Presentation Model Lesson Plan Template 1
Presentation Model Lesson Plan Template 1
Presentation Model Lesson Plan Template 1
Brigham Young University-Hawaii School of Education
Materials: PowerPoint
1. Students can describe in great details short and long term effects and
consequences of poor nutrition and lack of physical of activity.
Background: (3 separate and complete paragraphs)
1st Paragraph All students came from different background, that have
different culture, life style and different ages. They will learn differently and
they do things differently too. But all students have the same way of eating
and they also have the same problem that most people have for not being
healthy. Most of them loves food and they have different favorite food. This
lesson will help them to learn about short and long term effects and
consequences of poor nutrition and lack of physical activity. This will help
them to stay healthy.
3rd Paragraph The learning outcomes from the presentation model will
help student to describe shorts and long term effects and consequences of
poor nutrition and lack of physical activity and knows the important of
having healthy life. Using this presentation model will help to teach
students on how to have a healthy life. This is new for them and it is the
information that they need to add to their knowledge about food and
activities that are good for themselves. This is the best way to use
presenting model is by presenting new information.
Instructional Sequence:
How will you get learners interested and engaged with the lesson?
How will you activate and/or assess learners prior knowledge?
How will you introduce the concept/skill/topic?
What overarching framework/advance organizer will you use to organize
the lesson?
You dont have to directly answer each of these questions; instead, you
should develop an anticipatory set that addresses them.
Do: I will write on the board healthy and unhealthy food for students to write
one food that they think it is healthy or unhealthy.
Say: Okay class, I want you all to come up with to the board and write one food
that you think it is healthy or unhealthy.
Say: I would like you to talk to your neighbor why do you think these foods are
healthy or unhealthy and choose someone to come up to the front and explain it
to the class.
Do: Good job, as you can see today, we will talk about the shorts and long terms
of consequences of poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.
Do: Write the objectives on the board throughout the lesson, so students can
always see it and see what is expected from them.
Differentiation: Student will write their answers on the board and then they will
take turns to share their ideas in more detail in front of the class.
Say: I want to give you an idea that will help you understand how important to
stay healthy
Say: The idea is that when eat healthy food and exercise our body will be
Say: What are some ways that can help us to stay healthy?
Say: Good job, here are some ways that can help us to stay healthy.
1. avoid drinking soda
2. eat balance food
3. Daily exercise
4. Getting enough sleeps
Differentiation: I ask student about some ways that can keep us stay healthy.
Differentiation: I write the question on the board and then let them share their
answers with the rest of the class.
Assessment: I listen to what they say and see if they have a correct answer to the
Do: I will do an activity that they should talk with a partner about the
consequences for poor nutrition.
Say: I would like you to talk with a partner about the consequences for having
poor nutrition for 3 minute and then come up and write your answers on the
board of something that you talk about with your partner.
Say: As you can see, there are many consequences that we can have for having
poor nutrition.
Do: I will add more consequences that I have that student dont mention
Examples: Here are some consequences that we can have for poor nutrition
Short term and long term health impacts and disease
Greater risk for obesity, mental and emotional health problems
Failure to thrive academically
Differentiation: I make them work in partners and share what they think the
consequences of poor nutrition.
Assessment: I observe them when the share with their partner to see if they
understand the topic.
Say: Now that you understand some of the consequences of having a poor
Do: I will give them again three minute to talk with the same partner about the
consequences that we have for having lack of physical activities.
Do: I will have them write on the board some of the consequences that they think
from lack of physical activity.
Do: I will add to their list some of the consequences that I have that are different
from their list.
Examples: Here are some consequences for lack of physical activities
Coronary heart disease
High blood pressure
Metabolic syndrome- this include obesity and abnormal blood cholesterol
Type 2 diabetes
Say: From what your understanding of the consequences, what you think that you
can do to continue have a good health?
Do: Let them share their experience that they have.
Differentiation: I ask them a question and let them think for like 1 minute and
then let them share about their thought that they have.
Assessment: I assess them from what they share about what they can do to avoid
the consequences for lack of physical activities.
Say: From your experience, here are some of the things that we can do to avoid
facing these consequences of having poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.
Act like you live in a desert and start drinking a ton of water
Eat real food, not too much and mostly plants
- Eating right- eat a variety of foods, especially: vegetables, fruits, dry
beans, whole grains
- Eat foods in low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol especially: fish,
poultry prepared without skin, lean meat, low-fat dairy products
Catch more sleeps
Making time to be socialize
Exercise daily
Dont smoke
thoughtful questions and allowing time for students to discuss their
answers. You could also extend student thinking in other creative ways).
Say: Now that you learn about the short and long term consequences of poor
nutrition and lack of physical activity. Why do you think it very important to
understand consequences of poor nutrition and lack of physical activity?
Say: Turn to your partner and answer this question about why you think this is
Do: Students talk to their partners and then I will choose some of them that
willing to share their answers to the rest of the class.
Say: I would pass out a piece of paper to write something that they would like to
do to avoid having these consequences in your lives.
Do: I will let them talk with their neighbor and share what they wrote on their
Differentiation: I let them wrote one goal that they want to do from what they
learned from the lesson.
Assessment: I observe them from what they share to their neighbors and by what
they write on their piece of paper.
Lesson Adaptations:
Difficulty in Hearing- I will make sure that these students will sit in the front
row in a position that they can hear me when I present new information.
Vision problem- I will make sure to print a copy of something that they can
read from it and follow along with the rest of the class.
Questions: (Bullet points of appropriate and meaningful questions you
ask yourself Before, During, and After instruction.
How can I make my lesson more interesting?
What kind of activity should I use that more useful in the lesson?
What kind of questions should I ask student about the lesson?
How can make my student more interested in the lesson?
How can I make myself clear to student?
Do student interest in my lesson?
Am I talking clearly?
Am I good in my pronunciation?
Did I able to go through my lesson plan?
It is my lesson clear or well organize?
What can I do differently next time?
Do they understand my lesson?