Mannlicher Us1008162
Mannlicher Us1008162
Mannlicher Us1008162
1,008,162. Patented Nov 7, 1911.
To all whom it may concern: ner for drum magazines. It is further pro
Be it known that I, KARI, KRNKA, engi posed to arrange the whole magazine cen
neer, a subject of the Emperor of Austria trally in such a way as to remain unnotice 60
Hungary, residing at Hirtenberg, in the able from the exterior, without making this
Province of Lower Austria, Empire of Aus part of the stock any wider than is usual.
tria-Hungary, have invented certain new By avoiding the cutting through of the
and useful Improvements in Drum-Maga stock, the latter can besides be left stronger,
whereby warping is effectually prevented.
zines for Firearms; and I do hereby declare This magazine does not require a special 65
the following to be a full, clear, and exact
10 description of the invention, such as will method of taking to pieces, either by draw
enable others skilled in the art to which it ing or lifting out for example as it does not
appertains to make and use the same. demand more frequent examination than for
In drum magazines, as is evident from instance a trigger plate. The whole drum
the nature of the case, the feeding of the structure consists only of three parts made 70
15 cartridges into the receiver of the breech sufficiently strong, the drum, the cartridge
casing usually takes place somewhat from feeder and the feeder spring.
one side, so that the uppermost cartridge, Figure 1 shows a partial section and side
ready for conveying into the receiver, does elevation of the rifle in the condition pre 75
not lie immediately below the produced cen vious to the charging of the magazine. Fig.
20 ter line of the barrel, and must therefore be 2, is a transverse, section of the preceding
advanced in an oblique direction. In the view, along the line III of Fig. 1, with
case of ordinary magazine rifles this is no the magazine empty. Fig. 3 the same sec
disadvantage, in automatic firearms how tion when the magazine is full. Fig. 4
ever, where the operation of loading is ef shows a section along the line IIIIV of 80
25 fected very rapidly, this circumstance can Fig. 1, looking to the right, and illustrates
give rise to trouble. the assembling of the magazine. Fig. 5 a
The delivery opening of the drum maga transverse section through the breech cas
zine into the receiver was hitherto arranged ing, with the magazine drum removed.
somewhat on one side for the purpose of Figs. 6 and 7 show the two faces of the 85
30 allowing the magazine to be charged from drum. Figs. 8, 9 and 10 show a side view
packets by means of a cartridge frame in and the two end faces of the cartridge feeder.
serted vertically into the weapon, as in the Fig. 11 shows the method of inclining the
case of pressure directed against the longi uppermost cartridge during its introduction
tudinal axis of the cartridge feeder the into the barrel, and Fig. 12 is a detail view 90
35 latter would not be able to rotate and a showing the ejector.
tangential motion from the side of the col . . It may be clearly seen from Fig. 3 that
umn of cartridges is therefore needed. The the uppermost cartridge lies exactly in the
drum magazine under consideration how center under the axis of the barrel and is
ever, effects an exactly central supply of located in its position by a peculiarly con 95
40 cartridges, although retaining the method structed rigid side rest 19, corresponding
of charging described above. At the same to the shape of the cartridge along its whole
time it renders possible, which is most im length. In Fig. 4 can also be seen the
portant, such a local disposal of the car stepped part of this side rest 19, rendered
tridges, that their bullet ends can rest di necessary by the taper and the neck of the 100
45 rectly behind the barrel without requiring cartridge case. A vertical upward move
an intermediate inclined surface between ment of the uppermost cartridge is prevent
the barrel and the receiver. The locking ed by the cartridge holder p, shown in ele
grooves in the casing for the locking lugs, vation in Fig. 1, and in section in Figs. 2 105
are not placed as is customary between the and 3. Fig. 3 shows that the cartridges are
50 magazine and the barrel, but in the side pushed forward into the slot 20 by a rotary
walls of the breech, wherefore new condi movement of the cartridge feeder t in the
tions are given to this drum magazine to drum s, and rise until the uppermost car
comply with modern requirements. For ex tridge engages the above mentioned side 110
ample the inclined position of the upper rest 19. This accurately formed rigid side
55 most cartridge necessary for its introduction rest 19, is obtained by boring a hole 9 (Fig.
into the receiver, is attained in a novel man 5) beginning at the rear face of the receiver
2: 1,008,162
AE, passing through the whole receiver under the bearing for the spring, so that the car
neath the middle bore and continuing in a tridge feeder consists of a single rigid part.
tapered form corresponding to the shape The feeder spring w has its two ends bent,
of the cartridge. The necessary communi one of which is inserted in the small drilled
cation between this hole 9 and the drum s hole 31 in the feeder, and the other in the 70
is established by means of the slot 20, slot 32 of the drum (Figs. 1, 7 and 10).
stepped and tapered in a similar manner These two ends of the spring no, lie radially
(Figs. 2, 3 and 5). As the internal diame opposite each other in its free untwisted po
ter of this slot 20 corresponds exactly to the sition, in Fig. 1 this in not shown to be the
10 shape of the cartridge, the uppermost car case, as the spring there possesses its initial 75
tridge will also attain the necessary inclined twist of 180. The feeder spring w, is first
position for its introduction into the barrel placed on its bearing in the cartridge feeder
although the bullet end is not guided at all; in such a way that one end of the spring
the cartridge must however be lifted sharply rests in the drilled hole 31. The cartridge
15 and rapidly as the bullet end lies close below feeder together with its spring is then in 80
the barrel. Fig. 11 shows, by means of a serted into the drum with the long rib 26
side view and two sections VVI and pointing downward, whereby the bent front
VIIVIII, the produced inclined position end of the spring w, falls by itself into the
of the axis of the cartridge. The dotted small slot 32. By means of the long rib 26,
20 double line 1919 in the direction of the the cartridge feeder which is already placed 85
cartridge represents the rigid side rest de in its bearings is then turned outward
scribed above, which is also shown in the through 180 in the direction of coiling the
Sections VVI and VIIVIII. As the spring (i. e. from below to the right). The
slot is wider at the first mentioned section drum is then slipped into the receiver k (as
25 than at the second by means of the short shown in Fig. 4) the long rib being tilted 90
advancing movement 21, the axis of the car still farther in the direction of coiling, this
tridge will be lifted through the height 23 being repeated in the case of the following
at VIIVIII which, transferred to the side short rib 33, in order that the latter can pass
view at the same point, gives the bullet end the first impeding wall of the receiver. As
30 a lift of height 23, whereby the cartridge soon as this has been carried out and in con 95
can easily reach the receiver. At the com sequence of the twisting of the spring, the
mencement of the above advancing move drum will slide by itself into its final posi
ment the rear end of the cartridge is kept tion (Fig. 2) since the spring will tend to
low by means of the cartridge holder p untwist further. In order to take them
35 (Fig. 1). apart, the drum need simply be pushed 108
It will be seen from Figs. 1, 2 and 3 that out to the right while overcoming the force
the drum s as well as the cartridge feder is of the spring. -
entirely inclosed in the stock. The drum s The shoulders 34 and 35 (Figs. 1 and 2)
is made to slide drawer-wise in the receiver serve to guide the cartridges from the U
40 } by means of the two flanges 24 (Figs. 1, 6 shaped drum s, to the slot 20 whose left 105
and 7) on the drum and the two grooves 25 hand lateral surface is tangential to the in
(Figs. 4 and 5) in the receiver k which en ternal periphery of the drum. The latter is
gage in each other. These flanges and in the form of a semicircle with the excep
grooves are stopped short in such a way tion of the above shoulders 34 and 35.
45 that the drum can be pushed into its cor It is of particular value in the case of 110
rect position on the receiver k from right automatic firearms that the weapon after
to left but cannot be pushed through. In discharging the last cartridge, should auto
this position it is held fast by the feeder matically set itself ready for charging, for
spring w, which tends to push the drum s which purpose the feeder ordinarily moves
50 through to the left. This spring w re
ceives its required tension in sliding the into the path of the breech bolt. In the case 115
drum into position as will be hereinafter under consideration, the long rib 26 (Fig. 1)
can not perform this duty, because neither
The cartridge feeder # (Fig. 8) has a the path of the head a of the breech closing
55 long projecting rib 26 in addition to several
piece, nor that of the breech bolt b or its
short ribs for feeding the cartridges. The
locking lugs (Figs. 1 and 5) can touch the 120
pivots 27 and 28 turned on the cartridge magazine chamber since the special connect
ing passage 20 is located between the drum
feeder, serving as its axis rest in the slotted and the receiver. The long rib 26 can never
bearings 29 and 30 on the drum s (Figs. 6 reach up high enough, as its height is deter
60 and 7) and are retained therein by the re
mined by the internal radius of the drum. 125
ceiver as may be seen from Fig. 1, so that For this reason a rod h (Fig. 12) is used in
they can rotate only. In milling the bear the case of this drum magazine, and can be
ing surface for the feeder Spring w the pivot Seen in Figs. 1 and 5. This rod also serves
28 is formed at the same time, or else such
65 a pivot 28 can be permanently attached to
as a cartridge ejector for the breech bolt b,
but in the case under notice it is constructed 130
in such a way, as shown by Fig. 1, that it locking the breech block against forward
strikes the long rib 26 when the magazine is motion when the magazine is empty, Sub
empty. It is dragged to and fro by the stantially as described.
breech bolt which engages with the tooth 10 5. In magazine firearms, the combination
on the said rod (Fig. 12) and is shaped to with a receiver provided with an inclined 70
correspond to the bored hole 9 (Fig. 5) in feed slot cut away on one face to provide an
order that it cannot drop into the slot 20 inclined rest for the entire length of the
(Figs. 2, 3 and 11). For drum magazines cartridge, of a drum magazine slidably con
this rod h therefore represents a new means nected to said receiver by a transverse move
10 for a known end, serving not only the ordi ment, a rotary cartridge feeder mounted in 75
nary function of an ejector but also as a stop said drum and provided with a plurality
for the breech bolt. of teeth and an elongated rib projecting
I claim as my invention : radially from one of said teeth, a coil spring
1. In magazine firearms, the combination connected at one end to said drum magazine
15 with a receiver provided with an inclined and at the other end to said rotary car 80
feed slot cut away on one face to provide an tridge feeder, whereby the cartridges are fed
inclined rest for the entire length of the seria?im to said feed slot, and an ejector pro
cartridge, of a drum magazine connected to vided with a lug adapted to engage the
said receiver, a rotary cartridge feeder breech bolt, and the front end of said ejector
20 mounted in said drum, and automatic means engaging said elongated rib when the lat 85
for rotating said cartridge feeder, whereby ter is rotated to the raised position, thereby
the cartridges are fed seriatim to feed said locking the breech block against forward
slot, substantially as described. motion when the magazine is empty, Sub
2. In magazine firearms, the combination stantially as described.
25 with a receiver provided with an inclined 6. In magazine firearms, the combination 90
feed slot cut away on one face to provide an with a receiver, of a drum magazine slidably
inclined rest for the entire length of the connected to said receiver by a movement
cartridge, of a drum magazine transversely at a right angle thereto, a rotary cartridge
slidably connected to said receiver, a rotary feeder mounted in said drum and recessed
30 cartridge feeder mounted in said drum, and to receive and protect the feed spring, and 95
a coil spring connected at one end to said a coil feed spring mounted in said recess
drum magazine and at the other end to said and connected at one end to said drum
rotary cartridge feeder, whereby the car magazine and at the other end to said ro
tridges are fed seriatim to said feed slot, tary cartridge feeder, substantially as de
substantially as described. scribed. 100
3. In magazine firearms, the combination 7. In magazine firearms, the combination
with a receiver provided with an inclined with a receiver provided with an inclined
feed slot cut away on one face to provide an feed slot cut away on one face to provide an
inclined rest for the entire length of the car inclined rest for the entire length of the
40 tridges, of a drum magazine slidably con cartridge, of a drum magazine slidably con
nected to said receiver by a movement at a nected to said receiver by a movement at a
right angle thereto, a rotary cartridge feeder right angle thereto, a rotary cartridge feeder
mounted in said drum and provided with a mounted in said drum and recessed to re
plurality of teeth and an elongated rib pro ceive and protect the feed spring, and a coil
45 jecting radially from one of said teeth, and feed spring mounted in said recess and con 110
automatic means for rotating said cartridge nected at one end to said drum magazine
feeder, whereby the cartridges are fed seria and at the other end to said rotary car
tim to said feed slot, substantially as de tridge feeder, whereby the cartridges are fed
scribed. seriatim to said feed slot, and the magazine
4. In magazine firearms, the combination is automatically held in place, substantially 115
with a receiver provided with an inclined as described.
feed slot cut away on one face to provide an 8. In magazine firearms, the combination
inclined rest for the entire length of the with a receiver, of a drum magazine slid
cartridges, of a drum magazine connected to ably connected to said receiver by a trans
55 said receiver, a rotary cartridge feeder verse movement, a rotary cartridge feeder 120
mounted in said drum and provided with a mounted in said drum and recessed to re
plurality of teeth and an elongated rib pro ceive and protect the feed spring, and a coil
jecting radially from one of said teeth, auto feed spring mounted in said recess and con
matic means for rotating said cartridge nected at one end to said drum magazine
60 feeder, whereby the cartridges are fed seri and at the other end to said rotary car 125
atim to said feed slot, and an ejector pro tridge feeder, whereby the cartridges are
vided with a lug adapted to engage the fed seria??m, to said feed slot, and the maga
breech bolt, and the front end of said ejector zine is automatically held in place, substan
engaging said elongated rib when the lat tially as described.
65 ter is rotated to the raised position, thereby 9. In magazine firearms, the combination 130
with a receiver provided with an inclined drum magazine and at the other end to said
feed slot 20 cut away on one face as at 19 rotary cartridge feeder, substantially as de
to provide an inclined rest for the entire scribed.
length of the cartridge, of a drum maga In testimony whereof, I affix my signature
zine slidably connected to said receiver by in presence of two witnesses.
a lateral movement, the drum being pro EARL IQRNECA.
vided with circular shoulders 34 and 35 for,
guiding the cartridge laterally, a rotary Witnesses:
cartridge feeder mounted in said drum, and JULIUS J. FEIFFER,
10 a coil spring connected at one end to said |ROBERT W. HEINGARTNER.
Copies of this patent may be obtained for five cents each, by addressing the Commissioner of Patents,
Washington, D. C. -