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Ec6401 Ec Add QB

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PART A (2 Marks)

1. Draw the block diagram of feedback amplifier. [A/M 11] [N/D 11]
The block diagram of feedback amplifier

2. Define Positive and Negative feedback

(i)When input signal and part of the output signal are in phase, the feedback is called as positive feedback.
(ii) When input signal and part of the output signal are out of phase, the feedback is called as negative

3. What is return ratio of a feedback amplifier? [A/M 11] [N/D 11]

A path of a signal from input terminals through basic amplifier, through the feedback network and back to the
input terminals forms a loop. The gain of this loop is the product of A . This gain is known as loop gain or
return ratio.
Where A - Open loop gain
- Feedback factor
4. Define - Sensitivity and Desensitivity of gain in feedback amplifier [A/M 10]
(i)Sensitivity is defined as the fractional change in amplification with feedback to the fractional change in without
The expression for sensitivity is {1/ (1+ A)}
Where A - Open loop gain
- Feedback factor
(ii) Desensitivity is defined as the reciprocal of sensitivity. It is denoted by D = ( ).

5. Write the expression for gain of an amplifier with feedback.

The expression for gain of an amplifier with feedback is Avf =

Where Avf - Gain of an amplifier with feedback

Av - Gain of an amplifier without feedback
- Feedback factor

6. Define - Feedback factor of a feedback amplifier [N/D 11] [A/M 12]

Feedback factor is defined as the ratio of the feedback voltage (or) feedback current to the output voltage (or)
output current of a feedback amplifier.
The expression for feedback factor is (Xf/Xo)
Where Xf - Feedback voltage (or) feedback current
Xo - Output voltage (or) output current
- Feedback factor

7. What are the advantages of negative feedback amplifiers? [A/M 04] [N/D 06]
The advantages of negative feedback amplifier are
(i) It improves the frequency response of an amplifier.
(ii) It reduces the noise and distortion of an amplifier.

8. What are the three networks connected around the basic amplifier to implement feedback concept?
[A/M 12]
The three networks that are connected around the basic amplifier to implement feedback concept are
(i) Mixing network
(ii) Sampling network
(iii) Feedback Network
9. List the four types of basic feedback topologies [A/M 06]
The four types of basic feedback topologies are
i) Voltage amplifier with voltage series feedback.
ii) Transresistance amplifiers with voltage shunt feedback.
iii) Transconductance amplifier with current series feedback.
iv) Current amplifier with current shunt feedback.

10. What are the effects of negative feedback on gain of an amplifier? [A/M 03] [N/D 05]
The effects of negative feedback on gain of an amplifier are

(i) The expression for gain of an amplifier with feedback is Avf =

Where Avf - Gain of an amplifier with feedback

Av - Gain of an amplifier without feedback
- Feedback factor
(ii) In negative feedback amplifier Avf decreases as increases.

11. What are the impacts of negative feedback on noise in circuit? [A/M 10]
The impacts of negative feedback on noise in circuit are
(i) Signal feedback reduces the amount of noise signal and non linear distortion.
(ii) The factor ( ) reduces both input noise and resulting non linear distortion for considerable

12. What are the effects of negative feedback on bandwidth and distortion? [N/D 10] [A/M 10]
The effects of negative feedback on bandwidth and distortion are
(i) Bandwidth of amplifier with feedback is greater than bandwidth of amplifier without feedback. Bandwidth
with negative feedback increases by factor ( ).
(ii) BWf = fHf-fLf = ( mid) fH-{fL/ ( mid)}

Where BWf - Bandwidth with feedback.

fHf - High frequency with feedback.
fLf - Low frequency with feedback.
fH - High frequency without feedback.
fL - High frequency without feedback.
Amid - Midband gain without feedback.
(iii) Bandwidth distortion is reduced with the negative feedback.
13. What are the effects of negative feedback on input and output impedance of an amplifier?
[N/D 05] [A/M 06] [N/D 08] [A/M 11] [N/D 11] [A/M 12]
The effects of negative feedback on input and output impedance of an amplifier:
Parameter Voltage series Current series Voltage shunt Current shunt
Input resistance Increases Increases Decreases Decreases
Output resistance Decreases Increases Decreases Increases

14. Draw the equivalent circuit of a voltage amplifier. [N/D 04]

The equivalent circuit of a voltage amplifier

15. Draw the equivalent circuit of a transconductance amplifier. [N/D 03] [A/M 05]
The equivalent circuit of a transconductance amplifier
16. Draw a block diagram of voltage series feedback amplifier and write the expression for its input resistance.
The block diagram of voltage series feedback amplifier

The input resistance of voltage series feedback amplifier is

Where Rif - Input resistance with feedback.
Ri - Input resistance without feedback.
Av - Voltage gain without feedback.
- Feedback factor.

17. Draw a block diagram of voltage shunt feedback amplifier and write the expression for its input resistance.
[A/M 07] [N/D 11]
The block diagram of voltage shunt feedback amplifier

The input resistance of voltage shunt feedback amplifier is

Where Rif - Input resistance with feedback.

Ri - Input resistance without feedback.
RM - Transresistance without feedback.
- Feedback factor.
18. Draw a block diagram of current series feedback amplifier and write the expression for its input resistance.
The block diagram of current series feedback amplifier

The input resistance of current series feedback amplifier is

Where Rif - Input resistance with feedback.

Ri - Input resistance without feedback.
GM - Transconductance without feedback.
- Feedback factor.

19. Draw a block diagram of current shunt feedback amplifier and write the expression for its input resistance.
The block diagram of current shunt feedback amplifier

The input resistance of current series feedback amplifier is

Where Rif - Input resistance with feedback.

Ri - Input resistance without feedback.
AI - Current gain without feedback.
- Feedback factor.
20. State the Nyquist criterion to maintain the stability of negative feedback amplifier. [N/D 10]
The Nyquist criterion states that
(i) The amplifier is unstable if the curve encloses the point -1+j0. The system is called as unstable system.
(ii) The amplifier is stable if the curve encloses the point -1+j0. That system is called as stable system.

21. Define Gain Margin and Phase Margin

(i) Gain Margin is defined as the value of A in dB at the frequency at which the phase angle of A is 180o.
If the gain margin is negative, then the amplifier is stable.
If the gain margin is positive, then the amplifier is unstable.
(ii) Phase margin is defined as the angle of 180o minus the magnitude of the angle of A at which A is unity
(0 dB).

22. What are the steps to be carried out for complete analysis of a feedback amplifier? [A/M 09]
The steps to be carried out for complete analysis of a feedback amplifier are
(i) Identify the topology (type of feedback)
a) Find the type of sampling network.
b) Find the type of mixing network
(ii) Find the input circuit.
(iii) Find the output circuit.
(iv) Replace each active device by its h-parameter model at low frequency.
(v) Find the open loop gain (gain without feedback) A of the amplifier.
(vi) Indicate Xf and Xo on the circuit and evaluate (Xf/Xo)
(vii) Calculate A, and , find , Ai, Rif, Rof, and Rof.

23. Determine the gain with feedback for an amplifier with open loop gain of 300 and feedback
factor of 0.1. [N/D 09]
Given: Av = 300 and

Avf =

Avf = 300/ (1+0.1 x 300) = 9.677

24. The gain and distortion of an amplifier are 100 and 4% respectively. If a negative feedback with = 0.3 is
applied. Find the new distortion in the system. [N/D 04]
Given: Av = 300
Desensitivity (D) = ( ) = (1+0.3 x 100) = 31
Distortion = 4% /31= 0.129%

25. The distortion in an amplifier is found to be 3%, when the feedback ratio of negative feedback
amplifier is 0.04. When the feedback is removed, the distortion becomes 15%. Find the open
loop and closed loop gain. [A/M 05]
Given = 0.04
Desensitivity (D) = ( v) = 15/3 = 5
Av = 100; Avf =Av/D = 100/5 = 20

26. A voltage series feedback amplifier has a voltage gain with feedback as 83.33 and feedback
ratio as 0.01. Calculate the voltage gain of the amplifier without feedback. [N/D 06]
Given Avf = 83.33 and = 0.010

Avf =

83.33 = {Av / (1+0.01 x Av)}

83.33+0.8333 Av = Av
Av = 500
The voltage gain of the amplifier without feedback is 500.

27. An amplifier has a voltage gain of 1000. With negative feedback, the voltage gain reduces to 10. Calculate the
fraction of the output that is feedback to the input. [A/M 07]

Given Av = 1000 and Avf = 10

Avf =

10 = 1000 / (1+1000 ) = 0.099

28. Addition of negative feedback to an amplifier reduces its voltage gain from 300 to 60. Determine the
feedback factor. [N/D 07]
Given Av = 300 and Avf = 60

Avf =

60 = 300 / (1+300 )
= 0.01333
PART - B (16 Marks)
1. (i) Derive the expression for input resistance Rif of a voltage series and current series feedback
amplifier. (8)
(ii) Derive the expression for input resistance Rif of a voltage shunt and current shunt feedback
amplifier. (8)

(i) Explain the effects of negative feedback on the frequency response of an amplifier. [A/M 05] (16)
(ii) If an amplifier has a bandwidth of 300 kHz and a voltage gain of 100,
(a) Determine the new bandwidth and gain if 10% negative feedback is introduced?
(b) Determine the gain-bandwidth product before and after feedback.
(c) Determine the amount of feedback, if the bandwidth is to be limited to 800 kHz. [A/M 1] [A/M 12]

2. Draw the circuit of an emitter follower. Identify the type of negative feedback. Calculate the gain, input and output
resistance with and without feedback. [N/D 08] (16)

3. For the following two stage feedback amplifier circuit, determine the voltage gain, feedback factor, input
resistance and output resistance of a series shunt pair type using transistors with = 99 and =2k .

(16) [M/J 07]

4. For the following feedback amplifier, identify the topology and determine the current gain, voltage gain, input
resistance and output resistance with feedback. (16)
5. For the following current series feedback amplifier circuit, obtain GM, Av, , Rif and Avf. (16)

The circuit has the following parameters:

R1 = 20 k, R2 = 20 k, hie = 2 k, RL = 1 k, Re = 100 , hfe = 80; hr e= 0; hoe = 0. [A/M 12]

7. For the following two stage feedback amplifier circuit, determine the voltage gain, feedback factor, input
resistance and output resistance of a series shunt pair type using transistors with = 50 and =1.1 k .


8. (i) Derive the expression of transfer gain for four types of feedback topologies. (8)
(ii) Explain the effects of negative feedback on gain, distortion and noise. (8)

9. (i) Derive the expression for output resistance Rif of a voltage series and current series
feedback amplifier. (8)
(ii) Derive the expression for output resistance Rif of a voltage shunt and current shunt
feedback amplifier. (8)

10. For the following feedback amplifier, identify the topology and determine the transfer gain, voltage gain,
input resistance and output resistance with feedback. Assume hie = 1.1 k and hfe = 50. (16)
PART A (2 Marks)

1. State Barkhausen criterion for an oscillator. [ N/D 03] [A/M 04] [N/D 11] [A/M 12]
The Barkhausen criterion states that
(i) The total phase shift around a loop, as the signal proceeds from input through amplifier, feedback network
back to input again, completing a loop, is precisely 00 or 3600.
(ii) The magnitude of the product of the open loop gain of the amplifier (A) and the feedback factor is unity.
i.e., A = 1.

2. List the classifications of oscillators. [N/D 03]

The classifications of oscillators are
(i) Waveform type (sinusoidal, square, triangular, etc.).
(ii) Circuit components (LC, RC, etc.).
(iii) Range of frequency A.F (audio), R.F (radio).
(iv) Type of feedback (With feedback based RC phase shift and Wien Bridge, without
feedback based UJT relaxation oscillators).

3. Write the expression for frequency of oscillations for Colpitts and Hartley oscillator.[A/M 03]
(i) The frequency of oscillation for Colpitts oscillator is


where Ceq =

Ceq - Equivalent capacitance

L - Inductance
(ii) The frequency of oscillation for Hartley oscillator is


where Leq = L1+L2

Leq - Equivalent inductance
C - Capacitance
4. What are the frequency ranges of RC and LC oscillators? [A/M 03]
The frequency ranges of RC and LC oscillators are
(i) RC oscillators (audio frequency oscillators) - 20 Hz to 200 kHz.
(ii) LC oscillators (radio frequency oscillators) - 200 kHz to few gigahertz.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of RC phase shift oscillator? [A/M 08]
The advantages of RC phase shift oscillator are
(i) Simple circuit design.
(ii) Useful for frequencies in the audio range.
(iii) To generate sine waveform.
The disadvantages of RC phase shift oscillator are
(i) Poor frequency stability.
(ii) Practically very difficult to obtain variable frequency output, because it is difficult to
vary all the resistors and capacitors simultaneously.

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Wien bridge oscillator?

The advantages of Wien bridge oscillator are
(i) The gain is high, because two stage amplifiers are used.
(ii) The stability is high.
(iii) It provides stable, low distortion sinusoidal output.
The disadvantages of Wien bridge oscillator are
(i) It cannot be used to generate high frequencies.
(ii) The circuit needs two transistors and a large number of other components.

7. What are the advantages of Clapp oscillator? [N/D 04]

The advantages of Clapp oscillator are
(i) The frequency is stable and accurate.
(ii) Keeping C3 variable, frequency can be varied in the desired range.

8. What are the advantages, disadvantages and applications of Hartley oscillator?

The advantages of Hartley oscillator are

(i) It is easy to tune.
(ii) It can operate over a wide frequency typically from few Hz and several MHz.
(iii) It is easy to change the frequency by means of a variable capacitor.
The disadvantage of Hartley oscillator is
(i) Poor frequency stability.
The applications of Hartley oscillator are
(i) It is used as local oscillator in radio and TV receivers.
(ii) In the function generator.
(iii) In RF sources.

9. What are the advantages, disadvantages and applications of Colpitts oscillator?

The advantages of Colpitts oscillator are

(i) Simple circuit design.
(ii) It is possible to obtain oscillations at very high frequencies.
The disadvantages of Colpitts oscillator are
(i) It is difficult to adjust the feedback as it requires change in capacitor values.
(ii) Poor frequency stability.
The application of Colpitts oscillator is
(i) It is used as a high frequency generator.

10. What are the advantages, disadvantages and applications of crystal oscillators?
The advantages of Crystal oscillator are
(i) Very high frequency stability.
(ii) Very low frequency drifts due to change in temperature and other parameters.
(iv) It is possible to obtain very high, precise and stable frequency of oscillations.
(v) The Quality factor (Q) is very high.
The disadvantage of Crystal oscillator is
(i) Crystals of low fundamental frequencies are not easily available.
The applications of Crystal oscillator are
(i) As a crystal clock in microprocessors.
(ii) In the frequency synthesizers.
11. What is frequency stability of an oscillator? [A/M 09]
The measure of ability of an oscillator to maintain the desired frequency as precisely as possible for as long a
time as possible is called frequency stability of an oscillator.

12. What is meant by piezoelectric effect? [A/M 06]

The piezoelectric effect means under the influence of the mechanical pressure, the voltage
gets generated across the opposite faces of the crystal.

13. Draw the equivalent circuit of Quartz crystal with its series and parallel resonance frequency.
[N/D 06] [A/M 07] [A/M 08]
The equivalent circuit of Quartz Crystal is

(i) Series resonance frequency is

L - Inductance
C - Capacitance
(ii) Parallel resonance frequency is

Ceq - Equivalent capacitance

CM - Mount capacitance
L - Inductance

14. Draw the Millers oscillator circuit. [A/M 05] [N/D 09]
The Millers oscillator circuit is

15. Draw the circuit of a Twin-T oscillator. [N/D 03] [N/D 04] [A/M 05]
The circuit of a Twin-T oscillator is

16. Draw the circuit of a Franklin oscillator circuit.

The circuit of a Franklin oscillator is

17. Compare crystal oscillators with LC oscillators.

LC oscillators Crystal oscillators

The frequency stability is less. Very high frequency stability.

The bandwidth is more. The bandwidth is very small.

18. List the features of crystal oscillators. [A/M 03] [A/M 05]
The features of crystal oscillators are
(i) It produces extremely stable outputs.
(ii) The temperature has no effect on the frequency.
(iii) It has very much reduced phase noise.
PART B (16 Marks)

1. Explain the working of a RC phase shift oscillator with neat circuit diagram. Derive its frequency of oscillation,
amplifier gain and feedback network gain to sustain oscillator operation. [N/D 06] [M/J 09] [A/M 12] (16)

2. Explain the working of a Wien Bridge oscillator with neat circuit diagram. Derive the expression for its frequency
of oscillation. [M/J 04] [N/D 04] [N/D 05] [N/D 07] [M/J 07] [N/D 10]

3. Explain the working of a Hartley oscillator with a neat circuit diagram and derive its frequency of oscillation.
(16) [M/J 04] [N/D 06] [M/J 09]

4. Explain the working of a Colpitts oscillator with a neat circuit diagram and derive its frequency of oscillation.
(16) [M/J 06] [N/D 06] [N/D 07][A/M 11]

5. Explain the working of a Clapp oscillator with a neat circuit diagram and derive its frequency of oscillation.
[M/J 07] [N/D 09] [N/D 11] (16)
6. (i) Draw the circuit of Franklin oscillator and explain its operation. [A/M 12] (8)
(ii) Draw the circuit of an Armstrong oscillator and explain its operation. [M/J 10] [A/M 12] (8)
(i) Explain the working of tuned collector oscillator with neat circuit diagram. [A/M 12] (8)
(ii) With a neat diagram, explain the operation of a transistor Pierce crystal oscillator. (8)
8. (i) Explain the properties of the quartz crystal. Draw the electrical equivalent circuit of
the crystal and derive the expression of its series and parallel resonating frequencies. (8)
(ii) A crystal has L = 0.33 H, C = 0.065 pF and CM = 1 pF with R = 5.5 k.
Determine (a) Series resonance frequency.
(b) Parallel Resonance frequency.
(c) Q factor of the crystal. [N/D 08]
9. (i) Explain the working of Miller crystal oscillator with circuit and write the two applications. (8)
(ii) Explain the Barkhausen criterion for an oscillation in feedback oscillator. (8)
PART A (2 Marks)

1. What is a tuned amplifier? [M/J 10]

The amplifier that amplifies only selected range of frequencies with the help of tuned circuits is called tuned
amplifiers. In tuned amplifier circuit a single parallel tuned circuit acts as a load.
2. Define unloaded Q. [N/D 10]
When the tank circuit is not connected to any external circuit or load, Q accounts for the internal losses and it is
known as unloaded quality factor QU .
QU = 2

3. Define loaded Q. [N/D 10]

When the tank circuit is connected to any external circuit or load, energy dissipation takes place in the tank
circuit as well as in the external load, it is known as loaded quality factor QL.
QL = 2

4. A tuned amplifier is designed to receive AM broadcast of speech signal at 650 kHz. What is needed Q for
amplifier? [N/D 09]
Given fr = 650 kHz
For AM broadcast speech signal = 3kHz
Bandwidth = 2 fm = 2 * 3 kHz = 6 kHz
Therefore Q = = 108.33

5. A tuned amplifier has resonant frequency of 1600kHz and bandwidth of 10kHz. What is needed Q for amplifier?
[M/J 12]
Given fr = 1600 kHz BW = 10kHz
Therefore Q = = 160

6. What are the advantages and disadvantage of tuned amplifiers? [M/J 12]
The advantages of tuned amplifiers are
(i) They amplify defined frequencies.
(ii) Signal to noise ratio at output is good
(iii) They are suited for radio transmitters and receivers
The disadvantages of tuned amplifiers are
(i) The circuit is bulky and costly
(ii) The design is complex.
(iii) They are not suited to amplify audio frequencies.

7. What is a stagger tuned amplifier? [N/D 11]

Stagger tuned amplifiers use a number of single tuned stages in cascade, the successive tuned circuits being
tuned to slightly different frequencies. It is a circuit in which two single tuned cascaded amplifiers having certain
bandwidth are taken and their resonant frequencies are adjusted such that they are separated by an amount
equal to the bandwidth of each stage. Since resonant frequencies are displaced it is called stagger tuned

8. What is the effect of Q on the resonance circuit? [N/D 07]

Increase in Q reduces bandwidth and increases selectivity of the resonance circuit.

9. What are the various components of coil losses?

The various components of coil losses are
(i) Copper loss
(ii) Eddy current loss
(iii) Hysteresis loss

10. Define Q factor

Q factor is the ratio of reactance to resistance. It is defined as the measure of efficiency with which a inductor
can store energy.
Q = 2 * ( Maximum energy stored per cycle/ Energy dissipated per cycle)

11. What are the various types of tuned amplifiers?

(i) Small signal tuned amplifiers
a. Single tuned amplifiers
(1) Capacitive coupled
(2) Inductively coupled (or) Transformer coupled
b. Double tuned amplifiers
c. Stagger tuned amplifiers
(ii) Large signal tuned amplifiers
12. What are single tuned amplifiers?
Single tuned amplifiers use one parallel resonant circuit as the load impedance in each stage and all the tuned
circuits are tuned to the same frequency.

13. What are double tuned amplifiers?

Double tuned amplifiers use two inductively coupled tuned circuits per stage, in which both tuned circuits are
tuned to the same frequency.

14. What are the different types of neutralization?

The different types of neutralization are
1. Hazeltine neutralization
2. Rice neutralization
3. Neutrodyne neutralization.

15. What is the need for neutralization in tuned amplifiers? [N/D 08]
Due to internal feedback in amplifier circuits, the overall gain of the amplifier reduces. Neutralization is one of the
methods to make the amplifier unilateral i.e. to remove internal feedback of the amplifier. It is done to obtain the
maximum gain from an amplifier. Neutralization is needed to remove this feedback and improve efficiency. The
capacitance between the output element and the input element in the circuit will cause the output circuit to
couple back to the input. If large enough, this regenerative feedback could cause a loss of efficiency.

16. What are the advantages of double tuned over single tuned?
The advantages of double tuned amplifier over single tuned amplifier are
(i) It possess flatter response having steeper sides
(ii) It provides larger 3 db bandwidth
(iii) It provides large gain-bandwidth product.
PART B: (16 Marks)

1. Explain the functioning of a capacitor coupled single tuned (16) [M/J 13]
amplifier. With the high frequency transistor model, carry out an
analysis and obtain the gain and bandwidth of the amplifier. Plot its
frequency response.

2. What are synchronous tuned amplifiers? Draw the circuit of a two (16) [M/J 13]
stage capacitor coupled single tuned amplifier and explain the
effect of cascading on the gain and bandwidth with equations.

3. (i) Draw the circuit of a double tuned amplifier and explain its (10) [M/J 12]
operation. Sketch the nature of frequency gain characteristics and
write the expression for 3dB bandwidth.

(ii) Explain briefly about stagger tuned amplifier. Sketch and compare (06) [M/J 12]
the frequency response of individual stages with that of a two stage
stagger tuned amplifier.

4. (i) Draw the circuit diagram of a two stage synchronously tuned (08) [M/J 12]
amplifier and also its equivalent circuit. Derive the expression for

(ii) Design a tuned amplifier using FET to have fo = 1 MHz. 3dB (08) [M/J 12]
bandwidth is to be 10kHz and maximum gain is to be -10. FET has
gm = 5mA/V and rd =10 k

5. (i) Design a single tuned amplifier for the following specifications: (i) (16) [M/J 12]
centre frequency = 500 Hz (ii) bandwidth = 50 kHz. Assume
transistor parameters gm = 0.04S, hfe = 150, Cbe = 1000pF and Cbc
= 100pF. The bias network and input resistance are adjusted so
that r1= 4k and RL=510.

6. How is tuning performed in a class C tuned amplifier? Derive an (16) [M/J 12]
expression for its efficiency with necessary equations.

7. (i) Draw the equivalent circuit of a single tuned amplifier and derive (08) [M/J 11]
the expression for the gain as a function of frequency.

(ii) The drain circuit of a FET tuned radio frequency amplifier has 100 (08) [M/J 11]
pF capacitor placed in parallel with an inductor L, whose unloaded
Q-factor is 100. If the frequency of resonance is 1MHz and the
transistor output resistance is 20 k, calculate the loaded Q-factor,
inductance and loaded bandwidth.

8. (i) Draw the circuit of class C tuned amplifier and explain its operation (08) [M/J 11]
with relevant waveforms
(ii) Explain, with necessary circuits (1) Hazeltine neutralization and (2) (08) [M/J 11]
Coil neutralization.

9. Describe the operation of a single tuned amplifier with neat (16) [M/J 10]
[M/J 09]

10. (i) Explain the instability of tuned amplifier (04) [M/J 08]

(ii) Explain the working of emitter coupled Astable multivibrator (12) [M/J 08]
PART A (2 Marks)

1. What is meant by clamper circuit? [M/J 12]

The circuits which are used to add a dc level as per the requirements to the ac output signal are called clamper

2. State any two applications of Schmitt Trigger circuit. [M/J 12]

The applications of Schmitt Trigger circuit are
a) It is used as an amplitude comparator.
b) It can be used as a squaring circuit.

3. In a low pass RC circuit, rise time is 35 ns. What is the bandwidth that can be obtained using the circuit?
[N/D 12]
Given: tr = 35ns
Rise time of the output is tr =

-upper 3dB frequency

BW =

Therefore, BW = =

BW = 10MHz

4. Why is astable multivibrator called as free running multivibrator? [N/D 12]

Astable multivibrator is called as running multivibrator because it generates square wave without any triggering

5. What is tilt applicable to RC circuits? Write the expression for tilt. [N/D 11]


Decay in the amplitude of the output voltage waveform when the input impedance maintains its level is called tilt.
P= x 100

= x 100

Where T- time period


6. What is meant by clipper circuit? [A/M 11]

The circuits which are used to dip off the unwanted portion of the waveform, without distorting the remaining part
of the waveform are called clipper circuits

7. What type of distortion is observed in astable multivibrator? [N/D 11]

The vertical rising edges are little bit rounded instead of exact square wave and this type of distortion is called
rounding off of the output square waveform.
The edge of the square is not straight since C1 and C2 charge through RC1 and RC2 respectively.

Vc2 Vcc
Rounding off


8. What are the applications of bistable multivibrator? [A/M 11]

Bistable multivibrator are used
a) for the performance of many digital operations like converting and storing of digital information.
b) to generate uniform width pulses from a variable width input pulse train.
c) as a gating circuit.

9. How does a diode act as a comparator? [N/D 10]

1 2

Vin Vo
Consider Vin as a ramp input, increasing linearly from zero. The output will remain at VR, till input is less than VR
+ V , as the diode is not conducting.
Vo = VR for Vin< VR + V.
At t=t1, Vin becomes equal to VR + V , after which Vo increases along with the input signal Vin.

10. Determine the value of capacitors to be used in an astable multi vibrator to provide a train of pulse 2s wide at a
repetition rate of 75KHz with R1=R2=10K. [N/D 10]
Given: T1=2s f =75 kHz
T= = = 13.33s

T = T1 + T2
T2 = T - T1
= 13.33 2
= 11.33 s
T1= 0.69 R1 C1
2x = 0.69 x 10 x C1
C1 = 289.85 pF
T2 = 0.69 R2 C2
11.33x = 0.69 x 10 x C2
C2 = 1.642 nF

11. State the applications of clipper and clamper circuits. [A/M 11]
Applications of clipper circuits are:
i) In speech processing for communication applications.
ii) In television and FM receivers.
iii) Used for amplifiers and op-amps performing mathematical operations.
iv) In pulse height analyzers.
v) In protection circuits such as protection of exposed inputs of integrated circuits.
Applications of clamper circuits are:
i) As a dc restorer circuit in television receivers
ii) In various test equipments.
iii) In analog video processing.
iv) In radar and sonar systems.
v) In cameras for the flash circuit.

12. What is the difference between clipper and clamper?

A clipper removes the unwanted portion of the input waveform and produces the remaining part of the input at
the output. Thus the output is different from input.
A clamper adds a dc level to the input. So it maintains the shape of the input waveform and the total swing of the
input waveform at the output.
PART B (16 Marks)

1. (i) Explain the working of a positive clamping circuit with circuit (06) [M/J 13]
diagram and waveforms,.

(ii) Draw a circuit to perform the following: (10) [M/J 13]

1. To transmit that part of a sine wave that lies between

-3 V and +6 V.

2. To clip the input sine wave below -4 V.

2. (i) A rectangular pulse of voltage is applied to the base of a (10) [M/J 13]
transistor driving it from cut off to saturation. Explain the
various times involved in the switching process.

(ii) With the help of a circuit diagram and waveforms, explain (08) [M/J 13]
the operation of a collector coupled astable multivibrator.

3. (i) Derive and draw the response of low pass RC circuit to the (10) [M/J 12]
following input waveforms:

(a)step (b)pulse (c)square

(ii) A 10 Hz symmetrical square wave, with a peak to peak (06) [M/J 12]
amplitude of 2 V, is impressed upon a high pass RC circuit
whose 3 dB frequency is 5 Hz. Calculate and sketch the
output waveform. What is the peak to peak output

4. (i) Determine the value of capacitors to be used in an astable (06) [M/J 12]
multivibrator to provide a train of pulses, 2 s wide, at a
repetition rate of 100 kHz, if R1 = R2 =20 k. [A/M 10]

(ii) Explain the working of Schmitt trigger using emitter coupled (10) [M/J 12]
bistable multivibrator, with circuit diagrams and waveforms.

5. (i) How does a high pass RC circuit respond to a (16) [A/M 12]

(i) Step input voltage

(ii) Pulse input voltage

(iii)Square wave input voltage

(iv) Ramp input voltage

Explain its response with neat diagrams.

6. (i) The fixed bias bistable multivibrator uses the following (10) [A/M 12]
parameters. Vcc=12 V, VBB = -8 V, R1=10 k, R2=50 k,
Rc=2.2 k.The transistor has a minimum value of hfe as 30.
Calculate the stable currents and voltages assuming
VCE(sat)=0.2 V and VBE(sat)=0.7 V

(ii) What is the importance of adding commutating capacitors in (06) [A/M 12]
a bistable multivibration?

7. (i) With necessary circuit diagrams and waveforms, explain (12) [A/M 11]
the operation of the following: (a)positive clipper,
(b)Negative clipper (c) Biased clipper and
(d)Combinational(two way)clipper.

(ii) State the applications of clamping circuits. (04) [A/M 11]

8. With circuit diagram explain the working of an astable (16) [A/M 10]

9. Explain the working of Schmitt trigger with circuit and (16) [A/M 10]

10. (i) Design a Schmitt trigger circuit for the data given: (12) [N/D 09]

Vcc=20 V, UTP=5 V, LTP=3 V, Icsat=2 mA hfemin = 100.

Draw the designed circuit.

(ii) Draw the hysteresis characteristics of above problem. (04) [N/D 09]

PART A (2 Marks)

1. What are the applications of blocking oscillator? [A/M 11] [N/D 10] [A/M 10] [M/J 13]
The applications of blocking oscillators are
a) Used as frequency divider or counter
b) Used as low impedance switch
c) Used as master oscillator to supply triggering signal for synchronizing the system
d) To produce large peak power pulses, both types of oscillators can be used
e)Output pulses of either polarity can be obtained due to the use of tertiary winding of pulse transformer

2. Sketch and define the slope error of a voltage sweep waveform. [A/M 11]-R08
The slope or sweep speed error is defined as the deviation from linearity.
Difference in slope at beginning

Slope error for a voltage sweep waveform

3. What is the function of time base circuit? [A/M 10]

A linear time base generator produces an output waveform which produces a portion which exhibits a linear
variation of voltage or current with respect to time.
4. Draw a transistorized bootstrap time base generator circuit. [N/D 10]

Transistorized bootstrap time base generator circuit

5. What is the advantage of core saturation method of frequency control in a blocking oscillator?
The pulse duration depends on the supply voltage and the characteristics of core and not the transistor
parameters (hfe).
The pulse duration is given by
Tp= (n+1)NAB m/ Vcc
Advantage of core saturation method of frequency control in a blocking oscillator are
a) Pulse duration,Tp depends on the core properties and supply voltage VCC but not on the transistor
b) Core saturation controls the pulse duration and hence the frequency control of a blocking oscillator

6. State any two methods of achieving sweep linearity of a time base wave form. [N/D 12]
The methods of achieving sweep linearity of a time base wave form are
a) Exponential charging
b) Constant current charging
c) Miller circuit
d) Bootstrap circuit
7. State any two application of pulse transformer. [M/J 12]
The application of pulse transformers are
a) Commonly used in pulse generating circuits like blocking oscillators. In these circuits it acts like a coupling
b) To invert the polarity of pulse
c) To provide DC isolation between source and a load
d) To provide equal positive and negative and less simultaneously using centre tapped windings

8. What is meant by Restoration time? [M/J 12]

Restoration time is the time required for the time base signal to return to initial value. It is also called as
return time or fly back time (Tr).

9. Draw the equivalent circuit of pulse transformer. Name the various elements in it. [N/D 11]

R1- Primary winding resistance

- Leakage inductance
L- Magnetizing inductance of the secondary
C- Shunt capacitance
R2- represents the combination of load resistance RL and secondary winding resistance R2 so that
R2= (RL + R2)/ n2
10. Write the equation used to determine sweep frequency of a UJT relaxation oscillator. Calculate the frequency
with R= 100k, C= 0.4 F and intrinsic standoff ratio 0.57. [N/D 07]

11. Sketch and define the displacement error of a voltage sweep waveform. [N/D 11]
Displacement is the maximum difference between the actual sweep voltage and linear sweep voltage which
passes through the beginning and end points of actual sweep voltage.

Displacement error of a voltage sweep waveform

12. Draw the input and output waveform of miller integrator circuit. [M/J 07]

Input and output waveform of miller integrator circuit

13. Draw the circuit diagram of simple current time base generator. [N/D 04]

Circuit diagram of simple current time base generator

14. Draw the circuit diagram of transistorized Miller sweep generator. [M/J 12]

Circuit diagram of transistorized Miller sweep generator

PART- B (16 Marks)

1. Draw the circuit diagram and explain the working of a transistor monostable blocking oscillator with base timing.
Derive the expression for the pulse width.(16) [M/J 13]
2. With neat circuit diagram and waveforms, explain the operation of a UJT relaxation oscillator. Derive the
expressions for the sweep time and frequency of oscillation of the circuit.(8) [M/J 13]
3. Explain the operation of a simple current time base generator circuit. (8) [M/J 13] [N/D 11]
4. Explain the astable blocking oscillator with base timing. (10) [A/M 10]
5. The diode controlled astable blocking oscillator has the parameters V cc = 10 V, VB = 0.5 V, n = 2, R = 1.5 k, Rf
= 10 , Vr = 9 V, L = 3 mH and C = 100 pF. Calculate the frequency of oscillation and duty cycle. (6)
[A/M 10]
6. Explain Miller Integrator and Current- Time Base Circuit with waveform. (16) [A/M 10]
7. Draw the circuit of an astable blocking oscillator with base timing. Sketch the waveforms of collector voltage,
base voltage and magnetizing current. Explain the operation of the oscillator covering one full cycle, along with
necessary equations. Sketch the equivalent circuits (a) when there is magnetizing current and (b) when the
magnetizing current is zero. Also state the advantages and disadvantages of this oscillator. (16)
[M/J 12]
8. With suitable circuit and waveforms, explain the working of UJT saw tooth generator. Derive the expression for
the oscillating frequency. (10) [M/J 12]
9. For a certain UJT sweep circuit, the resistance is 10 k while the capacitance is 0.1 F. The valley potential is
1.5 V when VBB = 20 V. Assuming diode cut in voltage of 0.7 V and intrinsic standoff ratio as 0.6, calculate the
frequency of oscillations.(6) [M/J 12]

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