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3 Dvar Malchus
ULTIMATE GIMMEL 21 HaYom Yom & Moshiach
Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun
05 Tzivos Hashem
Avrohom Rainitz

4 Rabbi Sholom Yaakov Chazan
and Avrohom Reinitz

Beis Moshiach (USPS 012-542) ISSN 1082-0272

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1073_bm_eng.indd 4 2017-06-22 6:48:47 AM


Prior to the Rebbe Rayatzs histalkus
in 5710, he emphasized the concept of
chayim nitzchiim, eternal life. The Rebbe
MHM points out the profound significance
of the topics a Rebbe discusses in his final
sichos delivered in this world: they serve
as instructions for how to proceed in holiness (of the hamshacha that
transcends Hishtalshlus within
the wake of his histalkus. * The following Seider Hishtalshlus). At this
excerpt, which also speaks of eternal life, spiritual height there is the union
is from the last sicha the Rebbe has yet of all three lines, meaning that
with alacrity the Supernal
delivered on Gimmel Tammuz. (i.e., thought and speech) is
directly expressed within the
Translated by Boruch Merkur Earthly (action, deed) without any
interruption between them (unlike
5. [] The words Korach sought to separate Supernal reality what is represented by the letter
and Chukas both contain the from Earthly existence), for the Hei). Thus, the point beneath (the
two letters Ches and Kuf that letter Reish lacks the third line left line of) the letter Tav is attained,
comprise the word chok; the ([the vertical line on the left side] the point of bittul, selflessness. It is
difference lies in the fact that of the letter Hei), corresponding to actually a large point (having length
Korach has a Reish, whereas action. and width), meaning that the bittul
Chukas has a Tav. Korach goes together with [the seemingly
Chukas, on the other hand
(who came from Shevet Levi) contradictory expression of] the
this is chukas haTorah, the law
experienced the revelation of expansion of length and width. The
of the Torah draws down from
chok, transcending reason and point appears at the end of the Tav,
chok (beyond measure and limit)
intellect and beyond measure and symbolic of the perfection of the
into the letter Tes, the final letter of
limitation. (Chassidus explains point of bittul, at the completion of
the twenty-two letters of the Torah.
that Korachs quarrel stemmed ones avoda.
Chukas thus represents drawing
from his virtue, as our Sages attest down G-dliness through the entire This process also brings
he was clever, for he beheld the Seider Hishtalshlus (all the letters about the concept of chukas
revelation that transcends measure from Alef to Tav), utilizing all the meaning chakika, engraving,
and limitation, as will be manifest three lines (of the letter Tes) of signifying an (unchanging) eternal
[universally] in the Future Era. His thought, speech, and action, as manifestation, which is connected
mistake, however (in disputing the well as Torah, avoda [i.e., tfilla, with the letter Tav, as our Sages
appointment of Aharon as Kohen prayer], and acts of kindness. In say, Tav tchiya, enlivens, the
[Gadol]), was on account of the fact, this manifestation occurs in a ultimate expression of which is
concept represented by the letter manner whereby all three unite. chaim nitzchiim, eternal life.
Reish (poverty), which signifies The significance of this
(From the address of Thursday of
how the manifestation (of thought Parshas Korach on the second day of Rosh
union is as follows. The final Chodesh Tammuz 5751, as well as Shabbos
and speech) does not come about stage and perfection of avoda is Parshas Korach, Gimmel Tammuz; Seifer
through [the regular channel of] characterized by speed, described HaSichos 5751, pg. 656)
Seder Hishtalshlus (Korach had as mhiros dkdusha, the alacrity of

Issue 1073 3

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Gimmel Tammuz is a day that says so much to each one of us. At the same
time, Gimmel Tammuz contains within it much more than it says. It is a day
that contains so many messages about so many different things. Still, the
bottom line is that Gimmel Tammuz contains an identical message for all
of us. * It is a day that represents clarity, vision, mission, a goal. A day that
reminds us of who we are. But it is also a day of confusion. * The Rebbe
teaches us how to integrate these seeming opposites in a special sicha
about Menashe and Efraim.

Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun

t seems there isnt another Tammuz, and what concealment dissimilar, so too, their views
day in the calendar where there is! are dissimilar. There arent two
the contrasts are so stark, Gimmel Tammuz represents people in the world who think
where the conflict between the contrast between so-called exactly alike. It doesnt exist.
mind and heart are so prominent. reality and what is true reality, As it has been said, Just as you
On the one hand, we know that that which is tested against wouldnt try to change the face
we are in Yemos HaMoshiach, and the perspective of Torah, the of another person to be like your
the time for your redemption has perspective of G-dliness, the face, dont try to change his view
arrived, that Moshiach is already perspective of Chassidus, the to your view. The same is true
here, Moshiach bhisgalus, and Rebbes perspective. for Gimmel Tammuz, there arent
all we need to do is welcome him. two Chassidim with the same
When a day like Gimmel
On the other hand, there isnt a view.
Tammuz comes around, it
day whose curse is not worse...
reminds us of what the Gemara
And here we are again, Gimmel
says, Just as their faces are

4 29 Sivan 5777

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He saw an older man there and
asked him what the custom was
in that place. The man said: This
is the custom, to argue about it
The Rebbe told this Chassid
who asked about Gimmel
Tammuz (and 18 Elul), In
matters that depend on ones
feelings, you dont ask, because
by asking it shows there are no
Perhaps the same is true about
Gimmel Tammuz in general, in
recent years, that these are things
that depend on ones feelings and
to each his own.
In a sicha of Shabbos Parshas
Eikev 5713, the Rebbe spoke
about the Rebbe Rayatz and said
an amazing thing: It depends on
you! How you relate to 10 Shvat
5710 (when the Rebbe Rayatz
passed away) depends on you.
If you want to treat the Rebbe as
being in the seventh heaven, you
will see the Rebbe as he is there.
But whoever sees the Rebbe as
being down below, we will not
let go of him, will see him down
If this was said about a
Rebbe of the sixth generation,
all the more so for the seventh
generation, after all the explicit
things we heard from the Rebbe
about eternal life. It depends on
how we view things. The Rebbe
says Moshiach is coming. How
IT DEPENDS ON Because of this, many years should we regard this? This is
HOW YOU LOOK AT IT ago, a Chassid asked the Rebbe something that depends on us.
regarding Gimmel Tammuz,
The Rebbe spoke many times whether we should say Tachanun
about Gimmel Tammuz as the or not. TO BE NOSTALGIC
ischalta dGeula (starting point OVER THE PAST OR TO
(Every year, in many
of redemption) and even said
it was loftier than 12 Tammuz.
minyanim, there are arguments LIVE THE FUTURE?
about reciting Tachanun on It is hard to speak. It is hard
However, the Rebbe Rayatzs
Gimmel Tammuz. Its like the in general because it is impossible
horaa for the Chag HaGeula
person who spent Shavuos in a to convey emotions with words.
was for 12 Tammuz, and it was
certain community and witnessed It is very hard to speak on
he who established the holiday
arguments about whether the Gimmel Tammuz altogether, and
of holidays, the day of our
custom is to stand or sit when the even harder to talk about and
redemption, and that we dont
Ten Commandments are read. demand and do what the Rebbe
say Tachanun on 12 Tammuz.

Issue 1073 5

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How did the Rebbe know what is going on in avoda to perfection, Hashem
made me fruitful in the land of
my house? How did the Rebbe know that I dont my affliction.
use my Jewish name? When I write to him, I sign like For Yosef, on the part of
the heart, the emotions, there
a Chassid and use my Jewish name! And how does he
is a clear inclination to live
know I have a pushka on the stairwell? with Menashe, with yearning
for previous years. It is only
afterward that it is possible to
wants in the way he wants it. But looking at the present reality speak and think about things
it is harder to remain silent. with the Rebbes glasses, with like Efraim. You first have to
Yaakovs perspective, seeing the recognize the terrible situation
There was a great man called
advantage of light as it comes for what it is, and only then can
Yosef HaTzaddik. He was a
from darkness. you say that its a stage on the
devoted follower of his Rebbe,
way to Geula.
Yaakov Avinu. He learned by him When Yaakov Avinu gave the
and was mekushar to him. Then blessings to his two grandsons, Yaakov, on the other hand,
one day, there was obscurity and he crossed his hands and placed sees the ultimate intent directly.
concealment and Yosef was taken his right hand on the younger On Yaakovs part, the main thing
down to Egypt. Unprecedented brother, Ephraims, head. What is Efraim, Efraim is the older
concealment. No maamarim, no did Yosef do? He took the one. Efraim is the revelation of
sichos, no kos shel bracha, not Rebbes hand and said, Not like G-dliness, the ultimate good,
even email and faxes. that, my father. What is this the revelation of light within the
interaction supposed to mean to darkness.
Chazal say that whatever
Yaakov received from Shem and us? The Torah teaches us to
Eiver, he gave over to Yosef. The Rebbe explains in combine these two approaches.
Yosef was his fathers closest Likkutei Sichos that the Torah is As Chassidim, we live with
disciple but he was in Egypt and teaching us here that there is the Menashe but we must equally live
he was stuck there for many conduct of Yosef and the conduct with the Efraim perspective.
years. of Yaakov. To put it in our terms,
When Yosefs wife gave there is how a Rebbe relates to TO REMEMBER
birth to two sons in Egypt, he something, and how a Chassid A LOOK OF THE REBBE
called the first Menashe and the relates.
Tonight (4 Tammuz) is the
second one Efraim. What do From Yosefs perspective, the
first yahrtzait of the shliach here,
these names mean? Menashe is first thing is Menashe. When
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Groner
from the root meaning to forget, in a state of darkness, the likes
ah [R Braun was a rav and
G-d made me forget my fathers of which hasnt been since the
shliach in Sydney, Australia at
house. I have already forgotten creation of the world, a galus
the time of this farbrengen
what it means to be connected within a galus, the first thing is,
Ed.]. R Groner said that the
to my fathers house due to the G-d made me forget my fathers
Rebbe told him in 5712 that
great concealment. Menashe house, the awareness within the
everyone who saw the Rebbe, has
represents the nostalgia and concealment that we will not let
to every morning, it doesnt
yearning for the beautiful past go of him, our desire is to see
matter whether before the
which no longer exists. our king. We focus on memories
morning blessings or afterward
Efraim is from the root of the Rebbe and think about our
go to a corner and think
meaning fertile, G-d made connection to the Rebbe, and do
about the Rebbe. By a Chassid,
me fruitful in the land of my not accept the situation.
a day does not go by without
suffering. Here I am in Egypt Only afterward, as a step two, made me forget my fathers
and G-d made me fruitful. Here do we have Efraim. There is the home, without thinking about
in exile there is a revelation of knowledge that there is a divine the Rebbe, without recalling the
G-dliness and an advantage of plan and it is the true plan, and Rebbes gaze, without thinking
light over darkness, and here that the Rebbe is looking at us that the Rebbe is looking lovingly
I can see the Rebbe as I could and for the Rebbe it is good, and at him.
in Canaan. Efraim represents the Rebbe wants us to do our

6 29 Sivan 5777

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The Rebbe Rayatz explains in was in Sydney, Australia and it a nickel and said what he said.
Likkutei Dibburim that and he was two in the morning. How When your day begins with
returned many from sin, refers did the Rebbe know what is going a look from the Rebbe, its a
to the Rebbe. When the Rebbe on in my house? How did the completely different sort of day.
looks at a Jew, he lifts him up to Rebbe know that I dont use my I was in the Rebbes house
great heights, but each of us has Jewish name? When I write to after 22 Shvat. I stood near the
a good part and a not-good part, him, I sign like a Chassid and use Rebbe and saw how the Rebbe
a healthy part and an unhealthy my Jewish name! And how does had a paper on his siddur. I
part. When the Rebbe looks at he know I have a pushka on the stood behind the Rebbe and
us at a farbrengen, he lifts up our stairwell? And especially when tried to see what was written on
good part above our not-good we did renovations lately and that the paper. When I merely began
part. pushka was pushed into a corner approaching, the Rebbe took the
The Rebbe Rayatz goes on and is empty. The Rebbe said to paper and turned it over. You
to explain the saying, Yisroel, make sure the pushkas are full, stand behind the Rebbe and the
even if he sins, is a Yisroel. especially the one on the stairs! Rebbe sees whats happening!
That within every Jew there is When a Chassid gets a phone At every farbrengen, when
a point of truth, a bit of Rebbe, call like that, for him its a cold we raised our cups of mashke,
and that part is always in a state shower, The Rebbe is looking at we would wait for the Rebbe
of perfection in every Jew. No me and at everything I do. to respond. The Rebbe did not
concealment can conceal that One of my relatives came to notice you time and again. The
part of a Jew. There can be Crown Heights and wanted to Rebbe would go down the row
something lacking in a certain see the Rebbe. This was a day you were in and ignore you.
limb or another, but the spark of when the Rebbe went to the Then, you made a good hachlata,
Rebbe within you, always remains Ohel. I told him that he cant see to add in the Rebbes shlichus,
whole. the Rebbe privately but then I in some inyan of the Rebbe, one
When the Rebbe looks at remembered that the Rebbe went of the Rebbes mivtzaim, and
a Chassid, something that we to the mikva on Union Street the Rebbe looked at you. Nearly
cannot see today, he changes first, and told him that when the everyone can attest to this.
his essence. The Rebbe is an Rebbe came out of the mikva he There needs to be the G-d
extension of the source of all life could speak to him. I stood with made me forget. Unfortunately,
and as such he infuses others him on Union Street and we we are deep in the darkness
with life, and when the Rebbe waited to see the Rebbe. of galus. We are in a time that
gazes at us he lifts us to new Obviously, I had no intention Moshiach is nigleh vchozer
heights. of showing my face to the Rebbe vnichseh (is revealed and is
There was someone in my and the minute I heard the door concealed again) which is the
community who had a health start to open, I disappeared. I numerical equivalent of Gimmel
problem. He asked someone who walked back a few houses from Tammuz. We need to remember
was going to pass by the Rebbe there and hid in the bushes. My and remind ourselves that the
on Sunday to ask the Rebbe relative stood there, focused on Rebbe is with us, chai vkayam.
for a bracha for him. There is the Rebbe, and did not notice
a significant time difference that I was gone.
between New York and Sydney
He asked the Rebbe for a
and so it happened that this man bracha and then wanted to say A Jew by the name of David
received a phone call from his something about me. He turned Klinghoffer, not a Lubavitcher,
friend at two in the morning. around while pointing at where I had a blog. He wrote (years ago)
He was woken up and his friend had been standing thirty seconds that he remembered Gimmel
said, The Rebbe said you need earlier, but I wasnt there. The Tammuz 5754. He was on
to check the pushkas in your Rebbe looked a few houses down, vacation with a friend and in the
house, including the pushka in in the direction of the bushes, middle of the night, that Motzaei
the stairwell and make sure they and motioned with his finger that Shabbos, We were both sticking
are full. And use your full Jewish I should come. What choice did our heads out of a skylight to
name. I have? When the Rebbe calls for catch the sound of the surf
The man was shocked. He you, you go. The Rebbe gave me and the smell of the wind. Very

Issue 1073 7

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strangely, we both suddenly had boruch Hashem, there is plenty We need the true and
a feeling of being spooked. Did of gashmius, more than ever. complete Geula. Gimmel
you ever have an experience like Spiritually, new sfarim have been Tammuz is the day that we are
that? It was a strong intuition of printed, shluchim are working, fully aware of Menashe, and it is
loss that we mutually confirmed and there are more shluchim than specifically because the Rebbe is
before we knew anything about ever before. But at the same time, chai vkayam that there needs to
what might have called it up. there is a situation of crushing be a far greater cry, how can we
Returning to Manhattan on that has no parallel. The plaint be in this situation in which we
Monday morning, they heard the of the Jews exists more than cant see it?
news. ever, that we are still stuck in the On the other hand, we know
The Magen Avrohom writes darkness of galus. that despite the concealment, the
that some fast on the Friday of The Midrash says regarding Rebbe is here, the Rebbe is chai
the week of Parshas Chukas, the period of concealment of vkayam, and he is about to take
because on this day dozens of Moshiach, Whoever believes us out of galus.
wagons full of (handwritten) him, eats burning coals and bitter

Today, Gimmel Tammuz, we need to strengthen THE FOUR PERIODS
On Gimmel Tammuz
the matter of the fifth for Pharaoh. We do not 5701/1941, the Rebbe Rayatz
want the four hands. We want the revelation of the said a sicha, that 14 years had
already passed since Gimmel
Rebbe in such a way that it wont be me or you who are Tammuz 5787/1927, we
saying shlita, but The New York Times writing shlita and completed the era of yad
hagedola (the great hand
the whole world saying shlita. yad numerically equivalent to
14) and now the period of yad
hachazaka (the strong hand)
sfarim were burned in France. roots. Back then, about 2000 has begun.
The Magen Avrohom asks why years ago, Chazal described our On 10 Shvat 5724, 14 years
the fast was established on a situation today there will be a after the histalkus in 5710, the
particular day of the week and situation in which you will eat Rebbe repeated the point. The
not, as is common, on the day of ridiculous things, and they will Rebbe said that 14 years had
the month when this occurred. relate to you as if you are crazy. passed since 10 Shvat, 14 years
He says, Because through a Yes, certainly the Rebbe is chai of the yad hagedola, and now
dream-question they found out vkayam and he will be revealed we are entering an era of yad
that it was the connection of the in full force, but where? Who? hachazaka. The Rebbe spoke
day to the parsha that caused What? Why? How? When? then in terms of the nesius of
the decree, as in the Targum on The following story illustrates the Rebbe Rayatz, but we as
Zos Chukas HaTorah is this is what an abnormal situation we Chassidim extrapolate from it
the gzeira (decree) of (upon) are in (if anybody needs such regarding the Rebbes nesius.
the Torah. That means that the illustrations). A Chassid came In Chassidus it explains that
decree was connected specifically here with his young son. The boy there are three categories of
with Parshas Chukas and not said to his father, I want to see yad-hand: yad hagedola, yad
with the calendar date. the Rebbe. Thats a legitimate hachazaka, and yad harama
On Motzaei Shabbos Parshas request, our desire is to see (the upraised hand). In fact,
Korach, Sunday of Parshas our king! And the rule is that in the nesius of the Rebbe we
Chukas 5754, began a situation nothing stands before the will. see three distinct periods; from
of the decree of the Torah, His father said that when 5710-5724 yad hagedola, from
as the Targum there says. On Moshiach comes very soon we 5724-5738 yad hachazaka,
the one hand, it is indeed a will see the Rebbe. Later, when from 5738-5752 yad harama.
decree upon the Torah, a they saw a video of the Rebbe, In retrospect, we know that the
situation of crushing as the the boy asked his father, Is this culmination of each 14-year
Rebbe explains in the maamer. when Moshiach came? period was associated with a
On the other hand, materially, health-related event. We dont

8 29 Sivan 5777

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know much about the event of
5724, but the events of 5738 and
5752 are well-known.
In the first period, yad
hagedola, the attribute of
chesed/kindness, the Rebbe is
like a father and shows his love
to the Tmimim and Anash.
In the second period, yad
hachazaka, the Rebbe begins
to send shluchim to every place
in the world. And in the third
period, yad harama, the Rebbe is
revealed in a way of being raised
up, so that in every corner of the
world people know and are aware
of the Rebbe.
A certain wise person
pointed out to me that in a few
places in Chassidus it mentions
a fourth level, zeroa netuya
(outstretched arm). This explains
the verse, and the four hands
shall be for you, and the fifth for
Pharaoh. After going through
the four periods corresponding history? That Chassidim should need to strengthen the matter
to the four hands, we reach the continue to gather together to of the fifth for Pharaoh. We
ultimate level of the fifth for celebrate 28 Sivan, the day of the do not want the four hands. We
Pharaoh. Rebbe being saved, and organize want the revelation of the Rebbe
We say in the prayers of a thanksgiving meal for Rosh in such a way that it wont be
Yom Kippur, You give a hand Chodesh Kislev in honor of the me or you who are saying shlita,
to the rebellious ones and Your Rebbe, as if nothing happened? but The New York Times writing
right arm is extended to receive From where do we have the shlita and the whole world saying
penitents. There is the yad of strength for such things? It shlita.
the Rebbe in its three incarnations is clear that it is coming to us All of your days to include
up to 5752, and from 5752 and from the outstretched arm of the (bring to) the days of Moshiach.
on it is the zeroa netuya, your Rebbe! This is our entire life, this is our
right arm is extended. The arm However, these four hands entire existence. The very essence
is extended to the lowest of the shall be for you, but that is not of our lives and existence is the
low. The arm is with us and gives what we want. That is still galus. Rebbe, Moshiach, which are one
us special strength and fortitude What comes next is the fifth for and the same. We want the Rebbe
to traverse the concealment and Pharaoh, with the intent being to reveal the fifth hand, and today
obfuscation in such a horrific Pharaoh of holiness. Moshiach on the holiday of redemption,
situation, and the Rebbe lifts us takes the hand of each and every we want to hear a talk from the
up to the highest of the high. person and pulls him into a state Rebbe that will demonstrate
The arm in the human body is of Geula. to the whole world that this
higher than the hand, and now Gimmel Tammuz is the day is a holiday of redemption,
we see the outstretched arm of that we need to strengthen our a redemption that never was
the Rebbe more than ever before. focus on the fifth for Pharaoh. before, that we should already see
What does Gimmel Tammuz The Rebbe wants the True and the Rebbe come and redeem us!
5754 say to us? The Rebbe is Complete Redemption, and Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu
with us just as before. Whoever nothing less will suffice. VRabbeinu Melech HaMoshiach
heard of such a thing in Jewish Today, Gimmel Tammuz, we Lolam Vaed!

Issue 1073 9

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When you connect to the Rebbe, to whom are you
connecting? Not to the Rebbes lomdus, not to the Rebbes
geonus, not to the Rebbes tzidkus, and not to the Rebbes
ruach hakodesh, but to a Nasi Yisroel. * A fascinating
conversation with Rabbi Leibel Groner, the Rebbes personal
secretary and director of Kupas Rabbeinu, covering a range
of topics including how to maintain our hiskashrus in the here
and now, and the need for a personal reckoning in preparation
for Gimmel Tammuz.

By Avrohom Rainitz
Photos by Yisroel Navon

n the days leading up to Gimmel chassanim before the wedding. Outside the
Tammuz, with 770 bustling and door wait other chassanim, who use the time
booming with the sound of hundreds to recite Thillim.
of Tmimim learning diligently, I went R Groner, who began assisting the
upstairs to Rabbi Leibel Groners small office Rebbe when he was yet a bachur, became
near Gan Eden HaTachton. You can still hear the Rebbes secretary from the beginning
the cacophony of the learning in 770 through of the Rebbes nesius. In recent years, he
the walls, but the office itself is quiet. In a travels to Lubavitch communities around
nearby cubicle stands an emotional chassan, the world and encourages and inspires
a few days before his wedding, davening Anash to strengthen their commitment to
from the Siddur which the Rebbe gives to the Rebbes takanos, especially spreading

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Issue 1073 11

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the Besuras HaGeula, and the recent years as the Rebbe himself he intercedes with Hashem on
belief that hinei, zeh Moshiach said in 5711, that when we are behalf of that Jew
ba. He shares amazing stories in a darkened and redoubled We need to think about this.
that he witnessed himself or darkness of the final galus, it When we connect to the Rebbe,
heard from the people they is even more vital to have a to whom are we connecting?
happened to. He includes a special hiskashrus to the Rebbe, Not to the Rebbes lomdus, not
lesson with every story about tzaddik yesod olam, which is to the Rebbes geonus, not to the
strengthening hiskashrus to the a special conferring of strength Rebbes tzidkus, and not to the
Rebbe. to always be connected, without Rebbes ruach hakodesh as the
Even while carrying out this being fazed by the changes of Rebbe writes in his famous letter
interview with him, he took time and circumstance, Shabbos of 3 Tammuz 5710: Many seek
every opportunity to teach the or weekday, day or night, the to explain the great qualities of
younger generation to connect darkness of galus, etc. the Chabad leaders in general
to the Rebbe by carrying out his and Nasi Doreinu, the Rebbe,

my father-in-law, in particular,
R Dovid thought perhaps he had taken too in various ways; a person of
mesirus nefesh, a gaon, a baal
much, but the owner urged him to fill his truck middos, a tzaddik, someone with
with more. When he arrived at his own textile factory ruach hakodesh, accustomed to
miracles etc. and in all this,
and unloaded the rolls, he discovered to his astonishment the main thing is missing.
that only the outer layers had been burned and the rest In this amazing letter, the
Rebbe provides us with a little
was usable. He was able to sell the material and he made
understanding of what the main
a profit of $90,000. idea of a Rebbe is, to whom we
are connecting, that in addition
to this, which is actually the main
thing, and is especially important
because it is the most relevant,
instructions. To one chassan he BEFORE SPEAKING ABOUT and especially to us, the flock of
told the Rebbes horaa about HOW TO CONNECT, WE Chassidim and his mekusharim.
shmira before the wedding, to And this is, that he is the Nasi
another chassan he mentioned NEED TO KNOW TO WHOM
and a Nasi Chabad. Because a
the Rebbes horaos about wearing WE ARE CONNECTING Nasi in general is called the Rosh
a gartel in the days before the There was once a Chassid Alfei Yisroel, he is the head and
wedding. who went to the Rogatchover brain relative to them, and from
Gaon and asked him what he him derives their nourishment
SPECIFICALLY NOW WE thought of the Rebbe Rashab. and life force. By cleaving to him,
MUST CONNECT TO THE The Rogatchover answered that they are bound up and unified
in order to make an assessment, with their root-source up Above.
REBBE you need to know two things, The Rebbe goes on to write:
It is over two decades since the assessor and the one being Each one of us needs to know,
Gimmel Tammuz 5754, and assessed. A Rebbe is beyond i.e., to deepen his consciousness
although we dont see the us. We have no way of knowing and implant his thought in this,
Rebbe, with every passing day and understanding what a Rebbe that he is the Nasi and head, and
our longing for our king grows. is. So, how can I assess him? from him and through him come
Along with that, the need to But I can tell you something I all the material and spiritual
strengthen our hiskashrus do know the Rebbe does not bounty, and by connecting to him
grows too. lie down at night (note, he did (and he already said in his letters
R Groner: True. Throughout not say sleep but lie down) how to connect) one is connected
the years it was necessary to until he scans the entire world. in the source and the source
strengthen ones hiskashrus to When he sees a Jew who needs a of the source up to higher and
the Rebbe; all the more so in bracha, he will not lie down until higher etc.

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The youth as well as
young men, and even ziknei
hachassidim sit at farbrengens
and seek every opportunity
and means to strengthen their
hiskashrus to the Rebbe Melech
HaMoshiach. The question
is, what else can be done to
strengthen our hiskashrus?
R Groner: By the elder
Chassidim there was a saying that
the bond between Chassid and
Rebbe is like the bond between a
husband and wife which can be
accomplished in three ways: kesef who arent aware of the need to Rebbe Rayatz. What can you tell
giving money for Maamad; contribute to Maamad and Kupas us about the giving of Maamad
shtar learning his teachings and Rabbeinu. at that time?
carrying out his instructions, as
I was visited by a young man R Groner: When I was a
well as writing a pidyon nefesh for
and I asked him about Keren bachur, all the Tmimim knew
the Rebbe; and beeah going to
HaShana. He didnt know what that one of the ways of hiskashrus
the Rebbe.
it was. I was taken aback. The is through giving money for
I dont know why, but in Rebbe talks about it every year Maamad. There was a bachur
recent years there is a weakening in the sichos of Simchas Torah in yeshiva in charge of Maamad
of the first way. Many Chassidim, but this young man, who is and every Erev Rosh Chodesh
especially the young ones, are considered Chassidish, never he would make a list with the
unaware of the form of hiskashrus heard of it! names of the Tmimim and the
through giving Maamad money amounts they gave, and give it
This needs fixing. The
to the Rebbe. Likewise, many to the Rebbe Rayatz. There were
mashpiim in the yeshivos need to
do not know about the Rebbes young men who gave money
know that the young generation
takana about Keren HaShana every Friday and those who gave
does not know of the possibility of
and unfortunately there are once a year.
connecting to the Rebbe another
Chassidim today who never took
way, through giving Maamad After the Rebbe accepted
this path of hiskashrus by giving
money, which the Rebbe Rayatz the nesius, he hardly mentioned
of their money to the Rebbe.
called the yesod of hiskashrus. In giving Maamad in his sichos and
You might be surprised to a letter of 5688/1928 he wrote, letters, but in the Rebbe Rayatzs
hear this, but by the girls there In truth, this inner matter is time, the Rebbe himself agitated
is more awareness of this. the foundation of hiskashrus of about it a great deal. From when
From Rosh HaShana until after Anash, and therefore, each of the he arrived in the United States,
Simchas Torah many girls come mekusharim needs to know his the Rebbe was appointed in
to this office and give money obligation in paying the monthly charge of Maamad.
for Keren HaShana. Apparently, Maamad. They say that when the Rebbe
their mashpios talk to them about
farbrenged with Anash in Paris
it. From Yeshivas Hadar HaTorah
THE REBBE URGES THE in 1947, he urged them about
too, Erev Rosh Chodesh they
CHASSIDIM TO GIVE Maamad. As the Rebbe wrote to
come with Maamad money. Its
R Nissan Nemanov:
the Tmimim, those who are MAAMAD MONEY
supposed to be in the forefront I said here at a farbrengen
You merited to be present with Anash and the Tmimim
of all aspects of hiskashrus,
also during the nesius of the

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that hiskashrus needs to be with that everything that also has a times that the Rebbe did not want
all possible powers. Chabad physical hold, is lasting. It is to say an amount. For example,
Chassidim, as their name known that this is also one of I was once standing next to the
indicates, should connect with the reasons that prophets would Rebbe on Simchas Torah before
Chabad, i.e., by learning the sometimes preface their prophecy they began selling the psukim,
maamarim of the Rebbe since with some physical act as is when one of the Chassidim went
the intention of the one saying the explained in several places in the over to the Rebbe and asked how
maamarim is drawing chochma- Latter Prophets. much to give for a pasuk.
bina-daas into the middos and I remember an amazing story The Rebbe said: Decide on
changing the middos thereby. that I heard from R Yaakov Katz, your own. My conceptions are
This requires hiskashrus by an American who became close completely different conceptions.
going in his ways and according to the Rebbe Rayatz during the I dont know whether you will be
to his directives in character latters first visit to the United able to handle it better not to
development, thought, speech States, that in approximately the ask. There were Chassidim who
and action. year 5701, when he had yechidus, on Simchas Torah announced
But all this pertains the Rebbe Rayatz asked him to that they would give what the
touches upon an individual give a very large sum of money Rebbe said, but after Yom Tov,
power or powers, at least in for the Rebbes inyanim. It was when they came to ask how
the revealed soul powers, and an enormous amount. He did not much the Rebbe wanted them to
if so, since there still remains a have it and he did not know what give, the Rebbe said they should
doubt as to which way they are to do. decide on their own.
leading him, this places doubt as He consulted with the Rebbes Sometimes there were
to where he is connected in his son-in-law, who had come to directives issued with an arousal
innermost being and essence. the U.S. a short while before, from above. For example, on
The advice for this is only and after the Rebbe explained Yud-Tes Kislev 5718, when the
through nifneh (transposed letter the importance of the matter, he Rebbe unexpectedly held an
code for Maamad), and based on borrowed the money from friends appeal to build a new section
what is explained in Tanya, ch. and gave it all to the Rebbe. From in Kfar Chabad, he asked the
34, 37, Igeres HaKodesh ch. 4 then on, his business took off and Chassidim to donate large
and elsewhere. was miraculously successful. He amounts and to give the money
All of the above is even said that when there is emuna that night or the next day.
in years when everything was and bitachon in what the Rebbe Afterward, the Rebbe said:
running properly. All the more said, it is possible to be endlessly In general, my system is that I
so nowadays, when hiskashrus successful. I once heard this story dont mix in to say my opinion
through Chabad, Chagas, Nahim, from the Rebbe at a farbrengen about how much each one should
suffers due to the exigencies of but the Rebbe did not mention give. I take what is given and one
the times, spatial distance, and the name of the Chassid it of the two; either I am satisfied or
interruption of the connection happened to. not, and I keep my dissatisfaction
even in writing for many years, to myself. But since this is
that hiskashrus through nifneh CHASSIDIM WHO GAVE something completely out of the
needs to be with great measure BEYOND THEIR MEANS, ordinary, I will also not do the
and greater force. usual, and if I see that someone
EXPERIENCED OPEN is giving too little, I will remove
In other letters from that
period, you can see how the MIRACLES the veil of shame and order him
Rebbe demands that Chassidim You said the Rebbe told him with the power of the matters
send Maamad money to the what amount to give. Do you for which the money is needed,
Rebbe Rayatz. For example, remember similar stories? to increase as I see fit I am
in a letter to a Chassid, the confident that Hashem will keep
R Groner: When they sold
Rebbe writes, Surely you do His word. He said, aser bishvil
the psukim of Ata Horeisa,
and work in your travels also in shetisasher (tithe so that you
there were Chassidim who
the matter of nifneh, that aside should become wealthy), and
decided to give what the Rebbe
from this being your shlichus, He said, bchanuni na bzos
told them to give, and the Rebbe
it is known and visibly apparent (test me please in this),
agreed to this. But there were

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R Sholom Mendel Simpson R Leibel Groner

vharikosi lachem bracha ad bli the original amount was, but got a phone call from a friend
dai (and I will pour upon you afterward, R Dovid told me in Boston who told him about
blessing with no end). Especially that the original amount was a fabric factory that had gone
when speaking about the tzdaka $15,000, a huge sum in those up in flames and the owner said
for Eretz Yisroel, which takes days, the cost of a home. It was that whoever wanted to, could
precedence over tzdaka for the beyond his financial means, but take rolls of fabric for free. R
diaspora, as the Alter Rebbe the Rebbe asked him to double it! Dovid went there with his truck
explains in Igeres Hakodesh, R Dovid did not think twice and loaded ten rolls. The owner
so as it pertains to this tzdaka about it. In the morning, he showed up and asked him how
there is also the halachic ruling of rushed to the bank and asked many rolls he was taking. R
our Rebbeim. And if it seems to for a loan of $30,000. The Dovid thought perhaps he had
someone that he was told to give bank manager did not agree to taken too much, but the owner
an amount that is beyond him, approve such a large loan without urged him to fill his truck with
the meaning in it is for him to get a collateral, and R Dovid did not more. When he arrived at his
at least four times as much from hesitate to sign to mortgaging his own textile factory and unloaded
Hashem, so if he adds another house. But his house was worth the rolls, he discovered to his
$1000, Hashem will give him only $16,000 so he also had to astonishment that only the outer
another $4000! mortgage his business, and only layers had been burned and the
Those present at the then did he get a bank check for rest was usable and could be
farbrengen wrote down what $30,000. He happily went off to sold. He also discovered that
they would give on a paper the office and asked me to give these were particularly expensive
and the Rebbe reviewed the the check to the Rebbe before materials. He was able to sell the
papers. When he came to Dovid sunset so as to fulfill the Rebbes material and he made a profit of
Deitschs paper, the Rebbe said: request that donations arrive the $90,000.
Dovid Deitsch, twice as much. day after the farbrengen. He quickly repaid his loan
The Rebbe did not say what A short while later, R Dovid to the bank, and with the rest of

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the money, $60,000, he wrote of what he gave the previous Mentlick and they spoke about it
a check and asked for yechidus year. However, a few days before at farbrengens. Aside from them,
with the Rebbe. He gave the Sukkos he signed on a huge deal, there were shadarim, the shluchei
Rebbe the check and said it was and the deposit that he received drabbanan, who traveled
for the Rebbe, since the entire was $20,000, exactly double from place to place to collect
business deal was done with and double again of what he Maamad money from Chassidim.
the Rebbes bracha. The Rebbe donated the previous year. [What Examples of shadarim are R
accepted the check and asked: actually happened is that he came Shmuel Dovid Raitchik in
This is mine? for Simchas Torah to the Rebbe, the U.S., R Zev Menachem
When he was told yes, the and he bought the second verse Greenglass in Canada, and R
Rebbe said: Take the check and for whatever price the Rebbe Bentzion Shemtov in England. R
put it into your account and may would say. To his surprise, when Shlomo Chaim Kesselman was
Hashem grant you success. he went into yechidus to find out also in charge of Maamad for a
Since then, R Dovid became the amount that he should give, while.
a very successful businessman the Rebbe instructed him only to Back in the time of the Rebbe
and quite wealthy. give $126. The Rebbe explained Rayatz, these Chassidim merited
that he was exact in his wording to receive letters from the Rebbe
A similar story happened
the previous year, when he did [then known as the Ramash]
with R Gimpel Orimland, who
not say that he should give keifel on the topic, which spoke about
became close to the Rebbe after
kiflayim, only that he should be the importance of the matter
experiencing a huge miracle with
able to give. For whatever reason, and contained some amazing
the Rebbe restoring his son to
the Rebbe decided that he should ideas, and they conveyed these
give only $126, and as far as the deep messages over the years. In
One year, he was at the rest he should give to whatever one letter to R Greenglass the
Rebbe for Shabbos BReishis tzdaka he wants]. Rebbe writes that he should be
when the gabbaim of 770 sell the
However, these stories are careful in his work for Merkos
mitzvos, and he offered a bid
outside the norm. Generally, the LInyanei Chinuch and his work
of a thousand dollars. The Rebbe
Rebbe did not get involved with for Machne Israel, that it should
turned to him and said, From
determining donation amounts, not be at the expense of his work
you I dont want to accept...
and he did not even ask to be for Maamad.
Afterward, the Rebbe added, informed how much came in and In a letter to R Bentzion
You need to give five thousand how much each person gave. Shemtov, the Rebbe guides him
dollars. When he expressed his In some of the appeals that the not to limit Maamad to Chabad
agreement, the Rebbe asked him Rebbe held at farbrengens, the Chassidim, because the Rebbe
if he was giving it with joy and a Rebbe emphasized that people belongs to all Jews. On the other
glad heart. When he answered in could write the amount on hand, he wasnt to speak about it
the affirmative, the Rebbe blessed one note, and their name and with everyone. He was to avoid
him that the next year he should mothers name on a separate those who would later boast of
be able to give keifel kiflayim note, so that when he reads the providing for the Rebbe.
(double and double again)! name at the tziyun, he would not The Rebbe wrote to R Nissen
The truth is that he had no see the amount given. Nemanov about correcting the
way of coming up with five
situation in France, where the
thousand dollars, but when he
HOW TO ENTER Rebbe said that it appeared that
came home and told his wife
THE REBBES ARK Maamad was not enough of a
what he had committed to, she
priority. In that letter as well
took out her jewelry and told THROUGH MAAMAD
the Rebbe mentioned including
him, Go pawn these and hurry If the Rebbe did not point others outside of Chabad.
up and bring the money to the out to Chassidim the need for
Rebbe. Twice a year a special melava
giving Maamad, who did? malka was held in my parents
When the following Elul came R Groner: A few of the home to collect Maamad money,
around, he didnt even have the people in charge of Maamad in the course of which the elder
money to buy a plane ticket. He in New York were R Moshe Chassidim would talk about
could not understand how he was Pinchas Katz and R Mordechai the importance of Maamad.
supposed to give keifel kiflayim

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They spoke about the difference movement. When Chassidim
between supporting Tomchei submitted a pidyon nefesh
Tmimim and Maamad, that to their Rebbe, they included
the Rebbe Rayatz once said: money, dmei pidyon nefesh.
Maamad is the head, and It is important to note that in
Tomchei Tmimim is the heart. connection with this I heard
The order is, first the head and several times from the Rebbe,
then the heart. that when it is not possible to give
Although fifty or so years have the money to the Rebbe, it can
passed since then, I remember be given to one of the Rebbes
what my wifes uncle, R Moshe mosdos and it is considered as
Leib Rodstein, said. He was first though the money reached the
the Rebbe Rayatzs secretary and Rebbe.
then the Rebbes secretary. He The minhag of Maamad was
said that in the tfillos of Rosh established by the Alter Rebbe
HaShana we say the verse, and in the time of Rabbi Menachem
G-d remembered Noach and all Mendel of Vitebsk. When the
the wild and domestic animals latter traveled to Eretz Yisroel
in the ark. He explained, when with a large group of Jews in
Hashem remembers Noach, He 5537, they ran into financial
naturally remembers everything What is the difference difficulties. The Alter Rebbe, who
else that was together with him between these four options? had begun leading the Chassidim
in the ark. So too, when Hashem in Russia, came to their aid, and
remembers the Rebbe, and this this is how Maamad started.
R Groner: The practice of
happens at every moment, He The general meaning is giving
including a sum of money with
also remembers everyone in the money to the Rebbe to maintain
a pidyon nefesh is called dmei
ark with the Rebbe. That means, his household.
pidyon nefesh. This is the oldest
when you are in the ark, thats Along with two other great
custom going back to the days of
good. The big question is, how disciples of the Maggid, Maamad
Moshe Rabbeinu. When asked
do you get into Noachs ark? was established by their enacting
for his bracha or for a bracha
One way of entering the ark is by that a pushka be placed in every
from Aharon, they would include
giving Maamad money. home to which every family
a sum of money as a kofer nefesh
I was a young man at the (soul ransom). The source for should contribute regularly. At
time but I still remember how he this custom is Ramban on the first, the enactment was to set
repeated this emotionally: How Torah who writes, For one who aside money for Maamad before
do you get into the Rebbes ark? came before the father of the every holiday, but then the
Through Maamad! prophets and his brother the holy enactment was established for
one of Hashem, and he became every week.
MAAMAD, KEREN known to them by name, this Chassidim continued to give
HASHANA, MAGBIS, would be for him a merit and life, Maamad for the Rebbe. Every
for he has been included in the person should send his Maamad
AND MONEY FOR nation and inscribed among the money and I am confident
PIDYONEI NEFESH Bnei Yisroel before Moshe and in the power of hiskashrus,
On R Groners desk is a small Aharon, for they will look upon wrote the Mitteler Rebbe to the
booklet that was published by them favorably and ask for mercy Chassidim.
Kupas Rabbeinu in Eretz Yisroel. on their behalf, Hashem, G-d of The Tzemach Tzedek urged
It shows how you can be partners your fathers should increase you Chassidim to continue following
with the Rebbes activities a thousand-fold and not diminish the takana of the Mitteler Rebbe,
every month, whether through your numbers, and the shkalim and the main thing is to set up
Maamad, Keren HaShana, atone for your souls. closed pushkas and to gather
appeals made on special days This custom was established in increments every week, at
in the calendar, and money for and became more strengthened least once a month, and the
pidyonei nefesh. upon the launch of the Chassidic shortfall from the amount that

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was fixed should be met by each Rabbeinu. This was for certain and so, ultimately, every donation
one monthly, so that it wont be special matters. Over the years, will reach its proper destination.
difficult for them at the end of the Rebbe added additional The Rebbe emphasized that when
the year. appeals on special days in the giving to this fund, it is possible
The Rebbe Maharash, calendar, such as an appeal for to make up for the past days.
although he conducted himself the Reshet Oholei Yosef Yitzchok The Kupas Keren HaShana
with extravagant wealth, also said at the 12 Tammuz farbrengen; an was started in 5714 and as the
that Maamad is more precious appeal for Keren Torah on Yud Rebbe said to do, R Chadakov
than all preciousness. Another Shvat, and more appeals were wrote a check twice a day, before
time, he said that although he added until in recent years, the Shacharis and before Mincha,
earned thousands a year in the Rebbe made an appeal on every on behalf of all the donors, for
stock market, the pleasure in special date, 26 over the course tzdaka purposes. On Fridays,
bread from heaven is Maamad of a year. the amount on the check was
money. And finally, there is the doubled, so it was for Shabbos
In one of his letters, the practice of donating to Keren too.
Rebbe explains Maamad in a HaShana. This is the only one Today too, based on
simple yet amazing way, so that established by the Rebbe, which instructions we received from the
it can be explained to people is why it is particularly beloved, Rebbe, we write two checks daily,
who are not Chabad Chassidim. for Chassidim have a special and together with R Sholom
When people are unable to take fondness for what our Rebbe Mendel Simpson, one of the
part in the Rebbe [Rayatzs] holy established and revealed. Rebbes secretaries and the one
work, which is really every Jews The first time the Rebbe appointed by the Rebbe to run
obligation, by giving Maamad, spoke about Keren HaShana was Merkos LInyanei Chinuch, and
1) this burden is removed (the Shabbos BReishis 5714. The responsible, with me, for Kupas
burden of financial expenses) Rebbe explained that in order Rabbeinu, we sign the checks.
so that it does not interfere with to draw the hamshachos of the Of course, we always bear in
the work, and most importantly, month of Tishrei to the rest of mind that this fund is under the
2) you take some part in his holy the year, tzdaka had to be given Rebbes nesius, and we try to do
work. Because of this the giving every day. Since we dont always what he would want.
needs to be done in an entirely remember to give tzdaka every
different manner and different day, the Rebbe founded Keren SUPPORTING THE
amounts. HaShana to which you donate in
amounts that correspond to the
Over the years, the Rebbe
gave part of the Maamad money number of days in the year, and AND THOUSANDS OF
to his mosdos and in accordance the Rebbe would take tzdaka out LUBAVITCHER FAMILIES
with that allocation, we continue of this fund every day to accrue
As we spoke, a bell rang in R
to give the money that comes in to the merit of all the donors.
Groners office. Half a minute
for Maamad to the Rebbes work As the Rebbe put it, Since this later, a down-and-out individual
and mosdos. year is a leap year, and it has 383 appeared in the office, who
When Chassidim continue to days, I suggest that everybody wanted help from R Groner.
give Maamad, even after Gimmel give this amount, 383 as half After R Groner gave him money
Tammuz, even though they do a cent, a cent, a nickel, a dime, from the fund, he sighed and
not see the Rebbe, it expresses $1, $100, $1800 (obviously, in said that in recent years, many
our hiskashrus to the Rebbe, every country the amount should of Anash come looking for
that there are no changes! As the be according to the countrys help from the fund. R Sholom
Rebbe notes in a letter mentioned currency). This will be a channel Mendel Simpson together with
before, this enables us to take for good hamshachos materially R Groner check out the families
part in his holy work. and spiritually, throughout the and according to instructions
The practice of magbis year. Those who want to rely on they received over the years from
(collection) began in the era me, can give this tzdaka at my the Rebbe, they give tzdaka
of the Rebbe Rashab when discretion, to the general fund money to them.
on Purim they would have an that I maintain, from which
The public has no idea
appeal for a special fund, Kupas money goes to tzdaka every day
how many Lubavitcher families

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are literally hungry. The fund think about our connection with
provides support to hundreds of the Rebbe.
shluchim too, including many One of the things that can
that if not for the funds support awaken feelings of hiskashrus
would have nothing to eat. For is thinking about how the
Pesach, for example, we provided Rebbe sees and knows what is
tzdaka funds to hundreds of happening with us. The Rebbe
families. Im not talking about knows what we are doing, what
$100, but several hundreds, we are saying, and even what we
and in more serious cases, even are thinking.
more than $1000 to families of I will tell you a story that
shluchim. happened many years ago.
In conversations we have Shortly before Shavuos, I got a
with other chesed activists who phone call from someone who
know the families, they say that A note in the Rebbes handwriting said he was a Litvishe young
if not for the check from Kupas about the importance of Maamad
man. He asked to be part of
[referred to as nifneh]
Rabbeinu, those shluchim would the special yechidus for guests
not have the means to make Yom that was held after Yom Tov, in
Tov. order to consult with the Rebbe
How did the economic regarding his daughter. I asked
downturn in the United States him where he would be staying
affect the fund? for Yom Tov and he said with a
R Groner sighed again. In friend in Manhattan.
recent years, donations have I explained to him that this
gone down and requests have yechidus was meant exclusively
gone up At the peak of the for guests who stayed in Crown
economic crisis, there were some Heights for Yom Tov. Since he
particularly difficult weeks. Two wouldnt be here, he would have
people who used to give $40,000 A letter from 5739 which calls
to put his name down for the
a year told us they could not give upon people to participate in Keren regular schedule of yechidus. The
this amount. There was a Chassid HaShana that the Rebbe founded, man pleaded to let him into this
who donated $5000 every year and explains its importance. yechidus saying that his daughter
and two years ago he stopped. had a serious problem and he
He came to me before Pesach the beginning of the following borrowed money and flew in
and sadly said that he himself year I can give the money to the special from Eretz Yisroel just for
needed help from the fund. Rebbes fund. this yechidus.
But there are rays of I finally agreed to put him
light even within the difficult into the line on condition that he
circumstances. There are people
A PRIVILEGE AND did not stay in the Rebbes room
who arent Lubavitch, but who EMPOWERMENT, AND A for more than five minutes. At
understand the importance of BIG RESPONSIBILITY first he said he could not possibly
donating to the Rebbes fund. What message do you have squeeze everything he wanted to
One of them looks like a hippie for Anash? say into five minutes, but when
but every year he comes to the he realized that it was his choice,
R Groner: We spoke about
office between Rosh HaShana either five minutes or not to go in
the need to connect to the Rebbe
and Yom Kippur and makes a at all, he accepted the condition.
in all possible ways, whether
donation of $3850 if its a year Before he went in for
through Maamad money, Keren
with 385 days, and so on. He did yechidus, he wanted to show me
HaShana, by learning his Torah,
not learn in Tomchei Tmimim the small note on which he wrote
and doing his horaos. Of course,
but as he puts it, A fund that his questions in order to show
traveling to the Rebbe and writing
the Rebbe established takes that he did not plan on staying
panim and duchos. But in order
priority for me. Every day, I set longer than he was supposed to
for the hiskashrus to be with
aside a sum of money so that at in the Rebbes room. I told him
a pnimius, we need to always

Issue 1073 19

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The public has no idea how many Lubavitcher and action, is in consonance with
the Rebbes wishes, for the Rebbe
families are literally hungry. The fund provides sees and knows everything.
support to hundreds of shluchim too, including many that As we are approaching
Gimmel Tammuz, each of
if not for the funds support would have nothing to eat.
us needs to make a spiritual
accounting about where we
stand in our hiskashrus to the
he did not have to show me his made fun of the Rebbe and
Rebbe. Its the time to strengthen
questions and the main thing was thought, maybe theyre right
ourselves in all of the Rebbes
for him to try to get out quickly But then I realized that the Rebbe
enactments, including taking
for the sake of the Chassidim was answering the first question
part in the Rebbes work through
who were waiting on line. written on the paper I had left in
Maamad and Keren HaShana.
He ended up spending 15 Manhattan!
As the Alter Rebbe says in
minutes in the Rebbes room. After answering that
Tanya, when a person gives
When he came out, he apologized question, he went on to the
tzdaka, he elevates all his soul
for the delay and said in second question which was also
powers, since he worked with all
amazement that if he hadnt seen not written on the paper I had
his powers to earn that money,
the Rebbes ruach hakodesh with handed him. For the first seven
and he could have bought his life
his own eyes, he could not have minutes of the yechidus, the
needs with that money. The same
believed it. Men and bachurim Rebbe answered ten questions
is true when a Chassid gives of
surrounded him and he excitedly that I had left in Manhattan.
his money to Maamad, Keren
told the following: Only then did the Rebbe begin
HaShana and the like, he thereby
After you told me that my answering the questions on the
connects all his soul powers with
time is limited to five minutes, I paper I handed him.
the Rebbe.
sat with my friend in Manhattan The Rebbe doesnt need us
May the results of this
and winnowed down my list of to tell him what we are doing.
discussion be to connect more to
questions for the Rebbe. From He thinks of us and knows all.
the Rebbe and do what the Rebbe
15 questions I only copied down This ought to strengthen each
wants of us. That we know how
the five most important questions one of us in terms of how much
to use all the powers the Rebbe
and I left the complete list in we need to connect ourselves to
gives us in order to strengthen
Manhattan. the Rebbe. It is a big privilege to
ourselves, and to ignite the
When I entered the have the Rebbe constantly with
neshama of every Jew so that
yechidus, I handed the paper us and protecting us. This should
not one Jew remains without a
with five questions to the Rebbe strengthen us because surely the
connection to Torah and mitzvos
who began reading it and Rebbe gives us the ability to be as
and Hashem, and do activities
responding. I expected the Rebbe we should.
that reach everywhere and every
to answer my questions, but On the other hand, we need Jew.
the Rebbe started talking about to know that along with the
All of this will hasten the
other things. At first I did not privilege and strength, we have
revelation of Moshiach and we
understand what was going on. I a big responsibility. Each of us
will merit to see the Rebbe and he
was reminded of my friends from needs to ask ourselves whether
will redeem us.
the Litvishe yeshiva who always our behavior in thought, speech

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Rabbi Jacob Schwei

By Rabbi Gershon Avtzon
an incident he experienced, and
concluded: For helping someone
Dear Reader shyichyeh, that letter, the Frierdike Rebbe in his livelihood, even to earn just
This Shabbos Parshas Korach explains that obviously the whole 70 kopeks (a small, low-value
is Rosh Chodesh Tammuz, world received the Torah; rather Russian coin) on a calf, all the
the Shabbos before Gimmel the meaning is that the revealed gates to the Heavenly Chambers
Tammuz. The words Gimmel effect of the giving of the Torah are open for him.
Tammuz bring out different was not felt there as strongly as
Years later my grandfather
emotions in many people, yet I in the places near Eretz Yisroel.
told this to my father and added:
feel that there is something that In the middle of the letter One should really know the route
we all should be asking ourselves: the Frierdike Rebbe writes: The to the Heavenly Chambers, but
how can we bring about the Tzemach Tzedek notes in one actually it is not crucial. You only
Hisgalus of the Rebbe? of his discourses: On Tuesday need the main thing to help
I would like to share with of Parshas Balak 5562 (1802) another wholeheartedly, with
you some thoughts that I had, our master, of blessed memory, sensitivity, to take pleasure in
based on the HaYom Yom of 28 said to his sons as follows: To doing a kindness to another.
Sivan, the day that the Rebbe and understand the problem posed
What was the incident he
Rebbetzin miraculously came by the astronomers, that since
experienced from which this
safely to America from war-torn the earth is round and spherical
lesson was learned? The Frierdike
Europe in the year 5701. like an apple, why do not those
Rebbe told the following story
By way of introduction, it is people fall who live on the side
(Igros Kodesh Volume 4 page
interesting to point out something of the globe opposite to ours,
fascinating. The HaYom Yom down below, in America... Their
answer is not the true one... Our The Tzemach Tzedek had
of 14 Tammuz explains why returned to Lubavitch from a
the people in America, who are master, of blessed memory, said
that the answer lies in explanation journey, during which he had
under Russia, are not falling experienced several visions of the
off the earth. While looking of the Eitz Chayim, that the Nine
Spheres are nurtured by that Alter Rebbe. He was expecting
up the historical background of a similar vision upon his return,
that HaYom Yom, I discovered state termed igulim, circles, and
in a circle there is no above or and had prepared a number of
the quote which is the basis for questions to ask the Alter Rebbe
its message. It is from a letter below. For this reason those who
live opposite us, down below, when the latter appeared.
that the Frierdike Rebbe wrote
have their heavens high above Several days passed, and
to our Rebbe (Igros Kodesh,
them arching in one continuity the vision did not come. Heavy-
Volume 2 page 491). Our Rebbe
with the heaven above us, and the hearted, the Tzemach Tzedek
had asked the Frierdike Rebbe
earth there is below, relative to examined his conduct to discern
to explain to him a saying that
the heavens over it. in which areas he needed to
he heard in the name of the
The Tzemach Tzedek once repent. One day, as he was going
Alter Rebbe, that In America,
told his son, my grandfather, to shul for the morning prayers,
there was no Mattan Torah. In
R. Mordechai Eliyahu, one of the

Issue 1073 21

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simple local villagers, approached Ahavas Yisroel brings brachos live its seventy or eighty years
him and requested a loan of three to the individual, as evident just in order to do a favor for a
rubbles in order to buy some from the HaYom Yom of 27 fellow Jew in material matters,
merchandise to sell and cover his Cheshvan: R. Aizik Homelier and how much more so, in
Shabbos expenses. related: When I came to Liozna spiritual matters. (5 Iyar)
The Tzemach Tzedek of I met elder Chassidim who had 4) The Alter Rebbe taught
course agreed to grant the loan been Chassidim of the Maggid that the mitzvah of Ahavas
and asked R. Pinchas to meet him and of R. Menachem Mendel of Yisroel, loving a fellow Jew,
at home after his prayers. But as Horodok. They used to say: Have applies to every member of the
he put his tallis on his shoulder affection for a fellow-Jew and Jewish people, even if one has
in the midst of his preparations Gd will have affection for you. never seen him. How much more
for prayer, he thought of R. Do a kindness for a fellow-Jew does it apply to a member of the
Mordechai Eliyahu and realized: and Gd will do a kindness for Jewish neighborhood in which
Today is market day, and the you. Befriend a fellow-Jew and one lives, to every man or woman
transactions are conducted early. Gd will befriend you. who is a member of ones own
The sooner he has the money in Ahavas Yisroel is also the gate community. (3 Adar 1)
hand, the better. (See HaYom to our individual avoda, as the 5) My revered father, the
Yom 6 Tammuz: The spiritual Alter Rebbe writes in his Siddur: Rebbe [Rashab], once said: It
influence evoked by the mitzvos It is proper to say before prayer: is a wondrous trait, when Gd
is drawn down by means of the I hereby take upon myself to grants a person a warm sensitivity
transcendent light generated fulfill the mitzva of Love your and a pleasurable satisfaction in
by the mitzvos themselves. For fellow man as yourself. This doing a fellow Jew a favor to
example, the mitzvah of tzdaka means that the precept of Ahavas the point that he cherishes him
is a comprehensive mitzvah, as is Yisroel is the entry-gate through more than he cherishes himself. A
evidenced by the fact that all the which man can pass to stand person can find many reasons to
mitzvos are called tzdaka. For before Gd to daven. In the merit explain why he himself deserves
this reason, it is most appropriate of that love the worshippers [to be challenged by] difficulties,
to contribute a coin for charity prayer is accepted. ( HaYom whereas such assumptions about
before performing any mitzvah, Yom 2 Tammuz) someone else are unthinkable.
for it draws the transcendent But most importantly, true (6 Adar 1)
light (makif) into the light that Ahavas Yisroel is needed to bring Ahavas Yisroel is the key to
can be internalized (pnimi). Still, about the Hisgalus of the Rebbe the Geula and this must become
this transcendent light is close, and Bias HaMoshiach. our priority.
whereas the Torah is a distant The following are a few We will conclude with the
transcendent light, whose effects quotes from Seifer HaYom Yom words of the Rebbe (Matos-
are more elevated.) about Ahavas Yisroel: Massei 5751): The connection
He put down the tallis, went 1) My revered grandfather, between Ahavas Yisroel and
home, took the money, and the Rebbe [Maharash], once said: the future Redemption can be
headed for the marketplace to Of what good is the study of emphasized yet again, not only
find R. Mordechai Eliyahu and Chassidus and the fear of Heaven because the negation of exile
give him the loan. That done, if the main thing a love of comes through the negation
he returned to shul and went to ones fellow Jew is lacking? of the cause of exile (which
wash his hands in preparation And all the more so, if one person comes through the opposite
for prayer. At that moment, the pains another! (8 av) of Ahavas Yisroel). For in our
Alter Rebbe appeared to him situation, after the completion
2) The Mitteler Rebbe
with a glowing countenance and of our actions and Divine
quoted the Alter Rebbe: Ahavas
resolved all the questions that the service throughout the time of
Yisroel must consume a person
Tzemach Tzedek had prepared. exile, and after the completion
entirely. (18 av)
It is very clear from this of all forty two journey in the
3) The Alter Rebbe received
HaYom Yom and the story behind wilderness of the nations,
the following teaching from the
it that if we want to merit the [when] we find ourselves already
saintly R. Mordechai, who heard
Hisgalus of the Rebbe, we must by the Yarden near Yericho (the
it from the Baal Shem Tov: A soul
add in our Ahavas Yisroel. stage of Moshiach who smells
can descend into This World and

22 29 Sivan 5777

1073_bm_eng.indd 22 2017-06-20 12:48:33 PM

and judges), on the threshold of the soul) that is in all Jews
of Redemption, certainly the equally. For this is a spark of the
reason for exile has already soul of Moshiach, the general
been corrected. Therefore, the yechida.
emphasis on Ahavas Yisroel Rabbi Avtzon is the Rosh
anticipates the beginning of the Yeshiva of Yeshivas Lubavitch
true and complete Redemption, Cincinnati and a well sought after
which is connected with the point speaker and lecturer. Recordings
of unity above any division. This of his in-depth shiurim on
emphasis on the unity of the Inyanei Geula uMoshiach can
Jewish people is a result of the be accessed at http://www.
aspect of yechida (the fifth level ylcrecording.com


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Issue 1073 23

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24 29 Sivan 5777

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Originally from a Chassidic family in Bratislava, the young boy found
himself in a Lithuanian yeshiva in England, and from there he went to the
Chabad yeshiva in Montreal. * The directives and instructions he received
from the Rebbe in his work of editing the Shulchan Aruch and translating
the Siddur, and the open miracles during the process of translating the
Machzor for Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur. The Rebbe told his mother
how special her son is, even more than she knows... * Part 2 of 2.

By Rabbi Sholom Yaakov Chazan and Avrohom Rainitz

Photos by Shmuel Amit

TO WORK FOR THE REBBE After the Rebbe told me, in a you to choose, either Shulchan
letter, to look into shidduchim, Aruch or Likkutei Torah. In
Even before you married, it happened that within a short the Alter Rebbes Shulchan
you worked for the Rebbe in period of time I had seven good Aruch there are many errors
preparing sources and notes suggestions and I didnt know and it needs to be edited well,
on the Shulchan Aruch HaRav. what to do. My father was not and mainly, many sources are
Over the years, you published alive and my mother lived in missing. I suggest that you edit
sources for several parts of Eretz Yisroel, so I had no one the Shulchan Aruch and add the
Shulchan Aruch. How did this to handle my shidduchim and to sources. Similar work is needed
begin? make inquiries. I wrote down all for Likkutei Torah, there are
While still a bachur in the suggestions and when I had many errors and many sources
Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in yechidus I submitted them to the are missing.
Montreal, every year I would get Rebbe. I asked which name to I remembered that a few years
a shana tova letter from the consider first. earlier the Rebbe told me to learn
Rebbe. Before the signature the The Rebbe took his pencil the weekly Likkutei Torah in
Rebbe would add some personal and made an X next to all seven depth, not the way women read
words. In 5718 or 5719, the suggestions, one after the other. Tzena Urena or Thillim, but in
Rebbe wrote me that the time had This is not for you, he said. depth. The Rebbe said just one
come to look into shidduchim. thing wasnt necessary when
Then the Rebbe said, Nissan,
Until then I hadnt thought of I have a suggestion for you. it said ayein bZohar and the
shidduchim, as I wanted to get like, I did not have to open the
I was sure he meant a
smicha first, but when I asked the source, but the rest needed to
shidduch idea but then the Rebbe
Rebbe whether to start learning be understood well. The Rebbe
said, I want you to work for me.
for smicha, the Rebbe said: First added: You need to learn it five
There is a lot of work that needs
you need to know 300 dafim of times every week and this is in
to be done at Merkos and I want
Gemara by heart. addition to the yeshiva schedule.

Issue 1073 25

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It wasnt easy. Every night times that the Rebbe emphasized GUIDANCE FROM ABOVE
I would sit and learn Likkutei this; once, before I got married,
Did you receive instructions
Torah from 10 at night until 4 and several years later when I
from the Rebbe relating to
in the morning. I remember that asked the Rebbe what I should do
providing the sources?
the week of Parshas VaEschanan and the Rebbe said, work for me!
I had yechidus. That week the There were quite a few
After our first son, Eliezer,
Likkutei Torah is especially long, instructions and one of them was
was born, I wanted to go and visit
about twenty pages. The Rebbe that the Rebbe instructed me to
my mother. The Rebbe gave his
asked me: Nu, how is it going? use the Alter Rebbes approach
bracha for the trip. Shortly before
I said it was very, very hard. The when it came to sources. When
the trip, urban flight became a
Rebbe smiled but did not give me the Alter Rebbe found a source
major issue and within a few
a pass... in a latter-day posek, he did not
weeks, about 15 Jewish families
refer to earlier sources. So too,
While learning intensively, I left the building we lived in
when I referenced the Shulchan
discovered that there are many (corner of Kingston and Carroll).
Aruch or the Shach or the Taz, I
difficult issues in Tanya that One morning, when I left the
did not reference sources in the
are explained in maamarim in building, I was shocked to see
Rosh or Rambam. When the last

source appeared in the Rishonim,
I treated the translation work as holy work. If
I did not reference the source in
there was a day that I could not immerse in a the Gemara.
mikva, I did not work on the translation that day. Over the years, I heard the
Rebbe say amazing things about
the Alter Rebbes Shulchan
Likkutei Torah. I wrote these that the new tenants had removed Aruch. One was when the
down and when R Greenglass the mezuza from the front door Rebbe defined the difference
discovered my writing, he sent it of the building. It became scary between the Shulchan Aruch of
to the Rebbe. to live in the building. the Mechaber and the Shulchan
Aruch HaRav, saying it was like
In any case, when the Rebbe We were going to travel at
the difference between a small
presented me with the choice, the beginning of the week and I
luminary and a big luminary!
whether to work on Likkutei asked R Chadakov to let me in
Torah or Shulchan Aruch, I told for yechidus before the trip. He The Rebbe once said that
the Rebbe that I had already asked the Rebbe and unusually, really, the work in completing all
learned Likkutei Torah a bit, but the Rebbe agreed to see me on the sources could be finished in
I had not yet had the opportunity Friday afternoon, about an hour a year. I thought, only the Rebbe
to learn Shulchan Aruch in before Mincha. Before going to who sees all the halachic sources
depth, so I preferred to work yechidus, my wife, who was very in front of his eyes, and all the
on the Shulchan Aruch so I can nervous that during our absence textual nuances are open and
learn it in depth. for six weeks the new neighbors clear to him, only he could finish
would break into our apartment, this work in a year.
The Rebbe accepted my
decision and told me to send him asked me to ask the Rebbe for a I began editing part one of
what I worked on every week. bracha. Orach Chaim. Then I continued
Toward the end of the with Yoreh Deia and finally
When you say that the Rebbe
yechidus, I told the Rebbe about worked on Choshen Mishpat. In
asked you to work for him, you
the situation in our building and this segment there were entire
say it with a special emphasis
my wifes fears. The Rebbes face sections deleted by the censor
Indeed. It was an and I had to compare between
extraordinary privilege, first, turned very serious and he even
closed his eyes. Then he said: what appeared in the first edition
that the Rebbe himself chose and what was printed later with
me directly, and second, that Nissan, what do you have in the
house sfarim and your writings deletions. I was helped in this
the Rebbe emphasized that I am tremendously by my wife. She
working for him. (referring to the pages on which I
had written the edits on Shulchan would look into the first edition
Aside from the first time that of the Shulchan Aruch which
Aruch). The writings will be
the Rebbe asked me to work I got from the Rebbes library,
protection for your home.
for him, there were another two and I would read aloud from the

26 29 Sivan 5777

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Rabbi Nissan Mangel at his wedding, surrounded by T'mimim

printed edition. Whenever she The work in translating the siddurim, aside from this page
saw that something was left out, siddur took a very long time. for little children that was not
she alerted me and I wrote down While working on the siddur I taken from another siddur. The
the censored part and added it in got other jobs from the Rebbe so Rebbe himself prepared it.
the right place. I was unable to work exclusively It would seem that the Rebbe
Working for the Rebbe on the siddur. It took me two meant that when a child begins to
earned me a great privilege in years to complete. speak, you need to start teaching
that sometimes, when the Rebbe I submitted the completed him. What do you teach him? It
received a halachic question, work to the Rebbe so he could depends on the age and level of
he gave it over to me and asked review it and approve the understanding.
me to respond. After giving the translation and the introduction I What general instructions
Rebbe the answer and the Rebbe wrote. To my delight, the Rebbe did you receive for translating
looked it over, it was sent to the approved the entire translation the siddur?
questioner. except for one thing. At the First, in all translations, it is
One time, in yechidus, the beginning of the siddur, before accepted practice to translate
Rebbe asked me whether I had Modeh Ani, there is a page with Hashems name as G-d. But
already answered the halachic brachos for children. On the since we do not verbalize
question in a letter he had given top of the page it said, When a Hashems name as it is written,
me. I said that I had not received little child can speak, his father but say Ad-nai (and only think
any letter lately. teaches him ... Since it did not Havaya, as brought in Shulchan
The Rebbe was quite surprised say what the father teaches him, Aruch), I translated it as Lord,
and he called the secretary and I thought it meant what was which means adnus being a
told him to immediately give me written on the rest of the page, master. I made this decision
the letter so I could respond. which is why in my translation after consulting with R Zalman
I added in parentheses (as Shimon Dworkin.
What other sfarim did the
follows), meaning, the child
Rebbe tell you to edit? Once it was published, some
should be taught these tfillos.
One day, R Chadakov said people criticized this. I wondered
The Rebbe asked: When a whether I had done the right
they got inquiries from baalei
child starts to speak, can he be thing. I went to R Chadakov and
teshuva all over the world who
taught to say the entire Shma told him about it and he called
wanted to daven using a Chabad
Yisroel? the Rebbes room and said to the
siddur, but there was no English
translation. The Rebbe told him R Chadakov told me that Rebbe, Nissan Mangel is here
to tell me in the Rebbes name when they were going to print and he doesnt know whether
that I should begin translating the Thillas Hashem siddur, all he translated properly. Then I
the siddur. the pages were taken from other heard the Rebbe say to him, Tell

Issue 1073 27

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Every night I would learn Likkutei Torah from Rebbe came downstairs with the
siddur that I had given her and
10 at night until 4 in the morning. The Likkutei davened from it before the amud.
Torah for Parshas VaEschanan is especially long. The Then R Sholom Ber Gansbourg,
the personal aide, told me that
Rebbe asked me in yechidus that week: Nu, how is it this siddur was on the dresser
going? I said it was very, very hard. The Rebbe smiled in the Rebbetzins room and she
davened from it.
but did not give me a pass...
One of the most complicated
endeavors was translating the
Nissan Mangel to go back to his I saw a letter in which the Rebbe Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur
work and not confound himself. wrote to someone that on a day Machzorim. And it was done
that Tachanun is not said, the with astonishing speed. This is
When word got out that I was what happened:
working on a translation of the Ribbono shel olam is not said.
siddur, someone from Australia And yet, the HaYom Yom quotes I got an invitation to lecture
suggested that the translation be the Rebbe Rayatz as saying at Oxford University outside of
done line by line and not page that the Ribbono shel olam and London. Since I never traveled
by page, because this makes it LaMnatzeiach are not said on without the Rebbes bracha, I
clearer. Since I was familiar with Shabbos and holidays, but they wrote to the Rebbe about the
the Rebbes view I told him I should be said on other days invitation and only after receiving
did not even want to ask. But he when Tachanun is not said. his bracha did I confirm my
urged me and asked me to ask in I submitted copies of the two attendance.
his name. The Rebbe negated it letters and asked what I should The day before the flight, R
outright. write in the English siddur. The Yudel Krinsky told me that the
So too when they suggested Rebbe said to do as the Rebbe Rebbe wanted me to prioritize
that the siddur in lashon Rayatz said which is printed in a certain project and it had to
hakodesh be retyped so it would the HaYom Yom. be done quickly. I told him: the
be more clear, the Rebbe did not I treated the translation work Rebbe knows that I am flying
agree. The Rebbes view was that as holy work and if there was a tomorrow. So if it is something
when you retype something, you day that I could not immerse in that can be completed in a day,
fix old errors and introduce new a mikva, I did not work on the I can do it, but if it is more
ones. translation that day. From the complicated, I wont be able to
feedback I got, I saw the extent do it before the flight. Therefore,
The Rebbe was very particular Id rather you bring it to me on
that everything appear in its of the appreciation with which
my work was received. I once my return so it does not disturb
original format, without changes. me during my trip for which
I asked the Rebbe about the met a professor of languages
who told me that for many years the Rebbe gave me his bracha.
customs written before certain He told me it was a big project
paragraphs, which sometimes it was very hard for him to daven
because the English translations and we arranged to meet in two
include rulings from the Alter weeks.
Rebbes Siddur. Where we do were archaic and he felt he was
differently, there is an asterisk reading a foreign text and not as When I returned and saw
on the bottom of the page which standing before G-d and praying. the Rebbes instructions, I was
says what Chabad practice is. When he got the translated floored. The Rebbe said I should
I thought that when I translate Thillas Hashem siddur, he felt translate the Machzorim for
the instructions into English, I for the first time that he was Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur
should just write what Chabad speaking to G-d, as he put it. and asked that the machzor for
does. When I proposed this to When we first printed the Rosh HaShana be printed and
the Rebbe, he said no, and said: translated siddur, I had a few bound before Rosh HaShana,
What the Alter Rebbe wrote in copies bound in leather and and the machzor for Yom Kippur
the siddur cannot be changed. sent one of them as a gift to the be ready for Yom Kippur. This
If there is a change, it should be Rebbetzin. At the time, I got no was in Tammuz, which meant
noted on the bottom of page. feedback, but after her passing, I had less than three months to
on the last day of Shiva, the work on a project that generally
Regarding the bedtime Shma,

28 29 Sivan 5777

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In 5721, three years after I began mother walked back into the Rebbes
working for the Rebbe, I became room.
engaged to my wife Raizel, daughter A mother is still a mother, and
of R Leib Harlig. In honor of the as she had promised not to ask the
wedding, the Rebbe granted my Rebbe during the joint yechidus, she
mother permission to come to the kept her promise. But now, when the
United States. Interestingly, even joint yechidus had concluded, she
though my mother had managed to entered once again to the Rebbe, as
escape from behind the Iron Curtain if entering for a new yechidus, and
in 1952 and to immigrate to Eretz she asked the Rebbe that he officiate
Yisroel, the Rebbe did not permit me at our wedding.
to travel to visit her in Eretz Yisroel, The Rebbe said to her, I also
and did not even allow for her to want to very much, but how can
come to the United States to visit I make distinctions between the
me. Only one time, the Rebbe said bachurim?
that if I want to meet her, I could
And my mother, like a good
travel to London, and she should
Jewish mother who is sure that her
travel to London as well, and we
son is the most special, dug in her
would meet there. I have no idea
heels and said to the Rebbe, But
what the reason was.
such a special bachur...
As mentioned, my mother came
The Rebbe responded, I know,
for the wedding, and we prepared
I know more than you know, but
to go in for yechidus before the
how can I differentiate between the
wedding. During that year, the
Rebbe had stopped officiating
at weddings, and a number of Then the Rebbe added, Despite
bachurim had gotten married before the fact that I will not be there in
me without having the special merit body, in spirit and soul I will be at
accorded to those who got married the chuppa!
in the 50s. Upon hearing this, my mother
When my mother told me that was very satisfied, and she left the
she planned on asking the Rebbe yechidus room.
to officiate, I said to her that I was sure that the In the days when the Rebbe still officiated, the
Rebbe would refuse, and why cause the Rebbe any order was that when everybody was ready they would
unpleasantness? But being the good Jewish mother inform R Chadakov, and he would go in and inform
that she was, she insisted that I was a special bachur the Rebbe, and only then would the Rebbe come
and surely the Rebbe would agree. Since I did not out. Since the Rebbe said that he would attend with
wish to cause the Rebbe any unpleasantness, I told my his spirit and soul, I decided to give that tangible
mother that I would not go in with her to yechidus expression. I approached R Dovid Raskin, who
until she promised me that she would not ask this throughout the period of preparation for the wedding
of the Rebbe. Having no choice in the matter, she was like a father to me and handled everything that
promised. was needed, and I asked him:
We entered for a joint yechidus, together with the 1) That when everybody is ready, he should inform
kalla, and the Rebbe spoke to my mother at length R Chadakov that the chuppa was about to begin and,
and showered many blessings on us. At the end of the 2) I wanted that the letter of the Rebbe should be read
yechidus, when the Rebbe inclined his head as a sign under the chuppa. Until that point, there was no such
that the yechidus had ended, we all walked backwards custom, and as far as I know, ever since my chuppa it
toward the door, facing the Rebbe, as is the custom. became established custom to read the Rebbes letter
And then, at the last moment, when we were all under the chuppa.
outside the door and the yechidus was concluded, my

Issue 1073 29

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would take more than a year! letter was mistakenly transposed Chananya answered him, From
I wrote to the Rebbe that this alongside one of the words, the luz bone in the spine. This
was impossible, but the Rebbe which caused a serious distortion is a small bone in the spine that
responded: now, nothing is in the meaning of the word. always remains in existence,
impossible. This mistake was discovered which is a part of the body of the
With the Rebbes koach I immediately, and was obviously deceased, and from that Hashem
began working on it constantly, corrected in the later editions. will resurrect the body in Tchiyas
and it would not be a clich if I Aside from that, the translation HaMeisim.
said that I worked on it day and was perfect, as if it had been When the man asked how he
night. Even the translation of worked on for an entire year knew this, R Yehoshua responded
simple texts take time; all the and had gone through multiple that he should bring one and he
more so when they are texts of reviews and edits. would show him. He ground it
piyutim that you first need to with millstones but it would not
learn in order to understand SPIRITUAL RESURRECTION grind, he burned it with fire but it
what the words mean. At a later OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE would not burn, he put it in water
point, one of the Rebbes baalei but it did not dissolve, he put it
tefilla for many years told me We met with R Mangel a on an anvil and began to pound
that until he read my translation, number of times in conducting on it with a hammer. The anvil
there were many piyutim whose this fascinating interview. One split and the hammer cracked,
meaning he did not know. of the times was on a Motzaei but the luz was not diminished.
Shabbos, and R Mangel wished
To keep pace with the looming I was in the extermination
to conclude with a message
deadline, I got my wife involved camps, in Auschwitz and others,
connected to melave malka, the
in the work. I would translate and in which they burned millions of
meal of Dovid Malka Meshicha,
she would type it. I did not have Jews rl. There was a huge blast
and to the resurrection of the
time to review the work. As soon furnace there that was terrifying.
dead in the ultimate redemption:
as she finished typing, I gave the There were days in which they
pages to Empire Press (belonging On Motzaei Shabbos, there is burned twenty thousand Jews!
to R Hirschel Gansbourg and an obligation to eat melave malka. Even that awesome fire was
R Mordechai Chein) who had This meal is associated with the no match for the luz bone. I
three shifts of workers, 24 hours, days of Moshiach, as it is brought spoke after the war with one of
in order to keep up the pace the in sfarim that there is a certain the sonderkommando (Jewish
Rebbe wanted. bone in the body, which does prisoners forced by the Nazis to
not derive benefit from any other work with the corpses and the
Needless to say, the Rebbe
meals except this one. This bone furnaces), and he told me that in
got what he wanted. A few
is known as the luz, from which the ashes of every body there was
days before Rosh HaShana the
Hashem will resurrect the dead in always a tiny bone that did not
Machzorim for Rosh HaShana
the future time. burn!
came from the printer, bound
and ready, and a few days later, It is brought in Midrash, that At the time, when he told
the Yom Kippur Machzorim were Adarianus the bone grinder asked me this, I did not appreciate the
ready. Rebbi Yehoshua ben Chananya, significance of what he said.
From where will HaKadosh But after a number of years,
I have no doubt that the
Baruch Hu sprout the person when I learned this Midrash, I
success of the project was not
in the coming future? The understood that this was the luz
thanks to my kochos, but the
question being, if Hashem would bone, from which the millions of
koach of the Rebbe. A shocking
just create new people then they holy martyrs will be resurrected!
fact, which has no natural
would not be the same ones that
explanation, is that despite the Physical resurrection will only
died, while the term resurrection
speed with which we produced take place in the future, but the
of the dead would seem to imply
the Machzorim, and although spiritual resurrection of the Jewish
that the dead themselves come to
I did not have the time to edit people was begun by the Rebbe
life. If so, how is that possible, if
the translation even once, all from the day that he assumed
nothing remains of the original
the translations were accurate leadership, and he continues with
with no mistakes. There was one this until his complete revelation,
exception, in which a certain Rebbi Yehoshua ben immediately now!

30 29 Sivan 5777

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By Rabbi Heschel Greenberg

Because of Moshes frequent

WHAT DID THEY the Ten Commandments? Even meetings with their wives, the
troublemakers and rabble rousers husbands ire was aroused as well
must anchor their falsehoods with as their suspicion that something
Korachs rebellion began with his some modicum of rationality and untoward happened during these
gathering of 250 leaders and then believability for their complaints to meetings. If the husbands were truly
proclaiming before them to Moshe be considered legitimate. Who in his embroiled in domestic disputes, their
and Aaron: right mind could entertain the idea accusations against Moshe served
You have gone too far. All the that Moshe was guilty of adultery, a dual purpose; they denigrated
people in the community are holy, and with multitudes of women no Moshe, against whom the husbands
and G-d is within them. Why are less? harbored grudges based upon what
you setting yourselves above G-ds they considered to be his elitist
congregation? MOSHE THE JUDGE AND position, and it also embarrassed
Moshes immediate response is COUNSELOR their wives.
recorded thus: While this might be a good
The (19th century) work Nachlas
When Moshe heard this he fell explanation for the pretext of an
Yehoshua proposes a simple, but
on his face. accusation, it is simply incredible
seemingly inadequate, explanation:
Moshe was accustomed to that otherwise sane people would
Moshe was the chief justice of impute this degree of impropriety
rebellion. But this act of rebellion
the Sanhedrin. While his father-in- to Moshe. Moshe, after all, was the
floored him.
law Yisro counseled him to delegate quintessential G-dly man. He was
Rashi explains that this was the responsibility for the routine and
fourth major act of rebellion and the liberator of all Jews; he dwelt on
simple cases to other judges, Moshe Mount Sinai for three separate 40
thats why it affected Moshe so reserved judgment of the more
strongly. day periods of no eating or drinking;
complex cases for himself. Only he he gave us the Torah and he was also
However, the Aramaic Midrashic was qualified to judge them.
translation of the Torah, known the most humble and G-dly of all
Now, there were many women humans to have ever lived!
as Targum Yonasan, provides the who had issues with their husbands
following extraordinary commentary: We are therefore compelled to
and needed rabbinic counseling conclude that while there might
When Moshe heard how each and guidance. Because these were
of them accused their wives of have been some utterly debased
extremely private and sensitive individuals who could believe that
committing adultery with Moshe matters, many of the women felt
and wanted them to drink the bitter Moshe would sink so low, the larger
uncomfortable in bringing these number of his accusers were, in all
waters [that would miraculously matters to the attention of lower
determine if the woman was guilty] likelihood, referring to adultery in a
level judges. They would only trust figurative sense.
he fell to the ground. Moshe, the acknowledged man of
How in the world could G-d. Moreover, as G-ds chosen We also have to understand the
anyone in his right mind accuse messenger, they believed that he was connection between the accusation
Moshe of engaging in adultery; uniquely able to give them unbiased of adultery and Korachs statement
a capital violation and one of and unvarnished Divine guidance. that all Jews are equal and that
Moshe placed himself above
Issue 1073 31

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everyone else? That accusation is accused him of adultery: The relationship of Moshe, and
about Moshes supposed arrogance, Korach argued for the equality of by extension other great Jewish
whereas what floored Moshe was the the Jewish people when he declared, leaders throughout history, to
accusation of adultery. For the entire nation are all holy. the rest of the people is like the
Rashi explains that his argument relationship of the brain to the
SPIRITUAL ADULTERY was that all of the Jewish people body. No one will deny that the
heard the Almighty give the Torah at brain is head and shoulders (pun
Where do we find the concept of intended) above the rest of the body.
Mount Sinai. Hence, all of the Torah
adultery used metaphorically? Yet, its superiority is not because
is betrothed to every Jew.
The Talmud invokes adultery it is detached from the body but
This raises an immediate
when it discusses the law that one precisely because it is the life-force
question. How can the Torah be
may not teach Torah to a non-Jew. of the entire body. It guides and
betrothed to more than one person?
[It should be noted that there In Jewish law a woman who is controls every aspect of our lives.
are exceptions to this rule. First married to one man may not marry Its greatness lies in its connection
and foremost a prospective convert another without being released from to and unity with every cell of our
may study Torah to know what he her first marriage through divorce bodies.
or she will be required to observe or death. How then could more Similarly, Moshes greatness was
upon conversion. Second, a non- than one Jew study Torah if we that he was and is the ultimate unifier
Jew is actually required to study were to take the marriage metaphor of all the Jewish people because of
the laws pertaining to the Seven seriously? his unparalleled connection with
Noachide commandments that were them.
The answer was provided by
given to all of humanity. Indeed, If anyone could be accused of
none other than Korach himself.
the Talmud states that a non-Jew adultery it would be those people
All the Jews heard G-d speak to
who studies the parts of Torah that who severed themselves from Moshe
them and give them the Torah
deal with his laws is superior to the and subsequent authentic Jewish
simultaneously. All Jews therefore
High Priest entering into the Holy leaders. To be part of one cohesive
are part of one people. We are one
of Holies of the Holy Temple! Third, organism that is betrothed to the
unit and therefore one spouse, and
according to many opinions, the Torah, one must be connected to the
we are collectively married to the
restriction applies only to the Oral brain souls.
Torah. However, non-Jews may
learn the Written Torah, i.e., Biblical Aha, intimated Korach, if you,
scripture.] Moshe, consider yourself above and MOSHIACH UNITES AND
beyond the masses, and if everyone STRENGTHENS OUR
The Talmud bases this restriction
is not equal then either we are all
on a Biblical verse: The Torah MARRIAGE TO TORAH
committing adultery for having
was commanded to us by Moshe, Galus-exile refers, first and
taken the Torah to whom you were
as an inheritance to the assembly foremost, to the dispersion of the
betrothed or you are committing
of Jacob. Now, the word for Jewish people throughout the world.
adultery by way of your association
inheritance in Hebrew is morasha. However, the physical fragmentation
with Torah. And since we didnt
With a slight change of the vowels of the Jewish people is also a
place ourselves above you, then you
it can read, murasa, which means manifestation of the lack of cohesion
Moshe and Aaron have separated
betrothed or married. In other on the spiritual level.
yourselves from the community and
words, the Torah is not just a body
have no right to claim Torah for Because of the lack of unity
of knowledge given to the Jewish
yourselves; it is adultery! that characterizes our existence
people; it is their bride. And one
in Galus, our Torah learning is
may not take the bride of his fellow
CONNECTED TO THE also compromised. If one can
for himself. Hence teaching Torah to
commit adultery in a subtle form
those for whom it was not intended UNIFYING BRAIN by separating himself from the
is a subtle form of adultery.
How do we refute their claim? community or by not having a
The truth is that Korach was close connection to the Moshe of
ALL EQUAL OR ELSE correct in asserting that all Jews are the generation, then Galus is the
If we were to apply this logic equal for having heard G-d speak ultimate form of degradation. Even
to the way Korach and his cohorts to them at Mount Sinai. Yet, he was our Torah learning can be tainted
viewed Moshe one might suggest wrong to challenge Moshes and with adultery.
the following to explain why they Aarons unique status. Continued on page 33

32 29 Sivan 5777

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From Chapter Fifteen of Rabbi Shloma Majeskis Likkutei Mekoros,
Volume 2. (Underlined text is the compilers emphasis.)
Translated by Boruch Merkur

If a king arises from the House the masses, as it is said, And some stumbling block than Yeshuas
of Dovid, steeped in Torah study of the wise will stumble to clarify legacy? For all the prophets spoke
and engaged in Mitzvos, like Dovid some of them, and to select and of Moshiach as the redeemer and
his predecessor, in accordance to cleanseThey will stumble in the savior of the Jewish people, who
with both the Written Torah and calculations of the end, for they will gathers their exiles and strengthens
the Oral Torah, and he compels put their mind to refine them and their Mitzvos, whereas Yeshua
all the Jewish people to follow it, to resolve them to know them, but caused the Jewish people to be slain
and he strengthens its breeches they will err concerning themThey by the sword and their remnants
and wages the wars of G-d this will stumble in the calculations of dispersed and downcast, exchanging
person is presumed to be Moshiach. the end, for they will put their mind the Torah [for a foreign religion]
If he does so and succeeds, and if to refine them and to resolve them and to misguide most of the world
he builds the Mikdash in its place, to know them, but they will err to worship [as] a deity [one who is]
and gathers the exiles of the Jewish concerning themThey will stumble other than G-d.
people this man is certainly in the calculations of the end, for (Rambams Laws of Kings Ch. 11:4)
Moshiach. Moshiach will correct the they will put their mind to refine
entire world to serve G-d together them and to resolve them to know NOTES:
as one, as it is said, For then I shall them, but they will err concerning
transform the nations to [speak in] a them,** until the time of the keitz, *Here Rabbi Majeski, the compiler,
pure language so they may all call in for there is still the appointed time places added emphasis on the word
the name of G-d and worship Him (Daniel 11:35). killed.
of one accord (Tzfania 3:9). But Yeshua HaNotzri, who **They will stumble and err in their
If, however, he does not succeed conceived himself to be Moshiach predictions of the kitzim, the appointed
to this extent, or he is killed,* it is but was killed by the Beis Din, was time for the advent of Moshiach; they
self-evident that this is not the one foreseen by Daniel in prophecy, strive to refine and resolve them to know
whom Torah has promised. Rather, as it is said, and the sons of the them [i.e., to determine their dates],
he is like all the kings of the Davidic renegades of your people will exalt but they will err in their calculations.
dynasty who were whole and lawful themselves to bring about the Rashi.
but died. The Alm-ghty only brought vision*** but they will stumble ***of a new religion that contradicts
him to the fore in order to challenge (Daniel 11:14). Is there a greater G-ds Torah Rambam LaAm

Continued from page 32 under the banner of Moshiach our It may be suggested that when
Torah learning will be free of any of we bring unity to the Jewish people
One of Moshiachs roles is to
the Galus tainted subtleties. through unity in Torah study, our
bring perfection and integrity to
In preparation for this time, the unity then reciprocates and removes
Torah. In addition, Moshiach is the
Rebbe issued a directive to study the subtle stigma of adultery from
one who will gather all Jews from all
Maimonides Mishneh Torah, our Torah study.
parts of the world and bring them to
the Land of Israel. This will bring all whereby we learn the same thing The strongest form of Jewish
Jews together both geographically daily throughout the world. unity is achieved through Torah
and spiritually. These two functions This, the Rebbe stated, unites all unity. By removing separation from
are intertwined. When we are unified Jews through Torah. the community, we all become one
spouse to the Torah.
Issue 1073 33

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1073_bm_eng.indd 34 2017-06-20 12:48:43 PM


By Devorah Leah

a free hotel! poor guests was sitting on

Before Rabbi Yisroel Baal
The Besht and his wife the ground, reciting a moving
Shem Tov, known as the Besht,
Tikkun Chatzos. It was obvious
became known to the world as stayed for a few days and
that with every word, the
a tzaddik, he dug clay and sold when the rich man heard that
poor man was feeling the pain
it for a living. He had a wagon they had an old and weak
of the Shchina and the Jewish
and an old, weak horse who horse, he told a servant to give
people in exile.
could barely drag the load. them a strong horse. The Besht
was amazed by the rich mans He saw something else that
At some point, the horse
generosity and stayed another made chills go down his spine.
could no longer pull the wagon.
few days. A tall man wrapped in white,
The Besht didnt know what to
One night, Boruch woke whose face shone with a light
do. Without a horse, he could
not of this world, was standing
no longer make a living. up in the middle of the night.
next to the poor man. The rich
He heard that in a certain He looked out the window
man fell in a faint.
village lived a very wealthy Jew toward his guesthouse and saw
a strange fire shining through The sound of his falling
named Boruch. Boruch was
one of the windows. A fire could be heard by the Besht,
very hospitable and one of his
broke out! he thought in who was the man inside, of
good practices was to exchange
alarm and he ran toward the course. He opened the door
poor peoples weak horses for
guesthouse to do something and revived his host until the
strong, young horses.
about it before it spread. color came back to his pale
The Besht and his wife cheeks.
traveled to that village and But when he got closer, he
saw that it wasnt a fire at all Forgive me Rebbi for not
were welcomed with open
but a strange light emerging giving you the proper honor
arms by the rich man and
from one of the rooms. He ... Those were the first words
his household. The man had a
quietly held the doorknob and he said. I did not know that
guesthouse and every person
looked through the keyhole. you are a righteous and holy
passing through was allowed
The sight that met his eyes man.
to stay there for a week and
receive two meals a day. It was was captivating. One of the The Besht said firmly, I

Issue 1073 35

1073_bm_eng.indd 5 2017-06-20 12:48:21 PM

. "
, .
: '

" .' "
had Forthe

couple a son.

bris, the rich man
invited ,all
the poor people.in the

the hopes that the Besht would

Indeed , noticed
, the many guests, he

the R Boruch wante d
to rush over to him and honor
, but
him with being the
the Besht
hinted to him that
he shouldnt single him out for

special treatment.
was and
held the
The bris
" baby was named Aryeh Leib. R
handed the baby to the
poor people so they could bless
for thebaby
him. His goal
to reach
the Besht. ,
.. .. '. When the Besht held
. am an
the baby he said, I

ignora musand dont know how

to bless in Lashon HaKod esh,

but I remember the meaning of


the vAvr ohom zakein
Avi is father and zakein is

grandfather. The meanin
g of
this phrase is that.Avroho

Avinu became the grandf ather

. of all theJewish " people

throughout the generations. I

bless ,
baby that he merit to
" Israel
be a grandf
all was
to a
' just like Avrohom Avinu
grandf ofall
, laughe d at this
. The crowd
seemingly simplistic blessing
that of an appare nt ignora " mus.
,' request that you stop talking see him, you should know
like that and that you not tell he was the Maharal of
Prague They repeated
the ,
the l

from whom you descend. In interp retatio n
anyone what you saw. . that

me of Zeide
, In amore y tone he heaven they decreed that his nickna

the baby was given. And the
would descend to this
'... You


of your know

many soul
again .
enter your nickna
son ' me stuck. When people

because met R Boruch on the street,
deeds, in heaven d so
, they able to accom
he will be plish
they ,would

ask him, How is
great things.
to give you a son who will be a Zeide
'! your ' . doing?
big ' :"k. You
tzaddi must be,carefu was
l ,RBoruch . The
his bris mila, Even when he becam e
with his educat ion and the Besht said, At

s of his

tzaddik and
, holines name the child Aryeh Leib. I famous as a

rich wante
d to am sure I will yet see him for wonder-wor. ker who had many
The man
myself and bless him. harsh decrees against the Jews
know who the other man in annulled, they did not stop
the room was. The Besht said ***
calling him Zeide. He was the
to him, Since you were able to Indeed, a year later, the holy a,wv hzun
z"xShpole , wu | ~ | 74

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B"H. 29 Sivan 5777
23 june 2017 Number 1073
Price: $6.00 Part 2 of 4

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