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Cssa - NSW Cssa - NSW Cssa - NSW: 4 Unit Mathematics

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4 Unit Mathematics
Trial HSC Examination 1986
1. (i) Use partial fractions to nd the integral (x+1)(x+2) dx.
(ii) Use the substitution x = 2 u to show that sin x
0 sin x+cos x
dx = 2
cos x
sin x+cos x dx
and hence determine their value.
 x +e 2x
(iii) Find the integral e1+e 2x dx.

(iv) Find 04 x sec2 x dx.

2. (i) If P (x) = x3 6x2 + 9x + , where is a constant, nd the values of x for

which P  (x) = 0. Determine the values of such that the equation P (x) = 0 has a
repeated root. By sketching the graphs of y = P (x) for these values of nd the
set of values of for which the equation P (x) = 0 has only one root.
(ii) Sketch the graph of the function y = x(x1) 2 showing clearly the coordinates
of any points of intersection with the x-axis and the y-axis, the coordinates of any
turning points and the equations of any asymptotes. (There is no need to investigate
points of inexion).

a b
3. (i) The complex numbers z1 = 1+i and z2 = 1+2i where a and b are real, are
such that z1 + z2 = 1. Find the values of a and b.
(ii) The complex number z has modulus r and argument where 0 < < 2. Find
in terms of r and the modulus and argument of:
(a) z 2 ;
(b) z1 ;
(c) iz.
(iii) If z1 = 3 + 4i and |z2 | = 13 nd the greatest value of |z1 + z2 |. If |z1 + z2 | has
its greatest value and also 0 < arg z2 < 2 express z2 in the form a + ib where a and
b are real.
(iv) If z = x + iy, where x and y are real, nd and sketch the locus of the set of
points P (x, y) such that (z z1 ) = 0.

4. (i) Show that the curves x2 y 2 = c2 and xy = c2 cross at right angles.

2 2
(ii) Show that the tangent to the hyperbola xa2 yb2 = 1 at the point P (a sec , b tan )
has equation bx sec ay tan = ab, and deduce that the normal there has equation
by sec + ax tan = (a2 + b2 ) sec tan . The tangent and the normal cut the y axis
at A and B respectively. Show that the circle on AB as diameter passes through
the foci of the hyperbola. (It is enough to show that the circle passes through one
focus and then to use symmetry).

5. (i)

P (2ap, ap2 ), where 0 < p < 1, is a point on the parabola x2 = 4ay with focus S. The
normal to the parabola at P meets the y-axis at N . M P is parallel to the axis of
the parabola. The tangent to the parabola at P meets the x-axis at T . SP N = .
Assuming the standard property of the parabola that N P bisects SP M , show
geometrically that tan = p.
(ii) A smooth bowl has the same shape as a paraboloid shell formed by rotating
around the y-axis the curve x = 2p, y = p2 , where 0 p 1. P, S, N and M are as
dened in part (i) above.

A particle of mass m is attached by a light inextensible string of length 1.25 units

to a xed point at the focus S of the bowl. The particle is observed to be travelling
in a horizontal circle with constant angular velocity while staying in contact with
the bowl, the string remaining taut throughout the motion.
(a) Find SP in terms of p and hence show that the path of the particle passes
through the point P with the parameter 12 .
(b) Copy the diagram and show all the forces on the particle when at P .
(c) Show that the tension in the string is m(2 2 g).

(d) What happens when takes the critical value 2 g?Could the particle be

observed to travel around the bowl in a horizontal circle if = 1 , where 1 < 12 g?
(Give reasons for your answer).
(e) Is there any upper limit to values of for which the described motion could be
observed? Discuss briey.

6. (i) If z = cos + i sin show that z n = zn = 2 cos n and hence show that
cos4 = 18 (cos 4 + 4 cos 2 + 3).

The solid shown sits on a semi-circular base of radius 2 units. Vertical cross sections
perpendicular to the diameter of the semi-circle are right angled triangles, the height
of the the triangles being bounded by the parabola y = 4 x2 as shown. By slicing
at right angles to the x-axis
 2 as indicated in the diagram, show that the volume of
2 32
the solid isgiven by V = 0 (4 x ) dx. Hence calculate the volume of the solid.

7. (i) ADB is a straight line with AD = a and DB = b. A circle is drawn on AB

as diameter. DC is drawn perpendicular
to AB to meet the circle at C. By using
similar triangles show that DC = ab. Deduce geometrically that if a and b are
positive real numbers then ab a+b 2 .
(ii) A cylinder
 of height h and radius r is inscribed in a sphere of radius R. Show
that r = R2 h4 and hence nd the greatest volume of the cylinder in terms of
sin A+sin B C
(iii) If ABC is a triangle show that cos A+cos B = cot 2 .

8. (i) ABC is a triangle. D is the point on AB which divides AB internally in the

ratio m : n. In addition ACD = , BCD = , and CDB = . Express CAD
and CBD in terms of , and . By using the sine rule in each of triangle CAD
and triangle CBD show that (m + n) cot = m cot n cot .

(ii) A polynomial P (x) is divided by x2 a2 where a = 0 and the remainder is

px + q. Show that p = 2a 1
{P (a) P (a)} and q = 12 {P (a) + P (a)}. Find the
remainder when the polynomial P (x) = xn an is divided by x2 a2 for the cases
(a) n even
(b) n odd.
(iii) If the sides of a triangle are in arithmetic progression with rst term 1 and
common dierence d nd the set of possible values of d.

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