Coaching Fidelity Checklist Kent State University Early Intervention Program
Coaching Fidelity Checklist Kent State University Early Intervention Program
Coaching Fidelity Checklist Kent State University Early Intervention Program
Note that the behaviors below do not have to be demonstrated in order or equally
within each session.
8.2 Provide feedback that is concise? N I Was able to provide mom detailed
information as to what she was
doing well
(after coaching session)
9.1 Was there an evidence-based practice (EBP) Y The strategies I provided mom
discussed with and demonstrated with the where evidence based. And I
learner using an individualized, learner-centered showed her my research by
and contextualized approach? Behaviors to providing her own binder of what I
consider: had gathered.
- 9.11 coach asked what learner already
knows or is already doing in relation to
- 9.12 coach built on or expanded upon
learners knowledge and skills in relation
to EBP
- 9.13 coach demonstrated fidelity of
implementation of EBP
9.2 Was there evidence of transfer of learning Y I encouraged mom to use the
from the coach to the learner? Behaviors to strategies I provided her during a
consider: play and mealtime routine
- 9.21 coach invited the learner to
demonstrate what he or she is currently I was able to tell mom that she was
doing in relation to EBP doing well implementing the
- 9.22 coach invited the learner to try a
new skill that expands upon the learners
current knowledge/skills
- 9.23 coach provided repeated
opportunities for learner to practice the
new skill with support
- 9.24 coach provided performance-specific
feedback to learner in real-time
- 9.25 coach invited the learner to
demonstrate independent implementation
of EBP or relevant components of EBP
within the setting in which the skill/s were
- 9.26 coach invited the learner to
demonstrate independent implementation
of EBP or relevant components of EBP
beyond the setting in which the skill/s
were taught (i.e., generalization across
activities, routines, people, settings,
materials, prompts)
15.1 Was there evidence of transfer of learning from Y Mom is currently using time
the coach to the learner? Behaviors to consider: delay since she started
- 15.11 learner demonstrated what he or she is using environmental
currently doing in relation to EBP arrangement. She just
- 15.12 learner tried a new skill that expands didnt know it was called
upon his or her current knowledge/skills
that. She was ready and
- 15.13 learner was provided repeated
opportunities to practice the new skill with willing to implement time
support from coach delay throughout daily
- 15.14 learner received performance-specific routines.
feedback from coach in real-time and provided
feedback to coach
- 15.15 learner demonstrated independent
implementation of EBP or relevant
components of EBP within the setting in which
the skill/s were taught
- 15.16 learner demonstrated independent
implementation of EBP or relevant
components of EBP beyond the setting in
which the skill/s were taught (i.e.,
generalization across activities, routines,
people, settings, materials, prompts)
Other comments:
I noticed that I was chewing gum, I will not do that in the future. I was also a little
nervous, yet I was able to make conversation with mom about how Environmental
Arrangement went and the two signs I gave her. Mom stated that R was uninterested in
the signs and mom was getting discouraged cause she wasnt seeing any response to
them. Mom also had stated that she may have been using the signs too much and she
was able to adjust throughout the week to make then more natural in their routines.
Mom stated that Environmental Arrangement was going well and she was able to
implement the strategy throughout daily routines.
ut the
I liked that mom was able to use the strategies throughout daily routines and that she
was trying to make them as natural as possible. Mom also cleaned up extra toys and
would place favorable toys out of reach to encourage communication.
Mom was able to see how she was already using time delay and she also During
provided some examples of how she is already using it how she will use it coachi
in the future ng
What would you ADD? sessio
Next time I will add more examples of how mom can incorporate the signs and
strategies into her daily routines without making it overwhelming for R. I will also
provide examples of how R is already communicating to mom, sometimes in ways that
she doesnt notice. Such as reaching could mean he wants more, rather than him using
the sign.
I will allow mom to observe and try out the strategies within the coaching system as
I guide her so that when she does get to the intervention session she feels
comfortable and confident in implementing the new strategies.
Next session I will ask mom how she thinks the strategies went and when she used
it. Then I will introduce the new strategy for the session and ask mom if she has
heard of it or ever used it before. Then Ill show mom a worksheet about responsive
interaction and provide examples to her and allow her to try out the strategies
before the intervention session. Lastly, Ill ask mom when she plans to implement it
during her daily routines, and then introduce her to what will come the next week.