OpenTAS QCM E10 en Single
OpenTAS QCM E10 en Single
OpenTAS QCM E10 en Single
Accordingly, precision in
quantity conversion is all-important. To obtain this kind of precision,
the solution deployed should consider both international standards
and any relevant national regulations, needs to remain continuously
up-to-date, and must offer a level of reliability that matches its
accuracy. The solution must also be tightly integrated with the
work of the ERP system.
Straightforward implementation
The approach used to embed the standard API (ASTM D
1250-80) implementation routines uses an RFC server. This
server utilizes the standard API functions to calculate the
volume correction factor and also implements an alternate
volume correction factor calculation from the Manual of
Petroleum Measurement Standards. The function is called
function modules over RFC by SAP.
API gravity
The quantity conversion The API (American Petroleum
solution OpenTAS QCM Institute) gravity is a unit of
can be deployed not only density for petroleum liquids.
within an OpenTAS system It is applied internationally as
but also as a stand-alone a quality index for petroleum.
system accessed over RFC. The API gravity is derived
This latter option can be from the relative density of
used together with SAP the liquid at 15 C.
for example. API gravity = 141.5 131.5
Quantity Conversion
with OpenTAS QCM
Reliable, precise and cost-effective