Instantaneous Center of Rotation and Singularities of Planar Parallel Manipulators
Instantaneous Center of Rotation and Singularities of Planar Parallel Manipulators
Instantaneous Center of Rotation and Singularities of Planar Parallel Manipulators
Abstract With regard to planar parallel manipulators, a general classification of singularities into
three groups is given. The classification scheme relies on the properties of instantaneous centers of
rotation. This method is very fast and can easily be applied to the manipulators under study. The
method is applied to a planar three-degrees-of-freedom parallel manipulator and all its singular
configurations are found.
Parallel manipulators consist of multiple branches acting on a common payload
platform. They have superiorities over serial ones, which include greater stiffness,
improved accuracy and dynamic characteristics, higher payload/weight ratio and
higher operating speeds. These advantages stem from multiple support and the fact
that all the motors are fixed to the base. However, near singular configurations, all
manipulators experience poor performances, and parallel manipulators are not
exempt form this rule. Therefore, they lose their advantages over serial manipu-
lators at these configurations.
A manipulator singularity occurs at the coincidence of different direct or inverse
kinematic solutions. The latter are understood here as the computation of the values
of driving-joint variables from given Cartesian variables, while the former (direct
kinematics) are defined as the computation of the values of the Cartesian variables
from given driving-joint variables. Algebraically, singularity amounts to a rank defi-
ciency of the Jacobian matrices; geometrically, singularity is observed whenever the
manipulator gains some additional, uncontrollable degrees of freedom (dof), or loses
some dof. Similarly, the force transmission performance of a parallel manipulator is
very poor near singular configurations.
The concept of singularity has been extensively studied in connection with serial
manipulators [13]. As regards manipulators with kinematic loops, the literature is
more limited [410]. Litvin et al. [2] used coordinate transformation matrices to
locate singular configurations, while Merlet [5] proposed a method based on
Grassmann line geometry. Zlatanov et al. [6, 7] classified singularities via
motionspace and velocityspace models. Notash [8] found singular configurations
based on the concept of screw theory. However, the classical method to locate
singular configurations relies on the properties of the Jacobian matrices of the
manipulator [9].
All these methods have the same drawback: they rely on cumbersome math-
ematical or geometrical computations. Here, we introduce a fast method of finding
singular configurations of planar parallel manipulators, based on the properties of
instantaneous centers of rotation. Moreover, the method is easy to implement.
There are three types of planar motion between two rigid bodies, namely, transla-
tion, rotation and general motion. In translation, the relative velocity of all points
are parallel, thus, the ICR lies on a line perpendicular to the velocity vector at infin-
ity. In rotation, the ICR is trivial, but any relative general motion can be regarded
as a pure rotation about the ICR. Therefore, as a direct consequence of the
ArnholdKennedy theorem, one can propose theorem 2.
Theorem 2
There is no relative motion between two rigid bodies in the absence of any ICR
between them.
Singularity analysis
In serial manipulators, singularities occur whenever one actuator does not produce
any motion of the end effector (EE). In parallel manipulators, in addition to the fore-
going, we have another type of singularity, in which the EE cannot resist forces or
torques in one or more directions, even if all the actuators are locked. Thus, we clas-
sify singularities into three groups:
(1) The first type of singularity occurs when one actuator does not produce any
motion of the EE. This type of singularity consists of a point or a set of points
where different branches of the inverse kinematic problem meet. It is supposed
that each motor moves the EE in one direction. Therefore, considering the
motion of only one actuator, the EE is fixed and the Cartesian velocity vector
related to the motion of that actuator cannot be produced. In this case one can
find all ICRs while the EE is fixed. Thus, all the rigid bodies, including the
actuator under study, move except the EE, i.e., that actuator cannot move the
(2) The second type of singularity occurring only in parallel manipulators consists
of a point or a set of points where different branches of the direct kinematic
problem meet. This can easily be proven whenever one can find the ICR of the
EE with respect to the base, even if the actuators are locked. In this case the
EE can rotate about the ICR relative to the base. Thus, the EE can move in one
or more directions and cannot resist a force or a torque in those directions,
while the actuators are locked. Therefore, the EE gains some additional uncon-
trollable dof.
(3) The third type of singularity occurs whenever we have both types of the above
singularities simultaneously. Under a singularity of this type, configurations
arise in which the EE can undergo finite motion even if the actuators are locked,
or, equivalently, it cannot resist forces or torques in one or more directions even
if the actuators are locked. Further, a finite motion of the actuators produces
no motion of the EE and some of the Cartesian velocity vectors cannot be
f = 3(n - 1 - k ) + fi
i =1
in which n and fi are the number of links and the dof of the ith joint, respectively,
and k is the number of joints. Therefore, the dof of the manipulator under study is:
f = 3(8 - 1 - 9) + 9 = 3
Thus, the three fixed motors move the EE in the plane.
Fig. 3 Example of the first type of singularity in which one leg is fully extended.
Fig. 4 Example of the first type of singularity in which one leg is folded.
Fig. 5 Example of the second type of singularity in which links three, six and eight
intersect at a point.
Fig. 6 Example of the second type of singularity in which links three, six and eight are
tions the motion of at least one actuator does not produce any motion of the EE.
Therefore, the manipulator loses one or more dof. Further, the EE can move freely
in one or more directions even if all the actuators are locked and some forces or
torque applied to it cannot be balanced by the actuators. Thus, the manipulator gains
one or more uncontrollable dof.
A classification of the singularities of parallel manipulators into three groups has
been given. The three types of singularities, which have different kinematic inter-
pretations, were identified for a planar parallel manipulator. The simplicity and the
robustness of the method make it possible to implement it for all planar parallel
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