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Tutorial 4: C I V I L

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Tutorial 4

C i vi l

Summary 1

Analysis Model and Load Cases / 2

File Opening and Preferences Setting 5

Enter Material and Section Properties 7

Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements 10

Generate the Arch Ribs / 10

Generate the Hangers / 11
Generate the Main Girder and Duplicate the Arch Frame / 14
Generate the Cross Beams / 16
Generate the Bracings / 17

Enter Structure Boundary Conditions 22

Boundary Conditions for Beam End Connections / 24

Generate the Cross Beam Group / 25

Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads 27

Enter Load Cases / 27

Define Static Loads / 28
Define Moving Traffic Loads / 30

Perform Structural Analysis 36

Verify and Interpret Analysis Results 36

Load Combinations / 36
Verify Deformed Shape / 37
Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams / 38
View Influence Lines Results / 39

This tutorial illustrates the modeling and interpretation of the analysis results of
a single span arch bridge subjected to moving traffic loads.

The explanations for the basic functions of MIDAS/Civil (Tutorial 1) are

omitted. The Icon Menu is used primarily. Refer to Tutorials 1 and 2 and On-
line Manual for the understanding of the basic functions in MIDAS/Civil and the
structural analysis processes.

The Install CD provides an animation of the entire process, from the modeling to
the analysis and results verification of the current example, and is accompanied
by the narrations. The user is encouraged to review the animation to maximize
the benefits of the tutorial example.

The modeling and analysis processes presented in this example are as follows:

1. File Opening and Preferences Setting

2. Enter Material and Section Properties
3. Structure Modeling Using Nodes and Elements
4. Enter Structure Boundary conditions
5. Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads
6. Perform Structural Analysis
7. Verify and Interpret Analysis Results

Tutorial 4

Analysis Model and Load Cases

Fig.4.1 shows the arch bridge model. The specifications for the structure are as

Bridge Type: Arch bridge

Bridge Class: First Class
Span Length: 50 m
Design Traffic Lanes: 2 Lanes
Width: 14 m

Figure 4.1 Arch Bridge Model


The following list describes the structural plan layout:

Spacing of cross beams is 5 m.

Stringers are placed along the axis of the bridge longitudinally.
Main girders and arch ribs are placed 7 m from the centerline on both

Stringer B4



B1 B2
Origin Point Cross Beam

(a) Framing Plan

Arch Rib Hanger


Main Girder 10@5.0=50.0

(b) Front View Elevation

Figure 4.2 Framing Plan and Front View Elevation of the Arch Bridge [Unit: m]

Tutorial 4

The following 3 load cases are considered for simplicity:

Load Case 1: 90 kN/m dead load (applied only on the main girders)
Load Case 2: 6 kN/m sidewalk load (applied only on the main girders)
Load Case 3: Vehicle Loads (HS20-44, HS20-44L)
50 50
Impact factor: i = = = 0.173 [Unit: ft]
L + 125 164 + 125

This example focuses on the explanations for the relevant functions in

MIDAS/Civil. The assumptions made for the example may differ from practical

File Opening and Preferences Setting

File Opening and Preferences Setting

Open a new file ( New Project) to model the bridge and save the file as arch
( Save).

Click the unit system selection button in Status Bar at the bottom of the screen.
Choose the unit system and select kN and mm. Change the unit system as
frequently as necessary for the convenience of data entry.

The structure is modeled by means of the Icon Menu rather than the Tree Menu
or Main Menu to improve the users modeling skills.

The following procedure displays the icons required for modeling on the screen
in order to make an efficient use of the Icon Menu.

1. Select Tools>Customize>Toolbars in the Main Menu.

2. Check ( ) all the items in the Toolbars selection field (Fig.4.3).
3. Click .

Figure 4.3 Toolbars Dialog Box

Tutorial 4

Lay out the toolbars as shown in Fig.4.4 for easy applications.

When moving the

added toolbars, catch
and drag the title bar of
the toolbar with the
mouse (Fig. 4.4 (a)-X).
For those toolbars
already positioned, X
place the mouse cursor
over Fig.4.4 (a)-Yand
move it to the desired

(a) Before laying out the toolbars

Grid & Snap Activation Node



(b) Toolbars placed at desired positions

Figure 4.4 Toolbars Layout
Enter Material and Section Properties

Enter Material and Section Properties

Specify the following member material properties and section data.

Material Properties
1: A36 cross beam, bracing
2: A572-50 main girder, arch rib, hanger

Section Data
1: TS 210060010/10 Main Girder
2: I 154050014/27 Cross Beam
3: TS 60060016/14 Arch Rib
4: I 60040012/16 Hanger
5: TS 60050010/14 Strut
6: W16100 Bracing & Stringer

The sections 1 to 5 are built-up sections. Use the User functions to enter the
principal section dimensions. Use DB, the AISC standard sections, contained in
the program for Section 6.

Tutorial 4


Figure 4.5 Sectional Attributes Dialog Box

Figure 4.6 Material Properties Dialog Box

1. Click Material in the Properties dialog box (Fig.4.5X).

2. Click .
3. Confirm 1 in the Material Number field of General (Fig.4.6X).
4. Confirm Steel in the Type selection field.
5. Select ASTM(S) in the Standard selection field of Steel.
6. Select A36 in the DB selection field.
7. Click .
8. Select 2 in the Material Number field of General.
9. Confirm Steel in the Type selection field.
10. Confirm ASTM(S) in the Standard selection field of Steel.
11. Select A572-50 in the DB selection field.
12. Click .

Enter Material and Section Properties

1. Select the Section tab in the Properties dialog box (Fig.4.5) or select
Section from the Properties toolbar.
2. Click .
3. Confirm 1 in the Section ID field of the DB/User tab (Fig.4.7).
4. Type Main Girder in the Name field.
5. Select Box in the Section Shape selection field (Fig.4.7X).
6. Select User in User or DB.
7. Enter 2100 in the H field.
8. Enter 600 in the B field.
9. Enter 10 in the tw field.
10. Enter 10 in the tf1 field.
11. Click .
12. Repeat the steps 3 to 11 for sections 2 to 5.
13. Confirm 6 in the Section ID field.
14. Type Bracing & Stringer in the Name field.
15. Select I-Section in the Section Shape selection field (Fig.4.7X).
There are 2 ways to
specify Sect. Name. 16. Select DB in DB or User and confirm AISC in the field to the right.
1.Click the button to 17. Click the Sect. Name field and type W 16 100 or use Scroll Bar to
the right of the field and
select the desired select the type.
section name with
Scroll Bar. 18. Click .
2.Type in directly the
desired section name.
19. Click .
20. Click the unit system selection button of the Status Bar and convert
Convert the unit system
from mm to m for
mm to m.
structural modeling.

Figure 4.7 Section Data Dialog Box

Tutorial 4

Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements

Generate the Arch Ribs

Use Structure Wizard to generate an arch rib (Fig.4.8).

1. Select Geometry>Structure Wizard>Arch in the Menu tab of the Tree


The arch shape 2. Confirm Parabola1 in the Type selection field of the Input/Edit tab.
(parabola/ellipse with
equal/equal projected 3. Confirm 10 in the Number of Segments field.
spacing) can be 4. Enter 50 in the Span(L) field.
selected in the Type
field of the Input & Edit 5. Enter 10 in the Height(H) field.
tab. Considering the
hangers at an equal
6. Select None in the Boundary Condition selection field.
spacing, select 7. Check (3) Show Element No.
Parabola1 to set the
nodes on the arch rib at 8. Select 2: A572-50 in the Material selection field.
an equal spacing
9. Select 3: Arch Rib in the Section selection field.
projected on a horizontal
line (Fig.4.8). 10. Confirm 0, 0, 0 in the Insert Point field of the Insert tab.
11. Click .
12. Click Auto Fitting.
13. Click Front View.

Figure 4.8 Concept of Parabola1 format and Arch Wizard Dialog Box
Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements

Generate the Hangers

Use Extrude Elements to generate the hangers. Extend the nodes generated
on the arch rib by projecting them perpendicularly downward (Fig.4.9).

Extrude Elements 1. Click Extrude Elements in the Element toolbar (Fig.4.9X).
generates geometrically
1-dimension higher 2. Click Node Number (Toggle on).
elements by following
the moving path of the 3. Click Select Window to select nodes 2 to 10 from which the
nodes or elements hangers are generated.
(node line element,
line surface element, 4. Confirm Node Line Element in the Extrude Type selection field.
surface solid 5. Confirm Beam in Element Type of the Element Attribute selection
6. Select 2: A572-50 in the Material selection field.
7. Select 4: Hanger in the Section selection field.
8. Select Project in the Generation Type selection field.
Base Line Definition 9. Confirm Project on a line in the Projection Type selection field.
requires 2 nodes of the
line onto which it is 10. Click the P1 field of Base Line definition. Once the background color
turns to pale green, assign nodes 1 to 11.

The Direction choice in 11. Confirm Normal in the Direction selection field.
the Project function
represents the 12. Click .
projection direction of
the element. 13. Click Change Element Parameters (Fig.4.9Y).
14. Click Select Recent Entities (Fig.4.9Z).

The hanger web 15. Select Beta Angle in the Parameter Type selection field.
direction is modified to
be perpendicular to the 16. Confirm Assign in the Mode selection field.
bridge longitudinal axis
(Fig.4.10, refer to Beta
17. Enter 90 in the Beta Angle field.
Angle of On-line 18. Click .

Click Shrink (Fig.4.10X) and Hidden (Fig.4.10Y) (Toggle on) to check

the entered Beta Angle. Check the current data entries and click Shrink and
Hidden to toggle off.

Tutorial 4

Figure 4.9 Hanger Generation


Beta Angle = 0 Beta Angle = 90


Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements

Figure 4.10 Modification of the Beta Angle for Hangers

Tutorial 4

Generate the Main Girder and Duplicate the Arch Frame

Create the main girder by connecting both ends of the arch. Duplicate the
completed part of the arch frame including the main girder at the opposite side.

In this example, Point 1. Click Point Grid and Point Grid Snap (Toggle off).
Grid is not used. To
avoid confusion while 2. Click Iso View.
assigning the nodes
with the mouse, toggle
3. Click Create Elements in the Element toolbar.
off Point Grid and 4. Confirm General beam/Tapered beam in the Element Type
Point Grid Snap.
selection field.
5. Select 2: A572-50 in the Material selection field.
6. Confirm 1: Main girder in the Section selection field.
7. Confirm 0 in the Beta Angle field of Orientation.
8. Confirm the check (3) in Node of the Intersect selection field.
9. Click the Nodal Connectivity field. Once the background color turns to
pale green, assign nodes 1 to 11.
10. Click Select All.
11. Click Translate Elements in the Element toolbar.
12. Confirm Copy in the Mode selection field.
13. Confirm Equal Distance in the Translation selection field.
14. Enter 0, 14, 0 in the dx, dy, dz field.
15. Confirm 1 in the Number of Times field.
16. Click (Fig.4.11).

Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements

Figure 4.11 Completed Main Girders and Arches

Tutorial 4

Generate the Cross Beams

Use Extrude Elements to create the cross beams by extending the nodes on one
of the main girders to the nodes on the opposite main girder.

1. Click Extrude Elements.

2. Click Select Polygon (Fig.4.12X) and select nodes 1 and 11 to 20.
3. Confirm Node Line Element in the Extrude Type selection field.
4. Confirm Beam in the Element Type selection field.
5. Confirm 1: A36 in the Material selection field.
6. Select 2: Cross beam in the Section selection field.
7. Confirm Project in the Generation Type selection field.
8. Confirm Project on a line in the Projection Type selection field.
9. Click the P1 in the Base Line Definition field. Once the background
color turns to pale green, assign the nodes 21 and 31 consecutively.

The Direction 10. Confirm Normal in the Direction selection field.
represents the Direction
of Projection. 11. Click .

Figure 4.12 Creation of Cross Beams

Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements

Generate the Bracings

Activate only the newly created cross beams. Use Element Snap in conjunction
with Create Elements to create the stringers.

1. Click Select Recent Entities.

2. Click Active.
3. Click Element Number (Toggle on).
4. Click Create Elements.
5. Confirm General beam/Tapered beam in the Element Type field.
6. Select 1: A36 in the Material field.
7. Select 6: Bracing & Stringer in the Section field.
8. Confirm 0 in the Beta Angle field of Orientation.
9. Confirm the check (3) in Elem in the Intersect field.
10. Confirm that the location of Element Snap in Status Bar is 1/2 (Fig.4.13X).
11. Click the Nodal Connectivity field. Once the background color turns to
pale green, assign the middle of elements 59 and 60 consecutively.
12. Click Element Number (Toggle off) (Fig.4.13).

Figure 4.13 Completed Stringers

Tutorial 4

Generate the diagonal bracings on the floor plane.

1. Confirm General beam/Tapered beam in the Element Type

selection field of the Create Elements dialog bar.
2. Confirm 1: A36 in the Material selection field.
3. Confirm 6: Bracing & Stringer in the Section selection field.
4. Click the Nodal Connectivity field. Once the background color turns to
pale green, connect nodes 1 to 43 and nodes 43 to 21 to create two
5. Click Translate Elements.
6. Click Select Single to select the two braces generated in step 4.
7. Confirm Copy in the Mode selection field.
8. Confirm Equal Distance in the Translation selection field.
9. Enter 5, 0, 0 in the dx, dy, dz field.
10. Confirm 4 in the Number of Times field.
11. Click .
12. Click Mirror Elements.
13. Click Select Previous and Select Recent Entities to select all the
diagonal bracings.
14. Confirm Copy in the Mode selection field.
15. Select y-z plane in Reflection and click the x field. Once the background
color turns to pale green, assign node 16 or enter 25.
16. Click (Fig.4.14).

Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements

Figure 4.14 Completed Floor Plane

Tutorial 4

Create the bracings on the arch ribs located symmetrically on each side of the
mid span.

Inverse Active 1. Click Inverse Active (Fig.4.15X).
deactivates the nodes
and elements displayed 2. Click Create Elements.
in the current window
and activates the 3. Confirm 1: A36 in the Material selection field.
formerly inactivated 4. Select 5: Strut in the Section selection field.
nodes and elements.
5. Confirm 0 in the Beta Angle field of Orientation.
6. Click the Nodal Connectivity field. Once the background color turns to
pale green, connect separately nodes 4 and 24, 5 and 25, 6 and 26, 7
and 27, and 8 and 28 (Fig.4.15).

Figure 4.15 Completed Struts

Structural Modeling Using Nodes and Elements

1. Click Select Single to select 5 struts.

When an undesirable 2. Click Active.
location is selected
during the data entries 3. Click Element Number (Toggle on).
for elements, press the
Esc key. Alternatively
4. Confirm General beam/Tapered beam in Element Type of the
right -click the mouse Create Elements toolbar.
and select Cancel at 5. Confirm 1: A36 in the Material selection field.
the bottom of the
Context Menu to cancel 6. Select 6: Bracing & Stringer in the Section selection field.
the entry.
7. Confirm 0 in the Beta Angle field of Orientation.
8. Confirm the check (3) in Elem of the Intersect selection field.
9. Click the Nodal Connectivity field. Once the background color turns to
pale green, connect successively the centers of elements 111 to 115 to

To create the bracings create the braces.
in the center part of the
arches, selectively
10. Click Element Number (Toggle off).
activate the elements 11. Click the Nodal Connectivity field. Once the background color turns to
that are connected to
the elements being
pale green, connect separately nodes 4 and 53, 24 and 53, 5 and 54, 25
generated. and 54, 54 and 7, 54 and 27, 55 and 8, and 55 and 28 (Fig.4.16).

Figure 4.16 Completed Arch Bracings

Tutorial 4

Enter Structure Boundary Conditions

Once the structural configuration is created, specify the support conditions

1. Click Active All.

2. Select Boundary in the Model Entity tab and confirm Supports.
3. Confirm Add in the Options selection field.
4. Click Select Single.
5. Select node 1 and check ( ) D-ALL.
6. Click .
7. Select node 11 and check ( ) Dy and Dz.
8. Click .
9. Select node 21 and check ( ) Dx and Dz.
10. Click .
11. Select node 31 and check ( ) Dz.
12. Click .

Enter Structure Boundary Conditions

Figure 4.17 Structural Boundary Conditions

Tutorial 4

Boundary Conditions for Beam End Connections

Use Beam End Release to specify the boundary conditions at both ends of the
beam elements (Fig.4.18).

Both ends of hangers: Pin joint conditions about the ECS z-axis
Both ends of bracings: Pin joint conditions about the ECS y- and z-axes
Both ends of cross beams connected to the main girders: Pin joint
conditions about the ECS y- and z-axes

1. Select Beam End Release in the functions selection field at the

top of the dialog bar.
2. Confirm Add/Replace in the Options selection field.
Refer to On-line Manual

or Getting Started & 3. Click the Filter selection field (Fig.4.18X) to select z.
Tutorials for
explanations on 4. Click Select All.
Filtering Selection.
5. Check ( ) Mz of i-Node and j-Node in the General Types and

Click Display to Partial Fixity selection field.
select Local Axis of the
Element tab for 6. Click .
checking the element
coordinate axes. 7. Click the Filter selection field (Fig.4.18X) to select none.
8. Click Select Identity-Elements (Fig. 4.18Y).
9. Select Section in the Select Type field.
10. Select 6: Bracing & Stringer in the Section selection field.
11. Click .
12. Click the Pinned-Pinned button in the General Types and Partial Fixity
selection field (or check ( ) My and Mz of i-Node and j-Node).
13. Click .
14. Select 2: Cross beam in the Section selection field of the Select
Identity-Elements dialog box.
15. Click .
16. Click in the Select Identity-Elements dialog box.
17. Click Active.
18. Click Element Number (Toggle on).

Select Intersect 19. Click Select Intersect to select elements 59 to 69.
selects the elements
intersecting the 20. Click the Pinned-Fixed button in the General Types and Partial Fixity
specified lines drawn field.
with the mouse.
21. Click .

Enter Structure Boundary Conditions

22. Type 80 to 90 in the element selection window (Fig.4.18Y) and

press [Enter].
23. Click the Fixed-Pinned button in the General Types and Partial Fixity
selection field.
24. Click .
25. Click Element Number (Toggle off).
26. Click Active All.
27. Click Node Number (Toggle off).

Figure 4.18 Beam End Release

Generate the Cross Beam Group

Generate the Cross Beam Group, which will be used to enter the moving loads.

1. Click Select Identity-Elements.

2. Select Section in the Select Type field.

Tutorial 4

3. Select 2: Cross Beam in the Section field.

4. Click .
5. Click in the Select Identity-Elements dialog box.
6. Click Group of Tree Menu.
7. Click Active.
8. Click Element Number (Toggle on).
9. Right-click the mouse in the Structure Group and then select New to
enter cross beam1.
10. Follow the same procedure to enter cross beam2.
11. Click Select Intersect to select elements 59 to 69.
12. From the Structure Group drag cross beam1 with the mouse and
drop to the model window.
13. Type 80 to 90 in the element selection window (Fig.4.19 X) and
press [Enter].
14. Follow the same procedure to assign cross beam2.
15. Click Element Number (Toggle off).
16. Click Active All and Iso View.

Figure 4.19 Cross Beam Group

Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads

Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads

Enter Load Cases

Set up the Load Cases prior to specifying the loads.

1. Select Load in the Model Entity tab.

2. Click the button to the right of the Load Case Name field.
3. Enter Dead Load in the Name field of the Static Load Cases dialog
box (Fig.4.20).
4. Select Dead Load (D) in the Type selection field.
5. Click .
6. Enter Sidewalk Load in the Name field.
7. Select Dead Load (D) in the Type selection field.
8. Click .
9. Click .

Figure 4.20 Static Load Cases Window

Tutorial 4

Define Static Loads

Specify the static load cases (Load Cases 1 and 2).

The dead and sidewalk loadings are assumed to be applied only on the main
girders for simplicity (Fig.4.21).

1. Click Select Identity-Elements.

2. Select Section in the Select Type field.
3. Select 1: Main Girder in the Section selection field.
4. Click .
5. Click in the Select Identity-Elements dialog box.
6. Select Element Beam Loads in the functions field at the top of the
dialog bar.
7. Confirm Dead load in the Load Case Name selection field.
8. Confirm Add in the Options selection field.
9. Confirm Uniform Loads in the Load Type selection field.
10. Confirm Global Z in the Direction selection field.
11. Confirm No in the Projection selection field.
12. Confirm Relative in the Value selection field.
13. Enter 0, 1 and -90 in the x1, x2 and w fields, respectively.
14. Click .
15. Click Select Previous.
16. Select Sidewalk Load in the Load Case Name field.
17. Confirm Add in the Options selection field.
18. Confirm Uniform Loads in the Load Type selection field.
19. Confirm Global Z in the Direction selection field.
20. Confirm No in the Projection selection field.
21. Confirm Relative in the Value selection field.
22. Enter 0, 1 and -6 in the x1, x2 and w fields, respectively.
23. Click .
24. Click .

Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads

Figure 4.21 Current Loading Condition

Tutorial 4

Define Moving Traffic Loads

First, define the traffic line lanes (Fig.4.22).

1. Select Moving Load Analysis>Traffic Line Lanes in the Menu tab of

the Tree Menu.
2. Click in the Traffic Line Lanes dialog box.
3. Enter Lane 1 in the Lane Name field.
4. Enter -4.5 in the Eccentricity field.
5. Enter 0.173 in the Impact Factor field.
6. Select Cross Beam in the Vehicular Load Distribution field.
7. Select cross beam 1 in the Cross Beam Group field.
8. Confirm Both in the Moving Direction selection field.
9. Select 2 Points among 2 Points, Picking and Number in Selection
by and click the field to the right. Once the background color turns to

When a traffic lane is pale green, assign nodes 1 and 11.
curved or when the lane
data entry with 2 Points 10. Click .
becomes awkward due
to discontinuity, select
11. Click in the Traffic Line Lanes dialog box.
Element Number and 12. Enter Lane 2 in the Lane Name field.
type in directly the
element numbers. ( In 13. Enter -8.1 in the Eccentricity field.
this case, even if you
select Element Number
14. Enter 0.173 in the Impact Factor field.
and type in 70 to 90, 15. Select cross beam in the Vehicular Load Distribution field.
the same traffic lanes
are selected.) 16. Select cross beam 2 in the Cross Beam Group field.
17. Confirm Both in the Moving Direction field.
18. Select 2 Points among 2 Points, Picking and Number in Selection
by and click the field to the right. Once the background color turns to
pale green, assign nodes 1 and 11.
19. Click .
20. Click .

Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads

Figure 4.22 Traffic Line Lanes Dialog Box

Tutorial 4

The method for defining the moving traffic loads HS20-44 and HS20-44L

MIDAS/CIVIL contains (Fig.4.23) is examined.
the standard vehicle
loads such as the
Korean Specification for
Roadway Bridges, the 1. Select Moving Load Analysis>Vehicles in the Menu tab of the Tree
Korean Standard Train Menu.
Loads, AASHTO,
Caltrans Standard, etc. 2. Click in the Vehicles dialog box.
3. Confirm AASHTO Standard Load in the Standard Name field.
4. Select HS20-44 in the Vehicular Load Name field.
5. Click .
6. Confirm HS20-44L in the Vehicular Load Name field.
7. Click .
8. Click .

Use the Moving Load

Cases function to
define the vehicle
loading cases such as
the maximum /
minimum number of
lanes simultaneously
subjected to the vehicle
load, the type of vehicle
and the lane onto which
the load is applied, etc.
(Refer to On-line
Manual for details)

Figure 4.23 Definition of Standard Vehicular Loads

Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads

Define the vehicle classes.

1. Select Moving Load Analysis>Vehicle Classes in the Tree Menu.

2. Click in the Vehicle Classes dialog box.
3. Enter HS20 in the Vehicle Class Name field of the Vehicle Class
Data dialog box.
4. After selecting HS20-44 and HS20-44L in the Vehicle Load,
click to move to the Selected Load.
5. Click in the Vehicle Class Data dialog box.
6. Click .

Figure 4.24 Definition of Vehicle Classes

Tutorial 4

Use the Define moving

Define the moving traffic load cases (Fig.4.25).
Load Cases Function,
define the vehicle
loading conditions as to
which vehicle loads are 1. Select Moving Load Analysis>Moving Load Cases in the Tree Menu.
loaded on which traffic
lanes. Define also the 2. Click in the Moving Load Cases dialog box.
maximum and minimum
numbers of traffic lanes 3. Enter MVL in the Load Case Name field of the Moving Load Case
that can be loaded with dialog box.
vehicle loads
simultaneously. 4. Click in the Sub-Load Cases field.
5. Confirm VC:HS20 in the Vehicle Class field of Load Case Data.
6. Enter 1 in the Scale Factor field.
7. Enter 1 in the Min. Number of Loaded Lanes field.
8. Enter 2 in the Max. Number of Loaded Lanes field.
9. Select Lane 1 and Lane 2 in List of Lanes of Assign Lanes and
click to move to Selected Lane.
10. Click in the Sub-Load Cases dialog box.
11. Click in the Moving Load Cases dialog box.
12. Click .

Figure 4.25 Definition of Moving Vehicle Load

Enter Moving Traffic Loads and Static Loads

Define the method of analysis for the moving vehicle load (Fig.4.26).

1. Select Analysis>Moving Load Analysis Control from the Main Menu.

Use Moving Load 2. Confirm Exact in the Analysis Method field.
Analysis Control to
select the calculation 3. Click .
method which produces
all types of design
4. Click Node Number (Toggle off).
values from the analyzed
influence lines. In the
Calculation Method
field, Exact refers to the
method that applies the
concentrated axle load
successively along the
direction of the traffic
Pivot is the method that
applies a moving load
which is a concentrated
axle load producing the
greatest effect among
the multi-axle loads.
Quick is the method that
applies the concentrated
axle load only at the
points of maximum/
minimum influence line
values. (Refer to
Structural Analysis
functions of On-line
Manual for details)

Calculation Filters in
Moving Load Analysis
Control Data groups
only the desired part of
the results for review. Figure 4.26 Moving Load Analysis Control Dialog Box
The grouping reduces
the computation time
and the results file for
large structures.

Tutorial 4

Perform Structural Analysis

Perform the structural analysis of the structure attributed with boundary
conditions and load cases.

Click Analysis.

Verify and Interpret Analysis Results

Load Combinations

We will now examine the Linear Load Combination method of the 3 load cases
(dead load, sidewalk load and moving load) for which structural analyses have
been completed.

In this example, specify only one load combination, as noted below, and check
its results. The load combination case has been arbitrarily chosen and as such, it
may be irrelevant for any practical design application.

Load Combination 1 (LCB1): 1.0 (dead load + sidewalk load + moving


Figure 4.27 Load Combinations Dialog Box

Verify and Interpret Analysis Results

Use Results>Combinations in the Main Menu to open the Load Combinations

dialog box (Fig.4.27) and enter the following load combination:

1. Select Results>Combinations in the Main Menu.

2. Enter LCB1 in the Name field.
3. Confirm Add in the Type selection field.
4. Click the LoadCase selection field and use to select Dead Load
(ST) in the field.
5. Click the second selection field and use to select Sidewalk Load
(ST) in the field.
6. Click the third selection field and use to select MVL (MV) in the
7. Confirm 1.0 in the Factor field.
8. Click .

Verify Deformed Shape

Use the following procedure to check the deformed shape (Fig.4.28):

1. Click Deformed Shape in the Result toolbar (Fig.4.28X).

2. Select CBmin: LCB1 in the Load Cases/Combinations selection field.
3. Select DXYZ in the Components selection field.
4. Check ( ) Undeformed and Legend in the Type of Display
selection field.
5. Click the button to the right of Deform in the Type of Display
selection field.
6. Select Real Deform in the Deformation Type selection field.
7. Confirm the check ( ) in Apply upon OK.
8. Click .
9. Click Hidden (Toggle on).

Tutorial 4

Figure 4.28 Deformed Shape

Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

The method for reviewing the shear force and bending moment diagrams are
quite similar. Therefore, the method of checking the bending moment diagram is
reviewed in this case. This is not intended to capture the bending moments of the
entire structure. The purpose is to display only the results related to a specific
part of the structure. For instance, the following illustrates the procedure to

Quite often, analysis extract the bending moment diagram occurring in the X-Z plane (Fig.4.29).
results for the structural
behavior of specific
parts are required in
practice. Use Select 1. Click Select Plane.
Plane to extract
separately the results at 2. Select XZ Plane in the Plane tab.
the desired planar 3. Click a point which defines the desired X-Z plane (the color of the
selected plane changes).
4. Click .
5. Click Active.
6. Click Front View.

Verify and Interpret Analysis Results

7. Select Beam Diagrams in the Forces tab (Fig.4.29 X)..

MVmin: The minimum 8. Select Mvall: MVL in the Load Cases/Combinations selection field.
member force resulting
from the vehicle load 9. Select My in the Components selection field.
applied to the structure.
10. Select 5 Points and Line Fill in the Display Options selection field.
MVmax: The maximum
member force resulting 11. Enter 2.0 in the Scale field.
from the vehicle load
applied to the structure. 12. Check ( ) Legend in the Type of Display selection field.
13. Click .

Figure 4.29 My diagrams (XZ Plane) for the Beam

Refer to On-line
Manual for details in View Influence Lines Results
influence lines.

First of all, examine the influence lines for a support reaction. Fig.4.29 shows
the results for support B1 (node 1).

1. Click Hidden (Toggle off).

2. Click Active All.

Tutorial 4

After reviewing the 3. Click Reactions in the Influence Lines/Surface toolbar (Fig.4.30X).
animation, click Close
to restore the original 4. Select Lane 1 in the Line/Surface Lanes field.
screen (Fig.4.31Y). 5. Confirm 1 in the Key Node field.
6. Confirm 1.0 in the Scale Factor field.
7. Confirm FZ in the Components field.
8. Confirm Legend in the Type of Display field.
9. Click .
10. Click Front View.

Figure 4.30 Reaction Influence Line

Use animation to investigate the results of the support reaction influence line

1. Click Iso View.

2. Select Legend and Animate in the Type of Display field.
3. Click .
4. Click Record (Fig.4.31X).

Verify and Interpret Analysis Results

Figure 4.31 Animation of Support Reaction Influence Line

Tutorial 4

Fig.4.32 shows the deflection influence line.

1. Click Front View.

2. Click Displacements in the Influence Lines/Surfaces toolbar
3. Confirm Lane 1 in the Line/Surface Lanes selection field.

Mouse Editor may be 4. Enter 15 in the Key Node field.
used for the Key Node
field to select the nodes 5. Enter 2.0 in the Scale Factor field.
6. Select DZ in the Components selection field.
7. Confirm Legend in the Type of Display selection field.
8. Click .

Figure 4.32 Deflection Influence Line

Verify and Interpret Analysis Results

Fig.4.33 shows the moment influence line.

1. Click Beam Forces/Moments in the Influence Lines/Surfaces toolbar

2. Confirm Lane 1 in the Line/Surface Lanes selection field.
3. Enter 23 in the Key Element field.
4. Enter 2.0 in the Scale Factor field.
5. Confirm i in the Parts selection field.
6. Select My in the Components selection field.
7. Confirm Legend in the Type of Display selection field.
8. Click .

Figure 4.33 Moment Influence Line

Tutorial 4

Use Moving Load Tracer to check the reactions on the structure resulting from

Moving Load Tracer the traffic motion (Fig.4.34).
can be applied to the
results obtained from
the structural analysis
related to Moving 1. Select Iso View.
Vehicle Load. It
displays the results like 2. Click Select Plane.
the influence line
(surface) by tracking
3. Select XY Plane in the Plane tab and enter node 1.
the loading state of the 4. Click .
5. Click Active.
6. Select Results>Moving Load Tracer>Reactions in the Main Menu.
7. Select MVmax: MVL in the Moving Load Cases selection field.
8. Enter 1 in the Key Node field.
9. Confirm 1.0 in the Scale Factor field.
10. Confirm FZ in the Components field selection.
11. Confirm Contour, Legend and Applied Loads in the Type of
Display selection field.
12. Click .

Figure 4.34 Checking the Loading points of a Vehicle Loads using Moving
Load Tracer
Verify and Interpret Analysis Results

Using Moving Load Tracer, we can now check the moving load location, which

Moving Load Tracer causes the movement at the i-end of element 28.
traces the loading
condition, which
produces specific
results due to a vehicle 1. Click Active All, Iso View.
moving load. The
traced moving load 2. Select Results>Moving Load Tracer>Beam Forces/Moments in the
condition is expressed Main Menu.
in terms of an influence
line or surface. 3. Select MVmax: MVL in the Moving Load Cases selection field.
4. Enter 28 in the Key Element field.
5. Confirm 1.0 in the Scale Factor field.
6. Confirm i in the Parts selection field.
7. Select My in the Components selection field.
8. Confirm Contour, Legend and Applied Loads in the Type of
Display selection field.
9. Click .

Figure 4.35 Checking the Loading points of a Vehicle Loads using Moving
Load Tracer

Tutorial 4

Having found the moving load location by Moving Load Tracer, we now
examine the method of converting the live load to a static load. If we click the
button of the Moving Load Tracer Function, the
converted static load is saved in an MCT file. When we execute the MCT file by
MCT Command Shell in the model file already prepared, the static load will be
entered in the model. MCT Command Shell is separately explained.


Figure 4.36 Live load automatically converted into static load


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