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SysDiag CPU Eng

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S7-300, S7-400 CPU Diagnostics generates de-

tailed information about the current operating

mode of the connected CPUs and presents it
online on an operator station.

The challenge
Operators in a control room have access to all status
information and parameters relevant to the pro-
cess to be controlled. Availability and stability are
as important as the ability to identify the controller
status. Until now, additional engineering tools have
been necessary for this purpose.

Our solution
We offer complete system diagnostics in the frame-
work of our SIMATIC Add-ons. The status of the
instrumentation and control equipment can now be
displayed directly in the SIMATIC PCS 7/WinCC based
control room. Your WinCC operator station can sup-
ply detailed information about the S7-300, S7-400
CPUs as soon as the diagnostic environment has been
Good reasons for S7-300, S7-400 CPU
No need for additional engineering tools
Engineering in a few easy steps
Simple change-tracking in the hardware
configuration online at any time in WinCC
Identification of the I&C status directly in the
control room
Central collection of diagnostics information
supplied by the I&C
Standardized presentation of information in a
familiar way to users and system administrators
Secured integrity of the runtime environment

System diagnostics CPU Diagnostics

Visualization and diagnostics for S7-300, S7-400 and S7-400H CPUs

Industrial Technologies

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This Add-on, consisting of SIMATIC and Six easy steps to reach your goal:
Windows components, can also be inte-
grated into any PCS 7 or STEP 7 project STEP 7 System requirements
at any time in the future. The visualiza-
Insert the diagnostics block in the Operating systems
tion component is excellently suited
S7 program The system diagnostics is released for
for use in a PCS 7 OS or WinCC environ-
ment although S7-300, S7-400 CPU Export the hardware configuration the following operating systems:
Diagnostics integrates just as smoothly (cfg-file) MS Windows 2000 Professional
into other applications. Transfer the block variables to WinCC SP4 MUI
No special engineering know-how is (AS-/OS transfer) MS Windows XP Professional SP2 MUI
needed, providing you are already famil- MS Windows 2003 Server SP1 MUI
iar with SIMATIC PCS 7 or STEP 7/ WinCC. WinCC
PCS 7 Users
Insert the diagnostic OCX in the WinCC
1. Operating system: same requirements
Everything you need to know picture
as for PCS 7
Your operator station provides you Connect the transferred block variables 2. Released for PCS 7 V6.x to V7.1.
with all essential information about the to the diagnostic OCX
STEP 7/WinCC Users
S7-300, S7-400 CPUs, including: Specify the path of the exported HW
The last 20 entries in a CPUs 1. Operating systems: same requirements
configuration (cfg-file)
diagnostics buffer as for WinCC/STEP 7
Once the diagnostic system has been 2. MS Internet Explorer V6.0 + SP1
RAM data configured, the engineering environment 3. From STEP 7 V5.3 + SP3, WinCC V6.0 +
MLFB number and firmware revision is no longer necessary. SP3 to V6.2.2 and Automation License
level Manager V2.0
Slot, MPI adress and CPU/H-CPU name Licenses
One license must be purchased for each
operator station on which you want to 1. MS Internet Explorer V6.0 + SP1
Six steps to complete system 2. From STEP 7 V5.3 + SP3 and Automati-
use S7-300, S7-400 CPU Diagnostics. It
diagnostics on License Manager V2.0
makes no difference whether this station
The diagnostics software for the S7-300, is a single-user station, a server, a 3. From SIMATIC NET OPC Server
S7-400 CPU is configured using the stan- UniClient, or a MultiClient. V6.3 + HF1
dard tools supplied with the SIMATIC PCS
The great advantage: Regardless of the
7 or STEP 7/WinCC software. MLFB-Nummer
number of CPUs/ H-CPUs you intend to
visualize on each operator station, you 2XV9450-1SD08
only need one license per station. Most
components from firmware V2.6 on are
approved for the S7-300 CPU.

Technical specifications
Both the S7-400 CPU and the S7-400H
CPU can be diagnosed (firmware revision
level V3 or higher in each case).

Languages supported
German and English

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The information provided in this brochure contains merely
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