Write Content Standards Directly From The Standard
Write Content Standards Directly From The Standard
Write Content Standards Directly From The Standard
List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning target associated with each assessment)
- Good and improve: audience will fill these out while they present.
- Formative assessment reading time.
-individual practice present, but keep the rest until take notes on the copy of the
-check for understanding all the materials can be graded script that they received. This
-other as a whole. (10 minutes) will be a helpful when they are
working with the text later in
5. Discuss the interpretation as a the unit/ these are also pivotal
class. This will be led by the scenes and the more
presenting group but facilitated information on them the better.
by the teacher to be sure the (10 minutes)
importance of the scene is 3. Discuss the interpretation as a
captured. class. (10 minutes)
4. Transition into reading time.
(remainder of class)
Lesson Reflections: