3 Dvar Malchus
Miri Schneersohn 5 Parsha Thought
25 Moshiach & Hayom Yom
OF MIVTZA CHINUCH 43 Tzivos Hashem
By Avrohom Rainitz
and Shneur Zalman Levin
17 R Saadia Maatuf ah
Mendel Tzfasman
Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082-0272
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Moshiach already exists and is ready to usher
in the redemption. You know inside that you redemption, the Chassidim at
are not Moshiach, and I know that it is not the time spread the word, adding
I. But somebody must be Moshiach... Why the whos who [i.e., identifying
the Rebbe Rayatz as Moshiach].
does it bother you that it is the Lubavitcher (Regarding the expression whos
Rebbe?! who, see Sota 13a, Tosafos
dibbur hamaschil Serach.
Translated by Boruch Merkur Also, see Hisvaaduyos 5747 Vol.
1 pg. 266: The meaning of the
name Tzemach Tzedek alludes to
Moshiach Tzidkeinu indicating
THE WHOS WHO was the Moshe Rabbeinu, then
that this name expresses the faith
[in the next generation, it was] the
OF JEWISH LEADERS of Chassidim, for every Chassid
Maggid, the Alter Rebbe, etc., until
If this was obvious of the earlier believes with utter faith that the
our generation the Rebbe of our
generations how much more is Rebbe of his generation the leader
generation is my revered father-in-
this the case now: In our generation, of the generation incarnate is
whos who (identifying the Moshiach.)
If this was obvious of the earlier
Moshe Rabbeinu) is certainly A complaint was made about
generations [as described earlier in
something that is obvious, etc.It this at the time, directed to a
this talk that the Alter Rebbe said,
says in the Zohar that there is a gutte id, a rebbe from one of the
Everyone knows that there is a
manifestation of Moshe in every Chassidic dynasties of Poland:
Rebbe. However, it is necessary
generation. As with all topics in How can this be?! How were the
to know that [in the previous
the esoteric dimension of the Torah, Chassidim permitted to publicize
generation] the Rebbe was the Baal
this concept also finds expression in this [radical] proclamation, and
Shem Tov, and in this generation
the revealed part of Torah. Indeed, whats worse, to make such a brazen
it is the Maggid] how much
it states in the Midrash (BReishis claim [identifying Moshiach as the
more is this the case now: In our
Rabba 6:7): There is no generation Lubavitcher Rebbe]?!
generation, whos who (identifying
without someone in it like Moshe the Moshe Rabbeinu) is certainly The gutte id answered: Consider
and like the Avos (the Patriarchs of something that is obvious, etc. this. We believe [in Moshiach and
the Jewish people). we are in eager anticipation] every
All Jews, being believers in day that he should come. There are
THE OBVIOUS ANSWER: those who articulate this statement
the words of our Sages, accept
this as fact. The only question is: IT IS HE! of faith verbally and there are
whos who? [who is the Moshe When the Rebbe issued the those who fulfill their obligation in
Rabbeinu, etc., of our time?] It is public proclamation, immediately thought alone. In any event [since
clear that in the generation of the to tshuva (returning to G-d, Jews believe with perfect faith
Baal Shem Tov, the Baal Shem Tov repentance), immediately to that Moshiach can come today,
Issue 1069 3
therefore], Moshiach already the time, it was possible to err, existence. (See Seifer HaSichos
exists [and is ready to usher etc., [with regard to Chassidus, 5747, Vol. 1 pg. 264-266).
in the redemption]. You know mistaking it to be a similar Thus, Chassidim can spread
inside that you are not Moshiach, threat] albeit inadvertently or the wellsprings in full force so
and I know that it is not I. But at least not deliberately. long as they do so in the ways
somebody must be Moshiach... Whereas today, everyone of pleasantness and the ways
Why does it bother you that it is knows, even the man on the of peace to awaken the inner
he?! street, even Gentiles, lhavdil, aspect of the Jews soul through
The same reasoning applies to that when they identify Jews the inner dimension of the Torah,
our discussion. There is presently as adherent of Chassidus, the thereby connecting the Jew with
a Rebbe, for indeed, it says so in intent is [benign, namely] that the inner aspect of the Alm-ghty.
the Zohar and Midrash, quoted they don two pairs of tfillin, And from there he draws down
above. And since there is no one they have full beards, they wear G-dliness into the revealed aspect
[else] to ascribe this title to, then, tzitzis that are folded over to total of G-d, which is the source of the
when the question arises, whos 8 strands per corner, and so on entire Seider Hishtalshlus, the
who? the obvious answer is and so forth. The sole argument Natural Order of the universe.
it is he! At first it was the Baal against the Chassid is that he is And drawing down the inner
Shem Tov, then the Maggid, the a batlan, meaning that he doesnt aspect of G-dliness into the
Alter Rebbe, etc., until the Rebbe have a job in the workforce, as world gives rise to abundance in
Rayatz, my father-in-law. he davens at length and wears whatever is needed in family,
two pairs of tfillin [and of health, and sustenance.
HOW THEY ERRED consequence, he has no time for (From the address of Shabbos Parshas
a nine-to-five job]. In short, he Naso 5720, bilti muga)
is scrupulous in all the Mitzvos!
IN OPPOSITION Therefore, according to the
From this we derive a Torah, there is no room
lesson regarding spreading the to oppose this approach
teachings of Chassidus outward. to Judaism in any way,
There are those who maintain were it not for the
that it is impossible to go out deed of their fathers
openly and spread the wellsprings is in their hands [i.e.,
of Chassidus in the face of the they blindly follow
opposition that still exists against the opposition of
it but that is not the truth. their fathers against
The antagonism of previous Chassidim]. And since
generations came about as a this position holds no
result of mistakenly perceiving a weight according to
possible source in the Torah for Torah, it is no more
opposing Chassidus. For in light than a nisayon, a
of the dangerous movements of challenge; it is but a
chimera, having no real
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By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg
Issue 1069 5
Misplaced spirituality can be as detrimental to down spiritual existence. Staying
in the desert allowed them
our lives as misplaced physicality. Judaism is the luxury of living an entirely
not about spirituality for its own sake; Judaism is about ethereal life.
It would thus have been much
G-d. To be sure, leading a spiritual life and engaging
more difficult for the Levites,
in spiritual activities is an extremely important part of known for their heightened
spirituality and passion for G-d,
Judaism; but it is not the end, it is merely a means to an
to distance themselves from the
end. The true goal is contributing to G-ds plan for the sin of the Spies, who sought to
remain in the desert to be more
spiritual. They too desired this
lofty existence. G-d therefore
instilled in them a deeper
children of Israel upon hearing First, the Golden Calf was not consciousness that would allow
the slanderous report of the 10 a national sin. Only part of the them to execute faithfully G-ds
Spies. Had they not been so community committed it, as is plan even when it was at odds
endowed, there would have been evidenced by the fact that only a with their spiritual ambition.
a significant chance that they too minority were directly punished.
might have sinned. By contrast, all of the Jewish MISPLACED SPIRITUALITY
One can still raise a question. people (only the men, of course;
the women did not sin) beside In the final analysis,
Rashi stated that the reason
the Levites cried that night. misplaced spirituality can be
G-d separated the Levites to
as detrimental to our lives as
protect them in the future was G-d therefore was concerned
misplaced physicality. Judaism is
that He considered them to be that the mass hysteria would have
not about spirituality for its own
His, for they had not erred with a deleterious effect on the Levites
sake; Judaism is about G-d.
the Golden Calf. Why then did too. When an entire nation does
G-d need to separate them to something, it is hard to stand To be sure, leading a spiritual
protect them from the sin of the apart. Indeed, one of the greatest life and engaging in spiritual
Spies, when they had already challenges to our devotion to activities is an extremely
demonstrated their loyalty to G-d G-d has been peer pressure. For important part of Judaism; but
in the Golden Calf debacle? this reason, the Shulchan Aruch it is not the end, it is merely
(Code of Jewish Law) begins with a means to an end. The true
The fact that they had the
the words, Do not be ashamed goal is contributing to G-ds
inner fortitude to resist the sin of
[to perform Mitzvos] because of plan for the universe, which
the Golden Calf, it appears, failed
the cynics. included primarily conquest and
to protect them from the mass
settlement of the Land of Israel.
hysteria that gripped the Jewish G-d therefore separated
nation when they heard the the Levite men into a distinct When our material existence
slanderous report about Israel. category of activists endowed gets in the way of fulfilling G-ds
Why? Why would they need an with the power to resist any plan we readily recognize it as a
extra boost of support from the pressure; to stand up to the entire deviation and a sin.
time they were 30 days old until nation, if need be. It is no less a deviation when
age 20 to keep them from going Second, the sin of the Spies our spiritual ambitions get in the
with the tide? was qualitatively different from way of fulfilling G-ds plan for
the sin of the Golden Calf. The the universe.
CONTRASTING THE SINS idolatry of the Golden Calf We are now in a similar
compromised the Peoples belief position as the Jews were
in the unity of G-d. By contrast, following the Exodus.
THE SPIES the sin of the Spies resulted
Upon closer examination, the from a heightened sense (albeit, THE MODERN DAY GOLDEN
sins of the Golden Calf and the misplaced) of spirituality. They
Spies reveal several significant believed that going into Israel
differences: would leave them with a watered We too are poised to enter the
6 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 7
A DONE DEAL we were only meeting because he said we hadnt decided yet,
of protocol, but actually, it was either Yerushalayim, where the
As a couple, the Rebbe
finalized from the outset! kalla lived, or Tel Aviv, their city.
accompanied us every step of
My lifes dream was to marry The Rebbe asked, Why not in
the way from the first moment.
a talmid chacham and to prove to Kfar Chabad, the capital of Eretz
The Rebbe was even involved in
the Litvishe family on my fathers Yisroel? The Rebbe concluded
our shidduch. The Rebbe spoke
side that there are talmidei explicitly that my husband should
in praise of me to my husbands
chachomim in Chabad. Boruch learn in the kollel in Kfar Chabad
family and suggested they do the
Hashem, my dream was fulfilled. and that we should live in Kfar
I remember that we met
KFAR CHABAD I had previously signed for a
and he told me what the Rebbe
conditional loan when I started
said and how as far as he was We were chassan and kalla. seminary since I dreamed
concerned, it was a done deal. My father-in-law went to the of going and teaching in a
If the Rebbe said so, it was Rebbe for Yud Shvat. The Rebbe development town. I had planned
obviously the right shidduch and asked where we would live and on deciding with my husband
8 1 Sivan 5777
before we married whether it clean, and they were looking for I liked the idea and agreed
would be Kiryat Gat, Brosh or a couple who would live there. and then my husband went to
Taanach. Once the Rebbe stated My husband would be the rosh see the place and we decided to
his opinion, the rest fell by the yeshiva, would give shiurim and ask the Rebbe. We thought the
wayside. supervise the bachurim, while I idea might be feasible. He would
Then we were suddenly would be a mashpia for the girls. teach Torah and receive a salary.
made an offer to live in Modiin. I went with my husbands The alternate, 200 liras I would
Modiin at that time consisted parents in a military truck to get as a teacher plus 200 liras he
of mountains and rocky hills look at the place. The truck had a would get in kollel would be very
and the place was not built up hard time making it up there as it hard to live on.
as it is now; there wasnt even was really disconnected from the My husbands grandmother,
a main road. They wanted to rest of the country. They told us Rebbetzin Karasik ah, was
bring a group of bachurim who that once a month a truck would very devoted and wanted to
would learn Torah by day, and come with food, and beyond that support us. I was unwilling for
at night would guard the area. there wouldnt be any contact her to do this and wanted to be
They needed girls to cook and with the outside world. self-supporting. The idea of us
Issue 1069 9
living in Modiin, which would Rebbe said explicitly, two or At the end of three years, we
enable him to learn Torah, spread three years, and we were just went to the Rebbe for Tishrei
Judaism, and earn us a salary, at the beginning. I went to R 5729 where we had yechidus
appealed to me. Shloimkes house and knocked three times. The Rebbe instructed
The chassan asked the Rebbe at the door. He opened it and did my husband to continue writing
and the answer was a quote not understand what I wanted. his first seifer according to the
from Shulchan Aruch Admur I told him that I wanted to let many instructions and guidance
HaZakein which says that after him know that my husband would he had received from the Rebbe.
marriage one should sit and learn not show up in the morning at He also said he should continue
for two or three years and not the Talmud Torah. He yelled to learn for a fourth year in the
think about anything else. We at me that I only cared about course of which he should accept
knew then, that until three years my husband and not about the a job in one of our yeshivos.
were up, we would not listen to chinuch of the children of Kfar Before Pesach, the yeshiva
any suggestions. Of course, we Chabad. I told him that I care gdola in Kfar Chabad asked him
settled in Kfar Chabad. very much but we had an explicit to be a meishiv. He continued to
instruction from the Rebbe about learn until the tragedy in which
Rabbi Garelik was killed, and he
I remember that we met and he told me what the was elected as Rav of the Kfar.
Rebbe said and how as far as he was concerned,
it was a done deal. If the Rebbe said so, it was obviously
I never disturbed my husband
the right shidduch and we were only meeting because of from learning Torah and going
to shiurim; I never stopped him
protocol, but actually, it was finalized from the outset!
from going to a kiddush and
farbrengen on Shabbos. Back
then, they farbrenged only on
two or three years and until Shabbos Mevarchim. In our first
JUST LEARN TORAH three years passed, we were not year of marriage, I would prepare
At the beginning of those listening to any suggestions. kiddush in the house, and after
years, on Erev Rosh Chodesh the davening, all the young men
My husband did not go.
Cheshvan, R Shloimke would come to farbreng. I would
Then there was an offer from the
Maidanchek asked my husband set up and arrange things ahead
yeshiva in Lud and they pressured
to temporarily run the Talmud of time and from another room I
him about bachurim who were
Torah until he found a principal. would listen to the niggunim and
left without a maggid shiur. Their
He asked that my husband show what I could get from the divrei
maggid shiur, R Zelig Feldman
up to greet the students the next Torah, and I was pleased. I was
ah, had moved to Yerushalayim
morning. If he did not go, they willing to work and prepare, as
and they needed a replacement.
would not open the Talmud long as I had a home of Torah
My husband said he would ask
Torah. and Chassidus.
the Rebbe, and at least in the
My husband was taken aback, interim, until he got an answer, In the years that followed,
would the children of Kfar they could not leave the bachurim when we had children, my
Chabad not learn?! Although without a shiur every day. husband led the Friday night
he was a young man, he had meal, and on Shabbos day I
The Rebbe answered that
a great sense of responsibility would make kiddush myself and
it wasnt for him. The yeshiva
and realized there was no other we would eat the Shabbos meal,
wanted to pay him for the two
choice. sing niggunim, and I would
weeks he had worked but I was
review a sicha on the parsha and
My husband came home not willing for him to accept it. I
the children would say what they
at 12 that night and told me told him, Donate the money to
had learned that week in school.
that he had to show up at the the yeshiva. We wont be taking
I ran a wonderful Shabbos table
Talmud Torah the next morning. this money, which is not in
while my husband was at the
I said, No way! You are not accordance with the will of the
farbrengen. After the meal, I
going to the Talmud Torah. The Rebbe.
would clear off the table and set
10 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 11
and got into someones car and 770 for Pesach and had yechidus tears and the Rebbe said, I see
raced to the hospital. after Pesach, the eve of his 16th that it is so hard for you so I
When we got to Asaf birthday. In a note, he wrote to wont ask anymore. The Rebbe
HaRofeh, the driver had to the Rebbe that he wants to return gave him instructions and then,
turn right and in her haste, she and learn in 770. The Rebbe when he returned to Montreal,
collided with a traffic sign island, asked why, but he did not want the matter was settled.
knocked the sign over and nearly to say. The reason was that the When my husband was a
overturned. Boruch Hashem, she yeshiva in Montreal asked him to young boy he felt strongly that
managed to straighten the car pay a large amount of money for you dont speak negatively about
out and continued zooming to tuition. They thought his parents a Jew. One would think that if
the emergency room. All along made good money in Brazil and the Rebbe is asking, you answer,
the way we cried and screamed could afford it. but this is how he conducted
to Hashem, we said Thillim and He did not want to tattle on himself throughout his years of
I urged her to drive more quickly the yeshiva and he knew his rabbanus. There were all kinds of
because the girl was grunting parents had no money to spare, disputes that he had to contend
terribly and I was afraid for her but he did not want to say this with but he never wrote to the
Rebbe negatively about anyone.
There was a girl who knew, before she married, The Rebbe once said to my
father-in-law, Your son is even
that she could not have children. Her doctor said less of a writer than you, and
that hair would grow on the palm of his hand before she this strengthened the idea that
really this is how it is supposed
had children. She then received a letter from the Rebbe to be and one should not tattle on
in which he promised her children. When it came time Jews.
One time Rabbi Groner
for shidduchim, she asked the Rebbe whether to tell a
called and said, in the Rebbes
boy she was going to meet about the doctors prognosis, name, that a certain incident
had happened and asked him to
as well as the Rebbes promise. The Rebbe said, Do as
look into it. My husband did so
advised by the Mara DAsra of Kfar Chabad. and then R Groner called again
and asked about it. My husband
asked, Does the Rebbe want me
to say who it is? R Groner said,
life. to the Rebbe. He did not answer No, the Rebbe only wants to
We arrived at the emergency and the Rebbe pressed him and know if you dealt with it. Then
room in tears and shouted, Save said, Why dont you tell me the he saw how the Rebbe helps him
her! Boruch Hashem, after a truth? and knows that he did not want
few minutes, they told us they He tried to be evasive so to say, and so the Rebbe really
had managed to rouse her and it the Rebbe tried another way did not ask who; he just wanted
all ended well. Whenever I pass and asked who his chavrusa to ensure that the matter was
by there, I say the bracha you was. He said that for Nigleh he dealt with. He never wrote or
recite at the scene of a miracle learned with Shmuel Lew. The told the Rebbe a bad word about
that occurred to you. Rebbe said, Shmuel Lew is a anyone which is surely a very
Chassidishe bachur, he keeps great zchus.
DO NOT SPEAK to the times. That is so good,
so why do you want to leave? MOREH TZEDEK
DEROGATORILY Then the Rebbe said, Who are
ABOUT A JEW the teachers? and my husband Before he became Mara
listed all the staff. The Rebbe DAsra, when he was just a
When my husband was a teen,
concluded, That is all good. Moreh Tzedek, the Rebbe referred
my in-laws went on shlichus to
And that is how, for ten minutes, people to him, not necessarily
Brazil and he went to learn in
the Rebbe tried to extract the from Eretz Yisroel and not
770. That fall, the Rebbe told him
answer but my husband did not necessarily Lubavitchers, on a
to go to Montreal. He went to
want to say until he burst into range of matters, so he could
12 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 13
the Rebbe asked him to withdraw gone! you mean to ignore them? I have
his candidacy so that Rabbi My husband said, Tell the a legal summons! My husband
Druckman could be elected. He man exactly what happened and said, Throw it out.
did so, and Rabbi Druckman was let us hope he will replace the He listened to my husband
elected. check. After all, he can see that it and threw out the summons with
wasnt deposited. kabbalas ol. After a while, they
THE CHECK THAT WAS The shliach did so. The rich hired a private investigations
TORN AT THE TZIYUN man was so excited, because he firm who went to all the stores
considered it a sign of blessing and removed all the unapproved
When the Iron Curtain fell, merchandise with their logo on it.
that his check was ripped at
my husband went to Russia for They ignored the shirts that the
the tziyun like a pidyon nefesh,
24 Teves to daven at the Ohel of man from the Kfar had printed,
that he gave the shliach double,
the Alter Rebbe. It was very hard even though his shirts were not
to access the Ohel at the time, hidden and were in the display
there was no convenient road, windows! Everyone was sure
no railing or steps and in the WHEN A RAV SAYS they had some sort of agreement
Russian winter it was all covered SOMETHING with him because otherwise, why
with ice. My husband fell and got This is an interesting story werent his shirts confiscated?
a big bruise so that afterward, he that we heard after my husband They emptied the other stores of
stood at the tziyun in tremendous passed away. My son Yossi asked all their merchandise and ignored
emotional agitation and great the public to tell stories about him him completely.
pains. Many people had sent that they remembered. Someone Over twenty years passed
their pidyonos with him. There from the Kfar recounted the since then and a few days before
was a shliach from Eretz Yisroel following: my husband passed away, the
who asked him to get a check
Over 20 years ago, this man man thanked him, You saved
from a rich man in Russia who,
sold T-shirts with the logos of me and thanks to you I was left
after much effort, had agreed
all sorts of companies on them. with a good parnasa. I threw
to give him $18,000. Someone
He was in touch with all the the summons into the garbage
brought it to Haditch and the rav
companies and paid them for and they didnt demand a thing
was asked to bring it back with
the right to use their logos, but from me. The rav waved his
him to Eretz Yisroel.
there was one American company hand dismissively and said, It
He had the check plus two that he tried repeatedly to was really nothing. After my 120
$100 bills in his pocket. He said contact, without success. In the years, tell the story.
the maaneh lashon and read the meantime, he bought the print
pidyonos nefesh and he ripped plate and printed their logo on
each one as is the custom.
the shirts. Years went by and he
Since he was overwrought and There was an older girl to
made a nice profit on it, but he
confused and the lighting was whom a divorced man was
never paid the company for this.
dim, he also tore the check and suggested as a shidduch. They
One day, he received a letter met and all seemed well and she
the money.
from the company in which they wanted to get engaged. She had
When he got back up the hill, demanded reimbursement for the
he sat down to rest and began a Lubavitcher friend who told her
use of their name all those years. you dont make these decisions
checking his pockets. He saw They demanded that he take
that the money and check were without the Rebbe. The single
back all his merchandise from had no connection to Chabad or
gone. He realized he had ripped the stores and pay a very high
them up at the tziyun and didnt the Rebbe but her friend insisted,
fine for the profit he made over so they went to the Rebbe. At the
know what to do. The shliach the years. He was frightened and
was waiting for the money! dollar line, she said she was about
went to my husband to consult to get married and she wanted a
He returned home and told with him. My husband asked him bracha.
the shliach what happened. The whether the company owners
shliach was shocked and said, The Rebbe asked her, Did
were Jews and he said no. My
I waited so long for it and he you ask a rav?
husband said, Ignore them.
finally gave it to me, oy, now its The man wondered, What do She was taken aback by this
14 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 15
16 1 Sivan 5777
By Avrohom Rainitz
and Shneur Zalman Levin
Issue 1069 17
t was the end of Nissan summer camps. they announced Shnas Torah,
5736, at a farbrengen held This matter of chinuch for example, and like we find in
on Shabbos, Parshas Acharei pertains to everyone, especially a number of stories of tzaddikim
Mos, when the Rebbe those who worked in this field and gdolei Yisroel who used
announced the Shnas Chinuch. previously or are working customs of the country in the
Before the announcement, the in it now (because then all service of Hashem.
Rebbe explained that just as the beginnings are difficult
president of the United States does not pertain to them) TO DESTROY THE ENEMY
[Gerald Ford] had proclaimed an successfully. And even if there
American Education Week, so too, Everyone felt there was
were some details that were
an announcement would now be something heavenly behind this
lacking, they knew with whom
made about a year of education: new campaign and this sentiment
to consult and clarify things
was reinforced when the Rebbe
It is being announced etc. This pertains particularly
spoke about the enormous power
regarding this year as a Shnas to Jewish women, each of whom
that the Jewish children have to
Chinuch and Mivtza Chinuch, is the mainstay of the home and
destroy the enemy.
which is connected with the idea upon her depends the education
of and you shall relate to your of children, and also those who The first time the Rebbe
child - a matter of education, are preparing in anticipation of spoke about the connection
that there should be no boy or this role. between Shnas HaChinuch
girl without a Jewish education. and destroying the enemy was
The Rebbe added:
This is the announcement, that a Thursday night, the eve of
The announcement is Rosh Chodesh Iyar 5736/1976.
this year the emphasis should be being made in a holy place (a
on seeing to it that every Jewish That night the Rebbe held a
shul and beis midrash) and the special farbrengen, most of
child receives an education strength for it is taken from
based on authentic Judaism. which was dedicated to Mivtza
the words of our Sages about Chinuch. The Rebbe spoke
The Rebbe said to hurry up, a persons livelihood being about the importance of the
and mentioned making a big designated at the beginning children themselves participating
deal in the media and forming a of the year (during the Aseres in Mivtza Chinuch in order to
special committee to address this Yemei Tshuva), that as far destroy the enemy.
new campaign. as expenses for tuition (i.e.
As was mentioned a
At that same farbrengen, the chinuch for boys and girls),
number of times, one of the
Rebbe laid out a practical course whoever adds, has it added to
ways of tipping himself and
of action towards implementing him from Above.
the entire world toward merit
the huge undertaking: This is what our Rebbeim is through from the mouths
Registering children in religious did regarding certain years, that
Signs of the 12 Psukim hanging on the building next to 770 Front page of
during the Lag BOmer parade the 12 Psukim booklet
18 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 19
In the letter, under the heading of Be careful of children, addressed to the dear
boys (and girls), in which the
the sons of the poor, for from them will go forth Rebbe encourages the children to
Torah, it calls upon the administrations of the various get involved in Mivtza Chinuch
and to influence their friends.
educational institutions, including summer camps, to see
to it that at least a tenth of the students are accepted THE CHASSIDIM
tuition free. GET TO WORK
Lag BOmer, which was a
The following is part of the text period. short time after the Rebbes initial
of the message that was sent Even in personal letters the call, was a good opportunity
regarding this matter: Rebbe often raised the topic of to publicize the message to the
R Chaim Gutnick has traveled Mivtza Chinuch. In a letter that broader public (although this
to the Holy Land. He should be the Rebbe wrote to Professor was in the period before parades
received nicely and he should use Velvel Green, the Rebbe began to be held in every city
his influence. He speaks well and mentioned, Judaism should in Eretz Yisroel). The main
understands the issues ... and to be brought to every single Jew, activities centered around Mount
utilize his stay in the Holy Land primarily in this year of Torah Miron, near the resting place of
in the best possible manner. He Chinuch, in which everybody is Rabi Shimon bar Yochai, where
should speak before the crowd called upon to do everything in every year there were hundreds
on Lag BOmer in Miron. He his power in order to bring Torah of thousands of Jewish visitors.
was at the recent farbrengens and mitzvos to all the Jews, young The regular booth of Tzeirei
and was influenced as far as the and old, including those that Chabad of Tzfas got a manpower
activities of Mivtza Chinuch, and are already not young in years boost in the form of the first
he can influence others about but are still youngsters in Jewish group of shluchim that the
this matter to publicize about knowledge and experiences. Rebbe had sent to move to the
him in the newspapers etc. to Similarly, when R Yosef Holy Land. The entire booth
make it easier for him to focus on Wineberg wrote to the Rebbe was adorned with signs about
the activities. As per the request that he had spoken on the radio Mivtza Chinuch. The hundreds
of the Rebbe shlita, he should about Mivtza Chinuch and that of thousands who came to visit
remain in the Holy Land until he was traveling to Brazil, the the gravesite received explanatory
after Lag BOmer. Rebbe wrote him, Certainly in brochures that were produced
During the period that all of the aforementioned, he in honor of Shnas HaChinuch.
followed, the Rebbe used almost will speak about this matter, and These brochures had a number
every opportunity to mention as mentioned with a shturem of rhyming slogans (in Hebrew)
the special time. In a letter for ... and all of the above should printed as headlines, such as;
the graduation ceremonies of be in a manner of hyperbole of The chinuch of our children
Tomchei Tmimim in Montreal, holiness. to Torah, will take us out from
the Rebbe wrote to be involved in darkness to light, and The
To a Chassid who wanted
Mivtza Chinuch, which is an all- guarantee of the survival of our
to leave his job in chinuch, the
inclusive campaign that includes nation, Torah chinuch for our
Rebbe wrote to him, It is a
all the general campaigns [the ten children.
moral lesson as to how great
mivtzaim]. In a telegram sent are the concealments in the R Efraim Wolf, the director
on 4 Elul 5736 to the educators darkness of exile, as specifically of Tomchei Tmimim in Kfar
of the Reshet Oholei Yosef when it was announced about Chabad, began to send reports
Yitzchok, who held a gathering Shnas HaChinuch and the need to the Rebbe as early as 4 Iyar,
at that time, the Rebbe wrote, to prepare in a timely manner detailing the meetings that were
And especially since this year is for the summer camps, this plan held among the activists, and
a Shnas HaChinuch for Torah came up. the decisions that were made,
and Mitzvos. Similar mentions including the practical steps
Before the beginning of the
can be found in almost all of the to be taken and the division of
new school year, the Rebbe
Rebbes general letters from that labor. He also reported about
penned a special general letter for
the activities that were done
20 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 21
22 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 23
to accept poor students at reduced
In one of the brochures that LYO put out in rates.
connection with Mivtza Chinuch, it cited the Groups of talmidim went
to Rio on Lag BOmer and the
aphorism of the Rebbe Rashab, that just as putting on
Sunday afterward and worked in
tfillin every day is a mitzva of the Torah, so too, it is an five schools and clubs with about
2500 boys and girls, reviewing
absolute obligation upon every Jew to think a half hour
psukim and giving out coins for
each day about the education of children. In the Rebbes tzdaka.
edits of that brochure, he removed the limitation of a half They printed a translation of
the letter and distributed it to the
hour, and left it as a general obligation with no time limit. parents and students in the hopes
that this would also be useful.
Starting from Erev Shabbos
BaMidbar, talmidim were invited
the radio ads and limiting the is spent on secular subjects and to give a shiur on Erev Shabbos in
mivtza to the community of our there are basic Jewish subjects. It Rio about Shabbos and the tfillos
mekuravim, as many of those is easier to place a child without of Shabbos.
families were in financial straits a religious background into a day
and asked for help in covering school where the children are
the tuition fees. I wrote about from religious-lite homes.
this to the Rebbe, and the answer We talk to principals and try AND REDOUBLED REQUEST
I received was to the effect that to convince them to accept the To conclude this article, which
our work was analogous to a children into existing programs, only touches on a small part of
hospital, which needs to regularly but its not easy. I once spoke Mivtza Chinuch, here are unusual
advertise its existence. And if to a principal and read him a words that the Rebbe used to
too many patients show up, it is letter from the posek, Rabbi sum up the special farbrengen
necessary to place some of them Moshe Feinstein zl, that calls that took place on 2 Iyar:
in the hallways, and only if there upon principals to accept up All those who listen to my
is literally no space at all only to ten percent of children from voice or want to listen, fulfill
then do they stop taking new irreligious backgrounds, because the aforementioned suggestion
patients. Similarly, we need to then the majority are religious as a request and a double and
continue advertising, and as and they are the influencers and redoubled request.
far as financial assistance, we not the influenced.
need to operate with careful
24 1 Sivan 5777
Dear Reader shyichyeh, and recite Thillim with simple in Yechezkel (37, 24): And My
We are all preparing for the sincerity, will be revealed. servant David shall be king over
Yom Tov of Shavuos, when This HaYom Yom that speaks them, and one shepherd shall be
we celebrate the giving of the about the special quality of for them all. The Navi is telling
Torah. It is a very special time, as simplicity and wholeheartedness us that although throughout
Shavuos is an opportune time to is actually one of three that are history, there were two kingdoms
achieve everything in improving taken from the same Maamer and rulers of the Jewish people
Torah study and avoda marked by (Maamer VAvdi David, 5694) (the ten tribes under Yosef and
fear of Gd, and also to strive in of the Frierdike Rebbe. two under Yehuda), yet in
tshuva concerning Torah study, The first of the other two , everyone will be united
without the interference of the is the HaYom Yom of 5 Teves: under Yehuda through Melech
accusing Satan, just like the time When Moshiach comes we will HaMoshiach. As the psukim
of the Shofar sounding on Rosh realize the greatness of hodaa continue (37, 16-17): And you,
HaShana and the holy day of the (acknowledgement, or belief) son of man, take for yourself
Fast of Yom Kippur. (HaYom and tmimus (earnestness), one stick and write upon it, For
Yom 4 Sivan) everyones pure faith in Gd and Yehudah and for the children
Before Hashem gave the His Torah and mitzvos. Talmud, of Israel his companions; and
Torah, He asked the nations namely human comprehension take one stick and write upon it
of the world if they wanted even on its highest level For Yosef, the stick of Ephraim
it. They first wanted to know is limited. But hodaa, faith, and all the house of Israel, his
what was in it and only then is a feeling that is boundless. companions. And bring them
would they consider receiving Moshiach will explain the close, one to the other into one
the Torah. When Hashem came magnificent achievement of stick, and they shall be one in
to they all responded, tmimus, earnest avoda flowing your hand.
- we commit to doing from the heart. The Frierdike Rebbe asks:
what Hashem wants even before This is the second one: The Why is it that there will be this
we know what He wants from unique quality of Moshiach is change in the time of Moshiach?
us. This showed Hashem that that he will be humble. Though If historically Yosef had the
were ready to receive the Torah. he will be the ultimate in majority of the Jewish people
Having to Hashem greatness, for he will teach Torah under his domain, why should
is a prerequisite to receiving the to the Patriarchs and to Moshe that not continue? Why should
Torah. Rabbeinu (alav hashalom), still Moshiach come from Yehudah
The Rebbe writes in HaYom he will be the ultimate in humility and everyone be united under his
Yom (24 Iyar) : With the advent and self-nullification, for he will rulership?
of Moshiach, the superior quality also teach simple folk. (Rosh The Maamer explains that
of the traits of simplicity and Chodesh Menachem-Av) the kingships of Yosef and
wholeheartedness, found in the The Maamer was said on Yehuda represent two different
avoda of simple folk who daven Shavuos. It is based on the Pasuk types of . Yosef, which
Issue 1041 25
means to add, represents the , that it is specifically through no ulterior motive, not because
avoda of learning Torah. While our action and physical Mitzvos of fear that evil will occur, nor in
one is learning, he is always that we were able to build the order to acquire benefit. Rather,
using his mind to understand and reveal the essence of he does what is true because it
and formulate new ideas. He Hashem in this world. is true, and ultimately, good will
is constantly building and With this understanding come because of it.
adding onto what he has already we can answer our previous This is a very high level
learned by thinking of new question: During the time of which is not merited by every
ideas. Yehuda, which means exile, the main ruler, representing wise man. It is the level of our
to thank and acknowledge the the main Avodas Hashem, is Patriarch, Avraham, whom
superiority of a Higher Being, from Yosef, representing . God described as he who loved
represents that avoda of In the times of Moshiach, when Me, for his service was only
. A person accepts the the quality of simple and pure motivated by love. The fact that
commandments of Hashem and action will be revealed, we will the Rambam writes about this
follows the Torah with pure faith all be united under Yehuda, level of Avoda means that it is
even if he does not understand representing . something that we should strive
fully why he is doing the Mitzvos.
In a Maamer of our Rebbe for and are able to attain.
He breaks his nature and will and
VAvdi David 5746 paragraph With all of the above we can
does the will of Hashem.
7, the Rebbe adds that now that explain something that many
Which Avoda is greater? we know from our Rebbeim wonder about. There seem to be
There is actually a discussion that when Moshiach comes, two ways that we can reach out
to a Jew who is not yet openly
connected to Yiddishkait. One
During the time of exile, the main ruler, way would be to start with
inviting the person to learn
representing the main Avodas Hashem, is from about Judaism and only later we
Yosef, representing Talmud. In the times of Moshiach, encourage the person to start
fulfilling Mitzvos. The other
when the quality of simple and pure action will be approach is to first encourage
revealed, we will all be united under Yehuda. a person to do Mitzvos and
then get him more involved in
other aspects of Judaism. While
seemingly the first approach
we will see the quality in pure would be more rational, the
about this very question in the service of Hashem without any Rebbe clearly chooses the second
Gemara. In Kiddushin (40b), the ulterior motives, we must begin approach. The Rebbe initiated
following discussion is recorded: implementing that in our Avoda the Mivtzaim campaigns to
R. Tarfon and the Elders were today. The Alter Rebbe writes encourage people who may know
once reclining in the upper (Tanya Perek 37) that Now nothing about their heritage to
story of Nitzas house in Lud, this ultimate perfection of the do even one single Mitzva.
when this question was raised Messianic era and [the time of]
before them: Is study greater, or There are many reasons for
the resurrection of the dead is this approach, and the success of
practice? R. Tarfon answered, dependent on our actions and
saying: Practice is greater. R. Chabad worldwide is evidence of
[Divine] service throughout the its success.
Akiva answered, saying: Study is period of exile.
greater, for it leads to practice. Based on all of the above, we
We must strive to reach this can add another important point:
Then they all answered and said:
special level of Avoda in these As we stand right before the
Study is greater, for it leads to
final moments of Galus. The Geula, the time that will
action - .
Rambam (Hilchos Tshuva 10:2) be revealed, it is clear that the way
This quoted discussion was writes: One who serves [God]
answering the above question to reach a Jew in our generation
out of love occupies himself in is through . It is specifically
as it would be applicable to the the Torah and the mitzvos and
time of exile, but when Moshiach through a Yid connecting with
walks in the paths of wisdom for the essence of Hashem, through
comes it will be revealed that
26 1 Sivan 5777
Anywhere, Anytime !
CHITAS ,ww,j
INYONEI GEULA jhanu vkutd hbhbg
& MOSHIACH owwcnr
RAMBAM hyuekc ohrugha
Issue 1069 27
28 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 29
30 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 31
exhausted after being on our feet walked with a police escort. We to respond to them to the best
for many hours, at the farbrengen arrived in Boro Park and danced of our ability, but they were not
and at the demonstration. there in front of the Chabad shul, swayed. It turned out that the
and from there we divided up rabbi, and I have no idea why
SURPRISE FARBRENGEN to different shuls. I went to the he was called by that title, was
shul of the Yemenites, together nothing more than a Mizrachi
Sunday, 3 Sivan with Chaim Mesharki, Chaim activist sent to encourage aliya.
Despite the late hour that we Tzadok, Gershon Ochana, Kuti After lengthy debates, the rabbi
went to sleep the night before, Rapp, and others. We asked himself began to back down from
at 7:30 in the morning I showed for permission to speak in front his attacks.
up for Chassidus learning. of the congregation, and in the We returned to the Chabad
Today, there was hardly any beginning they refused with the shul, where other groups who
news, except that the review argument that they have a rabbi had gone to other shuls also
of the farbrengen took place and he already gives them a arrived. We made kiddush, tasted
today, because yesterday it was speech. In the end they allowed some mezonos (baked goods),
impossible to have the review due us to speak, but only for five and went out into the street
to the demonstration. minutes. where they held a talk for the
onlookers about Mihu Yehudi,
One of the Chassidim who came there with his and from there we returned to
the base Beis Chayeinu 770.
car, stubbornly insisted on driving through the
Second Day Shavuos
police barricade near the demonstration and he too was The farbrengen began at 8 in
arrested, but in the end he was freed too. the evening and ended at 1:20 at
night. At the conclusion of the
farbrengen there was Maariv.
The Rebbe then made Havdala
on the kos and the distribution
Monday, 4 Sivan Kuti Rapp spoke about Mihu of kos shel bracha began. The
At around 3PM, the Rebbe Yehudi, and also encouraged Rebbe poured and the crowd
went to the Ohel, and Mincha them to send their children sang niggunim, among them
took place at a late hour. The to religious summer camps Ozreini Keil Chai. When they
Rebbe came out to Mincha in during the summer vacation. sang Ki Elokim Yoshia Tziyon,
Shabbos garb, and this was one He concluded, and their rabbi it was especially joyful. When the
of the signs for us that there got up to speak after him. At Rebbe ended the distribution, he
would be a farbrengen. For us, the outset, he praised the Rebbe covered the cup with a paper,
this was a surprise farbrengen. somewhat, but then he began said the after-blessing, and began
The farbrengen began at 9:30 to speak tauntingly about the to go out with the cup in his hand
and opened with the maamer, fact that the Rebbe does not go and started the niggun Atah
Beshaa shehikdimu, and it to Eretz Yisroel, and why is the Vechartanu.
ended at 11:40, which was a Rebbe against R Goren and the
The Rebbe left 770 and
relatively short farbrengen for Mizrachi party. [This was at
encouraged the singing. This
a weekday. The Rebbe left 770, the height of the brother and
time also, he traveled without a
and this time the police did not sister controversy, in which R
police escort.
provide an escort, apparently Goren permitted mamzerim to
because of the events of the past marry, in opposition to the views
Shabbos. of all the greatest rabbis. That is Friday, 8 Sivan
why the Rebbe called for him to Today, the Rebbe received
resign his position as the Chief people for yechidus until 8
DEBATES ON TAHALUCHA Rabbi, whereas the Mizrachi oclock before kabbalas Shabbos.
Shavuos party supported R Goren and Due to the yechidus, the Rebbe
At 6PM the Tahalucha set besmirched the chareidi rabbis did not go home at all today.
out. Relative to the Tahalucha in general, and the Rebbe in There was someone there
of Acharon shel Pesach the heat particular.] In short, they were a who had come out from Georgia,
was oppressive. Of course we disappointment for us... We tried
32 1 Sivan 5777
Motzaei Shabbos Naso, 9
This Shabbos, bli ayin hara,
there were nine chassanim, seven The wedding of Chaim and Miriam Blinitzky to which the Rebbe sent mashke through
of whom went up to the Torah in R Nachman Maidanchek. On the right: father of the kalla, R Shloimke Maidanchek
and on the left, the father of the chassan, R Yitzchok Blinitzky.
the morning and two at Mincha
[in those years, such a large
number of chassanim was an issue, and if anything happens a farbrengen, but it did not end
anomaly]. On Shabbos the Rebbe on their part, to allow the up happening, so the road was
farbrenged as usual. The Rebbe police to handle it. What ended not blocked. However, when
told R Yoel Kahn to sing Yifrach up happening was that many we exited from the davening,
Byamav, and from that it was policemen were already on the the police blocked the road
understood that the song [from scene from the night before and with a police car until all of the
the Rebbes chapter of Thillim they stood guard the entire night. Chassidim dispersed.
for that year] was accepted, and When the farbrengen began, the
from that point on they began to blacks came to demonstrate, but MEDICAL INSTRUCTIONS
sing it more often. it passed without any untoward
occurrences. Sunday, 17 Sivan
At the farbrengen, the Rebbe
spoke again about Mihu Yehudi, When the Rebbe left 770 for Today the Rebbe received
and during one of the songs the his home, he crossed the street people for yechidus. The
Rebbe clapped for a very long not in the usual place, but in front yechidus began at 8PM and
time. It is impossible to describe of their house of worship. The continued until 12 midnight.
this feeling. After the farbrengen Rebbe was accompanied [besides Among those who went in was R
was Mincha, and after the for the police that were there to Nochum Kaplan form Shikkun
davening the Rebbe began to sing keep order] by six plainclothes Chabad in Lud.
Atah Vechartanu and entered police detectives, all dressed in There was a father who went
his room. We waited outside as short pants and short sleeved into yechidus with his son and
usual, and when the Rebbe exited shirts. They walked literally very daughter, and the Rebbe gave
we sang very loudly, and we close to the Rebbe. We stopped each of them a Siddur.
accompanied the Rebbe. at the turn to the street where the A writer for Hamodia, R B.
It should be mentioned that Rebbe lives [President Street], L., went into the Rebbe for his
due to the events of the previous and the detectives together with 19 year old son who had become
Shabbos, the blacks planned a one of Anash continued with the blind and partially paralyzed. He
demonstration against the closing Rebbe until he entered his home. asked if they should teach his son
of the street [the service lane on Braille since his son doesnt want
the side of 770]. The secretary, Motzaei Shabbos to learn, and there is concern
R Groner, informed everybody BHaaloscha, 16 Sivan that he will give up all hope. The
not to get involved in the whole Rebbe answered that he should
This Shabbos we waited for
learn this form of writing and
Issue 1069 33
he should not give up hope, THE SKULENER REBBE morning hours until the late
especially as today there are so GOES IN FOR YECHIDUS hours of the night, and they
many new discoveries in research. would tell how their children
The reason for his blindness is Sunday, 24 Sivan barely ever saw them, and would
unknown, but the supposition Today the Rebbe addressed sometimes come to the office just
is that since he has the dreaded the graduates of Beis Rivka. We to see their father. The following
disease, the doctors may have all gathered in the small zal. We entry epitomizes that SZB]:
used too much radiation and thought that, as is usually the case Before Mincha, something
caused damage to the brain and in such events, we would hear the a bit interesting happened. The
that is the cause of his becoming Rebbe over the loudspeaker, but wife of the secretary R Leibel
blind. The Rebbe added that the we waited for a long time and Groner came to the secretariat
reason for the doctors saying the loudspeaker was silent, until office with her son. She went
that there is no hope is in order we realized that it was broken. I inside and left her son out in
to take the responsibility off their jumped out through the window the hall. After some time, R
own shoulders. The man asked [of the small zal], came around Groner left the office and went
the Rebbe if he should take his 770 and climbed up on the chain into the Rebbes room. . One of
son out of the hospital where he link fence. I almost fell from high the Chassidim who came there
is [in America], and the Rebbe up, but BH nothing happened. with his car, stubbornly insisted
answered that on the contrary, I saw the Rebbe clearly [through on driving through the police
the longer he remains there the the back windows of 770] and I barricade near the demonstration
better it is. The Rebbe said to even managed to hear, although and he too was arrested, but in
him that as far as the book that I missed the beginning. The sicha the end he was freed too.
he published, he would send him went on for about half an hour.
a response as well as notes on his Today, R Peretz the mikva
Motzaei Shabbos Korach,
writing. attendant [R Peretz Chein]
Rosh Chodesh, 30 Sivan
passed away. Just this past Friday
he was demanding money from Today, the farbrengen we
Motzaei Shabbos Shlach, 23 had awaited took place, and the
Sivan the bachurim for the use of the
mikva, as usual, and suddenly... Rebbe spoke briefly about Mihu
Today there was a farbrengen. Yehudi. After the farbrengen
May his soul be bound up in the
This time the Rebbe spoke only was Mincha, and as usual, we
bond of life. We thought that
briefly about Mihu Yehudi. accompanied the Rebbe after the
they would bring him here and
Nine chassanim went up the Rebbe would go out, but the farbrengen. After Mincha, the
to the Rebbe to receive wine. funeral left from Williamsburg. Rebbe began the song Eimosai
During this distribution, the Koosi Mar, and that is also
This evening, the Rebbe
Rebbe called out three times what we sang when he left 770.
received people for yechidus,
for Nachman Maidanchek, and This time, when the Rebbe
and among those who went in
gave him mashke to send for his was walking home by way of
was the Skulener Rebbe [Reb
sisters wedding [Mrs. Miriam Brooklyn Avenue, he crossed
Eliezer Zusia Portugal] who lives
Blinitzky, married to R Chaim the street not at the light, and
on Brooklyn Avenue [in Crown
Avrohom Blinitzky]. At the end of in general, not like every other
Heights]. The Admur went in for
the farbrengen, the Rebbe began Shabbos. I heard that when the
a yechidus that lasted about three
to sing Hinei Ma Tov Uma doors to their house of worship
quarters of an hour. When he
Naim and waved his holy hand. are open, the Rebbe does not
exited, the Rebbe accompanied
After the farbrengen, there him until the doorway of his pass in front of it and crosses the
was Mincha with the Rebbe, room. street before. The Rebbe waited
and at the conclusion, the Rebbe for the cars to pass, and then he
At the conclusion of yechidus,
began to sing Nyet Nyet. As walked between the cars until we
at 12 midnight, we davened
usual, we waited for the Rebbe got to the street that the Rebbe
Maariv with the Rebbe.
to leave 770. When he exited he lives on. We stood watching after
made a sign with his hand and the Rebbe until he entered his
a powerful song burst forth, and Wednesday, 27 Sivan house.
that is how we accompanied the [The Rebbes secretaries
Rebbe as usual. would work from the early
34 1 Sivan 5777
Selected Halachos from the
One Minute Halacha project
By HaRav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Shlita,
Mara Dasra and member of the Badatz of Crown Heights
STUFFING OF SINNERS We are speaking exclusively of a passive
Halitehu lrasha
association with others wrongdoing. However,
veyamus(Stuff the wicked one
so he may perish) is a troubling in situations which involve active participation in
halachic concept that seems to
anothers sin, we are forbidden from tripping up another.
offend our sensibilities as well as
oppose Torah sources that urge
us to feel responsibility for and
offer rebuke to the wayward. to warn would-be thieves ends. The question also arises
The source for this concept which trees are forbidden whether we are to consider this
is found in the mitzvosthat as per the explicit words of alternative practice over the
regulate the agricultural Rabbi Shimon ben Gamliel advice of Rabbi Shimon: is it a
fields in Eretz Yisroel: (1stcenturyTannaof the positive effort to go beyond basic
DuringShmita(the seventh year Mishna): halitehuRam the observance to prevent would-
[when the Land lies fallow]), forbidden fruit down the throat be thieves from eatingorlah, or
all Jewish-grown produce is of the wicked so they may suffer is it more correct to follow the
considered hefker(ownerless) the consequences of their sinful directive of Rabbi Shimon and
for any passerby to enjoy. But ways. mentioning whattzenuimdo is a
it is the responsibility of the However, continues subtle warning against misplaced
owner to mark all trees that the Mishna, there are compassion for thereshaim?
bear prohibited producethose stilltzenuim(modest people) Jewish farmers are not
that are orlah(uncircumcised who pre-emptively redeem obligated to demarcate trees
fruit [within the first three years their trees so that another whose fruit are prohibited due
of growth]),neta rivai(in the will not inadvertently toorlah(uncircumcised trees
fourth year of planting [which consumeorlah.There is much within the first three years of
would normally be brought to halachic discussion regarding growth) to prevent would-
Yerushalayim]) or otherwise this practicewhether it is an be thieves from consuming
forbidden to be eaten. However, additional precaution to marking forbidden fruit. Freedom from
all other years, when snatching trees in Shmitaor something the responsibility to protect
fruit from anothers orchard that is done in all years, in others from sinning in this
would be an act of stealing, conflict with those who leave the
the owner has no responsibility sinners to their own destructive Continued on page 42
Issue 1041 35
Mechanchim discuss our children will be our
guarantors from the perspective of Yemos
HaMoshiach and the imminent Geula. * Presented
for Zman Mattan Toraseinu, when we received
the Torah because we offered our children as
guarantors. * Part 1 of 2.
By Mendel Tzfasman
e spoke with As educators who work all
mechanchim, those year with the guarantors of the
who mold our pure PARTICIPANTS: Jewish people, can you explain
Jewish children. Rabbi Refael Cheruti what makes Jewish children
They teach Torah and mitzvos, teacher in Ashkelon capable of being guarantors for
doing mitzvos out of love, being and author of educational our observance of Torah?
particular about Chabad customs, books for children R Pizem:
and hiskashrus to the Rebbe. We The answer can be seen in
wanted to hear what children Rabbi Yosef Avrohom the first of the Twelve Psukim,
being our guarantors really means, Pizem a veteran educator, Torah tziva lanu Moshe
why the children are described by principal of a Chabad morasha khillas Yaakov.
our Sages as my anointed ones, elementary school and Meaning, the Torah was given so
how to get children to display initiator and producer of that it would constantly be given
Moshiach as the Rebbe instructed, the HaDerech Hayeshara over as an inheritance to the next
and how now, after Gimmel Limud HaDvar Malchus generation. The real guarantee
Tammuz, we can instill abstract lYaldei Yisroel for receiving the Torah is when
concepts such as our generation is the children accept the Torah.
the generation of Geula, the Rebbe
Rabbi YY Friedman In the times of the Rebbe
is chai vkayam, and get them to
teacher in Nachalat Har Rayatz some asked how can
have a genuine hiskashrus to the
Chabad, Kiryat Malachi you endanger peoples lives for
children under the age of bar
36 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 37
farbrengens, mivtzaim, a warm and kalla). Nowadays there are his son, lest he make him hate
and loving relationship with one plenty of books and lectures and davening, neither view is correct.
another, guests in the home, openness about the subject and Chinuch must be individualized
helping people, etc. - then the it is highly recommended that and a parent must know his son
makif, i.e., the environment, people avail themselves of them. better than anyone else, knowing
has an influence. By the way, based on what his good qualities and what
We have no idea how deep the the Rebbe said that the entire he lacks, his abilities and his
daily influence is, on us and our generation is worthy, for even limitations, and based on that, to
family. Its the daily chitchat that tshuva has been done by be mechanech him.
creates the atmosphere and this everyone (because there is no There are times that parents
is what children absorb. There one who has not had a thought have to raise their children with
is no lack of what to talk about of tshuva), and what is lacking a Chabad chinuch that they
(not necessarily at the Shabbos is lacking on a personal level themselves did not receive. They
table), starting with the news and does not affect the collective need more guidance before
and politics in a way of poking tshuva of the generation, so making important decisions
fun at this or that, to discussing too, with the children being our regarding their child so as not to
problems big and small in a guarantors, even if things are be extreme in any way.
In any case, another
We have no idea how deep the daily influence is important point, especially in
on our family. Its the daily chitchat that creates our generation (aside from
demanding of ourselves and
the atmosphere and this is what children absorb. There is being a role model) is to talk to
no lack of what to talk about, starting with the news and a child on his level. This doesnt
mean that the mechanech or
politics in a way of poking fun at this or that, to discussing parent needs to become the
problems big and small in a negative and derogatory childs friend, but when the
child gets explanations based on
tone. We need to be aware that the atmosphere in the analogies from his own world
home will be influenced by the subjects of interest that about why he needs to behave
a certain way or stop other
become part of the daily discourse. behavior, in a loving way, and is
not just told, Dont do that, its
not allowed! then the chinuch
will stick.
negative and derogatory tone. lacking here and there, it is a lack This is not to negate firmness
But we need to be aware that on a personal level which does and a severe look when needed,
the atmosphere in the home will not take away from the guarantee but along with the severity, the
be influenced by the subjects of of the children for the fulfillment child needs explanations from his
interest that become part of the of Torah and mitzvos. own world.
daily discourse. Of course, in
addition to the influence of the R Pizem: The traditional wish for
home, there is also the chinuch Shavuos is kabbalas haTorah
Its a complicated question
in school and in the environment, bsimcha ubpnimiyus. How
which doesnt have a clear
but when each one does his part, can we get a child who does
answer since, with chinuch, there
Hashem helps so that together mitzvos but is lacking simcha
are no clear rules that apply to
they should produce only good to do mitzvos not out of fear
all. You cannot state categorically
results. of punishment or love of nosh,
what suits whom and from what
No couple gets a parenting but with chayus, simcha and
age to focus on this or that. To
degree before having children. taanug?
take an extreme example, a father
Even when learning about family of a three year old who will force R Pizem: First, we should be
life, until children are born, it his son to sit next to him for happy, as the Rebbe says, since
is all theoretical (just like its the entire davening, versus the we have the best reason in the
difficult to discuss things like parent who is afraid to pressure world to be happy, namely, that
shalom bayis with a chassan the Geula is about to happen.
38 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 39
The high expectations from our new friend in the Oval
Office have begun to dissipate like dust in the wind. The
great excitement over a president who isnt interested in
the Middle East has been replaced by a heavy sense of
concern. It turns out that theres a price for indecisiveness.
Granted, Donald Trump is no Barack Obama not by a
longshot. Yet, it seems that like his predecessors, he also
has grandiose dreams of walking on the White House
lawn to accept a Nobel Peace Prize. Instead of a United
States embassy in Yerushalayim, we have the darkening
clouds of a peace process.
By Sholom Ber Crombie
Translated by Michoel Leib Dobry
rime Minister Binyamin has his own strategy. He relies of eight long years. This was the
Netanyahu is a Jew with upon previous experience from reason for releasing terrorists
plenty of merits. With the governments of Ehud Barak with Jewish blood on their hands,
his gifted and talented and Ehud Olmert, who offered who subsequently resumed their
oratory, he manages to explain the Arabs virtually everything, murderous activities against
his position with Jewish pride yet the Arabs refused to accept. innocent Jews. And this is why
before the whole world. He is also From his viewpoint, this is the the status of Yerushalayim as
the only Israeli politician who has reason for constantly asking the capital of the Jewish People
received international praise for his for direct negotiations with the is being systematically eroded.
skillful arguments, not for pro-Arab Arabs, thereby proving that they According to Netanyahu, the
positions or serving the agenda dont want peace and exposing strategy is to manage the
of our enemies. On more than their true colors. The problem conflict, for in this conflict, he
one occasion he was the one who is that this tactic has come at who fails to speak clearly quickly
managed to shatter the myth that a very heavy price. This was loses the battle.
you can only win public adulation the reason for placing a freeze But now the prime minister
if you prostrate before the Gentiles. on all construction projects is faced with a new and harsh
However, the prime minister throughout Yehuda, Shomron, reality. The high expectations
and Yerushalayim over a period
40 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 41
the 13th of Tishrei 5740, the Rebbe and now they have publicized that mistake, and when a law is written in
noted the difficulties created by for twelve years straight, there has the Shulchan Aruch, we must fulfill
the terrible discrimination existing been a law there that created such it.
in Yerushalayim with Jews being discrimination. And G-d made a The claim I do not know G-d
prevented from living and building distinction between Israel and Egypt this is a country of civil laws, not
freely throughout the city, while this refers to the good aspect. a country of halacha, etc. Thus,
Arab control grew stronger: However, Jews with free choice when he says, I do not know,
They dont permit Jews to live who compelled [others] for twelve this is not true even for Pharaoh,
in the Old City of Yerushalayim and straight years - this is the opposite and it surely does not change the
they block Jews from living in the of good. What is allowed for Arabs reality. And regarding Jews, they
Holy City of Chevron. Some years is not allowed for Jews; and if a Jew slander themselves when they say,
ago, when they made a tumult that did as the Arabs he was punished I do not know G-d for a Jew is
they knew that there are Jews who using the Jewish police and other familiar with G-d, knows G-d, and
arent interested that the Old City agencies! is connected to G-d, as Chassidus
of Yerushalayim should have the Now this has been revealed! explains, yadati (I know) means
same Jewish rules and regulations I cried that many years ago, there hiskashrus (connection), and as the
as other cities in Israel, they made was a situation where according to Rambam rules in practical halacha.
Yerushalayim into a separate region existing law there was discrimination Then, they finally will be stopped;
where the Arab laws prevail, unlike between Israel and the nations they (the Arabs) refuse, since they
where the legal authorities prevail, but to the opposite extreme, and continually make demands (as
as in Tel Aviv, Chadera, New we learn this from Pharaoh, king they say, and they thereby fulfill
Yerushalayim, and anywhere else. of Egypt! They chase after Egypt what they say) two hundred, four
And who compelled this the Jews! and then even learn from them. hundred, eight hundred. They want
They told me that no such law exists! However, Pharaoh himself said that everything.
They gave us the stinking fish, they should know not to make his
Continued from page 35 that frees the owner from and-blood fellowman; a warning
manner is concisely stated by preventingorlah theft is that the against taking from this particular
theTanna (Mishnaic sage) Rabbi situation is only a potential threat tree might well cause the thief to
Gamliel,Halitehu lrasha veyamus. by an anonymous transgressor, and take from a non-orlahtree and
This halacha demands even so, the would-be thief would commit a greater transgression. In
explanation, says the Chavos Yair already be sinning (by stealing), and addition, by stealing, the offender
(17thcenturyposek), since it does the preventative measures would is indicating that warnings against
not seem to jive with other halachos merely averta second crime. But lesseraveirossuch asorlahwould be
that call for love, accountabilityor in any situation where a person has fruitless, exempting the owner from
at the least rebukeof the failings of prior knowledge of another specific making an effort to prevent it.
our Jewish brethren. Jews intent to sin, and it is possible However, it is pointed out that
to prevent it, they are, in fact, the crook in this case is termed
The Chavos Yair, among
required to take action. arasha (a wicked person), who
otherposkim, offers elucidation
on the particular circumstances of The Rambam (Rabbi Moshe willfully and regularly transgresses.
stolenorlah that place it outside ben Maimon, 12thcentury) in his Otherwise, all the mitzvos of
the purview of normal communal Mishnaic commentary clarifies preventing a fellow Jew from
responsibility demanded by the Rabbi Gamliels statement: Since transgressing apply, as explained
Torah: we are speaking exclusively the thief is transgressing a much above.
of a passive association with greateraveira(sin) ofgezel(theft), One Minute Halacha is
others wrongdoingrefraining we are less concerned with the a succinct daily presentation
from marking the forbidden fruit. comparatively lesser prohibition on practical and contemporary
However, in situations which involve oforlah. Others further explain Halacha in video, audio, and text
active participation in anothers sin, that by stealingorlah, the thief is formats, and can be accessed by
we are forbidden from tripping up consuming holy produce, but not phone at 718.989.9599, by email,
another. actually committing the offense of halacha2go@gmail.com, or by
withholding property from a flesh- WhatsApp 347.456.5665.
Another possible argument
42 1 Sivan 5777
Issue 1069 43