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EE225_PPT_FeedbackAmpr (3)

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Analog Electronics II


Feedback Amplifier


Dr U Mehta
E: mehta_u@usp.ac.fj
EE225 Analog Electronics II 1

1. Microelectronic Circuits / A. S. Sedra, K. C. Smith, 5th ed., Oxford University

Press, 2004
2. Microelectronics / Jacob Millman, Arvin Grabel, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1987
3. Electronic Devices/ Thomas L. Floyd, 7th ed., Prentice Hall, 2005

NB: Some figures from Sedra/Smith: Microelectronic Circuits, 3rd Ed.

References: [1] - [3]
EE225 Analog Electronics II 2
Most physical systems incorporate some form of feedback

Harold Black, an electronics engineer, 1928, invented feedback

amplifier (FA) (negative feedback)

Concept of feedback even useful other than engineering such as in

the modeling and biological systems

Basically, in FA the output signal is sampled and fed back to the

input to form an error signal that drives the amplifier

EE225 Analog Electronics II 3

Fig [a]: Non-inverting amplifier, Error signal e = (r - yf) = (r – βy), which
drives the amplifier

Fig [b]: Inverting gain amplifier, Error signal e = (r + yf) = (r + βy)

If A is inverting gain, yf must be added to the r input in order for the

feedback to be negative! (why!)
EE225 Analog Electronics II 4
Note that, both diagrams, the gain around the loop is negative and equal to
(−Aβ), where both A and β are positive real constants

Because the loop-gain is negative, the feedback is said to be negative. If

the gain around the loop is positive, the amplifier is said to have positive
feedback which causes it to be unstable!

From Fig. [a]: error signal given by,

e  r  yf  r   y
If we solve for the gain
y  Ae  A(r   y)
y A
Af  
r 1  A
Af is called the closed loop gain
EE225 Analog Electronics II 5
• Effect of the feedback is to reduce the gain by the factor (1 + Aβ)
• Called the “amount of feedback”, in dB by the relation 20 log |1 + Aβ |

• Quantity (Aβ) is called the loop gain

• Similarly, the inverting amplifier in Fig [b], e  r   y

y   Ae   A(r   y)
y A

r 1  A

Note that the amount of feedback for the inverting amplifier is the same
as for the non-inverting amplifier!
If A is large enough so that Aβ >> 1, gain of the noninverting amplifier
y A 1
 
r A 
EE225 Analog Electronics II 6
Very important results
Gain is set by the feedback network and not by the amplifier!

In practice, this means that an amplifier with feedback can be

designed without too much consideration of what its gain will
be as long as the gain is high enough.

When feedback is added, the gain can be reduced to any

desired value by the feedback network.

The product Aβ must be dimensionless!

EE225 Analog Electronics II 7

Feedback signal yf can be written as
yf  r
1  A

For Aβ >> 1, we see that yf ≈ r

Implies that the signal e at the input of the basic

amplifier is reduced to almost zero.

If large amount of negative feedback is employed, the

feedback signal yf becomes an almost identical
replica of the input signal r ----Tracking of the two
input signals of op-amp – Called as a comparison
circuit (Mixer) EE225 Analog Electronics II 8
Example 1

Solve in class

1.  ?
2. Open loop gain A=104 , find R2/R1 For closed loop gain Af=10
3. What is amount of feedback in decibels?
4. If Vs =1, find Vo, Vf and Error e
5. If A decreases by 20%, what is the corresponding decrease in Af?
(Gain Desensitivity due to feedback)

Some Properties of Negative Feedback
Gain desensitivity: Now let us prove analytically that due to
negative feedback, sensitivity is reduced!

Assume β is constant. Taking differentials of both sides of

Af 
1  A …….[1]
We get
dAf  ……….[2]
(1  A )2
Dividing Eq [2] by Eq. [1]:
dAf 1 dA

Af (1  A ) A
Says that percentage change in Af is smaller than the percentage change
in A by the amount of feedback. Therefore, (1+Aβ) also called as the
EE225 Analog Electronics II 10
Desensitivity factor
Bandwidth extension:
- High-frequency response of a single-pole amplifier

AM  Midband gain
H  Upper 3 dB freq Hf  H (1  AM  )
- So, upper 3-dB frequency is increased by a factor equal to the amount of
- Low frequency response of an amplifier with a dominant low frequency

Lf 
(1  AM  )
EE225 Analog Electronics II 11
• Negative feedback:
Reduces the gain by a factor of (1  AM  )
Extends the bandwidth by a factor of (1  AM  )

Note that the amplifier bandwidth is increased by the same

factor by which its mid-band gain is decreased, maintaining
the gain-bandwidth product at a constant value.

Ao BWo  Af BW f

EE225 Analog Electronics II 12

Noise Reduction
Negative feedback: Reduce noise or interference in an amplifier,
or increase the ratio of signal to noise (S/N)

S Vs

N Vn

S Vs
 A2
N Vn

Negative feedback is applied to effect one or more
following properties:
1. Desensitize Gain: make the value of the gain less
sensitive to variation in the value of the ckt
components (say due to temperature!)
2. Reduce nonlinear distortion: Make the output
proportional to input, (independent of signal level!)
3. Reduce the effect of noise: minimize the contribution
to the o/p of unwanted signal / extraneous
4. Control the input and output impedances:
Raise/lower input and output impedances by suitable
feedback topology
5. Extend the bandwidth of the amplifier

EE225 Analog Electronics II 14

Feedback in Electronics
Based on the quantity to be amplified (voltage / current) and desired form
of output (voltage/current)

Simple definitions of measurements at the output

– Voltage is measured with voltmeters. Voltmeters are:
• connected in parallel to the circuit
• have infinite input resistance (Voltage meters draw no current)

– Current is measured with amperometers. Amperometers are:

• connected in series to the circuit
• have zero input resistance (current meters develop no voltage)

Adding the error signal at the input

– Voltages are added by connecting voltage sources in series
– Currents are added by connecting current sources in parallel (“shunt”)
EE225 Analog Electronics II 15
Feedback Topologies
Four combinations of inputs and
outputs that represent the possible
types of feedback

EE225 Analog Electronics II 16

1. Series - Shunt connection

Voltage Sampling Series Mixing topology

EE225 Analog Electronics II 17

Measures the output Voltage and FB a correction to the input
Voltage of the forward amplifier
Example: Voltage amplifiers: Voltage controlled voltage source

Note only stabilizes the voltage gain but also:

increase the input impedance (series connection at input)
decrease the output impedance (parallel connection at
output)… Desirable properties of the Voltage Ampr.

Feedback network is functionally a voltage amplifier from Port2 to


Electrically both networks share the electrical variables I1 and V2

EE225 Analog Electronics II 18
Non-inverting amplifier
an example of
series – shunt feedback


Op-amp acts like a voltage amplifier

Feedback network samples the output voltage, voltage divides it

and feeds back a voltage into the input, so that Vi is the sum of
input Vin and fed-back Vf.

EE225 Analog Electronics II 19

Effect on feedback on input impedance

Series Shunt topology

EE225 Analog Electronics II 20
A realistic op-amp has: Effect on feedback on input impedance
• Finite input impedance
• Finite output impedance
• Finite Gain
In a series-shunt connection, feedback n/w draws the same input
current as the op-amp
Rif input resistance with feedback
Rof Output resistance with feedback

Zif (s)  Zi (s)[1  A( s)  ( s)]

Increases the input resistance by a factor equal to the amount of
EE225 Analog Electronics II 21
Effect on feedback on output impedance

Let Vs=0, apply test voltage Vt at the output……

Thus, Output Resistance is reduced by a factor equal to the

amount of f/b.

Z o ( s)
Z of ( s) 
1  A( s)  ( s) EE225 Analog Electronics II 22
2. Shunt Series connection
Current Sampling Shunt Mixing topology

EE225 Analog Electronics II 23

Example of Shunt-Series topology: Current Amplifier

Input signal is a current and output quantity of interest is current, hence

sample the output current

F/B signal should be in current form, so mixed in shunt with the source

1. Stabilizes the current gain
2. Give low input resistance and high output resistance (Desirable property
for a current amplifier)

EE225 Analog Electronics II 24

3. Series-Series connection
Current Sampling Series Mixing topology

EE225 Analog Electronics II 25

Example of Series-Series topology: Transconductance Amplifiers

Input signal is a voltage and output quantity of interest is

current, hence sample the output current

F/B signal in voltage form, so mixed in series with the

source voltage

Current Sampling and Series Mixing feedback topology

EE225 Analog Electronics II 26

4. Shunt-Shunt connection
Voltage Sampling Shunt Mixing topology

EE225 Analog Electronics II 27

Example of Shunt-Shunt topology: Transresistance Amplifiers

Input signal is a current and output quantity of

interest is a voltage, hence it is voltage-
sampling shunt-mixing

Inverting Op-amp topology: Simple example of

shunt-shunt feedback!

EE225 Analog Electronics II 28

Example 2 Class exercise

1. For A=100 , find R2/R1 if closed loop gain Af=10.

2. What is amount of feedback in decibels?
3. If Vs =1, find Vo, Vf and Error e
4. If A decreases by 20%, what is the corresponding decrease in Af?

EE225 Analog Electronics II 29

Example 3 Class exercise

conclusion from
Ex1 , 2 and 3
about β

1. For A=103 , find R2/R1 if closed loop gain Af=103.

2. What is amount of feedback in decibels?
3. If Vs =0.01, find Vo, Vf and Error e
4. If A decreases by 20%, what is the corresponding decrease in Af?

EE225 Analog Electronics II 30

Example 4 Class exercise

Consider an amplifier having a midband gain AM and a low frequency response characterized by
a pole at s = -ωL and a zero at s = 0. Let the amplifier be connected in a negative feedback loop
With a feedback factor β. Find an expression for the midband gain and the lower 3-dB frequency
of the closed-loop amplifier. By what factor have both changed?


Example 5 Class exercise
A Capacitive coupled amplifier has a midband gain of 100, a single high-frequency
pole at 10 kHz And a single low frequency pole at 100 Hz. Negative feedback is
employed so that the midband gain is reduced to 10. What are the upper and
lower 3-dB frequencies of the closed-loop gain?


Ao 100
Af   10 
1  Ao  1  100 
 (1  Ao  )  100 /10  10
f L '  f L /(1  Ao  )  100 /10  10 Hz
f H '  f H (1  Ao  )  10 K X 10  100 KHz
EE225 Analog Electronics II 32
Understanding about feedback structures
•Amplifier: Mainly four categories, as per input signal
(voltage or current) to be amplified and form of output
(voltage or current)
•Feedback structures can be:
(Type of Feedback) (Type of Sensing)
(1) Series (Voltage) Shunt (Voltage)
(2) Series (Voltage) Series (Current)
(3) Shunt (Current) Shunt (Voltage)
(4) Shunt (Current) Series (Current)

EE225 Analog Electronics II 33

Series-Series Feedback Structure
Basic amplifier
Ii I Gain Calculation:
AV I o  A V
V f    Io
V ri
Vi  ro Io
Vi  V  V f     Io
+ V (Close Loop Transadmittance Gain)

 Af  o 
Vi 1  A
Vf=Io +
 And, we get
Vi  A
Io 
1 A 
Feedback network Vi  V (1  A   )

See block diagram of series-series topology in Slide No. 23 34

Input and Output Resistance
Input Resistance: Output Resistance
(Closed loop output resistance with zero input voltage)
Rif  Vo
Ii Rof |Vi 0 
(1  A )  V
 from input port,
V  V f     I o
 (1  A )  ri
from output port,
Increase Vo Vo
I o  AV    A  I o 
ro ro
 Rof   (1  A )ro

Shunt-Shunt Feedback Structure
Basic amplifier
Gain Calculation:
Vo  A  I   A( I i  I f )
+ I ro +
+ I f    Vo
Ii Vi ri  AI Vo
  A( I i  Vo )  Vo
AI i  (1  A )Vo
(Close Loop Transimpedance Gain)
 Af  o 
If=  V o I i 1  A
And, we get
Ii  A
Feedback network Vo 
1 A 
I i  I  (1  A   )
See block diagram of shunt-shunt topology in Slide No. 25 36
Input and Output Resistance
Input Resistance: Output Resistance
(Closed loop output resistance with zero input voltage)
Rif  i Vo
Ii Rof |Vi 0 
I   ri
 from input port,
I  (1  A )
ri I    I f   Vo

(1  A ) from output port,
Vo  AI  Vo  AVo
Io  
Decrease ro ro
Vo ro
 Rof  
I o (1  A )

Shunt-Series Feedback Structure
Basic amplifier
Gain Calculation:
I o  A  I   A( I i  I f )
+ I
I f    Io
Ii V i ri AI ro
 A( I i   I o )  I o
AI i  (1  A ) I o
(Close Loop Current Gain)
 Af  o 
I i 1  A
If=  Io
And, we get
Ii  A
Feedback network Io 
1  A
I i  I  (1  A )
See block diagram of shunt-series topology in Slide No. 21 38
Input and Output Resistance
Input Resistance: Output Resistance
(Closed loop output resistance with zero input voltage)
V I r
Rif  i   i Vo
Ii Ii Rof |Vi 0 
 ri from input port,
(1  A )
 I   I f    I o
ri from output port, I o  Vo / ro  AI 

(1  A ) Vo  ( I o  AI  )ro
Vo  ( I o  A  I o )ro
Decrease Vo
 Rof   (1  A )ro
CL gain Input R Output R

Series- Vo

Rif  (1  A )  ri Rof 
Shunt Vi 1  A 1  A

Series- Io

Rif  (1  A )  ri Rof  (1  A )  ro
Series Vi 1  A

Shunt- Vo A ri
Rof 
 Rif 
Shunt I i 1  A 1  A 1  A

Shunt- ri

A Rif  Rof  (1  A )  ro
Series I i 1  A 1  A
Summary table for four feedback topologies according to categories
of input variable, output variable, units of AOL , units of β, method
to calculate Rβi and Rβo , and expressions for ACL , Rif and Rof

EE225 Analog Electronics II 41

Feedback Structure
Vs + V V A : Open Loop Gain
Source  A Load
- A = Vo / V

Vf  : feedback factor
 = Vf / Vo

V  Vs  V f Close loop gain : ACL 


A 1 T
 ( )
Vs 1  A  1  T
V f    Vo Loop Gain : T  A  
V  VS    Vo Amount of feedback : 1  A  
Vo  A  V Note : ACL A 

Feedback Structure (Series-
Basic amplifier
Voltage Gain Calculation:
Ii + ro +
+ Vo  A  V
V ri  AV Vo
  V f    Vo
+ Vo
Vi  Vi  V  V f     Vo
(Close Loop Voltage Gain)
 Vf=Vo V
 ACL  o  (
1 T
Vi  1  T
where T  A
Feedback network
And, we get
 Voltage amplifier voltage-controlled
V A
voltage source Vo  i
 Requires high input impedance, low 1 A 
output impedance Vi  V (1  A   )
 Voltage-voltage feedback
Example - 4
For a series-series feedback circuit type, an ideal transconductance
amplifier operates with Vs = 100 mV, Vf = 95 mV and Io = 10 mA. What are
the corresponding values of A and β, including units?

Given values….
Vs = 100 mV, Vf = 95 mV and Io = 10 mA

Vi = Vs - Vf = 100 – 95 mV = 5 mV

Vf = β Io =>> β = 9.5 V/A

A = Io / Vi = 2 mA/V
Af = Io / Vs = A/ (1+ Aβ) = 0.1 mA/V

EE225 Analog Electronics II 44

Example - 5
For a shunt-shunt feedback circuit type, an ideal trans resistance amplifier
operates with Is = 100 μA, If = 95 μA and Vo = 10 V. What are the
corresponding values of A and β, including units?

Ii = Is - If = 5 μA

A = Vo / Ii = 2 x 106 V/A

β = If / Vo =>> β = 9.5 μA/V

Af = ?

EE225 Analog Electronics II 45

An op-amp is designed so that the open-loop gain is guaranteed to be 150,000 ±
10 percent V/V. If the amplifier is to be used in a closed-loop configuration with
β= 0.1 V/V, determine the tolerance of the closed-loop gain.

dAf 1 dA 1
  (0.1)  0.00067%
Af (1  A ) A 1  (150K )(0.1)

What is the maximum possible value of β using resistors in the feedback loop of a
noninverting op-amp circuit? Ans:

Vout R1  R2 1
 
Vin R1 
   Max is1;if R 2 is very small (a short) and R1 is very big (open)
R1  R2 46

Low frequency Gain A = 30x103

Output resistance R0=10K

1. Draw the feedback network and find

its gain.
2. What is closed loop gain (Vo/Vs)
3. What is output resistance of the
circuit shown?
4. If the closed-loop bandwidth of the
circuit must be 1 MHz, then what will
be gain bandwidth product?


Use feedback method to find the voltage gain Vo / Vs

Take, R1 = 100K, R2=1K, R3=1K, RL = 2K and Rs = 1K


What is the % change in the closed-loop gain if the open-loop gain A= 100 dB and
β= 0.01.


dAf 1 dA

Af (1  A ) A
Given A  10   0.01
 0.1
 0.01%
What feedback topology provides a high input impedance and a high output impedance ?

Benefits of Negative Feedback

• Reduced sensitivity to parameters
• Increased bandwidth
• Reduced distortion
• Improved input and output resistance

Cost of using feedback:

• Reduced gain


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