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Sheet 2-6.

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(Sheet 2-6.

Application Form for Grant Aid from Japan

Modification version in June of 2010

1. Country:

2. Date (dd/mm/yy):

3. Requesting Department/Ministry
(1) Name of the department/ministry in charge of this application
(2) Name and official position of the person in charge of this application
(3) Postal address, Telephone/Fax number, E-mail address

4. Project/program title

5. Background of the request

(1) The sector of the proposed project
(2) Current situation and problems of the sector
(If the project is the Construction of primary schools, information such
as the general situation of education in the region/country, the potential
and actual number of students, the expected and actual number of primary
schools in the region would contribute to analize the necessity and
importance of the request.)
(3) Relationship between the project/program and any national development
plan (Title of the national development plan and the position of the sector
in it)
(4) The project/program and any sector development plan (Title of the sector
development plan and the position of the proposed project/program in it)

6. Objectives of the project/program

(1) Overall goal
(2) Project/program purpose(including the importance, necessity, and urgency
of the project/program in the current situation of the sector)

7. Outline of the project/program

(1) Project/program type (please select from the items below)
1) Facilities + Equipment + Soft (Non-physical) components
2) Facilities + Equipment
3) Facilities + Soft (Non-physical) components
4) Facilities construction/rehabilitation/improvement only
5) Equipment + Soft (Non-physical) components
6) Equipment supply only
(2) Appropriate amount of the request (US$) and a rough breakdown
Item Cost (US$ or other currency)
Facilities XXX
Equipment AAA
Soft (Non-physical) PPP
Grand total

(3) Location and related information

- Country scale map indicating the project/program site
- State/province/prefecture/city map indicating the project/program site
- Address of the project/program site, the access time from the capital or a
major city, socioeconomic data on the administrative region
(state/province/prefecture) or city where the site is located
- Reasons for the selection of the site (the priority status of the sites, if plural)
- Landowner (private or public estate) and the right to use the land for the
- Situation of the proposed site (land inclination, drainage, electric power and
water supply, telephone lines, etc.)
- Security situation
(4) Outline of the facility
- Lay out plan of the existing facility which would be rehabilitated/improved
- Size of the site/facility and their photographs

- Facirities design, construction standards in the requesting country
- Country from which materials are potentially available for construction
- Estimated cost of construction (equivalent to 7.(2))
(5) Outline of the equipment
- Layout plan and photographs of the facility in which the equipment will be
installed, and the size of the facility
- List of existing equipment (name, quantity, year of procurement, around 10
photographs of the equipment)
- List of the equipment requested (name, specification, quantity, and unit cost)
and the criteria for the equipment selection
- Country where the equipment is potentially available and can be procured
(please select from : the requesting country, Japan, other countries)
- Estimated cost of the equipment (equivalent to 7.(2)), with an estimate if
(6) Outline of the soft components
- Contents of the activities
- Estimated cost
- Human Resources for implementing the soft components activities (please
select from : the requesting country, Japan, or other countries)
(7) Items for which the costs are borne by the requesting country (items and the
(8) Benefits/beneficiaries and the expected results of the project/program
(qualitative or quantitative descriptions such as the population and areas
that will benefit from the project

8. Operation and maintenance of the facilities/equipment including the assignment of

staff and the budget allocations after the completion of the project/program

9. Implementing agency
(1) Title of the implementing agency
(2) Number of personnel
(3) Organization chart
(4) Amount of budget for last three (3) years
(5) Contents of the activities of the organization that relate to the request)

10. Tax exemption

(In the Japans Grant Assistance project, the custum duties, internal taxes and
other fiscal levies which may be imposed in the recipient country should be exempted
or borne by the the recipient countrys government.
(1) Names of the taxes to be exempted (customs duties, internal taxes, etc.)
(2) If tax exemption is not applicable, specify any alternative methods

11. Relationship to other assistance schemes of Japan's ODA

(1) Study (Name of the study, year of implementation, relationship to the
(2) Technical cooperation (Name of the project, type (project, experts, training,
etc.), year of implementation, relationship to the request, input from the
Japanese side)
(3) Yen loan (Name of the project, year of implementation, relationship to the
(4) Grant aid other than the request (Name of the project, year of
implementation, relationship to the request)
(5) Assistance from multilateral agencies (Name of the project, year of
implementation, relationship to the request)
(6) Assistance from NGOs (Name of the project, year of implementation,
relationship to the request)

12. Lessons learnt from past similar projects using Japanese grant aid
(1) Title of the past similar project
(2) Results of the related evaluation
(3) Follow-up situation
(4) Lessons learnt and feedback in relation to this request

13. Study year expected, Implementation year expected:

14. Activities of other donor agencies in this sector

Please write the name of the donor agency, the year of implementation, type of
assistance, and the contents of the assistance, if this is available.

15. Environmental and social considerations

(Please fill in the attached screening format)

Screening FormatEnvironmental and Social Considerations

Please write to be advised (TBA) when the details of a project are yet to be determined.

Question 1: Address of project site

Question 2: Scale and contents of the project (approximate area, facilities area, production,
electricity generated, etc.)
2-1. Project profile (scale and contents)
2-2. How was the necessity of the project confirmed?
Is the project consistent with the higher program/policy?
YES: Please describe the higher program/policy.

2-3. Did the proponent consider alternatives before this request?
YES: Please describe outline of the alternatives

2-4. Did the proponent implement meetings with the related stakeholders before this
Implemented Not implemented
If implemented, please mark the following stakeholders.
Administrative body
Local residents

Question 3:
Is the project a new one or an ongoing one? In the case of an ongoing project, have you
received strong complaints or other comments from local residents?
New Ongoing (with complaints) Ongoing (without complaints)

Question 4:
Is an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), including an Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE) Is, required for the project according to a law or guidelines of a host
country? If yes, is EIA implemented or planned? If necessary, please fill in the reason why
EIA is required.
Necessity (Implemented Ongoing/planning)
(Reason why EIA is required: )
Not necessary
Other (please explain)

Question 5:
In the case that steps were taken for an EIA, was the EIA approved by the relevant laws of
the host country? If yes, please note the date of approval and the competent
Approved without a Approved with a Under appraisal
supplementary condition supplementary condition
(Date of approval: Competent authority: )
Under implementation
Appraisal process not yet started
Other ( )

Question 6:
If the project requires a certificate regarding the environment and society other than an EIA,
please indicate the title of said certificate. Was it approved?
Already certified
Title of the certificate: ( )
Requires a certificate but not yet approved
Not required


Question 7:
Are any of the following areas present either inside or surrounding the project site?
Yes No

If yes, please mark the corresponding items.
National parks, protection areas designated by the government (coastline, wetlands,
reserved area for ethnic or indigenous people, cultural heritage)
Primeval forests, tropical natural forests
Ecologically important habitats (coral reefs, mangrove wetlands, tidal flats, etc.)
Habitats of endangered species for which protection is required under local laws and/or
international treaties
Areas that run the risk of a large scale increase in soil salinity or soil erosion
Remarkable desertification areas
Areas with special values from an archaeological, historical, and/or cultural points of
Habitats of minorities, indigenous people, or nomadic people with a traditional lifestyle,
or areas with special social value

Question 8:
Does the project include any of the following items?
Yes No

If yes, please mark the appropriate items.

Involuntary resettlement (scale: households persons)
Groundwater pumping (scale: m3/year)
Land reclamation, land development, and/or land-clearing (scale: hectors)
Logging (scale: hectors)

Question 9:
Please mark related environmental and social impacts, and describe their outlines.

Air pollution Biota and ecosystems

Water pollution Water usage
Soil pollution Accidents
Waste Global warming
Noise and vibrations
Ground subsidence
Offensive odors
Geographical features
Bottom sediment

Involuntary resettlement
Local economies, such as employment,
livelihood, etc.
Land use and utilization of local
Social institutions such as social
infrastructure and local decision-making
Existing social infrastructures and
Poor, indigenous, or ethnic people
Misdistribution of benefits and damages
Local conflicts of interest
Childrens rights
Cultural heritage
Infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS
Other ( )
Outline of related impact:

Question 10:
In the case of a loan project such as a two-step loan or a sector loan, can sub-projects be
specified at the present time?
Yes No

Question 11:
Regarding information disclosure and meetings with stakeholders, if JICAs environmental
and social considerations are required, does the proponent agree to information disclosure and
meetings with stakeholders through these guidelines?
Yes No

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