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Fitipaldi Us1099245

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1,099,245. Patented June 9, 1914

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S4a 4-4- Z&N 24- 9 RAFAEL fitti PALDI
1,099,245. Patented June 9, 1914.

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Fi 9.8 6 Fig. 9 37 Iveyro.
RAFAEL fitt PAldi
2. f 3% 3va.94.6
specification of Letters Patent. Patented June 9, 1914.
1,099,245. Application filed January 10, 1912. Serial No. 670,427.
To all whom it may concern: ing the operation. When this backward
novement is taking place, the joint between
Be it known that I, RAFAEL FITTIPALDI, the closing or obturating cylinder and the 80
a subject of the King of Italy, and resident breech, remains entirely closed and only
of No. 832 Carlos Pellegrini street, Buenos opens when the obturating cylinder returns
Aires, Argentina, have invented certain new to receive a reverse rotary motion which
and useful Improvements in Automatic Re liberates the same from the breech and as
peating Firearms, of which the following this reverse motion only takes place when 65
This invention relates to automatic re there is no longer any pressure of gases in
is a specification. . .
peating improvements
fire arms and one of its objects is the barrel all of the pressure will have
10 certain been
whereby the escape jectile. used for the discharge of the pro
of the gases through the breech is prevented The invention will more readily be un
absolutely and great efficiency in the work derstood by referring to the following de 70
- ing of the arm is obtained. Besides this, tailed description, reference being made to
5 the present invention provides an easily the accompanying drawings.
handled weapon of reduced weight, small In said drawings, the invention has been
dimensions and great precision and speed in represented as being applied to a rapid fire
firing. 75
The simplicity of the mechanism and con gun. - Figure 1 shows a longitudinal vertical
20 struction of the device, permit the same to
be applied to any fire arm, whatever be its section of similar
the armtojustFig.after firing. Fig. 2
caliber or dimensions. isbeing
a view 1, the mechanism
Generally speaking, the invention is char Fig. 3inis its position of complete recoil.
another view similar to Fig. 1 80
acterized by the fact that the movement of but with the mechanism completely cocked.
25 the mechanism for bringing about the firing Fig. 4. is a side elevation of the arm. Fig.
causes, first of all, the obturation or closure 5 is a central longitudinal sectional view,
of the breech of the arm, and only after the parts being disposed as shown in Fig.1.
this can the explosion of the cartridge take Fig.6 shows details of the striker and ob-, 85
place, the breech remaining closed until the turating cylinder. Figs. 7 and 8 show de
30 compressed gases have been entirely evacu tails of the feeding mechanism of the rapid
ated through the barrel of the gun, so that fire gun, and Fig. 9 represents details of
complete advantage may be taken of the the
force developed by the explosion of the S.firing, Fig.reacting
10 is aandfragmental
mecha 90
gases. The performance of this character partly in section, the forward section being
35 istic which constitutes the principle of this taken behind the central longitudinal plane
invention is obtained by effecting the obtu of the fire-arm, while the rear section is
ration of the breech by means of a cylindri taken in front of said plane.
cal piece and arranging the striker or firing Similar reference numerals indicate like 95
pin within this cylindrical piece in such a parts throughout the several views of the
40 way that after the firing and just before drawings.
firing again, the striker when advancing,
shall push before it the said piece until the andThea rapid fire gun consists of a fixed
same comes into contact with, the breech, prising the guidepart,
the fixed part com 00
4, and the movable
after which, owing to stops provided on part comprising the reciprocating casing 5,
45 the striker and which move in curved the obturating cylinder 34 and the striker 13.
grooves formed on the cylindrical piece,
the striker compels said piece to effect a the1 rear
designates the firing device, applied to
part of the gun, being supported 105
rotary motion which causes the same to be by a bracket-piece
locked in the breech, and only after this and the rear wall of2. theBetweencasing
the piece 2
4, is inter
SO locking action takes place will the striker posed a spiral spring adapted to hold the
continue its forward movement in order to firing device 1 normally projected out
strike the cap of the cartridge. wardly. -
The explosion causes a backward move 3 (Fig. 4) designates the reaction spring O
ment of the movable part of the mechanism which compels the movable part to return
55 and this recoil brings the arm back to its to its forward position after the cessation
original position for automatically repeat

*" = -si- - - - . .. H
of the pressure of the gases which caused turating cylinder, on the other hand, are
the recoil. This spring is supported by the arranged
stud 35. horizontally and remain in hori
zontal position until they have moved for
12 designates the reacting lever ful wardly beyond the shoulders 40 (Figs. 2
S crumed on the pin 27 and which carries at and 3) when the cylinder, receiving a ro
its upper part, pivoted thereto by means of tary motion caused by the stops 22 and slots 70
a stud38, a stop 10 which aids in the firing 21, causes the said projections to place then
later re-cocking
and on. of the arm, as will be seen selves in vertical position before said shoul
O 11 designates a spring which keeps said ders 40, thus positively locking the obturat
stopFig.10 1.normally in the position indicated ing cylinder. From the above description, 75
at the general working of the arm will readily
be understood.
7 designates the closing and striking The modus operandi is as follows: Sup
lever, engaging the pin 36 which serves as pose the mechanism to be in the position
fulcrum to the same. This lever has an shown at Fig. 1; when now the closing and
arm 17, connected to the spring 19 by means striking lever 7 is engaged by the end of the
of the small link 18. The upper part of piece which projects from the casing of the.
this lever projects upward through the re mechanism 5, and said lever is pushed back
ciprocating casing 5 (see Fig. 5). ward to the end of the opening or passage
The loading mechanism consists of a provided at the upper part of the casing of 3.5
drum 8, mounted on the axle 8. The the mechanism, that is to say, until the
drum is provided with teeth on its front shoulder 14 of the rear part of the striker
end and to the rear of it there is a toothed 13 has got beyond the stop 10, as clearly
disk.8°. This mechanism is disposed below shown in Fig. 3.
5 the breech of the arm and there is provided When carrying out this movement, the 90
a stop 29, pivoted at 29 at the rear of the closing and percussion lever 7 turns on the
drum and another stop 31, is pivoted at pin 36, arranged at the lower part and
31 at the front of the drum. The purpose
30 of these stops is to cause the drum to rotate draws with it the striker 13 by means of
the pin 16; as the striker 13 recedes, with
in the manner hereinafter set forth.
9 designates a lever, fulcrumed at 9 and grooves its two stops 22 lodged in the guiding 8
connected to the drum by means of the 21 of the obturating cylinder 34,
piece 28. The object of this lever 9 is to itof will impart, owing to the curved shape
the said guide grooves 21 (Fig. 6) the
raise the drum to present a projectile to necessary rotary motion to the obturating
5 the breech after each discharge, and to cylinder 34 in order that the two projec 300
lower the drum to provide passage for the
movable mechanism. This movement of tions 33 may take a horizontal position and
the lever 9 is brought about by means of a the get out of contact with the shoulders 40 of
stop 25, fixed to the brackets of the gun and casing of the mechanism." After rota
40 which move with said brackets and causes tion of the obturating cylinder 34 and the
the lever to rise when occupying the posi shoulders projections 33 being disengaged from the (5
a tion 40 of the casing of the mechanism
in theofposition
Fig. 1,ofandFig.to2.descend when being 5, said projections 33 will coincide in their
The movable casing 5 of the arm is pro horizontal position with the guide ways 41
5 vided at its upper part with the grooves 41. slide of the casing of the mechanism and will
In said upper part of a slightly oval shape, inder along the same as the obturating cyl O
34 is being carried along by the stops
is arranged the closing or obturating cyl 22 of the
inder 34, and in the interior of the cylinder backward striker in its
13, this latter being pushed
turn by the closing and
50 is the striker 13 provided with the firing
pin 13. The striker is provided with stops ing cylinder 34 andFig.
striking lever 7, 3. As the obturat
the striker 13 withdraw 15
22 which by passing through the slots 21, in
placed in said closing cylinder, guide the a backward direction, the shoulder 14 of
same in forward or backward direction." the striker passes over and is caught by the
spring pressed stop 10, which holds the
55 Said grooves are curved so that when the striker and the obturating cylinder in their
obturating cylinder comes into contact with cocked position, as shown at Fig. 3. When 120
the breech and its forward motion is inter
cepted, the striker which is being driven lever rotating backward, the closing and striking
by the lever 7, and against
which cannot rotate,will
on 7 cocks the spring 19. After effecting
60 exerting pressure said slots, the above described movement, the mecha
cause the closing cylinder to rotate and lock mism will be in position to be loaded and
fired, as shown in Fig. 3.,
itself within the breech, as will now be ex
plained. Within the breech (near refer A cartridge is now inserted into the 125
ence numeral 5, Figs. 2 and 3) are two breech 24, by introducing the same through
65 shoulders 40, arranged vertically one above the upper part of the casing of the mecha
the other. The projections 33 of the ob nism 5, Fig. 3, after which the firing des,
vice 1 is pressed upon, which depresses the SO
stop 10 which then moves out of engage the point
ment with the shoulder 14 which retains its
6 (Fig. 4) which by means of
passes through the groove
the striker. The striker, on being released of the projection 35 of the obturating cyl
from the catch 10 moves forward, being ing of ejects
pushed by the lever 7 actuated by the spring
inder the empty shell. from. . the. . cas
the device. 70
19. The striker 13, with its stops 22 en When returning forward, the stop 25
gaged in thecylinder
21, propels the strikes the lever 9 of the loading drum 8
obturating moves for and causes said lever to oscillate on its axle,
ward without turning owing to the projec and raises the loading drum 8 (Fig. 3).
10 tions 33, being engaged in the grooves 41 Therefore, after the gun has been fired and 75
in which they slide. As the obturating cyl the recoil has taken place, the mechanism
inder is stopped at the end of its forward automatically cocks itself, with the breech
motion on account of its contact with the open, ready for receiving a fresh cartridge
rear of the barrel 23, the striker 13 and (see Fig. 3). The foregoing explains the
5 the stops 22 continue their forward motion operation of the gun, when use as single 80
and owing to the curved shape of the open loader. . " .
For automatic firing, the gun is operated
ings 21, said stops will cause the obturating inbeing
theinfollowing manner: The mechanism
cylinder to rotate until its two projections the position shown at Fig. 3, the
32 are placed in vertical relation (see Fig. end of the cartridge band is inserted through 85
1). The breech or seat of the cartridge. 24 the left part of the casing of the mechanism
will then be completely obturated and the and is passed through the opening between
breech locked by the projections 33 having the loading drum 8 and the obturating cyl
engaged against the shoulders 40 of the inder 34. - - -1
casing of the device. The striker 13, after When owing to the backward movement 90
25 having turned the obturating cylinder 34
and locked the breech, continues its advance of the stop 25 the drum 8 descends, one of
until its firing pin 13 strikes, the cap and its teeth engages with the stop 29, to the
causes the discharge of the gun. The back left of the axle and causes the drum to ro
pressure of the gases brings about the recoil tate a short distance, while when rising, 95
S0. nf the entire movable part, which then takes the other stop 31, situated to the right en
the position shown at Fig. 2, compressing gages the teeth of the drum and causes it
and cocking the reaction spring 3 (Fig. 4). to rotate through the distance still wanting,
As the movable casing 5 together with the so that the loading drum 8 will present to
barrel, obturating cylinder and striker re the front of the closing cylinder 34 each 00
35 coils the shoulder 15 of the striker engages succeeding cartridge of the band for the suc
and moves lhorizontally the striking and cessive discharges. -
On depressing the firing button 1 for
closing lever 7. At the same time the stop firing, the obturating cylinder 34 moves for
25 engages the lever 9. At the commence
ment of its backward motion, said stop 25 ward edge
and pushes the cartridge from the 05
of the band to the interior of the
40 causes the lever 9 to turn on its pivot, thus
raising its rear part and lowering the front breech, the mechanism then performing the
part which latter carries along and lowers obturation, in firing, recoil and all the other
the loading drum 8, in order to give pas ismovements used as
the same way when the gun.
automatic repeater as when used 110
Sage to the casing of the mechanism. After single loader, as above
45 firing and recoil being completed, the bar as described. When
rel with the casing of the mechanism re the firing button 1 is being depressed con
turns to its forward position, Fig. 3, under tinuously,
succeed the
the discharges will automatically
other as long as there are car
the influence of the spring 3, Fig. 4, which tridges remaining in the cartridge band. In 5
was cocked by the action of recoil. order to stop firing, the firing button 1 is
50 As the casing of the mechanism after the
recoil, returns to its forward position, the with the projection 14the
released thus causing stop 10 to engage
lever part of the reacting lever 12 ad in rearmost position. and hold the striker
vances-owing to the arrangement of its pin description it will be seenFrom the foregoing
27 fixed to the brackets of the fixed guide the firing button loading,that by depressing 20
obturating, lock
55 casing 4, and to its two sliding studs 37
(Fig. 3) disposed in the openings of the cessively ing and firing will be automatically and suc
casing of the mechanism, while at the same recoil during performed, being followed by the
time its upper part recedes; thus carrying completely which the breech will be kept
backward the obturating cylinder and the gases of the obturated, powder to
thus obliging the 25
impel the bullet and
60 striker by means of the stop 10 engaging the to escape entirely by way of the barrel.
shoulder 14 (Fig. 3).
When withdrawing from the breech, the When there are no gases in the interior
obturating cylinder 34 with its extractor of the barrel and recoil having been com
pleted, the reacting spring through its ten lso
carries along with it the spent cartridge u sion causes the barrel and the casing of the
to the end of its action: where is arrange
4. 1099,345
mechanism to return to its forward position, fixed casing; a barrel fixed to the movable
during which movement the breech is casing and provided with shoulders; an
opened, the empty shell extracted and eject obturating cylinder slidable in the movable
ed, and loading, obturating, locking and fir casing and provided with spiral slots and.
ing are again automatically performed, as with projections adapted to engage said
long as the cartridge band contains car shoulders; a striker slidable longitudinally 70
pressed. and the firing button is held de
tridges in said cylinder and provided with stops in
said slots; a striking lever adapted to move
When applying the mechanism to rapid said striker forwardly or rearwardly; means
10 fire guns for ordnance use, it will be neces for pressing the striking lever forwardly; a 75
sary to provide the same with the usual reacting lever pivoted near its middle part
fittings of this kind of arm, such as the to the fixed casing and having its lower
refrigerator for the gun barrel, the con part positively engaged by the lower part
necting device for mounting the gun on a of the movable casing; a pivoted stop on the
15 tripod, gun-carriage or limber, sight de upper end of the reacting lever and adapted 80.
vice, etc., all of which have not been de to engage the rear end of the striker; means
scribed in this specification, being well for at will disengaging the pivoted stop;
known to any person familiar with the art. and means for feeding cartridges to the
The fitting and minor details of the mech barrel.
20 anism may of course be varied in accordance
4. In an automatic repeating fire arm, the
with the system of rapid fire arm to which
this invention is to be applied, but all such combination of a fixed casing; a movable 85
modifications do not in any way affect the casing slidable in the fixed casing; a react
ing spring pressing said movable casing for
nature of the invention, the essential fea
25 tures of which are pointed out in the claims.
wardly; a barrel fixed to the movable casing
What I claim is: . and having opposite shoulders in its breech; 90
1. In an automatic repeating fire arm, the an obturating cylinder slidable in the upper
combination of a fixed casing; a movable part of the movable casing and provided
casing having a vertical slot in its lower with spiral slots and with opposite projec
30 part; an obturating cylinder, a striker in tions engagingand
said cylinder saidprovided
a striker in
stops in
the obturating cylinder; a striking lever said slots, and at the rear with a stop and a
adapted to move the striker forwardly or shoulder; a striking lever pivoted to the
rearwardly; means for yieldably pressing fixed casing, and yieldably pressed on the
the striking lever forwardly; a reacting rear end of the striker between said end and
35 lever pivoted near its middle part to the said stop of the rear end; a reacting lever
fixed casing and having a stud at its lower
end engaging in said slot of the movable pivoted at an intermediate point to the fixed 00
casing; a pivoted stop on the upper end of casing, and positively engaged by, said mov
the reacting lever and adapted to engage able casing at its lower part; a pivoted stop
40 and move rearwardly the rear end of the at the upper end of the reacting lever and
striker; and a yieldable plunger for at will adapted to engage said shoulder of the 105
disengaging said pivoted stop. striker; means for at will disengaging said
pivoted stop; and means for feeding car
2. In an automatic repeating fire arm, the tridges into the breech of the barrel.
combination of a fixed casing; a movable
45 casing yieldably pressed forwardly in the
5. In combination with an automatic re
fixed casing; a barrel secured to the mov peating fire arm, a projectile feeding mecha
nism substantially comprising an axle; a O
able casing; an obturating cylinder slidable toothed drum and a toothed disk mounted
in the movable casing and adapted to be en on the axle; a lever for raising and lowering
gaged with the barrel as the cylinder is ro
50 tated; a striker in the obturating cylinder the drum; and two pivoted stops adapted
and adapted to rotate the cylinder when the to be engaged by the drum for causing the 15
strike is pressed forwardly; a striking lever rotation of said drum; each stop imparting
to the same one half of the movement re
adapted to move the strike forwardly or quired for the presentation of each car
rearwardly; yieldable means for pressing tridge to the breech, the one acting when
55 the striker forwardly; a reacting lever asso the drum descends, and the latter when the 20
ciated with said casings and adapted to have drum rises, substantially as described and
its upper end moved rearwardly when the for the purposes set forth.
movable casing moves forwardly; a pivoted 6. In an automatic repeating fire arm, the
stop on said tipper end adapted to engage
60 the striker; means for disengaging the combination of a fixed casing; a movable
pivoted stop; and means for feeding car casing slidable therein and yieldably pressed 5
tridges to the barrel. - forwardly; a barrel secured to the movable;
casing; an obturating cylinder; means as
3. In an automatic repeating fire arm, the sociated with the movable casing for moving
combination of a fixed casing; a movable the obturating cylinder to and away from
65 casing yieldably pressed forwardly in the the breech of the barrel; a vertically mov SO
1,099,245 s
able axle; a toothed drum and a toothed and disk on the upward and downward
disk on said axle; a two-armed lever pivoted movement thereof respectively.
Signed at Buenos Aires, Argentina, this
to the fixed casing and connected to the axle; 27th
a stop carried by the movable casing and t day of November A. D. 1911.
engaging the two-armed lever for raising Witnesses: RAFAEL FTTIPALDI.
and lowering said axle, drum and disk; and J. A. DE MARVA,
a pair of means adapted to be engaged by J. H. ATNSWORTH.
said drum and disk, for moving the drum

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