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Bonding of aluminum

Sapa Technology (ST) is a research and development center
within Sapa.

Sapa is an international industrial group. It develops, manufactures

and markets aluminum and plastic based products that have
a high degree of added value. Aluminum and plastic are both
lightweight materials.

ST has been assigned the role of supporting and stimulating the

technical development of the products and processes of Sapa

We are a high level technical resource for the individual companies

and, consequently, their customers.

STs specialists supply expertise on how aluminums properties

can be influenced by controlling manufacturing conditions and the
mix of alloying elements.

Our laboratories have advanced measuring equipment and

equipment for the technical investigation of materials. We often
work closely with universities, university colleges and research

An important part of our activities is the dissemination of knowledge

about aluminums properties and the use of aluminum.

Cover photo: The tonne Profilen (Profile), the worlds first sailing boat to be made using bonded
2 aluminum profiles. Developed and built by Sapa Profiler, Vetlanda.
Introduction Contents
Many designers know that adhesives are used to bond Introduction 3
load-bearing structures in aircraft. Double-sided sticky
tape is also used to join certain metal components in The bonding of structures an overview 4
aircraft. Between these two extremes, there are very
many different adhesives. Preconditions for bonding 5

Bonding as a jointing method offers wide possibilities The effect of the service environment 6
in a very broad area. However, the seemingly simple
jointing offered by bonding can be illusory if the joint is The effect of temperature 7
not designed with a knowledge of the basic factors that
affect the joints strength and service life. The effect of joint design 7

We hope that this guide helps to increase knowledge of The effect of mechanical loads 8
the possibilities and limitations inherent in the bonding
of aluminum. The text is based on studies of relevant The effect of adhesive type 9
literature and on the testing we carried out when
producing the first edition, published in July 1984. The effect of alloying elements and condition 9

This, the third edition, has been updated as regards, The effect of pretreatment 9
amongst other things, contents and adhesive
designations. How the bond is made 11

Bonding to materials other than aluminum 11

Choice of adhesive 12

Epoxy adhesives 13

Polyurethane adhesives 14

Hot-melt adhesives 16

Polysulphide rubbers 17

Anaerobic adhesives 18

Test methods 18

References 19

Tests of a few selected adhesives 20

Examples of bonded aluminum products 21

The bonding of structures an overview
Perhaps the main difference between bonding, on the one Adhesives that, at room temperature or above, can
hand, and soldering, brazing and welding, on the other, is appear elastic or soft can, at lower temperatures, become
that the filler material in bonding is a plastic rather than a hard and, perhaps, brittle.
metal. Below, an attempt is made to roughly rank adhesives
For bonding to take place, the adhesive and the material as regards the durability of the finished bonds at various
to be bonded must come closer to each other than 0.5 nm temperatures.
(1 nm = one millionth of a millimetre). This is only possible
if the adhesive not only wets the appropriate surface(s), but Bond durability at various temperatures:
also spreads and penetrates so that that the gaps and dips
A rough ranking of adhesive types, from most to least
in the surface(s) are filled out. temperature sensitive:
Wetting can only occur if the adhesive has a lower
Thermoplastic hot-melt adhesives
surface tension than the surface that has to be wetted.
So that there is sufficient contact between adhesive and Double-sided sticky tapes
material, the adhesive must have good liquid properties. Thermoplastic adhesives, drying
However, for the transmission of loads to be possible, it
Elastomers (rubber, contact adhesives)
must set into a load-transmitting material.
Broadly speaking, setting can be divided into three Curing elastomers
types drying, cooling and polymerisation. Different types Curing hot-melt adhesives
of adhesive set in different ways: Environment-curing adhesives
Two-component adhesives that cure at room temperature
Adhesive type: Setting via:
Solutions of plastics/elastomers Drying (evaporation) The same 2-component adhesives, but heat-curing

Dispersions of plastics/elastomers Drying (evaporation) One and two-component adhesives that require heat curing

Hot-melt adhesives Cooling Curing adhesive films, heat-curing, 125 175C

Prepolymers Polymerisation (curing)

The spread within the various groups is wide. It is highly
Where bonds between metals and reinforced plastics are recommended that meticulous attention should be paid to
subject to high loads, only the last of the above types of each adhesives data sheets. However, these do not always
provide the answers and own, supplementary testing may
adhesive (i.e. curing) is suitable.
be necessary.
Curing (polymerisation) can be initiated by: The adhesives that cure without any heat input are
Mixing of, or contact between, two components seldom of practical use at temperatures above 100C.
Heating (heat-curing) Silicon adhesives, which can be used up to around 250C,
Illumination with UV or blue light
are an exception.
There are extremely few adhesives that are of practical
Environmental changes such as: use at temperatures above 300C. Unfortunately, most
- presence of moisture heat-resistant adhesives are often relatively hard (silicon
- altered pH value once again being an exception). As a result, their ability
to spread the stresses presented by peeling and cleaving
- absence of oxygen + metal ion contact
forces is limited.
Bonded joints should be designed so that, as far as
When bonded joints are subject to loads, there is always possible, they are exposed to pure shearing forces. This
so much energy in the bonds between the adhesive and the is partly because adhesives are viscoelastic (yield/creep
bonded matter that the bonds are stronger than the weaker characteristics of soft adhesives) and partly because
(weakest) of the materials involved. Thus, rather than the of the notch sensitivity of bonds in hard, heat-resistant
bond itself coming apart, any failure would be in the form of a adhesives.
break in the adhesive or the bonded material. The foregoing The durability of a bonded joint very much depends on
is conditional on the adhesive and the surface(s) having how well the adhesive fills out the pores and unevennesses
come into truly good contact with each other. This is not in the surfaces of whatever is to be bonded. This is
always the case when fast-setting adhesives are used. particularly important when bonding metals that are to
Furthermore, not all types of bonds are so rich in en- be used in corrosive environments. Poorly filled surfaces
ergy that they can withstand the effect of another medium, provide space for water, which can cause boundary layer
e.g. water. Adhesion can then reduce and even become corrosion.
negative. This very much depends on the combination of Moisture getting into incompletely filled surfaces can,
adhesive, material and surface treatment. when a bond is subjected to minus temperatures, also lead
All plastics and, therefore, all adhesives are viscoelastic. to frost erosion in the boundary layer. Thus, when using
Thus, from the point of view of loads, they are more open high-viscosity adhesives and curing adhesive films, it may
to the influences of temperature and time than are, for be necessary to first saturate the surface with a low-viscosity
example, metals. Consequently, for an adhesive, it is not primer. The high-viscosity adhesive can then be applied.
possible to set fixed values for a large number of strength This can give the bond higher green strength and improved
parameters (e.g. modulus of elasticity, yield point and creep durability.
strength). These values differ even with relatively small In this connection, it should be pointed out that the
temperature differences. They also depend on the rate of results of metal bonding are highly dependent on which
deformation. metal oxides are on the metal surfaces at bonding and on
how securely these oxides sit on the surface. See The
4 effect of alloying elements and condition.
Preconditions for bonding
The term adhesion is frequently used in a bonding context.
Adhesive forces are the attractive forces arising in the
interface between two surfaces that are in contact with
each other.
The attractive forces between an adhesives molecules
and the surface(s) that are to be bonded have a maximum
range of 0.5 mm. To achieve such closeness, the adhesive
must have a lower surface tension than the material that
is to be bonded. This is so that spontaneous wetting can
occur (fig. 1).
If the surface tension relationship is inverted, the
adhesive tries to pull itself together into a droplet (fig. 2).

The strength of the adhesive

Figure 1: Spontaneous wetting. (the plastic)

Adhesive forces between

adhesive and aluminum
oxide (degree of wetting)

Strength of the
aluminum alloy

The adhesion between oxides and

the aluminum substrate

The strength of the oxide-hydroxide layer

Figure 2: No wetting = No adhesion
Figure 3: Possible weakest links in a bonded joint
It can also be said that the surface must have sufficient
Relative strengths immediately after bonding are not
free surface energy to prevent the adhesive pulling itself
stable. The adhesive can be affected by, for example,
together into a droplet.
water absorption, UV irradiation, heat-attributable softening
When bonding aluminum to another metal, the surface
or creep under load. Similarly, the oxide layer on a metal
tension relationship is not a problem. This is because all
surface can reform in such a way that strength is reduced
adhesives (plastics) have a lower surface tension than all
and/or the volume is changed. This can set up internal
metals. However, when bonding aluminum to a plastic, this
stresses in the bonded joint.
phenomenon should be borne in mind.
Achieving a bonded joint that has good long-term
Nonetheless, in practice, knowing about the surface
strength requires a good knowledge of how the factors set
tensions of the parent materials is not enough. This is
out below affect the joints quality.
because the properties of a surface are often different from
those of the parent material. Production methods, surface
treatments, handling and storage are just some of the
Factors that affect the quality of bonded joints
factors that can affect the chemical and structural properties
of the surface layer.
What we regard as aluminum is, in reality, often aluminum Temperature
coated with an oxide. The surface of untreated aluminum is Mechanical loads
often made up of magnesium oxides. In its turn, this surface
may be coated with grease, dirt, adsorbed molecules from
gases and liquids or the products of chemical reactions Alloying elements and condition
between the material and its surroundings. The strength of Adhesive type
the bonded joint depends on the weakest link in the chain. Joint design
This is illustrated schematically in fig. 3.
How the bond is made

A surface that may appear smooth and even (perhaps even The thicker and more fast-setting an adhesive, the
polished) is very uneven when viewed at high magnification greater the need to first apply a runny primer that saturates
(fig. 4). the surface before the adhesive is applied.
A viscid adhesive needs a very long time to take over
the space occupied by the air in such a surface. Complete
filling never take place.

Figure 4 a: An aluminum plate at 500x magnification Figure 4 b: The same plate at 25,000x magnification

The effect of the service environment

Adhesives can, of course, be affected by the service envi- mon and most difficult environmental stresses to which
ronment. As there are clear indications of the durability of an adhesive bond involving a metal can be exposed. The
various adhesives in various environments, choosing an effect on the boundary layer is even more negative if the
appropriate adhesive is no great problem in this particular water contains salts.
respect. Normally, water gets into the adhesive-aluminum
When bonding aluminum, low-strength bonded joints boundary layer via penetration into the incompletely filled
are often a boundary layer problem, i.e. the consequence unevennesses in the aluminum surface. This once again
of phenomena that have undesired effects on the boundary highlights the value of pretreating with a runny primer.
layer between adhesive and aluminum oxide. Water, in For aluminum, the long-term strength of a bonded joint
either its liquid or vapour phase, is one of the most com- exposed to moisture is directly dependent on: how well the
adhesive fills out surface unevennesses; and, the strength

Figure 5: Variously pretreated, unloaded joints kept outdoors in Figure 6: Unloaded joints kept outdoors in a coastal environment.
an industrial environment. Alloy 6061-T6. Ref. 3. Alloy 6061-T6. Ref. 4.

21,0 21,0

17,5 17,5

14,0 14,0
Strength in N/mm2

Strength in N/mm2

10,5 10,5

7,0 7,0

3,5 3,5

12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Exposure in months Exposure in months

Key to figs. 5 and 6: Degreased in trichloroethylene vapour Blasting with silicon sand + vapour degreasing Chromating
Anodizing in sulphuric acid followed by sealing Pickled with chromic/sulphuric acid paste Pickling in phosphoric acid/ethanol
Pickling in chromic/sulphuric acid

and durability of the aluminum oxides that are being bon- must be carried out to increase the durability of the bonded
ded to. Through experience, the aircraft industry has long joint. See also The effect of pretreatment.
been aware of this. However, it is only in recent decades The graphs in figs. 5 and 6 give an idea of the effect
that scientific experiments have been carried out to provide that environment and pretreatment have on the strength
explanations of the observed phenomena (ref. 8). of a bonded joint. Testing was carried out on single lap
Bonding to a normally formed aluminum oxide does not joints (as per ASTM D 1002-72) with a 2-component, room-
give the best long-term strength. If there is water or high air temperature (RT) curing epoxy adhesive.
humidity in the service environment, a surface conversion

The effect of temperature

The properties of an adhesive are strongly temperature N/mm 2
dependent. Adhesives soften as temperature rises and 45
harden as it falls. The most critical changes are: reduced
40 1-comp., viscous, heat cured
creep resistance at high temperatures when subject to
loads; and, increased sensitivity to stress concentrations 35
2-comp., viscous, RT cured
and shock loads at low temperatures.
Different adhesives, even when within the same group, 2-comp., hard,
are affected to different degrees by temperature. The graph 25 heat cured
on the right shows the temperature sensitivity of various
20 1-comp., hard,
epoxy adhesives. heat cured
It should be borne in mind that these values result from 15
short-term testing, normally as per ASTM D 1002-99, where 2-comp., hard,
RT cured
a single lap joint in 1.55 mm aluminum is subjected to a load 2-comp., fast, RT
at a constant tensile speed of 1.33 mm per minute. (As a 5 cured
rule, equivalent test methods are also used for the strength
values given in the data sheets for adhesives.) -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 C
If it is known that bonded joints are to be exposed to
long-term loads in a single direction at elevated tempera- Figure 7: Strength of several different groups of epoxy adhesives
tures, steps should be taken to ensure that the adhesives at various temperatures. The blue curves are for the same
creep strength is sufficient. This often demands own/in- adhesive.
house testing.

The effect of joint design

A bonded joint does not necessarily have to be seen as a Imagining these elements as glass when the adhesive is
film between the joints surfaces. Instead, it can be regar- hard, and as rubber when it is soft, gives an idea of the
ded as a large number of tightly packed elements that join differences in load distribution.
the surfaces. The glass elements (hard adhesive) do not stretch much
under load. This means that the outermost row of bars takes
up most of the load. The bars continue to do this until they
P P fracture or come away from the substrate. It is only then
that the underlying bars take up the load until they too
break, etc.
Using the rubber-element model (elastic adhesive), the
MV result is that the outer row stretches under a moderate load
without transmitting much of this to the anchorages (the
joint surfaces). Rows two, three, etc. also transmit a certain
part of the load. This is part of the philosophy behind the
advantages of using a more elastic adhesive. However, the
increased elasticity is often paid for in poorer heat resistance
and reduced resistance to creep.
It is also important to bear in mind that an adhesives
hardness is temperature dependent. An adhesive that can
behave like rubber bars at room temperature can become
P P like glass bars in cooler conditions.

Figure 8: Deformation of adhesive and aluminum plate when a

single lap joint is loaded

sive, torsional or tensile, such joints experience them as
shear stresses. However, any differences in coefficients of
thermal expansion should be taken into account here.
A joints edges are always exposed to the greatest
stress. Thus, especially when using a hard adhesive, it is im-
portant that the design spreads any load evenly throughout
the bonded joint. Fig. 10 shows various ways of reducing
edge effects.

1 2 3 4 5

Figure 10: Lap joints modified to reduce stress at a joints edges

The joint designs labelled 1 4 make the material more

yielding at its edges. The idea is that the material should
deform before it transmits large loads to the bonded joint.
Joint number 5 offers a further possible solution, i.e. making
the bonded joint considerably thicker at its edges. This
Figure 9: Stress distribution in a single lap joint viewed gives a bonded joint with a larger deformation zone. In
using tension spectrometry bonding, joint modification is of greatest benefit with rigid
Especially when using hard adhesives, the design of
a bonded joint is of great significance. The basic rule is It is advisable to try and form a picture of the force flows
that a bonded joint must be designed so that the loads it throughout a bonded joint and, as rule of thumb, not to
is exposed to are transmitted as shear forces. Cylindrical use a harder adhesive than necessary.
bonded joints (pins in holes, pipes in pipes, etc.) come the
closest possible to the ideal. Whether loads are compres-

The effect of mechanical loads

Bonded joints are normally regarded as rather insensitive

to vibration and fatigue at high frequencies. They are often
used as vibration dampers and crack barriers. Unloaded
Nonetheless, mechanical loads can exacerbate boun- 30
dary layer problems. The simultaneous effects (synergy)
Residual strength in N/mm2

of temperature, environment and mechanical load result in

significantly faster reduction in strength than would occur
if these three stresses operated individually and had their
outcomes added together. 18 6,2 N/mm 2
The stress concentrations that can arise when a struc-
ture is loaded manifest themselves at the edges of bonded 8,3 N/mm 2
joints (especially if the joint has not been designed to mi-
nimise such concentrations), where environmental impact
is also greatest. This can result in more rapid aging of the 6
bonded joint than would otherwise have been the case.
Fig. 11 compares the reduction in the residual strength
10 20 30 40 50
of loaded and unloaded joints in 100% humidity at 60C.
Pretreatment was chromic/sulphuric acid pickling. The Exposure in days

choice of pretreatment has a large effect on results. See Figure 11: Differences in residual strength of differently loaded
also The effect of pretreatment. joints in moist heat (ref. 1)
The effect of adhesive type
To correctly understand the effect that different adhesives Through the electrolytes that can form in the presence
have on a bonded joint, the bonded joint should be viewed of water, different adhesives can also differently affect the
as an independent structural element in a composite struc- aluminum surface in the boundary layer.
ture. Naturally enough, this structural element can have Choice of adhesive and Tests of a few selected adhe-
various mechanical properties and be affected differently sives (table 5, page 18) present a selection of adhesives
by temperature, environment and chemicals. that are used for bonding aluminum.

The effect of alloying elements and condition

In certain conditions, alloys that contain magnesium or cop- Table 1 gives an idea of how various surface treatment
per are more difficult to bond (to). High concentrations of methods effect magnesium content in the oxide and the
these elements in the adhesive/aluminum oxide boundary durability of the bonded joint. See also The effect of pre-
layer form oxide types that are of lower strength and are treatment.
more sensitive than aluminum oxide. However, the bounda-
ry layers composition is highly dependent on pretreatment Surface Al:Mg ratio Joints long-term
and can be widely affected in a number of ways. treatment strength
Heat treatment of magnesium-containing alloys in-
creases both the oxide layers thickness and its magnesium Degreasing 6:1 Very poor
content. By contrast, anodizing in phosphoric acid (for ex- Sand blasting 15:1 Moderate
ample) gives a thin and magnesium-poor boundary layer Chromic acid pickling 57:1 Good
with very good durability.
Phosphoric acid anodized 110:1 Very Good
It has also been shown that, as with magnesium, the
presence of copper in the boundary layer can impair the * The alloys Al:Mg ratio was 53:1.
durability of the bonded joint. In the chromic/sulphuric acid
pickling of copper-containing alloys, the copper can, if pickling
is taken too far, be enriched in the oxide layer (ref. 2). Table 1: Magnesium content in the surface in relationship to long-
term strength (ref. 1)

The effect of pretreatment

Pretreatment can have several purposes: with a compliant abrasive give a strong surface. However
To achieve a clean surface that can be bonded to. it has no corrosion protection.
To create a surface that has better durability in corrosive Dipping for around 10 minutes in water at 95 100C
environments. after pickling in, for example, caustic soda gives improved
To provide a material with a strong oxide that can take corrosion resistance in the adhesive/aluminum boundary
high loads. layer.
To give a surface a decorative appearance. Yellow or green chromating is a common treatment
(These four purposes can sometimes conflict with each other.) before painting. It gives good corrosion protection, but
As previously intimated, aluminum in its as-delivered load bearing properties are relatively poor. When bonding,
condition provides a comparatively poor surface to bond to. a chromate layer should be thin. This method is thus best
The composition of the oxide layer on the surface varies and for moderate loads and elastic adhesives.
the oxide layer has relatively poor adhesion to the parent Pickling in chromic/sulphuric acid gives a very good
metal. surface for bonding. This method has long been used by
If loads are moderate and the joint is not exposed to aircraft manufacturers in the USA.
moisture, a pretreatment that gives a clean surface free Anodizing has proven to be the best pretreatment
from dirt may be sufficient. Examples of such pretreatments if durability of loaded joints in corrosive environments is
are washing with water or, previously, trichloroethylene required. Thick anodic oxide layers give excellent corrosion
vapour. resistance, but are brittle and thus have poor load-bearing
Bonded joints for harsh service environments require capabilities. Anodizing in sulphuric acid is common and
other pretreatments. Some methods that are used with gives the thickest oxide layers (see table 2).
various degrees of success are given below. Anodizing in chromic acid without subsequent
Strong, alkaline washing solutions give a surface sealing gives a thin oxide layer that has good load-bearing
that is undoubtedly clean, but the oxide layer of which has capabilities. This method has long been used by the
been converted to brittle aluminum hydroxide. European aircraft industry. From the strength point of view,
Mechanical pretreatments such as blasting or lapping the method is excellent. However, the process requires
precise control.
Fig. 13: Service lives of joints with various surface treatments
Surface treatment Thickness, approx. and loads (alloy 6061-T6, 1-component nitrile modified epoxy,
Chromic/sulphuric acid pickling 40 nm cured 15 minutes at 204C)

Phosphoric acid anodizing 400 nm

Chromic acid anodizing 1,500 nm

Applied tensile stress in N/mm2

Sulphuric acid anodizing 15,000 nm
Table 2: Layer thickness with various surface treatments for
aluminum 8,4

10 nm 5,6

(7 dagar)
(7 Days) (69 Days) (694 Days)
2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 6 10 7
Time (in minutes) until fracture
100 nm Key: Degreased in trichloroethylene vapour Anodized in sulphuric
100 nm acid, sealed Anodized in sulphuric acid, not sealed Pickled in chromic/
sulphuric acid Anodized in chromic acid Anodized in phosphoric acid
(ref. 7).

Table 3 gives some useful guidelines for selecting a pre-
treatment (in relation to what is required of the bonded joint).
The properties of a pretreated surface are rapidly impaired if
it is exposed to moist air or greasy, airborne contaminants.
40 nm
Similarly, it is sensitive to, for example, fingerprints during
handling. It is often appropriate to apply an adhesive primer
directly after pretreatment. The surface can then be stored
a long time without impairment.
7 nm The use of primer often brings increased green strength
Oxide and better corrosion protection/long-term strength. Adhesive
primers frequently have corrosion-inhibiting additives that
further improve the bonds chances of providing long-term
strength in difficult environments (ref 5).
Wash-primers are general primers that give good
Figure 12 b: Isometric sketch of the oxide layer of a phosphoric
acid anodized surface
results. They contain polyvinyl butyral with a phosphoric
acid hardener (curing agent). This type of primer can, for
example, be advantageously applied before bonding with
This surface is easily destroyed by mechanical contact a wide range of polyurethane adhesives. There are special
and must be directly coated with a primer or a runny primers for many special adhesives, e.g. those used in the
adhesive. aircraft industry (ref. 8).
Fig. 13 gives an idea of long-term strength when loaded Table 3: Useful guidelines for selecting a pretreatment (in
in moist heat. relation to what is required of the bonded joint)
Surface quality Unloaded or mildly Loaded Joint
loaded joint
Environment Environment
Dry Water Brine Dry Water Brine

(as delivered) (+)
Vapour degreased + (+) + (+)
Mechanically processed +++ + +++ +
Dipped in hot water +++ ++ ++ ++
Primed with polyvinyl
butyral ++ ++ + ++ (+)+ +
Chromic acid pickled +++ +++ + +++ +++ +
Chromated ++ ++ + ++ + +
Sulphuric acid anodized
no subsequent sealing ++(+) ++(+) ++(?) ++ ++ (+)
Sulphuric acid anodized
subsequent sealing ++(+) ++(+) ++(+) + + +
Chromic acid anodized +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ (+)++
Phosphoric acid anodized +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++

The number of +s indicates suitability.

(+) is a doubtful +
(?) is an unverified assumption

How the bond is made
The strength of an adhesive bond is very much determined subprocesses could be involved in a single bonded joint!
by the way in which it is made. At a first glance, it may seem To ensure consistently good bonding results, it is clearly
that this is largely a question of applying adhesive to the important that descriptions are drawn up detailing how a
parts and holding them together until the bond sets. bonded joint is to be made. Each subprocess can be further
Can there really be many other ways of doing it? divided into smaller steps.
If the process of making a bond is divided into subpro- Carrying out the subprocesses does, of course, require
cesses, it can be seen that there are rather a lot of points knowledge. Each subprocess also presents opportunities for
where each subprocess can have an effect on the end going wrong. Carrying out series bonding without detailed
results. work descriptions can hardly be appropriate.
Such a division could be as set out below. All these

The parts that are to be bon- Intermediate storage Making the bond:
ded Controlling joint thickness Subsequent
Conditioning The adhesive: Application storage/curing
Dimension checking Receiving inspection Waiting time before putting
storage of adhesives the components together Testing Checks
The surfaces that are to be Stirring of the components Time during which the Logging
bonded De-aeration of the adhesive mixture can be used
Cleaning components Assembly Further processing
Drying Dosing of adhesive and Fixing pressing
Surface conversion hardener Curing Packing
Priming Mixing Cooling after heat curing
Drying/curing of the primer De-aeration of the mixture Removal from jig/press Delivery

Bonding to aluminum of materials other than aluminum

When bonding metals, the long-term strength of the bond Surface tension
is often regarded as a metal problem. It could thus be (10-1Pa)
assumed that the bonding of other materials would have Solids Liquids
fewer problems associated with it. Tests have shown that 5 000
this is indeed the case as regards long-term strength in
moist environments. Glass
Difficulties in bonding plastics are most often associated
with finding an adhesive with a surface tension low enough
for it to wet the plastic that is to be bonded. Many plastics Steel

can be treated to increase their surface tension and thus 1 000

improve bonding possibilities.
Below, there are some comments on the bonding of Tin
various plastics.
As a rule, PVC, polycarbonates or thermosetting resins Sodium

present no bonding problems.

Polyamides (nylon), acrylic (Plexiglas) and ABS plastics 100

limit the number of adhesives that can be used.

Because they have very low surface tension, olefinic 90
plastics (polyethene and polypropene) and acetal plastics
(e.g. Delrin) are very difficult to bond. Surface tension can
be increased by plasma, flame or arc (e.g. corona) treat-
ments. Ice Water
Using a cyanoacrylate adhesive in combination with a primer 70 Glycerol
for plastics that have a low surface tension can result in
successful bonds. There is now also a 2-component acrylic
adhesive that provides good adhesion to polyolefines. Polyester
Polytetrafluorethylene plastic (e.g. Teflon) has the lowest (unsaturated)

surface tension. To alloy (graft) the Teflon surface with 50

sodium, thereby increasing surface tension and improving Nylon

bondability, the plastic can be treated in a liquid that contains Epoxy 40 Epoxy adhesives
metallic sodium. PVC
Polystyrene Polyurethane adhesives
From the point of view of bonding, painted aluminum
Cyanoacrylate adhesives
Polyester (linear)
Acetal (Delrin) 30
surfaces are to be regarded as plastic surfaces. Polypropylene Aromatic hydrocarbons
Glass, ceramics and wood are regarded as easily Polyethene
bonded. The same applies to many other metals than alu- 20
Teflon Ethyl alcohols
The presentation of various adhesive types in Choice of 10
Ethyl ethers

adhesive takes up, amongst other things, each adhesives Figure 14: Surface tension of several materials for wetting to occur, the
suitability for various materials. adhesive must be below (in the chart) the material that is to be bonded (ref. 7) 11
Choice of adhesive
The choice of adhesive is principally determined by three One way of using a drying adhesive is to employ it as a
different considerations: contact adhesive. Most of the solvent must here be allowed
The adhesive must wet the materials that are to be to disappear before the parts are brought together. However,
bonded. significant quantities are left in the joint after such compres-
In its final state, the adhesive must have material sion and, in principle, the problem remains.
properties that, in the intended service environment, are Drying adhesives are not excluded from use in the
sufficient to transmit the loads in question. bonding of thin, compliant and porous materials (mats, etc.)
It must be possible to use the adhesive in production of to aluminum. However, they are not discussed any further
the product. here.
There is no great difficulty in finding some 1,000 different
adhesives on the market. The difficulty is largely in obtaining Setting through cooling
sufficient knowledge about the adhesive (especially in its Some of the drying adhesives can be heat activated. The
final, set state). adhesive is applied to one or both joint surfaces and dried
One way of gaining an overview of the area may be completely. At jointing, the adhesive is activated (melted)
to consider the ways in which adhesives set. After all, ad- on one of the parts and quickly joined with the other. This
hesives do have to be liquid at some point in the bonding adhesive type facilitates rapid production, but does not
process. Essentially, there are only three ways of setting. give filled joints. It is only suitable if one of the materials is
However, combinations of these do occur. readily deformable (thin, soft). This bonding method is also
discussed no further in this text (however, see example 7
Setting through drying on page 24).
The solvent or water evaporates. Only 20 to 50% of the Hot-melt adhesives are applied hot, usually to room-
original adhesive remains (= shrinkage). Most of the drying temperature surfaces. They give filled joints and rapid fixing.
must take place through the material. Consequently, this This type of adhesive is discussed more fully on page 14.
adhesive type is not suitable for bonding aluminum to alu-
minum. The binder is based on thermoplasts or elastomers Setting through polymerisation (curing)
(rubber). Curing can take place through:
Mixing of two components (adhesives 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8
in tables 4 and 5 table 5 is on page 18).
Table 4: Overview of various curing adhesives

Adhesive Strength of Peel Handling/ Suitable Work Suitable Suitable for Misc.
type (tested single lap strength curing for large environment for thermo- thermoset-
adhesive joint (N)m* surfaces aspect plasts ting resins
no.) (N/m2)
Epoxy 16 - 29 4 - 6 Dosing + + + + + Many
2-comp. (1, 2) Mixing different
20 - 150C adhesives
1-comp. (3) approx. 35 approx. 9 Cures + + +
in heat
Polyurethane 6 - 20 2 - 6 Dosing + + + + + +++
2-comp. (4) (T-peel test) Mixing
20C -
Polyurethane approx. 2 approx. 7 Cured by + + + + + + Other curing
elastomer, atmospheric methods
1-comp (5) moisture exist
Hot melt approx. 7 approx. 10 Cooling - + + +++ +++
curing (6) cured If
Polysulphide approx. 2 approx. 5 Dosing + + + () + + + + Slow
rubber (7) Mixing Benign smell curing
Acrylic 20 - 25 2,5 - 3,5 Adhesive + + + + + + + Short fixing
adhesive (T-peel test) & hardener Strong smell time
(SGA) (8) on own surface
Aerobic approx. 20 2,5 - 3,5 Adhesive + + + + + Short fixing
SGA (T-peel test) & hardener Strong smell time
adhesive (9) on own surface
Anaerobic 12.5 - 20 0,5 - 1,5 Cures by +
adhesive (10) (T-peel test) itself

* Roller drum peel tests give higher values than T-peel tests.
Strength values are taken from the manufacturers data sheets.
Contact between two components, each of which has regards the relationship between strength and test
been spread on its particular surface (adhesives 9 and 10 method, see Test methods.
in tables 4 and 5).
Temperature increase to at least 100C. Tested adhesive 1 EPOXY ADHESIVE ARALDIT AV
Environmental change for the adhesive, e.g. 106, HARDENER HV 953 U
- moisture contact (adhesive 6 in tables 4 and 5).
- absence of oxygen + metal ion contact (adhesive 10 in Components: 2
tables 4 and 5). Mixing ratios: 100:80 (weight), 100:100 (volume). The
- UV irradiation. mixing ratios can vary within comparatively wide limits. Ad-
From the large number of available curing adhesives, we ding more hardener (curing agent) gives a softer adhesive.
selected 10 for testing. These are detailed hereafter. Three However, it should be borne in mind that, besides serving
of them were epoxy adhesives. The remaining seven were as a softener, the surplus hardener will remain in a liquid
each typical of their group. All the adhesives were fairly unreacted form in the adhesive. The adhesives compara-
common and readily available. tively poor heat resistance then becomes even poorer. The
Table 4 gives an overview of the various adhesives. components should be mixed by weight.
Table 5 on page 18 gives the results of the aging tests that
we carried out. Function: The reaction starts when the components are
Clearly enough, adhesives other than those discussed mixed. Curing rate is not affected by the quantity of hardener.
here may be available and may be the best choice for a Owing to the heat generated during the reaction, large mixes
certain design. In addition, the tested adhesives have also cure more quickly.
been further developed and, in some cases, replaced by
others. Thus, the original test results are here given with Curing times: 25C 18 hours, 70C 50 minutes, 150C
any replacement products stated. 5 minutes

Various adhesive types Bondable materials: Aluminum and other metals and mi-
The presentation of various adhesive types takes up, nerals. Thermosetting resins such as Bakelite and polyester
amongst other things, each adhesives suitability for various laminates can also be bonded with good results. Nylon gives
materials. fair results. The adhesive is not otherwise especially suitable
When bonding dissimilar materials to each other, it for thermoplasts. This is because the latter normally have a
should be borne in mind that movement caused by moisture lower surface tension than does the adhesive.
or temperature will not be the same for each material.
Suitable areas of use: In the engineering industry, the ad-
hesive is regarded as an all-rounder. It gives filled joints and,
where strength requirements at elevated temperatures are
Araldit AV 106/HV 953 U, Araldit Standard (from Ciba- small or moderate, can be used for bonds to the above cited
Geigy), is probably the most widely used metal adhesive materials. Previously, the adhesive was used for sandwich
there is. It is a comparatively old adhesive. We also structures. It has now, practically speaking, been completely
included a newer all-round epoxy adhesive (AV 144/HV replaced by polyurethane adhesives.
997 from Ciba-Geigy) in the tests. Both these adhesives
have relatively low heat resistance. Strength at room temperature
Two-component epoxy adhesives that cure at room Single lap joint, tensile speed 10 mm/min:
temperature can rarely be loaded at temperatures above After curing at 25C for 18 hours 16 N/mm2
80C. Epoxy adhesives with considerably higher heat After curing at 70C for 50 minutes 22 N/mm2
resistance are available. However, these require heat After curing at 150C for 5 minutes 29 N/mm2
curing. Unfortunately, the price paid for higher heat
resistance is usually lower peel strength. Peel strength: Roller drum peel test: 4 6 N/mm2
As an alternative to 2-component epoxy, we chose a
heat-curing 1-component adhesive, EC 2214 from 3M. Temperature range
This is an old, well known adhesive. The disadvantages -60 to +60C. At 60C, the adhesive has lost around 50%
of heat curing must be weighed against the advantages of its strength in respect of short-term loads. Creep strength
of not having to dose and mix adhesives. Furthermore, at this temperature is low.
as regards resistance to heat and environmental
stresses, the resultant bond is also stronger. Heat curing Durability/resistance: Good against petrol and mineral oil
gives a fully cured joint, something that can never be (SAE HD 30); otherwise moderate to poor. (Refer also to
achieved with a 2-component epoxy adhesive that has to the data sheets.)
cure at room temperature.
One-component epoxy adhesives are available as Work environment: Must be handled in such a way that
pastes and, in various thicknesses, films. The main the adhesive does not come into contact with the skin.
difference between film and paste adhesives is the ways Ventilation must be provided where handling is continuous.
in which they can be applied. Using epoxy adhesives, it is In Sweden, the use of epoxy adhesives is regulated by AFS
possible to fill joints that have large gaps. 1996:4, Hrdplaster (ordinance 1996:4 of the Swedish Work
Information about the various adhesives has largely Environment Authority, Thermosetting resins).
been taken from the manufacturers data sheets. As
Alternative suppliers
See under tested adhesive 2.
Tested adhesive 2
Curing accelerates with temperature increases (it takes
place slowly even at room temperature). The lowest curing
HV 997 temperature is 95C.
Components: 2 Curing times
95C 120 minutes, 120C 40 minutes (= best results),
Mixing ratios 204C 2 minutes
100:40 by weight. The mixing ratio should not be varied.
This adhesive is now available in packs that supply ready- Bondable materials
mixed adhesive direct from tubes or cartridges. The same as other epoxy adhesives, i.e. metals, minerals
and thermosetting resins. It should also be borne in mind
Function that the materials must tolerate the curing temperature.
Curing starts when the components are mixed. Pot life of a When bonding materials with different thermal expansion
100 gram batch at 23C is 50 70 minutes. coefficients, internal stresses may arise or, on cooling,
warping may occur.
Curing times
10C 24 hours, 20C 8 hours, 60C 45 minutes, Suitable areas of use
120C 5 minutes Primarily for bonding metals and other materials that have
Remark: Curing times are slightly shorter than for AV 106. equal thermal expansion coefficients. Uses include the bon-
Maintaining the same curing time, the curing temperature ding of body plates in the automotive industry and bonding
can be kept lower. cemented carbide tools in steel holders.
Bondable materials Strength
The same as for AV 106 Single lap joint, Al/Al, optimal curing:
-40C 21 N/mm2
Suitable areas of use 24C 35 N/mm2
The adhesive should be regarded as a development of AV 82C 35 N/mm2
106. All its properties are better than those of AV 106. The 121C 14 N/mm2
prime area of use is all-round bonding with metal as one or 177C 3.5 N/mm2
both of the materials. The adhesive is grey. The values are short-term at a tensile speed of 10 mm/
Strength at room temperature
Single lap joint, AlMgSi alloy, ground surface: Peel strength
After curing at 20C for 24 hours 23 to 24 N/mm2 T-peel test with 0.9 mm steel sheet: approx. 9.5 N/mm2
After curing at 60C for 30 minutes 21 to 24 N/mm2 at 24C
After curing at 120C for 5 minutes 26 to 28 N/mm2
Temperature range
Peel strength -55 to +95C
Roller drum peel test: 6.0 6.5 N/mm2
Temperature range The same as that of the better of the 2-component epoxy
-60 to +80C, with approx. 50% of short-term strength adhesives
maintained at 80C
Work environment
Durability/resistance As there is no dosing and mixing of components with 1-com-
Considerably better than AV 106 throughout (refer also to ponent epoxies (the constituents of which also present a
the data sheets). lower vapour pressure), the health hazards are considered
to be less. However, it must be ensured that there is no
Work environment contact with the skin.
The same as for AV 106
Leverantrer av 2-komponent epoxilim: At curing, the air in the curing zone must be evacuated,
i.e. there should be underpressure in the curing oven.
Tested adhesive 3 Temperature rises increase the vapour pressure exerted by
EPOXY ADHESIVE EC 2214, 3M SWEDEN the adhesives constituents. This also increases the health
risks. See also AV 106.


Initially largely for work environment reasons, polyurethane
Mixing ratios adhesives were regarded as possible replacements for
The adhesive is always ready for use. This adhesive type epoxy adhesives. However, the risks of isocyanates (the
has a more restricted storage time than do 2-component hardeners for polyurethane adhesives) have meant that
adhesives. At no more than 4C, the storage time is 8 they cannot be seen as a safer option than epoxies.

When using epoxy, skin allergies are the greatest work
environment risk. For polyurethane adhesives, breathing Tested adhesive 4
difficulties and symptoms of asthma dominate the risks. In POLYURETHANE ADHESIVE CASCOBOND 1852,
the solvent-free 2-component adhesives now on the market, HARDENER 1853, CASCO NOBEL
the hardener is, as a rule, based on methylene diisocyanate
(MDI). This has a considerably lower vapour pressure than In practice, this adhesive has been replaced by 1849
toluene diisocyanate (TDI) types, and is thus less hazardous PUR 2K and hardener 1821. This combination gives
to work with. The occupational exposure limit for MDI and longer assembly times and shorter press times.
TDI is set as low as 0.005 ppm.
Components: 2
In Sweden, the use of polyurethane adhesives is regulated
by AFS 1996:4, Hrdplaster (ordinance 1996:4 of the Swe- Mixing ratios
dish Work Environment Authority, Thermosetting resins). 100:20 by weight (1849/1821, 100:22). The mixing ratio
must not be varied.
Polyurethane adhesives hardeners (isocyanates) react
readily with water. Carbonic acid is formed in this reaction. Function
This means that 2-component polyurethane adhesives Curing starts when the components are mixed. Mixing is not
always become fully cured if moisture is present. Surplus spontaneous and great care must be taken when dosing the
hardener that reacts with moisture makes the end product hardener into the adhesive. This adhesive has constituents
harder. However, this final curing takes a long time. When that have to take care of moisture before the hardener reacts
bonding diffusion-resistant materials and large surfaces (1 with any moisture. Normally, foaming as a result of carbonic
dm2 and above), it is not certain that this final curing will take acid formation does not have to be feared.
place. Thus, even for polyurethane adhesives, it is import
to dose and mix the components carefully. During storage, the adhesive component can sediment in
its packaging. Thus, for fully satisfactory results, stirring is
The hardeners moisture sensitivity means that many po- very important. The pot life of a 500 gram batch at 20C is
lyurethane adhesives have a slight foaming tendency when around 1 hour (approx. 25 minutes for 1849/1821).
mixed by hand. As there is normally some moisture in the
air in/on metal surfaces, such foaming can even occur in Curing times
the boundary layer. In more recent formulations of 2-com- At 20C, fixing times of approx. 12 16 hours are usually
ponent polyurethane adhesives, this foaming tendency has sufficient (around 3 4 hours for 1849/1821). It should be
been eliminated. noted that, at room temperature, full curing usually takes
several weeks and requires the presence of moisture.
The possibility of reacting with moisture has enabled the
formulation of 1-component polyurethane adhesives (e.g. Bondable materials
adhesive 6) that cure in moist environments. Here, the Hard PVC, polycarbonates and acrylic plastics are amongst
moisture is the curing agent (hardener). the thermoplasts that can be successfully bonded using
polyurethane adhesives. In sandwich structures, bonding
Curing temperature has less effect on the curing times of is between different cellular plastic cores.
polyurethane adhesives than it does on those of epoxy
adhesives. Curing temperatures as high as those for epoxy This adhesive adheres well to metals (aluminum included
adhesives cannot be used 70C is a practical upper limit. therein). Applies also to 1849/1821.
There are polyurethane adhesives that have very short cu-
ring times even at room temperature. However, once mixed, Suitable areas of use
the pot life of such an adhesive is also very short. In various sandwich structures and where a filled joint is
desired, often where plastics are involved. Polyurethane
Polyurethane adhesives have their widest use in the bon- adhesives can also be used for bonding corner joints in
ding of sandwich panels. frameworks made from profiles. They are also often used
when aluminum is to be bonded to other materials, e.g.
As a rule, polyurethane adhesives are considerably cheaper plastics.
than epoxy adhesives.
As regards use with plastics, polyurethane adhesives are, Single lap joint at 20C, tensile speed 10 mm/min:
broadly speaking, better than epoxy adhesives. This is be- Approx. 14 N/mm2 when bonding to aluminum
cause of the formers lower surface tension. They are often
used in various combinations that include plastics. Peel strength
T-peel test: Approx. 4.3 N/mm2
Using polyurethane adhesives, it is possible to fill joints that
have large gaps. Temperature range
-60C to approx + 80C
Before bonding with a 2-component polyurethane adhesive,
the application of a wash-primer (e.g. polyvinyl butyral + Durability/resistance
a phosphoric acid hardener) gives better filled surfaces Good against water, oil and certain solvents (refer also
and, consequently, improved long-term strength in moist to suppliers data sheets).
The application temperature for this adhesive type is high
Tested adhesive 5
(approx. 250C). At this temperature, the adhesive breaks
down if it comes into contact with oxygen. Consequently,
equipment for these adhesives is often provided with a
Components: 1 shielding gas.

Function The great advantage of hot-melt adhesives is the speed

The adhesive cures on contact with moisture. with which they form bonds. However, this speed has a
drawback. When the hot adhesive meets a surface at room
Curing times temperature, setting is often so rapid that the adhesive does
At 20C and 65 % RH, 3 mm/24 hours not wet the surface (cf. dry joints). This disadvantage in-
creases: the greater the difference between the temperature
Bondable materials of the surface and that of the adhesive; and, the greater the
Aluminum, epoxies, polyester, acrylics, polyamides, hard thermal conductivity of the material that is to be bonded. For
PVC, minerals, etc. these reasons, metals are often heated before bonding.

Suitable areas of use Curing hot-melt adhesives are now available. These ad-
This is a very soft and elastic product. Less soft variants hesives are based on polyurethanes that cure on contact
of the product are available. For joints with little surface with moisture. The adhesive has a solid form even before
expansion and moderate requirements as regards load curing. The melt and, consequently, the application tem-
transmission, products of this type can be a good choice, perature is considerably lower than for the thermoplastic
especially where material movements are significant and/ hot-melt adhesives.
or there are high requirements in respect of impact and
vibration resistance. Because they exclude moisture, large There are also curing hot melts that, after application and
diffusion-resistant surfaces cannot be bonded. cooling, have a tape-like character for around one hour.
Thus, if a relatively high (momentary) press force can be
Strength Tensile strength is 1.4 N/mm2 applied, parts at room temperature can be assembled.

Temperature range After setting, the adhesive has moderate strength. On

-30 to +70C contact with moisture, curing is to a polyurethane with com-
paratively good strength properties. For full curing to occur,
Durability/resistance the diffusion paths for moisture must not be too long.
Good against water; temporary resistance to oils and
Tested adhesive 6
In Sweden, use is regulated by AFS 1996:4, Hrdplaster 9802, BOSTIK
(ordinance 1996:4 of the Swedish Work Environment Aut-
hority, Thermosetting resins). Components: 1

Remark Function
Sika has products that give similar final properties and The adhesive works like a hot melt, i.e. it is applied in its
can be heat cured (lowest at about 70C). There are also molten state and sets on cooling. The main difference
products that can be cured both with heat and moisture as compared with other hot melts is that, after setting, it also
well as 2-component products that cure after mixing. cures. The application temperature is relatively low, 100C
(as opposed to 200 250C for ordinary hot melts). As a
result, assembly times (i.e. the time before the adhesive
HOT-MELT ADHESIVES sets) are longer. Curing occurs on contact with moisture
For the most part, hot-melt adhesives (hot melts) are vari- in the air.
ous mixes of thermoplasts. Characteristically, hot melts must
be made runny at application. Many hot melts can be kept Curing times
molten for several hours at temperatures of between 150 The purely physical setting (cooling) depends on the thermal
and 250C. These adhesive are often ethyl-vinyl-acetate conductivity of the bonded materials. On aluminum, the
mixes. Despite the rather high application temperatures, setting time is about 10 seconds. To prolong the assembly
the heat resistance of these hot melts is low. It is unrealistic time when bonding aluminum to materials that have lower
to count on such adhesives being able to transmit loads, thermal conductivity, the adhesive should be applied to
even for moderate periods, if the temperature rises above the latter.
Curing depends on the presence of moisture. If the relative
There are also hot melts that are based on polyamides or air humidity is not too low and the diffusion paths not too
thermoplastic polyester. These thermoplasts have higher long, curing usually takes place within 12 hours. As with
service temperatures. However, strength when subjected other moisture-curing adhesives, curing times are long when
to long-term loads is already very low at 70 80C. bonding large diffusion-resistant surfaces.

Bondable materials Where a soft, rubber-like joint is required. As it does not
Aluminum and other metals, glass, thermosetting resins, depend on moisture for curing, this product enables the
PVC, polycarbonates, acrylics, woods, many rubbers, soft bonding of large surfaces.
PVC, etc.
Suitable areas of use Tensile strength, approx. 0.9 N/mm2; elongation at rupture,
Those where, for technical production reasons, hot melts approx. 100 %; hardness, approx. 55 Shore A
were the first choice but, because of their low heat resis-
tance, could not previously be used. The adhesive requires Temperature range
equipment that prevents it coming into contact with moisture. -30 to +70C
For test bonds, samples in metal tubes that can easily be
heated in an oven are often available. Durability/resistance
Excellent against water, moderate against oils
Single lap joint at 20C: Work environment
Al/Al, 7.4 N/mm2; PVC/PVC, 6 8 N/mm2; polycarbonates, Skin contact must be avoided.
9.4 N/mm2
Peel strength
Ground rubber, 6 N/mm2 This adhesive type is characterised by the hardener being
Halogenated rubber, 13 N/mm2 spread on one surface and the adhesive on the other. Curing
Soft PVC, 10 N/mm2 to a handleable state occurs within one or several minutes.
This adhesive type is also very tolerant of oil on surfaces.
Temperature range Adhesive and hardener must be spread on their respective
At 70C, about 50% of the strength at room temperature. surfaces in such a way that they almost completely overlap
At 100C, approx. 2 N/mm2. each other when brought together. Uncured adhesive will
otherwise be left at the joints edges. The adhesive is best
For structures that are constantly loaded at elevated tem- suited for small to moderately large surfaces.
peratures, the creep strength should be investigated. This adhesive type is also available in 2-component
packs with a mixer tube. The adhesive emerges mixed
Durability/resistance and air-free directly from the packs. Curing times are then
When bonding anodized aluminum, water resistance is usually set to be a little longer.
good. Resistance to other media contact Bostik. As regards work environment, this adhesive type
requires contactless handling and good ventilation. The
Work environment components have a strong smell.
The adhesive contains isocyanates. In Sweden, work is
regulated by AFS 1996:4, Hrdplaster (ordinance 1996:4 Tested adhesive 8
of the Swedish Work Environment Authority, Thermoset- SGA ADHESIVE MULTIBOND 330, LOCTITE
ting resins).
POLYSULPHIDE RUBBERS Two, which are spread separately, i.e. adhesive and har-
dener on their own surfaces.
Besides polyurethane, polysulphide rubber is one of the few
rubber materials that can be made to cure at room tempe- Function
rature and, at the same time, adhere to other materials. Its There is a very fast reaction when the adhesive and har-
widest use is in the manufacture of insulating glazing where dener come into contact. The press force needs to be
bonding is to aluminum profiles and as a joint compound in maintained between 1 and 3 minutes.
cladding elements (e.g. aluminum sections in buildings). The Curing times
material has low strength, but large elongation at rupture. Fifty percent strength is reached in around 20 30 minutes.
Full strength is achieved after 3 6 hours.
Tested adhesive 7
Bondable materials
Aluminum and other metals, glass, PVC, polystyrenes,
polycarbonates, acrylics, thermosetting resins
Components: 2 Suitable areas of use
Mixing ratios Small to moderately large bonding surfaces where short
100:10 by weight. Pot life is approx. 1 2 hours. fixing times and high impact and peel strengths are required.
Function On lightly oiled surfaces that cannot be cleaned.
Curing starts when the components are mixed. Strength
Curing times Single lap joint: Al/Al (AlCuMg alloys), 20 25 N/mm2; PVC/
Around 8 12 hours at room temperature PVC, 8.5 14 N/mm2
Bondable materials
Aluminum and other metals, minerals, thermosetting
Peel strength
Suitable areas of use 17
T-peel test, Al/Al: 2.5 3.5 N/mm2 ions for curing.
Development of these locking fluids has been rapid
Temperature range and the group now has products that act as adhesives.
-40 to +100C. At 75C, about 70% of the strength at room The original curing system (air free + metal ions) has been
temperature remains. complemented by products that cure using ultraviolet light,
heat or activator.
Durability/resistance Anaerobic adhesives are suitable for small to moderately
Good against water and oils (contact the supplier for further large surfaces. They are widely used in the electronics indu-
details). stry. Anaerobic adhesives are not so suitable for plastics.

Work environment Tested adhesive 10

Requires good ventilation and handling with no skin contact. ANAEROBIC ADHESIVE LOCTITE 326, G A LIND-
In Sweden, work with acrylic adhesives is regulated by AFS BERG
1996:4, Hrdplaster (ordinance 1996:4 of the Swedish Work Components: 1
Environment Authority, Thermosetting resins). The adhesive can be used with or without activator. Activator
is used when bonding surfaces that do not have active metal
Tested adhesive 9 ions and/or to accelerate curing.
Components Function
Two, which are spread separately, i.e. adhesive on one Cures in thin gaps and in contact with metal ions. Curing
surface and hardener on the other. on anodized aluminum requires activator.

Function Curing times

There is a very fast reaction when the adhesive and harde- Curing times very much depend on the metal that is to be
ner come into contact. Giving less vapour emission, shorter bonded. Fixing times of around 30 minutes are usual.
curing times, better gap filling capabilities and improved
resistance to heat and solvents, this product is regarded To cure in a reasonable time, aluminum alloys with a cop-
as a development of SGA adhesives. per content under 1% or a lot of magnesium require heat
input or an activator.
Curing times
Fixing, 15 30 seconds. Final curing, 1 2 hours. Bondable materials
Aluminum and other metals, ferrite magnets, glass
Bondable materials
Aluminum and other metals, glass, thermosetting resins, Suitable areas of use
PVC, glass-filled nylon (poorer with other thermoplasts) Assembly in the engineering and electronics industry (small
bonded surfaces)
Suitable areas of use
As for other SGA adhesives, where a short fixing time is Strength
the goal. Single lap joint Al/Al: 12.5 20 N/mm2

Strength Peel strength

Single lap joint: Al/Al, 21 N/mm2; epoxy/fibreglass laminate, T-peel, 0.5 1.5 N/mm2
11.2 N/mm2
Temperature range
ANAEROBIC ADHESIVES -50 to +120C. At 90C, strength is about 50% of that at
Because the first adhesives with an anaerobic function room temperature.
were used to lock screw joints, they are usually referred
to as locking fluids. Broadly speaking, anaerobic means Work environment
without air. For curing to take place, these products re- Skin contact must be avoided. Work with anaerobic adhe-
quire the absence of air. The majority also require metal sives (which are classed as acrylic adhesives).

Test Methods
The most common test method is the single lap joint. This Adhesive strength is given in N/mm2, which is an ex-
most often provides the basis for adhesive suppliers data pression of average stress. Locally, there are both higher
sheets. The test is illustrated in fig. 15. and lower stresses in the joint. The stiffer the adhesive that
is used, the higher the stress peaks the test returns at the
edges (see Joint design).
1,6 The test is normally performed against aluminum. Ho-
wever, apart from the adhesive itself, it is not always stated
which materials make up the bonded joint. Because harder
140 materials normally give higher strength values for the joint,
this absence of information raises further questions.
Figure 15: Standard shear test, ASTM D 1002-99
The tensile speed when the test load is exerted is of great testing usually reveals clear differences between different
significance for the measured results. Before 1994, a con- adhesives and pretreatments.
stant tensile speed of 10 mm per minute was used. This At the conclusion of testing, the bonded joint is taken
gave short test times, but no idea of creep resistance in apart and the types of failure that have occurred are ana-
the joint. lysed. With heat-curing epoxy adhesives on pretreated
A tensile speed of 1.3 mm per minute is now used. aluminum, there is most often a cohesive failure (failure
However, this also does not give an idea of the adhesives in the adhesive) in the first five millimetres. The longer the
creep resistance. Where the adhesive is to be exposed to a crack then grows, the greater the ratio of boundary layer
constant load at elevated temperatures, data on the joints failures that arise.
creep strength must be compiled. This method has been used by the Institute for Metallic
As intimated in The effect of the service environment, Construction Materials at Chalmers University of Techno-
the composite stress exerted by temperature, environment logy to investigate the long-term strength of bonded joints to
and load is the only realistic test. aluminum that has undergone various pretreatments (refs.
In cyclic testing (water soaking-freezing-drying) of an 2 and 5). Such testing can be comparative or used as a
object, the thermal movements and the taking up of water production check (e.g. production parameters checking
induce stresses in the joint. This induced stress arises more of pretreatment baths, etc.).
rapidly than with soaking alone. Table 5 on page 18 shows, The method can be modified so that it is suitable for use
amongst other things, the results of this test carried out on with other materials bonded to aluminum.
the adhesives tested by Sapa Technology.
Storage in 100% humidity at 60C can give a quicker
idea of any degradation of the joint than can corresponding
storage in water.
The wedge cleavage test (ASTM D 3762-98) is com-
paratively easy to carry out and does not require special
equipment. This test enables load, environment and tem-
perature stresses to be combined.
Bonded test pieces are prepared (see fig. 16). When
the bond has cured, a 3 mm thick wedge is pressed into
one end of the test piece. The initial crack formed at the a a
wedge tip is marked out. Next, the test pieces are exposed
to 100% RH at 60C for 60 75 minutes. Crack propagation
Figure 16: Wedge cleavage test, ASTM D 3762-98
is then marked and measured again. This can be repea-
ted throughout the period available for testing. A week of

(1) Durability of Structural Adhesives (7) Handbook of Aluminum
A.J. Kinloch (editor), Applied Science Publishers Bonding Technology and Data
London (1983), ISBN 0-85334-214-8. J. Dean Minford. Marcel Dekker Inc, NY, Basel,
(2) Frbehandling fr limning mot aluminum Hong Kong, 1993 (744 sidor, 4686 referenser)
Tore Rnnhult och Bengt Nilssor, Institutionen fr ISBN 0-8247-8817-6.
Metalliska Konstruktions-material, Chalmers Tekniska (8) Adhesion in Bonded Alurninium
Hgskola, Gteborg (1982). Joints for Aircraft Construction,
(3) Effect of Surface Preparations on W. Brockmann, O-D Henneman, H. Kollek och C.
Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum, Matz. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesi-
J.D. Minford, Adhesives Age, July 1974. ves,.6(3), July 1986.

(4) Effect of Surface Preparation on Stressed

Aluminum Joints in Corrosive Saltwater Exposure
J.D. Minford, Adhesives Age, October 1980.
(5) Surface Treatment of Aluminum Alloys
for Adhesive Bonding
Laszlo Kozma, Institutionen fr Metalliska Konstruk-
tionsmaterial, Chalmers Tekniska Hgskola, Gteborg.
(1984) Internrapport R 445/84.
(6) Ytbehandlingens betydelse vid limning
av aluminumdetaljer,
Bengt Nilsson och Tore Rnnhult, Institutionen fr
Metalliska Konstruktionsmaterial, Chalmers Tekniska
Hgskola, Gteborg (1983), Internrapport R 424/83.

Tests of a few selected adhesives
Sapa Technology tested a number of different adhesives Test data
on aluminum that had either been ground or anodized in Tensile speed, 10 mm/min at 20C
sulphuric acid and then sealed.
For each of these two pretreatments, ten different adhe- Alloy condition
sives were tested. Some of the adhesives were comparati- SS 4104-06
vely common epoxy adhesives, others were chosen to give
a more rubber-like joint. These adhesives are presented in Surface treatments
more detail in the Choice of adhesive chapter. Anodizing in sulphuric acid + subsequent sealing (car-
After full curing, the adhesives were subjected to soaking ried out by Sapa). Washing in warm water to which Can-
or cyclical variations (moisture, cold, heat) and then tested. doeleane Al had been added, rinsing and drying before
The results were compared with reference samples stored bonding.
in dry air at 20C. Grinding with abrasive nylon (Scotch-Brite 7447, 3M
The test results are shown in table 5 on page 18. Sverige).

Tested adhesives Test format

1. 2-component epoxy, Araldit AV 106/HV 953 U (Stan- Single lap joint on 2 mm Al (gives large stress concentra-
dard) tions).
2. 2-component epoxy, Araldit AV 144/HV 997
3. 1-component epoxy, 3M Scotch-Weld EC 2214 (heat- Joint thickness calibrated to 0.15 mm for all adhesives.
curing, 120C)
4. 2-component polyurethane, Casco 1852/1853 Test environment
5. 1-component polyurethane, Sikaflex 221 (flexible) A. Dry air
6. Hot-melt adhesive, moisture-curing polyurethane, Bostik B. 14 days in water at 60C. Testing 2 7 days after dry-
9802 ing.
7. Polysulphide, Metallgesellschaft M 82 C. Cyclic:
8. SGA adhesive, Loctite Multibond (acrylic rubber) 1 week in water at 20C
9. SGA/Aerobic, Garco GZM 1 week in cold, -20 to -25C
10. Anaerobic, Loctite 326 (on anodized material, used 1 week in dry air at 20 to 23C
along with activator NF) (Testing after 3 cycles and after 1 year of cycles.)

Table 5: Strength, N/mm2, average value of 5 tests

Various adhesives on alloy On a ground substrate On an anodized substrate

SS 4104-06 Storage environment before testing Storage environment before testing
Single lap joint on 2 mm Air Water Cycles Cycles Air Water Cycles Cycles
bars 20C 20C 3(1) 1 year (1) 20C 20C 3(1) 1 year (1)
1 2-component epoxy 8.9 8.3 13.3 10.8 9.3 13.3 16.3 13.9
Araldit AV 106/HV 953 U G G G G G G G G
2 2-component epoxy 7.0 14.1 13.3 13.7 9.9 16.8 16.8 15.5
Araldit AV 144/HV 997 G/L G G G L(G) L(G) L(G) G(L)
3 1-component epoxy 10.6 13.3 17.5 11.5 10.6 20.7 21.8 20.2
3M Scotch-Weld EC 2214 G(L) G(L) G(L) G(L) L(G) L L(G) L
4 2-component polyurethane 10.3 7.5 16.9 15.3 8.8 13.3 15.8 14.3
Casco 1852/1853 2) L G/L L(G) L(G) L L L L
5 1-component polyurethane 1.6 3.8 3.5 7.4 1.5 2.9 3.1 3.4
elastomer Sikaflex 221 L G G/L L(G) L L L L
6 Moisture-curing hot-melt 3.8 3.8 7.2 2.8 0.6 5.1 6.2 7.7
adhesive Bostik 9802 G G G G G G G G
7 2-component polysulphide 1.0 1.3 1.9 1.7 0.9 1.0 1.9 1.4
Metallgesellschaft M 82 L L L L L L L L
8 Acrylic rubber adhesive (SGA) 7.9 10.1 13.7 8.4 9.0 9.9 11.8 10.9
Loctite Multibond 330 G G G G G G G G
9 Acrylic rubber adhesive (Aerobic) 10.4 9.6 18.6 13.9 8.7 3.9 4.2 8.4
Penloc GZM (frn Garco) G/L G G G(L) G G G G
10 Anaerobic-curing adhesive 11.0 11.2 13.5 11.9 7.3 7.8 13.4 14.8
Loctite 326 G/L G G G(L) G L/G G G(L)

1) One cycle per week Failure type

2) Replaced by Casco 1849/1821 PUR 2K L = Clear break in the adhesive. Adhesive G/L = Approx. 50% of each of G and L.
on both aluminum surfaces to 100%.. L(G) and G(L) = The letter in brackets
G = Boundary layer failure. indicate a small proportion.
Results Discussion After one year of cycles, several adhesives show
As shown by table 5, the strength of several adhesives considerably less deterioration in strength on anodized
increases after soaking in water and passing through the surfaces than they do on ground surfaces. This applies
cycles. This may be because the relevant adhesives cure especially to the more highly viscous adhesives. The
more fully in contact with water. In particular, this applies explanation for this is probably:
to the polyurethanes and the polysulphides. Anodized surfaces are more resistant than ground
surfaces and do not develop weak oxide layers that can
For the harder adhesives, this may be a question of a delaminate under load.
certain, non-harmful, taking up of water. The water then Anodized surfaces are more even and are thus more
serves to soften the adhesive. This gives better stress easily filled by the adhesive (especially if it is viscous). This
distribution in the adhesive and, consequently, reduced leaves less space for water in the boundary layer.
loading of the boundary layer. The tested adhesives were very different. For example,
there were great differences in hardness. The three epoxy
Aluminum surfaces that have been pickled in sulphuric acid adhesives were all softened to give better load distribution
and then sealed have often been regarded as unsuitable for and counteract stress concentrations. Adhesives 5 and
bonds. However, the test results show that many adhesives 6 were very soft and elastic. Thus, the adhesives must
adhere just as well to anodized surfaces as they do to not primarily be compared with each other, but with
ground surfaces in some cases even better! themselves in respect of how they respond to the different

Examples of bonded aluminum products

Example 1 radiator unit
Radiator unit in AA 3005-0 aluminum (clad with AA 4104); One-component heat-curing epoxy adhesive, similar to no.
the tank (upper part) is in polyamide 6.6 with a 30% fibre- 3 of the tested adhesives in table 4.
glass filling.
Alternative adhesives
The aluminum radiator is bonded to the plastic tank. None that offer any advantages with maintained safety.

The intended service environment is -40 to +120C in Bonding procedure

constant contact with a water/glycol mixture. To improve the flow of the adhesive, the components are
preheated to 60C.
As the radiators are manufactured in very large numbers, The adhesive is applied to the plastic component.
streamlined production is essential. Curing in an oven at 130C for 60 minutes.

Pretreatment Results
The cladding is rich in magnesium. After vacuum soldering Sealed, durable fixing of the stub ends of the radiator
of the radiator unit, magnesium oxides make up most of units pipes. The adhesives thermal expansion coefficient
the surface. Even if it is clean, this is not a suitable sur- matches that of the plastic. Thus, variations in temperature
face to bond to if there is moisture/water in the service do not present problems.
Radiator unit: Alkaline pickling + chromating (trials with a Comparatively long curing time at 130C; requires large
chromate-free alternative are in progress). Polyamide tank: oven capacity for large series.
Manufactured without release agents and not pretreated.
When used as a component in vehicle production, any faults
have very serious consequences. For this reason, tested
methods and components are preferred to others that might,
for example, give shorter curing times.

Example 1: Bonded radiator unit alongside unbonded components

Example 2 outside planking (boat)
Profilen is a tonne sailing boat that is some 10 metres to the preceding, underlying profile. The adhesive is now
long. It is built of extruded aluminum profiles (alloy AA 6063) available in a double cartridge that delivers ready-mixed
developed by Sapa. and air-free adhesive direct from the pack.

To make the boat rigid and watertight, the profiles are bon- The overlying profile is then fitted within 60 minutes and
ded to each other. secured by clamps. Curing takes place at room temperature
and lasts at least 16 minutes.
As with wooden boats, the skins of boats of this type are built
plank by plank. This requires an adhesive that gives long Results
handling times and which is able to fill comparatively large The first bonded sailing boat has competed successfully
gaps. The adhesive must cure at room temperature. in races and, during the period it was checked (around 10
years), remained perfectly watertight.
The service environment is the normal one for many bo-
ats water (often salt) in the summer and dry and cold in Disadvantages
the winter. The comparatively long curing time means that no more than
one plank per side can be bonded per 24 hour period.
The profiles are anodized in sulphuric acid and then sealed. Alternative adhesives
A Sapa facility anodises the profiles in full lengths. Trans- The thick, hard, post-sealed, sulphuric acid anodizing can-
port, cutting and bending must then be carried out in a way not, without breaking, transmit high loads for a long time in
that causes the least possible fouling. This is because ef- corrosive environments. Softer adhesives could, therefore,
ficient cleaning of these long profiles is difficult to achieve be interesting.
simply. (Wiping with a rag and solvent does not remove all
contaminants.) Tests using polyurethane type rubber adhesives (adhesive
no. 5) and polysulphide (adhesive no. 7) were carried out
Adhesive in parallel with the epoxy adhesive actually used. The tests
Two-component, rubber-modified, slow curing epoxy adhe- were conducted on loaded joints in a brine environment.
sive (adhesive no. 2 in table 5).
Bonding procedure Heat curing is not possible. Adhesives that cure more quickly
The adhesive used to be mixed in a suitable quantity for the at room temperature reduce the handling tolerances and
profile that was to be bonded. It was then applied as bead give poorer results.

Example 2: Profilen, a tonne sailing boat built from bonded, extruded aluminum profiles

Example 3 hatch for pleasure boats
Hatches (vents) for pleasure boats are made from aluminum better adhesion to plastic than does, for example, an acetic
profiles and 10 mm thick, smoked, acrylic plastic sheet. acid curing system.

Before assembly, the aluminum profiles are bent, welded The adhesive is very elastic with an elongation at rupture of
and anodized. around 500% and a breaking stress as low as 1 N/mm2.

The acrylic sheet is bonded to the aluminum profiles. Bonding procedure

The window is fixed in the aluminum frame using a butyl
Series size is moderate. For this reason, manufacture rubber strip (sticky) that also forms the bottom seal for the
has been set up as streamlined craftsmanship. The subsequent silicon joint. In the remaining gap, which is 4
hatches have to withstand both salt water and UV light in a 5 mm wide, the silicon is applied from a 300 ml cartridge.
temperature range that can be -30C to + 60C. The moisture in the air cures the silicon.

The adhesive bond is exposed to its greatest loads at low After curing, a scalpel is used to cut away excess silicon.
temperatures. Here, because of the different coefficients
of thermal expansion, the acrylic glass window shrinks in Results
relation to the aluminum frame. The forces that arise are A sealed, elastic joint with good adhesion. The joint is elastic
on a par with each materials yield strength. even in the cold.

To make the stress as small as possible, an elastic joint Disadvantages

is desirable. The bonded joint is not loaded appreciably Relatively slow curing (24 hours), especially in the winter
apart from the temperature-induced stresses, but these when the relative air humidity indoors can be low.
are large.
Alternative adhesives
Pretreatment One-component, moisture-curing polyurethane rubbers.
The aluminum profiles are washed in a mild, alkaline However, to ensure adhesion throughout long-term
solution. They are then rinsed in running water and air exposure to UV light, many of these adhesives require a
dried. black primer on the acrylic window (there are now some
products that withstand UV irradiation they are used for,
The edges of the acrylic plastic are polished with a gentle amongst other things, filling boat decks).
abrasive (abrasive nylon, Scotch-Brite 3M, 7447).
Adhesive Remarks
Curing can be accelerated using a moisture tent and
One-component, moisture-curing silicon, alcoxy system. moist heat. Great precision and a certain amount of skill
Silicon with an alcoxy curing system generally provides are required to achieve a fully filled joint that is free from

Example 3: Aluminum frame and acrylic glass for a boat hatch (before bonding)

Example 4 sandwich panels
Sandwich panels with an aluminum covering floor plate and Adhesive
a PVC cellular plastic core. Two-component polyurethane with an open time after
application of at least 45 minutes. The adhesive employed
The panels are used as floors in refrigerated vehicles. They resembles no. 4 in table 4.
can measure up to 2.4 x 15 metres and are made individually
for each vehicle. Bonding procedure
The adhesive used to be spread on both the core material
Panel and bonded joint must withstand temperatures of and the covering plate. This ensured, amongst other things,
from -40C to +80C. The high temperatures may arise on that the open time before application of press force was
internal washing. considerably extended.

Loads are exerted by cargoes and various fastening devi- The adhesive is applied using a hand applicator (roller
ces. They occur as vibrations, torsional stresses, impacts with reservoir). Nowadays, the adhesive is spread on only
during driving and static creep stresses while the vehicle one of the materials. Spreading is in tight beads, normally
is stationary. Not least, thermal movements are important. using automatic application equipment.
It is required that the adhesive must, in all positions, be
stronger than the core material and that it does not release A vacuum is used to apply pressing force. The panels are
contact. built up on a flat surface and are covered by a rubber sheet,
from beneath which the air is evacuated. Per m2, the press
Making panels of this size demands that the adhesive has a force is around 8 tonnes. This was usually held for 12 16
reasonably long open time. The adhesive should also have hours. With currently used adhesives of this type, the press
good filling properties. force need only be applied for 3 4 hours. The open time
is at least as long and may even be longer.
At manufacture, the core material is calibrated in a cutter Results
and protected throughout transport and storage. No other A rigid panel that meets the imposed strength require-
pretreatment is undertaken. ments.

Before bonding, the aluminum is machined using Scotch- Disadvantages

Brite discs. These give a mildly abraded surface. The long press time ties up production surfaces. New ad-
hesives in this group lessen the problem. Naturally enough,
Where the joint has to satisfy severe corrosion resistance even shorter press times are desirable.
requirements, the aluminum surface is then primed using a
wash-primer of the polyvinyl butyral type with a phosphoric Alternative adhesives
acid hardener (curing agent). Two-component epoxy adhesives were previously used.
However, all bonds are now made using polyurethane

Example 4: Floor panel for a refrigerated vehicle

Example 5 Honeycomb panels
Honeycomb panels as air guides in a wind tunnel with a So that the adhesive is evenly distributed across the
diameter of 5 metres. entire width of the sheet/honeycomb, the fixture is then
Honeycomb materials are used as, amongst other stood on edge.
things, cores in the making of sandwich panels for aircraft Before removal from the fixture, curing takes place for
applications. The honeycomb is made of thin (0.2 mm) 16 hours at room temperature.
aluminum sheets. These are bonded using offset beads of
adhesive so that, on drawing/stretching, they form hexago- Results
nal holes. Heat-curing adhesives (rubber modified epoxy A joint that has good peel strength and transmits the loads
and phenolic adhesives) diluted with a solvent are used for that can arise between the honeycomb and aluminum sheet.
this. The wind tunnel has been in use for some ten years with
The adhesive is applied to the aluminum sheet in thin wind speeds of up to twice the speed of sound. No fatigue
beads and the solvent is allowed to evaporate. Sheets fractures have been observed.
are then stacked to form a bundle that is compressed and
activated/cured in a hot press at 125 175C for 30 60 Disadvantages
minutes. The homogenous bundle is then machined to the Getting the adhesive out of its container is messy. (This
desired dimensions and drawn out to its final shape. adhesive is now also available in double cartridges that
To enable honeycombs to be joined to honeycombs, deliver ready-dosed, air-free, mixed adhesive direct from
cores that are 100 mm thick must be given a vertical metal the pack.)
edge (140 mm). Depending on the structure of the panels,
the contact surfaces at bonding are very small. In wind Alternative adhesives
tunnels, vibrations arise that may exert a splitting force on SGA adhesives (adhesive no. 8 in table 4) where the harde-
bonded joints. Hence, an adhesive that fills and envelops ner is spread in the form of a varnish on the aluminum sheet
the thin sheet is required. The adhesive must not be brittle and the adhesive is spread on the honeycomb material.
and must have high peel strength. It must also take up the The use of 2-component, mixed acrylic adhesives is also
correct position and not move away before it has set. imaginable. These normally have shorter open times and
shorter curing times.
To remove contaminants and weak oxide layers, the ho- Remarks
neycomb material and the surface of the aluminum sheet For mounting to the wind tunnel structure, 100 mm long
are brushed with Alonyl brushes (circular brushes of aluminum rods were bonded and placed in a ring around
polyamide fibres that contain around 30% aluminum oxide a cell hole. Sikaflex 221 (adhesive 5 in table 4) was used
from Sinjet, Huskvarna). for this.

Two-component, rubber modified epoxy adhesive that
is moderately runny before setting at room temperature
(similar to adhesive no. 2 in table 4).

Bonding procedure
Using a toothed spreader, an approximately 1 mm thick
layer of adhesive is applied to 100 mm of the aluminum
sheets width. The honeycomb material is placed in a simple
wooden fixture.
Hexagonal pencils and rubber bands are used to fix the
adhesive-coated sheets to the honeycomb side.

Example 5: Wind tunnel with panels mounted

Example 5: Honeycomb panel with bonded joint plate and

mounting reinforcements

Example 6 body panels for buses
Bus/coach bodies comprise a steel skeleton to which a Alternative adhesives
shell of aluminum cladding panels is added. Previously, Double-sided sticky tape (double-sided PSA tape) approx.
the panels were fitted using blind rivets. To distribute loads 1 mm thick and built up entirely of an adhesive compound
more evenly and minimise the number of rivets, adhesive is also used for this purpose.
bonding is now used. 2-component, acrylic rubber adhesives mixed or with
Moisture is the main environmental stress and the struc- a separately spread hardener.
ture must withstand temperatures of from -40 to +70C.
The loads are moderate. However, the panels must remain Remarks
in place in all positions. There are also 1-component polyurethane adhesives that
A design that uses sheet metal panels in this way re- give similar final properties. They cure in heat (min. 70C)
quires an adhesive that has good peel strength. or are applied hot (approx. 80 90C). After cooling for
around 1 hour, they have mastic-tape properties. Moisture
Pretreatment - The steel structure is degreased and primed.
is then responsible for final curing.
The aluminum panels are either primed or chromated.
Adhesive - One-component, moisture-curing, polyurethane
elastomer (gives a rubber-like joint resembling adhesive 5
in table 4).
Bonding procedure
The adhesive is applied to the steel structure; the panels
are lifted into place and fixed with the necessary number of
blind rivets (at least two per panel). Each panel is pressed
lightly against the adhesive so that there is contact with no
appreciable springback.
Thanks to air moisture, the adhesive cures to sufficient
strength in around 24 hours.
Results - With good peel strength, a rubber-like bonded
joint that deforms elastically and does not give rise to stress
Disadvantages Example 6: Coach with bonded cladding panels and glass windows.
Relatively long curing time if relative air humidity is low.

Example 7 thermal foil

Thermal foils with pattern-like printed circuits aluminum washed off. The now only partly coated polyester surface
foil on thermoplastic polyester foil. Used in, for example, is protected by laminating it with a further adhesive-coated
electrically heated door mirrors on cars. polyester foil. This is also done through heat activation and
This is a case of mass production with various product roller-pressing together.
forms. Manufacture must be streamlined and the bonded Results
joint flexible and comparatively heat resistant. Thermo- A flexible thermal foil that has a service temperature of up
plastic polyester has low surface tension. This limits the to 120C. There are also foils that tolerate considerably
number of adhesives that can wet it (and thus give good higher temperatures.
Pretreatment The use of solvents is less desirable. Solvent emissions in
Aluminum foil: no pretreatment takes place. Polyester foil: workplaces and to the environment must be checked and,
corona treated (electrical discharges that increase surface through various measures, held at a low level.
tension) at manufacture. To increase surface cleanness, the
aluminum foil can also be treated in this way. Remarks
Heat activable adhesives in the form of water dispersions
Adhesive are now also available. These are also used with an added
Polyurethane rubber solution with curing (hardening) ad- hardener.
ditives (isocyanates).
The adhesive is heat activable, i.e. after it has dried
(the solvent has left the adhesive), it can once again be
made runny by using heat.
Bonding procedure
The adhesive solution is rolled out onto the polyester film.
The solvent (around 80%) is allowed to evaporate and the
dry layer of adhesive is heated until it melts. In this condition,
the aluminum foil and the adhesive-coated plastic film are
roller-pressed together.
To obtain the desired pattern, the base laminate is
screenprinted with a protective varnish. Unwanted alumi-
Example 7: Thermal foil for a door mirror
num foil is etched away and the protective varnish is then

Example 8 aircraft
Aluminum in aircraft is largely joined using adhesives. Pro- Remarks
duction is meticulously controlled and all adhesive bonds Bonded joints delivering the performance and quality re-
are checked using, amongst other things, ultrasound. The quired of structural bonds in aircraft cannot be achieved
adhesive bonds have to withstand: very low temperatures in a simpler way.
without becoming brittle; and, at high temperatures, large
loads without creeping. They must be of an even and set
thickness and must also be free of air bubbles.
Automated anodizing in phosphoric acid without subsequent
sealing. This is followed by drying in clean air and immediate
coating with a primer that is suitable for the adhesive. Long
used in Europe, anodizing in chromic acid also occurs. As
this leaves a more even surface, priming can then some-
times be omitted. Pure, clean cotton wool gloves must be
worn for any contact with the pretreated surfaces.
Epoxy-based adhesive films are the most common. Even
joint thickness is assured by the film format. Modification
through the use of rubber (for peel strength) or phenol (for
heat resistance) additives occurs. Load conditions deter-
mine the choice of adhesive.
Bonding procedure
All bonds of a structural nature are pressed and cured in
an autoclave at a press force of 1 3 N/mm2 at a tempe-
rature of 125 175C for 30 90 minutes (depending on
adhesive type).
Aircraft that do not fall apart!
Comprehensive programme of checks for the anodizing
bath. Length of curing time and the comparatively high
curing temperatures.
Alternative adhesives
Adhesive films based on phenolic nitrile are also used.
These were the first adhesives designed for use in the
aircraft industry (used since the 1940s).
Example 8: Saab 340 being assembled

Example 8: Parts of an aircraft body going into an autoclave

Example 9 bonded brake linings
Brake linings on cast aluminum shoes. Alternative adhesives
The bonding of brake linings requires a joint that has Dried but not cured adhesive films are now available. These
very good heat resistance. can be placed dry between the surfaces. They are then
Pretreatment melted and cured in the same way.
An abrasive is used to lightly grind the friction material.
The aluminum shoes are blasted with sand or aluminum Remarks
oxide. Adhesive films for this use are a recent innovation and
should be regarded as providing an improvement in the
Adhesive work environment.
A phenolic-nitrile solution that is applied to both joint surfa-
ces and is allowed to dry completely.
Bonding procedure
The dry, adhesive-coated surfaces are put together and
subjected to pressure. They are then heated in an oven. As
the adhesive melts, it wets the surfaces. With the press force
maintained and continued heating, the adhesive cures.
Depending on the heat-resistance requirements placed
on the bond, curing temperatures and times can vary from
a few minutes at 120C to several hours at 180C.
Brake linings that are securely attached, but the heat resis-
tance of which depends on curing time and temperature.
As always when handling solvents, workplaces must be
well ventilated and the management of extracted vapours Example 9: Bonded brake linings
must be approved and checked.

Example 10 power saw handle

Power saw handles made from aluminum pipes and bonded Alternative adhesives
to the cast motor block. In cold weather, the handle can be One-component, heat-curing, epoxy adhesives. However,
heated by channelling the exhaust gases through it. The these are more viscous and can be difficult to get into
joint must give a good seal and withstand temperatures of place in the joint. Heat curing at a minimum of 100C is
between -40C and +70C. also usually seen as a disadvantage.
Design Remarks
The design of the cast motor block provides two cylindrical In locked joints of the pin in hole type, the thermal expan-
holes to take the ends of the pipes. sion coefficients of the materials should be borne in mind
Pretreatment if the joint is exposed to temperature fluctuations. This very
The motor blocks holes are reamed to the correct size much also applies to the adhesive. An adhesives expan-
(H7) for the pipe ends. A fine adhesive belt is used to grind sion is often 5 10 times greater than that of the metals
the pipe ends involved.
Amongst the anaerobic adhesives, there are variants
Adhesive that are of a sufficiently low viscosity for them to be applied
Anaerobic adhesive (similar to adhesive no. 2 in table 4). to assembled joints that have little play. These adhesives
The adhesive is a runny, 1-component adhesive that starts are then sucked in by capillary action.
to cure in the closed joint in contact with active metal ions. It
requires aluminum with at least 1% copper or an application
of activator on the joint surfaces.
Bonding procedure
The prepared holes in the motor block are moistened with
adhesive. The pipe ends are coated more liberally and
pushed into place.
Curing to handleable takes around 15 30 minutes.
During this time, the joint should not be disturbed.
Excess adhesive outside the joint does not cure and
can be easily wiped or washed away.

Results - A sealed, strong joint.

As the adhesive can be pushed aside at assembly, it is often
difficult to achieve fully filled joints where these are of the
pin in hole type. Removing adhesive outside the bonded
28 joint can give rise to work environment problems. Example 10: Power saw handle
Example 11 corner structures
Extruded aluminum profiles are widely used for claddings, Disadvantages
doors, windows and surrounds. Series are large and, therefore, involve many people
Using angle pieces in the corners, these profiles are working with epoxy adhesives. The occupational safety
often joined into fames. These angle pieces can be made issues connected with the handling of epoxies are thus felt
of punched or cast profiles. They are bonded into the frame to present a problem.
profiles. This requires a joint-filling adhesive that does not The long curing times and the need to frequently mix
shrink on setting. The adhesive must withstand a normal small batches of adhesive are sometimes seen as pro-
outdoor environment. blems.

Pretreatment Alternative adhesives

At delivery to the various production units, the profiles are Sapa Technology has tested a number of alternative ad-
anodized or painted. hesives. Joints were made using surfaces that had been
Cutting fluid is used when cutting the profiles. Practically, moistened with cutting fluid (several different cutting fluids
it is not feasible to clean the cutting fluid residues from the were tested).
inside of the profiles (even though this is exactly where the The tested adhesives were:
angle piece is to be seated). 2-component polyurethanes (adhesive 4 in table 4)
1-component, moisture-curing, polyurethane elastomers
Adhesive (adhesive 5 in table 4)
The majority of these joints have long been made using 1-component, foaming, moisture-curing, polyurethane
2-component, slow curing epoxies (adhesives correspon- adhesives
ding to no. 1 in table 4). Anaerobic adhesives with activators for corner elements
(adhesive 10 in table 4)
Bonding procedure
Adhesive is applied relatively liberally inside the aluminum Testing was carried out on single lap joints and joints com-
profile. The angle piece is pushed inside and the corner is prising square tubes inside square tubes. Results were
fixed by stamping the overlying profile. Frames are then compared with those for 2-component epoxies.
stored, stress-free and with the corner at 90, for around The strength of the cured bonded joints was compared with
16 hours. that of joints aged for 60 days at 60C in 100% humidity.
The test results show a marked deterioration in the strength
Results of all bonded, single lap joints stored in 100% humidity. Apart
Can be seen in doors, windows and aluminum profile frames from one 2-component polyurethane adhesive, the same
in buildings! also applies to square tube in square tube joints.
The use of a two-component polyurethane adhesive
instead of the current epoxy adhesives could be seen as
an improvement in quality.

Example 11: Bonded corner structure made from extruded aluminum profiles

Example 12 glass windows with aluminum frames
Windows for vehicles (buses, trains, loaders, trucks, etc.) Disadvantages
are made from extruded aluminum profiles and glass. Alu- The smell and work environment considerations associated
minum locks and fittings are bonded to the glass. Thermal with this adhesive type mean that work has to be carried
movements and service environments require an adhesive out in very well ventilated areas.
that does not become too hard and that, in wet environme- For the joint to cure at all points, the adhesive and har-
nts, does not lose adhesion with the glass. dener should be spread so that, on assembly, they always
The rather large production volumes mean that short come into complete contact with each other.
fixing times are desirable.
Alternative adhesives
Pretreatment Mixed acrylic rubber adhesives.
None. The chosen adhesive type is very tolerant of oil. One and two-component silicon adhesives. However,
these adhesives have considerably longer (hours) fixing
Adhesive times and give a softer joint.
SGA adhesive (acrylic rubber adhesives, correspond to
adhesive no. 8 in table 4). Remarks
Adhesives of this type are available in double cartridges that
Bonding procedure contain both hardener and adhesive. On being squeezed
The hardener is spread on the glass and the adhesive is out, the components pass through a mixing nozzle. This
spread inside the aluminum profile. Fixing/pressing takes avoids the need to apply to both surfaces. The risk of un-
around 5 minutes. cured adhesive also disappears.

An elastic, strong joint that, both for mechanical loads and
for forces arising from thermal movements, gives excellent
stress distribution.

Example 12: Glass vehicle windows with aluminum frames and handles

The information in this text was considered correct at the time of publication. However, Sapa accepts no
legal liability for the correctness or completeness of any of said information.
Sapa Profiles, Inc.

Sapa Extrusions
Address 7933 NE 21st Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97211 USA

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