Beis Moshiach #608
Beis Moshiach #608
Beis Moshiach #608
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Profile of Rabbi Chaim Ashkenazi | Menachem Ziegelboim EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:
M.M. Hendel
Boruch Merkur
Moshiach & Geula | Rabbi Shlomo Halpern HEBREW EDITOR:
Rabbi Sholom Yaakov Chazan
Likkutei Sichos Vol. 29, pg. 9-17
continues] ‘…in order that Aryei
should come in the astrological sign
Aryei and build Ariel.’ ‘Aryei should
come,’ refers to the Holy One Blessed
Be He, as is written of Him, ‘A lion
Translated by Boruch Merkur has roared. Who will not fear?’22 ‘In
the astrological sign Aryei’ [is
referred to in the verse], ‘I will turn
their mourning into joy.’23 “And build Ariel’ [referred to
in the verse], ‘G-d is the builder of Yerushalayim [i.e., the
Holy Temple in Yerushalayim]; He will gather the outcasts
of the Jewish people.’”24
All Torah matters are precise; certainly the Torah does
not contain anything that is frivolous, G-d forbid. Thus,
we must understand: What is being underscored by the
use of the term “aryei” (lion), both with regard to the
destruction of the Holy Temple (“Aryei arose in the
astrological sign Aryei and destroyed Ariel”) and to its
[re]construction (“in order that Aryei should come in the
astrological sign Aryei and build Ariel”)? The passage
could have simply read: “Nevuchadnetzar came in the
fifth month, etc., in order that the Holy One Blessed Be
He should come, etc., and build the Holy Temple.”
4. The explanation is that in this manner the Midrash
negates a general misunderstanding with regard to the
destruction of the Holy Temple, as follows.
It has been ruled as Torah law25 that “All those who
break vessels and tear clothing and demolish buildings,
etc., in a destructive manner transgress the prohibition
‘Do not destroy’ 26 [i.e., wastefully destroying property].”
Moreover, in addition to the prohibition “Do not
Birkas Kohanim (The Priestly Blessing) is a bracha Another answer to the question on how all Jews can
recited by the Kohanim as they stood on the platform in enter Kodesh HaKadashim (the Holy of Holies):
the Beis HaMikdash. Even today, the Kohanim There is an opinion that Jews will need to enter the
continue to bless the Jewish People with it, but with one Kodesh HaKadashim immediately, in order to bring the
difference. Holy Ark (with the Tablets, etc.) from the place where
Then, in the time of the Beis HaMikdash, the bracha it is hidden to its place in the Kodesh HaKadashim. For
was recited with G-d’s Ineffable Name, i.e., the this purpose, every single Jew can enter Kodesh
Kohanim pronounced G-d’s Name as it appears in the HaKadashim, and surely one can enter for the sake of
bracha in its complete form, “as I am written, so am I “repairing the House” when there is no alternative, even
called.” Today, however, the “Name of G-d” is in a situation of the opposite of purity, and not only “in
crates,” but even “through the
[usual] entrances.”
The gates of the Beis HaMikdash were (Shabbos Parshas Shoftim 5748; 15 B’Av
when the Third Beis HaMikdash will 4 MENACHEM AV: THE GATES OF THE
descend from Heaven, these gates will SUNKEN IN THE GROUND
Our Sages, of blessed memory,
be revealed and Melech HaMoshiach said on the pasuk (Eicha 2:9), “Her
will erect them in their place. gates are sunk into the ground,”
that the gates of the Beis
HaMikdash were sunken and
hidden in their place, and when the Third Beis
pronounced in the manner we have become accustomed HaMikdash will descend from Heaven, these gates will
to using. be revealed and Melech HaMoshiach will erect them in
In the time of the Redemption, the Kohanim will their place.
once again bless with G-d’s Ineffable Name, as is At first glance, what is the need to use the gates of
written (BaMidbar 6:22), “And they shall set My Name” the Beis HaMikdash that “sunk in the ground”? Just as
– they shall bless them with G-d’s Ineffable Name. the Beis HaMikdash will descend from Heaven, its
(Shabbos Parshas Naso 5751) gates can come down as well?
However, since G-d is the ultimate good (“and it is
2 MENACHEM AV: ALL JEWS IN THE HOLY OF HOLIES [A] the nature of the good to do good”), and since “An
There are those who ask how is it possible that at the individual prefers a portion of his own over nine
coming of Moshiach, all Jews will enter Kodesh belonging to his friend” (Bava Metzia 38a), therefore,
HaKadashim (the Holy of Holies), when the pasuk even in the Third Beis HaMikdash (which will descend
states explicitly, “With this shall Aharon enter the Holy, ready from Heaven), there will be the elevation of the
etc.” – specifically Aharon (and the Kohen Gadol in works of man (“a portion of his own”) through the
general), specifically on Yom Kippur, and specifically erection of the gates that sunk in the ground, by which
with the offering of special sacrifices? there will come the elevation of “a portion of his own”
Answer: According to several opinions, Aharon within the entire Beis HaMikdash, as the one who
HaKohen could enter the Kodesh HaKadashim anytime places the doors is considered as if he built it all.
he wished. Furthermore, since in the Future to Come, (Shabbos Parshas Truma 5744)
It says in holy s’farim that in the Unlike other topics, tznius is
not so clearly defined and there is
generation before Moshiach, tznius will more room for judgment and
personal opinion. How can we deal
be a great challenge. As we stand on the with this and how can we come up
with clear-cut rules?
threshold of the true and complete Rabbi Diskin: Remember, tznius
problems are the plague of our
Redemption, we see how tznius is a generation and all groups have to
contend with it. With us, every
major test in our times. * Chabad school has standards for tznius too,
and the standards generally cover
Chassidim, who spread the wellsprings most things. As soon as the school
establishes a standard, mothers and
and deal with all sorts of people, need to daughters have to sign to it and the
administration of the school has to
be extra careful in this area. We are role enforce it.
If we don’t stand behind our own
models for the entire world. * As the rules, we lose everything. It’s hard,
and we cannot explain all the rules to
summer begins, a time when the Rebbe the girls, but the moment a school
obligates the parents and sticks to
urged protecting and strengthening their guns, they will be successful.
Occasionally, new problems crop up
tznius, we present a noteworthy panel and we have to update the rules. We
also need to be aware about what
discussion with several Chabad people can take on and what will fail.
Regarding what is permissible
rabbanim, for the purpose of bringing and forbidden in women’s clothes,
there is a booklet put out by Rabbi
this urgent topic to the attention of Wosner which details precisely what
type of clothing is permissible and
parents and educators. what is not, along with illustrations.
I asked: Are you R’ Mendel? He said he There was silence for a few
seconds and then she asked again,
was and he asked: Are you the son of “Who is there?”
I repeated my answer, “One of
Avremel Zaltzman? I said that I was, us.”
I heard whispering and after a
and we both greeted one another. I few moments the door was opened.
couldn’t hold back my tears and I I entered but did not see anyone.
Then the woman asked me once
noticed that R’ Mendel’s eyes were also again for my name. “Zaltzman,” I
answered loudly, since I assumed
moist with tears. * Rabbi Hillel that the people in the house were in
a nearby room and could hear me. I
Zaltzman remembers the mashpia R’ loudly asked, “Is R’ Mendel Futerfas
Mendel Futerfas. * Part 2 A moment later, R’ Mendel came
out. Since the last time I saw him
[Continued from last week] lived, which wasn’t far from R’ was when I was very little, I did not
Mendel, and I went over there. After recognize him. I asked, “Are you R’
MEETING IN ascertaining that nobody was Mendel?” He said he was and he
CHERNOVITZ staking out the house, I knocked. asked, “Are you the son of Avremel
When I left Samarkand, I heard footsteps and then a Zaltzman?” I answered that I was,
although I had several things to take woman’s voice asking who was and then we greeted one another. I
care of, my thoughts were on my there. I answered in Yiddish, “One could not hold back my tears and I
future meeting with R’ Mendel. I of us.” noticed that R’ Mendel’s eyes also
arrived in Chernovitz on 16 Tamuz.
Taking the necessary precautions, I
searched for the street where R’ WHY WAS REB MENDEL IMPRESSED?
Mendel lived. I feared that the home During the time that R’ Mendel lived in Chernovitz, the Ribnitzer
of a former prisoner would be Rebbe lived there. Many people turned to this tzaddik for his brachos
under surveillance, so I passed it by but the Chabad Chassidim knew that although he was a great tzaddik,
a number of times until I was we have our own Rebbe.
certain there were no suspicious His mekuravim related in amazement to the Lubavitchers that the
people in the area. Ribnitzer fasted every day, immersed himself daily, and davened for
I knocked on the door but there hours. The Lubavitchers would listen but not be amazed.
was no response. One of the When R’ Mendel came to the city and they told him that the
neighbors heard me knock, came Ribnitzer Rebbe fasted every day, immersed daily, and davened for
out and asked me who I was hours, he was very impressed and said he wanted to meet him.
looking for. I answered: Comrade At first, R’ Mottel Kozliner did not understand why R’ Mendel was
Futerfas. He told me that Futerfas so impressed and only afterwards did he say: the reason none of us
was not at home and was probably were impressed was because none of us had tried to fast or to daven all
at the home of his friend, Moshe day, so we did not appreciate the greatness in this. R’ Mendel on the
Veshedsky since he spent a lot of other hand, knew what this was about and when he heard that there
time there. was a Jew who served Hashem in this way, he just had to meet him!
He described where R’ Moshe
By Rochel Shavi
“I’m sorry, it’s not the tooth. words, complete bitachon in incorrect and there is no basis
The reason it hurts is because Hashem. for your fears, and certainly it is
there is an inflammation under the “It’s nothing,” said the dentist nothing but the counsel of the
root of the tooth. See? You don’t in his most soothing manner. “You Inclination.
have to be a radiologist to see it. won’t feel a thing.” What inclination, Rebbe? I saw
It’s the black area above the white But the Chassidic woman the X-ray!
root.” sitting there just a moment ago With blessing for proper
“Aha, I see it. So what now?” had disappeared. There remained health and that you should know
“I’m going to refer you to an only trembling and dread. it (letter #1123).
oral surgeon. He needs to open it “Here’s the referral.” Heaven forbid. I did not mean
up and clean it out.” “Thank you, Dr. Lieberman.” to give rebuke but I am bothered
“Surgery?” Hashem, why me? I’ve already about your pain and anguish for
And there he was, my old told you, I can’t go through with reasons that have no basis and
acquaintance, gripping my heart this! surely also have no reality, and
with icy hands. Hello there Mr. *** as is known according to what is
Fear. I haven’t exactly missed When I wrote to the Rebbe, explained in Chassidus, the
you… Why Hashem? these are the answers I opened to: difference between the concept of
Yet, the core of all tests is: not I’ve already written you my tests and birurim (experiences
to be at all afraid. In other opinion, that your thinking is one can work through and refine).
By Menachem Ziegelboim
hopes that I can, with Hashem’s
help, help draw more people in,
and I’d like to do this as soon as
possible. It can be done through
shiurim at the shul; to see to it that
the farbrengens are interesting and
attract people; and through
mivtzaim that will create a
As a child, he watched the Chassidim connection between the people in
the shul and those living in the
in the Chabad shul in Tel Aviv, and area. Remember, the shul is in the
center of Tel Aviv, with everything
observed their davening, their avoda, that entails.
These activities, as well as the
and their farbrengens suffused with work being done in Tel Aviv by the
shluchim, will – with Hashem’s
old-time Chassidishkait. His help – be successful and the shul
grandfather was a rav, his father was a will bustle with life again.
The shul has a lot to offer.
rav, and he saw all this as he got up to Today too, there are special
Chassidic figures, like Rav Butman,
speak when he himself became rav a a Chassid who conveys a great deal
of Chassidic flavor, Rav Menachem
few months ago. * An interview with Lipsker, who remembers the
Chassidic glory of days gone by,
Rabbi Chaim Ashkenazi, rav of the Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Levin, who
Chabad community in Tel Aviv and a is chockfull of Chassidic stories
from the time he was the Rebbe’s
frequent contributor to Beis Moshiach. representative in Agudas
HaRabbanim in the US, Rav
* Part 2 of 2 Eliezer Reichman, a remnant of the
generation of genuine ovdim, and
Rav Boaz Segal and his wife, who
[Continued from last week] regular minyan for Mincha-Maariv
are full of Chassidic energy.
What’s happening these days every day. For a while now, we
The Rebbe’s way is not to wait
with the community? have had a shiur in D’var Malchus
for people to come to you, but to
First of all, we are trying to on Thursday night and this is
go out in the street with a lantern.
preserve what we have, but the goal followed by a shiur in Gemara. For
We plan on doing a series of
is to bring things back the way about three hours, people sit and
programs, like having Shabbos
used to be, to the glory days. learn with chayus. On Friday night
meals Friday nights for the
It’s the last two to three years there is a shiur in Likkutei Torah.
residents of the area, together with
that the shul has started bustling Lately, we’ve revived the shiur
Chabad Chassidim, to give them a
again, even on weekdays. R’ in Chassidus Shabbos morning, a
taste of the Chabad-Shabbos
Mendel Tzurkenik put in great shiur that weakened in recent years
effort and was able to reestablish a because people find it hard to come
There’s so much to
do in Tel Aviv, a
city with plenty of
people who are
seeking meaning
in life. If you put
in the work, you
can reach them.
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By Rabbi Shlomo Halpern
Translated By Michoel Leib Dobry
Despite the fact that it says that one: For some reason, the
instructions that he and Rabbi
Moshiach will come “b’hesech Wolpo received in connection with
the printing of the seifer Yechi
ha’daas,” at a moment of diversion, we HaMelech were simply ignored. I
have no cause to doubt the veracity
must be careful not to be diverted from of what he wrote, and thus it is not
Letter of approval from the Chabad Rabbinical Court and dozens of additional Chabad rabbanim on
the seifer Yechi HaMelech HaMoshiach, which explains that the Rebbe is Melech HaMoshiach
By Rabbi Simon Jacobson
Maybe now, 80 years later, the time has Six-Day War in 1967, the Rebbe,
delivered a historical talk that was as
come to appreciate the events of 1967 sweeping as it was fascinating,
identifying just such an event that
and 1927 which have so dramatically generated an historical shift; one that
would dramatically affect the future
shaped the world in which we live in course of the world in which we live.
I was a mere 9 year old at the
today. time, but reading his words today
sends a resonating shudder up your
80 summers ago, in 1927, a to know, eyes to see and ears to spine, striking you with a sudden
miraculous event occurred that was hear.” clarity – like a flashbulb going off in
mostly obscure at the time, its The Talmud derives from this a dark room – which illuminates the
implications invisible, but it set in verse that “until forty years a student events of the entire 20th century and
motion major breakthroughs that cannot fully understand the mind – beyond.
would transform the world. the essential intention – of his The defining event the Rebbe
40 years ago, in June 1967, master.” identified in 1967 was the liberation
another miraculous event transpired, Maybe now, 80 (40 x 2) years of his father-in-law, the Rebbe Yosef
one that had much more exposure, later, the time has come to Yitzchak from death and
but still has not been appreciated or appreciate the events of 1967 and imprisonment by the Soviet
lived up to its true potential. 1927 which have so dramatically authorities forty years earlier today,
40 years is a key milestone in shaped the world in which we live in in 1927. The day is known as Yud
human development; it marks a new today. Beis-Yud Gimmel (12-13) Tammuz,
level of understanding that is *** which ever since is celebrated as a
achieved. As the Bible tells us “festival of liberation.”
Rarely can we recognize a major
(Deuteronomy 29:1-3) that until the At first glance this liberation may
historical event at the moment it
fortieth year from the Egyptian not seem like a major event. One
takes place. The simple reason is
Exodus the people were unable to man saved amongst millions who
because while in midst of an
truly appreciate “all that G-d did in perished is hardly a great miracle.
experience we cannot see the forest
Egypt before your very eyes, to True, he was a leader, but when it
from the trees.
Pharaoh, to all his servants, and to comes to life and death every soul is
But with time and perspective we
all his land.” Though “your own eyes equally precious. The Rebbe’s
can begin to detect, in retrospect, the
saw the great miracles, signs and freedom seemingly pales in
forces that an event unleashes to
wonders, but until this day [40 years comparison to the events that would
shape the present and the future.
later], G-d did not give you a heart come – both the tragedy of six-
40 years ago today, following the
By Ben-Zion Sasson
2>JJRW #'1 + - 1 & ' ! & #'1 + - 1 & ' ! & 'PPRB
from opening up, but I feel there are wonder whether Jews live there. nearest hotel and try his luck. The
other areas where there is no He got off the train immediately mezuza on the doorpost was the first
Chabad House or any Jewish and began walking towards the sign that fortune was smiling upon
activities, and you are more needed buildings. At the entrance of the him.
there.” fancy neighborhood, he saw a bright Exhausted from his trek around
In response to his query as to sign in big letters: Brooklin, and the neighborhood, he approached
where, the answer was, “Ibica underneath in smaller letters, “Ibica the reception desk on his last legs.
Paulista.” Armed with a map of the Paulista.” Aha, he realized, this is the Without any preamble, he asked,
city, R’ Yaakov set out for the train place that R’ Gourarie was referring “Who is the owner here?” The
station and started out on a trip to a to. answer was, “Sonny Israel
borough of the city he was Wertzman.” He recognized the name
unfamiliar with. OPENING A SHUL from the community where he lived.
The ride was quite long, and the The reception clerks were surprised
R’ Yaakov immediately set out in
area didn’t look too appealing. For a to see him turn and walk off without
search of a suitable hall or hotel to
second, he had the thought that any further ado. One phone call
hold the first event of the Chabad
perhaps somebody was trying to later, and Mr. Wertzman donated
House of Brooklin, for the
send him as far away as possible, the main hall of the hotel for the
upcoming holiday of Purim. Queries
and he decided to head back. On the Purim party of Beis Chabad
at a number of halls indicated that
trip back, things started to look a bit Brooklin.
this was indeed a luxury area and
different. Only minutes after pulling The next step was to contact the
the prices were shockingly
out of the station, he noticed that on Jewish Federation of S. Paolo, in
exorbitant. When he began to
both sides of the street were tall order to get a list of all Jewish
despair, he decided to go into the
luxurious buildings. He began to residents in the area. He received a
The world of Lubavitch was saddened to hear about where he continued to study Torah. After Purim 1952 he
the passing of R’ Sholom Dovber Veshedsky of Crown arrived in New York and entered Tomchei T’mimim –
Heights on Rosh Chodesh Tamuz after a long illness, at 770.
the age of 72. When Oholei Torah was founded, R’ Sholom Dovber
R’ Sholom Dovber was born on was one of the first teachers. He
4 Cheshvan 5695/1935 in Gorky. wasn’t only a melamed but a
His father was R’ Moshe Veshedsky. mechanech, and he took a personal
In his youth he learned Torah at interest in his students.
home with mesirus nefesh and he In 5722 he married the daughter
never attended public school. At ten, of R’ Abba Pliskin.
he was sent to Tashkent, where he In 5726 R’ Sholom Dovber was
learned for a year in the school appointed mashpia in Yeshivas
founded by Anash in the middle of Hadar HaTorah for baalei t’shuva in
the war. Crown Heights. He devoted himself
When Anash began leaving to his students and guided them and
Russia in 1946, his parents could treated them as family members. In
not leave with everybody else, but addition to his work with them, his
they wanted to save their son from students ate at his home.
having to live in Russia so he could R’ Veshedsky was also the rav of
openly live a Chassidic life. They the Reinis Shul. He was devoted to
gave Sholom Dovber, who was all the Rebbe’s inyanim and at many
eleven, to the family of his brother- farbrengens with Anash and
in-law, R’ Meir Zarchi, who was leaving Russia. They T’mimim he would demand that they strengthen their
did so even though it meant he might never see his ways of Chassidus and their hiskashrus to the Rebbe.
parents again. This was a sacrifice on the part of the R’ Veshedsky is survived by his wife, children, and
parents and their son. grandchildren.
Sholom Dovber went with his relatives to various
refugee camps and for some years he was in Poking,
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