Fatima 2
Fatima 2
Fatima 2
Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths during this
teaching practicum and identify areas in which you feel further development is
Current lesson was connected to previous Transition when transitioning from one activity
lesson through questioning. to another, dont simply say that we will do an
Lesson Planning lesson plan was activity. The purpose of the activities must be
detailed and the learners need were stated. The teachers intent or the activitys
taken into consideration through purpose might be to see how well they are able to
differentiation. Appropriate video on the classify the characteristics of each of the season
seasons were used. The students sang and the teacher might proceed to finish explaining
along and they appear to have enjoyed it. the activity. In addition, students must be given
enough time to complete their activity. Their work
Managing Learning appropriate must be valued. You can show how valuable their
questions were used to check students works are by having them displaying area, by
understanding on the characteristics of having them presenting it or by sending it home for
the seasons. Lesson was well structured their parents view. As mentioned above, dont call
and positive reinforcement was used to the classwork activity. Students may be told that
motivate students as well as getting them they are going to create a season booklet to take
to remain focus. home to their parents to teach them about the four
Students worked kinetically on creating a seasons.
mini booklet on the four seasons.
Monitoring and Assessment
students progress were monitored
throughout the lesson.
Behavior Management you were
able to maintain students interest
throughout the lesson. Positive
reinforcement was used. You were firm
and in full control of the class.
General Comments:
You are very creative with your planning. Students enjoy the lesson and they appear to have
understood the characteristics of the seasons. At the end of the class, they lost
focus and its because they were tired. You want to consider a short break of two to three minutes
during the period. During that time, you allow them to move around the class or do some quick