Manual On Sewerage and Sewage Treatment: Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Manual On Sewerage and Sewage Treatment: Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Manual On Sewerage and Sewage Treatment: Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Final Draft i
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft ii
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft iv
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft v
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft vi
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft ix
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft x
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft xi
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Final Draft xv
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
Table 2.1 Preliminary inspection during Defect Liability Period (DLP) ............................... 2-3
Table 2.2 Preliminary inspection for Manholes & Sewers..................................................... 2-3
Table 2.3 Preliminary inspection period for other facilities ................................................... 2-4
Table 2.4 Classification of inspection .................................................................................... 2-4
Table 2.5 Sewer system inspection technologies considered applicable to Indian conditions2-5
Table 2.6 Gas analysis.......................................................................................................... 2-20
Table 2.7 Testing criteria for overall sewer span.................................................................. 2-21
Table 2.8 Testing criteria for each pipe of sewer.................................................................. 2-22
Table 2.9 Testing criteria for sewer ...................................................................................... 2-24
Table 2.10 Inspection sheet .................................................................................................. 2-24
Table 2.11 Daily report......................................................................................................... 2-26
Table 2.12 Monthly report.................................................................................................... 2-27
Table 2.13 Definition of terms ............................................................................................. 2-35
Table 2.14 Inspection and examination items for manhole.................................................. 2-42
Table 2.15 Inspection record ................................................................................................ 2-43
Table 2.16 Typical inspection items for inverted siphon...................................................... 2-44
Table 2.17 Cleaning method................................................................................................. 2-45
Table 2.18 Pressurised sewer and vacuum sewer................................................................. 2-46
Table 3.1 Tasks to be addressed in day-to-day regular maintenance.................................... 3-19
Table 3.2 Annual inspection report for pumping station...................................................... 3-29
Table 3.3 Recommended maintenance for pumping equipment .......................................... 3-30
Table 4.1 Relations between Sludge Volume Index and settling characteristics of sludge .... 4-8
Table 4.2 Dosing in Jar Test ................................................................................................. 4-30
Table 4.3 Planned maintenance for fixed film synthetic media filters ................................. 4-34
Table 4.4 Typical membrane system pre-filtration requirements ......................................... 4-53
Table 4.5 Chemical cleaning agents ..................................................................................... 4-54
Table 4.6 Routine operational checklist and troubleshooting guide for chlorination system4-59
Table 4.7 An example of a preventive maintenance program for activated-sludge facilities
checklist................................................................................................................. 4-60
Table 5.1 Gas-flow indication and metering ........................................................................ 5-12
Table 5.2 Gas system safety and control devices ................................................................. 5-12
Table 5.3 Typical Operation Sheet of Sludge Drying Beds.................................................. 5-33
Table 6.1 Type of losses and shares for induction motors.................................................... 6-16
Table 6.2 Criteria for class of machine................................................................................. 6-18
Table 6.3 Vibration severity chart for machine vibration limits........................................... 6-18
Figure 1.1 Combined tasks and challenges with the O&M.................................................... 1-5
Figure 2.1 Mirror Test and Mirror with rode.......................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2.2 Typical CCTV equipment in action ...................................................................... 2-6
Figure 2.3 Tree roots and sewers............................................................................................ 2-6
Figure 2.4 Photographs showing structural damage and longitudinal cracked condition of the
sewer ....................................................................................................................... 2-7
Figure 2.5 Manhole visual inspection procedure ................................................................... 2-8
Figure 2.6 Pole-mounted inspectioncamera ........................................................................... 2-9
Figure 2.7 Illustration of pole-mounted TV camera inspection ............................................. 2-9
Figure 2.8 Step van CCTV system....................................................................................... 2-10
Figure 2.9 Illustration of CCTV camera inspection ............................................................. 2-10
Figure 2.10 Work procedure for TV camera inspection ........................................................2-11
Figure 2.11 CCTV data No1 .................................................................................................2-11
Figure 2.12 CCTV data No2 ................................................................................................ 2-12
Figure 2.13 Forms of inspection record ............................................................................... 2-13
Figure 2.14 Materials for smoke test.................................................................................... 2-14
Figure 2.15 Illustrative sketches of smoke test .................................................................... 2-14
Figure 2.16 Work procedure of smoke test .......................................................................... 2-15
Figure 2.17 Illustration of echo sound test ........................................................................... 2-15
Figure 2.18 Work procedure of echo sound test................................................................... 2-16
Figure 2.19 Drawing of dye test........................................................................................... 2-17
Figure 2.20 Pumping test ..................................................................................................... 2-17
Figure 2.21 Work procedure of pumping test....................................................................... 2-18
Figure 2.22 Neutralization test ............................................................................................. 2-19
Figure 2.23 Fatal accident related to gas in Japan sewer works........................................... 2-20
Figure 2.24 Illustration of Testing criteria for sewer............................................................ 2-23
Figure 2.25 Power bucket machine setup............................................................................. 2-29
Figure 2.26 Power rodding operation................................................................................... 2-30
Figure 2.27 Rodding heads................................................................................................... 2-30
Figure 2.28 Typical setup for hydraulic cleaning using sewer ball ...................................... 2-31
Figure 2.29 Balling equipment............................................................................................. 2-32
Figure 2.30 Scooter operation .............................................................................................. 2-32
Figure 2.31 Sewer cleaning records ..................................................................................... 2-34
Figure 2.32 Pipe bursting process ........................................................................................ 2-36
Figure 2.33 Spiral wound slip lining process ....................................................................... 2-37
Final Draft xx
Part B: Operation and Maintenance
In engineering parlance, operation refers to daily operation of the components of a sewerage
system such as collection system, pumping stations, pumping mains, STPs, machinery and
equipment, etc., in an effective manner by various technical personnel, and is a routine function.
5 The term maintenance is defined as the art of keeping the structures, plants, machinery and
equipment and other facilities in optimum working order. Maintenance includes preventive
maintenance or corrective maintenance, mechanical adjustments, repairs, corrective action and
planned maintenance. However, replacements, correction of defects etc., are considered as
actions excluded from preventive maintenance. For replacements with regard to sewerage and
10 sewage treatment, the broad categories of infrastructure which need to be addressed are as
Pumping Stations
Pumping Mains
15 STPs
Water as used is mainly from local groundwater also with high TDS, sulphates etc
Wash basins, kitchen sinks etc do not have blenders below the sink
Cattle are also housed inside the cities and their dung washed into sewers
The cattle shed washing occurs during noon times after the peak flow has passed
These cattle shed washed dung settles in sewers and builds up to choke
30 The budgets of most ULBs are inadequate for purchasing sewer cleaning machines
Though sewer divers are banned, still manual labour is used to rod and clean the
Pumping stations are not connected by website to know of flooding in the station
Except a few metro cities, all records continue to be in hard copies only
75 The O&M Manual is required to encompass various issues pertaining to an effective O&M such
as technical, managerial, administrative, personnel, financial & social aspects etc.
The O&M Manual is a long felt need of the sector. At present, there is no Technical Manual on
this subject to benefit the field personnel and to help the O&M authorities to prepare their own
specific manuals suitable for their organizations. Therefore, CPHEEO made plans to publish the
80 O&M Manual for Indian Sewerage System with JICA support.
1.2.4 Budget
Appropriate budgetary provisions for operation and maintenance of sewerage system needs to
be provided so that O&M is carried out without any constraints such as human
resources,finance,it is dealt with in part C.
have been saved by preventive maintenance finally ends up breakdown repairs. This situation
120 needs its importance.
Increasing Performance
Higher Legal
Higher Legal
180 Source: Asset Management for Infrastructures in Fast Developing Countries by Ype C Wijnia
requirements like staff, salaries, etc. If all these act at the same time, the system has to collapse
185 and if one of them increases the pressure, the ability of the other three to be resilient is needed to
remain stable. If this resilience is not there, the shape of the rectangle will be altered and the
system may be responding without any control. Thus the work of O&M involves the
engineering, financing and administrative interface with the public.
if they feel services are better on the one side and the ULBs who cannot bring up improvements
unless the population contributes increased revenue upfront. The staff problems are the lack of
230 promotional avenues for decades on end and also absence of at least the time based scale of pay
resulting in inordinate stagnations in posts and staleness especially the field staff like operators,
technicians, drivers and other such posts where practically they enter and retire in the same post.
The management problems are frequent transfers from one headquarters to another resulting in
disturbances to family establishment, education of wards and care of elderly at home and lack of
235 incentives for exceptional performers. These are very easy to attribute but are very difficult to
change given the service conditions, rules, regulations etc. Yet another situation which prevails
in a democratic governance is to appraise the political governance on the nuances of engineering
projects while seeking funds and establishment by putting forth the engineering components and
needs to explain them convincingly by the chief executive of the water and sewerage authority
240 depending on how equipped they are to comprehend the enveloping issues. There seems to be a
need to position the officers of these organizations who would possess a basic qualification in
related engineering whatever be their other attainments in management so that they can
effectively conceive and communicate both ways between the political governance who are to
deploy the necessary resources and the staff of these organizations who are to implement and
245 carry out the O&M-an aspect in which a country policy seems to be not in place. In addition
please also refer to Appendix 1.3 which is an extract from the Evaluation of O & M of STPs in
India - CUPS/68/2007.
1.9 Summary
This Manual has been prepared with the aim of offering guidelines to workers/operators of
sewerage systems on site for operation and work performed by them, and to field engineers for
295 passing on instructions and judgements to the workers and operators. In practice, a sewerage
collection system or an STP each requires its own proprietary O&M manual suitable for the
work done, the local conditions and the scale of its own facility. It is anticipated that these
facilities will refer to the contents of the present manual and prepare make effective use of its
own proprietary manual.
Part A on Engineering addresses the core technologies and updated approaches towards the
incremental sanitation from onsite to decentralized or conventional collection, conveyance,
315 treatment and reuse of the misplaced resource of sewage and is simplified to the level of the
practicing engineer for his day to day guidance in the field in understanding the situation and
coming out with his choice of approaches to remedy the situation. In addition it also includes
recent advances in sewage treatment, sludge and septage management to abate pollution of
environment. By no means, this is a text book nor it should be. It is a simple to understand
320 guideline for the field engineer.
Part B on Operation and Maintenance addresses the issues of standardizing the human
resources and financial resources that are needed to sustain a system created at huge costs
without it slipping into an edifice for want of codified requirements of these so that it becomes
possible to address these in the estimate stage itself and seek a comprehensive approval of fund
325 allocations and human resources besides ushering in the era of public private partnership to
make the projects self-sustaining. It is a simple to understand guidance for the resource seeker
and resource allocating authorities.
Part C on Management is a refreshing approach to modern methods of project delivery and
project validation and gives a continual model for the administration to foresee the deficits in
330 allocations and usher in newer mechanisms. It is a tool for justifying the chosen project delivery
mechanism and optimizing the investments on need based allocations instead of allocations in
budget that remain unutilized and get surrendered in end of fiscal year with no use to anyone. It
is straight forward and modern approach.
It is very important to mention here in the beginning of this Part B of the Manual that Trade
335 names and technology nomenclatures, etc., are cited only for familiarity of explanations and not
a standalone endorsement of these.
take care of men, material, equipment and machinery required for efficient maintenance.
All efforts should be made to see that there is no failure in the internal drainage system of
premises; a serious health hazard results when sewage backs up through the plumbing fixtures
380 or into the basements. The householder is confronted with the unpleasant task of cleaning the
premises after the sewer line has been cleaned. Extensive property damage may also occur,
particularly where expensive appliances are located in the basements.
Maintenance helps to protect the capital investment and ensures an effective and economical
expenditure in operating and maintaining the sewerage facilities. It also helps to build up and
385 maintain cordial relations with the public, whose understanding and support are essential for the
success of the facility.
2.2 Inspection and Examination for Sewer
2.2.1 Importance of Inspections and Examinations
Sewer collection systems are intended to be a reliable method of conveying sewage from
390 individual dischargers to sewerage treatment plants. Inspection and examination are the
techniques used to gather information to develop operation and maintenance programs to ensure
that new and existing collection systems serve their intended purposes on a continuing basis.
Inspection and testing are necessary to do the following:
Identify existing or potential problem areas in the collection system,
395 Evaluate the seriousness of detected problems,
Locate the position of problems, and
Provide clear, concise, and meaningful reports to supervisors regarding problems.
Two major purposes of inspection and examination are to prevent leaks from developing in the
sewers and to identify existing leaks so they can be corrected.
400 A designers mistake and the failure in construction are directly responsible for many of the
sewer failures. Due to age, deterioration of the material of the sewer by attack of hydrogen
sulphide or other chemicals, settlement of foundations and leaking joints may result in the
structural failure of the sewer. It takes a very long time from the onset of the first initial defect to
the collapse of the sewer. A crack or a leaking joint will allow subsoil water and soil to enter the
405 sewer causing cavities around it leading to slow settlement of foundation and the eventual
collapse of the sewer. Very often soil with water is carried away below the bedding along the
length of the sewer. The type of break often gives a clue to the cause. A shear failure due to
faulty foundation or movement of earth, is a clean vertical break in the pipe or barrel. Excessive
loading, either internally or externally, causes horizontal breaks. Breaks caused by internal
410 pressure gives cracks in the sewer while external overload causes the top of the pipe to crush-
Regular inspection of the sewer can pinpoint the sewer that needs to be attended to before there
is a complete failure or collapse.
For preventing the above serious instances of damages to the sewer system, the maintenance
engineer should establish adequate inspection and examination program.
415 2.2.2 Guidelines for Inspections and Examinations
Documents and data that can give information on the status of sewer facilities are necessary for
operation and maintenance of the facilities. However, enormous time and costs are necessary for
examining and inspecting the overall information on sewer facilities that extend over a wide
area. It is recommended that a preliminary inspection be implemented to acquire with
420 comparative ease documents and data that can be used to decide the facilities to be
examined/inspected and their priority, and then decide the facilities to be finally examined and
Initial/first inspection During the first 3 months of start of DLP (to expose any hidden
construction defects)
Final inspection During the last 3 months of DLP
Additional inspections, At a frequency of every 2 years after first inspection during DLP
if DLP is > 4 years
Table 2.2 Preliminary inspection for Manholes & Sewers
Manhole Sewer
Roads & Traffic Conditions
Roads subjected to heavy & mixed traffic Once a year Once in 2 years
Roads 2m - 5m wide (6-15 feet) subject to mixed traffic Once in 2 years Once in 2 years
Roads and lanes less than 2m wide Once in 3 years Once in 3 years
Demarcated & kerbed /raised footpaths (likely along main
Once in 2 years Once in 3 years
Internal condition
Pipe material
Pipe support
Force main
Pipe wall
Acoustic monitoring
PCCP 450
Sonar/ ultrasonic Any 50
Electrical leak location Non-ferrous 75
Pipe diameter mm
Internal condition
Pipe material
Pipe support
Force main
Pipe wall
Ground penetrating
Any Not yet defined
Infrared thermograph Any Not yet defined
Impact echo/SASW >1800
Source: EPA/600/R-09/049 | May 2009
Even though there are so many technologies available as above, the technology to be chosen
will depend on the affordability by the user departments. A simpler and applicable technology
compilation is as shown in Table 2.5.
470 Table 2.5 Sewer system inspection technologies considered applicable to Indian conditions
No. Technology
Sewer Size Sewer Material Sewer Condition
1 Light and Mirror Up to 300 mm Any Empty
reflection. By knowing the material of construction of the sewer pipe walls, this can be
485 programmed to verify the structural condition of the wall of the sewers.
Indirect inspection is carried out by sending a camera through the sewer for taking photographs
or a closed circuit television equipment (CCTV) to send pictures which can be seen on a TV
Screen or recorded as video. The CCTV inspection can be used for sewer lines as small as 100
mm. Above 900 mm diameter there are limitations due to lighting problems and camera line
490 angles.
Continual advances are being made in the range of TV cameras and also in quality. The type of
camera selected should be robust for use in sewers and be able to give good quality pictures.
Traction of the cameras is by pulling winches, by pushing or self traction. The former two are
not used much at present. However, self traction is suitable for use in sewers above 225 mm
495 diameter. Other constraints in the use of self traction are the weight of the trolley and electricity
requirements. Heavy silting of sewers precludes the use of self traction. The cameras are
attached to trolleys or mounted on pair of skids or single flat tray. Inspection of the sewer by
CCTV is limited to the top portion only. The objects under scrutiny are parallel to the camera
and viewing is at 40 to 50 degrees. With radial scanning head, inspection normal to the sewer
500 wall is possible.
A typical arrangement is as shown in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2.4 Photographs showing structural damage and longitudinal cracked condition of the
Similarly, the structural condition of old sewers like brick arch sewers and concrete pipes can be
515 ascertained by sonar surveys which can provide the frontal image of the wall on a 360-degree
vertical spiral around the horizontal axis. These images can be analyzed carefully. The system
can also provide information on the deflection and sidewall breakages of the sewer as in Figure
2.4. (The sidewall condition shown as photographs, the structural damage to the crown of the
sewer and longitudinal cracked condition of the sewer from the survey)
520 2.2.5 Sewer Inspection and Examination
If an abnormality is detected during preliminary inspection or through notification from outside,
the maintenance engineer should judge the urgency and the content of the abnormality, and then
make a proper inspection and study. Visual Examination
525 Visual examination is an inspection through images or by sight to detect an abnormality.
Visual examination includes direct visual inspection, and indirect visual inspection using
pole-mounted inspection camera, and closed-circuit TV equipment (CCTV). Manhole Visual Inspection
The visual inspection of manhole is performed by visually checking the manhole cover and its
530 environment, and observing the internal parts of the manhole. To inspect the internal parts of the
manhole, the inspector should enter the manhole and check the items listed below. However,
refer to the sub-section for details of the inspection items.
Status of internal surface of manhole
Status of sewer on the upstream and downstream sides viewed from the manhole
535 Status of groundwater infiltration
To inspect the internal parts of the sewer from the manhole, either a mirror or a strong light
should be used for observation, or a TV camera meant for inspecting conduits should be used.
Features of manhole visual inspection
Inspection accuracy is high because the inspector actually observes and
540 measures the abnormality personally.
Economical compared to inspection using a TV camera.
The inspected results become very useful O&M data.
Procedure for manhole visual inspection is shown in Figure 2.5.
Work completion
545 Figure 2.5 Manhole visual inspection procedure
Before entering any manhole, adequate safety measures should be taken in accordance with
subsection Inspection Using a Pole-mounted TV Camera
As shown in Figure 2.6, a pole-mounted TV camera consists of an extendable operating rod at
550 the front of which a camera and light are fitted. This arrangement is inserted in the manhole
from the ground, and the inspector on the ground observes a monitor and inspects the internal
parts of the pipe through the camera. This check may also be used for pre-inspections. The
method of inspection is shown in Figure 2.7.
The features of direct visual inspection are compared with those of inspection by TV camera
555 and shown below.
The inspection is easy and observations can be made in a short period.
Moreover, the data of inspection can be recorded as images.
Since the inspector works above ground, there is no chance of oxygen
560 deficiency or accidents by fall, and the work is safe.
The scope of inspection is limited to the area around the mouth of the pipe.
Offset in the horizontal direction or fine cracks cannot be detected.
The condition of the side surfaces in the sewer pipe cannot be grasped (sides
565 cannot be viewed).
Source:JASCOMA, 2007
Preparatory process
Cleaning process
Report preparation
Work completion
595 Figure 2.10 Work procedure for TV camera inspection
b. CCTV Camera Inspection Record
Abnormalities detected in the pipeline during the CCTV camera inspection should be
recorded on video tape or as photographs, according to the judgement criteria. Figure 2.10
and Figure 2.11 show examples of the record.
600 The inspected results should be recorded in the inspection record. Examples of forms of the
inspection record are shown in Figure 2.13.
Source: EPA, 2003
Source: EPA, 2003
Preparatory process
Have a meeting
Inspect the site
Prepare for starting
Main work
Start blowing
Smoke test
Detect smoke rising points
Locate miss-connected pipes
Take photos
Record the sewer line of problem
Stop blowing
Work completion
Ventilate by a blower
Notify completion to residences
Clean up the site.
Go to next section
Making a report
Compile data collected in the test
Summarize records in charts
Make a photo album
Renew charts and records in ledger, etc.
Work completion
760 sand and silt may accumulate around the sewer and form voids.
Dangerous gas detection examination: Confirming gases generated in the piping
Water quality and gases encountered in a piping facility are closely related. Table 2.6 shows the
gas analysis items in a piping facility.
765 Table 2.6 Gas analysis
Analysis items Unit
Carbon monoxide CO (%)
Carbon dioxide CO2 (%)
Hydrogen sulphide H2S (ppm)
Ammonia NH3 (ppm)
Oxygen O2 (%)
Methane CH4 (ppm)
Nitrogen oxide NOX (ppm)
Source: JASCOMA, 2007
Related to O&M of sewerage system, serious accidents due to gases generated from sewerage
system are illustrated in Figure 2.23. (Accidents during O&M of Japanese sewerage system: For
ten years from 2002 to 2012.)The causes of the gas-related accidents were hydrogen sulphide,
770 carbon monoxide, and oxygen deficiency.
There is no data on accidental death in India and at least there should be such monitoring in
775 Figure 2.23 Fatal accident related to gas in Japan sewer works Precautions
Cleaning equipment and machinery for sewers are shown in following sections:
When entering manholes, safety measures during the work should to such as giving
consideration to traffic safety, oxygen deficiency, poisoning due to toxic gas such as hydrogen
780 sulphide, and so on
For securing workers safety, manual sewer/septic tank cleaning should be avoided because
persons are likely to come in contact directly with sludge and sewage.
Therefore, cleaning machinery and equipment which avoid manpower cleaning are needed.
Furthermore, necessary safety measures before entering manholes for cleaning should be taken.
785 Machinery and equipment for sewer pipes are explained in the next section, and explanations
Also, the testing of each pipe is divided into the three categories (a, b, and c).
Table 2.8 Testing criteria for each pipe of sewer
a b c
Reinforced missing/holed pipe Axial crack of 2 mm Axial crack of less
concrete pipes, width or more than 2 mm width
etc Axial crack of 5 mm
3)Ruptured width or more
pipe Partially missed
/holed pipe Axial crack shorter
Stoneware than 1/2 of the pipe -
pipes Axial crack of 1/2 of
the pipe length and length
Reinforced Circumferential crack Circumferential Circumferential
concrete pipes, of 5 mm width or crack of 2 mm width crack of less than 2
etc more or more mm width
pipe Circumferential crack Circumferential
Stoneware of 2/3 of the pipe crack shorter than -
pipes circumference and 2/3 of the pipe
longer circumference
Reinforced 70 Reinforced <70
concrete mm concrete mm
5)Gap at coupling pipes Joint displacement pipes, etc pipes, etc
Stoneware 50 Stoneware <50
pipes mm pipes mm
6) Infiltration Splashing in Flowing in Soaking
825 Source: JASCOMA, 2007
A +(a+b+5c) A + (2a+2b+3c)
B + (a+b+5c) B + (a+3b+3c)
C + (2b+5c) B + (3b+4c)
Example of Emargency Level -III (In Table 2.9)
Furthermore, emergency level III indicates response adopted by operation and maintenance, and
implementation of simple response partially.
Table 2.9 Testing criteria for sewer
Category Testing criteria Criteria for measures
850 b. Log
Log should be used to record daily work results, which can be used in the operation and
maintenance of piping facilities. Format is shown in Table 2.11.
c. Monthly Reports
Daily record should be summarised in monthly reports. Format of monthly report is shown
855 in Table 2.12.
Receipt No. Location: address Work description Inspector Tool/Material Remarks
to 2
complaint /
Crew A person
Crew B person
System No:
Removed sand volume m3
Cleaned distance m
Direct crew
Entrusted crew
Removed sand
Cleaned distance
Cover replaced
Ring repaired
Barrel repaired
winch is then thrown out of gear and the opposing winch is put into action. When the reverse
pull is starts, the bucket automatically closes and the dirt is deposited in a truck or a trailer. This
operation is repeated until the sewer is cleared. Various bucket sizes are available for sewers of
150 mm to 900 mm in size. The machine is also used along with other scraping instruments for
910 loosening sludge banks of detritus or cutting roots and dislodging obstructions (Figure 2.25).
950 Circular scrapers are used on small sewers below 350 mm diameter for cleaning the body of the
line. They are commonly known as discs and these discs are either collapsible and made of
metal or a wooden pair separated by about 200 mm by steel rods. Hydraulically Propelled Devices
The hydraulically propelled devices take advantage of the force of impounded water to
955 effectively clear sewers. Efficiency depends on the hydraulic principle that an increase in
velocity in a moving stream is accompanied by a greatly increased ability to move entrained
material. The transporting capacity of water varies as the sixth power of its velocity.
a. Flush Bags
A very effective tool for cleaning portions of sewers where rods cannot be used is the sewer
960 flusher or flush bag. The flusher is a canvas bag or rubber bag equipped with a fire hose
coupler at one end and a reducer at the other end. The flusher is connected to the fire hose
and placed in the downstream end from the point where a choke is located. The bag is
allowed to fill up until it expands and seals the sewer. The upstream pressure built up due to
this damming effect breaks loose the obstructions.
965 b. Sewer Balls
These are simple elastic pneumatic type rubber balls which can be blown up to varying
degrees of inflation. They are manufactured in sizes from 150 mm to 750 mm diameter
when fully inflated. When used in cleaning a sewer, the bail is first inflated and then
wrapped in a canvas cloth, the edges of which are sewed together. A trial line, little longer
970 than the distance between the manholes, is attached securely to the covering. The size of
the ball and the covering shall be such as to fit fairly snugly into the sewer. Immediately
after the ball is thrust into the sewer, sewage commences to back up in the manhole and
continues to rise until such time as its pressure is great enough to force sewage under the
ball and move it downstream through the pipe. Acting as a compressible floating plug, it
975 affords enough obstruction, so that a continuous high velocity jet spurts under and to some
extern around the ball, thereby sluicing all the movable material ahead to the next manhole.
If the ball encounters an obstruction which is immovable, the ball merely indents to the
necessary degree and moves forward. The only fixed obstruction which will stop the
forward progress of the ball is a root mass or some similar obstruction tightly wedged into
980 the pipe. Bricks, stones, bottles, loose metal parts, broken pieces of pipes, sand, gravel and
settled sludge are easily moved ahead. If the ball stops momentarily, a pull on the trial line
is usually sufficient to set it in motion again. If the pipe is very dirty, the trial line can be
tied to a step in the upper manhole and the ball's progress can be retarded to the required
degree as the lower manhole is reached, thus giving time for complete removal of
985 accumulated silt and debris which has piled up ahead of the ball. Equipment arrangement is
shown in Figure 2.28 and Figure 2.29.
Figure 2.28 Typical setup for hydraulic cleaning using sewer ball
auxiliary water used should be noted. If particular problems were encountered, these too should
be noted, especially the exact location of obstructions. A record form sample is shown in Figure
During the routine cleaning operations discussed in this chapter, many manholes should be
1070 opened and used for high-velocity cleaning or flushing of sewer. Manhole Inspection form
detailing its location, condition, and any problems observed should be completed. If this is done
each time a manhole is opened during cleaning operations, over time the database for these
structures will include up-to-date information on a high percentage of them and allow better
decisions to be made in regard to routine maintenance, repair, or rehabilitation.
1075 If pieces of broken sewer are removed, a TV inspection may be needed and repairs may need to
be made on the broken sections of pipe.
Recording traffic patterns at a site can be very helpful next time the equipment is set up at the
location. Car park (such as over manholes), traffic volume during rush hours, and whether
police traffic control should be called for help before going to the site, should be indicated.
1080 Computers are being used in many aspects of operation, maintenance, and recordkeeping of
collection system. Computer software packages are available for scheduling preventive
maintenance activities, issuing work orders for repairs, keeping track of where work is done,
who did the work, when, and the labour and materials required. With the correct software, any
information in the computers records can be recalled for future use. Computers are also used to
1085 keep spare parts inventories and to order spare parts when the supply runs low and before they
are needed for scheduled maintenance and repairs.
When marking out records, remember that you or someone else will be referring to them. The
more complete the record, the easier the next operation becomes since you have a history of this
Source: EPA, 2003
Source: JICA, 2011
Figure 2.35 Protection method for existing sewer
2.6 Protection against Infiltration and Exfiltration
Infiltration and inflow, while overlooked in many collection systems for decades, have now
gained recognition as major defects that can cause failure of a collection system. In most cases,
1250 this failure results in hydraulic overloads (too much water) of the collection system or the
sewage treatment plant.
In the case of a collection system, hydraulic overloads result in surcharged manholes,
overflowing manholes and exposure of community to diseases and pollutants carried by the
wastewater in a collection system. This type of failure is also known as a sanitary sewer
1255 overflow.
In the case of an STP, infiltration and inflow can result in plant loads exceeding the plant
capacity. Bypassing raw sewer to the environment has been the only answer in the past, but this
practice is no longer allowed.
2.6.1 Measures against Infiltration of Rainwater
1260 Inflow detection and collection depend upon the type and source of inflow causing the problem.
Inflow is water that is not polluted and should not be in a wastewater collection system. Inflow
is water that enters a sewer as a result of a deliberate illegal connection or by deliberate drainage
of flooded areas into a wastewater collection system.
In many areas the main line portion of the collection system is relatively tight. A major source of
1265 infiltration in this situation can be the house service lines. They can be tested for leaks using
smoke tests and by development of small cameras and robotic equipment.
Collection or elimination of inflow/ infiltration depends on the type and location of the source
of problem. Typical solutions to inflow/infiltration problems include:
a. Manholes
1270 Raise rim elevation by use of grade rings if not located in streets (inflow).
Install watertight covers where needed (inflow).
Install inflow protection covers (inflow).
Seal covers (inflow).
Seal or repair barrels (infiltration).
1275 b. Sewer Pipes (Infiltration)
Final Draft 2-39
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 2: SEWER SYSTEMS
Source: EPA/600/R-01/034
1355 Table 2.15 shows an example of the form for recording inspections.
Table 2.15 Inspection record
Manhole maintenance Manhole No. - -
Total no.
Fair no.
Poor no.
Water depth
Judgement criteria are used to categorize by symptom the abnormal locations detected during
inspection and examination, to assess the risk level and their effect level on others, to judge the
need for cleaning and repairs and to select repair methods, etc.
1365 2.7.3 Cleaning
Manhole cleaning should be performed by the most appropriate work method that suits the
actual conditions of the work location.
In manholes at starting point, junction manholes, and manholes at sharp curve of sewers, sand
and silt get deposited and environmental problems such as foul odours occur. For this reason,
1370 periodic cleaning is necessary. Moreover, when large debris flows in, it should be removed
immediately otherwise there is a possibility of an overflow accident, float-off and dispersion of
Manhole inspection should be generally carried out together with the cleaning of the sewer. The
work on the silt and sand in the bottom part should be pursuant to cleaning of the sewer pipe,
1375 while the dirt on the side wall should be cleaned by high-pressure jet washing vehicle.
2.7.4 Rehabilitation
Degradation of functions due to damage should be confirmed and necessary repairs and
rehabilitation of the manhole should be carried out.
Manhole repair methods may be classified into watertight construction method, lining method,
1380 partial repair method (open-cut method), and manhole cover replacement method. (Refer to Sec.
3.37 of the Design Manual)
Before repairs, the objectives of the repairs should be clarified, work conditions studied, and
items below should be paid attention to, and then repairs should be carried out.
If cover is worn out or damaged, it should be replaced immediately.
1385 If steps are corroded, and if they need to be replaced, they should be replaced with
corrosion resistant fittings.
If internal parts of manhole and sewer bottom are damaged or worn out, they should be replaced
2.8 Cross Drainage Works
1390 For sewer collection system, cross drainage work in an inverted siphon is a typical work.
Therefore, in this section, maintenance work is described hereafter.
2.8.1 Inspection and Examination
Inspection of inverted siphon should be carried out by inspection methods similar to those of the
manhole. However, inspection of inverted siphon should be carried out considering the
1395 characteristics listed below.
The inverted siphon pipe is always in full flow, and the inverted siphon chamber in
the upstream part is constructed such that suspended substances and sand/silt are
likely to accumulate and deposit easily. There are risks of corrosion or gas generation
in the facility because of the decomposition of these substances.
1400 The inverted siphon chamber is provided with a flashboard, and it should be checked
to confirm that it is usable.
Table 2.16 Typical inspection items for inverted siphon
Item Inspected Points Inspected
Flow condition Check difference in levels at upper and lower chambers of
inverted siphon.
Final Draft 2-44
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 2: SEWER SYSTEMS
If power supply is ensured, the vehicle loaded with TV camera can work even
in locations where access for humans is not possible.
1500 By connecting the monitor to the vehicle loaded with TV camera, character data
can be displayed on the monitor screen.
Preparatory process
Cleaning process
Work completion
Figure 2.43 Work procedure for examination of lateral sewer by TV camera
2.10.3 Cleaning
1510 Cleaning should conform to the cleaning procedure for sewer pipes.
2.10.4 Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation should conform to the rehabilitation procedure for sewer pipes.
Remember accidents dont happen - they are caused! Behind every accident there is a chain
of events which leads to an unsafe act unsafe condition/or a combination of both.
Accidents may be prevented by using common sense, applying a few basic safety rules and
1530 acquiring a good knowledge of the hazards unique to your job as a plant operator.
2.12 Troubleshooting
1625 Refer to appendices for troubleshooting for sewerage collection system.
2.13 Summary
The purpose of maintenance of sewerage collection system should be to minimize stoppage of
functions. The following cycle should adhere to:
O&M engineers find out problems related to their sewer system based on information obtained
1630 from inspections or examinations on the facilities. To solve the problems, they need to make a
decision on rehabilitation actions considering prioritization of each facility.
When the facilities are rehabilitated, records of inspections as well as those of rehabilitation
should be kept.
The following cycle is regarded as essential to achieve the goal of sewer system O&M:
1635 Inspection, Condition assessment, Decision making on rehabilitation actions,
Rehabilitation, and Next inspection.
Inventory database
Impact assessment
Decision-making on
rehabilitation actions
Figure 2.44 O&M cycle
1710 If pump is operated at a point away from duty point, the pump efficiency
normally reduces.
a head higher than the recommended maximum head is that the radial reaction on the pump
shaft increases causing excessive unbalanced forces on the shaft which may cause failure
of the pump shaft. As a useful guide, appropriate marking should be made on the pressure
gauge. Efficiency at a higher head is normally low so such an operation is also inefficient.
1755 b. Operation at lower head
If a pump is operated at a lower head than the recommended minimum head, the radial
reaction on the pump shaft increases causing excessive unbalanced forces on the shaft
which may cause failure of the pump shaft. As a useful guide appropriate marking should
be made on both pressure gauge and ammeter. Efficiency at a lower head is normally low,
1760 so such an operation is also inefficient.
c. Operation on higher suction lift
If a pump is operated on suction lift higher than the permissible value, pressures at the eye
of impeller and the suction side fall below vapour pressure. This results in flashing of water
into vapour. These vapour bubbles collapse during passage, resulting in cavitation in the
1765 pump, causing pitting on the suction side of impeller and casing, and excessive vibrations.
In addition to mechanical damage due to pitting, pump discharge also reduces drastically.
Typical damage to impeller and sometimes to the casing is shown in Figure 3.2.
1780 should be stopped by using anti vortex fittings as described in Part A of the manual:
Pumping-station maintenance.
A well-planned maintenance program for pumping systems can reduce or prevent unnecessary
equipment wear and downtime. (The following maintenance information applies to both sewage
and solids pumping systems.)
1785 The following is a maintenance checklist for a basic pumping-station:
Record each pumps run time hours (as indicated on the elapsed-time meters) at
least once in a day and confirm that the pumps running hours are equal.
At least once a week, manually pump down the wet well to check for and remove
debris that may clog the pumps.
Inspect the float balls and cables and remove all debris to ensure that they operate
1795 properly. Untangle twisted cables that may affect automatic operations.
If a pump is removed from service, adjust the lead pump selector switch to the
number that corresponds to the pumps remaining in operation. (This allows the lead
pump levels to govern the operating pumps starts and stops.). Piping and Appurtenance Maintenance
1800 Properly maintaining pumping-station pipelines and other appurtenances can minimize pump
loads. Excessive head losses on either the suction or discharge side of a pump can increase
energy use and the wear rate and consequently, the O&M costs. Excessive head losses also may
lead to process or treatment problems because solids move slower, so the proper solids balance
is not maintained. Operators can monitor head losses by routinely checking the pressure gauges
1805 on both sides of the pumps.
When operators notice excessive head losses (indicated by a pressure drop on the suction side of
the pump or an increase in pressure on the discharge side), they should determine whether the
losses are a result of partial clogging, a restriction somewhere in the line, or materials built up
on the pipe wall. To find clogs, operators should start by checking the pressure at various points
1810 in the suction and discharge piping, and look for spots with abrupt head loss (such as valves or
other constrictions). If something is caught in a valve or other appurtenance, the operator should
stop the pump and physically open out the valve head, remove the blockage. In smaller pumps,
it is easier to remove the entire valve, disassemble and remove blockage, reassemble and refit.
During such time, other pumps shall be run. Scum build-up problems typically are addressed via
1815 source control (for instance, by installing grease traps in the collection system at locations
suspected or known to generate grease, such as restaurants, etc.).
treatment plants.
Attention should be paid to the following points for proper operation:
a. Test for proper operation
Operate inactive sluice gates by smearing grease on stem threads.
Source: EPA, 2008
Remove foreign matter like paint, concrete, etc. in the fully open position of
e. Dos for sluice gates
Check the nuts of all construction and foundation bolts once in a year. Tighten
the bolts, if loose.
Examine the entire painted surface for any signs of damage to the protective
Final Draft 3-6
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 3: PUMPING STATION
Do not remove lock plates until the gate has been properly installed.
Do not keep the gate out of operation for more than three months.
3.3.2 Valve
On the delivery side of centrifugal pumps, a non-return valve is necessary to prevent
back-pressure from the delivery head on the pump, when the pump is shut off. To avoid
water-hammer, which is likely to be caused by the closure of the valve, the valve may be
1855 provided with an anti-slam device, which may be either a lever and dead-weight type, a
spring-loading type or the dash pot type.
Pumps may be run in parallel operation with different permutation of the standbys. Isolation
valves would be needed to isolate those pumps which are to be idle. Generally, the isolating
valves are gate valves, which should preferably be of the rising stem type, since this type offers
1860 the advantage of visual indication of the valve-position. For exterior underground locations, gate
valves are generally used. Gate Valve
A gate valve is a valve that opens by lifting a round or rectangular gate/wedge out of the path of
the fluid (Figure 3.4).The distinct feature of a gate valve is that the sealing surfaces between the
1865 gate and seats are planar. The gate faces can form a wedge shape or they can be parallel. Typical
gate valves should never be used for regulating flow, unless they are specifically designed for
that purpose.
from force main pressure when the pump is shut off and to prevent the force main from draining
1890 back into the wet well.
The most common type of check valve is the swing check valve which is shown in Figure 3.5.
This valve consists of a valve body with a clapper arm attached to a hinge that opens when the
pump starts operating and closes to seat when the pump is shut off.
automation of valves. An actuator rotates the valve spindle or lifts and drops the same.
a. Electric geared motor actuator
The actuator consists of a rotor stator unit driving an output shaft through a single stage
1955 worm reduction gear, which incorporates an automatic mechanical device for changing
manual drive to power drive. The actuator includes a travel limit switch unit and a torque
switch unit, and is of totally enclosed construction. When power fails, electric motor driven
gear actuators retain their positions. When power supply returns, pay attention how the
valves move.
1960 Electric motor driven gear actuator is shown in Figure 3.7.
Figure 3.8 Pneumatic valve
d. Hydraulic system
Actuator (hydraulic motor and hydraulic cylinder) is operated by hydraulic fluids
(hydraulic oil), which is pressurised by hydraulic pump driven by an electric motor.
1985 Smooth movement and variable speed can be achieved. Moreover, the installed relief
valve can prevent the system from breakdown. It should be noted that hydraulic oil leaks
as pressure increases. Check for oil leakage regularly. Hydraulic system should be kept
clean because it is vulnerable to dust or rust. Take precautions to avoid fires because the
hydraulic oil is combustible.
1990 In all cases, preventive maintenance by manufacturer shall be done periodically and a wall chart
exhibited on site.
3.4 Screen
Screenings in sewage from the incoming sewer at the depth below ground level need be
separated and lifted above ground level and removed there from either by mechanical or manual
1995 method.
Check whether the standing platform is at least 2 m wide with the first 1 m as
slotted. An example of a risky platform is presented in Figure 3.10, in which
there is no space for the operator to stand after he has lifted and dumped
screenings on it. Because of the lack of space, he may move backwards and fall
2020 into the sewage channel. Also, screens should be inclined to the horizontal by an
angle of 60 degrees or more, otherwise, the operator has to bend forward. The
rear side of the platform should have handrails. If handrails are not provided,
enter this point in the site book.
2025 Verify that there are no broken metal parts that protrude outside.
Verify the platform for its sturdiness by gently setting the foot on it.
Verify that the lighting is not in front or behind the operator. It should be above
Final Draft 3-13
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 3: PUMPING STATION
2030 the operator, at least 2.5 m high and mounted on the sidewall.
Verify that the operator platform and slotted platform have 3-m head room and
roof so that the operator is not drenched and he can lift the cleaning rake freely.
b. Regular maintenance on a daily basis and repairs
2035 Verify that the screen rods have not broken loose.
Verify that the cleaning rake is well washed in running water after each use.
Verify that gum boots are kept inside a locker covered with mesh.
Verify that disposable gloves are available for all 3 shifts and a stock of one
month is available.
Before daily operation, verify all the above. If these points are not met, do not
enter the screen area. Enter all missing items in the site register.
If all items are in order, do the cleaning once in four hours in each shift.
2045 Ensure that operators do not stand one behind the other. This may cause an
accident because while pulling the rake backwards, the operator in the front
may hit and push the operator in the rear into the sewage channel.
Once the screens are cleaned and screenings are deposited on the slotted
platform allow them to drip dry till the next cleaning after 4 hours.
2050 Push the screenings with the rake to the side of the platform to drop them into
the tipper positioned there.
Move the tipper to the vermin compost site, dump the contents in the pit and
cover with earth as prescribed in Sec.3.4.4 Disposal of Screenings. Mechanical Screen (Intermittent and Continuous)
2055 Mechanically cleaned racks are generally erected almost vertically. Additional provision should
be made for manual raking in case the mechanical rakes are temporarily out of order. Plants
using mechanically-cleaned screens have controls for
Overload alarm.
There are various types of mechanisms in use, the more common being travelling rakes that
2065 bring the debris up out of the channel and drop them into hoppers or other debris containers
(Figure 3.11).
Source: Tamilnadu Water Supply and Sewerage Board, 2012
Switch off electrical power before doing any work on the mechanical screen.
b. Regular maintenance on a daily basis and repairs
Before you start the days work, check for any friction between metal parts. If
2090 friction exists and the sound is disturbing, disconnect the electric supply and
divert all sewage to manual screens. Enter this action in the site register. Do not
perform repairs by yourself because it is dangerous.
Check the alignment of the tipper plates. If the screenings are slipping back and
are not going up, allow the machine to work and do not stop it. Enter the
2095 abnormality in the site register and request for visit by the manufacturers
engineer. Do not perform repairs by yourself because it is dangerous.
c. Operation
Before you start the days work, do not approach the mechanical screen unless
you are wearing, electrical gloves, safety helmet, and safety boots.
2100 Before you start the days work, switch off the mechanical screen and restart it.
Watch for any friction or sparks. If you notice sparks, disconnect the electric
supply and divert all sewage to manual screens. Enter the abnormality in the site
register. Sometimes, these sparks can be dangerous and may cause
2135 Where flap gates or turnstiles are provided, the operator should necessarily exercise these
once a day.
The operator should not enter the chambers unless the sewage entry is blocked, the chamber has
been dry for at least two hours and the operator is wearing an oxygen mask.
In the case of velocity controlled channels, the trip switch controlled travelling bridge with
2140 suspended suction hoses for each channel all connected to a vacuum pump set are standard
items. If this system fails and grit accumulates in the channel, each channel should be taken out
of sewage flow. The scour valve should be opened below the chamber and the sewage after
filtering through the in-built filter port should be allowed to drain to the site drain. Thereafter,
the chamber should be allowed to air dry for at least two hours, high pressure water jetting,
2145 draining and air drying cycle carried out at least three times. Subsequently, labourers can be
deployed to scrap the grit provided that the labourers wear goggles, gloves, safety shoes and
oxygen masks.
Proper operation of submersible pump systems requires that minimum submergence should be
2170 maintained always. This is for two primary reasons:
Make sure oil is clean and clear, light amber in colour and free from suspended
Check insulation resistance by megger at free end of cable and verify with pump
2185 manual.
Check continuity between ends of motor in the same phase and in all phases.
Check resistance across moisture sensing wires and verify with pump manual.
2190 Check for the bulbs indicating the onoff status of the pump and replace fused bulbs.
Look for warning lamps for alerting the pumped liquid entering the oil chamber.
Close the discharge valve before starting the pump. This is also taken care by check
2195 While the pump is running at full flow, check the power consumed to be within duty
If the power consumed is very high, stop the pump and inform the manufacturer.
Switch off the pump only after the discharge valve is closed.
3.6.4 Accessories
2200 Oil and Grease
Pumps, motors, and drives should be oiled and greased strictly in accordance with
the recommendations of the manufacturer. Cheap lubricants may often become the
most expensive in the end.
Oil should not be put in the housing while the pump shaft is rotating because a
2205 considerable amount of oil will be picked up and retained due to the rotary action of
the ball bearings. When the unit comes to rest, an overflow of oil will occur around
the shaft or oil will flow out of the oil cup. Bearing
Pump bearings should usually last for many years if serviced properly and used
2210 correctly.
There are several types of bearings used in pumps such as ball bearings, roller
bearings, and sleeve bearings. Each bearing has a special purpose, such as thrust load,
radial load, and speed. The type of bearing used in each pump depends on the
manufacturer's design and application.
2215 Whenever a bearing failure occurs, the bearing should be examined to determine the
cause and, if possible, to eliminate the problem. Packing Gland
Check packing gland, which is the unit's most abused and troublesome part. (Figure
Source: EPA, 2008
If the stuffing box leaks excessively when gland is pulled up with mild pressure,
remove the packing and examine the shaft sleeve carefully.
2225 Replace grooved or scored shaft sleeve because packing cannot be held in stuffing
box with roughened shaft or shaft sleeve.
Replace the packing a strip at a time, tamping each strip thoroughly and staggering
the joints. Position the lantern ring (water sealing) properly.
If grease sealing is used, completely fill the lantern ring with grease before putting
2230 remaining rings of packing in place.
The proper size of packing should be available in the plant's equipment files. Mechanical Seal
Many pumps use mechanical seals instead of packing. (Figure 3.15)
Mechanical seals serve the same purpose as packing; that is, they prevent leakage
2235 between the pump casing and shaft. The seals have two faces that mate tightly and
prevent water from passing through them.
The different materials are selected for their best application. Some of the factors for
selection of material are:
Corrosion resistance
Initially, mechanical seals are more expensive than packing when installed in a pump.
2245 This cost is recovered through maintenance savings over a period of time.
They last from three to four years without any maintenance, resulting in labour
Usually, there is no damage to the shaft sleeve at the time of their replacement.
2255 Whatever be the method used, the mechanical seal must be inspected frequently.
Grease cups must be kept full at all times and inspected to make sure they are
operating properly. When a pump is fitted with a mechanical seal, it must never run
dry or the seal faces will be burned and ruined.
Mechanical seals should not leak from the gland. If a leak develops, the seal may
2260 require resurfacing or it may have to be replaced.
Seals are quite delicate and special care must be taken when installing them.
Mechanical seals differ widely in their construction and installation, and the seal
2265 manufacturer's instructions must be followed.
Source: WEF, 2010
2355 should be followed very carefully when performing maintenance on equipment. Operators
also must recognise tasks that may be beyond their capabilities or repair facilities, and
should request assistance when needed.
b. Maintenance of Civil Structures
Building maintenance is another program that should be maintained on a regular schedule.
2360 Buildings in a treatment plant are usually built of sturdy materials to last for many years.
Buildings must be kept in good condition by repairs. For selecting paint for a treatment
plant, it is always a good idea to have a painting expert help the operator select the types of
paint needed to protect the buildings from deterioration. The expert also will have some
good ideas as to colour schemes to help blend the plant in with the surrounding area.
2365 Consideration should also be given to the quality of paint. A good quality, more expensive
material will usually give better service over a longer period of time than the economy-type
Building maintenance programs depend on the age, type, and use of a building. New
buildings require a thorough check to ensure that essential items are available and are
2370 working properly. Older buildings require careful observation and prompt attention to
detect leaks, breakdowns, and replacements beforehand. Attention must be given to the
maintenance requirements of many items in all plant buildings, such as electrical systems,
plumbing, heating, cooling, ventilating, floors, windows, roofs, and drainage around the
buildings. Regularly scheduled examinations and necessary maintenance of these items can
2375 prevent many costly and time-consuming problems in the future.
In each plant building, periodically check all stairways, ladders, catwalks, and platforms
for adequate lighting, head clearance, and sturdy and convenient guardrails. Protective
devices should be around all moving equipment. Whenever any repairs, alterations, or
additions are made, avoid building accident traps such as pipes laid on top of floors or hung
2380 from the ceiling at head height, which could create serious safety hazards.
Keep all buildings clean and orderly. Janitorial work should be done on a regular schedule.
All tools and plant equipment should be kept clean and in their proper place. Floors, walls,
and windows should be cleaned at regular intervals to maintain a neat appearance.
c. Valve Maintenance
2385 Valves should be lubricated regularly (according to the manufacturers instructions), and
valve stems should be rotated regularly to ensure ease of operation. These activities should
be part of a regular pump-maintenance program.
d. Electric Actuator Maintenance
Check for undue noise and vibration and take necessary rectification measures.
Tighten limit switch cam ends. Check for setting; readjust, if necessary.
2395 Examine all components and wiring thoroughly and rectify as necessary.
Check the condition of the gears and replace them if teeth are worn out.
e. Flow Meter Maintenance
Each individual sensing meter will have its own maintenance requirements.
2400 The single most important item to be considered in sensor maintenance is good
housekeeping. Always keep sensors and all instrumentation very clean. Good
housekeeping, the act of providing preventive maintenance for each of the various sensors,
includes ensuring that foreign bodies do not interfere with the measuring device. Check for
and remove deposits that will build up from normal use. Repair the sensor or measuring
2405 device whenever it is damaged.
External connections between the sensing and conversion and readout devices should be
checked to ensure such connections are clean and connections are firm. Be sure no foreign
obstruction will interfere or promote wear. On mechanical connections, grease as directed;
on hydraulic or pneumatic connections, disconnect and ensure free flow in the internal
2410 passage.
f. Maintenance of Pumps
The maintenance schedule should list out items to be attended to at different periods, such
as daily, semi-annually, annually, and others:
i. Daily Observations
Bearing temperature
An anti-friction bearing should have its housing packed with grease so that the
void spaces in the bearings and the housing are 1/2 to 2/3 filled with grease. A
fully packed housing will cause the bearing to overheat and will result in
2430 reduced life of the bearing.
iii. Annual Inspection
In the case of vertical turbine pumps, the inspection can be bi-annual. Annual
inspection is not advisable because it involves disturbing the alignment and
2450 clearances.
iv. Annual Maintenance and Repairs
Repair workshop
2460 The repair workshop should be equipped with tools such as bearing-pullers, clamps,
pipe-wrenches, and other general-purpose machinery such as welding set grinder,
blower, drilling machine.
3.9 Troubleshooting
Refer to Appendix 3.1 to Appendix 3.3.
2475 Type
Sub-station drainage GI
Building structure GI
Trash-rack GI
Toilet facility GI
Domestic water GI
Holding tank GI PO
Siphon breakers GI
Unit heaters GI
Fire extinguishers GI GI
Switch gear GI
Bus and connections GI,CL
Instruments and lamps GI GI,CL
Heaters GI
Lighting panel GI GI
Control panel GI GI
Grounding GRT
Float control GI GI
Gates GI,O,CL
Thrust nut GI CL,SG
Manual operators PG
Motor operators GI,CL
O Operate GRT Ground resistance test
CH Change TO Test oil
CL Clean GI General inspection
MR Megger and record AL Add lubricant
PG Pressure grease PO Pump out
SG Surface grease TS Test
RC Remove condensate RS Remove silt
3.13 Summary
The most important thing for O&M of pumping stations is to minimize suspension time due to
facility failures and maximize the life of pumps.
For accomplishing these targets, the following causes of breakdown of pumps should be
2510 eliminated:
Overloading of pumps
Preventive maintenance is also essential for early detection of abnormalities.
Figure 4.1 Typical gravity type oil and grease removal unit
enters the flow equalization basin, and a constant outflow rate is maintained. With offline flow
equalization, only that portion of the flow above a given flow rate (typically the average flow) is
2575 diverted into the flow equalization basin. The accumulated flow is then released during
low-flow periods to bring the total flow to average flow for the day.
The inline flow equalization is the easiest to control. Typically, the flow is pumped out using
flow-controlled variable-speed pumps or is pumped in and flows out by gravity using a flow
control valve and flow meter. If the latter is used, careful selection of the flow control valve is
2580 needed to prevent clogging, even if screened or primary treated sewage is to be equalized.
For offline flow equalization, flow control gates or variable speed pumps can be used. If a
constant elevation side weir is used, achieving a controlled flow rate over the side weir is
difficult and is not recommended. Variable speed pumps are a better choice.
4.5.1 Operation
2585 Fill-and-draw mode is the most efficient method of operating an equalization basin for flow
dampening. The basin is filled during the day when peak flows are occurring, and then it is
drawn down at night when the plant is receiving low flows and, hence, is more capable of
treating excessive flow. If an equalization basin is not operated in fill-and-draw mode, it will act
as a mass loading equalization basin only, assuming the basin is completely mixed.
2590 The successful operation of equalization basins requires proper mixing and aeration. Design of
mixing equipment provides for blending the contents of the tank and preventing deposition of
solids in the basin.
Mechanical aerators, which offers one method of providing both mixing and aeration, have
oxygen transfer in clean water under standard conditions, but the oxygen-transfer efficiency
2595 (OTE) in sewage is lower. Minimum operating levels for floating aerators typically exceed 1.5
m and vary with the power and design of the unit. Low-level shutoff controls are needed to
protect the unit. If the equalization basin floor is subject to erosion (earthen basins), concrete
pads on the basin floor are recommended. Baffling may be necessary to ensure proper mixing,
particularly with a circular tank configuration.
2600 Below are some of the recommended monitoring elements required in flow equalization basins.
Basin liquid level
Basin dissolved oxygen level
Influent pH
Mixers and/or aeration blower status
2605 Influent/effluent status pumps
Influent/effluent flow
4.5.2 Maintenance
Because grit removal is rarely provided ahead of equalization, grit will accumulate in the basins.
Therefore, provisions for collecting these solids should be made in the design. If the primary
2610 purpose of the equalization basin is flow dampening, then after the basin has been emptied
following the peak flow event, primary sludge solids will be present on the basin bottom. Water
cannons or strategically placed cleaning hoses, ideally supplied with plant effluent water, will
allow for cleaning the basins. Other equalization basin types that do not operate in a fill/draw
mode still will accumulate solids after a time and will have to be emptied for cleaning. The time
2615 between cleanings is dependent on the influent sewage characteristics and will likely have to be
established by plant operation staff based on operational experience.
Figure 4.5 Typical plan layout of activated sludge plant
4.7.1 Description of Activated Sludge Process (ASP) Biological Treatment Processes
In the biological treatment of sewage, the stabilisation of organic matter is accomplished
proportion of mineralised sludge in a process operated at high SRT is responsible for better
setting characteristics and better drainability of sludge.
2695 Effect of c on Excess of Sludge Production
SRT is inversely related to F/M ratio. A higher operational SRT represents a low F/M ratio, a
condition of limiting substrate. Bacteria undergo endogenous respiration or decay under a
limiting substrate environment. More biomass undergoes endogenous respiration, resulting in
less net bacterial growth. Therefore, excess sludge production is reduced as a system is operated
2700 at high SRT. Further, since the settling characteristic of sludge improves at high SRT,
concentrated underflow can be withdrawn from the secondary sedimentation tank. This also
results in reduction in volume of excess sludge as for a fixed mass of excess sludge. Excess Sludge Wasting
Excess bio-sludge is commonly wasted from return sludge line. It can also be wastes directly
2705 from aeration tank. If excess bio-sludge is directly wasted from aeration tank, then increased
volume of sludge is a disadvantage. However, if excess bio-sludge is mixed with influent of
primary settling tank and wasted as mixed sludge of primary settling tank, then direct wasting
from aeration tank has no influence on final volume of sludge and therefore, can easily be
adopted. The operator of a plant needs to have an idea of actual volume of excess sludge
2710 wasting required. Return Sludge Flow
Sufficient return sludge capacity should be provided if the biological solids are not to be lost in
the effluent. However, a return flow rate higher than that is required unnecessarily increases
solids loading on settling tank and results in withdrawal of dilute sludge. The ratio of return
2715 sludge flow to average flow can be set on the basis of sludge volume index (SVI). SVI is
defined as the volume in mL occupied by one gram of activated sludge mixed liquor solids, dry
weight, after settling of 30 min. in a 1,000 mL graduated cylinder. The procedure of SVI
measurement is as follows (Figure 4.6).
a. Collect a sample of mixed liquor or return sludge.
2720 b. Carefully mix sample and pour into 1,000 mL graduate cylinder. Vigorous shaking
or mixing tends to break up floc and produces slower setting or poorer separation.
c. Record settleable solids percentage at regular intervals.
2730 Quantity of return sludge flow is keyed to settled sludge volume. The ratio of recirculated
sludge flows to the settled sludge volume. V30 should be equal to the flow entering the clarifier
to the clarifier volume (Figure 4.7).
tanks. The method described in this section is recommended because it provides the longest
possible aeration time, reduces chances of solids washout, and provides the opportunity to use
most of the equipment for a good test of its acceptability and workability before the end of the
2755 First, start the air blowers and have air passing through the diffusers before primary effluent is
admitted to the aeration tanks. This prevents diffuser clogging from material in the primary
effluent and is particularly important if fine bubble diffusers are used.
Fill both aeration tanks to the normal operating water depth, thus allowing the aeration
equipment to operate at maximum efficiency. Using all of the aeration tanks will provide the
2760 longest possible aeration time. The operators are trying to build up a micro organism population
with a minimum amount of seed organisms, and you will need all the aeration capacity available
to give the organisms a chance to reach the settling stage.
After a biological culture of aerobes is established in the aeration tanks, sufficient oxygen must
be supplied to the aeration tank to overcome the following demands:
2765 DO usually is low in both influent sewage and return sludge to the aerator.
Influent sewage may be septic, thus creating an immediate oxygen demand.
Organisms in the presence of sufficient food create a high demand for oxygen.
The effluent end of the aerator should have a dissolved oxygen level of at least 1.0 mg/L. DO in
the aerator should be checked every two hours until a pattern is established.
2770 Thereafter, DO should be checked as frequently as needed to maintain the desired DO level and
to maintain aerobic conditions in the aerator. Daily flow variations will create different oxygen
demands. Until these patterns are established, you will not know whether just enough or too
much air is being delivered to the aeration tanks. Frequently, excess air is provided during early
mornings when the inflow waste load is low. Air supply may be too low during the afternoon
2775 and evening hours because the waste load tends to increase during the day.
If sewage enters the tank before air is coming out of the diffusers, the diffusers could become
plugged. If the plant is the diffused-air type with air lift pumps for return sludge, the air line
valve to the air lifts (pumps) will have to be closed until the settling compartment is filled.
Otherwise, all the air will attempt to go to the empty compartment and no air will go to the
2780 diffusers. Once the settling compartment is filled from the overflow from the aeration tank, the
air lift valves may be opened. They will have to be adjusted to return a constant stream of water
and solids to the aeration tank. This adjustment is usually two to three turns open on the air
valve to each air lift.
There may be a build-up of foam in the aeration compartment during the first week or so of
2785 start-up. A 25-mm water hose with a lawn sprinkler may be used to keep it under control until
sufficient mixed liquor solids are obtained.
Try to build up the solids or mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) as quickly as possible
during start-up. This can be achieved by not wasting sludge until the desired level of MLSS is
2790 Routine Operation and Maintenance Aeration Tanks
The operational variables in an activated sludge plant include:
Rate of flow of sewage,
Air supply,
2795 MLSS,
Aeration period,
DO in aeration and settling tanks, and
Rate of sludge return and sludge condition.
The operator should possess a thorough knowledge of the type of system adopted, namely,
2800 conventional, high rate, extended aeration or contact stabilisation so that effective control of the
variables can be exercised to achieve the desired efficiency of the plant.
Inspection of mechanical aerators should be done for:
Bushes, and
2805 Transmission gears.
and they should be lubricated as per the schedule suggested by the manufactures.
The whole unit should be thoroughly inspected once a year, including replacement of worn out
parts and painting with anti-corrosive paints to achieve the desired efficiency of the plant. A
record of operations should be maintained.
2810 When inhibitory substance for activated sludge (such as industrial sewage) is contained in
influent, treatment in reactors may be affected. To avoid such an inhibition, colour and odour of
plant influent should be checked through daily inspections such as at the grit chambers or the
primary sedimentation tanks where sewage flows in at first. If any abnormal condition is
observed, report to a person in charge of water quality or the plant manager.
2815 Sewage Flow
Since the activated sludge treatment is biochemical in nature, conditions in the aeration tank
should be maintained uniform at all times. A sudden increase in the rate of flow or sludge of
flow should be avoided. If supernatants from digester containing more than 3,000 mg/L of SS
are taken into the settling tank, then they should be pre-treated as otherwise heavy load will be
2820 imposed on the activated sludge system. Measurement of sewage flow and the BOD applied to
the aeration tank should be made. Air Supply
Frequent checks of DO at various points in the tank and at the outlet end should be made; it
should not be less than 1 mg/L. It will help in determining the adequacy of the air supply. The
2825 uniformity of air distribution can be easily checked by observing bubbling of the air at the
surface, which should be even over the entire surface area of the tank. If the bubbling looks
uneven, clogging of diffusers is indicated. Clogging is also confirmed by the increase of 0.1 to
0.15 kg/cm2 in the pressure gauge reading. Adding chlorine gas to air may help in removing
clogging of diffusers on air side if it is due to organic matter. Other methods of cleaning will
2830 have to be resorted to if this procedure does not clear up the clogging. Air flow meters should be
checked periodically for accuracy; air supply and air pressures should be recorded hourly and
daily, respectively, to avoid over-aeration or under-aeration. Mechanical or surface aerators
should be kept free from fungus or algae growths by cleaning them periodically. Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids
2835 Control of the concentration of solids in the mixed liquor of the aeration tanks is an important
operating factor. It is most desirable to hold the MLSS constant at the suggested concentration.
The test of MLSS should be done at least once a day on large plants, preferably during peak
flow. As the MLSS will be minimum when the peak flow starts coming in and will be maximum
in the night hours when the flow drops, operating MLSS value would be the average hourly
2840 value in a day; the same should be verified at least once a month. In case of very large plants,
regular daily check is desirable. Return Sludge
The return sludge pumps provided in multiple units should be operated according to the increase
or decrease in return sludge rate of flow required to maintain the necessary MLSS in aeration
2845 unit, based on the SVI. The SVI should be determined daily to know the condition of sludge. A
value of over 200 definitely indicates sludge bulking.
A good operation calls for prompt removal of excess sludge from the secondary tanks to ensure
that the sludge is fully aerobic. This should be measured daily and recorded. The excess sludge
is taken to the digester directly or through the primary settling tank.
2850 Foaming
Foaming or frothing is sometimes encountered in activated sludge plants when the sewage
contains materials which reduce the surface tension, the synthetic detergents being the major
offender. Froth, besides being unsightly, is easily blown away by wind and contaminates all the
surfaces it comes into contact with. It is a hazard to workmen because it creates a slippery
2855 surface even after it collapses. Foam problems can be overcome by the application of a spray of
screened effluent or clear water, increasing MLSS concentration, decreasing air supply or
addition of other special anti-foam agents. The presence of synthetic anionic detergents in
sewage also interferes with the oxygen transfer and reduces aeration efficiency. Microscopic Examination
2860 Routine microscopic examination of solids in aeration tank and return sludge to identify the
biological flora and fauna present will enable good biological control of the aeration tanks. Records
Activated sludge operation should include recording of flow rates of sewage and return sludge,
DO, MLSS, MLVSS, biota, SRT (sludge age), air, BOD, COD and nitrates in both influent and
2865 effluent. Biological Uptake Rate Procedure
After deaerating the sample of at least 250 ml of mixed liquor with sodium meta bi sulphite start
the diffuser and record the dissolved oxygen with time by a dissolved oxygen probe and plot the
saturation deficit with time in semi log paper. The slope of the graph is the uptake rate.
2870 Generally this is not for a plant control test. It is used for alpha value by comparing it with the
value for tap water. Nutrient Control
Nutrient control should be referred subsection,, and in the Part A
2875 DO Saturation
DO saturation table should be referred Table 5.9 and 5.10 in the Part A manual. Aeration Equipment Air Blowers
The blower system is designed to provide sufficient airflow to meet the system process
2880 requirements. Blower systems are available with either positive displacement (PD) or
centrifugal type units. Typically, PD units are used for plants with smaller air volume
requirements. Output airflow from a PD blower remains relatively constant with varying
discharge pressure. Centrifugal blower systems are generally equipped with additional controls
to regulate the flow as the discharge pressure varies.
2885 a. Positive Displacement Blowers
The positive displacement blower provides a constant volume (cubic meters) output of air
per revolution for a specific set of rotors or lobes. Blower output is varied by changing rotor
or lobe speed (RPMs or revolutions per minute). The higher the RPM, the greater is the air
2890 Small positive displacement blowers ranging from 3 to 28 m3/min. are usually installed to
be operated at a fixed volume output. These smaller units are directly driven by electric
motors through a direct coupling or through sheaves and belts.
If a change in air volume output is required, it is accomplished by changing the motor to
one with a higher or lower RPM or by changing sheaves to increase or decrease blower
2895 rotor or lobe rotation (RPM), thus increasing or decreasing air output.
NOTE: These small units are commonly used with package plants, pond aeration systems, small aerobic
digesters, gas mixing in digesters and gas storage compressors.
Large positive displacement blowers ranging from 57 to 570 m3/min. may also be driven by
internal combustion engines or variable speed electric motors in order to change blower
2900 volume outputs as required in activated sludge plants. By increasing or decreasing engine
or motor RPM, the positive displacement blower output can be increased or decreased.
The air lines are connected to the blower through a flexible coupling in order to keep
vibration to a minimum and to allow for heat expansion. When air is compressed, heat is
generated; thus increasing the discharge temperature as much as 56 C or more.
2905 A check valve follows next, which prevents the blower from operating in reverse should
other blowers in the same system be operating while this blower is off.
The discharge line from the blower is equipped with an air relief valve which protects the
blower from excessive back pressure and overload. Air relief valves are adjusted by
weights or springs to open when air pressure exceeds a point above normal operating range,
2910 around 0.4 to 0.7 kg/cm2 in most sewage treatment plants. An air discharge silencer is also
installed to provide decibel noise reduction. Ear protective devices should be worn when
working near noisy blowers.
The impellers are machined on all exterior surfaces for operating at close tolerances; they
are statically and dynamically balanced. Impeller shafts are made of machined steel and are
2915 securely fastened to the impellers. Timing gears accurately position the impellers.
Lubrication to the gears and bearings is maintained by a lube oil pump driven from one of
the impeller shafts. An oil pressure gauge monitors the system oil pressure. An oil filter is
located in the oil sump to ensure that the oil is free from foreign materials. An oil level is
maintained in the gear housing so that gears and bearings will received splash lubrication in
2920 case of lube oil pump failure. Air vents are located between the seals and the impeller
chamber to relieve excessive pressure on the seals.
b. Centrifugal Blowers
The centrifugal blower is a motor connected to a speed-increasing gear-driven blower
(Figure 4.9) that provides a variable air output.
2925 Minimum through maximum air output is controlled by guide vanes, which are located on
the intake side of the blower. These vanes may be positioned manually by operating
personnel or may be controlled by plant instrumentation based on either DO levels in the
aeration tanks or the plant influent flows.
2995 The swing header is a pipe with a distribution system connector fitting, a valve, a double pivot
upper swing joint, upper and lower riser pipes, pivot elbow, levelling tee and horizontal air
headers. An air blow off leg, as an extension of the lower tee connection, is fabricated with
multiple alignment flanges, gaskets, and jack screws for levelling of the header.
The fixed header is a pipe with a distribution system connector fitting, a valve, union, a riser
3000 pipe, horizontal air headers and header support feet. These headers are generally not provided
with adjustable levelling devices; they rely on the fixed levelling afforded by the feet attached
to the bottom of the horizontal air headers. Raising and lowering the air header is commonly
found in package plants, channel aeration and grit chamber aeration. Header valves are used to
adjust the air flow to the header assembly and to block the air flow to the assembly when
3005 servicing the header or diffusers. Diffusers
An air diffuser or membrane diffuser is an aeration device used to transfer air and oxygen with
oxygen into sewage. Oxygen is required by microorganisms/ bacteria resident in the water to
break down the pollutants. Diffusers use the followings to produce fine or coarse bubbles.
3010 Rubber membrane, or
Ceramic elements.
The shapes of the diffusers can be:
Tube, or
3015 Plate.
a. Bubble size
The subject of bubble size is important because the aeration system in a sewage treatment
plant consumes an average of 50 to 70 per cent of the energy of the entire plant. Increasing
the oxygen transfer efficiency decreases the power the plant requires to provide the same
3020 quality of effluent water.
Fine bubble
Fine bubble diffusers produce a plethora of very small air bubbles which rise
slowly from the floor of tank and provide substantial and efficient mass transfer
of oxygen to the water.
3025 Fine bubble diffusers evenly spread out (often referred to as a grid
arrangement) on the floor of a tank and provide the operator of the plant a
great deal of operational flexibility.
This can be used to create zones with high oxygen concentrations (oxic or
aerobic), zones with minimal oxygen concentration (anaerobic) and zones with
3030 no oxygen (anoxic). This allows for more precise targeting and removal of
specific contaminants.
Coarse bubble
There are different types of coarse bubble diffusers from various manufactures,
such as the stainless steel wide band type coarse bubble diffuser.
3035 Fine bubble diffusers have largely replaced coarse bubble diffusers and
mechanical aerators in most of the developed world and in much of the
developing world.
b. Maintenance
The preventive maintenance schedule of bubble diffusers is as follows:
3040 Daily maintenance
Check biological reactor surface pattern.
Check air mains for leaks.
Check and record operating pressure and airflow.
Weekly maintenance
3045 Purge water and moisture from distribution piping.
Bump diffuser system.
Annual maintenance
Drain biological reactor.
Remove excess solids that may accumulate in the reactor.
3050 Clean diffusers.
Check that retaining rings are in place and are tight.
Check that fixed and expansion joint retaining rings are tight. Surface Aerators
A surface aerator is a mechanical aeration device for various types of aerobic sewage treatment
3055 systems. Surface aerators may be either stationary or floating. The major components of the
mechanical surface aerators are motor, gear box and impeller/ aerator/ propeller. More
commonly, these components come combined; but for the purpose of maintenance, they can be
easily separated.
Floating aerators generally employ reinforced fibreglass foam filled pontoons connected to the
3060 aerator platform by a triangular tubular structural frame. The platforms are sized to provide
adequate work area around the drive. Pontoons are placed to minimise any interference with the
flow pattern and maximise stability. Each of the pontoons has a ballast compartment which can
be filled with water or other liquid or other suitable material to adjust submergence and level the
3065 4.7.3 Extended Aeration Process
This is a modification of the activated-sludge process using long aeration periods to promote
aerobic digestion of the biological mass by endogenous respiration (Figure 4.11). The process
includes stabilization of organic matter under aerobic conditions and disposal of the gaseous end
products into the air. Effluent contains finely divided suspended matter and soluble matter.
3070 Extended aeration is similar to a conventional activated sludge process except that the
organisms are retained in the aeration tank longer and do not get as much food. The organisms
get less food because there are more of them to feed. Mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS)
concentrations are from 3000 to 5000 mg/L and F/M ratio is 0.1 to 0.18. In addition to the
organisms consuming the incoming food, they also consume any stored food in the dead
3075 organisms. The new products are carbon dioxide, water, and a biologically inert residue.
Extended aeration does not produce as much waste sludge as other processes; however, wasting
still is necessary to maintain proper control of the process.
3120 Frequency and amount of wasting may be revised after several months of operation by
The amount of carryover of solids in the effluent
The depth to which the solids settle in the aeration compartment when the aeration
device is off (should be greater than one-third of the distance from top to bottom)
3125 The appearance of floc and foam in the aeration compartment as to colour,
settleability, foam makeup, and excess solids on the water surface of the tank
Results of laboratory testing; a white fluffy foam indicates low solids content in the
aerator while a brown, leathery foam suggests high solids concentrations. If the
operator notices high effluent solids levels at the same time each day, the solids
3130 loading may be too great for the final clarifier. Excessive solids indicate the mixed
liquor suspended solids concentration is too high for the flows and more solids
should be wasted. Normal Operation
Extended activated sludge plants should be visually checked every day. Each visit should
3135 include the following:
Check the appearance of the aeration and final clarification compartments.
Check the aeration unit for proper operation and lubrication.
Check the return sludge line for proper operation. If air in the air lift is not flowing
properly, briefly close the outlet valve, which forces the air to go down and out the
3140 tail piece. This will blow it out and clear any obstructions. Reopen the discharge
valve and adjust to desired return sludge flow.
Check the comminuting device for lubrication and operation.
Hose down the aeration tank and final compartment.
Brush the weirs when necessary.
3145 Skim off grease and other floating material such as plastic and rubber goods.
Check the plant discharge for proper appearances, grease, or material of sewage
origin that is not desirable. Abnormal Operation
Remember that changing conditions or abnormal conditions can upset the microorganisms in the
3150 aeration tank. As the temperature changes from season to season, the activity of the organisms
speeds up or slows down. Also, the flows and waste (food as measured by BOD and suspended
solids) in the plant influent change seasonally. All of these factors require the operator to
gradually adjust aeration rates, return sludge rates, and wasting rates. Abnormal conditions may
consist of high flows or solids concentrations as a result of storms or weekend loads.
3155 Countermeasures
Extended aeration plant problems may be caused by solids in the effluent, odours, and foaming.
These problems could be caused by under-or- over aeration, too little or too much solids in the
aeration tank, improper return sludge rate, improper sludge wasting or disposal of waste
activated sludge, and abnormal influent conditions such as excessive flows or solids or toxic
3160 wastes. When problems develop in the activated sludge process, try to identify the problem, the
cause of the problem, and select the best possible solution. Remember that the activated sludge
process is a biological process and may require from three days to a week or longer to show any
response to the proper corrective action. Allow seven or more days for the process to stabilize
after making a change in the treatment process.
3165 a. Solids in the Effluent
i. If effluent appears turbid (muddy or cloudy), the return activated sludge
pumping rate is out of balance. Try increasing the return sludge rate. Also,
consider the possible presence of something toxic to the microorganisms or a
hydraulic overload washing out some of the solids.
3170 ii. If the activated sludge is not settling in the clarifier (sludge bulking), several
possible factors could be causing this problem. Look for too low a solids level
in the system, low dissolved oxygen concentrations in the aeration tank, strong,
stale, septic influent, high grease levels in influent, or alkaline wastes from a
3175 iii. If the solids level is too high in the sludge compartment of the secondary
clarifier, solids will appear in the effluent. Try increasing the return sludge
pumping rate.If odours are present and the aeration tank mixed liquor appears
black as compared with the usual brown colour, try increasing aeration rates and
look for septic dead spots.
3180 iv. If light-coloured floating sludge solids are observed on the clarifier surface, try
reducing the aeration rates. Try to maintain the dissolved oxygen at around 2
mg/L throughout the entire aeration tank.
b. Odours
i. If the effluent is turbid and the aeration tank mixed liquor appears black as
3185 compared with the usual brown colour, try increasing aeration rates and look for
septic dead spots.
ii. If clumps of black solids appear on the clarifier surface, try increasing the return
sludge rate. Also, be sure the sludge return line is not plugged and that there are
no septic dead spots around the edges or elsewhere in the clarifier.
3190 iii. Examine the method of wasting and disposing of waste activated sludge to
ensure this is not the source of the odours.
iv. Poor housekeeping could result in odours. Do not allow solids to accumulate or
debris removed from sewage to sit around the plant in open containers.
c. Foaming/Frothing
3195 Foaming is usually caused by too low a solids level while frothing is caused by too long a
solids retention time.
SBR as designed. It may have fully aerobic or anoxic and aerobic or anaerobic, anoxic and
If anaerobic cycle is there, check whether the floor level mixer is working and if it is out of
3275 order, start the installed standby mixer. If both are not in order, enter in the site register and
inform the plant in charge. Make sure that hydrogen sulphide gas is not sensed in the ambient
air near the SBR. If it is sensed by smell, then going near the tank is not advisable. Make sure it
is entered in the site register and it is reported directly to the plant in charge. The operator
should not try and remedy the position. The supervisor should institute and take steps to get the
3280 designer, contractor and O&M team together and rectify the situation. There is a theory that
COD to sulphate ratio is deciding the process. This needs to be checked up and corrected. A
method of correcting the imbalance will be to recycle the treated effluent from a treated sewage
sump to dilute the COD of incoming sewage. The daily tests shall be pH, COD and dissolved
phosphate measured by colorimetric method or Nessler Tubes of 50 ml with fresh standards
3285 prepared every week. BOD can be a weekly test.
In the anoxic cycle, check whether the floor level mixer is working and if it is out of order, start
the installed standby mixer. If both are not in order, enter it in the site register and inform the.
plant in charge. Daily tests will be nitrate estimated by Nesslerization procedure in 50 ml
Nessler tubes. The test is to be done in the beginning, in the mid cycle and at the completion of
3290 the cycle of anoxic phase. If there is no reduction in the nitrate, then something is not in order.
Proceed to check the MLVSS. It should be at least 75 %. If this is not so, enter the value in the
site register and inform the plant in charge. The supervisor should institute and take steps to get
the designer, contractor and O&M team together and rectify the situation.
In the aeration cycle, check the residual DO. This is to be indicated by the built in sensor. If the
3295 sensor is not working use the Winkler method by collecting the mixed liquor and filtering it
through Whatman filter paper number 4 in a BOD bottle and with the tip of the funnel
connected by a rubber tubing so that the filtrate enters the BOD bottle in the submerged
condition always and avoids additional aeration. A procedure for easy use in the field for
instantly testing the BOD is to use a BOD tube. This has been introduced in the Chennai
3300 Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) by M/S Severn Trent of UK as
part of a twinning arrangement. Details of the tube can be obtained from CMWSSB. A
photograph of the CMWSSB chemist using the tube is shown in Figure 4.13.
The principle of the test is related to the BOD caused by colloidal and suspended organics as
relatable to the BOD. The BOD related to suspended solids is inbuilt in the calibration. This
3305 tube is developed only for sewage and not for industrial effluents. The test is performed by
holding the tube as in the photo after filling the treated sewage to incremental heights and
finding out at which point, the black coloured + mark at the bottom vanishes. There is a reading
etched on the side of the tube and this is read at the sewage level when the + mark vanishes
from sight. The principle is the colloidal solids and SS have their portion of BOD. The more the
3310 volume needed to hide the bottom + mark, the less is the colloidal solids and SS and hence,
the lesser is the BOD due to this portion. It is a combination of nephelometry and theory.
Usually the results are within 90%.
The BOD tube
The Palintest Tube is a specially calibrated plastic tube and is the implest possible
3315 method of performing the instantaneous probable BOD and SS tests on secondary
treated sewage in the field to help the operator to get a feel of these parameters
quickly. The test kit is a tube graduated at 30 to 500 turbidity units. A double length
tube with additional graduations from 5 to 25 turbidity units is optionally available.
These were calibrated by the Department of Public Health Engineering, University
3320 of Newcastle upon Tyne. It has an etched black cross mark at bottom
Hold the tube vertically over a white surface and view downwards.
Gradually pour secondary sewage and watch the cross mark
Stop pouring when the cross mark is no longer visible
3325 Read the graduation at the top of the sample in the tube.
This represents the turbidity in Jackson Turbidity units (JTU).
For secondary sewage, the graduation may also be taken as SS
Half the value of JTU plus 5 is also the probable BOD
Figure 4.13 Use of a BOD tube for instantaneous assessment of the BOD at site.
If the DO is lesser than 20 % of the design value, enter it in the site register and inform the plant
in charge. Check the MLVSS if the above situation occurs. This can be a weekly test. Check the
3335 In the settling cycle, check the SS of the decanted effluent and its COD. There is no need to
check the BOD at the end of every cycle. Prepare a curve of BOD to COD for the treated
sewage and verify the BOD by testing for the COD. This will show the trend every two hours
itself instead of 3 days for BOD actual test. This can however be a weekly test. If the SS and
BOD varies by more than 10 % in the treated sewage, enter the values in the site register and
3340 inform the plant in charge. The decanter cannot be subjected to preventive maintenance in a
functioning SBR. The raw sewage has to be bypassed with prior permission of the supervisor
before this is carried out. The electrical drive of the decanter will require its greasing in some
equipment. Make sure there is a grease guard and grease does not fall into the SBR basin.
Where the rope and pulley method is used, change the rope every month.
3345 Records
The limited parameters as above and the flow rate and cycle times are the records. Housekeeping
In all SBR systems, verify build up of slime on the sidewalls in the freeboard. If noticed, scrub
it down into the basin itself during the filling phase. This can be done by the operator standing
3350 on the peripheral walkway and using a long handle wire brush. If there is no such walkway,
leave the slime as it is.
4.7.5 Oxidation Ditch
An oxidation ditch is a modified activated sludge biological treatment process that utilizes long
Solids Retention Times (SRTs) to remove biodegradable organics. Oxidation ditches are
3355 typically complete mix systems, but they can be modified to approach plug flow conditions.
(Note: As conditions approach plug flow, diffused air must be used to provide enough mixing.
The system will also no longer operate as an oxidation ditch). Typical oxidation ditch treatment
systems consist of a single or multichannel configuration within a ring, oval, or
horseshoe-shaped basin. As a result, oxidation ditches are called "racetrack type" reactors.
3360 Horizontally or vertically mounted aerators provide circulation and aeration in the ditch.
Preliminary treatment, such as bar screens and grit removal, normally precedes the oxidation
ditch. Primary settling prior to an oxidation ditch is sometimes practiced, but is not typical in
this design.
Flow to the oxidation ditch is aerated and mixed with return sludge from a secondary clarifier. A
3365 typical process flow diagram for an activated sludge plant using an oxidation ditch is shown in
Figure 4.14.
There is usually no primary settling tank or grit removal system used in this process. Inorganic
solids such as sand, silt, and cinders are captured in the oxidation ditch and removed during
sludge wasting or cleaning operations. The raw sewage passes directly through a bar screen to
3370 the ditch.
The bar screen is necessary for the protection of the mechanical equipment such as rotor and
pumps. Comminutors or barminutors may be installed after the bar screen or instead of a bar
screen. The oxidation ditch forms the aeration basin and here the raw sewage is mixed with
previously formed active organisms. The rotor is the aeration device that entrains (dissolves) the
3375 necessary oxygen into the liquid for microbial life and keeps the contents of the ditch mixed and
moving. The velocity of the liquid in the ditch must be maintained to prevent settling of solids,
normally 0.3 to 0.45 m/sec. The ends of the ditch are well rounded to prevent eddying and dead
areas, and the outside edges of the curves are given erosion protection measures.
The mixed liquor flows from the ditch to a clarifier for separation. The clarified water passes
3380 over the effluent weir and is chlorinated. Plant effluent is discharged to either a receiving stream,
percolation ditches, or a subsurface disposal or leaching system. The settled sludge is removed
from the bottom of the clarifier by a pump and is returned to the ditch or wasted. Scum that
floats to the surface of the clarifier is removed and either returned to the oxidation ditch for
further treatment or disposed of by burial.
3385 Since the oxidation ditch is operated as a closed system, the amount of volatile suspended solids
will gradually increase. It will periodically become necessary to remove some sludge from the
process. Wasting of sludge lowers the MLSS (mixed liquor suspended solids) concentration in
the ditch and keeps the microorganisms more active.
final settling tank to the oxidation ditch. If dark solids appear in the settling tank, either the
return sludge rate should be increased (solids remaining too long in clarifier) or the DO
levels are too low in the oxidation ditch.
Adjusting the waste sludge rate regulates the solids concentration (number of
3430 microorganisms) in the oxidation ditch. The appearance of the surface of the oxidation
ditch can be a helpful indication of whether the sludge wasting rate should be increased or
decreased. If the foam on the surface is white and crisp, reduce the wasting rate. If the foam
on the surface is thick and dark, increase the wasting rate. Waste activated sludge may be
removed from the ditch by pumping to a sludge holding tank, to sludge drying beds, to
3435 sludge lagoons, or to a tank truck. Ultimate disposal may be to larger treatment plants or to
approved sanitary landfills.
Remember that this is a biological treatment process and several days may be required
before the process, responds to operation changes. Make operator changes slowly, be
patient, and observe and record the results.
3440 d. Proper Treatment Time and Flow Velocities
Treatment time is directly related to the flow of sewage and is controlled by an adjustable
weir. Velocities in the ditch should be maintained at 0.3 to 0.45 m/sec to prevent the
deposition of floc. With this in mind, the ditch contents should travel the complete circuit
of the ditch, or from rotor to rotor every 3 to 6 minutes. If the rotors are operated by time
3445 clocks (30 minutes off and 30 minutes on, for example), the velocities in the ditch must be
sufficient to re-suspend any settled material.
e. Proper Water/Solids Separation
MLSS that have entered and settled in the secondary clarifier are continuously removed
from the clarifier as return sludge, by pump, for return to the oxidation ditch. Usually, all
3450 sludge formed by the process and settled in the clarifier is returned to the ditch, except
when wasting sludge. Scum that is captured on the surface of the clarifier also is removed
from the clarifier and either returned to the oxidation ditch for further treatment or disposed
of by burial.
f. Observations
3455 Some aspects of the operation of an oxidation ditch plant can be controlled and adjusted
with the help of some general observations. General daily observations of the plant are
important to help operator determine whether or not the oxidation ditch is operating as
intended. These observations include colour of the mixed liquor in the ditch, odour at the
plant site, and clarity of the ditch and sedimentation tank surfaces.
3460 i. Colour
Operator should note the colour of the mixed liquor in the ditch daily. Mixed liquor
from a properly operating oxidation ditch plant should have a medium to rich dark
brown colour. If the MLSS, following proper start-up, changes colour from a dark
brown to a light brown and the MLSS appears to be thinner than before, the sludge
3465 waste rate may be too high, which may cause the plant to lose efficiency in removing
waste materials. By decreasing sludge waste rates before the colour lightens too much,
operator can ensure that the plant effluent quality will not deteriorate due to low
MLSS concentrations.
If the MLSS becomes black, the ditch is not receiving enough oxygen and has gone
3470 anaerobic. The oxygen output of the rotors must be increased to eliminate the black
colour and return the process to normal aerobic operation. This is done by increasing
the submergence level of the rotor.
ii. Odour
When the oxidation ditch plant is operating properly, there will be little or no odour.
3475 Odour, if detected, should have an earthy smell. If an odour other than this is present,
operator should check and determine the cause. Odour similar to rotten eggs indicates
that the ditch may be going anaerobic, requiring more oxygen or a higher ditch
velocity to prevent deposition of solids. The colour of the MLSS could be black if this
were the case. Odour may also be a sign of poor housekeeping. Grease and solids
3480 build-up on the edge of the ditch or sedimentation tank will go anaerobic and cause
odours. In an oxidation ditch, odours are much more often caused by poor
housekeeping than by poor operation.
iii. Clarity
In a properly operating oxidation ditch, a layer of clear water or supernatant is usually
3485 visible about a meter upstream from the rotor. The depth of this relatively clear water
may vary from almost nothing to as much as five or more cm above the mixed liquor.
The clarity will depend on the ditch velocity and the settling characteristics of the
activated sludge solids.
Two other good indications of a properly operating oxidation ditch are the clarity of
3490 the settling tank water surface and the oxidation ditch surface free of foam build-up.
Foam build-up in the ditch (normally not enough to be a nuisance) is usually caused
by insufficient MLSS concentration. Most frequently foam build-up is only seen
during plant start-up and will gradually disappear.
Clarity of the effluent from the secondary clarifier discharged over the weirs is the best
3495 indication of plant performance. A very clear effluent shows that the plant is achieving
excellent pollutant removals. A cloudy effluent often indicates a problem with the
plant operation. Equipment Maintenance
Regularly scheduled equipment maintenance must be performed according to manufacturers'
3500 instruction manuals. Operator should check each piece of equipment daily to see that it is
functioning properly. There may have very few mechanical devices in the oxidation ditch plant,
but they are all important.
The rotors and pumps should be inspected to ensure that they are operating properly. If pumps
are clogged, the obstructions should be removed. Listen for unusual noises. Check for loose
3505 bolts. Uncovering a mechanical problem in its early stages could prevent a costly repair or
replacement at a later date.
Lubrication should also be performed with a fixed operating schedule and properly recorded.
Follow the lubrication and maintenance instructions furnished with each piece of equipment.
Make sure that the proper lubricants are used. Over lubrication is wasteful and reduces the
3510 effectiveness of lubricant seals and may cause overheating of bearings or gears.
4.7.6 Chemical Clarification
Chemicals are used for a variety of municipal treatment applications, such as to enhance
flocculation/sedimentation, condition solids, add nutrients, neutralize acid base, precipitate
phosphorus, and disinfect or to control odours, algae, or activated-sludge bulking.
3515 Chemical precipitation is a widely used, proven technology for the removal of metals and other
inorganics, suspended solids, fats, oils, greases, and some other organic substances (including
organophosphates) from sewage.
Precipitation is assisted through the use of a coagulant, an agent which causes smaller particles
suspended in solution to gather into larger aggregates. Frequently, polymers are used as
3520 coagulants. The long-chain polymer molecules can be either positively or negatively charged
(cationic or anionic) or neutral (non-ionic). Since sewage chemistry typically involves the
interaction of ions and other charged particles in solution, these electrical qualities allow the
polymers to act as bridges between particles suspended in solution, or to neutralize particles in
solution. The specific approach used for precipitation will depend on the contaminants to be
3525 removed, as described below. Metals Removal
Water hardness is caused primarily by the dissolution of calcium and magnesium carbonate and
bicarbonate compounds in water, and to a lesser extent, by the sulphates, chlorides, and silicates
of these metals. The removal of these dissolved compounds, called water softening often
3530 proceeds by chemical precipitation. Lime (calcium oxide), when added to hard water, reacts to
form calcium carbonate, which itself can act as a coagulant, sweeping ions out of solution in
formation and settling.
To do this with lime alone, a great deal of lime is typically needed to work effectively; for this
reason, the lime is often added in conjunction with ferrous sulphate, producing insoluble ferric
3535 hydroxide. The combination of lime and ferrous sulphate is only effective in the presence of
dissolved oxygen, however. Alum, when added to water containing calcium and magnesium
bicarbonate alkalinity, reacts with the alkaline substances to form an insoluble aluminium
hydroxide precipitate.
Soluble heavy metal ions can be converted into insoluble metal hydroxides or carbonates
3540 through the addition of hydroxide compounds. Additionally, insoluble metal sulphides can be
formed with the addition of ferrous sulphate and lime.
Once the optimal pH for precipitation is established, the settling process is often accelerated by
addition of a polymer coagulant, which gathers the insoluble metal compound particles into a
coarse floc that can settle rapidly by gravity.
3545 Phosphorus Removal
Metal salts (most commonly ferric chloride or aluminium sulphate, also called alum) or lime,
have been used for the removal of phosphate compounds from water. When lime is used, a
sufficient amount of lime must be added to increase the pH of the solution to at least 10,
creating an environment in which excess calcium ions can react with the phosphate to produce
3550 an insoluble precipitate (hydroxyl apatite). Lime is an effective phosphate removal agent, but
results in a large sludge volume.
When ferric chloride or alum is used, the iron or aluminium ions in solution will react with
phosphate to produce insoluble metal phosphates. The degree of insolubility for these
compounds is pH dependent.
3555 Suspended Solids
Finely divided particles suspended in solution can escape filtration and other similar removal
processes. Their small size allows them to remain suspended over extended periods of time.
More often than not, the particles populating sewage are negatively charged. For this reason,
cationic polymers are commonly added to the solution, both to reduce the surface charge of the
3560 particles, and also to form bridges between the particles, thus causing particle coagulation and
Alternatively, lime can be used as a clarifying agent for removal of particulate matter. The
calcium hydroxide reacts in the sewage solution to form calcium carbonate, which itself acts as
a coagulant, sweeping particles out of solution.
4.8.2 Records
The limited parameters as above and the flow rate and cycle times shall be maintained as
3675 4.8.3 Housekeeping
Keep the bunds free of any grass or weeds. Do not allow tree branches of trees to hang over the
lagoon. Follow all guidelines for motors. If high speed floating aerators are used, pull them out
of the lagoon before attending to it. Check if the power cable is having sufficient slack. Verify
that the power cable is tied at about 3-m centres to vertical secure posts. Do not enter the lagoon
3680 unless you are wearing a life vest and are on a boat with an aide if the aerators are not connected
by a platform.
In all aerated lagoons, weeds and over hanging tree branches shall be avoided. A photo of such a
situation is shown in Figure 4.17.
3685 Figure 4.17 Overhanging tree branches and the small area of the lined bund may be seen
The tree roots will enter the lining and break the concrete slab joints easily.
Once this occurs, the slabs will lose their strength and start falling down into the
lagoon itself.
Once this sets in, the earth in the bund will be easily eroded in rains and the bund will
3690 cave in.
This leads to the lagoon sewage running out on land and polluting the land and water
in wells and streams.
The hanging tree branches will be dropping leaves which will support growth of
3695 Manual scraping shall be done from the top of bund and not by persons entering the
In such cases, the branches shall be cut and the cut portions sealed with cow dung.
The biggest danger is if the bund gets broken and sewage escapes; it is very difficult to control
Reconstructing the bund is also a problem when raw sewage keeps coming daily.
3700 Stopping the sewage escaping from the broken bund can be done by the following:
Pack cement bags with mix of 90 % clay and 10% sewage and stack them one
over the other.
These have to be dumped to form a cofferdam inside the sewage spread.
Thereafter, the reconstruction of the bund can be taken up easily.
3705 4.9 Attached Growth Systems
One of major attached growth systems adopted in sewage treatment lately is a fixed film
synthetic media filter, which consists of synthetic media such as inclined corrugated media
placed in cube sized packs and the inclinations changed to opposite directions in successive
layers as shown in Figure 4.18.
Figure 4.18 Fixed film synthetic media filters
Primary sedimentation is a pre-requirement in these applications. In Figure 4.18, the applied
sewage is distributed from the top of the media pack by stationary or hydraulically driven
reverse jet arms on opposite radii or rotated by a mechanical drive. The requirements to apply
3715 the sewage on the entire plan are to uniformly and simultaneously allow the gas exchange by
releasing at the top and fresh air automatically forcing itself from the bottom. The microbial
films develop on the fixed media and bring about the metabolism as the sewage passes over
them as a film. In due course of time, the thickness of the film increases and results in sloughing
and getting carried away to secondary settling tanks. Recirculation of the treated effluent is
3720 sometimes practiced before sedimentation so that the enzymes released by the microbes are
returned to the reactor for solubilising the sewage organicmatter.
4.9.1 Operation
Many operating problems may be avoided by changing one or more of the following process
control variables: distribution rates, and clarifier operation.
3725 a. Distribution Rates
As a principal process control measure, operators can control the rates at which sewage and
filter effluent are distributed to the filter media. Recirculation can serve several purposes,
as follows:
Reduce the strength of the sewage being applied to the filter.
3730 Increase the hydraulic load to reduce flies, snails, or other nuisances.
Maintain distributor movement during low flows.
Produce hydraulic shear to encourage solids sloughing and prevent ponding.
Reseed the filters microbial population.
Provide uniform flow distribution.
3735 Prevent filters from drying out.
b. Clarifier Operation.
The manner in which secondary clarifiers are operated can significantly affect the filter
performance. Although clarifier operation with fixed film reactors is not as critical as that
with suspended-growth systems, operators must still pay close attention to final settling.
3740 Sludge must be removed quickly from the final settling tank before gasification occurs or
denitrification causes solids to rise. Use of the secondary clarifier as a principal means of
thickening (rather than simply for solids settling) may not produce the best effluent quality,
especially during summer months, when denitrification is likely to occur. The sludge
blanket depth in the secondary clarifier should be limited to 0.3 to 0.6 m. Continuous
3745 pumping or intermittent pumping with automatic timer control are used to accomplish
solids wasting.
4.9.2 Maintenance
Planned maintenance will vary from plant to plant, depending on unique design features and
equipment installed. Although this chapter cannot address all of these items, a summary of the
3750 most common and important maintenance tasks follows.
Table 4.3 is a guide to planned maintenance.
Table 4.3 Planned maintenance for fixed film synthetic media filters
Rotary Distributors
Observe the distributor daily. Make sure the rotation is smooth and that spray nozzles are not
Lubricate the main support bearings and any guide or stabilizing bearings according to the
manufacturers instructions. Change lubricant periodically, typically twice a year. If the bearings are
oil-lubricated, check the oil level, drain condensate weekly, and add oil as needed.
Time the rotational speed of the distributor at one or more flow rates. Record and file the results for
future comparison. A change in speed at the same flow rate indicates bearing trouble.
Flush distributor arms monthly by opening end shear gates or blind flanges to remove debris. Drain
the arms if idle during cold weather to prevent damage via freezing.
Clean orifices weekly with a high-pressure stream of water or with a hooked piece of wire.
Keep distributor arm vent pipes free of ice, grease, and solids. Clean in the same manner as the
distributor arm orifices. Air pockets will form if the vents are plugged. Air pockets will cause
uneven hydraulic loading in the filter, and nonuniform load and excessive wear of the distributor
support bearing.
Make sure distributor arms are level. To maintain level, the vertical guy wire should be taken up
during the summer and let out during the winter by adjusting the guy wire tie rods. Maintain arms in
the correct horizontal orientation by adjusting horizontal tie rods.
Periodically check distributor seal and, if applicable, the influent pipe to distributor expansion joint
for leaks. Replace as necessary. During replacement check seal plates for wear and replace if wear is
excessive. Some seals should be kept submerged even if the filter is idle or their life will be severely
Remove ice from distributor arms. Ice buildup causes nonuniform loads and reduces main bearing
Paint the distributor as needed to guard against corrosion. Cover bearings when sandblasting to
protect against contamination. Check oil by draining a little oil through a nylon stocking after
sandblasting. Ground the distributor arms to protect bearings if welding on distributor and lock out
the drive mechanism at the main electrical panel. Adjust secondary arm overflow weirs and pan test
sewage distribution on filter as needed.
Fixed nozzle distributors
Observe spray pattern daily. Unplug block nozzles manually or by increasing hydraulic loading.
Flush headers and laterals monthly by opening end plates. Adjust nozzle spring tension as needed.
Filter media
Observe condition of filter media surface daily. Remove leaves, large solids and plastics, grease
balls, broken wood lath or plastic media, and other debris. If ponding is evident, find and eliminate
the cause. Keep vent pipes open, and remove accumulated debris.
Store extra plastic media out of sunlight to prevent damage via ultraviolet rays. Observe media for
settling. After they are installed, media settle because of their own weight and the weight of the
biofilm and water attached to its surface. Settling should be uniform and should stabilize after a few
weeks. Total settling is typically less than 0.3 m for random plastic media, less for plastic sheet
media, and nearly zero for rock. If settling is nonuniform or excessive, remove some of the media
for inspection.
Observe media for hydraulic erosion, particularly in regions where reversing jets hit the media.
Flush out periodically if possible. Remove debris from the effluent channels.
Media containment structure
Maintain spray against inside wall of filter to prevent filter fly infestation and to prevent ice buildup
in winter.
Practice good housekeeping. Keep fibreglass, concrete, or steel outside walls clean and painted, if
applicable. Keep grass around structures cut, and remove weeds and tall shrubs to help prevent filter
fly and other insect infestations. Remember, using insecticides around treatment units may have
adverse effects on water quality or biological treatment units.
Filter pumps
Check packing or mechanical seals for leakage daily. Adjust or replace as needed. Lubricate pump
and motor bearings as per manufacturers instructions. Keep pump motor as clean and dry as
possible. Periodically check shaft sleeves, wearing rings, and impellers for wear; repair or replace as
needed. Perform maintenance of speed reducer, coupling, and other appurtenant equipment
maintenance according to manufacturers instructions.
Secondary clarifier
Lubricate drive motor bearings, speed-reducing gear, drive chains, work and spur gears, and the
main support bearing for the solids-collection equipment according to the manufacturers
instructions. Flush scum troughs and grease wells daily. Maintain solids withdrawal equipment.
Clean effluent wells and baffles at least weekly. Paint or otherwise protect equipment from
corrosion as needed.
Appurtenant equipment
Maintain piping, valves, forced draft blowers, and other appurtenant equipment according to the
manufacturers instructions.
Source: WEF, 2008
The information provided in Table 4.3 is not equipment or plant-specific. Therefore, both the
3755 manufacturers literature and engineers operating instructions should be consulted and followed.
The frequency of maintenance procedures depends on sitespecific conditions. However, until
operating experience is gained, frequent plant inspections and maintenance should continue.
Maintenance schedules should consider the increased performance of fixed film synthetic media
filters in warm weather months, which may reduce the effect of removing process units from
3760 service.
4.10 Moving Bed Bio Reactor (MBBR)
4.10.1 Configuration
The moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is based on the biofilm carrier elements. Several types
of synthetic biofilm carrier elements have been developed for use in activated sludge processes.
3765 These biofilm carrier elements may be suspended in the activated sludge mixed liquor in the
reaction tank by air from the diffusers in aerobic reactors and by means of propeller mixers in
anaerobic and anoxic reactors. The carrier elements are retained by suitably sized sieves or
These processes are intended to enhance the activated sludge process by providing a greater
3770 biomass concentration in the aeration tank and thus offer the potential to reduce the basin size
requirements. They have also been used to improve the volumetric nitrification rates and to
accomplish the denitrification in aeration tanks by having anoxic zones within the biofilm depth.
Because of the complexity of the process and issues related to understanding the biofilm area
and activity, the process design is empirical and based on prior pilot-plant or limited full-scale
3775 results. Typical diagram of MBBR is shown in Figure 4.19.
Source: JSWA
bottom of the reaction tank. Permeate from the membranes constitutes the treated effluent.
4.11.1 Operation
All MBR systems require some degree of pumping to force the water flowing through the
membrane. One type of membrane systems uses a pressurized system to push the water through
3805 the membranes. The major systems used in MBRs draw a vacuum through the membranes so
that the water outside is at ambient pressure. The advantage of the vacuum is that it is gentler to
the membranes; the advantage of the pressure is that throughput can be controlled. Both systems
also include techniques for continually cleaning the system to maintain membrane life and keep
the system operational for as long as possible. All the principal membrane systems used in
3810 MBRs use an air scour technique to reduce build-up of material on the membranes. This is done
by blowing air around the membranes out of the manifolds.
The permeate from an MBR has low levels of suspended solids, i.e., the levels of bacteria, BOD,
nitrogen, and phosphorus are also low. Disinfection is easy and may not even be required,
depending on permit requirements.
3815 The solids retained by the membrane are recycled to the biological reactor and build up in the
system. As in conventional biological systems, periodic sludge wasting eliminates sludge
build-up and controls the SRT within the MBR system. The waste sludge from MBRs goes
through standard solids-handling technologies for thickening, dewatering, and ultimate disposal.
Chemical addition increases the ability of solids to settle. As more MBR facilities are built and
3820 operated, a more definitive understanding of the characteristics of the resulting sludge will be
achieved. However, experience to date indicates that conventional sludge processing unit
operations are also applicable to the waste sludge from MBRs.
4.11.2 Maintenance
The key to the cost-effectiveness of an MBR system is membrane life. If membrane life is
3825 curtailed such that frequent replacement is required, costs will increase significantly. Membrane
life can be increased in the following ways:
Good screening of larger solids before the membranes to protect the membranes from physical
Throughput rates that are not excessive, i.e., that do not push the system to the limits of the
3830 design. Low rates reduce the amount of material that is forced into the membrane, and thereby
reduce the amount that has to be removed by cleaners or that will cause eventual membrane
Mild cleaners - cleaning solutions most often used with MBRs include regular bleach (sodium)
and citric acid, are regularly used. The cleaning should be in accordance with manufacturers
3835 recommended maintenance protocols.
4.12 Up Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB)
The Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB) (Figure 4.21), maintains a high
concentration of biomass through formation of highly settleable microbial aggregates. The
sewage flows upwards through a layer of sludge. Separation between gas-solid-liquid takes
3840 place at the top of the reactor phase. Any biomass leaving the reaction zone is directly
recirculated from the settling zone. The process is suitable for both soluble wastes and those
containing particulate matter. The process has been used for treatment of municipal sewage at
few locations and hence performance data and experience available presently are limited.
3845 Figure 4.21 Schematic diagram of an up flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
4.12.1 Plant Commissioning and Operation
Two to three months are needed to build up a satisfactory sludge blanket without the addition of
seed sludge from a working UASB. A shorter time is needed, if seeding is done.
During the start-up period, COD removal in the UASB gradually improves as sludge
3850 accumulation occurs. This may be called the sludge accumulation phase. The end of the sludge
accumulation phase is indicated by sludge washout. At this time, the reactor is shut down to
improve the quality of the sludge. This may be called the sludge improvement phase. After
sludge improvement, blanket formation starts. Once the blanket is formed, again some surplus
sludge washout could occur and to stabilise the stable operation, the excess sludge needs to be
3855 removed periodically. The excess sludge so removed can be sent directly to the sludge treatment
The sludge accumulated in the UASB is tested for pH, volatile fatty acids (VFA), alkalinity,
COD and SS. If the pH reduces while VFA increases, new material should not be fed until the
pH and VFA stabilise.
3860 Daily operation of the UASB requires minimum attention. No special instrumentation is
necessary for control, especially where gas conversion to electric power is not practiced. As
stated, surplus sludge is easy to dry over an open sand bed. The reactor may need to be emptied
completely once in five years, while any floating material (scum) accumulated inside the gas
collector channels may have to be removed every two years to ensure free flow of gas.
3865 4.12.2 Daily Operation and Maintenance of UASB
a. Cleaning of Effluent Gutters
All V-notches must be cleaned in order to maintain the uniform withdrawal of UASB
effluent coming out of each V-notch. The irregular flow from each V-notch results in the
escape of more solids washout. Similarly, blocking of the V-notches of the effluent gutters
3870 will lead to uneven distribution of sewage in the reactor. Therefore, the effluent gutters
have to be inspected on a regular basis to remove any material blocking and even the
outflow over the V-notches in the gutters. The regular maintenance involves cleaning of
V-notches with a broom three times a day (Figure 4.22) and removing sludge with a brush
or with a water jet once a day.
Figure 4.22 Cleaning of effluent gutters
b. Unclogging Feeder Pipes
The feeder pipes should be checked regularly for clogging. Flexible iron rods can serve the
purpose. A submersible pump can be used to unclog the feeder pipes (Figure 4.23). These
3880 feeder pipes are generally clogged due to rags and floating material. It is necessary to
provide a fine screen or extra prevention at the screen to capture floating material at the
pre-treatment unit itself.
Cleaning of feed pipes by submersible pumps Clean feed pipes (equal flow distribution)
Source: PWSSB
Check the quality of gas collectors and carry out repairs where necessary.
4.12.4 Decision Schemes for Sludge Removal
3990 The removal of sludge is subject to a number of choices-how much sludge should be removed,
from where should be removed, etc.
4.12.5 Shut-Down and Standstill
At shutdown of the plant, the sludge will settle at the bottom of the reactor. The biological
activity of the sludge decreases slowly during standstill. Care should be taken to ensure that the
3995 sludge is not exposed to aerobic conditions. This might occur, for instance, when the reactor is
flushed with clean water for prolonged periods.
At shutdown of the plant, the gas production will decrease. At a prolonged period of plant
standstill, the pressure in the gas collection system can drop and air may enter into the system.
In this situation, internal parts of the gas flare, the gas metre and the pressure/vacuum release
4000 valves that normally are not in contact with the atmospheric air start to corrode. These parts
have to be protected, for instance by greasing.
If the water level in the tank is lowered during shutdown, the limited capacity of the vacuum
release valves should be kept in mind. It is possible that imploding of the gas collectors may
occur due to fast withdrawal of the reactor contents. At lowering of the water level in the reactor,
4005 it is advised to open the manholes on the top of the gas collectors. Only after re-establishing the
maximum water level, the manholes can be closed and sealed.
In general, any type of work on the gas collectors requires the opening of the manholes as the
explosive moisture of air and methane can develop in or around the gas collectors. When it is
necessary to enter the reactor while sludge is present, it should be realised that methane is being
4010 formed continuously. A proper ventilation of the reactor is necessary. Very strict rules
concerning open fire, spark emission, etc, should be followed. When entering the reactor plant,
personnel should wear respiration equipment. Measurement of explosion risk and hydrogen
sulphide concentration should be taken frequently when repair work is carried out.
4.12.6 Operational Cautions
4015 Do not get upon the UASB unless you have a gas mask, safety shoes, goggles and
Do not carry any ignitable matters on your person.
Once you reach the walking platform at top, check the H2S by hand held meter.
Unless it registers safety, immediately climb down the UASB.
4020 Once all the above are ensured, proceed to check any overflows of sewage and if so,
stop the UASB.
Check for corrosion at least once in 6 months and get it rectified.
4.12.7 Final Polishing Unit (FPU)
Not much maintenance is required for this unit. The algal growth needs to be maintained, and
4025 the dead algae floating on the top of water surface has to be periodically removed. The baffles
provided at the outlet unit have to be cleaned regularly. Keep the floating material away from
the unit. See that dead algal do not pass out into the pond. These ponds should be
de-sludged/de-silted regularly depending on the depth of sludge accumulation. Maintenance
record should be maintained.
a decision. The white towel test
The white towel test is used to understand the depth of the sludge and this will help in deciding
desludging Malan (1964). White towelling material is wrapped along one-third of a sufficiently
4120 long pole, which is then lowered vertically into the pond until it reaches the pond bottom; it is
then slowly withdrawn. The depth of the sludge layer is clearly visible since some sludge
particles will have been entrapped in the towelling material Figure 4.24. The sludge depth
should be measured at various points throughout the pond, away from the embankments, and its
mean depth calculated. Duncan Mara (2004)
Figure 4.24 The White Towel test De-Sludge Procedure
Measure the depth of the pond from the top of the bund to the bottom. To do this, use the
effluent chamber that may be outside the pond. Usually, these chambers have the same or
4130 slightly larger depth than the pond. If there is no effluent chamber, assemble a long casuarina
sturdy pole of about some 6 meters long and start sliding it slowly on the inside slope so that the
pole follows the gradient and stops at the bottom of the pond which could be sensed by the
strong reaction for a gentle push of the pole. Mark the top of the bund elevation on the pole with
a gentle cut in the hacksaw. Pull the pole out and measure the distance of the cut from the
4135 bottom of the pole after laying the pole flat on the ground. Record the distance. Repeat the
measurement on all sides of the pond. If the readings are within plus or minus 5%, take the
average. If not repeat the measurement at different locations until you get a reading within plus
or minus 5%. Let us say this reading is 5 meters. Nail a perpendicular small pole to one end of
the longer pole such that the distance of protrusion of this short pole is a meter. Then slide the
4140 long pole horizontally over the bund top by resting it on the bund top and checking the
horizontality with a spirit level by placing it on the long pole such that the free end of the short
pole touches the inner side of the bund. Mark the location with a gentle double cut by a hacksaw
on the long pole where the inner side slope of the bund crosses the long pole. Measure this
length. Let us say this is 2 meters. The total depth of the lagoon will now be calculated as [1 / 2]
4145 x [5] = 2.5 meters. Next, measure the inclined length of the waterline from the inner edge of the
inside slope of the bund. Let us say this is 1.4 meters. The freeboard will now be calculated as
[1.4 / 2] = 0.7 meters. The design liquid depth is 2.5-0.7 = 1.8 meters. In this depth, it is now
necessary to measure the depth of sludge accumulation such that at least 1.2 meters of liquid
depth is available for treating the sewage.
4150 This measurement requires the use of the serrated glass tube as described earlier and in addition,
support from fire service personnel, life vests for all those on board the paddle boat, minimum
of two persons, a good fibreglass or wooden boat doubly checked for water tightness, an
experienced boatman and oxygen masks for all those on board the boat. Once all these are
assembled, the boat has to be rowed to the three or four random locations and the glass tube
4155 exercise has to be carried out. After driving the glass tube into the hardness of the bottom clay,
rotate it gently in-situ and lift with an unscrewing motion. Do not pull straight. Gently release
the tube from the clay by feeling it and raise by changing the grip on the tubes and allowing the
tube to go up freely. Once out of the water surface, keep it on the floor of the boat vertically and
allow the contents to settle down for 30 minutes. Thereafter paint on the glass tube with a good
4160 paint the level at which the sludge is seen. Then return to the shore and lay the tube horizontally
over the ground and use a water jet or air jet to clear the tube contents. If the chemist requires it,
collect the sludge and give it to him for analysis. On any account, do not use a mechanized boat.
The methane gas present on the surface of the pond can be ignited by the spark of the motor
with unpleasant consequences.
4165 Another method is to take a slim bamboo pole with a height equal to the depth of the pond plus
2 m as the optimum. A white fluffy towel is wrapped around end of the pole for a height equal
to the designed liquid depth of the pond. It should be tied securely and tightly in not less than
three to four wrappings. Thereafter set sail on a good manual paddle boat over the pond as
described earlier. Lower the pole with the white towel end into the pond till the pole has reached
4170 the bottom. Hold steady for about 15 minutes. Then raise the pole. The darkish or blackish
colour at the bottom end as seen on the towel is the mark of the depth of sludge. Rinse it well by
repeatedly dipping into the liquid upper layers before proceeding to the next random location
and repeat the testing.
Repeat the above depth measurements slowly without hurry. Always do this in clear
4175 non-rainy weather. Make sure you have at least four readings, which are fairly close.
Once the sludge depth is thus measured, consult the chemist for any tendency of
efficiency drop in the pond for BOD removal. If the chemist feels that there is a
steady decline and efficiency is going down, consult the plant superintendent.
As a rule of the thumb, if the liquid height is less than 1.2 meters in a facultative or
4180 anaerobic pond, it is time for de-sludging. Take the decision jointly and never by
The best method of de-sludging is to take one pond out of operation during the
beginning of summer and pump out the water portion to the other ponds. Thereafter,
it normally takes two months for a sludge depth of about 2 meters to dry out.
4185 Deploy manpower equipped with oxygen mask to gently turn the dried sludge upside
down uniformly over the whole area so that drying is hastened. Never use a machine
during this operation as methane may get released.
Once this is completed and the sludge is dried, deploy scraper equipment like a
Procaine and evacuate the sludge over the bund and on to the ground on the earth
4190 side of the bund.
The sludge can be heaped into a pile by manual labourers who should wash their
hands thoroughly with soap after finishing their work. Special cautions for anaerobic pond / maturation pond
All the points listed earlier in aerated lagoon and facultative ponds apply here also except that
4195 the depth of sludge before de-sludging will be according to the original design. The boat ride to
measure the sludge depth shall not be used in these ponds. Instead, the white towel test shall be
conducted and a long boom crate shall be used without making any person stand at the end of
the boom.
4.13.4 Process Control
4200 There is nothing much to control in the process of purification of sewage in WSP except making
sure that the sludge accumulation does not exceed 30% of the total liquid depth or the design
depth of sludge.
4.13.5 Record Keeping Records necessary for Anaerobic Pond
4205 Daily tests and records will be the flow and SS
Monthly tests shall be the BOD after filtering through Whatman 42 filter paper and
pH Records necessary for Facultative Pond
Daily tests and records will be the flow and SS
4210 Weekly tests will be identification of organisms as per Standard Methods drawings
Monthly tests shall be the BOD after filtering through Whatman 42 filter paper and
pH Records necessary for Maturation Pond
Daily tests and records will be the flow and SS
4215 Monthly tests shall be the BOD after filtering through Whatman 42 filter paper and
Yearly test of faecal and total coliforms at the peak summer and peak monsoon shall
be conducted.
4.14 Farm Forestry
4220 Please hand over the O&M work to the local forestry department who are competent in this.
4.15 Fish Pond
These ponds shall not be used henceforth except in the case of the Mudiali farm.
4.16 Secondary Sedimentation Tank
A typical plant may have clarifiers located at two different points. The one that immediately
4225 follows the bar screen, comminutor, or grit channel is called the primary sedimentation tank,
merely because it is the first sedimentation tank in the plant. The other, which follows other
types of treatment units, is called the secondary sedimentation tank or the final sedimentation
tank. The two types of sedimentation tanks operate almost exactly the same way. The function
of a primary clarifier is to remove settleable and floatable solids. The reason for having a
4230 secondary sedimentation tank is that other types of treatment following the primary
sedimentation tank convert more solids to the settleable form, and they have to be removed from
the treated sewage. Because of the need to remove these additional solids, the secondary
clarifier is considered part of these other types of processes.
The main difference between primary and secondary sedimentation tanks is in the density of the
4235 sludge handled. Primary sludge is usually denser than secondary sludge. Effluent from a
secondary clarifier is normally clearer than primary effluent.
Solids that settle to the bottom of a sedimentation tank are usually scraped to one end (in
rectangular clarifiers) or to the middle (in circular clarifiers) into a sump. From the sump, the
solids are pumped to the sludge handling or sludge disposal system. Systems vary from plant to
4240 plant and include sludge digestion, vacuum filtration, filter presses, incineration, land disposal,
lagoons, and burial.
Disposal of skimmed solids varies from plant to plant. Skimmed solids may be buried with
material cleaned off the bar screen, or pumped to the digester. Even though pumping skimmed
solids to a digester is not considered good practice because skimmings can cause operational
4245 problems in digesters, it is a common practice.
4.16.1 Operation
Of all the different types of clarifiers that an operator must regulate, secondary clarifiers in the
activated sludge process are the most critical and require the most attention from the operator.
Levels of sludge blanket in the clarifier
4250 Concentration of suspended solids in the clarifier effluent
Control and pacing of return sludge flows
Concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the clarifier effluent
Level of pH
Concentration of RAS
4255 4.16.2 Maintenance
Annually, during periods of low flow, each clarifier should be shut down for inspection, routine
maintenance, and any necessary repairs. Even though the clarifier and all equipment are
working properly, an annual inspection helps to prevent serious problems and failures in the
future when harmful consequences can result.
4260 During normal operations, operator should schedule the following daily activities:
a. Inspection
Make several daily inspections with a stop, look, listen, and think routine.
b. Cleanup
Using water under pressure, wash off accumulations of solid particles, grease, slime, and
4265 other material from walkways, handrails, and all other exposed parts of the structure and
c. Lubrication
Grease all moving equipment according to manufacturer's specifications and check oil
levels in motors where appropriate.
4270 4.17 Advanced Treatment
Advanced sewage treatment processes typically are used to further reduce the concentrations of
suspended solids, nutrients (nitrogen or phosphorus) and soluble organic chemicals in secondary
treatment effluent. These processes may be physical, chemical, biological, or a combination of
Final Draft 4-50
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 4: SEWAGE TREATMENT
these processes.
4275 4.17.1 Sand Filtration
Sand filters have influent and effluent distribution systems consisting of pipes and fittings. Head
loss is a measure of solids trapped in the filter. As the filter becomes filled with trapped solids,
the efficiency of the filtration process falls off, and the filter must be backwashed. Filters are
backwashed by reversing the flow so that the solids in the media are dislodged and can exit the
4280 filter; sometimes air is dispersed into the sand bed to scour the media.
Sand filters can be automatically backwashed when the differential pressure exceeds a preset
limit or when a timer starts the backwash cycle.
4.17.2 Multimedia Filtration
A multimedia filter operates with the finer, denser media at the bottom and the coarser, less
4285 dense media at the top. A common arrangement is given as below.
Top: Anthracite
Middle: Sand
Bottom: Garnet
These media can be used alone, such as in sand filtration, or in a multimedia combination.
4290 Some mixing of these layers occurs and is anticipated. During filtration, the removal of the
suspended solids is accomplished by a complex process involving one or more mechanisms,
such as:
4295 Interception,
Impaction, and
The size of the medium is the principal characteristic that affects the filtration operation. If the
medium is too small, much of the driving force will be wasted in overcoming the frictional
4300 resistance of the filter bed. If the medium is too large, small particles will travel through the bed,
preventing optimum filtration. As same as sand filtration, back wash is required to keep
adequate filtration efficiency.
4.17.3 Membrane Filtration (MF, UF, NF, RO)
Membrane filtration is used for polishing water for specific uses like industry process water, or
4305 for aquifer infiltration. In India, membrane filtration is widely used in the water and sewage
sectors. (Figure 4.25)
MF Microfiltration membranes are porous membranes with pore sizes between 0.1 and 1
micron (1 micron=1000 nanometre). They allow almost all dissolved solids to get through and
retain only solids particles over the pore size.
4310 UF Ultra filtration membranes are asymmetric or composite membranes with pore sizes
around between 0.005 and 0.05 micron. They allow almost mineral salts and organic molecules
to get through and retain only macromolecules
NF Nano filtration membranes are reverse osmosis membranes with pore sizes around 0.001
micron. They retain multivalent ions and organic solutes that are larger than 0.001 micron.
4315 RO Reverse osmosis membranes are dense skin, asymmetric or composite membranes that let
water get through and rejects almost all salts.
4.17.4 Operation and Maintenance
a. Operational Unit Processes
All membrane filtration systems have associated operational unit processes that are
4320 essential for maintaining and optimizing system performance and therefore critical to the
successful implementation of the technology. These operational processes include
backwashing, chemical cleaning, and integrity testing. For the purposes of this discussion,
pre-treatment and post-treatment are also considered operational unit processes associated
with membrane filtration. Each of these processes and its role in the operation of a
4325 membrane filtration system are described in the following sections. Although not every
membrane filtration system utilizes all of these processes, many utilize each process to
some degree.
b. Pre-treatment
Pre-treatment is typically applied to the feed water prior to entering the membrane system
4330 in order to minimize membrane fouling, but in some cases may be used to address other
water quality concerns or treatment objectives. Pre-treatment is most often utilized to
remove foulants, optimize recovery and system productivity, and extend membrane life.
Pre-treatment may also be used to prevent physical damage to the membranes. Different
types of pre-treatment can be used in conjunction with any given membrane filtration
4335 system, as determined by site-specific conditions and treatment objectives. Pilot testing can
be used to compare various pre-treatment options, optimize pre-treatment, and/or
demonstrate pre-treatment performance. Several different types of commonly used
pre-treatment for membrane filtration systems are discussed in the following subsections.
c. Pre-filtration
Pre-filtration, including screening or coarse filtration, is a common means of pre-treatment
for membrane filtration systems that are designed to remove large particles and debris.
Pre-filtration can either be applied to the membrane filtration system as a whole or to each
4345 membrane unit separately. The particular pore size associated with the pre-filtration
process (where applicable) varies depending on the type of membrane filtration system and
the feed water quality. For example, although hollow-fibre microfiltration (MF) and ultra
filtration (UF) systems are designed specifically to remove suspended solids, large
particulate matter can damage or plug the membranes fibres.
4350 Because nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) utilize non-porous semi permeable
membranes that cannot be backwashed and are almost exclusively designed in a
spiral-wound configuration for municipal water treatment applications, these systems must
utilize much finer pre-filtration in order to minimize exposure of the membranes to
particulate matter of any size.
4355 A summary of the typical pre-filtration requirements associated with the various types of
membrane filtration is presented in Table 4.4.
d. Backwashing
The backwash process for membrane filtration systems is similar in principle to that for
conventional media filters and is designed to remove contaminants accumulated on the
4360 membrane surface. Each membrane unit is backwashed separately and in a staggered
pattern so as to minimize the number of units in simultaneous backwash at any given time.
During a backwash cycle, the direction of flow is reversed for a period ranging from about
30 seconds to 3 minutes. The force and direction of the flow dislodge the contaminants at
the membrane surface and wash accumulated solids out through the discharge line.
4365 Membrane filtration systems are generally backwashed more frequently than conventional
media filters, with intervals of approximately 15 to 60 minutes between backwash events.
Typically, the membrane backwash process reduces system productivity in the range of 5
to 10 percent due to the volume of filtrate used during the backwash operation.
Table 4.4 Typical membrane system pre-filtration requirements
Membrane System Pre-filtration Requirements
Classification Configuration Size (m) Type(s)
Membrane Cartridge Strainers;
Cartridge 300 - 3,000
Filtration (MCF)* Bag Filters
Hollow-Fibre, Strainers;
100 - 300
Microfiltration (MF) / Inside-Out Bag Filters
Ultra filtration (UF) Hollow-Fibre, Strainers;
300 - 3,000
Outside-In Bag Filters
Nanofiltration (NF) /
Spiral-Wound 5 - 20 Cartridge Filters
Reverse Osmosis (RO)
4370 Pre-filtration is not necessarily required for MCF systems
Source: WEF, 2008
4380 removed by the backwash process alone. These foulants are addressed through chemical
Because the design of spiral-wound membranes generally does not permit reverse flow, NF
and RO membrane systems are not backwashed. For these systems, membrane fouling is
controlled primarily with chemical cleaning, as well as through flux control and cross flow
4385 velocity. The inability of spiral-wound membranes to be backwashed is one reason that NF
and RO membranes are seldom applied to directly treat water with high turbidity and/or
suspended solids.
e. Chemical Cleaning
Chemical cleaning is another means of controlling membrane fouling, particularly those
4390 foulants such as inorganic scaling and some forms of organic and biofouling that are not
removed via the backwash process. As with backwashing, chemical cleaning is conducted
for each membrane unit separately and is typically staggered to minimize the number of
units undergoing cleaning at any time. While chemical cleaning is conducted on both
MF/UF and NF/RO systems, because non-porous, semi-permeable membranes cannot be
4395 backwashed, chemical cleaning represents the primary means of removing foulants in
NF/RO systems. Although cleaning intervals may vary widely on a system-by-system
basis, the gradual accumulation of foulants makes eventual chemical cleaning virtually
inevitable. Membrane cartridge filters are an exception, however, in that cartridge filters
are usually designed to be disposable and thus are typically not subject to chemical
4400 cleaning. (Table 4.5)
Table 4.5 Chemical cleaning agents
Typical Target
Category Chemicals Commonly Used
Contaminant (s)
Citric Acid (C6H8O7)
Acid Inorganic scale
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
Base Caustic (NaOH) Organics
Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl)
Oxidants / Organics;
Chlorine (Cl2) Gas
Disinfectants Biofilms
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
Surfactants Various
Inert particles
Source: WEF, 2008
As with backwashing, the goal of chemical cleaning is to restore the TMP of the system to
its baseline (i.e., clean) level. Any foulant that is removed by either the backwash or
4405 chemical cleaning process is known as reversible fouling. Over time, membrane processes
will also typically experience some degree of irreversible fouling which cannot be removed
through either chemical cleaning or backwashing. Irreversible fouling occurs in all
virtually membrane systems, albeit over a wide range of rates, and eventually necessitates
membrane replacement.
4410 4.17.5 Integrated Nutrient Removal Nutrient Removal
Sewage may contain high levels of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. Excessive release of
these nutrients to the environment can lead to a buildup of nutrients, called eutrophication,
which can in turn encourage the overgrowth of weeds, algae, and cyanobacteria (blue-green
4415 algae). This may cause an algal bloom, a rapid growth in the population of algae. The algae
numbers are unsustainable and eventually most of them die. The decomposition of the algae by
bacteria uses up so much of oxygen in the water that most or all of the animals die, which
creates more organic matter for the bacteria to decompose. In addition to causing deoxygenation,
some algal species produce toxins that contaminate drinking water supplies. Different treatment
4420 processes are required to remove nitrogen and phosphorus. Nitrogen Removal
Nitrogen is removed through the biological oxidation of nitrogen from ammonia to nitrate
(nitrification), followed by denitrification, i.e., the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas. (Figure
4425 Nitrogen gas is released into the atmosphere and thus removed from the water. Nitrification
itself is a two-step aerobic process, each step facilitated by a different type of bacteria. The
oxidation of ammonia (NH3) to nitrite (NO2) is most often facilitated by Nitrosomonas spp.
(nitroso referring to the formation of a nitroso functional group). Nitrite oxidation to nitrate
(NO3), though traditionally believed to be facilitated by Nitrobacter spp. (nitro referring the
4430 formation of a nitro functional group), is now known to be facilitated in the environment almost
exclusively by Nitrospira spp.
Denitrification requires anoxic conditions to encourage the appropriate biological communities
to form. It is facilitated by a wide diversity of bacteria. Sand filters, lagoons and reed beds can
all be used to reduce nitrogen, but the activated sludge process (if designed well) can do the job
4435 the most easily. Since denitrification is the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas, an electron donor
is needed.
Testing directly for pathogens is complex and costly. If the coliform count has been
sufficiently reduced through disinfection, a corresponding proportion of pathogens has
probably been inactivated.
4.18.2 Operational Hazards
4580 a. Chlorine Hazards
Chlorine is a gas, 2.5 times heavier than air, extremely toxic, and corrosive in moist
atmospheres. Dry chlorine gas can be safely handled in steel containers and piping, but
with moisture it must be handled in corrosion-resisting materials such as silver, glass,
Teflon, and certain other plastics. Chlorine gas at container pressure should never be
4585 piped in silver, glass, Teflon, or any other plastic material. Even in dry atmospheres, the
gas is very irritating to the mucous membranes of the nose, to the throat, and to the lungs;
a very small percentage in the air causes severe coughing. Heavy exposure can be fatal.
b. Warning
When entering a room that may contain chlorine gas, open the door slightly and check for
4590 the smell of chlorine. Never go into a room containing chlorine gas with harmful
concentrations in the air without a self-contained air supply, protective clothing, and help
standing by. Help may be obtained from your chlorine supplier and your local fire
4.18.3 Maintenance
4595 Routine operations and troubleshooting
Table 4.6 lists routine operational checks of chlorination equipment and remedies if these
checks indicate potential problems.
Table 4.6 Routine operational checklist and troubleshooting guide for chlorination system
Items What to check Potential problems Corrective actions
Degrading effluent increases
Monitor dose and demand. Adjust
chlorine demand (nitrite
process to improve effluent quality.
demand increases use)
Record scale
Usage Replace container or cylinder
Low scale weight, chlorine before
about to run out scale reaches zero to prevent
sediment from entering system.*
If necessary, retare or calibrate
Erratic reading Scale not tared out properly
Work with a trained assistant, wear
SCBAs ( Self-Contained Breathing
Apparatus ), and follow all
appropriate safety procedures when
Personal injury (potential
closing container or cylinder main
Presence of death), evacuation logistics,
valve and evacuating chlorination
Chlorine chlorine leaks and corrosion of nearby
pipe network.
lines, equipment and electronics
Repair all leaks immediately; they
valves, and
will only get worse. Notify
emergency response teams if
Reduce chlorination rate, or
manifold containers or cylinders
Iced container together. If an evaporator is being
Chlorination rate too high
or cylinder used, be certain liquid chlorine is
being withdrawn from the
containers bottom valve.
maintenance (typical)
Aeration blower
Maintain proper motor lubricant level
Lubricate motor roller bearings 1.5months
Check for abnormal noises and vibration
Check that air filters are in place and not clogged
Check motor bearing rise temperature
Activated-sludge system preventive
maintenance (typical)
Activated-sludge system preventive
maintenance (typical)
into the scum box and to reduce the amount of supernatant carried with the
skimming. Maintenance
Check all condensate drains and remove any accumulated moisture.
4740 Visually examine the skimmer to ensure that it properly comes into contact with the
scum baffle and scum box.
Inspect skimmer wipers for wear.
Install kick plates on the gravity thickener bridge to prevent objects from falling into
the tank.
4745 An object lodging in the underflow discharge pipe or under the mechanism will
quickly halt operation of the thickener. If an object falls into the tank, immediately
halt thickener operation to prevent torque overload.
During plant rounds, regularly observe and record the drive torque indicator, which
is the best indicator of mechanical problems.
4750 Regularly check the underflow pump capacity because pumps wear rapidly in a
thickened sludge operation.
Follow the manufacturers recommended lubrication schedule and use
recommended lubricant types. Oil should typically be changed after the first 250
hours of operation and every 6 months thereafter.
4755 5.2.2 Centrifugal Thickening
Thickening by centrifugation is chosen only when space limitations or sludge characteristics
will not permit the adoption of other methods. This method involves high maintenance and
power costs. Configuration
4760 Decanter centrifuges are centrifuges that have a screw conveyor inside that transports the settled
sludge along the bowl and out of the centrifuge. They thicken and dewater the sludge
In the centrifuge, the process is the same, varying only in degree. Centrifuges use the principle
of sedimentation to separate liquids from solids based on the same principle as the clarifiers and
4765 thickeners in the wet end of the plant. In case of sedimentation, it is the difference in density
between the solids and the surrounding liquid that drives separation. Operation and Maintenance
All process devices benefit from a constant feed quality, and centrifuges are no exception.
Common problems are varying ratios of primary to secondary sludges or feed material that has
4770 become septic. For very complicated reasons, septic sludge is more difficult to thicken than
fresh sludge. Holding feed material in storage tanks under uncontrolled conditions is poor
practice. When in doubt, measure the pH drop through the tankage.
The manufacturer generally sets the bowl speed and it is rarely changed thereafter. Assuming
the present speed was the correct speed several years ago is not proof that it is the best speed
4775 now. The plant engineer should adjust the speed periodically, to confirm that it is correct and to
remind operators that it is a variable. It is good policy to consult the manufacturer before
changing the bowl speed.
a. Start-up
Most modern centrifuges have a one-button start. Manual systems take a few minutes, but
4780 are not onerous. When the centrifuge is up to speed, the controls unlock the feed and
polymer pumps, and the operator begins to put the centrifuge online. The start-up sequence
is as follows:
Turn on the feed and polymer to about one-third of the normal rate.
Reduce the differential revolutions per minute and/or pond to minimum.
4785 When the cake thickness reaches the normal value, begin increasing the
differential and the polymer feed rate. Some plants can jump directly to the
normal operating conditions as soon as the cake is sealed, while others have to
ramp up more slowly.
b. Shutdown
4790 Again, modern centrifuges have a one-button stop. The shutdown sequence is as follows:
Shut off the feed and polymer and turn the flushing water on.
When clear water exits both ends of the centrifuge, push the centrifuge stop
At some point, as the centrifuge slows down, flush water will come around the
4795 feed tube or around the casing seals. Note how long it took between engaging
the stop button and the water gushing out. Next time, shut the water off a
minute or two sooner.
With the flush water off, the centrifuge can usually coast to a stop without
operator intervention.
4800 c. Sampling and Testing
Sampling and testing should include TSS and/or total solids for the feed, total solids for
thickened sludge, and TSS, ammonia, and/or phosphorus (under some conditions) for
5.2.3 Air Floatation Thickening
4805 Air floatation units employ floatation of sludge by air under pressure or vacuum and are
normally used for thickening the waste activated sludge. These units involve additional
equipment, higher operating costs, higher power requirements, and more skilled maintenance
and operation. However, removal of grease and oil, solids, grit and other material as also odour
control are distinct advantages.
4810 In the pressure type floatation units, a portion of the subnatant is pressurised from 3 to 5 kg/ cm2
and then saturated with air in the pressure tank. The effluent from the pressure tank is mixed
with influent sludge immediately before it is released into the flotation tank. Excess dissolved
air then rises up in the form of bubbles at atmospheric pressure attaching themselves to particles
which form the sludge blanket. Thickened blanket is skimmed off while the unrecycled
4815 subnatant is returned to the plant. Configuration
Flotation thickeners are equipped with both surface skimmers and floor rakes. The surface
skimmers remove floating material from the thickening tank to maintain a constant average float
blanket depth. Floor rakes are essential for removing the non-floatable heavier solids that settle
4820 to the bottom of the flotation thickener. Most units are baffled and equipped with an overflow
weir. Clarified effluent passes under an end baffle (rectangular units) or peripheral baffle
(circular units) and then flows over the weir to an effluent launder. The weir controls the liquid
level within the flotation tank with respect to the float collection box and helps regulate the
Final Draft 5-4
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 5: SLUDGE TREATMENT FACILITIES
recycle system, including the compressor. If down for longer than this period, shut
down the recycle system.
The float rake timer can be left on until most of the float is removed into the hopper
4870 and pumped for further processing.
If the unit is going to be down for more than 24 hours, displace the tank contents with
non-potable water or drain and clean the tank, all troughs, and pipelines.
In a typical operation, only the recirculation pump and retention tank discharge
valves are closed when stopping a units operation. All other valves remain open,
4875 with the exception of valves on drain lines. Maintenance
Checking all oil levels and ensuring that the oil fill cap vent is open;
Checking all condensation drains and removing any accumulated moisture;
Examining drive control limit switches;
4880 Visually examining the skimmer to ensure that it is in proper contact with the scum
baffle and scum box;
Inspecting skimmer wipers for wear;
Adjusting drive chains or belts;
Semi-annual inspections of major elements for wear, corrosion, and proper
4885 adjustment include:
Saturation systemseductors (if used) or nozzles should be inspected for wear
or cleaned whenever the efficiency begins to decline, or on a semi-annual basis;
Mechanical systems, including shaft bearings and bores, bearing brackets, baffle
boards, flights and skimming units, suction lines and sumps, and sludge pumps.
4890 5.2.4 Belt Type Thickening
Gravity belt thickeners (Figure 5.2) work by filtering free water from conditioned sludge by
gravity drainage through a porous belt. The gravity drainage area is usually horizontal but may
be inclined under some circumstances. Chemical conditioning is generally required to flocculate
the sludge and separate the solids from the free water. Chemical conditioning may be
4895 accomplished by injecting the chemical through an injection ring and mixing it with the sludge.
After chemical injection, the sludge velocity is reduced in a retention tank and the sludge is
allowed to fully flocculate before overflowing by gravity onto the moving belt.
4930 All belt thickeners have a variable-speed belt drive with a typical speed range of 8 to 40
m/min. The belt speed may be either mechanically or electrically varied with speed
controls at the local control panel. Typically, the belt drive is attached to a rubber-coated
drive roller.
f. Belt Tracking
4935 During operation of a belt thickener, the belt should more or less remain centered and not
move laterally on the machine. Although the belt should not move, some type of belt
tracking device is included on most machines. Comparatively, the belt on a belt thickener is
similar to a conveyor belt; all tracking devices have some roots in the conveyor or
papermaking industry.
4940 Operation and Maintenance
a. Start-up
Start the hydraulic unit (or air compressor) and allow tension to develop in the
Start the belt drive and use an initial setting of approximately 20 m/min belt
4945 speed.
Start the wash water pump and allow the belt to pre-wet.
Start the polymer pump and allow the fresh polymer to reach the polymer
injection point.
After thickened sludge is available, start the thickened sludge pump (or
4950 thickened sludge conveyor).
After the system is running, begin fine-tuning the process by adjusting the
sludge flow, polymer dose, mixing energy, belt speed, and so on until the results
are within the desired process parameters. It is important to only adjust one item
at a time and to allow time for the adjustment to take effect before making
4955 another change.
b. Shutdown
Shut down sludge feed pump.
Shut down polymer feed pump.
As the thickened sludge hopper empties, shut down the thickened sludge pump
4960 (or thickened sludge conveyor).
Drain the flocculation tank.
Wash the machine down from top to bottom.
Allow the belts to be completely washed (this could take 15 to 45 minutes)
without sludge or polymer.
4965 Shut down the wash water pump.
Shut down the belt drive.
Shut down the hydraulic unit/air compressor.
c. Sampling and Testing
At a minimum, gravity belt thickeners should be sampled and analyzed as follows:
4970 Sample influent feed for total solids, TSS, total volatile solids, pH, and flow.
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Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 5: SLUDGE TREATMENT FACILITIES
large storage tank, occasionally, with some heating facility. The basic features of this process are
shown in Figure 5.3.
5015 Raw sludge is fed into the digester intermittently. Bubbles of sewage gas are generated and their
rise to the surface provides some mixing. In the case of few old digesters, screw pumps have
been installed to provide additional intermittent mixing of the contents, say once in 8 hours for
about an hour. As a result, the digester contents are allowed to stratify, thereby forming four
distinct layers: a floating layer of scum, layer of supernatant, layer of actively digesting sludge
5020 and a bottom layer of digested sludge; essentially the decomposition is restricted to the middle
and bottom layers. Stabilized sludge which accumulates and thickens at the bottom of the tank is
periodically drawn off from the centre of the floor. Supernatant is removed from the side of the
digester and returned back to the treatment plant.
removed from the tank. Most digesters constructed today have either fixed or floating covers.
A fixed cover digester may develop an explosive mixture in the tank when sludge is withdrawn
if proper precautions are not taken to prevent air from being drawn into the tank. Each time a
new charge of raw sludge is added, an equal amount of supernatant is displaced because the
5045 tank is maintained at a fixed level
A floating cover moves up and down with the tank level and gas pressure. Normally, the vertical
travel of the cover is about 2.5m, with stops (corbels) or landing edges for down (lowering)
control and maximum water level for upward travel. Maximum water level is controlled by an
overflow pipe that must be kept clear to prevent damage to the floating cover by overfilling. Gas
5050 pressure depends on the weight of the cover. The advantages of a floating cover include less
danger of explosive mixtures forming in the digester, better control of supernatant withdrawal,
and better control of scum blankets. Disadvantages include higher construction and maintenance
costs. Agitator
5055 Maintenance requires that the condensate be drained from the lines at least twice a day, that the
diffusers be cleaned to prevent high discharge pressures, and that the compressor unit be
properly lubricated and cooled.
Propeller mixers are found mainly on fixed cover digesters. Normally, two or three of these
units are supported from the roof of the tank with the propeller blades submerged 3 to 3.5 m in
5060 the sludge. An electric motor drives the propeller stirring the sludge. Digested sludge normally
contains a great deal of grit and debris. This type unit usually has reversible motors so the
propeller may rotate in either direction. In one direction the contents are pulled from the top of
the digester and forced down the draft tube to be discharged at the bottom. By operating the
motor in the opposite direction, the digested sludge is pulled from the bottom of the tank and
5065 discharged over the top of the draft tube to the surface. Reversible motors also assist in
minimizing accumulations of rags on the propeller.
If two units are installed in the same tank, an effective way to break up a scum blanket is
operating one unit in one direction and the other unit in the opposite direction, thereby creating
a push-pull effect. The direction of flow in the tubes should be reversed every day.
5070 A limitation of draft tube-type mixers is the potential formation of a scum blanket. If the water
level is maintained at a constant elevation, a scum blanket forms on the surface. The scum
blanket may be a thick layer and the draft will only pull liquid sludge from under the blanket,
not disturbing it, Lowering the level of the digester to just 7 to 10 cm over the top of the drain
tube forces the scum to move over and down the draft tube. This applies mainly to
5075 single-direction mixers.
Pumps are sometimes used to mix digesters. This method is common in smaller tanks. The tank
may or may not be equipped with a draft tube positioned in such a way that the pump suction
may be from the top or valved from the bottom of the digester. Control of scum blankets with
this method of mixing depends on how the operator maintains the sludge level and where the
5080 pump is pulling from and discharging to the digester.
Pressure gauges should be installed on the pump suction and discharge pipes. A change in
pressure could indicate that the pump is not functioning properly and the desired mixing may
not be taking place in the digester. Digester Gas Equipment
5085 a. Gas Tank
Several types of gas storage are available. The most common means of low-pressure gas
storage is the floating gas-holder cover. Membrane storage can be installed either on the
digester, to serve both as cover and storage space, or on the ground as a standalone
5090 b. Flow Meter
Gas production is a measure of digester performance. Reliable monitoring equipment alerts
plant operators to process malfunctions and gas leaks. The flow meters used for gas
monitoring can be broadly classified as positive-displacement, thermal-dispersion, and
differential pressure flow meters (Table 5.1).
5095 Separate flow meters are recommended for each digester because digester gas-production
rates vary. Separate flow meters are also recommended to monitor gas use by the utilization
equipment. The gas may contain moisture and impurities, which may cause maintenance
problems for the metering devices.
Table 5.1 Gas-flow indication and metering
Type Application Operation and maintenance
Used in many plants. Large
devices that require bypasses
when servicing.
Somewhat tolerant of dirty gas.
Accurate gas measurement unless
Positive displacement Requires periodic
cleaning and rebuilding.
Does not require upstream and
downstream straight-pipe
sections for accuracy.
Increasingly used technology
because of tolerance to dirty gas
and simple installation. Accurate Smaller than most metering
for low flows. devices. Requires periodic
Some accuracy problems with cleaning of probe. Must not have
Thermal dispersion insert zero flow, such as for flares. liquid impinging on probe. No
Requires some upstream and bypass needed, reducing need for
downstream straight-pipe piping and isolation valves to
distances for accuracy. Can be service.
inserted and removed through
ball valve.
Requires frequent cleaning when
Commonly used in older plants. used for dirty gas. Accuracy
Pressure differentia
Upstream and downstream depends on instrument
orifices and Venturis
straight piping sections needed. cleanliness. Can significantly
constrict gas flow when fouled.
5100 Source: WEF, 2008
deodorants, lipsticks, gels, lotions, shaving creams, cleaning fluids, and so on. Their use
is growing every year. Not much data is available on their removal in STPs. It has been
5150 reported that siloxanes find their way in digester gas. The concern is in cold climates, if
digesters are to be heated to maintain temperature of about 35C, silicon dioxide deposits
on the heat exchanger tubes, which reduces heat transmission. A typical photograph is
shown in Figure 5.4.
controlled by managing digester feeding, as well as ensuring that the effective digester volume
is not diminished by grit accumulation or poor mixing. Digester feeding is controlled by proper
5230 operation of upstream headworks, clarifiers, and thickeners to ensure the feed sludge
concentrations. In the event of a digester upset, an effective control strategy includes the
following steps:
Stop or reduce sludge feed.
Determine the cause of the imbalance.
5235 Correct the cause of the imbalance.
Provide pH control until treatment returns to normal.
If only one digester tank is affected, the loading on the remaining units can be carefully
increased to allow the upset unit to recover. If overloading is affecting several units, reducing
the feed will require a method of dealing with the excess sludge by hauling it to another facility,
5240 providing temporary storage onsite, or chemically stabilizing and disposing of the sludge. Temperature
Temperature-related stress is caused by a change in digester temperature of more than 1 or 2C
in fewer than 10 days, which would reduce the biological activity of the methane-forming
microorganisms. If the methane formers are not quickly revived, the acid formers, which are
5245 unaffected by the temperature change, continue to produce volatile acids, which will eventually
consume the available alkalinity and cause the pH to decline.
The most typical causes of temperature stress are overloading sludge and exceeding the
instantaneous capacity of the heating system. Most heating systems can eventually heat the
digester contents to the operating temperature, but not a harmful temperature variation.
5250 Toxicity Control
The anaerobic process is sensitive to certain compounds, such as sulphides, volatile acids, heavy
metals, calcium, sodium, potassium, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, and chlorinated organic
compounds. The inhibitory concentration of a substance depends on many variables, including
pH, organic loading, temperature, hydraulic loading, the presence of other materials, and the
5255 ratio of the toxic substance concentration to the biomass concentration. pH Control
The key to controlling the digester pH is to add bicarbonate alkalinity to react with acids and
buffer the system pH to about 7.0. Bicarbonate can be added directly or indirectly as a base that
reacts with dissolved carbon dioxide to produce bicarbonate. Chemicals used for pH adjustment
5260 include lime, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, ammonium hydroxide,
and gaseous ammonia. Lime addition can be messy and will produce CaCO3. Although
ammonia compounds can be used for pH adjustment, they may cause ammonia toxicity and
increase the ammonia load on the liquid treatment processes through return streams.
Consequently, their use is not recommended.
5265 During a digester upset, volatile acid concentrations may begin to rise before bicarbonate
alkalinity is consumed. Because pH depression does not occur until alkalinity is depleted, it may
be observed only after the digester is well on its way to failure. Digester Foaming
Digester foam consists of fine gas bubbles trapped in a semi-liquid matrix with a specific
5270 gravity of 0.7 to 0.95. The gas bubbles are generated below the sludge layer and are trapped as
they form. While some foaming always occurs, it is considered excessive if it plugs piping or
escapes from the digester. Excessive foaming can cause the loss of active digester volume,
structural damage, spillage, and damage to the gas-handling system, as well as being
malodorous and unsightly. The most common cause of digester foaming is organic overload,
5275 which results in the production of more VFAs (volatile fatty acids) than can be converted to
methane. The acid formers (which release carbon dioxide) work much more quickly than the
methane-forming microorganisms. The resulting increase in carbon dioxide typically increases
foam formation. Factors that can contribute to organic overload include:
Intermittent digester feeding;
5280 Separate feeding or inadequate blending of primary sludge and waste activated
Insufficient or intermittent digester mixing; and
Excessive amounts of grease or scum in digester feed (especially problematic if the
digester is fed in batches).
5285 Organic overload can be minimized by feeding the digesters continuously (or as often as
possible), blending different feed sludges well before feeding, ensuring that the digester-mixing
system is operable, and limiting the quantities of grease or scum in the digester feed.
5.4 Sludge Dewatering
Most of the digested primary or mixed sludge can be compacted to a water content of about
5290 90% in the digester itself by gravity but mechanical dewatering with or without coagulant aids
or prolonged drying on open sludge drying beds may be required to reduce the water content
further. The dewatering of digested sludge is usually accomplished on sludge drying beds which
can reduce the moisture content to below 70%. But excess oil or grease in the sludge will
interfere with the process. Where the required space for sludge drying beds is not available,
5295 sludge conditioning, followed by mechanical dewatering on centrifugation, belt press, filter
presses, screw press, rotary press, and vacuum filters.
5.4.1 Chemical Dosing Equipment Coagulant
Chemical conditioning is the process of adding certain chemicals to enable coalescence of
5300 sludge particles facilitating easy extraction of moisture. The chemicals used are ferric and
aluminium salts and lime, the more common being ferric chloride with or without lime.
Digested sludge, because of its high alkalinity exerts a huge chemical demand and therefore the
alkalinity has to be reduced to effect a saving on the chemicals. This can be accomplished by
elutriation. Polyelectrolytes show promise for sludge with finely dispersed sludge. The choice of
5305 chemical depends on pH, ash content of sludge, temperature and other factors. Optimum pH
values and chemical dosage for different kinds of sludge have to be based on standard
laboratory tests. The dosage of ferric chloride and alum for elutriated digested sludge is of the
order of 1.0 kg/m3 of sludge. Alum when vigorously mixed with sludge, reacts with the
carbonate salts and releases CO2, which causes the sludge to separate and water drains out more
5310 easily. Hence for effective results, alum must be mixed quickly and thoroughly. The alum floc,
however, is very fragile and its usefulness has to be evaluated as compared with ferric chloride
before resorting to its application.
Feeding devices are necessary for applying chemicals; mixing of chemicals with sludge should
be gentle but thorough, taking not more than 20 to 30 seconds. Mixing tanks are generally of the
5315 vertical type for small plants and of the horizontal type for large plants. They are provided with
mechanical agitators rotated at 20 to 80 rpm.
a. Inorganic Chemicals
Inorganic chemical conditioning is associated principally with vacuum and pressure
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filtration dewatering. The chemicals typically are lime and ferric chloride. Ferrous
5320 sulphate, ferrous chloride, and aluminium sulphate are also used, although less commonly.
i. Ferric Chloride
Ferric chloride solutions typically are used at the concentration received from the
supplier (30 to 40%); however, some STPs dilute the ferric chloride to approximately
10% to improve mixing and reduce the acidity and corrosivity of the material. This
5325 can be done in day tanks or inline. Dilution may lead to hydrolysis reactions and the
precipitation of ferric chloride crystals.
An important consideration in the use of ferric chloride is its corrosive nature. It reacts
with water to form hydrochloric acid, which attacks steel and stainless steel. When
diluted with sludge, the acidity is neutralized by the alkalinity of the sludge and
5330 thoroughly diluted so that the end product is quite benign. Interlocks must be used to
ensure that ferric chloride is always added to sludge in the proper ratio and is never
pumped into sludge lines or process equipment by itself.
Special precautions must be taken when handling this chemical. The best materials are
epoxy, rubber, ceramic, polyvinylchloride, and vinyl. Contact with the skin and eyes
5335 must be avoided. Rubber gloves, face shields, goggles, and rubber aprons must be
used at all times. Ferric chloride can be stored indefinitely without deterioration.
Customarily, it is stored in above-ground tanks constructed of resistant plastic and
surrounded by a containment wall. Ferric chloride can crystallize at low temperatures,
which means that the tanks must be kept indoors or heated.
5340 ii. Lime
Vacuum filters and filter presses commonly use lime and ferric chloride to make the
sludge easier to filter and improve the release of the sludge from the filter media. Lime
is available in two dry formsquicklime (calcium oxide) and hydrated lime [Ca(OH) 2].
When using quicklime, it is first slurried with water and converted to calcium
5345 hydroxide, which is then used for conditioning. Because this process (known as
slaking) generates heat, special equipment is required.
Quicklime must be stored in a dry area, because it reacts with moisture in the air and
can become unusable.
Hydrated lime is much easier to use than quicklime, because it does not require
5350 slaking, mixes easily with water with minimal heat generation, and does not require
any special storage conditions.
Lime typically is used in conjunction with ferric salts. Although lime has some slight
dehydration effects on colloids, odour reduction, and disinfection, it is used because it
improves filtration and release of the cake from the filter media. The lime reacts with
5355 bicarbonate to form a precipitate of calcium carbonate, which provides a granular
structure that increases porosity and reduces compressibility of the sludge.
b. Organic Flocculants
Organic flocculants are widely used in many industries and processes involving the
separation of sludge from liquids. These liquid- sludge separation applications may involve
5360 processes related to the recovery of finished products, clarification or purification of
liquids, and volume reduction of waste materials.
While organic polyelectrolytes are commonly used in applications involving liquid-sludge
separation, the processes of sewage sludge thickening and dewatering are completely
dependent on their use.
particularly the gravimetric type, also contain a material flow-control device such as a
movable gate or rotary inlet for metering or controlling flow of the chemical to the feed
5410 Operation
Many metering pump systems handle chemicals that coat or build a layer of residue or slurries
that can settle out solids during operation. Strainers are helpful in removing large particulates,
but the operator must keep these cleaned. Periodic flushing to remove residues and deposits is
often required. Piping and valve arrangements should allow the system to be isolated so that a
5415 clear liquid, such as water, can be used to pressurize the system for flushing the residue or solid
buildup. Such flushing systems can be operated manually using hand-operated valves or can be
automatically operated using solenoid valves with a timer control system. Systems where the
metering pumps and piping are periodically shut down will require flushing connections to
remove solids.
5420 Most feeders, regardless of type, discharge their material to a small dissolving tank equipped
with a nozzle system or mechanical agitator, depending on the solubility of the chemical being
fed. The surface of each particle needs to be completely wet before it enters the feed tank to
ensure thorough dispersal and avoid clumping, settling, or floating. When feeding some
chemicals, such as polymers, into dissolvers, care must be taken to keep moisture inside the
5425 dissolver from backing up into the feeder. Maintenance
Systems where the metering pumps and piping are periodically shut down will require flushing
connections to remove solids. In addition, an allowance for T- and Y-cleanouts should be
for the piping system where longer horizontal piping runs cannot be adequately
5430 flushed.
A metering pump will lose capacity and become erratic when the suction or discharge valves
become worn or when poor hydraulic conditions exist. These conditions will be indicated by the
cylinder test. Also, debris in the chemicals being fed may obstruct or block the check valves,
thus impeding their operation and decreasing the pumps performance.
5435 Check dust filters periodically.
Periodically clean and calibrate level measurement and indication instrumentation in
liquid and dry storage tanks.
Check the level and condition of the oil in the gear reducer.
Check the condition of all painted surfaces.
5440 Clean dirt, dust, or oil from equipment surfaces.
Check all electrical connections.
Stop and start equipment, checking for voltage and amp draw and any movement
restrictions because of failed bearings, improper lubrication, or other causes.
Check the drive motor for any unusual heat, noise, or vibration.
5445 Check the packing for leakage and wear.
5.4.2 Sludge Feed Pump Operation
The following operations directly affect sludge pump performance.
Positive-displacement pumps need a drive system that can operate the pump at the speed needed
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5450 to perform adequately under all operating conditions. Sometimes, this involves manually and
automatically timed starts and stops, as well as variable pump discharge rates. This
variable-speed arrangement can be provided via mechanical vari-drives; variable pitch pulleys;
direct-current, variable-speed drives; alternating-current, variable-frequency drives;
eddy-current magnetic clutches; or hydraulic speed-adjustment systems. Each has various
5455 advantages and disadvantages with respect to cost, amount and ease of maintenance required,
efficiency, turndown ratio, and accuracy. Because positive-displacement pumps are constant
torque machines, operators should ensure that the output torque of variable-speed drive exceeds
the pumps torque requirement at all operating points. Although variable-speed drives are often
either a necessity or an enhancement to proper plant operation, the challenge is providing the
5460 continued maintenance and servicing required.
Operators should check the following items:
Inlet and outlet flow rate
Noise or vibration
Bearing housing temperature
5465 Running amperage
Pump speed
Pressure Maintenance
Following is the maintenance checklist for sludge pumps:
5470 Check the level and condition of the oil in the gear reducer.
Check the shaft alignment.
Check the condition of all painted surfaces.
Visually inspect mounting fasteners for tightness.
Clean dirt, dust, or oil from equipment surfaces.
5475 Check all electrical connections.
Stop and start equipment, checking for voltage and amp draw and any movement
restrictions because of failed bearings, improper lubrication, or other causes.
Check the drive motor for any unusual heat, noise, or vibration.
Check mechanical seals and packing for leakage or wear.
5480 5.4.3 Mechanical Dewatering Centrifugal Dewatering
Centrifugation is the process of separating solids from liquids by the process of sedimentation,
enhanced by centrifugal force. Operation
5485 A centrifuge can thicken or dewater the sludge with only a minor change in the weir setting
(also called pond setting). Likewise, it can dewater sludge to a moderate consistence at low
polymer dose or produce very dry solids using higher polymer dosages.
a. Sludge Type and Quality
The operation of the wet end of the plant determines the quality of the sludge, which, in
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Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 5: SLUDGE TREATMENT FACILITIES
Continue flushing at 25% of normal feed flow until the centrifuge reaches 7 to
800 r/min.
Turn off the lubrication system and cooling water when the unit is completely
5535 stopped. Maintenance
During operation, the operator should check for the following:
The oil level and the flow of oil to the bearings in circulating oil systems
Flow of cooling water and oil temperature, to ensure it is operating in the proper
5540 range
Machine vibratione
Ammeter reading on the bowl motor
Bearing temperatures, by touching them
System for leaks
5545 Centrate quality
Scroll drive torque
Because the centrifuge will shut itself down in the event of a fault, the operator typically only
looks at the mechanical parameters once per shift. Belt Filter Press Dewatering Equipment
5550 The operation of a Belt Filter Press (BFP) is based on the principles of filtration and comprises
the following zones (Figure 5.5):
Gravity drainage zone, where the feed is thickened
Pressure zonee
Shear zone
Figure 5.5 Belt filter press Operation
a. Process Variables
There are several process variables that affect the performance of all dewatering systems.
5560 In general, dewatering devices must run at 95% capture or better, so capture really is not an
operating variable. Of the remaining parameterscake dryness, loading, and polymer
dosagewithin limits, the operator can take from one to give to another. For drier cake,
one can reduce the loading and/or increase the polymer dosage.
Cake Dryness
5565 Increased cake dryness comes at the price of lower capacity and/or higher polymer
dosage. The ability to obtain higher cake dryness is, to a great extent, a function of the
design of the press. Presses with extended gravity zones to better pre-concentrate the
feed and additional pressure rollers give longer sludge residence times and drier cake.
Polymer Type and Dosage
5570 Some polymers are designed to obtain drier cakes than others. Likewise, the dosage
will increase and decrease with the cake dryness. Some polymers become less
effective at higher dosages. This will be apparent from a quick jar test or observing
that adding more polymer results in either poorer operation or same operation.
Hydraulic Loading
5575 Belt filter presses are limited by the volume of water that can go through the belts. As
a result, thinner feed sludges will result in less quantity of dry solids produced, all else
being equal.
Solids Loading
Likewise, more solids will result in less solids residence time inside the press and
5580 therefore wetter sludge, all else being equal.
The solids capture is typically fixed by the plant management and is not an operating
Belt composition and condition, speed, and tension
5585 Size and number of rollers
Wash water flow, pressure, and suspended solids concentration
b. Sequence of Operation
The sequence of operation for a BFP typically is set up in the following order:
Open wash water valve.
5590 Start wash water pump.
Start pneumatic/hydraulic belt tension system.
Start belt drive and dewatered cake conveyor.
Start polymer solution feed pump.
Start sludge feed pump.
5595 Modern presses typically have a one-button start system, so the operator only has to
manually start the feed and polymer pumps. In any event, one benefit of filling out the
operating log is that the operating conditions the last operator used are known, as are
the conditions of the previous week and month. Maintenance
5600 Rollers and bearings require frequent lubrication. Follow the manufacturers operations and
maintenance manual for lubrication schedule. This extends the life of the roller bearings and
belt drive motor.
Replacement of filter belts is a common maintenance requirement.
The following procedures will extend the life of the BFP and reduce its operating cost:
5605 Wash down the BFP every day after finishing the dewatering shift. This
prevents cake from drying and accumulating in different sections of the BFP.
Confirm that all rollers are turning freely.
Check the press weekly for damaged bearings.
Check the grinder that prevents large particles from entering the press twice per
5610 year.
Clean the wash water nozzles as frequently as necessary (this depends on the
quality of the wash water). This ensures proper cleaning of the belts.
Inspect and change sludge containment and washbox seals, as necessary.
Inspect and clean doctor blades from any accumulated debris, hair, or any other
5615 foreign materials.
Clean the chicanes (plows) in the gravity section after shutting down the press.
For any other maintenance of complex mechanical parts of the BFP, contact the
manufacturer for advice. Filter Press
5620 Filter presses for dewatering are generally either recessed plate filters or diaphragm filter
presses. With the advent of better organic polymers, belt filters and centrifuges have largely
displaced filter presses in the market. Filter presses can be attractive in unusual circumstances.
The fixed-volume recessed plate filter press consists of a series of plates, each with a recessed
section that forms the volume into which the feed enters for dewatering. Filter media or cloth,
5625 placed against each plate wall, retains the cake solids while permitting passage of the filtrate.
The plate surface under the filter media is specifically designed with grooves between raised
bumps to facilitate passage of the filtrate while holding the filter cloth. Before pumping into the
press, the feed must be chemically conditioned to flocculate the solids and release the water held
within the solid mass. Most typical conditioning systems use inorganic chemicals and organic
5630 polymers.
High-pressure pumps force the feed into the space between the two plates. The filtrate passes
through the cake and the filter media and out of the press through special ports drilled in the
Pumping continues up to a given pressure and is stopped when solids and water fill the void
5635 volume between the filter cloths and filtrate flow slows to a minimal rate. The press then opens
mechanically and the cake is removed, one chamber at a time. Operation
a. Process Variables -Chemical Conditioning
Polymers have a narrow range of effective dosage. A dose that is too low or too high will
5640 result in a wet cake. Lime and ferric chloride have a broader range of effective dosage.
While it is desirable for an operator to reduce the chemical usage to reduce costs, if erratic
equipment operation or erratic feed qualities occur, a higher lime dose typically will protect
against a wet cake. Polymer conditioning requires much less chemical per unit mass of
solids dewatered, which results in more room in the press for organic sludges, and
5645 increased capacities.
A torn cloth immediately results in a filtrate flow that is very dirty and heavy with
Feed sludge concentration. A very thin feed may blow out through the plate surfaces
during the initial high-volume fill of the press because there would be too much
5650 filtrate flow for the drain capacity. A thin feed will at least require a longer filtration
time and produce a wetter cake. A thick feed typically will produce a drier cake with
a much shorter filtration time.
For a conventional filter press, the operator can control the following machine variables:
Feed application rate by pacing the flow to the filter press.
5655 Overall filtration time, including such variables as the time at each pressure level in
multiple pressure level operations.
Use and amounts of pre-coat or body feed. Typically, pre-coat is unnecessary when
inorganic chemicals, such as lime and ferric chloride, are applied. Pre-coat may be
needed if particle sizes are extremely small, filterability varies considerably, or a
5660 substantial loss of fine solids to and through the filter media is anticipated.
Conditioning chemicals, type, dosage, location, and mixing efficiency. Polymer
addition versus lime and ferric chloride conditioning typically are not
interchangeable, as each chemical requires special mixing and flocculation energies
and reaction times. Polymers only need a quick mix before injection to the press.
5665 Modifications to the piping and mixing systems are typically needed if a change in
the type of chemical for conditioning is desired.
Flocculation efficiency and energy vary with the type of chemical being used.
Polymer floc shears easily and remains stable for only a few minutes. Lime floc is
more durable and remains stable for a few hours.
5670 Filter media. Filter cloth media vary widely, with different filament composition,
weave pattern, and weave tightness.
b. Operational Considerations
Many presses are very noisy when in operation. Hearing protection may be needed.
Never insert objects between the press plates as they are being discharged without
5675 first shutting the unit down by tripping the light curtain or flipping the emergency
shutdown switch.
Lime treatment results in considerable ammonia fumes being released during cake
discharge. Make sure that adequate ventilation pulls these fumes away from the
operator, preferably with a high-capacity, down-draft blower system. If an adequate
5680 ventilation system is not operational, short term exposure may be allowed, if
approved, and if an approved ammonia respirator is worn by all operators assisting
with the cake discharge.
Hydrochloric acid washing of the press releases volatile acid fumes, which should
not be inhaled or exposed to moist body tissues, such as eyes and lungs. A
5685 high-capacity ventilation system, as previously noted, is essential. If approved,
short-term exposure may be allowed with an approved respirator and complete
coverage of all exposed skin.
Lime powder is very caustic when it comes into contact with moist body tissues.
Therefore, an approved respirator and complete coverage of all exposed skin is
5690 necessary when working around lime. Maintenance
Follow all equipment manufacturers recommendations. Some typical areas that need special
attention are as follows:
The plate handles and the frame rails require frequent grease application to prevent
5695 binding and excessive wear.
The plate shifter chain or other plate shifting devices require frequent lubrication.
Even if a shredder is used before the conditioning step, rags will quickly accumulate
on all mechanical mixer blades. These need to be removed frequently to prevent
damaging the mixer gears and shaft bearings from operating out of balance.
5700 Lime systems scale up and plug over time and are unpleasant and potentially
hazardous for operators to clean. When lime is used, cloth and plate washing may
require both an acid and a water wash because lime causes scaling.
Ferric chloride, hydrochloric acid, lime, and ammonia cause considerable corrosion
to metal surfaces, such as the plate handles with their retaining bolts, the shifter
5705 chain, and even steel plates under a hard rubber cover. Frequent cleaning and
lubrication are necessary to reduce corrosion. Powder-coated steel handles,
polypropylene plates, and polytetrafluoroethylene-coated frame rails have been used
by some facilities to reduce corrosion problems. Also, adding an inhibitor to
hydrochloric acid will reduce its metal corrosion properties.
5710 From time to time, the cloths and gaskets should be removed, the plates should be
pressure cleaned, and new cloths and gaskets cut and installed. Screw Press
Screw presses dewater sludges first by gravity drainage at the inlet section of the screw and then
by squeezing free water out of the sludges as they are conveyed to the discharge end of the
5715 screw under gradually increasing pressure and friction (Figure 5.6). The increased pressure to
compress the sludges is generated by progressively reducing the available cross-sectional area
for the sludges. The released water is allowed to escape through perforated screens surrounding
the screw while the sludges are retained inside the press. The liquid forced out through the
screens is collected and conveyed from the press, and the dewatered sludges are dropped
5720 through the screws discharge outlet at the end of the press.
Screw speed and configuration, as well as screen size and orientation, can be tailored for each
dewatering application.
Solids are combined with polymer and pumped into the flocculation vessel. After flocculation,
sludges are transferred to the screw press. In the horizontal screw press configuration, sludges
5725 are fed by gravity from the flocculation tank into the screw press headbox. If a rotary screen
thickener is used, sludges flow from the flocculation tank to the rotary screen thickener and then
to the screw press headbox. Sludges then flow from the headbox into the inlet of the screw
press. Maintenance
5760 Maintenance checkpoints are as follows:
Check the drive of the screw for abnormal sound and vibration during operation.
Check the screen for any damage or clogging.
Check the cleaning nozzle for clogging.
Check the amount and the leakage of lubricating oil.
5765 Check the reading of the ammeter and indicator lamps. Rotary Press
Rotary presses are a relatively new technology that can achieve cake solids and solid capture
performance similar to belt presses and centrifuges. Rotary press and rotary fan press
dewatering technology relies on gravity, friction, and pressure differential to dewater sludge.
5770 The major elements of a rotary press are the polymer feed and mixing system, parallel filtering
screens, a circular channel between the screens, the rotation shaft, and a pressure- controlled
outlet (Figure 5.7).
The press screens of rotary fan consist of fabricated wedgewire with small openings and linear
gaps. The rotary press drive configuration allows up to six rotary press channels to be operated
5775 on a single drive. Each channel has bearings, and the combined unit has an outboard bearing
cantilevered on one end. The rotary fan press drive configuration uses a maximum of two rotary
press channels on a single drive with isolated bearings in a sealed gearbox.
A key feature of both rotary press and rotary fan press dewatering technology is their slow
rotational speed. Typical installations use speeds of 1 to 3 rpm. This provides low vibration, low
5780 shear, and low noise. Operation
a. Operational Control
Operators can control the performance of the rotary press or rotary fan press by changing
polymer type and dosage, feed rate, feed pressure, wheel speed, and outlet pressure.
5785 Both types of rotary press require minimal supervision and can be unattended between
startup and shutdown.
Hydraulic Loading Rate
The hydraulic loading rate is a function of the equipments size and number of channels.
The technology is modular, and the hydraulic loading rate of single-drive units ranges from
5790 0.5 to 15 L/s, although a maximum hydraulic loading rate of 3 L/s per channel is typical.
Rotary presses provide better performance on residuals with higher fiber content (e.g.,
primary sludges).
Chemical Conditioning Requirements
Chemical conditioning is mandatory to attain design performance in rotary press or rotary
5795 fan press dewatering. Polymer feed systems can be supplied by the manufacturer or can
be procured independently. In both cases, the feed systems typically include a polymer
storage tank and metering pump, which feeds the polymer into the mixing or flocculation
tank, where it is blended with the sludge. Dry or emulsion polymers can be used.
Solids Loading Rate
5800 Because solids capture is a function of the adjustable back pressure, the solids loading rate
varies with the hydraulic loading rate. At higher solids concentrations, residuals will
accumulate in the outlet zone, form cake, and extrude more quickly.
b. Cleaning System
Rotary presses and rotary fan presses include a self-cleaning system that must run for 5
5805 minutes per day at the end of use to flush all lines and equipment. The system does not
require high-pressure water for flushing. Typically, the normal in-plant water source has
sufficient pressure, but in some cases, high-pressure booster pumps may be required.
bed. The cycle time between two dryings of sludge on drying beds primarily depends on the
characteristics of sludge including factors affecting its ability to allow drainage and evaporation
5870 of water, the climatic parameters that influence evaporation of water from sludges and the
moisture content allowed in dried sludge. The cycle time may vary widely, lesser time required
for aerobically stabilized sludges than for anaerobically digested sludge and for hot and dry
weather conditions than for cold and/or wet weather conditions.
5.5.4 Percolation Type Bed Components
5875 A sludge drying bed usually consists of a bottom layer of gravel of uniform size over which is
laid a bed of clean sand. Open jointed tile under drains are laid in the gravel layer to provide
positive drainage as the liquid passes through the sand and gravel.
5.5.5 Operation and Maintenance
Sludge that is drawn to the beds contains 4-10% solids depending upon the type of sludge. Wet
5880 sludge should be applied to the beds to a depth of 20 to 30 cm. After each layer of dried sludge
has been removed, the bed should be raked and levelled. Sludge should never be discharged on
a bed containing dried or partially dried sludge. It is preferable to apply the sludge at least a day
or two after the sludge cakes are removed.
Removal of dried sludge from bed surfaces should be done with shovel, taking care that as little
5885 as possible of the sand is removed. When the sand layer is reduced to as low as 10 to 15 cm, it
should be examined for clogging by organic matter and if found, the entire sand should be
removed and the bed re-sanded to the original depth of 20 to 30 cm.
The dried sludge cakes may be sold as fertiliser. Some part of the sludge should be used in the
plant itself for gardening, lawns, etc to demonstrate its fertiliser value and to develop a market
5890 value for the digested and dried sludge. Suitable storage facilities may be provided for the dried
Records of operation of sludge drying beds should show the time and quantity of sludge drawn
to each bed, the depth of loading, the depth of sludge after drying time and the quantity of dried
sludge removed. The solids content of wet digested sludge, its volatile portion and pH should be
5895 determined and recorded. Likewise, the moisture content and fertiliser value in terms of NPK of
dried sludge should also be analysed and recorded. A typical operation sheet of sludge drying
bed is as follows (Table 5.3).
Table 5.3 Typical Operation Sheet of Sludge Drying Beds
Date and Time Check List
Cleaning of weeds
Quantity of sludge to respective SDB
Depth of the wet sludge
Depth of dried sludge
Quantity of sludge removed
Cleaning and scrubbing of splash plate, pipes etc
Volume of sand added
Cleanup-washing scrubbing of filtrate sump
Source: JICA, 2011
5.7 Troubleshooting
5905 Refer to Appendix 5.1.
5.8 Record Keeping
There is no standard format for record keeping. Each STP has to have its own format. The
crucial parameters to be recorded are the pH and temperature of the digesters on a daily basis.
The gas analysis can be recorded once a week.
5910 5.9 Summary
Treatment of sludge, which is converted from removed organic matter in sewage, as well as
quality and quantity of sewage inflow, and quality of treated water, are quite important in STPs.
Problems encountered in the course of operation are gathered in Appendices as troubleshooting.
Operators can make use of the troubleshooting chart to take appropriate measures against each
5915 trouble. Transformer
A transformer is the most important component in substations. Transformers receive electrical
power at high voltage and transform it to lower service voltage. They also provide isolation
between high voltage and low voltage supply.
6025 Cooling system for oil-immersed transformer: Oil serves as direct cooling medium to disperse
the heat that is generated from windings and core. The oil is in turn cooled by indirect cooling
medium such as air at the oil radiator.
Cooling system for dry transformer: Utilize surrounding air or SF6 as cooling medium.
Transformer Efficiency: The efficiency of a transformer varies between 96% and 99%. The
6030 efficiency of transformer not only depends on design, but also on operating load. The
transformer losses are mainly attributed to:
Constant Loss: This is also called iron loss or core loss, which mainly depends upon
the material of the core and magnetic circuit of the flux path. Hysteresis and eddy
current loss are two components of constant loss.
6035 Variable Loss: This is also called load loss or copper loss, which varies with the
square of the load current.
The best efficiency of a transformer occurs at a load when constant loss and variable loss are
equal. For distribution transformers, installed in an STP, the best efficiency would occur around
50% load.
6040 O&M checks to be made are as follows:
Check connections of cables for looseness and overheating.
Check the transformer for abnormal vibration and noise.
Check oil and winding temperature regularly with respect to manufacturers manual.
Check for moisture ingress by observing the colour of the silica gel.
6045 Check for level of oil in the conservator.
Transformer is shown Figure 6.3.
less. It is also not beneficial for the power supplier whose system power factor is also affected.
Equipment used in most industries such as drives, controllers, etc., are inductive loads which
6100 lower the power factor.
The power factor is the ratio between active power (kW) and total power (kVA), or the cosine of
the angle between active and total power. A high reactive power, will increase this angle and as
a result the power factor will be lower.
Active power
Power Factor
Total power
Where, S1 : Apparent power (kVA) = P jQ1 (Before correction)
S2 : Apparent power (kVA) = P jQ2 (After correction)
P : Active power (kW)
Q1 : Lagging reactive power (kvar) (Before correction)
6125 Q2 : Lagging reactive power (kvar) (After correction)
Qc : Capacity of condenser (Advancing reactive power) (kVA)
cos1 : Power factor before correction
cos2 : Power factor after correction
Figure 6.5 Vector diagram of power factor control
6130 Capacitor Panel
Capacitor panels consist of some equipment such as condensers for power factor correction,
series reactors meters, relays, etc. Condenser (Capacitor)
Induction motors which are inductive loads generate lagged-phase reactive power.
6135 Phase-advanced condensers (capacitor) have the function of compensating the lagged-phase
reactive power to improve power factor.
The effects gained from the condensers vary according to the points to be installed. For example,
it is effective to install a condenser on the secondary side of a transformer if reduction in load
and loss of the transformer is targeted.
6140 With regard to operation and maintenance, the capacitors reactive power acts during light load
(when power equipment has stopped), and when the current leads the voltage in the circuit so
that leading power factor occurs, and the terminal voltage of the load increases causing adverse
effects on the equipment. To prevent this phenomenon, the capacitor may need to be isolated, or
an automatic power factor regulator may need to be installed.
6145 Normally a capacitor unit comprises of individual capacitor elements arranged in parallel/ series
connected groups within a steel enclosure. An internal discharge device is a resistor that reduces
the unit residual voltage to 50V or less in 5 minutes. Capacitor units are available in a variety of
voltage ratings from 240 V to 66,000 volts and sizes (2.5 kvar to about 1,000 kvar).
The capacitors can be with external fuses or internal fuses, or both. An internal fuse is a small
6150 fuse wire connected to each capacitor element, encapsulated in a wrapper. When a fault occurs
in a particular element, the particular fuse melts, disconnecting the affected element only, and
permitting the other elements to function without interruption. An external fuse unit typically
protects each capacitor unit in a bank. In an oil-impregnated capacitor, the internal pressure may
increase resulting in expansion due to excessive current because of the failure of internal
6155 elements. This leads to leakage of oil from the capacitor unit and failure of the capacitor. Care
should be taken to select capacitors with sufficient cooling volume.
When a capacitor circuit is switched on, there is an inrush current which is likely to damage the
capacitor. A choke or series reactor is used to control the inrush current. Series Reactor
6160 The major functions of a series reactor are to protect capacitor by means of the following:
Limiting inrush current during switching
Limiting resonance and protection of capacitor banks
Harmonic filtration
Lower loss and noise level
6165 Power Factor Correction at Motor Panel
Power factor can be increased by installing low voltage capacitor in parallel with the motor.
This enables the current to be reduced. Moreover, distortion waveform can also be stabilized by
connecting a series reactor.
6.2.3 Supply and Interruption (Operation of Electrical Equipment)
6170 Power interruption is classified into two types: a scheduled power interruption and an
unscheduled power interruption.
The former requires specific operational procedure before interrupting the power supply, which
is to open the switches from the load side (power distribution panel) to the power source
(power receiving panel) sequentially. To restart power supply, close the switches from the
6175 power source (power receiving panel) to the load side (power distribution panel) one by one.
Make sure that the personnel in charge of the interruption/ restart operation know thoroughly the
configuration of the machinery, the operational characteristics, the operational procedures, the
place or position of switches installed, the electrical scheme diagram, and the load circuit
diagram to avoid incorrect procedures.
6180 During the work of starting, operating and stopping the load equipment, pay attention to meter
readings, vibration, heat, and sound of equipment. If some abnormal state is found, report to the
related person in charge immediately, investigate the causes and take appropriate measures.
In the latter case, investigate the cause of the power failure first of all. Power failures can be
caused by the following: some failure attributed to the power company (outside power
6185 suppliers) and some local fault in the STP. To identify the causes, read indicated values or signs
on the incoming supply voltmeter, under-voltage relay, earth fault relay, over current relay, etc.
Judgement by incoming supply voltmeter or under-voltage meter
If the receiving voltmeter indicates 0 and the under voltage relay is tripped,
it implies that power is interrupted on the power source side (attributed to power
6190 company). After confirming that the receiving circuit breaker is opened, the
contact person or authority prescribed by the power company should be asked
about the causes and the estimated recovery time. However, the related
substation should try to restore power at the earliest.
If the reading of the receiving voltmeter is within a specified range, the under
6195 voltage relay is untripped and the earth fault relay or the over current relay is
tripped, that implies some failure (overload, short, earth fault, etc, in
equipment or lines) has occurred in the STP and the circuit breaker for receiving
power is opened. By studying the protective relay, circuit breakers, etc.,
which were tripped or opened, identify the line with fault and isolate the broken
6200 down point immediately before recovering from the failure.
6.2.4 Gas Engines
Generally, digester gas is used as fuel in boilers for heating sludge digestion tanks; surplus gas
is incinerated in biogas combustion units and discharged to the atmosphere. (Figure 6.6)
A sewage gas generator uses the sewage gas as fuel to a gas engine and generates electricity,
6205 which is supplied to equipment within a STP.
The digester gas engine consumes gas as fuel and employs spark-ignition method, which is the
same as one used in car engines.
Exciter (brushless)
6270 Exciters hate moisture and dust. Dust should be blown off by low pressure
compressor and wiped with dry cloth.
Check bolts and nuts on terminal area and terminal block for looseness, wires for
discolouration, and conditions of earthing and installation.
6.3.2 Diesel Engine
6275 Diesel engines are generally used as drives for back-up power generators. .
The diesel engine works by the action of high-speed diesel combustion which pushes out
pistons by the expansion based on self-ignition. The compressed air is hot enough to self ignite
when diesel fuel is injected. Piston action caused by the energy is converted in the crank shaft to
rotating energy, which drives the generator. High speed diesel is typically used as fuel.
6280 O&M issues to be handled as follows:
For details of maintenance and inspections, follow the manufacturers manual.
Regularly check the fault alarm to ensure it works properly.
During inspection and maintenance, take care not to allow dust contamination
especially into fuel or lubrication system.
6285 Check wiring for loose connection and check piping for leakage.
Do not place anything around an inlet port that obstructs suction.
Pay attention to abnormal noise and overheat.
Where it is necessary to store diesel for such engines, mandatory precautions
regarding storage area fire protection, clearances, etc., should be followed.
6290 Appropriate clearance from the jurisdictional authorities on pollution control and
inflammable fuel storage should be obtained.
6.3.3 UPS
UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply and is a power supply device which works when
the usual power source is interrupted. Typical UPS circuit is shown below. (Figure 6.7 )
Figure 6.7 UPS circuit
In the normal condition, commercial AC (alternating current) power is sourced and converted to
DC (direct current), which is then supplied to an inverter, and charges a battery.
When the commercial power source is interrupted, power charged in the battery is converted to
6300 AC and supplied to the load.
The UPS has a rectifier to convert AC supply to DC for charging the battery, a DC to AC
inverter to convert the battery output to AC voltage, and a battery to act as a source of power
during normal power interruption. Other components like protection, fuses, indication, surge
controlling circuit etc., are also built into the unit.
6305 The following points should be checked as maintenance tasks:
Check for abnormal noise, smell, and heat in UPS.
Check for looseness in each connection.
Check appropriate time for battery replacement.
Check for clogged ventilation opening.
6310 Ensure spare fuses are kept in stock.
6.4 Prime Movers
6.4.1 Induction Motor
Three-phase induction motor is widely used as a general-purpose motor due to high reliability
and low price among driving forces for general industrial machinery. Most prime movers used
6315 for pumps or blowers in STPs are three-phase induction motors.
A three-phase induction motor rotates the rotor by a rotating electromagnetic field, which is
generated in the stator core by AC current flowing in the stator winding.
Rotating speed of the revolving magnetic field is referred to as synchronous speed and
expressed as Ns (rpm). The speed of the rotor itself is slightly lower which is expressed as N
6320 (rpm). The ratio of Ns to the differential speed (Ns/N) is referred to slip.
N s 120f / p (rpm)
N 1 s N (rpm) (6.3)
s N s N / N s
Where, f : Frequency (Hz)
p : Number of magnetic poles
s : Slip
6325 6.4.2 Starters
An extremely large current of about five to eight times the rated current flows when a motor is
started. The power factor is at an extremely low value of about 0.2 at the start. The duration of
the starting current is short, but the motor winding coil is subjected to thermal stress load as
Joule heat. Voltage fluctuation occurs in the power system and its effect becomes more
6330 pronounced.
The starting method of three-phase induction motor includes a method of restricting current at
start as mentioned above, and other methods described below.
a. Direct-on-line Starter
Power supply voltage is applied as-is, and a starting current which is several times
6335 the rated current flows. This starter is used in motors requiring comparatively small
starting currents.
b. Star Delta Starter
1/3 of power supply voltage is applied on the Y (star) connection winding at start,
while (delta) connection is used during operation. Compared to the full voltage
6340 starter, the starting current is one third and the starting torque is also one third.
c. Reactor Starter
The voltage to be applied to the motor at start is reduced by the reactor and full
voltage is applied after the motor picks up speed, and is operated. The starting
current can be restricted to a smaller value compared to the Y- starting method.
6345 Another starting method is to use a starting compensator.
Figure 6.8 shows the circuit diagram of some of the starting methods.
T K' V 2 / f (6.5)
Where, T : Torque (Nm)
V : Voltage of power source (V)
f : Frequency (Hz)
6365 K` : Factor of proportionality
a. When power supply voltage is greater than the rated voltage
According to the equation for induced electromotive force, the frequency is
constant, therefore the maximum magnetic flux m increases, and the
over-excitation phenomenon occurs. Heat is generated because of this excitation
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6370 current. In a submersible pump, when a thermal protector is built-in in the internal
coil for protection, it may activate.
b. When power supply voltage is smaller than the rated voltage
According to the torque equation, when the frequency is constant, the power supply
voltage V reduces, so the torque reduces.
6375 c. When the power supply voltage is unbalanced
When the power supply voltage is unbalanced, reverse phase current flows, and the
temperature increases because of load loss in the coil resistance.
d. When the frequency f is higher than the rated frequency
According to the torque equation, when the power supply voltage is constant, the
6380 torque reduces.
e. When the frequency f is lower than the rated frequency
When the power supply voltage is constant, the maximum magnetic flux m
increases, and heat is generated because of the excitation current. According to the
torque equation, when the power supply voltage is constant, the torque increases.
6385 6.4.4 Performance Assessment of Motors Efficiency of Motors
The efficiency of a motor is determined by intrinsic losses that can be reduced only by changes
in motor design and operating condition. Losses can vary from approximately two percent to 20
percent. The following shows the types of losses and their typical shares for an induction motor.
6390 Table 6.1 Type of losses and shares for induction motors
Type of loss Percentage of total loss (100%)
Fixed loss or core loss 25
Variable loss: stator I2R loss 34
Variable loss: rotor I2R loss 21
Friction & rewinding loss 15
Stray load loss 5
The efficiency of a motor can be defined as the ratio of a motors useful power output to its
total power output.Factors that influence motor efficiency include:
Age - New motors are more efficient
Capacity - As with most equipment, motor efficiency increases with the rated
6395 capacity
Speed - Higher speed motors are usually more efficient
Type - For example, squirrel cage motors are normally more efficient than slip-ring
Temperature - Totally-enclosed fan-cooled (TEFC) motors are more efficient than
6400 screen protected drip-proof (SPDP) motors
Rewinding of motors can result in reduced efficiency
Load, as described below
There is a clear link between the motors efficiency and the load. Manufacturers
design motors to operate at a 50-100% load and to be most efficient at a 75% load.
6405 But once the load drops below 50% the efficiency decreases rapidly as shown in
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Figure 6.9. Operating motors below 50% of rated loads has a similar, but less
significant, impact on the power factor. High motor efficiencies and power factor
close to 1 are desirable for efficient operation and for reducing costs down of the
entire plant and not just the motor.
Figure 6.9 Motor part load efficiency Motor Load
Because the efficiency of a motor is difficult to assess under normal operating conditions, the
motor load can be measured as an indicator of the motors efficiency. As loading increases, the
6415 power factor and the motor efficiency increase to an optimum value at around full load. It is
necessary to see the %loading of the motor. If the motor runs at more than 70% load, then the
power factor and efficiency will be good. Energy Efficiency Opportunities
Apart from operational point of view, the motors should be seen from energy efficiency
6420 opportunities also. The following points may be considered :
a. Replace standard motors with energy efficient motors.
b. Reduce under-loading.
c. Avoid over-sized motors.
d. Improve power quality.
6425 e. Dont go for multiple time rewinding.
f. Improving maintenance practices.
6.4.5 Condition Monitoring Techniques Vibration Monitoring
Vibration in rotating machinery is caused by many reasons like unbalance, misalignment, loose
6430 foundation, mechanical looseness, bearing damage etc. Vibration monitoring is the most
common, versatile and powerful condition monitoring technique adopted in rotating machinery
to idetify problem areas. The severity of the vibration is specified by IS 2372 which is measured
with reference to class of machine. The criteria for class of machine are given below:
Table 6.2 Criteria for class of machine
Class- I Individual parts of engines and machines integrally connected with the
complete machine in its normal operating condition. (Electrical drives up to
15 KW are typical examples of machines in this category)
Class- II Medium sized machines (typically electrical motors with 15 to 75 KW
output) without special foundation, rigidly mounted engines or machines
(up to 300 KW) on special foundations.
Class- III Large prime movers and other large machines with rotating mass mounted
on rigid and heavy foundations which are relatively stiff in the direction of
vibration measurement.
Class- IV Large prime movers and other large machines with rotating masses mounted
on foundations which are relatively soft in the direction of vibration
measurement (such as turbo-generator sets, especially those with
light-weight structures)
Class- V Machines and mechanical drive systems with un-balanceable inertia efforts
(due to reciprocating parts), mounted on foundations which are relatively
stiff in the direction of vibration measurement.
6435 With above class of machine, the vibration severity can be judged by the following guidelines:
Table 6.3 Vibration severity chart for machine vibration limits
Range for Example of Quality Judgment for Separate Classes of Machines
Severity in
Peak RMS Class -I Class -II Class -III Class -IV
0.40 0.28
0.64 0.45 Good
1.0 0.71 Good
1.58 1.12 Normal Good
2.5 1.8 Good
4.0 2.8 Still Acceptable Normal
6.4 4.5 Still Acceptable
10.0 7.1 Still Acceptable Normal
15.8 11.2 Unacceptable Still
25.0 18.0 Unacceptable Unacceptable Acceptable
40.0 28.0 Unacceptable
64.0 45.0 Vibration Analysis
If the measured vibration level is more than the acceptable level, then it calls for vibration
analysis which is a captured time waveform plotted as amplitude versus time, or data can be
6440 transformed using a fast Fourier transform (FFT) and expressed as amplitude versus frequency.
Any random vibration signal can be represented by a series (a Fourier series) of individual sine
and cosine functions that can be summed to yield an overall vibration level. The amplitude of
this vibration signal defines the severity of the problem. Plotting the amplitude versus the
frequency (the Fourier spectrum) allows for identification of discrete frequencies contributing
6445 most to the overall vibration signal, commonly referred to as a signature analysis or a
frequency spectrum. Machine looseness, misalignment, imbalance, and soft foot conditions
are all fairly easily identified in the frequency spectrum generated by an analyzer.
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The guidelines for vibration frequency and its likely cause are shown below.
Table 6.4 Vibration frequencies and likely causes
Frequency in
Most Likely Causes Other Possible Causes & Remarks
terms of RPM
1xRPM Unbalance Misalignment (if high axial vibration)
Bad belts if RPM of belt
Reciprocating Forces
Electrical Problem
2xRPM Mechanical Looseness Misalignment (if high axial vibration)
Bad belts if 2 x RPM of belt
Reciprocating Forces
Electrical Problem
3xRPM Misalignment
Usually a combination of misalignment and
excessive axial clearance (Looseness)
Less Than Oil Whirl (Less than of Bad drive belts
RPM) Background vibration
Sub-harmonic resonance
AC Line Freq. Electrical Problem Common Electrical Problems
Many Times Bad Gears Gear teeth times RPM of bad Gear
RPM Aerodynamic Forces No. of fan blades time RPM
(Harmonically Hydraulic Forces No. of impeller vane times RPM
related) Mechanical Looseness May occur at 2,3,4 and sometimes higher
Reciprocating Forces harmonics if severe looseness
High Frequency Bad antifriction Bearings Bearing vibration may be unsteady amplitude
(Not and frequency
Harmonically Cavitation, recirculation and flow turbulence
related) cause random and high frequency vibration
6450 The vibration monitoring and analysis should be done periodically, typically once in 6 months
for all rotating equipment. Thermographic Analysis
Commonly identified with electrical equipment monitoring, thermography is also a useful tool
for monitoring plant machinery. Thermography measures infrared radiation energy emissions
6455 (surface temperatures) to detect anomalies. Infrared cameras have resolution to within 0.1 C
and digitally store captured images. Both the absolute and relative temperatures can be obtained
on virtually all types of electrical equipment, including switchgear, connections, distribution
lines, transformers motors, generators, and buswork.
This technique is very popular because of the following reasons:
6460 It is a non-contact type technique.
Fast, reliable & accurate output.
A large surface area can be scanned in no time.
It can be easily scanned from a distance up to 50 meter.
Presented in visual & digital form.
6465 Software back-up for image processing and analysis.
Requires very little skill for monitoring.
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This technique can be very well used for seeing the loose contact, corrosive contact of all types
of electrical joints, body temperature of motor and transformers, panels, etc. The following
criteria may be used to know the severity of the problem.
6470 Table 6.5 Criteria for differential temperature of electrical equipment
SL Criticality Recommended Action
(Differential temperature Condition
above ambient)
1 Up to 10 C Non-critical No action is needed.
2 Between 10C to 20C Less critical Regular monitoring is needed.
3 Between 20C to 40C Semi critical Close monitoring needed.
Should be attended in the next opportunity.
4 Above 40C Critical Should be attended immediately as per the
Few typical thermal images captured in thermography analysis (Figure 6.10):
6605 instruments and regulators, operators should clean the air supply of excessive moisture and oils.
set to the measurement mode. The DO meter should read less than 0.5 mg/L (or to the accuracy
of the DO meter). If the DO meter does not read less than 0.5 mg/L, then there may be a
6700 problem with the DO membrane.
If it is determined that the DO membrane needs to be replaced, consult the manufacturers
manual on conditioning the new membrane before use. It is also possible that other maintenance
may need to be performed on the DO meter or the zero DO solution may need to be replaced.
Other factors that affect the accuracy of DO measurements include: improper calibration, not
6705 verifying calibration after use, not correcting for ambient barometric pressure/altitude, and
instrument drift. (Figure 6.17)
Figure 6.17 Hand held DO meter with probe for field use
O&M issues to be cared for are as follows:
6710 Regular cleaning of diaphragms,
Zero calibration and span calibration,
Regular replacement of internal electrode solution, and
Regular cleaning of an electrode and replacement if broken. Temperature
6715 Even though most of the major sewage treatment processes are not temperature-controlled,
many temperature measurements are required. Obvious applications for temperature
measurement are anaerobic digesters, chlorine evaporators, incinerators, and equipment
protection. Less obvious are temperature controls for analyzers and flow meters. Temperature
measurement devices include liquid thermometers, bimetal thermometers, pressure on liquid or
6720 gas expansion bulbs, thermistors, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), infrared detectors,
and crystal window tapes. The RTD is typically used on lower, ambient-range temperatures,
while thermocouples provide better reliability in higher ranges. Also, gas- and liquid-filled
temperature sensors and thermistors are frequently used for equipment-protection and cooling
6725 For continued accurate service, operators should periodically calibrate the instruments using a
standard temperature measurement device with high accuracy. Thermocouple
The thermocouple operates on the principle that current flows in a circuit made of two different
metals when the two electrical junctions between the metals are at different temperatures. The
6730 various combinations of metals used are tabulated in most engineering handbooks, and the
Source: WEF, 2010
6795 Electric operated valves and regulating valves for controlling pressure of pipe, and VFD for
controlling frequency of aerators or pumps, etc., are typical examples which are controlled by
analog output signals. More specifically, there are electromagnetic valves and regulating valves
used to control pressure in the piping; there are also aeration blowers or VFD (inverter)
equipment used to control pump rpm.
6800 Standard electronic transmission systems use 4 to 20 mA DC. One of the transmission systems
for analog output signal connects directly to the I/O device of CCU via shielded cables. Digital Input Signal
Digital input signal refers to a contact output signal generated and transmitted from local
equipment. For example, answerback signal to express equipment conditions, alarm signal for
6805 abnormal conditions and remote / local switch signal of local control panels are examples of
digital input signal.
Contact signals are electronically converted to an appropriate series of zeros and ones. Link
systems with PLC are widely used for transmitting the signal, with which analog signal is
converted to digital signal and is transmitted via coaxial cables or optical fibres.
6810 Digital Output Signal
Digital output signal means contact output signal expressed 1 / 0 transmitted from CCU to an
auxiliary relay on the control centre panel. For example, on/off signal for equipment is
regarded as digital output signal. Link systems with PLC are widely applied for transmitting the
signal, with which analog signal is converted to digital signal and is transmitted via coaxial
6815 cables or optical fibres. HMI (Human Machine Interface)
Basically the PLC is a blind device. It does not have any provision of displaying the plant status
to the operator or to enter certain data like set points or manual mode operation. An additional
device is needed for these provisions, to communicate with PLC, which will have a display to
6820 show the status and also the means to enter set points. Such a unit is called Human Machine
Interface (HMI).
There are two basic types of HMI:
Industrial panel mounted type HMI (Figure 6.20)
PC based system in which the computer acts as HMI (Figure 6.21)
Source: JICA, 2011
The size of the cable should be so selected that the total drop in voltage, when calculated as the
6850 product of current and the resistance of the cable should not exceed 3%. Values of the resistance
of the cable are available from cable-manufacturers.
The following points should be considered when selecting the size of the cable:
The current carrying capacity should be appropriate for the lowest voltage, the
lowest power factor and the worst condition of installation, that is, duct-condition.
6855 The cable should also be suitable for carrying the short circuit current for the
duration of the fault. The duration of the fault should preferably be restricted to 0.1
sec. by proper relay setting.
Appropriate rating factors should be applied when cables are laid in group (parallel)
and/or laid below ground.
6860 Suitable trenches or racks should be provided for laying cables.
The following O&M tasks should be implemented:
Measure insulation resistance between cables and the earth.
Visually observe deterioration, corrosion, and discolouration.
6.8 Energy Audit
6865 Among all the power consuming components, pumping installations consume a large amount of
energy in STPs. Need for conservation of energy, therefore cannot be over emphasized. All
possible steps need to be identified and adopted to conserve energy and reduce energy cost so
that sewage charges can be kept as low as possible and gap between high cost of sewage
treatment and affordable charge to users can be reduced.
6870 Some adverse scenarios in energy aspects given below are quite common in pumping
Energy consumption is higher than optimum value due to reduction in efficiency of
Operating point of the pump is away from best efficiency point (b.e.p.).
6875 Energy is wasted due to increase in head loss in pumping system, for instance,
clogging of strainer, encrustation in column pipes, and encrustation in pumping
Selection of uneconomical diameter of sluice valve, butterfly valve, reflux valve,
column pipe, and drop pipe, etc., in pumping installations.
6880 Energy wastage due to operation of electrical equipments at low voltage and/or low
power factor.
Such inefficient operation and wastage of energy should be avoided to cut down energy cost. It
is therefore, necessary to identify all such shortcomings and causes which can be achieved by
conducting methodical energy audit.
6885 Strategies as given below should be adopted for the management of energy.
Conduct thorough and in-depth energy audit covering analysis and evaluation of all
equipment, operations and system components which have bearing on energy
consumption, and identify the scope for reduction in energy cost.
Implement measures for conservation of energy. Energy audit as implied is auditing
6890 of billed energy consumption and how the energy is consumed by various units, and
sub-units in the installation and whether there is any wastage due to poor efficiency,
higher hydraulic or power losses etc., and identification of actions for remedy and
6.8.1 Frequency of Energy Audit
6895 Frequency of energy audit recommended is as follows.
Large installations: Every year
Medium installations: Every two years
Small installations: Every three years
6.8.2 Scope of Energy Audit
6900 Scope of energy audit and suggested methodology includes following actions, steps and
a. Conducting in-depth energy audit by systematic process of accounting and
reconciliation between the following:
Actual energy consumption, and
6905 Calculated energy consumption taking into account rated efficiency and power
losses in all energy utilising equipment and power transmission system, such as
conductor, cable, panels, etc.
b. Conducting performance tests of pumps and electrical equipment if the difference
between actual energy consumption and calculated energy consumption is
6910 significant and taking follow up action on conclusions drawn from the tests.
c. Taking up discharge test at rated head if test in b. above is not being taken.
d. Identifying the equipment, operational aspects and characteristics of power supply
causing inefficient operation, wastage of energy, increase in hydraulic or power
losses etc., and evaluating the increase in energy cost or wastage of energy.
6915 e. Identifying solutions and actions necessary to correct shortcomings and lacunas in d.
above and evaluating cost of the solutions.
f. Carrying out economic analysis of costs involved in d. and e. above and drawing
conclusions on whether rectification is economical or otherwise.
g. Checking whether operating point is near the best efficiency point and whether any
6920 improvement is possible.
h. Verification of penalties if any, levied by power supply authorities, such as penalty
for poor power factor, penalty for exceeding contract demand, and so on.
i. Broad review of the following points for future guidance or long term measure:
C-value or f-value of transmission main.
6925 Diameter of transmission main provided
Specified duty point for pump and operating range
Suitability of pump for the duty conditions and situation in general and
specifically from efficiency aspects.
Suitability of ratings and sizes of motor, cable, transformer and other electrical
6930 appliances for the load.
6.9 Management of Records
Records are the key to an effective maintenance program. Records can remind the operator
when routine operation or maintenance is necessary. They help ensure that schedules are
maintained and needed operation or maintenance are not overlooked or forgotten.
6935 6.9.1 Record of Operation and Maintenance
Records must be permanent, complete, and accurate. Write entries clearly and neatly on data
sheets in ink. A pencil should never be used because notations can smudge or they can be altered
or erased.
Minimum recordkeeping that may be required for operations is listed below and shown in
6940 Appendix 6.1:
a. Operational record: Power receiving and transforming equipment
b. Monthly report: Electric power receiving
c. Ledger: Electrical equipment
6.9.2 Record of Operation and Maintenance and its Utilization
6945 Records are utilized like the following:
Review of operating records can indicate the efficiency of the plant, performance of its
treatment units, past problems, and potential problems.
Records can be used to determine the financial health of the utility, provide the basic data on the
systems property, and prepare monthly and annual reports.
6950 6.10 Preventive Maintenance
Generally, preventive maintenance can be described as maintenance of equipment or system
before faults occurs. It can be divided into two subgroups:
Planned / Scheduled Maintenance (PM)
Scheduled activities to ensure that an item of equipment is operating correctly and
6955 to therefore avoid any unscheduled breakdown and downtime.
Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
Activities performed after one or more indicators show that equipment is going to
fail or that equipment performance is deteriorating.
The vast majority of electrical maintenance should be predictive or preventive. This section
6960 focuses exclusively on these activities. There are four cardinal rules to follow in any
maintenance program:
Keep it clean
Dirt build-up on moving parts will cause slow operation, arcing, and subsequent
burning. Moreover, coils can short-circuit. Dirt will always impede airflow and
6965 result in elevated operating temperatures.
Keep it dry
In addition to checking for power, a multimeter can be used to test for open circuits,
blown fuses, single phasing of motors, grounds, and has many other uses. Clamp-on Meter
The clamp-on meter measures the current or amps in the circuit (Figure 6.24). It is used by
7030 clamping the meter over only one of the power leads to the motor or other apparatus and taking
a direct reading. Therefore the measurement by the clamp-on meter is safe method in a
high-current circuit.
Each lead in a three-phase motor must be checked.
To prevent such occurrences, functional degradation of electric equipment and causes for
7090 breakdown and stoppages should be tracked at an early stage and repaired. Causes of fault also
follow a certain trend. Training should be imparted on predicting faults beforehand, so that
measures and repairs can be implemented.
Spare parts and tools should be kept ready on site so that repairs can be carried out. Inventory of
spare parts and tools should be confirmed, and the required number should be stored.
7095 6.10.5 Planned Reconstruction
For reconstruction of electric facilities, plans should be formulated; therefore, scheduled O&M
should have been implemented.
Items to be studied for planned reconstruction include:
Find whether abnormalities exist from routine inspection records, data, periodic
7100 inspections and repair records, and judge the condition of equipment.
Analyze collected and accumulated data, and understand the long-term deterioration
trend of equipment.
6.11 Troubleshooting
Refer to Appendix 6.3.
7105 6.12 Summary
The primary function of electrical system is to receive power from STP, transform it, and
distribute it stably to each facility within the plant. Instrumentation system also plays an
important role indicating operating conditions.
For realizing these functions properly, the electrical system requires periodic inspection and
7110 maintenance for early detection of abnormal conditions. The instrumentation system should be
inspected and adjusted regularly so that it can provide correct readings at all times.
continued bacterial decomposition. When all the samples have been collected for a 24-hour
period, the sample from specific location should be combined or composited together according
to flow to form a single 24-hour composite sample.
To prepare a composite sample:
7160 The rate of sewage flow must be known, and
Each grab sample must be taken and measured out in direct proportion to the volume
of flow at that time.
Table 7.1 illustrates the hourly flow and sample volume to be measured for a 12-hour
proportional composite sample. Large sewage solids should be excluded from a sample,
7165 particularly those greater than 6 mm diameter. A sample composited according to the following
table would be total 1,140 ml.
Table 7.1 Hourly flow pattern during composite sampling
Sample Sample
Flow Flow
Time Factor Volume Time Factor Volume
(MLd) (MLd)
(ml) (ml)
Points to be noted
7170 During compositing and at the exact moment of testing, the samples must be vigorously
remixed so that they are of the same composition and as well mixed as they were when
originally sampled. Sometimes such remixing may become lax, so that all the solids are not
uniformly suspended. Lack of mixing can cause low results in samples of solids that settle out
rapidly, such as those in activated sludge or raw sewage. Samples must therefore be mixed
7175 thoroughly and poured quickly before settling occurs. If this is not done, errors of 25-50 per cent
may easily occur. For example, on the same mixed liquor sample, one person may find 3,000
mg/L suspended solids while another may determine that there are only 2,000 mg/L due to poor
mixing. When such a composite sample is tested, a reasonably accurate measurement of the
quality of flow can be made.
7180 7.3.4 Sampling Method and Precautions in Sampling
In all cases of sampling, procedures described in 'Standard Methods for the Examination of
Water and Wastewater (APHA)' or 'Manual of Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage
and Industrial Wastes (ICMR)' or other standard manuals should be followed.
The sampling procedure is very important and is based on the purpose of sampling and tests to
7185 be performed. In general, sewage samples shall not be aerated during collection. Some of the
manually operated sampling apparatuses are shown in Figure 7.1. Each has its preference, but
the syphonic bellow at A is the easiest to use anywhere.
7190 Figure 7.1 Typical sampling apparatuses used in sampling of sewage in STPs
A-Syphonic tube with bellows; B- Electrically operated peristaltic pump, C- Hand operated
rotary with positive displacement, D- Hand operated rotary with circular movement
The use of the syphonic bellows tube involves the dipping of the free end of the tube into the
liquid surface and keeping the pump end below the liquid level outside the structure and
7195 pumping the bellow which sets off a siphon action. Initially some portion of the effluent is to be
discharged freely. If the sample is meant for determining the dissolved oxygen, the free end after
bellows shall be extended by rubber tubing with a standard laboratory pinch cock and the free
end of the tubing dipped into the BOD bottle to effect a submerged discharge very slowly by
using the pinch cock. A timing of 10 seconds to fill the BOD bottle is considered as optimum.
7200 The sample shall be allowed to overflow for 5 seconds before the tube is withdrawn and the
bottle is corked with the ground glass cork. This is possible only in the case of tanks with water
surfaces above ground level. If the water level is below ground level, a long handle connected
scoop can be easily used. In this case, the scoop shall have a minimum of 1000 ml volume and
the above procedure can be done. The electrically operated peristaltic pumps (B) and other hand
7205 operated devices (C), (D) are fit only for the final treated sewage samples. In all cases, the
discharge end shall be submerged in the sampling bottle and overflow of samples shall be
allowed for about 5 seconds.
7.3.5 Sample Volumes, Quantity and Storage of Samples
1 to 2 litres of grab sample would be enough to perform all the tests and repeat some tests if
7210 required. For composite samples, a total quantity of 1 to 2 litres collected over a 24 hour period
is adequate, Fractional sample at intervals of 1, 2 to 3 hours should be collected in suitable
containers, each sample being well mixed and a measured portion proportional to the flow
transferred by means of a pipette, measuring cylinder or flask and integrated to form a 1 to 2
litre sample. Hourly records of flow normally available with the Plant Superintendent would
7215 facilitate taking representative samples. All samples should be immediately transported to the
laboratory for analysis. In case there is any delay in transportation,the preservation time is to be
as short as possible and in any case not exceeding 24 hours and the ice shall not be found melted
on receipt of the sample.
7.3.6 Selection of Sampling Location
7220 Theoretically there is no end to the number of sampling stations that can be used in a STP. But
then, it should be remembered that the best monitoring can be possible only when the barest
minimum and objectively oriented sampling locations and tests are carried out instead of
accumulating all and sundry data that will only confuse the situation. This is because the sewage
passes through the STP on a time deferred scale and if samples are taken all at the same time
7225 from inlet to outfall, the chances are it is not representative of the true performance. A suggested
set of sampling points is shown below.
Primary clarifier
Digested sludge
Secondary clarifier
Primary sludge
Return sludge
Aeration tank
Raw sewage
Sludge cake
No. Tests
1. Temperature
2. pH
3. Alkalinity
4. BOD (Total)
5. COD (Total)
6. TSS
7. VSS
8. Residual Chlorine
9. Moisture Content
10. MLSS
12. DO
13. SV30
14. SVI
15. Ammonia, Nessler
16. Ortho P, Nessler
17. Sulphide
Table 7.3 Recommended plant control tests on a weekly basis in a typical STP
Digested sludge
Primary sludge
clarifier outlet
clarifier outlet
Return sludge
Aeration tank
Raw sewage
Sludge cake
No. Tests Thickener
1. BOD (Filtered)
2. COD (Filtered)
3. Microscopy*
4. Faecal Coliform
5. Total Coliform
6. Oil and grease
Total residual
Total Kjeldahl
10. Nitrate Nitrogen
11. Free ammonia
Phosphates (P)
13. Sulphate
14. Chloride
15. Silica
16. Ca
17. Mg
18. TDS
19. Conductivity
*Identify the following by microscopy.
Table 7.4 Recommended plant control tests on a monthly to biannual basis in a typical STP
Primary clarifier
Digested sludge
Primary sludge
clarifier outlet
Return sludge
Aeration tank
Raw sewage
Sludge cake
No. Tests
1. Mercury (Hg)
2. Lead (Pb)
3. Cadmium (Cd)
Chromium (Cr+6)
Total chromium
6. Copper (Cu)
7. Zinc (Zn)
8. Nickel (Ni)
9. Manganese (Mn)
10. Iron (Fe)
11. Vanadium (V)
12. Cyanide (CN)
13. Fluoride (F)
15. Arsenic (As)
16. Selenium (Se)
17. Bio-assay test
(a)Alpha emitter
(b)Beta emitter
Above tables may undergo changes based on the properties of the treatment process used.
In respect of BOD test, a graph of BOD versus COD for the raw, primary treated, secondary
treated and outfall sewage should be prepared every week and the daily COD readings used to
7275 interpret the BOD values.
7.5.2 Items and Frequency for WSP
In general parameters of testing for diurnal examinations arise only when the treatment process
is dependent on solar energy like in the case of ponds. In such cases, the tests will be as follows.
Table 7.5 Recommended plant control tests on a monthly basis in a typical WSP
Parameter Remarks
Type a
Flow - Measure both raw sewage and finel effluent flows
BOD C Unfiltered samples b
COD C Unfiltered samples b
Susupendid solids C
Ammonia C
pH G Take two samples,
Temperature G one at 8:00-10:00 h and the other at 14:00-16:00 h
Fecal coliforms G Take sample between 08:00 and 10:00 h
Total nitrogen C Only when effluent being used (or being assessed for use)
Parameter Remarks
Type a
Total phosphorus C for crop irrigation. Ca, Mg and Na are required to calculate
Chloride C the sodium absorption ratio d
Electrical conductivity C
Ca, Mg, Na C
Boron C
Helminth eggs c C
7280 a
C=24-hour flow-weighted composite sample; G=grab sample.
Also on filtered samples if the discharge requirements are so expressed.
Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus.
SAR=(0.044Na)/[0.5(0.050Ca+0.082Mg)]0.5 where Na, Ca and Mg are the concentrations in mg/L.
Source: Duncn Mara, 1997
7285 Care, safety and wisdom are paramount in taking samples from ponds especially diurnal
samples as chances of vermin and reptiles straying around in wet climates and high summer
cannot be ruled out. Proper clothing, safety wear, etc., and the presence of a qualified
ambulance person with tool kit is mandatory in the diurnal sampling. A better way of managing
this will be to leave a floating or other pump set erected in the daytime and operate it by remote
7290 switch in the night and collect the sample from the outlet hose of the pump set sufficiently far
away at a well lighted and safe and secure location.
7.6 Microbiology Sampling and Testing of Treated Sewage
7.6.1 Need for Microbiological Testing
Many water borne pathogenic organisms which can cause diseases as in Table 7.6 and can even
7295 cause an epidemic, are transmitted through the water route when infected with sewage which is
not fully treated. This is because these organisms enter the water from the faeces of individuals
suffering from these diseases or carriers of these organisms even after they are supposed to be
fully cured.
Table 7.6 Diseases attributable to sewage pollution of drinking water
Causative Source of
No Diseases Symptoms
Organism Organisms
Animal or
1 Gastroenteritis Salmonella Diarrhoea, Vomiting
Human faeces
Salmonella Inflamed Intestine, Enlarged
2 Typhoid Human faeces
typhosa Spleen, Step ladder temperature
3 Dysentery Shigella species Human faeces Diarrhoea
4 Cholera Vibrio cholera Human faeces
Diarrhoea, Dehydration
Human faeces, Yellowed Skin,
5 Infectious hepatitis Virus
Shell fish Abdominal Pain
6 Amoebic dysentery Human faeces Diarrhoea, Dysentery
Animal or Diarrhoea, Cramps, Nausea,
7 Giardiasis Giardia lambia
Human faeces Weakness
7300 It is both difficult and time consuming to check the treated sewage for each of these organisms.
A sterile laboratory system is required, which is admittedly not easy in many parts of India
especially outside the metro cuties. Extensive research has shown that if the coliform group of
bacteria is present, there is a probability that one or more pathogens may also be present.
Therefore, coliforms have been chosen to be the bacterial group routinely tested when there is
7305 need or assessing the bacteriological safety of water. Presence of any of the coliform group of
bacteria (total coliforms) indicates general contamination, while the presence of faecal coliforms
indicates contamination of human or animal origin. These can be differentiated from other
coliforms by incubating on selective media at 44.5C.
7.6.2 Testing Method
7310 Multiple Tube Fermentation Method Total Coliform Test
The oldest test is the multiple tube fermentation test. In this test, three sequential steps are
performed as presumptive, confirmed and completed tests. A moderately selective lactose broth
medium (Lactose Lauryl Tryptose Broth), containing a Durham tube is firstly used in the
7315 presumptive test to encourage the recovery and growth of potentially stressed coliforms in the
sample. If harsher selective conditions are used, a deceptively low count may result. A tube
containing both growth and gas is recorded as a positive result. It is possible for non-coliforms
(Clostridium or Bacillus) to cause false positives in this medium, and therefore, all positive
tubes are then inoculated into a more selective medium (Brilliant Green Lactose Broth or EC
7320 Broth) to begin the confirmed test. The confirmed test medium effectively eliminates all
organisms except true coliforms or faecal coliforms, depending on the medium and incubation
conditions. If a positive result is recorded in these tubes, the completed test is begun by first
streaking a loopful of the highest dilution tube which gave a positive result onto highly selective
Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) agar. After incubation, subsequent colonies are evaluated for
7325 typical coliform reactions. A schematic illustration is presented in Figure 7.2. Sample of the
tubes tested being either yielding gas or otherwise are shown in Figure 7.3. Fecal Coliform Test
This test more reliably indicates the potential presence of pathogenic organisms than do tests for
total coliform group of organisms. After presumptive test, which is the same as for the total
7330 coliform test, test the sample with water bath set at 44.5C0.2C in EC broth media. A
schematic illustration is presented in Figure 7.2.
Total Coliform
1. Presumptive Test
Inoculate in lactose or lauryl tryptose; incubate 242hrs
at 37C0.5C
No gas
Incubate for 24 hrs more
2. Confirmed Test
Inoculate (with loop or applicator stick) brilliant green
bile broth, incubate 483hrs at 37 C0.5C
Fecal Coliform
1. Presumptive Test
2. Fecal Coliform Test
Inoculate (with loop or applicator stick) EC broth.
Incubate 242hrs at 44.5C0.2C
Figure 7.2 The Progress of the multiple tube testing for coliforms
Figure 7.3 The fermentation as seen from the gas in the inverted vials inside the tubes
Based on the dilutions used, the number of tubes adopted and the identified number of tubes
with gasification, a statistical formulation is made out called the Most Probable Number (MPN)
in 100 ml of sample. It should be noted that a confirmed test may require anywhere up to 72
7340 hours. Membrane Filter Test
In this procedure, a given size sample, generally 100 millilitres, is filtered through a membrane,
small-pore filter, which is then incubated in contact with a selective culture agar at 37C. A
coliform bacteria colony will develop at each point on the membrane where a viable coliform
7345 was left on the membrane during filtration. After the incubation period of 24 hours, the number
of colonies per plate is counted. They represent the actual number of coliforms that were present
in the volume of samples filtered. The procedure is illustrated in Figure 7.4. The incubated
plates may appear as in Figure 7.5.
Figure 7.5 Illustrative appearance of cultured plates showing the growth of colonies
The number of colonies in a dish can be counted using a colony counter which can be manual or
7355 automatic counter or hand held digital type as shown in Figure 7.6.
Figure 7.6 Colony counters: automatic integrating pen type and grid plate for manual use Colilert Test
Recently, it has been reported upon the Colilert technique which is relatively new and is a
7360 method has been accepted by the U.S. EPA for coliform testing. This is a presence/absence test
and it does not indicate the extent of contamination. But it is reported as having been proven to
be just as accurate as the membrane filtration method. In this method, the Colilert reagent
contains a formulation of salts, nitrogen, and carbon sources that are specific to total coliform. It
contains specific indicator nutrients that create a yellow colour when total coliforms are present
7365 and fluorescence when E. coil is present. The reagent is added to a 100-milliliter water sample
in a sterile, non-fluorescent borosilicate glass container. The vessel is capped and shaken
vigorously by repeated inversion to aid in mixing of the reagent. It is incubated at 35C for 24
hours. After 24 hours, the technician compares the reaction vessels to the colour in a comparator
supplied with the test kit. If the inoculated reagent has a yellow colour equal to or greater than
7370 the comparator, the presence of total coliform bacteria is confirmed. The sequence of testing is
illustrated in Figure 7.7.
A rapid 7-hour faecal coliform (FC) test for the detection of FC in water has been developed.
This membrane filter test utilizes a lightly buffered lactose-based medium (m-7-hour FC
medium) combined with a sensitive pH indicator system. The 7-hour FC test was found to be
7375 suitable for the examination of surface waters and unchlorinated sewage and could serve as an
emergency test for detection of sewage or faecal contamination of potable water. It is
particularly useful for rapid detection of recreational water quality changes related to storm
water runoff, sanitary waste spills or bypasses, and for effluent monitoring for treatment
24-hour Detection of
Total Coliform and E.coli
Collect Sample
Add Sample to
Pre-scored Fill-to Line
Shake Vessel
to Dissolve Reagent
24hrs at 35C0.5C
Discard Discard
Data collected over a period of time on various parameters of plant control should be analyzed
and represented on charts and graphs and displayed in the laboratory for ready reference by the
supervisory staff and visitors. These should be included in the weekly, monthly and annual
7445 reports of the laboratory.
7.8.1 Processing Water Quality Test Data
The analysis of results must be done judiciously. One should not jump to conclusions. Logic of
the results should be first verified instead of blindly taking it for granted. Some of the
fundamentals to be followed are listed below:
7450 a. The outlet BOD of any unit cannot be higher than the outlet BOD of the upstream
b. The ammonia of final treated sewage cannot be the same or higher than that in raw
c. The ortho P of final treated sewage cannot be the same or higher than that in raw
7455 sewage.
d. The SS of final treated sewage cannot be higher than that of raw sewage.
e. Rotifers, Crustaceans, Protozoans cannot be absent if BOD reduction is at least
75 %.
f. Follow the final BOD and SS on a graph which will show any sudden lapses.
7460 g. Once a while refer the sample discretely to another lab to keep a check on the results.
h. Whenever visiting the STP, verify DO qualitatively by the Winkler method.
i. Whenever in the STP, take time to see through the oil immersion microscope for
j. It is most important that you do not hold analysts alone responsible for plant failures.
7465 7.8.2 Accuracy of Measured Values
a. If ammonia is reported as nitrified, bicarbonate alkalinity must be reduced 7 times.
b. If this is not the case, carry out a repeat test before deriving conclusions.
c. Make out an audit for BOD removed versus kWh spent on aeration system.
d. Hypothetical ionic equilibrium may not tally in all the lab results.
7470 e. This may be a genuine case as precise chloride estimation is very difficult.
f. In such case, it is better to adjust the chloride value to bring the ionic equilibrium.
g. The COD reduction in treated sewage versus raw sewage cannot be less than BOD
h. If this is the case, the results are suspect.
7475 With the availability of personal computers and software at reasonable cost, the advantages of
electronic data processing for storage, retrieval and processing of laboratory test results are
obvious. To start with, the analysis results may be entered from the daily records into computer
storage. Simple programme can be written tot retrieval and presentation of data relating to any
particular parameter. This can be in the form of display of data for a fixed period or weekly or
7480 monthly averages or the results of analysis carried out on samples collected at a particular time
of the day for the period to be studied etc. A slightly more detailed programming can be
prepared for the computer to go through the results of specified parameters entered daily and
display or print out any figures which exceed a present value. This can be immediately passed
onto the treatment plant staff for investigation and rectification. The computer can also be
7485 programmed to display and print out graphs showing the variation in any specified parameters
over a period of time.
Analytical instruments are also available for carrying out tests automatically on a large number
of samples simultaneously and electronically feed the data directly into the computer using a
data logger module.
7490 7.9 Frequency Management
Laboratory results must stop at the Plant Incharge level and should not go all the way to the
official in charge of the total O&M of the sewerage infrastructure in the head office on a daily
basis . This will only set in motion a parallel organization in detecting reporting matters and
replying to higher ups and the staff will lose interest. On the other hand, a fortnightly concise
7495 physical reporting illustrating any specific changes in raw sewage or treated sewage and
suggesting ways and means and asking for specific funds / assistance alone should be sent to the
official in charge of the total O&M of the sewerage infrastructure in the head office.
7.10 Planning of laboratory facilities
This is being explained in detail in Part A manual section 5.5.5 and also Appendix 5.9, 5.10 and
7500 5.11.
7.11 Upkeep of Plant Laboratory
A well designed and adequately equipped laboratory under a competent analyst is essential in all
sewage treatment plants. Very small size plants such as stabilization ponds need not have their
own laboratories if the facilities of a nearby laboratory are available. The results of the
7505 laboratory analysis will aid in the characterization of any wastewater, pinpoint difficulties in the
operation and indicate improvement measures, evaluate the composition of effluents and thus
estimate the efficiency of operation and also measure the probable pollution effects of the
discharge of such effluents on the receiving water bodies. The analytical data accumulated ever
a period to time is an important document for safeguarding the treatment plant from allegations
7510 of faulty operation. The laboratory should also engage in research and special studies for
evolving improvements and innovations in plant operation. The laboratory therefore must form
an integral part of the treatment plant.
7.12 Disposal of Laboratory Wastes
Any office or other place where a number of people work, requires a proper waste disposal
7515 system. In the case of a laboratory in a sewage treatment plant, special care has to be taken since
the laboratory handles harmful chemicals and the samples themselves are capable for
transmitting pathogens.
7.12.1 Solid Waste
Solid waste may include filter residues, used cotton plugs, etc. These should be collected and
7520 disposed scientifically in an eco-friendly way.
7.12.2 Liquid Wastes
Since the laboratory is attached to a sewage treatment plant, it will be possible in most cases to
drain the laboratory wastes to the inlet chamber of the treatment plant, if necessary, by pumping.
However, since the laboratory wastes may also contain concentrated acids and alkalis, it may be
7525 necessary to provide a small holding tank where the concentrated chemicals will be diluted and
neutralized to avoid the possibility of affecting the biological activity of the treatment plant,
characterize the odours. The principal tools for diagnosing an odour problem are the techniques
7585 used for odour quantification and characterization. Chemical analysis of odour constituents
could be performed. This is an indirect method, because the results of a chemical analysis still
need to be related to odour concentration and intensity in some way. Quantitative Testing-Analytical Methods
Gas chromatography can be used on many odorous organic compounds, but the analysis is
7590 complex and expensive. Portable gas-monitoring devices are described below;
The concentrations of individual compounds can be measured via standard analytical methods
(Figure 8.1). For example, a simple apparatus consisting of a gas detector tube can be used in
the field. Tubes are available for a number of compounds. For more accurate and complete
results, samples should be collected in bags, stainless steel vacuum canisters, or tubes filled with
7595 adsorbent and analyzed by gas chromatography in a laboratory.
Figure 8.1 Gas sampling pump (left side) and detector tubes (right side)
Gas detector tubes are sealed glass tubes filled with an appropriate indicator chemical which
reacts with a particular gas and gives a colour reaction. To make a determination, the seals are
7600 broken at each end of the tube and a definite volume of the atmosphere for sampling is drawn
through by a hand-operated or mechanical pump. The tubes are marked off in scale divisions
and the concentration is determined according to the length of discolouration of the indicator for
a given volume of atmosphere.
Detector tubes are simple, easy to use devices that can provide reasonably reliable, on-the-spot
7605 measurement of gas concentrations. Their accuracy may be in the range of 70 to 90% of the
mean value if sampling is done carefully according to manufacturers' directions. For taking gas
samples from difficult locations, extension tubes are available from manufacturers so that the
detector tubes can be placed at the desired site.
In making use of detector tubes some precautions should be noted:
7610 Tubes will deteriorate with age - some types have a shelf life of two years when
stored at room temperature; above 30C, deterioration is more rapid.
Direct sunlight can affect the properties of the tubes.
At low temperatures, around freezing or below, tubes may not give reliable readings;
they should be warmed to room temperature for best performance.
7615 Tubes may have cross-sensitivity to gases other than those for which they are
designed. Information on cross-sensitivity should be obtained from the
manufacturer. Control
7750 Generally, deodorisation equipment is effective in controlling ammonia, similar to H2S.
However, care is necessary since there is selectivity depending on the substance.
8.2.5 General Method of Prevention of Odour
Following is a short checklist of operational considerations for controlling odours of primary
treatment facilities: (May also apply in other facilities)
7755 Remove scum routinely, with increased frequency during warm weather.
Remove sludge before it can bubble or float.
Wash weirs and other points where floatable and slime collect. Some facilities use
submerged pipes with holes rather than effluent troughs. The submerged pipes do not
splash the primary effluent, thereby reducing the release of hydrogen sulphide.
7760 Wash down all spills and grease coatings.
When draining a tank, immediately flush it completely. If sludge does not drain
quickly, spray lime, calcium hypochlorite, or potassium permanganate on the sludge
surface to reduce odours. Because even a clean tank can produce odours, flushing the
tank with a chlorine solution or keeping the tank floor covered with a low
7765 concentration of chlorine solution will reduce odours.
If the sewage is septic, add chemicals in the collection system or at the plant, as
appropriate, to reduce sulphides.
If tanks are covered for odour control, keep plates and access hatches in place.
Routinely check any odour scrubbers or deodorizers for plugging, adequate supply
7770 of chemicals, proper pressures for misting, and/or effectiveness of carbon.
The splashing of primary effluent into weir troughs and effluent channels can result
in the release of hydrogen sulphide. If possible, try to minimize the splashing of
primary effluent into the channel or weirs. If it cannot be accomplished operationally,
then installing submerged effluent pipes may be necessary. This will require tank
7775 modifications to verify the plant hydraulics and provide proper control to avoid
fluctuations in the tank levels.
Minimize the stripping of hydrogen sulphide from the sewage when using channel
air diffuser systems.
Adoption of the following regular practices will not only increase removal efficiency, but will
7780 provide better working conditions for the operator:
Regularly remove accumulations from the inlet baffles and effluent weirs with a
hose or a broom with stiff bristles. Only experience will determine the necessary
Clean scum removal equipment regularly; otherwise obnoxious odours and an
7785 unsightly appearance will result.
Keep cover plates in place except when operations or maintenance require their
Immediately flush and remove all sewage and sludge spills. Avoid hosing down
motors and enclosed control devices.
7790 Establish a housekeeping schedule for the primary treatment area, including
galleries, stairwells, control rooms, and related buildings, and assign responsibility
Final Draft 8-7
Table 8-4 Summary of odour control technology applications at sewage treatment facilities.
Final Draft 8-9
Figure 8.5 Aeration tank (left) and Attached growth system (right)
8.3.3 Measurement
7845 Perform sampling using filter paper. Then, the samples can be collected on a petridish, and
grown in the laboratory. These samples can later be tested.
The following are the studies to be carried out in an STP:
The total microorganism content of air immediately over the aeration tank liquid surfaces:
a. Decreases exponentially with height at least within the first 100 cm above the
7850 aeration tank liquid surface;
b. Approaches background concentrations by extrapolation of current data within 2.5
Methane is the principal component of both digester gas and natural gas. It is a
7930 light gas with a specific gravity of less than 1.0. Methane is an exceptionally
important greenhouse gas; its global warming potential is 21 to 23 times that of
carbon dioxide. From a greenhouse gas perspective, it is vital to completely burn
all methane without atmospheric release.
8.7.2 Control
7935 a. Reduction in the use of fossil fuels (fossil fuels are used even for generating electric
power; so use of power is linked to the use of fossil fuels)
Fuel for operating the sewerage facilities and reduced use of electricity are
essential. (For instance, change from continuous operation to intermittent operation,
if possible)
7940 b. Measures against generation of CH4 from the treatment plant (since generation of
this gas cannot be inhibited, conversion of the generated gas may be considered)
Since the generation of CH4 is linked to global warming, checks on the CH4 collection facility
and leaks in piping are very important.
If there is damage or signs of damage, repairs should be carried out quickly.
7945 8.7.3 Effective Use of Biogas
Biogas includes organic matter made of carbon, hydrogen, sulphur, and so on, and is a potential
energy source of high value.
Presently, the main uses are as follows.
Used in dual fuel engines. A part of the power requirements of a sewage treatment
7950 plant can be satisfied by generating power using biogas explained in clause
and its sub clauses in Part A.
8.8 Carbon Credit Record
This is a term that qualifies the holder to emit one ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and
is awarded to institutions or countries that have reduced their greenhouse gases below their
7955 emission quota, which literally means emission standards. These carbon credits can be traded in
the international market at their current market price.
For details, refer to Sec. 5.15 CARBON CREDIT of Part A (Manual).
In sewage treatment plants to meet the requirements, the following are to be mainly performed:
An example of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project in sewerage
7960 facilities is biomass power generation. This project focuses on CH4 generated from
the facilities.
For the project, the baseline CO2 emissions must be studied. Based on this study, the
CO2 emissions in the base year and the reduction in CO2 emissions thereafter are
considered for approval of carbon credits.
7965 Accurate data during operation is required for specifying the baseline.
Data collection and retention of accuracy of measuring instruments are the necessary
items on site.
STP power and flow rate data are mainly collected through SCADA. (Refer to
Sec.6.6 SCADA system)
7970 Even after the project is approved, data collection and maintenance of measuring
Diseases Causes
- Leptospirosis
- Hepatitis
Pathogen present in sewers or sewage
- Helicobacter pylori
- Tetanus
- Diphtheria
Dermatitis Chemicals, mineral oil and tar
Respiratory symptoms Endotoxins, Bioaerosols
Source: IJOEM, 2008
9.1.2 Accidents
Workers for sewerage systems and onsite systems such as below are exposed to risk of accidents
during work. This chapter deals with oxygen deficiency, hydrogen sulphide poisoning, and
8025 dangers of combustible gas as confined space hazards*.
* Confined spaces are locations in an STP where fatal accidents frequently occur. A confined
space is defined as a space with: (1) Cramped entry and exit; (2) Absence of broad daylight and
ventilation; (3) Access is meant for very limited persons such as one or two persons. Possible
hazards such as below are considered to be common among onsite and sewerage works.
8030 Confined space hazards
Oxygen deficiency / Hydrogen sulphide poisoning /Combustible gas
Chlorine poisoning
8035 Electric shock
In this subsection, workplaces are categorized into the following five locations:
Sewer system
8040 Pumping station
Sewage treatment plant
Water and wastewater quality test laboratory
Possible hazards are listed for each workplace with subdivided locations in Table 9.2 by
Table 9.2 Possible hazards by locations
Confined space
Hazards Hydrogen Electric
Oxygen Combustible gas Fall Slip Fire
Locations sulphide Shock
Deficiency gas poisoning
Septic tanks
Anaerobic filters
Closed drains
Closed drains
Pumping station and STP
Wet / dry wells
Settling tanks
Biological reactor
UASB reactors
Anaerobic lagoons
Sludge thickeners
Sludge digesters
Sludge dewatering
Sludge drying beds
Disinfection devices
Electrical equipment
Electric room
Possible hazards at wastewater quality test laboratory include toxic substances, alkalis /acids
and glass appliances.
Details of the said accidents are described below.
8050 Confined Space Hazards
Possible hazards in confined space include oxygen deficiency, hydrogen sulphide poisoning,
and danger of combustible gases. Risk of Oxygen Deficiency
When oxygen concentration (See for details of measurement method) drops
8055 below 17%, shortness of breath may occur.
If the concentration reduces further, consciousness may be lost.
When the oxygen concentration drops below 10%, death may result.
Table 9.3 shows the change in symptoms of anoxia due to drop in oxygen concentration.
Table 9.3 Relationship between reduction in oxygen concentration and symptoms of anoxia
Symptoms of anoxia
Concentration (%)
Human begin to suffer adverse health effects when the oxygen level of their
19.5 breathing air drops below 19.5%.
Workers engaged in any form of exertion can rapidly become symptomatic as
their tissues fail to obtain the oxygen necessary to function properly.
Increased breathing rates, accelerated heartbeat, and impaired thinking or
16 to 19.5 coordination occur more quickly in an oxygen-deficient environment. Even a
momentary loss of coordination may be devastating to a worker if it occurs
while the worker is performing a potentially dangerous activity, such as
climbing a ladder.
Concentration of 12 to 16% oxygen causes increased breathing rate,
12 to 16 accelerated heartbeat, and impaired attention, thinking and coordination, even
in people who are resting.
At oxygen levels of 10 to 14 %, faulty judgement, intermittent respiration, and
10 to 14 exhaustion can be expected even with minimal exertion.
Symptoms of anoxia
Concentration (%)
Breathing air containing 6 to 10% oxygen results in nausea, vomiting,
6 to 10 lethargic movements, and perhaps unconsciousness.
Breathing air containing less than 6% oxygen produces convulsions, then
cessation of breathing, followed by cardiac arrest. These symptoms occur
Below 6 immediately. Even if a worker survives the oxygen deficiency, organs may
show evidence of oxygen-deficiency damage, which may be irreversible.
8060 Source: OHSA Fire
8115 Burns can be very serious and can cause painful injuries. Structural damage from fires can be
very costly.
The three essential ingredients of all ordinary fires are:
Fuel - paper, wood, oil, solvents and gas.
Heat - the degree necessary to vaporise fuel according to its nature.
8120 Oxygen - normally at least 15 percent of oxygen in the air is necessary to sustain a
fire. The greater the concentration, the brighter the blaze and more rapid the
combustion. Risks in a Wastewater Quality Test Laboratory Toxic Substances
8125 Persons working in the water quality test laboratory use various chemicals including toxic
substances. Inhalation of excessive steam, gas or dust, etc., in the course of their work, is
harmful to health so these persons should take adequate precautions.
Typical toxic substances used in a water quality test laboratory and their toxicity are given in
Table 9.7.
8130 Table 9.7 Toxicity of chemical used in water quality laboratory
Type Symptoms and poisons
Hydrogen cyanide, cyanogen compounds
Inactivation of haemoglobin in blood and oxygen associated with
Chemical asphyxia breathing leads to asphyxia.
Likely to occur easily during a reaction; permissible quantity is very
small so care is required.
Arsenic compounds
Caustic action Irritates mucous membrane of breathing organs, and at high
concentration, breathing is arrested.
Absorbed from an alimentary canal, the skin, and respiratory organs
Diarrhoea, vomiting, and shock in 30 minutes in serious cases
(Arsenious anhydride)
Inorganic mercury
Sharp pain in the stomach or the abdominal region, vomiting, and
Systemic poisoning bloody urine
Metal mercury
Easily evaporated and inhaled.
Trembling of hand and foot, and consciousness disorder
Organic phosphorus
Absorbed from the skin, alimentary canal, and respiratory organs
Diarrhoea, vomiting, spasm, and consciousness disorder.
Check atmosphere
Ventilation should be continued during the work.
Atmosphere should be monitored during the work.
Monitor atmosphere
Oxygen (%)
Combustible gas (%LEL)
Carbon dioxide (ppm)
Hydrogen sulphide (ppm)
If the measured results indicate one or more of the following hazards, be sure to ventilate
8200 the location before starting work.
Oxygen : Less than 19.5%
Hydrogen sulphide : 10 ppm or more
Combustible gases : 10% LEL or more
To ensure the atmosphere is safe during the work, operate the ventilation equipment
8205 continuously.
Bring the blower outlet end close to the workplace and continue to blow air at the rate of 10
m3/minute per person or greater.
c. Provisions for Evacuation
The work supervisor should make the following arrangements:
8210 Keep ready breathing apparatus, ladder, rope, safety belt and other equipment for use
in evacuating or rescuing workers in the event of an emergency.
Inspect protective gear before start of work and ensure that they are ready for use at
all times. Repair or replace gear and equipment that are defective.
Bear in mind that gas protection mask or dust protection mask is ineffective against
8215 anoxia.
Non-spark tools should be used in confined spaces.
d. Stationing of Safety Guard
The work supervisor should station a safety guard to detect abnormality at an early stage
and to take immediate and appropriate action.
8220 The safety guard should be stationed outside the opening if the situation inside the
confined space can be monitored from the outside.
The safety guard should check access to the workplace of the workers engaged in the
work. Chlorine Poisoning
8225 Store chlorine containers in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight or from
heating units.
Wear a face shield when changing chlorine containers.
As chlorine is approximately two and half times heavier than air, vents should be
provided at floor level.
8230 Fall
The work supervisor and worker should take the following precautions to prevent persons from
falling into manholes, etc.:
Ensure that nobody falls from ladders (including metal rungs) and that tools are not
dropped from ground level.
8235 Wear uniform suitable for the work and wear the necessary protective gear.
Check that the ladder to the manhole is not corroded or worn out. Slip
Special anti-skid shoes with metal cladding over the fingers portion should be
provided by the employer for the workers. These shoes should be used by the
8240 workers only within the STP.
Keep floor of workplaces dry and free from grease or oil. Electric Shock
Electric shocks occur because of the following:
Exposure of live parts and defects such as damage to insulating sheath
8245 Inappropriate work such as forgetting to use insulated protective gear, touching live
parts by mistake, etc.
Measures to prevent electric shock are as follows:
Methods for safe handling of electric equipment should be drilled into the workers
and inspection and maintenance methods for electric equipment should be
8250 established.
Special precautions should be taken to prevent electric shocks at locations where
water is likely to accumulate (grit chamber, pumping room and in pipe gallery).
Rubber-soled sports shoes may be used to prevent electric shocks.
a. Electric Room
8255 Access to the electric room should be prohibited to all except authorized personnel. Signs
should be put up indicating danger when current is flowing into the room.
The electric room should be managed by the procedure below:
Do not place combustible items near exposed wiring and electric equipment.
Install fire extinguishers at easily visible locations such that they can be used
8260 immediately in the event of a fire.
If there is excessive lightning, do not approach equipment wiring and lightning
Periodically inspect and store disconnecting switches, operating rods, insulating
plates, etc., at their specified positions.
8265 Store electric torch at its specified position such that it can be used immediately
during an emergency such as power failure.
Place insulating mat on the floor in front of the MCC Panel to prevent electric
b. Equipment Repair
8270 Before repairs of equipment or wiring, permission should be taken from the plant engineer
(Refer to 9.4.2) and the work supervisor should hold a meeting and decide the work
procedure. Repair work on electrical equipment should be prohibited to all except
authorized personnel.
Cut off circuits of equipment to be repaired before repairs.
8275 Put up sign indicating not to switch on power, assign a person to monitor the power
switch, and strictly enforce power ON/OFF controls.
Before starting the repair, always detect the voltage using a voltage detector or tester.
Final Draft 9-11
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 9: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
Electric shock due to fault in cable run may also be considered; always ground the
equipment before performing work.
8280 Operate switches such that you do not receive an electric shock.
If a power capacitor exists, thoroughly discharge the remaining charge before
starting work.
If equipment breaks down at night, and if there is no emergency generator at the
workplace, the worker should perform repairs during day time when there is daylight
8285 and not during night time. Fire
Every facility should develop a fire prevention plan with input from the local fire marshal, fire
chief, and/or insurance company. The plan may be very simple or very complex, depending on
the specific facility needs. Some items which may be included in any plan are:
8290 Regulate the use, storage and disposal of all combustible materials/substances.
Provide periodic clean-up of weeds or other vegetation in and around the plant.
Develop written response procedures for reacting to a fire situation to include
Provide required service on all fire detection and response equipment (inspection,
8295 service, hydrostatic testing).
Routinely inspect fire doors to ensure proper operation and unobstructed access.
Immediately repair, remove or replace any defective wiring.
Restrict the use of any equipment which may provide a source of ignition in areas
where combustible gases may exist.
8300 Maintain clear access to fire prevention equipment at all times. Personal Protection and Protective Devices Head Protection
All personnel working in any areas where there may be danger from falling, flying
tools or other objects must wear approved hard hats. Such hats should be according
8305 to the relevant BIS. Specially insulated hard hats must be worn when working
around high voltage to protect from electrical shock.
It is advisable to have detachable cradle and sweat bands for two reasons (1) to
permit easy replacement of cradles and sweat bands and (2) to make possible
assignment of one helmet to several workers each with its own cradle and sweat
8310 band for sanitary reasons.
Once broken, the crown of a hard hat cannot be effectively repaired. It must be
replaced. Face and Eye Protection
Impact Goggles must be worn to protect against flying objects. They can be spectacle or cup
8315 goggles.
Spectacle goggles must have rigid frame to hold lenses in proper position before the eyes.
Frames must be corrosion resistant and simple in design for cleaning and disinfection.
Cup goggles should have cups large enough to protect the eye socket and to distribute impact
respiratory protection under many circumstances but it is most important to know the
limitations of the various types available and to be familiar with their use. Even when
masks are used properly, other precautions such as never using open flames or creating
sparks in the presence of inflammable gases must be taken. The general purpose gas masks
8365 afford protection against organic vapours, acid gases, carbon monoxide up to 2 percent
concentration, toxic dusts, fumes and smoke. The gas mask consists of a face piece, a
canister containing purifying chemicals, a timer for showing duration of service and a
harness for support. Protection against specific contaminants can be achieved by the
selection of appropriate canisters.
8370 Persons using gas masks should practice regularly with them in order to become proficient
in putting them on quickly and breathing through them. Gas masks cannot be used in
oxygen deficient atmospheres, in unventilated locations or areas where large
concentrations of poisonous gases exist.
of chlorine.
Source: Stylex Fire Protection Systems
oncoming traffic.
Use fluorescent jacket while working along roads (Figure 9.7).
8600 Do not accept containers that have not been pressure tested within five years of
the delivery date.
Do not accept containers not meeting the standards. (Refer to IS 10553 Part I
Requirement for chlorination equipment)
The most common causes of accidents involving chlorine are leaking pipe connections and
8605 excessive dosage rates.
Bottles or cylinders should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct
sunlight or from heating units.
Bottles or cylinders should never be dropped or allowed to strike each other
with any force. Cylinders should be stored in an upright position and secured by
8610 a chain, wire rope, or clamp.
One of the tanks should be blocked so that they cannot roll.
Always wear a face shield when changing chlorine containers.
Connections to cylinders and tanks should be made only with approved clamp
adaptors or unions. Always inspect all surfaces and threads of the connector
8615 before mixing connection. Check for leaks as soon as the connection is
completed. Never wait until you smell chlorine or sulphur dioxide. If you
discover even the slightest leak, correct it immediately.
Like accidents, leaks generally are caused by faulty procedure or carelessness.
Obtain from your supplier and post in a conspicuous place (outside the
8620 chlorination and sulphonation room) the name and telephone number of the
nearest emergency service in case of severe leak.
Cylinder storage and equipment rooms should be provided with some means of
ventilating the room. As chlorine is approximately two and a half times heavier
than air, vents should be provided at floor level.
8625 Normally ventilation from chlorine storage room is discharged to the
atmosphere, but when a chlorine leak occurs, the ventilated air containing the
chlorine should be routed to a treatment system to remove the chlorine. A
caustic scrubbing system can be used to treat air containing chlorine from a
8630 The IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health) for chlorine is 30 ppm.
Always enter enclosed cylinder storage or equipment rooms with caution. If you
smell chlorine or sulphur dioxide when opening the door to the area,
immediately close the door; leave ventilation on, and seek assistance.
Never attempt to enter an atmosphere of chlorine when you are by yourself or
8635 without an approved air supply and protective clothing, which will allow a
person to enter safely into an atmosphere of chlorine. Remember to use the
"buddy system" (system in which two persons work as a single unit) when
responding to a leak. Water and Wastewater Quality Test Laboratory
8640 a. Toxic substances should be handled with the following precautions:
Store poisonous substances in containers with tight lids. Clearly indicate the contents
of the containers; place them in a special cupboard for chemicals that can be locked,
and record the quantities of the substances used.
Final Draft 9-21
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 9: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
Some substances may decompose when exposed to light and explode; store such
8645 substances in cool, dark locations.
Store gaseous substances in well-ventilated locations.
Gaseous substances should generally be handled in well-ventilated locations. If this
is not possible, safety masks should be worn, the location ventilated thoroughly, and
after use, the persons handling the substances should gargle and wash their face.
8650 b. Alkali / acid should be handled with the following precautions:
Wear protective goggles, rubber gloves, and protective clothing, if necessary.
Handling hydrochloric acid
Since this acid is highly corrosive, always wash your hands after handling it.
Sometimes pressure still remains in sealed bottles in which this acid is stored.
8655 When opening the bottle, take care because the acid within the bottle may gush
out unexpectedly.
Handling sulphuric acid
Since this acid is highly corrosive, always wash your hands after handling it.
Sulphuric acid generates heat after reacting with water. If a large amount of
8660 sulphuric acid falls on any part of the body, wipe it off first with cloth and then
wash the affected part of the body with water (if you do not wash with water,
symptoms may get worse due to generation of heat; so take precautions).
When diluting sulphuric acid, always dilute by pouring sulphuric acid into
water and not vice versa.
8665 Handling nitric acid
Nitric acid vapours are strong respiratory toxins, so take care to ventilate the
place thoroughly.
Take measures to not handle vapours.
When opening the container with nitric acid, ensure that the acid does not gush
8670 out when the container cap is removed.
Handling sodium hydroxide
Take care that sodium hydroxide does not stick to the hand or other body parts
because it has the action of decomposing proteins.
Locations should be available for properly washing parts of the body, preferably
8675 where sodium hydroxide is used.
When dissolved in water, intense heat is generated and the solution may spray
out. Take care to dissolve little by little so as to avoid risks.
c. Glass appliances should be handled with the following precautions:
Inspect thoroughly before use; do not use those with scratches or cracks.
8680 Handle beakers, flasks, test tubes which have small thickness very carefully since
these objects have less mechanical strength.
Containers with reasonable thickness if heated suddenly may break; so take
Accident (ambulance)
Fire station
Subsequently, the doctor, and if necessary, the rescue organisation where the patient
is being given treatment, should be notified the type and seriousness of the accident,
8720 the first aid given, the rescue appliances in hand, etc.
The patient should be put to bed in a relaxed manner.
Although it is good to rest the head and the body in a horizontal condition on a bed, if
the face is flushed, the head should be raised slightly.
If the face is bluish in colour, the pillow should be removed and the head maintained
8725 at a low level.
If the patient has vomiting sensation, the face should be kept sideways to allow the
patient to vomit.
The patients body temperature should be checked, and the patient should be
encouraged, but should not be indiscreetly moved.
8730 Attention should be paid so as not to overlook wound, burn, bone fracture, hip
dislocation, and so on.
The status of the patient, the condition of the surroundings, environment and work
method should be studied closely, a sketch should be made and photos should be
8735 Vomit, excrement and urine, bloodstain, etc., should be preserved as is, so that they
can be analysed later.
Care and treatment for injured workers are described in Appendix 9.5 separately for each wound
or injury. First Aid Tools
8740 The plant engineer should make arrangements for quickly offering first aid measures. The plant
engineer should do the following to minimize injury during an accident or disaster:
Provide necessary materials for offering first aid.
Artificial respirator
Stretcher (Figure 9.10)
8745 First aid box (Figure 9.11)
Should ensure that a responsible person always manages the first aid tools.
Drugs and equipment set aside in a first aid box are as given below. Unnecessary
items should not be placed in the first aid box.
Waterproof casts
8750 Adhesive plasters of assorted sizes
Eye protection pads
Disinfectant lotions
Safety pins of assorted sizes
Unused sealed twin blade razor
Source: Hiren Industrial Corporation
(Large STP > 50 MLd) (Medium STP (5 to 50 MLd)) (Small STP < 5 MLd)
Plant engineer Plant engineer Plant engineer
The safety and health promoter should make efforts to maintain the health of the
workers through health checks and impart safety and health education to workers.
8885 The safety and health promoter should examine the causes of work accidents and
measures to prevent recurrence of the same.
The safety and health promoter should collect information on workers safety and
health, prepare and maintain statistics of work accidents, diseases, and absence from
8890 Where no safety management officer, safety supervisor or health supervisor and safety and
health promoter is selected, the plant engineer should manage all safety and health matters
related to the facility.
9.5 Awareness and Training
Safety training should aim for improving awareness and techniques of persons engaged in work
8895 so that accidents during work are prevented. Safety training should consist of four courses to be
imparted to Manager, Technical, Skilled and Unskilled grades of personnel.
The Manager is a person who performs labour management and manages the work
environment so as to ensure the safety of workers.
A person in the Technical grade is an Assistant Engineer or Junior Engineer, who
8900 operates and repairs mechanical and electrical machinery and equipment by his own
A person belonging to the Skilled grade is one who uses machines and equipment,
and performs work following the instructions of the superior using the Work
8905 A person belonging to the Unskilled grade is one who performs manual work mainly
in the plant obeying instructions of the superior.
Trainees should upgrade/acquire skills to perform their work safely through training. The
overview of training for each grade of personnel is given below.
9.5.1 Manager
8910 Managerial training should be given to managers once every five years on the topics mentioned
Laws, regulations and latest information related to sewerage systems
Labour and welfare matters related to workers
Periodic performance assessment of subcontractors and vendors
and blowers
Repairs to mechanical machinery and equipment such as pumps and blowers
Methods of examining the causes of breakdown in mechanical machinery and
equipment such as pumps and blowers
8925 Methods of operating machinery and equipment (welding equipment) used for
repairs during breakdown of pumps, etc.
Emergency response procedures Electrical
Operation and maintenance of electric equipment such as MCC
8930 Repairs to electric equipment such as MCC
Methods for examining causes of breakdown in electric equipment
Emergency response procedures
9.5.3 Skilled Staff
The plant engineer should ensure that training in their respective fields is imparted to the skilled
8935 staff once a year in the mechanical and electrical sections (Skilled Grade). Mechanical
Safe work
Communication at the workplace including instructions from supervisors,
communicating with subordinates, and communication during joint work
8940 Maintenance of mechanical machinery and equipment such as pumps and motors
Repairs to mechanical machinery and equipment such as pumps and motors
Hazardous work (oxygen deficiency, hydrogen sulphide poisoning)
Measuring instrument (oxygen concentration meter, etc.)
Method of usage of protective gear (safety belt, breathing apparatus)
8945 Electrical Staff
Safe work
Communication at the workplace including instructions from supervisors,
communicating with subordinates, and communication during joint work
Maintenance of electric equipment such as breakers and switches
8950 Repairs to electric equipment such as breakers and switches
Electric shocks
Hazardous work (oxygen deficiency, hydrogen sulphide poisoning)
Method of usage of measuring instruments (oxygen concentration meter, rpm gauge,
insulation tester, etc.)
Final Draft 9-30
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 9: OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH
The worker should receive safety training and should preferably not be transferred to a different
workplace within one year. Otherwise this would result in lowering the quality of work at the
8975 workplace and may lead to a drop in work efficiency. For this reason, work status at the
workplace, stationing of personnel and training assessment should be considered during
9.6 Emergencies
9.6.1 What is an Emergency?
8980 An emergency is a situation developing before our eyes with our full conscience and our
realization that soon the situation will turn to adversity. We may not be equipped to deal with it.
We cannot take control. This leaves us with no time to locate the source of help. We may not
know where to get help for a given situation.
9.6.2 How to Think during Emergencies?
8985 The foremost requirement is not to jump to conclusions. Always think of what is most important
and imperative at that moment. Let us consider some situations that can arise Situation 1
You notice a colleague during working hours trying to repair a floodlight during broad daylight
at a height of some 6 m by standing on a permanent secure ladder but he is not wearing safety
8990 gloves. You grow cold at the thought that he may get electrocuted and nobody could reach him
at that height soon enough. This is a simple emergency situation. For example, going back to the
case of the colleague who was on top on a mast without safety gloves, you have the options of
(a) calling him on the cell phone to alert him about his not wearing gloves, (b) going up the
ladder personally with a spare set of gloves, (c) quietly switching off the electrical circuit to that
8995 mast and (d) quietly slipping out of the scene unnoticed. Each solution will merit itself under
certain situations. Solution (a) is apt when the electrical circuit is already found switched off.
Solution (b) is apt when the electrical circuit is switched off and the fuse is in your pocket.
Solution (c) is apt when you find that the circuitry is energized. Solution (d) is apt when you
find the circuitry is already switched off and your colleague has recorded in the works register
9000 that he is taking the fuse with him, so that nobody can energize the circuit until he returns. Situation 2
A colleague is sitting on the walkway of a clarifier and is absorbed in collecting a sample of the
treated sewage overflowing the weir. You notice that a snake is slowly making its way towards
him. If you move in speedily, the snake may get hustled and move away from you faster and
9005 move closer to your colleague. This is a very serious emergency. Now then what will you are
doing? The first thing to do will be to call out to the colleague on cell phone not to move and sit
still as reptiles are alerted only when there is movement ahead of them. The next thing to do will
be to ask your colleague to jump into the clarifier and swim to the safety of the channel and
launder. Of course, this presumes he knows swimming. Suppose he does not know swimming,
9010 what will you do? Ask him to immediately stand upright so that if it bites, it may spare the body
parts closer to the heart and he can still be saved by tying up the limb upside of the bite with a
rope or at least torn piece of a shirt and simultaneously for you to follow the reptile and try to
push it into the water surface with whatever piece of extended tool that you may have. Situation 3
9015 During a monsoon season, let us say there is a sudden cloudburst and torrential downpour and
before the staff could realize what will happen, the entire site is flooded to about knee height
and the sludge pits are marooned. Electrical connections get shorted somewhere and there is
total darkness. The staff are scattered at different locations in the STP area of over 25 hectares.
There was no way of setting foot forward, as they could not locate where the pump pit is. The
9020 fear of more floods is very much there. You can somehow make out the silhouette of the
administrative building and slowly wade towards it by announcing yourself. When all the staff
members reach the building, they could not hear voices of two persons in that shift. Panic grips
them. But nothing could be done till next day morning when it is discovered that of the two
missing persons, one was absent and the other has gone out on personal work without informing
9025 others. The lesson here is that in every shift, be punctual in reporting and ensure a mini
assembly of handing over and taking over at the meeting point. This ensures mutual
knowledge of presence or absence. Another lesson is to have solar powered lamp posts with self
contained circuits insulated against rains and located adjacent to electrical lampposts so that
when total electricity fails, these will come on at least for that interval of time.
9030 Situation 4
When two operators are moving a portable diesel pump on a trolley over a gravel roadway, the
road caves in suddenly and they are pulled into a huge pit, fortunately after the engine was
pulled in. This is later on discovered as the plant bypass concrete pipeline crossing the road
which has been corroded in the crown to such a degree that it could not take that load. There
9035 have been no signs on the site showing that the pipeline is crossing the road there. Just imagine
if the operators had fallen first and the engine after them? The lessons are these - all pipe
crossings of roads should be through culverts with sidewalls raised above ground. Bypass
pipelines are flowing rarely and gases accumulate and would corrode the pipe easily. Always
provide them in non-corrodible glass reinforced fibre pipe. Erect markers over the route of big
9040 buried pipes wherever these are not in the road alignment. Situation 5
A primary settling tank sludge removal arm is not rotating for sometime but the settling tank
continues to be operated. After certain time, it is noticed that the accumulated sludge is
becoming visible through the sewage liquid when seen from the top. The settling tank is stopped
9045 from service and the sludge is allowed to dry up. Manual labourers are employed to walk into
the settling tank and scoop out the sludge and transport it as head loads. Suddenly, two of
labourers are found to be sinking into the sludge. Fortunately, the other labourers throw a rope
and the two are able to grab it and are pulled out. The lessons are simple. Wet grit dumps can
behave like quicksand in such locations. Suppose the two were not noticed sinking, they would
9050 have been located only after death while scooping the sludge. Removing such grit dumps should
be as per regulations for confined spaces and all personnel should be watched and accounted for
by a supervisor.
9.8 Summary
Sanitation workers or STP operators are often forced to work under poor working conditions
with high risk of operational diseases or accidents.
9060 Each operator or worker should ensure operational safety by wearing designated personal
protection or by using designated protection devices. Above all, they should follow the working
procedures thoroughly when working in confined spaces.
On-site Off-site
Black water Latrine / Toilet
The state and municipal governments should establish an on-site sanitation system
(OSS) that conforms to relevant laws.
9095 Efficient management requires a database of hygienic facilities including septic
tanks under control.
Public and private providers in charge of sludge collection should establish a system
to ensure that they offer services properly.
Selecting a sludge treatment method requires a survey of land use requirements,
9100 travelling distance, pollution prevention, and facility construction and maintenance
It is necessary to disclose information about septage management to the residents
and persons concerned, and to conduct necessary activities for receiving their
meets legal control values is to test the effluent water for quality. Some facilities may require
9135 evaluating the quality of not only the discharged water but also the water treated in each process
because the latter gives control indices.
10.3.4 Hygienic Measures including Infection Prevention
Excreta and sludge include many infectious pathogens and parasites. Therefore, the illegal
disposal of the sludge into the environment or its unsanitary treatment causes contagious
9140 diseases and pollutes groundwater or rivers with contaminants contained in the sludge. Table
10.1 shows key pathogens contained in excreta and sludge.
Table 10.1 Key pathogens contained in excreta and sludge
Cholera, dysentery, Salmonella typhi, paratyphoid, Vibrio parahaemolyticus,
Bacteria Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and tubercle
Viruses Polio, various enteroviruses, infectious diarrhoea, infectious hepatitis, and Izumi fever
Protozoans Dysentery bacillus and amoeba
Coprozoa, worm egg, roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, Trichostrongylus
orientalis, pork tapeworm, and Taenia saginata
ready inside the latrine enclosure. The volume shall be not less than the needs of the
number of persons in the household for a morning usage. For example, if a person
can manage with 2 litters per usage and if there are four persons in a household, the
9170 water needed is 8 litres. It will be prudent to store 10 litters of water. The mug that is
used for taking the water from the stored plastic container shall be hung from the
wall on a strong nail and shall not be left inside the container because of growth of
slime over such mugs when left immersed for long periods.
Before using the latrine pan, pour about 500 ml of water along the surface of the pan
9175 starting from the uppermost side and guiding the mug to evenly wet the pan.
Any other wastewater shall not be diverted into the pour flush latrine and particularly
storm water should not be let into the pan.
The Technology Advisory Group and World Bank have stipulated the procedure for switching
from one pit to another as under.
9180 a. Only one of the two pits is to be used at a time. After about three years when the first
leach pit is full (the indication being back flow when flushed), the discharge from the
pan should be diverted to the second pit and the first pit should be allowed to rest.
The diversion of discharge to the second pit can be undertaken by the householder or,
if he wishes, he can make private arrangements for this to be done. After the pit is
9185 filled and the latrine is connected to the second pit, the pit cover should be removed
and soil to a depth of 150 mm should be used to fill the first pit and the cover placed
in position again. Where earth is not easily available, or there is difficulty in removal
of the pit cover, the earth could be added later when emptying the pit contents, for
ease of handling. When the first pit has been out of use for about two years, it can be
9190 emptied by the householder himself or by the local authority. This can be done
manually by shovel or auger. The contents will then be safe for handling, dry and
without any foul smell. In special cases such as flooded areas, etc., the sludge, after
being taken out, should be spread out in a bed for sun drying during the non-rainy
season and utilized as manure. It will be valuable humus with some fertilizer value.
9195 The humus can be utilized as manure in the kitchen garden or fields.' When the
second pit is full, the first pit should be used by diverting the discharge from second
to first pit. Thus, one of the two pits is to be used alternately. The householder should
keep a record when each of the two pits is put to use, disconnected and emptied; a
card supplied by the local authority should be used for this purpose. The local
9200 authority should provide emptying services to the householders free of cost on
request through local contractors or through its own employees. The humus will
become the property of the local authority. Marketing facilities should be developed
for the sale and use of the humus as manure in the fields.
b. To foster confidence in the minds of the people about the suitability and performance
9205 of the pour-flush latrines, the local authority should provide free service to latrine
adopters, and attend to their complaints regarding construction, operation and
maintenance. Groups (each one consisting of a skilled and trained person, and a
labourer, for about 2,000 latrines) should be maintained for this purpose. In small
towns where the number of latrines is less than 1,500, only a trained labourer could
9210 be kept to work under the guidance of a technical employee of the local authority.
However, in the beginning when the number of latrines is less than a thousand, the
Junior Engineer or the Supervisor should attend to complaints
10.4.2 Public Toilet
Public toilets are installed in parks, along roads, and in public facilities. Some are independently
9215 arranged outdoors, and some are installed in buildings. The users of the former are unspecified,
resulting in insanitation. Accordingly, the toilet administrator shall clean the toilets and maintain
the hand-washing units regularly. If a public toilet has sewage treatment facilities, the
administrator shall maintain them as well. It is recommended to clean the toilet at least once a
day. There is an example of collecting fees from the users and spending them for cleaning the
9220 toilet smoothly.
In addition to playing a role as public sanitation, the public toilet works as a facility for local
disasters, so it shall be maintained appropriately to allow anyone to use it at any time.
Improving the users manners requires school education and awareness-raising activities for
9225 Concerning community toilets, the users are limited, in many cases resulting in maintenance of
good sanitation.
10.4.3 Mobile Toilet
Mobile toilets, which can be delivered by vehicle, are temporarily used for shelters and events.
They have a storage tank in the lower part to store wastewater, which is extracted and disposed
9230 of at the appropriate time. Some mobile toilets are equipped with a cleaning water tank and
manual pump to flush excreta with the water. The tank capacity is limited, so it is necessary to
plan a system for extracting the stored wastewater and to maintain a disposal site.
The method of using common toilets applies to public and common toilets. The administrator
should submit a request for regular cleaning and instruct the users not only to follow good toilet
9235 manners but also to cooperate in conserving water.
Mobile toilets need to be stockpiled for emergency use. Therefore, the state and municipal
governments should establish a network with private sectors to construct a system for arranging
such toilets when an emergency occurs.
10.5 On-site Methods
9240 10.5.1 Conventional Septic Tank / Improved Septic Tank
The IS 2470 pertains to septic tanks.
To maintain the function of septic tanks, the user should:
Not use, any chemicals (e.g. acid and alkaline agents) that have an adverse effect on
the digesting function for cleaning the toilet,
9245 Keep the tank and its surrounding area neat so as not to block control,
Not mix oil with discharged water because the digesting function degrades or
offensive odour or scum is generated. If it is unavoidable, install an oil-water
separator upstream of the septic tank, and
Monitor the sludge accumulating status at the right time to prevent its overflow.
9250 Purifying Wastewater and Accumulating Sludge
Organic and solid substances in wastewater are digested in the septic tank and converted to
digester gases, scum, and settled sludge, which are gradually accumulated. Meanwhile, the
wastewater is purified to change to intermediate water. If the settled sludge and scum in the
septic tank accumulate excessively, they partially flow out with the intermediate water, resulting
9255 in degradation in the quality of treated water. If the degraded water flows into the soak pit, the
penetration function degrades. Therefore, maintaining stable treatment requires the control and
Final Draft 10-5
Part B: Operation and Maintenance CHAPTER 10: ON-SITE SYSTEMS
overflow the waterway. Moreover, clogging stops wastewater flow before the screen
creating an anaerobic condition and offensive odour.
9300 ii. Sanitary Disposal of Screened Materials
Foreign matter is removed and raked into the screen bucket, and then rinsed with
water for sanitary disposal to a location where drainage equipment is installed. The
area where the screen bucket is placed should be cleaned and disinfected.
b. Flow Equalization Facilities
9305 Stabilizing the function of the biological treatment process (main one) requires making the
flow rate and quality of wastewater even, so the flow equalization facility adjusts the flow
i. Control by Transfer Pump
In general, the transfer pump starts, stops, or issues an alert according to the water
9310 level of the flow equalization tank. The level at which the pump starts running varies
depending on the variation in inflow wastewater and the margin of the flow
equalization tank, but in many cases, it is set at 15 to 30 cm above the pump stop level
(also known as the low water level (LWL)). Specifying such a control position is
important for equalizing the water feed. This should be done carefully considering
9315 management of the subsequent metering unit. If garbage adheres to the level switch
for pump control, it may not work; so regular inspection and cleaning are necessary.
ii. Controlling the Metering Unit
The metering unit receives the wastewater lifted by the pump from the flow
equalization tank, supplies a given amount of wastewater to the biological treatment
9320 process, and returns the remainder to the previous tank. The flow rate of the supplied
water is adjusted by changing the height of the overflow weir. If sludge and sand
accumulate in the unit or foreign matter is caught in the weir, the flow rate changes.
Therefore, sludge and sand should be removed and the unit cleaned regularly.
9370 This is the method of using a membrane separator to divide wastewater into solid and liquid
instead of the conventional gravity settlement used in the activated sludge treatment
system. The membrane separation method features sound solid-liquid separation, ease in
keeping the MLSS concentration of the aeration tank high, and compact facility size. Many
separators used in on-site facilities employ a membrane immersed in the aeration tank to
9375 obtain permeated liquid. The separator is classified into two types: a flat membrane and a
hollow yarn membrane.
Source: JEFMA
automated. In the fixed bed tower, back washing may be performed at a frequency of once in
one to two days. If the activated carbon layer gets deposited with suspended solids, combined
9445 washing using water and air is an effective method. The adsorbing performance of activated
carbon degrades as water passes through; therefore, the activated carbon replacement period is
decided taking COD as a control indicator. Controlling the Disinfection Unit
There are some disinfection methods, such as chlorination, ultraviolet (UV) light treatment,
9450 and ozone treatment. This item describes the first one, the most popular method.
a. Coliform Bacilli as a Pollution Index
Escherichia coli that lives parasitically in the intestinal tract of men and animals is
discharged with faeces outside and can be used as an index that shows the degree of
pollution with excreta. Detecting coliform bacilli means that the bacteria in the digestive
9455 organ are discharged with faeces and that there is a possibility of pollution with dysenteric
bacilli, bacteria that causes alimentary infectious diseases. The lifespan of such pathogenic
bacteria in water varies depending on the living environment, including water temperature
and pH. It is generally said that the lifespan of Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholera, and
dysenteric bacillus in a river are 10 to 30 days, 20 to 30 days, and 7 to 10 weeks,
9460 respectively.
b. Handling Disinfectants
Disinfectants frequently used include sodium and calcium hypochlorite. Handing these
chemicals requires wearing protective equipment, such as goggles, rubber gloves, and a
9465 c. Controlling the Contact Tank
Adjusting the disinfectant injection rate requires measuring the residual chlorine
concentration at the outlet of the contact tank. Too high a chlorine concentration is not
good from the viewpoint of effect on the ecosystem in the effluent area. On the other hand,
no residual chlorine indicates a possibility of insufficient disinfection. Therefore, the
9470 residual chlorine concentration at the outlet of the contact tank should be not too high or too
low. In general, the control value is 0.1 to 0.3 mg/L.
10.6 Septage Treatment Unit
The principles of Screen, Grit, Centrifuge, Activated sludge respectively shall apply here also.
10.6.1 Collecting and Delivering Sludge
9475 Collecting and delivering sludge by vehicle corresponds to the transfer of wastewater through a
sewer, and constitutes a network for sanitary treatment systems. The collection and delivery
efficiency varies depending on the scale of the source, the distance between facilities or distance
to treatment plants, and the truck size. In general, 4-ton trucks are used for a small-scale facility,
and 6- to 10-ton trucks for medium- to large-scale facilities.
9480 Manual sludge extraction causes problems, such as insanitary workers and pollution due to
splashing during transportation. Accordingly, a mechanical method (e.g. a pump truck pump or
vacuum tanker) should be used as a rule. When the tank truck extracts sludge, the suction unit
emits offensive odour, which requires measures. For example, a deodourizer (e.g. an activated
carbon adsorption unit) is sometimes attached to the outlet. The tank truck is likely to be
9485 insanitary, so it should be cleaned regularly. In addition, water used to clean the tank inside
should be treated hygienically.
If the distance from the collection point to the vehicle is large or the difference in level between
the two is large, it is necessary to install a suction pump on the way or to use a high-power
vacuum tanker.
9490 The vehicle carries highly corrosive matter. Therefore, it is essential to clean internal parts of
the tank and change the lubricating oil.
10.6.2 Basics of Sludge Treatment
There are various sludge treatment methods, including treatment in a special facility, common
9495 treatment in a sewage treatment plant, and solar drying on a floor. It is necessary to select an
optimal method considering the local conditions. The following summarizes common and basic
points for planning sludge treatment and disposal:
Sludge includes worm eggs and pathogenic bacteria, so a sanitary treatment method
(not manual method) should be used.
The organic concentration of sludge is more than 100 times higher than that of
9500 wastewater. Discharging it into the environment without treatment causes pollution,
so proper treatment is necessary.
Water accounts for a major part of sludge, so technology or operation for efficiently
separating the water from the sludge is necessary.
The operation and maintenance of a sludge treatment system require the
9505 development of human capabilities.
It is necessary to introduce a resource recycling system; for example, to safely treat
sludge for agricultural use.
10.6.3 Operation Control of Sludge Treatment General
9510 Like a sewage treatment plant, staff members reside in the sludge treatment facility, which in
most cases is designed to receive collected sludge and run the main units including the
solid-liquid separator in the daytime. A control system can be established in which no staff
member works during night and on holidays.
The characteristics of sludge collected from septic tanks vary depending on the scale, extraction
9515 frequency, and load condition. Accordingly, the administrator of the treatment facility should
hold prior discussion with the collecting vendor. The following shows key agenda items to be
In a medium- or large-scale sewage treatment plant, a large amount of sludge is
extracted at once. Therefore, the administrator should ask the vendor to distribute the
9520 work over several days to mitigate changes in the amount of sludge.
The administrator should ask the vendor not to concentrate sludge delivery in a
limited time slot.
Sludge collected from restaurants may include a large amount of oil. Accordingly,
the administrator should ask the vendor to adopt measures against this problem.
9525 Industrial sludge degrades the biological treatment function significantly, so the
administrator should ask the vendor to adopt measures against this problem.
Figure 10.4 shows the configuration of a sludge treatment facility. The main process is
solid-liquid separation. The maintenance of the facility requires expertise in the solid-liquid
separation technology of sludge.
Stirring Sludge
Sludge Pre-treatment
storage thickening
input unit
tank tank
Activated Disinfection Treated
Dehydrator liquid
sludge tank tank water tank
10.7 Summary
9580 On-site wastewater treatment has the following features; it is carried out near the source; its
scale is mostly small because the treatment applies to individual houses; and a variety of
technologies are adopted according to the surrounding conditions. Accordingly, there are cases
where the administrator itself or a private special vendor conducts operation control of on-site
facilities. In the operation control of a septic tank, a typical on-site facility, it is important to
9585 extract accumulated sludge properly in order to keep the function stable. Therefore, the state and
municipal governments need to draw Septage management plan based on the Advisory note on
Septage Management Guidelines (MOUD, 2012). The optimal Septage treatment technology is
selected in consideration of the local conditions. It is necessary to conduct operation control
according to the selected treatment technology.
Figure A1.1-1 Automatic water quality monitor
Monitors the environmental water quality of rivers, lakes, and other water bodies
20 and the water quality of effluents, etc.
Built-in automatic cleaning and calibration functions greatly reduce maintenance
Integrated sensors are employed to reduce unit size and save space.
Measurement items
25 Water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, dissolved oxygen
1.1.3 MONITORING EXAMPLE FROM JAPAN Sewerage (Public Works Bureau) in the City of Osaka
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Sewerage System
It is important to properly operate and maintain facilities such as sewers, pumping
30 stations and sewage treatment plants so that these facilities play their roles
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Sewage Treatment Plants
Sewage treatment plants are operated on a 24-hour basis in order to treat
wastewater continually for ensuring effective operation of sewage treatment plants
35 in response to varying inflow rates.
Location ( ) ( )
Name Related Ledgers
Fixed asset No. ( ) ( )
Insulation resistance
Number of poles Current A
Phase Type Rotating direction
Items on name plate
Mode1 ( ) ( ) Reduction ratio 1) mm 2) mm
Diameter ( ) ( ) Mode 1 3) mm 4) mm
Type Manufacturer
Thickness Voltage V
Special notes
Mode 1
overflow weirs at their final outlets in case of UASB polishing ponds and WSPs,
resulting in poor effluent quality. Baffle walls should be constructed for whole length
the pond width so that scum/sludge does not flow out with the effluent. Similarly,
longer overflow weirs will ensure less approaching velocity of flow and subsequently,
135 efficient solid liquid separation.
10. In view of frequent rusting/damage of iron/MS parts/accessories installed in STPs/PSs
due to sulphur action, such items e.g. railings, screens, platforms etc., as far as possible,
should be manufactured in stainless steel, as seen in case of STPs being
constructed/renovated in TamilNadu, Maharashtra etc. Moreover, small electric
140 installations such as motors, flow meters, starters, etc put up for operation of aerators,
screens, grit removal mechanism, gates etc. should be covered with temporary sheds
(PVC) to protect against rain water, dust etc.
11. It is observed that in most of the towns specially, in UP, Bihar and even Delhi, where
there is acute shortage of power supply, standby arrangement during power cut/failure
145 does not generally exists to meet the power requirement for running the plant. Frequent
& long power cuts and subsequent sudden discharge into the STP also causes shock
load to various units of STP, even in UASB and WSP processes, thus adversely
effecting the efficiency of treatment. Hence, alternative standby arrangement in the
form of generators along with sufficient funds for fuel need to be provided to ensure
150 continuous operation of STPs. Intermittent operation of STPs will not help in achieving
the desired quality of treated effluent and thus minimizing the river water pollution. In
addition, unless continuous power supply is available effluent quality parameters
specially, BOD etc can not be tested accurately.
12. Majority of State Govts./implementing agencies are not able to provide sufficient and
155 regular funds for O&M of STPs resulting in their unsatisfactory performance. The
annual const of O&M of sewerage system and STPs in a town varies from 5 to 10 %,
depending on the quantum of pumping (stations) and type /size of STP. It is also
observed that the revenue from STPs is negligible or far less than the expenditure
required to be incurred for proper O&M of the STPs in all cases. In case of STPs
160 constructed with central funding under NRCP by Ministry of Env. & Forests, O&M
cost is to be borne by the State Govts. If the amount for O&M of STPs can not be
provided on regular basis by the State Govts., the matter needs to be looked into at the
highest level, whether further new works should be taken up under the programme.
13. Sometimes, the staff/engineers engaged in O&M of the STPs are frequently transferred
165 so that their experience and know-how does not get transferred to their successors & is
thus not available for O&M of the STP. So the O&M staff/engineers should be deputed
at a plant for sufficient no. of years and their experience and knowhow transferred to
their successors in a planned & systematic manner. In case O&M is being got done
privately through an annual contract, the agreement should be such that the same
170 contractor continues after initial period of one year, subject to its satisfactory
performance. As a matter of fact, O&M of a STP should be included in the main
construction contract for a period of at least 5 to 10 years. This arrangement is found to
be giving good results in case of some of the STPs, namely at Channai, Panji, Nasik etc.
where this practice has been adopted.
175 14. Mostly the result of tests for effluent quality being carried out by various independent
agencies are not fed back to the staff managing the O&M of the STPs. As a matter of
fact the results of the tests, especially, if they are adverse, should be informed to the
operating staff as soon as possible so that corrective measures can be taken at site
accordingly. Also, testing of effluent for fecal coliform is not being done in most of the
180 plants which is one of the most important indicator in abatement of pollution of rivers.
15. In some of the states, specially in UP, O&M of the STPs in some towns is being done
by local bodies which do not have qualified, experienced and knowledgeable staff who
can supervise the O&M of the STPs. Local bodies have engaged private agencies on
contract for O&M of these STPs but their performance is very much unsatisfactory.
185 This arrangement of O&M of STPs by local bodies, where competent staff is not
available, may not last long. In such cases, if it is essential for O&M to be done by local
bodies only, staff/engineers with experience in O&M of STPs should be got
transferred/appointed from the implementing agency, namely UPJN who have
constructed the plant.
190 16. A holistic approach for abatement of pollution of rivers need to be adopted as on one
hand population and other human activities are increasing & on the other hand the
problem further gets compounded due to declining minimum flow, as a significant
quantity of water is abstracted upstream of a town for irrigation/drinking purposes. This
is specifically applicable in case of Yamuna in Delhi where all the water is withdrawn
195 from the river upstream of Wazirabad barrage.
17. It is estimated that out of 3267 mld of sewage generated in Delhi, 2376 mld treatment
capacity exists. But only 1530 mld of total sewage generated is treated at the STPs.
Thus only 64.37% of treatment capacity of STPs is utilized. Under utilization of
capacity of treatment is on account of (i) deficiency in sewerage not work
200 (settlement/silting of trunk sewers) and (ii) improper O&M of conveyance system and
pumping stations. Also, it is important to note that treated sewage is mostly discharged
into storm water drains (17 nos.) which carry untreated sewage and join river Yamuna.
Storm water drains carry sewage from unsewered areas, overflow from
manholes/pumping stations and treated/untreated industrial wastewater. In order to have
205 desired quality of river water in Yamuna at Delhi, the following immediate measures
need to the taken :-
a. Rehabilitation/desilting of trunk sewers.
b. Provision of sewerage net work in unsewered areas.
c. Augmentation of treatment capacity of STPs as per requirement.
210 d. Use of treated effluent for irrigation & other purposes.
e. Proper O&M of the sewerage system & STPs.
18. Sewage treatment with WSPs (anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds) is most
economical in terms of capital as well as O&M cost and is suitable for small towns
where sufficient land is easily available. But certain basic precautions e. g. providing
215 proper weir length and baffle wall(s) at the outlet of ponds during construction; and
proper O&M in respect of cleaning of sludge deposited in ponds at suitable intervals (6
to 12 months) and arresting algal/hyacinth growth are minimum requirements which
have to be kept in mind for achieving desired results.
19. Conventional treatment process, namely ASP/trickling filter is very much suitable in
220 case of large towns, where land is scarce, provided there is no shortage of power and
funds to meet capital and O&M costs. In some of the large towns UASB process has
been provided under NRCP, as it is economical in respect of O&M as compared to ASP.
But it is observed that in some cases desired results are not achieved as O&M agencies
are not paying importance to the intricacies involved in the treatment process, namely
225 uniform feeding to the plant/reactor, proper grit removal & withdrawal of sludge from
UASB reactors, regular cleaning of accumulated sludge from polishing ponds etc.
Improper O&M of these plants is giving a bad impression about UASB technology,
which otherwise appears to be quite appropriate for sewage treatment for most of the
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Insert new manholes on each Interconnect by a CI or DI
side at a reasonable distance to sewer pipe laid on proper
be away venteak piles
Sewer manhole keeps sinking The sub surface soil is defective (or) the
6. Use temporary bypass pumping of sewage from upstream
into ground foundation has given way
manhole to downstream by diesel pump sets and flexible hose till
the above remedy is completed. Connect the house service
connections to the upstream manhole
The sewers are choked and anaerobic conditions Pull out the column and seal Try to ensure sewers flow
Public do not want ventilating
7. have set in resulting in foul smelling Hydrogen the connecting pipe to the freely and not over 80 % of its
columns near their property
Sulphide gas public sewer depth at all times
Sewage pump sets require The pump is horizontal and its axis is higher than Replace by wet submersible Redesign the pumping station
priming and take a long time the sewage elevation in the well pumps fully
Sewers do not let out sewage at The sewer has collapsed in between and sewage
9. Similar to the troubleshooting of item 1 above
downstream manhole is going into the ground
safety equipments such as
Dig out the sewer and re-
barricade, signs or security
The underground portion is hollowed because backfill or relay.
lights should be installed
10. Road collapse occurs sand has been drawn into the pipe due to As other methods, soil
immediately around the
breakage or step displacement stabilization is required
collapsed road to prevent
secondary disaster
No Probable Causes
8. Net opening area of foot valves is small
9. Foot valve/strainer partially or fully clogged or silted up
10. Suction bell mouth or foot valve insufficiently submerged
11. Water-seal pipe clogged
12. Seal cage improperly mounted in stuffing box, preventing sealing and allowing fluid to enter space to from the seal
13. Circular motion in suspended suction pipe observed (The problem indicates occurrence of vortex)
14. Foot valve leaks
15. Flap of foot valve jammed
16. Concentric taper in suction line causing air pocket (Replace with eccentric taper)
17. Occurrence of vortex in intake, sump or well (Check whether all parameters for vortex-free operation are satisfied; take remedial measures)
18. Casing not air-tight and therefore breathing in
19. Short bend/elbow on suction side
20. Inadequate clearance below suction bell mouth (Raise bell mouth to achieve recommended bottom clearance for vortex-free operation)
21. Speed too low for pump driven by diesel engine
22. Speed too high for pump driven by diesel engine
23. Wrong direction of rotation
24. Total head of system higher than design head of pump
25. Total head of system lower than design head of pump
26. Static head higher than shut off head of pump
27. Pump characteristics unsuitable for parallel operation of pumps
28. Burst or leakage in pumping main
29. Pumping main partially or fully clogged
30. Air trapped in pumping main
31. Malfunctioning of line valve causing partial or full closure
32. Capacity of thrust bearing inadequate
33. Foreign matter in impeller
34. Misalignment
No Probable Causes
Foundations not rigid, or broken/loose foundation bolts, or supporting structural member (RCC/ structural steel beams) not rigid (Dismantle existing
foundation and cast new foundation. Strengthen supporting RCC/ structural steel beams)
36. Pump (impeller) shaft bent
37. Rotating part rubbing on stationary part
38. Pump shaft bearing (bush bearing or anti-friction bearing) worn
39. Wearing rings worn
40. Impeller damaged
41. Impeller locking pin loose
42. Pump shaft or transmission shaft broken
43. Transmission shaft ben
44. Shaft or shaft sleeves worn or scored at the packing
45. Gland packing improperly installed
46. Incorrect type of gland packing for operating conditions
47. Shaft running off centre because of worn bearing or misalignment
48. Rotor out of balance, causing vibration
49. Gland too tight, resulting in no flow of liquid to lubricate gland
50. Failure to provide cooling liquid to water cooled stuffing boxes
51. Excessive clearance at bottom of stuffing box between shaft and casing, causing interior packing to be forced into pump
52. Dirt or grit in sealing liquid, leading to scouring of shaft or shaft sleeve
53. Excessive thrust caused by mechanical failure inside the pump or by the failure of the hydraulic balancing device, if any
54. Excessive grease or highly viscous oil in anti- friction bearing housing or lack of cooling, causing excessive bearing temperature
55. Lack of lubrication causing overheating and abnormal friction in anti-friction bearing, bush bearing or transmission shaft bearing
56. Improper installation of anti-friction ring (damage during assembly, incorrect assembly of stacked bearings, use of unmatched bearings as a pair, etc)
57. Dirt in bearings
58. Rusting of bearing from water in housing
59. Mechanical seal worn out
60. Coupling bushes or rubber spider worn out or wear of coupling
61. Base plate or frame not properly levelled
No Probable Causes
62. Coupling unbalance
63. Bearing loose on shaft or in housing
64. Reflux valve (NRV) does not close tightly during shut down, after power failure or after tripping
65. Critical speed close to normal speed of pump
Source: JICA, 2011
Table A3.2-1 Corrective actions
(1) Pump won't start or run
Check to see if float ball is stuck. If so, remove obstacle. If required, reposition
pump or remount switch in new position so it does not get stuck.
Float switch is not being raised high enough
Fluid level might not be high enough to engage switch. Raise float manually or add
water until float is at activation height to test switch
Check outlet to ensure that it has power. If not, replace fuse or reset breaker in
fuse/breaker box.
Plug pump directly into an outlet without using an extension cord.
If extension cord MUST be used, ensure that it is made of adequately heavy gauge
wire to support the length of cord and horsepower of pump being used.
Pump is not receiving adequate power
Check that wire providing power to the outlet where pump is plugged in is
Pump should be plugged into an outlet that is fed by its own circuit breaker (or
fuse).If circuit breaker feeds power to other outlets or appliances, use an outlet that
is fed by its own breaker
Remove screen from bottom of pump and make sure no obstruction is preventing
Impeller is jammed with debris
the impeller from moving freely. Remove any obstructions
Bypass the float switch. Unplug pump cord from the piggyback plug of float switch.
Plug the pump's plug directly into outlet to test. If pump runs, float switch is
Float switch is defective
defective. Replace float switch. (Do not leave pump plugged in too long or it will
burn out)
Pump is defective If all items above check out OK, then pump is defective and needs to be replaced
(2) Motor hums but little or no fluid is ejected from pit
Motor is just humming but does not run Follow diagnostics above for "Pump won't start or run"
Drill 1/16" to 1/8" anti-airlock hole in pipe just above pump's discharge and just
Pump is air-locked
below check valve
Check valve usually has an arrow on it indicating water flow. Ensure it is pointing
up towards the discharge, not towards pump.
Check valve is stuck or closed, or installed incorrectly Inspect to see if check valve is stuck or closed.We recommend check valves be
installed horizontally in sewage applications so solids cannot settle onto the flapper
valve and hold it shut
Impeller is damaged Inspect impeller for worn or missing blades. Replace impeller if needed
Check for blockages at discharge of pipe. If in cold area, see if pipe is frozen
Discharge pipe is partially or fully blocked Discharge pipe has too many 90-degree elbows which restrict flow. Using more
than 3 or 4 elbows can restrict flow considerably. Consider using 45 elbows
instead of 90 elbows
Inspect impeller area of pump for debris that has jammed the impeller. Remove as
Impeller is jammed
Suction intake screen is partly or fully blocked Inspect suction screen at bottom for debris blocking it. Remove debris
Volute (bottom of pump) is cracked allowing water to leak out Inspect bottom section of pump for cracks or holes that would allow water to escape
Inspect discharge pipe and joints for any location where water can leave the pipe
Discharge pipe is leaking
and return to the sump pit
(3) Pump runs for a short time and ejects some fluid but shuts off before pit is empty. (Bear in mind a few inches will remain at bottom of pit. This is normal)
Be sure that pump is plugged directly into outlet. It is recommended that the outlet
be fed by its own circuit breaker (or fuse). If the breaker (or fuse) sends power
elsewhere, the pump may be short of voltage when it starts.
Pump is overheated and shut off by thermal overload Make sure proper pump has been chosen for your application. A sewage or effluent
pump is designed to empty a sump, sewage or effluent pit. Using this pump where it
can run for extended periods (waterfalls, pond circulation, etc.) can cause
Check if pump shuts off before float ball is all the way down. If it shuts down too
Float switch is out of adjustment
early, adjust float switch according to instructions in the owners' manual
If adjustment above did not resolve problem, or no adjustment is possible, replace
Float switch is defective
the float switch
(4) Pump runs continuously
Plug pump cord into piggyback connector on back/side of float switch plug. Place
Pump cord and float switch cord are plugged in separately
the combination in a single receptacle of an outlet
Inspect pit for debris that can cause the float ball to get stuck and not settle at its
Float switch is stuck
OFF position. Remove debris or relocate pump or switch to avoid it
For tethered style float ensure there is minimum of 5cm of cord between float ball
Float switch is out of adjustment and cord mounting bracket. Make sure cord is not so long that float can settle on
floor of pit and not hang straight down
Fluid is not being discharged from pit See item above labelled "Motor hums but little or no fluid is ejected from pit"
(5) Pump starts and stops too often
A very small pit or basin will simply not hold as much water. Enlarging the pit or
Sewage pit or basin is very small
basin (if possible) would be wise
For tethered style float ensure there is minimum of 5cm of cord between float ball
Float switch is out of adjustment
and cord mounting bracket
After pump has run, inspect to see if fluid is coming back into pit through the pump.
Fluid is coming back into pit from discharge pipe
If so, the check valve has failed. Replace the check valve
(6) Pump is noisy
Place insulating foam between pipe and wall and/or joists.
Try hanging the pipe with an exhaust hanger from an auto parts store.
Discharge pipe is rattling or banging against wall and/or floor joists
Install a section of flexible rubber hose (like radiator hose) between the pump
discharge and the discharge pipe for insulating vibrations
Install a section of flexible rubber hose (like radiator hose) between the pump
discharge and the discharge pipe for noise insulation.
Check valve slams shut with a bang just after pump shuts off You may be using a pump that is higher in horsepower than you need. It may cause
the water to move too fast in the pipe. After the pump shuts off, the fluid column
keeps moving upward for a moment, then slams down
Adjust float switch according to the owners' manual so that it shuts off before it
Pump is sucking air at end of its cycle
starts sucking air
Inspect impeller for broken or missing blades, or debris stuck to blade. Clean /
Pump itself is vibrating replace impeller or pump to rectify but also inspect sump pit to eliminate debris that
could damage new impeller
(7) Fuse or circuit breaker feeding the outlet where pump is plugged in trips or blows when pump activates
Water entered cord and/or float switch connector (especially possible if Separate pump plug from switch plug use hair dryer to dry them out.
your breaker is a GFCI type breaker) Remove cord connector from top of pump and dry out with cloth or hair dryer
Remove screen from bottom of pump and make sure nothing prevents the impeller
Impeller is stuck or jammed with debris
from moving freely. Remove any obstructions
Check to make sure the wire supplying power to the pump is appropriate for the
Using an extension cord or wiring to outlet which is of inadequate capacity
horsepower and amp draw of the pump in place
We recommend that the pump be plugged directly into an outlet and that the outlet
is the only item being powered by the circuit breaker that feeds it. If the breaker is
Shared circuit breaker (or fuse)
powering other items, the additional draw of the pump starting can pop the breaker
(or blow the fuse)
Plug pump directly into outlet (without plugging into float's piggyback plug) to see
if pump runs without popping breaker or fuse. If it does, but it pops fuse/breaker
Float switch is defective
when plugged in through float switch, the float switch is defective. Replace float
If all the items above check out OK, then the motor may be defective and it will be
Pump motor has a shorted winding
necessary to replace the pump
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
If it is lower by 5% stop the pump and
Pump may not be receiving the report to competent officer or switch over
Check the voltmeter reading
designated voltage to genset if the timing is morning peak
Pump delivery line may be Check the air valve position and release If the air valve is defective, replace the ball
Pump makes a humming having an air lock any trapped air by opening it inside
7. noise when switched on but If the pump is submersible, the
there is no discharge The pump has to be switched off and If crack is detected, take pump out of
bottom casing may have cracked
physically raised above the water level service and send it to the pump
and sewage may be escaping
and inspected manufacturer
there itself
Allow the well to flood. Chances are the
The suction opening may be Stop the pump set. Use another pumpset
sheet or rag may float up and can be
blocked by some sheets or rags if available
removed by a long pole and hook
Circuit breaker for the
Pump motor may have shorted This is to be verified by a qualified operator. If true, take the pump out of service and do
8. pump trips when pump is
winding not install unless it comes back fully repaired and with all correct records
switched on
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
The moving raker drops back
3. The mechanical arrangement is faulty
with a loud noise
Shear pin may be broken, or rope
Motor is running but raker
4. over the pulley may be loose, or rack
does not move
& pinion are not in mesh
Alignment of stationary and moving
Marks of metal made on metal Should not be attended by the operator. Call the equipment supplier
5. parts are not in order and these parts
in screen rods
have moved away
Screen starts moving and
6. Motor torque power is not adequate
suddenly the motor trips
The screen may be clogged (or) the
Sewage overflows screen
7. hydraulics and channel dimensions If choking is not the problem, refer to the design department
are not matching
Increase in sewage quantity or higher Verify flows and bypass peak flows If gravity does not permit and flows are
Unusual or excessive
8. peak sewage flows or industrial back to inlet chamber during peak very high, demand additional screen
effluents may occur hours of flow if gravity permits chambers
Table A4.1-3 Detritors
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Try to reduce the flow through the
Sewage is flowing too fast across the If this solves the problem construct
detritors by opening the bypass
detritors additional detritors as needed
valve? and watch for improvement
Grit classifier is not meshing with the
Try to screed the inclined floor to Get the channel made in SS and fix
grit evacuation channel floor in the
Detritors and classifiers do not match the rakes correctly
1. case of scrapers
bring out any grit
The screw is not meshing with the Change the arrangement to raker type. This is economical considering overall
curved portion in which it is moving aspects
Take a sample in a beaker, allow it to settle and watch for grit load in raw
The sewage may not have grit at all sewage. If there is no grit, bypass the grit chamber and remove the mechanical
equipment to stores
The grit washing mechanism is not Install organic return pump to lift the sewage to the top of the grit washer rake
2. The grit has foul smell
working (or) screw and wash down the organics
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Add extra classifiers to the existing
Trace the locations in collection system
Road washings, ash, or material from ones by additional SS troughs and
and rectify the connections
3. Excessive grit building sites may be entering the screws
collection system
Increase speed of scrapper as well as frequency of removal of grit
This can occur when the flow is small
Excessive organic matter in Install additional organic return Try to recirculate outlet flows to attain
4. and velocity through detritors is less
the grit pumps in classifiers the velocity
than design velocity
5. For all other mechanized systems refer the problem to the equipment supplier. The operator should not attempt repairs
Table A4.1-4 Velocity controlled grit removal channels
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Grit gets washed away in the Velocity varies widely between
1. Refer the problem to the design department
channels average flow and peak flow conditions
Usually travelling platform with trip
switches at end and vacuum pump set
with hanging hoses are provided to
Grit removal facilities do not Never enter the grit channel. Demand a
2. discharge into dedicated channel along Do not attempt any rectification
exist mechanized grit removal system
the length of grit chamber. This
probably not provided or it is not
The grit delivered by the grit
The system design does not permit
3. removal vacuum system has Construct a grit washing hydro cyclone facility
rinsing of the grit
foul smel
Reduce the number of parallel grit Install temporary pump sets to recycle
This can occur when the flow is small channels in use outlet flow
Excessive organic matter in
4. and velocity through detritors is less
the grit Insert planks or brickwork along the length to reduce the width of flow and
than design velocity
increase the velocity
Velocity is too high and detention Add more channels or introduce
5. Carryover of grit Increase grit removal frequency
period is too short equalization basin for raw sewage
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
If discharge is by gravity, open the
valve fully and watch for sludge.
If no sludge drains out, pump
compressed air if a Tee flange joint Even after these measures, if the
is available. If there is no Tee joint, sludge does not drain, divert the
bring a sewer jet rodding machine sewage from the clarifier, empty out by
and jet the line at mild pressure for temporary diesel pump set. Then hose,
not more than a minute and again inspect and rectify. Invariably, sludge
Choked up sludge withdrawal pipeline after an hour pipelines are of CI or DI and they do
If it discharges by direct suction and not collapse. However, if it has
2. Sludge solids start floating if no sludge drains out, pump collapsed, major repair is called for
compressed air if a Tee flange joint especially after ensuring that
is available. If there is no Tee joint, dewatering the groundwater is done to
bring a sewer jet rodding machine below the floor level of the clarifier
and jet the line at mild pressure for
not more than a minute and again
after an hour
Higher HRT generates gas bubbles,
which reduces density of sludge 1. Spray water on sludge lumps
solids, leads to floating of sludge 2. Increase sludge removal frequency
Scraper arms rotate but the Scraper blades have lost the squeegees
sludge coming out is merely at the floor level. This means the Guide a remote operated video camera on the sides of the wall at three or four
sewage and sludge is sludge is not moving towards the locations. Inspect the film footage and perform repairs
occasional centre for withdrawal
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Excess growth of bio mass on Indicates aerobic organisms growing
5. Same procedure as in item 1 above
the V notches in weirs in the grooves
If it is a horizontal foot mounted Verify electrical connections, and Even after these measures, if pump
centrifugal pump set, the gland switch off the motor. Remove the does not work, call the pump set
Sludge pump runs for few packing may be too tight gland packing and re-fit it properly supplier
minutes and stops suddenly If it is a positive displacement stator-
rotor pump set, the stator and rotor Call the pump set supplier
might have jammed
Sludge does not drain easily Grit has entered the tanks and has Install air lift pumps on the top of
Try to increase the efficiency of grit
7. by gravity in hopper bottom choked the drain pipe of the hopper tanks and evacuate the grit content
removal equipment
tanks tank periodically
The incoming raw sewage is probably Usually settling tanks can absorb a peak flow of about 2.5 times during morning
Surges occur in the settling
8. being pumped directly from the hours but if the raw sewage itself is pumped intermittently, then an equalization
tank overflows on the weirs
collection system tank is needed
Typically, the thickener overflow may
Settling tank effluent is There is nothing to be done; this can be allowed to go on and will automatically
9. be darker than sewage and can cause
darker than raw sewage be rectified after aeration tank
this problem
Too much detention in the settling
Bubbles are noticed in the tank introduces septic conditions and Recirculate the outlet flow back to inlet
Increase sludge removal frequency to
10. tanks and sludge spreads after anaerobic activity. This releases to increase the flow and reduce
contain the problem
the bubbles methane and hydrogen sulphide detention
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
The sludge dewatering machines may
Construct required facilities to store
not give the required sludge
the first time dewatered sludge and the
consistency. If watery, it has to be
required pump sets to pump it back
put through the dewatering machine
again to the dewatering machine
Even after these measures, if microbes
In STPs of industrial clusters where
do not develop, supplement
the work is only in day shifts, the
commercially available enzymes as per
sewage is actually mostly urine and
manufacturers guidelines. Also add
no night soil as the natures call is
micro nutrients once a week. The
finished by the population in their
A balanced availability of organic Excel sheet for calculating the micro
houses itself before coming to the
material, nitrogen and phosphorous nutrients quantity is given in
industry. Locally available cow dung
must be available otherwise organisms Appendix-B. Procure the chemicals,
has to be dissolved in water, filtered
Microorganisms do not will not grow prepare a solution and add to the
2. to remove straw etc and added to
aeration tank slowly over an hour so
develop aeration tank. Dosage should be
that it mixes well with the tank
determined to obtain at least 50 mg/l
contents. The addition is at the inlet
of BOD
Same as above for batch type reactors like SBR
First apply physico-chemical treatment
In case of sewage coming from one
Toxic Material may be present in raw to a stream carrying toxic material and
SPS, first off identify the line at inlet
sewage then let it be allowed for further
and divert it
Raw sewage flow is much
3. This can be adjusted to about 15 % Make sure the hydraulics is adequate If not, bypass after grit removal
higher than design flow
MLSS develops but does not A peculiar problem may be the TDS Verify the design TDS and actual Locate the source & avoid it in the
survive of the sewage TDS collection system
New plants usually have such Try to spray the treated sewage using By adopting these measures, the
White coloured foaming of
5. problems because the sludge is young a temporary pump set twice in a day problem should be controlled within a
aeration tank
and not aged. The foam may be time shift to break the foam month at the maximum
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
removed without any worries If possible attach a greenhouse nylon
net to strong anchor nails on the side
walls handling it carefully
F/M ratio is too high Do not waste sludge from either secondary clarifier or aeration tank
Increase sludge wasting and verify
If the problem persists provide a raw
Older plants may have such problems whether MLVSS has increased to
Dark brown foaming of sewage equalization tank and ensure
6. due to very little sludge wasted in about 70 %.
aeration tank uniform raw sewage flow to the
secondary clarifier, If air supply is available, increase it
aeration tank
by using the VFD
Nocardia to be checked under a Check and correct oil, grease & fat in
Most probably, filamentous organisms
Greasy very dark foaming of microscope by a microbiologist raw sewage
7. such as Nocardia might have come
aeration tank Increase sludge wasting by 10 % day till the desired level of MLSS is achieved
into the MLSS
If possible increase aeration air by
Insufficient oxygen has caused
Very dark foam and mixed VFD. If this is not available, report the
8. anaerobic conditions in the aeration Check the DO in the aeration tank
liquor is black matter to all including the CEO
directly to supplement the aeration
Unequal flow distribution or unequal
MLSS concentration varies
return sludge to the aeration tanks or Check the flow rates and adjust the valves of return sludge lines to each aeration
9. between the parallel aeration
both can cause this problem in both tank or division weirs in flow division boxes before entry into aeration tanks
surface and diffused aeration
Small amount of whitish
10. This is actually a sign of a plant operating well
foam at corners
Verify F/M ratio. Most probably this If the aeration tank is step aeration
would have increased to a higher type, send the raw sewage to the
Sludge rises almost all over Toxic contents in raw sewage may be value than the design value second compartment
11. the clarifier weir and causing dispersed growth bulking in If the aeration tank is a plug flow type,
overflows aeration system Verify the DO in aeration tank. This try to divert the raw sewage at least
might be very low or absent about 20 % of the distance away from
the inlet
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
If the tank is a complete mix tank with
Verify the MLVSS. Its value might
uniform entry of sewage all along one
be very low compared to the
side, try to cut off raw sewage for one
designed value
hour every shift
If the plant has facilities to add a
Verify the raw sewage pH for any
coagulant, try to use a non ionic
sudden drop due to acidic effluents
polyelectrolyte for some time
Microscopic examination by a Check nitrogen, phosphorous, BOD Distribute the raw sewage along the
microbiologist shows a large number ratio and adjust N and P by adding length of aeration tanks in plug flow
of filamentous organisms commercial NPK fertilizers reactor so that initial zones can recover
Check for nitrification and reduce Assemble 50 mm SS crib mesh with
If the STP is not designed for oxygen supply to aeration tank by lockable clasps of size equal to cross
denitrification and if excess oxygen is reducing the air output of blowers / section of launders and of cubical
given in aeration tank, there can be compressors but without affecting shape, fill with loose foam and stack
nitrification of ammonia, this nitrate mixing energy requirement which are along the launder at intervals to trap
will be denitrified in the sludge zone also equally important in diffused the solids. Periodically remove, wash
of secondary clarifiers and the rising aeration systems and restack
bubbles will carry over the sludge If the aeration is by surface aerators
solids from the sludge layers If this is not possible, follow the foam
adjust the submergence to reduce the
filled cribs as mentioned above
oxygen transfer
Check return sludge concentration and solids level (balance) around final
Sludge return rate is too high
clarifier and settleability test
Check micro biota, DO, pH and nitrogen concentration; raise Do and pH,
Sludge concentration in Filamentous growth
supplement nitrogen and add chlorine
12. return sludge is low (<8,000
mg/L) Check micro biota and dissolved iron content; if present, supplement nitrogen
Actinomycetes predominant
Collector mechanism speed is
Adjust speed of collector mechanism
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Sometimes, a mild non ionic If the problem continues in spite of
polyelectrolyte can be added to the these measures, introduce primary
influent end to precipitate coagulant settling before RBC and take the
from BOD load primary sludge to aerobic digesters
After a period of power
outage, when the RBC is re- When the power outage occurs, the Ask the equipment supplier to verify
started, it refuses to rotate, biomass on the disc has water content. Check alignment before trying and match the torque rating of the
4. the motor creates a humming This water adds to the weight of the anything else. If alignment has motor and the torque enforced by the
noise and the disc assembly disc and initial torque of the motor is changed, call the equipment supplier wet disc assembly which is measured
needs an external push to set not adequate to overcome the inertia by the rope and weight method
it rolling
A simple method is to temporarily
This is an associated phenomenon of increase the RPM of the disc Also, reversing the direction of feed
RBS systems. Strictly speaking, they assembly to just about double the and outlet about once a month helps
5. Growth of snails in discs
do not affect the BOD removal designed value for a few minutes at a build up bio mass growth to uniform
efficiency time and use a long pole to dislodge weight along the length of the shaft
the snails back into the sewage drum
Table A4.1-12 Biological phosphorous and nitrogen removal
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Check the anaerobic zone for DO. It
The phosphorous removal occurs in should be zero or less than 0.2 mg/l. The air supply to aeration tank can
Treated effluent contains
the anaerobic zone. If it is not removed If DO is high, reduce the aeration air reduced if there is a VFD attached to
1. more phosphorous than
fully, it can cause eutrophication in supply to hold the DO in aeration the air compressor motor. If it is not
receiving water bodies tank to not more than 1 mg/l. This is there, demand it
the root cause
Check the raw sewage BOD and if
Treated effluent has low This condition is possible if raw Instead of supplemental air
needed, install supplemental air
2. phosphorous content but the sewage BOD is higher than the design compressor, a high duty compressor
compressor to meet the extra oxygen
BOD is high at over 20 mg/l value can also be installed
needed for the higher BOD
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Treated sewage meets Confirm the raw sewage nitrogen and
Nitrogen removal and phosphorous If all parameters are as per the design,
phosphorous removal BOD and the air actually pumped by
removal occur in two separate zones raw sewage has nitrate inhibitors.
3. requirements but the nitrogen the air compressor to be according to
and not together. Hence understanding Conduct lab studies and control the
content is much higher than design. If the air supply is less,
the respective problem is necessary source in collection system
required increase it
Table A4.1-13 Facultative ponds
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Weeds do not grow if water is more If sludge depth has built up and
than 1 m depth. Check the outlet reduced the water depth, remove the
level and the sludge depth weeds
If there are two parallel ponds, take
Weeds attract and promote growth of Thereafter allow the sludge to sun dry
out one pond at a time from sewage
insects like flies, mosquitoes and so and then till it by a tractor. Leave as-is
Weeds grow inside the pond flow at start of summer and pump out
1. on. They can also become a nuisance for a week and then remove the sludge
sewage the top liquid using a portable diesel
as reptiles may be found hidden in the taking safety precautions
pump set into the other pond
The removed sludge is good soil
The disposal can be in the root zone of
filler and has to be put through a
trees or spread over the outer slope of
compost pile for at least a month. Try
the bunds for better turf growth
to use vermin composting
Scum promotes insect growth and Do not try to remove the scum out of
Once it breaks up, the gas bubbles
Scum forms in the corners propagation, particularly flies and the pond. Take a long thin pole and
2. propping the scum are released. The
and insects grow over it mosquitoes. It can cause insect borne beat the scum gently so that it breaks
scum mat will sink into the pond
epidemics if not removed up at the surface
The greatest risk of such growth is that It is dangerous to stand on top of a tree
Physically shear off the growths. Do
someday this growth will break the and cut the tree branches. Use a crane
Bunds are overgrown with not pull the roots from the bund as
bund and suddenly the sewage will and make the labourer sit inside its
3. weeds, small plants or even this will loosen and break the bund.
flow out and fall into all wells or rivers bucket. The cut weeds, twigs etc., can
trees The sheared material must not fall
in the zone causing a major health be placed into a netting tied to the
into the pond
hazard or water borne epidemic bucket and taken out safely
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Overhanging tree branches This is to be avoided because the pond Identify the trees and mercilessly cut
drop leaves on the pond and requires sunlight to function and the the branches overhanging the pond.
this causes shadow region on blocking sunlight will cause septicity, Do not cut the tree as the cut roots
the pond surface and BOD removal will suffer will topple the bund
Pond turns dense green in Accept it; this should not be taken as a Leave it as it is and it will disappear If the density is high recirculate the
summer months problem on its own when monsoons set in pond effluent by pumping
DO level in pond water is This need not necessarily be a problem
Raw sewage BOD may be very low If DO is present in the pond effluent,
6. very low and even at mid day as long as effluent BOD is under
and this may cause low DO level do not disturb it
it does not go above 2 mg/l control
Check the raw sewage for oil &
grease regularly. Sometimes, Demand the construction of a gravity
This is risky. It blocks the solar heat automobile service stations and oil & grease removal unit for raw
energy from penetrating the pond, industries will suddenly discharge sewage before the raw sewage is
Oily sheen and shine slowly which prevents algae growth. This in waste oils into the collection system. allowed into the pond This is a must
7. Trace the source and control it
increases on the pond surface turn stops oxygen production by algae,
so removal of BOD from the pond is A temporary and very effective method is to sink country wood poles around
affected adversely the inlet zone, tie fishing net and place straw inside this zone. The straw will
absorb the oil & grease and should be left there until the oil & grease removal
unit is built
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
The flow through the unit may be Check the design manual of the plant If needed, ask for one more unit to
much higher than what is designed and rectify the same manage the flows
Add lime powder to the wet sludge
The water in the sludge may be a If it does not dewater even then, use a
by using a paddle mixer equipment
Sludge does not dewater bound water and would need a polyelectrolyte in addition to lime
5. before using it on a filter bed
fully in drying beds weighting agent such as lime
powder Other chemical such as FeSO4 or FeCl3 or saw dust may also apply with Lime
315 Table A4.1-19 Treated sewage chlorination
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
This is most serious problem that can
The first aid kit is either happen in a plant and needs emergency The plant in charge shall directly The old kit if located can be used as
empty or it has disappeared measures to be adopted bypassing purchase a ready kit and install it standby
This again is a major issue of a Immediately stop all chlorination, Call for emergency measures to fill the
The sodium hydroxide filled
2. different kind and needs immediate close all chlorine containers and open tank before re-commissioning the
liquid tank is empty
action the windows, doors, and ventilators chlorination
There is no water in the Keep at least three to four buckets of
3. Connect the shower to two different
shower This is not an emergency but all the fresh water and paint the buckets in
water sources so that at any one time,
There is no water in the eye same requires immediate attention red colour to indicate it is for use in
4. one of these will work
rinsing wash basin emergency situations only
Verify the MPN count of inlet to and
Strictly speaking, this is the desirable Eventually take up re-appraisal of the
There is no residual chlorine outlet from chlorine contact tank. If
5. situation if the purpose of chlorination chlorination system to deliver higher
in the chlorinated effluent the design value is not met increase
has been served in MPN count dosage and augment the facilities
the chlorine dose after lab estimation
This can be because the inlet to Check the chlorine in the contact tank
There is too much chlorine in Request the plant chemist to calibrate
chlorine contact tank is not having the outlet and compare with the design
6. the sewage coming out of the chlorine demand every week and
designed demand (or) too much value. If it is higher by 1 mg/l, reduce
chlorine contact tank indicate it on a wall board for all to see
chlorine is being applied to the sewage the chlorine dosage
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Testing of joints in the Immediately stop chlorination, close
plumbing lines with Chlorine gas when in contact with chlorine cylinder valves and open up Call the system supplier for a complete
ammonia solution swab ammonia always gives whitish fumes all windows, doors, and ventilators. system check and rectification
shows white fumes Switch on exhaust fans
Inadequate chlorination equipment
Replace equipment as necessary to provide treatment based on maximum flow
Conduct dye test
Short circuit in chlorine contact
Install baffles in the chlorine contact chamber
Coliforms count fails to meet chamber
Install mixing device in chlorine contact chamber
8. required standards for
disinfection Solids build up in contact chamber Clean contact chamber
Chlorine residual is too low Increase contact time or increase chlorine feed rate
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
System oil - low pressure Oil level too low, oil filter dirty
5. Drain and refill with proper oil type
Valve sticks are open, incorrect oil
6. System oil - high pressure Incorrect oil type Drain and refill with proper oil type
Suction lift too high
Purge air at filter
7. Oil discharge - low pressure Air or vapour in oil
Secure coupling
Coupling slipping on pump shaft
8. Low oil temperature Oil cooler water flow too high Throttle water flow
Increase water flow
Oil cooler water too low; incorrect oil
9. High oil temperature Drain and refill with proper oil type
type or insufficient oil circulation
Replace oil filter, check oil lines for restrictions
Call equipment supplier to check
Blower speed too high Reduce speed to recommended RPM bearings for clearance, hot spots,
10. Hot bearings Defective bearings Damage: Repair or replace. cracks or other damage. Repair or
Oil cooler water flow rate too low Increase water flow replace
Increase water flow
11. Motor doesnt start Overload relay tripped Correct and reset
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
In general, Bourdon gauges are
Switch off the compressor and verify
instantaneous measurement units and
This may be a serious problem. If the whether the Bourdon gauge goes back
Compressor shows full not permanent reading gauges.
pressure gauge on compressor delivery to its zero position. If it does not,
design pressure but there are Change these gauges to proper
2. is of the Bourdon type, most probably replace with a new one
no air bubbles coming out of diaphragm gauges
it has gone into permanent set showing
aeration tank The gauges are always best installed
the full pressure
with pressure to current converter Request for such a change
type transducers or transmitters
If pressure gauges are available at all If there is no leak, the compressor
Pressure gauges are in order, If air is not being released from locations before changes of alignment may be at fault. Check the amperage.
compressor is in working anywhere in the aeration tank, it of air transmission piping, try closing If it is negligible then there is a
condition but air bubbles do causes major leaks in transmission all these and open section after section mechanical problem with the
not rise from aeration tank pipelines to verify the leaky section below compressor. Call the equipment
ground and rectify supplier
Air escapes in large bursts This may be due to detachment of the This is a major problem and will require a team of well qualified and properly
from a few places instead of air header pipe and the diffuser head at protected divers to dive and fix the problem at site while the service team is on
uniform diffusion all over the the floor; hence the bulk of air escapes standby at site. Do not empty the tank because growing the microbes again is
tank at the joint location not easy
The MLSS concentration has gone out
The entire contents appear If this remedy also fails, there is
of control and become too high. They Check the MLSS and then the
viscous and shine like oil and almost surely a problem of shock
are mostly dead and cannot abstract MLVSS. If both these values deviate
5. air escapes at surface loads or toxic substances coming in
the oxygen from the diffused air. This very much from the design, waste
intermittently in large sewage. Check, identify locations in
causes build up and sudden exploding fifty percent and let system recover
exploding bubbles the collection system &rectify
of air bubbles
Table A4.1-26 Power back up
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
At least 20-30 % capacity of areation
Arrange for Dual power supply
Sudden break/stoppage in Air blower should be back by DG sets to
1. Power Failure (through a separate power supply
supply to Areation Tank ensure minimum air supply to
aeration tank for duration of 7-8 hours
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
The ultrasonic level sensors actually Try to hold a mirror at the water
If the reading actually measured and
measure the depth of the sewage water surface by tying it to a long stick and
Ultrasonic level sensor that obtained with the mirror are tally,
from the ultrasonic emitter. It actually note the reading given by the sensor.
readings seem to be vastly then there is no problem with the
2. measures the time from release to the Actually measure the depth from the
different from previous sensor. If the depth shown by the
return signal after bouncing back from sensor to the water level if there is
recent readings sensor is different by more than 5 %,
the sewage surface, takes the average safe access, without getting into
the sensor must be serviced
and is calibrated to the depth sewage
325 Table A4.1-29 Septic tank and leaching systems where sewerage system is not in place
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
The key point is to minimize the water used for bathing and washing clothes.
This will solve many problems
Open the septic tank outlet chamber, Construct a fresh leach pit if there is
The problem is directly related to the pour a bucketful of water gently and space. If there is no space, try to clean
Sewage backs up into the watch whether it goes into leach pit up the old leach pit and construct an
1. leach pit only because a septic tank is
house immediately. If it does not flow, the up flow filter and discharge the
only a flow through tank
leach pit has become saturated. The effluent to the street drain. Sometimes
simplest remedy is to use the services gravity will not permit this. In such
of septage clearance vehicle and cases, use a septage vehicle, which is
empty the septic tank periodically the only answer to this problem
If the problem continues, a biological
Spray the mosquito net of the cowl
filter consisting of gunny cloth of coir
with bleaching powder solution daily
wetted with bleaching powder
This is the result of the process in the and keep it wet
Foul smell comes out of the solution may be tied
2. septic tank, and cannot be stopped. But
ventilating cowl If space is available construct a
it can be treated If the problem continues, the only
smaller septic tank and up flow filter
solution is to frequently use the
only for toilets and then allow it into
septage clearance vehicle
the main septic tank
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Media floats in 1. Water sprinkling
Gas or air trapped in media reduces its
4. air/surrounding area with or 2. Mosquito type net be placed Increase height of side walls
without foam above reactor
Almost all other issues discussed under ASP apply here also.
Table A4.1-32 Membrane bio reactors (MBR)
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Raw sewage flow is less than
1. Almost all other issues discussed under SBR apply here also
the design flow
Raw sewage flow is higher
2. Almost all other issues discussed under SBR apply here also
than the design flow
If it does not settle and the jar appears
Look under the microscope for
In general, this is because the MLSS cloudy even after an hour, then there is
organisms like Nocardia or
cannot be filtered by the membranes. a need to intervene. The first step is to
Sphaerotilus natans-like filamentous
The problem may occur in both flush the membranes if these are fixed
bacteria. Get assistance from a
Membrane permeate volume suction type and pressure feed types If (or) to remove, clean and rinse if these
3. qualified microbiologist. If these are
is reducing slowly sludge bulking occurs, it is due to the are removable. In the meantime,
detected, do not panic. Take a
filamentous organisms. Usually at high identify the bulking reasons as stated
sample in a one litre glass jar and
MLSS of 10,000 mg/l filamentous under ASP and try to solve the problem.
observe the settling. If sludge settles
organisms do not create any problems Do not allow the problem to continue. It
to 30 % in half hour, it is still OK
will choke the membrane
May occur when some membranes
Membrane permeate often Try to methodically isolate each After identifying the module, remove it
give way and the microbes escape
4. brings out microbial module by isolating valves and and get it duly serviced before replacing
through it at higher pressure
suspended solids study the problem it on line
Almost all other issues discussed under ASP apply here also
Secondary settling for extended
8 - 15 25 - 35 25 - 120 170 3.0 to 4.0 185
335 Note: Where the mechanized aerobic treatment is used after UASB reactor, the settling tank
design shall be based on conventional activated sludge process as above.
Conventional Plug flow 1,500-3,000 0.8 0.3-0.4 4-6 5-8 0.25-0.5 85-92 0.8-1.0
Complete mix mix 3,000-4,000 0.8 0.3-0.5 4-5 5-8 0.25-0.8 85-92 0.8-1.0
Extended Complete
aeration mix 3,000-5,000 0.6 0.1-0.18 12-24 10-25 0.5-1.0 95-98 1.0-1.2
370 F / M QS 0 / XV (A4.4)
Q: Sewage inflow, m3/day
S0: Influent organic matter as BOD5, g/m3
V: Volume of aeration tank, m3
375 X: MLSS concentration in aeration tank, g/m3
Oxygen is required in the activated sludge process for the oxidation of a part of the influent
organic matter and also for the endogenous respiration of the micro-organisms in the system.
The total oxygen requirement of the process may be formulated as follows:
380 O 2 required (g/d) (Q (S 0 - S)/f) - 1.42 X (A4.5)
f : Ratio of BOD to ultimate BOD
1.42 : Oxygen demand of biomass, g/g
X is biological sludge produced per day.
385 X = Q Y observed (S0-S)
Yobs = Y/(1+KdC)
Where Y is 0.5
Kd is 0.06
The formula does not allow for nitrification but allows only for carbonaceous BOD removal.
390 The extra theoretical oxygen requirement for nitrification is 4.56 Kg O2/per kg NH3 -N oxidized
to NO3 - N.
The total oxygen requirements per kg BOD, removed for different activated sludge processes
are given in . The amount of oxygen required for a particular process will increase within the
range shown in the table as the F/M value decreases.
Aerators are rated based on the amount of oxygen they can transfer to tap water under standard
conditions of 20C, 760 mm Hg barometric pressure and zero DO. The oxygen transfer capacity
under field conditions can be calculated from the standard oxygen transfer capacity by the
N s (C s C L ) 1.024 ( T 20)
400 N (A4.6)
N : Oxygen transferred under field conditions, kg O2/kW/hr
Ns : Oxygen transfer capacity under standard conditions, kg O2/kW/hr
Cs : Dissolved oxygen saturation value for sewage at operating temperature, mg/l
405 CL : Operation DO level in aeration tank usually 1 to 2 mg/1
T : Temperature, C
: Correction factor for oxygen transfer for sewage, usually 0.8 to 0.85
Values of Cs is calculated by arriving at the dissolved oxygen saturation value for tap water at
the operating temperature and altitude as in Table A4.2-1 and Table A4.2-2 and then multiply it
410 by a factor which is usually 0.95 for domestic sewage without undue industrial effluents and
with TDS in the normal range of 1,200 to 1,500 mg/l.
Yobs = Y/(1+KdC)
430 Where Y is 0.5
kd is 0.06
B = Qinert TSS removal
Inert TSS = Influent TSS Influent VSS
TSS removal in primary settling tank is 60 percent.
435 Inert SS removal in primary settling tank is 80-90 percent.
VSS removal in primary settling tank is 20-40 percent.
C is from Figure A4.2-1 for the lowest operating temperature.
Excess sludge in kg/day = Yobs BOD inlet Flow MLd
Calculate excess sludge kg/day from the thumb rule in this section.
440 Adopt the higher value.
Excess sludge volume (m3/day)
= Excess wasted (kg/day) 1000/MLSS in clarifier underflow
Figure A4.2-1 SRT as a function of aeration basin temperature for 90-95% BOD removal
a. Hydraulic Retention Time (days)
Volume 60(m) 20(m) 5(m) 6,000(m 3 )
6,000(m 3 )
7,500(m 3 /day)
0.8 (days) 19.2 (hours)
Sludge Settled ( ml / L )
f . SVI ( ml / g )
MLSS ( g / L )
400 ( ml )
4(g )
100 ( ml / g )
c. Sludge Solid generated (kg / day) Flow(m 3 / day) (TSSin TSSout )(mg / L)
1,000L 1kg
10,000(m 3 / day) (300 100)(mg / L) 3
1m 1,000,000mg
2,000 (kg / day)
Sludge (kg / day)
d. Volume of Sludge generated
Concentration of sludge(kg / m 3 )
2,000 (kg / day)
1,000L 1kg
40,000(mg / L) 3
1m 1,000,000mg
50 ( m 3 / day)
Flow (m 3 / day)
a.Surface Overflow Rate (day)
Surface Area (m 2 )
100,000(m 3 / day)
31.8m 3 / m 2 .day
3.14 10 10(m 2 )
Volume(m 3 )
b.DetentionTime (day)
Flow (m 3 / day)
3.14 10 10 3.5 (m 3 )
10,000(m 3 / day)
0.219(days) or 2.63(hrs)
Flow ( m 3 / day)
d. Weir Over Rate (m 3 /
Weir Length (m)
10,000 (m 3 / day)
3.14 20 ( m)
159 ( m 3 /
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Sometimes there is an auto toxicity
problem when high TDS waters are Check the sulphate content of the The way to reduce this toxicity is to
used by the habitation. The sulphate in digester feed and digested outlet. prevent the sulphates from getting
the water gets into sewage. This gets Estimate the sulphide produced as reduced to sulphide in the first place.
into digester liquid. The sulphate one third of the sulphate. Estimate But this is not possible inside a
reduces to sulphide. This is partly 40 % of this value as unreacted digester. A higher degree of mixing
converted to hydrogen sulphide gas. sulphide. Also estimate sulphide in usually expels the hydrogen sulphide
The unreacted sulphide is toxic to the digested liquid by titration in the gas faster and thus promotes more
digesters in the range 50 mg/l in laboratory. Consult a process formation in the digester liquid. This
dispersed sludge and 250 mg/l in specialist on this further to establish reduces the unreacted sulphide
granular sludge. In digesters, it is sulphide toxicity as the reason remaining in the digester
usually dispersed sludge
Usually, a well digested sludge does
not smell offensive. If the digested
Follow the procedure for raising the pH of the digester by lime or preferable
3. Foul or sour odour sludge smells sour and foul, the
sodium hydroxide as described earlier
digester has probably become sour and
the pH may have dropped
Apply soap solution to all piping joints
Smell of hydrogen sulphide
to verify any leaky joints or cracked
when walking around the
4. pipes. It can also be the digester
base of the fixed dome on the
sidewalls which are above the sludge
digester Erect a sign board in local language
level but usually this is not the case Do not try to fix the problem by
and all familiar languages that gas is
Floating dome covers are usually yourself. Call the equipment supplier
leaking and persons shall not go to
Smell of hydrogen sulphide fabricated from steel or synthetic to attend to it
the top of digesters
when walking around the materials. The joints are the sources of
base of the floating dome on the leak. It can also be the digester
the digester sidewalls which are above the sludge
level but usually this is not the case
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Usually these are inflatable gas
balloons made of synthetic material
and are of multi layered construction.
Smell of hydrogen sulphide Unless there is an external puncture,
The simple soap solution test will Do not try to fix the problem by
when walking around the these do not leak. The actual leak may
6. help in identifying the leak. If this is yourself. Call the equipment supplier
base of the inflatable gas occur at the base where the gas cover
the case, the fasteners are to be fixed to attend to it
holder on the digester is jointed with the digester which again
is through a piping. Thus, the fastening
around the joint piping should be
Floating gas dome on the
The holding down weights on the rim Try small adjustments at a time by Once it becomes vertical, record the
7. digester is not truly vertical
are not properly adjusted adding or removing the weights work in the site register
but is tilted
Gas pressure in the gas line Gas is not being withdrawn regularly
8. from digester is higher than or gas production is more than the Use the flame trap to release and burn off the required volume of the gas
the design value design
Gas pressure in the gas dome
9. Gas production is not adequate Take no action but attend to the sludge section as discussed earlier
is less than the design value
10. Mixing systems Get an authorized agency to inspect, service and leave a report at regular intervals which can be monthly intervals
Table A5.1-3 Mechanical sludge dewatering devices
No. Troubles / Problems Likely causes First stage remedies Second stage remedies
Metallic noise in moving May be due to worn out bearings or Refer bearing problems to equipment
1. Lubricate moving parts
parts absence of lubrication supplier
Contract: 463kW 150kVA 80kW 300kVA 150kVA 200kVA 178kW 91kW 91kW 30kW 11kW 500kW Summary
kWh Msx./h % kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh kWh h Transaction kWh
1 Pump kWh
2 %
3 Blower kWh
4 %
5 Power kWh
6 %
7 Lighting kWh
8 %
9 Others kWh
10 %
11 Max./h kWh
12 Max./Contract %
13 Electricity Charge INR
14 Effluent volume m3
15 Charge/ flow rate INR/m3
16 Non-utility power generation
17 Power kWh
18 Running hours h
19 Contents Failure h times
20 Inspection h times
21 Oil consumption L
22 Fuel ms/kWh
Location ( ) ( )
Name Related Ledgers
Fixed asset No. ( ) ( )
Insulation resistance
Number of poles Current A
Phase Type Rotating direction
Items on name plate
Mode1 ( ) ( ) Reduction ratio 1) mm 2) mm
Diameter ( ) ( ) Mode 1 3) mm 4) mm
Type Manufacturer
Thickness Voltage V
Special notes
Mode 1
Problem ( ) ( )
Fixed asset No. ( ) ( )
Indicating Specification Grade Mode1 Quantity Protective Adjustment Adjustment Mode 1 Lot No. Manufacturer Date of
Instrument instrument, range time mfg.
Green PC
Height mm
Width mm
Depth mm
Operation switch
Distributing board
Date of mfg.
Lot No.
Chart No.
Related ledger
Other items
d. Semi-annual
*Nothing special.
e. Annual
580 All indicating meters should be calibrated.
f. Bi-annual
Same as annual.
a. Daily
585 Note voltage and current readings.
b. Monthly
Check the level of the transformer oil.
Confirm that the operation of the GOD (ground operated disconnection) is okay.
Check temperatures of the oil and windings.
590 Clean radiators to be free of dust or scales.
Pour 3 to 4 buckets of water in each earth-pit.
c. Quarterly
Check condition of the H.T. bushing.
Check the condition of the dehydrating breather and replace the silica-gel
595 charge, if necessary. Reactivate old charge for reuse.
d. Semi-annual
Check di-electric strength and acid test of transformer oil and filter, if
Test insulation by megger.
600 Check continuity for proper earth connections.
e. Annual
Check resistance of earth pit/earth electrode.
f. Bi-annual
Complete examination including internal connections, core and windings.
605 Source: CPHEEO, 1993
Table A7.2-1 Suggested laboratory service infrastructure for monitoring water quality
S.No. Level Minimu Recommended Staff Remarks
1 Basic Laboratory 1. Lab. Assistant /Technician For routine bacteriological and physicochemical tests, the samples
a. Primary Health Centre / Village Level 2. Lab. Attendant should be sent to municipal / district level laboratory periodically
b. Municipal / District Level 1. Chief Analyst Whenever STP laborotory is existing
(Plant capacity > 50MLd) 2. Chemist
3. Bacteriologist
4. Assistant Chemist
5. Lab. Assistant / Technician
6. Lab. Attendants
7. Driver
8. Helper
2 State / Regional Level Laboratory 1. Chief Analyst (Higher Scale)
2. Chemist
3. Bacteriologist
4. Biologist
5. Assistant Bacteriologist
6. Assistant Biologist
7. Lab. Assistant / Technician
8. Lab. Attendants
9. Driver
10. Helper
625 Note: 1. Kindly refer to Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, III Edition, May 1999.
2. The level and the no. of the personnel shall be decided by the respective agencies depending on magnitude of
Once rolled into the pit, do not peed down into it. You are only containing the gas
In case someone swoons due to chlorine gas, rapidly remove him to the first floor
If first floor is not available, use at least an office table to elevate him
825 Allow fresh air and avoid crowding around him
Keep him facing up and the head well back and tongue not in the way
Apply artificial respiration mouth to mouth
Voluntarily carry out a monthly drill in artificial respiration
Always keep a cool head and never get perturbed
830 Never try to find out how this leak occurred before you have stooped the leak
Use plenty of common sense
1. Carbon CO2 Colourless, 1.53 Cannot be endured at 4.0 to 6.0 0.5 5000 At bottom Products of
dioxide odourless when 10 for more than few when heated combustion
breathed in large minutes even if subject may stratify sewer gas
quantities may is at rest and oxygen at points sludge gas also
cause odd taste, content is normal acts above bottom issued from
non poisonous on respiratory nerves carbonaceous
2. Carbon CO Colour less 0.97 Combines with 0.04 0.005 50 Neat top Manufactured
monoxide odourless, tasteless haemoglobin of blood especially if fuel gas, fuel
inflammable headache in few hours present with gas products
poisonous non at 0.02%, illuminating combustion
irritating unconsciousness in 30 gas products of
mins at 0.2 % to motor exhausts
0.25 %, and total fuel almost any
unconsciousness in few kind
minutes at 0.1%
3. Chlorine Cl2 Yellowish green 2.49 Irritates respiratory 0.0004 0.0001 1.0 At bottom Chlorine
colour detectable in tracts. Kills most cylinders and
very low animals in very short feed line leaks
concentration, non- time at 0.1 %
4. Gasoline C2H2 to C8 Colourless, odour 3.0 to 4.0 Anaesthetic effect when 0.4 to 0.7 0.1 1000 1.3 6.0 At bottom Service
H25 noticeable at inhaled rapidly fatal at stations,
0.03% inflammable 2.4 % dangerous for garages storage
short exposure at 1.12
to 2.2 %
6. Hydrogen H2S Rotten egg odour 1.19 Exposure for 2 to 15 0.02 0.001 10 4.30 46.0 Near bottom Coal gas,
sulphide in smell minutes at 0.01% but may be petroleum,
concentration impairs sense of smell above sewer gas,
odour not evident exposure to 0.07 to bottom. If air fumes from
at high 0.1% rapidly causes is heated and blasting sludge
concentration, acute poisoning highly humid gas
colourless paralyses respiratory
inflammable centre, death in few
minutes at 0.2 %
7. Methane CH4 Colourless 0.55 Acts mechanically to Probably 1.0 1000 5.0 15.0 Normally at Natural gas,
odourless tasteless deprive tissues of no limit top extending sludge gas
highly inflammable oxygen does not provided to a certain manufactured
non poisonous support life oxygen depth fuel gas, sewer
percentage gas in swamps
is or marshes.
8. Nitrogen N2 Colourless tasteless 0.97 Physiologically inert Near top but Sewer gas,
non inflammable may be found sludge gas also
principal at bottom issues from
constituent of air some rock
(about 79%) strata
9. Oxygen O2 Colourless tasteless 1.11 Normal air contains Variables at Oxygen
odourless supports 21% of oxygen. different depletion from
combustion non Below 16% first signs levels poor
1. Ensure that all employees involved in confined space work have been effectively trained.
2. Identify and close off or reroute any lines that may carry harmful substance(s) to, or through,
the work area.
840 3. Empty, flush, or purge the space of any harmful substance(s) to the extent possible.
4. Monitor the atmosphere at the work site and within the space to determine if dangerous air
contamination and/or oxygen deficiency exists.
5. Record the atmospheric test results and keep them at the site throughout the work period.
6. If the space is interconnected with another apace, each space must be tested and the most
845 hazardous conditions found must govern subsequent steps for entry into the space.
7. If an atmospheric hazard is noted, use portable blowers to further ventilate the area; retest
the atmosphere after a suitable period of time. Do not place the blowers inside the confined
8. If the only hazard posed by the space is an actual or potential hazardous atmosphere and the
850 preliminary ventilation has eliminated the atmospheric hazard or continuous forced
ventilation alone can maintain the space safe for entry, entry into the area may proceed.
The following must be observed before entry into a permit-required confined space:
1. Ensure that all personnel involved in confined space work have been effectively trained.
2. Identify and close off or reroute any lines that may carry harmful substances to, or through,
855 the work area.
3. Wear appropriate, approved respiratory protective equipment.
4. Ensure that written operating and rescue procedures are at the entry site.
5. Wear an approved harness with an attached line. The free end of the line must be secured
outside the entry point.
860 6. Test for atmospheric hazards as often as necessary to determine that acceptable entry
conditions are being maintained.
7. Station at least one person to stand by on the outside of the confined space and at least one
additional person within sight or call of the standby person.
8. Maintain effective communication between the standby person, equipped with appropriate
865 respiratory protection, should only enter the confined space in case of emergency.
9. The standby person equipped with appropriate respiratory protection, should only enter the
confined space in case of emergency.
10. If the entry is made through a top opening, use a hoisting device with a harness that
suspends a person in an upright position. A mechanical device must be available to retrieve
870 personnel from vertical spaces more than five feet (1.5meters) deep.
11. If the space contains, or is likely to develop, flammable or explosive atmospheric conditions,
do not use any tools or equipment (including electrical) that may provide a source of
12. Wear appropriate protective clothing when entering a confined space that contains corrosive
875 substances or other substances harmful to the skin.
13. At least one person trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should be
immediately available during any confined space job.
Source: EPA, 2008
Standby personnel:
Atmospheric checks:
Tester's signature:
or blocked
Mechanical ( ) ( ) ( )
Tester's signature:
4.Communication procedures:
5.Rescue procedures
Is training current ( ) ( )
7.Equipment: NA Yes No
Hoisting equipment ( ) ( ) ( )
Powered communications ( ) ( ) ( )
We have reviewed the work authorised by this permit and the information contained herein. Written
instructions and safety procedures have been received and are understood. Entry cannot be approved if
any brackets ( ) are marked in the "No" column. This permit is not valid unless all appropriate
items are completed.
This permit has to be kept at the job site. Return job site copy to safety office following job
925 Place clean gauze or handkerchief on the wound and apply pressure directly with
your hand.
If the bleeding is from a large blood vessel, and if bleeding does not stop even after
you apply pressure using one hand, apply pressure with both hands leaning so that
your body weight also exerts pressure.
930 Take care not to touch the blood to prevent contamination when you try to stop the
How to use a tourniquet
If there is considerable bleeding from a large blood vessel such as an artery in the
arm or the leg, wrap a piece of cloth loosely around the part closer to the heart than
935 the wound, and insert a stick or similar hard item through the knot.
Insert a backing cloth between the stick and the arm so that the skin is not injured.
Gently rotate the stick until the cloth tightens over the artery and bleeding stops.
When the bleeding stops, fix the stick so that it does not move.
If the arrival of the first aid team is likely to be prolonged, loosen the tourniquet
940 once in 30 minutes to 1 hour so that blood just starts oozing; after blood flows for 1
to 2 minutes, tighten the tourniquet.
d. Treating electricity-related injury
When electric current enters from the left hand, it flows through the heart; therefore,
the symptoms are more pronounced when current enters from the left hand.
945 The injury is more serious at the part where the electric current leaves the body
than where it enters the body.
The following treatment is recommended:
Turn off the switch. Wear dry leather shoes or rubber shoes, and dry leather or
rubber gloves. Use bamboo or wood to isolate the person from the electric wire, or
950 use a piece of cloth or wool to grip the hand and the clothes to pull the person away
from the electric wire.
Do not touch the person with your bare hands or with a wet object or metal.
Place the person face up at a well-ventilated location; if the person has suffocated,
revive with artificial respiration. If the person is delirious or has cramps, try to cool
955 his head.
Occurs when inhaling simple asphyxiant gas (nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, methane,
ethane) and chemical asphyxiant gas (carbon dioxide, cyanide compound)
If considerable amount of gas has been inhaled, move the patient quickly to a
960 location with fresh air; if necessary, give fresh oxygen through oxygen supply kit,
and immediately summon a doctor.
If chlorine gas has been inhaled
Immediately call for the doctor, follow the doctors instructions and take the
965 actions mentioned below.
Gently move the patient from the gaseous location to a safe place, preferably to a
room of about 20C. Keep the patients head and back high while laying him to rest
and cover the body with a blanket.
If the patient has difficulty in breathing, give oxygen using oxygen supply kit.
970 If breathing has stopped, give artificial respiration by the prone, face-down method.
If chlorine has come in contact with the skin
Immediately wash the affected part with plenty of water. Quickly remove clothes
wetted by liquefied chlorine and summon the doctor for further treatment.
If chlorine has entered the eye
975 Immediately wash the eye with water keeping the water running for 15 or more
minutes and summon the doctor for further treatment.
Measures during leakage of chlorine gas
Wear protective gear such as breathing apparatus. Before checking the leakage
locations, wear protective gear and spray ammonia. Leakage is indicated at the
980 location where white fumes are emitted.
Roll leaking cylinders into the neutralization pit.
Thereafter, request experts to repair the leaking equipment.
If there is a unexpected leakage and a possibility that the scope of danger may
985 Contact the relevant department based on the contact system drawing in an
emergency determined beforehand.
If necessary, notify personnel nearby, and evacuate them to the windward side.
At the same time, neutralize the leaked gas.
990 Artificial respiration may be carried out to revive a person whose heart has stopped. The
procedure for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is given below.
Check consciousness
Ensure air passage is satisfactory
Check breathing
995 Start artificial respiration
Check for signs of circulation
Heart massage
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
Source: JSWA, 2003
1.Description of Accident (Describe in detail what happened) (Name machine, tool, appliance, part,
gears, pulley, etc.):
2.Accident occurred where? If vehicle accident, make simple sketch of scene of accident.
3.Describe nature of injury and part of body affected (Amputation of finger laceration of leg, back
strain, etc.):
4.Were other persons involved? (If yes, give names and addresses)
1. No. of households in a town having population of 1 Lac (@ 5 persons in an household) - 20000 household i.e. 20000 Septic tanks
2. Septic tanks need to be cleaned once in 2 years. Hence the requirement septic tanks to be cleaned per year will be about 10000.
1010 4. Septic tank cleaning is by ordinary vacuum tugs which can hold only 6000 liters maximum. The regular jet rodding cum suction machines must
not be used for septic tank cleaning because the jet rodding portion of the machine is wasted. As such 10,000 septic tanks to be cleaned means
sewer lorries (not jet rodding cum suction machines) shall alone be used. Cost wise 5 such sewer lorries can be purchased instead of a single jet
rodding cum suction machine.
1025 Number of septic tanks sucked by lorry per year 335*4 = 1340
Number of lorries needed per year 10000 / 1340 = 8 lorries
Sewer lorries are to be barred from operating in other than general shifts because the noise nuisance it will create to the neighbours in the night and the
risk of the lorry operator discharging surreptitiously in the nights at various places plus security concerns.
(1) BWSS Board.
(2) CMWSS Board, Chennai.
(3) CPCB (2009). Status of Water Supply, Wastewater Generation and Treatment in
Class-I Cities and Class-II Towns of India. Central Pollution Control Board, New
(4) CPCB, MOEF, Government of India (1986). General Standards for Discharge of
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(5) CPHEEO (1993). Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment. Ministry of Urban
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(9) CSE (2011). Policy Paper on Septage Management in India. Centre for Science and
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(11) GVT Engineering
(12) Hiren Industrial Corporation
(13) Hioki E.E. Corporation
(17) IJOEM (2008). Occupational health hazards in sewage and sanitary workers.
(18) I S: 10500 of 1991
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(20) IS2470 (Part1):1985 Code of Practice for installation of septic tank.
(21) Japan Sewage works Association (1991): Manual on design of sewer facilities.
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(22) Japan Sewage works Association (2003): Guidelines on Operation and Maintenance
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(23) Japan Sewer Collection System Maintenance Association (2007). Sewerage
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(24) Japan Sewage Works Association (2009). Guideline and Manual for Planning and
Design in Sewerage Systems. JSWA, Tokyo
(25) Japan Sewage Works Association (2011). Draft Guideline on design and execution
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(26) JICA (2007).Capacity building project related to O&M of sewerage facilities in
(27) JICA, (2011). Textbook on Operation and Maintenance of sewerage works.
(28) JSWA (2003).
(29) KHANNA PUBLISHERS (2011). Industrial Safety, Health and Environment
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(30) M/s. YSI.
(31) Mara, D., A. Sleigh, and K. Tayler (2001). PC-based Simplified Sewer Design.
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(32) Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (2003). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse.
McGraw-Hill, New York.
(33) MOEF, Government of India (2008). National Urban Sanitation Policy
(34) MOUD (2012). Recent Trends in Technologies in Sewerage System.
(35) MOEFUD, Government of India (2011). Handbook on Service Level Benchmarking
(36) MOUD, UNDP, World Bank (1992). Technical Guideline on Twin Pit Pour Flush
(37) NISHIHARA Environment Co., Ltd.
(38) NRCD, MoEF, GOI (2009). Status Paper on River Ganga.
(39) OSHA (2008).Oxygen-deficient atmosphere requirements in the Respiratory
Protection Standard.
(40) Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
(42) Regional Sewerage Centre of Nara Prefecture, Japan, 2009
(43) Robbins, D.M. (2007). Septage Management Guide for Local Governments. RTI
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(45) Septage Management in Asia-USAID.
(46) Stylex Fire Protection Systems
(47) Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board and DANIDA (2000). O&M Manual of
Treatment Plants for Operators.
(48) Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
(49) U.S Environmental Protection Agency (2003). Operation and Maintenance of
Wastewater collection System 6th edition.
(50) U.S Environmental Protection Agency (2008). Operation and Maintenance of
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(52) U.S Environmental Protection Agency (2008). Operation and Maintenance of
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(53) U.S Environmental Protection Agency (2000). Exfiltration in Sewer Systems.
(54) UNDP, World Bank (1992). Technical Guideline on Twin Pit Pour Flush Latrine.
(55) UNDP, World Bank (1984).Manual on the Design, Construction and Maintenance of
Low-Cost Pour Flush Latrines in India.
(56) UNICEF (2009). Community Approaches to Total Sanitation
(57) USAID (2010). A Rapid Assessment of Septage Management in Asia.
(58) Vibgyor Industries
(59) WEF (2008). Manual of Practice No.11. WEF Press
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(61) WHO/IRC (2004). Linking Technology Choice with Operation and Maintenance.
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