Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan
Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan
Springfield College - Daily Lesson Plan
(P) Demonstrate the handshake and backhand grip on the tennis racquet during review at the beginning of the lesson while observed
by teacher and peers. (S1.H1.L1)
(C) Verbalize five rules of singles tennis as a class at the beginning of the lesson as observed by the teacher (S2.H1.L1)
(A) Maintain sportsmanship and honest play throughout the entire lesson as observed by peers and the teacher. (S4.H1.L1)
- At high competition, tennis balls and racquets are moving at high velocity. Students and teacher need to be aware of their
surroundings at all times
- Teacher needs to be aware of travel time in and out of the building for students to have time to change before the period ends
Massachusetts Comprehensive Health Curriculum Framework, (October, 1999). Massachusetts Department of Education.
SHAPE America, 2014, National Standards and Grade Level Outcomes. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics).
E Introduction: N
- The teacher will meet the students in the
5 gymnasium and take attendance. T
min - The teacher will remind the students that
they will be starting competitive tennis today SSSSS
Student Expectations: the students are expected to
come to class changed with close toed shoes, and
arrive on time,