No active room heater needed for normal operation (must still be available for
Remark: Provide for insulation of the tank storage room in order to minimize heat
- Stirrers with interval timer
5 Production of Mixing - Drive technology with energy efficient motors
chocolate mass - Selection of suitable mixing tools
- Process of addition of components (preferable dry into wet)
- Use of gravitational forces for filling and emptying
Rolling, conching - Drive technology: use energy efficient motors
- Consider alternative power transmission to v-belts
- Design process in terms of reduction of specific energy requirement while maintaining
the desired sensory properties
- Couple waste heat from different machines for processes/heating and cooling
Remark: For newly designed plants, a vertical layout of the individual components is
preferred for improved utilization of the gravitational force. If this is not possible,
connect the individual components via belts and not via screw feeders!
8 October 2009

4.3. Chocolate processing

Processing Scope of
Position Suggestions for advantageous design
stage consideration
1 Chocolate Melting tank - Insulation of the tank
melting - Provide for large surfaces (chips)
- Proper design for good heat transfer including consideration of materials
- Use waste heat for heating
2 Storage of Storage tank - Tanks placed in a heated space are preferred over a placement in an unconditioned environment
liquid Advantages:
chocolate No double jacket required
No insulation of the tanks
Utilization of waste heat generated by other processes
Active room heating requirements can be minimized in normal operation, but must be
provided in the event of an emergency
Remark: Provide for insulation of the tank storage room in order to minimize heat losses!
3 Conveying Pumps, - Insulate heated pipes
of liquid pipelines, - Minimize ways (optimize lengths, bends, nominal width))
chocolate valves - Use flow-optimized flaps/ball valves
- Multiple use, possible through pig technology, results in a smaller pipeline installation and
minimizes energy requirements
- Periodically review pump application range and conveying performance
4 Storage, Container - Insulation of containers
tempering - Optimum design of the stirrers
and - Proper design of sieves/vibration motor
preparation - Couple sieves vibration motor to pumps
of chocolate - Minimize storage temperature/flow temperature of the heating medium
for further Tempering unit - Select tempering systems based on energetic aspects
processing - The amounts of chocolate supplied by the tempering system must only deviate marginally from the
demand of the depositing system!
- Correct design under consideration of necessary reserves and maximum required performance
- Consideration of the cooling water temperature (insulation of the installation)
- Minimize distance between tempering unit and processing machine (enrober with external or
integrated tempering unit?)
5 Processing Moulds Dimension of moulds:
of - Maximum mould arrangement (occupancy) and mould design influence the specific energy
chocolate - requirements (ratio mould weight: product weight)
depositing/ Pre-heat moulds in the process:
- Clarify heat transfer by radiation versus heat transfer by convection depending on the respective
Depositing - Set-up in a warm area
Formation of - Compare cold stamp technology and traditional shell forming technology regarding energy
shells requirements for the actual application
Production of - Compare technologies - multi-step technology (shell forming, filling and closing) with one-shot
filled chocolate technology
Mould cooler/ - Design of chiller
cooling of filled - Ensure use of flow mechanically optimized fans and air guides in the chillers
moulds - Energy efficient motors, not oversized
- No air drying (if possible) but rather optimization of water traps
6 Processing Enrober - Place machine in a separated warm area (about 24-26 C)
of - Minimize chocolate quantity in the return pipe (as much as is feasible in terms of process and product)
chocolate - - Use of frequency-controlled fans/pumps
enrobing - Place de-crystallizer including storage tank, pump, etc. in the warm area of the enrober line
(heating by waste heat)
Tunnel cooler - Separate set-up - not in the warm area, if possible
for enrobed - Sufficient insulation
products - Minimization of air losses
- Select cold water supply (decentralized versus centralized cooling system) under specific
consideration of energy efficiency, supply safety and load profile
- Ensure use of flow mechanically optimized fans and air guides in the chillers.
October 2009 9

4.4. Production and processing of sugar confectionery

Position Processing stage Details Suggestions for advantageous design
1 Storage and Storage of liquid - Select stirring system with low electricity consumption; stirrer design depending on the
preparation of raw materials in type of raw material
raw materials tanks - Optimum control of the stirring systems (rpm, duty cycle, starting)
- Consider load management in tank storage
- Insulation of the room
- Determine the required temperature level (minimize)
- Use of indirect heat for heating the storage area
Preparation and - Insulation of the tank
dissolution of raw - Proper design for good heat transfer including consideration of materials
materials - Select suitable stirring systems
- Minimize use of water
2 Metering of raw Metering and - Minimize ways (optimize lengths, bends, nominal width)
materials dosing of raw - Limit conveying speed
materials - Use flow-optimized flaps/ball valves
- Minimize use of water
- All-in recipes
- Optimize stirring systems
- Optimize CIP installation
Storage of the - Insulation of tanks
preparation - Optimum design of the stirrers
- Optimum design of the sieves
- Constant and proper temperature of the mixture and heater
Conveying the raw - Proper design of the installation (pump, length of pipelines, flow meter, flow control,
materials mixture additional heater)
3 Dissolving Dissolving of the - Apply pressure dissolution process instead of atmospheric dissolution
and pre-boiling of mixture
the mixture Pre-boiling of the - Select optimum cooking system (static/dynamic heat exchanger)
solution - Insulate cooker, heat exchanger, steam separator
- Insulate energy supply line
- Optimize heat transfer
- Optimize temperature profile
- Utilizes waste heat (steam condensation)
Conveying of - Proper design of the installation (pump, length of pipelines, flow meter, flow control,
pre-boiled solution additional heater)
- Minimize product ways
4 Cook solution Cook solution - Select optimum cooking system (static/dynamic heat exchanger)
and vacuumize - Insulate cooker, heat exchanger, steam separator
- Insulate energy supply line
- Optimize heat transfer
- Optimize temperature profile
- Utilizes waste heat (steam condensation)
Vacuumize - Use suitable vacuum system
sugar mass - Reuse of waste heat?
- Equip vacuum system with circulating water or pump without sealing liquid
5 Metering and Metering of - Minimize ways (optimize lengths, bends, nominal width)
blending of ingredients - Stirrers only if needed
ingredients - Optimize CIP installation
- Energy-saving drives
Blending of - Insulate mixer
ingredients - Optimize mixer in terms of mechanical introduction of energy
- Energy-saving drives
- Closed mixing systems
- CIP possible
Conveying - Minimize paths
of sugar mass - Optimum insulation and heating of pipelines

10 October 2009

Position Processing stage Details Suggestions for advantageous design

6 Treatment Aeration - Optimize viscosity
of sugar mass - Energy-saving drives
- Optimize system pressure
Pulling - Minimize heat radiation
- Energy-saving drives
- Optimize pull lengths
Crystallizing - Optimize introduction of mechanical energy
- Insulate equipment
- Energy-saving drives
- Optimize crystallization time (shear, heat treatment)
Caramelization - Insulate equipment
Conveying of - Optimize paths
sugar mass - Optimize heating of pipelines
7 Processing of Starch depositing - Consider heat emitted into the room
sugar mass - Improve heat transfer
- Insulate pipelines
- Insulate equipment
- Optimize compressed air demand
- Optimize cold water treatment
- Recover heat from starch drying
Starch-less depositing - Optimize temperature of depositing equipment
- Keep in-feed ways for the mass short
- Secure chiller against loss of chilled air
- Optimize air circulation in the chiller
- Energy-saving drives
Conditioning/drying - Develop recipe based on minimized energy consumption (consider: raw
material selection, recipe, viscosity of mass at depositing)
Shaping, stamping - Closed circuits for tempered water
- Consider heat emitted into the room
- Improve heat transfer
- Insulate pipelines
- Stamping tools with rolling friction instead of dynamic friction
Extruding - Energy-saving drives
- Closed circuits for tempered water
- Optimize energy introduction into the product
- Insulate outside surfaces
- Air cooling system with optimized fans and good heat transfer due to high
air velocity
- Minimize losses of chilled air
8 Cooling of sugar Cooling - Optimize air guides, air flow
mass - Minimize air losses
- Centralized or decentralized cooling system
- Refrigeration unit with air or water cooling
- Refrigeration performance adaptable to product throughput
- Environmental conditions for the chiller
9 Start and stop of - Short product ways
production line - Minimize product quantity in the production process
- Collect raw material residual amounts and reuse as rework
10 Cleaning of - Circuit cleaning
production line - Rotating spraying balls
- Sufficient water velocity
- Production lines capable for CIP
October 2009 11

5. Energy and resources 6. Disclaimer

efficiencies in the a) Technology and know-how, as long as not
planning and implemen- published or belonging to general technical
knowledge, are subject to confidentiality.
tation of new equipment b) Laws and legal regulations have to be complied
In the planning and implementation of new c) Recommendations and suggested solutions have
machines, equipment and lines, much more in each case to be checked by experienced
attention will have to be paid in the future to the personnel for practicability and suitability prior to
issues of energy efficiency and preservation of their application and implementation.
resources. Confectionery manufacturers and their d) This guideline makes no claim to be complete.
machine suppliers will need to exchange their
experiences at the beginning of the project and
also determine the respective objectives that are
to be met.
7. Summary/outlook
An optimum process design in combination with
optimal engineering and technology offers the The guideline presented here shall support
opportunity of bringing the specific energy companies from the confectionery field and
consumption very close to the theoretical minimum. manufacturers of machines and equipment in
This is, in particular, true for new plants. Both sides finding solutions for energy efficient and
need to seize this opportunity. resource conserving production processes and
their practical application.
Together with a user, the manufacturers of
confectionery machines need to monitor the Machine manufacturers and confectionery producers
projects already implemented in order to be able to should
improve the energy efficiency of their machines optimize processing technology and process
even further. The data determined during such a flow with the goal of minimizing the energy
monitoring process will assist the operator in requirements;
defining improvement measures for the respective simplify structures to make them more
system. The machine supplier, on the other hand, manageable and controllable;
can use this information to achieve a higher install process control procedures (monitoring,
prediction precision regarding the expected energy determination of deviations, optimizing);
and resource demands at different load profiles. harness energy sinks and energy sources in
complex production systems;
Added to that, the experience from completed install storage capacities for the balancing
projects can be transferred to new projects. of short-term peaks and for the utilization of
The analysis of energy sinks and energy sources and day-night effects;
their optimal coupling within the plant infrastructure apply intelligent energy and resource management
offers a high savings potential for the specific for optimum operation of the processes.
energy demand in confectionery production.
Even though the confectionery industry does not
Moreover, existing conditions and ways of thinking belong to the most energy consuming sectors,
must be questioned. The structures have to be addressing the deliberate use of energy and
designed as clearly and be as controllable as resources makes sense not only in terms of cost
possible. savings but also in terms of image.
12 October 2009

8. Bibliography
Bretschneider, U.: Optimierung thermischer Prozesse in der Swarenindustrie durch strukturierte
Prozessanalyse; Lecture 23.4.2008; Hanover Fair
Frster, H.: Energieeffizienzreserven von Klteanlagen; Die Klte+Klimatechnik, Mrz 2008, p 24ff
Frster, H.: Die Klteanlage der Zukunft; Die Klte+Klimatechnik, Februar 2009, p 44ff
Junge, M.: Simulationsgesttzte Entwicklung und Optimierung einer energieeffizienten
Produktionssteuerung; 2007, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel
Meyer, J. u.a.: Rationelle Energienutzung in der Ernhrungsindustrie 2000;
Fried. Vieweg & Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden
Takeda, H.: Das synchrone Produktionssystem: just in time fr das ganze Unternehmen;
dt. bers. A. Meynert. 2. berarbeitete Auflage Landsberg: Verlag Moderne Industrie
1999, p 154ff
N.N.: Erhebung ber die Energieverwendung - Reporting period 2007;
German Federal Statistical Office, July 2009

The following persons participated in the compilation of this guideline:

Augustin, K. H. (Bremer Hachez Chocolade GmbH & Co. KG)
Bindler, U. (Ubitec GmbH)
Dr. Bretschneider, U. (Bahlsen GmbH & Co. KG)
Dr. Eckermann, B. (Rausch Schokoladen GmbH)
Essig, J. (F.B. Lehmann GmbH)
Freund, D. (Van Netten GmbH)
Fraese, B. (VDMA Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.)
Graf, J. (Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG)
Hauger, R. (Kraft Foods Deutschland GmbH)
Herrmann, V. (LT Food Medien-Verlag GmbH)
Keme, T. (Keme Food Engineering AG)
Mahn, C. (Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG)
Prof. Dr. Matissek, R. (LCI Lebensmittelchemisches Institut des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Swarenindustrie e.V.)
Markwardt, K. (Chocotec GmbH)
Ochsner,C. (Chocolate Frey AG)
Runkel, R. (WDS Winkler und Dnnebier Swarenmaschinen GmbH)
Seidensticker, K. (August Storck KG)
Sollich, Th. (Sollich KG)
Stiefel, M. (Chocolatefabriken Lindt & Sprngli AG)
Ulrich, M. (Nestl Ltd.)

Translation: Christiane Sprinz, Adendorf (Germany)

This guideline was published in German language in LEBENSMITTELTECHNIK 12/2009 (www.lebensmitteltechnik-online.de). All rights reserved.

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