Task Force
Task Force
N ISBN : 978-2-85873-010-0
Sag-Tension calculation methods for overhead lines
Amended Updated
Part Date
Section 3 : Equation reference : (14) instead of (9)
Section 4 : Equation reference : (8) instead of (5)
Page 55 April 2016
Section 5 : Equation reference : 13 instead of 8
Section 7 : Equation reference : (14) instead of (9)
Table of Contents
List of Figures .................................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................. i
Introduction...................................................................................................................... i
The Catenary Equation ................................................................................................... ii
Mechanical Coupling of Spans ...................................................................................... iii
Conductor Tension Limits ............................................................................................. iv
Conductor Elongation Elastic, Plastic, and Thermal .................................................. iv
Sag-tension Calculation Methods ................................................................................... v
Parameter Sensitivity ...................................................................................................... v
Conclusions.................................................................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................ 1
KEY WORDS..................................................................................................................... 1
DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................... 2
TERMS ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Conductor Naming Convention .......................................................................... 7
1.2 The Catenary Clearance Envelope...................................................................... 7
2.0 THE CATENARY ................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Catenary and parabolic solutions for sag in level spans ................................... 10
2.2 Total Conductor Length.................................................................................... 12
2.3 Conductor Slack................................................................................................ 12
2.4 Total and Horizontal Tension ........................................................................... 14
2.5 Engineering accuracy of sag calculations ......................................................... 16
2.6 Effect of change in conductor loading per unit length...................................... 17
2.7 Inclined spans.................................................................................................... 18
3.0 MODELING MECHANICALLY COUPLED SPANS ....................................... 21
3.1 Mechanical Equilibrium at Suspension Points ................................................. 22
3.2 Ruling Span Sag-tension Calculations.............................................................. 26
4.0 CONDUCTOR TENSION LIMITS ..................................................................... 28
4.1 Conductor tension limits under high ice and wind loading .............................. 28
4.2 Avoiding Aeolian Vibration Fatigue ................................................................ 29
5.1 Overview of Conductor Elongation Models ..................................................... 31
5.2 Linear Thermal and Elastic Elongation ............................................................ 34
5.2.1 Linear Elastic Strain - All Aluminium Conductors .................................. 34
5.2.2 Linear Thermal Strain All Aluminium Conductor................................. 36
5.2.3 Linear Elastic Strain - Non-Homogeneous ACSR (A1/Syz) Conductors 37
5.2.4 Linear Thermal Strain - Non-Homogeneous A1/S1x Conductor ............. 38
5.3 Simplified Plastic Elongation (SPE) Model ..................................................... 39
5.4 Experimentally Measured Plastic Elongation of Stranded Conductors ........ 43
5.4.1 Stress-strain testing of stranded conductors.............................................. 43
5.4.2 Plastic elongation under initial high loading ............................................ 47
5.4.3 Long-time Metallurgical Creep - Plastic Elongation for Persistent
Moderate Loading..................................................................................................... 49
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Catenary variation with conductor temperature, ice & wind loads, and time
after installation where Tmax is the maximum conductor temperature. ..................... i
Figure 2 Conductor Stress (H/A) and Sag (D) vs. %Slack (100*(L-S)/S) where
L=conductor length and S=Span length based on the catenary equations................. iii
Figure 3 - Conductor elongation diagram.......................................................................... iv
Figure 4 - Influence of variation in the coefficient of thermal elongation on high
temperature sag. ......................................................................................................... vi
Figure 5 Catenary variation with conductor temperature, ice & wind loads, and time
after installation where Tmax is the maximum conductor temperature. .................... 8
Figure 6 - The Catenary Curve for Level Spans ............................................................... 10
Figure 7 Catenary Stress (H/A) and Sag (D) vs. %Slack (100*(L-S)/S) for Bare Drake
ACSR in a 300 m span at a tension of 20% RTS (69.5 MPa) at 15C....................... 14
Figure 8 - Comparison of catenary y(x) and difference between exact and parabolic
approximate solution as a function of x for ACSR Drake at a tension of 28020 N.. 16
Figure 9 - Heavy radial ice buildup on a relatively small bare overhead conductor. ....... 18
Figure 10 - Sag-tension for inclined spans. ...................................................................... 19
Figure 11 - Typical strain angle structure used to terminate a transmission line section. 21
Figure 12 - Typical suspension structure .......................................................................... 22
Figure 13 - Conductor Tension Variation with Temperature for 250m and 350m "Dead
end" Spans of Drake A1/S1A (ACSR) installed to 35 kN at 15oC........................... 23
Figure 14 - Moment Forces acting on a ceramic, glass, or composite Insulator Suspension
String......................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 15 Unbalanced horizontal tension vs. horizontal deflection for a 1.8m long
Insulator String weighing 890N supporting a 300m weight-span of Drake ACSR.. 25
Figure 16 - Elongation diagram of stranded conductor in a catenary............................... 33
Figure 17 - Assumed linear stress-strain behavior of a 402-A1-37 Arbutus conductor with
and without plastic elongation. ................................................................................. 36
Figure 18 Knee-point temperature as affected by creep elongation of aluminium
strands. ...................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 19 Typical stress-strain test results with 1-hour initial curve drawn and both
initial and final modulus shown................................................................................ 44
Figure 20- Stress-strain curve for 37 strand A1 conductor............................................... 45
Figure 21 - Raw data from a stress-strain test of A1/Syz conductor ................................ 46
Figure 22 - Raw data for a stress-strain test performed on the steel core alone for the
A1/Syz conductor whose composite test results are shown in Figure 21. ................ 46
Figure 23 - Initial plastic strain as a function of tension................................................... 48
Figure 24 - Creep elongation curves resulting from a series of tests at different tension
levels, all at room temperature.................................................................................. 50
Figure 25 - Creep elongation curves for A3 stranded conductor...................................... 51
Figure 26 - Graphical determination of creep elongation for a 37 strand all aluminium
stranded conductor at a constant tension equal to 20% of the RTS over 10 years. .. 52
Figure 27 - Sag-tension calculation for A1 conductor with High wind loading............... 58
Figure 28 - Sag-tension at High Temperature with SPE model for Drake ACSR in 300 m
span. .......................................................................................................................... 60
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
List of Tables
Table 1 - Examples of Conductor Naming Methods .......................................................... 7
Table 2 - Sag & Vertical force in a 300 m inclined span with Drake ACSR at H = 28000
N................................................................................................................................ 20
Table 3 Resultant Force between 250m and 350m dead-end spans of ACSR Drake at
100oC......................................................................................................................... 25
Table 4 - Comparison of sag-tension for two spans which are mechanically independent,
perfectly coupled, and coupled with actual tension inequality. ................................ 27
Table 5 Sag-tension for maximum ice and wind load and for high temperature shown as
a function of initial stringing tension for a 300m span of Drake ACSR................... 28
Table 6 - H/w limits on unloaded conductor tension - Drake ACSR in a 300 m span. .... 30
Table 7 - Typical Linear Elastic Modulus for All Aluminium Conductors...................... 35
Table 8 - List of Conductor Final Modulus Values .......................................................... 38
Table 9 Maximum excess sag (m) due to the built-in aluminium stress posited by
Rawlins, at temperatures above the kneepoint, as estimated with the Alcoa SAG10
computer program..................................................................................................... 43
Table 10 - Initial settling and one-hour creep strain as a function of conductor type and
stress from Harvey & Larson.................................................................................... 48
Table 11 - Stress-strain data from IEC 1597 Table 3 ....................................................... 49
Table 12 - Typical Sag-tension Calculation Results where the permanent elongation of
the aluminum strands is determined by the maximum wind and ice load rather than
by metallurgical creep at everyday temperature. ...................................................... 54
Table 13 - Characteristics of 37-strand A1 and 26/7 strand A1/Sxy ................................ 56
Table 14 - "Knee-point temperatures" of A1/S1 (ACSR) as a function of stranding and
span length determined by the Alcoa graphical method. All conductors have an
aluminium strand area of 403 mm2. ......................................................................... 67
Table 15 - Table of Basic Sag-tension Sensitivities ......................................................... 73
Table 16 - Various high temperature sag errors................................................................ 73
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
This technical brochure specifies and explains the primary elements of the sag-tension
calculation process, a process which is essential to the design and construction of
overhead lines. The various mathematical tools and conductor data considered herein are
used to predict sag and tension of catenaries at the full range of conductor temperatures
and ice and wind loads that occur over the rather long life of an overhead power line.
The goal of the document is not to develop a unique or best calculation method, but to
describe the overall process and explain the common calculation methods.
Historically, for most overhead transmission lines, the sag of conductors (or tension) is
measured at the time of construction when the line is not energized. At the time of
installation, the conductors are at a temperature of 10oC to 35oC and tensioned to no more
than 10% to 30% of their rated tensile strength. Once the line is constructed, the phase
conductors may be subject to high temperatures during periods of high electrical loading
and both the lightning shield wires and phase conductors must remain intact during high
ice and wind load events for an expected useful life of 40 years or more. Under all
foreseeable conditions, the conductors must not break under high tension, fatigue under
persistent wind-induced motions, nor sag such that minimum electrical clearances are
Span Length
Minimum Electrical
Figure 1 - Catenary variation with conductor temperature, ice & wind loads, and
time after installation where Tmax is the maximum conductor temperature.
To assure that these conditions are met over the life of the line, the engineer must specify
initial measured (i.e. stringing) sags, based upon the following sag-tension calculations:
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Sags and tensions after plastic elongation of the conductor due to occasional
severe ice and/or wind loads and to long-term creep elongation of aluminium
strand layers under normal everyday tension (difference in sag between the Initial
and Final Sag at 15oC in Figure 1).
Sags and tensions for all foreseen temperatures, over the life of the line, including
those (above 50oC) which may result from high electrical current loads (See sag at
maximum electrical load in Figure 1).
The maximum conductor tension under ice and wind loads which strain
structures (i.e. dead-end and angle) must withstand and the corresponding
maximum sag which must not infringe on minimum electrical clearances.
Conductor tensions during the coldest periods of winter to allow for sufficient
self-damping to prevent aeolian vibration-induced fatigue over the life of the line.
The Catenary Equation
The catenary equations (both exact and approximate) are examined for both level and
inclined spans. The various relationships between sag, tension (horizontal and total),
weight per unit length, and span length are studied and explained. The concept of slack
(difference in length between conductor and span) is defined and an important discussion
of limits on calculation accuracy is included.
Both approximate parabolic equations and the exact hyperbolic catenary equations are
explained. The catenary constant (tension divided by weight per unit length) is shown to
be an essential parameter of these equations.
Figure 2 shows a typical relationship between sag, conductor tension, and slack,
calculated with the catenary equation. As explained in the brochure, an increase in any or
all of the components of conductor elongation (e.g. thermal, elastic, and plastic) leads to
greater sag and reduced tension.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
200.0 15.0
180.0 13.5
Conductor Stress [H/A] - MPa
160.0 12.0
Catenary Sag - m
140.0 10.5
120.0 9.0
100.0 7.5
80.0 6.0
60.0 4.5
40.0 3.0
20.0 1.5
0.0 0.0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
% Slack [100*(L-S)/S]
Figure 2 Conductor Stress (H/A) and Sag (D) vs. %Slack (100*(L-S)/S) where
L=conductor length and S=Span length based on the catenary equations.
The discussion of slack, and the sensitivity of tension and sag to it, is applied to
demonstrate how tension equalization at suspension supports occurs and under what
conditions errors in calculation become significant. The physical understanding of the
ruling span concept, as described in the brochure, is helpful in identifying those line
design situations where it should not be used.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
or high
Elastic tension
Settlement Thermal Tensile
& strand plastic
Strain Strain Strain
Manufactured Length deformat'n
The linear elongation model is simple to understand and allows algebraic solutions to
sag-tension conditions but, by ignoring plastic conductor elongation, structure tension
loads are over-estimated and conductor sag under both high wind/ice loading and at high
electrical current levels, can be underestimated.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
As discussed in the brochure, the Experimental Plastic Elongation model has several
advantages: (a) it yields realistic structure tension loads; (b) calculation of high
temperature sags with ACSR (A1/SA1) is more accurate; and (c) the plastic elongation of
the conductor can calculated based assumed loading events rather than using a typical
value based on experience.
Sag-tension Calculation Methods
The brochure acknowledges the widespread use of numerical solutions to sag-tension
calculations but uses graphical representations to provide the reader with insight
concerning the advantages and limitations of calculation methods of varying complexity.
In this discussion, the conductor elongation models are used in combination with the
catenary equation to determine sag-tension values for typical high temperature and
ice/wind loading events. The sag-tension solutions presented in this chapter illustrate
how plastic and thermal elongation, influence the tension distribution between aluminum
layers and steel core in ACSR (A1/SA1).
In this section, typical sag-tension calculation results are discussed. The usual meaning
of initial and final conditions is explained and their calculation demonstrated for the
different conductor elongation models. The interaction of the steel core and aluminum
layers under high tension and high temperature conditions is demonstrated graphically.
Parameter Sensitivity
In the final section of the brochure, some insight is provided into the influence of various
key parameters used in sag-tension calculations. For example, variation in the thermal
elongation coefficient of a stranded aluminum conductor can have considerable influence
on the sags calculated for a line at high conductor temperatures. As shown in Figure 4,
the sag at 100oC (9.7 m) increases by 200 and 500 mm when the coefficient of thermal
expansion is increased by 10% and 30%, respectively.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
It is clear from the discussion that, even with very careful laboratory tests and modern
calculation methods, sag calculation errors cannot be less than 100 to 200 mm and are
generally considerably greater.
The sag-tension calculation process, with both exact and approximate catenary equations,
is described in some detail. Three conductor elongation models are defined and the more
complex, experimentally based model is recommended because its use allows the line
designer to estimate both high temperature sags and maximum structure tension loads
with superior accuracy.
Given the prevalence of numerical calculation tools, there is little need to use the
approximate catenary equations or the simplified elastic conductor elongation models but
the ruling span assumption of tension equalization between spans appears to be
sufficiently accurate to be used in many new line designs.
Regardless of the calculation technique and conductor elongation model selected, it is
concluded that there continues to be a need for sufficient clearance buffers in the design
of new lines and the uprating of existing lines because of uncertainties in modeling the
load sequence and detailed mechanical behavior of bare stranded overhead conductors.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
This brochure identifies and describes the most essential elements of the sag-tension
calculation process and the various mathematical and experimental methods used to
predict sag and tension of catenaries over the whole range of conductor temperatures and
ice and wind loads that may occur over the life of a line. The goal is not to develop a
unique calculation method, but to explain the overall process and identify the alternative
modeling methods that are available.
Calculating the sag of conductors as a function of temperature and ice/wind loads and
calculating the tension that these conductors exert on supporting structures is an essential
part of the process of designing overhead power lines. The engineer is provided with a
basic explanation of the sag-tension calculation methods that are in common use
throughout the world and with a physical understanding of the processes and
mathematical relationships that underlie these methods.
AAC (Ax) - All Aluminium Conductor, ACSR (A1/Syz) - Aluminium Conductor Steel
Reinforced, Creep Plastic Elongation, Electrical Clearance, Elastic Elongation, Plastic
Elongation, Thermal Elongation, Initial Plastic Elongation, Knee-point Temperature,
Manufactured Conductor Length, Maximum Allowable Conductor Temperature, Rated
Tensile Strength (RTS), Ruling (Equivalent) Span, Stress-strain Curves, Thermal Rating,
Weight per unit length, Weight Span, Wind Span.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
AAAC (Ax) - All Aluminium Alloy Conductor (the x identifies the type of aluminium
AAC (Ax) - All Aluminium Conductor (the x identifies the type of aluminium ally).
ACAR (A1/Ay) - Aluminium Conductor Alloy Reinforced (the y identifies the type of
aluminium alloy used for the core wires).
ACSR (A1/Syz) - Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (y represents the type of steel
and z represents the class of zinc coating on the steel core wires).
Ampacity - The maximum constant line current which will satisfy the design, security
and safety criteria of a particular line on which the conductor is installed. In this
brochure, ampacity has the same meaning as steady-state thermal rating.
Annealing - The process wherein the tensile strength of copper or aluminium wires is
reduced at sustained high temperatures, usually above 75oC and 90oC respectively.
EHS (S3) Steel Wires - Extra High Strength steel wires for ACSR (A1/S3y).
EDS (Everyday Stress) The tension or stress that a conductor normally experiences for
most of its service life, typically at a conductor temperature of 0oC to 25oC without wind
or ice.
Electrical Clearance - The distance between energized conductors and other objects such
as conductors, structures, buildings, and earth. Minimum clearances are usually
specified by regulations.
Elongation, Plastic Aluminum strands and, to a much lesser extent, steel strands, used
in bare overhead conductors, undergo plastic (i.e. permanent) elongation as the result of
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
tension applied over time. Initial plastic conductor elongation includes strand
settlement and deformation which occurs during stringing and sagging (Initial Plastic
Elongation), plastic elongation which occurs during relatively brief, high tensile-load
events, and long-time metallurgical creep elongation which occurs at everyday tension
levels over the life of the line. Metallurgical creep of aluminum is accelerated at
sustained high temperatures (above 20oC). The components of plastic elongation are not
additive (e.g. the plastic elongation rate at high tension is less after the line has been in
place for 10 years than when the line is first installed).
Elongation, Thermal - Bare overhead conductors will expand or contract with changes in
temperature. The rate of expansion or contraction is dependent on the conductor material
and magnitude of temperature change. For ACSR conductors, the differential rates of
expansion also shift tensile load between the aluminum strands and steel core.
HS Steel (S2) - High Strength steel core wires for ACSR (A1/S2y).
Rated Tensile Strength (RTS) - The calculated value of composite conductor tensile
strength, which indicates the minimum test value for stranded bare conductor. Similar
terms include Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS), Rated Breaking Strength (RBS), and
Calculated Breaking Load (CBL).
Ruling (Equivalent) Span - A hypothetical, equivalent level span length where the
variation of tension with conductor temperature or ice and wind load is the same as in a
series of contiguous suspension spans with perfect tension equalization between spans.
Stress-strain Curves These are plots of the complex relationships between mechanical
tensile stress and conductor elongation. In the simplest case, these curves are
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Thermal Rating This is the maximum electrical current that can be carried in an
overhead transmission line (same meaning as ampacity) without exceeding the
Maximum Allowable Conductor Temperature.
TW conductor - A bare overhead stranded conductor wherein the aluminium strands are
trapezoidal in cross-section.
Uprating - The process by which the thermal rating of an overhead power line is
increased. While this term may also be used to refer to an increase in the operating
voltage of an existing line, in this brochure the term is limited to an increase in the
allowable current.
Weight per unit length - This brochure generally uses conductor weight per unit length.
Mass per unit length can be obtained by dividing the weight by the acceleration of
gravity (approximately 9.81 m/sec2).
Weight Span The horizontal distance between the lowest points of a conductor on
either side of the structure support.
Wind Span The sum of half the distances from a conductor support point to each of the
adjacent support points.
Worst-case weather conditions (for line rating calculation) - Weather conditions which
yield the maximum or near maximum value of conductor temperature for a given line
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
A - Aluminium coefficient of linear thermal elongation, oC-1
A - The strain in the aluminium strands of a stranded conductor (AAC, ACSR, etc.).
- The total strain in any conductor including both plastic, thermal, and elastic strains,
D Conductor sag, m
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
HS - The horizontal component of the tension in the steel core of an ACSR conductor.
LREF - Reference length of conductor under horizontal tension for no ice or wind load at
everyday temperature HREF, m
S Span length, m
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
The goal of sag-tension calculations is to predict the catenary sags and the conductor
tensions under all design conditions of conductor temperature and ice and/or wind loads.
Maximum conductor tension is an important factor in structure design. Maximum
conductor sag largely determines structure heights and locations in order to maintain
electrical clearances throughout the life of the line. Thus both the mechanical and
electrical integrity of an overhead transmission or distribution line is directly dependent
on the accuracy of sag-tension calculations.
Sag-tension calculations are necessary when transmission lines are initially designed or if
they are subsequently modified. While there are a number of different methods available,
used by engineers in different countries, this technical brochure is intended to explain the
most common methods and to provide a clear description of the most important
assumptions underlying the common methods. This is especially important when many
utilities are no longer able to support in-house experts in the subject and when new types
of conductors are becoming commercially available.
Furthermore, given the trends in many countries toward deregulation of utilities,
increased utilization of existing assets, and the often fierce opposition to building new
lines, there is a need for increased accuracy in such calculations to avoid the possibility of
electrical clearance violations.
1.1 Conductor Naming Convention
Naming and identifying bare stranded overhead conductors can be confusing due to
different practices used by various utilities. This document will use both common
conductor names (e.g. 403mm2 26/7 Drake ACSR) and IEC conductor designations
(e.g. 403-A1/S1A-26/7) [1][2]. In either case, the designated area (e.g. 403) is that of the
conductive material in square mm. Some examples of common and IEC conductor
names are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 - Examples of Conductor Naming Methods
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
must remain at safe distances from people, other conductors, vehicles, buildings, and any
other reasonably anticipated activities.
To ensure safe minimum electrical clearances under all conditions, the height and lateral
position of the conductor between support points must be calculated for all wind, ice and
temperature conditions which the conductor may experience. These calculations are
commonly referred to as sag-tension calculations and are the subject of this brochure.
Transmission line supporting structures are typically spaced a few hundred meters apart.
This distance between supports is called the span length. Under most conditions, the
flexural and torsional rigidity of stranded conductors can be neglected. Hence, the only
conductor stresses that affect the sag between the conductor support points are axial
tensile stresses along the wires.
Span Length
Minimum Electrical
Figure 5 Catenary variation with conductor temperature, ice & wind loads, and
time after installation where Tmax is the maximum conductor temperature.
It has been mathematically demonstrated that a suspended bare cable, when subjected to
uniform loading per unit length, takes the form of a catenary between support points. The
shape of the catenary curve, changes with temperature (thermal elongation), ice and wind
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
loading (design loading plastic elongation), and time (creep plastic elongation), as shown
in Figure 5.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
X axis
The catenary equation for a conductor between supports at equal heights or at different
heights is the same. It is expressed in terms of the horizontal distance, x, from the vertex
(or low point) of the catenary to a point on the catenary which is y(x) above the vertex.
The catenary equation is given by:
w x
y ( x) =
cosh 1 w x (1)
w H 2 H
The expression on the right side of equation (1) is an approximate parabolic equation
based upon the first term of the MacLaurin expansion of the hyperbolic cosine. The
approximate parabolic equation is valid as long as x2 w2/12H2 << 1.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
For a level span, the low point is in the center, and the sag, D, is found by substituting x =
S/2 in the preceding equations. The exact catenary and approximate parabolic equations
for sag become the following:
H wS wS
D = cosh 1 (2)
w 2 H 8 H
The ratio, H/w, which appears in all of the preceding equations, is commonly referred to
as the catenary constant or catenary parameter. An increase in the catenary constant
causes the catenary curve to become shallower and the sag to decrease. Although it
varies with conductor temperature, ice and wind loading, and time, the catenary constant
typically has a value in the range of 500-2000 m for most transmission line catenaries
under most conditions.
The following sample calculations are made using 403mm2, 26/7 ACSR (403-A1/S1A
26/7) Drake conductor. If not otherwise specified, the properties of the conductor, the
assumed span length, and the horizontal component of tension, H, are:
1. Aluminium area = 402.8 mm2
2. Total area (aluminium and steel core) = 468.5 mm2
3. Weight per unit length = 15.97 N/m
4. RTS = 140 kN
5. Span length = 300 m
6. Horizontal component of tension = 20% of RTS = 28 kN.
7. Conductor temperature = 15oC
Under these conditions the sag of the span, according to equation 2, is:
15.97 3002
D= = 6.417m
8 28000
In this particular case, the difference is calculated sag is only 3 mm. Since it is unlikely
that the sag can be measured with an accuracy of less than 100 mm, the difference is
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
The horizontal component of tension, H, is the same at all points within the catenary.
The total conductor tension is equal to H at the point in the catenary where the conductor
slope is horizontal (for a level span, this is the midpoint of the span) but, as shown in
section 2.4, the total tension increases as one approaches the support points.
2.2 Total Conductor Length.
Application of calculus to the catenary equation allows the determination of conductor
length, L(x), measured along the conductor from the low point of the catenary in either
direction as a function of x.
The equation for conductor length between supports is:
H w x x 2 w2
L( x) = sinh x 1 + (3)
w H 6 H 2
For a level span, the conductor length corresponding to half of the total conductor length
is at the spans midpoint (X = S/2), thus:
S 2H S w S 2 w2
L = 2 L( x = )= sinh S
24 H 2
1 + (4)
2 w 2H
The parabolic equation for the total conductor length can also be expressed as a function
of sag, D, by substitution of the sag parabolic equation (2):
8 D2
LS+ (5)
3 S
For the example calculation, the exact total conductor length is:
2 28000 300 15.97
L= sinh = 300.366 m
15.97 2 28000
The parabolic approximation gives the same conductor length of 300.366 m. Note that
the total conductor length is only 0.366 m (about 0.1%) longer than the horizontal span
length of 300 m.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
As noted previously, the parabolic (approximate) equations offer some additional insight
into the interaction of slack, span length, and tension that the exact equations do not. For
a level span:
w2 8
L S S 3 D2
2 (8)
24 H 3 S
From this equation, one can see that slack is approximately proportional to the 3rd power
of span length. Thus for a series of suspension spans having the same horizontal tension,
H, the slack of a 400 m span is eight times as large as the slack in a 200 m span. As
shown later in this brochure, the cubic dependence of slack on span length is the reason
sag-tension behavior of multiple suspension spans is largely determined by the longest
The approximate equation for slack can also be inverted to obtain equations showing the
dependence of sag, D, and tension, H, upon slack, L-S:
3 S (L S)
wS S
2 6 (L S )
Clearly, as the slack of the span becomes very small, the conductor sag approaches zero
and the tension becomes very large.
To illustrate the impact of small changes in slack on tension and sag, consider the
preceding 300 m level span example of Drake, 403mm2, 26/7 ACSR (403-A1/S1A-26/7)
conductor with 0.366m of slack. If only 100 mm is added to the total conductor length,
the sag and tension are approximately equal to:
Ignoring for the moment any change in length with tension in this example, adding 100
mm to the conductor length yields an 800 mm change in sag and a 13 % reduction in
tension (3.2 kN). The slack concept is thus very useful in explaining how very small
changes in conductor length such as those caused by thermal, elastic or plastic
elongation, have major effects on the sag of overhead line spans.
Given span length, S, and conductor weight per unit length, w, the exact catenary
relationship between slack (and length) and horizontal tension, H, is found with equation
(7) and the exact relationship between sag and tension is found with equation (2). For the
sample problem described previously, with a span length of 300 m, the bare Drake
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
200.0 15.0
180.0 13.5
160.0 12.0
140.0 10.5
Stress- MPa
120.0 9.0
Sag - m
100.0 7.5
80.0 6.0
60.0 4.5
40.0 3.0
20.0 1.5
% Slack [100*(L-S)/S]
Figure 7 Catenary Stress (H/A) and Sag (D) vs. %Slack (100*(L-S)/S) for Bare
Drake ACSR in a 300 m span at a tension of 20% RTS (69.5 MPa) at 15C
Looking to later discussions in this brochure, note the following about this plot:
1. Any increase in conductor length (% slack) yields a reduction in stress and an
increase in sag.
2. A similar pair of curves can be plotted for other conductor weights per unit length
due to ice and wind pressure.
3. Conductor plastic, elastic and thermal elongation curves can be plotted with the
same horizontal axis if it is noted that marginal change in % slack ((L-S)/S) is
essentially the same as marginal change in % elongation ((L-Lo)/Lo).
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
V = w L / 2 = H sinh
2 H
At the end supports, the total tension is the vector sum of the horizontal and vertical
tension components:
wL 2
T2 = H2 +( )
Substituting the equation for length, L, from section 2.2, and taking the square root of
both sides of this equation, we obtain:
wS wS
T = H 1 + sinh 2 = H cosh
2H 2H
To relate the total tension to the sag in this level span, the equation can be rearranged as:
T = H + H cosh H
H wS H
T = H + w cosh
w 2H w
T = H + wD
Given the conditions in the preceding example calculation for a 300 m level span of 403-
A1/S1A-26/7 (ACSR) Drake, the total conductor tension at the attachment points, T, is
28.0 kN and exceeds the horizontal component of tension H by only 102 N (0.36%)
T = 28000 + 15.97 * 6.420 = 28000 N + 102 N
The approximate (parabolic) catenary curve equations are useful for order of
magnitude checks and provide more insight into the physics of sag-tension (e.g. sag is
dependent on the square of span length) but there is little advantage to their use in
numerical calculations. For most cases, except those of long and deep catenaries, the
difference between the exact and approximate solutions is small. As shown in Figure 8,
the difference in calculated catenary position, y(x), as a function of x is quite small for
horizontal distances up to about 300 m (equivalent to a level span of 600m). For a 500 m
horizontal distance (1000 m level span), however, the sag error is about 0.5 m.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
100 2.0
90 1.8
80 1.6
70 1.4
60 1.2
50 1.0
40 0.8
30 0.6
20 0.4
Difference in calculated y(x)
10 0.2
0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500
Horizontal Distance (S/2 for level spans) - m
1. Uncertain weight of the conductor - The nominal values for conductor weight
corresponds to the minimum acceptable weight. In reality, the weight of the
conductor typically exceeds the nominal value by 0.2% to 0.6%. During a
conductors life, the conductors mass typically increases slightly by tarnishing
effects. Also, the weight of a wet conductor can exceed the dry-weight by 1.5% to
2. End of span effects - The catenary equations assume that the conductor is fully
flexible. If the bending stiffness of the conductor is taken into account, the actual
sag in spans supported in suspension clamps is found to be less than that of
catenary calculations. If the ends of the span in the prior example consist of 30
cm long suspension clamps, the effect of the suspension clamp and the bending
stiffness changes the length of the effective catenary to 299.37 m and reduces the
sag from 6.41 m to 6.38 m, i.e. a reduction of 0.4%. If the suspension clamps are
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
equipped with armor rods, the sag reduces to 6.35 m, i.e. a reduction of 0.9%.
Conversely, if both ends of the span are terminated into dead-end insulator
strings, the sags increase. If both ends of the example span are terminated in 2m
long insulator strings, with a total mass of 100 kg each, the sag increases from
6.41 m to 6.45 m (i.e. a sag increase of 0.5%). The use of composite insulators
would yield a smaller sag increase.
Other lesser effects, such as survey errors, also occur. In combination with those cited
above, such uncertainties yield a typical sag calculation error of 1% to 2% for even the
simplest single span line.
As is discussed in Section 7, there are additional errors in sag-tension estimates due to
uncertainties regarding the elastic, plastic, and thermal elongation of the bare concentric
stranded aluminium conductors typically used in overhead power lines.
2.6 Effect of change in conductor loading per unit length
Overhead power lines, particularly during periods of low electrical current, can
accumulate ice and snow under certain atmospheric conditions. This increases the
loading per unit length of the bare overhead conductor. Also, wind blowing across the
line increases the loading per unit length. Wind forces can occur during times when the
conductor is iced and hence the resulting conductor loading is the vector sum of wind
force on the iced conductor, the weight of the ice and the weight of the bare conductor.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Figure 9 - Heavy radial ice buildup on a relatively small bare overhead conductor.
If the conductor is inextensible, then the increase in loading per unit length due to ice and
wind load would increase the tension but there would be no change in conductor length,
thus leaving the sag unchanged. However, bare overhead conductors do elongate under
tension load and, depending on the mechanical response characteristics of the conductor,
both the tension in the conductor and its length (sag) change during ice accretion and/or
high wind events.
2.7 Inclined spans
For inclined spans (see Figure 10), if the span is divided into two sections, one to the
right and the other to the left of the low point, the catenary equations introduced
previously may be used to determined the conductor position and tension. The shape of
the catenary, relative to the semi-span position (i.e. low point) is not affected by the
difference in suspension point elevation (span inclination), h.
In each direction (i.e. for xL or xR) from the low point of the catenary, the conductor
elevation, y(x), relative to the low point is given by equation (1):
H w x w x
y( x) = cosh 1
w H 2H
And the sags relative to the supports are:
DL = DR + h (9)
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Of course, as shown in Figure 10, the low point is not in the center of the horizontal span
as for a level span. In fact the low point may even be beyond the end of the span
depending on the difference in support elevations or conductor catenary constant.
The position of the low point in the inclined span may be calculated exactly by the
S H h/2
x R = sinh 1
2 w H sinh S / 2
w H / w (10)
300 10 / 2
xR = 1754 sinh 1 = 91.6m
2 1754 sinh 300 / 2
The elevation of any point in the inclined span can be calculated using the basic catenary
equation with x being the horizontal distance from the low point, which for the example
is 91.6 m into the span from the right support and 208.4 m from the left.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
In the example span, as the difference in support heights increases, the low point of the
catenary moves further toward the low support, eventually going beyond it as shown in
the following table:
Table 2 - Sag & Vertical force in a 300 m inclined span with Drake ACSR at H =
28000 N.
h [m] 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00
Xr [m] 150.00 120.80 91.60 62.42 33.27 4.15 -24.93 -53.97 -82.95
Xl [m] 150.00 179.20 208.40 237.58 266.73 295.85 324.93 353.97 382.95
Dr [m] 6.42 4.16 2.39 1.11 0.32 0.00 0.18 0.83 1.96
Dl [m] 6.42 9.16 12.39 16.11 20.32 25.00 30.18 35.83 41.96
Vr [N] 2397 1929 1463 996 531 66 -398 -861 -1324
Vl [N] 2397 2865 3334 3803 4273 4744 5216 5688 6161
Tr [N] 28102 28066 28038 28018 28005 28000 28003 28013 28031
Tl [N] 28102 28146 28198 28257 28324 28399 28482 28572 28670
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Conductor Tension - N
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Conductor Temperature - degC
Figure 13 - Conductor Tension Variation with Temperature for 250m and 350m
"Dead end" Spans of Drake A1/S1A (ACSR) installed to 35 kN at 15oC.
The longitudinal movement required of the insulator string in order to equalize tension in
adjacent spans is usually very small. However, when the spans are sharply inclined or
the conductor tension is very low, the typical suspension insulator configuration may not
be able to fully equalize tensions. The amount of insulator tilt can be calculated by
summing the force moments about the insulator attachment point as shown Figure 14.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Length, Li
Hspan1 Hspan2
Based upon the moment force balance illustrated in Figure 14, for a 1.8 m long insulator
string weighing 890 N, with a bare Drake conductor having a total weight span (Wspan1
+ Wspan2) of 300m (a vertical conductor weight of 4791 N), Figure 15 shows that only
modest force is required to move the insulator string out of plumb.
Reading from Figure 15, a horizontal movement of only 20 cm (i.e. a tilt angle of 6.3
degrees) is enough to equalize a span to span conductor tension difference of 580 N.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Horizontal force - Newtons
0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00
Longitudinal movement - cm
Figure 15 Unbalanced horizontal tension vs. horizontal deflection for a 1.8m
long Insulator String weighing 890N supporting a 300m weight-span of Drake
Table 3 (and Figure 13) shows the variation in tension with temperature for 250m and
350m dead-end spans of Drake conductor, each strung to an initial tension of 35kN at
15oC. From the top row of Table 3 one can see that, at 100oC, the difference in
longitudinal conductor tensions between the 250m and 350m dead-end spans would be
approximately 3.5 kN. If the spans are adjacent, and the dead-end between them is
replaced with the suspension insulator described in Figure 15, a horizontal movement of
68 mm is sufficient to reduce the tension difference from 3500 N to 197 N (see the
shaded row of Table 3).
Table 3 Resultant Force between 250m and 350m dead-end spans of ACSR
Drake at 100oC
Sag Sag L-S L-S Tension Tension Long. Insul
Longitudinal 100C 100C Slack Slack @100C @100C Tension Long.
Swing 250m 350m 250m 350m 250m 350m Diff Force
m m m m m N N N N
0 5.89 9.91 0.3700 0.7483 21177 24670 -3493 0
0.02 5.73 10.04 0.3500 0.7683 21774 24347 -2573 58
0.04 5.56 10.17 0.3300 0.7883 22424 24036 -1612 116
0.05 5.48 10.24 0.3200 0.7983 22772 23885 -1113 145
0.06 5.39 10.30 0.3100 0.8083 23136 23737 -601 174
0.062 5.37 10.31 0.3080 0.8103 23211 23707 -496 180
0.064 5.36 10.33 0.3060 0.8123 23287 23678 -392 186
0.066 5.34 10.34 0.3040 0.8143 23363 23649 -286 191
0.067 5.33 10.34 0.3030 0.8153 23402 23635 -233 194
0.068 5.32 10.35 0.3020 0.8163 23440 23620 -180 197
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Note that when initially plumb, the effect of small insulator swings (e.g. 0.0 to 0.02 m) on
the moment due to tension difference (e.g. 3493 N to 2573 N) is much greater than the
increase in restoring force due to insulator swing (e.g. 0 to 58 N). Any final residual
tension imbalance will be due only to the force provided by the insulator swing.
3 3 3
S1 + S 2 + - - - - + S n
RS =
S1 + S 2 + - - - - + S n
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Note from equation (11) that the value of the ruling span is greatly influenced by the
longest spans since the numerator depends on the cube of span length.
Since the tension in all of the suspension spans is equal (or nearly so), once the sag and
tension for a ruling span has been calculated, the sag in any of the corresponding
suspension spans can be calculated as follows:
Di = D RS i (12)
Consider two spans where the support between them is rigid or longitudinally flexible.
The three cases shown in Table 4 are: (1) The support between the spans is rigid (spans
mechanically independent); (2) The support between the spans moves freely in the
longitudinal direction (ruling span approach); (3) The support point is at the end of a 1.8
m, 890 N insulator and the tension equalization is calculated exactly, accounting for
insulator swing moments.
In Case 3, the insulator string has swung 1.7 degrees toward the longer span at 100oC.
Note that the errors in the ruling span approach (perfect tension equalization) are modest.
A recent technical paper [13] provides some guidance concerning line conditions in
which sag errors resulting from the ruling span concept may become significant. The
conclusion of the reference is that errors are modest except in those line designs where
there are relatively large variations in span length and where the conductors are operated
at temperatures above 100oC.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
15 to 25% RTS with no ice or wind at 15oC the conductor being in its final
condition (after the conductor has been exposed to a heavy ice and wind loading
event or has been in place for many years.)
Notice that, while limiting the initial unloaded conductor tension limits subsequent
maximum conductor and structure loads (e.g. see Table 5), unloaded tension constraints
are primarily imposed to limit aeolian vibration to manageable levels. While limiting
initial and final unloaded tensions to certain ranges of %RTS is common as a means of
vibration control, recent work by CIGRE WG B2.11 suggests that limiting the catenary
constant (H/w) for the coldest month is better. This is discussed briefly in the following
4.2 Avoiding Aeolian Vibration Fatigue
Historically, as noted above, a common design practice used to avoid conductor fatigue,
due to aeolian vibration, was to limit the unloaded tension to 15% to 25% of RTS.
Specifying an unloaded %RTS value at everyday conditions does not consider the
following important fatigue endurance issues:
The effect of persistency of wind speed and direction relative to the line section;
Terrain covers of trees, shrubs and buildings and the terrain itself, which can have
a marked effect on the degree of wind turbulence;
Short-span construction with high tensions at low-temperature operation, where
significant damage may occur during months of winter temperatures;
The effect of conductor stranding and the percentage of steel in ACSR, which
influences effects on mass and strength.
CIGRE WG B2.11 has suggested a better approach where the tension control parameter
is tension-over-weight (H/w). The H/w parameter is more closely related to aluminium
stress, and therefore to the self-damping properties of the conductor. Three papers [14,
15, 16] have been published concerning single undamped conductors, damped single
conductors, and bundled conductors, respectively. In these papers, the H/w parameter is
justified and other influences such as span length and terrain are considered.
For unprotected round strand, single conductors (no armor rods, dampers, nor AGS
clamps), the recommended maximum values of H/w range from 1000 to 1425 m under
initial unloaded low temperature conditions [14]. As can be seen in Table 6, for Drake
ACSR in a 300 m span, this acceptable range of H/w values where dampers are not used,
corresponds to an unloaded initial tension of between 10% and 15% RTS at 15C.
If dampers are used, then a higher H/w level would likely be acceptable, but the WG
B2.11 references repeatedly make the point that avoiding conductor fatigue from aeolian
vibration over the entire life of an overhead line can be complex. Terrain, span length,
annual weather variation, conductor design, and external damping must all be considered.
Simply choosing an installed unloaded tension in %RTS is not usually sufficient.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Table 6 - H/w limits on unloaded conductor tension - Drake ACSR in a 300 m span.
Initial unloaded Tension at -
Initial, unloaded H/w at average 20oC with Tension at
conductor temp. for coldest max ice and max ice and Final sag
tension at 15oC month) wind load wind load at 100oC
[%RTS] [m] [%RTS] [kN] [m]
10 900 22.6 31.6 14.6
15 1500 31.7 44.4 11.0
20 2100 38.4 53.8 9.4
25 2700 43.5 61.0 8.4
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
or high
Elastic tension
Settlement Thermal Tensile
& strand plastic
Strain Strain Strain
Manufactured Length deformat'n
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Conductor test data for use in the SPE and possibly the EPE elongation models can be
found in IEC Technical Report 1597 [2]. This report also describes a method whereby
the linear modulus of stranded homogeneous and non-homogeneous conductors can be
estimated from the cross-sectional area(s), the stranding, and the wire material. The
typical plastic elongation of aluminium and A1/Syz (ACSR) conductors, which occurs
over extended periods of time, for use with the SPE model, is also to be found in this
5.2 Linear Thermal and Elastic Elongation
The original length of the conductor is assumed to be that produced by the manufacturer
(manufactured length) at the time that the conductor was stranded and wound on the
reel for delivery. On the reel as delivered, the conductor tension is nearly zero. If the
conductor has a steel core, then the length of steel core and the aluminium layers wound
around it are nearly equal. Rawlins [19] has suggested that there may be residual stresses
in the aluminium layers as a result of the stranding process but this is only important
when estimating high temperature sag.
In the LE and SPE conductor elongation models, the stranded aluminium conductor is
assumed to elongate linearly and reversibly in response to modest changes in tension
(Elastic Elongation) and to modest changes in conductor temperature (Linear Thermal
Elongation). The linear and reversible change in length (elongation) in response to
modest changes in tension and temperature is assumed to behave as was shown in
equations (8) and (9). The stranded conductor is represented as a linear spring which
changes length in response to changes in tension and temperature, returning to its original
length when the tension or temperature is returned to their original value.
With the EPE conductor elongation model, the stranded aluminum conductor is assumed
to elongate non-linearly with tension when first loaded due to strand deformation and
settlement. However, once loaded to a tension H1, the conductor behaves linearly at
tensions below H1. According to the EPE model, if the conductor tension subsequently
exceeds H1, the conductor again elongates non-linearly as a result of additional strand
settlement and deformation up to a new, higher tension H2, yet linearly afterward at
tensions below H2.
Thus, in all three elongation models, the conductor is assumed to behave linearly with
tension under all or most field conditions.
LH = LREF 1 + (13a)
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
= = (13b)
LH = Length of conductor under horizontal tension H
LREF = Reference length of conductor under horizontal tension for no ice or wind load at
everyday temperature H REF
E = Modulus of elasticity of the conductor
A = Conductor cross-sectional area
= Strain or relative elongation expressed in s or 110-6
H/A = Stress (tension divided by area)
According to IEC 1597, reasonable values for the modulus of all aluminium stranded
conductors, regardless of alloy are shown in Table 7. These values are in rough
agreement with other recommendations from the literature.
According to equation (13), for a 403-A1-37 strand conductor, the elastic strain
corresponding to the application of a 12kN (20% of its RTS) tension is 506 s (0.000506
or 0.0506%). For a 300 m length of conductor, the change in length corresponding to
application of a tension of 12 kN is only 152 mm.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Elongation relative to initial
200.0 stressed length at 12365 N.
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Tension - N
The preceding equations (13), the calculation example, and Figure 17 all show how
stranded A1 conductors, assumed to have a linear stress-strain characteristic, elongate
under load. Notice that the assumption of linear stress-strain behavior does not preclude
consideration of unstressed length changes due to reversible changes in temperature or
to irreversible length changes due to plastic elongation. The top curve in Figure 17
illustrates the linear stress-strain behavior of the all aluminium conductor after it has
experienced a permanent plastic length increase of 150 s due to either a temperature
change or due to plastic elongation.
= A TC (14)
A = Aluminium coefficient of linear thermal elongation (2310-6 oC-1)
TC = change in conductor temperature in oC
Notice that equation (14) can be used to convert a change in strain into an equivalent
change in conductor temperature. 115 s is equivalent to a temperature change of 5oC
(11510-6/2310-6) for an all aluminum conductor.
5.2.3 Linear Elastic Strain - Non-Homogeneous ACSR (A1/Syz) Conductors
Approximately 80% of bare overhead stranded conductors used in power lines are ACSR
(A1/Syz). With a non-homogeneous stranded conductor such as ACSR, the equation for
elastic behavior is more complex than with all aluminum conductors. The composite
stiffness (elastic modulus) depends not only on the modulus of each component but also
on their relative cross-sectional areas. This section discusses how the composite
conductor modulus can be calculated if the component modulus and area is known. Even
though the equations in the following refer to A1/S1A conductor, the concept applies
equally well to non-homogeneous conductors constructed from other materials.
The total tension, HAS, in the non-homogeneous conductor is the sum of the tensions in
the outer layers, HA, and the core, HS:
H AS = H A + H S (15)
The strains of the aluminium and steel components must be equal since the two
components are bound together at the ends of the conductor:
AS = A = S (16)
Given the link between stress and strain in each component as shown in equations (13),
the composite elastic modulus, EAS of the non-homogeneous conductor can be derived by
combining the preceding equations:
` AS = = (17)
H A = H AS (18a) and H S = H AS (18b)
Finally, in terms of the modulus of the components, the composite linear modulus is:
E AS = E A + ES S (19)
The two terms on the right hand side of this equation are sometimes referred to as the
virtual modulus of the outer layers and the core, respectively. Note that a stress-strain
plot for ACSR showing the component modulus multiplied by the area fraction can be
simply added to find the total modulus.
As noted in Table 8, typical values of ES = 190 GPa and EA = 55 GPa are suggested in
[2] for stranded steel and aluminium components, respectively.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
According to equation (19) and Table 8, even modest steel areas (e.g. 11% of total area)
greatly stiffen aluminium conductors, increasing the composite modulus from 55 to 68-
70 GPa (approximately 25%). Such stiffening reduces the sag increase under heavy ice
and wind loads and yields higher maximum tension loads on angle and dead-end
The presence of a steel core also reduces thermal elongation and increases the rated
tensile strength of the conductor (e.g. the RTS of 26/7 ACSR is 225% that of an all
aluminum conductor with the same electrical resistance).
AS = A + S S (20)
The linear thermal elongation coefficient of aluminium is twice that of steel. Therefore,
as the temperature of an A1/Syz conductor increases, while the entire conductor
elongates according to the composite coefficient of linear thermal expansion shown
above, there is also a transfer of tension from the aluminium strands into the steel strands.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
For example, with 403mm2, 26/7 ACSR (403-A1/S1A-26/7) Drake conductor, the
composite modulus and thermal elongation coefficient, according to (19) and (20) are:
402.8 65.8
E AS =55 + 190 = 74 MPa
468.6 468.6
74 468.6 74 468.6
1. Strand settlement & deformation (Initial Plastic Elongation) When first loaded to
a tension of 15% to 25% of RTS, during the process of stringing and sagging, the
aluminium layers of the conductor elongate plastically by an amount which
increases with tension.
2. Short-time high-tension plastic elongation (Design Loading Plastic Elongation)
After the conductor has been sagged and clipped, ice and/or wind may raise the
tension to much higher levels (e.g. 30% to 80% of RTS) for relatively short times
(1 hour to 24 hours). This causes additional plastic elongation of the aluminium
layers and lesser plastic elongation of any steel core.
3. Long time metallurgical creep elongation (Creep Plastic Elongation) After the
conductor has been sagged and clipped, the aluminium layers will continue to
elongate plastically even for moderate everyday tensions of 15% to 25% of
RTS. Over 10 years or more, the plastic elongation of aluminium layers due to
such long-time creep elongation may exceed that associated with high short-time
loads. This is especially true in geographical areas not subject to ice or hurricane
force winds.
With reference to the Linear Elongation (LE) model defined previously in section 5.2,
plastic elongation is completely ignored. In the Simplified Plastic Elongation (SPE)
model, plastic elongation of the conductor is represented by a typical value based on
experience and engineering judgment. Only in the Experimental Plastic Elongation
(EPE) model (section 5.4) are the three types of plastic elongation considered separately
and the combined resultant plastic elongation calculated as a function of tension,
temperature, and time.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
In the SPE model, a typical value of plastic elongation is specified to represent the
combined effect of strand settlement and deformation, high tension load events, and
sustained everyday tension of the life of the line. For a homogeneous conductor (e.g. all
aluminum) the initial unstressed length of the conductor is simply increased by the
amount of plastic elongation and the final greater sag and decreased tension are
calculated by one of the methods described in section 6. For a non-homogeneous
conductor (e.g. ACSR), however, the calculation is more complex because the creep
elongation of the steel core wires is normally negligible. As the aluminum wires elongate
plastically in ACSR, three things occur: the fraction of composite tension in the
aluminum layers decreases; the fraction of composite tension in the steel core increases;
and the composite tension decreases while the composite strain (i.e. sag) increases.
For ACSR conductor, neglecting any steel core plastic elongation, the final tensions in
the steel core, HS, and in the aluminum layers, HA, is a function of the plastic aluminium
strand elongation, CA, as shown in equations (21).
Rearranging the preceding equations, the fractions of the final component tension in
the aluminium and steel core can be found as a function of the component areas, the
component elastic modulus of aluminium and steel, and the aluminium plastic strain:
= (1 CA , ) (21b)
H ,
= (1 + CA , ) (21c)
H ,
As noted in IEC 1597, one can conclude from these equations that:
1. Plastic elongation in the aluminium strands (CA) reduces the fraction of the total
conductor tension (see equation 21b) which is carried in the aluminium strands
and increases the fraction carried in the steel core strands (equation 21c).
2. The increase in composite conductor length is a result of the increased elastic
elongation of the steel core.
3. If the plastic elongation of the aluminum layers is sufficiently large, the tension in
the aluminium strands can reach zero and then be negative (i.e. in compression).
Finally, note that the tension shifts described in these equations also occur at increased
conductor temperatures because of the higher thermal elongation rate of aluminium as
compared to steel. Plastic elongation in the aluminium layers reduces the conductor
temperature at which the aluminium tension reaches zero (the knee-point temperature)
with A1/S1x conductor.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Assuming that a Drake ACSR conductor is recently installed at 28 kN and 15oC, and that
the aluminium strand layer plastic elongation due to settling and initial loading is CA =
300 s, then according to equations (21b) and (21c), the initial tensions in the
aluminium layers and steel core are:
H S = 28 11.2 = 16.8kN
If the conductor temperature then increases to 45oC, the aluminium strands elongate at
twice the rate of the steel core which causes an additional strain shift from the aluminium
to the steel as follows:
Ignoring any reduction in composite tension due to the increased length of the conductor,
the tension distribution at 45oC is:
HA =
28 55 402.8
(300 + 345) 10 6 74 468.6 ) = 3.6kN
74 468.6 28
H S = 28 3.6 = 24.4kN
According to equation (21a), this tension shift at constant composite conductor tension
can only occur with a composite strain of:
= = 1952 s
65.8 190
At somewhat higher temperatures, the aluminium tension goes to zero and all the tension
is carried by the steel core. Beyond this temperature, the A1/S1x conductor elongates
with temperature at the rate of steel. This temperature is commonly referred to as the
knee-point temperature because it corresponds to the point at which the rate of increase
of sag with temperature changes, showing as a knee on a plot of sag versus
temperature. When the temperature of the conductor decreases, the aluminium strands
once again come under tension and the conductor behaves according to the composite
modulus and thermal elongation equations above.
For example, Figure 18 depicts 10 years of creep elongation of the aluminium strands
which causes the knee-point to occur at a lower temperature because the plastic creep
elongation has resulted in stretched aluminium strands requiring a lower temperature
increase to fully unload to the steel core.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Sag Kneepoint of 26/7 A1/S1 Drake installed to 20% RBS at 15C in 300 m span
Kneepoint after
aluminum creep
9 Kneepoint before
aluminum creep
Sag - meters
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Conductor Temperature - deg C
Note how the knee-point temperature of the example (Drake A1/Syz in a 300 m span)
moves from 135oC when the conductor is first installed to 60oC after aluminium creep for
10 years has occurred.
Tests of multi-layer A1/Syz, however, indicate that the full hard H19 aluminium layers
support a modest level of compression beyond the knee-point temperature. Several
theories have been proposed to model the composite conductor thermal elongation in this
transition region beyond the knee-point temperature.
Rawlins [19] found that the increased sag at temperatures above the kneepoint are due to a
combination of residual stress in the aluminium layers (a result of two-pass manufacturing
stranding process) and interference between the helical layers trying to expand radially
(lending the aluminium component layers a small compression modulus). Barrett [20]
suggested that the aluminium layers can support up to 10 MPa (1500 psi.) of compression
which can be increased by the relatively high radial temperature gradients that can occur at
high current densities. Barrett notes a high level of random variation in the observed levels
of thermal elongation beyond knee-point. Rawlins study found that the compressive
aluminum stresses beyond the knee-point temperature to be insignificant. In Barretts
studies of compression levels in A1/Syz, he found that the aluminium layers supported
between 7 and 21 MPa (1000 and 3000 psi.).
Given the variability of sag calculation at high temperatures, and the uncertainty of the
details, it seems prudent to take a conservative approach in accounting for aluminium
compression. Recommendations for additional sag due to aluminium compression are
summarized in the following table:
Table 1 Maximum excess sag (m) due to the built-in aluminium stress posited by Rawlins,
at temperatures above the kneepoint, as estimated with the Alcoa SAG10 computer program.
Span Length - m
A1/Syz Type 200 400 600
Tern 45/7 0.3 0.3 -
Drake 26/7 0.5 0.7 1.0
Mallard 30/19 0.4 0.5 0.7
Of course, direct measurement of sag-tension variation with high temperature could supersede
these values.
5.4 Experimentally Measured Plastic Elongation of Stranded
As discussed previously (and illustrated in Erreur ! Source du renvoi introuvable.),
concentric stranded aluminium conductors are subject to the following elastic and inelastic
1. Thermal Elongation - reversible linear elongation due to temperature change
2. Elastic Elongation - reversible linear elongation due to tension change
3. Strand Settlement & Deformation (Initial Plastic Elongation) rapid irreversible
plastic elongation under initial loading due to a combination of strand settlement,
deformation, and rapid (<1 hour) metallurgical creep of aluminium wires.
4. Short-time, High-Tension Plastic Elongation (Design Loading Plastic Elongation)
rapid irreversible plastic elongation which occurs as the result of high conductor
tensions due to wind and ice loads.
5. Long-time metallurgical creep elongation (Creep Plastic Elongation) relatively
slow, irreversible plastic elongation which occurs due to persistent moderate tension
over the life of a transmission line.
Reversible linear thermal elongation and linear elastic elongation of stranded conductors were
described in Section 5.2. This section of the brochure discusses the plastic elongation
5.4.1 Stress-strain testing of stranded conductors
Plastic elongation is readily evident in any laboratory testing of concentric stranded
aluminium conductor. The Aluminium Association provides a standard method of stress-
strain (and creep) testing of Aluminium and ACSR Conductors. After properly terminating a
test length of approximately 13 meters, the conductor is subjected to an initial load equal to
approximately 2% of its RTS in order to straighten it. Afterward, the sample is subjected to a
series of loads as follows:
1. 30% of RTS for 30 minutes and release to initial load.
2. 50% of RTS for 60 minutes and release to initial load.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Stress-Strain Test
One Hour
200 Initial 70% RBS
50% RBS
100 30% RBS
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450
% %Strain
Figure 19 Typical stress-strain test results with 1-hour initial curve drawn and
both initial and final modulus shown.
Note that:
1. The settlement and 1-hour creep plastic elongation increases with tension.
2. The curve drawn through the 1-hour hold points is designated as the initial
stress-strain curve.
3. The slope of the stress-strain curve during unloading and re-loading the
conductor after each hold period is the same. This slope is called the final
stress-strain modulus of the composite conductor.
4. The final modulus is greater than the initial modulus.
If the conductor consists entirely of aluminium wires, then only one stress-strain test is
required. As a result of numerous stress-strain tests, with conductors provided by a
number of different manufacturers, stress strain curves including both initial and final
curves have been made available by the Aluminium Association. Figure 20 shows stress-
strain curves for 37-strand, all-aluminium (A1) conductor.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
A second test must be performed on the steel core alone. The result of a test on the S1A-
7 steel core alone is shown in Figure 22.
Figure 22 - Raw data for a stress-strain test performed on the steel core alone for
the A1/Syz conductor whose composite test results are shown in Figure 21.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Notice that the permanent elongation of the steel core at each of the three hold points is
much less than the elongation of the composite conductor. Based on the test results
shown in Figure 21 and Figure 22, an initial stress-strain curve for the aluminium
layers alone can be derived. To do this, note that the total tension, HAS, in the conductor
is the sum of the tension in the aluminum layers, HA, and the tension in the steel core, HS,
and that the stress in the component parts is equal to the component tension divided by
the component area. The total stress in the conductor is therefore:
= AS = A A + S S (22)
Where AS is the ordinate of Figure 21 and S is the ordinate of Figure 22.
In Figure 21, the percent strain at which the final stress-strain curve of the composite
conductor intersects the horizontal axis, depends on the maximum tension to which the
stranded conductor has been exposed, however the slope of the curve (the conductor
modulus) does not. Therefore, the higher the stress experienced by the conductor, the
greater the plastic elongation the conductor experiences as a result of the maximum
loading event.
5.4.2 Plastic elongation under initial high loading
The experimental stress-strain curves can be used to calculate the initial conductor plastic
strain as a function of the maximum tension as shown in Figure 23. The plastic
elongation due to strand settlement and deformation during initial tension loading is equal
to the difference in strain between the linear behavior (indicated by the final curve drawn
through the origin) and the initial 1-hour hold curve. No attempt is made in this
document to draw a distinction between settlement strain and short time creep elongation
at high tension levels.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Final Aluminum
Initial Aluminum
Plastic Elong
Stress- kPa
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Percent Elongation
Harvey and Larson [21, 22, 23] reviewed data from a large series of stress-strain tests to
determine the initial settling and strand deformation values of plastic elongation shown in
Figure 23 for various types of aluminum conductor. They noted that there was
considerable random variation between test samples but that the values shown in Table
10 were generally consistent with the tests they reviewed. They also noted that these
values were not dependent on the rod source (continuous-cast or rolled aluminum rod) or,
for A1/Syz, on the stranding.
Table 10 - Initial settling and one-hour creep strain as a function of conductor
type and stress from Harvey & Larson.
%Plastic Strain [s]
Conductor Type 30% RTS 50% RTS 70% RTS
A1 240 570 1180
A1/Syz 370 830 1760
A2 260 500 1120
A1/A2 200 580 1530
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Similar data is presented in Table 3 of IEC 1597 [2] but the IEC data indicates a
discernable difference as a function of ACSR stranding. Table 11, below, summarizes
the IEC data.
The plastic elongation due to initial settlement and strand deformation as a function of
tension can be derived from the values given in Table 11.
Table 11 - Stress-strain data from IEC 1597 Table 3
Plastic Settlement & 1-hour creep as a
function of stress [s]
Type Stranding Efinal-GPa 25MPa 50MPa 75MPa 100MPa 125MPa
A1 or A2 7 strand 63.3 105 310 515 1020 1925
A1 or A2 19 strand 61.2 92 283 575 1066 2058
A1 or A2 37 strand 58.9 76 251 527 1002 1978
A1 or A2 61 strand 58.3 71 342 714 1285 2256
A1/S1 6/1 79.0 84 167 151 234 418
A1/S1 18/1 68.0 132 265 397 629 862
A1/S1 22/7 71.0 148 196 444 592 739
A1/S1 26/7 74.2 163 226 389 452 615
A1/S1 45/7 64.5 212 325 437 650 962
A1/S1 54/7 67.1 127 255 382 510 737
A1/S1 54/19 69.7 141 183 324 465 707
A1/S1 72/7 61.1 291 382 573 763 1054
A1/S1 72/19 61.0 290 380 570 761 1151
A1/S1 84/7 66.6 125 149 374 598 923
A1/S1 84/19 66.5 124 148 272 496 820
Cf = 0.01698
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
as described in two excellent Electra articles [24, 25], aluminium strands also undergo
significant plastic elongation when even moderate tensions are applied for extended
periods of time.
This long-time plastic elongation of aluminium at moderate tension levels is commonly
referred to as metallurgical creep or simply creep plastic elongation. Since bare overhead
conductors are typically installed to tensions on the order of 20% RTS, and sag increases
with conductor length, the accurate calculation of conductor creep plastic elongation over
the life of the line is an important factor in maintaining electrical clearances.
As for stress-strain testing, there is a standard method for measuring the creep plastic
elongation of concentric stranded bare overhead conductors [26, 27]. The preferred test
length is the same as for stress-strain tests 12.5 m. When tested at room temperature,
the conductor specimen is allowed to stabilize to room temperature. After the test tension
is applied, the specimen length is measured at one hour and at subsequent time intervals
up to 1000 hours.
For a series of such creep elongation tests (each with a different new sample of
conductor) the data can be plotted on log-log giving a series of creep curves as
shown in Figure 24.
Creep Test
Creep in
% Strain
45% RBS
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000
Time in Hours
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
These curves do not allow estimate of creep plastic elongation at times less than 1 hour.
For such short times, the plastic elongation is estimated from the stress-strain
measurements. Also, the straight lines on log-log paper indicate the decreasing rate of
creep elongation with time. In general, the increase in elongation between 10 and 100
hours is the same as the change between 100 and 1000 hours. The rate of creep
elongation decreases by a factor of 10 as the time increases by a factor of 10.
The data shown in Figure 24 can be represented algebraically. Harvey & Larson suggest
the following equations for plastic creep elongation of A1 stranded conductor at everyday
C = 1.23 [ ( MPa )]1.3 [t (hrs )]0.16 microstrain
The aluminium source is assumed to be rolled-rod aluminum, and t is the elapsed time in
hours. Thus the plastic creep elongation of our example Arbutus A1 conductor at 20% of
its RTS (RTS = 61 800 N), expressed as stress (H/A = 0.2*61 800/403.8 = 30.6 MPa)
applied for 10 years (87 600 h) is:
C = 1.23 (30.6)1.3 87600 0.16 = 649microstrain
These algebraic equations are one way of summarizing the test data for creep plastic
elongation in stranded conductors. An equally valid method, used in the load-strain sag-
tension method, is to summarize the data graphically as shown in Figure 25.
Initial "1-hour"
70% RBS
Linear Modulus
Stress- kPa
50% RBS
10 yr
-0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Percent Elongation
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
For example, the creep elongation of this 37 strand all aluminium stranded conductor can
be calculated for an elapsed time of 10 years at a stress of 30.6 MPa. Re-plotting Figure
25 into Figure 26, we can see that the total conductor creep over 10 years, including
initial settling strain, is approximately 0.09% or 900 s.
Initial "1-
Linear Modulus 12 mo
6 mo
Stress- kPa
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Percent Elongation
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
In brief, the increase in stress of the steel core is determined by multiplying the long-time
creep elongation found under test by the steel core final modulus. The increase in length
of the aluminium layers is then found by subtracting the reduced elastic elongation from
the creep elongation.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
As an example, using the EPE elongation model, sag-tension calculations are shown in
Table 12 as generated by the SAG10 program, which is widely used in North America.
The difference in sag and tension between the loading cases is due to differences in
conductor temperature and weight per unit length. The difference in initial and final sag-
tensions is the result of plastic conductor elongation that results from design tension
loading events and metallurgical creep over time. Notice that the initial and final sag-
tension is equal in the first row. This occurs because the maximum plastic elongation of
the conductor occurs as a result of this loading condition, rather than being the result of
metallurgical creep at everyday conditions.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Not only are the results of calculation similar for the various sag-tension calculation
programs, but the numerical methods used to find the solutions for each loading case are
usually similar. The numerical method follows a process similar to the following:
1. For the span, S, and bare installed conductor weight, w0, the conductor sag, D0,
and conductor length, L0, are determined for the initial installed loading condition
tension, H0, and temperature, T0 (e.g. 15% RTS at 15oC in a 300 m span). This
condition is indicated by the asterisk in Table 12.
2. For Loading Condition #1, the conductor weight, w1, per unit length is determined
from the conductor bare weight and any ice and wind loads specified in loading
condition #1.
3. For the Loading Condition #1, the conductor length is adjusted to L1, based on the
difference in conductor temperature using equation (14).
4. Given the weight, w1, and the conductor length, L1, the conductor tension, H11, is
calculated according to equation (8).
5. Based on the initial estimate of conductor tension, H11, the conductor length for
loading condition #1 can be estimated by adjusting for the change in tension (H0
H11) using equation 13 (or a non-linear experimental curve).
6. A new estimate of conductor length for loading case #1 is then L12.
7. Using L12, the conductor tension is recalculated using equation (14), etc., until the
conductor lengths and the conductor tensions are equal.
From the preceding discussion, it is clear that the difference in the calculation methods
centers on modeling and manipulating conductor elongation data, rather than how the
sag-tension values are calculated in determining the simultaneous solution of catenary
and conductor elongation equations.
None of the contributors to this brochure could identify a power transmission company
that used the simplest linear model for sag-tension behavior, where plastic elongation is
ignored. However, the simplicity of this elongation model allows certain physical
insights that the more complex elongation models do not.
The basic intention of any sag-tension calculation method is to determine the variation in
sag and tension with (1) changes in conductor weight due to ice and wind, (2) changes in
conductor length due to temperature variation, and (3) the effects of plastic elongation (if
any) as a function of time and high mechanical loads.
Sag-tension calculations utilizing the three elongation models will be demonstrated with
two typical transmission conductors:
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
The initial catenary conditions can be calculated based on the exact catenary equations
described in Section 2 of this brochure:
The linear elongation model has the advantage of simplicity, allowing a rather simple yet
exact sag-tension calculation process. If the conductor elongates linearly as a result of
the increase in tension, the change in conductor length is given by the following simple
equation (13a) presented previously in section 5.2.1:
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
With the bare A1 conductor installed at 15.33 kN (25% RTS) in a 300 m span, the initial
sag at 15oC is 8.0 m according to equation (2). If, after being installed, the conductor is
subjected to a wind pressure of 430 MPa at 15C, the conductor weight per unit length
increases from 10.89 N/m (bare) to the vector sum of the bare conductor weight (10.89
N/m) and the horizontal wind force (430*0.0261 = 11.2 N/m) or 15.6 N/m.
If the conductor were completely inelastic, then the sag of the bare conductor (8.0 m)
would be unchanged, and the new conductor weight per unit length of 15.6 N/m would
yield a conductor tension of 22 kN (15.33*(15.6/10.89)=22.0).
But the conductor is assumed to elongate linearly (LE model) with tension so the
conductor length and sag will increase and the conductor tension will be somewhat less
than if it were inelastic. To determine the new sag-tension value under this high wind
loading, the catenary equations and the elastic elongation equation can be solved
iteratively. This is conveniently done by searching for a tension value at which the
increase in conductor strain due to the increased conductor tension is equal to the increase
in catenary strain ([L-S]/S) due to the increased weight per unit length and tension.
The increase in conductor strain under tension is given by a form of equation (8) with the
final or elastic modulus of the Arbutus A1 conductor as 58.9 GPa:
L 300.5682 H ( N ) 15.33 10 3
H = = 6
58.9 10 403 10
The increase in catenary strain under increased conductor weight and the corresponding
increase in tension are given by a rearrangement of equation (4):
L 300.5682 2 H [N ] 300 15.6
LCAT = = sinh 1
300.5682 300.5682 * 15.6 2 H [N ]
Setting the increases in conductor strain equal, we have the following equation which can
be solved for the new tension, H:
H=20745 N
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
The resulting conductor tension under this wind load (i.e. 20.75 kN) is higher than when
initially installed (i.e. 15.33 kN) but less than if the conductor did not elongate (i.e. 21.94
kN). At the equilibrium tension, the tension has increased by 5415 N, the sag has
increased by 0.5 m, and the conductor strain has increased by 228 s.
The preceding calculation can be illustrated graphically as shown in Figure 27. The slope
of the linear stress-strain curve is equal to the conductor elastic modulus. The
intersection of the stress-strain curve (at A) with the bare conductor catenary curve
occurs at a conductor stress of 38 MPa (15.33 kN divided by 402.9 mm2).
High Wind
13.4 MPa
Conductor Stress - MPa
40 A
Bare Conductor
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4
% Elongation
The solution for sag-tension at the high wind load condition is shown in Figure 27 at B,
the intersection of the linear stress-strain curve and the high wind catenary curve. It can
be seen that the stress has increased to about 51 MPa and the elongation increased by
about 0.021% (210 micro-strain) which compares favorably with the exact value of 228
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
In the SPE conductor model, plastic elongation is assumed equal to a typical value based
on historical experience and the tension induced elongation is assumed elastic.
With a steel-cored aluminum conductor, plastic elongation occurs primarily in the outer
layers of aluminum strands. Unlike all-aluminum conductors, since there is little or no
permanent elongation in the steel core, any plastic elongation of the composite ACSR is
limited by the core.
For example, with 795kcmil-26/7 Drake ACSR conductor, the composite modulus and
thermal elongation coefficient, according to (19) and (21) are:
0.6247 0.1017
E AS =8.6 + 27.0 = 11.2 Mpsi
0.7264 0.7264
This equation applies to the ACSR conductor as long as both the steel core and the
aluminum layers are in tension.
Since we are only interested in calculating the high temperature sag of this conductor, for
which the conductor weight per unit length remains the same, only the bare conductor
catenary curve is shown in Figure 28. Since we are using the SPE conductor model, the
stress-strain behavior of the conductor is assumed to be simply linear and the plastic
elongation is equal to a fixed, typical value, based on experience and engineering
The calculation begins with the bare conductor installed initially to a stress of 48 MPa at
15C as shown at point A in Figure 28. The unstressed initial elongation of the
conductor is found from the intersection of the elastic modulus (starting at A) with the
zero stress abscissa.
To calculate the final unloaded tension at 100oC, one must account for plastic
elongation over the life of the line and for thermal elongation in going from the conductor
temperature when installed (i.e. 15oC) to the higher value (100oC) .Since we are using the
SPE elongation model, it can be assumed that a typical plastic elongation of the
conductor has been established based on field investigations or a conservative
engineering estimate. We will assume that this typical plastic elongation is 600 micro-
strain (or 0.06%).
With reference to Figure 28, the initial unstressed conductor elongation at 15oC is
found by moving from point A to point B (Notice that the elongation is reduced by
approximately 0.065%). The typical plastic elongation of 0.060% is represented in this
diagram by moving from point B to point C. The increased conductor sag at 15oC
due to this plastic elongation is found by following the linear modulus from point C to
point D where the elastic modulus intersects the bare catenary curve. At point D, the
stress is 43 MPa and the elongation is 0.0245%.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
50 A
Conductor Stress - MPa
0 B C E
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
% Elongation
Figure 28 - Sag-tension at High Temperature with SPE model for Drake ACSR in
300 m span.
Converting this stress and elongation to final tension and sag at 15oC, we get:
Under final conditions, the initial installed tension has decreased from 28.0 kN to 20.1
kN and the initial installed sag of 8.0 m has increased to 8.95 m.
The final sag-tension condition at 100oC is found by shifting the intersection of the
elastic modulus curve and the zero stress axis to the right (C to E) by the change in
%elongation corresponding to the conductor temperature change from 15 to 100oC (i.e.
0.160% or 1600 micro-strain).
The final sag-tension condition at 100oC is then found by moving up the elastic modulus
curve from E to F where the elastic modulus intersects the bare catenary curve. The
final sag and tension values at 100oC are found to be 15.9 kN (34 MPa) and 11.3 m
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
The graphical sag-tension calculation utilizing EPE conductor data will be limited to a
180 m ruling span with 403 mm2 26/7 Drake ACSR, installed to an initial tension of 28
kN (20% of its RTS) at 15oC. The ruling span is assumed to be subject to occasional ice
and wind loadings of 12.5 mm radial glaze ice combined with a wind pressure of 383
Figure 29 illustrates how the use of an experimental plastic elongation (EPE) model
results in a lower estimate of maximum conductor tension than either the Linear
Elongation (LE) or Simplified Plastic Elongation (SPE) models, both of which assume
that the conductor elongates linearly with tension. Notice that the vertical axis is the
composite stress of the conductor and has the units of MPa.
In Figure 29, letter A indicates the starting point for this description. At A, the bare
Drake conductor is initially installed in a 180 m span with the bare conductor at a tension
of 28kN and a conductor temperature of 15oC. Given the total composite conductor
crossectional area of 468.6 mm2, 28 KN corresponds to a composite stress of 59.8 MPa,
which we will round off to 60 MPa on the graph.
The letters E and F indicate solution points on the loaded catenary curve (the catenary
curve which corresponds to a conductor temperature of -18oC and a conductor weight of
32.2 N/m due to the ice and wind loading) for the LE/SPE methods and for the EPE
elongation model, respectively. The difference (about 9%) in conductor stress between
these two points indicates the difference in maximum structure tension load obtained by
the linear and experimental conductor elongation models.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
468 mm2, 26/7 Drake ACSR (with EPE model) in 180 m span
with 12.5 mm glaze ice and 383 Pa wind loading.
E Difference in maximum
100.0 tension of 4200 (9MPa)
Catenary Curve for
conductor w. ice & wind
60.0 A
Catenary Curve for
20.0 bare conductor
-0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Though not shown in Figure 29, the sag of the conductor can be found for any
%elongation by application of equation (8) or from the stress (tension) and conductor
weight according to equation (2). For example, at point A, where the bare conductor is
initially installed, the sag is:
Since the ice and wind loading occurs at -18oC, the unstressed lengths of the steel core
and the aluminum layers must be reduced, moving the unstressed %elongations to the
left, from C to D. Since the aluminum layers contract twice as much as the steel core, the
zero-tension lengths of the steel core and the aluminum layers for the EPE model are
nearly equal at the reduced temperature. Also, in this particular case, the %elongation
shift for the linear LE/SPE model at -18oC yields nearly the same zero tension length at
point D.
Starting at the % elongation which corresponds to the unstressed length of the conductor
at -18oC, both the linear LE/SPE and the non-linear EPE stress-strain curves are traced to
their intersection with the loaded catenary at points E and F. Above the initial installed
stress of 60 MPa, with the EPE model, further strand deformation and settling occurs.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Since the LE/SPE models are linear, this additional plastic elongation of the aluminum
layers is ignored. The additional plastic elongation predicted by the EPE model results in
a lower estimate of maximum conductor tension (point F) than that predicted by the LE
or SPE models (point E).
Notice that the more realistic EPE elongation model gives both a more realistic estimate
of maximum structure tension loading and that the difference between the linear estimate
and the non-linear estimate will be larger in severe ice and wind load areas.
The use of the EPE model makes it possible to calculate the plastic elongation of the
aluminum layers as a function of realistic high mechanical loading events rather than
ignoring it in the LE model or using a typical value in the SPE model. In addition, the
plastic elongation of the aluminum layers due to deformation and settling during high
tension load events can be compared to metallurgical creep plastic elongation to obtain a
more accurate estimate of actual plastic elongation. This, in turn, yields a better estimate
of final sags under high conductor temperatures as demonstrated in Section 6.3.3.
6.3.2 Final sag-tension accounting for aluminum creep with the EPE model
One of the very basic limitations of the linear elongation (LE) and Simplified Plastic
Elongation (SPE) conductor models is that, for non-homogeneous conductors, the
changes in component tensions which result from aluminum creep and the higher thermal
elongation rate of aluminum are usually ignored. Even with the SPE model, where a
typical plastic elongation of the aluminum layers could be selected, the selected plastic
elongation value would not be a function of loading events or time.
In contrast, Figure 30 shows how the EPE model allows one to keep track of the
component tension levels in aluminum layers and steel core for ACSR. In developing
Figure 30, the ACSR conductor is assumed to be installed (sagged and clipped) initially
to a total conductor tension of 60 MPa (28 kN) at 15oC. In applying this initial tension to
the previously unstressed, non-homogeneous conductor, the composite conductor is
elongated by about 0.105% as the conductor elongates along the AL-I + ST curve from A
to B.
The component stresses in the aluminum layers and the steel core can be plotted on the
same figure by noting equation (19) from section 5.2.3:
E AS = E A + ES S (19)
The component stress-strain curves shown in Figure 30 are the actual stress-strain curves
multiplied by the ratio of the component area to the total area. The composite stress is
then simply the sum of the component stresses shown in the figure in accordance with
equation (19).
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
From the component stress-strain curves shown in Figure 30, the initial component
tensions in the aluminum and steel core can be seen at the points marked C (31 MPa)
and D (29 MPa), respectively. Even though during the initial loading process, the
aluminum layers and the steel core are elongated equally, the strand settlement and
deformation in the aluminum layers during initial sagging, permanently lengthens the
aluminum strand layers but not the steel core. This can be seen by reducing the total
conductor tension. The aluminum layer elongation decreases along the final stress-
strain curve AL-F and the steel core elongation decreases along the same ST stress-
strain curve which it followed initially (no plastic elongation of the steel core).
The composite conductor elongation decreases along the total curve AL-F+ST reaching
a composite elongation of approximately -0.025% when the aluminum stress becomes
zero. At this point, the composite conductor curve changes suddenly to that of the steel
core alone (if we ignore the possibility of compressive forces in the aluminum layers).
If the Drake conductor, initially installed at a tension of 60 MPa, remains in place without
high ice and wind loads for 10 years, the aluminum layers will elongate plastically due to
metallurgical creep but the steel core will not. This is demonstrated in Figure 31.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
The permanent creep elongation of the aluminum layers due to metallurgical creep over
10 years yields the following results:
50.0 A'
20.0 B'
Plastic Elongation of
Aluminum Layers 15C
D 0.0 D
-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
As is typical of creep in ACSR conductor, the plastic elongation of the aluminum layers
yields an increase in the elastic elongation of the steel core.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
50.0 A'
The thermal elongation of the aluminium layers of the Drake ACSR (A1/S1A) conductor
is twice as much as the steel core per degree increase in temperature. The zero-tension
%elongation of the aluminum layers at 15oC (after 10 years of creep elongation) is
0.03%. It increases to 0.022% when the conductor temperature increases to 100oC. The
zero-tension %elongation of the steel core at 15oC is -0.06%. It increases to +0.04% as
the core temperature increases to 100oC. As a result of the difference in thermal
elongation rate of the aluminum layers and the steel core, and the permanent creep
elongation of the aluminum layers, the tension at 100oC is entirely in the steel core and
any further increase in sag at higher temperatures occurs at the thermal elongation rate of
the steel core alone.
For this ACSR conductor, in this span, the knee-point temperature is found to be 90oC.
Thus under these final conditions, the ACSR conductor is supported entirely by the steel
core at temperatures at 90oC. For ACSR conductors with a single layer of aluminum
strands, the aluminum layers cannot support significant aluminum compression force at
temperatures above the kneepoint but ACSR with multiple layers of aluminum wires can
support some modest amount of compression. Thus with multiple aluminum layer
ACSR, the compressive force in the aluminum layers increases the tension in the steel
core causes more
The kneepoint temperature also depends upon the span length and upon the relative
area of steel and aluminium in the A1/S1 conductor. Generally, as is shown in Table 14,
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
taken from Technical Brochure 244, the kneepoint temperature is lower for A1/S1
conductors with a high percentage of steel and for short spans.
Table 14 lists the kneepoint temperatures for these conductor spans under final
conditions, that is, they include the plastic elongation of the aluminium strands that
occurs as a result of tension loading over time. When first installed, the kneepoint
temperatures are higher.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
In this section a sensitivity study of the different parameters involved in the calculation
methods is carried out, in order to see how they affect final results. The study is based
upon the case discussed earlier in this document: a 468 mm2 conductor, 26/7 A1/S1
Drake, in a 300 m span, with an initial tension of 28.02 kN at 15 C. The method used in
this example is the Load-Strain Method, but it can be proved that other methods would
lead to similar results. In Table 15 there is a summary of sensitivities for the different
calculation parameters.
Other factors, which may cause significant errors in calculated sag-tension values that are
not considered here, include imperfect tension equalization in adjacent spans due to
extremely high conductor temperatures or unequal ice loads, flexibility of strain
structures, temperature difference between strands, and other factors such as those
discussed in section 2.4.
However, this slight increase in weight normally does not significantly affect final sags
due to its small quantity. In this example, an increase of 3% in the conductor weight has
been considered, and sag increments at any temperature are not greater than 0.19 m (see
Table 15). These increments are very constant with temperature. In general, for the same
Ax/Sxy conductor the kneepoint temperature shifts upward as conductor weight
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Tensions at low temperatures, which can have importance due to aeolian vibrations, are
minimally affected. For this case, an increase of 3% in conductor weight produces an
increment of only 0.1 kN on the final tension at 15C.
In the improbable case that the weight of the conductor would increase considerably (say
by 5%) the sags would also increase by 0.3m with respect to the nominal calculation
Variations of elastic modulus of either steel or aluminium change the final value of the
conductors coefficient of thermal expansion. Also, when considering composite
conductors, variations in elasticity directly affects the kneepoint temperature, resulting in
sag differences.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Nevertheless, variations in the conductors elastic modulus do not greatly affect sag-
tension values. For example, an increment of 10% of the value of both the aluminium and
steel elastic modulus can cause a sag decrement of only 0.02m at 60C, and 0.04m at
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
The different ways in which permanent plastic elongation is modeled may lead to
significant differences in sag, even (or specially) at moderate temperatures. Additionally,
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
the conductor stress-strain model under high stress events has an influence on the
maximum conductor tension transmitted to the towers. In order to simplify and evaluate
only the value sensitivity, rather than the method, the creep and the permanent elongation
due to high loads have been combined as plastic elongation, in the same way as the
Linear Methods approximates these effects. Again, in this case the kneepoint temperature
is significantly affected. As plastic elongation increases, the kneepoint temperature
decreases, causing sag differences at low temperatures only, assuming no creep of the
steel core. On the other hand, for homogeneous All Aluminium Conductors this is not an
issue, but plastic elongation is much more critical.
The results for this example are shown in Table 15, where it can be seen that for
moderate conductor temperatures the difference between considering a plastic elongation
of 0.03% (equivalent temperature shift of approximately 20C) or 0.05% (equivalent
temperature shift of approximately 33C) can cause a sag difference of about 0.44m.
These differences come to zero above the kneepoint temperature. If we consider 0.06 %
plastic elongation (equivalent temperature shift of approximately 40C), the sag
difference can reach 0.72m at 15C.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Although most calculation methods assume that the coefficient of thermal expansion is
constant, in reality it is a function of the stress and the elastic modulus [29]. The values
used for aluminium and steel strands are usually 23*10-6 and 11.510-6 per oC,
respectively, and the composite coefficient is determined as described in Section 5.2.
It can be noted in this case again that the knee-point temperature decreases as thermal
expansion coefficient increases.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Table 15 shows some values, demonstrating some of the sensitivity of the different
parameters involved in the sag-tension calculation in the example case given in section
Technical Brochure 244 contains a thorough discussion of the various sources of sag
error at high temperature. Table 2 from that brochure summarizes the most important
sources of sag error at high temperature:
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
Table 16 lists the sag errors produced by different knee-point assumptions. It also
includes estimates of sag errors due to other relatively minor sources of calculation
error including consideration of radial temperature differences between the steel core and
outside of the conductor, changes in elastic modulus with temperature, non-ideal ruling
span effects, etc. Note that the errors due to non-ideal ruling span effects are generally
larger than those due to the other factors. Sags are usually greater than predicted in the
shortest spans and less than predicted for relatively long spans.
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
8.0 References
Documents listed in the Reference Section are specifically referred to in the brochure.
1 IEC 1089, Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors,
First Edition, 1991.
4 Barrett, JS, Dutta S., and Nigol, O., A New Computer Model of A1/S1A (ACSR)
Conductors, IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-102, No. 3, March 1983, pp 614-621.
7 Lummis J., Ficher H.D., Practical application of sag and tension calculations to
transmission line design, AIEE Transactions, paper 54-501
8 Martin J.S., Sag calculations by the use of Martins Table (book), Copperweld
Steel Co., Pa, 1031
13 IEEE Subcommittee 15.11, Limitations of the Ruling Span Method for Overhead
Line Conductors at High Operating Temperatures. Report of IEEE WG on Thermal
Aspects of Conductors, IEEE WPM 1998, Tampa, FL, Feb. 3, 1998
WG B2-12 Calculation of Sag-tension for Overhead Power Lines
16 CIGRE SCB2/WG 11.04 Overhead conductor safe design tension with respect to
aeolian vibrations with Part III: Bundled conductor lines, ELECTRA, no.220, June
2005, pp 48-59. Technical Brochure No. 273, 2005.
17 Varney T., Aluminium Company of America, Graphic Method for Sag Tension
Calculations for A1/S1A (ACSR) and Other Conductors., Pittsburg, 1927
21 Harvey, JR and Larson RE. Use of Elevated Temperature Creep Data in Sag-
Tension Calculations. IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-89, No. 3, pp. 380-386, March 1970
23 Harvey, JR. Creep of Transmission Line Conductors. IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-88,
No. 4, pp. 281-285, April 1969
27 IEC 61395, Overhead electrical conductors Creep test procedures for stranded
conductors, First Edition, 1998.